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  • Despondency is like a sin. Despondency is a mortal sin how to fight

    Despondency is like a sin. Despondency is a mortal sin how to fight

    Discouragement is a passion that everyone knows. It manifests itself in different ways, often hides behind some kind of decent appearance, and therefore it can be difficult to distinguish it. But you need to be able to distinguish it, because this passion is insidious and very dangerous. She, as he says, is an all-striking death. What is discouragement?

    Despondency is a mortal sin!

    It manifests itself in two forms - sometimes as unbearable boredom, longing, and sometimes as laziness and indifference to spiritual pursuits. In the latter case, a person may not have a dull look at all outwardly, on the contrary, he can have fun, joke and treat everything with some kind of liveliness. Everything - except for reading Holy Scripture, prayer and other spiritual activities.

    Because of the emptiness in the soul, people who do not believe are often in a state of extreme despondency. I think that most cases of the so-called are precisely despondency in an extreme degree. I will tell you such a case from my youth. One person whom I knew intimately had a father who committed suicide. And this young man fell into a state of depression - to such an extent that he lay facing the wall for weeks and did not need anything. His mother was an unbeliever, had a secondary pedagogical education and therefore believed that she knew everything. And she brought him even more with her lectures. In the end, their neighbor, a believing grandmother, took pity on this guy and persuaded him to go to church. He began to go to the temple.

    Jesus prayer

    He understood little, observed little, but went from time to time. It immediately became much easier for him. Then he got to know our company, became involved in it, and since we tried to lead a Christian life, more or less strictly observe the fasts, he also began to behave the same way. It became even easier for him. Then, when we told him about how to deal with passions and, in particular, with despondency, he began to watch his soul, pray and completely gave up all kinds of medicine, became a normal person. True, he had to lie to the doctors. They asked him: "Well, how?", He said: "Nothing." "Do you drink medicine?" - "I drink, it helps a lot." If he had said that he did not drink, they might have put him in the hospital forcibly - that was the time. But in fact, he did not accept anything. Here is an example that depression is just a person's state of mind, despondency because there is no God in the soul.

    Does a believer never feel discouraged?

    This state is characteristic of very many. Moreover, we see people around us who are not only in despondency, but in the deepest despair. One famous ascetic of our time said that modern unbelief is a consequence of despair, all humanity fell into despair. That is, people feel such despair, they are so desperate in their salvation that they already deny the existence of God, so that they can live in peace. But the melancholy from this only intensifies, and the person tries to drown it out with something. For example, he starts drinking and tries to find some kind of peace of mind in this rude way. A more refined way to drown out inner anguish is the desire of a person to enjoy works of art, to some kind of abstract activity.

    But, of course, it would be wrong to say that a believer is never discouraged. It happens, and very often. Now I will not talk about despondency as a heavy battle induced by demons, but I will speak about the type of despondency that occurs most often - about laziness. This is what the Monk Gregory the Sinaite calls despondency. When he lists the main passions, instead of the word "despondency" he says "". This is the same laziness, only in relation to spiritual and moral subjects. I don’t want to go to church, I don’t want to pray, read the Holy Scriptures and generally work on my soul. Why?

    Cleanse the soul

    Because we see how many passions are in our soul and how much needs to be done to cleanse it. As it happens in life: you come, you see that you need to chop up a huge pile of firewood, and you immediately think: “Oh, come on! Maybe we will endure it somehow, freeze, wrap ourselves in a sheepskin coat, cover ourselves with a blanket ... ”There is such a good example in Otechnik. The father sent his son to cultivate the field. He came, saw that it was all overgrown with weeds, became depressed and went to bed; then he got up, looked at the field and went to bed again. He did this for several days. When my father came and asked why he hadn’t done anything yet, he replied that he was discouraged because of a lot of work and therefore slept. Then his father told him that if every day he cleaned at least such an area that he occupied during sleep, then the matter would have already advanced. The son got down to work and, with God's help, gradually cleansed everything.

    This is familiar to everyone. When there is a lot of work, a person gets scared, gives up and begins to think that "all the work cannot be redone anyway." This property of ours, manifested in ordinary human affairs, occupations, makes itself felt in spiritual life. Something is not given to us - and we immediately throw it: "I can't immediately pray like Elijah the prophet, through whose prayer it rained, then I won't be at all." Or: "I have been struggling for three whole days, but I still do not have unceasing prayer - what is it?" Or: “I have been going to church every Sunday for three years, but I still don’t have dispassion - how can that be?”

    Justification for discouragement

    It seems to us that there is an excuse for our despondency: "I can't do it." But this is really just an excuse. After all, if a person has failures in some everyday affairs, then what does he do? So he wanted to go to college, but he was not prepared and could not pass, say, chemistry. What does he start to do if he still wants to study at this institute? Hires tutors, prepares thoroughly, teaches chemistry. The next year he manages to pass the exam - and he goes to college. Nobody is surprised by this. It's okay. It is the same in the spiritual life: when a person wants to acquire some virtue and for some reason fails, he must also draw a conclusion about why this happened and in what respect he needs to correct himself.

    Let's say he does everything right, but gives in to pride. Therefore, he needs to pay attention to the fight against it. Or: he does everything right, but does not have enough zeal for prayer, he prays absentmindedly. Hence, he needs to force himself to prayer. And we do not want to draw such simple, elementary conclusions, which in an ordinary situation would have been made without any outside help. And we begin to lose heart instead of starting to work. It didn't work the first time - it will work the second, the third, but it will definitely work. Even this very struggle, the very compulsion of oneself to correction in one way or another, already brings grace into the soul of a person.

    A trick in dealing with discouragement

    How to deal with discouragement? This can be done in different ways. For some, it helps at times even to eat well. But if you fight only in this way and do not apply any more, then despondency may not be, but everything else will be. The Monk John Climacus advises to use sometimes this trick in the fight against anger. He says, "When anger strikes you, you can give some little consolation to the womb." But it is good if it is small, otherwise sometimes a person will be so comforted - to self-forgetfulness! Of course this is unwise. It is permissible to use another trick: to joke somehow. The priest can joke in time and with an innocent joke bring a person into a cheerful mood. Let it be not spiritual joy, but it is still better than despondency. But this, again, is a trick - a small one that does not fundamentally solve the issue.

    The best remedy for discouragement

    And if you approach the problem seriously, then, of course, the best remedy for despondency is prayer, especially the Jesus Prayer. In addition, in times of despondency, one must try with all his might to do everything as usual, that is, not to abandon his usual activities, not to abandon the prayer rule, force himself to pray intensely, with attention. Mortal memory is very helpful in this battle. It seems strange: a person remembers death - and his despondency disappears. On the contrary, one should be discouraged. However, it is not.

    It is the recollection of death, of the future life that makes a person sober. When he begins to think about eternity, he realizes that against this background all earthly sorrows are insignificant - not only small ones, but also serious ones: a heavy fight with this or that kind of sin or a dangerous illness, his own or those of his loved ones. Thanks to the memory of a mortal, everything appears in another, namely, in its true light. A person becomes sober and realizes that in reality everything that brings him into a state of despondency, disarms him, is a mirage and that there is no need to attach importance to all this.

    The key to fighting discouragement is self-deprecation.

    If we do not force ourselves, then no advice, no miraculous power or supernatural help from above will help us. We must understand that we are free creatures and much depends on our own choice. The Lord is always ready to help us, we can say that He has already rushed to help us, but we neglect this help. We do not notice it because we plunge into the darkness of despondency to such an extent that we do not even want to respond a little to this Divine action that strengthens us in the struggle. It happens that a person will not even do anything, but simply endure despondency and will not leave his usual work or attending services - and the grace of God immediately consoles his heart, he feels that the Lord is with him.

    The opposite of laziness, as you know, is hard work. So you need to acquire spiritual diligence. Labor - it is, as they say, difficult. We may not want to do something, but we know that it is necessary, and we do it, overcoming fatigue, and sometimes pain. Work is driven by necessity - not everything we do only with pleasure - and for the most part it only brings comfort when we have already completed the work and see its result. Even getting down to some business with pleasure, we still involuntarily face difficulties and there is a desire to quit. But imagine, the surgeon is performing the operation, and it has dragged on for three whole hours, and he throws the scalpel: “Let someone else sew it up, but I'm tired of it, you’re standing here, already sweating.” What will happen then?

    Laziness in a person's soul

    Laziness in any everyday matter is, of course, bad for a person's soul, but laziness in a spiritual sense is much more terrible. If the Lord, perhaps, will still condescend and have mercy on the lazy in work, then there is no way out for the lazy in prayer, struggle with thoughts, passions. One should not think that the struggle for one's salvation is such an easy and simple thing that there should be no obstacles in it. The kingdom of heaven is weary... This compulsion is necessary throughout life, and not so that now you understand everything, you will work for three days, and then you will get bored: they say, everything is fine. A person develops and, having changed for the better in some way, it happens that he must again and again force himself to achieve greater virtues. So he steadily moves towards eternal life, sometimes achieving the most sublime spiritual results, the most beautiful and, as it seemed to him before, the most elusive virtues.

    Question answer:


    • Father, I just can't get better, and this makes me very depressed. It seems that it is impossible not to lose heart. After all, for myself and for others it is obvious that I remain as passionate as before. It makes me want to cry. How not to succumb to despondency, and in general, how to relate to the fact that you want to cry?

    Despondency is a state of a person when nothing pleases him, does not give him pleasure. Also in this case, there is complete apathy and depression. Usually, such emotional experiences are reflected in health. Religious literature describes this state of the human soul, clergymen attribute it to mortal sins. Therefore, it is considered a bad act to become discouraged. Why not dwell on the negative? Consider the topic from both a religious and psychological point of view.

    Negative influence

    What dangers does despondency hide for a person?

    1. The main one is that longing extends to both the mental and physical condition of a person. He doesn't want to do anything, meet with anyone, talk, and so on.
    2. As a rule, people of an egoistic disposition of character are subject to this state, since most of their time they are busy with their person. They think about themselves, dig themselves, and so on.
    3. The danger is that if you do not try to get out of this state, you can fall into complete despair.
    4. One of the symptoms of depression is depression. This condition is considered a disease in some countries. It should be treated under the supervision of specialists.
    5. Failure to get out of a state of depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.
    6. In a depressed state, a person's thoughts may come to the conclusion that he is nothing and life has no meaning.
    7. This condition leads to a decrease in working capacity. It also brings a lot of trouble to people around. It can be difficult to communicate with someone who is in a state of despondency. Not everyone is capable of patiently treating a person with this attitude.

    What are the signs that you can tell if a person is sad?

    Despondency is a condition that can be identified by both external and internal signs. There are two main gradations. By them, you can also determine the presence of despondency. The first includes the emotional characteristics that are inherent in this state. The second includes physical manifestations.

    How is the emotional state of a person manifested in despondency?

    1. Feelings of pity and resentment for yourself.
    2. The inability to expect anything good. The person who is experiencing depression is not doing well.
    3. Anxious mood.
    4. Bad feelings.
    5. An underestimate of oneself. A person thinks that there is no happiness in life.
    6. What previously brought positive emotions does not bring any joy in a state of despondency.
    7. Indifference to everything that happens appears.

    What physical characteristics appear when discouraged?

    1. Having trouble sleeping.
    2. A person starts to eat a lot or, on the contrary, his appetite decreases.
    3. Rapid fatigue appears.

    Behavior change

    What features of behavior are present in a person in a state of despondency?

    1. Passive life position.
    2. Unwillingness to communicate with family and friends.
    3. Alcohol or drug abuse may begin. This is done in order to escape from reality.

    Changes in thoughts

    What changes in consciousness can occur in a person who is in despondency?

    1. It becomes difficult to concentrate on anything.
    2. A person cannot make informed decisions, he hesitates. Even after making a choice, he doubts whether he did the right thing.
    3. Pessimistic attitude, there is no happiness in life.
    4. Lethargy appears in thought processes.

    We conquer the disease

    How can you overcome discouragement? This can be done through three main practices that can help a person cope with the condition.

    1. The help of a specialist, namely a psychologist. If a person becomes discouraged, the doctor may prescribe special medications. They will help you get out of this situation.
    2. Religion and belief in God help people reassess their values \u200b\u200band look at life differently.
    3. Supporting the spirit through sports activities. It is necessary to engage in physical education and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Despondency is a condition in which a person feels depressed and unnecessary. At the first manifestations, an effort should be made to get out of apathy. You can't give in to despondency, you need to force yourself to switch to other activities and stop digging yourself.

    Discouragement in modern society

    Unfortunately, today it is not uncommon that, with all the external well-being of this or that person, he does not feel a sense of joy. There are cases when a citizen is financially secure, he has a family, he travels to expensive resorts, but nothing gives a feeling of satisfaction. Moreover, in people who have more money, despondency and depression are observed more often than those who are experiencing any material difficulties. There are also situations when a person is always dissatisfied with something. For example, it seems to him that he has a bad wife, or that if he had a car, he would be happy, and so on. But in fact, it turns out that changing your place of residence, buying a car and the appearance of a new wife still do not bring satisfaction.

    From the point of view of psychology, this human condition is called depression. It is considered the most common mental disorder today. There are psychological services for people. If despondency is at the initial stage, the psychologist will help the person find a way out of his state. But it happens that psychological support can only have a temporary effect. Therefore, after a while everything returns to the person again. If we talk about religion, then despondency is considered a mortal sin. In this regard, there are certain explanations for the reasons for its appearance and how to deal with it.

    Despondency is a sin. Religious point of view

    There are two types of discouragement. The first type refers to a state that completely absorbs a person, a decline of spirit occurs. And the second kind of despondency is associated with anger and irritability. Regardless of the type, discouragement is a sin.

    A person who is in this state may begin to blame other people for his misfortunes. The more he plunges into himself, the more he blames others. Also, the number of people believed to be the culprit is on the rise. A person develops anger and hatred towards all people with whom he contacts in one way or another.

    It should be understood that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions. If someone finds himself in a situation that gives him discomfort, then he created it himself. In order to get out of it, you need to start acting differently.

    You also need to remember that the more angry you are at the circumstances or unfavorable situation, the worse it will be. And if you accept everything humbly, the situation will be resolved by itself. There is no need to drive yourself to despair. It can lead to suicidal thoughts.

    External signs

    A person who is discouraged can be recognized by external signs. He has a sad face that expresses sadness. Also, such a person will have low shoulders. He will have low blood pressure, lethargy. If he sees another person in a good mood, this may cause him bewilderment.

    Reasons for the appearance

    What could be the causes of discouragement?

    1. Pride. If a person painfully perceives any failures or statements in his direction, he can easily become discouraged. It hurts his self-esteem. But if a person does not take everything to heart, then he will not fall into despair. Then he calmly refers to what is happening around him.
    2. Failure to satisfy desires can also make some people feel discouraged. Moreover, the more a person succumbs to it, the more desires themselves lose their meaning.
    3. In addition to the above reasons for despondency, there are also some that can appear in people with a strong spirit. These include the absence of grace, the cessation of any activity by a person. Boredom can come. Sad incidents can also cause discouragement. For example, the departure of a loved one or the loss of something. And even then, one should not indulge in sad thoughts about the injustice of the world. Death is the natural end of life, and we all lose something or someone in life.
    4. Despondency can occur due to illnesses that accompany a person.

    What are the ways to cope with this condition?

    The main cure for discouragement is faith in God and work. Even if a person does not have the strength, it is necessary to start doing something, to act. Over time, the desire to live on will come, the sadness will go away.

    What is the danger of discouragement?

    First of all, you should know that a person in despondency cannot realize his capabilities. This is due to the fact that he does not see what horizons life opens up to him. Since all thoughts of a person are associated with depressive experiences, he sees only negative moments in everything and is sad. A person by his attitude deprives himself of the opportunity to lead a full life and enjoy the simplest things.

    How to overcome this condition?

    How to overcome discouragement? The techniques will now be listed:

    1. First of all, you need to understand that negative thoughts can be "converted" into positive ones. It doesn't matter why the person began to think that everything is bad. Perhaps someone inspired him, or his thoughts revolve around childhood experiences. Find out what causes depression and depression. To do this, you need to ask yourself: "What thoughts lead me into a state of sadness and longing?" The answer to this question should be recorded. Next, you need to read what was recorded. Then you should convince yourself that this list is limited by your perception. In fact, the world is much wider. Do not think only about the clouds in the sky, it is better to remember that there is the sun, blue sky and white air clouds. Then you need to cross out the bad thought and replace it with a good one, which is filled with positive and joy. Next, you should repeat positive statements until you believe in them. If this is difficult, you can tell yourself that this is a game, and you will imagine that you believe in these thoughts. You need to convince yourself and tune in to positive thinking.
    2. You should learn to understand that if hopeless sadness comes, it is only due to your narrow perception of reality at the moment. In fact, things are not so bad. As soon as sadness sets in, it is recommended to think that this is a temporary phenomenon, and it will soon pass. You also need to take care and take care of yourself, treat yourself to something that can distract from the sad mood. Water procedures help very well. They can help you relax physically and distract yourself from sad thoughts. You can also take a walk in the forest, walk at a brisk pace in the fresh air.
    3. Despondency, melancholy are rather bad conditions. You should not fall into them, even if it seems to you that something was wrong in the past. The past is our experience, a lesson. Positive conclusions should be drawn from it. A positive attitude about the past is required. There are instructive points to be drawn from everything. For example, about some episode in life, a person thinks that he broke or knocked him down. This conclusion is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to change the thought-form. You should think about any incident from such a position: "it made me stronger, I gained experience, thanks to which I can overcome such situations with ease."
    4. You should learn to enjoy every moment. Probably many have heard that in old age people talk about how quickly life has passed and remember positive moments. This means that you do not need to waste yourself on depressing thoughts that lead to self-destruction. You should treat everything with joy and a smile. Then there will be no time for longing and sadness. It is necessary to remember that thoughts about the past or plans for the future do not allow to enjoy the present. First of all, you should relax and live in the present time. It is necessary to give yourself the following directive: it does not matter what happened in the past and one should not be afraid of the future or live in anxious expectation of something. You need to live the present moment with a feeling of joy and gratitude, enjoy every moment.

    A little conclusion

    Now you know what discouragement is. As you can see, this is a bad condition. It negatively affects a person, his psychological and physical health. In our article, we have provided some good tips to help you get rid of your discouragement. Thanks to them, you will be able to cope with this condition. And remember, the best way to deal with sadness is through work. Therefore, spare no effort, work for the good of yourself and people. We wish you good luck and a positive mood.

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    The Bible says "10 commandments of God." They describe the main, the biggest sins. The feeling of despondency is highlighted among them. Moreover, in the Orthodox world, such a feeling is considered a rather grave sin. What does this concept really mean?

    Despondency and melancholy is a mental state of a person. The kind of emotional mood that arises as a result of relaxation or self-pity. It can also occur due to the fact that a person pays too much attention to himself. Many people may ask: "Why is despondency a mortal sin?" The thing is that Orthodox people consider despondency and depression synonymous. It is associated with laziness, body relaxation, which, in principle, is unacceptable.

    Holy fathers about despondency

    It is worth noting that in churches and temples this concept can still be called the "midday demon", which usually comes to the ascetic at lunchtime. Tends him to sleep, distracts him from work and from prayer.

    • Since ancient times, since the monks get up early, 12 o'clock - this was half a day. They have meals twice a day (at lunchtime and in the evening).
    • As St. Theophan the Recluse wrote, despondency is boredom for any business. It can be both everyday and prayer or everyday.
    • When this feeling arises, you want to give up everything. By the way, the fight against despondency is the education of willpower, which very often helps a person to become successful and achieve success in life.

    But Saint Ignatius described a very interesting story about how the monk fell into despondency, abandoned the prayer rule. The monk was so overwhelmed by this feeling that he could not continue his monastic deed. In order to somehow fight this, he asked for advice from one elder, who told him the following parable.

    One man had a huge field overgrown with thorns on his estate. He asked his son to clean the field so that it could be sown. The son willingly decided to help his father, but when he came to the field and saw what state it was in, he became depressed, lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

    When the father came and saw the sleeping son, he woke him up and said:

    “Son, if every day you cleared the field of weeds at least in such small parts on which you slept, then the matter would advance a little. And you wouldn't be naughty. "

    After listening to his father, the son did just that. It didn't take long before they sowed the field and soon reaped a good harvest. “So you, my son, do not be discouraged, but little by little, enter into exploit, and God, by His grace, will bring you into your former state.” The monk pondered over this parable and the advice of the elder, and soon the monk regained spiritual peace and prospered in the Lord.

    Despondency is a mortal sin how to fight

    As mentioned above, Orthodox believers compare despondency with depression. This is not in vain. Because it is this that leads to depression, which, as proven by modern medicine, is sometimes very, very difficult to get out without an appropriate specialist.

    As you know, in modern psychology, as well as in medicine, a lot of different methods and means have been developed that help to fight this kind of ailment.

    But before getting rid of despondency, it should be noted that the church at all times accused people suffering from despondency of sin, which provoked the emergence of an even greater depressive state, and the church does not support medical methods of treatment. Many people will immediately have the question of how to deal with the sin of despondency according to church canons? The clergy recommend praying and in no case becoming self-contained. Otherwise, loneliness will join this sin.

    How to avoid discouragement

    Despite the fact that modern psychology and science believe that depression can only be defeated by playing sports and leading an active lifestyle. They say that in the process of loading, a person throws off the accumulated load. Thus, he throws off negative energy, becomes more confident in himself.

    Holy glorious and all-praised Great Martyr Barbara! Gathering today in your Divine church are people, a race of your relics who worship and kiss love, your suffering is martyr, and in them is the Passionate Christ, who gave you not just a hedgehog to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with praises gratifying, we pray thee, the well-known desires of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, begging God from His benevolence, may he graciously hear us asking for His mercy, and not leave us all the petitions necessary for salvation and living, and grant Christian death to our belly - painless, not shameful , peacefully, I will partake of the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place, in any sorrow and situation, who require His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, but by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body, always stay healthy, we glorify the wondrous in His saints The God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and forever, and forever and ever, amen.

    "A hope that does not come true for a long time torments the heart" - Proverbs 13:12

    Although discouragement is not particularly mentioned in the biblical lists of sins (Proverbs 6: 16-19, 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10, Galatians 5: 19-21, 2 Timothy 3: 1-5), a monk named Evagrius Ponticus (345-399 BC) AD), one of the most gifted minds of the time, based on the Scriptures compiled a list in Greek called "The Eight Sinful Passions."
    This list includes: gluttony (gastrimardzhia), fornication (pornoya), greed (philargiria), arrogance (hyperefania), sadness - envy of the success of another (linden), anger (orge), bragging (kenodoxia) and despondency (akedia). Despondency stands last, as Ponticus considered him "the worst of all."

    Shortly thereafter, another famous monk, John Cassian (360 - 435 AD), translated the Ponticus list into Latin - but with minor changes. The Cassian list of the Eight Sinful Passions consists of: gluttony (hum), greed (accident), pride (superbyia), despair (tristitia), anger (Ira), vanity (wingloria) and despondency (akedia). Then, almost 200 years later, Gregory Anitsius (540 - 604 AD), the pope known as "Gregory the Great" - whom the Protestant reformer John Calvin called "the last good pope" - compiled a list of sins that was different from that of Cassian and which was called "The Seven Deadly Sins". Anicius combined pride with vanity, despair with despondency and added envy. Lust, according to Anicius, can be lust for power, food, drink, knowledge, money, or fame. Thus, in Russian, the list of the "seven deadly sins" sounds like this: lust, gluttony, greed, despondency, anger, envy and pride.

    For centuries, the word "akedia" has usually been translated as idleness in the lists of the Seven Deadly Sins. But what does the word “akedia”, or despondency, actually mean - is it not by chance that it occupies such a prominent place in all lists? The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church reads: "A state of impatience and not being able to work or pray." According to Wikipedia, “Discouragement is a refusal to care about what follows. Apathetic lethargy. Depression without joy ... In early Christian thought, the absence of joy was seen as a voluntary refusal to enjoy the good that God created and the world that God created. "

    The venerable theologian Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 CE) believed that it was discouragement that the Apostle Paul meant in 2 Corinthians 7:10 (where it is called worldly sorrow). Dante Alighieri (1265-1321 CE), author of The Divine Comedy, calls discouragement "a failure to love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind." The seriousness of this sin is underscored by the fact that over the centuries many authors have argued that the result of discouragement is "despair leading to suicide."

    As for me, "akedia" (despondency) was not at all present in my vocabulary until I stumbled upon this rather ancient word while studying "The Seven Deadly Sins." However, as soon as I found out about it - and what it means - my heart jumped. With his help, I - and I realized this for the first time - was able to define my feelings and my spiritual state in the period 2001-2003. These were the years when I was first sent on leave (removed from leadership and influence) and then fired for my beliefs about Scripture (2 Tim 3: 16-17); regarding a biblical example of central leadership with one leader for God's people (Numbers 27: 15-18; Judges 2: 6-9); that instruction is a commandment of God for every Christian (Matthew 28:20); that the “visible church” consists only of fully committed disciples (Acts 2: 41-42); and that converting the world in our generation is God's commandment for His people (1 Tim 2: 3-4).

    After reading what other people had written about discouragement, I myself began to study the Scriptures on this topic. In my opinion, Proverbs 13:12 speaks about this most accurately: "A hope that does not come true for a long time torments the heart, and a fulfilled desire is like a tree of life." In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul teach that if a person is inattentive to “the body and blood of Jesus” during the sacrament, this can cause “people in the church” to become “weak, sick, and many die” ( 1 Cor 11:30). Most of the students understand the state of "weakness" correctly. The “dead” are, of course, those who have ceased to be a disciple but continue to attend church. But the term "sick" is used quite rarely and is quite consistent with despondency!

    Perhaps with the help of these two passages we can understand why, over time, “despondency” was replaced by the word “idleness”. When someone is physically ill, he is in a state similar to lethargy - and is completely unmotivated to "get out of bed." Likewise, with "spiritual illness" - the heart can be injured so badly that a person feels that it is simply impossible to "get out of bed" to do the will of God. Laziness, in turn, is quite simple to describe: a person simply loves "doing nothing" more than working for God. Despondency and laziness may look the same - there is simply no work for God in both cases - but in fact they are very different. This - uncomplicated - replacement in The Seven Deadly Sins may be Satan's design to hide the biblical idea of \u200b\u200bdiscouragement from our generation.

    So what is the cause of this forgotten sin of despondency - “spiritual sickness”? I believe it is bitterness. In Hebrews 12, the Spirit says, "Endure (all) hardships as trials from God." We believe that God is almighty. Thus, the difficulties in our life are either made by God himself, or he allows them to happen. The Spirit says yes, "the punishment is painful," but God's purpose is "the peaceful fruit of righteousness." Thus, when difficulties come, we have a choice: either get better or get bitter! In other words, a person "gets depressed" because his life is not developing the way he expected. Your hope is "postponed"! This is why Hebrews 12:15 teaches: “Take heed lest anyone be deprived of the grace of God; so that any root of bitterness arises and does no harm, and so that many will not be defiled by it. " Many of us imagine bitterness as angry, violent and loud. However, and even in most cases, bitterness simply drives us into depression, lethargy and withdrawal ... like Cain, who “had his face down” (Genesis 4: 6).

    As I studied this sin, I realized that I had to look at the life of Jesus, because he was “like us, tempted in all things, except sin” (Hebrews 4:15). In the darkest hours of his life, in Gethsemane, he shares with his three closest brothers - Peter, James and John: “My soul is sorrowful to death; stay here and watch with Me ”(Matthew 26:38). After that, he fell to the ground and prayed for three hours: “My Father! if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou ”(Matthew 26:39). Luke mentions that the prayer was so intense that the face of Christ was covered with bloody sweat.

    Luke continues: “Rising from prayer, He came to the disciples, and found them sleeping from sorrow, and said to them: why are you sleeping? get up and pray lest you fall into temptation ”(Luke 22: 45,46). Obviously, Jesus was tempted to become discouraged, but overcame through prayer and submission to God's will. However, the disciples succumbed to despondency - "they slept with sorrow." They couldn't even pray! When I look at my life, I can clearly see how I was deceived - by my sin and by Satan (Hebrews 3:12). I was a “happy Gentile” before I was baptized; A “happy” young Christian; A “very happy” father and husband — but when the trials came, my heart was not like that of Jesus, “who, for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross” (Hebrews 3:12). When I faced “the opposition of those who are in sin” (and sometimes it was my own sins), I was “faint and weak in my soul” (Hebrews 12: 3). I did not see God in all the difficulties, but I became bitter towards those people who, I believed, "hurt me and my family." Deceived by Satan and fell into the sin of despondency, I almost lost my ideals, my biblical convictions, and my salvation (John 8: 43-44). Praise the Lord that the Scriptures reveal “the truth, and the truth makes us free” (John 8:32)!

    Nevertheless, sometimes in the evenings ... I still suffer from despondency, "asleep with sorrow." Interestingly, the Disney cartoon "Frozen" finally convinced me. I recently had a dream - in this dream, Elena and I were sitting on the plane and watched other passengers enter it. At some point, two “brothers” (as I thought) of those who caused “a lot of pain” for me and my family passed by in the aisle (2 Tim 4:14). When the first one passed me, I quickly got up and yelled at him with anger! When the second came up, I was even more in sin! I didn’t say anything to him, but looked after him with contempt. In the morning I told Elena my dream and already knew that I needed to repent - bitterness again crept into my heart. And a few days later I got an email stating that a man I was watching with a contemptuous look had a son dead from cancer. Elena asked me to write him a letter of condolences. She had to ask for three days! After that I cried, because I realized that my heart had become "cold"! In the cartoon, love was the only remedy against a cold heart. I realized that I needed to "crucify" my bitterness again and make a decision to forgive - especially in those moments where no one asks for it.

    I am writing to help all those who are in a situation similar to mine. Through the fact that God has shown me incredible mercy and patience, I now clearly understand that He had to take away from me everything that I valued too highly.

    Like Nebuchadnezzar, who “was cut off from the people and ate grass like an ox,” God humbled me in incredible ways (except for eating grass), forcing me to admit that I was nothing (Dan 4:33). Through the “burden” of depriving all my leadership responsibilities and most of my “friends”, I realized that I must live only to glorify the “King of Heaven” (Dan 4:34)!
    I thank God for Elena, whose ardent devotion and love guided me to God and gave me the strength to persevere to the end.

    I believe that for most of our remnant - the “veteran disciples” - despondency has become our chosen sin, because our “hope” for a majestic church that would reach all nations was “postponed indefinitely” by our own sins! How can we repent of discouragement - the most problematic of sins? First of all, you need to recognize it in your life. Then we need to surrender to God and His supreme authority and direct our efforts to understand what we need to learn, that is, what He wants from us.

    I still remember quite vividly teaching with Carlos Mejia at Good Earth after he attended the opening service in Los Angeles in May 2007. At that moment, he shared that he visited and checked many churches and could not join any of them, because he could not recover from the end of our old brotherhood and from the lack of care that was there. Probably the most effective passage from Scripture for him was Luke 5: 31-32: “Jesus answered them:“ The healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick. I came to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance. " And here I told Carlos that to be “sick” is to be a “sinner”, and “repentance” makes us “healthy” people. In response to this, Carlos repented on the same day in despondency - in his spiritual illness - and the very next Sunday he was restored to the Church!
    But today, when Carlos shares the details of that Sunday afternoon, he simply says, "I'm back to my first love!" Moreover - today Carlos is leading the International Christian Church in the city of Santiago!

    After overcoming discouragement, frustration, and apathy, Carlos and Lucy Mejia are now leading a dynamic Church in Santiago, Chile.

    Rest assured, this disease is not healed by time, but by repentance! Be sure that you have repented of bitterness, forgive all those who have ever hurt you, or you yourself will not be forgiven (Matt: 18: 23-25).
    And since discouragement is a complete refusal to rejoice in the goodness of God, be prepared for this sin to return and take seven other deadly demons with it, and this will continue until you fully rejoice in the Lord. “Always rejoice in the Lord, and I say again: rejoice! Let everyone see your kind attitude towards people. The Lord is already near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, with gratitude communicate your requests to God. Then the peace of God, surpassing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
    And finally, brethren, contemplate what is true, noble, just, pure, what is pleasant and delightful, what is virtue, and what is praiseworthy - let it occupy your thoughts. Everything that you have learned from me, that you have received from me, that you have heard or that you have seen in me - do all this. And the God of peace will be with you.
    I sincerely rejoice in the Lord that you again took care of me. Yes, you have always cared, but you just didn't have the opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I need anything, because I have learned to be content in all circumstances.
    I know what need is and what abundance is, I know what it means to be full or to endure hunger, what it means to live in abundance and what it means to live in poverty. I can do anything in the one who gives me strength. "
    (Phil 4: 4-13)

    I can even defeat discouragement!
    And may all the glory be to our Most Merciful Father!

    Each of us throughout life finds himself in situations where it seems that the hopeless dark streak will never shine with bright colors. We give up, fall into depression and stop enjoying the things around us. The Biblical Commandments classify such a state as unacceptable and unsuitable for a spiritually developed person. Therefore, believers are trying to find an answer to the question why despondency is a mortal sin, how to fight and resist temptation.

    The Commandments clearly indicate which sins are the most serious:

    • the formation of one's own I over others (arrogance);
    • not a desire to share the benefits provided (stinginess);
    • strong attraction to sexual pleasure (voluptuousness);
    • an emotional state aimed at combating injustice (anger);
    • excessive obsession with food and alcohol (gluttony);
    • negative feelings arising in relation to those who own certain material values \u200b\u200b(envy);
    • excessive idleness and rest (idleness).

    The sin of despondency is guarded by one of the Demons, who tries to prevent a person from coming to terms with himself and completely reconciling with the Lord.

    His actions bring a person to:

    • apathy,
    • decrease in vitality,
    • feeling of own uselessness,
    • loss of interest in the events taking place around us.

    Ignorance and Oblivion help him in this.

    These are the other two most powerful demon giants.

    • Another state of despondency is called an evil manifestation of Laziness.
    • The blues keep a person from going to church, praying and other godly salutary deeds.
    • He is seized by desperate feelings of indifference and indifference.
    • In any actions and deeds he does not find joy and consolation.
    • In such a situation, rejection of the environment often arises, a person is not cute, he does not want to see anyone.

    God's Ten Commandments list actions and thoughts that deviate from a righteous life.

    Why discouragement is considered a sin

    It is quite difficult from the point of view of the Bible.

    These are emotional outbursts when a person feels exhausted, he constantly feels sorry for himself. It can also arise as a result of a disregard for one's own person.

    Because of what despondency is considered a sin:

    • Many people want to get a precise answer to this statement. In Orthodoxy, synonymous words are considered a depressive and dull state. They are combined with idleness, idleness and bodily relaxation, which should not be allowed to believers.
    • The priests are sure that most often this state of affairs visits a person closer to noon. Therefore, it is called "midday demon".

    How the church treats discouragement

    During this period, we most often want to sleep, there is no desire to do business and pray.

    Since from ancient times all monks got up even before sunrise, 12 hours was always considered half a day. And the meal took place twice a day - at lunchtime and in the evening. And, when suddenly boredom overcame any actions, it was counted as despondency.

    • Theophan the Recluse has repeatedly mentioned this in his writings. Moreover, relaxation comes not only in relation to everyday affairs, but also to everyday or prayer.
    • Due to the fact that depression pushes us to abandon all affairs, it becomes necessary to study the concept of despondency as a mortal sin and how to deal with it.

    As one of the main methods, it is often suggested to educate the strength of the spirit, which will help to become active and achieve a certain position in society.

    The story of a monk

    There is a known story about a monk, described by Saint Ignatius. It tells the story of how a servant of God became discouraged and attempted to abandon the prayer instructions. The feeling that befell him was so strong that he did not have the strength to continue his monastic activity. For advice, he turned to the elder, who told him a well-known parable.

    “One man's field is overgrown with thorns. He called on his son to help him to remove the weeds before the sowing work needed to be carried out. The young man was ready to get down to business with enthusiasm, but after looking at the state of the field, he got upset and fell asleep right on the ground.

    The father, who came to check the progress of the work, saw the sleeping son and began to wake him up. He accused the young man of disobedience and suggested cleaning the field every day, at least in small portions. The son listened to his father, and soon the field was sown and a large harvest was obtained.

    At the end of his narration, the elder told the monk: "So you do not need to be discouraged, do godly deeds in small steps, then your previous state will return to you."

    Emotional manifestations of longing, sadness, sadness, apathy overwhelm us completely and do not allow us to realize how destructive they are and destroy all good thoughts on their way.

    Many people prescribe this to the peculiar and unexplored Russian soul. There is still a small grain of truth in this. But practicing psychotherapists are sure that being in a state of depression for a long time is a rather dangerous phenomenon that can lead to irreparable consequences - suicide.

    Therefore, the Church considers inaction and discouragement to be grave sins.

    Sadness, depression, despondency - which is scarier

    Orthodoxy distinguishes this type of temptation as a distinctive type, while Catholicism emphasizes the presence of sorrow. The differences between the two are almost invisible.

    • But sadness is a negatively colored emotion that is temporary and associated with a bad event or action.
    • And for despondency, no special reason is needed. It visits us unexpectedly, although, however, it also leaves.
    • A person begins to worry about any reason and cannot stabilize his emotions, even with a successful outcome of all the work begun.

    However, church representatives believe that we are not given more trials than we can bear. Therefore, we must take all the hardships optimistically, confidently expecting a better outcome. Otherwise, it will turn out that a person does not trust a single teaching about God and the world. As a result, the soul is left to itself and experiences suffering and torment.

    • A person who gives in to despondency does not believe in goodness.
    • In this case, he has absolutely no strength left to carry out saving actions, since hope is lost and all dreams are broken.
    • In the end, it is destructive for a person's soul, which negatively affects his body.
    • To become discouraged is to tire your mind, relax your soul and begin to accuse God of mercy and lack of love for the entities he created.

    The main signs of a dull state

    In order to prevent the development of destructive processes, it is necessary to timely identify the main symptoms of manifested laziness.

    The table shows the most common and often found in most people types of blues, describing despondency as a mortal sin, how to deal with it and not give in to despair.

    Symptom Description
    Sleep disorders If a person cannot sleep well at night, anxious thoughts are constantly swarming in his head, or, on the contrary, he sleeps for days on end, then this can be safely attributed to an alarm bell.
    Bowel problems Normal stools are different for each person.
    • But, when you have persistent delays in emptying or constipation, then you should start using medication.
    • Otherwise, it will affect your overall emotional state.
    Loss of appetite You suddenly notice a tendency to oversaturation or eating cooked dishes does not make you enjoy it.

    Be sure to pay attention to this fact, which is one of the symptoms of an impending state of apathy.

    Decreased sexual activity
    • Carnal pleasures do not bring you the satisfaction you used to have, and you have no sexual desire.
    • Expect the onset of a feeling of emptiness, you will stop enjoying life.
    Fatigue You can get tired quickly from physical or mental stress if you reach a certain age.

    But, if you notice that this happens instantly, here you should be alert and make every effort to prevent the development of this state.

    Development of diseases Pain symptoms felt in the stomach, muscles or heart are the first signs that provoke a breakdown in strength and spirit.
    Development of negative emotional outbursts Character traits that you need to try to get rid of in the first place:
    • helplessness
    • lethargy
    • lack of will,
    • softness,
    • loss of strength and life goals.

    Despondency as a disease

    The feeling of inner conflict between your soul and God can later develop into an organic disease.

    • Frequent changes in mood, depression lead to a general exhausted state.
    • Gradually, sin begins to grow into the human body, threatening to deteriorate health and the need to seek help from medicine. Recovery is possible.
    • The Church offers in this case to be reconciled with our inner nature and God.

    How not to lose heart in a difficult life situation

    Only a person who is engaged in constant self-development and self-improvement can correct this state of affairs. When you cannot overcome the depressive state on your own, you can turn to the confessor from the monastery.

    He is able to find ways out by applying psychotherapeutic techniques and methods. Prepare for a long conversation, as pinpointing the source of your grief is not as easy as it seems at first glance. But, ultimately, your soul will be healed, since despondency is a disease that should not be left to chance.

    Negative in your head

    Realizing the need to combat bodily and spiritual illness, you should try to reorient your life and direct it in a different direction. The main thing is to free yourself from sinful hopes and hopes, as they destroy both body and soul. Sometimes you need to resort to the methods of modern medicine. You should not refuse such an opportunity, since in this way you reproach the Creator.

    How to resist discouragement

    Orthodox believers, as mentioned above, consider the state of despondency to be akin to depression. Most likely, this assumption is not in vain. It is this that leads to a state of general depression, from which it is very difficult to get out without outside help, and, sometimes, it is simply impossible.

    Modern psychology and medicine in its arsenal has many methods that analyze despondency as a mortal sin, knows how to overcome it and eradicate this ailment.

    What the church prohibits

    At the same time, do not forget that the church at all times looked negatively at such people. According to the established canons, priests did not welcome the use of medications for treating such a sinful condition. Accordingly, believers always have a reasonable question, how to get out of it without breaking the Commandments?

    Prayers for loneliness

    • The only way out is constant prayer and avoidance of loneliness.
    • In no case is it recommended to withdraw into oneself, but, on the contrary, start leading a more active lifestyle.
    • Visit new places, relax in nature with friends, go to the movies, theaters or exhibitions.
    • Psychologists agree that incipient depression can be avoided only with sports activities and an active lifestyle.
    • Exercise can remove the accumulated negative stress on the brain, helping to become a self-confident person.
    • The Church, for her part, calls to put faith in her heart, sincerely turning to God daily with the words of prayer.

    There is a special prayer for this in church canons:

    Suicide risk

    Lack of confidence in our abilities, refusal to try to improve things, or the inability to change our lives paralyzes us with such force that we ourselves give up the struggle.

    If these feelings penetrate deeply into our brain, then there is a risk of suicidal tendencies.

    How not to lose heart in a difficult life situation and learn how to cope with emerging adversities that do not understand where they come from and where they go? And it is imperative to do something, because in the end, in our minds the thought can deeply sink in that all the attempts being made are useless, and nothing can be changed.

    Find the cause of depression

    Before you start getting rid of negative emotional outbursts, you should identify the reason for this state of affairs.

    It can be quite serious:

    • long-term illness
    • falling on the career ladder,

    or the most common one:

    • a daily routine at work or at home that no longer pleases.

    How to deal with depression

    There is no way to postpone these cases or not to fulfill them. They suck in and cause boredom, accompanied by a lack of desire to change the current state of affairs. We seem to be stuck in a quagmire, do not see the environment and cannot understand what and how is happening around us.

    The fact that there is no definite result from the work performed also leads to a decrease in motivation. We, like robots, are immersed in the process itself without receiving feedback.

    As a result - thoughts about their own uselessness, disorder and abandonment.

    • Do not allow discouragement in your life, constantly change the quality of the actions performed, the way of thinking and actions, the development of the situation in the opposite direction.
    • When you are constantly working without raising your head, you need to relax.
    • Change your surroundings - go to a museum, take a vacation by the sea, visit the mountains with friends, etc.
    • If you have a small workload, and you are languishing from idleness, on the contrary, start to be active: change your field of activity to the completely opposite, meet new people, start a vigorous social activity, yes, change your life partner, in the end.
    • You need an emotional shake-up, new experiences and interests.

    Accordingly, a serious approach to considering the situation of despondency is a mortal sin, how to fight and look for the right way out of a negative state, will allow you to overcome all the symptoms on your own.

    How not to break

    The main thing is not to let the process go into the phase of a sluggish disease. Like other forms, it should be treated immediately, immediately, at the onset of manifestations.

    Do not let the depression sink, it is quite difficult to find a way out of it on your own. Treat yourself with all the care and attention.

    Ten Ways to Deal with Despair

    Depression that develops causes pessimism and constant irritation.

    The ways to deal with them are pretty simple. You should try to improve your mood in every way you can.

    Below is a list of the most optimal ones, from which you will choose the one that suits you specifically.

    Brief description of the method How to deal with discouragement
    A successful solution to the problem depends only on you No practicing psychologist is able to look into the depths of your soul in order to control it.
    • You need to learn how to avoid the onset of apathy and worsening mood on your own.
    Belief in a successful outcome
    • Constantly argue to ensure that the black streak is short in your life.
    • Learn to believe that positive and happiness is already on the doorstep, you just have to open the doors to them.
    Give examples of past positives Know how to identify all the good things that happened to you in the past, transferring it to the events of the present.

    Even the most severe trials experienced are not devoid of positive aspects.

    No one will argue that it is quite difficult to see the positive when everything around seems dark and gloomy. However, put all your efforts into this, and you will definitely succeed.

    Then it will simply remain to come up with the most joyful scenarios for the development of further events.

    May they be incredible, but with a good ending.

    • A complete reconfiguration of your thoughts will lead to the fact that you will no longer think about the troubles around you, but will look with confidence into tomorrow.
    Fill your life with fun activities Think about your hobby
    • It can be traveling, excursion, cooking, hobby for musical compositions, embroidery or reading books.
    • Separate yourself from problems for a few hours by an invisible barrier and completely immerse yourself in your hobbies.
    • After a while, you will notice that your mood has improved, and you are ready for further exploits.
    Breathing exercises An agitated or upset person breathes shallowly and with effort.
    • To rid your brain of negative thoughts, take a deep breath, hold your breath, and exhale all your negative emotions.
    • Thus, you will not only improve your mood, but also enrich your body with oxygen, ceasing to think about how not to lose heart and enjoy life.
    Massage of bioactive areas on the body There are points on our body that can be massaged to relieve our sadness.

    There is no need to be skeptical about this recommendation.

    • In difficult times, try pushing the thumb of one hand into the groove of the palm of the other, or massaging your earlobes.
    • Within a few seconds you will feel a surge of cheerfulness and get rid of depression.
    Sports activities Exercise can help you overcome a lingering bad mood.

    During them, you will feel muscle fatigue, which will switch your thoughts away from the negative.

    You can join the gym, go to the pool, or simply go for a walk in the fresh air.

    Aromatherapy A peppermint scent or essential oil from an orange will work great as a bad moment switch.
    • You can put a few drops on your wrist or on a handkerchief under your pillow.
    • Inhaling their scent, try to relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of bliss and euphoria, which is so destructive to stress and emptiness.
    Pour out your troubles on paper Take a piece of paper and try to depict on it everything that causes negative emotions in you.
    • You can just draw, or you can list it as a list of problems.
    • After you've spilled everything out, just tear the paper and burn the rest.
    • Imagine that all your sorrows and troubles are dissolved in the flame.
    Use the pleasure hormone Bring in the experiences that make you happy.
    • Perhaps this is the gentle touch of a loved one while watching movies together on the couch.
    • Are you a sweet tooth? Buy a cake, chocolate bar, or your favorite brownie and eat it.
    • Change your menu to include fish. It contains all the necessary substances that produce the hormone of pleasure.
    • The main thing is not to become isolated in your problem.
    • Arrange a romantic date or set a festive table for loved ones.
    • You will immediately feel cheerful, and despondency will disappear without a trace.

    Strive to find bright sides in any event, even, at times, seeming meaningless and ridiculous. Do not try to avoid troubles, they temper our spirit, help to become purer and nobler. Take complete control of your life to prevent the destructive power of depression, apathy and melancholy.

    It is enough to give yourself a clear statement that despondency is a mortal sin how to fight and get rid of a dangerous feeling, so that it could not cause significant damage to your physical and mental state.

    More helpful tips for discouragement.