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  • Is Roman with Corvalol dangerous? What to do in case of an overdose with Corvalol What will happen if you drink a lot of Corvalol

    Is Roman with Corvalol dangerous? What to do in case of an overdose with Corvalol What will happen if you drink a lot of Corvalol

    Corvalol is present in almost every home medicine cabinet today. Many consider it a universal remedy for "pain in the heart", for anxiety, and for soothing. Frequent use of Corvalol, for various reasons and in large doses, can have serious consequences.

    What awaits Corvalol's "amateurs"? How much should you drink to get poisoned? What are the symptoms of an overdose? What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol? All this, as well as the rules of first aid and treatment, will be discussed further.

    Toxic dose

    Is it possible to be poisoned by Corvalol and how does this happen? You can get poisoned and it happens due to the long-acting barbiturate contained in it - Phenobarbital.

    How many drops of Corvalol do you need to get poisoned? The maximum dose of the drug per day can be up to 150 drops. In case of impaired renal function, as well as in the elderly, it can already cause intoxication. The incorrect selection of the dose to the child also threatens poisoning. The cause can be anxiety and depressive disorders, and other reasons when the maximum dose is exceeded.

    The lethal value of Corvalol is 0.1–0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight, or an average of 20 grams of the drug. The average lethal dose of Phenobarbital is 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

    Corvalol poisoning symptoms

    With Corvalol poisoning, the symptoms can be mild, moderate and severe.

    What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol

    In case of poisoning with Corvalol, what can be done at each stage of poisoning, how to provide first aid?

    In case of mild intoxication, the stomach is washed to clean wash water, any sorbent available at hand, taking into account the absence of its intolerance, at the rate of one third of the maximum daily dose. At this stage, they also give a saline laxative, make a cleansing enema. Any enveloping drink is also suitable (but this is already in the last place). It is imperative to call an ambulance, because the severity of the condition can quickly increase.

    In a state of moderate and severe severity, an ambulance must be called immediately!

    While the medical team is traveling, lay the victim on the floor, unfasten his clothing, turn his head to one side. Assess the presence of cardiac activity to determine the pulsation in the neck.

    To recognize if there is breathing, you need to put your ear to the chest. Having a phonendoscope at home will facilitate the procedure. If no cardiac activity is detected, it is necessary to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration.


    Even during the transportation of the patient, he is injected intravenously with the antidote Corvalol - Bemegrid. It is most effective for mild intoxication.

    In the hospital, the victim will be under round-the-clock supervision of doctors. In case of respiratory failure, connect to a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation), inhalation of oxygen. They give a water load: solutions of sodium chloride, glucose, plasma substitutes are introduced. An increase in the volume of urine excretion is stimulated by Euphyllin and osmotic diuretics under the control of the concentration of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

    In such patients, tissue nutrition is quickly disrupted, and bedsores develop, therefore it is very important to carry out thorough care and other anti-decubitus procedures. This is often done by relatives rather than by medical personnel.

    With a high concentration of Phenobarbital in the blood and a stable level of blood pressure, hemodialysis is performed. Severe poisoning is an indication for hemosorption with activated carbon, which removes up to 70% of the poison in 1 session.

    Symptomatic treatment is mandatory.

    Consequences of Corvalol poisoning

    With Corvalol poisoning, the consequences can be very serious. Starting from severe dermatitis, ending with acute respiratory, cardiac and renal failure. The largest number of deaths among drug poisoning is observed precisely from drugs containing Phenobarbital and other long-acting barbituric acid derivatives. The consequences are largely determined by the dose of the substance taken, the severity of intoxication, the timeliness of therapeutic measures.

    Today in any pharmacy you can buy Corvalol without a prescription. Due to the low availability of free medical care, it is easier for a person to drink the same Corvalol or its famous analogue Valocordin and calm down on this. It became easier and okay. It is not for nothing that they say that only the healthiest person can get to the doctor in our clinics. Today many heart patients are treated like this. Hence the transferred myocardial infarctions on the legs. Despite this, medical attention should still be sought. Knowing about the dangers of improper treatment and intoxication with Corvalol, you must take good care of your health and do not take anything without consulting a specialist!

    Corvalol is an affordable and popular medicine that is sold in every pharmacy in the public domain. It is a permanent resident of the home first aid kits of most modern citizens. Such a seemingly safe drug with a mild sedative effect, if used illiterately, can provoke very sad consequences.

    What will happen if you drink a lot of Corvalol, what does an overdose of this medicine lead to? What actions to take in case of drug intoxication, what are the rules for first aid? Let's study all the guides to action.

    Corvalol overdose can lead to death

    Corvalol is a natural medicine made from herbal extracts that have a sedative and sedative effect. In addition to plant materials, the product includes phenobarbital and menthol. On sale, the medication is offered in the form of drops and tablets.

    The main active ingredient of the drug is phenobarbital. This compound belongs to the group of barbiturates and is known as "Luminal". With the help of this component, which is quite powerful in its effect, convulsive states are stopped in patients.

    Corvalol composition

    Luminal has a pronounced effect and can cause addiction. In Corvalol, it is included in minimal doses, which provides the drug with a mild sedative effect. The main indications for the use of this tool are as follows:

    • panic attacks:
    • chronic insomnia;
    • neurosis-like states;
    • severe nervous tension;
    • an increased level of anxiety;
    • stress and depression.

    Corvalol is prohibited for use by children under the age of 12, pregnant and lactating women. It is the presence of phenobarbital that makes this drug dangerous in the event of an overdose.

    What causes Corvalol poisoning

    As the studies of doctors show, an overdose of Corvalol, the consequences of which are quite serious, occurs due to a disagreement with the doctor on the permissible doses of the drug. People sometimes do not even read the instructions and drink the medicine in huge quantities regularly and often.

    Phenobarbital, which is part of Corvalol, is included in the list of psychotropic substances

    Most often, people who, by virtue of the established opinion, buy this medication for "treating the heart", suffer from this.

    Doctors have even conducted their own investigations into the reasons prompting people to use Corvalol uncontrollably. The most common drug overdoses include the following:

    1. It happened when a person drank in one fell swoop the entire bottle of the drug, a standard volume of 100 ml. Whereas a one-time and maximum allowable dose of the drug fits into 25-30 drops. Such a severe overdose occurs when a person is under stress and unable to control themselves.
    2. Sometimes they drink alcohol simultaneously with the drug. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because alcohol several times increases the activity and effect of phenobarbital.
    3. The simultaneous administration of Corvalol and other tranquilizers or sedatives leads to the same effects.
    4. Sometimes even a standard dose of the drug can provoke the onset of symptoms of poisoning. This is due to a congenital hypersensitivity to drug components.

    Danger of medication

    If a person keeps Corvalol in his first-aid kit, he needs to know exactly in what cases and in what dosage to take this medication. It should be remembered that odorous droplets pose a real threat to human life. In case of too much overdose, death from Corvalol can occur.

    Chronic alcoholism aggravates the symptoms of poisoning

    To understand the consequences of illiterate use of the drug, see the following table. All symptoms of an overdose with Corvalol depend on the degree of intoxication:

    Poisoning level What happens to a person

    weak inhibition of all reactions;


    severe absent-mindedness;

    moderate nausea, in rare cases, vomiting;

    speech disorders


    deep, close to comatose sleep, while the victim cannot be stirred up;

    severe weakening of muscles and tendons (similar manifestations are similar to the symptoms of paralysis);

    dilation of the eye pupils;

    oliguria (a sharp decrease in urine output);

    a strong drop in blood pressure (hypotension);

    slowing down of the pulse (bradycardia);

    bradypnea (a noticeable drop in the level of breathing)



    cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes (cyatosis);

    blanching of the eye membrane;

    complete disappearance of visible reflexes

    Intoxication with Corvalol leads to damage to all internal organs, this situation is especially detrimental to the work of the central nervous system. What will doctors have to fight in case of drug overdose?

    1. Serious kidney failure. The remains of phenobarbital are excreted by the kidneys. In the event of an overdose, the renal organs, unable to cope with the work, cease to function normally.
    2. Depression of the central nervous system. Such manifestations can manifest itself in the form of a person's coma or general paralysis.
    3. Cardiac arrest. A drug overdose significantly slows down the speed of the myocardium (heart muscle). With a severe stage of poisoning, cardiac arrest can occur, leading to the death of a person.

    All the symptoms of intoxication of the body with this medicine for each person proceeds individually. It depends on the state of health, age, the presence of other pathologies and the amount of medication consumed. Is it possible to die from Corvalol and how much medication you need to take?

    What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol

    It all depends on the initial state of health of the person and his ability to resist poisoning. The lethal dose of Corvalol drops is 100-120 ml. Whereas poisoning can develop mildly when 50-70 drops are used.

    How to help the victim

    Poisoning with this drug requires immediate assistance from others. First of all, you should immediately call the ambulance doctors.

    It is impossible to cope with the manifestation of drug intoxication on its own. This condition requires exclusively medical intervention.

    Before the arrival of doctors, you can only competently alleviate a person's condition. What should be done in this case:

    1. Place the victim on a firm, level surface. This should be done if doctors begin to carry out emergency resuscitation efforts in case of cardiac arrest.
    2. Turn your head to the side. In this way, you can save the patient from accidental choking with vomit (with vomiting) or falling into the larynx of the tongue.
    3. Facilitate oxygen access. You should unfasten the buttons, remove the tie and belt from the trousers. If the victim is in the room, open all windows wide open.
    4. If the person is conscious, the patient should be allowed to drink a liter of clean drinking water at once and provoke vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. In this way, you can clear the stomach of Corvalol residues.
    5. After the cessation of vomiting, give the victim any sorbent (Enterosgel, Atoxil, Sorbex or activated carbon).

    What do doctors do

    Emergency doctors, having arrived at the call, conduct an initial examination of the victim and give a preliminary assessment of his condition. Doctors should be informed about exactly how much a person took Corvalol, what is ill, whether there are pathologies of a chronic and acute nature, how he is treated.

    It is also necessary to say the age of the victim. Such data are necessary for doctors to carry out resuscitation actions. And they are as follows:

    • connect the victim to the supply of pure oxygen;
    • using a gastric tube, the stomach is thoroughly washed;
    • carry out activities aimed at stabilizing blood pressure (if the pulse dropped to critical levels of 80/40);
    • an intravenous catheter (vinflon) is installed for easy delivery of the necessary drugs directly into the victim's body;
    • dehydration solutions are administered by intravenous infusion;
    • in case of cardiac arrest, measures of pulmonary cardiac resuscitation are carried out.

    As soon as the victim's condition improves, the person is placed in the intensive care unit or sent to toxicology. In a hospital, bemigrid is administered to the victim. It is a drug that destabilizes the activity of phenobarbital (its antidote).

    The time a patient stays in the hospital depends on the severity of the poisoning and the degree of damage to the systems and internal organs. More often, when poisoning with Corvalol, doctors give a positive prognosis if intoxication is diagnosed in mild and moderate severity, and all resuscitation measures are provided on time.

    Remember that Corvalol can turn into a killer, causing cardiac arrest, kidney failure and the development of a deep coma. Severe complications in case of accidental poisoning with a drug can be avoided only with timely access to doctors and timely assistance.

    Corvalol can be seen in almost every home medicine cabinet. It seems to many that this is a universal drug for various heart diseases, anxiety conditions. Therefore, Corvalol is often taken without always adhering to the correct dosage. Ultimately, this may not only fail to bring the desired relief, but also make the situation worse.

    What is Corvalol

    Corvalol - drops with a mild sedative, moderate hypotensive and antispasmodic effect. The preparation is based on phenobarbital (1.12%) and ethyl ester of a-bromisovaleric acid (~ 3%). These substances in the United States and a number of Western European countries are classified not only as sedatives, but also psychotropic, and are even banned for sale. Phenobarbital can be addictive, which forces a person to increase the dose. It also contains peppermint oil, alcohol and distilled water.

    Benefit and harm

    Corvalol - helps relieve pain by providing a relaxing effect.

    This popular remedy can provide some benefits to the body. When it is taken, the blood vessels dilate, affect the nasty muscles. It has a relaxing effect on the nervous system and helps relieve pain. Corvalol is appropriate to use as a quick measure for severe anxiety and nervous strain, heart pain in connection with the experience. The drug can be used as a temporary measure for heart rhythm disturbances and hypertension.

    Although Corvalol is marketed by many as a heart remedy, in most cases it is completely ineffective as a therapeutic drug. With significant and prolonged pain in the heart, complex treatment is necessary as prescribed by a cardiologist.

    Corvalol should not be used at every opportunity. The barbiturates it contains can be harmful to health. Phenobalbital can be addictive, as a result of which the usual dosage of taking the drug becomes insufficient to relieve unpleasant symptoms. The use of high doses causes intoxication.

    Ethyl bromisovalerianate is a derivative of alcohol waste (fusel oils). It is able to accumulate in the body, which over time can provoke poisoning of the kidneys, liver, etc. Corvalol is categorically impossible for people with renal and hepatic insufficiency!

    Toxic dose

    Intoxication of the body can occur from an overdose of phenobarbital. The maximum allowable dosage of Corvalol per day for an adult is 150 drops... But if there is impaired renal function, or a person is already aged, then this dose may already become toxic.

    The lethal dose of the agent is about 20 g per day (~ 0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight). The lethal dose of phenobarbital is 100 mg / kg body weight.

    General weakness and drowsiness occurs with a mild degree of intoxication with Corvalol

    The degree of drug poisoning may vary. They all have their own clinical manifestations.

    Light intoxication:

    • general weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • distracted attention;
    • lethargy;
    • muscle weakness;
    • speech impairment.

    Poisoning of moderate severity:

    • pathological long sleep in which it is difficult to wake a person;
    • increased salivation;
    • muscle weakness is expressed up to the development of incomplete paralysis (paresis);
    • lowering blood pressure;
    • the amount of urine excreted is significantly reduced;
    • in some cases, pupil dilation is possible.

    Severe poisoning:

    • loss of consciousness due to barbituric coma;
    • trouble breathing;
    • lack of reflexes;
    • acute heart failure, in which there are wheezing in the lungs, blue skin, tachycardia, and subsequently - pulmonary edema.

    Effect of alcohol on symptom severity

    Alcohol and Corvalol enhance their effect, which greatly increases the load on the body.

    When combined with alcohol, Corvalol can cause severe disorders. For compatibility with alcohol, the drug received 3 points out of 5 possible. That is, such a combination can be life threatening. If you immediately drink alcohol and Corvalol, an inhibitory effect is imposed on the nervous system. This leads to impaired coordination, depressive states and other mental disorders that do not go away for a long time.

    Secondly, metabolism is enhanced due to the synthesis of certain enzymes in the liver. This leads to a malfunction of the organ and an increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood, which causes intoxication. Alcohol and Corvalol reinforce each other's action, and this creates a double burden on the body.

    Possible causes of overdose

    Medicines are taken to relieve the condition, not make it worse. But under some circumstances, an overdose of Corvalol is possible:

    • simultaneous intake with alcohol;
    • dependence on phenobarbital, which requires a constant increase in the dose of the drug;
    • a combination of Corvalol with tranquilizers and other sedatives;
    • severe nervous disorder when a person does not control the dosage of taking the drug;
    • general weakening of the body, in which the normal dosage will be perceived as critical.

    In case of an overdose with Corvalol, you must call an ambulance

    Before the ambulance arrives, the person needs to be given first aid. This will help avoid unpleasant consequences and death.

    With a mild degree of poisoning, it is necessary:

    • call an ambulance;
    • rinse the stomach with potassium permanganate solution or soda solution;
    • induce vomiting by pressing the root of the tongue;
    • give the patient a sorbent (Enterosgel, Smektu, Polysorb);
    • take a saline laxative, make a cool enema;
    • give plenty of fluids to drink.

    For moderate and severe intoxication:

    • urgently call an ambulance;
    • put a person on a flat, hard surface, unfasten clothes and turn his head to one side;
    • check the pulse in the neck;
    • if there is no breathing, proceed to direct heart massage, artificial respiration.


    On the way to the hospital, the patient is given an intravenous injection of Bemegrid - Corvalol antidote... It is especially effective for mild poisoning.

    In the hospital, the person will be monitored by doctors around the clock. If breathing is impaired, a connection to a ventilator will be required. Oxygen inhalation is performed. Plasma solutions, glucose, sodium chloride are injected intravenously. Diuretics and Euphyllin are prescribed to stimulate urination.

    A high concentration of phenobarbital is removed by hemosorption with activated carbon. Up to 70% of the toxin can be removed in 1 procedure. If the blood pressure is normal, hemodialysis is done.

    The consequences of Corvalol poisoning can be different, ranging from headache, dermatitis, breathing disorders and ending with death

    An overdose of the drug can lead to serious complications in the body. They are mainly determined by the dosage of the medication taken and the timeliness of first aid.

    Poisoning consequences:

    • dermatitis of varying degrees;
    • disruption of the central nervous system;
    • headache;
    • heart or kidney failure;
    • heart attack or stroke;
    • paralysis;
    • breathing disorder;
    • death.

    Corvalol is a drug that should be used with extreme caution. The barbiturates it contains are addictive. This threatens with serious consequences. Therefore, in a number of countries, drugs with these substances are generally prohibited for import. Corvalol is available on the market today, so it continues to be used in the old fashioned way for heart pains and strong experiences. Before buying a remedy, you need to consult your doctor. Perhaps it is not at all what you need in your case.

    There are a lot of medicines that have been in pharmacies and home medicine kits for decades. We all know about them from childhood and are not at all afraid of them. They are quiet, familiar and always at hand, like your favorite home slippers: I used them, and immediately it became easy and calm.

    But no matter what we are dealing with, no matter how harmless and familiar it may seem to us, it is always worth handling objects with care. Even thanks to the house slippers, no matter how cozy and warm they are, you can fall if you slip on the wet floor. And what can we say about drugs! Moreover, they may not be so friendly inhabitants of our house.

    For example, the well-known and dear to heart "Corvalol", which can show his needles to those who treat him too carelessly.

    Unclear diagnosis

    I want to tell you a story. Once a young woman of 27 years old was admitted to the neurological department. According to her mother, she found her lying in the hallway of her apartment. The daughter's speech was incomprehensible and incoherent. The woman staggered and stood with difficulty on her feet. The arriving ambulance team did not decide on the diagnosis and took the woman to the hospital, where she was hospitalized with suspicion of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

    Computed tomography (CT) scans did not reveal any problems in the brain. And in the morning the girl became cheerful and cheerful. All her balance and speech problems disappeared. Relatives and doctors gasped: "Well, thank God." We decided to wait another week, conduct additional research, and dismiss the lady. However, the very next day, the patient was found lying on the floor in her ward, in the same condition that she had been hospitalized. Again fuss and research, again CT, and again in 2 days the woman is fresh as a cucumber.

    This went on several times. Doctors were perplexed, relatives were angry ... until someone discovered a bag of empty Corvalol bottles in the patient's bedside table. The patient admitted that she took all this "Corvalol" inside during her stay in the hospital.

    Why didn't anyone guess?

    Yes, no one guessed right away, even despite the persistent smell of Corvalol in the ward. Why did the doctors not guess? The Corvalol abuse epic was just beginning then. This medicine was on the market a long time ago, but all narcological subtleties were mostly known to narcologists. And narcologists are the kind of people who also tell very few people their professional secrets, because there are always people who will take this information as a guide to action.

    Earlier, people in Russia had a rather rigid attitude that a medicine is a medicine and it should be taken as it should be. And it was only in the perestroika times that the opinion began to spread widely that “doctors know nothing, you have to treat yourself”.

    And a considerable part of cases of self-medication is expressed in the fact that patients change the dose of their drugs according to their own ideas about the safety and danger of the drug. Corvalol has always been considered “harmless”. It seemed to many that if you dug a little of it into a glass, then there would be no trouble. Who will be hurt by some 10-20 extra drops? And for this reason, cases of its abuse began to appear more and more often.

    Narcotic bottle

    So is the Corvalol dangerous? The perception of "Corvalol" as a faithful friend standing side by side in the face of life's ups and downs played a bad joke with this drug. Now they want to present it everywhere as 50 ml of evil in a dark bottle, but it is really good when used correctly.

    Everyone knew that there was phenobarbital, which had long been a “registration drug” (that is, it is issued by prescription and its consumption is strictly controlled in hospitals). But for humans, it was a convenient nerve-calming drug that helped. And the ban on free sale was perceived by them as government malice. How much phenobarbital is in that Corvalol? The cat wept. As a result, Corvalol is still sold in Russia without a prescription, but the problem with the possibility of developing dependence on it still remains.

    Let's see how it is that people become addicted to the drug. It is really low in phenobarbital. Only 7.5 mg in 20 drops. This is 6.7 times less than in one phenobarbital tablet. Those. even if you drink "Corvalol" 3 times a day, 15–20 drops, as recommended, no trouble will happen. And many people can really drink Corvalol for years at this dose without fear of physical dependence.

    Heart care

    However, it should be noted that psychological dependence on the reception can arise. "Corvalol" can become a symbol of the depth of mental suffering in some people prone to demonstrative behavior. If someone starts to drink "heart drops", it means that he is very upset and shows it to others. In other cases, especially in the elderly, Corvalol is simply part of the daily routine. A man got up in the morning, drank his morning pills and dripped “nerves” just in case. Naturally, if suddenly "Corvalol" disappears from the reach zone, this causes some panic, because in life something begins to be greatly lacking.

    Tenacious legs "Corvalola"

    But the real dependence is characterized not so much by the regularity of the intake as by the size of the dose and its gradual increase day by day. If you start taking Corvalol per day, already 1 bottle, then the dose will be more than 3 tablets of phenobarbital. Accordingly, if you drink a bottle 3 times a day, you get a much larger dose. And if the dose of phenobarbital is increased 3-4 times, dependence on the substance is formed in 75% of people.

    In addition, in the case of Corvalol, things are even more complicated. 96% of the drug is ethyl alcohol. And alcohol with phenobarbital intensify each other's action, and therefore dependence develops much faster, without reaching high doses.

    But addiction is one side of the Corvalol abuse coin. Both phenobarbital and alcohol cause damage to the nervous system. In this case, they collectively strike the brain, causing damage.

    How can this happen

    Why do people start to abuse the drug? Basically, a person gets into the Corvalol network by accident. Those. he has no purposeful desire to introduce himself into a state of intoxication. These people have various mental and psychological problems, such as depression or chronic anxiety. In these cases, "Corvalol" does not have any significant and lasting improvement in the condition. At first, it seems, the symptoms recede, and then everything starts anew. People begin to gradually add the dose, wanting to calm down, but there is no rest.

    How not to get addicted?

    1. Do not exceed recommended doses.
    2. Do not mix the reception of "Corvalol" with alcohol and other sedatives.
    3. If the recommended dose of Corvalol is no longer enough, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of others.
    4. If your daily dose exceeds the recommended dose, gradually reduce the dose.

    It is advisable after that to completely abandon the "Corvalol". It is unlikely that he will have an effect.

    Natalia Stillson


    Corvalol is present in almost every home medicine cabinet today. Many consider it a universal remedy for "pain in the heart", for anxiety, and for soothing. Frequent use of Corvalol, for various reasons and in large doses, can have serious consequences.

    What awaits Corvalol's "amateurs"? How much should you drink to get poisoned? What are the symptoms of an overdose? What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol? All this, as well as the rules of first aid and treatment, will be discussed further.

    Is it possible to be poisoned by Corvalol and how does this happen? You can get poisoned and it happens due to the long-acting barbiturate contained in it - Phenobarbital.

    How many drops of Corvalol do you need to get poisoned? The maximum dose of the drug per day can be up to 150 drops. In case of impaired renal function, as well as in the elderly, it can already cause intoxication. The incorrect selection of the dose to the child also threatens poisoning. The cause can be anxiety and depressive disorders, and other reasons when the maximum dose is exceeded.

    Corvalol poisoning symptoms

    With Corvalol poisoning, the symptoms can be mild, moderate and severe.

    What to do in case of poisoning with Corvalol

    In case of poisoning with Corvalol, what can be done at each stage of poisoning, how to provide first aid?

    In case of mild intoxication, the stomach is washed to clean wash water, any sorbent available at hand, taking into account the absence of its intolerance, at the rate of one third of the maximum daily dose. At this stage, they also give a saline laxative, make a cleansing enema. Any enveloping drink is also suitable (but this is already in the last place). It is imperative to call an ambulance, because the severity of the condition can quickly increase.

    In a state of moderate and severe severity, an ambulance must be called immediately!

    While the medical team is traveling, lay the victim on the floor, unfasten his clothing, turn his head to one side. Assess the presence of cardiac activity to determine the pulsation in the neck.

    To recognize if there is breathing, you need to put your ear to the chest. Having a phonendoscope at home will facilitate the procedure. If no cardiac activity is detected, it is necessary to perform chest compressions and artificial respiration.

    Even during the transportation of the patient, he is injected intravenously with the antidote Corvalol - Bemegrid. It is most effective for mild intoxication.

    In the hospital, the victim will be under round-the-clock supervision of doctors. In case of respiratory failure, connect to a ventilator (artificial lung ventilation), inhalation of oxygen. They give a water load: solutions of sodium chloride, glucose, plasma substitutes are introduced. An increase in the volume of urine excretion is stimulated by Euphyllin and osmotic diuretics under the control of the concentration of magnesium and potassium in the blood.

    In such patients, tissue nutrition is quickly disrupted, and bedsores develop, therefore it is very important to carry out thorough care and other anti-decubitus procedures. This is often done by relatives rather than by medical personnel.

    With a high concentration of Phenobarbital in the blood and a stable level of blood pressure, hemodialysis is performed. Severe poisoning is an indication for hemosorption with activated carbon, which removes up to 70% of the poison in 1 session.

    Symptomatic treatment is mandatory.

    Consequences of Corvalol poisoning

    With Corvalol poisoning, the consequences can be very serious. Starting from severe dermatitis, ending with acute respiratory, cardiac and renal failure. The largest number of deaths among drug poisoning is observed precisely from drugs containing Phenobarbital and other long-acting barbituric acid derivatives. The consequences are largely determined by the dose of the substance taken, the severity of intoxication, the timeliness of therapeutic measures.

    Today in any pharmacy you can buy Corvalol without a prescription. Due to the low availability of free medical care, it is easier for a person to drink the same Corvalol or its famous analogue Valocordin and calm down on this. It became easier and okay. It is not for nothing that they say that only the healthiest person can get to the doctor in our clinics. Today many heart patients are treated like this. Hence the transferred myocardial infarctions on the legs. Despite this, medical attention should still be sought. Knowing about the dangers of improper treatment and intoxication with Corvalol, you must take good care of your health and do not take anything without consulting a specialist!

    The lethal value of Corvalol is 0.1–0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight, or an average of 20 grams of the drug. The average lethal dose of Phenobarbital is 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

    Even the article is lying! During the night I drank a current of 2 fanfurics 50 ml, and 2.5 for 25 ml per day.

    The third day is sausage, I just can't get away ... I thought they would be kicked out of work, I didn't know that there was some kind of drug.

    Sorry, it hasn't come out yet, I haven't figured it out ...

    That's 20 grams of the drug per 1 kg of body weight, right?

    My approximate weight is 100 kg, my physique is not fat ...

    2 fanfurics 50 ml, and in a day 2.5 fanfurics 25 ml each \u003d 162.5 ml how it does not come out ... advise how to quickly get out of this state ...

    The article tells you what to do.

    Within 4 days I took 100 ml of Corvalol daily. Now, after reading the article, I am amazed how I survived ?! I drank Corvalol, especially to sleep after three days of drinking. I was afraid to just suffer from a hangover syndrome.

    I drink Corvalol when I have panic attacks - I got sick of them already. It seems to help me. For 50 kg of weight 20-30 drops.

    Valentine, you do not consider Corvalol itself, but Corvalol along with alcohol and additives.

    With a hangover, I drank 2 large bottles, I almost blew my head off, but the hangover released. How to be treated?

    What kind of alcohol are you yelling at? Barbitura and blue is a complete tin.

    I drank 6 30 ml vials of Corvalol. Legs began to fail, a complete loss of orientation, a conversation like that of a drunk - the language is braided. Falling at every step. I thought I was paralyzed. But it carries away trenchant vodka, the third day I can not leave. Guys do not repeat the mistakes of others, it is better to buy a beer or a bottle of vodka. Better not to drink at all. And for people like us, alcohol is contraindicated.

    02/15/17 daughter 24g died in her arms.

    In the evening they drank beer at a friend's, the next day at her house her chest was twisted and her arms twisted. An ambulance arrived and was prescribed 40 drops of Corvalol, after 3-5 minutes she wheezed and froth from the mouth and that's it.

    It is somehow related to alcohol + corvalol.

    We, in the it-department, had a sensible piece of iron, during the period of hard drinking he jammed Corvalol with furiks.

    They say he helps alcoholics with a hangover syndrome and getting out of a binge (he was still looking for private traders on the Internet, taking them out of binge, and also visited a drug addict on an outpatient basis).

    Hello! My son died on December 28, 2016 ... He was addicted to Corvalol, although he rarely took it lately. But on December 25, he bought 7 bottles of Corvalol, 50 mg each. We live separately and I did not know about it. On December 27 it was his birthday, my husband and I stopped by to see him. He did not look drunk. We had a bottle of champagne and a liter of light beer. And he also asked for phenazepam, because he had panic attacks and in some distraction (because my mother died for 20 days) gave him 10 pills, but he never more than 3-4 pcs. did not accept. Drank shampanskoe and beer, then cooked chicken in the oven and lay down to rest under the covers. But he never woke up again. They did an autopsy and said that he died of phenobarbital poisoning (100 mg in the stomach). But where could there be such a large dose of phenobarbital, if he did not take phenobarbital tablets, and he took Corvalol 5 days ago (the autopsy was done on December 30). Maybe it is or not. He did not vomit. He both lay down and lay. Although initially they diagnosed acute cardiomyopathy.

    For all questions, a doctor's consultation is required!

    What to do in case of an overdose with Corvalol

    Corvalol is a popular and affordable over-the-counter drug available in pharmacies. He is part of the first aid kit in many families. This seemingly safe drug, if taken incorrectly, can lead to serious consequences. This article discusses in detail an overdose of Corvalol, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and first aid rules during its development.

    Corvalol is a sedative and sedative. Available in drops and tablets. It contains menthol and phenobarbital. Many people mistakenly believe that it affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    Phenobarbital, the main active ingredient in Corvalol, belongs to the group of barbiturates. It is released under the name Luminal. This is a very potent component, with the help of which convulsive episodes are removed in patients with epilepsy. It can be highly addictive and addictive. In Corvalol, phenobarbital is present in a small concentration, due to which it provides a slight sedative effect.

    Indications for taking Corvalol:

    • sleep disturbances, insomnia;
    • episodes of stressful situations;
    • panic attacks;
    • nervous overstrain.

    Please note that taking Corvalol is contraindicated in pregnant, breastfeeding and children under 12 years of age.

    Reasons for drug overdose

    As medical practice shows, in most cases, Corvalol is used by patients without coordinating the dosage and indications with the attending doctor. Many, unaware of the consequences, take it often and daily. It is especially popular with the elderly, who drink it to "treat heart disease."

    Below are the main causes of "overdose" of this drug:

    • A single dose of Corvalol. There are times when people drink a whole bottle of the drug. You cannot take more than 25 drops of this medicine for the infection. Such an overdose of Corvalol often occurs during severe emotional upheavals, during which a person cannot control the amount of medication taken.
    • Taking the drug together with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol enhances the effect of phenobarbital.
    • The combination of Corvalol with other sedative drugs or tranquilizers causes the development of side effects of phenobarbital.
    • Hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. In this case, Corvalol poisoning can occur from even a few drops of the medicine.

    What are the consequences of an overdose

    If you have Corvalol in your home medicine cabinet, you should know why this drug is dangerous. An overdose of Corvalol can lead to severe disruptions in the functioning of the body and to death. In large doses, it causes intoxication, affects the internal organs and the nervous system.

    The list shows what will happen to the body if you drink a lot of this medicine:

    • Acute renal failure. Phenobarbital is excreted from the body by the kidneys, and with a high concentration of it, they may not be able to cope.
    • Heart failure. A large dose of Corvalol slows down the rate of heart contractions, slows down the pulse, and can lead to its arrest.
    • Depression of the nervous system, which can manifest itself as paralysis, the development of a coma.
    • Death. Death is due to kidney failure, or cardiac arrest.

    The main clinical manifestations of overdose

    Symptoms of an overdose of Corvalol for a person depend on the amount of medication taken. A bottle of the drug drunk at a time is a lethal dose, and symptoms of mild overdose develop when 60-80 drops are taken orally.

    The table below shows the main symptoms of Corvalol poisoning, depending on the severity of the intoxication process:

    • feeling of weakness throughout the body;
    • drowsiness;
    • distraction;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • slurred speech.
    • deep sleep in which the poisoned person cannot be woken up;
    • feeling of weakness in the arms and legs, resembling paralysis;
    • dilated pupils;
    • decrease in the amount of urine excreted;
    • hypotension (drop in blood pressure);
    • bradycardia (slow pulse).
    • bradypnea (rare breath).
    • depression of consciousness to coma;
    • cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the skin and visible mucous membranes, pallor of the conjunctival membrane of the eye;
    • lack of tendon reflexes.

    What to do in case of an overdose with Corvalol

    An overdose of Corvalol requires emergency assistance to the victim. First of all, you should call an ambulance. The dispatcher on the phone needs to accurately describe the current situation and name the correct location.

    Please note that you cannot try to cope with an overdose of Corvalol on your own. This condition requires qualified medical attention.

    While the doctors are traveling, it is necessary to begin to provide the patient with first aid. This should be done in the following sequence:

    1. Place the poisoned person on a flat, hard surface. This is necessary in case of possible cardiac arrest.
    2. Turn the patient's head to one side, this will save him from tongue retraction and suffocation with vomit.
    3. Unbutton any tight clothing (tie, belt, shirt) and open all windows in the room for fresh air.
    4. If the person is conscious, give him a gulp of a liter of plain water, which will need to be pulled out immediately. This procedure can be repeated several times. It will help cleanse the stomach from the remainder of the drug, which did not have time to be absorbed into the blood.
    5. Give the patient sorbents (Activated carbon, Atoxil, Smecta, Sorbeks, White coal, Enterosgel).

    Overdose treatment

    The doctors of the ambulance team, having arrived at the call, will assess the severity of the victim's condition. It is necessary to tell them the approximate amount of Corvalol drunk by a person, the concomitant diseases of the poisoned person, and the names of the drugs that he takes on an ongoing basis.

    Doctors will provide first aid, which consists of the following:

    • connecting the patient to oxygen;
    • gastric lavage through a tube;
    • increased arterial blood pressure, if at the time of their arrival it is below 80/40 mm;
    • the establishment of vinflon (intravenous catheter), and the introduction through it of solutions for dehydration (Trisol, Disol, Reosorbilact);
    • in case of clinical death - cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    After stabilizing the patient's condition, he is hospitalized in the intensive care unit, or in toxicology. The antidote of phenobarbital, bemigrid, is introduced in the hospital.

    The duration of hospitalization and treatment depends on the severity of the damage to the internal organs. In the case of mild to moderate poisoning, the prognosis is favorable.

    Corvalol poisoning is a life-threatening condition. This drug, familiar to many, in large doses, leads to cardiac arrest, acute renal failure and coma, and severe consequences from all organs and systems. Corvalol contains a potent substance - phenobarbital. Correctly provided first aid can help to avoid serious complications, and give the poisoned person a chance to survive until the arrival of the medical team. Treatment of an overdose with Corvalol is carried out in the intensive care unit, where an antidote is administered - bemigrid.

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    I think Corvalol should be sold strictly according to the prescription. Would have saved many lives. I already have two friends who were in intensive care due to an overdose of Corvalol.

    All information on the site is intended for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for action.

    We strongly recommend that you see a doctor for medical assistance.