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  • Where is gref now. President, chairman of the board

    Where is gref now.  President, chairman of the board

    German was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR.

    From 1982 to 1984 he served in the special forces units of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    In 1990 he graduated from the law faculty of Omsk State University. Fluent in German and English.

    From 1990 to 1993, he was a graduate student of the law faculty of the Leningrad State University. The scientific supervisor was Anatoly Sobchak, to whom he came on the recommendation of the dean of the law faculty of Omsk State University, Sergei Baburin. Gref did not defend his thesis at that time.

    1991: Work in the administration of St. Petersburg

    • 1991-1992 - Legal Adviser of the 1st category of the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of Petrodvorets and St. Petersburg.
    • In 1992, he was appointed head of the Petrodvorets District Agency of the Committee for City Property Management of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office.
    • 1992-1994 - Chairman of the Property Management Committee, Deputy Head of the Administration of the city of Petrodvorets.
    • In 1994 he became Deputy Chairman, First Deputy Chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office.
    • 1997-1998 - Vice Governor, Chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office.

    1998: Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation

    • 1998 - Member of the Board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
    • 1999 - Member of the Board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, Head of the Center for Strategic Research.

    2000: Head of the Ministry of Economic Development

    • In 2000, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation.
    • From May 2000 to September 2007 - Head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

    One of Gref's main tasks as Minister of Economic Development was negotiations on Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization. And if at first the goal was to join the WTO at any cost and as quickly as possible, then the principle became the main one: "Russia will join the organization on the most favorable terms for itself." In this regard, the terms of accession to the WTO were constantly postponed. Under G. Gref, bilateral negotiations between Russia and all major world trading powers were successfully completed.

    In his post, G. Gref also actively advocated the development of industrial production in Russia. 2005 became especially successful for him in this area. Thus, the Sukhoj Super Jet-100 (SSJ-100, formerly RRJ) program, a joint project of the Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company, the Ilyushin Aviation Complex and Boeing, fell into his sphere of influence.

    In the same year, the famous government decree N166 was issued, providing incentives for automakers who opened assembly plants in Russia (the conclusion of relevant agreements with auto giants was supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade).

    In the same 2005, a law developed by the ministry was adopted that regulates the activities of special economic zones and provides for preferential conditions for their residents. G. Gref also achieved for his department the right to distribute funds for innovative projects both through the established Russian Venture Company (RVC) and through the Investment Fund.

    In 2005, the minister became the chairman of the commission forming the list of projects co-financed from the RF Investment Fund.

    G. Gref also actively participated in promoting Sochi as a venue for the 2014 Olympics. Under him, the Ministry of Economic Development oversaw the federal target program "Development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort until 2014", which was later transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development.

    2007: President and chairman of the board of directors of Sberbank

    November 28, 2007 at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Gref was elected president, chairman of the board of the credit institution. In this position, he replaced Andrey Kazmin, who was appointed head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post". Despite G. Gref's statement that no drastic changes in personnel policy are planned, several people from the bank's top management submitted applications for resignation. Among them were deputy chairmen of the board, heads of leading departments. However, the former minister did not lose his optimism - heading Sberbank, G. Gref, in his characteristic energetic manner, said: "We must prove that elephants can dance ... Give me time, and then we'll see who is capable of what."

    So, G. Gref plans to make Sberbank more "client-oriented", in connection with which the bank has seriously increased the requirements for employees, as well as work is underway to improve the principles of work, especially those related to retail lending. Another serious undertaking by G. Gref was the expensive rebranding of Sberbank, the expediency of which in the conditions of the financial crisis caused a wave of indignation in the media. In addition, being a supporter of the idea of ​​privatizing state banks, G. Gref advocates reducing the share of the Central Bank in the authorized capital of the bank to 50% + 1 share from the current 57.6%. However, the Russian government is in no hurry to privatize Sberbank, explaining this by its traditionally high social significance.

    In May-June 2010 it became known that Gref became the owner of 0.0007% of ordinary shares of Sberbank of Russia, while his share in the authorized capital of the bank was 0.0006%. Earlier G. Gref did not own the bank's shares. In October 2011. he increased his share of ordinary shares to 0.003%, and his participation in the authorized capital of the bank - to 0.0031%.

    German Gref talks about Sberbank's crowdsourcing project

    • Member of the boards of directors and supervisory boards of a number of joint stock companies and companies.

    2011: Candidate of Economic Sciences

    2011 - thesis defense in

    Gref German Oskarovich is known for his political activities not only in Russia, but also abroad. His conceptual ideas are very popular. In 2007, Gref becomes the head of Sberbank, which he is to the present day. According to Forbes magazine, the banker was included in the list of nine Russian businessmen who are considered eccentrics and eccentrics. Who is German Gref? His biography is very rich in events, and in this article we will take a closer look at the life of a politician.

    Place of birth and family

    Gref German Oskarovich was born on February 8, 1964 in the Kazakh SSR, in the village of Panfilovo, Pavlograd region. His parents are ethnic Germans who were exiled from Donbass to Kazakhstan in 1941. Then I had to live under the harsh conditions of the curfew. It was in such an environment that German Gref grew up.

    His family was simple: his father worked as an engineer, and his mother worked as a bookkeeper. The future famous politician was the third child, he had a brother and sister. German Gref, whose nationality predetermined that he would carry two cultures from childhood, grew up calm and orderly. Parents communicated with their children in two languages: German and Russian.

    German Gref: biography

    German married early, to his former classmate and went with her to Omsk in order to enter the university, but this attempt was unsuccessful. Soon he was taken into the army, where he served for two years in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After serving in the army, he made a second attempt to enter the university. And this time his longed-for dream comes true - he becomes an entrant of the law faculty of Omsk State University.

    By the way, at the end of his studies he was awarded a red diploma, and besides, he has established himself during the years of study at the university as an active participant in public life. German Gref, whose nationality to some extent hindered his development during the Soviet era, achieved success in spite of everything.

    Later he became a graduate student at Leningrad State University (1990-1993). True, after completing his postgraduate studies, Herman was never able to defend his thesis. In order to provide for his family, while still a student, he went to work in construction teams.

    In 1990, Gref was a lecturer at the Law Faculty of OSU. In 2011, at RANEPA, after many years, he managed to make another attempt to defend his thesis, which he did successfully.

    He is fluent in German and loves to read Goethe.

    Moving to St. Petersburg

    In 1991, the family moved to the Northern capital and got a job in the administration of the Petrodvorets district. German Gref, whose biography is presented to your attention, has been receiving high-ranking positions over and over again since then. Here he first worked for a year as a lawyer, and then headed the KUGI for two years and was the deputy head of the city of Petrodvorets.

    During his work, he showed himself as an intelligent pedant who has a professional acumen. Thus, for three years he supervised the property of the town-museum in various positions, and later was engaged in the same activity, only at the St. Petersburg level.

    In the early 90s, Mayor Sobchak was Gref's scientific advisor at Leningrad State University, so since that time the latter had good connections with politicians, which could not but affect the development of his future career. In addition, he was familiar with Vladimir Putin. Sobchak and Putin are often even called the "godfathers" of German Gref.

    1994 marked a new round in German Gref's political career - he became deputy chairman of the KUGI of the St. Petersburg mayor's office. Later, namely in 1997-1998, he served as chairman and vice-governor.

    In 1997, German Oskarovich is a member of the board of directors of JSC Lenenergo and becomes vice-governor. And in 1998 he became a member of the board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation and First Deputy Minister. A year later, he turns out to be a member of the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market and, in addition, heads the Center for Strategic Research Foundation.

    Moscow career

    In 2000, after Gref moved to live in the capital, he was appointed Deputy Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation, later - Minister of Economic Development and Trade.

    From 2000 to 2007 he is the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov and Mikhail Kasyanov. At that time, he actively supported Russia in its entry into the WTO (World Trade Organization). In July 2000, he was appointed as the RF Governor at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and in the same year, somewhat later, he became the RF Deputy Governor at the MBRD. From 2011 to the present, Genrikh Oskarovich - Member of the RS Board of Trustees for International Affairs. And since 2007 - the head of Sberbank.

    Attitude to sports

    German Gref has a positive attitude towards sports and since childhood he was fond of various sports, such as athletics, hockey and basketball. He later took an interest in tennis.

    He assures that he trains at least 4 times a week, however, due to his busyness, this is not always possible. In addition, the head of Sberbank insists that all of his top managers visit the gym at least 3 times a week.

    German Gref: personal life

    The first time Gref got engaged very early, and soon after the wedding, he and his wife Elena Velikanova had a son. German Gref's wife is currently the designer Yana Golovina, with whom he married in the throne room of the Peterhof reserve. In 2006, their daughter was born. And his son Oleg, from his first marriage, has now graduated from Moscow State University and became vice president of the NEO Center company.


    Since 2007, German Oskarovich has been the president and chairman of the board of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

    According to German Gref, Sberbank requires competitiveness to be the key point in its activities. Therefore, from the moment he started his activities at the main bank in Russia, he began a course towards creating a flexible and reliable structure, responsive to market signals, and friendly to depositors. Under his leadership, Sberbank was updated not only externally - the team of top managers was also updated.

    Harsh but fair

    German Gref's statements about the people and what is happening in the country are sometimes somewhat harsh and carry the harsh truth about reality. In the recent past, a situation arose when German Gref in his speech called Russia a downshifter. This statement did not like the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Nikolai Levichev, who in response to these words suggested that the politician resign voluntarily.

    German Gref once spoke about the people as follows: "As soon as all people understand the basis of their" I ", they self-identify, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them," meaning that it will be difficult to live in such a society and not easy manage it. Regarding the current position of our country in the world economy, he asserts the following: "Russia is losing the competition, and the oil age has come to an end. From now on, the country's only chance is to develop the following three components - science, education and business." It was then that a scandalous statement was made, which some did not like, that Russia is a downshifting country - that is, it is a loser.

    To change the current situation, Gref suggested joining the technological revolution and changing the education model that has remained since Soviet times. It is with this, in his opinion, that it is necessary to start in order for any shifts for the better to occur.

    Here are some more of his quotes:

    • "We are creating an absolutely unthinkable number of universities that train accountants, our whole country will soon become accountants!"
    • "The media should be allowed into all the secret processes of civil servants."
    • "The most difficult choice - nobody can be thrown out" (on the creation of special economic zones).


    Four criminal cases were associated with Gref's name while he served as vice-governor and chairman of the KUGI of St. Petersburg. One of them has to do with the privatization of the palace of Prince Gorchakov. The politician decided to privatize it, but the status of a federal monument contradicted these actions on his part.

    The next time he was suspected of taking a bribe. This happened due to the situation when German Gref transferred the Haymarket without competitive bidding to the director of one commercial center. After that, one businessman, who wanted to receive the named object, was informed that a bribe helped Gref in making this decision - but he was never interrogated in the case.

    The third case was connected with the JSC "Color Printing Works". German Gref issued an order, according to which the position of the general director was to be taken by a person from the politician's inner circle. The prosecutor's office saw this as interference of the authorities in the activities of the organization. This time, too, the case was not given a move.

    And finally, the last criminal case was related to the redistribution of the real estate business in St. Petersburg. Then four large firms could not divide the spheres of influence, and Alexander Moshkalov, who at that time was trying to subordinate large real estate agencies to his influence, made an appointment with the president of the city Association of Realtors in Gref's office.


    German Oskarovich has achieved great success in politics, but not only. For a long time he has been at the helm of the largest bank in Russia. His personality is somewhat controversial and certainly flamboyant. German Gref, whose biography is set out in the article, is known for his hard work, perseverance and great goals. He is an ambitious and versatile person.

    Gref was born in 1964 in the village of Panfilovo in northern Kazakhstan into the family of a Jewish mother and a German father, who were exiled from Donbass in 1941 (so the label "German-Jewish fascist" that arose during his reform process is correct). When he was one and a half years old, his father died, the boy was raised by a Jewish mother and grandmother. He studied averagely, in grades and fours, but was distinguished by perseverance and managed to enter MGIMO, which was then the main humanitarian university of a huge country (in the USSR it was possible), but was expelled after the first year. According to his official biography, the 17-year-old boy became a legal advisor to the regional agricultural administration.

    He served in the special forces of the internal troops, whose functions include escorting dangerous prisoners, searching for fugitives, suppressing riots. As a person who served in the army without exams, he got to the workers' faculty of Omsk University and entered the law faculty, where he became a Komsomol organizer and head of a student operative detachment. After graduating from the university in 1990, Gref entered the graduate school of the Leningrad State University, but did not defend his thesis: for a career in new times, it was no longer needed.

    Sobchak turned out to be Gref's scientific supervisor, and in 1991 the graduate student became a legal adviser to the Committee for Economic Development and Property of the Administration of the Petrodvorets District of St. Petersburg, and in 1992 he headed the Committee on Property Management of this district. In 1994, he became deputy chairman of the City Property Management Committee (KUGI) of the "northern capital", managed all the city's real estate.

    After Yakovlev's victory over Sobchak, Gref took the initiative and, as one of the ideologues of the housing and communal services reform, rose to a new step in the career ladder, becoming the first deputy chairman of the KUGI, although the liberal reform led to the usual results (the rent doubled without improving services). After the assassination of the head of the KUGI, Manevich, Gref took over his post, becoming vice-governor.

    Numerous accusations against Gref of crimes characteristic of liberal reforms had no consequences; for example, the case of illegal transfer for a bribe of the Senny market in the center of St. Petersburg was closed after the murder of the only witness.

    Five days before the 1998 default, on the recommendation of Chubais, he was appointed First Deputy Minister of State Property of Russia.

    After Primakov's resignation, Gref reached a new level: he became a member of the collegium of state representatives in Rosgosstrakh and Transneft, the collegium of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the Boards of Directors of Aeroflot and Gazprom, and the chairman of the board of directors of Sheremetyevo Airport.

    In December 1999, he became head of the Center for Strategic Research, which Putin instructed to develop a strategy for 10 years. The titled reformers seem to have shied away from this honor as troublesome and unrelated to material benefits, and Gref jumped at the chance to come to the fore.

    And just as the "500 Days" program brought Yavlinsky into politics, the 2010 strategy brought Gref into the government: in May 2000, he headed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade created for him.

    Lord of Reform

    The CSR brought together the overwhelming majority of qualified Russian experts, but their work was wasted.

    An example is working on banking reform. Almost all specialists in the country presented reasoned proposals, which were discarded, and the text was written "from scratch" by one person who did not even know what types of banking licenses there are in Russia. The absurdity of the result caused a categorical protest from the leadership of the Central Bank, and this section was excluded from the strategy.

    It was an unworked, incoherent, unstructured set of unreasonable demands. The resume attributed by Kommersant to Prime Minister Kasyanov "The mountain gave birth to a mouse. It's good that it wasn't a cockroach" was perceived as a mild and balanced assessment.

    The government never approved it.

    Nevertheless, a number of its provisions were pushed through by the liberals in the form of separate reforms that caused enormous damage to Russia.

    The key mechanism of the strategy is to stop the capital outflow from the country by improving the investment climate, although with a strong capital outflow such an improvement with liberal prescriptions is impossible (it resembles the treatment with pills for dizziness caused by blood loss due to a ruptured artery). The investment climate can be improved only by means of state regulation, primarily by modernizing the infrastructure, which contradicts the interests of global business and is therefore rejected by the liberals.

    Helpless babbling about a decrease in capital outflows for unknown reasons served as a simple cover for the main and only well-developed tool for ensuring economic growth: a quarter cut in government spending, primarily due to social spending in the regions.

    The refusal of the state from social obligations, "social default" as the core of the strategy gave it the character of social genocide and made it a necessary condition for a liberal dictatorship.

    The strategy required the abandonment of non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity, which soon led to the destruction of the standardization system, the destruction of the product quality control system. The requirement to join the WTO, whose main lobbyist was Gref, was fulfilled - on completely colonial terms - and sharply slowed down the economy, replacing the confident investment growth with a recession.

    The promise to "remove obstacles to the bankruptcy of inefficient enterprises" resulted, along with the "de-bureaucratization" of the economy, which was also driven by Gref, into the creation of ideal conditions for unpunished raiding, the rampant of which destroyed the very notion of ownership.

    The "legalization of capital exports" resulted in the abolition of foreign exchange regulation, which made Russia defenseless against fluctuations in the global environment. How not to recall the oligarch Bendukidze, for whom the main human right and the criterion of democracy was the right to freely export a million dollars!

    The reform of natural monopolies, outlined in Gref's strategy, was implemented in the catastrophe of the electric power industry and the lesser known disruption of rail transport.

    The reform of housing and communal services has led to a horrendous increase in tariffs while the industry has been disorganized.

    Reform of labor relations has deprived workers of real opportunities to protect their inalienable rights.

    The cuts in social assistance were implemented in the form of cannibalistic monetization of benefits, pension reform, and the destruction of education and health care.

    In the first versions of the draft strategy, Gref directly pointed out the need to overcome the tendency towards the formation of a "welfare state." An attempt to abolish the Constitution, which enshrines the social character of the state, failed: direct self-revealing formulations were removed from the text, but the ideology was implemented.

    Finally, judicial reform, as far as can be judged, shaped the administrative control over the courts and led to the disintegration of the latter, in effect depriving Russians of access to justice.

    Gref was the engine of practically all liberal reforms both ex officio and by virtue of personal preferences.

    When creating the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT), he tried to grab as many functions as possible in order to maximize his influence. As a result, it turned out to be a cumbersome monster, uncontrollable due to the volume of its functions (only at the beginning there were 159 of them, and the number of departments exceeded 50).

    The lack of control of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was also caused by the unification of heterogeneous, unrelated functions (for example, the regulation of foreign trade and the provision of northern delivery), as well as the unification of tasks, the implementation of which required different types of management organization. Their unification ensured the organizational incompatibility of the corresponding control loops, permanent internal conflict and, as a consequence, the loss of controllability. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was reminiscent of Kurchatov, who would be instructed to make an atomic bomb in three years ... provided he was simultaneously working as a traffic controller.

    The disability was aggravated by unprofessionalism, which became the hallmark of "Greece": the Minister of Economic Development himself was a lawyer, M. Dmitriev was in charge of pension affairs, until 1997 he studied banks, the reform of natural monopolies - A. Sharonov, who was engaged in social policy, and strategic development issues - A. Dvorkovich, who analyzed the budget.

    This is probably no coincidence: the destructive essence of liberal reforms in Russia excludes their implementation by specialists.

    Master of the People's Money

    In 2007, Gref suddenly became the head of Sberbank, leaving, following Chubais's example, from the government for a large state-owned company. Probably, he was bored with the apparatus struggle, and he wanted to become the sovereign owner of a large structure that provides him with legal wealth and not administrative, but socio-political influence.

    Sberbank, which permeated the daily life of most Russians and has branches in all more or less significant settlements, met this goal no less than RAO "UES of Russia".

    Sberbank reform caused numerous scandals; so, carried out in the conditions of the crisis, with nothing really substantiated and hardly noticed by anyone, the rebranding cost 20 billion rubles.

    Gref sharply increased the pay of the top management of Sberbank and in 2013 became the fifth, according to Forbes, in terms of pay as a manager in Russia.

    With the most severe cuts in other costs, a significant part of the old employees were fired, and their place was taken by young people (probably agreeing to lower salaries), whose efforts, as I recall, were not often supported by professional knowledge. The result was, as far as can be judged, a drop in the service and reputation of the bank, but also an increase in profits.

    An employee who wrote on the social network "If you stick a Sberbank sign in an open field, she will immediately have a queue of pensioners," was fired, but this joke seemed to clearly reflect the state of Sberbank during the reform.

    The increase in fees for payments of the population with the widespread introduction of payment at machines and Internet banking and the closure of many branches was intended to reduce costs. There was a feeling that Sberbank, earning its main money from corporate clients and financial transactions, seeks, under the sillage of talk about "customer focus", to minimize live communication with the population, considering it as nothing more than a source of costs to be cut.

    During the crisis of 2008-2009, Sberbank loans became fatal for a number of businessmen. A classic example is MAIR, from which the structures of Sberbank, as far as can be understood, demanded an early repayment of the loan; the case ended with the destruction of business, the liquidation of a lot of jobs and the criminal prosecution of the founder of MAIR, Makushin, who was forced to flee the country. The absurdity of the accusations is evidenced by the refusal of Cyprus to extradite him to Russia - the second in the history of relations between our countries.

    As a result, the profitability of Sberbank has grown, but the attitude towards it, as far as can be judged, has deteriorated. The situation was aggravated by stories of frequent "technical failures" in Sberbank's payment machines and even in its Internet banking, leading to financial losses for customers. Perhaps this is due to the large volume of transactions - however, I have never heard of such a thing about other banks.

    The memorable liberal initiative to drive the whole of Russia into 28 huge megacities, which reached the government, was apparently prompted by Sberbank's desire to cut costs. After all, the smaller the settlement, the lower the profitability of the Sberbank branch located in it (in small settlements they can be unprofitable). And it is impossible to deprive the population of Sberbank due to its unique position. This means that for maximum efficiency of Sberbank, the entire population should be gathered in huge megalopolises.

    Consideration of this idea discredited the government apparatus, but it was born, probably, not by an evil liberal intent, but only by Gref's desire to minimize the costs of Sberbank, regardless of anyone's interests and values.

    Liberal Idea Man

    Gref has a reputation for being a firm market leader, even against the background of Kudrin, who gives the impression of a man unburdened by economic knowledge, which certainly strengthens his liberal convictions.

    For example, when he started to stimulate investments, it was a surprise to him both the absence of ready-made large investment projects (in 2006 they simply had nowhere to come from), and the fact that they needed at least a year to prepare them.

    And in July 2013, when corruption, monopoly, the Medvedev government's refusal to develop and the colonial WTO rules broke the back of the Russian economy, when industrial production was declining, and the slowdown in GDP growth promised to turn into a decline, Gref said: “Russia has one of the best in the world among all countries of macroeconomic situations. "

    According to those who know him, without an economic education, Gref does not like and cannot conduct a reasoned dispute. Blind faith in the absolute intrinsic value of private property, the need for the state to leave the economy, the redundancy of social assistance to the population and intolerance of objections very successfully replace knowledge.

    Gref is quick-tempered; so, at a government meeting, he demanded to punish severely for the extremism of the people who burned his stuffed animal, protesting against the criminal pushing of Russia into the WTO on deliberately enslaving terms. During a visit to Brussels, in front of his subordinates, he arranged a harassment for the head of the Russian delegation to the European Commission Fradkov, which "backfired" on him as the latter's premiership. True, stories about Gref's promises to "hang on a rope" subordinates are accompanied by ritual assurances of his politeness.

    When Putin met with the Pope with him in 2003, some media called Gref a Protestant, while others called a Catholic.

    At the 2012 St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a completely innocent question suddenly provoked Gref into scandalous frankness, which revealed the categorical unacceptability of democracy not only for Russian reformers, but also for modern liberals in general.

    “You say terrible things,” Gref replied. “You propose to transfer power into the hands of the population ... As soon as people understand the basis of their“ I ”and self-identify, it will become extremely difficult to manipulate them. People do not want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. How to live, how to manage such a society, where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, to receive unprepared information through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge media machines engaged in building and maintaining (social) strata? "Your reasoning makes me scary; to be honest, it seems to me that you do not quite understand what you are saying."


    The bank's subsidiaries provide various services to clients, including property, liability, and life and health insurance services are provided by insurance companies LLC IC Sberbank Insurance and LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance, as well as insurance partner companies of the bank or in other insurance companies. You can learn more about the insurance programs of IC Sberbank Insurance LLC and IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC by following the link.

    The Ombudsman Service receives requests from clients with various questions regarding these services. We have tried to answer the most common ones.

    First of all, it is worth noting that the execution of a life or health insurance contract is exclusively voluntary and does not affect the decision to grant or not grant a loan. In this case, you can cancel the insurance contract within 14 days 1 and return the insurance premium paid by you when concluding the contract. The conditions and procedure for the return of the insurance premium are determined by the terms of the insurance contract.

    1. If I repaid the loan early, will the related insurance terminate?

    Unless otherwise provided by the terms of the insurance contract, then in case of early repayment of the Loan Indebtedness, the Insurance Contract continues to operate in relation to the Insured Person until the end of the period specified in it or until the Insurer fulfills its obligations to pay insurance indemnity in the event of an insured event.

    2. If the loan has already been repaid, then what is the meaning of the insurance program?

    The insurance cover is valid for the entire insurance period, even in the event of early repayment of the loan. The sum insured is determined by the terms of the insurance contract.

    3. I have heard that life insurance is taken into account for tax deduction purposes?

    This is indeed the case, life insurance can be used to obtain a personal income tax deduction of up to 15,600 rubles (13% of the maximum amount of 120,000 rubles taken into account for these purposes). You can find out more about tax deductions and their receipt at the following.

    4. Is it mandatory to sign a life insurance contract when applying for a loan?

    Life insurance is not a prerequisite, however, the availability of insurance can be taken into account as an additional factor, for example, Sberbank takes this type of insurance into account and provides an opportunity to reduce the interest rate if you have drawn up a life and health insurance agreement for the borrower under mortgage lending agreements. Your decision to conclude a life insurance contract or to refuse to conclude a life insurance contract does not in any way affect the likelihood of a loan being issued.

    5. Is it possible to return the paid insurance premium or part of it if I cancel my participation in the insurance program after the early repayment of the loan?

    This possibility depends on the conditions specified in the insurance contract.

    1 T. The "cooling period" may be longer depending on the terms of the contract.

    Arrests and collection of funds

    Detailed information on the reasons for the arrest or collection of funds on accounts and answers to frequently asked questions can be found by following the link.

    The bank's ability to influence the situation in the work with enforcement proceedings is limited by the current legislation. The bank acts exclusively in the role of an executor and is obliged to immediately carry out the actions specified in the received executive document on the client's accounts. If the bank has reasonable doubts about the authenticity of the document (and not about the legality of its content), the bank can, within 7 calendar days, take measures aimed at certifying the authenticity of the document, while it is obliged to block transactions on the client's accounts specified in the document until completion of the check.

    Therefore, if a client is faced with the problem of writing off funds under an executive document, the bank does not always have the opportunity to independently resolve the situation - in some cases, the decision lies outside the bank's area of ​​responsibility.

    1. If you find yourself in a situation where your salary or pension is written off both at the place of work or in the pension fund, and from your bank account, then you need to provide documents confirming this fact to the department of bailiffs leading proceedings on your case, to change the order of collecting money from you.

    2. If you receive social benefits for which the collection of funds cannot be applied, we recommend opening a separate nominal account for crediting these payments. You can learn more about this service and the terms of its use by following the link.

    3. The bank cannot independently terminate or suspend the collection or cancel other measures for enforcement proceedings. The basis may be the corresponding decision of the court, the bailiff. Also, the writ of execution may be revoked by the claimant himself. At the same time, the bank cannot return the already collected funds, this issue must be addressed to the recipient.


    Among the appeals received by the Ombudsman Service, a significant number are associated with the consequences of fraudulent actions of third parties against the clients of Sberbank. There are a large number of types of fraud, however, in general, they can be divided into two main groups:

    1. Fraud using various technical means:

    2. Fraud without the use of technical means against the client, often referred to as "social engineering" - the client is fraudulently obtained data, the disclosure of which makes it possible to access and control funds.

    As you can see, all these methods to one degree or another rely on a lack of attention and / or a frivolous attitude towards confidential information and means of access. By providing confidential information to scammers, you actually give them access to your funds.

    To reduce the risk of fraud against you, it is enough to follow a number of simple security measures that are posted on the Sberbank website in the "Security Measures" section:


    • Phishing is the conduct of mailings (letters, SMS messages) with a link leading to fake (phishing) pages of websites and applications disguised as official ones, in order to fraudulently obtain personal means of access.
    • Using virus software - malicious programs or their components that imitate user actions or transmit necessary information to fraudsters to gain access to funds.
    • Do not tell anyone, including bank employees, your confidential data: SMS passwords and PIN / CVV codes from bank cards;
    • Check the details of the operation in SMS messages with a confirmation password;
    • Do not follow links from unfamiliar resources in order to avoid virus infection of your devices;
    • Use only official bank applications from AppStore, Google Play, WindowsStore;
    • Use an antivirus or install the Sberbank Online mobile application with antivirus for Android phones;
    • Never connect other people's phones to the "Mobile Bank" service;
    • Inform the bank about the change of your mobile phone number connected to the "Mobile Bank" service;
    • Do not call back to the phones indicated in the SMS messages.

    If you have any doubts or concerns, please contact the Sberbank Contact Center at the official phone numbers, the numbers of which are located on the back of the Sberbank card or on the Sberbank website.

    Despite the significant spread of stories describing unauthorized access to client accounts, in practice the vast majority of cases are associated with the disclosure of confidential data and means of access by the client himself. The bank's ability to protect the client's funds in such cases is limited.

    We recommend that you familiarize yourself with more detailed information on ensuring the safety of your own funds when using the products and services of the bank at the following link.

    Examples of appeals reviewed

    1. Termination of the insurance contract

    Client message: The client turned to the Ombudsman Service with a question about the return of part of the insurance premium in connection with the early repayment of the loan.

    Expertise of the Service: At the request of the client, the bank concluded a life and health insurance contract in relation to him, providing for the return of the insurance premium in full in case of cancellation of the insurance contract within 14 calendar days from the date the client signed the application, or if the insurance contract in relation to the client did not was concluded.

    The audit showed that when the insurance contract was concluded, there were no erroneous actions on the part of the bank, the client did not receive an application for cancellation of the insurance contract within 14 calendar days from the date of submission of the application for the conclusion of the contract. The contract does not provide for a partial refund of the insurance premium.

    Service Solution: Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, no grounds were identified for satisfying the client's requirements.

    At the same time, during the telephone conversation with the expert, the main reason for the client's desire to abandon the insurance contract was revealed - he assumed that the early repayment of the loan leads to the termination of the insurance contract due to the disappearance of the insurance risk. The expert provided explanations that the insurance program continues to operate in full under the conditions established by the contract. Thus, the client remains under the financial protection of the insurance program until the end of its validity period for the insured amount initially determined in the contract (in the amount of the loan amount), despite its full repayment.

    2. Unlawful write-off of funds for enforcement proceedings

    Client message: The client contacted the Service with a question about the ongoing debiting of funds from the accounts for enforcement proceedings, despite its cancellation by the bailiffs.

    Expertise of the Service: The audit showed that several enforcement proceedings are being carried out in relation to the client, within the framework of which funds are regularly debited from the accounts.

    At the time of the client's request, the bank received only one resolution to terminate enforcement proceedings, which was executed on the next business day after its receipt. The bank received no other orders to cancel. Thus, the funds are written off in accordance with the requirements within the framework of other enforcement proceedings.

    Service Solution: No mistakes were found in the actions of the bank. The Bank cannot independently terminate the collection of enforcement proceedings without appropriate grounds provided for by the current legislation (Federal Law No. 229-FZ dated 02.10.2007 "On Enforcement Proceedings").

    The client was provided with information about the enforcement proceedings in force in relation to it, within the framework of which funds are written off, as well as the contact details of the bailiffs-executors who initiated the indicated enforcement proceedings.

    The client turned to the specified bailiff and submitted to the Ombudsman's Service orders to cancel the enforcement proceedings, after which the enforcement proceedings on the client's accounts were terminated.

    3. Translation by erroneous details

    Client message: The client contacted the Service with a question about the possibility of refunding funds transferred using erroneous details.

    Expertise of the Service: The verification carried out showed that the transfer was made through the Sberbank Online mobile application using the erroneously specified phone number (one digit error). The confirmation of the payment was made by the client, despite the different name and patronymic of the recipient, displayed in the Sberbank Online system just for the purpose of confirming the correctness of the payment.

    According to the Civil Code (article 854), the bank does not have the right to dispose of clients' funds without their consent, therefore, the bank does not have the right to independently return the transferred funds. The service sent a notification to the recipient that this payment was transferred by mistake, with a request to confirm the possibility of debiting these funds for their subsequent return to the sender.

    Service Solution: The client was provided with information on the actions taken and recommendations for further actions. 1.5 weeks after providing this answer, the bank received the consent of the recipient of the funds, after which the funds were returned to the sender.

    4. Reducing the rate under the loan agreement

    Client message: The client contacted the Ombudsman Service with a question about reducing the interest rate on the current mortgage loan, as well as about participation in the Assistance Program for certain categories of mortgage borrowers (within the framework of the state support program).

    Service Solution: Decision-making on these issues does not fall within the competence of the Ombudsman Service, therefore, the client's appeal was transferred to the authorized department of the bank for work. The client was informed about this fact and the reason for the transfer of the appeal.

    5. Disputing a transaction through an international payment system

    Client message: The client contacted the Ombudsman Service with a question about a refund for booking a hotel room.

    Expertise of the Service: Funds were debited from the client's card account to pay for the hotel room. Previously, the bank refused to return the funds to the client due to the lack of grounds for initiating a claim cycle in the international payment system.

    Service Solution: During the phone call, an expert from the Service asked questions about the details of the situation. The client reported that he canceled the hotel reservation and, in fact, did not use the service. The expert informed the client that in order to start the refund procedure, confirmation that the booking was canceled is required. An agreement was reached with the client to provide a screenshot. Further, the bank initiated the claim cycle of the international payment system, following the results of consideration of the bank's application, the funds were returned to the client.

    6. Error in the address of the insured collateral for the mortgage loan

    Client message: The client turned to the Ombudsman Service with a request to check the correctness of the calculation of the forfeit under the mortgage agreement.

    Expertise of the Service: The audit showed that the client had entered into a mortgage agreement, one of the points of which is the client's obligation to insure the property pledged to the bank, according to the specified list of risks.

    After the expiration of the previous insurance policy, the client issued a new policy through the Sberbank Online mobile application. During the registration of the policy, the client made a mistake in indicating the address of the property (street name), therefore the policy was not taken into account by the bank.

    Service Solution: The Ombudsman Service initiated the necessary measures to enter the correct address in the insurance contract and recalculated (canceled) the forfeit under the loan agreement.

    7. Early repayment of the loan

    Client message: The client turned to the Ombudsman Service with a question about recalculation of overpaid interest under the loan agreement in connection with its early repayment.

    Expertise of the Service: A consumer loan agreement was concluded with the client, the repayment of which was carried out in accordance with the agreement. The client decided to issue a partial early repayment of the loan and, for this purpose, contacted the bank's contact center.

    During a conversation with an employee of the contact center, the client asked a question about which account he needs to transfer funds to early repayment of the loan. The client was provided with an answer to this question, but the contact center employee did not provide information on the need to apply for partial early repayment of the loan through a bank branch, or to carry out this operation through the Sberbank Online application.

    German Gref is the head of the largest bank in Russia and one of the highest paid top managers in the country. He has come a long way to the financial Olympus and during his career, he held senior positions in the holdings Lukoil, Transneft, Gazprom and Yandex, and also held the chair of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. German Oskarovich introduced a number of conceptual ideas into the country's economy: on the account of the chief banker, the creation of free economic zones, the consistent reform of the electric power industry and the taxation system.

    Childhood and youth

    Gref German Oskarovich was born on February 8, 1964 near Pavlodar, in the village of Panfilovo, in a family of ethnic Germans. The future head of Sberbank became the third and youngest child in the family; Herman has an older brother, Yevgeny, and a sister, Elena. Gref's parents, Oskar Fedorovich and Emilia Filippovna, were educated and intelligent people. My father worked as an engineer, and my mother worked as an economist in the village council.

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    German Gref

    When Gref was one and a half years old, a grief happened in the family - his father died, as a result of which the mother was left alone with three children in her arms, whom the grandmother of the future banker helped raise. They taught the children restraint, modesty and orderliness, and also helped them to master the German language perfectly.

    Herman Oskarovich's school years were successful. The boy studied well, was an obedient and disciplined student, not giving his mother trouble with unsatisfactory behavior. The future head of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade was not distinguished by his thirst for science, but he loved sports and was even the captain of the school basketball team.

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    After graduating from school, Gref entered MGIMO, but for unknown reasons dropped out of the university after the first year of study. After the expulsion, the young man was taken into the army, the future economist gave his debt to his homeland in the ranks of the special forces of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. After demobilization, Gref became a student at the Omsk State University of Law at the Faculty of Law.

    In 1990, Gref entered the Leningrad graduate school, where the former mayor of St. Petersburg, the "godfather" of an economist in his political career, became his scientific advisor. Thanks to the politician, German Gref got into the St. Petersburg city administration, within the walls of which he met the future leadership of the country - and, as well as other Russian politicians and businessmen from the team of Anatoly Sobchak.


    The biography of German Gref received a key direction during the years of perestroika. The economist got the position of the head of the special committee for the development of the Russian Federation. As an economic strategist, German Gref worked for 7 years, after which his career began to move rapidly towards climbing the country's main political arena.

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    Economist German Gref

    In 1998, he became Deputy Head of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. A year later, the economist headed the Center for Strategic Research and entered the board of the Federal Commission on the Securities Market. In 2000, after the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections, German Oskarovich was invited to the new government as Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the country.

    The main achievements in this position of German Gref were lobbying for the program for Russia's entry into the WTO, reforming the electric power industry and taxation in the country, thanks to which the Russian Federation reached the European level of economically developed countries, received the status of the owner of a market economy and raised its investment rating.

    Head of Sberbank of Russia

    In 2007, after the complete resignation of the government on the eve of the presidential elections, German Gref completed his ministerial activity, transferring powers to Elvira Nabiullina. On the recommendation of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank of Russia, Gref was elected president and chairman of the board of the largest bank in the country, whose post he holds to this day.

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    Head of Sberbank German Gref and Head of Udmurtia Alexander Brechalov

    At the head of Sberbank, German achieved significant success - thanks to him, the financial institution became more client-oriented and globally expanded its client base, which made it possible to increase the bank's net profit by 74%. The new head of Sberbank carried out a rebranding, as well as introduced convenient and technological systems for remote service channels, which made the financial institution a leader among banks in Eastern and Central Europe.

    In early 2016, German Gref found himself at the epicenter of a scandal. At the Gaidar Forum, the banker gave an unexpected assessment of the country's current position in the international economic market. The former Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation called Russia a "downshifter country", which fell into the abyss and technological enslavement before the advanced countries of the world.

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    State Duma deputies reacted sharply to such unpatriotic statements by the head of Sberbank and called on Gref, after such derogatory assessments, to voluntarily resign as president of the country's largest financial institution.

    In 2017, a short video of Herman Gref's speech at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum appeared on YouTube, which was broadcast on the Russia-24 channel. The head of Sberbank forgot that there was a live broadcast and spoke out in support of the teachings of Kabbalah. In the words of the banker, there was a thought about the people who should not have access to truthful information. Thinking people, according to Gref, are dangerous for government circles that resort to manipulation methods.