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    Studying the horoscope for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina, you can see that the famous astrologer predicts career advancement for many signs of the zodiac. The Year of the Yellow Dog will indeed be extremely supportive for working prospects. This is the best time to change the field of activity or start a business.

    What other prospects does 2018 open up for representatives of different signs of the zodiac?

    Key features of 2018

    Vasilisa Volodina emphasizes that not all spheres of life will please the representatives of the zodiac signs in 2018. Which of them will be the most successful in their development?

    • The career sphere will delight everyone from Aries to Pisces, because the year of the Yellow Dog literally stimulates everyone to work achievements. It remains to make a little effort to achieve the rise or development of your business.
    • The sphere of personal relationships will also delight representatives of different signs of the zodiac. Significant upheavals in personal life are not expected, and if they do occur, they will be positive.
    • The health sector also does not raise any concerns. Vasilisa Volodina believes that 2018 will be favorable to all signs of the zodiac, giving people longevity and well-being. However, you shouldn't forget about seasonal illnesses such as flu and colds.

    Failures can overtake a person in the field of creative development. Still, the Yellow Dog is quite pragmatic, so it will be difficult for writers, artists and musicians to develop their talents in 2018.

    Relationships with friends can also be at risk. A person in 2018 will be completely absorbed in career issues and victories on the personal front, which minimizes the number of contacts with friends.

    Vasilisa Volodina offers a short analysis of the future for 2018 for each sign of the zodiac.


    The situation will force the representatives of the sign to leave their comfort zone. Now they will have to work hard and hard in order to get the first fruits of their efforts at the end of the first half of the year. On the way to the dream of Aries, small obstacles will await, but according to Vasilisa Volodina, the representative of the sign will be able to overcome these problems due to his natural tenacity.


    Volodina's forecast for 2018 for Taurus turns out to be positive, but the astrologer still notes that a certain shock may overtake the representative of the sign. There is no need to be afraid of this, because due to its stress resistance, Taurus will be able to go through the test.

    For those around him, the representative of the sign will become the standard of hard work and stability. However, envious people may try to stop such a person on the way to his dream.


    The main word for Gemini this year is change. The soul will require significant changes that will affect not only work, but also personal life. Volodin is advised to decisively make changes in his destiny, since the overwhelming number of them will have a positive effect on the future.

    But standing still can lead to the fact that Gemini will ruin all his potential.


    But Cancers will have to show caution unusual for a sign. Being guided by prudence, you need to smooth out sharp corners when communicating with colleagues and superiors.

    Shocks can seriously hurt Cancer's self-esteem, so he should always think like a conservative. The first months of the year will be difficult. Perhaps Cancer will be tempted to give up, give up, but in no case should this be done.

    a lion

    Leo, like many other signs, will be immersed in career success. Vasilisa Volodina notes that a real triumph awaits the representatives of the sign. Their achievements will be judged on their merits, and critics and ill-wishers will retreat before the onslaught of Leo.

    But for endless career successes, it is important not to forget about the relationship with the soul mate.


    Unlike all other signs of the zodiac, Virgo in 2018 will be fixated on her personal life. For the representatives of the sign, the time is ideal for finding a soul mate. Moreover, a sudden passion can be so strong that the couple will immediately announce their engagement and arrange a wedding.

    Vasilisa Volodina notes that Virgo may well count on financial well-being, but you shouldn't expect sudden enrichment.


    In 2018, Libra will have to rely only on herself in solving small and large problems. Many tests await the representatives of the sign, but due to natural intuition, they will be able to cope with them. As a result, towards the end of the year, the representative of the sign will celebrate a real triumph, and all thanks to his natural tenacity.

    In the personal life of the representatives of the sign, a period of complete calm begins. Relationships are stronger than ever, but sometimes it's worth adding variety to them with the help of pleasant surprises for your loved one.


    For Scorpio, the year of the Yellow Dog will not be easy. The fact is that representatives of the sign will expect eternal tests on their career path. However, coping with them over and over again, a person will be able to prove his inner strength. As a result, all his labors turn into incredible achievements. But on the personal front, Scorpios are in for a complete lull. It is unlikely that a lonely Scorpio will be able to find a soul mate in 2018. However, the representative of the sign is still attractive, so he will have room for flirting.


    The year will be especially successful for the lonely representatives of the sign, as they are destined to find their true love. In general, 2018 will be a time of pleasant surprises, gifts and sudden confessions. For all this romance, Sagittarius may miss out on profitable work prospects, but he is unlikely to regret it. At the end of the year, you should go on an extended vacation, and it is best to do this in the company of a loved one.


    From the first days of 2018, Capricorn will direct its internal resources to solving career problems. Decent success in the workplace awaits him, but this does not mean that he should relax. Volodina advises Capricorns to apply all their perseverance in their work, because then the probability of receiving cosmic recoil will be much higher.

    In the second half of the year, Capricorn will be able to enjoy the fruits of labor that he deserves. Volodina reminds that the Yellow Dog loves the strong and stubborn, so you will have to work very hard.


    Aquarius is incredibly lucky this year. Due to his natural charm, the representative of the sign will be able to achieve success in any business that he just takes up. The main thing is not to waste your energy on solving several problems at once. It will be much better if Aquarius focuses on one thing.

    The representative of the sign may want to change the scope of his activity, but here it is extremely important to analyze all the consequences of the decision made.


    Vasilisa Volodina notes that Pisces will have to try hard in 2018. Obstacles will constantly disrupt their pace of life, hindering possible achievements and prospects. Hard work will benefit the representatives of the sign, as it will help temper their character. As a result, the second half of the year will not be so difficult.

    Vasilisa Volodina advise all representatives of the sign to work hard, that in the second half of the year, enthusiastically observe the results of work. However, for career prospects, it is important not to forget about a reliable family rear. Even though 2018 is subordinated to the career sphere, no one has yet canceled the importance of the warmth of the hearth.

    Look video with a horoscope for 2018:

    In the modern world there are many people who call themselves astrologers, seers and clairvoyants, but not all deserve attention. The most famous astrologer in Russia today is Vasilisa Volodina. This woman, who has been practicing the preparation of professional astrological forecasts for various aspects of a person's life for many years. People turn to her for advice in a difficult life situation or at a crossroads. Vasilisa's approach to making predictions differs from many others in that it is extremely individual.

    Horoscope for 2018 for women and men from Vasilisa Volodina

    The services of an astrologer, as a rule, are very expensive, but thanks to this article you can find out what V. Volodin promises for you for the upcoming 2018. So, according to Vasilisa, the most active sphere in 2018 will be career and money. Therefore, if you focus on this particular path, you probably will not go wrong. Some of the zodiac signs will be focused specifically on this area, which will help them succeed and enlist the support of the symbol of the eastern horoscope - the yellow earth Dog, which also has a positive attitude towards those who love and want to work.

    Which zodiac signs are lucky in 2018?

    Signs aimed at a career in 2018: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, Pisces. Another part of the signs will be carried away by construction. By the way, it is believed that marriages made in the Year of the Dog will be especially strong and durable. Signs aimed at the path of love: Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius. In turn, Gemini, Libra and Scorpio are those signs that will deal with health issues, bringing their inner and outer world into shape, which will be an excellent foundation for achieving success in the future.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Aries

    At the very beginning of 2018, Aries will have to leave their comfort zone and do things that previously seemed completely unthinkable to them. The nice thing is that in just a few weeks you will see the first fruits of your labors.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Taurus

    Representatives of this sign will demonstrate good stress-resistant indicators. Astro forecast from Vasilisa Volodina suggests that Taurus in 2018 will be successful in the business arena. Their self-control and self-confidence will help them achieve stunning heights.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Gemini

    At the very beginning of the year, the twins will feel that it is time to take up themselves and get in shape. And it's not just about excess weight, if any. You will probably feel that some of the attitudes that have guided you over the past few years are no longer working. Probably, the process of finding new goals will not be the most pleasant, but it will help you orient yourself for the future.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Cancer

    Cancers do well in many areas: they are easy to manage with job responsibilities and have a sincere relationship with their loved ones. In 2018, friendships should be strengthened and purposefulness should not be lost, then success will not make them wait long.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Leo

    Lions will highlight career advancement throughout 2018. They will work hard, however, keeping in mind their own interests. It is likely that by the end of the year their professionalism will reach the level when they want to start their own business.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Virgo

    Vasilisa Volodina recommends that people born under this sign focus more on the love sphere, because it is she who will be especially strong for Virgos in the coming year. If you have long wanted to change your marital status, or just a new pet, then 2018 is the best time for that.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Libra

    In 2018, Libra will feel that their intuition is especially acute in vital situations. Sometimes you should listen to your inner voice in order to avoid trouble or, conversely, get a little more from life ... However, it is worth remembering that your main task for this period will be to restore health and general transformation through more vigorous activity, moderate nutrition and learning the art of calmness and pacification ...

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Scorpio

    Scorpios will be very tense from the very beginning of the year, because many life circumstances will go against what was previously thought. We'll have to learn to calm down and look at the world with different eyes. Newfound friends, whom you will meet in the middle of the year, will help you with this.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Sagittarius

    A pleasant romantic time will come for Sagittarius in 2018. Lonely representatives of this sign will surely meet "their" person who will become not just a beloved, but also a good friend. And those Sagittarius who have already found their love can prepare for replenishment in the family.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Capricorn

    Thanks to the purposefulness of Capricorns, their financial issues will finally begin to be resolved with great profit (see the signs of the zodiac). We expect this order of things, because the representatives of this sign have worked well and hard lately. Therefore, success will be deserved and especially inspiring for new achievements.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Aquarius

    Aquarians will be involved in building romantic relationships. In addition, they will actively communicate and, most importantly, get great pleasure from it, with relatives, friends, neighbors and just acquaintances. The benevolence of Aquarius will help them find a rear that will support them in the future.

    Vasilisa Volodina: horoscope for 2018 - Pisces

    Pisces are not the most active workaholics, but they understand their strengths well and know how to plan their time, which is why the implementation of their goals is very successful for them. If you do not continue to be distracted by foreign issues, but move according to the established course, then in the middle of 2018, Pisces will expect an increase and increase in prosperity.

    Astrologer Volodina is known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The accuracy of her predictions commands respect and admiration even from skeptics. What do the stars promise each of us in 2019? A horoscope for all signs of the zodiac from Vasilisa Volodina will try to answer exciting questions.

    General horoscope 2019: key points in all areas of life

    The astrological forecast for 2019 is favorable: someone is expecting major changes in finances, someone is realized in a profession or creativity, and some will definitely be lucky in love. The inhabitants of the planet will have to go through an interesting and eventful period, not devoid of certain difficulties and obstacles. The stars will favor enterprising and respectable natures, regardless of zodiacal affiliation. The astrologer claims that the year of the Pig will bring a lot of pleasant surprises, but they will have to be earned by honest work.

    According to V. Volodina's horoscope, the black stripe recedes - those signs that were unlucky in 2018 can breathe a sigh of relief

    Meanwhile, Volodina advises to revise the established views, life guidelines, habitual way of life and goals for the long term to all signs of the zodiac, without exception. The time is right for big and small reforms: next year we should not sit still, because progress and growth are shaping our future.

    Love and family

    2019 is favorable for creating and strengthening families, entering into serious relationships, and having children. Stars promise good luck in love to almost all zodiac signs. Why "practically"? Not all representatives of the element Water will be able to find a match for themselves: Cancers and Pisces run the risk of missing out on personal happiness due to inner constraint and isolation, and Scorpios, on the contrary, can take an overly oppressive position and thereby frighten off a potential soul mate.

    According to the astrologer, in 2019, single people will receive rare chances, thanks to which they will be able to arrange their personal life or strengthen their current relationships.
    • Representatives of the element Air will literally bathe in the attention of the opposite sex. Dating, dating, flirting - all this will definitely happen in the Year of the Pig. However, the multifaceted Gemini, Aquarius and Libra will begin to gravitate towards regularity, showing discrimination in relationships. Fateful meetings and weddings are not excluded. Danger awaits family men and women, especially Gemini: in the pursuit of pleasure, you risk losing the most valuable thing - loyalty and love, be careful.
    • The fire signs of the zodiac will be looking for a spouse. Many Sagittarius, Leo and Aries will get married before the end of 2019. The main thing is to avoid cold calculation and focus on the inner world of the partner.
    • However, the true lucky ones in the amorous sphere, according to Volodina, will be representatives of the element Earth: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorns.

    Career and business

    "Only the brave conquer the seas" - a phrase familiar to many from the famous song perfectly describes the astrological alignment of work, career and business for 2019. The stars welcome initiative, ideology and perseverance. A sense of proportion and tips from an inner voice will contribute to achievements in the professional field.

    The astrologer reports that the coming time favors the opening of a business and the expansion of a private business, the embodiment of creative projects, and the manifestation of business activity. Simply put, the efforts of all zodiac signs will certainly count. But passivity and shyness will become a significant obstacle to success.

    The stars warn: in 2019, two difficult stages in work and business are expected - from February to March and from September to October

    Meanwhile, Volodina predicts: a hobby will begin to bring significant profits, for some, their favorite pastime will become the main source of stable income.

    Financial Forecast 2019

    As far as finance is concerned, the situation here is ambiguous. On the one hand, all astrological symbols will gain the ability to improve their financial situation or strengthen the budget. But, on the other hand, not each of them will timely and competently dispose of the generous gifts of Fortune. For many people, large income will be replaced by periods of monetary stagnation, and vice versa.

    According to Vasilisa Volodina, Scorpios, Cancers, Capricorns and Aquarius can count on financial success. But keep in mind - you will have to earn money, because unexpected bonuses in 2019 are unlikely.

    In addition, financial position will be interconnected with the ability to find a compromise, emotional flexibility, and benevolence. In the coming year, building relationships with others will become an important aspect that determines success in the profession and money.


    Workload at work and at home, lack of adequate rest can provoke depressive conditions, migraines and frequent colds in 2019

    An active and rather difficult year awaits us, when both the psycho-emotional background and the physical condition will be exposed to stress and overload. Volodina's horoscope calls on all representatives of the zodiacal circle to adhere to the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle, and also not to neglect sports, yoga, breathing exercises and physiotherapy exercises.

    By the way, the year of the Pig promises prize-winning places for professional athletes. True, the stars do not exclude the possibility of injury and accidents.

    According to the forecast of the astrologer, some signs in 2019 should be given close attention to the health of the body and soul:

    • Lions;
    • Sagittarius;
    • Libra;
    • Virgo.

    Predictions from Vasilisa Volodina on the signs of the zodiac

    Tips from a professional astrologer for each zodiacal symbol will help you avoid setbacks and achieve what you want.


    According to the horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina, in 2019 Aries will lose the protection of Mars. On the one hand, representatives of the fire element will become less stubborn and not so stubborn than usual. But, if you look from a different angle, many will be able to mitigate the negative manifestations of a complex nature. You will become more open and pleasant in communication, it will be easier for you to establish family and friendships, as well as strengthen your position in the professional arena.

    In the spring, Aries needs to get rid of everything that annoys and weighs them down. Intuitive clues can help you make the right decisions. The spring months will be a good time for self-realization and establishing business ties, looking for allies. And the end of summer and the beginning of autumn will be marked by pleasant events in your personal life.

    Careless eating and recreation can lead to stomach problems - try not to overuse junk food, especially during times of stress. And also exacerbation of diseases of the spine and joints is not excluded: a subscription to the pool will be the best way to deal with chronic ailments.


    Taurus, according to the astrologer's forecast, should prioritize at the very beginning of 2019. Otherwise, a disharmonious combination of circumstances will simply knock you out of your usual track: think about it, probably some cases are not worth your attention. The beginning of the period favors active work, do not be afraid of the new and do not avoid responsibility.

    Trouble awaits Taurus in the sphere of friendship and friendship - the specific influence of Pluto is to blame. Beware of betrayal, rely solely on yourself. On the love front, everything is also not easy: loud quarrels and tender reconciliation are expected, and you yourself will heat up the situation. The most dangerous moment for family men is the summer season. And luck will smile at lonely people at the end of August and September, you can count on the beginning of the novel.

    According to the health horoscope, you should take care of your throat and neck, especially in winter and in the heat. The services of a professional massage therapist will help get rid of stiffness in the cervical spine.


    The key to inner peace and success in current affairs for Gemini will be long-term planning.

    Vasilisa Volodina promises representatives of the air element a difficult start to 2019. It looks like you will devote February and March to completing long-standing affairs, moreover, you will have a colossal amount of work awaiting you. But the summer time will be marked by creative activity, many will have unusual hobbies. A significant improvement in the financial situation is also expected in the summer.

    Suffering from love Gemini can count on a promising acquaintance if they take the initiative in their search. A joint trip to an unfamiliar place will help troubled family unions - organize it in the second half of the year.

    The Gemini's nervous system will be the most vulnerable area of ​​the body: you must carefully protect yourself from unnecessary thoughts and unpleasant impressions. Comprehend the basics of relaxation and meditation, you will not go wrong.


    The night star will patronize Cancer throughout 2019. Thanks to the positive influence of the Moon, an increase in intuitive abilities, the disclosure of communicative talents and, as a result, the establishment of relationships with useful people are expected. Moreover, it is the inner voice that will allow avoiding interaction with dubious natures in work and love.

    The astrologer claims: the priority topic of the coming period for Cancers will be finances. Most of the representatives of the watermark will make a breakthrough in the professional field, due to which the level and quality of life will noticeably increase. In addition, in the Year of the Pig, investments will bring good dividends to Cancer, especially if you invest money at the very beginning of the year.

    No serious health problems are predicted. But it should be understood that your well-being will directly depend on the psycho-emotional state.

    a lion

    Leo, an astrologer predicts a difficult year for you. The impact of solar energy will be extremely powerful, so not all representatives of the fire sign will be able to direct their potential in the right direction. True, thanks to the mistakes and mistakes they make, many will learn to manage their internal resources and correctly assess their own strengths.

    Positive changes in career and business will occur at the end of the summer. A financial upswing is expected at the same time. But keep in mind that the second half of the year can bring severe fatigue and lack of motivation - you will have to slow down in key areas.

    Health can give Leo a lot of trouble in 2019 if you don't do it. Try to adjust your usual diet and do not give up feasible physical activity.


    According to the horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina, in 2019, Virgo will have a lot of trials. The most unstable time will be the first half of the year: already in January and February, many will struggle with colds, and the most "lucky" will experience all the delights of the flu. If possible, go on vacation early in the coming year. And also be sure to correct your usual way of life, focusing on maintaining and strengthening health.

    Springtime is characterized by all sorts of obstacles and difficulties associated with work or business. It looks like Virgos will fight for a place in the sun. Fortunately, the positive impact of Mercury will make you more resilient and patient.

    The winter months will present bright events in the love sphere. This is a good time to strengthen a relationship with a soul mate or a romantic quest.


    Libra, the astrologer believes that in 2019 you still have to undergo a full course of treatment with a dentist

    Significant events in the love sphere are predicted for representatives of the air element, the romantic component of life will definitely intensify in 2019. However, it is love that can slow down important processes in work, business and finance.

    Meanwhile, the astrologer reports that in the professional and monetary spheres, large-scale shifts are still not expected. Some will manage to take higher positions, but most Libra will remain the same. But you can easily strengthen relationships with colleagues, bosses or companions.

    The main problem for Libra will be toothaches, especially if you did not complete your teeth in 2018. And for those who have not noticed such health problems, it is recommended to visit the dentist regularly for preventive purposes.


    The patronage of Mars will accompany Scorpions throughout the entire period. The influence of the red planet will bring both pros and cons into your life. The astrologer encourages: in the coming year, representatives of the element Water will be lucky; you will find yourself in a circle of reliable people, and events will unfold according to your plans. The main thing is not to get involved in conflicts and disputes, especially in the first months of 2019. Martian influence can cause aggressive outbursts in Scorpio women. Try not to give vent to emotions so as not to spoil your reputation.

    At the beginning of the year, men will also be subject to emotional outbursts, however, to a greater extent, this will affect family men. Keep in mind that manipulation and brute force are unlikely to strengthen your alliance. But in the second half of the year, Mars will contribute to the disclosure of commercial talents, ideology, healthy activity in career, business and creativity. The most successful month for Scorpio men will be November.

    In the love arena, difficulties await women of this symbol. Vasilisa Volodina does not exclude the possibility of slander, conspiracies and, sadly, treason. Wisdom and self-confidence will allow you to pass all the amorous tests with your head held high.


    According to Volodina's predictions, the first months of 2019 will be marked by a measured rhythm and calmness in key areas of life. Having found themselves under the powerful influence of Jupiter, Sagittarius will have an excellent opportunity - to accumulate strength, recover physically and renew energetically.

    But at the end of spring and throughout the summer, you will hardly have a free minute. The active participation of Streltsov will be required both in work and in household chores, as well as in the field of finance. Keep in mind that the best months for vacation will be April and May, because the rest of the time you will be very busy. At the same time, rapid changes will take place in the lives of single women and men.

    Health problems can begin, apparently, this will happen in the middle of the year. The spine will torment all busy and purposeful individuals: sign up for a massage, and you can also consult a psychologist to remove emotional clamps.


    Capricorns, V. Volodina predicts grandiose financial success for you in 2019

    According to the horoscope of Vasilisa Volodina, Capricorns will turn out to be a real magnet for money in the Year of the Pig. The monetary forecast is more than favorable - a stable and financially prosperous period awaits. Unplanned spending is not excluded, but force majeure will not be able to shake Capricorn's budget. The astrologer urges you not to borrow and refuse loans.

    However, the love sphere will fade into the background. Try not to ruin relationships with loved ones and loved ones, confidently following material benefits and plunging deeper and deeper into work or business.

    Periodic deterioration of health is possible due to lack of rest and proper nutrition. Fortunately, timely measures taken will help to avoid serious illnesses and expensive treatment.


    The influence of Uranus will lead to financial and monetary difficulties in the first half of 2019. True, hard work and activity will allow Aquarius to turn the situation for the better. From the middle of the year, positive trends will intensify - many will achieve excellent results with a minimum of effort.

    The astrologer advises not to give up business trips, they will help improve the financial situation. Financial growth is possible in June-July. And at the end of summer, the romantic sphere may become more active - do not be afraid of a serious relationship, a fateful acquaintance awaits you.

    Health is not as smooth as we would like. Nervous breakdowns, a decrease in the emotional background, and general malaise are likely. Take care of yourself, that says it all.


    Vasilisa Volodina urges Pisces to preserve the nervous system

    Neptune will take all Pisces under its tutelage, without exception - many will manage to achieve colossal results in the profession, business, creativity, and the financial sector will be marked by an increase in income throughout the entire period. Volodina warns: enemies and competitors will become more active in 2019, so one should not brag about achievements and share personal ideas with others.

    Personal life will fade into the background. However, the Pisces man should be careful in the amorous sphere, you risk making hasty decisions and entering into an unsuccessful marriage. And women will concentrate on self-development and professional growth - courtship of fans will hardly melt your heart.

    The psycho-emotional health of the representatives of the watermark will be under threat. Swimming, yoga, appropriate relaxation techniques are what you need to relieve stress on a regular basis.

    The stars don't lie, but a lot depends on our actions and decisions. The horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina encourages all zodiac signs to tune in to a productive and interesting period, because 2019 promises to bring major changes.

    January is Cupid, February is a careerist, or
    What else to expect in the coming year.

    Remember the tale of Samuil Marshak "12 months"? About how an evil stepmother sent her stepdaughter to the forest for snowdrops, and she met brothers-months there, and they helped a kind and hardworking girl. On New Year's holidays, what miracles do not happen! So the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, on the instructions of Antenna, asked for 12 months about the affairs of 2018, about the gifts and lessons that each of them will bring into our life.


    The harsh month this time will play the role of Cupid, which is unusual for him and will make many think about love. In the colder months, people generally huddle together. And, as statistics show, most of the children in Russia are born in August and September, which means they are conceived in December - January. Therefore, if you look deeper, the winter months are not all that harsh. This time, the issues of sexuality and power in a couple, the freedom of one person from another, the ability to let go of a partner, or, conversely, turn the situation towards constancy, will come to the fore. January brings everyone a lot of surprises and difficulties at the same time. On the one hand, it gives a chance to establish an open relationship. In particular, in Libra and Aries there is an opportunity to try something new in love or to look at a partner from a different point of view. On the other hand, it can be short flashes of love, in which you can burn out. Vulnerable here Crayfish... And they will want to keep a partner at any cost Capricorns... The main advice for gray January is to be more tolerant in relationships. And prepare for the fact that there are no stereotypes in this matter.

    If you distract from earthly affairs, most of the month will be accompanied by the movement of Mars in the sign of Scorpio. It's a good time to take action before January 20. But many, in order to take the first decisive step, will have to fight first of all with themselves. This is especially true for representatives of signs. Scorpion and Cancer... And another tip: try not to seek dangerous adventures. Even if you behave actively, settle problems, and do not ask for trouble.

    For the last 10 days of the month we are entering the corridor of eclipses. The first eclipse of 2018, lunar, will take place on January 31, and, as always, in the period before and after it, events will begin to develop not as we would like. The main motto is discretion. It is advisable to abandon all important plans and especially the clarification of the relationship, if the task is not to destroy them.


    I agree with my brother in January. The first half of it, until February 15, is the same corridor of eclipses, which means a kind of danger. Everything requires caution. But first of all they need her Aquarians and Lions because the eclipses will take place in their signs. You shouldn't be afraid, but you don't need to attract adventures with spontaneous actions. If you feel that some inner force is tearing you apart, requires you to make a decision immediately, or someone comes up with a demand that you invest, invest, take a step at this very time, think a hundred times and, if an answer is needed instant, it is better to give up action altogether. Fortunately, in the last ten days of February, the situation will level out to the extent that, perhaps, feelings will become more sublime, more romantic. We will not think so much as act, but no longer to our own detriment.

    The end of February is a very ambitious time of the year, a period of competition, everyone strives to do everything better than others. Get down to business vigorously, strength will be, and they will give hope for a better future, but watch out if they are stepping on your heels. Spring is coming, when the main part of the year will come into its own, and there is much to be done. At the end of the month, Sagittarius, Lions and Fishes... Aquarians will make new active friends who will push them or pull them out of difficult situations. Scorpions lucky in money. Caution at the end of February required Taurus.


    This month will be active and even quirky. The first days of March are rather frivolous and will invite you to have fun and get to know each other. But the next ones will fully demonstrate the activity of Mars. Suddenly, we realize that those around us have quite a strong egos, which they tend to demonstrate by oppressing our own. It is important that you do not violate the interests of others by acting in accordance with your personal needs. At the same time, if you learn to calmly defend important points for yourself and do not set others against yourself, this period will pass harmoniously, and you will then be able to boast of tremendous success. Defend your rights, know how to insist on your own, because it is in March that each of us will be able to truly realize what he is worth, who he is, what he can count on. From time to time you will be so accelerated that the phrase "The quieter you drive, the further you will be" will pop up in your head. And your thoughts will be heard. At the very end of March, Mercury will turn into its first retrograde motion in 2018, and the course of events will seem to slow down by itself. The proverb will slightly change the meaning: "You drive quieter, but you don't get anywhere yet." Life until mid-April seems to slow down along with the movement of the planet Mercury.

    In March I advise Pisces do not cheat with finances: it will be revealed. Virgo do not rush into the arms of extreme sports. Lions do not plan a trip.


    A young month will require the ability to express yourself convincingly, to develop a realistic perception of the world, not to be in the clouds. Those who are not able to express themselves clearly, who do not study, do not develop, find fault with everything and everyone, but do not work on themselves, will not achieve anything in April. The one who constantly moves, overcomes himself, will be on a horse. This is especially relevant to Aries, Taurus and Virgo... April will provide an opportunity for many things, but first of all it will show how comfortable it is to stand firmly on the ground. And to learn everything not theoretically, but through practical interaction with the world. It will also demonstrate that you have to pay for everything in this life. Those who are not ready for this can be seriously disappointed. Those who know how to accurately calculate each step can take advantage of any business, because it will give an effective result. However, April is a good month to indulge in pleasant things. Part of the time should be devoted to the topic of pleasures: delicious food, pleasant company, watching a good movie, and other joys of life will brighten up the work stress and the burden of responsibility.

    Together with real lilies of the valley and the first berries in the forest, May will put lightness, the ability to get carried away, the desire to flutter like a moth in our basket. Life will really get easier in May. Sagittarius will express themselves more harmoniously in love and can find themselves a new lover. Twins will look great. Lions will be able to count on the help of friends and people who are disposed to them. Have Dev pleasant events at work are expected. Unfortunately, there can be a trap behind this relaxation. May is fraught with dangerous situations. Because the whole month the square of Mars to Uranus will act. And this is the time when people take risks more easily, enjoy the process itself and do not really think what is behind their every step, as a result, failures are possible. In May, relatively speaking, you shouldn't take a selfie while standing over the gorge. There is no need to take all the family savings, pass them on to a family friend, because he asked and the person is generally good. It takes consistency, objectivity and caution. If you understand that your actions are risk-free, please flutter. If you understand that not only you depend on them, but also your savings, loved ones, there is a share of physical danger, you should definitely abstain.

    In the second half of May, Uranus will briefly set in a sign Taurus... This is a rare event by astrological standards, the change of the sign of Uranus happens every seven years. And since Taurus is symbolically connected with the neck of a person, and this planet with sharp unexpected events, in order not to get a neck from life, you should not substitute it. Along with ease, discretion is required.

    Another important event will take place in May. Mars will move into the position it will be in for most of 2018: it will enter the sign of Aquarius. The time is coming for revolutionaries - those people who know how to act strategically. The ability to be at the forefront, to take unconventional original steps is what you need to lay solid foundations for your future for many years to come. First of all, this applies to those who were born under the signs Aquarius and Libra, and here Gemini you will have to actively participate not in your own affairs, but in the actions of loved ones, give them the lion's share of your time. Virgo and Sagittarius it is worth thinking about health.


    It will take a month to recount the money in our wallets. Will get the most in this process Libra and Capricorn... Although the feeling that prices have suddenly risen for everything and perceptibly, will not leave everyone. It seems to be summer time. And the demand and hype in all markets should subside, but no, you come to the store - and every day a new price tag. It is better not to think that this is temporary, but to immediately get used to the new regime of economy and the order of prices. It is unlikely that they will change in the near future, and you have already made the expenses that cannot be replenished.

    June will raise the question: how to save strength? Even if you are confident in the correctness of your actions, it seems that you can not postpone anything and you need to quickly run forward, it is worth stopping. This is not just a good time to relax, June will help you not to waste energy, gain meaningfulness in actions, perspective in them and realize that arrogance and excessive spending of yourself can lead to failure. But, as always, in difficult financial economic conditions, there are people who win. In June 2018, such signs will be Lions, Sagittarius and Fishes.

    This month is a turning point for many things. Those plans, aspirations that you formed in February for a year, those that in April and early May underwent a certain adjustment and reached a maximum, showing what you are capable of, at the end of May they began to slow down, and by the end of June they may or may disappear. to no, or to show that you need to live with other topics.

    June is also an important time for study. In this sense, he will present a lot of surprises. Interestingly, dates around June 12 will be surprisingly good in terms of passing exams. Students will be able to solve the most difficult problems, even if they were completely unprepared for the subject. Literally in two or three days, the situation will fundamentally change, and on June 14-15, the guys will hardly gather strength to answer the most trivial questions. This impact will not last long. The period from the 17th to the 19th can be considered the most remarkable for the exams. Most schoolchildren and students will find it easier, especially Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces... If exam dates are not clearly defined and you can choose, please consider these guidelines. And try not to leave tails, because the last week of June is disastrously sad in terms of school.

    If you decide to go on vacation, the best time is the first half of June. The second is fraught with various difficulties, however, not an accident: documents are outdated, a visa was not given, hotel accommodation is far from your ideas about comfort.

    July and August

    The first week of July promises a continuation of transport troubles and draws attention to the need to take care of yourself. It is quite traumatic, and if you can refrain from traveling to your vacation spot by car, it is better to do so. The plane at this time is more reliable than the motor transport. But the end of the month in this respect is not so rosy. The first half of July is good for visiting any countries, except for those where military operations are taking place. The second two weeks of July are very conflicting. Relatives, friends, who went to travel somewhere together, may quarrel on the road. Solo trips at this time are more enjoyable than in the company. But it is recommended to travel only to proven places.

    It has already become a byword that something is always happening in Russia in the last month of summer. And this year, two hot months of the year at once may, alas, be no exception. They promise us maximum emotional tension and other difficult situations. Because during this period, not such a frequent event will happen as the retrograde of Mars. This means that all planned things will go backwards, at the same time the desire to conflict will intensify. All the unconscious - resentments, fears - will splash out on those around you, and if you add to this that Mercury is playing pranks and Venus is not so beautiful, it turns out that these months are not the most fun time of the year. In addition, three regular eclipses are coming. Conclusion: it is better not to plan serious business for July and August. They will most likely not work, especially business beginnings, large-scale changes. But changes, sudden and uncontrollable, may well happen in eclipses. Keep your emotions in check. July and August will provoke conflicts, we will tend to bestow each other only with accumulated tension, but melting it into something pleasant - confessing love, making concessions, showing tenderness - it will become difficult, everyone's tongue seems to be tied. This is especially true for representatives of earth signs - Taurus, Capricorn and Dev... But it will be difficult for other zodiacal inhabitants to struggle with these planetary influences.

    Before you decide to make a suggestion or criticism to the interlocutor, be able to listen to him and try to correctly formulate the accumulated claims. You can always feel sorry for a person, sympathize with him, even if he is mistaken in something, mention his mistakes, but in an affectionate context. You can say: poor fellow, I understand that you cannot return the debt to me now, because you have a difficult situation, but circumstances also force me to demand it from you. This method of communication will be more effective than you will threaten with all conceivable instances, causing only irritation and annoyance of the debtor. The main instruction for action is tenderness.

    If it is possible to have a rest in July and August, giving up vigorous activity, do it.


    After a busy two months of summer, September promises a welcome break. Business life will start to intensify. There will be fewer delays, downtime, and we will plunge into activities with a certain fear of risk, trying to insure ourselves against everything in the world, planning every step, thinking it over to the details. Diligence, diligence will in this case be magic wands. Many will be able to realize what the cause of the previous problems is and will try to fix them. It is useful to sort everything into shelves, which will make it easier to move on in life. It would be nice to do this in July and August. But rarely does a person work on mistakes when they should. Most likely, by September one can expect such internal maturation, admitting one's own mistakes and an honest answer to oneself. Emotions will become more relaxed while maintaining working constructiveness. Simply because after the decline you want everything or nothing, to squeeze the maximum out of yourself and from those people who are around. There will be a feeling that some dark wave rises from the bottom of the soul and you want to take possession of literally everything. This is the time when people easily hurt in relationships, but at the same time very sexy, helping to understand who is in charge in the relationship, how attached and dependent you are to your partner. If we had learned not to be jealous yet, not to shake the soul out of a loved one, not to drink blood and forgive him for his mistakes, but to ask himself more strictly, then September could be called the happiest month of this year.


    The month will be too hectic from the astrologer's point of view. Instead of flowers, he can put in our basket the feeling that you notice only the unsympathetic sides of life, and all the beauty has disappeared somewhere. But even though it is sometimes difficult to believe in it, there is always a place for beauty, you just need to try to see it. New fashionable collections will surprise you with their absurdity and excessive originality. Try to treat it like a game. Even if it seems to you that something ugly hangs in the store, you, of course, do not have to wear it, but deciding to buy it and put it on in October, you will feel more calm about all the other unpleasant moments. The ability to accept what seems inharmonious, explaining to oneself what the creator wanted to put into a thing, is also a certain work on oneself. You don't always need to torture yourself like that. But it is in October 2018 that this is appropriate. It will be difficult for us to express feelings this month. And the secret of a happy relationship in October is to love yourself, not to take revenge on our loved ones for those qualities of our own character that we could not correct or accept in ourselves.


    This month has traditionally been gloomy. If we were to draw him, we would most likely portray him as a shaggy old man of demonic appearance. In fact, it often turns out to be something like this, because the planets during this period are often concentrated in the sign Scorpion... But this time November promises to be a little brighter. Until the middle of the month, Venus will walk across the sky in the opposite direction, retrograde. This phenomenon rarely happens, once every two years, but it is imprinted in our memory for a long time. This is the time when past failed loves, broken marriages, failed unions begin to recover. Although they say that you can't glue a broken cup, people often try to do it. And when Venus walks back across the firmament, not only cups, but family sets are glued together. Past grievances are forgotten if they are well worked out and the correct conclusions are drawn from them. November 2018 will be more interesting not only because of the opportunity to return to the old relationship, but also because we will all actively start dreaming about the new, 2019. I am sure that the Christmas trees will light up this month and the festive mood will overwhelm everyone.

    In November, you should listen to your dreams and vision of the future. Inveterate dreamers who drown themselves in the world of dreams will be able to step onto firmer ground. Overly pragmatic, who have long forgotten what wings are behind their backs, a month will allow them to reconsider their sober outlook on life. A good time to devote yourself to art in every sense of the word: visit exhibitions, theaters, art events, develop children in this direction, learn foreign languages. It would be nice to start a fantastic renovation in the apartment, or at least make a sketch of how you ideally see your home. I think that fantasies will be accompanied by well-balanced projects. This is the time when we will have a more subtle ability of perception than before, to hear more than we speak, to understand from one mood of the interlocutor what he means. More than ever, we need openness, clarity and truthfulness in relationships. We will feel the lie with our skin.


    Old shaggy December will not be easy. Yes, the whirlwind before the holidays and the need to sum up the results of the year always make us spin faster, get tired and no longer rejoice in the celebration. At this time, it is easy to offend others with a word. Because we will be more harsh in our statements. Perhaps we will start walking in circles in our thoughts, and the main danger of December is endlessly repeating the same thing, like a worn-out record. But the month also has joyful opportunities. This time will allow you to understand who around you are your own and who are strangers. To bind spiritually close people together and leave aside those who senselessly consume your resources. People of action, who started the processes back in April, achieved significant results in December. The main topics on the agenda are loyalty and the ability to trust loved ones.

    Those who can justifiably call themselves honest and loyal will reap a harvest of fortune. Well, those who made the slack and were good only in words, will remain on the sidelines, they will only have to think about which team to join next time. But since there is often a real spiritual relationship between family members, I think December can be safely called the month of the family. When it's good, warm, cozy with your own people.

    With the coming of the new year, we all expect many positive changes. I really want to believe that having crossed this time line, all adversity will remain in the past, and only good will be ahead. But what does the coming year of the Yellow Dog really bring us? We will ask about this one of the most outstanding astrologers of our time - Vasilisa Volodina.

    This man is known for his forecasts not only in Russia, but also in far abroad. Her astrological calendars are very popular among the population. Every year hundreds of thousands of people predict their own destiny based on the data provided by Vasilisa.

    Key features of 2018

    According to most astrologers, the coming 2018 will bring changes in all spheres of life. People will have to face uncertainty, volatility, disappointment, and many life-changing decisions will have to be made quickly.

    Innovations will appear everywhere in everyone's life, and in order for them to be positive, some effort will need to be made.

    According to Vasilisa Volodina, the main transformations will arise professionally. The Year of the Yellow Dog will be the most optimal for the implementation of the planned changes.

    If you have long thought about changing your work profile or building a quick career, then in 2018 the stars themselves will help you with this. The main thing in accepting such innovations is to correctly calculate your strength, because too bold steps can bring unpleasant surprises.

    In terms of financial well-being, the coming year will be very stable and will bring good results based on its results. Additional sources of income may arise. Increases in wages and overall quality of life are expected. The main condition for qualitative changes will be personal dedication and hard work.

    Personal relationships during such a period will generally develop positively. In the family circle, love, respect and mutual understanding will come to the fore. Significant shocks are not expected, although minor conflicts may arise, especially in the first half of the year.

    In relations with friends and acquaintances, one should expect some cooling due to the dominance of external worries, but with joint efforts all this is easily smoothed out. New acquaintances with the further development of relations are not excluded. indicates that a hobby that arose in 2018 has every chance of developing into a real feeling for a lifetime.

    Particularly successful during this period will be important, fateful decisions. Each such step must be done confidently and with dignity, without ironing out past failures. The stars will definitely support such uncompromising and give a particle of the necessary luck.

    Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac


    With the onset of the first months of the new year, all representatives of this sign will have to cross the line of their comfort zone and tackle important tasks.

    Positive results from such efforts will not be long in coming, and by the end of the first half of the year, the most active Aries will be able to boast of many achievements.


    Taurus next year will become a real benchmark for stress resistance and stability. They will endure all the upcoming hardships easily, in one breath, and even the possibility of frequent shocks will not change their positive attitude.

    The punchy character of Taurus will be more useful than ever. A strong-willed attitude will allow you to go through this period without disappointment and loss.


    Gemini from the first days will feel the desire for quality changes. They will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals. But, despite this, they still manage to get what they want.

    In personal life, changes are possible. Family Gemini relationships will erupt with renewed vigor.


    Indicates that you need to be extremely careful next year. Extremely unpredictable situations may arise, for which it is better to be prepared in advance.

    Learn to smooth out sharp corners and not rush into "battle" at the first hint of conflict. Better engage in strengthening old ties, both work and friendship.

    a lion

    For Lviv, 2018 will be a period of real triumph. Thanks to their zeal and desire to conquer new horizons, they can easily cope with the cycle of upcoming events.

    Particular attention should be paid to a career, because this time will give many good opportunities.


    The coming year is preparing a lot of pleasant surprises for the representatives of this sign. Especially many new impressions will arise in your personal life.

    People born under this constellation will get a unique chance to find their true love.

    In the Year of the Dog, you can count on financial well-being.


    Libra in the new year will have to rely solely on their own strength. Some difficulties may arise in communicating with others.

    Nevertheless, with the help of their innate intuition and natural industriousness, people belonging to this sign will always celebrate a complete victory over circumstances.


    For Scorpios, 2018 will be a somewhat paradoxical period. On the one hand, the implementation of all conceived plans will face great difficulties, but on the other hand, despite such problems, the results will be very high.

    Thus, for people born under this sign, the best helpers in achieving goals will be perseverance and optimism.


    For Sagittarius in 2018, the time will come for romance and pleasant emotions. Many interesting acquaintances are expected, which will be a good help for arranging your personal life.

    Lonely representatives of this sign have a high chance of finding their soul mate.


    The natural tenacity of Capricorns in the coming year will finally bring good results. Especially bright victories are expected in career and finance.

    Everyone who redirects internal resources to the workflow from the first days will be more than rewarded at the end of the year.