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  • How to deal with laziness and fatigue? Vanity is the absence of a good purpose How to get rid of haste and vanity.

    How to deal with laziness and fatigue?  Vanity is the absence of a good purpose How to get rid of haste and vanity.
    (Votes #: 21)

    The irony is that modern technology is designed to reduce our time spent on work, but in fact, they allow us to do more and more, and our life is ultimately faster and more hectic than ever.

    Life rushes so fast that it seems it will sweep past us even before we have time to truly enjoy it.

    However, it doesn't have to be that way. Let's fight the hustle and bustle, let's live slowly and enjoy it.

    Eliminating rush from your life means that you will have time to enjoy the silence of the morning, instead of frantic getting to work. It means enjoying whatever you do, enjoying being outdoors, focusing on the person you are chatting with or spending time with - all of this instead of constantly fiddling with your cell phone or communicator, constantly thinking about work and email. ... This means working on one task instead of grabbing onto several things at once, without really concentrating on any one.

    Reducing the rush and hustle and bustle is a conscious choice, and it's not always easy, but it will make you much happier.

    Here's how to do it.

    1. Do less... It is impossible to get rid of the rush when you are busy with a million things at once. Make a conscious decision to do less. Focus on what is really important, what must be done, and let the rest take its course. Separate your tasks in time so that you can walk through life at a leisurely pace.

    2. Live in the present... It's not enough just to slow down - you also need to carefully monitor what you are doing at the moment. If you find yourself thinking about something to be done, or something that has already happened, or something that might happen ... gently but persistently bring yourself back down to earth. Concentrate on what's happening right now. On what you do, on what surrounds you, on the people around you. It takes some practice, but it is necessary.

    3. Disconnect your phone... You don't have to be always in touch. If you are worried about your iPhone, Blackberry or other mobile device, just turn it off. Better to leave it at home when possible. If your job involves a computer, take time to distract yourself and do something else. When you are constantly online, you are doomed to be constantly distracted, you will constantly receive various information, all sorts of requests and demands. It can be difficult to find peace of mind if you check your inbox every now and then.

    4. Focus on communication... When we spend time with friends, family, or meet with colleagues, in reality, too often we are not with them. We seem to even talk to them, but at the same time our attention is riveted on all kinds of devices, for example, to a mobile phone. Physically we are here, but our minds think about very different things. We listen, but in reality we think about ourselves and what we would like to tell. None of us is immune from this, but with a conscious effort of will, you can abstract yourself from the outside world and just be with those who are next to you. Anything can happen in life and maybe you will never have such an opportunity again.

    5. Appreciate nature... Many of us spend most of our time within the four walls of our apartments and offices, in a car or subway, and are just waiting for the chance to escape to nature. But often, even when we leave the city, all we do is chat on our cell phones, instead of contemplating nature, breathing fresh air, enjoying the greenery and the serene water surface. Take every opportunity to spend time outdoors, do whatever you want - walking in the woods, hiking, swimming, etc. Feel the touch of wind and water. Try to be in nature every day, either alone or with someone you care about.

    6. Eat slower... Instead of cramming food into yourself as fast as possible, which leads to obesity and loss of pleasure from the process, learn to eat slowly. Focus on every bite. Evaluate the taste and texture of the food. A leisurely meal is doubly beneficial - you eat less food and it tastes even better. I also advise you to eat more natural foods with spices (instead of consuming too fatty, salty or sweet).

    7. The quieter you go - the further you will be... In our crazy world, it is common for drivers to drive as fast as possible, despite the fact that this is the cause of most car accidents, stress and wasted fuel. Try to make it a rule to drive slowly. Enjoy your surroundings. Use your travel time to reflect on your life, the nature of things. Driving will be safer and more enjoyable. Plus, you will be using less gas.

    8. Find pleasure in everything... Reminds me of the wish to “live in the present”, but here we go even further. Whatever you do, be here and now, consider each approach to your activity, look for the most satisfying among them. For example, when you wash the dishes, instead of trying to finish this boring routine as soon as possible, feel the sensation of warm water, foam, dishes. Washing dishes can be fun if you learn to look at it from the right perspective. Think in the same vein when you do any boring things - wash your car, knock out the dust, wash clothes, sweep ... Life can be much more pleasant if you learn to perceive it correctly.

    9. Only one task... Concentrate on one single task at a time. If there is an urgent need to switch to another job, stop, take a deep breath and return yourself to a normal, balanced state.

    10. Breathing... If you suddenly notice that you are too excited, in a great hurry, etc., stop and take a deep breath. Take a few more breaths if necessary. Feel how the air passes through your body, how the tension leaves you. Full concentration on your breathing will bring you back to normal and calm you down. After all, taking a good couple of breaths is always enjoyable. Make them right now and you will understand what I mean :)

    Hello dear readers!

    In continuation of the article, I decided to write about one more sign - about haste. How I lost sight of him then, I can’t put my mind to it!

    But haste and haste are almost the main enemies of modern man.

    We do not live, we are in a hurry, we do not live, we run, and through the dust raised by our running, monotony and emptiness can be seen. In our rush we do not have time to live.

    For some reason, many people think that the number of completed tasks and the speed of their implementation are evidence and guarantor of their quality, as well as the quality of life of the person himself.

    In modern society, the attitude has long been established that speed, haste and a high pace of life are evidence of success and success.

    But at the same time, many of these “successful” people live long ago having lost the feeling of satisfaction with life and work done. Constantly boiling in the cauldron of eternal haste, bustle and haste, they say to themselves: “I feel like a squeezed lemon”, “I’m like a hunted animal”, “the more I do, the more I feel emptiness,” “I’m so tired that everything I want less and less of something from life. "

    Haste is a very voracious beast! It eats up time, so life runs past a person. He only feels that "the days are falling quickly like leaves in autumn."

    Haste eats up strength, hence the feeling of dull fatigue, with a complete loss of joy from the work performed.

    Haste eats up mindfulness. Therefore, a person, diving headlong into things, trying to do them as much and quickly as possible, notices little around him. Life events flicker with great speed, giving rise to meaninglessness and monotony in life.

    Haste eats up positive feelings and emotions, pleasant thoughts and contentment. But it fosters negative feelings, especially feelings of fleetingness and disappointment.

    If you are in a hurry, you will never be happy and satisfied with your life. Haste and vanity are the enemies of happiness. And what kind of happiness and quality of life can we talk about if fatigue and emptiness have dug in and take root in your soul?

    Haste has a negative impact on both the physical, and the one. It is she who is to blame for the fact that stress is one of the most dangerous enemies of modern man.

    Have you ever asked yourself why this is happening?

    And it's all to blame for the tension. There is too much of it. This is the detrimental effect of the excessive effect, which I already wrote about in the article.

    The overuse effect can also be called the "paradox of purposeful effort." The more we want to achieve the goal, do more things, achieve high results, the more tension grows, the more it grows, the less strength and more negative emotions, and this leads to losses in the effectiveness of actions.

    In addition, on this basis, the looping effect often develops, when a person is constantly in a state of business nervousness, he cannot calm down in any way, and all his thoughts and feelings constantly return to business and worries.

    And the worst thing: haste and haste subjugate a person, he, and now he does not manage affairs, but affairs control a person.

    Hence: maybe you are doing little, not because you are not doing enough and not exerting yourself enough, but on the contrary - you are too zealous, overly stressed !?

    What to do? Well, you can do nothing, live the way you used to live. This is what the majority do. Why strain even more and change the situation? And so worries up to the throat, and then get rid of the hustle and bustle!

    But you can still do something. Below is a list of recommendations, the adherence to which allows you to cope with the haste and chaos in your life, or at least reduce them to a bearable minimum. Try doing at least some of them regularly and your life will start to change. So,…

    How to stop rushing

    and at the same time do more

    1. As often and clearly as possible, understand the reason for your haste and eternal hastetoo strong and even excessive desire to make your life and the life of your loved ones better, and yourself more successful.

    Realize that an excessive pursuit of happiness and success scares off happiness and success. They are drawn to leisurely and thoroughly. Happiness does not need to be sought, it is formed within us as a powerful experience of harmony with ourselves and the world around us.

    This experience arises in response to openness to the world, in response to the ability to live life to the fullest, not just a life saturated with affairs and concerns, in response to the ability to accept life as it is, in response to the ability to learn from our own problems.

    1. Freeze the moment and watch the little things

    To get rid of an extreme fixation on your affairs and problems, you need to learn how to be distracted and turn your attention to little things. Look for what you usually do not see in the abyss of everyday affairs and worries.

    For example, carefully observe how the leaves of the trees tremble, how the snowflakes fall, how the rain pounds on the rusty windowsill, listen to the ticking of the clock, watch the crema on the coffee or the crumbs on the table ...

    It all sounds silly! But this is the law of switching attention: if you have been focused on something very large, important and significant for a long time, then only something seemingly very small and insignificant can relieve tension.

    It is necessary to develop the habit of finding meaning in such imperceptible little things, and then your life will become richer and fuller. After all, our deeds and problems are not our life, and we are not our deeds and problems, we are something more.

    1. Ask yourself the following questions more often: what is happening to me now? What I feel? Why do I feel this way?

    Working with feelings, their awareness and clarification help relieve unnecessary stress, teach you to treat yourself, your feelings and thoughts more consciously and productively (you can talk about the technique of developing self-understanding).

    1. No matter how trite it sounds, but plan your day, and plan it with a combination of rigid and flexible planning. This will allow you to avoid chaos, unnecessary haste and fuss and treat the execution of affairs without excessive fanaticism: if something remains unfulfilled, then it must be done, then you will do it another time.
    2. Do not use extra efforts, 80-90% out of 100 possible will be enough.

    It was already discussed above that excessive efforts do not actually help to achieve the goal, but only interfere, generate excessive stress.

    Mark Levy, in his book Genius to Order, citing Robert Kriegel, a renowned coach-psychologist for world-class athletes, cites the example of a group of sprint runners.

    After the first race, the coach noticed that all the athletes were too tense and tight. Instead of further motivating them and encouraging them to go the distance as quickly as possible, he invited them to relax and give about nine-tenths of their best in the second race. Mark Levy writes:

    “The results were amazing. To everyone's surprise, each athlete ran faster the second time they did not use extra effort. And one runner even set an unofficial world record.... The same is true for other types of activity: without exerting extra efforts, you will achieve more in any area. Logic tells us that we must give at least 110% to get ahead of the competition. However, I have found that when we give 90%, we usually get the best results. "

    Knowing the effect of giving up super-efforts and applying it in practice, you will slowly be able to do more and get rid of the monotony of life and obsession with business.

    1. Work with frequent, short breaks.
    1. Don't neglect weekends.

    Many people use them in order to finish what was not completed on weekdays. But at least one day off per week must be mandatory. At this time, it is better to disconnect from everyday affairs, taking up, for example, a hobby.

    But just do not turn your hobby into a job that involves some kind of planned result! A hobby is a hobby for the soul, it is a process that does not require purposeful and volitional tension. The result is, of course, important, but it is secondary, because in real creativity passion, self-expression and meaning are of great value.

    That's all. I hope now you know how to overcome haste and fuss, and that you have already decided for yourself how to stop rushing, how to get more done and how to live.

    See you in the next post. Follow the blog updates.

    In the next article I will talk about a very effective method of psychological self-help.

    I wish you good luck and good mood!

    © Denis Kryukov

    Along with this article, read:

    Why is it so hard to change your life () and ()

    I would be very grateful if you leave your

    You will need

    • - CD player;
    • - CD with relaxing music;
    • - CD with your settings;
    • - privacy;
    • - comfortable clothes for meditation;
    • - scissors;
    • - aroma sticks;
    • - sedative teas with mint, lemon balm, chamomile.


    For 10-15 minutes go to the inaccessibility zone - turn off the TV, radio, turn off the phones. You need silence to hear yourself. And let the world wait!

    Sit in the way that suits you, straighten your back, relax. Make sure your body feels free and light. Close your eyes, take 5-6 deep breaths and exhalations. In the process of meditation, take in all sounds, sensations, symbols, color spots and that may appear in your mind's eye.

    Try to concentrate on the images, make them as vivid as possible, experience certain emotions, feel the picture. As much as possible, "turn off" your endless internal dialogue - those thoughts that constantly revolve in your head throughout your life. The duration of each meditation will be 3 to 5 minutes.

    Create your own CD, burn the settings for your subconscious mind on it. For example, this may be statements that are necessary for the beauty and health of your body: “I am beautiful”, “My skin is filled with solar energy”, “I have healthy silky hair”, “I have a strong healthy heart”, “I "," I'm not in a hurry "," My body is as relaxed as possible "," My mind is clear of thoughts "," I don't think about anything ", etc. Imagine that your head works the same way as a CD player. "Throw" out of this player the old disc with old "thoughts" about your physical body. Put a new disc of affirmations in the turntable and listen to them, smoothly and slowly repeating each phrase aloud. All this time, imagine that a bright sun is shining over your head.

    Move on to the second meditation "Puppet", which allows you to get rid of people who seek to control you, addictions and addictions. For work, use the image of a puppet, remember the puppeteer who controls her movements. This puppet is you, controlled by something or someone, including your own beliefs, thoughts, negative addictions. At the beginning of your meditation, identify those people or attachments that are holding you back from your life. Imagine yourself as a puppet, which someone controls, pulls the strings from above. This someone is standing over you and setting the threads in motion. Recognize who it is or what it is. Feel the desire to become free, to break away from it. Pick up scissors. Imagine yourself happily cutting the threads. Feel empowered and completely liberated. Move freely and easily, now you can do it yourself.

    Do the third meditation: Sail of Fortune. Imagine that you are sailing on a yacht on the sea of ​​your life. You float through wealth, success, and abundance. Suddenly the wind changes, you find yourself in a calm. Look around, evaluate the sea surface, determine where the new wind will blow from. Turn your yacht around to catch the new wind. Keep moving towards your goal - a calm, peaceful life without fuss. Feel like you are in control of your life.

    Conducting such meditations 3-4 times a week, you will very soon notice that haste, vanity, fears and insecurities leave your life, and they are replaced by calmness and tranquility.

    There are ways by which you can confuse a person and force him to make mistakes, and at the same time, you should avoid such techniques in relation to yourself, because fuss sometimes plays into the hands of those who deliberately immerse others in it. When a person is in a hurry and in a hurry, he does not have time to think, all his actions are mechanical, they are his instinctive reaction. But despite the fact that haste does not lead to good, thanks to it it is possible to achieve an increase in the speed of thinking, especially if the activity in which a person is in a hurry is known to him thoroughly. This is comparable to the martial arts, in which techniques are studied, and which are used in real battles on automatism, for most situations athletes do not have time to think, but their reaction is also an impulse from the brain, and this takes time. Therefore, if you rush a person to increase his productivity, as, say, happens in enterprises, then this certainly gives a result, the only question is the time during which people learn to do the required actions much faster. At the same time, of course, they do not want to rush and squeeze the result of the work of ten out of their bodies, but capitalists who extract money from people like lard from pigs do not care much.

    If you rush a person in a new business for him, in which he still understands little or does not understand anything at all, then he will definitely begin to make mistakes that you may need. In addition, haste helps to achieve certain actions from a person, especially at the first stage, when you are very active and fussy calling for something, and only then he may have thoughts about what he is doing and why he is doing it. Therefore, it is very beneficial to rush, say, in cases when panic and fear should be sown, and under this veil to achieve certain actions from a person or a group of people. For example, you can clear an entire shopping pavilion of people, forcing them to leave the premises in a hurry due to a possible terrorist attack that may occur, and if you do this emotionally enough, the effect will be excellent, people will leave the building in a hustle and bustle, leaving all their belongings and unfinished Affairs. This is a good enough way to annoy competitors or use the situation for your own profit.

    Such things often happen, as far as I know, here, after all, the factor of fear matters, and the subsequent proceedings turn into heavy red tape, you never know what can happen in our time, everything can be justified by actions for the good of others, the main thing is to act within the framework of the law. Such techniques are very effective with haste and emotions in court or in law enforcement agencies, when a person is put under pressure in a certain way, subjecting him to a psychological attack, while asking questions very quickly, as if dictating the pace of the conversation, forcing him to respond quickly and fussily to the questions put in front of him. questions. And quick answers, these are truthful answers for the most part, which is why in some tests, they require a person to answer without hesitation, this is the whole point of the test, because he must find out what a person already has in his head, what he will be guided by first of all, especially enveloped in a storm of emotions. You yourself can arrange for yourself such a test by writing on a piece of paper a series of words or situations that require your primary reaction and check what it will be, this is your reaction.

    It is desirable, of course, that a similar list of questions, words or various situations that require an immediate solution from you should be compiled for you by someone else, so that you do not know what to prepare for. Such a test of your own reaction carries a lot of positive aspects, because first of all you will learn more about yourself, that is, about your reactions and associations, and secondly, you will be able to correct everything that does not suit you in one way or another, that is, you will be able to adjust your autopilot to the order of actions you need. For such work, as I said, it is very important to have an assistant, to test yourself less efficiently, although it is certainly better than nothing. For example, this will be your reaction to the word "fire", association and reaction, you should give them away without hesitation immediately, because if you find yourself in a situation when there is a fire around you, you will mostly act instinctively, driven by fear and panic, and be guided by the actions that are in your head in this case, in the absence of such, only instinct will control you, which, as we know, does not always help out. So, of course, you need to be prepared in case of fuss and panic, besides, if the situation does not require delay, but requires quick decision-making, then it is important to have at least some set of options for this case, the right options.

    In the same way, you work through all sorts of situations and the order of your actions during them, doing it quickly, without thinking, but talking about what comes to mind first, this is important first of all for yourself, you should know yourself, and not think that you know. But in communicating with other people, or even more so in making a decision, you should not rush, especially do not do this if you are required to hurry. For example, you went to a store and the seller tells you that the product is already leaving, it has practically left and you should make a decision as soon as possible whether to buy it or not. In fact, the decision is already being imposed on you, if the product leaves, you need to grab it, and only then think about whether you need it. Here you can slow down, the question is not about life and death, there is no need to fuss and rush to make a decision, especially the myth of a shortage of goods that is about to leave, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this is nonsense, in our time supply significantly exceeds demand and if it were not for the artificial stimulation of needs, manufacturers would not know how to shave off their goods. Here is an example for you when it is completely pointless to rush to a decision, here is the manipulation of your actions precisely through haste and fear of a possible loss of a very advantageous situation. Making a decision in a hurry in this case, you will definitely make a mistake, you may of course not make it, but the percentage of erroneous decision making is very high.

    Do not rush, think, weigh the pros and cons, and only after that make the final decision, you will not lose anything, I assure you. Thinking and thinking again is especially important when you are dealing with the law, whether you testify or testify in court - do not rush to answer questions, ponder them. And in order not to create the impression of yourself as a person coming up with answers that are beneficial for yourself, pretend to be a brake or pretend that the question is not clear to you, thinking it over and over, while it will be chewed for you. Haste is beneficial only to those who expect the truth from you, but do you know everyone has their own, and you can understand it in different ways, so you should not spread everything as it is, just to quickly satisfy the curiosity of vultures who are ready to turn your truth against you ... Only with the exception of cases related to your safety, when extreme conditions require you to make a quick decision, in other cases there is no need for rush and fuss, do not rush to make decisions, although you certainly should not be a brake, but this is already a matter of increasing the speed of thinking, about the tests that help to achieve this, I wrote above.

    Pay special attention to people who demand rush from you, this requirement definitely does not reflect your interests, especially if rush is not necessary. They can rush you in many cases, and only a small fraction of them can have a question of life and death, when there really is no time to think, you need to act, but even in this case, it is worth giving a couple of seconds to think. The quieter you go - the further you will, there is truth in these words, the main thing is to understand in what situations this rule works, and there are many such situations. The speed of decision making and its correctness very rarely go alongside, unless you are properly prepared and can take the right actions automatically. To do this, I once again return you to those simple tests with which you should prepare yourself for various situations in order to have the correct algorithm of actions when delaying death is like.

    Two days ago, I wrote an article about that needs to be worked out in order to be successful. This habit is to stop fussing, it guarantees the correctness of subsequent decisions. Today I will give specific recommendations on how to remove vanity from my life.


    New York a month ago. 3 p.m. I leave the Apple Store with headphones in my hands that create acoustic silence. These headphones drown out all the noise that surrounds us. I’m standing at the crossroads, cars are rushing by, a helicopter is flying somewhere in the sky, firemen’s sirens are heard in the distance, people are talking nearby. I put on my headphones and ... reality turns off. The world sound toggle switch is off. The picture is still moving, you can touch yourself, but you are not here. Silence. You have turned from a participant in life into a spectator. The vanity is gone.

    By turning off one of the senses, we can achieve shutdown of reality, and together with reality, we turn off the fuss imposed on us by this fast world.

    Five senses

    A person has 5 basic senses through which we perceive the world:

    1. Vision
    2. Tactile perception (skin receptors, fingers, feet, tongue)
    3. Smell

    Disabling one of the senses reduces the flow of information to the brain and gives it the opportunity to “cool down”, stop fussing.

    The above sensory perceptions are listed in order of magnitude of impact on the brain, so the effectiveness of the methods of dealing with fuss will decrease as you move towards the bottom of this list:

    1. Vision

    Close your eyes and wear goggles or a light-blocking bandage. You can even ask someone close to walk you blindfolded down the street to see how effective this method of dealing with the hustle and bustle is. I draw your attention, it is better not just to close your eyes, but to ensure that the eyes do not perceive any signals at all, i.e. completely block out the light. Have you ever seen a fussy blind man? He naturally cannot fidget because his brain cannot be sensory overflowing with information. If eliminating light is completely impossible, then simple sunglasses can relieve fussiness, albeit less effective.

    2. Hearing

    Immerse yourself in silence. To remove the fussiness, create silence with acoustic headphones. It can be done in seconds. I recommend you my Bose 15 Quiet Comfort. The price in America with taxes is $ 315, ours will be more expensive. They completely turn off the noise when you fly in an airplane. You can listen to quiet music during the flight, I listen to audiobooks at low volume. Also in the subway. The disadvantages are that they are larger than headphones for the iphone and after 15-20 minutes I start to feel some pressure on the eardrums, although other people usually do not feel this. For information - headphones need their own battery. If it sits down and there is no spare, then consider that you do not have headphones either.

    Just put on these headphones and turn them on, it will create silence and remove the fuss (if the headphones are on, but turned off, then the silence is “inaudible”). You can play slow, relaxing music. Listening to music, if the music is quiet and quiet, also tunes us to a slow wave and extinguishes the fuss. But the best music for relieving fuss, it's still silence.

    There are other, more natural ways to immerse yourself in silence. Go to church. It is always quiet there, even if it is located in the city center. A trip out of town also removes the hustle and bustle because it removes irritation from the hearing organs (creates silence).

    3. Smell

    The city always stinks of something. We get used to the smells of the city, but getting used to the smell does not mean turning it off, getting used only means stopping noticing the source of stress.

    Spa salons use oils and aromatherapy. The dosage of the scent is very important here. In small doses, scents can help you relax by distracting yourself from reality. In large doses, aromas do not so much distract us from reality as they increase the dose of information entering the brain from the outside. Smell is too powerful a channel, so if the dose of smell is even slightly higher than the barely perceptible one, it only adds to the fuss and stress.

    In high doses, any scent increases brain activity, be it incense, orange, or Chanel. This is confirmed by strong bursts of activity on the electroencephalogram of the subjects when they were given to sniff different odors (even those considered to be soothing). To use smells in the fight against fuss and not to be mistaken, it is better to think like this: “everything that smells stinks for the brain”. Therefore, the “truest smell” is clean sea air, clean mountain air or air outside the city.

    And yet I will say that in good SPA centers, where the smells are subtle, the aromas pleasantly distract us without overloading our brains with “information”.

    4. Tactile perception

    Massage. The massage itself delivers massive tactile signals to the brain, but upon completion, the tactile signals are extinguished to a level lower than they were before the massage. Before the massage, impulses from the skin and muscles smoldered, during the massage they flared up and at the end of the massage they burned out completely. The same thing happens after exercise and sauna. Hot showers and contrast showers are also tactile ways to relieve fuss. My favorite and most effective way to deal with fussiness and stress is walking barefoot on the sand or ground. Tactile perception can also be considered a distraction therapy (hence cans, mustard plasters, etc.)

    5. Taste

    The organs of taste are neutral by default and we cannot turn them off. But our taste buds can make us detract from reality and drown out the strong signals of fuss from our eyes, ears, skin, and nose. Taste is a red herring. Time stops when a person eats his favorite Cheesecake with a mug of latte coffee. Scientifically speaking, taste buds work according to the dominance system - when they are strongly irritated, their signals are more important than others and we stop noticing the noise around us and the shoes that press us.

    Some people are so addicted to relieving fuss and stress with food (a distraction method) that they are used to overeating and gaining weight. You don't have to overeat to cope with stress. Stress can be relieved with a simple blindfold or headphones rather than a roll or cookie.

    Other methods of dealing with the hustle and bustle

    1. Drugs. A very effective but silly method of dealing with the hustle and bustle. This method turns off thinking, strains the body's systems and causes addiction and should not be seen as a means of fighting fuss or as a means of fighting anything. Any positive effect will be negligible compared to the consequences.
    2. Alcohol. 250 grams of vodka extinguishes all the senses at the same time and very effectively relieves fussiness. If other methods have been tried, and tried again, then 250 grams of vodka is better than myocardial infarction. The method is applicable at rare intervals.
    3. Sex. It can be more harmful than drugs if it is thoughtless and unprotected, or it can be more useful than mountain air. The main criteria: a person should not be his own sexual partner, should not get sick, should not be mentally tormented himself and has no right to inflict moral pain on others because of his sexual activity.


    It is necessary to acknowledge the fussiness of a serious enemy and begin to establish the habit of not fussing. Developing a non-fussing habit can take an investment of time and even money, but this habit is worth the sacrifice because it ensures that all subsequent habits are developed consciously.