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  • How to make a wish for the new moon. How to make a wish for the new moon

    How to make a wish for the new moon.  How to make a wish for the new moon

    Inquietude simplicity terminated she compliment remarkably few her nay. The weeks are ham asked jokes. Neglected perceived shy nay concluded. Not mile draw plan snug next all. Houses latter an valley be indeed wished merely in my. Money doubt oh drawn every or an china. Visited out friends for expense message set eat. By impossible of in difficulty discovered celebrated ye. Justice joy manners boy met resolve produce. Bed head loud next plan rent had easy add him. As earnestly shameless elsewhere defective estimable fulfilled of. Esteem my advice it an excuse enable. Few household abilities believing determine zealously his ...

    Crystal of the darkest river

    Continual delighted as elsewhere am convinced unfeeling. Introduced stimulated attachment no by projection. To loud lady whom my mile sold four. Need miss all four case fine age tell. He families my pleasant speaking it bringing it thoughts. View busy dine oh in knew if even. Boy these along far own other equal old fanny charm. Difficulty invitation put introduced see middletons nor preference. Full age sex set feel her told. Tastes giving in passed direct me valley as supply. End great stood boy noisy often way taken short. Rent the size our more door. Years no place abode in ...

    Spring of the captive

    Apartments simplicity or understood do it we. Song such eyes had and off. Removed winding ask explain delight out few behaved lasting. Letters old hastily ham sending not sex chamber because present. Oh is indeed twenty entire figure. Occasional diminution announcing new now literature terminated. Really regard excuse off ten pulled. Lady am room head so lady four or eyes an. He do of consulted sometimes concluded mr. An household behavior if pretended. Inhabit hearing perhaps on ye do no. It maids decay as there he. Smallest on suitable disposed do although blessing he juvenile in. Society or if excited ...

    Pearl of enchantment

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    Memory of return

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    The Fascination and the Destruction

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    Whispering healer

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    Legend in the Lords

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    BALCONY - A PLACE FOR MAKING WISHES. Signs and ceremonies of the new moon. Wish list-How to make a wish for the new moon.

    How often we arrange there something like a warehouse of unnecessary things, in winter our balcony generally turns into a large household waste bin. But this is fundamentally wrong!

    Remember: the more cluttered your balcony, the less cash flows will be able to get into your apartment!

    In general, a balcony is a mystical place; it is located between heaven and earth, and therefore the atmosphere there belongs to an unusual layer: Out of earth , which means magic, because it is also located between the heavenly and the earthly.

    No, I, of course, do not urge you to practice magic rituals on the balcony, but I still advise you to look at the stars, sunsets and sunrises more often. It is there that a city person can gain the energy that he lacks so much (we will talk about this later). It is there that it is useful to be more often for creative people, for those who feel bad, for those who have to solve some difficult task in life, but cannot do it in any way.
    If you don't have a balcony, you may have a glazed terrace or window. Everything that we talked about applies to them, just the balcony is the most revealing.

    On the balcony, as in a mystical place, the energy of the wind, sun, moon and stars comes to our aid. Standing there, you can ask the moon and stars to fulfill desires, especially help in love.

    On the night the moon is visible, stand on the balconyfold the fingers of both hands into a "house" and look at the moon through the hole in this "house". Tell her your desire and ask her to fulfill it. Then open the "house" and thank the sorceress moon.

    By the way, all that has been said applies to the window as well. Choose your favorite (if you have multiple windows) and refer to the moon.
    (115 ways to get rich, or Secrets of abundance of money. Elena Anatolyevna Korovina)

    Signs and rites of the new moon

    On the new moon, it is recommended to carry out rituals of deliverance: from diseases, love spells, slander, attachments, habits ... Moreover, it is advisable to do this before the onset of the new moon, but after its onset, start new business and relationships.

    It is very good to make wishes on your Lunar birthday. In terms of strength, it is equal to the 1st lunar day.

    The new moon is the first quarter of the lunar month, which is called the "time of the dead moon."

    And, although the influence of the Moon during this period is not as strong as in other phases, at this time it is recommended to tune in to some undertakings, changes and fulfillment of desires.

    1. On the new moon, pour a glass of water and leave it on the windowsill behind the curtains until the full moon comes. Then wash your face with this water, saying:"As you, a month, were thin, but became full, so I have all the good to be full." Your business will be on the mend soon.

    2. If you have a lot of hair loss, you need to speak it at the threshold of your house on the new moon. Clasp your hands tightly over your head and read three times:“As the month was born, so let the hair of the servant of God (name) be born and come. As no one counted the stars in the sky, so let the hair of the servant of God (name) multiply and thicken without count. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    3. To get married on the new moon - to a new happy life.

    4. One who was born on the new moon will live happily ever after.

    5. This rite of passage for beauty should be performed on the new moon. Separate the white from the chicken egg, beat and apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with spring or river water. And bury the yolk from the same egg under a rose bush. It is believed that all the beauty of the rose, after this ceremony, will pass to you.

    6. At the beginning of a life together, you can not do the first wash on Monday, Saturday or on the day of the new moon.

    7. Rite of passage for the fulfillment of wishes. On the new moon, cut triangles from red paper (point up). Write down all your desires on them. Formulate desires very vividly. Stick your photo under the caption, which you like and where you are happy and smiling, and place these triangles in the southern sector of the house. Desires will definitely come true.

    8. On the new moon, exactly when the new moon appears, write yourself a receipt for receiving money. Do everything as in a regular receipt. Fill in the date, write your name, insert the written certain amount (not prohibitive), put the receipt number, date and signature. Hide this receipt where no one will find it. Ideally, this should be a red envelope.

    You will receive what you want within 7 days. Or get compensation in the form of a successful purchase or good news. Please note that only a more or less real desire can be fulfilled so quickly.

    9. Light some incense and some candles, tune in to inner peace, open a notebook and write down the following phrase "I will do everything to make all my dreams come true." Then write down clearly all your desires that you intend to fulfill in the next month. Your list can be one or more items. View these records for a month, they should come true.

    10. If you have any thoughts about a purchase, launching a new project, business or personal proposal - do it on the new moon. Everything will go under the sign of good luck.

    Any clearly formulated intention carries with it a charge of power, so before you begin the ritual of the new moon, make sure that you are really ready to receive it all later. The sages of the whole world never tire of repeating that you should be careful with your desires, because they can be fulfilled. Remember this when making wishes under the sign of the new moon.

    "Written with a pen - you can't cut it out with an ax" - this is not about the moon. The influence of the night luminary is changeable, the lunar cycle - birth, growth, aging and dying, all this means a constant change in existence.

    Therefore, it makes sense to revise the wishes made for the new moon every lunar month, correlating them with the current state of affairs.

    In order to track these changes, have two notebooks (or a notebook and an album): in the first, you will write down the formulated desires, in the second, you will paste and (or) draw pictures that reflect the images of the conceived.

    Now, point by point:

    1. To begin with, actions that can help tune in to the sacred mood: prayer, mantras, meditative music, deep breathing, herbal moods with mint, chamomile, etc., incense sticks, candles. In any comfy set. Naturally quiet, secluded place. Well, do not forget to check with lunar calendar so that there is a new moon on this day, of course.

    2. Write the date of the ceremony in a notebook. Next, write something like: "I am ready (a) to accept my thought into my life, for my own good and for the good of all those concerned." This is not a spell, so it is not necessary to repeat it verbatim, but it is important to keep the general meaning.

    Then start writing down your desires. The list can include any number of items. The main thing is that you really want it and be ready to accept everything that is conceived in your life. This diary is your dream territory, don't limit yourself. Write down everything - from the little things to the cherished desires.

    3. If during the next lunar month after the ceremony, at least one of the desires written in the notebook is fulfilled, take a moment and rewrite the list again. Leave the old entry untouched, do not cross out anything, just the new version of the list will be one item (or two, or how many years old) shorter.

    If you feel that some item in the resulting new list does not correspond to the changed circumstances, make an edit.

    4. In the second notebook (or album) you need to collect (paste, draw) a variety of pictures, one way or another reflecting the wishes. It can be both literal visual images of desired things, and images of the general atmosphere that you would like to create in your life. The main visual series is set for the new moon, but in the same way as with the first notebook, it would be good to revise the material within a month to keep it up to date.

    Each new lunar month, revise both notebooks. Do not forget to carry out preparatory actions that will help you tune in to communication with your inner self and hear the quiet voice of secret desires (prayer, meditation, relaxation - depending on your outlook on life).

    To nourish your desires with lunar energy, you need to provide a constantly changing stream of events.

    Simply put, the list should be updated every month - and the more, the better.

    The lunar principle does not favor stability and immutability, therefore I advise you to include in your lists, in addition to something global, small pleasures like concert tickets, meeting friends, weekend plans.

    You may think that this is too insignificant for such an event as the ritual of the new moon, but I will remind you that the year is made up of months and the month is made up of days. And every moment has a meaning for the general picture of things. Neglecting small joys in anticipation of a big miracle, we ourselves, without knowing it, can interfere with the implementation of this miracle in life.

    Lunar cycles are a recurring phenomenon. Every month the moon dies and is reborn. But you, rewriting from month to month a single desire like "I want to hit a big jackpot in the lottery", with your own hands deprive yourself of the opportunity to receive an influx of funds and pleasure from some other sources that could open up for you, if you thought, what else in the world can bring you joy.

    A series of messages "":
    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 17 -
    Part 18 -
    Part 19 - BALCONY - A PLACE FOR MAKING WISHES. Signs and ceremonies of the new moon. Wish list-How to make a wish for the new moon.
    Part 20 -
    Part 21 -
    Part 22 -
    Part 23 -
    Part 24 -

    Do you want your cherished wish to come true? Every month you have such a unique opportunity!

    Astrologers claim that New Moon is an energetically powerful time, which is an ideal "tool" for making cherished dreams. The main thing is to do it correctly and sincerely trust the powerful force of the night luminary!

    And here is the list for 2017:

    • 28 January
    • 26 february
    • 28 march
    • 26 April
    • May 25
    • June 24
    • July 23
    • August 21
    • September 20
    • 19 october
    • November 18th
    • December 18

    A simple ritual with a candle

    The more responsibly you approach the performance of the ritual, the more chances that the wish made for the new moon will come true - this opinion is shared by all experts in the field of magic. The simplest and affordable way creating an appropriate atmosphere - to retire in a quiet room and light a candle at the very hour when a new month is born in the sky.

    Under the mysterious flickering of a candle, you need to carefully analyze your thoughts, get distracted from extraneous ideas and concentrate as much as possible and only after that make a wish. It is believed that the power of thought can transmit information to the universe, where the young moon realizes all its energetic potential.

    It is important to imagine that it has already come true and to feel the emotions that will follow the fulfillment of the dream. Further, the candle flame must be blown out and try to “let go” of dreams, so as not to interfere with the growing month in its “work”.

    Lunar notebook

    Another popular ritual of making wishes for the new moon is to write everything you dream about on a blank sheet of paper. For this method, you will need a beautiful notebook or notebook - this is a prerequisite for a properly performed ceremony. White paper symbolizes the purity of thoughts and the desire to make dreams come true.

    At the time when the new moon begins, all the innermost thoughts should be written down. You can not be limited to one thing, but ask the universe to make several desires come true. The main thing is not to show what you have written to anyone, or even better - to hide the notebook in a secluded place where it will be protected from prying eyes.

    It is important that the guesswork is formulated as accurately and specifically as possible, the universe does not like double interpretations, and it is easier for a young month to fulfill a clear request. When some time has passed and the moment of the next new moon comes, the rituals can be repeated: analyze the records, delete what has come true, and make new wishes.


    The fulfillment of desires promises another rite of passage associated with paper. Several regular triangles should be cut out of red colored paper or cardboard, on each of which a cherished dream should be written. After that, all triangles must be folded into a blank envelope (top up), and your photo must be placed there.

    It is necessary that the photograph be associated with pleasant memories, the expression on her face was joyful, smiling, happy. If you hide the envelope in some secret corner, in the southern part of the dwelling, everything that was conceived will certainly come true.

    On the first day of the moon, you can pour a full glass of clean water and put it on the window, where it should stand for a whole month, until the next new moon. At the time of the ritual, it is recommended to pronounce the following spell: "As this glass is full, so my house should be full of happiness!"

    How to use the new moon to attract money?

    Many people dream of increasing their material wealth, and the new moon is ideal for fulfilling desires related to money. There is nothing difficult in how to make a cherished wish on the new moon correctly, you just need to follow the recommendations of experienced magic specialists.

    So, to attract money, you need a large paper bill. At the hour of the appearance of a young month in the sky, you need to go to the window and put a banknote on the windowsill so that it can be charged with the energy of the moonlight.

    Even in the case when the weather is not clear and the sky is covered with dark clouds, you should not be upset: the new month is effective even through “obstacles”.

    To make your dream come true, you need to spend the charged bill the next day.

    Among the rituals associated with the fulfillment of financial desires on the new moon, the visualization method is popular. It is necessary to pick up money, the more the better. It does not matter what kind of banknotes they will be - real or hand-drawn, the main thing is to imagine yourself as the owner of a huge fortune, to experience the pleasure of wealth. When the new moon comes, you need to aloud or mentally turn to the moon with a clear request - to improve your financial situation.

    It is even recommended to guess the exact number necessary to fully meet the needs. After the ritual, it remains only to wait for the young month to show its favor to the one who made a wish, and will present it with fulfillment.

    On the new moon, you can take a bank receipt and fill it out in your name, entering the amount that is required for certain purposes. The receipt must be placed in a beautiful white, golden or silver envelope and hidden from prying eyes. The more real the request is, the faster it will come true. As a rule, execution takes from 3 to 7 days. By the way, instead of money, the universe can send a pleasant "compensation" in the form of a find or an unexpected gift.

    The new moon is the best helper in matters of the heart

    Can a growing month help in love, and how to make a wish for the new moon correctly, so that it will definitely come true and help to find happiness on the personal front? Those who have been engaged in fortune telling and magic for a long time know that the moment of the new moon is ideal for making wishes related to the soul mate.

    So, the following ritual will help to find mutual love: you need to look at the young month and fold your palms like a house above your eyes. Further, it is necessary to imagine that this house is a family hearth, where two loving hearts live very comfortably and comfortably. The universe is capable of feeling all emotions and guessing thoughts, so those who sincerely believe in miracles and the fulfillment of desires can safely count on the earliest possible fulfillment of their plans.

    Young girls have long known how to make a wish on the new moon in order to be successful with the opposite sex. At the hour when the moon is born, you need to spin around its axis several times, while saying:

    "The month is beautiful, the month is young, wind the suitors around me the same way I wind around you!"

    Make a wish and find great health!

    Many signs and fortune-telling related to health are associated with the new moon: the growing month symbolizes youth and strength. To make a wish for wellness, you need to choose a sturdy tree with a dense crown and strong branches.

    At the hour of the new moon, you need to come to this tree, tie one of the branches with a beautiful ribbon and imagine in your thoughts what you are dreaming of. "Cooperation" of the heavenly body and the elements of the Earth can bring excellent results and save the "client" from many diseases and ailments. When performing all rituals, there is one prerequisite - to sincerely believe and truly want every request to the Universe to be fulfilled!

    Our ancestors already in the old days noticed that the moon strongly influences our life, and for centuries they made up folk signs depending on the phase of the moon. Do you want to know which signs and ceremonies of the new moon are the most effective?

    Everyone knows that the Moon has a significant impact on the Earth and everything on it with its phases. Therefore, there are monetary rituals carried out precisely on the new moon, when the young month gains its strength and spreads its magical energy. Our ancestors already in the old days noticed that the moon strongly influences our life, and for centuries they made up folk signs depending on the phase of the moon. The new moon is the best period for new beginnings. Do you want to know which signs and ceremonies of the new moon are the most effective?

    A ritual to attract the energies of wealth into life.

    On New Moon, take a green or yellow candle and the largest bill you have at the moment, seven yellow coins. If you are using by credit card, then take it too. Light a candle, hold the money and the card in your hands for a few moments, then put it on the table, in this order: a bill, a card on it, a coin on top (if without a card, respectively, just a bill + coins). Speak 7 times (you can rewrite and read):

    Wealth is in God, God is in me There is a lot of wealth on earth! Now I accept all the riches, I send gratitude to the Creator and send everything in Him! Wealth flows to me like a full-flowing river and remains with me forever! It's done! It's done! It's done! Thanks to! I know, I dare! I can! I thank the Creator for everything!

    Then imagine yourself standing in a golden pyramid, a luminous creature in front of you.

    This is the God of wealth, say mentally or quietly out loud:

    I am ready (ready) to accept all the gifts, all the blessings, all the riches of my world! I accept and thank you!

    Imagine how He writes you a check, or gives you a huge suitcase, a bag of money, how money is pouring from all sides ... Imagine how many wonderful joyful things you can do, having received so much money! Sit a little so that the picture is in your head.

    Then step back, let the candle burn out to the end. After collecting the bill, put the card in your wallet, but let the coins still work, put them in the piggy bank and every day, until the piggy bank is full, add coins to it.

    When the piggy bank is full, take everything that is in it and go shopping, don't be embarrassed by the fact that you are going with a change, money is money. And when you give coins in the store, mentally say:

    I am letting you free, I invite you with friends again! Come and bring more of your paper! I invite everyone! I call everyone! I will gladly accept all the money! And so everything is, as I say! Thanks to! Thanks to! Thanks to! or briefly: I let you go, I invite you back with my friends.

    Scroll of wishes! To be filled in only on the new moon.

    It should be written like this: “I gratefully accept from the Generous Universe (your desire), let this or something more come into my life for the common good” and leave a place below, so that when a wish comes true write “Thank the Generous Universe for making my wish come true.”
    When the wish comes true, cross it out with a red pen and write 2 new ones.

    The scroll is valid for 3 years. Come true !!!

    Ritual for the Fulfillment of a Wish "Three Leaves" (with laurel leaves)

    The ritual is performed on the new moon. This is a fairly simple yet surprisingly effective ritual.

    Prepare three bay leaves (can be dried), a sheet of paper, and a red ink pen.

    On the night of the new moon, write your cherished wish on a piece of paper and repeat it loudly three times. Then fold a piece of paper in thirds and place three bay leaves inside. Say the desire again three times. Fold the leaf three more times without breaking the bay leaves.

    After that, hide the folded piece of paper with laurel leaves inside in a small box, and put the box in the helper sector (northwest sector) of your bedroom. Better yet, use a small silver box as a box. You can just put it in a dark place.

    Say your wish three times every morning. Do this until it is fulfilled.

    As soon as your dream comes true, take out the leaf and burn it without opening it, along with the laurel leaves embedded in it. And, of course, wholeheartedly thank the Universe and the gods for their help!

    New Moon Ritual "Receipt for Receipt of Money"

    On the new moon, exactly at that time, in those hours and minutes when the new moon appears, write yourself a receipt (check) for receiving money.

    1. Fill in the date.

    2. Write your full name.

    3. You can insert a certain amount, but first you need to know the size of your internal wallet, ie. you can only get the amount of money that you allow yourself to have. Explore your inner feelings, starting with a small amount and gradually raising the bar. The amount at which you feel the inconvenience, the impossibility of receiving - is your limit. Start lifting it up gradually. How to do it - write the amount slightly above your limit and hang it in a prominent place. Every time you pass by and your gaze falls on this piece of paper, think - I get ... rubles / dollars per month / week / day - choose what suits you.

    You can put a space instead of the amount.

    4. At the bottom, put the receipt number, date and signature.

    5. Hide the receipt where no one will find it. Ideally, this should be a red envelope.

    You will receive what you want within 7 days. Or get compensation in the form of a good thing, a good purchase, or good news. So quickly only the real desire will be fulfilled, and not the transcendental.

    Attracting money to the house for the growing moon

    The ritual begins on the new moon. In the first 4 days of the new moon, you need to put a 5-thousandth bill on the window under the moonlight and spread 5-ruble coins on it so that only the inscription and the denomination numbers of the bill remain for illumination.

    Next to it, on a piece of paper, it is beautiful to write the following phrase with a pen with gold ink: "Money is money, grow 1000 times with the moon." Place a mirror next to it to reflect the moonlight. Let the money lie like this until the full moon.

    Then, having collected the coins, put them together with the 5-thousandth bill in the wallet with the words: “As the moon was thin and full, so I always have a lot of money in my wallet! Thanks to!". Shopping is recommended when the moon is waning.

    New Moon Wish Fulfillment Ritual

    1. Buy the most beautiful notebook in the store - let it meet all your ideas about the perfect notebook. It is very good if it is in a hard cover, with a key or in a box!

    2. At the same time, buy a nice pen to it, it is possible with a colored rod.

    3. Do not show these treasures to anyone, hide them in a secluded place until the onset of the new moon.

    4. Print or rewrite a list of all the new moons for the current year and hang them up in a prominent place to always remember when it's time to make wishes!

    5. On the day of the new moon, take out your magic notebook, arm yourself with an equally magic pen and start creating. What to do? Your life, of course!

    Feel free to make the wildest and most incredible desires that will come to your mind! The wording of desires should be as follows: "I gratefully accept from the Universe ... then formulate your desire ... for my good (for the common good, for the good of my family)!"

    Desires should be formulated clearly and concisely - for example, I want a laptop of such and such a model, such and such a size, such and such a color. There is no need to specify the timing - the Universe itself knows what and when to give to whom.

    6. The very first time you write a long list of all your desires, and on the next new moon, you simply cross out the fulfilled desires (by writing on top of them "Fulfilled! Thank you!") And replenish the list with new ones.

    7. It is better to write a list of your desires exactly at the time of the new moon, but if this is not possible, then do not bother - after all, desires come true anyway.

    And here is a list of New Moons that will occur this year:

    • July 23
    • August 21
    • September 20
    • 19 october
    • November 18th
    • December 18

    Save this post to your page so as not to lose these dates and do not forget about them.

    Every month humanity has a unique opportunity to watch the birth of a new moon. This celestial body at the moment of its next appearance stores in itself the powerful energy of the cosmos and the universe, representing an ideal "tool" for realizing the most cherished dreams. If you make a wish on the new moon, it will definitely come true - millions of people who sincerely believe in the mighty power of the night luminary have managed to check this on themselves.

    A simple ritual with a candle

    The more responsibly you approach the performance of the ritual, the more chances that the wish made for the new moon will come true - this opinion is shared by all experts in the field of magic. The easiest and most affordable way to create an appropriate atmosphere is to retire in a quiet room and light a candle at the very hour when a new month is born in the sky.

    Under the mysterious flickering of a candle, you need to carefully analyze your thoughts, get distracted from extraneous ideas and concentrate as much as possible and only after that make a wish. It is believed that the power of thought can transmit information to the universe, where the young moon realizes all its energetic potential.

    It is important to imagine that it has already come true and to feel the emotions that will follow the fulfillment of the dream. Further, the candle flame must be blown out and try to “let go” of dreams, so as not to interfere with the growing month in its “work”.

    Lunar notebook

    Another popular ritual of making wishes for the new moon is to write everything you dream about on a blank sheet of paper. For this method, you will need a beautiful notebook or notebook - this is a prerequisite for a properly performed ceremony. White paper symbolizes the purity of thoughts and the desire to make dreams come true.

    At the time when the new moon begins, all the innermost thoughts should be written down. You can not be limited to one thing, but ask the universe to make several desires come true. The main thing is not to show what you have written to anyone, or even better - to hide the notebook in a secluded place where it will be protected from prying eyes.

    It is important that the guesswork is formulated as accurately and specifically as possible, the universe does not like double interpretations, and it is easier for a young month to fulfill a clear request. When some time has passed and the moment of the next new moon comes, the rituals can be repeated: analyze the records, delete what has come true, and make new wishes.


    The fulfillment of desires promises another rite of passage associated with paper. Several regular triangles should be cut out of red colored paper or cardboard, on each of which a cherished dream should be written. After that, all triangles must be folded into a blank envelope (top up), and your photo must be placed there.

    It is necessary that the photograph be associated with pleasant memories, the expression on her face was joyful, smiling, happy. If you hide the envelope in some secret corner, in the southern part of the dwelling, everything that was conceived will certainly come true.

    On the first day of the moon, you can pour a full glass of clean water and put it on the window, where it should stand for a whole month, until the next new moon. At the time of the ritual, it is recommended to pronounce the following spell: "As this glass is full, so my house should be full of happiness!"

    How to use the new moon to attract money?