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  • Prediction by date of birth for a year. Forecast of fate for the year and annual layout on the cards

    Prediction by date of birth for a year.  Forecast of fate for the year and annual layout on the cards

    So, we present the horoscope for 2018 by zodiac signs and by year of birth: now is the time to find out what awaits you ahead. The holiday "New Year" is traditionally celebrated all over the world on the night of December 31 to January 1, and at this magical time we see off another past year and cordially greet the next. Human curiosity knows no bounds, so we are always interested in what awaits us tomorrow, in a week, a month, a year. The horoscope will help us to look into the future astrological predictions... Having opened the veil of secrecy, you can find out in advance what difficulties and joys await in the future.

    Horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac

    Get ready to welcome the new year with a joyful smile on your face: favorable time for good prospects and making the right decisions. The horoscope for 2018 by the zodiac signs will tell you what will happen in your personal life, in your career, in the field of finance and health, as well as how your relationships with loved ones, friends and colleagues will develop.

    People born under the sign of Aries may face some challenges in their careers in the first half of the year. Don't worry, you will overcome all difficulties. Family life will be great, and those Aries who are in a romantic relationship can start a family this year. Nothing threatens your financial savings.

    For Taurus, 2018 promises to be a wonderful year. Some of you will get an unexpected promotion. Family life will be harmonious, and friends will always provide support. Financial problems, if any, will be resolved at the end of the year. However, attention should be paid to health, especially in the second half of the year. Take care of yourself.

    For Gemini, 2018 is going to be an “average” and calm year. Don't wait for career development. You will be financially secure, but you are unlikely to receive additional income in order to freely spend money. In the middle of the year, you may face serious health problems. So, take care of yourself and do not lose the phone number of the nearest diagnostic center.

    2018 will be a fun year for representatives of the Cancer sign. Your life can finally get back on track and you can find the optimal balance between work and play. Pay more attention to creativity, develop different skills and talents in yourself. You may feel pressure from others, but you can easily handle your new responsibilities.

    2018 is a good year for Lviv. Harmony and a healthy family life await you throughout the entire period. Leos who are in a romantic relationship have a chance to start families in 2018. You will also be financially secure, and some of you will be promoted. The middle of the year will be most favorable.

    Yours will have a calm year without much change. You will be financially secure, harmony and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Minor health problems may occur at the beginning of the year. There is no need to wait for career development or additional income. However, representatives of the mark working in the field of printing can achieve some success.

    For Libra, the whole of 2018 will be easier than the previous year. You will be able to maintain good relationships with your family members as well as friends. At work, you will also find the favor of your peers and management. A flight awaits you: you will go on a short trip with family or friends. You will have more money than usual, and due to some very large expenses in the middle of 2018 financial problems may arise.

    For Scorpios, 2018 will be a very happy year. You will be financially secure all year round. You will have many new perspectives. At the beginning of the year, you may encounter some health problems, but they can be easily resolved. Problems can arise in the family, try to be frank with your partner to avoid misunderstandings and resentment.

    Some of the Sagittarius in 2018 may tie the knot. A wonderful year full of love and romance awaits you. There may be some financial problems in the coming year, but friends and family will support you. Some Sagittarius are waiting for career development and travel by plane.

    The astrological forecast for 2018 suggests that Capricorns will have an average and calm year. Financial problems are not foreseen, however, career growth will not be easy. You may encounter some problems in your family or in relationships with loved ones. Be patient or it will only get worse. Health promises to be strong all year round.

    Aquarius in 2018 will have a fantastic and exciting life. Some of you may be promoted. Family life will be harmonious, and friends will always provide support. Financial problems will be solved without much effort. However, some health problems can occur in the middle of the year. Take care of yourself.

    2018 will be a good year for Pisces. You will be able to maintain balance and harmony in the family throughout the year. However, at the beginning of the year financial problems may lie in wait. If you have already found your soul mate, the stars recommend starting a family next year. Some of you may be promoted. The end of the year will be just wonderful.

    Year of the Yellow Dog 2018: horoscope by year of birth

    2018 is dedicated to Dogs or people born in 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018. A year full of positive events awaits us, opportunities that it is advisable not to miss, because they can change our life for the better. But to get good life, you will need to make some sacrifices and try.

    But this is not always easy to do, and the Chinese horoscope for 2018 promises us difficult times and long difficult periods of time, but with perseverance and self-sacrifice, you will achieve everything you want. The best months of 2018 are April and June.

    Horoscope for 2018 Yellow Dog - love and family

    In January and February 2018, love relationships will improve significantly, this is associated with Divine energy. You can start dating a person whom you never imagined, the horoscope recommends that you visit gatherings with friends more often in order to meet with your future partner. Any difficulties in a relationship will be easier to solve, thanks to patience. From July, your love life will be wonderful, romantic, exciting, you will get rid of illusions, you will go to parties more often.

    For couples looking to get pregnant, the best Chinese zodiac time is June 2018.

    2018 is good for families, last year's conflicts will be resolved, husbands and wives will make up, and everything will return to normal. Couples who were in conflict in the previous year will solve their problems.

    Horoscope for 2018 Yellow Dog - work and finance

    The Dog Horoscope 2018 predicts that this year the work environment will have very good relationships with colleagues, and you will work well with them. And for your goals, you must develop a strategy for achieving, and follow it in order to get what you want. We also recommend that you listen to ideas and advice from your friends and household.

    At work, you will have to show your superiors that you can take on more responsibilities, that you also have the energy and knowledge to handle any issues. You will have to prove your dedication and competence.

    When it comes to finances, the 2018 dog horoscope tells us that financial difficulties are imminent ahead. Tough times are coming, so you will have to work harder than usual to make a living. Problems will arise due to poor organization of finances, you must correctly plan income and expenses. If you develop a strategy for saving and correctly distributing your income, you have nothing to fear financially.

    Horoscope 2018 for each month of the year

    At the beginning of the year, Uranus will return to direct motion. Its influence determines unexpected situations, a sudden turn of events from best to worst and vice versa. Be prepared for a wide variety of surprises in January and respond quickly to changes. There will be no time to think. In January 2018, there will be two Supermoons - January 2 and 31. Supermoon - January 31 - will also be a total Lunar eclipse. Control emotions and extinguish conflicts immediately.
    Mars is in transit according to the sign of Sagittarius. Time for large-scale plans and undertakings. Good time for international projects and travel. The eclipse corridor will last until February 16, 2018, when a partial solar eclipse occurs. The main problems and questions will be solved after the completion of the corridor of eclipses.
    ... Jupiter - March 9, 2018 - Reversals in the sign of Scorpio. The period of critical events and effects in all areas. First of all, in the financial sector. A strict economy mode is required. Potential for unexpected expenses. Mars passes into the sign of Capricorn - March 17, 2018. The period for setting clear goals and objectives for the summer of 2018. Determine the most important areas of development and prioritize.
    Saturn returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn - April 18, 2018. A period of forward movement towards the most important and systemic goals of the year begins. A good time to start new projects, build productive partnerships. Favorable period for building your own house, summer cottage, purchasing a land plot. Time for setting strategic goals and objectives.
    The key event in May 2018 will be the transition of Uranus into the sign of Taurus. This influence determines the beginning of a period of powerful, systemic changes in the social sphere and economic doctrine. The projects of the Age of Aquarius are acquiring a special role in the development of business and economy. The latest transport, the latest production, information and computer technologies, energy saving.
    Neptune turns in the opposite direction in the sign of Pisces - June 19, 2018. A month of spiritual enlightenment, intuitive insight into higher truths. Mars is reversing - June 26, 2018. Mars reversal period - two months - to August 27, 2018. Intensive activity is not recommended during these two months. Rather, it is the time of preparation for creative endeavors, new projects - in the fall of 2018.
    Jupiter returns to direct motion - July 10, 2018. A new period of social and professional growth for creative individuals begins. The corridor of eclipses is opened by the Solar Eclipse - July 13, 2018. In this corridor, we will sum up the results of the 9 - year period of our life and open up new perspectives. Complete Moon eclipse- July 27. Emotional self-control is required.
    Uranus turns in reverse on August 7, 2018. Gradual development of the latest programs of the Age of Aquarius. The change social structure society. A time of innovation in all areas of life. The solar eclipse - August 11, 2018 - completes the eclipse corridor. Mars returns to direct motion - August 27, 2018. Many pressing problems and issues will begin to be addressed from the second half of August.
    Saturn returns to direct motion. Mars enters the sign of Aquarius - September 11, 2018. A period of intense business activity. A good time for avant-garde, innovative projects and endeavors. Saturn in Capricorn dictates systematic business development, self-discipline and presupposes good circumstances in the financial sector.
    Pluto returns to direct motion - October 1, 2018. Positive impact on public activities, social sphere. The balance of power in the international arena is changing. Russia gets a chance to develop its economy and production.
    Jupiter passes into the sign of Sagittarius - November 8, 2018. The period is favorable for changes in the professional sphere, change of place of work, career growth. A good time to improve your professionalism, level of education, study at a university.
    A month of summing up the results of the year. The vibrant, intense energies of 2018 suggest good results and a foundation for new projects and endeavors.

    Any information obtained from the horoscope for 2018 can be used in different ways. For example, you can focus on personal or spiritual growth, align your purpose of being, highlight some basic goals and objectives and find the true meaning and consequences of current events, and most importantly - increase self-perception and self-esteem. With the help of the horoscope for 2018, according to the signs of the zodiac and the year of birth, it is possible to understand yourself and start loving yourself, which will manifest itself as you grow, joy in life and spiritual integrity.

    Do you know the reason for all your failures in life? This question, perhaps, cannot be given an unambiguously correct answer, but we will still try to do it. Numerologists are sure that every person at birth is endowed with his own destiny, and everyone has it happy. All troubles and troubles in life arise from the fact that we deviate from the intended scenario and try to resist the laws of the Universe.

    With the help of numerology of the year of birth, you can learn about the scenario of your life and, based on the information received, accept the rules of the game of the Universe, thereby changing your life for the better.

    And what the coming year brings specifically to you, you can find out by calculating the figure for the year of birth. It's easy to do: write down the year of your birth in numerical form (for example, if you were born in 1980), then add the numbers, reducing them to one (1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9). Further, the total amount of 2018 is 2. Add two digits 9 + 2 = 11 add 1 + 1 = 2

    The result is your numerological code.
    Birth code 1
    Numerologists honestly warn right off the bat: it won't be easy in 2018. But you won't be bored either. The year nine will be for you the time when ideas and projects are laid on the basis of which you will live the next nine years. Therefore, get ready to grope for interesting business topics, decide on career wishes or the choice of a new profession, resolve the issue of residence and marital status.

    Right now, you will have a chance to drastically change your life: meet the right people (both potential business partners and your future “half”), get the necessary funding and discover the courage that is so important at the start of any enterprise. To make things go like clockwork, try to get rid of old "tails": distribute debts, close old projects and make peace with the offended.

    Birth code 2
    Last year you laid some foundation for your future life. Or, more precisely, they planted seeds ... Now we need to show a little patience while waiting for the shoots. Build knowledge on your topic, refine your skills, upgrade your qualifications and acquire new skills that will expand your capabilities. This applies to both business and work, and egg life: for the success of the enterprise, you need to show as much wisdom as possible, while doing active self-development along the way.

    There are obstacles on this path. Meet them with a smile and stubbornly move towards your goal: optimism is your best lifesaver in 2018.

    Birth code 3
    For you, "troikas", 2018 has prepared a bright, joyful, successful year, literally ringing with pleasant adventures. This does not mean that a completely cloudless life awaits you; this means that against the general background your Troubles will seem like a mere trifle. If you have worked hard in the past years (and we believe you have worked hard!), Then get ready to accept the generous fruits of your business and career. Your personal life will also add some pleasantries: the atmosphere around you will be literally filled with love. You have a great chance to both start a family and become the parents of a wonderful baby, or restore a somewhat played relationship, having experienced a new honeymoon.

    Birth code 4
    The “fours” are promised an extremely successful year in work and business. But only if you diligently fulfill your duties and, in principle, do not break the promises you made. Hence the conclusion: do not give guarantees where you are not 100% sure of success, and if you did, then you will hurt yourself, but fulfill the contract. In your personal life, your attention will be occupied by children: communicate with them more, invest money and energy in their development - the result will please you. Well, if you don't have a child yet, it's time to take care of this issue.

    Birth code 5
    You have only two secrets of success in life in 2018: first, work honestly and hard; the second - in any difficult or controversial situations, seek support from friends and family. It is they, the understanding and advice of loved ones, who will help you climb the career ladder, decide to start your own business, or, for example, dramatically increase your income. Against the background of the opening prospects, personal life will recede into the background, but this is also for the better: loneliness - The best way recharge with energy.

    Birth code 6
    This is the perfect year for you to pursue your creative ambitions. The stars promise that you will surely find a certain talent in yourself - someone will start to draw excitedly, someone will have a truly operatic soprano (tenor or bass), someone will successfully pass the casting to some popular creative show ... muses you will draw the energy and inspiration needed for all other areas of life. And forces, meanwhile, you will need.

    Thus, many "sixes" are in for a revision of their views on their current place of work and the search for a new vocation. Go for it! Any professional change will bring you social growth and good luck.

    Birth code 7
    "Sevens" are promised a year of harvesting fruits and getting results. You, most likely, have passed through a series of life trials and difficulties of the past periods with dignity and now you can count on career growth, stable income, confidence in relationships (by the way, the coming year is ideal for getting married and having children). However, the fact that the negative is in the past does not mean at all that you can completely relax.

    By reducing vital activity, you run the risk of falling behind the competition and losing all your advantages. So go ahead! Moreover, in this movement you will be helped not only by high-ranking friends, but also by higher powers.

    Birth code 8
    The first few months of 2018 can seem overly difficult and even depressing to you. Just do not be discouraged: the second half of the year will radically change your life for the better! The only condition for this is not to give up and, despite the failures of the first half of the year, go towards your goal with enthusiasm and a smile.

    Already in July, you will practically reach it: there will be a shift in career growth, a significant increase in salary or excellent profit in business. Well, most of all "eights" will delight in personal life. If you are single, it is the year of nine that will give you that very fateful meeting. Well, for those who are in relationships, it will help to understand themselves, get rid of unnecessary things and feel a mutual sincere attraction to "their" person. The year is perfect for getting married, traveling together with your beloved, starting the construction of your own home or giving birth to children.

    Birth code 9

    2018 will be the year of summing up for you. If in past years you worked hard, stubbornly promoted and defended your ideas, were honest with loved ones, then you will have a successful and fruitful period. Your work and ideas will be appreciated, your career will go uphill, and your business will bring not only moral, but also serious material rewards.

    Personal relationships will also delight you with warmth. Nines should value what they have in this moment own life. Otherwise, if you relax and allow yourself to act not entirely honest, you can lose a lot of what you have gained. Also, in the coming year, you should draw up a development plan and outline goals for the next period of your life. It will start very soon, so don't hesitate.

    / Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth

    Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth, horoscope for 2018 by zodiac signs and by year of birth, astrological forecast for free, online, without SMS and without registration

    Astrological forecast by date of birth for 2018 is for you if you were born on the following dates of any year. You can read this horoscope for 2018 for free, without SMS and without registration. In this horoscope for 2018 by zodiac signs and by year of birth, I use the transits of the planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) and the Lunar Nodes to the Sun. The astrological forecast was made for those people who will have the most important transits (connections, quadratures and oppositions) of the listed planets to the Sun in their natal chart in 2018. Harmonious aspects are less significant - trines and sextiles are described in horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac separately.

    Passing aspects to the Sun, Uranus gives the need for change and freedom, Neptune instills uncertainty and calls not to get attached to material things, Pluto deeply transforms the personality, Saturn requires humility and responsibility, Jupiter provides favorable chances and gives empowerment, and the North Node directs to to its purpose.

    And if in the astrological forecast for 2018, you found your birth number, then what is described in the forecast will be relevant for you. It is not necessary that all the events described in astrological forecasts will occur in your life in 2018. There may be 1-2 events from the listed ones, and for some people the changes will be felt, mainly, only at the psychological level.

    Also here is the general horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2018 for all signs of the zodiac, which includes a description of the movement of planets in the zodiac and aspects between planets in 2018 - this astrological forecast is for everyone.

    If you were born on the following dates of any year, then this astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 by date of birth is for you: The last number is inclusive. In all forecasts, the correction is plus or minus 1 day.

    The last number is inclusive. In all forecasts, the correction is plus or minus 1 day.

    there is no forecast for February (see the forecast for the signs of the zodiac for 2018)

    there is no forecast for May (see the forecast for the signs of the zodiac for 2018)

    If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then you do not have significant transits to the Sun in 2018. But you can have transits to other planets natal chart, which can be calculated individually -. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac in the same numbers of different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be anywhere, so I have no opportunity to draw up a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

    You can calculate the position in the zodiac signs of the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter at the time of your birth using free online services on my website -. You can check astrological influences on all planets of the natal chart using this online service:

    Review the entire astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 to the end, because for those born to your number, there may be more than one forecast, but several! Also, any forecast may continue for the next 2019.

    1. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Uranus Sun).

    Uranus in 2018 will offer you to change your life, you may have to take a risk, discard what has outlived its life and no longer brings you satisfaction. It can be partnerships, friendships, work, or place of residence.

    The symbolism of the transits of Uranus is freedom, the desire for the new, the unknown. Life in 2018 will incline you to show independence. And if you had some situations where you had to endure something, then in 2018 you will have a chance to free yourself from the oppression of circumstances, to destroy the shackles that did not allow you to move forward. And if you are not afraid to take risks, then in 2018 you will be able to overcome many years of internal and external constraints.

    While the changes in 2018 may be perceived by you with great anxiety and distrust at first, you may experience internal stress, and situations will seem precarious, events may, at first glance, be unpredictable and unexpected. But Uranus will not destroy what is really yours, it will remove only that unnecessary that prevents you from going your own way. And here it is important for you to analyze your motives, which guided you in the past, choosing this or that path. And if you have changed yourself, then Uranus will correct it.

    The passage of Uranus through the Sun can open channels of creativity that you did not even know about before. You can begin to perceive yourself in a completely new way. In 2018, you may have new interests, make unusual acquaintances, or you may receive unique and useful information.

    2018 is a good time to allow yourself to be free. Listen to yourself, drop all rules and conventions, choose new, unknown paths based on your inner needs and desires! Treat changes as new opportunities and in the future you will see this time as an important turning point for the better.

    Also, the changes of 2018 can be difficult or even painful for you if Uranus occupies an unfavorable position in your natal chart or, along with the transit of Uranus, there are other intense influences (which can only be determined individually).

    January 15 - 23
    April 15 - 23
    July 17 - 25
    October 18 - 26

    2. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Pluto Sun).

    Pluto is the slowest planet of all our planets Solar system and the changes that he proposes, and sometimes forcibly imposes, are often very large-scale and important.

    In 2018, Pluto invites you to radically revise your life - to make a deep and thorough inventory. Anything that is damaged you must either repair or discard. This can apply to any area of ​​life - marriage, any relationship, work, etc.

    In 2018, you may experience frustration that results from self-deception. Such disappointment serves the purpose of turning you to face your true desires and needs. If sometime in the past you have betrayed your ideals, perhaps you have compromised something or acted in selfish interests, now you must "return to yourself." Pluto calls for the complete acceptance of all its "parts" in itself, even if these "parts" seem weak to you, or not the same as is customary in society (you can read about accepting your "parts" in more detail in the horoscopes for each specific sign of the zodiac) ... In 2018, you need to engage in introspection, try to accept yourself entirely and discard the unnecessary from your life.

    Also in 2018, you can be involved in situations where you with all your passion wish to master something or someone - at any cost to keep, subjugate, manipulate, dominate, take revenge, etc. Beware that obsession with any ideas or feelings does not become the only meaning of your life and does not lead to the destruction of the lives of other people.

    In 2018, you will need to finish the old chapters of your life that you have already outgrown. If you cling to the past, change can be painful. At its worst, if you resist change with all your might, Pluto can give suicidal thoughts. But the transits of Pluto do not call a person to physical death, but require an internal transformation from him, i.e. "Death" of some negative beliefs, obsolete views. The changes of 2018 can be compared to a surgical operation - at first it can be painful, but later it becomes easy; you need to remove the "obsolete" or "unhealthy" in order to release energy for a new life, a new experience.

    In 2018, you will undergo a radical revision of your “I”, a reassessment of your own personality. In a positive sense, Pluto, passing in transit to the Sun, charges you with a powerful potential of energy, you can perform such actions that seemed inconceivable to you before.

    You will be able to handle large-scale projects, your importance and popularity may increase, especially if you are a socially active person and know how to take responsibility for your life. In 2018 you will be able to strengthen your will and realize your spiritual strength. This positive influence of Pluto will be more relevant for Capricorns, because Pluto makes an aspect of conjunction with their Sun. Cancer, Aries and Libra, the transit of Pluto is likely to bring some stress, they will have to make more efforts to stabilize their lives.

    You will most likely be able to realize the significance of the changes in 2018 years later. Under the influence of the events of 2018 in the future, you will overestimate and change your usual psychological stereotypes. In 2018, it is good for you to engage in self-analysis, various spiritual practices that help free yourself from fears and develop confidence, or turn to a psychologist.

    The changes of 2018 can be difficult or painful for you if Pluto occupies an unfavorable position in the natal chart or, along with the transit of Pluto, there are other intense influences (which can only be determined individually).

    This forecast

    January 9 - 11
    April 9 - 11
    July 11-13
    October 12-14

    3. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Neptune Sun).

    Neptune will aspect your Sun in 2018. The sun in the natal chart symbolizes the consciousness and ego of a person, and Neptune is a planet that blurs the boundaries, has no form. And your ego in 2018 should "dissolve", and your consciousness should expand. This can happen due to the development of unconditional love in you, as well as if you engage in spiritual development, charity, or creativity for the sake of creativity itself, and not for the sake of prestige or profit. In 2018, Neptune will bring you favorable opportunities only in good deeds of the spirit, but not in material achievements. If you have selfish motives, it will harm you, hinder your path, and you can get lost in the labyrinth of your own conclusions.

    Neptune in 2018 can bring confusion, blurring and uncertainty into your life. You may feel as if you are in a thick fog, from which you cannot see the exit. You will be characterized by confusion, "hanging position" or a desire to slip away from gross reality into a world of illusion, especially if you are anxious and emotionally unstable person. Serious difficulties with self-realization may arise. You will not be able to adhere to the intended goal, something will go wrong, the people around you can deceive you. In 2018, there is a danger that you may find yourself in situations that at first glance will seem romantic, alluring to you, and as a result, when the “rose-colored glasses” fall off your eyes, you will experience deep disappointment.

    But this obscurity that Neptune creates around you in 2018 encourages you to turn to yourself and understand all your most subtle and deep motives. If something eludes you, does not go according to plan, then this is a reason to ask yourself - is this really my path? What am I guided by in striving for this particular goal? Am I deceiving someone or myself? And honestly answer these questions.

    If you are being deceived by the people around you, also ask yourself - perhaps I myself am glad to be deceived? Don't want to see obvious facts? Or perhaps it is my irresponsibility or frivolity to blame for the deceptions addressed to me?

    Neptune is the planet that gives the most subtle influences, and at first glance it may seem that it leads astray, draws you into uncertain situations. But if you dig deeper into yourself, then the reasons for the obstacles and difficulties will become clear to you, because these reasons are within you. You are simply deceiving yourself, you do not want to objectively look at what is happening in your life. If you, discarding self-interest, selfishness and clung to yourself, assess the situation of 2018 with an open mind, you can find the best way out for yourself and for others. As a result, your intuition will strengthen, and you will become a more conscious and wise person.

    In 2018 you can become kinder, life will awaken compassion and mercy in you. There are likely situations in which others will need your help, or in which you are forced to sacrifice yourself, take care of someone, show compassion and forget about your needs for a while. But the sacrifices that you make must be from the heart, and not from weakness or for the sake of profit, so that Neptune will accept them.

    During the action of Neptune, changes can occur very slowly and imperceptibly, so refrain in 2018 from the use of alcohol, tobacco, psychedelics and from any situations that cloud you.

    If you cast aside selfish motives, be honest with yourself and with the people around you, in 2018 you may discover creativity in yourself, you will feel that something very important is happening, but it may be difficult for you to convey it in words. Inspiration will come to you, the rise of creative powers, you may have mystical visions, prophetic dreams, sharpening of intuition. In 2018, you may have new talents, you may find interest in photography, music, painting, or in some other type of creativity. Perhaps you will start studying an unusual subject, for example, take up meditation. Your mood will be romantic and there is a possibility of falling in love. There may also be trips to the sea and travel. In general, in 2018, if you show inner honesty, something may happen in your life that will expand the boundaries of your Self, bring spiritual and creative growth.

    The changes in 2018 can be difficult or painful for you if Neptune occupies an unfavorable position in the natal chart or, along with the transit of Neptune, there are other intense influences (which can only be determined individually).

    This forecast is for all births, in the following numbers of any year:

    March 3 - 7
    June 3 - 7
    September 5 - 9
    December 4 - 8

    For people born on March 3, June 3, September 5 and December 4, this influence of Neptune will be relevant only at the beginning of 2018.

    4. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (conjunction, square and opposition Saturn Sun).

    In 2018, Saturn can create limitations in your life, make you overcome obstacles, be content with little, or make some sacrifices. Energy decline is likely. New burdensome responsibilities can create a pessimistic attitude, and you may feel unjustly forgotten and alone. It may seem to you that the work has become too much, that no one appreciates your merits, and the demands of life are increasing every day. There is also the possibility of health problems, especially with the musculoskeletal system, teeth, hair or skin.

    Saturn is the God of time and the situations of 2018 can make you wait for the results of your activity for a long time. Perhaps Saturn will urge you to reconsider your plans, to look at the situation objectively, a lot in 2018 may require changes. Saturn is responsible for our material physical world - and he is the most important teacher here on Earth. Saturn does not allow you to tear yourself away from reality and go into the world of illusions - if in 2018 you try to build "castles in the air" or let things take their course, then Saturn will rigidly return you from Heaven to Earth. And in this case, his lessons will be difficult for you.

    It is important during this period not to get depressed, but to take responsibility for yourself and your life, and for those who envy you. The burden that life puts on you in 2018 is not easy, but if you show moderation, patience and self-discipline, then your character will strengthen, in the future you will feel that you seem to have matured, found an inner core.

    The lessons of Saturn can be the toughest for you if you have been irresponsible, not disciplined in the past, if you went with the flow and took the easy path. Saturn encourages you to learn to plan, limit yourself if necessary, take on any work and not be afraid of difficulties. Give up laziness and self-indulgence. Where Saturn passes, it is necessary to put things in order, create a system, a hierarchy, dismantle old rubble, show accuracy and attentiveness. In general, in 2018 you will need a serious and patient approach to all your affairs, relationships, connections.

    Analyze the situations of 2018, they happened for a reason. Remember that sometimes Saturn's delays are necessary to notice something important that has been overlooked in the past. Or the obstacles that have arisen on the way are created in order to turn you on a better road in the future. Or perhaps you need to correct some of your past shortcomings. If you do not yet understand the purpose of the lessons of Saturn, do not despair, over time everything will fall into place, if you are patient.

    The worst thing that you can do in a situation where Saturn is testing you for strength is to get angry with people, at life, disappointed in yourself, start feeling sorry for yourself and give up. In this case, 2018 can become a painful part in your life.

    In 2018, restraint, modesty, resignation and hard work will help you survive the difficulties. But do not seek to redo all the work at once, prioritize, save energy, which you already have a little. Establish a daily routine, a diet, do your job responsibly, do not be afraid of new responsibilities. Do not rush the time, do what you can do, do not look too far into the future - live in the present, but do not forget to plan current affairs. You must understand that your life depends on your actions and deeds, but within the framework that fate has determined for you. Those. You need to accept with humility what you are unable to change and act when it depends on you. And in the future, all your merits will be surely appreciated, all your efforts will not be in vain, you will receive the Saturn reward - a secure position in life, strengthening your authority and self-confidence! This reward is well worth the effort. Encourage yourself with the thought that this period is just a difficult section that you need to go through with dignity and, having gone through it, you will become stronger and wiser!

    The changes of 2018 can be especially difficult and even painful for you if Saturn occupies an unfavorable position in the natal chart or, along with the transit of Saturn, there are other intense influences (which can only be determined individually).

    If Saturn is strong in the natal chart and does not have tense aspects, then in 2018 you may feel a decrease in immunity, or you will have minor obstacles in business, fears or slight disappointments.

    And with a particularly favorable location of Saturn and your high spiritual development, in 2018, through difficulties, perseverance and patience, you will still be able to achieve success in self-realization, resolve the problems that have arisen and even strengthen your position.

    For all those born in the following numbers of any year:

    March 21 - 31
    June 22 - July 3
    September 24 - October 4
    December 23 - January 2

    5. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (Jupiter Sun conjunction).

    The passage of Jupiter across the Sun happens once every 12 years. You can remember that significant, important you had about 12 years ago, most likely, luck will come about "from the same side"!

    In 2018, Jupiter will bring you new opportunities for self-realization, good luck, faith in yourself and add optimism. An increase is likely for you: communication, acquaintances, travel, information, or creativity, authority, respect or finance. And for some people, 2018 will be the year of the fulfillment of their cherished desire. Your dream may come true in that area of ​​life that is important to you, where you direct your main life potential.

    In 2018 you can take a trip or study foreign languages, there is also a possibility that you will want to get additional education. In 2018, you can receive important information that will be useful to you in the future. It is very good to start implementing a new project in 2018, or to start training.

    In 2018, your social life may become active, may appear necessary people in your environment, which will direct you on the right path or simply help you in business. Also, as far as legal matters are concerned, everything will be fair and successful for you.

    It may not be so significant and obvious for those people for whom Jupiter is weakly expressed in the natal chart, has few aspects, in general, is not emphasized in the birth chart (which can only be determined individually). Also, this transit of Jupiter in 2018 may not give you new opportunities - in the presence of intense transits from other planets, but in this case Jupiter will help to successfully resolve the problems that have arisen, or support in a difficult or save in a dangerous situation.

    For all those born in the following numbers of any year:

    November 6 - December 4

    For those born from November 19 to December 4, inclusive, this influence of Jupiter will be noticeable at the end of 2018 (October-December). Those. those born closer to November 19 will feel this influence in October 2018, and those born closer to December 4 will feel this influence in December 2018.

    6. Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2018 (connection of the North Lunar Node - the Sun).

    In 2018, life pushes you to fulfill your destiny, directs your thoughts and feelings in the right direction. This important time happens once every 18 years. You need to pay attention to what thoughts, ideas you have, what you want. Listen to yourself and follow your desires in order to realize your life potential, your talents. Do not resist your desires, which come from within, listen to yourself, to the signs from the world around you, and do not pay attention to generally accepted social norms. A person is most happy when he follows the path of his heart - does what he loves, lives with a loved one, acts as he wants. Perhaps some of you in 2018 will engage in self-realization, feel your way, realize your true desires, or meet your other half, destined by fate, or this fateful influence will direct you to the cause of your whole life!

    For all those born in the following numbers of any year:

    July 19 - August 8

    For those who were born closer to August 8 - the above will happen at the beginning of 2018, closer to July 29-30 - in the middle of 2018, and for those born closer to July 19 - at the end of 2018.

    If you were born in the above numbers, and something described in the astrological forecast in 2018 happened to you, be sure to leave your comment. Describe the event with your date of birth. This is very important for me and will help in making astrological forecasts in the coming years! And of course it will add enthusiasm to my work!

    The forecast for the year was developed according to the author's method (contains a description of all the most important transits and progressions for the coming year, taking into account the characteristics of your birth chart). This forecast will help you not only to find out the likely development of life situations in the coming year (from the present moment and for the year ahead), but most importantly, it will give you a guideline in your spiritual (personal) development.

    General horoscope - the author's astrological forecast for 2018 for all signs of the zodiac, free of charge, without SMS and without registration, online.

    In 2018, the situation in the sky will change. The two slow planets will change their zodiac signs. Uranus will pass from Aries to Taurus, and Saturn will finally enter the Capricorn zodiac sign.

    The planet Pluto still follows the Capricorn zodiac sign, testing the strength of all cardinal signs (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, Libra). Pluto requires changes, transformation, and the passage of Pluto through Capricorn brings changes into our life in all strong and well-established structures. People who personify "power", leaders of any level, especially feel the influence of Pluto. For Earth and water signs, Pluto helps to strengthen their position, authority and material well-being (with the exception of Cancers, because Pluto makes a tense aspect of opposition to this sign).

    Planet Neptune is also in the same position in 2018. Neptune passes the zodiac sign Pisces, its abode. Neptune calls us to creative and spiritual development, to reveal the secrets of the universe and charity. Neptune helps water and earth signs to develop compassion, unconditional love for all that exists, to realize creative abilities, and can also bring them minutes of bliss and inspiration in 2018 (with the exception of Virgo, because Neptune makes a tense aspect of opposition to this sign).

    The planet Uranus will change its zodiac sign in 2018. Uranus will be in the zodiac sign Aries from the beginning of 2018 until May 15. From May 15, Uranus will enter the sign of Taurus, and from November 6, it will return to the sign of Aries. And only from March 6, 2019, Uranus will finally pass into the Taurus zodiac sign.

    Uranus is the planet of freedom, he is always "for" changes. The changes that Uranus proposes in 2018 will be more stressful and disturbing for people born under the zodiac signs Cancer, Taurus, Libra and Capricorn. these signs are prone to conservatism, they do not like change. Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will more easily accept the changes proposed by Uranus in 2018. And the most significant changes await Aries and Taurus, tk. Uranus makes the most significant aspect with the Sun in their natal chart - conjunction.

    Saturn will leave the sign of Sagittarius in December 2017, and in 2018 this planet will pass the Capricorn zodiac sign. Sagittarius and those people whose zodiac sign Sagittarius is expressed in the natal chart, as well as all mutable signs (Gemini, Pisces, Virgo) can breathe a sigh of relief, the lessons of Saturn are over for them, but the most important thing is that these lessons are learned and sent to them benefit! Now Saturn takes on cardinal signs.

    Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and in this sign he feels great, this is his element - hierarchy, order, patience, responsibility - all these manifestations will be required by Saturn in 2018 from cardinal signs if they want to harmoniously fit into society. Saturn will bring the most significant changes in 2018 to Capricorns, because Saturn makes the most significant aspect with the Sun in their natal chart - conjunction. But Capricorns by nature have responsibility and patience, so this transit of Saturn through the Sun will not be too difficult for them. The most problematic transit of Saturn in 2018 can be for Cancers and Aries, because these signs do not really like to take responsibility - Aries are impulsive, impatient and do not like restrictions, and Cancers are fearful and vulnerable. Libra, although indecisive, but they know how to reasonably distribute responsibility and, if necessary, can be patient. But their light disposition may not be very pleasant to the hard lessons of Saturn. Saturn will add some seriousness to Libra in 2018.


    Jupiter will pass through the sign of Scorpio for almost the entire year of 2018, and only on November 8, Jupiter will move into the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius - to its abode. The period from the beginning of the year to November will be successful for the water signs of the zodiac, and the period from November to the end of 2018 for the fire signs. But especially this influence of Jupiter will bring good luck to Scorpios and Sagittarius. The transition of Jupiter to the sign of Sagittarius at the end of 2018 will bring new trends in public life - it will become more active and eventful. Jupiter in its sign welcomes the desire for learning, learning new things, developing large-scale ideas for a better future, striving for the unknown, the ability to instruct, guide people on a bright path. Jupiter in Sagittarius will help all people who personify "teachers", bring knowledge and a positive attitude to the masses, as well as all religious and spiritual leaders.

    In 2018, Pluto and Jupiter will form a sextile aspect between themselves. This favorable influence will bring good luck and social advancement to Scorpios and Taurus, as well as to those people who have planets in these signs, especially personal planets (Mars, Venus, Moon, Mercury). You can find out where the personal planets are located in your natal chart on my website from free astrological online services - "Astrological online services". Also, Sagittarius and people whose Jupiter is expressed in the natal chart can count on success in public affairs. The influence of the sextile of Pluto and Jupiter will be especially relevant from January to mid-May and from mid-August to mid-October 2018.

    Trine of Neptune and Jupiter, which was already in 2017, repeats in 2018... As I wrote earlier, Jupiter is somewhat similar to the influence of Neptune, these planets have the same abode - they both talk about the expansion of boundaries, only Neptune gives a larger expansion at a more subtle level. And Jupiter gives a more conscious expansion on a local scale - a new vision of their prospects, new opportunities, luck on the material plane. This trine of Neptune and Jupiter can bring good luck, favorable changes in outlook, insights to Sagittarius, Pisces, Scorpions, as well as to those people who have the signs of Scorpio and Pisces expressed in the natal chart. The influence of the trine Neptune and Jupiter will be relevant from May to mid-September 2018.

    If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then you do not have significant transits from the planets to the Sun in 2018. But you can have transits to other planets of the natal chart, which can only be calculated individually -. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac in the same numbers of different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be anywhere, so I have no opportunity to draw up a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

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    Forecast of fate for the year and Annual alignment on the cards

    In the system of Fate and Love Cards, the year of a person’s fate begins not at the calendar beginning of the year (January 1), but on the person’s birthday. A person's birthday, in the system of Fate and Love Cards, is a record of the new year and is indicated by a birth card. Therefore, each calendar year, for each person, is divided into two periods of fate - before the birthday and after.
    In the forecast of fate for a year by date of birth, two life layouts are presented on the cards, according to the first of which the calculations of the forecast of fate are made before the birthday, and according to the second - after the birthday.

    The knowledge of one's destiny, as long as it is present in a person's life, allows him to survive. He has something to defend at the most: his dream, his destiny, the opportunity to live his own life, not someone else's. This is the basis of the solidarity of those living today with their ancestors, with descendants. For an individual, the knowledge of his own destiny is that limiting amount of life in which he can think of himself as a participant. What sets him the level of personal development: what he will take upon himself - within the framework of a given destiny. Therefore, it is very important that the meaning of our destiny be revealed with the degree of clarity that is possible today.

    The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will begin on February 16, 2018 lunar calendar... We bring to your attention a traditional selection of horoscopes, forecasts and calendars for 2018 from the authors of the site and our bloggers. These are general horoscopes for 2018, horoscopes for the Zodiac Signs, a love horoscope, predictions on Tarot cards, Runes, Feng Shui forecast 2018, astrological articles about the periods of retrograde planets in 2018 and eclipses. Articles on how, what to celebrate the New Year of the Yellow Dog will appear in the section before the New Year.

    Horoscope by Zodiac Signs is compiled taking into account the main astrological configurations and accents in 2018, with specific recommendations and advice for each sign. Favorable periods in your career, personal life, money, study and travel will help you navigate the opportunities in 2018 and use them in the best possible way. Author - Irina Zvyagina

    The traditional love horoscope on the Oculus will help you navigate the moods of the sphere of feelings in 2018. main topic in love, general tone, periods of ups and downs, love charisma and the need for privacy, as well as dates favorable for important events in romantic and family life - all this for the Zodiac Signs in love horoscope Irina Zvyagina.

    Gorsocop 2018: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

    The main astrological accents of the year, advice, warnings. Continuation - horoscope for each month of 2018 for the signs of the zodiac. Written by Nani Davitashvili

    This is the horoscope for 2018 by months. The horoscope displays astro-tendencies, unique features of each month, recommendations for men and women are given. Here you will find 12 affirmations from January to December. Author - Alexander Demchenko

    In the choice of dates favorable for marriage, priority is given to the harmonious aspect of the marriage significator Venus and the Moon as the main planet responsible for the harmony and comfort of the marriage union. The main astrological aspects are also taken into account.

    2018 has prepared a varied program for the Rat. Ease, predictability of events and calmness may be lacking, but the upcoming difficulties and trials will be quite surmountable.

    VIP dates of the year are days with high energy potential, accompanied by an abundance of opportunities and a special aura of success and luck.

    It's time to do the feng shui of your home. And finally find out what exactly your apartment is good for, and how best to use it. During the double-land period, it can be assumed that it will be land and land use issues that will be at the forefront. Author - Sheli Sultanbekova.

    Planting and replanting indoor plants, sowing seeds, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, fighting soil pests - everything a gardener and orogeeter needs to know in 2018. Author - Oksana Tamilina.

    Those who are proficient in the Qi Men Dong Jia technique can see where and in what environment are the heavenly trunks of their year or birthday (who adheres to which version). Thus, you can get a certain individual forecast for Qi Men Dong Jia for the coming year. Author - Sheli Sultanbekova.

    Cooking recipes, outfits, esoteric recommendations. Author Natalia Buchatskaya

    Knowing about the tradition of our people to walk in new year's eve, Sultanbekova Sheli every year writes a small recommendation about where exactly to walk in order to walk not just like that, but with meaning. So that at the very beginning of the new year it is symbolic to gain the energy of the first Good Luck.