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  • Epiphany night what to do at home. Prayer on Epiphany night

    Epiphany night what to do at home.  Prayer on Epiphany night

    Theophany, or Watershed, as the day of the Baptism of the Lord is called, is a great holiday celebrated by Orthodox Christians annually on January 19th. Like any religious holiday, Epiphany also has pagan signs, which means that there are certain rituals and prohibitions that our ancestors adhered to.

    On this day and on the eve of the holiday, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, water is of particular importance - believers believe that the water consecrated on these days has healing properties that it retains for a whole year.

    What to do on the Baptism of the Lord

    • On Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18, according to church rules, it is necessary to fast. This post is not difficult and most importantly, short - just one day. Before the evening liturgy (and according to other versions - before the first star), only fasting dishes are allowed, the main of which was and is kutia. It is on Epiphany that this traditional porridge made from grains, honey, poppy seeds and dried fruits is cooked for the last time during Christmas time.

    See also: Baptism 2018: what to mentally ask for, diving into the hole

    • The traditional dinner on Epiphany Eve was called "hungry kutya", but, as usual, the whole family, including children, gathers at the table.
    • On Epiphany, January 19, the hostess sets a festive table, on which there are always meat dishes - fasting is left behind. True, alcohol on this day is not only not welcome, but the church is prohibited.

    • Since water at Epiphany is of particular importance, it is customary to consecrate it in the church and collect it in wells and springs that are consecrated during the holiday. Water from open reservoirs is also considered holy if it was consecrated by a priest during the procession. True, such water is still not worth drinking, but it is quite possible to sprinkle all the corners of an apartment or house, water the animals and water the flowers. It is believed that baptismal holy water helps to cleanse oneself of sins and even cure some diseases. This water is stored until the next year and, according to believers, it does not deteriorate and does not lose its properties.
    • It is also important to meet the day of the Baptism of the Lord in cleanliness, because on the eve they arrange a general cleaning and go to the bathhouse.
    • Bathing in ice water on January 19, the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, is also a long tradition, although the church does not consider this ritual to be obligatory. Moreover, not everyone will benefit from such a procedure, especially if you are not prepared for winter swimming. By the way, the baptism of young Jesus by John the Baptist took place in the waters of the Jordan River, and, as we know, they are always warm.
    • If a child is baptized on the day of Theophany, his life will be long and happy - this is what our ancestors thought.

    Baptism is popularly called Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19, in 2018 this date falls on Friday. In Russia given event is not classified as a non-working day, although it is an official holiday.

    The ancient and revered by all Christians feast of the Baptism of the Lord is becoming one of the most anticipated events in the entire church year. Everyone knows about this holiday who has ever heard of Orthodox faith, which is why it is not surprising that even in modern world people continue to adhere to the strict canons of celebrating this wonderful day.

    Epiphany 2018: The history of the holiday

    This church holiday has been celebrated exactly since more than 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. It is believed that after the baptism itself, the holy spirit descended from heaven in the form of a white dove. All heard the voice of God, which said: “You are My Beloved Son; My favor is in you!" Starting from that day, Jesus began his earthly mission, which ended, as everyone knows, with the resurrection, which became the progenitor of the Easter holiday. After baptism, Jesus Christ went into the desert, where he remained for 40 days and nights, preparing himself for the fulfillment of his sacred duty.

    Epiphany 2018: Traditions of the holiday. Do's and Don'ts

    Over time, the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord has acquired a huge number of traditions that are sacredly revered by people to this day. Perhaps the most significant of them is the rite of bathing in the hole, the features of which should be known to everyone who wants to perform this action. Before bathing, a hole is cut through the ice, which is commonly called the Jordan in honor of the river in which Jesus was baptized. The priest dips the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, which sanctifies this place for further rites. You should plunge three times with your head, after which it is customary to read a prayer and get out of the water. It would seem, why expose your body to such stress on days when the Russian winter is especially fierce? However, bathing in the hole at Epiphany is an ancient and wise tradition. It is believed that it is on this day that water in natural springs acquires special properties: after bathing in such water, not only diseases, ailments, evil eyes are washed away, but also sins, of which a lot could have accumulated by this moment ...

    1. People with diseases of the heart, nervous and vascular systems, as well as pregnant women and children should not enter the water. This applies especially to the latter, because in childhood the process of thermoregulation has not yet been formed, which is why the child's body is at risk of getting serious complications.
    2. You can not swim while intoxicated - because it is life-threatening!
    3. You can have a hearty meal before diving, but at the same time - do not overeat, and after that - drink hot tea.

    If you follow all the rules, then this procedure at the Baptism of the Lord will certainly have a beneficial effect on your well-being: both physical and spiritual.

    Epiphany 2018: Tradition to collect Epiphany water

    Of course, not everyone will be able to plunge into the hole on January 19, 2018, but at the same time, each of us will be able to collect holy baptismal water for ourselves, and we will tell you further how, where and when it is best to collect baptismal water.

    It should be noted that the consecration of water in churches takes place both on January 18 on Epiphany Eve (after the Divine Liturgy), and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. On these two days, you can collect baptismal holy water, while there is no difference when it is collected in the temple - on January 18 or 19. If you decide to draw water from the tap, then, accordingly, the best period for this will be the time interval from 00:10 to 01:30, which falls on the night of January 18 to 19, while water you can also dial later, throughout the 19th (until 24:00).

    It is forbidden to quarrel and do bad deeds when holy water is in the hands.

    Baptism 2018: Signs

    This holiday has many signs, both in relation to life and nature:

    It is bad luck to dilute holy water;

    Starting from Christmas Eve, it is not advised to lend money. Otherwise, the culprit may be short of money for a year;

    You can not perceive the holiday, only as entertainment to plunge into the hole;

    A good sign for Baptism is the completion of some business;

    Any agreement on this day necessarily ends in success;

    Nature at Baptism also says a lot:

    Heavy snowfall and dark clouds at Epiphany portend a rich harvest in autumn;

    Barking dogs at night is good news;

    A cross painted on the doors can protect the house from evil spirits;

    On holidays, nothing can be taken out of the house, otherwise there will be material losses.

    On January 19, Orthodox believers celebrate a great holiday - Epiphany 2018. This is one of the twelve celebrations, which in church tradition is called the Epiphany or the Baptism of the Lord. tells what can be done and what is absolutely impossible on this day.

    Baptism: when is celebrated

    Baptism is celebrated annually on January 19th. But the celebration begins on the evening of January 18, when Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated. According to tradition, water is considered the main symbol of this day. On this day, it has miraculous properties, and having bathed in it, you can get rid of diseases.

    Epiphany: the history of the holiday

    Great Orthodox holiday dedicated to the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. According to ancient legend, during the divine action, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a dove. All those present then testified to the messianic destiny of Jesus Christ.

    Epiphany 2018: the main traditions of the holiday

    On January 18, in the Orthodox tradition, Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated. At this time, it is customary to adhere to a strict fast.

    On the eve of the holiday, you need to go to church to consecrate water. This action is called a water blessing prayer. It is believed that consecrated water must be stored all year, and it cannot deteriorate. It is also customary to drink this water during illness or life troubles.

    People believe that sacred water helps to get pregnant. This requires drinking a small glass of water every morning and reading a sacred prayer.

    The main tradition for Epiphany is to swim in the hole. To properly perform ablution, you should go to a special place. Usually such places are equipped in the territories of springs, rivers or temples. At the same time, the bathing place must be consecrated by a church minister.

    Before diving into the hole, you should cross yourself three times, and then sink headlong into the water with the words "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." You need to plunge three times, each time repeating the sacred words.

    Baptism: what needs to be done

    On the feast of Epiphany, you need to do a few simple, but very important things:

    • in the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to read a prayer, for example, “Our Father”. It is also worth asking the Lord for health for yourself and your loved ones, well-being, happiness and blessings of higher powers.
    • it is believed that the water that was brought from the church should be sprinkled on your house in order to sanctify it and free it from bad energy.
    • if you do a good deed on this day, then positive energy will accompany you all next year.
    • a dream that you have on the night of January 18-19 will be prophetic. Therefore, it is worth remembering.
    • getting married on January 19 is a good omen, and happiness and good luck await the young spouses in life.
    • be sure to drink holy water on an empty stomach and wash your face with it.

    Baptism 2018: what absolutely cannot be done

    Epiphany is a very important Orthodox holiday, so on January 19 it is strictly forbidden to engage in hard work, for example, to repair or clean.

    On this day, you should avoid conflicts, you can not swear and scandal. People believe that all negative energy will definitely return to its owner threefold.

    It is forbidden to wash at Epiphany, so you can desecrate the water.

    It is not customary for Christians to cry on this day, because there is a risk of shedding tears all next year.

    At Baptism, it is forbidden to engage in fortune-telling.

    Do not be greedy when you collect sacred water.

    It is believed that consecrated water should not be diluted, otherwise it may lose its healing abilities.

    How to swim in the hole

    Swimming in cold water in winter can adversely affect human health if these rules are not followed:

    1. do not drink alcohol before swimming;
    2. before you plunge, you need to warm up the body, do a warm-up;
    3. before descending, you should check the stairs and railings for strength;
    4. you should enter the water gradually, you can not jump sharply;
    5. you can't go to the hole bare feet, it is better to wear shoes or slippers;
    6. you can stay in the water for no more than 30 seconds;
    7. after bathing, you need to warm up the body well with a dry towel;
    8. it is also better to drink berry or herbal tea after bathing.

    On Orthodox Epiphany Christmas Eve, Christians traditionally observe fasting and do not eat until the first star, offer prayers to the Lord and thank him for his patronage. At this time, many are wondering what to do and what to refrain from.

    On Christmas Eve, you can not drink alcohol, as well as overeat. Fasting excludes meat and fish from the menu. On this day, a traditional dish on the table of Orthodox Christians is sochi made from cereals with the addition of honey and nuts.

    The Church does not approve of all kinds, therefore, those who observe all the canons should refrain from such a pastime.

    The pre-holiday day does not allow scandals and quarrels, so try to control yourself and do not allow yourself harsh statements. Time spent in prayer helps to tune in to positive thoughts.

    Remember that striving for a righteous lifestyle helps the soul develop and reach for the light. Your actions should not be overshadowed by bad thoughts. Living in sincere faith and following the commandments of the Lord helps to overcome difficulties. All the best to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

    18.01.2017 02:04

    Inner development is the first step towards a happy life. Turning to spiritual practices, a person ...

    January 19 is one of the main holidays Orthodox Church- Epiphany. According to legend, on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the holy waters of the Jordan River. People believe that on this day water has unique properties thanks to which a person can heal not only the soul, but also the body. Water gives a person strength and vitality. On this day, it is customary to observe certain traditions that came to us from our ancestors. The rites that a person performs on this day have a special power. If you follow all the rules and signs, then the future of a person will be bright and happy.

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        Bans on Baptism

        Christians begin to celebrate baptism on the evening of January 18th on Epiphany Christmas Eve. On a holiday, it is customary to pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins. Since ancient times, signs and traditions for Baptism have come to us, which every believer must observe on a holiday. There are customs associated with prohibitions:

          • You can't be stingy on holidays. This rule applies to holy water. People should not argue with each other in church for the right to draw as much water as possible - this is unacceptable. Such actions can invite trouble on yourself.
          • Epiphany is one of the main church holidays. It has nothing to do with paganism, so it is forbidden to perform magic rites on this day. Fortune-telling, which was so loved in Ancient Russia, is also taboo. They should be held at Christmas time, but not on January 19. This prohibition is often ignored. Each person has the right to decide how to behave on a holiday. Most importantly, sincere faith in the Lord God must live in his heart.
          • The church does not approve of the drinking of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol should be kept to a minimum.

          On a holiday, it is customary to attend a church service, swim in the hole and gather the whole family at the festive table. If a person is worried about some issue or he is in a difficult life situation, he should pray and turn to the Lord for help.


          Not only representatives of the older generation believe in omens. Young girls are also interested in traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. There are a lot of them, but there are key ones that cannot be ignored. In particular, they relate to the weather on the day of the holiday.

          If there is heavy snow outside the window, then the harvest will be rich. Clear and cold weather is a bad sign. Even in ancient times, people believed that they portend a dry summer and crop failures. Since the Slavs were farmers and were engaged in gathering berries and nuts, the yield of these crops was of great importance to them. At Epiphany, they peered into the sky. If it was clean and the stars shone brightly in the sky, then this was a good sign.

          Warm weather portends health problems. If there is a lot of snow on the street, then people's health will be strong. Hear the barking of dogs - to financial well-being.

          Rituals for a rich life

          To perform the ceremony rich life, a person must draw consecrated water into a small glass container on the night of January 19. With water in hand, you need to walk around your house. An important point: the liquid should not splash. Therefore, it is worth walking with a careful, measured step. On the threshold of the house, a person should ask that his house be full of prosperity, like a bowl of water. The request must be made sincerely, with the belief that the wish will come true. Drink holy water in the morning. This is one of the most popular rituals, which is not difficult to perform.

          The second ceremony is usually performed on the evening of January 18. Sacred water should be sprinkled on all corners of the house. At the same time, a person pronounces his request for material prosperity. After this procedure, the bowl of water should take the place where the family keeps their financial savings and jewelry.

          Conspiracy for health and youth

          Turning to God, people ask him for health for themselves and their loved ones. Therefore, a conspiracy that women use in order to maintain their health and youth for a longer time is widespread. For the ceremony, it is necessary to melt the snow from the yard. When it turns into water and cools down to room temperature, the woman should wash herself with it. During ablution, one must ask the water to smooth out wrinkles on the face, give it freshness and youth.

          For the second rite, you will need fresh milk (preferably homemade) and rose oil. For a liter of milk, you need 10 drops of oil. The liquid must be put on a slow fire. While the milk is boiling, you need to say the following phrase: let my beauty be more beautiful than a rose, and my skin be as white as milk. Then the liquid must be poured into a bath filled with water, and immersed in it three times.

          In order for a person to have good health, it is customary to make a conspiracy with the help of melted snow. auspicious time for the ceremony - the night of January 18-19. Snow has the same healing properties as water. It is necessary to collect it on the street and bring it into the house. All family members should wash themselves with warm water. In Russia, it was customary that the most revered (older) relatives wash themselves first. At the very end, small children are bathed. If water remains, then you can carry out light wet cleaning in the house. Pay special attention to windows and doors.

          How to make wishes?

          It is important not only to correctly formulate and pronounce your request on a holiday. There are certain rules, compliance with which guarantees the fulfillment of all desires:

          • You need to take a handful of small items, such as hazelnuts, and sprinkle them on the table. Then you need to clearly state your desire to yourself. If an even number of nuts fell out, then the dream will come true. But you should not rely on your Fate in everything. A person must make an effort to achieve what he wants. This increases his chances of success.
          • On the mirror with the help of a remnant, you need to write a wish. Then before going to bed, the mirror is placed under the bed. If by morning the inscription disappears, then the wish will come true.
          • The following method is suitable for people who have many desires and cannot choose the most important among them. A sheet of paper must be divided into twelve equal parts. On each of them you need to write one wish. In the morning, you need to randomly draw out three pieces of paper. What is written on them will soon come true.
          • On the eve of baptism, people often see prophetic dreams. You can't miss this opportunity. Before going to bed, you need to remember your desire and mentally turn to St. Samson, ask him to show the dream. At night, the dreamer will see her future. To understand the meaning of a dream, in the morning she can turn to dream books. Based on the details that the sleeping woman managed to remember, a detailed interpretation can be made.
          • If a person has a cat or a dog in the house, then he can use a fairly simple method of divination. You need to make a wish and call your pet. It remains to consider with which paw he crosses the threshold. If on the left, then the wish will come true.

          Thus, there are many ways that are designed to help a person achieve what he wants. But do not forget that the desire must come from the heart. On the holiday, the requests of kind and sincere people who want to change their lives for the better are fulfilled. Making wishes is a difficult process. On this important day, selfish desires or those that can harm people are inappropriate.