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  • September 14, what an Orthodox holiday. Slavic New Year

    September 14, what an Orthodox holiday. Slavic New Year

    We present the holidays on September 14 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, holiday events and memorable dates on the fourteenth September day of the first autumn month. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on September 14, what they are connected with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this autumn day.

    Also, at the end of the page you can find out (briefly) about other holidays and celebrations of September, customs, traditions, folk signs, and more. But first, find out what a holiday is, its definition.

    A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone that has a sacred (mythical, non-everyday) meaning and is directly related to a cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

    The word holiday is also used in other, similar in meaning, meanings, such as:

    A holiday, the opposite of weekdays, is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

    A holiday is a fun pastime of free time, entertainment events (mass), a day of any personal or social joyful event;

    General state of elation (high spirits), (it happens in phrases: "holiday of life" and so on).

    Holidays September 14 - dates and events

    Semyon Letoprovets

    Day of the formation of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation

    Mobilization Worker Day - Ukraine

    Coachmen's holiday

    International Babywearing Week

    Hearing rustles day

    Holidays September 14 church (Orthodoxf) - Day of Simeon the Stylite

    IN folk calendar - Semyon the Flyer. In pre-Petrine Russia (from the middle of the XIV century to 1700), it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for the payment of state taxes and for the appearance in court. The last date for sowing rye and harvesting spring crops:

    Semen-day - down with seeds. On Semyon-day before lunchtime, plow, and after dinner, wave a roll at the plowman.

    Housewives are preparing for the winter: they pickle cucumbers, collect onions, prepare winter clothes for the whole family. The beginning of the "old Indian summer":

    Semyon spends the summer, he will bring the Indian summer.
    - Since Indian summer - a woman's holiday and women's concerns.

    The people said that on September 14, the sparrows are almost invisible on the streets, since the devil himself brings them together to decide how many birds to keep and how many to release. It was imperative to remove all spring crops before the day of the Semyon Letoprovodtsa, because otherwise the crops could die due to the large amount of precipitation and strong winds.

    They said that the seeds fall from the ears of grain. The bread was not sown after Semyon. It was only possible to plow until noon. It is also known that they tried to let livestock into the fields on Semyon. The housewives had a lot of work, who needed to preserve the cucumbers as soon as possible.

    It was also recommended that all business be completed and all transactions carried out exactly before September 14, since after this period all enterprises will be unsuccessful, according to the signs. Boys, who turned 4 this year, were mounted and rode horses as they celebrated their entry into adulthood.

    Also, the children were cut on September 14th. Hunters baited hares on September 14, and it was believed that hunting on that day would be very successful. On September 14, various ceremonies were held that helped get rid of flies, cockroaches and other unpleasant insects. The wedding season began on September 14 and ended on November 28.

    The church honored the memory of Semyon Stovpnik, who is also known as Archimandrite of Antioch. Semyon himself came to faith at a conscious age. He was born in the 4th century, and his parents were very poor. By chance, Semyon got to the church, where he heard the service and believed in God.

    After that, Semyon began to pray and asked the Lord to show him how to live. So, he decided to become a monk, left his father's house and first settled in the nearest monastery, and then he retired into the desert. There Semyon laid the foundation new form selflessness - covetousness. So, he built a high pillar, settled on it, which deprived himself of the opportunity to rest.

    Day and night Semyon stood on the post and prayed to God. Also, the strictest abstinence in food was added. At the same time, according to legend, Semyon Stovpnik lived up to 100 years and died during prayer.

    The people talked about the beginning of Indian summer. A lot of work was added specifically for women. So, from the early morning they washed flax in water, laid it in the meadows to make it softer, ruffled and crumpled the hemp.

    In the evening of September 14, they gathered at the house of a widow and began to spin, sew, embroider, and talk. It was noted that if the thread falls flat during spinning, then the husband will also be flexible and reliable.

    They often arranged festivities with round dances. The grooms went out into the courtyard in order to take a closer look at the brides. They baked pies, laid tables and invited guests. The wedding weeks began.

    Holidays 14 Septemberi - Slavic New Year (New Year)

    The first day of the Church New Year comes after the Dormition of the Theotokos. A new cycle of holidays will begin in the new year. September 21 - The Birth of the Virgin, today the Slavic world celebrates the New Year, services are held in churches, recalling the divine service of the Savior in the synagogue of Nazareth.

    Another name for the holiday is the beginning of the indiction. Previously, there was another unit of time calculation - a 15-year boundary, an indiction, consisting of 15 parts. This concept was first introduced by Emperor Constantine. After the New Year, they began to distribute taxes again.

    At the same time, he ordered to end military service in 15 years, and at the expense of indict to provide retirees with benefits. By the way, astronomers believe that the choice of the starting point for the New Year can be absolutely any, so in the year all days are placed the same.

    Holidays September 14 -Day of the mobilization worker of Ukraine

    On September 14, the newly created General Staff of the Armed Forces was renamed GOMU-Mobilization Directorate. Mobilization workers provide mobilization at all levels, organizational and staff work, staffing of military units and much more.

    Today the conscription is completed according to the territorial principle - 40% of men do military service in the region of residence, 30% of conscripts are sent to study in other regions and return to serve in their native land.

    September holidays - folk signs, sayings, superstitions ...

    Day of Andrey Stratilat-hothouse and Thekla-beetroot. Andrey Stratilat and Thekla. Noticeable warming. The hothouse wind is dressed in cobwebs, bows after the departed summer.

    The stratilates day has come - the oats have reached. Dig beets on Thekla. The wind is warm, south - for a good harvest of oats.

    Samoylin day. Day of the prophet Samuel, beetroot. Samuel the prophet himself prays to God for the man. It's time to pluck the beets and carrots. The beetroot is a slave to the girls.

    In Orthodoxy, September 2 Samoylin Day is known as the day of remembrance of the Prophet Samuel, who was considered the protector and patron of all peasants and disadvantaged people.

    Thaddeus Day. If the day is clear, expect the same weather for another four weeks. Who is Thaddeus - he owns his happiness!

    Day of Agathon the firebrand. The peasants were afraid of the devil and at night they guarded the threshing floor so that he would not scatter the sheaves.

    Day of St. Lupp of Thessalonica. Lingonberry magnifiers. First frosts. On Saint Lupa oats are beating with frost. If the lingonberry is ripe, you need to hurry up with the oat harvest. If the cranes fly low and silently - to bad weather.

    Day of Eutyches. Well, if Eutychios is quiet, otherwise you will not keep the flaxseed in the vine: everything will hatch clean.

    Day of Titus and Bartholomew. Titus, go threshing! Listopadiik-Titus grows the last mushroom. Titus is dragging the last mushroom in the basket - the most vigorous, without a wormhole.

    Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa. Pavel-Ryabinnik's Day. It's time to mow oats, cook oatmeal jelly, bake pancakes. Oats will not grow - you will swallow tears. A cold matinee on Natalya - for the early and cold winter. You won't mow oats to Natalya - you will wind up to tears.

    Memorial Day Anfisa and Pimen. Day of Anfisa, fieldfare. Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries. Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are many berries left on the mountain ash.

    Day of Anna and Savva Skirdnikov. Anna the Prophetess and Savva Pskovsky, skirdniks. On this day, they were in a hurry to remove unkempt sheaves in stacks, glorified the harvest. A good owner has a heap with a rick, and a lazy man has a stack of a dime.

    Cheerful inviting fairs began. On this day, Moses Murin was also honored, to whom they prayed for deliverance from drunkenness and craving for smoking.

    Day of Ivan Lenten, Ivan Proletny. Day of Ivan Lenten (Day of the beheading of John the Baptist), Ivan Proletny. Under the ban, everything is round - something that may resemble a severed head (apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.), they do not take knives in their hands. Strict post.

    Day of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Warm and stellar - for a good future harvest. The peasants tried on September 12 to set a rich table and have a feast.

    Kupriyan's day. Day of Kupriyan. It's time to harvest the carrots, dig up the potatoes. Potatoes are a sucker for bread. Every root to its time.

    Semyon Letoprovets. Day of Simeon the Stylite, in the national calendar - Semyon the flyer. In pre-Petrine Russia (from the middle of the XIV century to 1700), it fell on September 1 and was considered the beginning of the New Year. This day was the deadline for the payment of state taxes and for the appearance in court.

    Day of the Mammoth-Sheepdog, the day of Fedot and Rufin. Day of the Shepherd Mammoth. In order to avoid misfortune, it was customary to drive the cattle out of the yard this day only in the afternoon. Snakes are very dangerous - you cannot walk barefoot, especially near the water. By the water, by the way it flows, you can determine the future.

    Day of Domna Kind. Vasilisa's Day. Housewives prepared flax and hemp for spinning. Baba Vasilisa, hurry up with the flax, get ready for the bangs and supryadki. Old, worn-out bast shoes, suspended from the roof that day, protected the house "from the evil eye".

    Day of the Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush". Onions day. Time to dig out the onion. On this day, they prayed for the protection of houses and livestock from fires.

    Day of Elizabeth the fortuneteller. The day is considered successful for predictions, since it was on this day that Saint Elizabeth predicted the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. It is very dangerous to disturb the water in rivers and lakes: on this day the water spirit Ichetik falls asleep. Whoever bothers him may drown next year.

    Michaelmas. Cold snap - "Mikhailovsky frosts". Freezing Michael grabbed the ground. On this day, the peasants did not work in the field - a sin. At the same time, it was he who was considered the most suitable for solving all family problems.

    Day of the Martyr Sozont. "Onion" day, the day of taking herbal medicinal kvass, infusions, decoctions. The last date for digging onions from the beds, the beginning of the onion trade.

    Christmas Holy Mother of God... Aspasov day, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. Spend a day in wisdom and prayer - to find happiness. The end of every summer, a great holiday. The women met him by the water. Children walked around the courtyards and presented the owners with small "autumn" sheaves. In songs, they wished the owners well-being and called for a generous autumn.

    "Nikola in the autumn". Night trips cease: Nikola will fatten the spring horse and drive the autumn horse into the yard. Whoever confuses and tears branches invites the snake into the house. Snakes are very dangerous. You cannot raise snakes and snakes above your eyes - you can get fainting, the evil eye, damage. You cannot kill snakes - snake kings will take revenge all year round.

    Autumn equinox day. Day of Peter and Paul - mountain ash. Collected rowan, decorated houses with it. Day became equal to night. Mountain ash is grave - winter is frosty. If there are few rowan trees in the forest, then the autumn will be dry.

    Memorial Day Saint Silouan the Athonite. Fedor's Day - Soak Your Tails. Last farewell to summer. Autumn equinox, the beginning of rains and slush. Summer ends under Fedor, autumn begins. Not every summer will last until Fedora.

    Artamon's Day. According to legends, on this day snakes go into the forest and hide. You can't make noise - the snake will gape and stay near the house. The noise also summons witches - they bring evil on the house.

    Cornelius Day. All root vegetables, except for turnips, must be dug up by this day: Saint Cornelius - out of the rhizome land! Cornelius' day is outside - every spine is in its hole. With Corniglia, the root does not grow in the ground, but chills.

    Exaltation of the Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord. Exaltation, the third meeting of autumn, the first frost. The elements are ready to obey those people who spend this day in church. Deadline for harvesting bread.

    The birds moved south, the bear lay in the den. The peasants were afraid of the devil that day and did not go to the forest. It's time to chop the cabbage. The caftan with the fur coat will move, the last cart is from the field, the birds have gone flying away, and the cold will come.

    Memorial Day of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita. Nikita-gusseprolet, reporez, Nikita-gosyatnik. Geese fly - they drag the winter on the tail, carry snow on the nose.

    The water man is furious, preparing to sleep - he needs to be appeased by a goose. You can't eat the bird yourself, otherwise the water one will harm the next year. It's time to collect the turnips and start shearing the sheep. Turnip - meat, cut and eat!

    Day of Efimia. Dry and warm weather September 29 - will be late winter, and severe frosts, most likely, can not be expected. It was on September 29 that they began to shear sheep, the wool of which was used to make felt boots.

    Also on this day, they continued to harvest cabbage for the winter. Usually they did it together, organizing so-called cabbage parties.

    Sofia Day. Day of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. They read conspiracies for memory and understanding.

    Girls' gatherings were held on this day. Dry weather - winter will not come soon Sunny and warm September 30 - according to signs, you can go fishing and count on a good catch.

    Holidays September 14, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 ... - church and state, significant dates and memorable events, signs ...

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    Holidays September 14, 2042 - church, events, dates, what day

    Today is September 14 (September 1 old style), orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

    *** The beginning of the indictment is the Church New Year. * The Monk Simeon the Stylite (459) and his mother Martha (c. 428).
    Righteous Joshua (XVI century BC). Martyr Aifal the Deacon (380). Holy martyrs 40 virgins fasting and martyr Ammun the deacon, their teacher (c. 307-324). Martyrs Callista and her brothers Evod and Hermogenes (309); Aifala the deacon, in Persia (380). Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos in the Miasin monastery (finding of Her icon, 864). Monks Evanthia; Meletius New, in Mount Miupolskaya (XI). New Martyr Angelis (1680). Monk Martyr Tatiana, Martyr Natalia (1937). Memory of the great fire that was in Constantinople under the holy noble Tsar Leo the Great (468). Icons of the Mother of God: Miassinskaya (864), Chernigov-Gethsemane (1869), Alexandria and called "All-blessed" (in Kazan, 1905).

    Venerable Simeon the Stylite

    The Monk Simeon is called the Pillar, because he asceticised on the pillar. While still a youth, he loved to visit the temple of God, where he listened attentively to reading and singing. Once he drew attention to the words of the Gospel, which called blessed the poor in spirit, weeping, meek and pure in heart, and asked an elder to explain these words to him. The elder explained, and the young man decided to leave everything and retire to the monastery. So he did, and at the age of 18 he was tonsured. In the monastery, he surpassed everyone by fasting, so that for several days he did not eat. The fame of his exploits quickly spread, and many people began to flock to him, some for healing, some for blessing and consolation.

    To get away from human rumor, he decided to build a pillar and a cramped hut on it, went up there and spent time there in fasting and prayer. St. Simeon was the first to invent this method of asceticism; subsequently, some imitated him. The saint stood on a pillar in the open air, enduring rain, heat and frost. He spent most of the day and all night in prayer, then he lectured visitors, healed the sick and reconciled those who quarreled.

    The devil also tempted such an ascetic like Simeon. Appearing to him in the form of an angel on a fiery chariot, he said that the Lord had sent him to take him to heaven, like Elijah. The saint almost believed and already began to sit on the chariot, but made the sign of the cross, and the Devil disappeared. St. Simeon performed many miracles and gave many predictions. He converted many to the faith, fought against Jewish and heretical delusions, taught kings and princes the fear of God, mercy and love with his messages. St. Simeon is over YO years old. Stood on a pillar for 80 years. Died in 459 at the pillar of St. Simeon died in 428 and his mother, St. Martha.

    Righteous Joshua

    Joshua, who is commemorated at the service today, came from the tribe of Ephraim and was originally named "Hoshea" (Hosea), but was renamed by Moses to "Yehoshua" (Jesus) when he was sent as a scout with representatives of the other 11 tribes. Commentators explain the reason for the change in the name by the prayer of Moses, so that Jesus would remain in his opinion and not follow the rest of the scouts. Already at the very entry into the wilderness, after leaving Egypt, with his courage he saved the people from the attack of the Amalekites (Ex. 17 ch.), And then during the whole wandering was the main assistant of Moses until all his power passed to him.

    Righteous Joshua was the leader of the Jewish people after Moses. Moses brought the Jews out of Egypt, and Joshua brought them into the promised land - Canaan. Through Joshua, the Lord performed many miracles. Thus, the Jews miraculously crossed the Jordan River, conquered the very fortified city of Jericho, and after it other cities, won a glorious victory at Gibeon. When they approached the Jordan River, the Lord commanded Joshua to order the priests with the Ark of the Covenant, the most important shrine, to enter the water, and as soon as they entered, the upper part of the water stopped, and the lower part flowed away, and the Jews crossed the river. To capture the city of Jericho, Joshua ordered the priests to carry the ark of the covenant around the city, at the command of God, and on the seventh day the walls of the city fell by themselves.

    During the battle at the city of Gibeon, when the war was not yet over, and the day was already leaning towards evening, Joshua said: "Stop, sun, and do not move, moon," and night did not come until the enemies were defeated. After conquering the land of Canaan, Joshua divided it among the twelve tribes of the people of Israel. Feeling the approach of death, Joshua gathered the people and exhorted them to keep the law of Moses and not communicate with the pagans, threatening disasters for breaking the law. He died at the age of 110, he died peacefully and was buried on Mount Ephraim (Joshua 19:49, 50; 24:30). On his deathbed he called upon his people: “Fear the Lord and serve Him in purity and sincerity; reject the gods that your fathers served across the river and in Egypt, but serve the Lord. " One of the books of the Bible telling about his deeds is named after Joshua. He lived in the 16th century. to P. X.

    Miassin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos

    The Miassin icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is called so because it was located in the Miasin monastery near the city of Meletina, in Armenia. Many miracles happened here from the icon. When Leo the Isaurian (in the 8th century) persecuted icons, the Miasin icon was thrown into Lake Azurovo, but after many years, during the reign of the noble princes Michael and his mother Theodora, it appeared from the depths of the lake and was found completely intact on September 1, 864 g.

    Today is an Orthodox church holiday:
    Holidays expected:
    03.03.2020 -
    04.03.2020 -
    05.03.2020 -

    Church New Years is an important stage for the Christian world. It is also called the beginning of a new church year, the beginning of the indict. This event marks the beginning of the history of the New Testament.

    This is an enduring holiday, so to speak. Indict has many meanings, but in almost every case this word means the beginning of a period. In Orthodoxy, an indict is called the beginning of a church year and a circle of services. It is from September 14 that the church calendar begins.

    The meaning of the holiday

    Every holiday in Christianity refers us to some events from the Gospel. Any celebration or fast reflects some story from the New Testament. The holidays are associated with the holy apostles, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

    The New Testament story of Jesus Christ begins not with his birth, but with the Nativity of the Virgin. In Orthodoxy, the Heavenly Intercessor is considered the beginning of all principles, for without her there would be no Christ, there would be no Salvation. The New Year seems to show us that everything repeats itself over and over again. Every year we must remember each stage of this story in order to give it its due. Each holiday has its own meaning, studying which, we study the history of the salvation of our souls.

    None of the events in the life of Christ and the Mother of God was accidental. This is what the new year shows us. The church honors this holiday, so on September 14 there are always special services in churches. It's kind of New Year for the church and all Christians.

    How to celebrate the new year

    The clergy assure that this is one of the best times to go to church and receive communion. On this day, people ask for forgiveness from everyone who has been offended during the church year, give gifts related to faith and religion: icons, calendars and much more.

    The people have always believed that the Orthodox New Year should mean a spiritual renewal. People were very responsible about meeting the new year. On this day, we saw off the summer and met the autumn. Even in the early period of the history of Russia, around this time, people greeted autumn with songs and dances. The beginning of the indict in Christianity is not a typically positive holiday. Rather, it has an iconic character. He personifies the period of spiritual renewal.

    As for prayers in the New Year, there are no restrictions and instructions. On this important day, you can read any prayers that will allow you to strengthen your faith and enter a new stage. It can be both "Our Father" and "Symbol of Faith" or some other common prayer. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    13.09.2017 04:34

    The Exaltation is one of the great church events. In order for troubles and failures to bypass you, observe ...

    The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, like the Nativity of Christ, is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. With this...

    Published on 9/13/17 11:49 PM

    Today, September 14, the Slavic New Year, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cyprus and other holidays are also celebrated.

    On September 14, 2017, the national holiday of Simeon the Flyer is celebrated. On this day, the Church commemorates Saint Simeon the Stylite.

    According to legend, Simeon was a Syrian monk. He is considered the founder of "pillar-dwelling" - continuous prayer in an open area, pillar or tower.

    Strong in spirit Simeon spent all his time on the pillar. He received the gift of healing spiritual and physical ailments and foresight of the future. Rumors about him spread far beyond Syria. To many intkbbee he helped to find true faith. Even kings and emperors turned to him for advice. Saint Simeon lived for over a hundred years and died during prayer.

    Its popular name - "Letoprovets" - the holiday received as on this day the peasants saw off the summer. On this folk holiday, it was believed that the Indian summer began, which was traditionally met with folk festivities.

    The people considered this day a good day for housewarming. Also, from this day, wedding weeks and bride shows begin.

    In many places, gatherings begin with this holiday - handicrafts in the house with a lit candle, lamp.

    According to signs, if it is a clear day on Simeon, then it will be warm until the beginning of winter.

    If there are a lot of cobwebs in the fields, the autumn will be long, and if the south wind is blowing, it means that the winter will be warm.

    If the birds have already flown south, wait for early winter.

    New Years, Slavic New Year

    On September 14, the Slavs celebrate the New Year. By this day, work in the field was over, and at home they worked with fire.

    The previous evening the old fire in the house was extinguished, and in the morning a new one was lit with special sentences. In such an event, it was customary to bypass all the fields with special songs and chants. The peasants hoped that such a ceremony would ensure a good harvest next year. It was also necessary to clean up the houses and arrange a housewarming. By the holiday, they finished all trade and economic transactions, paid tribute and paid all duties.

    Closing Svarga

    The Slavs believed that on September 14 the goddess Zhiva, personifying youth, strength and beauty, leaves the Earth, and Winter and Frost enter their possession. It is believed that from this day the spirits of the ancestors do not descend to the ground.

    The birds fly away to warm lands, which is why the peasants thought that they were flying to the upper world, where the souls of the dead live. Vyri is the ancient name for Paradise among the Eastern Slavs. Ancestors said that the light heavenly kingdom is located on the other side of the clouds, precisely near the warm eastern sea. There is also an endless summer.

    Day of the fiery Volkh

    Today the Slavs also celebrated the Day of the Fiery Volkh - the God of War among the ancient Slavs, the guardian of the Irian garden and the husband of Lelya. Volkh was born from the connection between Indrik the beast and the Mother of the Raw Earth. And when Volkh grew up, he killed his father and at the same time inherited power from him over the forces of darkness.

    Volkh wanted to conquer the heavens, and then the whole Universe. The guy had many opportunities for this. The young god had not only strength, but cunning as well. And when Volkh turned into a falcon, he entered the heavenly garden and wanted to peck at the golden apples. Such apples gave immortality and power over the World. When God flew in, he heard Lelya singing in the garden.

    Sokol listened and forgot why he flew. And when he saw the beauty, he immediately changed his mind about capturing the universe. Volkh became Lelia's secret lover. This story tells about love, Lely's wanderings and searches for each other. Lelya was still able to free Volkh from the underworld.

    Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord in Cyprus

    The Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated in Cyprus on September 14th. Traditionally, on this day, the inhabitants of the island go to the church, where they pray for the health of their relatives.

    According to legend, Queen Helen very many centuries ago wanted to find in Jerusalem the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. The cross was found after a long search in 326, and then Helen went home with him to Constantinople, but the ship fell into a storm and landed on the shores of Cyprus, where then few people lived who suffered from drought. When Elena went ashore, she fell asleep in the shade of the trees.

    According to legend, in a dream she had a vision. In it, a young youth asked to build a temple on the island in the name of the Cross of the Lord. So Elena did. After that, the heat and drought disappeared and peace reigned on the island. It started raining and people began to feel more comfortable. The harvests and the arrival of new people began.

    Day of the mobilization worker of Ukraine

    The Day of the Mobilization Worker is celebrated in Ukraine today. The holiday is associated with a date in 1992. it was then that the Department of Mobilization and Manning of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was created. In 1993, on September 13, it was reorganized into the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate.

    Martha, Natalia, Semyon, Tatiana.

    • 786 - 20-year-old Harun al-Rashid stood at the helm of the power in the Abbasid state.
    • 1812 - Napoleon's army entered the deserted Moscow.
    • 1829 - Russia and Turkey signed the Adrianople Peace Treaty.
    • 1911 - there was an attempt on the life of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia Pyotr Stolypin.
    • 1944 - the offensive Baltic operation of the Soviet troops began.
    • 1954 - Experimental tests of one of the types of atomic weapons began at the Totsk test site of the Orenburg region.
    • Peter Lely 1618 - English painter.
    • Alexander Humboldt 1769 - German naturalist.
    • Pavel Yablochkov 1847 - Russian electrical engineer.
    • Robert Cecil 1864 - British politician.
    • Igor Kirillov 1932 - Russian TV presenter.
    • Dmitry Medvedev 1965 - Russian politician.