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  • Landing calendar in April May. Sowing calendar for April

    Landing calendar in April May. Sowing calendar for April

    Mid-spring is the time of the first visit to the country house. At this time, gardeners begin seasonal work. Some will say that there is still nothing to do in the country, and they will be mistaken. The list of cases is quite extensive. The lunar sowing calendar for April 2018 will tell you where to put more effort and what work to leave for later.

    First of all, while you still have free time, you should revise your garden tools. Some tools need to be repaired, while others get rid of and purchase new ones in return.

    The second month of spring is already bringing warmth. Snowman, as April is popularly called, dresses the earth with greenery and flowers. Folk omens for a month are based on many years of people's observations of nature and make it possible to determine what should be done to get a good harvest.

    So, what should you pay attention to in April:

    • it's wet outside - there will be a lot of mushrooms in summer;
    • hot during the day - summer will be without winds;
    • thunderstorm at the beginning of the month - a rich harvest of nuts;
    • birch trees give a lot of juice - summer will be rainy;
    • if the snow is rough in April, the harvest in summer will be rich;
    • no swallows - spring will be cold;
    • many stars - the harvest will be good.

    What to do in early April

    In the second month of spring, if necessary, you need to buy mineral and organic fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides. If there is still snow on the site, you need to shake off its excess from the bushes: melting snow can break their branches. If frosty days are still expected, then it is recommended, on the contrary, to cover the fruit plantations even more with snow.

    What to do in the middle of the month

    To prevent the area from turning into a swamp from excess moisture, water drainage grooves should be dug. If there is little snow, then it is recommended to install special shields for snow retention. Early spring is the time to prune trees and shrubs. The work is recommended to be performed when the above zero temperature is established outside. The list of work with trees includes not only the removal of dry branches. It is also necessary to form the crowns of the trees. Slices that have a large area should be covered with oil-based paint.

    Get rid of dry twisted leaves from last year. Pests often hibernate in them. Dried fruits on trees are also cut. You should inspect berry bushes and identify buds that are very swollen. These kidneys often contain mites. The removed parts of the bushes must be burned as quickly as possible.

    Work at the end of the period

    In April, fruit trees are often infested with a variety of pests. The grower should examine the trunks and mark deep cracks. In such places, insects that are dangerous to plants often breed. Trees can also be affected by fungus.

    If the bark of the tree has peeled off from its surface, it should be removed, the cracks formed must be repaired. For small cracks, you can use a garden putty. In case of large damage, preliminary cleaning must be carried out to sound wood. To close up the hollow, you can use a composition of clay and manure in equal parts with the addition of copper sulfate. The proportion of vitriol should be 3% of the entire mixture. The hollow is filled with the resulting composition, and the tree is wrapped with a clean bandage on top. The bandage should be removed after 4 months. During this time, healthy wood will appear under the fabric.

    Dacha in April (video)

    Lunar seed calendar for April 2018

    In the middle of spring, the bright sun can be replaced by lingering rains. The weather is unstable, but despite this, summer cottage work is already in full swing.


    Moon in zodiac sign and phase


    Lunar days: 15-16
    Phase: Waning Moon
    On the first day of the month, you should take care of household buildings and structures that require repair, put things in order in the greenhouse, remove winter shelters. You can start to loosen the soil, feed the soil with fertilizers, start the fight against pests that live in the soil


    Lunar days: 16-17
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
    You can start planting potato and Jerusalem artichoke tubers, sow radish, daikon, onion on turnip, root parsley, radish, beets. For grown seedlings, diving and transplanting will be useful. Continue tillage and preparation for sowing seeds and planting seedlings. The current period is favorable for tree planting.


    Lunar days: 17-18
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
    Today the moon contributes to the effectiveness of all types of soil cultivation. Their stratification will have a good effect on seeds. Prepare and lay out baits for rodents. In the garden, you can apply mineral fertilizers on the snow cover, inoculate fruit trees, spray against pests and diseases. Sow early cabbage, spinach, celery seeds today in a heated greenhouse
    Lunar days: 18-19
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
    It is recommended to plant almost all tuberous plants and small root crops at this time. Taking care of the future harvest of fruit trees, trapping belts for pests should be prepared. Look at the order of recommended plantings for the upcoming nearest period and plan the location of new beds. Land cultivation, weeding, pest control can be carried out


    Lunar days: 19
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
    April 5th is suitable for sowing carrots and beets, various types of soil cultivation, rodent and pest control


    Lunar days: 19–20
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
    Today the moon indicates the timeliness of sowing root parsley and onions on a turnip. Also continue to cultivate the soil,
    tidying paths on the site, pest control


    Lunar days: 20–21
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
    Crops recommended today for planting and sowing: turnip onions, daikon, rutabagas, potatoes, radishes, Jerusalem artichoke, turnips, parsley, radish. Be sure to heal bark burns on trees. Today's vaccinations will take on well. The purchased garden equipment will work reliably and will last a long time


    Lunar days: 21-22
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn
    Plant Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, sow radishes, rutabagas, beets, turnips, carrots, daikon. As you continue to till the soil, do not forget to apply fertilizers. Repair your garden equipment


    Lunar days: 22-23
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius
    Today it is better to give up sowing seeds and planting plants. Water the beds with already planted vegetables, add organic fertilizers to the soil, continue composting, water the plants, buy seeds. Use spraying and fumigation for pest control


    Lunar days: 23-24
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius
    Avoid sowing or planting plants that day. You can engage in the introduction of organic matter into the soil, the destruction of soil pests, continue to lay compost in pits or heaps. Trim garden trees
    and bushes, fumigate or spray them to control pests living in the bark and crowns
    Lunar days: 24-25
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius
    Planting seedlings and sowing seeds is better to postpone to a more favorable time. You can replenish the stocks of nutrients in the soil with mineral fertilizers, make root watering of seedlings and plants on the site, destroy pests. Continue composting. Get the seeds you want


    Lunar days: 25-26
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces
    Plant today onions, daikon, potatoes, celery, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, radish, root parsley. The time is favorable for soil cultivation, watering and fertilization. Grafting fruit trees will be successful


    Lunar days: 26–27
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Pisces
    A good harvest will give the bulbous and tuberous planted that day
    plants, sown small root crops - beets, radishes, carrots, celery, root parsley. Bulbous and tuber-bulbous flowers planted today will delight with friendly shoots. You can also do
    transplanting and picking seedlings, scaring away rodents from the site


    Lunar days: 27-28
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries
    Today, the lunar sowing calendar does not recommend planting or sowing anything. The scope of work on the site will be preparation of the soil for crops of the future period, weeding and mulching of already involved areas, the introduction of organic fertilizers, foliar irrigation, the destruction of various types of pests


    Lunar days: 28-29
    Phase: Waning Moon
    Zodiac sign: Aries
    Considering the position of the moon today, it is not worth planting or sowing anything. It is better to water the plants on this day, weed and mulch the planted beds, cultivate any part of the soil and in parallel apply mineral fertilizers to the ground. Continue to replenish compost pits or heaps, control pests and rodents


    Lunar days: 29, 1,2
    Phase: New Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus
    The day is unfavorable for agricultural work on the site


    Lunar days: 2–3
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus
    Under the influence of the growing moon, pumpkins, salads, cucumbers, zucchini, greens, white cabbage, onion, cauliflower, berry bushes planted in the ground today will rise and give a good harvest. You can trim trees in the garden today, trim bushes, thin out
    thickened seedlings
    Lunar days: 3-4
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus
    Melons and legumes, eggplants, tomatoes, cauliflower and cabbage planted on this day will be fruitful, bell pepper, annual flowers, climbing plants, grapes, strawberries, fruit trees. Today, you can safely engage in pruning tree branches, unnecessary shoots, thinning thickened shoots of vegetable and flower seedlings, all types of soil cultivation


    Lunar days: 4-5
    Phase: waxing moon
    Today, add organic matter and mineral fertilizers to the ground, equip a new compost pit, repair structures and buildings in your summer cottage. You can also prepare a place for lawns and beds, fumigate or spray plants in the fight against pests and diseases.


    Lunar days: 5–6
    Phase: waxing moon
    Replenishment of mineral fertilizers in the soil on this day will give a tangible positive result. Continue filling compost pits, irrigate plants, purchase missing seeds


    Lunar days: 6-7
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer
    On this day, planting of most crops is recommended: melons, greens, legumes, legumes, pumpkin, nightshade, perennial flowers, berry bushes, fruit trees. Cut and plant seedlings in need of this, graft trees and prepare cuttings for upcoming similar operations. Continue composting


    Lunar days: 7-8
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Cancer
    Today you can plant bell peppers, herbs, tomatoes, salads, cucumbers, cabbage, batun onions, annual and bulbous flowers, fruit trees and berry bushes. Dive and replant plants, cultivate the soil, inoculate trees, harvest cuttings. Trees and shrubs will benefit from the day spent
    formation of crowns with pruning of branches and shoots


    Lunar days: 8-9
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo
    Postpone planting garden crops for another time. You can plant bushes and trees, water the plants, prepare the beds and a place for the lawn, apply mineral fertilizers, mulch the land under the already
    planted vegetables, carry out another pest control operation


    Lunar days: 9-10
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Leo
    For the sake of vegetation on your site today, apply organic fertilizers by cultivating the land, and also mulch the soil under
    planted plants, prepare the beds and lawns for the upcoming plantings, continue pest control. Don't miss a moment and buy missing seeds
    Lunar days: 10-11
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo
    Planting and transplanting garden and horticultural crops is not recommended today. Engage in soil processing - loosening, cultivation, hilling. Mulch the planted plants. Apply fertilizers, carry out root watering. Continue composting. Get the seeds you want


    Lunar days: 11-12
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Virgo
    Today it is not advised to plant or transplant plants. Time should be devoted to tillage (loosening, hilling, cultivation) with replenishment of organic matter in it, cleaning and mulching the beds. Plant the seeds for stratification


    Lunar days: 12-13
    Phase: waxing moon
    A good day for active planting. Place tomatoes, lentils, lettuce, bell peppers, asparagus, cucumbers, asparagus, green crops, beans, cabbage, melons and gourds on garden beds. On the
    plant annual and perennial flowers in flower beds. Stone fruit trees will take root well in the garden. Continue tillage, trim off excess branches in tree crowns, thin out seedlings


    Lunar days: 13-14
    Phase: waxing moon
    Plant melons, peppers, eggplants, spring onions, perennial and annual flowers today. Plant berry bushes and stone fruit trees in the garden. Continue composting, thinning
    seedlings, tree formation


    Lunar days: 14-15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
    On this day, place zucchini, herbs, cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, cabbage, pumpkins, melons and watermelons, onion on the beds. Plant flowers on flower beds, ridges, slides. Fruit shrubs and trees will take root well in the garden. Graft existing trees, harvest cuttings for this operation in the future


    Lunar days: 14-15
    Phase: waxing moon
    Zodiac sign: Scorpio
    The day is unfavorable for gardening work

    April is a crucial period for every gardener. In this month, one should not only remove all excess water from the site, but also start planting seedlings, vegetables in the greenhouse and flowers. It is necessary to pay attention to almost all plants, from raspberries to clematis.

    Factors of the influence of the moon on plants

    1. New Moon (Moon is not visible from Earth)
    2. Waxing Crescent
    3. Full Moon (Moon fully illuminated by the Sun)
    4. Waning moon
    5. Position of the Moon in the Zodiac (in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.)
    6. Rising moon
    7. Falling Moon

    Moon phases

    New moon - energy decline, purification, release.

    All plants or trees that have begun to wither or ache can in most cases be successfully cured if they have the tops removed during the waning moon in phase IV or, best of all, on the day of the new moon. The tip should be removed above that side branch, which will then grow upwards. Also, this rule applies to all plants that have begun to grow abnormally, as well as decorative flowers. The opposite effect will be if, for some reason, the tops of the plants are damaged on a full moon. This can severely damage healthy plants, diseased trees begin to rot, from the top down and are doomed to death.

    Waxing Crescent

    Plants and vegetables growing and developing above ground, should be planted or sown when the moon is waxing or, alternatively, when the moon is falling.

    Plants should be transplanted with a waxing moon, alternatively with a descending moon. Plants transplanted at this time to another place quickly form new roots and grow well.

    And for cuttings, the time of the growing or descending moon is the most favorable, they quickly and in a short time give roots. However, in the fall, working with cuttings gives the best results with the waning moon in phase IV and best of all on the day of the new moon. In most cases, the plant will then come to life again.

    Vegetables and fruits harvested during the waxing moon should, if possible, be consumed immediately, if the moon is not rising.

    Full moon - nature is filled with vitality and energy. The influence of the Lunar impulses on plants becomes especially strong and noticeable.

    The full moon is a great time to harvest medicinal herbs. Almost all plants and their parts contain more useful substances, for example, plant roots collected on a full moon (and also during a waning moon) have greater strength than those dug out at other times.

    Waning moon

    Vegetables growing and developing underground, grow well when the day of planting or sowing falls on the waning moon. If for some reason this is not possible, alternatively you can select a day with a descending moon .

    During the waning moon, starting from the day after the full moon, the earth can absorb much more liquidthan with the waxing moon.

    Pruning of plants should take place during a waning moon, alternatively in a waning moon (from Gemini to Sagittarius). Plants trimmed at this time tolerate this procedure more easily, because juices do not come out of them. After pruning, they do not suffer large losses, since the juices go down. A favorable moment for pruning fruit trees and shrubs is the waning moon, best of all are the days of the fruit (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). The most unfavorable time is the growing Moon and the days of the leaf (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). The tree loses too much sap, and fruit formation will be inhibited. Although the fruit plant does not die, the yield decreases or it will not be at all. And if pruning occurs on the full moon and on the days of Cancer, then the survival of the plant cannot be guaranteed.

    Fruits, vegetables and herbs that you want to dry should always be picked during the waning moon.

    You should clean (wash) the shelves in the fruit storage cellar only when the Moon is waning in the signs of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) or Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This will prevent mold from forming.

    The rising and falling moon

    The rising and falling moon are designations that refer exclusively to the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, they do not depend on the phases of the moon.

    Descending Moon: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio (Sagittarius).

    Rising Moon: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, (Gemini).

    Gemini and Sagittarius form "nodal points" at which the forces of the rising and falling moon change their direction - just as the forces are reoriented at the full moon and at the new moon. Therefore, Gemini and Sagittarius sometimes do not provide an opportunity to accurately determine the descent or ascent.

    The signs of the zodiac, which the Sun passes from the winter solstice on December 21 (Sagittarius) to the summer solstice on June 21 (Gemini), have an inherent rising power - the power of winter and spring, which heralds gradual growth and flowering. Descending power is inherent in the signs of the second half of the year (from Gemini to Sagittarius) - this is the power of summer and autumn, which means maturity and relaxation.

    The Moon, unlike the Sun, passes all the signs of the Zodiac within one month and these "ascending" and "descending" forces of the Moon also noticeably affect plants, animals and humans, and they are important and must be taken into account.

    The time of the "descending" moon is the "planting time", the juices go down and promote the development of plant roots. At this time, the earth is ready to receive, it breathes in.

    The time of the "rising" moon is also called the "harvest time", at this time the juices in plants rise up from the roots, favoring the development of the above-ground part of the plant, as well as the fruits. The earth is ready to give, it breathes out.

    Factors "descending" and "rising" moon can be used additionally, or as an alternative, if the most favorable time for gardening or planting plants was missed.

    Accounting for the position of the moon in the zodiac sign

    Fruit days - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    Flower Days - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    Leaf days - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    Root Days - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

    When choosing the position of the Moon in the zodiac sign, you need to determine for yourself which part of the plant should get the best chances for development.

    Tomatoes , for example, are fruits, not leaves, roots or flowers. Therefore, for them planting or sowing select the day of the fetus (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

    Leafy vegetables (spinach, leeks, etc.) are best planted when the day is on the leaf (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Cabbage salad should be planted during the waning moon.

    For planting root vegetables (carrots, radishes, onions), in a similar way, you need to choose the root day for planting (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn). Potatoes should be planted with the waning moon, but not too close to the new moon, but just after the full moon.

    For flowers and most medicinal herbs flower day is good (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

    Vaccinations fruit trees should be produced when the moon is growing, best of all closer to the full moon and on one of the fruit days (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). The tree sap rises quickly into a new twig and connects it well to the base. If some reasons prevent the implementation of this work with a growing moon or a full moon, then choose a day when the moon is in the sign of Aries.

    Along with the waning moon, care should be taken to fertilizer flowers , as well as watering, took place on leaf days (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). For flowers with weak root growth, you can sometimes choose the root day (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). For flowers that do not want to bloom properly, it is sometimes necessary to receive fertilizers on flower days (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra), but this should not be done too often, otherwise harmful insects may appear.

    For vegetable and fruit crops the best time for fertilization - these are the days of the fetus (Aries, Sagittarius) with a waning moon or a full moon. Leo days are not so good for this, as the soil and plants dry out very much during this time. Artificial fertilizers should never be used on Leo's days: both the earth and plants will burn easily, especially on already dry soils. Leo is the most "fiery" sign in the entire zodiac.

    For collecting and storing cereals, vegetables and potatoes the best days are when the moon is in the sign of Aries. The most favorable time for harvesting and laying for storage is the time of the rising moon (from Sagittarius to Gemini). Harvesting and storing are thus less dependent on the phases of the moon, and more on the zodiac sign in which the moon is located. Vegetables and fruits are more juicy during the rising moon, the juice remains in them during harvest and creates the best prerequisites for good preservation. The exception is the days of Pisces, although they are in the rising moon, but what is now collected should be used immediately. This time is not suitable for laying in a cellar or other way of storing vegetables and fruits. There is a danger of rotting, everything takes on a bland taste. It is imperative to avoid the days of the Virgin when harvesting, storing and preserving. Everything rolled up in cans these days is easily moldy. Cancer days don't go well either. Anyone who focuses on the rising moon should not engage in canning on the days of these signs.

    Pest and weed control

    With a few exceptions, the following practical rules apply:

    1. All measures for fight against harmful insects taken with the waning moon.
    2. Against those living in the earth, it is best to take action on one of the root days (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
    3. Above ground pest control measures are especially effective when the Moon is in Cancer, but Gemini and Sagittarius are not bad either. Exception: fighting snails in the garden, the best time for her is the growing Moon in Scorpio.
    4. Sometimes only radical pruning helps. It must be performed without fail during the waning moon

    To remove weeds the most appropriate time is the waning moon, best of all in the sign of Capricorn. However, be careful not to damage beneficial plants, as they can also die if weeds are removed. The most unfavorable time for weed control is the days of Leo with the growing moon. But the "Lunar Gardeners" must know how these days can be used to advantage. At this time, all the weeds hatch, sprout, if "touched". If you dig up a garden bed in Leo when the moon is growing, then even the weakest seed of the weed will sprout and they can then be weeded out on the days of Capricorn when the moon is waning. Then the garden bed will get rid of weeds for a long time.

    A very special time - this is May 18, until 12 noon. All the stems and weeds that are removed in these few hours no longer grow, and even their roots rot.

    How to work with the lunar calendar

    • planting seeds of annual flowers for seedlings
    • planting white cabbage seeds for seedlings
    • and sweet pepper for seedlings
    • pick and sweet pepper.

    Choosing dates for work:

    1. Landing ... When choosing the day of planting, we rely on the following characteristics (descending significance) - the day of the Flower, the growing moon (planting of plants and vegetables growing and developing above the ground is favorable), the descending moon (the time of "planting"). We determine the dates according to the lunar calendar:

    21, 22, 30 - favorable days

    28, 29 - favorable days (Virgo Days, the best days for almost all work related to planting)

    A good day for sowing on the root, transplanting and picking seedlings. The day is fruitful, but it's tedious to be more careful with watering. You can start digging the bulbs to dry and bookmark them for storage.

    Today harvesting, pruning trees and bushes, pinching, processing strawberry whiskers is favorable. Mowing the lawn is beneficial. Be careful with watering.

    Now it is favorable to lay corms for storage, mow the lawn in order to dramatically improve it, as well as engage in pruning, grafting and pinching of plants.

    A very good day for sowing or collecting root crops and storing them for long-term storage. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from working too actively with tools due to increased injuries.

    Time is conducive to sowing and harvesting root crops. Grafting, pruning and grafting will be beneficial. It is better to postpone transplanting and hilling plants. Observe a moderate watering regime.

    Today, tackle flower bulbs and tubers, laying out flower beds and flower beds, pruning and plucking ornamental plants. Sowing and transplanting other crops is best postponed. Be careful with watering.

    Today is an auspicious day for cleaning and site design planning. Work in the garden, vegetable garden and indoor plants better to postpone. You can dig and weed.

    Today is a good day for canning and drying crops. Sowing and transplanting must be postponed. It is good to make a deep digging of the earth in order to destroy weeds, top dressing and spraying from pests.

    Now it is favorable to soak the seeds for subsequent planting. Pruning plants and cleaning the site will give a good result and will bring satisfaction - get rid of everything that is unnecessary and wilted.

    Today cleaning of the territory and preparation of equipment is favorable. It is better to choose a different time to purchase equipment and planting material. All other things are also better to postpone, especially sowing or transplanting.

    Now you may have extensive plans for converting or acquiring exotic crops, but keep in mind that they will need to be adjusted over time to bring them to a more realistic look. It is better to postpone planting and other work directly with plants.

    A good time to prepare the site for future crops. Weeding, fertilization and pest control are beneficial. Sowing is better to postpone. You can replant bushes and trees, harvest cuttings.

    A good day for sowing herbs, soaking pepper seeds and nightshades. You can pick seedlings and harvest crops if they are not intended for long-term storage.

    It is better not to plant indoor plants, because they can grow capricious, the same applies to garden crops. Trees and shrubs can be replanted and pruned in both winter and fall.

    The time is good for gardening - plant trees and shrubs. Now it is necessary to check the moisture content of the soil on the site and in the indoor flowers, because the plants have started to grow and are painfully tolerating drought.

    The day is moderately favorable for planting winter-hardy late-flowering plants in pre-prepared flower beds and beds. Digging and weeding should be postponed. Winter sowing is favorable.

    A favorable day for sowing almost any plant, the edible part of which is above the ground. Plants will develop especially well from which you will not expect a quick harvest - on this day sow late-ripening varieties of vegetables, greens and flowers. Winter sowing is favorable.

    The day is not suitable for planting and picking seedlings, but you can do pruning shrubs, and shaping tree crowns, preparing soil and pest control.

    Today is a moderately favorable day for ground work, but you should only work in a good mood. Pest control, fertilization, and watering are helpful. It is better to postpone boarding and transplanting.

    A good day for pinching, picking and grafting, weeding. Sowing and replanting are unfavorable, plants will grow weak, and fruits may be substandard.

    The day is very good for almost any work, except for pruning cuttings. Any fast-growing plant varieties are suitable for sowing, except for bulbs and root crops. Seedlings and seedlings need to be watered especially carefully - a lack of moisture now can lead to a serious inhibition in the development of plants.

    A good time to plant any crops that are not intended for long-term storage. It is better to sow plants that use the aerial part for food and are not intended for long-term storage.

    Harvest leaves, grains, berries, mushrooms and aboveground vegetables - the time is favorable for processing and preserving the greatest amount of nutrients. Cuttings and plucking are also good.

    Gardeners and gardeners have long noticed that there is a direct link between planting dates and subsequent harvest. There are favorable and unfavorable days for planting seedlings and sowing seeds. To make it easier to determine these favorable planting days, a lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for April 2018 was drawn up. Open this calendar often and follow its recommendations.

    Moon phase in April 2018

    Mon W Wed Th Fri Sat Sun
    2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    23 24 25 26 27 28 29

    Favorable landing days in April 2018

    The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds for seedlings.

    culture culture good days for sowing seeds
    cucumbers 2, 3, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 29 tomato 20, 21, 27, 28, 29
    eggplant 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 radish, radish 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
    sweet pepper 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 bitter pepper 4, 5, 24, 25, 26
    onion 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 potatoes 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 29
    garlic 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 carrot 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13,
    cabbage 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29 different greens 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29

    Auspicious days for sowing and planting flowers

    Unfavorable days for sowing seeds.

    Auspicious days in April 2018 for planting seedlings, cuttings and grafting

    culture favorable days for planting seedlings rooting cuttings, digging in shoots graft
    fruit trees 4, 5, 20, 21, 29 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 29
    grapes 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 22, 24, 25, 26
    gooseberries, currants 2, 3, 20, 21,22, 24, 25, 26, 29
    raspberries, blackberries 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 20, 29
    strawberry wild-strawberry 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 24, 25

    Attention! The table shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that on other days planting cannot be done. You should not plant anything only in forbidden days.

    The calendar was compiled taking into account the fact that during the passage of the moon through various signs of the zodiac, it has not the same effect on plants.

    On certain days it is better to plant, replant, and on others it is preferable to do watering, weeding or treating the garden from pests.

    Lunar sowing calendar for April 2018 of the gardener and the gardener (table)

    The table shows the phases of the Moon, its position in the signs of the Zodiac and the recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month.

    date Moon in the signs of the zodiac Recommended works.
    April 1, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Libra
    • Libra - zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)
    • In a greenhouse, vegetable garden - planting root crops, sowing open field seedlings of cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower. Planting kohlrabi seedlings, thinning seedlings, plant transplanting, loosening, weeding. Sowing asparagus, petiole and leaf celery, watercress, leaf mustard into the ground. Watering, loosening, top dressing.
    • Flower garden - a favorable day for planting any flowers (annuals, perennials, corms)
    • In the garden - land cultivation, plant transplantation. You can cut out shoots, root cuttings, sow lawn grasses.
    • Not recommended plant and spray plants.
    April 2, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Scorpio
    • Scorpio - Fertile Zodiac Sign (Leaf Days) The sowing calendar recommends:
    • In a greenhouse, in a greenhouse - sowing cucumbers, planting cucumber seedlings. Sowing seeds of celery root, cauliflower, broccoli under the film, sowing radish, green. You can plant eggplants, peppers, tomatoes. Watering, mineral dressing,
    • In the garden - planting and sowing seeds of onion-batuna, chives, onions, parsley, carrots, planting spring garlic cloves.
    • In the flower garden - an auspicious day for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers and roses.
    • In the garden - planting raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries. Mineral dressing.
    • Not recommended pruning and dividing roots, tubers.
    April 3, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Scorpio
    April 4, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Sagittarius
    • Sagittarius
    • In the garden - sowing seeds of onions, cloves of spring garlic, herbs, beans, pumpkin. Planting early potatoes. Sowing on hot pepper seedlings.
    • In the flower garden planting corms.
    • In the garden - you can plant rose hips, strawberries, honeysuckle, grapes, plums, apple trees. Rooting cuttings.
    • Not recommended pruning, watering, pinching, pinching, replanting, germinating seeds, diving seedlings,
    April 5, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Sagittarius
    April 6, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Capricorn
    • Capricorn - Zodiac sign of average fertility (Root Days)
    • In the greenhouse - picking seedlings, transplanting, root and foliar feeding. Sowing late cabbage seedlings, cucumbers. Watering.
    • In the garden - sowing early radish, parsley, sorrel, planting potatoes, spring garlic. Sowing carrots, onions on a turnip. Digging the soil, loosening, applying organic fertilizers, thinning seedlings.
    • In the flower gardengood days for sowing perennial flowers.
    • In the garden - planting fruit bushes and trees. Pest and disease control, pruning branches and shoots. Graft. Young tenderloin. Spreading the ground with layers of berry bushes.
    April 7, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Capricorn
    April 8, 2018 Sunday Last quarter Moon in Capricorn
    April 9, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Aquarius
    • Aquarius -barren zodiac sign (Flower Days)
    • In the greenhouse and garden - sowing, planting is not recommended. You can dig up the soil, loosen, in the greenhouse - huddle plants, weed, thin out the shoots, pinch, form lashes of cucumbers. Seeds should not be germinated.
    • In the garden - sanitary pruning, overgrowth cutting, lawn mowing. Pest and disease control.
    • Not recommended feed and water the plants.
    April 10, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Aquarius
    April 11, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Pisces
    • Fish - Fertile Zodiac Sign (Leaf Days)
    • In the garden - sowing of beets, cicory salad, early carrots, radishes, chard, onions, broccoli, root parsley, lettuce, peas, beans. Planting white cabbage seedlings, planting early potatoes. Organic top dressing, moderate watering.
    • In the flower garden - favorable days for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers.
    • In the garden - planting raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, dividing berry bushes. It is not recommended to plant trees.
    • Not recommended cut plants and treat against diseases, pests. Top dressing and watering are very moderate.
    April 12, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Pisces
    April 13, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Pisces
    April 14, 2018 Saturday Waning Moon in Aries
    • Aries - unproductive zodiac sign (Days of the Fetus)
    • In a greenhouse, vegetable garden - sowing seeds with a long germination period: carrots, parsley, celery, asparagus. Refuse planting, sowing, transplanting, picking and other operations related to root damage. Plants absorb potash well. Can fight pests and diseases
    • In the garden - overgrowth cutting, site cleaning.
    • Not recommended water and feed plants, dive, pinch, transplant.
    April 15, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Aries The lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the new moon.
    April 16, 2018 Monday New moon Moon in Taurus
    April 17, 2018 Tuesday Growing Moon in Taurus
    April 18, 2018 Wednesday Growing Moon in Gemini
    • Twins - unproductive zodiac sign (Days of the Flower)
    • In the garden - sowing beans, beans, peas, melons, Chinese cabbage, onions, planting leek seedlings. Sowing dill, parsley, zucchini, squash. Sowing green manure, loosening the soil.
    • In the flower garden - good days for planting ampel flowers.
    • In the garden - planting strawberries, grapes, berry bushes, lemongrass. Extra thin shoots can be removed.
    • Not recommended dive and replant seedlings.
    April 19, 2018 Thursday Growing Moon in Gemini
    April 20, 2018 Friday Growing Moon in Cancer
    • Cancer - the most fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Leaf) The lunar sowing calendar recommends:
    • In a greenhouse, vegetable garden - sowing and planting of almost all vegetable plants. Planting seedlings of early tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers in a greenhouse or a film greenhouse. Sowing beans, zucchini, zucchini, squash, pumpkin in a bed. Sowing seeds of radish, white cabbage, red cabbage, broccoli, beans, dill, watercress, planting potatoes. Watering. Mineral dressing.
    • In the flower garden - favorable time for planting flowers, annuals and perennials.
    • In the garden - grafting, transplanting and planting berry bushes, grapes, dividing bushes. Sowing siderates. Mineral dressing.
    • Not recommended pruning and application of pesticides.
    April 21, 2018 Saturday Growing Moon in Cancer
    April 22, 2018 Sunday Growing Moon in Leo
    • a lion - infertile zodiac sign (Days of the Fetus)
    • In the garden - sowing of bush asparagus beans, lettuce, scorzonera, fennel, basil. Loosening dry soil, preparation of beds, weeding.
    • In the garden - sowing lawn grasses, trimming strawberry whiskers, cutting cuttings of berry bushes for planting. Graft. You can plant berry bushes other than raspberries.
    • Not recommended watering and feeding.
    April 23, 2018 Monday First quarter Moon in Leo
    April 24, 2018 Tuesday Growing Moon in Virgo
    • Virgo -zodiac sign of average fertility (Root Days)
    • In the garden - thinning of seedlings, preparation of beds. Planting cabbage seedlings. Sowing dill, parsley, fennel, artichoke, hot pepper, cucumbers. Weeding, picking, watering plants, fighting diseases and pests.
    • In the flower garden - a favorable day for sowing annual flowers, ornamental shrubs, dividing perennials.
    • In the garden - formative pruning, grafting, planting cuttings of berry bushes, strawberries, grapes, gooseberries, layering powder. Top dressing with mineral fertilizers.
    • Not recommended soaking seeds.
    April 25, 2018 Wednesday Growing Moon in Virgo
    April 26, 2018 Thursday Growing Moon in Virgo
    April 27, 2018 Friday Growing Moon in Libra
    • Libra - Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)
    • In the garden - planting seedlings of bitter pepper, cabbage, asparagus. Sowing lettuce, spinach, celery, leaf parsley, peas, beans, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes. Planting potatoes. Preparing the beds. Mineral dressing.
    • In the flower garden - a good day for planting roses and climbing plants, rooting cuttings.
    • In the garden - sowing siderates, lawn grasses, berry bushes, fruit trees. Shaping and rejuvenating pruning.
    • Not recommended plant, transplant, spray plants.
    April 28, 2018 Saturday Growing Moon in Libra
    April 29, 2018 Sunday Growing Moon in Scorpio
    • Scorpio - fertile zodiac sign (Days of the Leaf) In the lunar sowing calendar, this is an auspicious planting day.
    • In the garden - sowing and planting most vegetable plants (eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin) Greens: basil, mustard, watercress, parsley, chicory, horseradish. Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
    • In the flower garden - planting roses, annual, perennial and curly flowers.
    • In the garden - planting fruit trees and bushes. Vaccination, mineral feeding.
    • Not recommended dividing roots and tubers, pruning plants.
    April 30, 2018 Monday Full moon Moon in Scorpio

    Moon calendar florists and gardeners do not recommend working with plants on a full moon.

    Gardening in April

    It's time to finish pruning trees and shrubs. Prune only in dry weather, so as not to expose the skeletal branches of trees to the danger of contracting diseases: cytosporosis, black cancer, etc.

    Do not leave cut branches, pieces of bark for a long time in the garden, remove immediately and destroy.

    Examine the tree trunks. Lubricate the wounds from mice with garden varnish and tie with a dark film.

    Close up the hollows: scoop out the dust, clog it with rubble or broken brick, fill it with a mortar of cement and sand. In the future, when pruning, do not leave hemp - they lead to hollows.

    In April we will hasten to plant trees and shrubs until the buds have blossomed. When choosing seedlings, check the condition of the roots: they should not have thickened root cancer, and the branches should not be dry, broken.

    Do not save on food space, it will be difficult to replant mature trees.

    In areas with a high groundwater table, plant plants with a shallow root system: sea buckthorn, honeysuckle, and other berry bushes. For dwarf and columnar trees, you will have to add mounds.

    Sprinkle berry cuttings to get new bushes. Plant blackcurrant cuttings. Try a fairly simple rooting method: stick the stalk into a raw potato and plant in the ground, leaving 2 buds on the surface.

    Before the leaves begin to regrow, clear the strawberry plantation of dry leaves and other plant debris and burn them, since pathogens of gray rot accumulate in them. Correct the rows with strawberries: add earth to the bare roots, dig out the buried plants, free the hearts. In the middle of the month, you can plant new sockets in places of attacks.

    Removing plant debris, cut branches, together with them, you remove the hibernating stages of many pests and pathogens.

    At the very beginning of April, flower-eating weevils, feeding on swelling buds, climb into the crowns of trees. You can block their way with non-drying glue belts, put on booms, closer to the ground. You need to cut ribbons from thick paper or cling film. Fasten them tightly to the stem and grease in the middle with ALT glue.

    Shields of the Californian scale insect are dark gray, rounded. There are larvae under them. On the boles and the bases of the skeletal branches under the exfoliating areas of the old bark, adults of the pear sucker overwinter. The eggs of the apple sucker, despite their small size (0.3 mm), are noticeable on the dark bark, ringlets, pods, at the base of the lateral branches.

    Aphid eggs are laid on annual growths, near the buds, under the bark scales. There are many of them on the branches of currants and gooseberries. Old 5-year-old branches of black currant are most often inhabited by glasswort, currant gall midge, their ends are affected by powdery mildew. When pruning, they are removed first.

    In the spring, with the resumption of active plant life, their pests are also activated. Spring development and pathogens begins. April is a very important time to protect the garden from them. The most suitable time for this is the beginning of bud break, the "green cone" stage.

    Green cone.

    If there are alarmingly many pests and pathogens and it is impossible to cope with them with agrotechnical methods, it will be necessary to spray trees and berry bushes with insecticides: fufanon-nova, kemifos, alatar, actellik, kimmiks, senpai. Against diseases, fungicides can be added to them: rayok, abiga-peak, hom. For stone fruits from fungal diseases effective at this time, "blue spraying" with a 3% Bordeaux mixture (300 g of copper sulfate + 400 g of lime).

    In a cold, protracted spring, when the leaves begin to unfold, and the roots are not yet working (the ground has not warmed up), it is very useful to spray the trees with a solution - for 1 liter of water - 2 drops of epin-extra, 2-4 drops of zircon, 4 drops of uniflor growth and fitoverm: (4-5 drops).

    During the budding period, you can add the drug Ovary or Bud to this solution (according to the instructions).

    These preparations strengthen the immunity of plants to diseases, stress, accelerate the development, ripening of fruits, and improve their taste.

    Lunar seed calendar for May 2018

    Gardener lunar calendar was compiled in ancient times, through long-term observations of the influence of the moon on all living things, including garden plants.

    First of all, different phases of the moon have a different effect on the growth and development of plants. It has long been noticed that the days of new and full moons are not suitable for planting and replanting. In the full moon, most of the juices are in the upper part of the plant, in the stem and fruits, and in the new moon, on the contrary, in its underground part - in the tubers and roots.

    Seeds that fall into the ground with a waxing moon are programmed to grow more actively and develop above the ground, and those that were planted during a waning moon have the opposite tendency to develop downward underground. Therefore, plants whose fruits are above the ground, gardeners and gardeners need to sow and plant when the moon is growing. And all the roots - with the waning moon. With this in mind, the gardener's lunar calendar has been compiled, which will help you grow a wonderful harvest.

    Gardener's lunar sowing calendar 2020 will allow you to always be aware of what is the phase of the moon, and what phase of the moon will be without the need for visual observation.

    In addition, when working in the garden and vegetable garden, it is important to consider what sign of the zodiac the moon is in, since all signs are divided into fertile, signs of average fertility and sterile signs. Fertile zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Barren signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aquarius. Observations show that the yield will be higher if, when sowing, the phase of the moon and its location in the fertile sign of the zodiac are taken into account.

    We bring to your attention Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener-gardener of 2020 with the indication of the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as with recommendations for gardeners and gardeners, which you can download and print. The gardener's lunar calendar 2020 (table) will help you take into account the phases and position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac when working in the garden and garden. Taking into account the influence of the moon on plants, you will be able to plan your agricultural work correctly.