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  • Keep it simple and it will open. How to be easier in business and small things

    Keep it simple and it will open.  How to be easier in business and small things

    What is ease in love? What do men mean by this? How to get it back if it disappeared? This inspirational article will provide answers to burning questions and help those who are tired of difficult and difficult relationships.

    Men who have recently broken up with a girlfriend or wife often say that they lacked ease in relationships. They are not lying! For us women, the phrase "easy relationship" almost always means "relationship without commitment", but is it really so? Let's figure it out.

    At first it was easy...

    At the beginning of your romance, there were short and hot dates, gentle SMS correspondence, exchange of photos. What were you talking about? Most likely, they talked about the weather and nature, shared interesting life stories, discussed films, dreamed about something and fantasized. You both enjoyed the time you spent together. And they certainly did not discuss the dollar exchange rate and politics, did not complain about their low salary, colleagues and superiors. So?

    You looked at HIM with adoration, you found dignity in him, you respected his masculinity. And you always looked 100% and, of course, smiled! For HIM, this is EASY!

    Familiar story? This story is about you. Yes, you were like that quite recently. And then something suddenly happened. And now he complains that he is tired of a difficult relationship, that he needs "lightness". And after such words, you think: “He stopped loving me” or “He does not want to take responsibility for the relationship.” STOP! This is not true!

    In his head is a completely different picture! He still loves you, he just misses your attention lately. The usual female attention and participation, without criticism and disputes, without discussion of utility bills, without advice in the style of “I told you so!”, Without scandals due to scattered socks. Without all this, you understand?

    He is MISSED! He wants to awaken in you that woman who inspired him to exploits and adored him, not hiding her delight! And this gave him courage and purposefulness.

    What to do? How to return the former EASY in a relationship?

    How to bring lightness back into a relationship?

    I will share with you effective ways, using which you will begin to enjoy relationships with renewed vigor. But first, remember: to return lightness - do not complicate!

    1. Learn to be silent in the bedroom

    Stop discussing problems in bed, and in general, keep any conversation in the bedroom to an absolute minimum! All you can do is talk about how you want him, how strong and magnificent he is. The bedroom is not made for talking - the bedroom is for sex and love!

    2. Give it time

    Greet him with a smile and do not start everyday conversations for at least 30 minutes after he has arrived. Give the man time to step out of his role as a pushy businessman and turn into your affectionate "cat".

    3. Be unpredictable

    Do not roll up scenes of jealousy out of the blue or just out of habit. Do not ask where he was and who texts him! Let him notice that you are acting "weirdly" and he will begin to make an effort to get your attention back.

    4. Cheer him up, believe in him.

    Praise him. Praise him for everything! For the way he skillfully screwed in a light bulb, for the way he sharpened a knife, for the heroic creation of a dinner or an accidentally washed cup. He is always waiting for your approval. Just don't overdo it. Remember: he is not a baby, but a grown man. Praise him like a man.

    Believe in him, no matter what happens. Believe and that's it. He can, he's strong! Tell him this and believe that he will cope with any difficulties. Because you have the BEST man!

    5. Master the art of listening and hearing

    Listen to him without interrupting! If he wants to speak out after a working day, listen to him silently. If he is not ready to pour out his soul - do not force him into a dialogue, a man sometimes needs silence and loneliness.

    6. Make him feel needed.

    When your eyes burn from the fact that he is just there, from the fact that you can cuddle up to him and watch a movie on his shoulder, when you are sincerely glad that you have him, then he feels that you need him. Give him a sense of need, tell him about it.

    7. Find something to be respected for

    You will be surprised, but it has a lot of positive qualities that you simply stopped paying attention to. Find them again or discover something special in it. Respect him! For a man, words of respect mean much more than words of love.

    Remember that he does not need a mother, he already has one. In you, he wants to see an ally and a woman that he will lead. Give him this feeling, show your feminine flexibility.

    9. Give him freedom and be free

    The most terrible punishment for any person is the restriction of freedom. Don't let the relationship become a prison cell for both of you! Be understanding and respectful of the fact that he sometimes wants to be in a male company or alone. By the way, nothing brings you closer than separation. Take a break from each other at least once a month, let each other get bored - this will add fire to your feelings.

    10. Surprise him

    Take him on a date to a cozy cafe where there is something on the menu that he loves. Thus, you will show how attentive to his tastes.

    11. Intrigue him

    Tell him about your dreams related to your common future. Describe everything brightly, colorfully and positively, and do not wait and do not demand an answer or urgent implementation right now. Just like that, looking at the sky dreamily tell him beautiful story in which he is the main character.

    12. Grow

    Be interesting to yourself. Do something new, meet friends, read, draw, dance, whatever! You will begin to arouse his interest, he will look at you in a new way. A passionate woman is an alluring cosmos for a man. He will want to guess you again and again.

    13. Smile

    A light “Gioconda smile” ... Mysterious, alluring, soothing and giving him the feeling that he is at home, that he is welcome and his woman is next to him, she is happy, which means he is her hero!

    14. Compliment him.

    Is it trite? Not at all! Men, no less than women, are waiting for confirmation of their uniqueness and value. Give it to him! Pay attention to specific details. Compliment "You look great!" It doesn't work, it's an impersonal phrase. Much better like this: “How do you like this shirt, I like it so much! You are a real macho! You will see how he immediately tries to justify your words.

    15. Choose your words, for they will materialize.

    Finally, stop complaining about your job, your boss, your salary, your country, your neighbors. Just stop is all. Your thoughts are powerful energy, and words have even more potential. choose happy life and talk about good things. If you need to discuss something unpleasant, then say it without unnecessary tragedy, but with a share of humor and optimism.

    Don't complicate!

    Here are some simple tricks. But it is important not only to know them, but to apply them in practice. And in a couple of days you will be surprised how much you are in love with each other!

    Relationships are the most beautiful job in the world, and when you love it, you will definitely hear your man say to his friends:

    She is an incredible woman!

    - Yes? And how is she different from others?

    “It’s enough for her to look, and I can’t wait to perform a feat for her sake!”

    Many people are familiar with the concept of introspection. After some awkward situation or after a conversation with someone, a person involuntarily begins to think: “What would happen if I answered differently?” or “What would it have been like now if I had taken the risk then and done it anyway?” At least once in a lifetime, everyone asked themselves such a question, but if such thoughts visit you constantly, then this is already abnormal and can adversely affect both physical and mental health. In this case, it is worth thinking about how to learn to take life easy. In this article, we will look at a few tips that will help you get rid of soul-searching and enjoy every minute of your life.

    As a rule, it is girls who are more prone to introspection. It is unlikely that you will meet a young man who will sit and discuss with friends what he did, how he did it, why and what would have happened if he had acted differently. Therefore, it is girls who are more in need of advice that will help them perceive life around them as it is, and not think about the topic “If only, if only.”

    The first step is to realize that there are things in life that have happened, are happening, and will continue to happen whether you want them to or not. Such events include, for example, death. And the advice of friends like “Forget it!”, “Everything will pass!”, “Pay no attention to it” will not work here. Each person himself must realize that he is not able to change anything and that what happened should have happened. And then it will be easier for you to accept what happened and the question “How to be easier?” will fall off on its own.

    To make life easier, it is very important not to be nervous for no reason and not to attach great importance to small problems and troubles. V modern world there is so much going on that it is simply unwise to waste your nerves and time on trifling events and petty failures. In this case, it is important to simply accept what happened and learn from it that will help you avoid the same mistakes in the future. In search of an answer to the question "How to become easier?" it is important to treat everything in life philosophically.

    Many people often hear the phrase “keep it simple”, but what does it really mean? For different people, different degrees of this “easier” were accepted. For a famous movie star, this means having dinner in an ordinary cafe, for a popular millionaire, putting on ordinary clothes and walking around the city on foot, and not in an expensive car. Therefore, when you hear the famous phrase “be simpler, and people will reach out to you”, the question involuntarily arises: how to become a simple and open person, to whom everyone is drawn? After all, often people who say this phrase do not give any advice on how to do it.

    "No" to arrogance

    As a rule, to become the very standard of "simplicity", you just need to get rid of your arrogance. Every girl, thinking about how to become simple, also needs to think about her pride. Very often this is the reason why you are advised to keep it simple. If you really noticed a sin in yourself in the form of excessive arrogance, then you should just take a little break from your person and devote time to the people around you. Learn to think about others, have compassion and empathize with them.

    But be sure to consider who exactly wants you to become easier. If these are not the most exemplary people, then it is better to remain with your own opinion and with your so-called pride. Maybe these people are just jealous of you, so carefully filter the various "well-wishers".

    Kindness and sociability are your best friends

    Many people understand “simplicity” as kindness, sociability and openness. This situation is fundamentally different from the previous one. In this case, the matter concerns people who are closed and closed in themselves, and not proud and self-confident. It is not always possible to immediately understand how to be common man that everyone is drawn to. Try to make new acquaintances and communicate more with others. Indecision and self-doubt very often repel people. Perhaps by becoming more sociable and open, you will reach that very desired level of “simplicity”.

    Loving yourself means being good to others

    Compliance with this paragraph is the main criterion in the search for an answer to the question: "How to become a simple person?" And in fact, it is very difficult, especially for born proud people who do not think about anyone but themselves. Not everyone can do good deeds, but everyone can try not to do anything bad. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. This proverb is very helpful. After all, no person will do something to their own detriment, so why do many allow themselves to do unpleasant things in relation to others?

    Being yourself means being happier

    Before you learn how to be simple, it's important to think about what makes you happy. Maybe your work does not bring you pleasure, and you like to write poetry or take care of plants in the country. Or do you like to dance, sing, draw. Just do what gives you joy more often, because then you will feel happier. In moments of joy, you want to make everyone around you happy, and that is what will make you a simple and open person.

    Following these tips will make you self-confident, teach you to look positively at the world and everything that happens in it. Then you will become a truly kind, open and simple person, to whom others will be drawn.

    Many children are taught from childhood to behave in such a way that their behavior is approved by others. And this is the mistake of many parents. They attach too much importance to public opinion.

    Of course, relatives and friends criticize us only with good intentions, but not everyone is able to accept and objectively evaluate this criticism. Therefore, most likely, it will bring a person more harm than good. Listen to the advice and recommendations of relatives, but do as your heart tells you. Because it is never wrong. Act honestly, be sincere and open, because this is precisely the very simplicity that everyone aspires to.

    Remember that no one knows your positive and negative sides as well as you yourself. And if you really think about how to become simple, do not waste time thinking about what your friend said out of envy or your mother blurted out in a fit of anger. Do not be offended by loved ones, always think that they still wish you well in any situation. And do not complicate your life and their lives because of a few offensive phrases.

    Is it necessary to pay attention to the little things?

    Asking the question “How to become simple and open?” Think about how much time you spend on something that, in fact, is unworthy of even a minute of your life. Attention to trifles is necessary only in work, and in all life situations this will only bring you problems. Thus, you simply complicate your life with various rules and conditions that would not exist if you accepted everything that happens as it is. You do not need to scroll through the events in your head, think over all the little things and think about how you could act in this or that situation. Believe me, it will not lead to anything good. Just enjoy life, do what you like, become happier and make everyone around you happy.

    Dispute between mind and heart

    Very often, many girls are faced with situations where the heart tells one thing, and common sense and experience tell a different story. Almost always, such a dispute between mind and heart arises from constant analysis and reflection on the situation. You try to take into account all the little things so as not to miss anything, and in the end you miss something very important. Sometimes it's worth listening to your heart and intuition, taking a risk and, perhaps, finding the greatest happiness in life. You do not need to listen to the advice of others and do what they think is right if you feel that you do not want to. There is nothing worse than regretting something you didn't do. Follow your desires, be happy, and you will not notice how you become the very ideal of simplicity that everyone is drawn to.

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    There is an opinion that it is impossible to teach a person to communicate. Like, the ability to talk to people is some kind of genetically inherent ability: either given or not given. But in last years psychologists actively refute this stereotype and boldly declare: communication is exactly the same skill as dancing, singing or cooking. And just like in the development of any skill, there are certain exercises to practice.

    We are in site today we have collected for you 8 unusual exercisesthat can make even the most shy introvert talkative. These are not just exercises to improve speech, but a whole range of activities that help you learn to think while talking and build a fascinating dialogue.

    1. Retelling

    For what: You learn to think and speak at the same time. The connection between thought and speech is strengthened.

    How to perform: Open your favorite blog, find any article, choose any 2-3 paragraphs from it. Read them and retell them aloud to yourself. Then - the next few paragraphs, and so on until the end of the article.

    Exercise duration: Depends on the length of the article. You need to retell 1 article per day.

    2. Continuation of someone else's thought

    For what: You learn to look for non-standard solutions, develop flexibility of thinking.

    How to perform: Turn on the TV or any video on the Internet. Listen to the speaker for 30 seconds, then turn off the sound and develop his thought for 30 seconds.

    Exercise duration: 5-10 minutes a day.

    3. The mystery of Lewis Carroll

    For what: Break your own stereotypes, habits of thinking in a certain way.

    How to perform: The riddle that Carroll came up with is: "How is a raven like a table?" The exercise is based on it. It is advisable to do it together, so as not to juggle more “convenient” items for yourself. One calls any word, the other calls any other word, between them you insert the question: “How are they similar?” It turns out something like “How does the closet look like a rabbit?” Sit and look for options.

    Exercise duration: You should start with 10 pairs.

    4. Lecture to anyone about anything

    For what: Fishing out inapplicable information from memory, you train your memory. Make your thinking process more flexible.

    How to perform: The exercise is done in pairs. You choose any object from those that surround you and tell the interlocutor about it. How did he appear? Why is it important on a human scale? What is it used for here in this room? With regular practice, you will soon be able to close an hour-long lecture about an eraser, a chair, or a cupboard door.

    Exercise duration: Start with 5 minutes.

    5. Dialogue with a mirror

    For what: You observe yourself from the outside, learn to speak coherently about your thoughts, and establish contact with yourself.

    How to perform: The task is to, looking at yourself in the mirror, fish out any thought from the mind and develop it aloud. That is, you approach the mirror, start thinking and talking about what you think. Move smoothly from thought to thought, connecting them with each other. After a while, you will start to get a coherent and sincere story about what is spinning in your head.

    Exercise duration: 10 minutes a couple of times a week.

    6. Talking with your mouth full

    For what: One-time improvement in diction before the "speech".

    How to perform: There are different options here. You can put an ordinary spoon on your tongue or a handful of nuts on your cheeks and try to pronounce the words as clearly as possible.

    Exercise duration: Enough 7-10 minutes.

    It is difficult for some people from childhood to communicate, to be in a wide circle of people, in a company. Some people just don't know how to behave. And it's not at all that a person does not know how to communicate with others, it's just not easy for him to do it. Some people are secretive and withdrawn from childhood. It is usually difficult for such individuals to be, as they say, easier and easier to perceive life and other people. This article aims to teach such people how to be simpler, how to make it easier to communicate with the world.

    What, in essence, does the phrase “be simpler” mean? It says that a person accepts himself and others as they are. He doesn't judge people just by appearance He tries to get to know them better. It is usually easier for such people to communicate with others, it is easier to find mutual language with this or that person and settle down in a new company. It is always more pleasant to communicate with those who know how to be easier, because they will not criticize and insult the interlocutor just for fun. They consider it a low and vile act. The one who knows how to keep it simple also knows how to respect those with whom he has to communicate, even if it is not very nice people. Being simple means not withdrawing into yourself, being open to communication.


    Sometimes, the main problem of a person's isolation is his insecurities. It is very difficult for people with complexes, that is, those who are not satisfied with something in their appearance, character and other things that they are ashamed of and try to hide, to endure criticism. Even if it was only said as a joke. The person immediately begins to close in on himself, to respond to the causticity with rudeness, thereby offending the offender even more than he offended.

    This behavior is a very big mistake, which, in the end, will lead to the fact that you will lose all your friends and no one will even want to talk to you. So how to deal with this situation? How to be simple and impartial to this kind of barbs? The answer is actually quite simple: you need to look for the problem in yourself. Most often, it is the physical defects of a person, visible to the rest, that become the object of jokes and ridicule of others. Perhaps you should take care of yourself, take care of your body by visiting the gym, and not complain to fate about your misfortunes.

    For those who cannot overcome themselves and become an athlete, it is worth considering whether your defects are so big problem For you? Do they interfere with your life? Perhaps you should just ignore them. Also, a good way to get rid of ridicule and jokes is without taking them seriously. You can just not respond to them, but it will definitely help. After all, every person who makes fun of his neighbor wants to see his reaction, wants him to go from a state of calm into a rage or begin to emotionally show resentment.

    How to be easier in such a situation? When you stop paying attention to the bullying of this joker, he will immediately lose interest in you, and most importantly, he will get bored of teasing you. Pretend that you were not offended by his words at all, do not react to him for a while, and he will understand that it is useless to terrorize you.

    Problems in communication

    We have sorted out how to deal with people with complexes. But what if a person does not have complexes, but problems in communication are still present? It may be a matter of character. For some it is very difficult, and for others it is simply unbearable. No one wants to communicate with such a person, because how can you communicate with someone who is constantly rude and insults the people around him? It is difficult for such people to take root in society, they are not sociable. They need to do something about their problem, they just need to know how to learn to be simpler.

    There is one proverb: keep it simple and people will reach out to you. So, this is the absolute truth. If you treat people well, they will treat you the same way. We all need to be more tolerant of others, even if we don't like them. Everyone is entitled to a small chance to prove that they are not so bad. And if you want you not to have problems in communication, you should give such a chance to each new acquaintance. Who knows, maybe an eccentric whom you can't stand at first sight will later become your best friend.

    Believe in the best

    These are perhaps the main tips that can be given to a person who wants to learn how to be simpler. Of course, this is not all, but at least this will be enough to start. Over time, you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in communicating with people and immediately notice that life is changing for the better. The main thing is not to despair and believe that everything will work out. Remember: treat the people around you the way you want them to treat you, be simpler and more open to communication, and then people will be drawn to you. Being kind is great, although it is not easy, but it is worth it.

    What does the phrase "be simpler" really mean? For a well-known politician or movie star, this is dining in an ordinary restaurant without undue pathos. For a millionaire, wear ordinary clothes and walk. For a woman - to accept and fulfill the requests of her husband without unnecessary "sawing". Simplicity always varies from person to person. But when you hear the phrase “keep it simple, and people will reach out to you!” - a natural question arises: how exactly to become such a simple person? After all, these advisers, alas, do not give any direct hints about what it means to become such a “shirt-guy”.

    Arrogance - fight

    By "simplicity" is meant nothing more than the absence of pride. Many people seriously think about how to stop being selfish, thinking only about themselves and their needs. Very often, those who wish to find spiritual simplicity seem too arrogant to those around them (ironically, in fact, this is not always true). To get rid of excess pride, if any, you need to learn to think about others, to sympathize with other people. In general, to slightly shift the focus of your attention from your own person to the world around you.

    On the other hand, if you hear a desire to become simpler not from the most worthy of emulation, then, on the contrary, you should think about maintaining your standard. After all, why be likened to primitive and narrow-minded people, behind whose words, there is envy of other people's talents or a desire to simply close someone's mouth?

    Sociability and friendliness are the best allies

    Simplicity also often refers to kindness, friendliness and sociability. If you are a reserved person by nature, start small. Try to start chatting online. Sign up for interesting courses where you can at the same time hone your skills of friendly and benevolent communication with people. This situation is fundamentally different from the first case, when spiritual simplicity is not enough for a proud person. If a boastful and too narcissistic person suffers from too high self-esteem, then closed and indecisive people, whose isolation is often perceived as arrogance, on the contrary, lack confidence and the ability to communicate.

    Loving yourself means treating others better too.

    In order to be a simple person, this item is mandatory. Since being a simple person is a real emotional Everest for both the hardened proud and for the shy and withdrawn loners. Self-love is necessary in order to be able to sympathize with others, to empathize with them. First of all, you need to stop hurting yourself. Take care of your well-being no less than you care about others. It sounds simple, but many do not do this - because then they may appear selfish in the eyes of others. Or such people think that their needs are not important. But how can someone seem simple and good-natured whose physical or emotional needs are not met?

    Be yourself - drop the false "I"

    To do this, you first need to figure out what makes you happy. Perhaps your work delivers real torment, while being in your garden or in the country you feel a surge of strength and inspiration? Maybe you like reading fairy tales to children? Write poems, draw, do charity work? Once you find these activities for yourself, use them as often as possible. And the more you enjoy these activities, the more happy and “simple” you can become, because to be simple means to be

    All these things help to develop a sense of confidence, a positive attitude towards yourself and others. Feeling pride - not pride, but pride - for your achievements and for who you are, you will always appear in the eyes of others as a happy, talented and loving person.