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  • Apathy and laziness. What if you don't feel like doing anything? Why I don't want anything and what to do about it What I don't want to do

    Apathy and laziness.  What if you don't feel like doing anything?  Why I don't want anything and what to do about it What I don't want to do
    • wishes- the desire to possess something;
    • Motivations- Willingness to do something to get what you want.

    This condition can be short-term, or it can drag on for many months, which is quite dangerous.

    Causes of apathy and what to do if you don’t want anything

    Before challenging apathy, you should find out the cause of its occurrence, and then apply measures. Frequent culprits for lack of desire and motivation are the following reasons:

    Reasons for apathy

    1 General lack of energy
    3 Laziness
    4 Rejection by society
    8 Doing something you don't like
    9 Distress
    10 Causes of a physical nature
    11 Asthenia, neurasthenia
    15 Depression
    1. General lack of energy

    Everyday routine, problems of relatives, running around at work, endless streams of information and news are exhausting, taking away all the energy without a trace.

    What do we do when we feel tired? We take a mug of warm tea and wrap ourselves in a cozy blanket? No. We are going to work again, take care of the children, the household. We think about anyone or anything, but not about ourselves. It is not surprising that there is no strength left at all.

    How to deal with it?

    • After work, do not turn on the TV, do not surf the Internet, do not read anything. Stop the flow of any information. Such a rest will only take away strength. It is better to walk around the city, take a bath, do something pleasant. The main thing is that you are left alone with your thoughts at least for 30 minutes.
    • Think about your past desires. Even children's. Perhaps you wanted to buy something, eat ice cream, go somewhere, but you still haven't done it. In psychology, there is such a direction as "gestalt therapy". Gestalt is something unfinished that takes energy. Finish your past affairs, fulfill your childhood dreams, and you will release the energy that prevents you from living.
    • Learn to forgive. If you hold a grudge against someone, you get upset when you think about someone. Stop doing it, you don't need this negativity at all. Let him go. Forgive both that person and yourself. Think about how it will be easier for you if you let go of this problem.
    • Hobbies are really cool! Better psychologists. During what we love, we get distracted and get positive emotions, and some even note that solutions to some current issues come to them for what they love. Remember your childhood hobbies: knitting, embroidery. Maybe you liked to make beaded bracelets? Or you liked to glue something - create a family album by hand, make paper garlands for the holiday or a decorative element. Do what you love. You will feel how you began to think about your desires, and not about the desires imposed by others.
    • Remember that everything is cyclical. Let's draw an analogy with the change of seasons in a year. Spring is the beginning of something new, beautiful, in summer we are full of strength and energy, in autumn we reap the fruits of our labors, in winter emptiness sets in. So do we. The old is gone and the new has not yet appeared. Winter for nature is a time of rest. In times like these, we force ourselves to work even harder. The onset of this period suggests that you need to gain strength for the next breakthrough, and not squander what little is left. Take a break and take care of yourself. And remember about cyclicity - everything passes, and this will pass.

    Everyone must have watched the old American film Groundhog Day, where the main character has to relive the same day over and over again. This happens in life too. Every day the same work, the same tasks, calls. Sooner or later it will get boring. Any, even the easiest work, puts pressure on the shoulders of a heavy burden. You can't squeeze out a single idea or line. How then to increase productivity?

    What to do?

    • Jogging. Even if you're not into running, just give it a try. Run around the house at least once. You will see, you will come running home energized and full of new ideas.
    • Change of work environment. If you work from home, transfer your workplace to another room or kitchen. If in the office, then try to find a place in the next office, for example. Create an unusual environment for yourself and inspiration will not be long in coming.
    • Changing working tools . Turn off your computer and pick up a notebook or notepad. Make the plans and diagrams you need to work on paper. The letter will help launch the thought process and bring you out of the stupor.
    • Try to start from the end . When working on a project, change the order of tasks. Choose the tasks that are most attractive for you and proceed to their implementation. So gradually you will do everything that is required.
    • Change your daily routine . For example, do in the evening what you usually do in the morning and vice versa. Add some variety to your daily plan. For example, if after work you clean the house, then try to at least vacuum in the morning.
    • Relax . If nothing helps at all, agree with yourself that after a couple of hours of rest and pleasant things, you will devote yourself to work. This is how you motivate yourself by “idleness” and will gladly take on any work after a two- or three-hour pause.

    Yana. story-woman editor . Due to the nature of my work, I constantly read a lot of information on the Internet in search of inspiration and new trends in the women's industry. But sometimes, passing by Rospechat, I still buy a magazine to read it in the evening, smell the freshly printed paper and take a break from the monitor.

    1. Laziness

    Banal laziness is one of the simplest and most harmless reasons for not wanting to do anything. But is she really that harmless?

    Let's say that in order to become healthy and slim, you decide to run in the morning. In the evening you are full of enthusiasm to start right in the morning. But when you wake up the next morning, you find that running in the morning doesn't feel so good anymore. Healthy sleep is the key to health, you think. You wake up the time allotted for a run, and in the evening you already regret that you could not get up and blame your laziness for everything. The next morning, history repeats itself... Days, weeks, years pass. So laziness has become a serious obstacle to health and harmony. And now extra pounds on the sides, a sore back and other "charms".

    And so in everything. Laziness does not allow you to complete tasks, achieve goals, live a full life.

    How to deal with laziness?

    • Dream. This is part of human nature. Close your eyes and let your thoughts fly freely. Pleasant pictures, thoughts and desires will begin to appear in your head ... You still want something, you always wanted to. There is no point in resisting it.
    • Listen to good music. Favorite music can be a great motivator.
    • Write wish lists. The main thing is to do it right. When you are alone, take a pencil and a blank sheet of paper and write down all the desires that you can think of. You need to get at least 100. According to psychologists, the first 50 desires are not yours, but imposed by society. After about 50 desires, consciousness will begin to reveal the truth to you.
    • Use visualization. Think about what you want. Stick a wish board in a visible place and place on it images of everything that you dream about. So you will see in which direction you need to move.
    • Learn to break big things into small ones. It's the same with big dreams. As soon as some goal seems unattainable, think about what you can do to get what you want, think over all the small steps on the way to your dream. You will not even notice how you have achieved what seemed impossible to you a week, a month or a year ago.
    • Leave your comfort zone. Do what you were afraid to do before. Let changes into your life and it will sparkle with new colors.
    • Track your progress. Every day or every month write down all your successes and achievements and reread this list from time to time. This will inspire you to further exploits.
    • Think back to your past successes. You graduated with honors from school or college, got a good job. This will help to cope with despondency and disbelief in one's own strength. You succeeded once and surely you can again!
    • Sometimes it's good to do nothing. At all. Turn off the TV, computer, phone, tablet, sit on a chair and fold your arms. Let's see how long you can last. Absolute inaction will force you to do even the most unloved work.

    How to overcome laziness: soft, hard and super hard way

    1. Rejection by society

    Do you feel lonely and useless? Colleagues refuse to deal with you and ignore you in every possible way? Whispering behind your back? Nobody appreciates your efforts? Hands down willy-nilly, motivation is lost and self-esteem drops.

    According to research, people who are rejected by society, over time, cease to adapt to social norms, to monitor their appearance. The process of self-destruction starts. There is a craving for alcohol, smoking, eating behavior is disturbed, for example, an outcast begins to abuse sweets. You lose control of yourself and your life.

    What to do?

    Talk to people around you, ask about the reasons for such a negative attitude. If you can’t establish contact in a team or in a society in which you have to stay for a long time, then it’s better to completely change the environment.

    1. Neglect of physical needs

    Often waking up for work because you go to bed late. You starve for half a day, and in the evening you try to finish what you didn’t eat all day because of the lack of time for a normal lunch break. Often snack on the run. You don't have breakfast. You work so hard and so hard that you completely forgot about the rest. Familiar situations? Neglecting your physical needs can be a serious cause of a bad mood. After all, fasting provokes a lack of sugar in the body, which makes you irritable and tired. Lack of sleep and rest negatively affects the nervous system. With such a schedule, sooner or later you will simply “break”.

    What to do?

    As cliche as it sounds, take care of yourself. Be more attentive to your body. Eat regularly, walk in the fresh air, relax and your mood will improve in an instant.

    You have to take a serious step in life, but you are not sure of any of the possible solutions. Or vice versa, you just need to go to the store, but you don’t know what exactly you need to buy. The more decision-making situations that happen to you, the more energy you lose. You begin to feel tired, but not physical, but psychological.

    What to do?

    Keep a notebook where you make a schedule for making decisions. So you will know approximately when and what you need to decide and no longer get out. Because then, . Over time, you will get used to it and it will not seem so hard to you. Don't forget to include rest hours in your schedule.

    Let's say you decide to lose weight. Become active in sports and eat right. The weight began to slowly go away, but you are still far from ideal. You were inspired to see the results and began to practice even more intensively. At some point, weight loss slows down and stops completely. It seems to you that all the forces that you expend, the restrictions that you endure are for nothing. Instead of waiting out this period, calmly continue training and dieting, you get frustrated and quit. You are tired of everything and the best way out for you is to buy fatty and junk food and start eating, eating and eating while sitting in front of the TV. And so in everything: in work, in sports, in self-development.

    What to do?

    It is necessary to realize that everything does not always go straight into the hands. To get what you want, you need to spend a lot of energy and not a little time. See the higher meaning in this. Perhaps what you didn’t get you just don’t need, or the obstacles to getting what you want will give you the experience you need. What you got with difficulty will be valued much higher.

    1. Doing something you don't like

    You hate your job, but every day you get out of bed to do something you hate. Why? Because you need money, you have a family, or perhaps, at some point, you were promised a good promotion.

    Sooner or later you will burn out. You will be overtaken by a state of fatigue, overwork, inner emptiness. You will begin to blame everyone around you for your unhappiness. And you still ask: “why don’t you want to do anything?”. Yes, because you are doing the wrong thing!

    What to do?

    Listen to yourself, what would you really like to do. It seems to you that life or society requires the right things from you, and you obey people and circumstances, drowning out the cries of your own “I”. Stop doing it, find your true self. Try new things so you don't regret missed opportunities later.

    1. Distress

    Stress can sometimes be beneficial. In stressful situations, the body mobilizes its entire reserve to combat the unpleasant factors that caused stress. Improves performance, attention and memory. But if the stressful situation drags on too long, our body begins to get tired of such tension. There is complete indifference to what was important. There comes a state when you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy. Such prolonged stress is called distress. You begin to imagine your future and see little good in it.

    Why is this happening?

    This is due to the development of the frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for our imagination.

    • The brain is able to fill in the gaps. If we misheard something, or missed a word in the text, our brain fills in the gaps to get the full picture. Sometimes we don’t even realize that something was missing somewhere. So it is with our thoughts about the future. The brain fills in the gaps relative to your current state.
    • We perceive our future relative to the present. If the current situation causes only negative thoughts, then it becomes more difficult to see a “rosy” future.
    • We cannot always predict our feelings about upcoming events. It seems to us that we will be happy when we get married, our team will win, we will win the competition. But in fact, when this happens, the surge of positive emotions is not as violent as we thought. But if we are suffering now, it is difficult to imagine happiness in the future.

    What to do?

    • If any events in your life make you think about how you will feel in the future, it is worth talking with someone who has already experienced such a situation. For example, you have lost a prestigious job and it does not give you peace of mind. Talk to a person who has already been fired from a good position, find out how his life turned out.
    • Stop trying to control the future. We can imagine, but we cannot predict.
    • Do not limit your gaze into the future subjective sensations. There are always circumstances that can dramatically change your life. Do not look under your feet, look around so as not to miss anything.
    • Don't dig into the past. You will not be able to remember past feelings, to determine what you liked and what you didn’t. The brain erases all memories of feelings. You will look at the past from the point of view of your state in the present.
    • Don't imagine how it will feel in the future. If you are not able to remember the experienced sensations, then there is no point in trying to predict the future.
    • Live here and now. If something serious has happened, do not engage in a deep analysis of the situation. React and act immediately. This is 100% more effective in helping to cope with difficulties.
    1. Physical reasons.

    Often the state of apathy can be associated with any physical illness, disturbances in work internal organs taking certain medications.

    Physical reasons:

    1. Violation of the endocrine system;
    2. Oncological diseases;
    3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    4. Alcoholism and drug addiction;
    5. Transferred serious illnesses;
    6. Lack of vitamins;
    7. Reception hormonal drugs("Dexamethasone", "Prednisolone") and oral contraceptives;
    8. Taking drugs that help lower blood pressure (Enalapril).

    What to do?

    First of all, you should contact medical institution for a complete examination. If it turns out that apathy is caused precisely by malfunctions in the body, it is necessary to undergo treatment.

    1. Asthenia, neurasthenia.

    The consequence of a serious illness (flu or pneumonia) can be asthenic syndrome. All the forces of the organisms were spent on fighting the disease. Doing the usual things requires more effort and time, and any nervous shock, even pleasant, can provoke hysteria and tears. The cause of asthenia may be chronic illness leading to a breakdown: AIDS, hypotension, diabetes. A person experiences complete indifference to everything, impotence.

    There is also a variety of asthenia - neurasthenia a consequence of psychological trauma. The body saves strength, recovering from the experienced shock. It is rather not apathy, but irritation, frequent mood swings.

    The development of neurasthenia goes through three phases:

    1. Equalizing. A person equally violently reacts to everyday trifles and to a larger problem.
    2. Paradoxical. A person is unable to respond to serious problems, but breaks down over trifles.
    3. Ultra paradoxical . Absolute fatigue and indifference. A person does not understand what is happening around, it is difficult for him to answer and react.

    How to fight?

    1. Take drugs and vitamins that help improve brain activity;
    2. Start using special psychological techniques. For example, in the paradoxical phase, the Watchman exercise will help:

    We lay down on the sofa, close our eyes and try to sweep away any thoughts except one. Imagine that we have a beefy guy in the form of a security guard sitting in our head, on his head is a cap with the inscription "Security". He has no sense of humor, he says only one phrase: "Goodbye!"

    1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

    Apathy can be a consequence of CFS. What is SHU? Here the opinions of scientists are ambiguous. Some believe that this is the same as asthenia and neurasthenia. Others refer to CFS as immune dysfunction or encephalomyelitis.

    Unlike asthenia, the syndrome affects groups of people. It is unknown why this is happening. Common versions: undetected virus, intestinal disorders, immune problems, hidden food allergies.

    Symptoms of CFS:

    1. Insomnia;
    2. muscle weakness;
    3. Body aches;
    4. Exhaustion.

    Scientists agree that this is the result of fatigue. From the patient, you can achieve positive emotions, a sincere smile in relation to friends and relatives.

    What to do?

    Contact a specialist for a complete examination.

    1. Schizophrenia and organic lesions in the brain

    The cause of apathy can be dementia, neuroinfections, Pick's disease, Alzheimer's, which leads to degradation, accompanied by the loss of any desires, except for the satisfaction of physical needs.

    Apathy can also be a symptom of schizophrenia. It all starts with the emergence of crazy ideas, loss of interest in everything. It is difficult for the patient to "kill time", he ceases to take care of himself and the house, which gradually turns into a garbage dump. Then hallucinations appear, a crazy idea attracts his attention to itself and returns the patient's energy for a while.

    What to do?

    As soon as possible, contact a psychiatrist who will prescribe specialized treatment.

    1. Burnout Syndrome (BS)

    SEV - psychological exhaustion caused by prolonged stress. The risk group for this disease includes mainly citizens working with people. Some of the most devoted professionals are suffering: doctors, teachers, social workers… These people, every day, face a wave of negativity, while putting their “soul” into their work. They do not recognize the right to fatigue and rest, trying to help not only formally. Over time, the energy "leaks", psychosomatic diseases develop. The psyche tries to defend itself, “turns off” emotions, human activity becomes formal, specialists become irritated and indifferent towards their clients.


    1. persistent fatigue;
    2. Constant feeling of sadness;
    3. Ennui;
    4. Lack of self-confidence;
    5. Inability to express any emotions;
    6. Lack of desire.

    The CMEA develops as follows:

    1 stage . The sharp onset of fatigue, frequent mood swings, loss of interest in previously beloved work. A person tries to work through force, ignoring the alarming signals of his body, stops sleeping peacefully. The feeling of anxiety increases.

    2 stage . The person stops communicating with people. expresses negative attitude to others, become sarcastic and irritable.

    3 stage . A person loses all contact with society, withdraws into himself, ceases to take care of himself. Bad habits develop: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking.

    How to deal with CMEA?

    But it is best to prevent the development of such a state. If you feel that normal sleep has ceased to save you from fatigue, take the following measures:

    • Rest more, do not miss vacations and weekends, leave the workplace on time;
    • Don't fill your head with unnecessary information. Turn off the TV and read a good book;
    • Do what brings you pleasure;
    • More physical activity;
    • Do not use gadgets too often and for a long time;
    • Look for new experiences;
    • Learn to prioritize. Don't chase everything at once. Important things first, the rest can wait;
    • Think first of all about your health. Sleep at least 7 hours. Eat sweets and caffeine in moderation;
    • Express emotions. Man is imperfect. Be human;
    • Don't promise too much or it will poison your life;
    • Think about what you dream about and what will help to fulfill your dream;
    • Do not neglect sedatives. They will help prevent the development of CMEA.
    • Try to avoid situations that upset you.
    1. Depression

    Depression is one of the most dangerous causes of apathy. Depression is psychological disorder, accompanied by a loss of interest in life, a violation of eating behavior, sleep, emotional retardation. Bad mood does not go away within two weeks. Sometimes there are thoughts of suicide.

    According to experts, a person who is depressed will not necessarily look depressed. Sometimes people deliberately have fun, behave excessively in order to hide their condition. But everything they do does not bring them any joy.

    Causes of depression can be:

    • Predisposition to such a condition;
    • Death of someone close
    • Great exhaustion;
    • Mental disorders;
    • Prolonged stress;
    • Changes in life (retirement, divorce, job loss).

    How to beat depression?

    In the first six months, depression can be dealt with on your own. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. Try to be distracted. Do not be alone, do something pleasant, find a hobby. After all, loneliness and idleness are ideal conditions for gloomy thoughts;
    2. Move more, and even better go in for sports. Physical activity is health, harmony and endorphins. Three components of a great mood. But choose calm activities such as yoga or Pilates, as exercising too intensely can worsen the condition;
    3. Don't set the bar too high. Demanding from ourselves the fulfillment of high goals, endless tasks, we do not allow ourselves to relax, we ourselves create stressful situations;
    4. Watch your nutrition. Do not skip meals, eat healthy and wholesome foods. This will strengthen not only your body, but also the nervous system;
    5. Try to understand the reason. Think about what triggered your condition. Rethink the situation, perhaps this will help you cope with negative thoughts.

    If you can't deal with depression on your own:

    1. Contact a specialist who will prescribe antidepressants and prescribe psychotherapy;
    2. Strictly follow all instructions of the doctor;
    3. Be attentive to your condition, inform the doctor of any changes;
    4. Make a plan for the next day, take every hour of your time;
    5. Set yourself achievable goals;
    6. Keep records;
    7. Leave the bed immediately after waking up;
    8. Discuss with your doctor how to deal with a possible relapse.

    Unfortunately, our children can also be prone to apathy. Since they spend most of their time at school and at home, the cause of apathy should be looked for there.

    The most likely causes of apathy in children

    1. Lack of parental attention;
    2. Wrong approach to the child on the part of teachers;
    3. Problems in communication with peers.

    How to deal with child apathy?

    More attention from parents is needed. Joint trips, games, classes will benefit. With the baby, you should talk more often, have conversations. In the case of peers, organizing activities and games will help the child find mutual language with other children, more often to communicate after school hours.

    And finally, a few tips from the famous coach Leonid Krol on what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything:

    • You need any desires, especially forbidden ones;
    • A tired person will not be able to take care of others, because he does not know what these "others" really need. Ask your loved ones what they want. When your care becomes precise, it becomes much easier;
    • If you decide to save the whole world, start with yourself;
    • Express emotions, even anger;
    • Delineate your territory, everyone should have it;
    • Every day, do your exercises, where there should be exercises for the development of plasticity and somersaults. Keep your back straight and your shoulders back;
    • Remember your debts, but do not forget about the time for yourself;
    • Make new acquaintances, do not hesitate to communicate;
    • How tired are you? Start doing beyond the planned work and you will understand what it is, fatigue.

    Down with gloom! Apathy and laziness

    No matter how hardworking a person is, from time to time he has a state when he does not want to do anything. How to be in a similar situation? Why is this happening? Is this condition dangerous? How quickly can you fix yourself up? Whether there is a practical advice how to get back to active work? How to revive interest in life, if you do not want anything? Let's look for answers together.

    There are many reasons that can cause a condition. The most common among them:

    • Physical and emotional overstrain;
    • Health problems;
    • Insufficient;
    • Difficulties in personal life or at work;
    • The monotony of days when nothing new happens.

    In the first case, we are talking about physical exhaustion either. Due to excessive workload, when the body does not have time to restore its strength, overvoltage accumulates, causing stress over time, as a result of which a person does not want anything. This condition can be corrected only through rest and a change in the type of activity. Some hobby can come in handy, allowing you to switch your attention and, accordingly, relax faster.

    I don’t want to do anything even if they start health problems. High temperature, pressure and other symptoms of malaise can disable in a matter of minutes. Therefore, prevention and timely treatment of diseases - The best way not lose performance.

    Another common cause of apathy is lack of motivation. There is no desire to do anything if there is no clear understanding of the ultimate goal. Oddly enough, but it is much easier to motivate another than yourself. The older a person becomes, the more relevant the question is for him.

    I don't want anything even if problems on the personal front and professional failures. Their impact is especially enhanced if they occur simultaneously. For example, as often happens, he lost his job, his wife left, and so on. During such periods, it is important to stop, take a break for a while, analyze life, reassess your priorities and understand where to move on.

    Depressing effect on a person and daily monotony when nothing happens in his life, neither good nor bad. In this case, any changes and shake-ups that will make you, even if you don’t feel like doing anything at all, will still get up and move.

    We have already familiarized ourselves with the reasons due to which apathy arises. Now let's look at the tricks to help get rid of it. If someone catches himself thinking “I do”, you need to immediately run away from it! This is already an action and, accordingly, you cannot call yourself a complete loafer. In fact, running and other sports are very beneficial for toning up. If you don’t feel like doing anything, then going to the gym or a light morning jog will help you pull yourself together faster.

    1. Sports.

    During physical activity, substances that improve well-being and are released into the human blood. Anyone who insists that “I am doing nothing and I feel great” should be advised to go in for sports and compare their condition before and after. No wonder the ancient sages said that "a healthy mind in a healthy body." Regular physical activity hardens not only muscles, but also clears the mind of unnecessary thoughts, gives the necessary to conquer new heights.

    2. Change of scenery.

    Sometimes “I don’t want to do anything” can be heard from a person who. But if at least for a while he changes the situation and gets distracted from the daily bustle, then pretty quickly he himself will forget about such dull thoughts. Moreover, the level of financial well-being is not decisive.

    If the budget allows, you can go on a trip around the world. But, most often, the matter is limited to an excursion to another city or a trip to the country. The main thing is to completely move away from routine affairs during this and just not remember them. Renovation of the apartment also helps.

    For example, you can move furniture, put up new wallpaper, or hang an original painting. Even a small element can bring something new and unusual, thereby invigorating a person who does not want to do anything.

    3. Reading books.

    Smart thoughts often come to a smart head. And to become smarter, as you know, it is worth reading books. The abundance of educational and motivating literature is impressive. So, if you don’t want to do anything, you should force yourself to pick up a decent book and it won’t take long.

    The advice of psychologists and philosophers, coaches and businessmen will surely lead to the right thoughts, thereby bringing a person out of a state of mental stupor. Cognitive literature will expand the worldview, allow you to look at the current situation from a completely different angle. And, most importantly, for any lazy person, it does not take much effort to read a book. All this can be done on your favorite sofa.

    A common reason for not wanting to do anything is doing something unpleasant. For example, choosing an inappropriate job that you don’t want to go to. But in the case, things are different. A person's hobby is what he likes.

    Why not devote your free time to your favorite pastime? Moreover, very often a hobby turns into a good additional income, which can become the main income.

    5. Positive thinking.

    Self-doubt and pessimism also become a common cause of apathy. The thinking of such people can be characterized by the following phrase "if I do nothing, then they will not ridicule and criticize." This is an escape from possible failure and the fear of embarrassment. But if you do nothing, it will hardly be better.

    You can make mistakes, but, nevertheless, strive for something, try. Accordingly, there is at least some chance of success. If you don’t do anything at all, then it’s pointless to hope for anything either. You just have to learn. Instead of fears of possible failure, think of a large number of opportunities to prevent it.

    If you don’t want to do anything, this is not a sentence, but simply a signal from the body that you need to change something in your life, or it’s just time to take a break. After all, proper rest and recovery allow a person to become more industrious and energetic. You just need to learn how to correctly interpret your inner voice and follow its recommendations.

    And the only thing you do with pleasure is sit in front of the TV all day long in an embrace with some high-calorie "yummy". Extra folds appear on the stomach, but you will not find extra clean socks in the house.

    If you don’t pull yourself together in time, it will be oh so difficult to get out of this state without outside help.

    What do we have to do? Identify the symptoms of the disease in time and try to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body.

    While browsing the news, I came across an article from about what to do when you feel like doing nothing. That is, when the motivation is gone, and even in order to, you need a kick. I can’t say that I am in such a situation, but sad thoughts began to visit me more and more often. And it doesn't have to be about work. This can apply to home life, and sports, and once a favorite hobby.

    And if you can survive the cooled feelings for your favorite hobby and this will not have any particularly unpleasant consequences, then things are much more serious with work and personal life. This is where action really needs to be taken.

    So, there can be several reasons for the loss of motivation. And decisions, respectively, too.

    Social exclusion

    An experiment was conducted at one of the universities: students were asked to write on pieces of paper the names of those people from the group with whom they would like to work. And then, ignoring what was written, one part was told that they were chosen, and the second - that no one wants to deal with them.

    As a result, the "outcasts" stopped monitoring their behavior and.

    If you restrain yourself and behave according to the rules, then you should receive some kind of reward for this. Social, of course. And if you adapt to others, but they still do not want to do business with you, then why then take care of yourself and change your behavior?

    The conclusion is clear and logical. In addition, the hands of the students, whom no one allegedly chose, were more likely than others to reach for a jar of sweets. In this way they tried to eat a bitter pill.

    Other studies have shown:

    When you feel like the world is rejecting you, you can't solve puzzles, you become difficult to work with, and your motivation level drops to zero.

    All you can do is engage in self-destruction: drink, smoke or binge on sweets. You lose control of yourself and literally lose yourself.

    Ignoring physical needs

    According to another study, a feeling of lack of motivation may arise due to. Usually, people who are deeply immersed in work rarely eat right. Fast food lunches or snacks on dry sandwiches and office cookies, a hearty late dinner, and breakfast is skipped by default.

    The scientists carried out their experiments in court for 10 months. As a result, before lunch, the judges gave conditional terms only 20% of the accused, while at meetings immediately after the lunch break, the percentage of lucky people increased to 60%. Before lunch, the blood sugar levels of the judges were low, which had an effect on their thought processes and emotional state.

    That is, the problem in this case is not in mental suffering, but in a banal lack of sugar in the blood. They get better from the muffin. Are you upset by mustard? ;)

    The weight of decision-making responsibility

    Motivation problems can also arise from the burden of decision-making responsibility. Moreover, these can be both vital decisions and the most banal “what to buy for dinner”.

    Sometimes these small everyday decisions accumulate a lot, and as a result, you lose your nerves and you start making irrational decisions.

    For example, you start buying things without special need.

    This condition is different from physical fatigue. You may experience a lack of mental energy, while everything is in order with your physical condition. And the more decisions (important or simple) you have to make during the day, the more tired you will feel.

    How to deal with it?

    If you feel that you are being ignored and do not want to do business with you, the best way out is to talk to this person (group of people) and find out what exactly is stopping you. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding, which is resolved in a matter of seconds. Sometimes the problem is much deeper and needs to be worked on. And sometimes you just come across people with whom you are incompatible, and nothing can be done about it.

    The only way out is change environment. Either way, we need to talk. If you don't ask a question, you will never know the answer. It is better to know that you are really not liked than to be in the dark and constantly guessing.

    In the second case, the exit is banal - just start take care of yourself and eat well. Once you stop skipping breakfast, your mood will improve.

    And in the third option, you need to try at least once draw up your "schedule for making decisions for the day" and leave at least two windows for relaxation in it. When you know what and when you will need to decide, it becomes less burdensome.

    In any case, you need to look for a way out of the situation. And of course, everyone has their own.

    If it’s hard for me to determine if I want to do something or if I’m satisfied with the work in the form in which it is now, I try to clear my head, at least on weekends. Sometimes this is quite enough for a surge of energy and optimism.

    Sometimes it happens that just starting to tell someone about your work, you suddenly realize that it's really interesting and you really like it. I don’t know if reverse causality works here, but it’s impossible to talk with fire in your eyes about what is boring. So you're just tired and all you need is just get a little rest.

    And finally, the last one. All people are selfish by nature and, accordingly, I do not know a single person who would not be flattered by praise. Of course, praising yourself is not so great. But if I hear sincere praise addressed to me from a stranger, I understand that I am doing what I like, and at the same time helping others. Therefore, if you see that a person is trying and he succeeds, do not skimp on praise. Maybe you are just saving someone from losing motivation.

    Reading time: 4 min

    What if you don't feel like doing anything? Probably, everyone is familiar with the state of apathy, when the enthusiasm for what is happening has disappeared, the desire to act, when everything planned seems useless and aimless. If an individual says that he wants absolutely nothing, then often he means that there is no motivational element, and not the desire itself. Reasons and desires differ in their internal content. The first one encourages subjects to various activities, focusing them on the satisfaction of specific ones. The second is the need, clothed in a certain form, the desire to acquire something. The desire for idleness, idleness, doing nothing is also a desire, but unsupported.

    Why don't you want to do anything

    Almost everyone from a young age is familiar with the state of mind when you want to lie down and do nothing. It is difficult for anyone to force themselves to work. This phenomenon is quite normal. However, sometimes behind the described state is hidden absolute indifference to what is happening, complete disinterest in being. A person is not drawn to walking, he does not want to take care of his appearance, he does not want to work, even getting up from his favorite sofa in the morning seems meaningless to him. Such a state is called. It arises in the absence of desires, aspirations and a motivating factor.

    Complete indifference to events, detachment and indifference, lack of desires and interests, weakening of motives, indifference, emotional inertia - these are all the clearest manifestations of apathy.

    The reasons for the described state may lie in the stressors that daily affect the state of mind of individuals. Also, apathy can be a response to a strong emotional shock or act as a self-defense mechanism. It can protect individuals from excessive workloads or excessive emotional outbursts.

    In addition, manifestations of apathy often signal the exhaustion of the body. At the same time, drowsiness, quelness, dizziness, and lack of appetite join the above symptoms.

    Often, impotence, which is a sign of apathy, is mistaken for banal manifestations of laziness. However, the state of apathy and laziness are completely different psychological problems.

    The state when you don’t want to do anything is often provoked. Laziness can occur due to a low level of motivation for a certain business, a lack of willpower. Some individuals position laziness as a way of being. In addition, laziness can be generated by fear of responsibility.

    And in a state of apathy, the individual loses a sense of reality, loses interest in reality, a desire for loneliness appears, there is a lack of will and unwillingness to perform elementary actions. Outwardly, apathy is manifested by inhibition of reactions.

    The state when you want to lie down and do nothing other than laziness is caused by emotional burnout. More often, this phenomenon is observed in medical and law enforcement workers, since they have to deal with human grief and pain every day. In fact, it is also a loss of a motivational factor, an interest in being in general and activity.

    Depressive moods often give rise to an unwillingness to act, work, and perform elementary daily activities. affects the intellectual sphere, feelings, social interaction.

    Fatigue can also cause idleness. This problem is especially relevant today, when the society is aimed at the fastest result, when the pace of life is just going through the roof. In the conditions of today's era, human subjects, due to the constant race for the benefits of civilization, do not have time for spiritual development. Such a pace deprives individuals of energy and poisons existence.

    The feeling of own uselessness, levels the meaning of being, which gives rise to the desire to do nothing. The absence of a goal or an overly ambitious goal also leads to idleness.

    Often, when an individual is guided only by obligations and the phrase “I must” is his original motto, this leads to a kind of psychological slavery. Enduring debt will never bring joy and will only be an unbearable burden, leading to apathy and depressive moods.

    Since human subjects are inherently social beings, the lack of communicative interaction creates a deficit in recognizing one's own person as a social being. The consequence of this is the unwillingness to work, to perform the necessary daily manipulations, to act.

    Fixation on a certain occupation or one-sidedness of activity ultimately provokes a desire to quit everything. If only one aspect of being is developed, then it will not stretch the rest of the sides, since human subjects need harmony.

    Vital interest can destroy the monotony of existence. After all, life is a continuous process moving forward. Life is all about growth. In the absence of progress, human existence turns into a quagmire.

    The inability to enjoy trifles, trifles, daily platitudes is also the culprit of apathy and depressive moods.

    What to do if you don’t want to do anything and nothing makes you happy

    There is no universal mechanism to help solve the problem of idleness. There are many reasons for the blues and craving for doing nothing, therefore, it is necessary to look for appropriate ways to get rid of the described state.

    So, if you are interested in what to do, if you don’t want anything at all, then, first of all, it is recommended to load yourself with something. Idleness is addictive. Therefore, in order to overcome the state of doing nothing, you need to come up with an interesting activity. At the same time, it is desirable to devote all the vacant time to this occupation. You need to wind yourself up like an automaton and work without brakes: charging, work, hobbies. You should diversify your daily existence to the fullest.

    When melancholy overcomes, sadness reigns in the soul and indifference controls being, when everyday life becomes more and more monotonous, then sport comes to the rescue. After all, a positive spirit lives in a beautiful bodily shell. Therefore, it is recommended to choose an individual type of activity or sports activities. The main condition is pleasure. You should not forcibly tear off your own "carcass" from the bed for the sake of a hated morning run. If calm and measured sports exercises are to your liking, then raping yourself with fitness is not the best option.

    It will also help to defeat apathy by unblocking one's own negative feelings, which often individuals try to hide far away. In order to bring hidden emotions to the surface, you can use the services of a psychotherapist or look deep into yourself on your own. It's very easy to unlock by yourself. It is necessary to think alone about the true feelings for yourself, parents, partner, children, immerse yourself in the felt emotions, not embarrassed by them. So a lot of negativity will spill out, the attitude towards relatives will improve and, along the way, interest in being will return.

    To remove longing from your own life, you should laugh. After all, it is not for nothing that there is a saying that laughter prolongs life. Therefore, it is recommended to read funny stories, anecdotes, watch comedy films. You also need to smile at yourself and your surroundings: passers-by, colleagues, sellers, not thinking that someone will consider such behavior as strange. Some will indeed find the smile abnormal, but others will respond with a genuine smile, which will certainly lift your spirits and awaken the desire to act.

    Friends are another element that helps you stay afloat and does not let you get bogged down in the abyss of the blues. Therefore, it is recommended to remember the "old" comrades, new acquaintances, best friends and create a "party".

    To be happy, you need to find your own purpose. After all, successful people are successful because they do exactly what they really like. Having scrolled back like the frames of a movie, you need to remember the joyful moments of your being, how they were generated, what made your eyes burn, when everything stopped, why did this happen ?! You should find this moment and rewrite the “frame” from life that changed it.

    Sometimes, in order to get rid of laziness, a person just needs to rest. Many, in pursuit of ephemeral signs of happiness, forget about simple things - rest, proper sleep and nutrition, spiritual development, communication. If apathy was caused by banal mental fatigue and physical overstrain, then it is recommended to go to the forest, take a walk near the sea, and enjoy the gifts of nature. After all, nature, coupled with rest, are two indispensable components of a healthy personality.

    What to do if there is a lot of work, but you don’t want to do anything

    When work has fallen like a snowball, there is no strength to force yourself to work, then the question becomes what to do if you don’t want anything at all. There is nothing unusual about wanting to mess around, since a person is a living being, not a soulless robot. Therefore, one should not reproach oneself, one must, first of all, understand the nature of laziness by answering a few questions:

    At what point did you stop wanting to do something?

    – what has happened up to this point;

    - what steals strength;

    - what are emotional resources, intellectual reserves and physical potential spent on?

    If you managed to find the cause, answering the above questions, then you need to eliminate it. Maybe a person needs only a good rest or get rid of in the working environment.

    Listed below are a few typical reasons that provoke the emergence of laziness and options for eliminating them.

    A large number of accumulated cases, when the individual no longer understands what to grab on to in the first place. Here, the preference for doing nothing is a kind of “solution”. This is a kind of a steady desire to put off even important and urgent matters, leading to pathological psychological effects and everyday problems. Planning, delegation, prioritization can help here.

    Often the state when you don’t want to do anything is generated by the unwillingness to do something specific. Here, identifying the cause and all the above mentioned variations of the fight against laziness will help.

    If the reason lies in a misunderstanding of how to complete the task, then it is necessary to consistently approach its execution. Divide the problem into its constituent elements and solve them step by step. Set milestone goals and achieve them.

    If internal confrontation is the fault of not doing the work, then it is recommended to try to negotiate with your own person so that feelings and motives are united. If it is impossible to deal with the described problem on your own, then communication with relatives or with a psychologist can help.

    If the culprit of laziness is depression, not the blues that rolls periodically, namely the disease, then it is imperative to contact specialists. You can distinguish depression from banal sadness by the duration of the state of depression (more than six months), decreased physical activity, lack of a sense of joy, and the presence of negative thoughts.

    So, when there is a lot to do, but there is no desire to work, then you just need to start acting. After all, laziness breeds precisely inaction.

    When something important needs to be done, but lethargy, apathy and laziness overcome, this most likely means that the individual is not strong enough to do it. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the reasons for such reluctance.

    It happens that the reason lies in the lack of willpower to make a decision and complete the tasks. It's not about laziness, it's about indecision. A sufficient degree of self-education can help develop this quality.

    Often people come up with excuses for themselves in order to do nothing. The most popular is the phrase, the semantic implication of which is the perception of doing nothing and laziness as a kind of driving force of progress. What they fail to realize, however, is that lying on your favorite sagging couch is not constructive laziness, which is truly the engine of progress. Therefore, you should not put off until tomorrow what you have planned for today.

    Without a plan of activity, it is quite difficult to force yourself to work, so you need to learn how to plan, as well as follow the planned actions. Two approaches can be used:

    - designate a plan for the amount of work done for a specific time period. For example, “I have to peel a bucket of potatoes in an hour, until this is done, I will not do anything else”;

    - follow the established time standard (“I work 2 hours, with two five-minute “smoke breaks”, after the specified period I rest 30 minutes and work another hour”). It doesn't matter how much work is done.

    The most significant moment in overcoming the desire to do nothing is focusing on the task at hand. In other words, you need to learn not to be distracted. Having planned a time interval for the performance of work or the number of tasks that need to be completed, you need to exclude from the field of attention everything that can distract. That is, you need to turn off Skype or Viber, close social networks, use the Internet only when necessary. Often, individuals do not notice how much useful time is stolen by visiting social networks. But in addition, the efficiency of activity drops sharply when distracted from the work performed.

    Therefore, in order to increase productivity, it is necessary to give yourself a vow not to do anything extraneous when performing a scheduled task.

    Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

    Complete indifference, detachment and indifference, lack of passion, will or energy. Weakening of motives, interests, indifference to events, emotional passivity - all this is a state of apathy.

    What do you do if you don't feel like doing anything?

    “All the food seemed insipid. There was no way to get dressed. What was enough for me was to browse the Internet and social networks. It seemed to me that these people are living, but for some reason I can’t live, ”this is how writer Kristina Kutsishvili describes the state of apathy of the heroine of the novel“ Triumph ”

    A description of, say, a not very happy person who does not want to fix anything. And worst of all, apathy is one of the symptoms of incipient depression. And this is a more threatening and deeper state, with a complete detachment from reality, and sometimes thoughts of suicide.

    Why does laziness and apathy arise? Why don't you want to do something?

    The reasons may be different. Apathy can be a response to stress. Apathy occurs both after strong emotional upheavals and before them. Apathy as a self-defense of the psyche and the whole organism as a whole. Apathy as a defense against stress and excessive emotions

    Also, apathy can be a signal of exhaustion of the body. In this case, apathy may be medical in nature. If your apathy is of this kind, then you will feel sleepy, weak, dizzy, there will be a loss of appetite.

    What to do if you do not want anything and your apathy is of this nature? Turn on the power saving mode. This is a call to rest, to stop at least for a while.

    Laziness and apathy. How else to recognize apathy?

    What to do if you don’t feel like doing anything, you feel melancholy and despondency, a depressed mood, you feel powerless in the morning and in the evening, fear or anxious thoughts, dizziness and weakness in the muscles. At the same time, you refuse to perform everyday activities against the background of general weakness, up to activities that bring pleasure.

    “... The easiest way is to exist in the captivity of immobility, monotony and boredom and not make any effort to return to normal life” - an excerpt from the book “Eve Luna”

    The impotence resulting from apathy is falsely mistaken for laziness.Apathy and laziness are different psychological problems and should not be confused.

    Psychological features of laziness and apathy

    When we talk about laziness, everyone means his own. Everyone has their own laziness and their own symptoms. Here are some of them:

    1. A low level of motivation for something is also a sign of laziness.
    2. Laziness as a lack of willpower
    3. For some people, laziness is a lifestyle.
    4. Sometimes laziness acts as a fear of responsibility
    5. There is constructive laziness.
    6. And as they say, feel the difference: with apathy, a person loses a sense of reality, there is no interest in what is happening, there is a desire for loneliness; lack of will and unwillingness to perform the most elementary actions; the external manifestation of apathy is the inhibition of all reactions. V. G. Belinsky said "Apathy and laziness are a true freezing of the soul and body." Apparently he's right

    How to overcome laziness and apathy, and what to do if you don’t want to do anything?

    • For starters, just try to START! Any inaction breeds inaction. Do whatever you want.
    • When you need to do something very important, and you are overcome by apathy and laziness, this may mean that you really do not want to do it enough. How to overcome laziness? You will have to analyze the reasons for your unwillingness, and then change your plan of action.
    • It happens that there is not enough willpower to make a decision and perform any tasks. Then it's not your laziness, but your indecision. And a sufficient level of self-education will help you develop this quality in yourself.
    • Another popular excuse is the phrase: "Laziness is the engine of progress." Not just laziness, but constructive laziness is the engine of progress. It won't happen if you hang off the couch. Try not to postpone today's and urgent matters for tomorrow, and then laziness will not pave its path into your life.