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  • Golden Tarot Of Renaissance. Esotericism, spiritual development, psychology Golden Florentine tarot interpretation of cards

    Golden Tarot Of Renaissance.  Esotericism, spiritual development, psychology Golden Florentine tarot interpretation of cards


    Here it means that the work must, first of all, be approached in a balanced and gentle way. It requires both a friendly, harmonious atmosphere in the group, and a normal work rhythm that is not adjusted by anyone or anywhere, allowing one to act "with feeling, sensibly, with consistency." Then all tasks that were previously solved only in the order of an emergency and terrible stress can be performed calmly and without stress. Moreover, this does not at all mean laziness, weakness, indifference, and even more so hack. On the contrary: this is the very peace of mind that allows you to act quickly, efficiently and purposefully (cf. Zen teachings in the art of archery).


    At the level of consciousness, "Right Measure" means a harmonious union of spirit, soul and body. That is, we need, first of all, to come to an agreement with ourselves, enter into resonance with the Cosmos, find peace in our souls, love ourselves - and forget about careerism-rivalry, self-examination and self-criticism over trifles. Realizing, feeling this, we will acquire the ability, quite naturally, without any ambition, to restore peace and tranquility around us, to help others find their happiness and serve them as a worthy example.

    Personal relationships and love

    A period of peaceful, happy unity of souls, friendship, trust and reciprocity. This is possible only with complete peace of mind. And it, in turn, can be achieved only when the main thing for us is not success in the outside world (at work, in politics, etc.), but the subtlety and warmth of relations with each other, not the ostentatious well-being of the family, but modesty and simplicity within her. This card can also indicate the imminent conclusion of a new acquaintance, a new connection.

    Inner meaning

    Even if it seems that everything has stopped, events develop according to their own laws and will give results in due time. Don't push them. There is nothing you can do now. The best thing is to sit back and wait. In fact, this is the only thing that can be done in this situation.

    The Lesson of Temperance Tarot teaches the most important and perhaps the most difficult thing you must learn - patience. There are times in life when it seems that nothing is happening, nothing is moving, you come to stagnation and you cannot change anything.

    Temperance in the tarot also teaches that you can usefully spend the time when you have to wait. Think about what you have already done and what remains to be done, examine your own needs and motives, and learn to understand.

    However, the most important thing is to force yourself to learn to murmur. In this life, we are used to constantly doing something. It's important to know that there are times when you can't or shouldn't do anything else.

    Combinations with other cards


    Tower: extremes, breaks

    5 of Pentacles: Illness

    5 swords: falling out of tone, disharmony

    5 of wands: discord, rivalry, imbalance


    3 pentacles: teamwork, combination

    2 bowls: communication, collaboration

    2 pentacles: balance, finding a harmonious combination

    Peace: unity, synthesis, combination

    Sources of


    Sagittarius. The state of consciousness - monadism - a concept that goes back to the philosophy of Leibniz: the feeling of inseparable contact with the higher self (monad) and, thanks to this, the presence of the possibility of contact with more high levels being - with the world of Archetypes.

    Samekh letter. Hieroglyph Support. Dream. Stomach. The color is blue. The name Samekn means sustaining, sustaining. It is the eighth name of God and governs the star of Mercury. Sentient being Michael. Number 60.

    Take what you have enough from the vessel in your right hand, do not waste a drop. Is there no vessel in your left hand? Change absolutely everything in the image of your desires (your will) and bring it to real perfection. Dissolve the pearl in a wine glass; drink and make the virtue of your pearl manifest.

    Combining different forces, knowing, acting on the basis of precise considerations, consistency, success through a careful course of action. Implementation. Joining forces. Restraint. Moderation. It takes time for the results to appear.

    Reversed: Disagreement. Disconnection. Conflict of interests. Hostility. Premature.

    A source

    Hayo Bantskhava and Bridget Theler “Tarot Thoth by Aleister Crowley. Keywords".

    Description of the lasso

    The image of integration is a mystical unity, a fusion of opposites. This is the time to unite the previously experienced dualities of life. Not night opposes day, or darkness suppresses light, but rather, acting together, they form a single whole, endlessly transforming into each other and containing the deepest core of the opposite.

    Direct position

    The eagle and the swan represent flight and majesty. The eagle is the embodiment of power and loneliness. The swan is the embodiment of space and purity, gently floating, submerging and re-emerging from the element of emotions, completely satisfied and full of perfection and beauty. We are the union of an eagle and a swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death. The Integration Card is a symbol of self-creation, new life and mystical union, otherwise known as alchemy.

    The meaning of the map

    The conflict takes place inside a person. As long as it is not resolved in it, it cannot be resolved anywhere else. Politics is within you, it is enclosed between halves of your mind. There is a very small bridge. If this bridge accidentally breaks due to some physiological defect or something else, the personality becomes split, the personality turns into two - and schizophrenia or split personality sets in. If the bridge is destroyed - and it is very fragile, you become two, you behave like two people. In the morning you are loving and beautiful, in the evening you are angry, you are completely different. You don't remember the morning ... How can you remember? Another mind functioned - and the person became two persons. If this bridge is strengthened so much that the two minds disappear as two and become one, then there is unification, purification. This is what George Gurdjieff called the crystallization of being - when two minds become one and there is a meeting of male and female, yin and yang, right and left, logical and illogical, a meeting of Plato and Aristotle. (Osho)

    This card depicts the virtue of Temperance in the form of a winged angel, dressed in golden robes, who pours liquid from one vessel to another. Thick hair streams down the figure's shoulders, flowing in curls around an attractive face. The meaning of life flows from one vessel to another, symbolizing the flow of the past through the present into the future. Vessels denote abstinence and frugality. Pouring liquid from a vessel that the angel holds higher in his left hand into a vessel located lower in his right hand. At the same time, not a drop of content is spilled - it symbolizes great discipline and frugality. Hills and bushes are visible behind the angel, indicating the unlimited possibilities that can be realized by successfully connecting past and present events. The Angel of Temperance is endowed with endurance and self-control. He is calm and confident in his abilities, able to live with only modest needs corresponding to his position.

    Divination value

    Moderation. Abstinence. Patience. That which can be achieved through self-control and frugality. A device. Harmony. Mixing and combining something into a beautiful whole. Control. Compatibility. Mixing. Beneficial influence. A happy omen. Consolidation. A successful combination. The ability to recognize and use the material and intellectual manifestations one has. Perhaps a person with no special inclinations. They treat him well, appreciate him highly. Mother image. Father's image. The image of a wise man. A person who exudes confidence and complacency. Perhaps a person is too restrained and moderate to achieve a goal that is currently unattainable and requires a different approach filled with significant aggressiveness.

    Inverted value

    Disagreement. Discord. Conflict of interests. Hostility. Failure to work together with others. Difficulty understanding others. Impatience. Infertility. Disappointments.

    Moderation, sometimes Abstinence, which is wrong, because again one of the four most important, according to Aristotle, virtues is meant.
    The card depicts a woman holding two cups (jugs) in her hands: water pours from one to the other, symbolizing the eternal circulation of energy in the Universe. Hence its name in the Egyptian Tarot: Two Vessels. She has two wings behind her: this is the Angel of Time, the “Solar Genius”. as they called her in the old days. On the chest there is an adornment in the form of a triangle enclosed in a square: a symbol of the spirit hidden in matter. Usually she is depicted standing on the banks of a river or right on the surface of the water, and she has no shadow.
    She (or he) went through the kingdom of shadows, leaving far behind her body, her shadow, and her past. Now she is concentrating before flying into the future, gathering forces that are few, but enough to reach her goal - to the kingdom of light and sun. The river in front of which she stands is one of the rivers underworld, but not Lethe, the river of oblivion, but the Styx, the waters of which the Greek gods swore. This gives her hope.
    The Temperance card is the last card of the second septenary, which also means the end of one life stage and the imminent beginning of the next.

    The meaning of the map:
    Concentrate, gather your strength and be merciful to the people around you. You will have a change in your destiny, perhaps a long journey. But for now there was a respite. Use it to think again: what will you take with you from the past to the future?
    Yes, says this card (in upright position), now you have a difficult time - and it seems that you will not have enough strength to reach the goal. But here we must remember the well-known principle of the “school of survival”: well, at least ten more steps, at least five more, at least one step! And one more, the very last one. And - look! - so you have reached the goal.
    When answering the question about the outcome of a planned case, it promises success only to those who have enough patience and endurance.
    In other situations, it can mean successful contacts abroad: travel, business relationships, or even resettlement “for permanent residence”.
    And, of course, it can have a literal meaning: “nothing too much,” as the ancients said, that is, you should observe moderation in everything (otherwise you will not have enough strength to reach the goal).

    It means that there is not enough strength to reach the goal, so it is better to abandon what was planned. Contacts with foreign countries are unsuccessful.
    Or - excesses, which are known to be harmful.

    For businessmen:
    Inverted Moderation - advice to temporarily moderate your appetites, calm down, “freeze” the company and wait out for three months, if not more.

    The androgynous figure on this card symbolizes the reconciliation of opposing principles.

    One leg of Temperance is submerged in water, the other is on dry ground, indicating the existence of a bridge between soul and body.

    Cooperation. Compromise. Abstinence.

    A woman pouring water from one bowl to another is the image most often found on this card. Usually one cup is gold and symbolizes our consciousness, and the other is silver and characterizes the unconscious part of our "I". This image reflects the importance of a constant flow of fluid between the two bowls, that is, the unification and mixing of opposites in order to achieve balance between them. Moderation is a symbol of one of the four moral principles contained in the Major Arcana, along with Justice, Strength and the Hermit.


    Moderation indicates balance of feelings and the potential for a happy relationship. You feel a strong desire to reconcile the opposing forces and achieve inner harmony. The essence of Temperance is conveyed by the Latin word temperare, which means "to unite properly" and is expressed in the symbol of pouring water from one bowl to another. Water, which represents our emotions, stagnates if you stop its flow. Likewise, we must give vent to our feelings if we want to be in a state of balance. This card often reflects the existence of an internal conflict that must be resolved peacefully. Difficult relationships often involve negotiation, compromise and cooperation, as well as the exchange of thoughts and feelings. At the same time, the best strategy is not to rush to extremes, but to "look for a middle ground, showing endurance and patience. The number" 14 "is associated with this card, which implies the need to control oneself in order to achieve harmony. The negative meaning of this card is in blocking creative energy as a result of suppressing the emotions that feed it.


    This card indicates that you should remain patient, calm, and self-controlled in this situation. You will surely find a way out that is favorable for you if you observe restraint and diplomacy in your dealings with other people. Communication and showing kindness and tolerance are paramount here, but you also need to take the time to sort out your true feelings. You may need to be careful about expressing your emotions. If you stay calm and try not to overreact to what other people say or do, then you can overcome any difficulties that come your way. Paying attention not only to facts but also to feelings can help you develop not only objectivity, but also compassion. Showing moderation in different situations, you will be able to help other people and save your own face.

    You are the first Great thinker, whose splendor surpasses all worlds, whose mind is the Creator of everything, you maintain righteousness and a good mind ...

    Description of the card and its inner meaning
    An ocean of divine light spreads in all its splendor in the cosmic boundless expanse. In its rays one can see a bright Genius. In his hands he holds two goblets, pouring a bright liquid from one to the other. The figure of an Angel expresses serenity and tranquility. It seems that it is here that you can take a break from the eternal running in a circle in pursuit of earthly blessings, it is here that the main and missing thing is located, which is the basis of our being.

    The fourteenth Arcanum symbolizes thinking, which can be divided into passive and active. Passive thinking is receiving information and processing it. In a word, this is any process that gives a person knowledge.

    Any creative activity of an individual is called active thinking. The final stage of thinking is the demonstration of an idea in a certain form. The study of human thinking is at the heart of the fourteenth Arcana.

    The Great Genius of Moderation teaches the most important and most difficult thing to learn - patience. In the life of each of us there is a period when it seems that life has stopped, has stopped. At this moment, you want to do at least something to make time move. In fact, there is no absolute stagnation. Something is happening. Moderation also speaks of such moments, that there are situations when you should not take any action.

    Connection of the card with other occult sciences
    (nun) - A good angel calms and pacifies,
    Letter - O, number - 14,
    Controlled zodiac sign- Sagittarius,
    Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 15th hexagram ("Humility"),
    Runes match - rune Nauthiz (Nautiz),
    Time of day is morning
    Weather conditions - sunny,
    The corresponding color is green,
    The corresponding chakra is Anahata Maha (heart chakra),
    According to Kabbalah, it connects the sephira Tipheret with the sephira Yesod.
    The value of the card
    Direct position
    According to the interpretation, this card describes a person who is philosophical about life. For the Questioner, he can become the one to whom from time to time "you can cry into your vest."

    In addition, the fourteenth Arkan can be interpreted as calmness, patience, optimism, poise, diplomacy. Moderation promises beneficial alliances, financial assistance.

    Inverted position
    In this case, Arkan warns of a tangible victory for competitors, an unsuccessful union, and quarrels. In addition, this card predicts impatience, weakness, inability to cope with the current situation. "The events in which you find yourself are not subject to either your influence or any other actions and laws. Even with the best efforts, the situation will not get off the ground. The best thing for you now is to rely on the will of God and let events take their course. ".

    As a rule, the appearance of Moderation in the layout means a lucky break. The angel symbolizes restraint and avoidance of extremes in anything. It is a map of calmness, compromise, endurance and choosing the middle path, that is, the ability to adapt and be patient when needed. An angel pours water from one goblet to another, showing how quickly one experience is replaced by another. Cups are seemingly contradictory elements of the spiritual and real world, but the picture shows that they are the same thing. This position, as it were, halfway between the two opposites, is also reflected in the way the angel stands. He rests with one foot on the ground, with the other on the water. The earth represents the visible and the practical, the water the intuitive and the spiritual. The card says that happiness can be found only in the proper balance of different aspects of life.

    Questions to ask yourself if you draw a Temperance card
    • Are you under constant stress?
    • Do your vital interests contradict each other?
    • Do you need guidance?
    • Are you going from one extreme to another, or are you standing on solid ground?
    • What is effective and efficient in your life? What doesn't work anymore?
    • Are you balancing work, play and play?
    Key ideas

    Live and experience the events of life in a calm state of mind. Control yourself, learn to cooperate and compromise.


    Direct Map: Your common sense keeps your friends out of trouble. They may not be grateful now, but they will thank you in the future.

    Reverse Card: You have been sitting on the fence for too long. It's time to get off: either there or here. If you never have a definite opinion, people will neglect you.


    Direct Map: You are doing well in your studies. You are not bothered by classes, but you are never lazy. Good balance, pat yourself on the shoulder.

    Reverse Card: You may be concentrating on one subject at the cost of neglecting others, and it is harmful to you.


    Direct Map: You have a great relationship, but do not forget that there is much in life besides romance, including important.

    Reverse Card: You are too involved in your partner's life, but this is not your life, but his or her. Or you are obsessed with finding a partner and have completely forgotten about yourself. Bring balance back to life.

    A family

    Direct card: Your sound and wise advice has calmed the situation, which threatened with a dangerous explosion. Great job!

    Reversed Card: Don't lose awareness of yourself in complex family dynamics.


    Reverse Card: Possibly drugs, alcohol, or an addiction to unhealthy (to put it mildly) food. Stop hurting yourself. Perhaps you need help a trusted person, not necessarily an elder.

    Health / Appearance

    Direct Card: You always look free, content and happy. Other people may try to copy your style.

    Reversed Card: You may have an unhealthy attitude towards food or are doing something that does not improve your appearance in the long run, such as smoking. If you want to look good, you need to improve your life right now.


    Direct card: Money is important to you, but no more than close people and favorite activities. You have the right approach to money. You appreciate them, but you do not crave them.

    Reverse Card: Don't let need lead you down a dangerous road. Remember that every action has consequences.

    Fortune telling in half a minute

    Monica loves to skate. She was enrolled in a group where she could learn to skate professionally. Classes were supposed to start next year, and Monica thought it was too long. She would rather drop out of school and start training right now. The Temperance card said that you need to be patient - everything has its time.


    Thought form: Harmony.
    Number: fourteen.
    Hebrew letter: nun.
    Color: garnet.
    Stone: almandine.
    Astrological analogy: Scorpio, Sun in Aquarius.
    Other names: "Time", "Two Vessels", "Alchemy", "Solar Genius".


    A very beautiful card with a fantastic light garnet color greets you after you have passed the Death Arcana. The color of the card is the result of mixing opposite colors, opposing principles. It is the color of the morning dawn, heralding the sunrise after a long thunderstorm night. A beautiful winged goddess holds two vessels in her hands. Two streams pour from one vessel into another, water and fire, which do not mix with each other.

    This time, the winged goddess Isis appeared before us in another of her incarnations - as the goddess of the wind, creating it with the flaps of her wings, the goddess of river and sea waters, controlling their streams, and the goddess of magic, able to unite the incompatible.

    Arcanum connects all four elements. Isis's sky-blue wings are a symbol of Air, her golden dress and one of the vessels symbolize matter (Earth), the blue hair of the goddess and one stream is Water, and the second stream pouring out of the vessels is Fire.

    Running water and burning fire, as you know, are things that you can look at endlessly. And the goddess can endlessly pour them from one vessel to another, alternately raising one or the other hand, bewitching the eye and stopping time. There are times in life when it seems that nothing is happening, nothing is moving. We are accustomed to constantly doing something and perceive this state of affairs as stagnation and decline. However, this is a necessary period of rest and waiting, because after putting the dough in the oven, you need to wait until the bread is baked.

    The fourteenth Arcanum, one of the names of which is "Time", teaches that time must pass for the transformation that happened to you in the Arcanum "Death" to bear fruit. It is necessary to correctly use the time of rest granted to you to study your own needs and motives, to accumulate strength and make plans for the future.

    The second name of the card is "Harmony". The two streams in the vessels of the goddess are fire and water, a typical binary opposition. Opposite, but inextricably linked elements make up our life: heat and cold, movement and peace. It is impossible to appreciate the light without knowing the darkness, to understand what is good without understanding what is evil. In the hands of Isis, fire and water do not mix with each other, but they do not interfere with each other either. The goddess knows how to find harmony between them. Any binary oppositions are points A and B, denoting the beginning and end of the path, and there is always something between them. So, between black and white there is the whole spectrum of colors, between birth and death a whole life fits. Harmony as truth is always in the middle, and your task is to find it. The lasso "Moderation" teaches not to rush from one extreme to another, but calmly seek a measure, balancing the opposites within and around oneself.

    Fire is a test, water is patience. It is impossible to pass the test without patience. The lesson in "Moderation" teaches the most important, and perhaps the most difficult, thing you must learn: patience. Even if it seems that everything has stopped, you should know that events develop according to their own laws and will give results in due time.

    Value in the layout
    In a straight position

    Arcanum "Moderation" means the renewal of mental and physical strength after getting rid of unnecessary emotions and impulsive behavior. Stabilization and success in business. Victory in the fight against the vicissitudes of fate. Getting on the path of doing the right thing, the right way of thinking. Adaptation to the existing situation, calmness and poise. It can talk about a fruitful union with a person who is your complete opposite, but the result will be a mutually beneficial addition. It symbolizes improvement, cooperation, cooperation, indicates good health. To achieve the goal, the card recommends to be patient, economical and diplomatic. Advises the search for compromises and sound housekeeping.

    Advice. During the period of this Arcana, you should refuse any excesses. Show maximum endurance and patience.

    In an inverted position

    The map means that getting used to new situations is slow and difficult. He talks about the wrong approach to life and the people around him. About excessive emotionality, irascibility, mood swings, unpredictable and unreasonable actions.

    It can portend a separation or conflict of interest, mean an unsuccessful connection, hostility. It speaks of haste, due to which something very important was missed, and now you need to go back a step in order to achieve the desired result. You have done a decisive but wrong thing. Now confrontation, disputes, clash of interests and an unsettled life await you

    Advice. You, like no one else, need to remember the sayings: if you drive more quietly, you will continue, measure seven times - cut one, etc.

    The Lesson of Moderation teaches the most important and. perhaps the hardest thing you have to learn is patience.

    Temperance corresponds to the number fourteen and the Hebrew letter Nun.


    Patience, self-control, willingness to learn understanding.


    A winged angel stands at the source of the stream. In some decks, the figure stands with one foot in the water, the other on the shore. The angel can be in male and female forms, which is not always possible to distinguish, and it does not matter. In some decks there is a crown or a halo on the head or above the head, or some symbolic disk on the forehead.

    The angel holds in his hands two bowls or two jugs and pours a liquid, presumably water, from one vessel to another. Usually the background is plain and mountains in the distance. In some decks, a stream (at the feet of an angel) flows from the mountains or over the mountains, a barely discernible crown.

    The use of the angel as the primary figure symbolizes the idea that we are able to rise to the angelic level if we can learn the lesson of Temperance.

    Inner meaning

    The Lesson of Moderation teaches the most important and perhaps the most difficult thing you must learn - patience. There are times in life when it seems that nothing is happening, nothing is moving, you come to stagnation and you cannot change anything.

    This is not about someone deliberately holding you back. This is a necessary waiting period, and although everything seems to have stopped, something is happening. Here's a very mundane example: Once you've cooked the dough, put it on a baking sheet, and put it in the oven, you have to wait until the bread is baked. There is no need to walk from corner to corner and upset yourself. It will take time for the bread to be baked. While you wait, the bread is baked. The efforts that you put in, the deeds that you put into action will bear fruit. All you need is patience.

    Moderation also teaches that you can make good use of the time you have to wait. Think about what you have already done and what remains to be done, examine your own needs and motives, and learn to understand.

    However, the most important thing is to force yourself to learn patience. In this life, we are used to constantly doing something. It's important to know that there are times when you can't or shouldn't do anything else.

    Value in the layout

    Direct or positive: patience, compromise, slowness, frugality, moderation, meditation. Diplomacy, impartiality. Reasonable housekeeping; saving. Ability to coordinate actions.

    Inverted or negative: disconnection, lack of harmony. Competing interests; unsuccessful alliances (for example, a socially unacceptable marriage or partnership). Frustration, impatience.

    Even if it seems that everything has stopped, events develop according to their own laws and will give results in due time. Don't push them. There is nothing you can do now. If this card represents the Questioner and you are waiting for an immediate result, the idea is the same. The best thing is to sit back and wait. In fact, this is the only thing that can be done in this situation.

    Moderation is associated with restraint and transformation, as well as finding the middle path between the two extremes, which requires being forward-thinking and judicious. Perhaps you are creating something new by mixing, combining or replacing components that are opposite in nature - they can be indicated by cards located on either side of Temperance. You may be looking for solutions, trying to build bridges between different banks, initiating change, or working to harmonize with environment and the circumstances of your life. Here the process is more important than the goal or the result; and it can take a lot of trying, checking, testing and error to get the "chemical formula" right. To achieve and maintain equilibrium (homeostasis), constant adjustments are required. Your concerns right now may be timing, temperature, stage of the process, or emotional state; you are trying to feel, determine the right time, season, rhythm, step or amount. These can be the most mundane things like cooking, and the most sublime ones, like mixing an alchemical elixir.

    The angel depicted on the Temperance card can symbolize Divine guidance or your guardian angel guiding you through the transformation process with patience, forgiveness, and compassion. Perhaps in life you will find help and guidance from a source you fully trust. Sometimes it indicates baptism, rebirth or renewal after total release, corresponding to the Death card. V modern system interpretations is the main healing card of the deck, in which healing is comprehensive, holistic and occurs through balancing imbalances and reconciling conflicting beliefs. You can release tension, provide comfort, restore peace and harmony by maintaining a calm state of mind and a relaxing flow of energy. From this position, any stress is a creative challenge, and any mistake is a blessing from above. Perhaps now, with your whole life, you are affirming beauty, integrity, strength and the ability to achieve anything you want.

    For one querent, this card, I remember, meant a financial surety, with whose help he managed to improve his affairs in show business. Also, this card is related to management, budgeting or testing of finished products. If you work with a computer, it can mean organizing connections and contacts or helping to merge structures. Moderation encourages keeping ideas and energies circulating while balancing emotions with healthy pragmatism.

    Traditional meanings: moderation, restraint, adaptation, regulation. Control. Savings, frugality. Combination, unification. Compatibility, adaptation, arrangement. Pacification, calming, relief, consolation. Abstinence, restraint. Serenity. Caution, discretion. Time and temperature regulation.

    Inverted Temperance

    Inverted Moderation indicates that at the moment something is in an unbalanced, unbalanced state, in conflict or in excess, thereby serving as a source of stress. If this stress is not relieved or mitigated, it can lead to illness. Pay attention to the cards located on either side of Moderation: they will show what exactly is so difficult or impossible for you to balance. On the other hand, you may feel that others do not make contact, do not want to cooperate, or that your desires and needs contradict each other. Emotions can get out of hand and lead to conflict and discord. Accidents and technical malfunctions are possible, for example, water supply leakage, breakdown of the air conditioner, failure of the control system. Chemical solutions can separate or deteriorate. Energy dissipates. Creative projects and experiments turn out to be of no practical value, or suddenly it turns out that they take much longer than expected, which leads to impatience and frustration. You may lack empathy for others, or feel like you owe it all or nothing in a given situation. You may also be haunted by the feeling that you have "dropped out of the flow" or lost contact with life.

    Perhaps you do not want to compromise on anything or prefer one of the available options over the other. You may shy away from a particular problem because you lack creative energy or feel insecure. You hesitate or waste time because you are distracted or hesitant. Inverted Moderation suggests anxiety, tension, and uncertainty. You are out of schedule, your sound does not match with the picture, or you just can't manage to resolve the situation. Perhaps you are taking everything too personally.

    When you project this card onto other people, you see them either too good, perfect - just angels in the flesh, or intemperate and unceremonious. As an internal quality, moderation presupposes awareness of one's mental, psychological and physiological state. You can intuitively sense the correct combination of elements necessary in a given situation, but at the same time you find yourself unable to translate this knowledge into words and convince others of your point of view.

    In terms of health, the appearance of this card indicates that the hypothalamus is actively working to restore internal homeostasis, for example, with the help of antibodies that fight infection. Poisoning from spoiled food, indigestion or other digestive upsets may occur, or you may just be having a party. Holistic therapies such as energy healing, laying on of hands, massage, chiropractic, herbal medicine, flower essences, aromatherapy, and homeopathy can be beneficial in this situation - that is, practices that affect the physical and subtle bodies at the same time.

    In shamanic and magical terms, it is a card of spiritual healing, alchemical transmutation and healing. It assumes the ability to work in two worlds at the same time. She indicates communication with the spirits of places and objects, as well as working with angelic magic. She represents a priest or priestess performing sacred rites.

    Traditional inverted meanings: church, religion, clergy and spiritual activities. Disorder, separation. Dysfunctional, unreasonable combinations. Competition. Conflict of interests. Lack of cooperation. Passive change. Mood swings. Impatience, frustration. Serious illness. Instability.

    Astrological meaning:
    Venus as a symbol of harmony, balance.
    The meaning of the Temperance card will become clearer if we translate it as "Right Measure". It is the positive opposite of the next Arcanum of the Devil, symbolizing immoderation. "Moderation" is characterized by such qualities as harmony, balance, good-naturedness and peace of mind. This card corresponds to that happy state when a person feels, loves himself and is, therefore, in harmonious balance with the world around him. When it comes to health, mental or physical, Moderation means wellness or recovery.

    The Golden Florentine Tarot is one of the oldest decks made with gold embossing based on early Renaissance frescoes. The basis of the Golden Florentine Tarot is 17 unique maps preserved in archives to this day and exhibited at the National Library in Paris. It is believed that these are Tarot cards from the Charles VI deck, which was made in Italy using miniatures from the 15th century frescoes commissioned by the Italian patron Borzo de Este and created in 1470 by the artists Cosmo Tura and Francesco Cossa. The authors of the old deck of the Golden Florentine Tarot, Joe Dworkin and Giordano Berti, recreated a deck of 17 cards and, based on the characteristic details of Italian Renaissance artwork, added the rest of the missing cards to them. The Golden Florentine Tarot consists of 78 cards, reflecting in miniature the achievements of Renaissance art on a black background with gold embossing, which makes it exceptional in its beauty. The world of the Golden Florentine Tarot embodies the spirit of that time, embodied in the classical Tarot system, full of the highest humanism and knowledge.

    Golden Florentine Tarot Major Arcana

    The Major Arcana in the Golden Florentine Tarot differ from all the usual classical images. So, for example, the card "Jester" or "Fool" depicts a tall man in a loincloth and clothes of a jester, who holds in his hands or bells strung on a rope, a kind of "toy", or "bagels" with which he entertains the people around him, or maybe teasing them. On this old card of the Major Arcana, Jester, there are no such recognizable and specific traits like the sun, rock and mountain peaks, which appeared much later. Such ancient elements of the drawing of this Major Arcana, as a knapsack on a stick, a staff and a dog, most likely appeared in 1500 in France and Switzerland. In the Golden Florentine Tarot, the Jester is depicted towering over the young people who beg from the Jester and catch him for "bagels", those that the Jester has on the rope.

    The Jester, in comparison with the people who are next to him, is depicted of enormous growth, which suggests that the Jester is in charge here, although, judging by the expression on his face, he seems harmless and keen on the game. He is in the game and he is on the game, which is encouraged by those who pick up "bagels" in order to get more of them. The Elder Arkan Jester in the Golden Florentine Tarot gives the impression of a naive and innocent child, ignorant and just entering life. He is open to everything and hitherto has not encountered difficulties and problems, he is joyful and bright, does not know the difference between good and evil. Equal opportunities are open to him, the game of life has not yet begun for him, but he himself does not give preference to any of the possibilities, the Fool is mad enough to make a conscious choice. In layouts, this Major Arcana is advised to be treated with caution, so that its seemingly apparent simplicity does not interfere with fully appreciating its eccentricity. The appearance of the Jester in the layout speaks of the need to make a choice, on which the whole life will depend in the future. Avoiding choices and waiting passively is worse than making the wrong choice. Refusal to choose will lead to a worsening of the situation not only of the person who will have this choice, but also of the people around him. And to understand what and how to do in connection with this choice, the rest of the cards will help.

    Someday it will collapse, the fault will be gold. Yellow and white, in the form of chains and brooches, as rings and cigarette cases, smooth and decorated with filigree stones. The bridge, chosen by jewelers 500 years ago, will simply collapse under its weight. And yet the precious placers on the Ponte Vecchio are far from all the gold in Florence, the recognized center of the world jewelry art ...

    Ponte Vecchio

    Gold placers

    By 1949, Fort Knox, the US state gold repository, had, with the help of the USSR, accumulated the greatest gold reserve ever collected - 21,800 tons. In the entire history of mankind, about 100,000 tons of gold have been mined, while not more than half of this amount remains in the depths of the explored mines. Scientists are convinced that the earth's gold reserves of modern civilization will not last long.

    Late last summer in the Eastern Alps a gold nugget weighing 1 kilogram and worth over one hundred thousand dollars was discovered. Gold has not been found in the Alps for over 500 years, so some Swiss and Austrian travel agencies have prepared special programs for treasure seekers.

    In a shop attached to a travel agency, tourists can purchase the necessary equipment and a metal detector. True, they have to look for gold at random, since the place where the nugget was found is kept in the strictest confidence.

    After Florence the words "gold rush" are perceived differently. And Jack London, soiled at school to the holes, is becoming more weighty and dearer. You simply discover that seeing Paris and dying is the same as seeing Florence and being blinded by the glitter of gold, stones and miracles with which the city is stuffed like a condottier's traveling chest. Moreover, this dazzling open-air museum is not only a huge repository of jewelry and works of art, but also a small homeland of all the best and most expensive in the Mediterranean.

    For example, the best steak in Italy is called "the Florentine steak" at a price of $ 30 per serving. The most expensive restaurant on the Apennine Peninsula, Enoteca Pinchiorri, is also located in Florence (the best Italian restaurants are actually in Naples, but southerners, as a matter of fact, are poor people). The most famous Italian artists and goldsmiths also lived in this city and lovingly adorned Florence. It was the Florentine condottieri mercenaries who received the most generous monetary allowance, and the gold florin became the first medieval gold coin.

    At the origins, or rather, at the mint, where the full-weight florins were cast, was the Perucci family of bankers. This "golden" family had tremendous influence on the city government, perhaps even more than Mr. Berezovsky on the presidential administration. Perucci could fulfill any quirk, up to the contract for the painting of church walls by the great Giotto. The names of the streets, palazzo and squares of Florence to this day keep the history of this surname ringing like gold coins. But, perhaps, tourists consider the masterly cast of bronze boar ("porchelino") to be the main monument to family capital, bringing wealth and rare luck in transactions. And for any businessman who has visited Florence, it is considered not shameful to walk on foot and slightly pat the bronze pig by the patch!

    Despite such effective talismans and family capital, the Perucci eventually became poorer. However, in 1948, the next offspring of this family was able to start a completely new business. This time, the family business was not related to gold: Rino Perucci sold fashion accessories and expensive leather goods. But going against traditions (and especially against family traditions) is extremely difficult for an Italian. So Mr. Perucci opened the Il Florino gold shop opposite his fashionable leather goods.

    This summer, Il Florino windows were literally full of gold items, watches and hand-carved soft pink cameos. I wanted to admire not only the gold of Europe consecrated with the patina of noble antiquity, but also the living descendants of famous bankers. Alas, the head of the Peruzzi firm, like his press secretary, wasted the second hour at a business lunch, and the time of their return (kindly Italian tradition) was covered with a web of utter obscurity. However, the saleswomen and managers of the salon spoke English and were professionally friendly.

    They proudly showed me heavy clusters of gold chains, scattered gems set in gold, watches that cost no less than a subcompact car, and so on. However, the most interesting items in the pantries of the Perucci family for me were cast rings and pendants, decorated with genuine antique coins with proud profiles of Roman Caesars. Their cost (a tiny brooch - from one and a half million lire, i.e. $ 700) caused a quiet envious itch somewhere in the purse area, and only a modest tax-free sticker at the entrance to the salon gave me a thin ray of hope.

    There were no Russian-speaking saleswomen (Ukrainians, Poles, Slovenes, at worst, Croatians) in Il Florino, from which I concluded that this golden place was not mastered by a domestic tourist at all. Think, on a hike for gold compatriots in Florence follow a pattern, heading straight for on the Ponte Vecchio bridge... As a result, the fashionable Il Florino salon was occupied by the Japanese, Singaporeans and other visitors from the "yellow" Asia, and among its smiling saleswomen, of course, there were a lot of Filipinos and Chinese women.

    The Russian influence on the gold business of Florence is felt literally a stone's throw from the salon of the Perucci family, on the square of the Cathedral of Santa Croce. Cathedral Square just before my arrival washed up in the warm summer rain and was filled to overflowing with tourists and important fat pigeons. But if the birds stupidly and greedily chased after the remnants of food and other crumbs, then hefty clusters of wingless bipeds crowded around the doors of the jewelry stores The Gold Corner and Gioielleria Aurea.

    The Gold Corner was a typical Florentine factory store selling mostly its own products. The owners (or rather the hostess) of the Aurea gallery, on the contrary, admitted to me that gold items for their assortment are selected from among the most famous jewelry brands in Italy. I immediately wanted to know what these stamps were, and one of the shopkeepers, a former compatriot Vera, who had moved to Italy back in 1983, said that this was not a five-minute conversation. As a result, she took out from under the counter a bonbonniere vase with miniature candies and began a very exciting lecture.

    According to Vera, the most popular jewelry brands among guests of Florence are the products of the Tuscan factory in Arezzo and the Vicensa factory in the Veneto province. At the same time, Arezzo artists are guided by the works of old masters, and Venetian jewelers follow modern fashion more, for which some aesthetes call their products "expensive stamping". Luxurious items under the Foppi brand in "matt gold" with sequins are considered typical Florentine work. These rings and earrings, delicate, three-colored, filigree, with an attractive matte surface, are traditionally in great demand among tourists.

    However, Italians prefer to buy quality white gold products, for example, under the Uno Erre brand. In general, each jewelry production specializes in some area of ​​its own. For example, the Milanese are good at working with stones, while the Venetians use their famous glass in jewelry. But there are a lot of jewelry industries in the Apennines, since 60-80% of the world production of gold jewelry falls on Italy, and both craftsmen and buyers have a lot to turn around.

    Verina's lecture was interrupted by two wrinkled, like a convent parchment, American citizens with faces aimed at grandiose shopping, who wandered into the Aurea gallery. For the third time I reached for the bonbonniere and, while Vera reached a consensus with the overseas ladies, I began to ask questions to her charming assistant Constance. In fact, the girl turned out to be not a professional saleswoman, but a linguist student, who took a job in a jewelry salon for the summer. According to her, in the shops and salons of the city, tourists leave about $ 500 per person. And the demand for jewelry is great. Very big! This is due not only to the quality and beauty of the work of Italian jewelers, but also to the important fact that the prices for branded gold items in Florence are on average 20% lower than in London's Harrods or Manege.

    The last example was given by Vera, who successfully sold something covered with diamonds to the American women and returned to the conversation. For a snack, she said that once on the threshold of Aurea, the beloved actress Krachkovskaya appeared on the threshold of Aurea and bought a couple of chains as a gift for someone, and a medallion with Madonna for herself.

    Having said goodbye to Vera, I went in search of the heirs of another wing of the "golden glory" of Florence, artists - goldsmiths. As you know, in the late Renaissance, the boundaries of the expediency of objects of worship and everyday life were successfully overcome and gold products in Italy turned into a kind of sculpture. Most of the Florentine goldsmiths, starting with Benvenuto Cellini, were excellent sculptors, and, on the contrary, the profession of a goldsmith was considered an excellent preparation for a future sculptor.

    And so, on the way from Piazza Santa Croce to Ponte Vecchio, I came across the tiny laboratory of Marco Baroni. This heir to the spirit of Cellini studied jewelry for many years and, becoming a recognized artist, he and a friend opened a laboratory for the production of piece jewelry. Marco's qualifications are so high that a small (even without precious stones) gold bracelet of his work in the form of an elephant's head costs about $ 2500. It is clear that only wealthy aesthetes, like the venerable German aristocrat, who wanted to immortalize the old family coat of arms in gold and platinum, can place orders with the Baroni. Others are destined only to admire the colorfully decorated showcase of the La Bottega degli Orafi laboratory.

    Leaving Marco alone with his tools and a gas burner, I finally went to Ponte Vecchio to admire not so much the windows of jewelry shops as the monument to Benvenuto Cellini, standing on the bridge. Alas, the sculptural image of the gold painter was hidden behind impenetrable scaffolding. But the second sculpture of the great goldsmith, which is in the courtyard of the Uffizi gallery, was unveiled and was just adjacent to the road sign "Work in progress". And it was not so much funny as symbolic: the gold of Florence lives and still brings joy to people.


    The Golden Florentine Tarot, which we will talk about today as part of a detailed review, has a very interesting history. It is said that several Arcana of this deck are the same mysterious cards that have been kept in the National Library of Paris for five centuries. Their existence was not made public. Let's see what this unusual deck is and who might be interested in it.

    Deck creation history

    The creators of the Golden Florentine Tarot, which first saw the light of day in 2004, were Giordano Berti, in collaboration with the artist Joe Dworkin. The second name of this deck is the Golden Tarot of the Renaissance Era. They say that even in the 15th century there was a deck of cards, conventionally called by historians "Tarot Charles VI" or "Tarot Gringonier", of which only 17 Arcana have survived to our times. These amazing old maps were made in Italy, in the city of Ferrara, which at that time was the center of cultural life - the best sculptors worked there, artists painted their masterpieces, poets recited poetry. There is even a payroll dated to the era, which said that the famous city ruler Lionello d'Este ordered artisans to make fortune-telling cards.

    Tarot researcher Giordano Berti set out to restore the same lost deck from surviving samples and old Italian frescoes dating from the 15th century. To create this amazing deck, he attracted the artist Joe Dworkin, who carefully studied those same murals and received instructions from Bertie to create images of each Arcana. This is how this beautiful historical deck was born. Today, many beginners, hearing the echoes of this story about the samples stored in Paris, wonder how many cards are in the deck of the Golden Florentine Tarot. In fact, there are exactly 78 of them, but only 17 of them exactly repeat those historical maps. The deck was published twice: in 2004 in Lo Scarabeo (Italy), and in 2007 - in Llewellyn Publications (USA). The official distributor of Lo Scarabeo Avvalon has released a Russian-language version under the name, which has gained popularity in Russia - the Golden Florentine Tarot.

    Key features of the deck

    The deck turned out, I'm not afraid of this word, really luxurious. The striking cards, which fully capture the spirit of the Renaissance, are set against an artfully designed background with gold embossing. Each suit has its own edging pattern. The deck clearly belongs to the Italian Tarot school and Waite's plots do not overlap at all. Justice comes in number eight, Strength - eleventh. Many images are clearly inherent in the humor of that era, which not all modern tarologists can understand. But overall, this is a really chic historical reproduction that should definitely be on the shelf of collectors of fortune-telling cards.

    Deck symbolism

    Kabbalistic, astrological and any other symbolism is not present on the cards of the Golden Florentine Tarot, but each Arcana reflects the traditions, culture and life of Italy during the Renaissance. This is read in the costumes of the characters, the plots, the details of the images. The deck will definitely be of interest to historians, as well as to those who like to study old cards and relate them to more modern ones.

    Major Arcana

    I would like to dwell on the Major Arcana in more detail, since of those seventeen surviving cards, sixteen are exactly the Trumps. One wants to admire these Arcana, consider the smallest details, plunging headlong into those distant times. Analyzing these maps is like going on a journey through the past. Let's take a look at some examples.

    Let's start, of course, with the Jester. See how far this image is from Waite's familiar to us. On the left is the original card, on the right is the Arcanum from the restored deck of the Golden Florentine Tarot.

    Here we clearly see lightness, carelessness, a kind of extravagance. It is curious that the Jester is depicted as a giant - it seems to me that this may indicate that he is simultaneously in this world and outside it, as if he is losing touch with reality. He is dressed on top of his belt, but he is not wearing pants: what is this - stupidity, extravagance, or simple forgetfulness? In my opinion, a very deep and informative map.

    Look at the Power card! There is no king of beasts, to whom we are accustomed, but there is a young lady who easily breaks a medieval column in half! She looks with surprise at the work of her own hands, as if asking herself, "Did I really do this?" It seems to me that this Arcana contains an indication of the need to control oneself, one's emotions, since our most dangerous inner enemy is recklessness.

    Look at the Hanged Man! If in most decks his hands are crossed behind his back, and in some samples of cards, coins fall out of his pockets, then in the Golden Florentine Tarot he tightly held the bags of money in his hands, which means that he does not lose control over himself, does not want to say goodbye to that that it has, even being in such a suspended state.

    The tower in this deck is also quite unusual. Yes, it is on fire, but we do not observe people fleeing or falling out of windows. It seems to me that the main essence of this Arcana is the collapse of something, for example, ideals, but the collapse is what a person, in principle, expected - that is why he is either already far away, because he fled in advance, or resigned himself to his fate and humbly awaits inevitable death inside the building.

    We can talk about the amazing Major Arcana of this deck for a very long time, but I'm afraid that one review will not be enough for this. Therefore, I propose to consider another Trump card and go to Younger cards... Let it be the moon.

    Personally, it seems to me that these are astrologers or occultists who gathered in the middle of the night to discuss some secret knowledge with each other. Arcanum is very speaking and combining the symbolism of the dark side of the night luminary, which is familiar to us, and at the same time reveals new facets, such as craving for the unknown, strange encounters, sleepwalking.

    Minor Arcana

    Despite the fact that the number cards no longer repeat the plots of the old Arcana, since their original images have not survived, the author and illustrator managed to maintain them in the same spirit, without at all violating the overall integrity of the deck's perception. Let's take a look at a few of them.

    The Ace of Wands shows us masculine strength, the beginning of some bold enterprise, because not everyone dares to climb such a height. Also, Arkan can say that a new idea opens up a completely different world for a person, allows you to look at the situation from a different angle (in this case, from a height), expands perception.

    On the Eight of Wands of the Golden Florentine Tarot, we again see a tree, but pay attention - the young man did not climb to its top himself, like the character of the Ace of the same suit, but took the ladder. What does this mean? About resourcefulness, speed (it will be faster with a ladder), as well as about the first results - the branches of the tree are not empty, there are some chests on them.

    Interestingly, some of the plots give us references to the classics, but do not correspond to the traditional numbering. Take a look at the Seven of Denarii, for example. If you do not know that this is exactly the Seven, you can safely take it for the Six.

    Exclusive plots are also very interesting. For example, the Ten of Swords depicts a woman who rapidly jumps over a seated lion and scattered swords. On the one hand, it may not jump and collapse directly on the predator or at the same time run into swords, or it may still successfully land far from it. Will the lion pay attention to her in this case? In short, the plots really fuel imagination and allow the imagination to work to its fullest.

    Court cards

    So, we have considered some of the meanings of the Golden Florentine Tarot cards from the Numerical Arcana group, now it is worth saying a few words about curly characters. They are truly distinctive and beautiful! Children play at the feet of the Queen of Wands, and the King of the same suit turns out to be a very creative person - in one of his hands there is a musical instrument. The Page of Cups is not depicted on the map alone - he reaches out in love with a pretty young lady. And the Queen of Cups has a devoted admirer who is nevertheless chained to her throne by a massive chain. Who did it - himself or the Queen? In short, the royal court turned out to be very interesting.

    Features of the interpretation of cards

    The interpretation of the Golden Florentine Tarot, of course, requires a little ingenuity, but the Arcana cannot be called too difficult to understand. Many stories are intuitively readable. Of course, the Ryder-Waite values ​​for this deck are far from always applicable, but knowing the classics well, it will still be a little easier to understand the interpretation of cards.

    What questions is the deck suitable for?

    The cards are universal, therefore they are able to show absolutely any realities of life. And do not be afraid that they repeat the plots of old frescoes, because the ideas of humanism, characteristic of the Renaissance, are still present in our life, and even, one might say, are relevant today more than ever.

    Who is the card data suitable for?

    • For connoisseurs of the historical design of high quality cards and decks
    • For those who wish to master the Italian Tarot school
    • Tarot readers who like to work out non-standard plots of the Arcana

    I did not find any explanatory literature in Russian on this deck. The MBK that comes with the cards, as usual, contains only a couple of lines for each Arcana. Therefore, I personally advise you to study the Golden Florentine Tarot on your own, possibly including textbooks on the history and culture of Italy of that time.