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  • Benefits for large families when entering the institute. Do children from large families need state assistance when entering a university? Are there benefits for large families when entering a university, college or technical school

    Benefits for large families when entering the institute.  Do children from large families need state assistance when entering a university?  Are there benefits for large families when entering a university, college or technical school

    Some applicants can count on preferential admission to state-funded places in the higher educational institution of their choice. The categories of beneficiaries are listed in Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation". When a child from a large family is assigned to one of the groups, he receives the right to preferential receipt of free higher education

    Higher education opens the way to more paid and promising work. Admission to an institute or university in a budgetary department is currently not an easy task. Paid education is not available to all citizens, especially if they are raising more than one child. Therefore, benefits for large families when entering a university can significantly help such children count on a diploma of a higher educational institution without investing significant material resources.

    The main regulatory document in the field of benefits for admission to a university at the federal level is the Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”. It lists individuals who are eligible for privileges for admission to universities. Some preferences can be established by regions and educational institutions themselves.

    List of persons eligible to apply for benefits

    According to Federal Law No. 273-FZ, priority for admission to a university is given to:

    • prize-winners and winners of the last stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national team of the Russian Federation in international Olympiads - according to the profile of Olympiads;
    • winners and medalists of the Olympic Games (including the Paralympic and Deaflympics), gold medalists of the World and European Championships - in the direction physical education and sports;
    • disabled children with 1 and 2 disability groups, disabled since childhood or as a result of a military injury or illness that developed during military service;
    • orphans and those left without parental care, war veterans.

    Citizens from the first two groups are admitted to an educational institution without entrance examinations and the existing competition.

    Attention! Orphans and those left without parental care, as well as war veterans, will be able to use the quota and enroll in a university on preferential terms only until 01/01/2019.

    Similar benefits are available for college admissions.

    About additional points for admission in the following video:

    A child from a large family who wants to get a higher education, but is not included in any of the above groups, enters a university on a general basis. Or, for starters, they can receive primary or secondary vocational training at a school or technical school.

    Types of benefits for children from large families entering a university

    In itself, having many children does not give privileges for preferential higher education. Especially when you consider that there is a rather high competition for most specialties. Legislation provides for a number of cases when a child of citizens with many children can count on receiving higher education at public expense.


    Such grounds include quotas for certain categories of applicants. A higher education institution must allocate at least ten percent of places for study at the expense of budgetary funds from the total number of students. According to the quota, they have the right to enter:

    1. orphan child;
    2. a child left without parental care;
    3. a disabled child, as well as a disabled person of the 1st or 2nd group;
    4. a child under the age of twenty, brought up by one parent with a disability of group 1, if the family is recognized as poor;
    5. child of the deceased Hero of the Russian Federation, USSR, full holder of the Order of Glory;
    6. a child of an employee of the prosecutor's office, police department, the National Guard, the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Investigative Committee, customs, who died as a result of an injury or illness received in the service;
    7. combatants and veterans;
    8. persons who took part in the testing of nuclear weapons, as well as prevented the consequences of nuclear accidents;
    9. contract servicemen with more than three years of experience and conscripts with recommendations from commanders for entering a university;
    10. persons who, on duty, performed tasks in the conditions of the armed conflict in the Chechen Republic (police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, military personnel).

    Initially, a citizen from these categories is admitted to the preparatory department, where he studies for free and receives a scholarship. When an applicant is not only from a large family, but also belongs to one of these groups, he is entitled to benefits upon admission. Existing quotas are reviewed annually.

    Attention! Admission to the university is carried out in a preferential order according to the quota, if the entrance examination is successfully passed by the person.

    There are also target quotas - when the student's education is paid for by the enterprise for which he will come to work, having received a profession. In this case, an agreement is concluded between the organization, the applicant and the university. If a child from a large family is included in this category, then he will also be granted benefits upon admission.

    Regional privileges

    A number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation establish additional privileges for students from large families:

    • travel on intracity and suburban public transport is carried out free of charge;
    • food in the canteen of an educational institution (school, technical school, college) is free;
    • free provision of educational literature;
    • Compensation for travel to the place of study and back (once a year);
    • purchase of tickets to cultural institutions on preferential terms.

    Separate preferences for applicants from large families normative documents not provided.

    Special payments

    Educational institutions set special payments. They are carried out in a different amount than the usual academic scholarship, and are of a social nature. This payment is intended to support the following categories of students:

    • orphans and those left without parental care, including those who lost them during their studies;
    • from among the persons exposed to radiation;
    • disabled people of groups 1 and 2, disabled since childhood;
    • from poor families.

    Attention! The right to the payment is received by the student at the daytime budget department. The social scholarship is paid along with the academic (for academic performance).

    A social scholarship can be assigned in an increased amount if the student shows success in studies, does not have satisfactory grades (triples) and debts. Its amount should not be lower than the subsistence minimum in Russia.

    The educational organization has the right to establish other types financial assistance at the expense of the funds that it receives from income-generating activities.

    Special rights upon admission

    • military children with service experience of 20 years or more - upon admission to military educational organizations;
    • winners and runners-up school olympiads ah within 4 years after them - upon admission to specialized specialties;
    • graduates of educational institutions administered by government agencies implementing the policy of preparing children for civil service or military service- upon admission to universities of the corresponding direction.

    Among the designated groups may be a child of citizens with many children, which will give him an additional opportunity to enter the budget department.

    Benefits for teaching mothers of large families

    At the federal level, a woman raising more than two children and recognized as having many children is not provided with separate privileges when entering a university, unless she simultaneously belongs to a privileged group (disabled, combat veteran, etc.).

    If a student, being a mother, is in a position, she can take academic leave without losing her place in an educational institution. In case of receiving it during the period of study of the scholarship, the right to it remains even after leaving the maternity leave.

    The procedure for issuing privileges

    Where to go

    Admissions to the university are dealt with by the admission committees of these educational institutions. Accordingly, documents that provide the applicant with advantages in passing entrance examinations are provided in them.

    What documents to provide

    The applicant upon admission provides:

    • documents proving his identity and citizenship;
    • data on education received;
    • documents giving the right to benefits upon admission.

    The latter category includes information: about disability, about winning or winning a prize in a regional, all-Russian or international Olympiad, about being included in the national team of the Russian Federation in a subject, and so on.

    The video will tell about the documents for admission to the university:

    Denied benefits: what to do

    When an applicant is sure that he is entitled to a privilege when entering a university (for example, he is disabled) and at the same time he successfully passed the entrance examinations, but he was not enrolled in education on a budgetary basis, this is a reason for a complaint. You can contact the supervising educational institution (for example, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), the prosecutor's office or the court. A complaint to the first two instances can be brought in person or left an electronic appeal on the official websites of departments.

    Benefits for large families when entering a university

    Currently, there is only one legal act that gives an advantage to large families for admission to a university. The legal act was issued by the President in 2003, the effect of which is up to date. In 1999, a bill was developed that was adapted for large families, but unfortunately it was not signed, a small part of the project, which was present in the bill, entered into implementation.

    What families are considered large

    Large families are those families that raise more than 3 children. To receive benefits, children do not have to be relatives, the state also supports children who have been adopted or adopted.

    Until what period of time does the state provide support?

    Legislation from 2003 is currently in force, which states that assistance in the mental development of children is carried out until the age of 23. After one of the children reaches a certain age, the student ceases to receive support from the state in terms of material costs, the legislation does not apply to other children.

    What benefits does it support children when entering a university

    The state took care of children who are not alone in the family, and endowed them with benefits for easy entry into a higher educational institution, the list of such state norms includes:

    • low score for admission;
    • entrance exams are simplified;
    • instant budgetary basis, without considering a high school diploma or a college degree.

    After enrolling in a university, it is possible to transfer to another educational basis, therefore, from a budgetary basis to a commercial one, but this is due to successful study.

    Special payments

    The heads of the country are constantly developing projects to improve families, on the basis of state assistance, material payments are made, such as:

    • receiving material assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles annually by September 1, provided that parents are raising ten children or more;
    • receiving 10 thousand rubles by the international family day, with the obligation that there are ten or more children in the family.

    Regional benefits

    Because the federal no benefits for large families when entering universities have been developed, benefits are accepted at the subjective level of the Russian Federation, which will not affect the continuation of studies and support from the state.

    What benefits are there to support

    The government has taken into account possible problems for a period of study, such problems include travel to the place of study, food, buying things necessary for life. Not all of the material amount is covered, but part of the costs will be covered, such amounts from the state can replenish the student's wallet, or the family budget.

    How to use benefits for admission

    When submitting documentation to the desired university, along with all documents, you must attach an official certificate stating that you are allowed to use this privilege upon admission. This certificate is considered by the legal department of the place of the desired institution, after which a decision is provided, positive or negative.

    Where to go to file a complaint in case of a refusal situation

    Universities do not always make positive decisions in favor of the applicant, what to do if there was a refusal to enroll. The list of documents for admission should not be a fake, but the official documentation of a person, if, with full observance of the rules, a negative answer followed, then a complaint should be filed with the following state authorities:

    • department of education;
    • Ministry of Education and Science;

    Benefits for admission to a university for large families in Russia

    Let's analyze what benefits the legislator has allocated for large families upon admission. Does the concept of large families exist at the federal level? How to take advantage of admission privileges.

    How is admission to the university

    Admissions committees work strictly within the framework of internal documents educational institution. These are published on the basis of federal and regional laws. General rules are:


    The methodology for organizing the admission of applicants for state-funded places is described in Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012. Article 71 regulates the provision of benefits to applicants upon admission. There are different types. So, depending on the category, young people can apply for the following concessions:

    • admission without entrance examinations (out of competition);
    • enrollment within the preferential quota subject to successful completion of entrance examinations;
    • pre-emptive right to enroll, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other equal conditions;
    • enrollment in students of the preparatory department on a budgetary basis in federal state educational organizations higher education;
    • other special rights defined by federal, regional legislation or local regulations.

    Out of the competition, young people who have proven themselves at school can become students. This preference is due to:

    • winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren (if the application is submitted for a profile specialty);
    • members of the national teams of the Russian Federation participating in international olympiads;
    • champions and prize-winners of the Olympic, Deaflympics and Paralympic Games, World Champions, European Champions who won the European Championship (only in the specialty related to sports).

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    Who gets quotas

    The categories of applicants for whom budget places are quota are listed in subparagraph 7 of Article 71. They are as follows:

    The official definition of a large family

    Finding out the presence or absence of privileges should be continued by disclosing the privileged status itself. The fact is that federal legislation does not contain such. The concept of a large family is traditionally used in Russia. In addition, usually these include cells of society with three or more children.

    However, the legal status is approved only in regional laws. Indeed, most regions recognize a large family in which three or more native or adopted minor children are brought up.

    However, the rules are not the same everywhere. For example, in the Moscow region, the status is granted to parents raising three children under 16 years of age. If children are trained, then boys and girls up to the age of majority are taken into account. And in Udmurtia, the age criteria are higher. To obtain the status of having many children, it is necessary to raise three or more children until the age of majority. If a boy or girl studies full-time, then the threshold is shifted to 23 years.

    Important: certain preferences for people from large families, including those for admission to universities, are provided for within the framework of regional laws. They apply only to permanent residents of a particular subject of the federation.

    Is it possible for large families to enter the quota

    Federal legislation did not provide for benefits for children who were raised by parents with many children. However, the article lists other categories. In order to be guaranteed admission to a university, you need to do the following:

    • organize the child's occupation so that his talents are revealed at an early age;
    • do not interfere with the participation of the child in competitions and olympiads;
    • constantly encourage your son or daughter to achieve high results.
    • serve in the army for military service or under a contract (at least three years);
    • has the status of a Chernobyl (equivalent);
    • in other situations listed in the law.

    Regional preferences

    Local authorities establish various privileges for parents with many children and their children. The main ones include the following:

    • funding for meals in schools and mid-career vocational institutions;
    • free provision of textbooks;
    • privilege for the use of transport routes (depending on the region):
      • citywide;
      • suburban;
    • compensation for travel expenses to the place of study and back (once a year);
    • organization of recreational activities in the summer without charging a fee (only for schoolchildren);
    • providing discounts for the purchase of tickets to cultural institutions.

    For information: mothers who have raised more than three children under eight years of age are entitled to early retirement.


    The Russian legislation lists the categories of applicants who are entitled to preferences for admission:

    • out-of-competition admission to the course;
    • Extraordinary inclusion in the list of first-year students, subject to successful completion of test tasks.

    The list does not include a category associated with the status of having many children. Such is not disclosed at all at the moment in the Russian legal field. Benefits for parents raising three or more sons and daughters are included in regional regulations. A few subjects of the federation have planned quotas for places for children from such families. However You can use the benefit only in universities of the regional level. Federal quotas do not apply.

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    Preferences are divided into several groups:

    • admission without providing the results of the GIA or the Unified State Examination;
    • without participation in the competition;
    • preemptive right;

    Out of competition

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    The following are eligible for this benefit:

    • orphans, as well as children whose parents were deprived of their right to education;
    • disabled people of groups I and II (the college chosen for admission should not be contraindicated for the applicant due to his state of health);
    • veterans and military personnel who received a disability as a result of hostilities;
    • people affected by man-made disasters, irradiated during the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as their children;
    • the military, who were sent for advanced training.

    Preemptive right

    • children of parents who died in the performance of their official duties or from injuries sustained as a result of hostilities, as well as while participating in anti-terrorist operations;
    • people who have the status of a beneficiary, according to the laws of Russia;
    • categories of citizens living in the settled territories.

    No entrance exams

    They have the right:

    • a child is a winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiads;
    • winners and champions of the Olympics, Paralympics or Delphic Games;
    • representatives of the Russian national teams participating in international level olympiads in general school subjects.

    Important! The privilege is provided only when submitting documents to an educational institution and choosing a faculty of cultural or sports direction.

    List of preferences


    They act on a common basis on an equal footing with other applicants. However, there is an exception - if after the adoption procedure one of the guardians died, and the second of the guardians is disabled, the guarded children are entitled to certain benefits upon admission.

    With the loss of a breadwinner

    After enrolling in a technical school or any other secondary or higher educational institution, payments for the loss of the breadwinner are suspended for the applicant.


    Children of groups I and II of disability, when enrolled in a technical school, university or other educational institution, enjoy the following privileges:

    • if the technical school conducts special training courses, the child can attend them without payment;
    • with the required passing score for USE results the applicant has the right to enroll on a budgetary basis;
    • can count on more preparation time for passing exams at admission and in the further learning process.

    After enrolling in an educational institution, children with disabilities have the right to continue to receive the payments due to them. There are a number of advantages and disadvantages:

    On a note! Students with disabilities receive an increased scholarship.

    Families with many children

    The child enters on a par with other applicants. After enrollment, he can count on several types of benefits:

    • if he is entitled to subsidies up to 23 years;
    • free meals are provided in the dining room of the educational institution;
    • Guaranteed accommodation in the dormitory of the technical school and free accommodation;
    • if an educational institution has its own sanatorium, a student from a large family has the right to guaranteed rest.

    How to take advantage of college admissions benefits

    Parents or representatives of children under their care must provide:

    • passport;
    • diploma of secondary or full school education;
    • a form with the results of the GIA or the Unified State Examination;
    • medical report on form 086.

    If applicants have preferences, it is necessary to provide copies and originals of documents that confirm this:

    • conclusion on disability;
    • diploma of champion title;
    • school medal;
    • a document on participation or victory in various educational competitions, including international ones;
    • court verdict on the loss of parental rights to raise a child.

    note! Before entering, you need to find out what types of benefits are provided in the selected educational institution.

    Video report on the topic

    Currently, there is only one legal act that gives an advantage to large families for admission to a university. The legal act was issued by the President in 2003, the effect of which is up to date. In 1999, a bill was developed that was adapted for large families, but unfortunately it was not signed, a small part of the project, which was present in the bill, entered into implementation.

    What families are considered large

    Those families with more than 3 children. To receive benefits, children do not have to be relatives, the state also supports children who have been adopted or adopted.

    Until what period of time does the state provide support?

    Legislation from 2003 is currently in force, which states that assistance in the mental development of children is carried out until the age of 23. After one of the children reaches a certain age, the student ceases to receive support from the state in terms of material costs, the legislation does not apply to other children.

    What benefits does it support children when entering a university

    The state took care of children who are not alone in the family, and endowed them with benefits for easy entry into a higher educational institution, the list of such state norms includes:

    • low score for admission;
    • entrance exams are simplified;
    • instant budgetary basis, without considering a high school diploma or a college degree.

    After enrolling in a university, it is possible to transfer to another educational basis, therefore, from a budgetary basis to a commercial one, but this is due to successful study.

    Special payments

    The heads of the country are constantly developing projects to improve families, on the basis of state assistance, material ones are produced, such as:

    • receiving material assistance in the amount of 10 thousand rubles annually by September 1, provided that parents are raising ten children or more;
    • receiving 10 thousand rubles by the international family day, with the obligation that there are ten or more children in the family.

    Regional benefits

    Because the federal no benefits for large families when entering universities have been developed, benefits are accepted at the subjective level of the Russian Federation, which will not affect the continuation of studies and support from the state.

    What benefits are there to support

    The government took into account all possible problems during the period of study, such problems include travel to the place of study, food, buying things necessary for life. Not all of the material amount is covered, but part of the costs will be covered, such amounts from the state can replenish the student's wallet, or the family budget.

    How to use benefits for admission

    When submitting documentation to the desired university, along with all documents, you must attach an official certificate stating that you are allowed to use this privilege upon admission. This certificate is considered by the legal department of the place of the desired institution, after which a decision is provided, positive or negative.

    Where to go to file a complaint in case of a refusal situation

    Universities do not always make positive decisions in favor of the applicant, what to do if there was a refusal to enroll. The list of documents for admission should not be a fake, but the official documentation of a person, if, with full observance of the rules, a negative answer followed, then a complaint should be filed with the following state authorities:

    • department of education;
    • Ministry of Education and Science;

    College on this moment called a professional educational institution, which, in its work and specifics, correlates with the usual technical schools. After graduation, graduates receive a secondary special education and can find a job in their specialty.

    Entering a college is not so easy - you also have to pass entrance exams here, which is why most applicants are interested in the question of whether there are any benefits for certain categories of citizens. Further, the privileged conditions for entering the college will be considered in detail.

    Who is supposed to

    The following categories of applicants are eligible to receive certain benefits when entering college:

    • children who have the status of an orphan or whose parents have lost the right to a previously received title;
    • disabled people of groups 1 and 2, but only on the grounds that the activities and specifics of the educational institution will not be contraindicated for gaining knowledge;
    • veterans and disabled people who became disabled after the hostilities;
    • citizens who have been exposed to radiation chemical elements- liquidators or children born on the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and others;
    • the military, who are in the reserve at the time of receipt and are sent for advanced training by commanders;
    • citizens under 20 years old who have only one parent with a disability of 1 group;
    • military personnel under contract in the case of a continuous duration of service in the amount of a minimum of three years;
    • other categories eligible for admission to college on a legislative basis.

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    The presented persons are only eligible for admission without passing the competition of certificates. Otherwise, they also have to pass entrance examinations.

    Without entrance examinations, the following persons can study at the college:

    • champions of various Olympic Games related to culture or sports - in this case, admission is carried out only in similar educational institutions;
    • prize-winners or winners of all-Russian school Olympiads;
    • prize-winners or winners of the school Olympiad, the organization of which took place in accordance with the legally adopted Procedure for school Olympiads;
    • members of the Russian national teams who participated in general education Olympiads at international level– even in the absence of a victory.

    The following applicants have the priority right when enrolling in controversial moments or in the case of the same number of points:

    • persons who work or live in a territory with a preferential socio-economic status;
    • persons working or living in zones with the right to resettlement;
    • applicants who were previously dismissed from military service;
    • other categories of citizens who have the status of a beneficiary in accordance with the legislation of Russia.

    What are the college admissions benefits?

    Families with many children

    Most large families count on benefits when their children enter college. However, standard conditions are provided for them - passing exams with the requirement to receive a positive assessment and passing the competition of certificates.

    Already upon admission, the student can count on the following benefits:

    • receive all the required social subsidies until they reach the age of 23;
    • assistance is provided for parents, which follows from the legislation on the fact that there is a student in the family for full-time learning;
    • the student has the right to free lunches at the educational institution;
    • a student from a large family may be provided with a free bed in a hostel owned by the college;
    • the right to free travel in public transport is granted, in the department of social protection, parents with many children can receive assistance in paying for intercity travel, subject to the use of state organizations for the transportation of passengers;
    • Depending on the college management and the availability of a specific summer camp for students, a student from a large family will have a priority right.

    Children with certain types of benefits often have a preferential right to receive the services provided.

    Disabled children

    A child with a disability may be eligible for the following college admissions benefits:

    • such applicants are entitled to free admission to preparatory courses at the college;
    • Disabled children have a preferential right for admission on a budgetary basis, but subject to positively passed entrance exams;
    • children with disabilities do not participate in the certificate competition;
    • when passing entrance exams or already certification exams at the time of studying at college, students are given additional time to prepare answers, but not more than 1.5 hours.

    For admission to this category of applicants, a certificate is required on the fact of a medical and social examination that a person has no contraindications for studying at a college.

    Foster children

    Adopted children are previously adopted applicants who now have parents. So they go to college on a general basis. An exception may be children whose breadwinner died or died after adoption, and the second parent is a disabled person of the 1st group.

    With the loss of a breadwinner

    Applicants who have benefits for the loss of a breadwinner cannot use them when entering an educational institution.

    Their benefits extend to the extension of a previously issued subsidy until the age of 23, as well as the possible receipt of a social scholarship already issued in college, if it is provided for the student.


    Orphans are entitled to the same benefits as children with disabilities. Additionally, free lunches, a place to stay in a hostel and the possibility of obtaining a social scholarship can be presented.

    Most of the benefits depend on the educational institution itself, its capabilities. For example, the budget enrollment of applicants is no more than 3% of the total number of students. Due to the capacity of the college in terms of "capacity" of students, this number will range from 20 to 100 or more people.

    How to use

    To take advantage of the benefits, parents and other official representatives of a minor, or adult applicants themselves, must:

    • submit documents to the college management;
    • send them by mail before enrolling students;
    • prepare documents in electronic form and send them to the mail of the educational institution.

    All documents of applicants with benefits can be divided into two categories. The first is the main one, which includes:

    • applicant's passport;
    • school certificate;
    • the results of the previously passed exam;
    • a medical certificate confirming that the applicant does not have diseases dangerous to others.
    • documents confirming that the applicant or his parents have a disability;
    • a program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, drawn up individually;
    • certificate from the place of employment of parents;
    • certificate or certificate of champion status or a golden badge of distinction;
    • certificate with honors, gold or silver medal;
    • documents or a diploma confirming the victory at the Olympiad of any category and type;
    • family income statement;
    • certificates from the military registration and enlistment office, including the direction of the command staff;
    • if the parents were deprived of the rights to the child, then a court decision is provided to confirm the status of an orphan;
    • a court decision to place the parents in custody;
    • certificate of a Chernobyl survivor - it is important to take into account the fact that the applicant himself must be a participant in such actions.

    Depending on the situation, additional information and documents may be required.

    To technical school

    Upon admission to the technical school, the above benefits are provided to applicants, which can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

    • admission without examination and competition;
    • granting the right to preferential admission for certain categories of citizens;
    • the presence of a preemptive right in case of equality of points with other applicants.

    Before applying to college, it is recommended to find out if a particular applicant has benefits. Here it is important to clarify what types of privileged conditions “operate” in the chosen educational institution.

    Against the background of deteriorating living conditions and growing macroeconomic problems in Russia, benefits for admission to a university do not seem insignificant, but are a significant help to the socially weak group of the country's population.

    Until recently, Russian families with two or more children were such a rarity that projects to stabilize the country's demographic statistics were regularly considered and implemented at the federal level.

    Now there are more and more such families, and the help for them is reduced. But even the existing state support measures remain unknown to many citizens. Families with many children need all forms and types of assistance and the study of legal possibilities.

    There are no clear criteria for classifying a family as having many children at the federal level. The Family Code, laws on measures to help families with children are silent about the concept of a large union. The only federal act that gives a clue to the question is Presidential Decree 431 of 1992, which requires the subjects of Russia to autonomously choose the parameters for recognizing a family with many children by regional legislation.

    As a standard, regions consider a large family with 3 children. In terms of subjects whose culture and traditions differ from the average standards of Russia, you need to have 5 children to obtain a large status.

    The regions also establish other criteria - taking into account the age of children (up to 18, 21, 23, 24 years old), the degree of relationship - adopted, wards, spouse's children.

    Children are definitely excluded from families:

    • in respect of which parental rights have been terminated;
    • those who are on state maintenance - in shelters and boarding schools.
    If the spouses terminated the marriage and each left with less than 3-5 children, then the individual parent loses the status of having many children.

    Another important condition is that both parents have Russian citizenship.

    How to confirm the status?

    To enjoy benefits, you must have proof of their entitlement. The supporting document is . It is issued by the Social Security Department at the place of registration after successful registration as a family with three or more children.

    How to get certified:

    1. One of the parents submits a package of documents to the Social Security Authority or the MFC:
    • passport;
    • application for a certificate;
    • ID photo, 3x4 format;
    • birth certificates of children;
    • adoption documents - in case of adoption;
    • certificates of the place of residence of family members - in the case of various residence permits, you will have to request certificates from each relevant department of the FMS; regions have the right to approve the condition for registration - the residence of the whole family in one place;
    • if one of the children is aged 18-23, then a certificate from the place of study confirming full-time education;
    • a certificate from social security about the absence of a certificate from the second parent.
    1. After submitting the documents, the applicant receives a temporary certificate proving the status of having many children.
    2. Within a month he receives a permanent certificate.

    The status must be confirmed annually.

    Children's education

    If you study the legislation, then citizens will find benefits for large families in various fields life, from admission to kindergartens and ending with the provision of land and apartments.

    In terms of admission to higher education institutions, benefits are subject to strict limits:

    • extraordinary admission of children if they are winners of school Olympiads of various levels;
    • admission out of competition for children whose parents participated in hostilities or belong to the category of victims of the Chernobyl disaster;
    • preferential acceptance of disabled children and orphans.

    As you can see, none of the proposed options specifically mentions children from large families, they receive relief before the selection committee, if only they fall under the specified groups.

    The only advantage of these children is the priority transfer to a non-profit department with high academic performance. As a rule, such a norm is contained in the local documents of the educational institutions themselves.

    In some regions, there are quotas for children from MS when entering institutes, as well as payments for meals in educational canteens, the purchase of clothes and travel.

    But for large families, the state offers other benefits:

    • free travel within the locality of residence - for children and parents;
    • free school meals;
    • free stay in children's camps;
    • extraordinary receipt of housing or land (in practice, large families are placed in a queue of large families).
    Federal family capital can be considered a kind of benefit and assistance - it can be obtained for a third child if assistance was not requested for the second. Even after receiving a certificate for the second, when a third child appears, parents can apply for regional maternity capital. Of course, its amount is much less and varies by region, but in any case it exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

    What documents to look at?

    Parents and children need to know which legal framework to apply for benefits.

    Main sources:

    • Presidential Decree 431, adopted in 1992;
    • law 81, approved in 1995;
    • Land Code;
    • housing code.

    And also be sure to familiarize yourself with regional and municipal laws and acts at the place of registration.