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  • School stage of the OPC Olympiad. St. Tikhon University holds the XI All-Russian Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture

    School stage of the OPC Olympiad.  St. Tikhon University holds the XI All-Russian Olympiad

    The school tour of the XI All-Russian Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" has started, reports.

    The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOS in the subjects "History" and "Theology". According to the results of the examination of the materials of the first Olympiad, which was conducted by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, Orthodox Olympics given the second level. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

    The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: "Holy Rus', Keep the Orthodox Faith!"" has been held since 2008 by St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities. The event is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' with the support of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechism, Ministry of Education Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, the Presidential Grants Fund.

    Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis. educational organizations implementing general educational programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside of it.

    The Olympiad is held in a complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. Every year more than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it.

    The school tour takes place in full-time in places. The teacher responsible for the school registers on the website, submits an application, downloads tasks in personal account and after the school tour posts the results on the website.

    In 2018-2019 academic year tasks of the Olympiad of the school round will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10-11.

    Students of grades 4 on the module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour along with students of grades 5-11 in accordance with the schedule of the Olympiad.

    Students of grades 4-5 on the Secular Ethics module are invited to conduct two rounds: a school (autumn) tour from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) tour in March 2019.

    Themes of the Olympiad 2018-2019 academic year:

    • "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Rus'

    The theme draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

    • "Slavic world in the era of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

    The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - primarily in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final approval of Christianity, to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for spreading and the establishment of the Christian faith on Russian soil.

    • Youth: Freedom and Responsibility.

    More information is available at

    With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'

    with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church, the META Education Fund, the St. Basil the Great Foundation

    Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities

    Olympiad on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture:

    "Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox faith!"

    school tour,IVclasses, 2015 2016 academic year

    Read the text and do the tasks. Time to complete the work is 30 minutes.

    Athos (or simply the Holy Mountain) is the world's largest center of male Orthodox monasticism, located in the northeastern part of Greece on the peninsula of the same name (part of a larger peninsula called Halkidiki), washed by the waters of the Aegean Sea. According to legend, Christianity on Athos was preached by Herself Holy Mother of God who accepted this land as a "portion" - a place of His special care. From the very beginning of the history of Athos monasticism, women were forbidden to enter the peninsula.

    There is no reliable information about the time when the first monks appeared on Athos. The first known Athos ascetic is the Monk Peter (beginning of the 9th century), who led a hermitic life, like most of the Athos monks of that time. By the end of the 10th century, cenobitic monasticism already prevailed on Athos. The Monk Athanasius of Athos laid the foundation for it. He arranged a monastery, later called the Great Lavra and became the main Athos monastery.

    Many traditions of monastic work were brought to the Russian land from Mount Athos. The founder of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, St. Anthony, received monastic tonsure in the Athos monastery of Esfigmen. The abbot of this monastery received a revelation from God that St. Anthony will gather in Rus' a great host of monastics, so he said: “Antony! Go back to the Russian land - let those who live there through you prosper and become established in the Christian faith; May the blessings of the Holy Mountain be with you!” Rev. Anthony returned to Kyiv and settled in a cave, where disciples began to gather around him and a great monastery grew up, which became the "cradle of Russian monasticism."

    The first written evidence of the existence of a Russian monastery on the Holy Mountain dates back to 1016. One of the documents of the Great Lavra is dated this year, which bears the signatures of all the abbots, including the abbot of the Russian monastery: “Gerasim, a monk, by the grace of God, presbyter and abbot of the Rosov monastery, testifying, signed with his own hand.”

    This Russian monastery was called Xilurgu (which means "Treemaker" or "Carpenter"). The name is probably due to the fact that the Russian monks built their first temples from wood, in contrast to the Greeks, who preferred stone. The cathedral church of this monastery was consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God. It dates from the beginning of the 11th century; this is one of the most ancient temples on the Holy Mountain.

    When the number of monks in Xylourgou increased, the Russian monastery moved to a new location: in 1169, the monastery in honor of St. Panteleimon, located high in the mountains, became the main Russian monastery on Athos. Now this monastery is known as Nagorny or Stary Rusik.

    Constant raids on Athos by various conquerors mercilessly ruined it. Often threatened monasteries and another misfortune - fires. In one of the strong fires of the 13th century, all the property of Stary Rusik and manuscripts telling about the early period of its history burned down. The restoration of the monastery was helped by the Byzantine emperor Andronicus II Palaiologos, who in 1312 secured the rights of the Russian monastery to land plots in Thessaloniki and on the Chalkidiki peninsula with a special charter.

    In subsequent times, the Russian Athos monastery either gained strength again, or fell into disrepair. But even in difficult times for Russia and Athos itself, the Holy Mountain was visited by Russian monks, who received invaluable lessons of asceticism here. The Monk Nil of Sora (1433-1508), following the tradition of Athos, founded a new type of monastery for Rus' - a skete and compiled a special “Charter on the Skete Living”. The principles of asceticism at Athos were preached by the monk of the Vatopedi Monastery at Athos, the Monk Maxim the Greek (1470–1556), who came to Russia.

    The gradual revival of the Russian St. Panteleimon monastery on Mount Athos began in the first half of the 19th century. By this time the monastery was already in a new place - in the coastal zone. The spiritual revival of Rusik is connected with the labors of the elder Gerasim of Athos, who became abbot in 1832 and established the monastery's ties with Russia. Since 1830, after Russia won the war with Turkey and the Turkish troops liberated Athos, the Russians again began to freely come to the Holy Mountain and become monks.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, there were about two thousand monks in the St. Panteleimon Monastery and its sketes (Ksilurgu, Stary Rusik, etc.). Monastery courtyards were built in Constantinople, Thessaloniki, Odessa and Moscow (the first Athos chapel was built in 1873 at the Epiphany Monastery on Nikolskaya Street). In 1875, the Novo-Afonsky Simono-Kananitsky Monastery was founded in Abkhazia by the Athonites.

    In 2016, Athos will host celebrations in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian presence on the Holy Mountain.

    According to the site "Russian Athos"

    The work was done by __________________________________________ Class ________________

    Task 1. Write a definition.

    1.1. - the name of the first monastery in Kievan Rus.

    1.2. - abbot of the monastery.

    1.3. - a monk leading a solitary lifestyle.

    Task 2. Answer the questions.

    1. The name of the founder of the first monastery in Kievan Rus

    2. What year is the first written evidence of the existence of a Russian monastery on the Holy Mountain?

    3. The name of the abbot, under whom the revival of the Russian Athos monastery began in the 19th century

    4. What century does the Assumption Russian Church in Xylourga date from?

    5. In what year did the emperor of Byzantium secure the right of the Russian Athos monastery to land plots in Thessaloniki and on the Chalkidiki peninsula?

    6. The name of which saint is the Russian monastery on Athos?

    Task 3. Set the correspondence (in the table on the right, enter the letters corresponding to the numbers)

    1. Great Lavra

    2. Athos Chapel on Nikolskaya Street

    B. Abkhazia

    3. Vatopedi monastery

    V. prp. Athanasius

    4. New Athos Monastery


    5. "Charter on the residence of the skete"

    D. prp. Maxim Grek

    6. Millennium of Russian presence on Athos

    E. prp. Neil Sorsky

    Exercise 1

    Task 2

    Task 3

    Sum of points

    To use the preview, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and sign in:


    School tour, IV grade, 2016 – 2017 academic year

    Time to complete the work 45 minutes

    EXERCISE 1. For every correct answer- 1 point. Maximum 10 points.

    1. 2017 marks the 170th anniversary of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem, which helped Russian pilgrims travel. It was founded in…

    B. 1847

    2. The city associated with the earthly ministry of Christ:

    B. Jerusalem

    3. In the place where the Palestinian city of Hebron is now located, the Old Testament patriarch Abraham had a manifestation of God in the form of three angels. In 1868, the head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin), acquired for the Mission a site in Hebron with the main shrine of this place - ...

    B. Mamvrian oak

    4. The saints who suffered in the twentieth century for the faith of Christ are usually called ...

    A. New Martyrs

    5. The Local Council of the Russian Church of 1917-1918 began its work in Moscow on August 28, when the twelfth Feast of the Theotokos was celebrated…

    D. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    6. The Moscow Convent of Mercy, founded by the Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna at the beginning of the 20th century:

    B. Marfo-Mariinsky Convent

    7. The city in which in 2000-2003. a memorial church on the Blood was built in the name of All Saints, who shone in the Russian land, at the site of the murder of the Royal Family:

    A. Yekaterinburg

    8. Icon of the Mother of God, found in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow on the day of the abdication of Emperor Nicholas II from the throne on March 2, 1917.

    B. Derzhavnaya

    9. In the 19th century, a palm gathering was held in Russia every year, during which funds were collected for the needs of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem and Russian pilgrims. The name of the palm collection is associated with the twelfth holiday, to which the collection was timed:

    B. The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

    10. The liturgical name of the day on which every year in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, on the eve of Orthodox Easter, the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire takes place.

    B. Holy Saturday

    TASK 2. Maximum in the task 2 points.

    2.1. (1 point) How many sacred structures were destroyed in total between 1917 and 1987? 73884

    2.2. (1 point) How many years did the era of religious persecution last in our country? 73

    TASK 3. Maximum in the task 8 points.

    3.1. (4 points) People prayed at home, went to church, wore crosses, dyed eggs for Easter.

    For each listed action - 1 point, but not more than 4 points for task 3.1.

    3.2. (2 points) For each correct answer - 1 point.

    No. 2 (Father gives the girl a red egg) - this holiday is called Easter, or Resurrection of Christ

    No. 4 (a girl with her mother in the temple, they have willow branches in their hands) - this holiday is calledEntry of the Lord into Jerusalem or Palm Sunday

    3.3. (1 point) When did persecution for faith begin in our country? After 1917

    3.4. (1 point) What was the name of our country before the 1917 revolution?Russian empire

    TASK 4. Maximum 10 points in the task.

    For each correctly highlighted word in the fillword - 1 point. Total 5 points

    For the correct correspondence of the names of holy places and their descriptions - 1 point each. Total 5 points

    K K

    We invite teachers and students of grades 4-11 of educational institutions to take part in the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture!

    School tour of the XI All-Russian Olympiad “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: “Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox faith!” takes place on-site. The teacher responsible for the school submits an application on the website opk . pravolimp . en , downloads tasks in the Personal Account and, after the school tour, posts the results on the site.

    In the 2018-2019 academic year, the tasks of the School Tour Olympiad will be distributed for the following categories of students: 1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10–11.

    Students of grades 4 on the module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour on an equal basis with students of grades 5-11 in accordance with the Schedule of the Olympiad. ( Schools that participated in the School Tour and uploaded the results by November 10 will be invited to participate in the Municipal Tour. ).

    The school round of the Olympiads is of an introductory and educational nature, so it will be useful for students to complete this work, regardless of the module they are studying as part of the ORKSE.

    Themes of the Olympiad 2018-2019 academic year:


    "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Rus'

    The theme draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.


    • In 2019 - 540 years since the completion of the construction of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (1479)
    • In 2019 - 1030 years since the construction of the first known stone temple began ancient Rus'– Tithe Church (989)
    • In 2018 - 1030 years of the Baptism of Rus'.


    The Slavic world in the era of Sts. Cyril and Methodius"

    2019 dates:

    • 1250 years since the death of Cyril Equal to the Apostles, one of the brothers (869)
    • 800th anniversary of the Serbian Orthodox Church autocephaly (1219)
    • 1100 years of the proclamation of the autocephaly of the Bulgarian Church (919)

    The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - first of all, in Bulgaria and Serbia, where their works contributed to the final establishment of Christianity. The topic allows you to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for the spread and establishment of the Christian faith on Russian soil.

    The topic of the XXVII International Educational Christmas Readings will also be a red thread in the tasks of all rounds of the Olympiad Youth: Freedom and Responsibility.

    All participants are provided with certificates, teachers - letters of thanks.

    To prepare for participation in the Olympiad, a list of references is presented(electronic sources in the public domain).

    School tour started XI All-Russian Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture".

    The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" is annually included in the list of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren of the RSOS in the subjects "History" and "Theology". According to the results of the examination of the materials of the first Olympiad, which was conducted by the All-Russian Council of Olympiads, the Orthodox Olympiad was assigned the second level. This is the only confessional Olympiad among subject Olympiads.

    The Olympiad "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture: "Holy Rus', Keep the Orthodox Faith!"" has been held since 2008 by St. Tikhon's Orthodox University for the Humanities. The event is held with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' with the support of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechization, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Russian Union of Rectors, the Russian Council of School Olympiads, and the Presidential Grants Fund.

    Students of grades 4-11 of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations implementing general educational programs, including educational organizations of the Russian Federation located outside of it, can take part in the Olympiad on a voluntary basis.

    The Olympiad is held in a complex of subjects related to the study of the history and culture of Orthodoxy. Every year more than 350 thousand participants from 10 thousand schools (every fifth school) in Russia, representing 80 regions, take part in it.

    The school tour takes place in person on the ground. The teacher responsible for the school registers on the website, submits an application, downloads assignments in his personal account and, after the school tour, posts the results on the website.

    In the 2018-2019 academic year, the tasks of the school tour Olympiad will be distributed for the following categories of students:

    1) for students in grades 4-5, 2) for students in grades 6-7, 3) for students in grades 8-9, 4) for students in grades 10-11.

    Students of grades 4 on the module "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" will be able to take part in the Municipal Tour on an equal basis with students of grades 5-11 in accordance with the Schedule of the Olympiad.

    Students of grades 4-5 on the Secular Ethics module are invited to conduct two rounds: a school (autumn) tour from September 2018 to January 2019 and a municipal (spring) tour - in March 2019.

    The school round of the Olympiads is of an introductory and educational nature, so it will be useful for students to complete this work, regardless of the module they are studying as part of the ORKSE.

    Themes of the Olympiad 2018-2019 academic year:

    • "Speculation in stone": stone church architecture of Ancient Rus'

    The theme draws attention to the history of the appearance of temples and monasteries during the period of stone construction, their architecture, initiators and architects, the painting system, as well as memories of temples, the reflection of the images and fate of these temples in painting and literature.

    • "Slavic world in the era of Saints Cyril and Methodius"

    The topic allows you to delve into the mission of the holy brothers, to better understand their feat, to consider the fruits of the mission in the Slavic countries - primarily in Bulgaria and Serbia, in which their works contributed to the final approval of Christianity, to see the cultural ties of Russia with other Slavic countries and the significance of the mission for spreading and the establishment of the Christian faith on Russian soil.

    • Youth: Freedom and Responsibility.

    We wish you all creative success!!!