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  • 9 of wands inverted in a relationship. The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Wands (minor lasso)

    9 of wands inverted in a relationship.  The meaning of the Tarot card Nine of Wands (minor lasso)

    Harsh everyday life. Difficulties in life. Struggle for existence. Premonition of events. Waiting for an attack. Protection. Security. Commitment to commitment. Discipline. Vigilance. Inner strength. Defending your interests. Overcoming the last obstacle. Perseverance in achieving the goal. I got down to business, don't say you can't do it. Don't change horses halfway

    Be careful not to expose yourself to damage or back down.

    Do not break into locked doors, but do not withdraw yourself into yourself.

    Card of the day
    You can safely greet today with a good portion of distrust to anyone and to nothing. Be on the lookout and do not "open up" even from the side from which you do not expect danger. And if, moreover, you recently had a quarrel with someone or another unpleasant situation, then you should especially be careful not to get involved in this business again. If any of your words or actions today encounter unexpected resistance, then it is better not to insist, but to postpone them until another time.

    Inverted card
    Weakness under the pressure of difficult circumstances. Inability to stand up for yourself. Mistrust. Exhaustion of energy. Carelessness. Cowardice.

    Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for beginners".

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    The Nine of Wands depicts a man who looks like a warrior.
    His head is bandaged, which means that he is participating in the battle.
    The man with his wand stands apart from the other Wands.
    The look on his face suggests that he is alert and waiting for danger from everywhere.

    Only time can tell whether such a vigilant attitude towards life is justified or not.
    Is there really potential danger, or is this person just a persecution mania?
    Take a closer look at the drawing, determine what you think about this.

    If you get this card - expect surprises.
    Beware, something is happening around you that you are not yet aware of.
    Wait for the opportunity, make sure your data is correct.
    Take it easy.

    Questions to ask yourself while drawing out the Nine of Wands
    • Who (or what) do you suspect?
    • Do you feel solid ground under your feet?
    • Do you feel the need to defend yourself?
    • Are you worn out by the constant expectation of danger?
    • Can you trust people now?
    • Are you in hostile territory?
    Key ideas
    Your own imaginary image is largely formed by the reaction of others.

    Gaining awareness is the first step.
    It often happens that the people around them do not realize what exactly they are doing.
    If you think you are not capable of anything, slow down and think about why you think so.

    Change the approach to your opinions to a more positive one, and you will make a breakthrough in self-realization.

    Direct Map: You are a support for friends.
    You can be relied on in good times and bad.

    Reversed card: You do not trust your friends and feel that you need to be on the defensive at all times.

    Direct Map: You are the kind of person who understands why you need to learn.
    You are aware that without education, your opportunities in life will be severely limited.

    Reversed card: You are one of those people who stubbornly do not understand why all this cramming.
    Stop resenting - you spend more time and energy on this than on classes.
    Let's do the opposite.

    Direct Map: Perhaps you are single now, then use this time to think about what kind of relationship you want.

    Later, having met the hero of your dreams in reality, you will act without hesitation and without hesitation.
    Reversed card: Jealousy and mistrust destroy relationships.

    A family
    Direct Map: Family support helps you get through tough times.

    Knowing that your back is covered, you are able to overcome any trouble.
    Reversed card: It is not always easy to get the support you need in a family.

    Direct Map: Your self-confidence is now so high that you could take on anything and successfully.

    Reversed card: Don't let fear get in the way of doing what you really want to do.

    Health / Appearance
    Direct Map: You take care of your health, and problems with appearance are confidently relegated to the past.

    Reversed card: You become overly concerned about your health and appearance.

    Direct Map: You are ready to work long and purposefully to improve your financial situation.

    Your efforts will not go to waste.
    Reversed card: Are you depressed?
    Are you worried that you will never be able to support yourself?
    Ask for help or advice.

    Fortune telling in half a minute
    Tom never thought he was capable of anything in mathematics.

    His teacher divided the class into "mathematicians" and "non-mathematicians".
    The "mathematicians" laughed at how hard Tom worked on the assignments.
    Karta said that instead of “Yes, I can’t!” Tom’s better to think “Why am I not good at it?” Perhaps it is the wrong teaching method?

    Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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    The warrior is gaining strength before the upcoming battle.
    Willingness to fight.
    The reserve of forces.
    The Nine of Wands proclaims that you have enough strength to withstand all the upcoming trials.
    Whatever vicissitudes of fate you have to face and no matter how terrifying each particular obstacle may look, this card says that you have the necessary qualities to overcome everything in your path.

    In the Morgan Greer Tarot, this card depicts a man in a helmet with a feather, ready to fight for his beliefs.
    In his left hand he holds a wand, while the other eight are driven firmly into the ground behind him.

    He is ready to withstand any danger that awaits him, as well as the warriors from the Medieval Tarot Scapini resting before battle.

    While the opponent is overwhelming and difficult to figure out how to deal with this extremely dangerous situation, the Nine of Wands indicates that victory is imminent, for which we only have to make one last superhuman effort.

    We may have the feeling that there is no more strength to continue the fight, but this card assures us that our fighting spirit will help us win.
    The Nine of Wands reminds us that this is not the first challenge we have faced, and that our will to win grows with each new obstacle.

    Past trials and the fact that we have successfully overcome them have made us stronger than we think.
    No matter how powerful the resistance shown to us, we are confident in our hearts that we will stand and win.

    Though you are intimidated by the immediate prospects, the Nine of Wands predicts that you will have enough resilience to cope with the challenges ahead.
    You may feel that you are unable to move on or that life is an unbearable burden for you, but at this moment you will feel a sudden surge of strength inside yourself that will keep you from falling.

    You have already overcome countless obstacles, and although you faced much more serious difficulties this time, you are determined to prevail.
    It is vital for you to conserve your inner energy and rely on the reserves of strength within yourself.

    These internal reserves can be very helpful when used physically, mentally and emotionally.
    Don't let the feeling of doom take over; instead, avoid thinking about your current stalemate and focus it on more enjoyable subjects.

    Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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    Divination value
    Expectation of difficulties and changes.
    Creeping trouble.
    Hidden enemies.
    Break in the ongoing struggle.
    Inverted value

    Difficulties to be overcome.
    Poor health.

    P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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    The Nine of Wands represent a job well done, the ability to plan wisely, courage under fire.

    Inner meaning
    The task was completed successfully, the job is done.
    The person to whom this card belongs has learned courage, discipline, the ability to plan wisely.

    Even if there are problems pointed out by other cards in the layout, you know how to deal with them.
    If there is opposition, your skill, strength, and courage will make you a formidable adversary.

    Value in the layout
    Direct, or positive: strength, pressure.
    The ability to cope with problems.
    Strong opposition to the enemy.
    Self-discipline, order.
    Financial success in any field of yours.

    Inverted or negative: failure, disaster.
    It is possible that experience has not taught you anything; your success is shattered or stolen by your own stubbornness.
    Obstacles and Delays.
    Expect the worst.

    Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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    The progress of the Eight of Wands is completed in the Nine.
    On the Waite-Smith deck card, all the wands have already reached their goal and are now stuck in the ground as a fortification.
    Perhaps you foresee a threat from someone or something, invisible or implicit at the moment.

    You may be overseeing or supporting a project, protecting someone's interests, or even stocking up on contingency supplies.
    Like an old soldier whose scars testify to courage and experience, your skill, skill level, and discipline speak of strength of character and spiritual development.

    Caution and wisdom suggest that you need to act now with extreme caution, since there are signs of the presence of enemies and a presentiment of future problems.
    If this is the case, you can postpone or temporarily stop working, although the card might just as well tell you that it’s just time to take a break.

    You may have many options for action, and you will have to make a choice in favor of one at the expense of others.
    You can distance yourself from everyone, but remember that independence is sometimes synonymous with isolation.
    Emotional trauma in the past forces you to hide and create a variety of defense mechanisms.

    Inflexibility of point of view and habitual patterns of behavior can turn into a rigid, irresistible model.
    The power of intention and perseverance in standing up for your beliefs will help you cope with difficulties, keep your line and protect the fruits of your creativity.

    This card balances the haste and swiftness of the Eight with a more relaxed wait-and-see.
    Traditional meanings: delay, postponement, suspension.
    Difficulties, frustration.

    Expectation, anticipation.
    Secret enemies.
    Order, discipline.
    An experience.
    Strength in reserve.
    Relaxation from activities.
    Lack of motivation.

    Inverted Nine of Wands
    The Inverted Nine of Wands of the Waite-Smith deck looks like the person on it wants to escape from captivity and is looking for ways to escape.

    The obstacles and difficulties of the direct map can increase, as, however, the feeling of loneliness and alienation from others, which at worst can feel like exile.
    The time has come to destroy your defensive bastions and reunite with the rest of humanity.

    On the other hand, you can try to overcome someone's resistance and pull the person out of the shell.
    You may be rethinking your commitments, shirking responsibility, avoiding discipline, or simply tired of waiting for things to never happen.

    It is also likely that you are neglecting your duty.
    After gaining a little freedom, you become overly impulsive or start to do rash things.
    Perhaps you are at an impasse in your personal development or your career is regressing.

    It's as if you have been waiting for your turn for an hour at the doctor's office or at the airport and are already desperate to budge.
    In terms of health, it may be an insignificant but lingering illness, something chronic and annoying with mild pain.

    A weakened immune system may indicate that a hidden struggle for health in the body has been going on for a very long time.
    In other words, your basic defense mechanisms can be weakened or damaged.

    Perhaps you have some kind of personal cross that you must carry and which has become an involuntary obstacle to achieving your goals.
    If you project this card onto other people, they seem hostile, like face control at the entrance to a club, or preventing you from gaining one or another experience.

    It symbolizes the ability to recognize the nature of power and use it correctly.
    Traditional inverted meanings: obstacles, trials, troubles, problems, delays, misfortunes.
    Overcoming obstacles.

    Pain, suffering.
    A minor but lingering illness.
    Bad luck, misadventures.
    Sluggishness, slowness.
    Annoyance, dissatisfaction.

    Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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    Key phrase
    "A person must accept the challenge of life, turn to face it and win or lose."
    (K.N. Rao.
    Karma and reincarnation)
    Description of the card and its inner meaning
    The person depicted on this card successfully completed the task - he built a protective wall.

    Now he looks with satisfaction at the result of his labor, wearily leaning on his staff.
    During his work, this person has learned discipline, courage, the ability to plan wisely.
    Despite all this, there is some kind of tension and even belligerence in his figure.

    It seems that at any moment he will be able to provide worthy resistance to any circumstances or to unfriendly people.
    The Nine of Staves speaks of success after a long and difficult struggle.
    She also shows that rigidity is the only correct line of behavior at this stage of life.

    Even if there are some problems on the way of the Questioner, the Nine of Wands dropped out in the layout indicates that the Questioner knows how to cope with them.

    Connection of the card with other occult sciences
    Letter - I / Y, number - 9, Ruled by the planet - Uranus, zodiac sign- Sagittarius, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - hexagram 36 ("Light defeat"), Weather conditions - clear (upright position), fog (inverted position), Corresponding color - white, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the Sephirah Yesod.
    The value of the card
    Direct position
    The Nine of Poles says that success will come (or has already come) as a result of a stubborn and uncompromising struggle.
    The questioner may feel some fatigue, because at one time many mistakes were made, and the path to success turned out to be long and difficult.

    Nevertheless, the Inquirer's luck is assured.
    The Nine of Wands also predicts the manifestation of strength, perseverance, the ability to cope with any problems.
    She talks about the victory of courage and resilience, about good health and the ability to overcome obstacles.

    The Nine of Staves promises financial success in any type of business.

    Inverted position
    In this case, the Questioner should prepare for dissatisfaction and even for internal aggression, for disorder in the house, in the family, for the torments of creativity.

    Do not be angry with others - all the problems arose because of the Inquirer's own mistakes.
    Perhaps life experience taught him nothing.

    Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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    Nine of Wands is a defense card.
    You defend the once conquered territories (at work, at home, your reputation).
    Be on your guard, the appearance of old obstacles is possible, the resumption of the interrupted struggle, although, at first glance, the external, material sphere looks good.

    However, in general, your lifestyle has exhausted itself and it's time to plan changes.
    Inverted - means weakness and inability to stand up for yourself and your rights.
    You were taken by surprise, and now the main thing is to be vigilant and ready for any unexpected events.

    The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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    IX. Nine - a figure leaning on its stick, standing, as it were, waiting for the enemy.
    Behind her, eight, arranged in a certain order, sticks out like a palisade.

    Direct position: this card means strength in resistance (opposition).

    When attacked, a person will face the attack boldly.
    Along with this basic meaning, all its possible additions take place - a postponement, a suspension, a break.

    Reverse position: hindrances, misfortunes, disasters.

    Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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    Astrological meaning: Saturn / Venus as protectors and patrons.
    NINE OF WANDS The Nine of Wands means stubbornness, resistance to any situation or event, from which we expect only trouble.

    At the same time, she says that there is no threat, in fact, there is no, but there are only our memories of past troubles, hence our current "defensive" state.
    She personifies the state of mind, which in fairy tales is called "cold heart".

    Translated into everyday language, this means that we bristle with all the needles and resist any changes, although we guess that they can be very important for our further development.
    Although sometimes it can mean something exactly the opposite - if we, for example, took a decisive step and closed behind us all the doors that could lead to retreat.

    In this case, this card has a positive meaning, but it also points to one mistake we made: we shamefully escaped responsibility for our past for fear that it might overtake us.
    In order to get rid of it, you need to finally let go of your past, turn it into the foundation of our further transformations, instead of feeling like a hostage to it.

    Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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    Durability The second decade of Sagittarius from December 2 to 10.
    Astrological equivalents: sign of Pisces, planets Jupiter and Neptune, Twelfth House.
    The second decade of Sagittarius symbolizes the expansion of consciousness, its dominance over the world and expansion into all spheres of life.

    The Moon is traditionally considered its ruler.
    Energy here is transformed into a high receptivity of ideas and feelings and an intuitive understanding of a holistic picture of the world, which contributes to building a solid worldview.

    Relying on past traditions is a source of spiritual wealth and practical knowledge of the present.
    Sagittarius does not rely on himself, but on what is hidden behind him: on his worldview and the objective ideals of society.

    He tends to idealize the experience of the past.
    This is the most romantic decade of the zodiac, establishing a living connection with the past and drawing spirituality from the depths of the centuries.
    She is driven by a desire for independence, a love of travel and other cultures, as well as a tendency to take responsibility for what is happening, sometimes more than a person can bear.

    Excessive expansion leads to a diffusion of personality (which can give Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon).
    And in order not to give empty promises, in vain encouraging others, it is important to control the completeness of each stage of activity according to the principle: "Finished business - walk boldly!"

    Effectiveness of work builds confidence in their ideas and gives impetus to new achievements.
    The Nine of Wands is the watchful mind that watches over it.
    so that our will does not weaken.
    In the famous prayer, where the Lord is asked for strength to change what they can change; humility to accept what they cannot change; and wisdom to always distinguish one from the other.

    The Nine of Staves is the third part: the mind evaluates, monitors.
    It's like a constant self-control - a person does not allow himself to dissolve - vigilance, testing in business, awareness of actions.
    Trap - you are tired, your attention is dull.

    Direct position: V upright position The Nine of Sceptres means penetration into other levels of consciousness.
    This card symbolizes a change in ideas about oneself, the beginning of seeing oneself in a different light.

    At the social level, the Nine of Staves can be expressed in the selection of a false system of values, false authorities.
    The strong influence of Neptune penetrates through the number nine; the map is to a very large extent connected precisely with authorities, involvement in a particular cultural tradition, views, value system.

    The Nine of Staves symbolizes the expectation of difficulties and changes, the expectation of stormy periods of life and a premonition of them, the foresight of enmity, hidden enemies, collapse, destruction.
    Unlike other nines, the Nine of Sceptres reflects the character of Pisces rather than Sagittarius.

    The influence of Neptune is stronger here, and Jupiter is weaker.
    Inverted position: In an inverted position, the card indicates rigid thinking, narrow views, closed mind, loss of connection with reality; various obstacles, opponents; these are problems that arise overnight, delays, everything that causes dissatisfaction, disappointment, hopelessness - barriers that arise and must be overcome, dead periods, poor health.

    The appearance of this card in the layout may signal that a very slippery area lies ahead in your life.
    It is important to pass it without stumbling.
    The suit of Sceptres is the last in the ladder of suits and its symbol is the acquisition of life experience.

    It is known that the closer to the goal, the stronger the resistance, and the darkness is thickest before dawn.
    This fully applies to the Nine of Sceptres.
    You are now very close to the last stage and it is important not to succumb to illusions.

    These are the situations of the sign of Pisces, and especially of the Twelfth House.

    Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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    A man with a bandaged head holds a rod in his hand; another eight are leaning against the wall.
    The man looks confused: he just had to endure a difficult battle, and he still lives on it, still looking around in search of enemies.

    He does not know or does not want to look for such methods of communication that would allow him to avoid further conflicts.
    And in vain: you can not brandish your weapon, do not expect an attack: there will be no more of it.
    In the Egyptian Tarot, nine wands form three triangles, the prototype of the Gurdjieff enneagram as a symbol of a harmonious human personality.

    It's time to do peaceful things, perhaps, finally work on yourself, devote time and energy spiritual development says this card.
    Inverted: Means that one hit may still have to be deflected, but it will be the last.

    Other names for the tarot card Nine of Wands: Wands, Clubs, Crosses, Sceptres, Staves, Cudgels, Clubs, Clubs, Sticks, Branches, Rods, Arrows, Torches, Rainbows, Rainbows, Rods, Rods, Sticks, Maces

    The Nine of Wands means stubbornness, resistance to any situation or event, from which we expect only trouble. At the same time, she says that there is no threat, in fact, there is no, but there are only our memories of past troubles, hence our current "defensive" state. She personifies the state of mind, which in fairy tales is called "cold heart". Translated into everyday language, this means that we bristle with all the needles and resist any changes, although we guess that they can be very important for our further development. Although sometimes it can mean something exactly the opposite - if we, for example, took a decisive step and closed behind us all the doors that could lead to retreat. In this case, this card has a positive meaning, but it also points to one mistake we made: we shamefully escaped responsibility for our past for fear that it might overtake us. In order to get rid of it, you need to finally let go of your past, turn it into the foundation of our further transformations, instead of feeling like a hostage to it.


    This card means that we subconsciously resist innovations, changes or other movements that are brewing in our work. It can show that we feel threatened by our superiors, colleagues or business partners, and this is also because our work causes us fear. We are too hampered by memories of past defeats and troubles, we transfer them to our present situation, although in fact we have enough strength to overcome them. Thus, this card invites us to overcome fear and not only overcome the obstacles that arise in front of us, but also free ourselves from old fears.


    At the level of consciousness, the Nine of Wands shows that we completely in vain take a defensive position in relation to things that are new and unexpected for us. This is the image of a person who sometimes does not admit that he can be wrong, always striving to further “improve” what he just seemed to have brought to the end, confident that it is always better to overdo it than not to do it, and thereby only walled itself up within the stone walls of their own long-obsolete convictions. The old proverb about a person who did not learn from his mistakes and therefore will suffer doubly, of course, is right, but only until this person turns it into the law of his own life, the inevitable consequence of which is stagnation and fear of life itself. This is reminiscent of a joke by Fritz Riemann about a man who believed that heaven has two doors, one of which reads: "Entrance to Paradise", on the other - "Entrance to the meeting room on the question of paradise" and unconditionally chose the latter.

    Personal relationships and love

    "A child burnt in milk." Here, this card shows that we are afraid that we will be hurt, or that old wounds will be hurt. We seem to wear a shell that protects our inner "I" from outside blows - and we pay for this by not reaching us and those impulses that could be useful to us. The Nine of Wands warns that this can lead to complete self-isolation, anger and bitterness, because our "I" rots without communication. But at the same time, she pleases us, informing us that the outside world, which we are so afraid of, does not conceal any more dangers for us.

    Inner meaning

    The task was completed successfully, the job is done. The person to whom the tarot card nine wands belongs has learned courage, discipline, the ability to plan wisely.

    Even if there are problems pointed out by other cards in the layout, you know how to deal with them. If there is opposition, your skill, strength, and courage will make you a formidable adversary.

    Combinations with other cards


    8 of Pentacles: Tenacity

    7 wands: defending a position, defending one's opinion

    Strength: resilience, determination, courage

    2 of swords: fight back, close


    3 bowls: friendship, trust

    6 bowls: innocence, faith in the best

    8 bowls: fatigue, tiredness, boredom

    Peace: compliance, gentleness

    Sources of

    Hayo Banzhaf. TAROT SELF-TEACHER


    Moon in Sagittarius

    10 ° -20 ° Sagittarius

    Original title: Master of Great Power. The original composition in the Golden Dawn system: four hands (two on each side of the card), outstretched from the clouds, joined in the center by two in the handshakes of the First Order. They hold eight wands crossed four at a time. The fifth hand, rising from the bottom edge of the card, holds the ninth wand, pointing vertically upward and passing through the intersection of the remaining wands. Tongues of fire emanate from these points

    Yesod color on the King's scale: indigo
    Moon colors on four scales: blue; silver; cold pale blue; silver with sky blue veins
    Sagittarius colors on four scales: blue; yellow; green; bright dark blue
    Formula: Nine (Yesod) + Wands (Atzilut) + Moon in Sagittarius = POWER.

    Almost exactly following the description from the Golden Dawn materials and the correspondences from the color scales, the Nine of Wands tells its story in an extremely calm and simple way. Eight wands are depicted as arrows; the tip of each of them is a crescent moon, and the plumage consists of eight crescents. The large central rod, crowned with the Sun and resting on the Moon, symbolizes the path of Sagittarius on the Tree of Life, connecting Tiphareth (Sun) with Yesod (Moon). “Here the Moon, the weakest of the planets, is in Sagittarius, the most elusive of the signs,” notes Crowley. “And yet this card dares to call itself Strength.”

    The source of this confident power is the location of the map in the area of ​​Yesod on the Tree of Life. Yesod is not only the sephira of the Moon (thanks to which the Moon in the Nine of Wands feels very comfortable, even though it is in Sagittarius), but also the Foundation is “the focus of powerful crystallization of Energy”. As Crowley points out, "Nines symbolize the maximum development of the energy of their suit in relation to the energies of the preceding numbers."

    The Nine of Wands symbolizes great strength, but this strength lies in the ability to constant change. Perhaps the clearest and simplest sense of this map was formulated by Crowley himself: "Effective defense requires mobility."

    A source

    Lone Milo Dukett "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

    Description of the lasso

    This is a portrait of a man whose vital energy has been depleted by constantly trying to fuel a huge and ridiculous machine of self-importance and productivity. He was so busy “keeping everything in hand” and making sure “everything was going smoothly” that he forgot to rest. No doubt he cannot afford to be playful. Abandoning your responsibilities in order to go to the beach would jeopardize the entire structure.

    Direct position

    However, the message of this card is not just work craze. It sways in all cases in which we establish for ourselves reliable but unnatural patterns and thus do not allow ourselves to be chaotic and spontaneous. Life is not a business to be run, it is a miracle of being. It's time to rip up the stock card, destroy the factory, and take a little trip into the unpredictable. If you relax your mind, your work will run more smoothly.

    The meaning of the map

    A person who lives in harmony with his conscience becomes tough. A person who lives in harmony with consciousness remains soft. Why? Because a person who lives with ideas about how to live naturally becomes tough. He has to constantly bear the weight of his character. This character is like a weapon: his protection, his safety, he spends his whole life on it. And he always reacts to situations not directly, but through character. If you ask him a question, the answer is already ready. This is a sign a hard man- he is boring, stupid, mechanical. He might be good computer, not a man. You do something, and he reacts to it in the right way. His reaction is predictable, he is a robot. A real man acts spontaneously. If you ask him a question, the answer is given, not the reaction. He opens his heart to your question, reveals himself to your question, answers it. (Osho)

    Depicts a person with a bandaged head. Behind him are eight wands. He holds the ninth wand in his hand, looking around, as if expecting an attack. This picture symbolizes the meaning of the Tarot card of 9 wands - experience and a reserve of strength that a person can transform into his main weapon in case of danger.


    This is a map of energy and power on the one hand, and a map of hopelessness and fear on the other. The meaning depends on how the card is laid down in the layout - upright or upside down.

    In an upright position

    In inverted

    If 9 wands lay in an inverted position, then this means groundless fears, increased anxiety and unnecessary trouble. Most likely, past experience is so imprinted in consciousness that a person who is now in enough good conditions, can not relax and enjoy life. He is worried that everything could collapse at any moment. The card symbolizes the expectation of war, rivalry and difficulties.

    All the problems of a person in whose scenario 9 wands fell out come from himself... He winds himself up, does not want to listen to advice and analyze his actions and decisions. Another lasso indicates lack of initiative and lack of ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

    Value in layouts

    If the purpose of fortune-telling is to clarify the situation in a certain area of ​​life, then the lasso of 9 wands should be interpreted in accordance with the question of interest. Consider what it means in terms of relationships, work, health, and the current state of affairs.


    In all positions, the lasso speaks of the undermined. Most likely, the cause of the disease was hard work, lack of rest and a frantic pace of life. The card advises to take care of not only your physical, but also your emotional health.

    If we consider 9 wands as an indicator of health, then it indicates head injuries, concussion, lowered immunity, fatigue, distraction and energy exhaustion.

    Love and relationships

    In the layout for personal life, 9 wands in an upright position describe harmonious relationships, vivid emotions and positive shifts. This means that on this moment the relationship is not in danger. Everything is so good that a person should rejoice and enjoy the minutes spent next to loved ones.

    Also, the lasso can indicate the long-awaited peace of mind in personal life.... Probably, quite recently, a person was touched by a betrayal of a partner or other negative events. However, now he feels freedom and peace, a sense of security and serenity.

    In an inverted position, 9 wands indicate friction between partners... Problems are temporary and need to be resolved as soon as possible. Arkan indicates an inability to compromise and an unwillingness to take the initiative. Also, the card can mean the presence of a secret, which every day eats it more and more.

    If fortune-telling concerns a lonely person, then the card warns against new acquaintances and dates... Do not trust those who are in doubt. Arkan speaks of the inability to understand people.


    The card encourages you not to doubt your own strengths and capabilities. There is no point in hiding your head in the sand while waiting for a convenient moment when you can now overcome all obstacles with a minimum of effort. The situation described by the 9 wands is completely within your control. All that remains is to properly manage your energy and direct it in the right direction. Everything will work out if you firmly decide to stand your ground.


    In the upright position, the lasso predicts excellent career prospects. Everything is in your hands now. The card describes the employee as a confident person, a responsible and courageous person, capable of taking risks.

    Now is the time to start implementing the planned projects and make plans for the future. If the question concerns a change of place, then 9 wands predict excellent opportunities for a new position.

    In an inverted position, the card speaks of a person as an irresponsible, conservative and lack of initiative. He chose the wrong path that will not lead to success. The card advises you to reconsider your views on the profession, on yourself and your actions. She encourages openness to change and innovation.

    Combination with other tarot

    From what lasso the 9 wands lie in fortune-telling, its value will depend. Consider its interpretation in conjunction with other Tarot cards.

    With major lassos:

    • Jester- a mistake made due to carelessness and carelessness.
    • Magician- everything depends only on you and your decisions.
    • Priestess- the secret that you keep can play a cruel joke on you.
    • The empress- study, knowledge, acquisition of new experience.
    • The emperor- striving to protect their reputation and preserve their good name.
    • The hierophant- doubts about an authoritative person.
    • Lovers- suspicions of treason, claims, a desire to protect your personal life from problems.
    • Chariot- the need to apply your accumulated experience.
    • Force- the need to analyze the situation and assess their capabilities.
    • Hermit- lack of support, fighting alone.
    • Wheel of Fortune- the changes you have been waiting for will come.
    • Justice- suspicion, judgment, unfair trial.
    • Hanged- and a lie.
    • Death- gaining experience.
    • Moderation- doubts, uncertainty.
    • Devil- fears, groundless worries.
    • Tower- pessimistic attitude.
    • Star- initiative, self-confidence.
    • moon- you need to be vigilant.
    • The sun- the habit of complicating things.
    • Court- analysis of past experience, error accounting.
    • Peace- the desire to reconcile, the desire to find spiritual harmony.

    With wands:

    • Ace- the need to believe in yourself, despite the obstacles and difficulties in life.
    • 2 of wands- changes in plans.
    • 3 of wands- caution, quick reaction to what is happening.
    • 4 of wands- gaining experience, passing tests.
    • 5 wands- excessive suspicion, which can lead to a quarrel.
    • 6 wands- the help of an experienced person.
    • 7 of wands- analysis of what is happening, distrust.
    • 8 wands- slow development, caution.
    • 10 wands- a trap that you can fall into due to an irresponsible attitude to business.
    • Page- painstaking work.
    • Knight- loss of self-control, deadlock.
    • Queen- unwillingness to make contact, closeness from the world and opportunities.
    • King- a storm of emotions, jealousy, suspicion.

    With cups:

    • Ace- temptation in love.
    • 2 cups- suspicions about the partner.
    • 3 cups- dissatisfaction with relationships, friendships, or coworkers.
    • 4 cups- negative experience.
    • 5 cups- parting, loss of a loved one.
    • 6 cups- events that left an imprint on the soul.
    • 7 cups- lack of clarity of mind.
    • 8 cups- rejection of past principles, plans and beliefs.
    • 9 cups- surprise, joyful surprise.
    • 10 cups- changes in personal life.
    • Page- suspicion of treason.
    • Knight- reconciliation, new acquaintances.
    • Queen- doubts about the partner.
    • King- self-control, restraint, closeness.

    With swords:

    • Ace- doubts about the previously chosen path.
    • 2 swords- lack of trust.
    • 3 swords- suspicion, anxiety, desire to find out the truth.
    • 4 swords- a manifestation of irresponsibility, unwillingness to change anything.
    • 5 swords- struggle, rivalry, the desire to bring a person to clean water.
    • 6 swords- new opportunities that are in doubt.
    • 7 swords- hidden enemies, gossip, brewing conflict.
    • 8 swords- closeness, fear of trusting people, loneliness.
    • 9 swords- anxiety, fears, empty chores.
    • 10 swords- hard memories.
    • Page- gossip, risk of loss of reputation.
    • Knight- a manifestation of courage.
    • Queen- gaining experience, difficulties.
    • King- a manifestation of self-confidence.

    With pentacles:

    • Ace- the emergence of an opportunity to increase their well-being.
    • 2 pentacles- absent-mindedness, anxiety.
    • 3 pentacles- the need to convince a person of something.
    • 4 pentacles- financial instability, search for solutions.
    • 5 pentacles- problems, having solved which, a person will gain invaluable experience and open up a lot of opportunities.
    • 6 pentacles- the need to pay attention to detail.
    • 7 pentacles- application of effort.
    • 8 pentacles- the ability to change your state of affairs thanks to attentiveness and scrupulousness.
    • 9 pentacles- the need to be vigilant in monetary matters.
    • 10 pentacles- fear of losing, lack of stability.
    • Page- training, gaining experience and new knowledge.
    • Knight- leadership qualities of character.
    • Queen- the need for savings and calculation.
    • King- conservatism.

    Trust yourself, do not doubt your own abilities. Apply your accumulated experience and knowledge in business. They are the ones that will lead you to success. Arkan 9 of wands are advised to mobilize all your energy resources to achieve maximum results.

    The day promises to be productive only if you drop fears and complexes, open up to the world and new opportunities.

    It is not known what made Pamela Smith draw the guy on nine staffs with a bandaged head. The wound on the head does not directly follow from Waite's proposed meanings.
    Waite writes: "The man leans on the staff as if he were waiting for the enemy." But it seems to me that this is the standard posture of a spearman, who stands on guard for a long time.

    Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin in the book "Secrets of the Tarot of Waite-Smith", without any further explanation, cite Smith's work "Jack and the King" from the book "By the Fireplace", hinting at the connection between the two drawings. For me, such a parallel is not obvious.


    • Hourly
    • Defense
    • Protection
    • Suspicion
    • Postwar syndrome
    • Stubbornness

    Key ideas

    • Sense of danger after the battle has already ended
    • Willingness to defend your current situation
    • Resist any change
    • Hostage of the past, old fears

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    9 Staves

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    Basic meaning

    According to Ryder-Waite, the meaning and interpretation of the card 9 (Nine) of Staves (Wands, Clubs) of the Tarot speaks of strength and confrontation. The character of the map, according to Waite's plan, is able to cope with any enemy. For an inverted card, Waite gives the following meanings - opposition, distress, difficult situation.

    The modern meaning of the card is played primarily by the fence of eight wands, which we see behind the character's back. The fence acts as a border separating “ours” from “not ours”, “internal” from “external”. And "ours" needs protection. Hence the meanings - traditions, their business, limitations.

    But, since it is behind the back, themes of the past appear in the map, and the past is a priori better than the present. The hero of the card looks at the present with apprehension and does not expect anything good from him.

    Video: The Meaning of the Nine of Wands Card

    Meaning in relationships

    Open - closed card

    This is a hole card. Moreover, the character of the card clearly and unequivocally demonstrates a reluctance to enter into any relations with people "from outside".

    The card can directly advise a person to refrain from expanding the number of contacts, from relationships with new people, and even more so from getting closer to them.

    Relationship intensity

    Although a person seeks to nullify the very process of communication, the intensity of his inner experiences is very high. He intends to protect himself, his own and his own from external aggression, explicit or imaginary. And this makes him be as tense and focused as possible.

    Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

    In love, family and kinship relationships, two scenarios are played out: "protect others" and "protect yourself."

    The first scenario is played out like this: I want to protect my children from contact with this dirty world. In the second scenario, the meaning of 9 (Nines) of the Tarot Wands in relationships and love is played out in this way: the girl's phrase "I love you so much" gives rise to suspicions that she is targeting my finances or my apartment.

    In this card, the division into "ours" and "not ours" is very strongly manifested. This is a very natural but non-constructive division. A watershed can go right through the family, for example, between two brothers. There is no direct and obvious conflict, but there is also no desire for friendly contacts.

    In a working relationship, the person in the Nine of Staves does not seek to become part of the collective.
    However, it should be remembered that the card can indicate the winnings of just such a strategy.

    Combined with the Major Arcana

    • combined with the card: Burden and loneliness of power
    • combined with a card: Great psychological fatigue and loneliness
    • in combination with a map: How not to beware, and disaster cannot be avoided

    Psychological condition

    Man draws a sharp line, dividing the external and the internal. And the outside is perceived exclusively as a threat. Outsiders are dangerous. The significance of the threat is often exaggerated.

    The inner can relate to both the inner state of a person and the inner circle of communication. If we are talking about a state, then a person consciously does everything so as not to see, hear, and not react to information coming from the outside. We have our own, and we do not need someone else's. Often, under the Nine of Staves, inertia, retrograde and conservatism are hidden. But sometimes the outside really carries a threat, and the strategy of the Nine of Staves becomes the only correct and possible one.

    Combined with the suit of Wands

    • combined with a card: Don't tell anyone about your plans
    • combined with a card: Lingering expectation of an attack
    • combined with a card: Long difficult period

    Significance in health matters

    The meaning of the Nine of Tarot Wands in health can be read literally - a head injury.

    The card speaks of a difficult, but not threatening situation. It is very important to focus on treatment, adherence, follow your doctor's orders, and not be distracted by anything else.

    Combined with suit of Cups

    • in combination with a card: You can't hide from grievances
    • combined with a card: Stay away from your "friends"
    • Combined with a card: External gloom hides a vulnerable soul

    Business and finance, professional activities

    Stability, manageability, controllability

    The meaning of the Nine of Wands of the Tarot in the work is interpreted as follows: the main task of a person is to keep the situation within a certain framework. We can say that it is stable, but in order to stay in balance, you need constant control over all, even minor changes. The map is dynamic, and while everything is under control, you move forward. Card of tightrope walker, cyclist. Stopped, lost control - fell.

    Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

    A very slow card, the period of financial difficulties can be long.

    We are talking about a situation when material resources are clearly not spent, but they do not come either. There is the main core of finance and the income and expenses part, which we can neither reduce nor increase.

    It is required to increase control over the expenditure of funds so that it does not exceed the revenue side.

    One of the ways to achieve this goal is not to spend money on other people's problems, and the second is not to buy anything that is not necessary. Go, for example, for shopping with a list and on a full stomach.

    At the level of the firm - despite the difficulties, to keep the brand in front of the client. No one is interested in our problems, the general impression should remain favorable.

    The general state of finance and trends of change

    The state is financially and psychologically difficult; aggravated internal tension, the need to constantly solve new problems growing like a snowball. Patching holes, lack of prospects for making a profit. The trends are unfavorable: deterioration is more than possible, but there is no hope for improvement.

    Positive and negative impact of the card on income

    An extremely unfavorable situation. Possible reduction in the resource base, unforeseen expenses, dependence on worsening external circumstances.

    There is no positive impact on income, despite the advice to pay bills on time and maintain scrupulous control over the spending of funds. 8 of Pentacles: Work on Your Own Mastery

    Questions to ask when drawing a card?

    • Who are you protecting your world from?
    • How real are the threats you are going to defend against?
    • Which things do you consider yours and which do not? And why?
    • Do your loved ones really need your protection?

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    In the layout, this card speaks of the desire to defend and the ability of a person to cope with problems.

    This self-defense can be interpreted both positively and negatively. It is about gaining "Great strength", the ability to withstand any tests of strength, to withstand any difficulties and challenges of reality with dignity (and not desperately give in to them). The primary meaning of this card is “courage under fire”.

    Surrounded by negative cards, the old interpretation sounds like "trouble sneaking up".

    However, for a long time, the Nine of Wands have been considered a victory card, almost to the same extent as the Six of Wands. Compared to the latter, it has less "pomp and parade", it is a card of will and personal inner strength the questioner. Therefore, this card can be considered a good omen if it falls out to a person facing serious problems or dangers.

    This is a card of skill, strength and courage, its energy communicates the ability to withstand the most difficult situations. If we proceed from the fact that "good" interpretations of tensions do not imply, then the Nine of Wands is a difficult card, since it describes the opposition of some forces (in the presence of the Major Arcana - very large ones).

    Most often, it indicates the incompleteness of the situation, whether it is an “unfinished gestalt” of the past, an incompletely determined state of affairs in the present, or the absence of a final outcome in the future (this is generally characteristic of any Nines). Sometimes there are delays on this map, and we have to wait tensely for something. The Nine of Wands means stubbornness, resistance to any situation or event, from which we expect only trouble. At the same time, she says that, most likely, there is no threat, but there are only our memories of past troubles, hence our current "defensive" state.

    The steadfast tin soldier on duty. The Man of the Nine of Wands is ready to face any danger with his chest in order to protect the previously conquered positions. This card is considered a kind of Power of the Minor Arcana. Determination, strength, courage, perseverance are really manifested in it. A person, even going beyond the limits of his strength (and his comfort zone - for sure!), Tired, "wounded", does not give up, does not allow himself to leave his post, does not cease to make high demands on himself, subjects himself to new tests and does everything new exploits.

    On this map passes both the alert expectation of difficulties, and the ability to wisely plan your activities and the willingness to take any necessary action at any moment. This is a man who is on his own course and knows that his battles are not in vain. He is characterized not only by the desire to defend himself, but also self-respect and dignity. This is a great specialist to defend their interests (sometimes someone else's).

    The Man of the Nine of Wands is also a master at running away from the past and slamming the door behind him. However, he is mainly engaged in guarding this door - as if it does not open again. He cautiously listens to every echo coming from behind her, and in which case he is ready to be fully armed.

    This means only one thing - he is not free from the past with which he has broken. It still keeps him at its doorstep, preventing him from taking a step into the future. In order to get rid of him, to stop being his hostage, the Nine of Wands have yet to finally release him from themselves, turning him into the foundation of further transformations in life.

    Surrounded by negative cards, the Nine of Wands can indicate depression, anxiety and fatigue from life (everything is done "with the last bit of strength").

    The Nine of Wands is a vigilant mind that makes sure that the will does not weaken. In the famous prayer, where the Lord is asked for strength to change what they can change; humility to accept what they cannot change; and wisdom to always distinguish one from the other, the Nine of Wands corresponds to the third part.

    This is constant self-control, a person does not allow himself to dissolve. The pathos of this card is vigilance, testing in business, awareness of actions. Crowley and Ziegler emphasize the unity of the conscious and the unconscious, from which wholeness and power flow. The huge untapped potential of the unconscious can now be directed towards achieving a goal, and this gives a feeling of very great power, a person can be afraid of it himself. This power can transform all aspects of his being.

    Ziegler writes: "The budding of self-realization does not allow a return to the familiar situation of weakness and ignorance." This complex and somewhat pretentious phrase, however, becomes fully understandable to someone who at least once in his life defended himself, because he "outgrew" the situation that tormented him and ceased to be helpless in front of it.

    The release of energy beyond what seemed indestructible is a key experience, the beginning of a far-reaching unfolding of internal potential (the Tower is, by the way, a great helper here). A person understands that he is capable of more. Confidence and desire to develop do not come from the conscious mind (which can also engage in self-deception on this score), but directly from the unconscious. It emits a powerful stream of energy, inspiring a person, helping him to feel his resources and potential, confidence in his abilities.

    The card says everything that a scientific advisor can tell a graduate student - do not shy away from the commission's questions ("courage under fire"), believe in yourself, move forward with the hope of winning, do not give up slack. Since no one is given protection for free, the card speaks of tension, threat, the need to withstand pressure. She points to the psychological expectation of difficulties and changes, sometimes to hidden enemies.

    It is also a map of defense and self-defense in the psychoanalytic sense (from changing ideas about oneself). It can be a fear of one's own unconscious, a fear of reopening old wounds. She also speaks of a person's ability to successfully isolate himself from the past, break with it, abandon previous habits, and burn bridges. "The door to the past will slam shut so tightly that no more sound will be heard from there." Achieving a new promising level (albeit at the cost of a typical winner's weariness).

    The Nine of Wands means penetration into other levels of consciousness. This card symbolizes the beginning of seeing oneself in a different light. At the social level, this can be expressed in the choice of oneself new system values ​​(and sometimes false authorities, which nevertheless emotionally fuel a sense of power). The strong influence of Neptune penetrates through the number nine; the map is to a very large extent connected precisely with authorities, involvement in a particular cultural tradition, views, value system.

    The sight of the person on the map suggests that he just had to endure a difficult battle, and he still lives on it, still looking around in search of enemies. He does not know or does not want to look for such methods of communication that would allow him to avoid further conflicts. And in vain: you can not brandish your weapon, not expect an attack, most likely, it will no longer be. It's time to do peaceful things, perhaps, finally work on yourself, devote time and energy to spiritual development, says this card. Inverted means that one hit may still have to be deflected, but it will be the last.

    The second decade of Sagittarius symbolizes the expansion of consciousness, its dominance over the world and expansion into all spheres of life. The Moon is traditionally considered its ruler. Energy here is transformed into a high receptivity of ideas and feelings and an intuitive understanding of a holistic picture of the world, which contributes to building a solid worldview. Relying on past traditions is a source of spiritual wealth and practical knowledge of the present.

    Sagittarius does not rely on himself, but on what is hidden behind him: on his worldview and the objective ideals of society. He tends to idealize the experience of the past. This is the most romantic decade of the zodiac, establishing a living connection with the past and drawing spirituality from the depths of the centuries. She is driven by a desire for independence, a love of travel and other cultures, as well as a tendency to take responsibility for what is happening, sometimes more than a person can bear.

    Excessive expansion leads to a diffusion of personality (which can give Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon). And in order not to give empty promises, in vain encouraging others, it is important to control the completeness of each stage of activity according to the principle: "Finished business - walk boldly!" Effectiveness of work builds confidence in their ideas and gives impetus to new achievements.

    And yet, unlike other nines, the Nine of Wands reflects the character of Pisces rather than Sagittarius. The influence of Neptune is stronger here, and Jupiter is weaker. symbolizes the expectation of difficulties and changes, the expectation of stormy periods of life and a premonition of them, the foresight of enmity.

    Light and shadow (advice and caution)

    Tip: Set aside self-doubt and do what you didn't have the courage to do. The card says: persist in your activities and you will achieve what you want. A favorable outcome is already close. It is important not to give in to illusions and not give up slack. Focus on skill, experience, discipline, and persistently defend your interests.

    Shadow: the illusion of one's own greatness and an overly harsh approach to life's problems.

    Smart planning of activities, high self-discipline, the ability to cope with difficulties and problems, again - courage under fire. A job well done, assignments successfully completed (We did it!). Fatigue with the readiness to still fight and defend - the situation is almost over, but not quite yet, so the card can be defined as a test of strength. It is known that the closer to the goal, the stronger the resistance, and the darkness is thickest before dawn. The old interpretation is a small break in the ongoing struggle.

    On this map, there is a premonition of someone's opposition, the advancement of the actions of competitors or ill-wishers. Traditionally, this card marks the winning side.

    Here the symbolism speaks for itself. The main character of Arkan is a man of about thirty, dressed in the clothes of a commoner and a hard worker. He is alone, but he looks wary at someone who seems to be preparing to enter the space of the Arkan, expressing with all his appearance a calm readiness to defend himself (and thus he is similar to the Arkan "Strength"). His head is bandaged as if he were injured, but he does not look like he is suffering much. He is pale, with circles under his eyes, as after sleepless nights of work, and is like a tired, shabby graduate student, alertly awaiting a commission and ready to defend himself, and not at all going to give up. In the course of this work, although the person was tired, he learned planning and discipline, acquired a new skill of a different level than before.

    Now he is ready to confront, to show that very "courage under fire." The palisade behind the back is the previously conquered position, what it protects. The card of a senior student of a serious educational institution - still modest, but already sophisticated with colossal learning experience, not dreamed of by beginners (from their point of view, he does the impossible). It is hard to learn, easy to fight. He is often sleepy, pale, with circles under his eyes (and maybe with bandages in different places), work and fatigue are the norm for him, but he is not going to give up and has already gained skill and learned discipline and courage. He is used to doing the impossible under the guidance of his curator, who will not let him give up. A test of strength and willingness to cope with problems.

    Policemen and investigators, firefighters, dispatchers, workers of medical and emergency brigades pass along this map. This is a professional map of security guards of all stripes, security personnel and experienced advocates of someone's interests (for example, lawyers).

    Traditionally - a map of financial success, an indicator that everything is quite well in the material sphere of life (in any case, ends meet). The person has achieved the previously set goals and is now reaping the fruits of his own diligence and hard work.

    In the practice of modern observations, this is more likely a protection from creditors, attempts to keep afloat or prevent the squandering of available resources. The map can describe attempts to improve matters after some upheavals, and opposition to extortion, in any case, this is not the most cloudless situation.

    The key ability of the Nine of Wands is the ability to provide strong resistance. And who - an opponent or a potential partner - will be shown other cards. On this card, you can defend both relationships and freedom from them.

    This is a card of resilience in loneliness - a person actively defends himself from encroachments on himself. Perhaps the reason for this is some past trauma, painful experience (it's not for nothing that the character on the map is in a bandage, and he stands with a wary look in a defensive position, as if waiting for the appearance of enemies). The "military fortifications" of the Nine of Wands builds up an ego that feels the need to retire and defend itself against threats. The partner described by the Nine of Wands is suspicious and prudent. He does not trust the questioner and is ready for self-defense if something happens. He has, as they say, a strong character. In a relationship, a card can indicate alienation, distance from each other, fatigue. Living emotions and interchange with this card are weakly connected.

    The Nine of Wands personifies the state of mind, which in fairy tales is called "cold heart". Translated into everyday language, this means that we bristle with all the needles and resist any changes, although we guess that they can be very important for our further development. Although sometimes it can mean something exactly the opposite - if we, for example, took a decisive step and slammed all the doors to retreat behind us.

    As an indicator of illness, it can speak of head injuries, concussion, chronic fatigue and dullness of attention, energy exhaustion.

    One of the traditional interpretations says that the appearance of this card indicates an ailment that must be seriously combated, undermined by overstrain health.

    The Inverted Nine of Wands is considered an indication of undermined, unreliable health and immune system problems (it is difficult for the body to "stand up for itself").

    The Inverted Nine of Wands has long been considered a bad omen. It is a map of at least obstacles and delays, problems and troubles, in the worst case - failure, loss and disaster. What a person diligently defends on a straight card, on an inverted one, is taken right from under his nose. These are also problems that arise overnight. It is also a card that says that experience does not teach anything - a person again and again steps on a rake that has once already hit him on his bandaged forehead.

    In an inverted position, the card indicates inertia of thinking, narrow views, closed mind, loss of connection with reality. It is often pointed out that a person is struggling with what is not of primary importance (treating the symptoms, not the cause) or defending what is not worth it, and this situation only takes energy from him. This card advises against this behavior.

    "Let the marks left by your battles be marks of honor and achievement."