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  • Slimming girls stories. Weight loss stories from real people

    Slimming girls stories. Weight loss stories from real people

    Summer is rapidly approaching, sunny days ahead and rest on the beach, where it will be immediately clear who and what did in winter. For those who want to lose weight, we have made a powerful motivational photo selection. The heroes of these pictures pulled themselves together and transformed incredibly! See for yourself.

    This guy's progress is minus 77 kg in one year.

    I ran for a year and a half and lost 56 kg.

    This is my sister before and after losing 76 kg.

    This is how I look after losing 70 kg.

    I lost weight from 145 kg to 54 kg and I feel great!

    Having lost excess weight, I look much better.

    This man was told that he would die if he did not lose weight. He lost 150 kg.

    A young mother lost 45 kg after she found out that her husband was cheating on her and called her a fat cow behind her back.

    This guy was homeless, every day he ate only fast food - 10,000 calories. Since then, he has dropped 140 kg and found love.

    Three years ago, this woman weighed 272 kg, now her weight is about 100 kg

    I worked hard and here is my result.

    I lost almost 40 kg, gained a new life and a cool hobby.

    The photo shows that now I only close a third of the refrigerator.

    This girl was an alcoholic. Having coped with the addiction, she was able to lose 75 kg.

    Before - 144 kg, after - 64 kg.

    We lost weight together. The before and after photos clearly show the difference.

    The bride has lost 90 kg since her wedding day. Now on her 16th anniversary, she can wear her wedding dress with her husband.

    This pair weighed 350 kg for two. Through physical activity, they lost half their weight.

    I'm wearing the same shorts. Then I weighed 122 kg, now - 61 kg

    A year ago, I promised myself that I would stuff two legs into one leg of my trousers. I kept my promise!

    One year has passed since my weight loss.

    In 2007 I weighed 156 kg, today my weight is 84 kg.

    Slowly but surely. For seven years I have lost 50 kg.

    It was 124 kg, now it is 81 kg.

    This is what the fattest man in the world looks like after losing 317 kg.

    My transformation from 120 kg to 52 kg.

    My fiance lost almost 65 kg in a year.

    After losing weight from 84 kg to 62 kg, only my smile remained the same size.

    Losing weight together, using someone else's positive or negative experience, can be much easier and more effective than alone, only on the basis of theoretical knowledge. This section of our site presents real weight loss stories from users who managed to normalize their weight with the help of diets, pills, special exercises or other techniques.

    True stories are the best motivation

    Real stories of people who have lost weight are a great addition to a dry list of recipes, rules, tips. After all, even the most detailed instructions can be interpreted in different ways, missed something, and overlooked something. And only after reading a detailed description of the process, learning about the errors and their consequences, you can find the most correct path that will lead to the best result.

    In addition, such success stories inspire confidence that losing weight, although difficult, is quite realistic, even when the amount of extra pounds is expressed in solid numbers. Particularly impressive are the stories with photos before and after losing weight, when you can not only read, but even personally verify the effectiveness of a particular technique, multiplied by your own persistence.

    Personal experience to help everyone

    Almost everyone who wants to lose weight is faced with the same problems - it is very difficult to limit yourself in food, make you go to workout, and also accept your appearance as it is, not get upset about being overweight, but look for the right ways to get rid of it. Stories with pictures of ordinary people before and after losing weight help to gain self-confidence even for those who are desperate to return to a normal physique. This is the best support, ideal motivation, irrefutable proof that it is possible and necessary to normalize weight if you set a real goal for yourself, and then stubbornly go towards achieving it.

    Everyone is hearing today numerous cases of "incredible weight loss" of various celebrities. It is quite difficult for an ordinary overweight person to believe in them, since his capabilities are very far from those available to "stars". Therefore, most of these people do not even try to make at least some effort on themselves and change themselves. But if the same ordinary man in the street shares the result of his weight loss, then the reality of achieving success becomes much closer. Therefore, our site contains true stories of ordinary people who were able to independently create the figure of their dreams. They not only explain how they managed to achieve this, but often describe their life before and after losing weight - what positive changes have occurred, how their personal relationships have improved.

    You need to support each other by talking about your personal experience and the results achieved in losing weight. After all, someone's success story can change the lives of many people for the better, and a photo before and after can become a powerful incentive for starting a diet, joining sports or leading a healthy lifestyle.

    Our favorite weight loss stories and really cool before and after photos - the girl lost 57 kg.

    And no, she didn't starve, didn't go on a keto diet, and didn't exercise for 5 hours a day: she just made some small changes in her diet and lifestyle and was able to stop weighing 126 kilos.

    This is another proof that for successful, comfortable weight loss, the most important thing is self-respect and patience, and not haste and desire to mold yourself into an "iron" lady.

    Let's find out how exactly Keely Dellit managed to lose almost 60 kg., What she did for this and how she looks now.

    Weight loss history: before and after photos

    Honestly, when you look at the before and after photos, it's hard to believe that this is the same person - of course, because Keely took off her “extra” person, just imagine carrying 56 kilograms on her!

    This wonderful story of Australian Keely Dellit is about how she managed to lose 57 kg from 126 kilograms. Today, the girl is a mother of three wonderful children, an active Instagram blogger, a trainer and, of course, a motivator for many people around the world.

    She gained weight, as often happens, unnoticed by herself. As a child, she was incredibly active - her parents, athletes (dad is a firefighter and a surfer; mom is a policeman and a triathlete), set the right example, so Keely was used to eating healthy, high-quality food and moving a lot from a young age.

    I really want to praise her parents and remind you that it is in childhood that food habits are formed and, even more importantly, the formation of fat cells occurs, which a person will then carry with him throughout his life.

    In adulthood, body fat grows by stretching existing cells (grown in childhood / adolescence), in childhood and adolescence - due to the creation of new ones. After 20 years, this growth generally stops. This means that they will stay with you forever, there will be no less of them.

    So the more a child eats, the more fat cells he will have, which means that it will be more difficult for him to lose weight, because weight loss in such people occurs by reducing not the number, but the size of fat cells.

    This is because the levels of leptin (saturation hormone) correlate with the existing number of fat cells and their fullness of fat, i.e. if there is less fat in them, then the body will strive to fill them... This explains the difficulty in maintaining weight after losing weight in obese or overweight people.

    But something took us away, read more in our article, and we will return to Keely.

    It was during her teenage years that the problems began: Keely lost interest in sports, at the age of 14 she started working in a fast food restaurant - which meant free hamburgers and fries that she could constantly eat.

    The girl began to put on weight, but was able to pull herself together - thanks to exercise and counting calories, she managed to lose 20 kg. But as soon as after school she began to live on her own, the kilograms quickly returned, and even with a dozen friends.

    Over the next 3 years, Keely gave birth to as many as 3 children and, of course, there was no talk of any weight loss. Towards the end of her third pregnancy, she stopped weighing herself altogether, because she simply did not want to know anything more about it.

    According to the girl, she finally decided on a change after Keely returned home from the hospital after the birth of her third child. She finally got on the scales - a few days after giving birth - her weight was 126 kg.!

    Then she firmly decided that her children need a healthy mother who can be active, look after and play with them, and not choke and sweat after 5 minutes of movement. The girl finally realized that it was time to lose weight.

    As the girl herself writes:

    I remember the night before starting my new lifestyle, I wrote to a friend that there was probably no point in even trying to lose weight, and complained, remembering that I had to lose as much as 26 kg to see the number 100 on the scale, and this still a lot!

    But you know, gradual changes day by day have made easy weight loss a reality! So be your biggest supporter and cheer yourself up all the way.

    Of course, with three children, there is not much time to count calories, so she chose a different path for herself: just gradually replace high-calorie foods with their less "heavy" counterparts. But do not think, this is not from the series "I will start eating cucumbers instead of fries."

    She decided to make one small change per week, which would allow her to switch to a healthy lifestyle, not in a hurry, but gradually, without spending much on willpower.

    Keely didn't immediately give up any fast food: she just bought smaller portions (for example, small fries instead of large ones). The next week, she began replacing foods with healthier counterparts - for example, instead of crispy, fried chicken in batter, she bought a grill.

    Strange, isn't it? This is not at all like the usual "boiled chicken or die" advice from healthy monsters. But this is exactly how weight loss should take place in a normal person - without psychosis and throwing out minimally non-food products from the refrigerator.

    Trust me. the quieter you go, you will be thinner. All these super fat burning dryers will lead you to jams and psychosis. Try to value yourself and respect your desires, not be ashamed of them.

    Keely gradually replaced the sugary soda with juice and then swapped it for soda. She cooked brown rice instead of white (which, by the way,), ate at home instead of ordering food. These small changes allowed her to achieve her goal without stress.

    Although there are still difficulties: “You will never understand how many holidays revolve around food until you try to eat healthy food. Sometimes I felt like I was losing something by giving up pizza or cupcakes, and I still struggle with those feelings. Every day I make a decision to keep my food choices and portion sizes in mind. ”

    She now has a whole, nutritious diet. This is what a typical daily menu looks like:

    • For breakfast, Keely can have an omelet with a small portion of oatmeal and berries.
    • For lunch, there is usually a large salad with fried chicken or tuna.
    • The usual dinner is steamed fish.
    • As a snack, the girl has meat, carrots and natural peanut butter (by the way).

    Keely also started training, but again, she did not immediately start to bench, squat and all that kind. For six months (!!!) she did not follow any specific exercise plan - she just came up with it on the go: walking in the park with the children or doing exercises that she found at home on YouTube.

    But as she grew stronger and more confident, Keely decided it was time to streamline her workouts and she went to bootcamp class. She loved it so much that she later became a certified personal trainer, which allowed her to do classes in the same gym.

    And you know, here she turned out to be right: when you lose weight from such a huge weight, it is even harmful to do sports, just imagine what a monstrous load pulling weights or, God forbid, cardio with jumps will have on the spine, veins and joints of a fat person.

    Severe headaches, heart problems, and many more can begin. Therefore, we always advise, even with a slight excess weight, to start with a gentle movement: walking, swimming, gymnastics like exercise therapy. , if anything.

    We repeat once again, this is especially important for those people who are overweight over 20. Your task is to simply move and at the same time be sure to have fun - no stress!

    So, in just 14 months, Keely lost 57 kg - and now her focus has shifted from losing weight to building muscle mass. She became a fitness trainer and actively preaches body positivity:

    So many people on Instagram post before and after losing weight with stories of how they loved themselves before and love themselves now, and I would like to say the same, but looking at old photos is always a torment for me.

    I really hated my body and myself based only on my weight and appearance, and it's damn sad. What I have learned over the past two years is that my weight and size have never determined my value as a person, and at 120 kg, 70 kg or somewhere in between, I still deserved respect, happiness, kindness and love. especially from herself.

    We also like that she does not hide the problems that have appeared after such significant weight loss: loose, stretched skin of the abdomen, stretch marks and cellulite. Remember that it is impossible to become lighter on a whole person and leave your skin pristine.

    Our skin is a kind of history of our life, it shows the path that we have passed and this is wonderful. Yes, there are difficulties with her, but this does not make you an ugly person.

    We have written an article for those who feel uncomfortable with their skin and want to take care of it during or after losing weight.

    We often promise ourselves that we will lose 10 extra pounds by next summer season, that we will start living a healthy lifestyle after the New Year ... or next month, and why not starting next Monday? But, unfortunately, these wonderful intentions remain just empty promises.

    We present 12 real stories of how people lost weight, kept their promises and won the fight against obesity. We believe that their perseverance will inspire you to gain a beautiful figure.

    Keith: 55 kg in 9 months

    For Kate, overweight was not a problem for a long time. But soon she began to have health problems. She reduces food intake, and in the first week she loses 8 kg. With a reasonable amount of food and daily exercise, Kate manages to lose 55 kg in 9 months. Today Kate is in great shape and trains two hours a day.

    Minus 57 kg in 12 years

    This Australian woman has lost 57 kg of excess weight. According to the girl, the success is due to the fact that she began to eat less sugar and regularly trained in the zumba style. The decision to change life and weight came after an unhappy marriage. When the ex-husband saw the changes, offered to be together again, apparently realized his mistake. Naturally, it was already too late.

    Vitaly: 71 kg in 3 years

    Vitaly has developed a diet and exercise program. Success is based on a balanced diet, excluding sweets, junk food and convenience foods.

    Initially, training consisted of cardio exercises, in addition, Vitaly tried to do 10,000 steps daily. After losing 71 kg, he became interested in bodybuilding.

    Rachel: 40 kg in 9 months

    “There is no magic recipe to lose 40 kg. achieve this with just one “simple” plan - calorie tracking, eating healthy and exercising. Before I realized it, I resorted to numerous tricks, but not one did not work.

    In addition, I warn you that there is no universal way to reduce weight. You can't just copy someone else's diet and fitness plan. So make sure to find a professional personal trainer and nutritionist. And lastly - train, train, train. Every day and for a long time "

    Regina: 68 kg in 3 years

    Regina managed to achieve this victory by gradually eliminating harmful products from the diet and exercising at home.

    When she gained confidence, she bought a card for a fitness center and began to frequent group classes.

    Pascal: 147 kg in 3 years

    Pascal decides to change his life after health problems began to accumulate and doctors made frightening diagnoses. Gave up fast food and dairy products, started eating vegetables, brown rice, cilantro, oatmeal and white meat.

    Pascal tries to walk 10 km a day. In addition, he does not buy any ready-made food, but prepares himself. When I managed to lose 90 kg, I bought a card for the fitness room in order to lose the rest of those extra pounds. As Pascal said, he wants to set a good example for his son.

    Jill: 90 kg in 4 years

    Jill skipped breakfast and ate a lot of chips, chocolate and other unhealthy foods before shedding those extra pounds. Today I replaced them with oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. “Preparing for a marathon,” says Jill. "Charged with energy, more than the sun!"

    Claire: 15 kg in 6 months

    After 6 months of hard training, British TV presenter Claire Nasir manages to lose 15 kilograms and transform her body. Workouts included kickboxing, heavy weights, and squats.

    Jonathan: 100 kg in 3 years

    Jonathan was overweight for several years until he decided it was time for a change. I chose a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. After losing the first 35 kg, he finds a friend, and the couple continues to lose weight together.

    Together, they often went on bike hikes or walked in nature. Both gave up fast food and the results were immediate.

    Melissa: 106 kg in 3 years

    Sometimes it is difficult to imagine that the human body can change its volumes to incredible sizes. It is even more difficult to believe in pictures of the results of losing weight, when people change beyond recognition and share their story. After all, they look amazing.

    Weight loss stories with before and after photos can always be found in large numbers on the Internet.

    Such people are very admired, because losing weight is much more difficult than gaining it, and only 30% of people can keep it, because:

    • the metabolism of obese people is impaired;
    • the body remembers the maximum weight and, whenever possible, seeks to return to it;
    • large portions as well as small ones in people with extra pounds lead to obesity;
    • suppressing signals to the brain makes it harder for them to start exercising;
    • low self-esteem becomes to blame for the fact that they begin to lead an inactive lifestyle;
    • hormonal imbalance prevents weight loss, which significantly reduces motivation.

    Therefore, someone else's courage and willpower inspire millions of people from around the world, proving that it is quite possible to change your weight even by 30-40 kg.

    Maria Ursetti from Ohio dreamed of running a marathon, but her excess weight did not allow her to do it. Then she registered in a charity half marathon, famous for the fact that people of any preparedness could run.

    However, Maria responsibly reacted to the competitions and began, despite the bewilderment of friends and relatives, training.

    She signed up for a fitness studio, revised her nutrition, and got up for a run every day at 4 a.m.. 8 years of continuous training and participation in half marathons helped her lose weight from 84 kg to 54 kg (total loss was 30 kg).

    Briton Nigel Chappel lost 31 kg in six months.

    He needed to lose weight for the upcoming surgery, so he turned to a specialized club for help.

    There he was so inspired that he soon found like-minded people himself, began to lead an active lifestyle and revised his attitude to nutrition.

    Keith Roshville has lost 32 kg. After the divorce and deprivation of custody of children, the American found himself in sports, taking up ultimate fighting in the MMA ring. It took him two years to get in shape.

    At first, I did home strength training twice a day, ran in the morning and evening. The owners of the house where he lived were adherents of a healthy diet, so he completely changed the menu: leaned on meat dishes, vegetables, and preferred nuts for snacks. He was 40 years old, and his starting weight was 99 kg.

    Asher Olsen lost 40 kg after she felt ashamed for not fastening her seat belt on the plane. Until that moment, she was not helped by appealing to doctors, psychologists, or sports. After the incident, she completely gave up sweets, alcohol, chips and takeout food. In just a year, she lost a quarter of her body weight.

    Kate Reiter lost more than 40 kg in just 10 months, because it became uncomfortable for her to live with her own weight. She began to gradually reduce portions, having lost 8 kg in 1 week. Then, with the help of the application, she began to calculate the number of calories consumed, go in for sports and pole dancing.

    Rachel Graham dreamed of losing weight with the help of a magic pill, but in the end she resorted to the help of a nutritionist and trainer, who made up her calorie intake, changed her nutrition system and training regimen. She achieved the result for a year and lost 40 kg.

    Jade Torrey lost weight thanks to her own nutritional system: she reduced the energy value to 1,500 kcal, replacing all snacks with fruits and non-nutritious snacks. Of physical activity, only early waking up, household chores and walking shopping.

    Australian Andrew Taylor lost more than 40 kg in a year, creating an emphasis on the consumption of potatoes in his menu. He carried out his diet under the supervision of a dietitian and attending physician, who closely monitored his health.

    Mila Gritsenko lost 36 kg in 5 months. The result was not easy for her, before becoming slim, she tried all types of diets, but only frequent meals in small portions helped her.

    Even if losing 40 kg seems surprising, the stories of the following people are even more striking.

    Lisa McKay

    Lisa McKay at the age of 24 weighed more than 120 kg. In just a year, she was able to immediately lose 60 kg of weight and felt very well after that.

    The secret to her weight loss was to quit drinking Coca-Cola sugary drinks. Unaware of the harmful effects of soda on the body, the British woman drank at least 20 cans daily.

    The sugar in Coca-Cola was instantly transformed into glucose, inflicting an "insulin hit" on the body, after which its excess was deposited into excess fat. The use of such a number of cans gave about 3000 kcal at the output, and this is without taking into account other food consumed. Having removed the provocateur of weight gain from the diet, adhering to a moderate diet, Lisa overcame the extra pounds.

    She also performed a gastric resection, reducing its volume, which undoubtedly contributed to the incredible results.

    Harriet Jenkins

    She became a real star, getting rid of 100 kg in just 15 months. This is a prime example of how motivation and striving for a goal transform a person.

    The catalyst for her success was joining the fitness community, where she and a friend began to exercise. Someone else's results and constant increases in difficulty levels motivated her to become the best in terms of performance. Soon, Harriet achieved that she lost weight to her norm from 165 kg, becoming the face of Slimming World and receiving the title of "Woman of the Year".

    The system offers psychological support to people who are losing weight by holding real and online meetings. On their official website, you can find nutritional rules developed by the British magazine Slimming World and ready-made recipes. There are no strict restrictions, it is even allowed to consume prohibited foods a little every day, not exceeding the invented point scale.

    Rob Cooper

    His weight loss process lasted 2 years and resulted in a loss of 136 kg from an initial weight of 215 kg.

    Being overweight did not allow him to move freely and play sports, therefore, first of all, he changed his diet, making a diet only from natural products. His maximum physical activity per day was 20 minutes of walking per day.

    When enough weight left, and the body was able to take the load, he went to the gym, where he got rid of the remaining extra pounds and built up muscle mass.

    Roberto Henri

    The before and after weight loss stories began with Roberto's strong desire to participate in the marathon. With his weight of 272 kg, this was unrealistic, so the Briton decided to get rid of them, by all means.

    He took an active lifestyle as a basis, at first walking daily and signing up for swimming classes. When his health allowed, he began training for the marathon, running a short distance daily, increasing the footage every 3 days, and then adding cycling and kayaking. He managed to lose weight by 159 kg.

    David Smith

    The faith of a loved one helped David overcome his cravings for overeating and lose 182 kg... Using the principles of proper nutrition, actively engaged in the gym, he lost weight from 285 kg.

    David Smith's weight loss story is minus 180 kg. Photos before and after losing weight

    His favorite equipment in the gym was a treadmill and an exercise bike. 4 years of painstaking work on himself led him to 100 kg of weight and the profession of a personal trainer. Sagging skin had to be surgically removed.

    Michael Hebranko

    Michael's original weight was 411 kg. Having got to the St. Luke's Hospital in New York with such an indicator, he became the ward of the famous fitness guru Richard Simmons. He made him an individual diet and exercise plan, thanks to which Michael lost weight in 19 months. He removed some of the fat with surgery and as a result weighed 91 kg.

    Manuel Urib

    Weight loss stories with photos before and after Manuel began with a failed liposuction operation, when the lymph nodes were damaged by a doctor's mistake, which led to the appearance of 100 kg of tumors. The asymmetry of the body and the weight of almost 600 kg did not allow him to get out of bed.

    For weight loss, he used the help of Dr. Barry Sears, who made him a diet and training schedule. The basis was taken from his program Zone Diet, the principle of which was based on the ratio of BJU 30/30/40. Ultimately, the energy value of Manuel's food did not exceed 1700 kcal per day.

    For 5 years, his weight has decreased by 277 kg.

    Patrick Duel

    For effective weight loss, Patrick first performed stomach suturing, then liposuction and skin removal. Before that, he sat on a 1200 kcal diet prescribed by doctors for some time in order to eliminate the risk of death during operations.

    After being discharged from the hospital, he began to lead a healthy lifestyle. He managed to lose weight in 1 year by 318 kg with an initial weight of 486 kg.

    Rosalie Bradford

    The already famous Richard Simmons participated in the American woman's weight loss. The nutritionist contacted her himself, and after the phone call sent a package with video lessons and a nutrition plan. The first exercises were simple clapping, the only movement Rosalie could use. So in a year she lost 190 kg.

    After consulting a physiotherapist, she lost another 226 kg. The total loss was 416 kg.

    John Browver Minnoch

    He suffered from severe edema of the body - from 635 kg, about 400 kg was liquid. I tried to improve my health myself, after spending some time on a 500 kcal diet, after which I finally lost my strength and fell ill.

    After hospitalization, he was put on a 1200 kcal menu, and at the same time he was losing only 5-6 kg of water per week. After 16 months, he lost 419 kg.

    Amazing stories of people who got over weight after 50 years

    There are not so many stories about people who lose weight after 50 years. However, there are people for whom age is not a reason for giving up their dreams and their photos with the results of losing weight can be found in the public domain. By this age, only a few retain sufficient health, but even they are in no hurry to get rid of extra pounds, reasonably fearing harm to the body.

    Moreover, at this age:

    • metabolism slowed down - weight will go away as long as possible;
    • lack of vitamins, minerals and useful elements does not allow to reduce the diet;
    • hormonal imbalance or menopause reduces any attempts to lose weight to nothing;
    • any changes should be monitored by a doctor - body temperature, cholesterol, pressure, blood sugar;
    • full restoration of the skin is impossible;
    • there is a risk of organ prolapse.

    So Natalya Kobzar at 50 lost 55 kg thanks to proper nutrition: began to monitor the calorie content of the diet, the ratio of KBZhU, GI products. After losing the first 30 kg, I began to attend a fitness club, a swimming pool, and all kinds of group classes. It took her 8 months to achieve the result.

    British Kim Wright at the age of 55 got rid of 20 kg. The reason for her excess weight was her love for sandwiches, pizza, fast foods. The first step on the way to harmony for her was the donated 8 free classes in the fitness club.

    An interest arose, and she revised her diet, replacing all unhealthy foods with healthy ones. She ate six small meals a day. It took her 8 months to achieve the necessary harmony.

    Carolyn Brumfield, remembering her former forms, decided to lose weight at the age of 59. In the process, she was greatly helped by a hired trainer and nutritionist. I had to give up her main addiction - alcohol and sweets. She began planning her menu 2 weeks in advance, from sports she gave preference to weightlifting, running and boxing. In 10 months she got rid of 30 kg.

    Susie Smith, a 75-year-old pensioner, fell in love with a man and decided to completely change herself. She began to eat healthy foods, dance and Pilates, and in 6 months she lost 30 kg.

    Galina Kuznetsova at 54, she dropped 33 kg. The secret of her success was proper nutrition, sufficient water intake (2.5-3 liters). In order not to forget to drink liquid and take food not earlier or later than the due time, she set herself reminders on her phone.

    Jeffrey Life, at the age of 59, saw the competition program from athlete and writer Bill Phillips, consisting of a 12-week nutrition and training system. It consisted of a diet low in fat and GI foods, taking specialized supplements.

    This completely eliminated Jeffrey's favorite addiction - beer, from the diet, but he agreed to such sacrifices. Under the guidance of a personal trainer, he started doing regular exercises, stuck to the program, and after three months he managed to lose 25 kg.

    Paul Mason at the age of 57 has lost 305 kg. It took him 6 years, and all thanks to the love that overtook him at this age. To achieve the result, he had to do a gastric bypass, because in 30 years of continuous eating, his daily calorie intake was 20,000.

    Thanks to this, he significantly reduced the amount of food and ate 2 times a day: for breakfast and lunch / dinner.

    Due to overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, Diana Naylor weighed 180 kg at 63. Attempts to stick to the diet have always failed due to lack of quick results and breakdowns.

    Her transformation was influenced by a quote from her favorite TV series, and the next day she set to work on herself. By normalizing her nutrition and taking 10,000 steps daily, she lost more than 90 kg in a short time.

    Nadezhda Korableva, unable to get into the third season of the weight loss project, did not despair and lost 60 kg at the age of 60 in the “support group” of the program. Using the technique shown on the screen - eating right, exercising, tips - she successfully completed her overweight fight. The initial weight was 158 kg with a height of 172 cm.

    Weight loss stories with before and after photos motivate people with weak willpower well, so visualization is an important component of successful weight loss.

    Nutritionists all over the world agree that without a properly tuned eating behavior, a person, even with intense power load, will not be able to lose weight and get rid of volumes. Also, having once gained extra pounds, you will have to adhere to dietary restrictions all your life so as not to return to large sizes.

    Nutritionists' tips for effective weight loss can be divided into several points.

    Systems offered by nutritionists for different groups of people

    View What is necessary Who suits Effects
    Mono dietSuppose that you eat only one type of food.People with an allergic reaction to a large number of foods, or those looking for quick results.With prolonged use, it is possible to disrupt the work of all body functions due to a lack of essential nutrients.
    Low calorieLimiting daily calorie intake to 1200 kcal.Women up to 155 cm.Slowdown of metabolism, disruption of all internal organs.
    ProteinThe consumption of useful elements only with foods containing a large amount of protein.Athletes and bodybuilders during the competition.Disruption of the endocrine and urinary system, lack of energy.
    CarbohydrateThe menu is dominated by vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, dairy products.People in need of weight gain or prevention of gastrointestinal disruptions.Increased gas production, lack of results in weight loss, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
    Proper nutritionThere are no prohibited products, only the calculation of the daily value of KBZHU.To allIf you stop sticking to it and start using excess energy again, then the weight will return.
    Clean foodThe diet includes natural products prepared in any way other than frying.Everyone, and especially people with gastritis.Since the menu is close to the natural human diet, there are no risks of complications or diseases.

    Nutrition rules

    Thoughtful leisurely chewing is good for:

    The latter was proved by the American physiologist Horace Fletcher. By his own example, he calculated that for each piece of food, at least 30 jaw movements are necessary. So the food is better enveloped in saliva and broken down in the stomach, and due to this, more energy is expended.


    It is quite difficult to remove a significant amount of kilograms, and it is impossible to tone the body and help the skin to tighten without exercise. Therefore, nutritionists, in addition to dietary changes, recommend physical activity. This can be daily walks for 20-180 minutes, cardio training 5 times a week or strength training - 3 times for 40-90 minutes.

    Any changes in the body must be controlled by specialists:

    • nutritionist;
    • trainer;
    • endocrinologist;
    • physiotherapist.

    In any endeavor, the most difficult thing will be to set yourself up for success. Studying someone else's biography and looking at photos with the results of victories, you can consider yourself one step closer to losing weight. And having chosen the right nutrition system and physical activity, it will not be difficult to become slim.

    Article design: Vladimir the Great

    Weight loss video stories

    10 incredible weight loss stories: