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  • Caloric content of jasmine rice. Useful properties and calorie content of rice Zhmenka jasmine

    Caloric content of jasmine rice. Useful properties and calorie content of rice Zhmenka jasmine

    Attempts to grow this rice in another territory ended in failure, as it subsequently lost its specific properties. Jasmine rice is sold in stores, and its shelf life is six months, after which the grains acquire an unpleasant woody smell, and the jasmine aroma disappears.

    But Jasmine rice is used almost all over the world. Dishes based on this product are equally popular in Asia, and in Europe, and elsewhere. Such a wide popularity of Jasmine rice is due to its unsurpassed taste and sophisticated milky aroma. This variety of rice is excellent for culinary purposes, you can cook any dishes from it, both porridge or oriental pilaf, which are usual for our latitudes, and rather exotic spicy dishes from Asian cuisine.

    Jasmine cooked rice is somewhat different from other varieties. So individual grains often stick together, while completely not losing their original forms. In addition, during cooking, all the rice becomes dazzling white without any impurities.

    The special aroma of rice makes it possible to use the product not only for the first and second hot dishes, but also for sweet desserts and other similar dishes. Despite the seeming complexity, you can cook the perfect Jasmine rice at home.

    For this, the product is preliminarily washed in several waters, then laid out in a bowl with thick walls, preferably in cast iron, and added to taste. Water is added at the rate of one and a half glasses of liquid per glass of dry rice. Then the container should be put on the highest heat and quickly brought to a boil. As soon as the rice boils, the heat can be reduced to minimum, cover the pan and leave to cook for 20 minutes.

    At this time, it is absolutely impossible to look into the container, much less add water there. When the indicated time comes to an end, the lid can be removed and with a large spoon very gently, as it were, "fluff" the Jasmine rice. After that, stand the rice for about ten minutes more without fire under the lid. If the technology is followed correctly, then a few minutes after boiling, an amazing aroma will appear in the air, and after a while, perfectly white and tasty rice will become a worthy decoration of the table.

    The benefits and harms of jasmine rice

    Unfortunately, careful processing of grains leads to the fact that many beneficial substances lose their natural properties. That is why the benefits of polished rice are significantly less. Unhulled rice is stored for several years, then it begins to lose its useful qualities. The most useful is brown rice, the composition of which is the richest in vitamins and minerals, compared to other varieties, even after processing.

    Thanks to the development of innovative technologies, rice is processed with steam, which allows you to preserve almost all the beneficial properties of Thai rice, namely: starch is absorbed slowly, which contributes to an increase in blood sugar; rice porridge is very useful for babies, it does not contain gluten; eating rice bran reduces the risk of developing cancer cells in the intestines; removes toxins and toxic substances from the body; stimulates the production of hormones; strengthens the central nervous system.

    Due to the fact that Jasmine rice belongs to white varieties, in general, the content of all nutrients in quantity will still be less than the content in colored varieties, for example, in wild black or brown rice.

    Despite all the benefits of this grain, it has been established that excessive consumption of it can lead to negative consequences. For example, if a person has a tendency to constipation, it is necessary to use this product with caution, since rice helps to cleanse the body. All varieties of white rice belong to foods with a high glycemic index, therefore they are not advised to be consumed by people with a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, since the abuse of the grain crop increases the risk of this disease.

    Energy value of rice quite high and necessary for human life. It is recommended to use it for diseases of the heart, circulatory system, with the formation of malignant tumors, it absorbs harmful substances and removes them from the body.

    It is useful and necessary in case of poisoning, due to its unique properties it protects and envelops the walls of the stomach and its mucous membrane. The calorie content of jasmine rice is approximately 336 kcal, due to which the body is saturated with energy for the whole day. Its main advantage is that it is ideally combined with other foods and has a large amount of nutrients that the body needs.

    The calorie content of boiled rice jasmine is about 301 kcal, it contains little fat up to 0.9 g. It is not surprising why it is considered a dietary product and is recommended for use in diseases of the digestive system.

    A variety of long-grain rice varieties have the beautiful name "Jasmine". A cereal crop is grown at home - in Thailand. This variety is very similar to the famous Basmati. Differences are observed only after the end of cooking. If "Basmati" is more crumbly, then "Jasmine" is more likely to stick together.


    Thai rice is considered the most elite of its kind. Gourmets highly appreciate it for its snow-white color and jasmine aroma. In Asian countries, it is used in many national dishes as a side dish for meat and fish products. By the way, oriental desserts with Jasmine are especially popular. Despite the fact that the homeland of jasmine rice is Thailand, fields with growing grains can be found in Vietnam and Cambodia.

    Of course, residents of other countries also tried to grow this rice variety, but, as it turned out, this idea was destined to fail - the grown product did not have the desired properties. It is for this reason that a true quality variety is called Thai, Asian and Jasmine. It is the climatic conditions and the use of certain growing techniques that provide everyone with a recognizable milky aroma and subtle delicate notes in taste.

    Boiled rice tends to stick together. At the same time, the shape of each grain is preserved, which opens like a jasmine flower. This feature is due to the groove on the grain. Cultivation usually starts in autumn (September). Harvesting takes place already in December - at this time the rainy season begins in the tropics. It is these weather conditions that give Thai rice its amazing properties.

    What does it consist of? How many calories?

    The elite Asian variety is quite nutritious. Thanks to the complex carbohydrates it contains, it keeps you full for a long time. This feature allows you to add it to the daily diet for those who are on proper and dietary nutrition. The absence of gluten allows children and allergy sufferers to eat cereals.

    The calorie content of 100 grams of the product averages 340 calories.BJU looks as follows: proteins - 7.5 g, fats - 0.2 g, carbohydrates - 76 g. Unlike other varieties of rice culture, there is a complete absence of water and dietary fiber. The glycemic index of cereals is high - 79 units. Interestingly, the GI numbers can change under the influence of a long boil and vice versa. Like any cereal crop, Asian rice contains all the substances necessary for the human body, including vitamins, macro- and microelements, powerful antioxidants, and valuable acids.

    Chemical composition:

    • beta carotene;
    • vitamin B group - B1, B2, B 5, B6, B9, B12;
    • vitamin C;
    • vitamin K;
    • vitamin D;
    • vitamin H;
    • vitamin E;
    • vitamin PP;
    • vitamin A;
    • choline;
    • calcium;
    • magnesium;
    • silicon;
    • sodium;
    • phosphorus;
    • chlorine;
    • iron;
    • cobalt;
    • manganese;
    • copper;
    • selenium;
    • fluorine;
    • chromium;
    • zinc.

    Beneficial features

    The benefits of jasmine rice lie in the rich and valuable composition of the cereal.

    There are several indications for the use of Asian cereal dishes without harm to health:

    • dietary and sports nutrition;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • individual protein intolerance (celiac disease) and allergic reactions to gluten;
    • various kinds of poisoning;
    • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
    • violation of the endocrine system;
    • oncological diseases.

    The fiber preserved during the special treatment endowed the product with cleansing properties from excess fluid in the body, toxins and toxins. Food with similar qualities is simply necessary for people in the fight against extra pounds.

    Of the beneficial properties of cereals, we note the following:

    • strengthens the circulatory system;
    • improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • supports the functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • positive effect on bowel function due to fiber;
    • removes harmful substances from the body;
    • group of B vitamins strengthens hair, nails and improves skin condition;
    • completely safe for baby food;
    • relieves the consequences after poisoning;
    • stimulates the cardiovascular system;
    • good effect on the central nervous system.

    Unfortunately, not everyone can consume this culture as food. For example, diabetics and those who are predisposed to this ailment, it is better to refuse this variety. This is explained by the high levels of the glycemic index, which affect the total blood sugar level. Also, frequent consumption of jasmine rice will harm those who suffer from frequent constipation.

    One rule always remains the main one - compliance with the measure will save your body from various problems.

    How to cook properly

    The long-grain Asian variety is truly versatile in terms of preparation. The use of cereals for main courses is considered quite common for everyone. The most famous dish is, of course, pilaf. Jasmine rice is the perfect ingredient for him. How and with what to cook such an oriental masterpiece - the hostess chooses herself. The national cuisine offers pilaf with lamb, pork and chicken. A sweet version with the addition of dried fruits will also be a frequent occurrence.

    When cooking, do not saturate the product with spices and seasonings.Otherwise, you will simply overpower that amazing taste and aroma of "Jasmine". The Japanese also did not pass by this cereal representative. On its basis, well-known sushi and rolls are prepared. Also found are sesame rice cake (nigiri-mesi) and a thick boiled jasmine rice cake (mogi).

    How to cook "Jasmine"

    Be sure to rinse the rice under cold water before cooking. Continue to do this until the liquid becomes clear. After that, put the cereal in a colander and leave the remaining liquid to drain. 400 ml of water will require 200 g of cereal. Pour water into a saucepan, salt and add rice, set on high heat. After boiling, reduce the flame. The Asian cereal is ready in 15 minutes. The following is very important - after it has cooked, cover and let stand for about 10 minutes. Now it can be served.

    Multicooker recipe

    The preparation process is the same as in a saucepan. After rinsing, soak the cereals in warm water in a deep bowl. Then rinse again. To make Jasmine, you need a hole in the multicooker for steam cooking. After you have salted the rice, pour the liquid into the existing cup and close the appliance. In the "Menu" select "Steamer / steam bath mode". The cooking time will be about 40 minutes.

    After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the lid. 15 minutes are needed for insistence. This will make the cereal crumbly and tastier.

    Nutritional value and chemical composition of rice Zhmenka Jasmine

    The rice of the Zhmenka Jasmine trademark contains the maximum amount of nutrients. This rice is grown without using genetically modified organisms, and quality control takes place at all stages of its production.

    Jasmine rice contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. The vitamin composition includes vitamins B1, B9 and PP, and the chemical composition consists of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, respectively 0.5; 8.4; 2.4; 11.4%.

    100g of Zhmenka Jasmine rice contains:

    • Proteins - 6.9.
    • Fats - 0.2.
    • Carbohydrates - 73.4.
    • Kcal - 331.

    The use of rice Zhmenka Jasmine in cooking

    Jasmine rice is used for making desserts, spicy dishes, oriental dishes, casseroles. It makes delicious meat hedgehogs, porridge and pilaf.

    When cooking, Jasmine rice becomes dazzling white, the grains are elongated, soft, but at the same time retain their shape. On the palate, this rice has a spicy note with a honey-spicy aroma.

    Proper preparation of Zhmenka Jasmine rice:

    1. Rinse the cereals thoroughly.
    2. Pour into boiling water in a 1: 2 ratio.
    3. Bring to a boil, then salt to taste.
    4. Cook for 15-20 minutes over low heat, covered.

    Making Rice Pudding with Zhmenka Rice Lime:


    • Two glasses of spiced cookie crumbs;
    • 1/3 cup melted butter
    • 2 glasses of milk;
    • 300 ml of condensed milk;
    • ½ cup lime juice (freshly squeezed);
    • 1 cup whipped cream (33%)
    • Lime zest.


    1. Pour milk, condensed milk, washed Jasmine rice into a thick-walled saucepan and cook over low heat for 25 minutes, stirring continuously until thickened and a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
    2. Mix the cookie crumbs and butter in a bowl separately until smooth.
    3. We put the finished crumbs with butter in a baking dish and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
    4. When the rice pudding is cooked, add the lime juice to it and stir. Spread the pudding evenly on the finished cake and cool.
    5. Then brush with whipped cream and sprinkle with lime zest on top.

    Diversify your family's menu with a very healthy and delicious variety of jasmine rice, under the Zhmenka trademark.

    In the video below, see how to cook spicy sweet pilaf with Jasmine rice:

    Thai rice is such a vast and pervasive topic that you can talk about it endlessly. As you know, Asian cuisine is not complete without this product, as it is one of the main crops. Among the variety of choices on the market today, gourmets especially appreciate jasmine rice. It is an exotic product with an incredibly delicate floral scent. And the taste is quite interesting.


    Why is jasmine rice so good and what are the features that distinguish it from other types of this food? Firstly, we have already said about the incredible aroma of rice. It is he who attracts many gourmets. Secondly, one cannot fail to note the boiling white long rice grains, which actually somewhat resemble the delicate petals of a flower. Thirdly, this one is very quick and easy to cook.

    Unlike regular jasmine rice, it is fairly easy to cook. It does not require a lot of liquid to cook. Many Asian food professionals steamed such a product, ignoring the cooking process altogether.

    Properties and benefits

    Jasmine rice is the perfect side dish for any dish. It will complement vibrant exotic cuisine, oriental products, and simpler, familiar dinners and lunches for us. It is recommended even for making sweet desserts.

    Jasmine rice retains its shape and dazzling white color even after boiling. From the very first minutes of preparation of the product, an incredibly delicate and pleasant floral aroma will begin to spread through your kitchen.

    How to cook

    As we already noted, this kind of rice can be steamed or cooked in a regular saucepan. How to cook jasmine rice correctly? Firstly, it should be taken into account that water is required for cooking half as much as in the usual case. We take a glass of rice, rinse it under running water. Then pour into a saucepan and add water in a 1: 1 ratio. Cover with a lid and wait for the water to boil. As soon as this happens, we transfer the work of the stove to the smallest mode. We wait fifteen minutes and turn off the fire.

    But do not rush to get the rice and lay it out on the plates. He needs another five to seven minutes to rest. Simply loosen the rice with a fork and leave it alone for the specified time. To enhance the aroma and make the taste even more piquant, it is recommended to add a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice to the finished product.

    Excellent shape and delicate taste. Reviews

    Jasmine rice keeps its shape perfectly after cooking. Reviews confirm this. The housewives also note the incredibly delicate taste. Rice melts in your mouth. Moreover, it does not stick together and does not form lumps during cooking.

    Judging by the reviews, experienced housewives have long learned to use this type of rice not only for making simple side dishes or pilaf, but also for inventing masterpiece desserts. Many culinary experts advise to season jasmine rice with coconut milk, add a little cream. The dish will turn out to be independent, delicious in taste and low in calories.

    Chinese Jasmine Tea Rice

    If Thais prefer ready-made jasmine rice, then Chinese chefs prefer the culinary process. We also offer you to cook with jasmine tea. You will need:

    • One glass of regular long grain rice.
    • A pinch of salt.
    • Two teaspoons of strongly brewed jasmine tea.
    • Half a liter of water.
    • A little butter.

    Salt two tablespoons of jasmine tea and dilute with a glass of water. We leave the mixture for five minutes. Grease the saucepan with butter and pour a glass of rice into it. Pour "tea" water, put on fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the water begins to boil, we reduce the heat to a minimum and wait ten minutes.

    This jasmine rice goes well with fish dishes. It can be flavored with soy sauce or Chinese marinade and used in various salads or sushi.

    Jasmine rice is a long grain rice. It has such a beautiful name for a reason: its grains have an impeccably white color and a scent as aromatic as the scent of a jasmine flower. It grows mainly in Thailand, where it is considered the basis of Thai cuisine. Attempts to grow this rice in another territory ended in failure, as it subsequently lost its specific properties. Jasmine rice is sold in stores and has a shelf life of six months, after which the grains acquire an unpleasant woody smell, and the jasmine aroma disappears.

    The benefits of jasmine rice

    During the cooking process, the grains of rice may stick together a little, but this in no way affects its taste, and the ideal elongated shape remains unchanged. Thai cooks believe that this type of rice should not come into contact with water, and prefer to steam jasmine rice by wrapping the washed grains in muslin and placing them directly in a double boiler.

    It is used in the preparation of meat and fish dishes, very often in desserts. This cereal is very nutritious, as it contains a large amount of starch, that is, carbohydrates (in percentage terms, this is about 85%). It also contains proteins that the body needs as a building material. It has been found that for a person's daily protein intake, approximately 50 grams of rice is needed.

    It also contains fats, but in small quantities, while this type of vegetable fat does not accumulate in the body. This grain is high in fiber, which helps to remove waste and toxins.

    Considering these properties, it is safe to say that the rice diet is very good for weight loss and good for humans. The variety of vitamins (PP, B, E) and minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iodine, sulfur, iron and many others), characteristic of Jasmine rice (and other types of rice), allows it to be used for various diseases: celiac disease (intolerance to certain proteins), since rice does not contain gluten, in diseases of the cardiovascular system, circulatory system, in case of kidney and sometimes oncological diseases.

    It is very useful for food poisoning.

    Why is jasmine rice harmful?

    Due to the fact that Jasmine rice belongs to white varieties, in general, the content of all nutrients in quantity will still be less than the content in colored varieties, for example, in wild black or brown rice.

    Despite all the benefits of this grain, it has been established that excessive consumption of it can lead to negative consequences. For example, if a person has a tendency to constipation, it is necessary to use this product with caution, since rice helps to cleanse the body. All varieties of white rice belong to foods with a high glycemic index, therefore they are not advised to be consumed by people with a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, since the abuse of the grain crop increases the risk of this disease.