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  • Raw, boiled, baked and pickled beets: benefits and harms to human health. Beetroot in cooking

    Raw, boiled, baked and pickled beets: benefits and harms to human health. Beetroot in cooking

    Beetroot contains sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose), organic acids (oxalic, malic, citric), pectins (1.2%), protein (1.7%), betaine, carotene (0.01 mg%), ascorbic acid (5-15 mg%), vitamin B1 (0.02 mg%), vitamin B2 (0.04 mg%), dyes and compounds of potassium (288 mg%), magnesium (40-45 mg%), iron ( 1400 μg / 100 g), copper (140 μg / 100 g), vanadium, boron, iodine, manganese, cobalt, lithium, molybdenum, rubidium, fluorine and zinc.

    It should be noted that the carbohydrates contained in root vegetables are represented by sucrose (99%), glucose and fructose (1%). In beet tops, the carbohydrate content is lower (from 3 to 5%), and they are represented by 3/4 glucose and fructose. This is facilitated by the presence in beet leaves invertases - an enzyme that breaks down sucrose into fructose and glucose. This enzyme is absent in root crops. Therefore, patients with diabetes are advised to include in their diet not root crops, but directly tops, since more insulin is required to assimilate sucrose. The sugar content in beetroot crops is 6.76 g%, and in the leaves - 0.5 g%.

    Beet leaves have great medicinal potential compared to root crops: beet leaves contain more vitamin C, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K. The content of minerals in beetroot leaves are also higher in comparison with root crops. Thus, the root part of beets is significantly inferior to the tops in terms of the amount of biologically active substances contained.

    Healing properties

    The medicinal value of beetroot is due to the presence in it of numerous physiologically active substances in quantities that have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Common beet juice has antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-sclerotic properties. Beet juice stimulates hematopoiesis, gastric secretion and intestinal motility, inhibits the development of microorganisms in the intestine, promotes the elimination of cholesterol, strengthens capillary walls, weakens vasospasm, inhibits tumor growth, improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the function of the gonads, and has a positive effect on vision. There is information about the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect of beetroot juice. The use of beet juice is advisable for spastic colitis, atherosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, arrhythmias, hypertension, liver diseases, intestinal atony, chronic constipation. Raw and sour beets are an effective treatment for scurvy.

    In medicine

    The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug acidin-pepsin ( Acidin-pepsinum), which helps to improve digestion. The agent is prescribed for dyspepsia, hypoacid (low acidity) and anacid gastritis.

    In folk medicine

    • With iron deficiency anemias, take a mixture of beet, radish and carrot juices (in proportions 1: 1: 1), three times a day, in a tablespoon.
    • With hypertension, vasospasm, as a mild laxative and sedative, take beet juice with honey (in proportions 1: 1) or a combination of beet and cranberry juice (2: 1).
    • With hypertension, fresh beet juice is drunk for 4 days, three times a day, one-time intake - 200 ml.
    • Beet juice on an empty stomach (100 ml), boiled beet salad are recommended as a laxative.
    • With atherosclerosis, raw beet juice, kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, take one third of a glass half an hour before meals.
    • For hypertension, traditional healers advise tinctures. Tincture 1: mix 400 ml of beet juice, 250 g of flower honey, juice of one lemon, 100 ml of cranberry juice, a glass of vodka. Take a tablespoon of tincture three times a day one hour before meals. Tincture 2: combine 200 ml of carrot and beet juice and 100 ml of cranberry juice with 100 ml of alcohol and a glass of honey. Infuse the mixture in a dark place for 3 days. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
    • For cholelithiasis, a folk remedy is useful: peel, cut and cook a few beetroots for a long time, until the broth thickens, to the state of a syrup. Take such a drug in a quarter of a glass three times a day before meals. The dissolution of stones in the gallbladder with prolonged use of such a decoction occurs gradually and relatively painlessly.
    • In the treatment of malignant tumors, traditional medicine is used: beet juice should be drunk at 600 ml per day at regular intervals (one-time intake of 100 ml). It is better to drink juice on an empty stomach a quarter of an hour before a meal, slightly prewarmed. A portion of the juice is seized with a small slice of bread, sauerkraut.
    • For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies, pour 2 cups of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of finely grated beets, rose hips and black currants (a tablespoon each). Let it brew for 3 hours, then strain and add 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink infusion of 50 ml twice a day one hour before meals. The course is at least 2 weeks.

    • For arthritis, prepare a decoction of 400 ml of water, grated beets and chopped burdock roots (a tablespoon each). Boil the composition over low heat for a quarter of an hour, then strain. Drink the drug in a tablespoon 4 times a day 60 minutes before meals. The course is at least a week.
    • For chronic constipation, the composition is useful: grate a large root vegetable and mix with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of honey. Take in small amounts before every meal.


    • To heal wounds, apply fresh grated beets. The mass is changed as soon as it begins to dry out, it is fixed on the damaged area with a beet leaf.
    • For a cold, beet juice is used (juice squeezed from boiled beets is used: cotton swabs are moistened and put into the nostrils).
    • Pieces of raw root vegetables reduce toothache by holding them in the mouth, pressing them against the aching tooth.
    • For sore throat, grate fresh beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into 200 ml of juice. Gargle with this composition up to 6 times a day.
    • With red spiral lichen, apply grated raw red beets to the affected area. The beet mass should be changed when it dries.
    • For dry skin of hands, prone to cracks, a bath is useful: pour tops of 3 medium-sized root crops and boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Add honey to the slightly cooled broth (at the rate of a tablespoon per liter of broth). Soar your hands for 10 minutes. Then wipe off and brush with nourishing cream.
    • Another recipe softens the skin of the hands: boil half of the medium beets and finely grate. Pour the grated beet mass with a hot broth of beet leaves and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Then strain, pour in kefir (a glass of kefir per liter of infusion) and immerse your hands with the composition for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and grease your hands with cream.
    • A bath will help soften the hardened skin on the soles of the feet: a small amount of baking soda is added to the broth of beets boiled together with the tops. Soar feet for a quarter of an hour. Then wipe dry and moisturize with foot cream.

    • Foot bath made of beet leaves and nettle herb: take the components one at a time, pour boiling water over, let it brew. Keep your feet in the infusion for at least a quarter of an hour.
    • Cracked heels are treated with boiled beet pulp. Grate the beets and add a little melted butter to it. Apply the mixture to the damaged part of the heels and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse with warm water and rub well.
    • With excessive sweating of the feet, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is prepared on the basis of a decoction from the tops. The feet are immersed in a warm solution and soaked for 10 minutes. Then rinse with not hot water and wipe dry.
    • For sore throat, grated beets and carrots (take a tablespoon) pour 200 water, boil for 5 minutes, then strain, add as much boiled water so that the initial volume is obtained, mix with a teaspoon of honey and gargle with this composition twice in knocks.
    • For varicose veins, make lotions with a decoction: beets passed through a meat grinder, chopped bark of an ordinary oak and the fruits of horse chestnut (take a tablespoon of each ingredient) boil in 2 glasses of water over low heat for 10 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain. Moisten a clean cloth or gauze in broth and apply to the affected areas on the legs for a quarter of an hour. Make lotions daily, once a day, for a week.
    • For varicose veins, homemade tincture is also effective: grated beets, white acacia flowers and honey (just a tablespoon each) are poured with a glass of vodka. Withstand the tincture for 2 weeks in a dark place, sometimes shaking. After that, they filter and rub the legs every evening before going to bed. The course of treatment is 7 days.

    In oriental medicine

    Avicenna argued that a decoction of beet tops and beet juice heal cracks in the skin caused by the cold. The physician attributed the property of removing freckles to beet leaves. Avicenna used beet juice to treat warts, get rid of lice; beet decoction was used in medicinal dressings applied to tumors; boiled beet tops healed burns. Avicenna describes beetroot juice ear drops and dandruff remedy.

    The 15th century Armenian scientist, healer Amirdovlat Amasiatsi attributed the properties of an aphrodisiac to beets, the ability to heal tremors, epilepsy and neoplasms.

    In scientific research

    In the early 20th century in Hungary, Dr. Sandor Ferenczi (a psychiatrist by specialty and founder of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society) enthusiastically studied natural drugs that could be used in the treatment of cancer. Ferenczi published the work "Red beet as a means of additional therapy in the treatment of patients with malignant tumors." The described cases of curing patients with cancer of the stomach, rectum, and bladder served as a practical basis for the theory of the phenomenal medicinal properties of beetroot juice. Substances anthocyanins (among them betaine, from the group of polyphenols) are able to actively affect cancer cells.

    Beetroot can improve professional performance in athletes: A 2012 study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics found a 5% increase in running speed in the group of subjects who included beets on their daily menu. In the 5-kilometer marathon in the last 1.8 kilometers of distance, the speed of these runners increased (compared to the so-called "placebo group").

    In cooking, they use both root crops and beet leaves - tops. It is used to prepare botvinya (cold soup on kvass from boiled and mashed beet tops with the addition of sorrel and herbs), salads.

    Beet green salad recipe: chop young beet leaves (60 g, about 2 handfuls), salt to taste. Prepare a dressing of lemon or cranberry juice (tablespoon), oil (teaspoon), chopped green onions, and mustard to taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and season the salad.

    How to cook beets properly?

    • Beets are not recommended to be boiled in salt water - they will be tasteless and less nutritious. A lump of sugar can be added before the end of cooking.
    • Storing beets in the air in a purified form loses a significant amount of vitamin C.
    • Oven baked beets are healthier and tastier than boiled beets and are recommended for salads and vinaigrettes.
    • You need to cook the beets so that the water covers the root crop by no more than one centimeter.
    • Before you mix vegetables for vinaigrette, you need to separately season the beets with vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and only then add other components, so the rest of the vegetables will retain their natural color.
    • Microwaved beets are a "quicker" and more convenient way to cook beets, since they take a long time to cook. In the microwave, washed and unpeeled beets, laid out in a baking sleeve with holes punctured in it, are cooked at high power for only about 10 minutes.
    • In order for the borscht to acquire a bright red beet color, the beets must be boiled whole, then grated, sprinkled with citric acid (on the tip of a knife) and granulated sugar, mix well and let stand. After that, put in the borscht and let it boil once.


    Cranberries, red currants, apples, honey are added to drinks based on beet juice. Prepared from beets and kvass. To prepare beet kvass you will need: 400 g of beets, 1.2 l of water, sugar - to taste. Wash beets, peel, cut into slices, fold into an enamel or glass pan, alternating layers of sliced \u200b\u200bbeets with beets cut into halves or quarters. Pour the beets with chilled boiled water, add sugar. Cover the pan with gauze and leave in a warm place for 5-6 days. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add a crust of rye bread. Then cool the kvass and keep in the refrigerator. Use as a standalone drink or for making cold summer soups, okroshka.

    In cosmetology

    Fresh beet roots are used in home cosmetics. Cosmetic recipes for all skin types:

    To improve complexion, rub a slice of fresh beetroot on the neck and face, let the juice dry, then apply a thin layer of cream to the skin, gently hammering it in with your fingertips.

    Beetroot mask: grate raw beets on a fine grater and mix with sour cream (1: 1), apply on face, let dry, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

    Refreshing beetroot mask: grate fresh beets on a fine grater, mix the beet mass with sour cream and egg yolk (take a teaspoon in total). Apply on face, hold the mask for half an hour and rinse with warm water.

    Beetroot lotions for different skin types

    Lotion for dry skin (for its preparation, use the water in which the beets were boiled): mix half a glass of cooled beet broth with 100 ml of milk, one yolk and 3 tablespoons of medical alcohol diluted with water in proportions 1: 1. With a ready-made lotion, wipe your face with light movements using a cotton pad. Do not store the lotion in the refrigerator for a long time.

    Lotion for oily skin: prepare an infusion of beet tops and calendula flowers (take only one part at a time). Steam the plants with boiling water and let it brew. Add the juice of one lemon and 3 tablespoons of alcohol to the herbal infusion.

    Lotions for normal skin

    Option 1

    Prepare an infusion of beet leaves, mint and chamomile herbs (1: 1: 1): pour boiling water over and let it brew. Add 2 egg yolks and 3 tablespoons of vodka.

    Option 2

    Boil a quarter of one medium beet and grate it on a coarse grater. Steam the beet mass with 200 ml of strong infusion of beet tops, cool and combine with 2 tablespoons of alcohol, a spoonful of honey and one yolk.

    Beet water for hair: Rinsing hair with beet water is used for dandruff. To prepare beet infusion, a three-liter container is filled with 1.5 liters of cold water. They put raw beets chopped in slices in such an amount that the water level rises almost to the brim. The beet infusion is kept in a non-dark place for 6 days, until green mold appears on the surface. The water is carefully filtered and used to rinse the hair after washing, diluting the infusion with hot water.

    To cleanse the body

    Liver and intestines clogged with slags help to clean the beet kvass. Such cleaning is considered quite mild, it is relatively easily tolerated by the body. Beetroot or beet-bread kvass not only removes toxins, but also cracks down on pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.

    With diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis, this method of cleaning is contraindicated.

    Dangerous properties of beets and contraindications

    It is contraindicated to use beets in large quantities for kidney stones (especially with oxaluria) and other metabolic disorders.

    Beets are high in sugar, and eating excessively raw can cause blood sugar to rise. Beets for type 2 diabetes are allowed boiled in amounts agreed with the attending physician.

    Treatment with fresh juice from raw beets is contraindicated for gastritis with high acidity (hyperacid gastritis), low blood pressure, glomerulonephritis, diarrhea, nephrotic syndrome, osteoporosis, inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (acute stage), chronic renal failure and renal disease stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage).

    It is highly undesirable to take freshly squeezed beet juice, therapy is advisable only with settled juice (which was kept for at least 3 hours). Fresh beet juice can cause vasospasm, dramatically lower blood pressure, with accompanying symptoms in the form of mild nausea and general weakness.

    Excessive consumption of beets is contraindicated in patients suffering from hemochromatosis and Wilson's disease (this is due to the possible accumulation of copper and iron in the body).

    We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of beets in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share the picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

    • Beet seeds retain their ability to germinate for 6-10 years.
    • Hippocrates described at least 10 recipes for using beetroot in traditional medicine.
    • For the first time, the term “Beta rubra” (“red beet”) appears in the 3rd century. BC. in the texts of Pristian.
    • The beets did not always have the rounded shape of the root crop, which is known to the modern consumer: up to the 16-17th centuries, elongated and thin beets were grown in Europe, which rather resembled large carrots.

    • In some cultures, there is a belief that a man and a woman who have tasted a bite of one cooked root vegetable in the form of a dish will surely fall in love with each other.
    • Beets can rightly be called the winning vegetable. After they learned to preserve it in Russia, ferment it in brine - to harvest it for future use, gradually and confidently the beets ousted their main competitors in the south and in the middle lane: turnips, turnips and rutabagas.
    • Botvinya is one of the most expensive, festive and “complicated” first cold dishes in the history of Russian cuisine, although a simpler and cheaper version of this soup is common in modern cooking. Traditionally, the so-called "full" botvinha included 3 obligatory components: 1) botvinya itself (soup), 2) boiled red fish (sturgeon, salmon or stellate sturgeon), which was served separately with the soup, 3) crushed ice in a separate container.
    • Beets are one of the symbolic products accompanying the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah. Eating a small amount of it at the festive table, they say traditional prayer words in which they ask to relieve in the future of any opponents to work or thoughts.
    • In Australia, pickled beets are added to hamburgers.

    Selection and storage

    When buying, you need to choose round or flat-round dark-colored root crops: they are more juicy and superior in taste to elongated beets. A fresh, healthy root vegetable firm, dense, weighty, with maroon, red or white-red flesh. For borscht, dark red beets are preferable, lighter beets are put in the vinaigrette, any one is used for salad, and burgundy beets are better fermented. Ripe root crops have a thin tail, while unripe ones have a thick tail.

    Root crops without tops are stored in plastic bags in special compartments of the household refrigerator. On a larger scale, beets are stored in boxes or directly on the floor in basements, covered with sand.

    Beet root crops are best preserved at 80% air humidity and 2-3 degrees of heat (in bags made of very dense polyethylene). If the beets are stored in wooden boxes, the humidity should be 90% and the storage temperature should be between 0 and 1 degrees. In the cellars, root crops can be laid out in the form of a round pyramid, sprinkling each layer with sand. Beets should not be mixed with other vegetables (potatoes are an exception), as this will cause mold.

    Beetroot - a vegetable, industrial and fodder crop with a worldwide reputation - is also a low-calorie product that stands out among other vegetable plants with a high level of sugars contained in it and a relatively high level of carbohydrates. Beets are rich in antioxidants, have exceptional nutritional value and, due to their properties, are invaluable in terms of medical and dietary nutrition.

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    Each of us knows the taste of beets from childhood. This red, juicy vegetable, both raw and boiled, is included in the recipes of many dishes of world cuisines. Cold snacks (caviar, salads, pickled products), hot dishes (soups, borscht, stewed vegetables), drinks (kvass, juice) and even savory desserts (candied fruits, pastries, ice cream) are prepared from the root vegetable.

    It is difficult to imagine rich borscht or cold beetroot soup without the addition of beets. And the top salads most popular among our fellow citizens include a traditional New Year's dish - herring under a fur coat and everyone's favorite vinaigrette.

    This vegetable can be safely ranked as a food that improves health. Due to the unique biochemical composition, all parts of the plant - young tops and root crops, are actively used in traditional and folk medicine. Even in the days of Hippocrates, beets were used in the treatment of infectious diseases and skin pathologies, and Paracelsus used fresh plant juice to eliminate iron deficiency anemia.

    However, with certain ailments and breakdowns in our body, the biologically active substances of beets, which usually benefit the body, can result in unexpected harm. To avoid this, you should know exactly how and in what quantities to use beets for medicinal and culinary purposes.

    Useful properties of beets for humans

    The energy value (caloric content) of raw beets is about 40 kcal, and boiled beets - 49 kcal. The product belongs to dietetic and is recommended for inclusion in the diet of those who monitor their weight and adhere to a low-calorie diet.

    Beetroot vegetables contain the following phytonutrients useful for the human body:

    • vitamins (carotenoids, groups B, E, PP, C);
    • mineral substances (macro- and microelements, including basic ones, potassium, iron, calcium, sulfur compounds, magnesium, chlorine, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, vanadium, rubidium, iodine, fluorine, etc.);
    • natural sugars, up to 25% of the volume (glucose, sucrose, fructose);
    • an activator of the synthesis processes of phospholipid cell membranes - betaine (it is this compound that provides the rich red color of the fruit pulp);
    • ash;
    • bioflavonoids;
    • oxalic acid;
    • antioxidants;
    • essential and non-essential amino acids;
    • pectin fibers;
    • indigestible plant fibers (cellulose).

    The above-ground part of the plant, in addition to the listed substances, contains a high concentration of vitamin A. That is why young beetroot shoots are recommended to be eaten raw, boiled and baked, for example, as a filling for a Georgian pie.

    The biologically active compounds present in the product, most of which are in an easily digestible form, provide the following medicinal properties of beets:

    • diuretic and decongestant;
    • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the liver, and activating the processes of evacuation of metabolites;
    • anticholesterol and hematopoietic;
    • antimicrobial and antibacterial;
    • immunomodulating and restorative;
    • anticancer and anticancer;
    • toning and rejuvenating.

    Benefits of raw beets

    Despite the fact that most vegetables are healthier unprocessed, since they retain all the vitamins, in the case of beets, the situation is not so clear. The fact is that the raw root vegetable contains a large amount of fruit acids that irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines.

    That is why salads made from raw young vegetables are recommended to be consumed only by those people whose digestive system is completely healthy. Raw beets are most delicious when young. Young plant roots collected in summer have a thin skin and delicate flesh.

    The benefits of boiled beets

    The most amazing property of beets is the preservation of most of the nutrients after heat treatment. That is why it is useful in boiled and baked form, as well as in absolutely all dishes. Scientists have found that cooked beets are better absorbed by the body than raw beets.

    The inclusion of beets in the daily diet is useful for the following diseases:

    • constipation, disturbances in the digestive system, dysbiosis;
    • atherosclerosis, hypertension, ischemic heart disease;
    • hepatitis, fatty liver degeneration;
    • intoxication of the body, slagging;
    • iron deficiency anemia;
    • obesity;
    • impotence and forgive;
    • depression;
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • climacteric disorders

    How long should beets boil until cooked?

    Answering the question - how much to cook beets? - it should be emphasized that this depends on the size of the fruit and the degree of its ripeness. If for small roots, collected in June-August, a quarter of an hour is enough, then large fruits stored in the cellar require a long cooking - from 1 to one and a half hours.

    In order not to be mistaken, the beets should be pierced with a knife. If the blade enters like soft butter, the product has already cooked. However, you shouldn't overcook the root vegetable to avoid losing its beneficial compounds.

    Beet juice: benefits and recipes

    Juice squeezed from root vegetables is a concentrated elixir rich in vitamins. Traditional medicine recommends using beet juice to treat many diseases. Phytotherapists advise drinking it at the first sign of a cold, anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, constipation, vitamin deficiency.

    Before drinking, the drink should be kept in the refrigerator in an open container for at least 2 hours. During this time, irritating mucous substances evaporate from the concentrate. Freshly prepared juice can burn the epithelium lining the stomach and lead to vomiting.

    To improve the taste, it is recommended to add a small amount of natural bee honey to the drink, which will not only increase the sweetness, but also enhance the healing effect of the elixir due to the enzymes and amino acids present in the beekeeping product.

    Here are just some time-tested healing recipes:

    1. Decrease in blood pressure. With arterial hypertension, root juice diluted in half with honey is used. The product is stored in the refrigerator and consumed 15 ml three times a day before meals.
    2. Increased hemoglobin. For anemia, experts recommend drinking freshly squeezed apple and beet juice (1: 1), half a glass of the mix twice a day before meals.
    3. Reducing the manifestations of menopause (hot flashes, palpitations, fluctuations in the emotional background). Fresh beet juice should sit in the refrigerator for several hours. Drinking a tablespoon three times a day.
    4. Treatment of colds. Mix 50 g of vodka, honey, beetroot and cranberry juice in a glass container, let it brew for 72 hours. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day with meals.
    5. Rhinitis therapy. With a cold, clean beet juice is instilled 1-2 drops into each nasal passage. You can also insert turundas soaked in fresh root juice into the nostrils.
    6. Increase in potency, prevention and treatment of prostatitis. Combine in equal proportions freshly prepared juices of the following fruits: cucumber, vegetable bell peppers, carrots and beets. Take a mix of ½ glass twice a day before breakfast and dinner.

    Beets are a real find for everyone who is losing weight. The low energy value of the product does not lead to a set of extra pounds, thanks to which even a large portion of beet salad seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil will not harm your figure, but will relieve hunger pangs and improve the functioning of all organs and systems, saturating every cell of the body with healing compounds.

    In addition to the inclusion of beets in the diet for weight loss, according to reviews of people who have tried various methods of weight loss, it is advisable to use the product for therapeutic purposes to activate intestinal motility, remove excess fluid from tissues and stimulate all types of metabolism, including lipid, due to which it occurs increased burning of subcutaneous fat.

    For all those who are losing weight, it is recommended to use beets in a boiled or baked form, since they practically do not irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach, but at the same time contributes to the normalization of stools and getting rid of edema. The daily consumption rate is up to 200 g of the product, which is about 100 kcal.

    It is best to combine boiled beets for weight loss with unrefined vegetable oils of the first cold pressing, for example, corn, linseed, pumpkin seeds, olive or sunflower seeds. Adding fresh leafy greens to the salad: parsley, dill, arugula, coriander, young shoots of garlic and onion feathers improves the nutritional value of the dish and further enhances metabolism.

    An amazing combination with powerful healing properties - kefir with beets. The fiber-rich root vegetable improves the functioning of the intestines and cleanses the body of toxins, and kefir complements these functions, further enriching the microflora with beneficial bacteria. To make a sour milk shake for weight loss, you will need to mix 150 ml of kefir with probiotics or natural yogurt with two tablespoons of finely grated boiled beets. This drink is the perfect breakfast or dinner for anyone looking to be slim.

    Contraindications and harm to beets

    Like all vegetables, beets have a number of restrictions on their use, including:

    • allergies, individual intolerance;
    • stable hypotension;
    • osteoporosis (the product impairs the absorption and absorption of calcium);
    • a tendency to diarrhea;
    • oxaluria (urolithiasis);
    • increased acidity of gastric juice;
    • diabetes.

    It is undesirable to eat more than 200 g of beets per day, as this can negatively affect the state of the excretory system. The harm of beets to the body is minimal if consumed in moderation. Due to the ability of root crops to accumulate nitrates, which the plant pulls out of the soil after applying large portions of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, it is recommended to cut off the top of the beets by ¼.

    How to make kvass from beets at home, and how is it useful?

    At home, it is not difficult to prepare a unique healing drink - beet kvass. This elixir will be useful for people suffering from constipation and edema, as well as for all patients with heart and vascular problems.

    Regular use of beet kvass will allow to normalize blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels from atherosclerotic deposits, as well as improve blood composition. The benefits of kvass from beets lies in the ability of the drink to cleanse the body of poisons, radionuclides, toxic substances and metabolites. Regular intake of the elixir prevents malignant transformation of cells, eliminates constipation, and promotes weight loss.

    To make kvass, you will need to peel the root vegetables from thin skins, grate them, fold the beet mass into a three-liter jar, filling it 1/3, add 0.2 kg of granulated sugar and dried brown bread crusts (50 g). Pour boiling water to the top of all the ingredients, cover the container with gauze and put the jar in a dark place for fermentation. After 2-3 days, the liquid is filtered and consumed as a soft drink, but no more than 1-2 glasses per day.

    Now that you know what the true health benefits of beets are, all that remains is to deliberately diversify the menu by adding new dishes from such a valuable vegetable culture. I wish you active longevity and good health!

    One of the most popular vegetables in the world is beets, the health benefits and harms of which have been well studied by scientists. Doctors and nutritionists recommend that you regularly eat this root vegetable, however, excessive enthusiasm for the vegetable can harm the body.

    Beet - description

    This vegetable began to be eaten in the days of antiquity. In those days, the root crop was wild. At the beginning of the 11th century, it was brought to Kievan Rus and began to be actively cultivated. Since then, beet cultivars have spread all over the world. Now this garden crop is a biennial plant with a rosette of large long-petiolized leaves and a fleshy, large round or fusiform root.

    The most popular beet varieties can be roughly divided into the following groups:

    1. Sugar... Its white root contains up to 23% sugars. More than a quarter of the world's production of sweet sand is based on the cultivation of such beets.
    2. Stern... In agriculture, it is grown for cattle feed. Root crops of some varieties reach 10-12 kg in weight.
    3. Dining room... This is the root vegetable that is grown for human consumption. Moreover, both root crops and leaves are used.
    4. Chard or beetroot, in which only stems and leaves are suitable for food.

    Beetroot - chemical composition

    To find out what benefits and harms to health beets are, it is worth understanding its chemical composition. Like most vegetables, the root crop belongs to low-calorie foods, so its energy value is 43 kcal per 100 g of product. The vegetable is rich in carbohydrates due to its high sugar content - about 9 g per 100 g of product. The same weight accounts for 1.6 g of protein and 0.1 g of fat.

    Sugar and table beets are used in cooking, which are rich in:

    • macronutrients: phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
    • trace elements: copper, zinc, iron, manganese, selenium;
    • vitamins: A, group B, PP, C, D. E, K;
    • carotenoids;
    • amino acids: arginine, leucine, tryptophan, threonine and others;
    • fatty acids.

    Beets - benefits and harms

    Due to its unique biochemical composition, beets are a valuable source of many useful substances for the body. It is used both by supporters of a healthy diet and people with many diseases in remission for prophylaxis, and as a therapeutic food. However, beets, the health benefits of which are not controversial among the most inveterate skeptics, can be harmful to the body if misused.

    Useful properties of beets

    If you regularly eat beets as part of various dishes, then you can notice its positive effect on the health of the following systems and organs:

    1. It contains fiber and organic acids, which normalize metabolic processes, improve intestinal peristalsis and have a mild laxative effect.
    2. The benefits of beets for the body are obvious for the cardiovascular system. Magnesium in its composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and hypertension. Microelements and B vitamins increase hemoglobin, improve hematopoiesis and blood quality, dissolve thrombotic formations.
    3. Thanks to vitamin C and beta-carotene, the protective functions of the body are enhanced, and the risk of developing cancerous tumors is reduced.
    4. The lipotropic substance betaine in beets stimulates the removal of fats from the liver walls and prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.
    5. The root vegetable helps to stabilize the nervous system and maintain an even emotional background, helps in the fight against depression.

    Contraindications of beets

    Even taking into account all the positive properties of the vegetable, in the presence of certain diseases it is not worth using it in food, or it is necessary to significantly limit the volume. People with diabetes can eat such a product no more than twice a week. Who can’t eat beets is:

    1. People with kidney stones or a diagnosis of kidney failure should eliminate the vegetable from their diet.
    2. Allergic to this product.
    3. The fact that it has a number of diseases of the digestive system, including diarrhea. This is a contraindication to eating beets.

    Boiled beets - benefits and harms

    The best way to cook a root vegetable is to heat it: boiling, stewing and baking. Useful substances are retained in it, the amount of sugars and the acidity of the product are reduced. All this allows people suffering from pancreatitis, stomach ulcer and diabetes mellitus to eat beet dishes. Boiled beets, which have obvious health benefits when cooked correctly, will have more benefits when cooked in their skins. The cooking time directly depends on the size of the root crop and the type of cookware used. The fastest way to cook it is in a pressure cooker.

    Since the vegetable is not shown in large quantities even to healthy people, then in preventive and therapeutic nutrition, doctors advise adding it to other products:

    1. A simple salad is made from a boiled vegetable with sour cream and garlic.
    2. It goes well with boiled carrots and grated apple.
    3. For patients with bowel diseases, doctors advise preparing a salad of beets, nuts and prunes.

    Sauerkraut - benefits and harms

    Due to the presence of a large amount of monosaccharides in the composition, the root vegetable is excellent for fermentation. With this type of processing, all valuable vitamins, minerals and organic acids are preserved in it. Sauerkraut can be served as an independent snack or as an ingredient for borscht, beetroot and salads.

    The benefits of the vegetable will be obvious for:

    • people suffering from chronic constipation;
    • having constant high blood pressure;
    • with severe vitamin deficiency, including scurvy and a prolonged absence of fresh vegetables and fruits in the Far North;
    • suffering from anemia;
    • needing to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

    Pickled beets are both beneficial and harmful to health. It is contraindicated for people suffering from:

    • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage;
    • gout;
    • osteoporosis;
    • with caution, use a vegetable for patients with diabetes mellitus.

    Beet juice - benefits and harms

    All useful substances of the root crop are contained in unchanged form in freshly squeezed juice:

    1. Its side effect is an increase in gastric acidity, which is contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even healthy people may experience unpleasant symptoms after consuming large amounts of beet juice.
    2. Doctors advise not to consume pure juice, but to mix it with carrot, celery and other vegetable juices.
    3. Kvass from red beets, the benefits and harms of which were known in Ancient Russia, is an excellent tonic vitamin drink. It cleanses the body, has a choleretic and hypotensive effect. It is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and low blood pressure.

    Beet tops - benefits and harms

    Not only the root vegetable, but also the leaves of the vegetable can be eaten. The properties of beet leaves are in no way inferior in terms of the health benefits of pulp. They are rich in the same vitamins, micro- and macroelements, organic and fatty acids. It can be added to soups and borscht, salads, prepared for the winter, and even dried. Contraindications to the use of beet tops are standard for this vegetable:

    Many people underestimate the benefits of beets and believe that the vegetable has no special value for the body. In fact, the product contains many useful substances, minerals, micro- and macroelements, thanks to which there is an excellent opportunity not only to satisfy hunger, but also to normalize the work of internal organs, which is considered an important property of the root crop.

    It is allowed to use both fresh and boiled beets in the diet, so you can use it for cooking various dishes. And you can also use the root vegetable in cosmetology, as evidenced by a large selection of recipes, each of which has its own positive properties and characteristics.

    Chemical composition and calorie content

    Boiled beets contain antioxidants. These substances have a rejuvenating effect, prevent premature aging.

    The calorie content of boiled beets is 49 kcal per 100 grams of product. The vegetable has a positive effect on the work of the digestive system, activates the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Therefore, salads with boiled beets are often part of the daily diet for weight loss.

    The vegetable is rich in minerals:

    • magnesium;
    • manganese;
    • potassium.

    Boiled beets have a beneficial effect on heart function. In addition, the vegetable contains a fairly large amount of iron. Boiled beet helps to increase the hemoglobin content in the body, prevents anemia.

    Which beets are healthier: raw or boiled

    The benefits of beets largely depend on the form in which they are used, since heat treatment changes the structure of the fruit and can wash out certain useful substances from it.

    In its raw form, the vegetable is not recommended for everyone; it can lead to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And also fresh beets are not recommended for acute intestinal diseases, since the laxative effect of the product can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

    In the diet of children and the elderly, there must be boiled beets, which do not have a bright specific taste. The fact is that boiled beets are more easily absorbed by the body, so it is easier for it to cope with the load.

    Fresh beets are best suited for making fresh juice and smoothies when losing weight or following a diet, since a high concentration of vitamins and minerals are the main advantages of such a product.

    Important! To choose in favor of boiled or raw beets, it is recommended to consult a doctor so as not to worsen your health, because each organism has individual characteristics.

    Is it possible to eat boiled beets every day

    Red boiled beets are useful for almost every person, since the root crop is grown in the ground, so all vitamins and minerals are preserved in it as much as possible. But deciding whether it is possible to eat boiled beets every day is decided individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism. For example, older people should not eat boiled beets every day, as they may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But small children can be given a small amount of the product every day, but only after the permission of the doctor.

    A detailed examination of the body and monitoring the reaction after eating boiled beets is an opportunity to avoid side reactions and delight yourself with beetroot dishes every day.

    General benefit

    Boiled beets are a useful product for the human body, so it must be present in everyone's diet, if there are no medical contraindications for this. The advantages of using such a product are more than enough: blood vessels are strengthened, the work of the heart muscle is improved, blood pressure is normalized, harmful cholesterol is removed from the body, which worsens the general condition and leads to the appearance of blood clots. And also a boiled root vegetable pleases with such useful qualities:

    1. Immunity increases, so the body can more easily cope with infectious diseases, thereby eliminating the appearance of complications and problems with well-being.
    2. The nervous system is strengthened, a stressful situation is prevented.
    3. Swelling is eliminated, as excess moisture is removed from the body. This relieves the burden on the kidneys.
    4. The metabolism is accelerated to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
    5. The walls of blood vessels, capillaries and veins are strengthened, therefore, good blood circulation throughout the body is ensured.
    6. Nutritionists recommend daily use of beets for weight loss, since the product has practically no contraindications, which provides maximum benefits.

    For women

    For the female body, the red root vegetable is useful during menstruation, as pain is eliminated and general well-being is normalized. Blood loss is restored as the product can increase hemoglobin levels, preventing anemia. Therefore, beets are especially useful for those women who feel depressed during menstruation due to a decrease in hemoglobin.

    Beets are considered a dietary product, therefore, for those who want to lose weight without harming their body, it will be the best solution. But do not overuse the amount, the composition contains sugar, which can disrupt the glucose level in the body. The best option for losing weight is to make a boiled beet smoothie, as this can replace an additional meal (lunch or afternoon snack), while saturating the body.

    For men

    Boiled beets are useful for the male body due to the fact that it prevents the development of prostate adenoma, therefore, male strength is preserved regardless of age. Studies have shown that the red root vegetable improves the functioning of the genitals, since blood circulation in the pelvic area is normalized.

    During pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the benefits of boiled beets are especially great, since the vitamin composition can please the expectant mother and her baby, and the product itself is well absorbed by the body, while improving the general condition. Doctors identify the following positive qualities of boiled beets in the diet of the expectant mother:

    1. The vegetable belongs to the category of dietary products, so excess weight is not gained, which is considered the main aggravating factor for natural childbirth.
    2. Anemia is eliminated by normalizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
    3. The product helps to eliminate mood swings, which are considered frequent companions of pregnant women.
    4. Folic acid in beets is easier to digest, which benefits the expectant mother and her baby.

    Important! It is necessary to individually consult with a doctor, as there may be intolerance to the product.

    When breastfeeding

    Doctors are actively arguing about whether the use of beets in the diet of a nursing mother is allowed, but so far the majority are of the opinion that the product is harmful and can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions in the baby or disrupt the work of his intestines. Beetroot produces a mild laxative effect that can be very dangerous for a newborn baby.

    For children

    For children, boiled beets are a treasure trove of vitamins that have a positive effect on overall health, helping to strengthen the immune system and prevent viral diseases. Due to a detailed analysis of the product, experts have identified the following positive qualities:

    1. Due to the fact that dietary fiber is present in beets, the work of the digestive system and intestines improves, therefore, the process of defecating the body is simplified.
    2. A high concentration of B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine and other trace elements that are important for strengthening the body and restoring its normal functioning. It is very important for children to get enough vitamins, since a growing body requires constant replenishment of useful substances in order to avoid disturbances in its development.
    3. The composition contains a natural coloring element - betaine, which belongs to useful biologically active additives that can improve the functioning of internal organs. The substance allows you to accelerate the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, making them easier to digest.

    Note! Children do not like beets much because of their specific smell and taste, so when cooking, you can use culinary tricks to "disguise".

    Is it possible to eat boiled beets while losing weight

    Boiled beets are a useful product that takes part in the work of internal organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, so it will be especially useful when losing weight. Low calorie content in combination with normalization of the digestive tract ensures the elimination of toxins and toxins accumulated in the body. This allows you to safely lose weight, in return for an attractive and sophisticated figure.

    But it is worth remembering that sugar is present in the composition, so it is important to control the amount of beets in order to get only the benefits, avoiding a negative reaction to the body.

    Beets are not only a tasty, but also a healthy product, since the composition contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, which can be attributed to important advantages. Doctors carefully examined the product for adverse reactions, therefore, before using the root vegetable in the presence of chronic or exacerbated diseases, careful attention to well-being is required. Only a doctor's consultation will be able to help resolve issues regarding whether the product is useful in a particular case. But, as practice shows, beets are extremely beneficial in most situations.

    With diabetes mellitus

    In boiled form, it is sometimes allowed to eat beets, but only as part of any dish.

    Important: the glycemic index of boiled beets - 65 units, raw - 30.

    With pancreatitis

    Beetroot has long been considered an active product in the diet of people with chronic or acute pancreatitis, therefore it is extremely useful for the normal functioning of the pancreas. The metabolic processes in the body are corrected, due to which toxins, toxins and waste are removed. This allows the pancreas to handle stress more easily, which is important for improving overall health.

    At the initial stage, it is recommended to consume only 90-110 grams of boiled beets in the morning to "fire up" the stomach and prevent deterioration throughout the day. Gradually, the rate rises, and the problems with the pancreas, respectively, decrease.

    With gastritis

    Beetroot normalizes the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, therefore, with chronic gastritis, a "calming" effect appears, making a person feel much lighter and more comfortable. However, it is important to avoid spices when cooking boiled beets, as this can cause irritation and deteriorate overall health.

    For the intestines

    The red root vegetable allows you to restore the work of the intestines, normalizing its peristalsis, so you can forget about problems with food digestion. But for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system, which tend to turn into an acute form, it is important to carefully consider the construction of their diet, since the product may not always provide the desired benefits. In all other cases, beets are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, thanks to which a person will feel as comfortable as possible.

    For constipation

    Beetroot has a mild laxative effect, so the bowel movements are easier to defecate. In addition, an accelerated metabolism is a lifesaver for people who have chronic problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so emptying is a huge problem.

    For the liver

    Beets help cleanse the liver by providing an antioxidant effect. It is recommended to use a boiled red root vegetable after prolonged use of antibiotics or strong medications, which retain a residual effect and therefore accumulate in the body, causing harm to it. Beets gently affect the liver and gallbladder, so a person gets rid of the feeling of heaviness, which is important in the process of cleaning the organ.

    With hemorrhoids

    With the prolapse of hemorrhoids, beets can be used not only in nutrition, but also externally, since the antibacterial and calming effect is important to reduce inflammation in size. And also the product stops bleeding, so the person feels lighter. But it is important to remember that beets cannot be used as the only way to treat hemorrhoids, therefore, when combining external use and internal use in combination with drugs, this is an opportunity to get rid of inflammation in the anus and prevent intoxication of the body.

    With cholecystitis

    With inflammation of the gallbladder, namely in the chronic form of cholecystitis, beets give an anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which you can stop pain, while improving the general condition of the body. But in the stage of exacerbation, the product can provoke the appearance of additional complications against the background of a general deterioration in the condition, therefore it is recommended to initially consult with the attending doctor.

    The red root vegetable can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, if you know simple, but at the same time effective recipes. Beetroot and juice from this root vegetable will be especially useful in skin care, since the product contains nutrients: calcium, copper, iron and iodine, as well as ascorbic acid and B vitamins. You can distinguish such useful masks based on root vegetables:

    1. Anti-wrinkle mask. For cooking, you will need beet juice, a teaspoon of milk and potatoes. All ingredients are mixed in a puree and applied to steamed skin, which results in a moisturizing effect, smoothes fine expression lines and improves skin tone.
    2. Acne mask. For cooking, you will need 10 grams of beets, 5 grams of bodyagi and 2 drops of essential oil to moisturize the skin. The root vegetable is grated, and the algae can be crushed with a blender or coffee grinder, after which they must be diluted with water to obtain a mushy product. Then all the preparations are mixed with essential oil, which allows you to get an excellent mask for eliminating inflammation on the face, improving skin tone.
    3. Mask for problem skin. You can make the skin velvety, fresh and youthful by using a special mask based on beets. To do this, you will need 10 grams of beets, 15 grams of avocado, 5 grams of rice starch, and to obtain a vitamin mass, you need to add 1 ampoule of vitamin B12. All ingredients are blended to create a mushy substance that is massaged onto the skin to improve circulation and reduce swelling, as well as acne and inflammation.

    Harm and contraindications

    Despite the benefits and benefits of boiled beets in the diet, it is important to remember that there are certain contraindications and possible harm to the body. Only a careful consideration of them allows you to avoid the appearance of side reactions:

    1. With an exacerbation of gastritis, beets can provoke an increase in acidity, which leads to a host of complications.
    2. In case of problems with calcium absorption, excessive consumption of beets can result in a deterioration in the condition of the skeletal system, which will make it more prone to deformations.
    3. Urolithiasis is a direct contraindication to the use of boiled beets, as it can give an additional load on the organ.
    4. For people with diabetes, such a product is undesirable for the reason that there is a lot of sugar in the composition, which negatively affects a person's well-being.
    5. For people with chronic problems of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of the product is not recommended, as this can provoke the appearance of frequent diarrhea.

    The taste and shelf life of boiled beets depends on how well it is cooked, a violation of the technological process leads to a change in the structure of the product, which disrupts the taste and reduces the benefits of the vegetable. It is recommended to follow the following steps in beetroot preparation:

    1. Before cooking, you need to clean the vegetable from the tails and dirt on the surface of the peel, since it will not only pollute the water, but also cause the taste of the finished root crop to be disturbed.
    2. The optimal amount of water is poured into the pan so that all red roots are covered to the top with a margin of 2–3 centimeters.
    3. After boiling water, add a small amount of lemon juice. But it is best to take fresh juice, it has a sufficient amount of vitamin to saturate the beets.
    4. The cooking time depends on the size of the fruit, but usually it is 40-60 minutes.
    5. To check the readiness of the beets during cooking, you need to use a fork, which is simply pierced by the fruit to determine the degree of softness. If you feel a little hardness, then it is better to boil the beets for another 10-15 minutes.
    6. After the end of boiling, the beets must be poured with cold water and left in this position for 10 minutes so that they cool down and the subsequent peeling of the peel does not create any inconvenience.

    What can be cooked from boiled beets

    Boiled beets are perfect for soups, especially cream soups, and the ability to combine a product with a number of others is a reason to diversify your diet and get the most out of it. And also often beets are used as a dressing for borscht or experimental kharcho to obtain the appropriate color and taste.

    Boiled beetroot salads: recipes

    It is in the form of a salad that the root crop most often comes to our table. Therefore, today we will analyze several original recipes for boiled beetroot salads, which are not ashamed to serve to guests. For each recipe, we need a pound of boiled or baked vegetable.

    1. Beetroot with apples. Chop three small sour apples into strips. Chop the beets into strips, mix with apples, season with apple cider vinegar and olive oil.
    2. Beetroot with dried fruits. Take 100 g each of dried fruits (raisins, prunes, figs) and steam with boiling water. Grate the beets on a coarse grater, and chop the swollen dried fruits. Combine the ingredients, season with mayonnaise or sour cream, you can add walnuts.
    3. Pseudo-vinaigrette. Take a couple of pickles, boiled beets and chop into cubes. Chop greens (parsley and onions), you can add green peas or sauerkraut. Season the ingredients with oil, salt.
    4. Beetroot and garlic. Grate the beets and apple on a fine grater, squeeze out 1 clove of garlic, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil.
    5. Beetroot with roast and sesame seeds. Fry two small onions until golden brown. Grate the beets, combine with roast and sesame seeds, add cumin and season with olive oil.
    6. Beetroot with cheese and egg. Finely grate beets and 100 g of any good hard cheese. Add chopped walnuts, two crumbled eggs, season with low-fat sour cream, or garlic.
    7. Beetroot with feta cheese. Chop the beets into cubes, mix with a couple of bunches of green onions, season with lemon juice and vegetable oil, add salt and pepper. Sprinkle cheese cubes on top of the salad.
    8. Beetroot according to the original recipe. Take 100 g of kelp, grated beets, fresh celery and carrots. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise and wine vinegar.

    Delicious and savory recipes will help the hostess quickly figure out a salad for unexpected guests.

    How much boiled beets can be stored in the refrigerator

    Boiled beets are a perishable product, so careful attention to storage rules is required. As a rule, freshly boiled beets in their skins can be stored for no more than 4 days, and peeled root crops for no longer than 2 days.

    Can I freeze

    It is quite possible to freeze boiled beets if you follow certain preparation rules. This option is ideal for those who do not want to mess with cooking beets every day.

    1. Initially, you need to peel the root crop, because when frozen, it will only interfere, and when defrosting, it can spoil the taste of the fruit.
    2. The fruits must be dry so that during freezing, excess moisture does not accumulate, which negatively affects the overall quality and taste.
    3. Vacuum technology can be used to remove excess air and freeze the beets evenly.

    Boiled beets can be present in the diet of animals, but it should be borne in mind that the body can individually respond to a new product, therefore it is best to introduce it into the diet gradually, periodically increasing the amount. Veterinarians recommend adding beets to the diet of such animals:

    • rabbits;
    • hamsters;
    • dogs;
    • cats;
    • guinea pigs;
    • wavy parrots;
    • guinea pigs.

    But it is important to remember that if the animal begins to feel unwell, you should immediately seek the help of a veterinarian who will help cleanse the intestines.

    Beetroot, like any other root product from the vegetable category, has its own interesting facts, which became the basis for the development of its popularity around the world. Among the most entertaining are:

    1. For 2000 years BC, beets were not perceived as a food product, since in Ancient Persia it was believed that it was a subject of quarrels and disagreements, therefore it was used only for medicinal purposes, if there was an urgent need for it. But the Greeks considered beets to be a sacred product, so it was regularly presented as a gift to Apollo.
    2. Beetroot is such a popular root vegetable that it is now grown on all continents except Antarctica due to the special climatic conditions.
    3. Hippocrates wrote about the unusual medicinal properties of beets in his treatises.

    Beets are an amazing product that is available to everyone, and not only on store shelves, but also for self-cultivation on land, which is considered an important advantage for connoisseurs of natural and nutritious products. And different methods of preparation and use allow you to easily saturate the body with useful substances.

    Such a familiar in our latitudes, an obligatory attribute of borscht, vinaigrette and beetroot, beets were brought to us in the days of Kievan Rus from Byzantium. Already ancient researchers of wholesome food evaluated the medicinal properties of beets as exceptional. Modern scientists not only confirmed the observations of their predecessors, but also proved that beets are a unique vegetable and cannot be replaced by any other in the human diet.

    Useful properties of beets, its special nutritional value are associated with two points. Firstly, this is a unique set of elements that is not found anywhere else, and, secondly, beets contain a large number of substances that are not subject to destruction during cooking. The benefits of boiled beets are beyond doubt.

    Beet composition. Calorie content of beets

    Carbohydrates - 14% of the composition: glucose, fructose, sucrose (the last 6%), pectins. Vitamins, minerals, trace elements: B, BB, C (a little), carotenoids, folic and pantothenic acids, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, cesium, rubidium, chlorine, etc. - the whole periodic table, and in a significant amount!

    Organic acids: lemon, oxalic, apple.

    Amino acids: betaine, betanin, lysine, valine, arginine, histidine, etc.

    Cellulose - a large number of.

    Calorie content of beets (in 100 grams): Calories, kcal: 40 Proteins, g: 1.5 Fats, g: 0.1 Carbohydrates, g: 8.8

    What are the benefits of beets? Medicinal properties of beets

    The beneficial properties of beets are due to their biochemical composition.

    Beets are healthy with chronic constipation... Thanks to fiber, organic acids and other elements, it regulates metabolic processes, enhances intestinal peristalsis. Beetroot is the “cleaner” of the body No. 1, it sanitizes the intestines, including by destroying putrefactive bacteria, and not only by mechanical action with fiber.

    Beets are beneficial because they contain betaine, which regulates fat metabolism, prevents liver infiltration and high blood pressure. Beet betaine fulfills its function equally in freshly squeezed juice and hot borscht. Used with obesity, liver disease.

    Magnesium, found in abundance in beets, promotes healing atherosclerosis, hypertension.

    Beets have a diuretic, laxative effect. It relieves pain, has anti-inflammatory effect, promotes recovery, helps the body fight depression and is excellent in meat borscht.

    Beets are healthy for healthy blood formation... It contains trace elements responsible for these processes. People who eat beets in their diet rarely get anemia.

    Beets are essential for pregnant women. , which is part of it, is vital at the stage of planning a child and at the beginning of pregnancy, since without it a healthy nervous system of a little one will not form. In addition, constipation is frequent in this state, and beets by the way.

    As for the iodine content that strikes among root crops, its presence makes beets especially useful with iodine deficiencydiseases of the thyroid gland and for the elderly with atherosclerosis.

    There is an assumption that betanin inhibits the development of malignant tumors, and it is confirmed by many years of research that beets are a powerful energy drink.

    In addition, beets are a low-calorie product. Related to this is popularity and effectiveness.

    Beetroot harm

    Probably, it is more correct to cook not about the dangers of beets, but about the restrictions in its use. They are also due to the chemical composition of beets.

    Osteoporosis, predisposition to it... This is due to the fact that beets interfere with calcium absorption.

    Diabetes... Since it is a sweet vegetable, it is quite high in sugar.

    Urolithiasis disease (oxaluria primarily). Beets are contraindicated in this case, as they contain oxalic acid. On the Web, you can find many folk recipes for the treatment of kidney and bladder stones with beetroot juice. This should not be done under any circumstances!

    Chronic diarrhea... Beets have a pronounced laxative effect.

    Beetroot in folk medicine

    Beetroot treatment recipes can be assembled into at least one thick volume. Below are some of the most popular and tested ones.

    With hypertension... Mix freshly squeezed beet juice with a teaspoon of honey. Drink a quarter glass before meals. Very good for these purposes which is pretty simple.

    For constipation beets should become a favorite product for a long time, both in the form of all kinds of dishes, and in the form of a decoction and juice. With persistent constipation, the broth is prescribed in enemas.

    Beets are included in many dietary meals prescribed for treatment tuberculosis.

    With a runny nose beet juice (preferably sour, fermented) is instilled into the nose 2-3 drops 3 times a day.

    Beets are also used externally in folk medicine. When treating ulcers, cracks, for example, a gruel from it is applied to the affected areas. As it dries, change the bandage, and repeat everything. The root vegetable also helps with teenage acne in the form.

    We seem to have defeated tsingu, and yet it still occurs. Best Healing Food from scurvy - it's sauerkraut... About that - in the recipe for Ukrainian borscht.

    A special place in dietary nutrition as a means of high efficiency is occupied by freshly squeezed - the benefits of beets in it (and contraindications at the same time) appear in a concentrated form.