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  • E 440 food additive is dangerous or not. Food grade gelatin, bloom, and gelling agents

    E 440 food additive is dangerous or not. Food grade gelatin, bloom, and gelling agents

    Thickeners are one of the most important substances in the creation of confectionery products. Gelatin, agar-agar, pectin increase the viscosity of food products. Most often they are used in the manufacture of marmalade, marshmallow, marshmallow, jelly, juices, fruit fillings and candy fillings.

    The main character of this material is pectin. It is a purified polysaccharide, a complex chemical compound found in plants. It is often labeled as an E440 additive on food labels. Pectin was discovered more than 200 years ago, first isolating it from fruit juice.

    Today, for the production of this substance, plant materials with a high pectin content are taken. For processing, four main types of raw materials are used:

    • apple pomace (10-15%),
    • sugar beet pulp (10-20%),
    • sunflower basket (15-25%),
    • citrus zest (20-35%).

    Pectin has a wide range of applications: it is a thickener, stabilizer, gelling agent, clarifier, filter, water-retaining agent. Due to a number of useful properties, pectin is used not only in the food industry, but also in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Useful properties of pectin

    The benefits of pectin for the human body are very high. Pectin can work as a rejuvenator: it safely and without any harm cleanses the internal systems of the body, without causing any harm to the human microflora. It removes toxins, pesticide, urea, cholesterol and other harmful compounds.

    The beneficial qualities of pectin also include:

    1. regulation and improvement of metabolism;
    2. improvement of circulatory systems;
    3. enveloping the gastrointestinal mucosa;
    4. activation of microorganisms involved in the production of vitamins;
    5. removal of heavy metals;
    6. recovery at the cellular level;
    7. acceleration of the absorption of nutrients;
    8. anti-inflammatory action;
    9. control of blood cholesterol levels.

    Pectin in confectionery production

    Pectin is not only useful, but also a versatile substance that is deservedly popular among confectioners. Apple pectin is especially highly valued by the producers of sweets, while citrus pectin is more often used in dairy production and in the production of juices.

    Pectin is divided into two groups, depending on the reversibility (solubility or insolubility when heated) and the method of thickening:

    1. high-methoxyl pectin - HM,
    2. low-methoxyl pectin - LM.

    Pectins of the first group HM thicken with a large amount of sugar and a certain level of acid. With an insufficient level of one or another substance, they simply will not grab. They are used in the preparation of marmalades, jam, preserves.

    There are three types of HM pectins: fast, medium and slow settling. HM-pectins are thermo-reversible: that is, even if they are heated after solidification and then cooled again, they thicken.

    Pectins of the second group LM for solidification do not need sugar, but calcium. That is, LM pectins can impart thickness and viscosity to unsweetened foods. Such pectins are thermally irreversible.

    But the most interesting kind of pectin is NH. It is a converted LM-pectin, which, due to chemical modification, has acquired the property of thermal reversibility. This pectin needs very little calcium to thicken, which it extracts from dairy products. And exactly pectin NHit is used for not very sweet fillings for cakes and pies, dessert sauces, jelly-like coatings and all kinds of culinary experiments.

    Thus, any pectin is distinguished by its usefulness and excellent taste, but has a different scope of application.

    Gelling agent - food additive designed to form a gel-like texture of food products.

    The widespread use of food additives began in the 19th century, but only in the second half of the 20th century. they have become an essential component in the production of almost all food products. Thanks to additives, food products acquire a beautiful color, taste, smell, and their shelf life is significantly increased.

    Each food additive is assigned a specific number.

    In Europe, a digital suffix for a food additive is preceded by the letter “ E", Which is identified both with the word" Europe "and with the words" essbar / edible", Which in translation into Russian (respectively, from German and English) means" edible". The same designation has been adopted in Russia since 1996. So, gelling agents, consistency stabilizers, thickeners are assigned codes from E400 to E499.

    It is worth noting that a number of food additives used in our country are produced chemically and have a structure and origin far from natural.

    For example, what relation to food can have

    • E171 (titanium dioxide - used mainly for the manufacture of white paint used in construction),
    • E172 (iron oxides),
    • E174 (silver).

    In accordance with the current sanitary rules, these so-called "food additives" are used in the manufacture of pills, chewing gum, sweets, milk powder, etc.

    But, according to experts, gelling agents such as

    • agar-agar (E406),
    • carrageenan (E407),
    • oat gum (E411),
    • pectins (E440),
    • gelatin (E441),

    Let's talk in more detail about some useful food supplements:

    Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (Agar-Agar)

    Agar-agar (E406)

    - it is used in the production of canned food, especially meat, as well as marshmallow, pastille, marmalade, soufflé, jelly, chewing gum. It is the strongest herbal gelling agent. Agar-agar is made from the most expensive red and brown algae (Anfeltia, Helldium, Gracillaria, Euheum) growing in the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Black and White Seas, which are extracted from the bottom of the sea or artificially grown on special plantations. It is worth noting that red and brown algae contain fucoidan, which helps to avoid breast cancer in women and has a positive effect on the course of cancer.

    Carragian (Chondrus crispus)

    Carrageenan (E407)

    Carrageenans are obtained by water extraction from several types of red algae.

    It is used in the production of canned vegetables, fruit and meat, cream, ice cream, sauces, fermented milk products, concentrated milk, margarine, as the main component of brines for the production of gourmet products from pork, beef, poultry, and in the production of cased ham products.

    Carrageenan (E407a) from algae Eucheuma cottonii - used in the dairy industry in the production of cream, fermented milk products, concentrated milk, ice cream, margarine. In sausage production, it is widely used due to its high water-retaining ability in the production of cooked sausages, frankfurters, small sausages, hams in the shell and form, fat emulsions for the production of sauces and canned soups. Based on an exhaustive scientific review by carrageenan scientists in July 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) concluded that carrageenan is safe for use in formula milk, including formula for newborns with special conditions.

    Apple Pectin

    Pectin (E440)

    It is produced from apples and citrus fruits and is used in the production of confectionery jelly and pastilles, fermented milk drinks, canned fruit, yoghurts, dairy desserts, and ketchups. The ordinary consumer knows pectin, first of all, in the composition of jam, jam, confiture and marmalade.

    The addition of pectin saves time when preparing jellies, jams and other dishes and enriches the products with a fruity aroma. Billets with pectin require a small amount of sugar, which makes them less nutritious, and berries and fruits are less heat-treated, and therefore better preserve vitamins and useful microelements. But, nevertheless, the most valuable property of pectin is that it has the ability to cleanse the body of heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides and other toxins. It is this property that defines pectin as recommended by WHO as a prophylactic agent in ecologically contaminated areas.

    Prophylactic daily dose pectin is 5 - 7 g, in conditions of radioactive contamination - 15 - 16 g per day.

    Gelatin (E441)

    - a proteinaceous gelling agent; obtained from products containing collagen - bones, tendons, cartilage during prolonged boiling with water. Depending on the properties and purpose, gelatin is divided into the following types:

    • food grades: K-13, K-11, K-10, P-19, P-17, P-16, P-13, P-11, P-9, P-7;
    • technical grades: T-11, T-9, T-7, T-4 and T-2.5.

    The letter "P" means that this gelatin belongs to the food variety, and if the letter "K" is indicated at the beginning, the gelatin refers to the variety "food confectionery gelatin" and will ideally complement sweet dishes.

    Grades of edible gelatin differ in the strength of the jelly. The higher the grade of gelatin, the higher this indicator and the lower the required dosage of gelatin of this brand.

    Food gelatin is produced in the form of granules, grains, plates, powder, technical gelatin - in the form of granules, grains, plates, powder, flakes and flakes. In the food industry, gelatin is widely used.

    It is used in the production of ice cream so that large ice lumps do not form in it. It imparts viscosity to various products - jellies, canned food, preserves. It is used as a gelling agent to preserve the shape of marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, in the production of cakes and desserts, which contain jelly, used in the manufacture of sauces, creams and mousses.

    Some drinks are clarified with edible gelatin - juices, wine, beer and mineral water.

    Technical gelatin is used in the production of textile fabrics, glue, photographic materials, high-quality paper (our money also owes him), matches, paintball balls and other products.

    Gelatin is used for skin care, strengthening and growth of nails. Gelatin is very useful for joints, bones and connective tissue, it contains the amino acid glycine, which stimulates brain activity, reduces psycho-emotional stress, conflict, aggressiveness and at the same time increases mental capacity, improves falling asleep.


    Imported gelatin has such an indicator as the "strength" of gelatin and it is measured in "Bloom"... Gelatin with a high Bloom degree forms a stronger gel, has a light color and good taste. The term for measuring the strength of a gel is named after the inventor Oscar T. Blum. Gelatin is sheet and powder. For the production of gelatin in the form of plates (sheet), powdered gelatin is taken, dissolved again, heated, and then formed into the desired shape, cooled and dried in the form of a gel film.

    Very often, sheet gelatin has the names of expensive metals: the most popular

    • "Titanium" (120 Bloom),
    • "Bronze" (130 Bloom),
    • "Silver" (160 Blum) and
    • "Golden" (190-220 Blum).

    The highest value indicates the greatest gel strength. Usually, the more Bloom, the higher the price.

    Today we told you about gelling agents that are beneficial to human health and are necessary for the production of our favorite foods.

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    Pectins - these are polysaccharides that consist of galacturonic acid residues, and some of the galacturonic acid residues contain a methoxy group. These substances belong to a group that are one of the irreplaceable components of the diet. Pectins are found in almost all plants. Especially rich in pectin are apples, plums, gooseberries, all citrus fruits. The smallest amount is found in soft fruits such as cherries, grapes, and strawberries.

    The relationship between fruit density and pectin content reflects the biological properties of this substance in plants - pectin maintains the required osmotic pressure (i.e., in this case, the ability to retain water), thereby preventing water loss and increasing the safety of fruits during storage. Thus, if the fruits are not stored and are prone to quick spoilage and drying out, then the pectin content is most likely low in such fruits.

    The main industrial sources of pectin are apple pomace (30%) and citrus peel (70%). Also pectin is obtained from sugar beet pulp and sunflower baskets.

    Pectins are used for various purposes. In the food industry, apple and citrus pectin is used as a food additive E440 as a thickener, stabilizer and gelling agent. The main property of pectin in this case is its ability to form pasty gels in the presence of calcium, acid or sugar ions.

    So, it is widely used in the confectionery industry in the manufacture of various jellies, marmalade, products from them, as well as for imparting the necessary consistency to jam, jam, etc. For the same purposes, pectin is sold at retail.

    Biological active properties of pectin based on its indigestibility and indigestibility, i.e. it is a soluble dietary fiber. For this purpose, it is used for enriching food products and making dietary supplements for food (code E440).

    Benefits of pectin great. The physiological functions of this substance, like all dietary fibers, are diverse: on its surface, pectin in the small intestine sorbs bile acids and fats, thereby reducing, prevents the absorption of certain toxic substances, normalizes the frequency and volume of stools, creates optimal conditions for microbiocinosis, that is reproduction of useful microbes necessary for the body.

    Unlike other dietary fiber, pectin slows down the movement of digested food into the colon by increasing its viscosity. Consequently, the assimilation of food will be more complete, which means that the body will have enough less food. This property is very valuable for those who are on a weight loss diet.

    The astringent and enveloping properties of apple pectin, citrus pectin and some others protect the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and have a moderate analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in ulcerative lesions. Pectins bind and remove radioactive substances and heavy metals, as well as cholesterol.

    However, with excessive consumption, pectin can be harmful: the absorption of valuable minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) decreases, fermentation begins in the colon, which leads to flatulence and reduced digestibility, etc. It should be noted that pectins from natural sources come in small quantities and bring only benefits, and the harm of pectin begins to manifest itself from such volumes that are difficult to obtain from food, because no one eats fruits and berries in kilograms. Overdose occurs, as a rule, only with excessive enthusiasm for dietary supplements (biologically active additives) with a high content of this substance or pure pectin.

    Olya Likhacheva

    Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


    The substance pectin is often called the body's orderly. It is able to absorb toxins and harmful substances, while preserving the intestinal microflora. A large number of positive properties have made this supplement a sought-after product in the pharmaceutical industry and for household use.

    What is Pectin

    For natural body cleansing, many experts advise taking a food supplement E440 or pectin, the beneficial properties of which have long been used for culinary recipes and in the medical field. The substance is translated from Greek as “frozen”. This feature has determined the use of this product in cooking. Many modern people are interested in the question, pectin - what is it and how can it be used?

    The French scientist A. Brakonno was the first to describe the beneficial properties of a food additive. Pectin is a polysaccharide (chemical compound) that some plants contain. Fruits and seaweed are especially rich in substances. For the food industry, this additive is actively used as a thickener for gelling products. Marmalade, marshmallow, confiture, jelly, jelly - all these delicacies contain pectin substances.

    Pectin - benefits and harms

    E440 additive is a purified hydrocarbon, thickener, stabilizer, sorbent. A pectin substance is used for the production of fruit fillings, jelly confectionery, desserts, and dairy products. In medicine and pharmacy, polysaccharide is used as an active substance that is useful for digestion and is necessary for the encapsulation of drugs.

    Many versions have been put forward about what pectin is - the benefits and harms of this product, but they all boil down to the fact that the additive brings a triple benefit to a person, having a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

    Why is pectin useful?

    In medicine, the active additive E440 is used for the production of capsules. It is often included in many drugs that detoxify the body. In cosmetology, the substance is used to make creams and masks, which can be bought at any pharmacy. This polysaccharide is indispensable for the production of jelly, marshmallow, jam, preserves, marmalade, ketchup and mayonnaise. It is recommended to take the substance pectin separately (in the form of a drug) - the benefits for the body will only be higher, since this supplement can:

      improve peripheral circulation;

      stabilize metabolism;

      lower cholesterol;

      normalize intestinal peristalsis;

      to manifest itself as a natural anti-inflammatory agent for peptic ulcer diseases, and also as a mild pain reliever;

      cleanse of harmful substances (antidote for poisoning);

      bind heavy metals (removes ions of mercury, copper, iron, lead from the body);

      remove anabolic steroids, biogenic toxins, metabolic products, bile acids, urea;

      reduce the risk of developing cancer, diabetes;

      activate microorganisms responsible for the production of vitamins;

      help the natural rejuvenation of the body (especially in women), thanks to galacturonic acid found in the polysaccharide;

      promote the breakdown of fats, which helps to get rid of extra pounds.

    Today, apple pectin is especially famous, which is the most useful and of the highest quality. For widespread use, this product is produced in two forms - powder and liquid. A pure substance, when consumed with food, does not create an energy reserve in the body, it is neutral. This supplement is functionally different from many other polysaccharides.

    Pectin - harm

    This polysaccharide can have a harmful effect on the body if a person has abused the substance. At the same time, the assimilation of such important trace elements as magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium is noticeably reduced. A person may have an allergy to pectin, but products containing a natural substance cannot cause it, because there is very little of it in fruits, berries and vegetables. Only those products are dangerous if there is an artificial additive. If an overdose of pectin occurs, the harm from it can significantly affect the entire body:

      cause severe flatulence;

      provoke fermentation in the colon and intestinal obstruction;

      reduce the absorption of proteins and fats.

    Where is pectin found

    If it is necessary to cleanse the body with the help of the popular E440 supplement, you can buy a special drug at the pharmacy, but it is better to focus on the level of the substance in herbal products. Having learned a detailed list, you can significantly increase the daily use of such products, thereby improving your well-being. Here is a short list of what pectin contains:

    • cabbage;
    • beet;
    • carrot;
    • gooseberry;
    • black currant;
    • cranberry;
    • raspberry;
    • peaches;
    • strawberry;
    • plums;
    • apples;
    • cherry;
    • cherries;
    • apricots;
    • pears;
    • lemons;
    • grapes;
    • oranges;
    • tangerines;
    • melons;
    • eggplant;
    • cucumbers;
    • watermelons;
    • potatoes.

    Pectin production

    For the first time, a polysaccharide was isolated from apple juice. Now for the production of the substance, plant materials with a high content of pectin are used. The resulting active additive is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic industry, as well as for home cooking recipes. The polysaccharide can be found on store shelves and is an excellent substitute for gelatin. As a rule, there are four main types of raw materials, from which pectin is made.

    Pectins or pectin substances are organic polysaccharides found in higher plants. In the accepted classification of food additives, Pectins are assigned the E440 index. Pectins belong to the group of stabilizers, thickeners and emulsifiers.

    In a humid atmosphere, pectins can absorb up to 20%. They dissolve in excess water. In contrast, a particle of pectin powder, once it gets into water, sucks it in like a sponge, increasing in size several times, and only after reaching a certain size does it begin to dissolve (calorizator). If the particles of pectin powder in contact with water are close to each other, then, sucking in water and swelling, they stick together, forming one large sticky lump that dissolves extremely slowly in water.

    General characteristics of Pectin

    Pectins are a fine powdery substance of white, yellowish, gray or brown color, odorless. The first description of Pectins was made by Henri Braconneau in 1825, but only a hundred years later the substance began to be produced on an industrial scale - from pomace and citrus fruits, beet pulp. Other sources are some aquatic plants. On an industrial scale, pectin substances are obtained mainly from apple and citrus pomace, sugar beet pulp, and sunflower baskets.

    Pectins for industrial use, obtained from various plant sources, are odorless powders ranging from light cream to brown. Citrus pectins are usually lighter than apple pectins.

    The benefits and harms of E440

    Pure pectins are assimilated in a minimal amount, act as natural enterosorbents, remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. The beneficial properties of Pectins have not yet been fully studied, scientific developments are constantly being updated.

    Along with the obvious benefits for the human body, Pectins can be harmful to health - they cause allergic reactions.

    Application of E440

    Pectins are used in the food industry as a gelling agent and thickener for the manufacture of marmalades, jams, preserves and confitures, ready-made mixtures for gelling homemade products. Also E440 is a part of sweets, marshmallows, mayonnaise, some dairy products and ice cream.

    Pectins are used in the production of medicines, cosmetics and cigars.

    E440 use in Russia

    On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of E440 is allowed as a food additive-stabilizer, water-retaining agent, thickener and gelling agent without specific standards, since the substance is recognized as safe for human health.