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  • Ustinova weight loss. Tatiana ustinova's gradual weight loss technique

    Ustinova weight loss. Tatiana ustinova's gradual weight loss technique

    Good day, dear friends! Today we will talk about the famous writer - Tatyana Ustinova. But let's not discuss her author's talent, but another achievement. We will share with you photos of Tatyana Ustinova before and after losing weight. We will tell you 15 diet rules that helped the star lose 100 kg without playing sports. And we will present you a couple of real reviews of women who have lost weight using this technique. You can also read articles about weight loss from other stars:

    The famous and talented writer Tatyana Ustinova is known for her unsurpassed works. Tatiana has earned great love from readers and viewers, thanks to the film adaptations of many books.

    She is already popular, so she never tried to stand out with her appearance and had curvaceous forms. On the contrary, I was satisfied with my figure and felt quite comfortable with such parameters.

    But, we all understand that the work of a writer is, first of all, a sedentary job, which entails a lot of bad consequences. Of these: extra pounds, and behind them, respectively, there are health problems. So it happened with our heroine. She developed severe edema and the weight affected her heart. Even walking was impossible!

    Doctors strongly recommended to go on a diet and get rid of tens of extra pounds. And the famous writer had no choice. It only remained to listen and make great efforts to get a decent result. And the result, frankly, is very worthy!

    Celebrities managed to lose about a hundred kilograms! Just imagine what a figure it is! And Tatyana just needed to switch to a healthy diet and reduce the amount of food consumed.

    Before Ustinova took over, the figure on the scales reached 200 kg. It is hard to believe that the writer in the current image once had such an outrageous weight.

    Today, its weight is 100 kg with a height of eighty meters. Now the star inspires and pleases not only with literary works, but also with its irresistible refreshed appearance. She helps women understand that even in adulthood, it is possible to lose weight even by a hundred kilograms!

    Ustinova's diet and menu rules

    Friends, you still do not know with the help of which diet and how Tatyana Ustinova lost one hundred kilograms? Now I'll tell you everything.

    In order to achieve the required figure on the scales, the writer did not sit on strict diets that exclude many products, including healthy ones. Indeed, in adulthood, sources of vitamins are very important in the daily diet. All that was needed was to adjust your menu correctly and stick to it.

    Rules to follow

    1. Small portions. The writer needed to cut back on her food intake and cut her portions by almost half. I needed to eat less, but more often.
    2. Eating every three hours. It was necessary to eat according to a strict schedule, without breaking it. The break between each meal should be the same.
    3. Do not eat at night. The last meal should be three hours before bedtime. In case of hunger after this time, a glass of kefir helps out perfectly.
    4. Fried food is prohibited. Boiled and baked food is the best choice.
    5. Sweets and pastries are excluded from the diet.
    6. Instead of starchy potatoes and rice, buckwheat and oat groats should be present on the table.
    7. Meat and fish should be chosen only low-fat varieties. Great for meat: turkey, rabbit, chicken.
    8. Vegetables in the diet should contain as little starch as possible.
    9. It was required to exclude various sauces from the diet, because they provoke appetite.
    10. Limit salt and sugar intake. If possible, it is better to completely eliminate salt and sugar, but if this is too difficult, then you should at least minimize their consumption.
    11. At one meal, it was allowed to eat only one dish and no variety on the table.
    12. Do not switch abruptly to proper nutrition. It is very important not to break loose during the diet and to enjoy it, so that everything is so, you must gradually tune yourself to a healthy diet. You should not immediately give up your favorite dishes, you need to reduce their volumes, and then, over time, the need for useless food itself will disappear.
    13. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not rushed, not distracted by anything.
    14. Junk food replacements must be found. For snacks, dried fruits and nuts are great help out.
    15. More fluid. Without this, nowhere. The body needs 2-3 liters of water per day, this speeds up metabolic processes.

    It was not easy for the writer to follow these rules at the beginning of her journey, but over time, it became a habit, especially given the variety of dietary and delicious recipes.

    Tatiana Ustinova's method of losing weight is in many ways similar to the method of Galina Grossman, an expert in the field of weight loss.

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    Sample Celebrity Menu:

    Breakfast: oatmeal in water or steamed omelet.

    Second breakfast: salad of seasonal vegetables or fruits.

    Lunch: vegetable soup or buckwheat with chicken breast.

    Afternoon snack: yogurt, kefir or apple.

    Dinner: lean fish baked in the oven or vegetables stewed with turkey meat.

    Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

    Diet without sports

    Losing weight went to the face of Tatyana Ustinova. She more and more attracted the views of others and the attention of curious journalists.

    In one of the interviews, the writer was asked the question: “Apart from dietary restrictions, were there any other ways to lose weight? For example, sports? " To which Tatyana's answer was negative. That is why the weight went away so slowly and it took about three years. If you decide to lose weight according to the star method, but want to lose weight as soon as possible, you need to include sports activities.

    Tatiana admits that sport is not hers. And throughout my life I have never been tempted to do it. This is definitely not good. Ustinova only occasionally went cycling, skiing or swimming in the pool, but this was not training. Moreover, the celebrity did not attend a sports club. Because she did not see the point in this, she never chased a sports figure, and gradual weight loss with proper nutrition more than suited her.

    The image of the writer has changed dramatically, in addition to changes in weight, there were also changes in the image. Tatiana has become a stylish brunette, with her current figure she can afford modern, even youthful things. The woman began to look more youthful and attractive.

    Just look at the photo before and after Tatyana Ustinova's weight loss by 100 kg.

    In 2018, the beloved author of detective novels, Tatyana Ustinova, dramatically lost weight. The writer lost about 100 kg in a short time, which seriously alarmed her fans. Tatiana reassured her readers, stating that the weight was gone not because of an illness, but because of the miracle diet. About how Tatyana Ustinova lost weight, we will tell you right now.

    Why did Tatiana start losing weight?

    The writer was never too thin, she was not shy and looked great, but at one far from perfect moment she realized that it was time to change something. Excess weight caused shortness of breath, Tatyana started having heart problems, she could not participate in long walks. At the time of losing weight, the weight of the writer was more than 180 kg, height - 180 cm, the doctors who conducted the examination unanimously stated that the correct diet would help Tatyana to avoid many health problems. The situation was aggravated by sedentary work, so it was decided to significantly reduce the calorie intake.

    How long has Ustinova been on a diet? Before and after photos

    Fighting overweight is a long process, Tatyana has been losing weight for 6 years, following her non-strict but effective diet. She gave up flour products, relying on wholesome food and truly natural ingredients. During the diet, Ustinova lost more than 100 kg, she continues to adhere to such a diet, while maintaining a beautiful figure and health!

    7 secrets of harmony of the thinner Tatyana Ustinova

    1. Eat less, significantly reducing the calorie content of the diet.
    2. Give up fried foods... Dishes cooked in the oven or sleeve are lower in calories than those that have been fried in a pan.
    3. It is necessary to say a resolute "No!" mayonnaise, fatty sauces and other unhealthy foods. Mayonnaise, without harming the taste of the dishes, can be replaced with soy sauce, but the calorie content of the first is 680 kcal / 100 g, the second - 53 kcal / 100 g. By the way, losing weight, the author of detective novels refused rice and potatoes, and mayonnaise was replaced with soft cheese, but this is a matter of taste.
    4. Reduce serving size it is necessary to slowly, reducing them by 2-3 spoons, so as not to create a stressful situation for the body. This approach helped Ustinova not only lose weight, but also consolidate the weight at the minimum mark.
    5. Fractional nutrition will allow you not to feel hunger all the time, the ideal solution is 5-6 meals a day. The time gap between meals should not be more than 3-3.5 hours.
    6. Desserts after a hearty lunch - evil, which will be deposited in fat rolls on the sides and thighs.
    7. Food should be tasty and varied. It is worth preparing meals yourself, using recipes and advice from Tatyana Ustinova.

    Losing weight, one should not allow the appearance of bouts of hunger, because during them a person with the most solid character is able to break loose, replacing diet buckwheat porridge with a portion of fatty soup with a slice of white bread. If a strong hunger overtook you, then you need to eat an apple, a handful of nuts, drink yogurt, you can not eat buns, fast food, drink sugary drinks.

    What foods to include in the diet?

    The diet that Tatyana adhered to is based on the principles of a grazing diet, implying fractional nutrition. The diet must include foods that contain vegetable and animal protein, a vitamin and mineral complex:

    • seafood, dairy products and drinks;
    • chicken, beef, lean pork and other types of meat, fish;
    • vegetables, but it is recommended to limit the use of potatoes;
    • buckwheat, oatmeal;
    • fresh, dried fruits.

    You should definitely drink enough water, the daily rate of which for an adult is 2 liters.

    Sample menu for 1 day

    • Breakfast. 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal drenched in unsweetened yogurt, a glass of low-fat milk.
    • First snack. Unsweetened curd casserole, any tea.
    • Dinner. Cheese soup, 150 g steamed chicken fillet, apple juice.
    • Afternoon snack. Fruit salad (seasonal berries, grapefruit), rosehip decoction.
    • Dinner. 150 g of baked squid, vegetable salad, tea.

    Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of juice or fermented baked milk, but without cookies and other flour products. The use of crispbreads, whole grain bread, honey is allowed, it is important to do a simple exercise and warm-up every day. If you, following Tatyana Ustinova's diet, sign up for the pool or dance, visit the bathhouse, you can lose weight even faster!

    Some years ago Tatiana Ustinova weighed almost 200 kg with a height of 180 cm. However, then the writer took up her health seriously and lost almost 100 kilograms in three years.

    In an interview, Tatyana Vitalievna said that she was never thin, but this did not bother her at all, besides, her husband Eugene never criticized his wife's figure.

    Ustinova decided to dump everything solely for health reasons. Andrey Malakhov's program "Hello, Andrey!" on the TV channel "Russia 1", the 49-year-old writer told how she managed to achieve impressive results in weight loss.

    Tatyana Vitalievna said that her sedentary profession contributed to weight gain. Over time, Ustinova felt an increase in health problems: her legs were swollen, heart problems appeared, it became difficult to walk long distances.

    The writer did not turn to surgeons to “suture” the stomach or try questionable drugs.

    She followed a simple, obvious path: she reduced the calorie content of food as much as possible.

    A post shared by (@neiderlib) on Apr 20, 2017 at 8:20 pm PDT

    The audience in the studio of Andrey Malakhov noted with enthusiasm that the writer looks much younger than in her previous dimensions. The TV presenter showed the guests of the program old pictures of the writer, in which it is difficult to recognize her.

    Tatyana Vitalievna said that she felt great and thanked the audience for the compliments.

    Note that the writer has been successfully maintaining her new-found harmony for several years without gaining weight, as happens with many people who are rapidly losing weight and just as quickly gaining weight. Ustinova lost weight slowly, which allows her to effectively maintain the results achieved.

    Tatyana Vitalievna, in the summer, when actress Ksenia Lavrova-Glinka posted your photo with her on the social network, all the media began to vigorously discuss the topic - how you lost incredible weight. Did you expect such a wave of interest?

    Many thanks to Ksenia, we had a wonderful conversation with her in the program "My Hero" on the TV Center, which I am conducting. And the photo is good. I did not expect any particular interest, because I am me, and I do not notice the difference with myself yesterday or the day before yesterday. No, there is of course a difference in weight. But I have been dealing with this issue - not with my harmony in the manner of a gazelle, which I will never become, but with a relative tidying up of the body - for a long time, already ten years or even more.

    But you've really grown a lot. Can you tell me how much you weigh now? And the process of losing weight is still going on or is everything already smooth?

    Look, I once weighed about 200 kilograms, to be precise - 189! Many years have passed, and I began to weigh 100. Today my weight is, apparently, 90 kilograms. I do not weigh myself every day, I am not a prize pig from the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy. These ten kilograms must have become noticeable - for example, in that photo - because the weight held on for a long time without changing. Of course, the process continues, but - let us be aware of this - I will never weigh 55 kilograms, which are now fashionable! And I don’t want to!

    With her husband Eugene on the wedding day (1988)

    To build competently is boring and dreary

    An incredibly exciting question for everyone: how did you lose weight? And what a turning point was when they decided: that's it, stop living anyhow.

    Oh, this is really an exciting question - who is losing weight and how! Frankly, I am terribly surprised and amused by this desire of today's human community for thinness and youth! All right, damn it, everyone wanted to learn to write in Latin, learn string theory or grow apple trees on Mars! It was not so! Physics and Latin aside, the main thing is that everyone is thin! And young! Every single one! Here is a granny seventy-five years old, but she shouldn't also pickle cucumbers and plant potatoes, but must strive to look 38 and weigh the same 55! Well, it's funny!

    I began to lose weight for medical reasons, exclusively for them, more than ten years ago. At that time, my head was spinning all the time, my legs were giving way, there were swelling, shortness of breath and all that stuff. Well, you see, 189 kg is a bit too much.

    - What kind of specialists were involved? Over the years, have any of the doctors become your friends?

    There are many doctors around me. Friends! And so I clung to one of them like a tick - this happens when many vital systems are upset, disrupted, from hormonal to nervous. And he is actually the Great Russian Physician - all words with a capital letter, and no irony. I remember very well how my mother called an ambulance for me - I was sure that I was about to die - the doctors tortured by real patients shrugged their shoulders, gave me valerian drops and left, and I started to call this friend of mine. He is a surgeon and knows little about ladies' fancies. "I won't die, Igor Evgenievich?" - I asked in a trembling voice. And he answered in a firm voice: "Now - no!" The next day everything was repeated. And so many months in a row! Then he got tired of this business, and he strictly said: he needs to be treated. I agreed and went to the doctors - endocrinologist, phlebologist, cardiologist, surgeon and so on. It's boring and dreary - going to the doctors, taking tests, samples for all kinds of hormones and enzymes, that is, the fifth or tenth. And then - the recommendations must be followed, the drugs must be taken, the instructions must be followed, and this is even more boring and dreary.

    Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

    Trust good doctors

    I wonder if you started writing about food differently? Did your heroes take on the feast that you turned down? Or did some characters lose weight? Or maybe you decided in a detective story to kill a nutritionist who bears some resemblance to yours?

    As I used to love, I still love to write about food. And even more - read! Chekhov, for example. Oh, how beautifully he wrote about it !!! Gogol is also excellent. Pokhlebkin, Weill, Genis! But I have no nutritionist - if I was, I would definitely kill. I met with a nutritionist once - three years after I started to lose weight, I went, received recommendations and never saw him again.

    You always want p-times - and the problem is solved. Thinking about stomach reduction surgery and liposuction?

    I don't believe in liposuction. It must be the rudiments of knowledge in physics. Pour sand into the bag. You can dilute it with water for clarity. Then scoop the sand out of the bag with a baby scoop. Take a look at the package. Of course, it decreased in volume - by the amount of sand that we drew out. But the package itself hasn't changed at all. It is foolish to think that it will not be possible to pour the next batch of sand into it - how will it be! And explain to me after that - what's the point of liposuction? Purely so, to occupy yourself? I think that the operation to reduce the stomach is more effective, but here you definitely need a professional opinion, I am sure that not everyone and not always it is indicated. And it should be applied in some extreme cases, but here I am definitely not an expert. Everything should be decided by the doctor!

    This was Tatiana until she began to lose weight competently, under the supervision of doctors. Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

    - Can you say what turned out to be the most effective and what was useless?

    I'll tell you a story. Since adolescence, my stomach hurts, sometimes less, sometimes more, sometimes it doesn't hurt at all! And I sometimes fly him, sometimes I do not fly, then how I fly! And so my friend the Great Russian Doctor prescribes some pills for me and tells me to take them so that my stomach does not hurt. And I myself, on my own initiative, refuse for a while from everything except oatmeal and rice porridge. A week or two passes, they make me a control study, the result is excellent, nothing hurts. I, proud of myself, announce to my friend that the stomach is gone, since I was eating right. He answered, without looking up from the papers: "Your stomach went through, not because you were eating right, but because I know how to properly prescribe drugs!" The curtain. All correctly prescribed drugs were effective, and incorrectly prescribed drugs were useless.

    From a large bowl to a humble bowl

    There were products that you thought about before losing weight: "what disgusting is this your jellied fish", and then endured and even fell in love?

    All my life I hated fish, except for roach. Any other fish and seafood made me disgusted and panicked. I learned to love fish for several years, mostly my sister Inna taught me to love it. Then for several more years I learned to cook it. With seafood things were more fun - two or three years passed, and now I can already quite eat mussels in a Provencal sauce! Now, after our trips to Baikal, Magadan, Anadyr, I generally have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow people who do not like fish live!

    - Before the weight loss epic, did you eat at night?

    I eat when I'm hungry. I don't want to eat at night. At night I usually want to sleep. No, if the guests stayed up until four in the morning, then we all, like any decent people, eat until four in the morning, and on New Year's and Easter, it happens, and we eat until seven! If I feel hungry while working, I drink a cup of chicken broth. I don't like to chew just like that, I like to eat deliciously at the table with my family.

    - And do without disruption to the "forbidden" ?!

    I have absolutely nothing to say about “withdrawals”, “breakdowns”, dreams about a hamburger and fries. I didn’t starve, and I don’t go hungry ... The amount of food eaten has decreased - very, very significantly! But they shrank very, very slowly. There was no such thing that yesterday I ate a pound of fried kebabs, and from today I began to eat fifty grams of steam cod. My weight would not have gone anywhere if not for medical strategies. The volumes were reduced as follows. I'm eating a bowl of soup today. And tomorrow I eat a bowl of soup, but exactly one spoon less is poured into it. Really on one, this is not a joke. And so I have been eating this plate for a month without one spoon. Next month, I continue to eat the same plate without another spoon. And so on. Nobody is in a hurry. This is not "losing weight for the beach season!" Now I manage with a bowl of soup - I'm used to it.

    - Were you on extreme diets before developing this reasonable approach?

    But how! I remember rice - you need to eat rice for a week and count the rice, in descending order. At the beginning of the week, seven grains were allowed, then six, five, and - on top - one grain! This is monstrous. There was also a kefir diet, an apple diet, a watermelon diet - apparently in August. There was also the Kremlin diet - it immediately seemed wild to me and my sister, but we still sat on it. Of course, no effect was achieved, only I was terribly hungry all the time.

    With mom and sons Timofey and Mikhail when they were still young. Photo: Global Look Press

    Fitness from me on the other side

    You said that in your youth you had complexes because of your high growth, which came into fashion a few years later. Stooped to appear shorter. And because of the weight, did you not worry, did you starve yourself?

    I was worried because of height, because of weight I was worried, because of glasses I was worried, because there were no jeans, I was also worried. But she starved herself for a very short time. First, I'm hungry and angry. I quarrel with everyone, but I can't stand it! I especially hate to quarrel with my husband. Once, Inka and I and another friend decided to lose weight once again. I spent the night just with this friend, we did not eat anything - and then I went home. When I opened the door, my young husband was working some kind of work, and I attacked him from the doorway with reproaches. I still remember his astonished face. He did not know that yesterday it was decided to lose weight and now everything is bad, because the hunger is unbearable! Almost thirty years have passed since then, and I remember his amazement and my screams, and I am ashamed ... Secondly, food is one of the most important pleasures for us. We love to eat so much! And I also love to cook. I hate it when guests are not hungry. The niece comes from the university well-fed - let me, but what about the feast, the pleasure of rest after the day? I never eat on the run - I save my appetite for lunch or dinner.

    - In addition to doing some kind of fitness, now fashionable Scandinavian walking?

    No-oo-oo !!! A healthy lifestyle is a mysterious and partly sad story for me. A person who is seriously engaged in counting calories and correlating himself with the usefulness or unsuitability of this or that product or physical action, in my opinion, is either a rare fool, or misunderstood something. It seems to me that you need to live happily - if possible -. Go to my aunt in the village, catch Okushki in the river, go for mushrooms, heat the bathhouse, and there will be a holiday! And ear, and heat, and steam room - and certainly, to jump from the bridges! Sometimes I like to ride a bike to the dacha, so that in a backpack roach and cold beer. Go skiing in winter - so that it gets dark and the wind is cold. Cheeks stiffen, forehead aches, dogs run cheerfully - this is happiness. You will return at dusk, and the house is warm and dinner is on the way! Walking with sticks is boring for me, I feel like an idiot, I tried it once. Fitness is in a completely different direction from me.

    At a meeting with readers. Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

    - Having lost weight, began to dress differently?

    I dress as I dress, only now in a smaller size. And I don’t give it to anyone on the big shore - it’ll suddenly come in handy! I love jeans, blazers, weird skirts and trousers from fashionable Dutch designers - there are two places in Moscow where you can buy them. I love scarves, long coats, wild fur vests. I love good shoes very much. High quality, beautiful to wear comfortably.

    The family will always support

    Did your husband and sons cheer you up when you began to cut back on a spoonful of your diet, or did they criticize you, saying that you had to go the other way? And in general, how are you with support in difficult issues and in difficult times?

    When times are tough, the whole family stands shoulder to shoulder. In my opinion, this is the main purpose of the family. When a person is hurt, bad, scared, in theory, first of all he should seek support in the family, and only then from psychotherapists! It is a current delusion that any woman and any man can perfectly live outside the family, it is not fashionable to conclude marriages. Maybe it is unfashionable, but all this gimmick to the first problems. This is how they will be kicked out of work for the first time, so it will immediately become clear why a husband is needed, as well as kind and understanding mother and father, who will at least take the child to themselves for a while while you look for a new job.

    That's how it is with us. Any problems - the dog ran away and you need to look, the eldest son has punched a wheel, but there is no spare wheel and there is a hundred kilometers to the house, a pipe has flowed from the parents in the house - they are solved together and as quickly as possible. Everyone quits their jobs and goes to look for a dog, wobble a wheel, patch up a pipe. At this time, no one whines, does not refer to fatigue. It must be so! And we rarely criticize each other. True, my husband recently said: "Now you criticize me all the time!" When he said so, I began to criticize him in response for not understanding anything, as usual, but I stopped. It's true. I allow myself to criticize both him and my sons. They are my men - never me.

    And when Misha and Timofey introduce you to girls and you don't like their choice, allow yourself to hint at this? There is a sign by which the sons will understand: Mom liked Olya, but Zoya is not very ...

    In my case, hints sound like this: “Son, why did you bring some fool, the whole evening down the drain! Can't you see that she is not home to us! " Or like this: "Of course, invite her to visit, but when we are not at home!" I have never suffered from delicacy and English restraint.

    I am absolutely convinced that parents and children should talk to each other. Always. And when the children are small and the parents are young, and when the children have grown up and the parents have grown old, and when the children are old and the parents are decrepit. We talk with older children. And they talk to us! Tim runs into our bedroom in the evenings to talk about the next dream. Sometimes I don't want to listen to him at all, sometimes he tires me with his bizarre views of life, stemming from an insufficient number of books I have read, and in the work of, for example, Lovecraft, I do not understand anything at all! But I listen, I try to delve into it. How else?

    Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

    Your oldest son is 27 years old. Is he going to marry and make you a grandmother? What do you think of this turn of events?

    Misha is going to get married, but without haste - we are somehow all sure that before thirty you can not rush anywhere. I definitely don't think about grandchildren. I am a very busy person, and besides, a writer who lives hundreds of other people's lives. I get bored of asking myself meaningless questions.

    You and Eugene have been married for 30 years. Your relationship began prosaically - he needed a Moscow residence permit for graduate school, and romance appeared twenty years later, after you almost got divorced. What period is it now, does Eugene climb through the windows to his beloved woman? Have you romantically celebrated a silver wedding and is now a pearl one?

    We celebrated the Silver wedding widely, as I remember now. Part of the family flew to the sea - the husband and daughter of my sister Inca - and she herself was left with the dogs, which could not be taken with them to the sea. I remember how I pestered my wife, the anniversary, they say, we have, come on to my window or at least give me a beryl diadem! He gave nothing of this, went to work, and forgot about the silver wedding completely. In the middle of the day he called in horror: listen, he says, and today is our wedding anniversary, right ?! And I was on some boring business in a boring institution and when I got out, I decided to take a walk. I bought delicacies in a terribly expensive store, which then undermined our budget for a long time. At the dacha, looking at the delicacies that I laid out and laid out on the table, my sister noticed that "this is some kind of Rabelaisianism." Then the children arrived on bicycles - Mishka, Timofey and their friend Diman. On the way, they fell into the mud and washed themselves under a street tap. Then a young, that is, almost old, husband, who had forgotten about the wedding in the morning, rushed home from work. And he brought a bouquet of peonies - it was so beautiful! And we sat in the gazebo until nightfall, burned the fire, ate deliciously, remembered funny things, made toasts ...

    This year we were overtaken by a pearl wedding - thirty years. I began to demand a tiara of pearls and to climb through the window for romance, and again, not from a place! Although we spend the summer at the Inca's dacha, our room is in the basement and we need to "climb out the window to the woman we love" rather down than up! My sister and her husband presented a wonderful pearl bracelet, but the young, now almost old, husband did not give anything! But we went to Zavidovo, to the Volga for two days and swam there in the river, although it was cold. We rode a tandem bicycle through the forest. Have you ever ridden one? Try it, it's cool!

    Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ustinova

    Your sister Inna is your assistant, you live at her dacha, you relax together. Have you been inseparable all your life, or have you been through fights, complaints, intrigues as a child?

    We have been friends all our lives, we have only a year and a half difference, and we grew up like twin brothers. Surprisingly, I remember how she was born. In the evening, Mom brought home something wrapped in a satin blanket and said: "This is your sister, you love her very much." I was terribly curious about what was inside. There was nothing interesting there, but the refrain "you love her very much" worked - I really fell in love with Inka. We were lucky with the gentlemen: we are different not only in character, but also in style - Inna is a miniature girl of European type, with brown eyes and dark skin, and I was always very large, so there was never one young man who liked both of us and he chose who to hit.

    I lived with my parents until I was forty, so my mother had the opportunity to give the same attitudes to my sons. When Mishka was six years old, Inna gave birth to a daughter, Sanya. Once I found a picture in the kitchen. Mom told Misha: “Today Sasha is coming to visit us. You love her so much, you wait for her so much !!! " And Mishka began to jump and rejoice. If children are told that they are happy, beautifully dressed, smart, they will think that they are - and with love for brothers and sisters, the same story.

    - Inna is married to your husband's brother?

    Yes, she and Max met at our wedding with Zhenya. His brother fell in love with my sister at first sight, they had a whirlwind romance: when she was 18, and he was 28, they fled. And twenty years later they got married! Our mother-in-law Alexandra Grigorievna and Inka brought up our sons remarkably, they support each other all their lives - like my sister and I. Only we played with dolls, and they made models of an ultrasonic gun from a pipe that dad brought them from work. Max is a little protective of my younger brother, my husband, but both are perfectly satisfied. This is a grandiose story, but I cannot use it in the book - they will be reproached for improbability ...

    Tatiana Ustinova

    Family:husband - Eugene (engineer-physicist); sons - Mikhail (27 years old), works at the Flight Research Institute. Gromova, Timofey (17 years old)

    Education: graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

    Career:from 1993 to 1996 she worked in the press service of Boris Yeltsin, translated from English TV programs "911 Rescue Service", "Posner and Donahue", was the editor of the programs "Man and Law" and "Health". In 1999 she wrote her first novel, A Thunderstorm Over the Sea. Since then, she has published about 50 detective stories, many of which have been filmed. Since 2015 he has hosted the program "My Hero" on the TV Center channel

    The famous writer Tatyana Ustinova simply loves to eat deliciously and has always been distinguished by magnificent forms. According to the woman's own admission, her maximum weight in the past reached 189 kilograms, and this led to a number of health problems.

    At that time, my head was spinning all the time, my legs were giving way, there were swelling, shortness of breath and all that stuff. Well, you must agree, 189 kg is a bit too much,

    Ustinova told Tele.

    The poor state of health frightened the writer, and she decided to take herself seriously. Tatiana did not even consider the option of liposuction or stomach reduction. Despite the fact that it is not easy to get rid of such a huge weight on your own, Ustinova decided to approach the solution of her problem without the currently fashionable surgical interventions. At first there were diets - kefir, apple, rice, watermelon, but they did not bring the desired result. Sports never entered the life of the writer, because, by her own admission, fitness and she are incompatible things. But how, then, did Tatyana Ustinova manage to lose her impressive weight?

    Her approach is very simple - gradually reducing portions. Of course, this did not help her to get rid of extra pounds in a few months, but weight loss occurred smoothly and without stress for the body.

    I have absolutely nothing to say about “withdrawals”, “breakdowns”, dreams about a hamburger and fries. I didn’t starve, and I don’t go hungry ... The amount of food eaten has decreased - very, very significantly! But they shrank very, very slowly,

    The writer shared.

    She lost weight not mindlessly, but according to "medical strategies":

    The volumes were reduced as follows. I'm eating a bowl of soup today. And tomorrow I eat a bowl of soup, but exactly one spoon less is poured into it. Really for one, this is not a joke. And so I have been eating this plate for a month without one spoon. Next month, I continue to eat the same plate without another spoon. And so on. Nobody is in a hurry. This is not "losing weight for the beach season!" Now I get by with a bowl of soup - I'm used to

    The writer told.

    Just imagine, the weight of Tatyana Ustinova has decreased from 189 to 90 kilograms! Fantastic makeover!