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  • Body color. Characteristics of the Taurus zodiac sign: the inviolability of the Earth and the inner strength of the bull

    Body color. Characteristics of the Taurus zodiac sign: the inviolability of the Earth and the inner strength of the bull

    Astrologers are sure that each sign of the zodiac has such colors that suit this particular sign. Such colors have a beneficial effect on the mood, emotional and psychological state of a person.

    This article describes the colors that are most fit the zodiac sign "Taurus".

    Taurus follow the color scheme of both their wardrobe and interior. Female Taurus adore brighter colors, while men, on the contrary, prefer calmer tones. People born under this sign are householders, that is, they love to spend time at home, which means they pay great attention to their interior. An incorrectly selected color can have a bad effect not only on the mood of the calf, but also on his fate. When choosing the color of wallpaper for the house, it is necessary to take into account the traits of a person.

    Common color for Taurus

    For both male and female Taurus, green is ideal. Green is associated with harmony, spiritual satisfaction, calmness, and also energizes. In this case, it is not necessary to use a bright green color; a delicate, pastel shade is also quite suitable. Wallpaper of this color will relieve the calves of the negative emotions that they usually keep in themselves, worsening their health.

    Colors for women

    As mentioned earlier, Taurus women are very fond of bright colors. The fair sex in the choice of wallpaper color should take a closer look at the following colors:

    • green;
    • blue;
    • brown;
    • blue.

    All these colors are somehow connected with the earth, nature. It is worth considering that wallpapers of bright colors are more suitable for women. Representatives of this sign love not only to look beautiful, but also to harmoniously equip their abode. This is due to their patroness - Venus, the female planet. Also, a pale pink color is suitable for women. Taurus is calm, balanced, and the pink color symbolizes femininity, has a calming effect. But it is worth considering that pink should not be too bright, it is better to give preference to delicate shades.

    Colors for men

    The most favorable color for male Taurus is blue. Blue is the color of harmony of poise, calmness and patience. This color goes well with the character of the calves. Blue not only enhances the mood of a Taurus, but is also capable of bringing good luck. Also, yellow and brown colors are suitable for the representatives of this zodiac sign. Better to use pastel shades of these colors.

    What color doesn't suit Taurus?

    Red and all its shades are not suitable for calves. Despite the poise and calmness of Taurus, red does not suit them, as it is rather aggressive. This color is able to drive the representative of the sign "Taurus" out of himself, which is dangerous both for others and for the person himself. It is also better to beware of bright orange and bright yellow colors in interiors, preferring colder shades.

    Thus, Taurus are real connoisseurs of beauty, so they take very seriously the choice of wallpaper for their home.

    The color of the walls has a huge impact on Taurus: it is able to cheer them up, or, on the contrary, worsen the general condition of a person and even negatively affect his fate!

    Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign color - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

    People born under this constellation are patronized by the female planet Venus. They love to dress beautifully and elegantly. Women prefer bright and saturated colors. Men also look after their appearance, but prefer a calmer color scheme.

    Color has a powerful effect on the emotional state of Taurus.

    If, for example, a person born under this sign of the Zodiac has chosen an outfit of the wrong color scheme or used colors in the interior of his room that do not suit him, then this can negatively affect not only his mood, but also his fate.

    It's no secret that every zodiac sign has certain character traits. For example, Taurus is distinguished by calmness, poise, hard work and stubbornness. Any color can also be characterized, for example, red is, on the one hand, the color of love, and on the other hand, blood and aggression, and green always symbolizes calmness and prosperity. It is very important that a person's character traits are in harmony with the color, then there will be no problems.

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    Green is very suitable for Taurus according to the horoscope... He personifies harmony and benevolence. If you use its shades in your wardrobe and interior, you can change your inner state for the better. Thanks to this color, Taurus will calmly react to all difficulties and can easily maintain their vital energy. Negative emotions will not linger in the head, which is very important for people of this zodiac sign - Taurus keeps all the negativity in itself, preventing it from splashing out, resulting in health problems

    Colors for Taurus women

    Taurus women are very fond of colors that are somehow close to nature, for example: blue, green, blue, beige, brown. This color scheme is perfect for their temperament and character. Women of this zodiac sign know how and love to dress beautifully, this is their weakness, so they always carefully select their wardrobe according to the color scheme. Everything must be combined not only in color, but also in style, texture and shape. Surely, such a love of beauty has endowed the people of this zodiac sign with their patronizing planet - Venus.

    What color is dangerous for Taurus? Red does not suit them, it is very aggressive for them. Taurus, although it is distinguished by calmness and poise, can sometimes lose his temper, and this is dangerous for others. People of this zodiac sign are very scary in anger. But if they are not recommended red, then at least pink is allowed. He is very feminine, personifies comfort and convenience, and this is exactly what all Taurus strive for. Women are very fond of pink, it calms them down.

    Colors for Taurus men

    Taurus men are best suited for blue... It is in perfect harmony with their temperament and character. Blue is always associated with patience, calmness, balance and harmony. It also symbolizes loyalty, dedication and sincerity. Taurus can use it both in clothing and in the interior. The color not only matches the personal qualities of this zodiac sign, but also brings them good luck. In addition to the above, representatives of the stronger sex can pay attention to brown, yellow and green colors, as well as to the entire pastel palette.

    Men, like women of this zodiac sign, pay great attention to their appearance. They can be called true connoisseurs of beauty and fashionistas. Taurus loves and knows how to dress beautifully.

    It is desirable that the diet includes colorful foods. This will not only boost your mood but also improve your health. Blue foods, such as plums, blueberries, have a positive effect on people of this zodiac sign. They should be especially used for various diseases of the thyroid gland, tonsils and oral cavity.

    Red foods are not that useful, especially for those people who suffer from hypertension. But they have a beneficial effect on poor functioning of the pancreas.

    Also, Taurus is very useful in green and yellow foods. A multi-colored diet will promote appetite and also improve mood.

    Taurus - stones, flowers, talisman, fragrance

    Mascot: owl, golden calf.

    Taurus Release: Earth, which explains their stability and solidity. Taurus is one of those who need confidence in their rear, a clear understanding of goals and aspirations.

    Symbols: bull (winged), cow (winged).

    Colors: lemon, yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lemon green and all spring (red is bad).

    Stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, esmerald, green marble, jade, carisol.

    Aroma: Taurus is happy when peace and harmony reign in his family. He is not disposed to any changes and innovations. He loves nature and romance is not alien to him. A spring twig of lilacs could turn his head. The most suitable perfumes for Taurus are characterized by floral-sweet notes, as well as a fresh aroma of bergamot (a kind of pear). This perfume stimulates their aesthetics and a tendency to laziness. A whiff of forest moss scent helps them to adapt more easily to any changes and novelties, making them more adventurous and active. calf will be delighted with a large bottle in bright red or bright green packaging. Women Amarige, Champagne, Organza, XS. For men Egoist, Fahrenheit, Hugo, Yatagan.

    Essential oils: mint, lemon, sage, laurel, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmmine, fennel.

    Flowers: lily of the valley, lilac.

    Plants: Taurus is the first earth sign of the zodiac and is ruled by the beautiful Venus. Therefore, Taurus owns undersized, sturdy, decorative flowering plants: Cyclamen, Gloxinia (Sinningia) beautiful, Uzumbar violet (Saintpaulia), decorative flowering begonias, primrose (primrose), Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin, peperomia.

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    Days and numbers

    Favorable numbers: 2, 4, 16 (and all numbers divisible by 6).

    Happy Days: Monday Friday.

    Unlucky day: Tuesday.

    Born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury, they have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

    Born from May 2 to May 11 - under the influence of the Moon - are dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

    Born May 12-20 - under the influence of Saturn - are uncommunicative, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness. Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

    taurus zodiac sign color

    • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
    • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
    • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
    • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
    • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
    • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
    • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
    • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
    • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
    • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
    • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
    • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

    Many representatives of the Taurus sign are beautiful, and this is due to the patronizing planet Venus, which influences their horoscope. Taurus is incredibly sensual, has a special charm and exquisite taste. Their demands are very high, they are extremely demanding in the choice of each thing and, realizing that they cannot get what they want for little money, they prefer expensive things. They relate in a similar way to other components of their appearance. Solid, expensive things really suit them very much, making them even more noble.

    Taurus' clothing and footwear preferences

    Taurus closely follow fashion, although they do not always decide, due to natural conservatism, to translate fashion trends into their own lives. But even with such a wary attitude to everything new, they will not wear things that were relevant several years ago. Taurus tend to be overweight, so fashion designers generally bypass them, but Taurus women know how to look dignified and very feminine for all their flaws. They prefer chic classics, and only a few can compete in the ability to select and wear them in the Zodiac.

    You can see a variety of things in the wardrobe of a Taurus woman, but trousers, shirts and jackets are quite rare guests in it: these ladies do not like to borrow things from the men's arsenal, preferring to emphasize femininity and seduction. They are happy to wear blouses with a deep neckline, short dresses and skirts. Taurus is not indifferent to all kinds of appliqués, embroidery and other types of finishes, which are almost always relevant and never go beyond good taste.

    At the same time, not only the beauty of clothing is important for Taurus, but also its practicality, comfort in wearing. This fully applies to shoes. In everyday life, they can do with shoes, boots without heels or with low heels. Ladies of this sign of the Zodiac prefer natural fabrics, materials that are pleasant to the touch: silk, velvet, wool, printed cotton.

    Favorite colors of Taurus

    It has been noticed that Taurus is especially partial to colors that are somehow close to nature - green, blue, aqua, blue, beige, brown. Their particular preference is soft pastel shades.

    Taurus accessories and jewelry

    Taurus attach great importance to accessories and all kinds of jewelry, complementing their look and making it complete. They actively use gold, silver, precious stones, willingly wear jewelry with natural stones, which are skillfully combined with clothes.

    Women of this sign usually look well-groomed and can in many ways thank their naturally smooth skin with a healthy blush for this. They do not neglect makeup, but on their face you will never see a riot, a variety of colors. Women of this zodiac constellation operate with only a few colors, but thanks to their excellent taste, they always achieve a very good effect, turning into real beauties.

    Taurus will never show up in public with a mess on their heads. They consider hair to be one of the main elements of their appearance and attach great importance to their care, not sparing time and money for all kinds of balms, masks, etc. Usually they do not wear short haircuts, their favorite length is medium and long hair, which they often wear loose (but at the same time they will, as they say, lie hair to hair). They actively use gels, mousses, foams, allowing them to create something highly artistic on their heads. Women of this sign often wear bangs.

    Taurus do not often grow or extend their nails, especially if their work involves some kind of hand manipulation, which is far from uncommon. However, in any case, their hands will be well-groomed and neat. In manicure, they rely on accuracy, and not on bright colors, painting or sparkles. Taurus women prefer to choose the color of the varnish in accordance with the color of the lipstick.

    • Aries 21.03 - 20.04
    • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
    • Gemini 05.22 - 06.21
    • Cancer 06.22 - 07.22
    • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
    • Virgo 08.24 - 09.22
    • Libra 23.09 - 22.10
    • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
    • Sagittarius 11.23 - 12.21
    • Capricorn 12.22 - 01.20
    • Aquarius 01.21 - 02.20
    • Pisces 02.21 - 03.20

    Taurus colors

    Let's analyze how the colors of Taurus are used in life by people with this zodiac sign. Taurus, according to my observations, prefer high-quality, expensive, as they say, "upscale" things. As a rule, manufacturers of such products rarely offer flashy shades, and the innate taste of people ruled by Venus will not allow them to wear something provocative. Classic, time-tested colors, soft natural tones, natural colors of materials - this is their style. Do Taurus love green? I think they prefer the greenery that pleasantly burdens the wallet, and it can be converted into any other color - a shade of unbleached wool from some luxurious sweater, natural tones of leather and fur, and if it's summer - flax of excellent manufacture. Representatives of this earthly sign really often choose greenish turquoise or luxurious emeralds as jewelry, which is fully consistent with astrological ideas, even if they are not familiar with them.

    That's what Taurus usually don't like is bright red, because Mars in Taurus is in exile! The indicated color acts on them like a red rag. on Taurus. Returning again to the story of Fr. To the "beautiful" lady, let me remind you that her daughter-in-law, who could not stand this color, belonged precisely to this earthly sign.

    The colors of Taurus. Choosing an artist who can most vividly illustrate the style and color scheme typical for the sign of Taurus, I decided to give preference to a non-trivial figure. I think that for many it is no secret that Adolf Hitler was not only one of the most terrible dictators of the twentieth century, but also a gifted artist who worked mainly in watercolor technique. Looking at his work, it is hard to believe that these beautiful peaceful landscapes were painted by a person who killed millions of innocent people. These watercolors, replete with different shades of green, depict pastoral landscapes - high wooded mountains, lush flood meadows, cute village houses surrounded by gardens. It is impossible to understand how such different essences were combined in one person, but the fact remains - in his paintings he showed the best qualities of Taurus.

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    Fortune telling online

    The colors of luck for Taurus

    Representatives of the Taurus sign are endowed with a variety of talents, including music and the visual arts, are distinguished by a calm character, patient, capable of withstanding prolonged stress. However, they can be very stubborn at times. A quiet home life is what many Taurus are looking for. They have the ability for a deep type of affection and expect sincere mutual feelings from a partner.

    The best color for people born under the sign of Taurus is blue. It is a color that brings peace and tranquility. Taurus will be lucky by the use of blue in everyday life, in clothes and interiors. One of the main stones of this zodiac sign is the blue sapphire, it brings good luck to the people of this sign. Read more about stones and Taurus talismans here. Blue has always been associated with patience, calmness, which corresponds to the qualities of this zodiac sign. The color blue also symbolizes loyalty and sincerity.

    The planet ruling this sign is Venus, she bestows a peaceful and friendly character. Pink is one of the colors associated with this planet. Red is quite aggressive for Taurus, but pink has attractive qualities. It expresses the comfort they seek and has soothing properties.

    Other colors associated with this zodiac sign are green and yellow. The yellow color makes Taurus spiritualized. This color is able to help in cases where there is a tendency to apathy or laziness.


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    Calf. Planet, stones, colors, talismans, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers.

    Most of all, the myth of Dionysus, which is represented by the same image of youthful power in its prime, reminds of the Taurus zodiac sign. The son of Zeus (Jupiter in Roman mythology), a young man of stormy disposition, endowed with immortality, with the head of a calf, crowned with ivy, vine and fig leaves. Sometimes he was depicted sitting on a barrel, sometimes - standing in a chariot drawn by tigers and centaurs, and playing the lyre or the double flute.

    The first mentions of Kalanchoe are found in half-rotted records of medicinal plants dating from the beginning of the 18th century. They led scientists to the idea that the Kalanchoe flower was brought to us by Russian merchants. By the way, one of the merchants wrote in the ship's log a very interesting story of the healing of a Russian sailor who fell ill with a rare form of tropical fever. The sick sailor was removed from the ship on one of the islands off the coast of South Africa and left in the care of local residents. A month later, a perfectly healthy sailor boarded the ship, loaded with various goods. His pockets were filled with thick-skinned leaves, which the sailor chewed and called them "kalanch", which translated from the language of the natives means nothing more than health.

    And if you believe the ancient Greek legend, then the young Pan - the god of forests and meadows, once met a beautiful river nymph Syringa - a gentle messenger of the morning dawn and so admired her gentle grace and beauty that he forgot about his fun. Pan decided to talk to Siringa, but she got scared and ran away. Pan ran after her, wanting to calm her down, but the nymph suddenly turned into a fragrant bush with delicate purple flowers. So the name of Siringi gave the name to the tree - lilac.

    The simplest and most adorable of flowers. Its origin is associated with Ostarta (Ishtar among the Sumerians) - the goddess of the radiant dawn and spring among the ancient Germans, who adorned themselves with lilies of the valley, and then threw them into the fires as a sacrifice. The pagan goddess was subsequently replaced by the Mother of God, and throughout the Middle Ages lilies of the valley were considered symbols of purity and holiness, and their ripe red berries were drops of the blood of Christ.

    A luxurious Dahlia should always keep the golden mean. Maximalism often gets in the way of achieving what you want. Dahlia should be more balanced than others, rely on their own strength. Don't rely entirely on luck. This also applies to personal life.

    Lily of the Valley's generous, open heart is the reason that it can be plucked by the merciless hand of a herbarium collector or just a lover of subtle scent. A Lily of the Valley woman needs a reliable protector, for example a Thistle man (Capricorn). At work, Lily of the Valley is doing well, although excessive zeal can sometimes get on your nerves.

    Nut often consists of contradictions, it is capricious, aggressive, selfish. It is never known how he will act in this or that case and how to handle him. He cares about style, subtle and sophisticated manners, but in reality this can be caused by ordinary timidity. Often he tends to complicate matters. At the same time, he knows how to be an excellent strategist: he appreciates well possible consequences his intentions, decides on very insidious actions and is not tormented by remorse. Often he amazes others with his speed of action. Nut has many friends, as well as enemies. He is convinced that in life you can only rely on yourself, and anxiously guards his own independence and isolation.

    Jasmine is lively, lively and sociable. He attracts to himself with free and skillful conversation and becomes the center of attention even against his will. Jasmine does not like to feel bound, cannot stand restrictions, duties depress him. But, despite this, he always obeys his duty. He is not afraid of work, like no one else, he understands the need for diplomatic behavior and knows how to organize harmonious relations in a team. His intelligence and liveliness of thought are highly appreciated by his superiors. Children bring the greatest joy in Jasmine's life.

    Chestnut is a beautiful and even decorative tree, but he will not use his charm to attract someone. He is full of vitality and needs space. Chestnut has an innate sense of justice, and any violation of it causes an involuntary protest in him. Chestnut is gifted, quick and accurate, but has a tendency to dreaminess and philosophical reflections... In his life, a lot depends on the environment. Lack of flexibility in communication often leads to the fact that throughout his life he changes many activities and experiences a lot of disappointments, which he remembers for a long time, as he is very impressionable and sensitive. An unexpected feature of Chestnut is the desire for convenience in everyday life.

    Irina Vorontsova

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    Taurus is the 2nd sign of the zodiac. The Sun enters the sign of Taurus on April 20 or 21 and leaves this Zodiac sector of the starry sky on May 20 or 21, depending on the year.

    Taurus Season: Spring

    Taurus is the second spring sign of the zodiac. During the reign of this sign, the earth warms up and prepares to bear fruit, the first shoots appear. This is breeding time. In the character of Taurus, it brings such features as the naturalness of desires and feelings, closeness to nature, fertility, and good health.

    Taurus Release: Earth

    The element of the Earth in astrology is the very embodiment of solidity, stability and reliability. The earth promotes the manifestation of such qualities of character as endurance, practicality, dedication, diligence, a sense of duty. Under the auspices of the generous mother Earth in astrology, there are three signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

    As a representative of the earth element, Taurus has organizational skills, is incredibly responsible and rational. Stability and confidence in the future are necessary for him as well as the earthly firmament under his feet and the blue sky over his head.

    Ruler Planet Taurus: Venus

    Venus's motto: "I love!" Since ancient times, Venus has been called the planet of love and beauty, but astrologers say: in fact, its influence is much broader. Venus is the planet of human feelings and motivations in all the bright variety of their manifestations. Venus in the horoscope is responsible for sensuality, sensitivity, beauty, charm, grace, inner harmony and, of course, love. Love for yourself, for the people around and for the whole world.

    One of the main aspects of the influence of Venus on the Taurus horoscope can be called the desire for beauty, life benefits and amenities. It is thanks to Venus that money plays a significant role in the life of Taurus, but not by itself, but as a means to make your life as comfortable as possible. However, in addition to the comfort of the body, under the influence of Venus, Taurus strives for the comfort of all his senses, being both a lover of delicious food and a subtle connoisseur of art. But the most important thing for Taurus is the comfort of his soul. He finds it in communication with the people he loves.

    Taurus color: Pastel green, reminiscent of fresh green grass and young foliage on the trees.
    Taurus Metal: Copper.
    Taurus Talisman Stone: Emerald, coral.
    Opposite and complementary sign of Taurus in the Zodiac circle: Scorpio.

    Geographical Locations Most Conforming to Taurus

    Countries, places and cities with a similar energy, where Taurus will be most comfortable and comfortable at home.
    Countries: Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Persia, countries of the Caucasus region, Russia.
    World cities: Dublin, Leipzig, Mantua, Nantes, Palermo, Parma.

    Taurus Astrostyle

    Many representatives of the sign of Taurus are beautiful, and this is due to the patronizing planet Venus, which influences their horoscope. Taurus is incredibly sensual, has a special charm and exquisite taste. Their demands are very high, they are extremely demanding in the choice of each thing and, realizing that they cannot get what they want for little money, they give preference to expensive things. They relate in a similar way to other components of their appearance. Solid, expensive things really suit them very much, making them even more noble.

    Taurus' clothing and footwear preferences

    Taurus closely follow fashion, although they do not always decide, due to natural conservatism, to translate fashion trends into their own lives. But even with such a wary attitude to everything new, they will not wear things that were relevant several years ago. Taurus tend to be overweight, so fashion designers generally bypass them, but Taurus women know how to look dignified and very feminine for all their flaws. They prefer chic classics, and only a few can compete in the ability to select and wear them in the Zodiac.

    You can see a variety of things in the wardrobe of a Taurus woman, but trousers, shirts and jackets are quite rare guests in it: these ladies do not like to borrow things from the men's arsenal, preferring to emphasize femininity and seduction. They are happy to wear blouses with a deep neckline, short dresses and skirts. Taurus is not indifferent to all kinds of appliqués, embroidery and other types of finishes, which are almost always relevant and never go beyond good taste.

    At the same time, not only the beauty of clothing is important for Taurus, but also its practicality, comfort in wearing. This fully applies to shoes. In everyday life, they can do with shoes, boots without heels or with low heels. Ladies of this sign of the Zodiac prefer natural fabrics, materials that are pleasant to the touch: silk, velvet, wool, printed cotton.

    Favorite colors of Taurus

    It has been noticed that Taurus is especially partial to colors that are somehow close to nature - green, blue, aqua, blue, beige, brown. Their particular preference is soft pastel shades.

    Taurus accessories and jewelry

    Taurus attach great importance to accessories and all kinds of jewelry, complementing their look and making it complete. They actively use gold, silver, precious stones, willingly wear jewelry with natural stones, which are skillfully combined with clothes.

    Taurus Makeup

    Women of this sign usually look well-groomed and can in many ways thank their naturally smooth skin with a healthy blush for this. They do not neglect makeup, but on their face you will never see a riot, a variety of colors. Women of this zodiac constellation operate with only a few colors, but thanks to their excellent taste, they always achieve a very good effect, turning into real beauties.

    Taurus Hairstyle

    Taurus will never show up in public with a mess on their heads. They consider hair to be one of the main elements of their appearance and attach great importance to their care, not sparing time and money for all kinds of balms, masks, etc. Usually they do not wear short haircuts, their favorite length is medium and long hair, which they often wear loose (but at the same time they will, as they say, lie hair to hair). They actively use gels, mousses, foams, allowing them to create something highly artistic on their heads. Women of this sign often wear bangs.

    Taurus is not inherent in spontaneous reactions to what is happening, they are prone to deliberate decisions.

    Distinctive features: solid approach, regularity, consistency, peace of mind, inner idyll, non-conflict. Taurus are bright representatives of a stately figure with smooth, leisurely movements. In most cases, representatives of this zodiac sign are strong personalities with impressive willpower and aspiration.

    Those born under the sign of Taurus are affable, benevolent, open-minded, condescending, and very patient. However, you should not manipulate this: when patience wears out, the representative of the zodiac absolutely transforms, becomes furious, practically uncontrollable. It is impossible to infringe on Taurus in anything or impose his will on him, he defends his opinion to the last, does not compromise. He prefers to have in a close circle people who are able to agree with his opinion and do not contradict him.

    Taurus, despite the listed qualities, has a rather difficult character, and for peace of mind he is recommended to wear the following stones: agate, aventurine, lapis lazuli, jasper, turquoise, moonstone, quartz, tiger's eye, sapphire, topaz.

    short information

    Element: earth

    Mascot stones: aventurine, agate, aquamarine, diamond (diamond), amazonite, amethyst, andradite, beryl, turquoise, bull's eye, heliodor, garnet, grossular, jadeite, emerald, quartz, coral, corundum, labrador (blue), lapis lazuli , moonstone, onyx, opal, ruby, sapphire, carnelian, sodalite, tiger's eye, topaz, tourmaline, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper

    Anti-stones: jet, heliotrope, serpentine, obsidian, pyrite

    Agate for Taurus

    Agate is a type of quartz. Thanks to its bright color and fine grain, it looks great both as separate beads and in jewelry inserts. Since ancient times, agate has been used precisely as ornaments. They were decorated with rings, beads, bracelets. This mineral is called differently in different places: dendrite stone, sardonyx, owl's eye, Arabian onyx. And some call it the Eye of the Creator.

    Agate adds strength and courage to the wearer. For Taurus, his ability to help in the independent solution of tasks that have appeared on the way will be especially useful. The specific color of the stone affects more subtly. So, bright red agate inspires Taurus to act and helps in love affairs, pale red agate makes it easier to find a compromise and reconciliation with other people, black agate makes Taurus' family life joyful and harmonious. Moss-colored agate provides longevity and wealth to the representatives of this sign.

    The healing properties of agate

    For a long time, people have noticed and appreciated the powerful energy of agate, which has a strong healing effect on humans. Agate actively affects the chakras, especially the root, brings them into a harmonious state, which helps to get rid of many diseases. In lithotherapy, it successfully helps the digestive system, kidneys and vision.

    In addition, it is believed that the stone has a positive effect on the respiratory system, relieving ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, prolonged cough, supports and strengthens the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

    In the healing properties of agate, color also matters, and each of them has its own effect:

    • black agate helps to calm down, cures depression;
    • white - cleanses the body and strengthens the throat;
    • red and green (moss colors) have a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
    • blue agate has a strong healing effect on the thyroid gland.

    The magical properties of agate

    A common feature that is common to all agates, regardless of color, is a beneficial effect on communication, mutual understanding and eloquence. For people with high spiritual values \u200b\u200band a stable psyche, these minerals process all negative energies into positive ones.

    Agate color complements these magical properties with its own characteristics. Black, the color of leaders, gives power over victories and wins, confidence, calmness and the ability to make the right decisions. Yellow agates patronize businessmen and merchants, golden agates for creative people, yellow-brown ones for scientists. And multi-colored layered agates can increase feminine and masculine sensuality and strength.

    It should be noted that its interaction and combination with copper helps to enhance the magical powers of agate. But in any case, it is necessary to give the stone rest. You should not wear it constantly.

    Agate is an ancient and popular gem. Anthropologists are convinced that it is the first mineral to be used by humans.

    Alexander the Great appreciated agate very much. During his campaigns, on his order, all the stone found was sent back to the workshop of a personal master, a skilled stone-cutter Pyrgothel.

    The ancient popularity of agate is evidenced by the discovery of a dish with a diameter of 75 centimeters carved from a stone monolith. It is now kept in the Austrian Museum in Vienna.

    Agate care

    Agate is a soft and easy-to-process mineral. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. It is very easy to scratch on its surface, it is fragile and easily cracks if handled carelessly. Therefore, you need to handle it very carefully, protecting it from mechanical stress.

    Also, agate should be protected from household chemicals. It should be washed and wiped with pure water. This stone does not like direct sunlight very much. Agate fades from their influence, loses its color saturation. To correct this, the craftsmen boil down the mineral and, in some cases, tint it a little.

    Aventurine for Taurus

    The name of this inexpensive semi-precious stone is translated from Italian as "unusual case". Tradition tells of an event that took place in the 16th century, when, by accident, glass blowers in Venice made a glass copy of aventurine. Moreover, as it turned out, this was the second birth of adventurous glass. The ancient Egyptian craftsmen possessed the knowledge of its manufacture, but, alas, their secrets were irretrievably lost.

    Real aventurine is quartzite interspersed with mica, which creates its mysterious inner glow. It is sometimes called a sunstone or aventurine labrador.

    It is a stone of gamblers and lovers, passion and unexpected deeds. In general, all that is associated with adventure, risk and adventure. It helps Taurus build self-confidence, maintains their mood, enhances emotions and feelings, and promotes flexibility and mental clarity.

    The healing properties of aventurine

    The healing properties of this stone are quite wide. It is noticed that aventurine has a positive effect on blood composition, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and normalizes the heart rhythm. According to lithotherapists, it significantly accelerates the elimination of skin diseases - eczema and rashes.

    The owner of aventurine in a gold setting is not afraid of blues and depression. It is also used to maintain the strength of the elderly and increase the level of sexual energy.

    But when using aventurine, certain rules must be followed. It is highly undesirable to wear it for more than a month in a row. It is best, according to lithotherapists, to wear aventurine only a week a month, choosing for this some one phase of the waning moon.

    The magical properties of aventurine

    From antiquity, the belief in the magical properties of aventurine to help in any matters related to risk dates back. It promotes the success of gamblers, bankers, entrepreneurs, travelers, and more.

    Aventurine jewelry attracts special people to its owner, decorates life with bright colors, gives wings of joy and good luck. This stone is one of the best helpers in love. It awakens imagination, brings new ideas and pushes the owner to reckless, spectacular actions that can melt any heart. Aventurine gives self-confidence and self-confidence, helps to get rid of complexes and stiffness in communication.

    Those who drive a car often and a lot should carry aventurine with them. It can be a decoration with this stone, a bead or a special insert in the gear lever. The mineral will relieve nervous tension, increase concentration and prevent you from falling asleep while driving while driving.

    Aventurine is rarely cut. Basically, it is made semicircular. This shape is called a cabochon.

    In Russia, in the Hermitage, there is a unique vase made of aventurine. Its peculiarity is its huge size: width 2.5 meters and height 1.5 meters.

    Aventurine can be found on all continents except Australia and Antarctica.

    In ancient China, aventurine was considered a sacred stone. The state imperial seal was made from it.

    Aventurine care

    Aventurine is a delicate stone that requires special treatment and careful care. You can not use modern chemicals and preparations to clean it. They can ruin the shine and surface of the stone. Use only clean water and soft natural fabrics.

    Energy cleansing is best done by placing aventurine in a bowl of rock crystal. If this is not possible, you can leave the stone in salt, and then thoroughly rinse it in cold running water.

    Lapis Lazuli for Taurus

    The history of lapis lazuli dates back to the East. It began to be mined in the Pamir mountains about seven thousand years ago, and it served to decorate the palaces of rulers. Once in Europe, he attracted the attention of artists who were able to crush him to a state of powder. Mixing it with boiled oil, European creators got ultramarine paint.

    The first gold jewelry with lapis lazuli inserts began to be made in Ancient egypt... In this mysterious country of the pyramids, he became one of the favorite stones of the pharaohs. Many of the pieces of jewelry that have survived to this day contain this source of rich, pristine blue.

    Lapis lazuli helps Taurus to break free from the shackles of everyday life and daily routine, not to get hung up on the material. It is recommended as a talisman for teachers, educators and creative personalities. With the help of lapis lazuli, Taurus somewhat reduces the degree of their stubbornness, reveals in themselves sensuality, kindness and gentleness of character.

    The healing properties of lapis lazuli

    Modern lithotherapy considers lapis lazuli as a remedy for a wide range of diseases. With its help, the load is removed from the nervous system, blood pressure is normalized, vision is corrected.

    Lapis lazuli is especially recommended for women. It prevents inflammation and helps to normalize the menstrual cycle. During pregnancy, this mineral reduces the manifestations of toxicosis and prevents the risk of miscarriage.

    Lapis lazuli is widely used in homeopathy. If you dilute the crushed stone with a weak solution of acetic acid, the resulting medicine promotes hair growth. Powder pounded with pomegranate leaves and honey can cure skin diseases.

    The magical properties of lapis lazuli

    Since ancient times, lapis lazuli has been considered a stone that contributes to the establishment of relationships between the world of people and the world of the gods. In the tradition of European mystics and magicians, he became a symbol of honesty, openness and sincerity, since it is impossible to bend your soul before the Creator.

    Daily close communication with lapis lazuli elevates the owner, raises the level of his spirituality, cleans his thoughts and soul from baseness and vice. Only close, true friends have the right to give lapis lazuli. This mineral does not tolerate any insincerity.

    The constant wearing of lapis lazuli gives a person at different stages of his life one of four gifts in turn: love, luck in gambling, business success or material well-being.

    Lapis lazuli has been considered one of the most expensive gems since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, for the possession of lapis lazuli paint, artists did not disdain even murder.

    On the territory of Russia, lapis lazuli was first discovered in 1817 in the south of Lake Baikal.

    There are only three large deposits of lapis lazuli in the world: the Pamir, the Slyudyanka River (Baikal) and the Chilean Andes. But the quality of the minerals of the last deposit leaves much to be desired.

    Lapis lazuli care

    Lapis lazuli should be washed only with a special solution intended for the care of jewelry stones, or with ordinary soap. The acidity of the cleaning agent must be neutral, as even a small percentage of acid can tarnish.

    In this case, a soft cloth must be used to wipe off dirt. A brush or rough cloth may damage the surface of this mineral.

    Store lapis lazuli and products from it separately, in boxes with soft walls.

    Jasper for Taurus

    Jasper is a fairly common mineral. Even at the dawn of civilization, people noticed its motley appearance and began to use it for making jewelry. By the way, the stone got its name precisely because of this: "jasper", which in our language was transformed into "jasper", means "motley".

    The geological value of jasper is small. From this point of view, it is a rather heavily contaminated quartz. But it was these impurities that turned it into an attractive stone for our eyes. Jasper is valuable from a practical point of view. It is beautiful, durable and resistant to wear and tear.

    Jasper for Taurus is a very important and necessary stone. Good-natured representatives of this sign often take on the negativity and problems of other people. And this mineral is able to neutralize the harmful energy, cleanse the body, relieving it of suppressed health and negative emotions. Taurus also needs jasper to achieve success in their careers and business, to attract prosperity into their lives.

    The healing properties of jasper

    The modern view on the medicinal properties of jasper says: it is an ideal natural stimulant. This stone brings all the basic functions and systems of the body into a harmonious state, brings order to the work of mechanisms that are controlled by the nervous system. And he does it gently.

    As with other minerals, different colored jaspers have different effects on the body. Yellow stones are used in lithotherapy as an anesthetic and sedative. The green mineral is excellent for treating the gastrointestinal tract. And red jasper specializes in bleeding and the cardiovascular system. It supposedly restores and activates the work of the hematopoietic and filtering organs, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and is also able to stop bleeding.

    The magical properties of jasper

    All experts on the magical properties of stones unanimously say that jasper perfectly corrects negative energies. If a person sincerely and lovingly wears jasper jewelry, he is often not afraid of any spells, black evil eyes and damage.

    The shape of the jasper is of great importance. Oblong products from it just work to neutralize the negative. Moreover, it can be both small (pendants, pendants) and overall objects (tabletops, cornices, etc.).

    Round products absorb and spread positive energies around them. Good luck and success will be promoted by someone who keeps a small jasper product next to him, for example, a ball or bead.

    The best jasper in the world is mined in Russian deposits in the South Urals, North Caucasus and Altai.

    A jasper vase of unique beauty and size is kept in St. Petersburg. Its dimensions are staggering: 5 meters in diameter and 11 tons in weight!

    According to the Apocalypse section of the Bible, jasper is the first of those stones that were laid in the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem.

    Jasper care

    In terms of care, jasper is unpretentious. Silicon oxide, which is included in large quantities in its composition, provides surface hardness and scratch resistance.

    This stone is washed with a brush, soapy or vinegar solution. However, cleaning agents should be avoided. The same applies to the neighborhood with cosmetics and perfumery. Jasper is sensitive to active substances and strong odors. It also does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature very well.

    Jasper has a positive attitude towards exposure to sunlight. Therefore, you should not keep jasper jewelry in a box all the time, they often need to "ventilate" on the windowsill.

    Turquoise for Taurus

    By its very name, turquoise suggests that it brings happiness and joy. Translated from Persian "firyuz" means "pleasure", "happiness", "excellent mood." Sometimes the origin of the name is attributed to the word "pyruz", which does not in the least worsen the meaning, because in translation it means "victory". It is a stone of love, family well-being and peace. In addition, as a symbol of success, turquoise favors entrepreneurs and everyone who strives for professional growth.

    When choosing jewelry with this stone, you need to be very careful, especially if there are large crystals in the product. Large turquoise is quite rare, and its cost is very high. Therefore, before buying, you should think about whether a real stone is present in the product.

    Turquoise helps Taurus to realize themselves in the fastest and most favorable way. It gives the ability to soberly and patiently assess situations, others and oneself. Turquoise will bring peace and understanding to the Taurus family.

    The healing properties of turquoise

    It is believed that the most valuable medicinally is young turquoise, which has a sky-blue color. First of all, it is an excellent indicator of health. If the stone darkens or loses its brightness, this may indicate the onset of the disease. Naturally, if it was not previously affected by cosmetic and detergents, to which this mineral is very sensitive.

    According to the Indian stone healing practice, turquoise actively affects the throat chakra. This helps to normalize thyroid function and strengthen the throat ligaments. Other healing properties of this stone in lithotherapy are: reduction of headaches, treatment of insomnia, strengthening of vision.

    The magical properties of turquoise

    The main magical quality of turquoise is the establishment of peace, the reconciliation of enmity, the taming of anger directed at the wearer. It attracts positive emotions and energies to its owner. In recent times, wedding rings were often carved from this stone. This contributed to a long, peaceful family union without quarrels.

    As a symbol of success and victory, turquoise enhances qualities such as the absence of fear of risk, the desire to win. It promotes business success, confidence, independence and ambition. In the East, it has been noted for a long time that gold never runs out in a hand decorated with a ring with turquoise. The greatest effect is achieved if worn during the new moon at the very moment of sunrise.

    As for the color of turquoise, the green mineral brings the most benefit to Taurus: for this zodiac sign, it best reveals its mystical properties.

    The most beautiful turquoise stones are mined in Iran, in the province of Khorasan.

    Until recently, almost all cavalrymen in Europe wore rings with turquoise. The reason for this was the belief that she was able to reduce weight, and thus, when falling from a horse, serious injuries could be avoided.

    Blue turquoise costs three times as much as green turquoise in today's gem market.

    Turquoise care

    Turquoise is a soft stone, therefore, before performing any work, you must remove jewelry with it. She is very sensitive to perfumes, cosmetics and even regular soap. When exposed to them, turquoise loses its luster and fades. It should be washed only in clean water, wiping with a soft natural cloth.

    To preserve the color and beauty of turquoise, it must be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight. And it is better to store jewelry with turquoise in general in separate boxes.

    Moonstone for Taurus

    A whole group of varieties of potassium spar is called moonstone. However, for Taurus in the astrological plane, only adularia matters. It is a colorless transparent stone with a blue or white sheen.

    There are three main legends about the origin of this stone. The ancient Greeks believed that it appeared thanks to the legendary people - the Hyperboreans, who brought it to Hellas. In addition, according to mythology, the moonstone endowed the owner with mystical knowledge and abilities. Later, Satan himself was called the source of the appearance. As if he created this wondrous stone especially for Eve, so that she would divert her attention from the flowers of the Garden of Eden. And in the Middle Ages, alchemists were convinced that any small stone that absorbs the light of a thousand moons can become a moonstone.

    Moonstone helps Taurus to achieve inner harmony, become more self-possessed and patient, endows with feelings of compassion and care.

    Moonstone healing properties

    The healing qualities of moonstone, according to folk medicine, have a positive effect on the kidneys and genitourinary system, liver and gallbladder, reduce swelling and relieve dropsy. In Tibet, it is used to treat nervous diseases and epilepsy.

    In lithotherapy, moonstone is good for treating infectious diseases and asthma. Its healing effect helps faster healing of broken bones, eliminates diseases of the spine, arthritis, relieves inflammation in bone tissue and relieves insomnia.

    Moonstone in silver setting has a brighter and stronger effect. Also, the improvement of the healing properties of the moonstone is facilitated by its presence in the pyramid for 15-20 minutes along with an emerald, ruby \u200b\u200bor agate.

    The magical properties of the moonstone

    Moonstone brings softening to those prone to overconfidence. But for capricious and withdrawn people, it can be dangerous.

    This mineral has a beneficial effect on the family union. It promotes calmness and marital fidelity. For wives, in addition to getting rid of internal passions and obscene thoughts, he also helps to protect themselves from external encroachments.

    Endowed with the energy of the Moon, the stone promotes sound and restful sleep, heals sleepwalking. If you put a moonstone under the pillow, then it will give the owner a bright and vivid dream, which will be well remembered.

    It is also believed that you need to wear a moonstone only when the moon is growing. At this time, he is gaining his strength and actively has a positive impact. And when it decreases, on the contrary, it turns into a vampire and energetically oppresses its owner.

    Moonstone is believed to help you lose weight. To do this, you need to stand completely naked for three nights in a row after the full moon with a stone in hand in a strip of moonlight in front of a mirror in which a person is fully reflected. Then concentrate and imagine your body as it should become.

    One of the legends says that if a white spot forms on a stone, it means that it receives the energy of the moon.

    Moonstone care

    Moonstone is soft and very sensitive. It can easily get scratched or dent from a seemingly minor impact. Therefore, if you have to do some work with your hands, it is better to remove jewelry with a moonstone. The same applies to working with chemicals, in particular, with household chemicals.

    The moonstone should be washed with a soft natural cloth in warm water and a little soap.

    It is better to store it separately from other jewelry in a box with soft walls.

    Quartz for Taurus

    Quartz is one of the most common stones on Earth. There is a lot of it in the mountains, and underground, and in the desert, because the familiar sand is one of the varieties of this mineral. Due to the admixture of various chemical elements, a large number of varieties of quartz are formed: citrine, chalcedony, rock crystal, amethyst and others.

    Although the name of quartz, which in German means "hard", and relatively young, has been known to mankind since ancient times. The first jewelry with this stone dates back to the 5th millennium BC. That is how long the quartz beads found on the territory of modern Iraq lay in the ground.

    Quartz for Taurus is a stone that directs active energy in a constructive direction. In addition, the stone improves communication skills, adds attractiveness. And in case of heart failure, quartz is able to quickly heal Taurus's mental wound and helps to tune in to move forward.

    The healing properties of quartz

    According to the advice of modern stone therapy specialists, water intended for drinking should be passed through quartz crystals. The usual infusion of water on quartz is also allowed. As a result, it is believed that the water is saturated with healing energies and has a positive effect on the entire body.

    And there is nothing miraculous in this. Quartz effectively inhibits microflora, so pathogenic bacteria simply die. But you don't need to be zealous either. An excess of it in the body has a detrimental effect on health.

    The heart chakra is perfectly stimulated by rose quartz. It helps to relieve tension, promotes peace, tunes in to a wave of kindness and love.

    The magical properties of quartz

    In ancient times, quartz was considered a conductor through which divine fire falls on the earth. It is for this reason that quartz minerals were used by priests for divination and communication with the otherworldly. It was believed that only experienced magicians could use it, and common man he can even drive you crazy.

    It is now believed that quartz, when worn constantly as jewelry, stimulates the activity of mental processes, develops eloquence, imagination and improves memory. It is recommended for Taurus to wear it without a rim so that the surface of the stone touches the skin.

    The St. Petersburg Museum contains a unique stone, which is famous not only for its dimensions (about a meter high), but also for its funny history. The fact is that it came to the museum not so long ago, and before that it was used as a street pedestal.

    Scientists believe that the first sunglasses were invented in ancient Egypt. In the tomb of Tutankhamun, crystals of a variety of quartz - morion, inserted into a bronze frame, were discovered. They most likely served to protect the eyes from the blinding sun.

    Quartz is used in the finest watch movements. Under the influence of electricity, the crystal makes equal vibrational movements.

    Quartz care

    To clean quartz jewelry, use warm, mild soapy water and a soft, natural cloth. Care must be taken when processing, as chips and cracks easily appear on quartz. It is unacceptable to use household chemicals for cleaning.

    Quartz is not very fond of sunlight. It causes discoloration of the mineral. For storage, it is better to have a separate box with soft walls or a special cloth bag for jewelry.

    Tiger's eye for Taurus

    Tiger's eye is a kind of reddish brown quartz. It got its name thanks to the admixtures of crocodile threads, hornblende, rybeckite, which create such a characteristic ebb. It is quite widespread and inexpensive.

    The tiger's eye has been known in the East for a very long time. It is believed that the military was the first to use it. They believed that the tiger's eye talisman guarded the owner during the battle. To enhance the protective properties, magic signs were carved on the surface. Having arrived in Europe in the 19th century, the tiger's eye became a guard for financial businessmen and bankers. But he "worked" only if the owner was a man of honor.

    For Taurus, the tiger's eye is an assistant in romantic affairs. It adds self-confidence, reduces vulnerability, and helps you see your current situation more realistically. This stone is perfect for Taurus creative professions such as writers and painters.

    The healing properties of the tiger's eye

    The tiger's eye healing ability was noticed long ago. One of the attributed properties that have made it popular in recent years is the ability of the tiger's eye to reduce appetite, which helps fight obesity.

    In traditional medicine, tiger eye treats a wide range of diseases, including arthritis, insomnia, depression, problems with the digestive system, diseases of the spine, skin diseases. It has a positive effect on blood, lowers blood pressure. Tiger's eye is recommended to be used to improve the condition of a patient who has undergone paralysis after a stroke.

    The magical properties of the tiger's eye

    The tiger's eye is a very powerful guardian against all the vicissitudes of life: quarrels, scandals, failures. It is also an excellent amulet that keeps love. The only thing he cannot give a person is a measured, calm life. The tiger's eye is a stone for dynamic actions, striving for new things. In this regard, it is recommended to carry it with you constantly during life changes.

    This stone brings good luck to active people: entrepreneurs, financiers, protects them from financial losses of any kind. But he does this only for those who are active themselves. He can raise such people to the heights of financial achievements. On the other hand, lazy people will not do anything useful, but will burden them even more.

    The tiger's eye protects the wearer from attacks from robbers and beasts. Develops mental abilities, helps to concentrate better, relieves irritability and fatigue.

    It is customary to give a tiger's eye to spouses who have lived together for nine years.

    It is believed that the tiger's eye, like any cat, loves to bask in the sun. During sunbathing, the stone is charged with energy. And it is best to do this in the afternoon.

    People believe that with the help of a tiger's eye, wealth can be attracted into the house. To do this, you need to put a stone in a piggy bank and put a coin or a bill of any denomination there every day.

    Tiger Eye Care

    Despite the fact that the tiger eye has a fairly high density and hardness, from frequent wearing, microcracks can form on its surface, which reduce its shine. Therefore, it is recommended not to overdo it with wearing.

    You can wash and clean your tiger's eye with a soft brush and a mild soapy solution. This stone is neutral towards perfumery and cosmetics, so there are no special recommendations for choosing a storage location.

    Sapphire for Taurus

    Sapphire belongs to precious gemstones and is a transparent corundum with a blue color of varying degrees of intensity. This color is given to it by compounds of titanium and iron.

    The origin of the name has several versions. According to one of them, the word has Indian roots and is translated as "favorite of Saturn." Another version says that in Babylon the stone was called "sipru", which means "scratching". This version also has a right to exist, given the high hardness of the mineral.

    Sapphire has long been known to mankind and has been used in jewelry for several millennia. This stone is especially appreciated in high society. Sapphire has adorned and adorns the crowns of the most famous and important monarchs in the world.

    Sapphire helps Taurus in making an important decision, gives confidence in themselves and their strengths. Also, this stone will be very useful for representatives of this zodiac sign who are associated with trade and justice.

    The healing properties of sapphire

    The healing properties of sapphire, known in traditional medicine, are extremely wide. He is an excellent healer, helping to cope with cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, genitourinary system, asthma. The stone helps dissolve stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. Sapphire allegedly heals joints, skin diseases such as eczema, restores and improves vision, helps with diabetes and paralysis after a stroke.

    Also, according to lithotherapists, it is able to treat insomnia, reduce blood pressure, eliminate pain in the spine. To enhance the healing effect, you must wear it in gold jewelry around your neck or in a ring.

    The magical properties of sapphire

    No wonder since ancient times sapphire was considered a royal stone. He is able to make a person more balanced, endow him with wisdom and prudence. Sapphire helps to distinguish lies from truth, to increase work capacity, to awaken a dormant passion for learning new things. It helps muscles and nerves to become stronger, gives joy to the heart and strengthens courage. No wonder, according to legend, the seal of the biblical king Solomon was made from sapphire.

    But all this applies to stones without flaws. If there are spots, cracks or internal formations in the sapphire, it not only brings sadness to the heart of the owner, but can also attract trouble into his life.

    One of the most famous sapphires in the world is in the Russian Diamond Fund. This oval stone is 2.2 cm high, 3.4-3.9 cm long and weighs 258 carats.

    One of the world record holders among sapphires was found on the island of Ceylon at the beginning of the last century. After cutting, the weight of the stone was 446 carats.

    Sapphire is a very expensive gem. The purest natural sapphires cost over $ 4,000 per carat.

    Sapphire care

    Sapphire is a strong and hard stone, therefore it does not require special care when leaving. It can be washed with mild soap or special solution. The surface of the stone is scratch resistant, so a soft brush can be used.

    The most important rule is that after cleaning procedures, you must thoroughly rinse off soap or detergent under clean running water and polish the edges.

    Topaz for Taurus

    Topaz has been known since ancient times. Its name is translated from Greek as "seek", and from Sanskrit - as "fire". This gem has always attracted people with its wonderful tints, flicker and many colors. And until now, jewelry with topaz is highly valued.

    Topaz is a complex compound of aluminum silicate with water and fluorine. The variety of colors and shades is due to the admixtures of iron, titanium and chromium: blue, smoky, yellow, green, brown. The most expensive natural diamonds are red and pink topaz. They can cost up to $ 500 per carat.

    This stone is endowed with the power to enhance intuition and mindfulness. That is why topaz is so perfect for Taurus. Thanks to this mineral, the wearer can achieve a high level of enlightenment. But this will only work if the person has a strong soul. For weak Taurus, topaz can drive them crazy or cause them serious mental distress.

    Healing properties of topaz

    Modern experts in stone therapy believe that topaz contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged body tissues, protects it from colds, and treats diseases internal organssuch as spleen, liver with gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract. They strengthen the immune and nervous systems, relieve insomnia, and protect against mental disorders.

    Gold topaz keeps inner calmness, prevents anger, gives serenity. Blue - normalizes the function of the thyroid gland, the course of metabolic processes, gives inner peace and balance.

    The magical properties of topaz

    A person who wears jewelry with topaz literally breathes optimism and serenity. On men and women, he acts a little differently: the first he gives wisdom, and the second - beauty.

    Those who own topaz do not know the feelings of hatred and anger. It should be worn by those who often have fears for no apparent reason. This mineral very quickly removes a person from this state. From a magical point of view, topaz is very powerful amulets against damage and the evil eye. They are able to neutralize any psycho-informational attack.

    Before constantly wearing jewelry with topaz, you need to give time so that the person and the stone get used to each other. Often at the same time, it even changes its color slightly. For example, from a flashy yellow it can become a pleasant golden one. This means that the habituation process was successful.

    Topaz can grow to gigantic proportions. For example, in the Ukraine in the city of Volodymyr-Volynsky about fifty ago, a topaz weighing 120 kilograms was found.

    The largest processed topaz is found at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington and weighs 22,000 carats.

    The world's largest reserves of topaz are found in France, the Urals and Transbaikalia.

    Topaz care

    The solid structure of topaz and the durable surface make it possible to not worry too much about the danger of scratching or breaking it during cleaning or washing. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the place and conditions of storage.

    Bright topaz does not like sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the stones lose their rich color. To prevent this from happening, you should store it in a box without direct natural light.