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  • Early speech therapy assistance in the modern education system. Section IV

    Early speech therapy assistance in the modern education system.  Section IV

    As part of preschool education:

    Preschool institutions for children with speech disorders (Type V)

    Speech therapy groups in preschool institutions of a combined type: (groups for children with FFN, groups for children with OHP, groups for children with stuttering)

    Speech therapy centers at preschool institutions of a general type (for children with physical activity, physical activity, physical activity)

    Speech therapy assistance in the conditions of special preschool institutions is provided to children with speech impairments in other nosological forms (oligophrenia, visual impairment, musculoskeletal system), as well as children with mental retardation

    As part of school education:

    Special (correctional) general education schools for children with severe speech disorders (Type V)

    Speech therapy points at general education schools

    Speech therapy classes (V type) at secondary schools

    Speech therapy work in S (K) OU VII and VIII types

    Logopedic assistance in the healthcare system

    Speech therapy rooms at children's clinics and neuropsychiatric dispensers (for children and adults)

    Specialized nursery for children with speech impairment (for children with STD and stuttering

    Children's psycho-neurological sanatorium

    The system of speech therapy assistance to the adult population includes institutions different type:

    1. Stationary (neurological departments at hospitals).

    2. Semi-stationary (occupational therapy rooms).

    3. Outpatient (methodological rooms at the district clinics of the city).

    Speech therapy assistance in the system of social protection:

    Specialized children's home


    Phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment- violation of the processes of formation of the pronunciation system of the native language in children with various speech disorders due to defects in the perception and pronunciation of phonemes. This category includes children with normal hearing and intelligence.

    The state of phonemic development of children affects the mastery of sound analysis. The level of formation of the action to isolate the sequence of sounds in the word and the ability to consciously navigate the sound elements of the word depend on the degree of underdevelopment of phonemic perception and whether this underdevelopment is primary or secondary. Secondary underdevelopment of phonemic perception is observed with violations of speech kinesthesia that occur with anatomical and motor defects of the speech organs.

    The unformed pronunciation of sounds is expressed variably in the form of various sound substitutions and distortions. When examining a child's speech, it is necessary to carefully establish which sounds are disturbed in pronunciation and how. In the presence of a large number of defective sounds, as a rule, the pronunciation of polysyllabic words with a confluence of consonants (“kachikha” instead of weaver) is disturbed.

    In children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment, there is a general blurring of speech, "compressed" articulation, insufficient expressiveness and clarity of speech. These are mainly children with rhinolalia, dysarthria and dyslalia - acoustic-phonemic and articulatory-phonemic forms.

    Speech therapy for this category of children preschool age carried out in special gardens, in the clinic, and school - at speech therapy centers.

    Correction of FFN in preschool children

    The system of education and upbringing of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment includes the correction of a speech defect and preparation for full-fledged literacy training (G. A. Kashe, T. B. Filicheva, G. V. Chirkina, 1978, 1974).

    Children entering groups with phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment must acquire the amount of basic knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for successful education in a general education school.

    There are special sections on the formation of pronunciation and teaching literacy.

    Speech therapy work includes the formation of pronunciation skills, the development of phonemic perception and the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

    Correctional education also provides for a certain range of knowledge about the environment and the corresponding volume of vocabulary, speech skills and abilities that must be mastered by children at this age stage.

    The complex interaction of functions involved in the formation of phonemic representations requires a dissected stage-by-stage formation of both a full-fledged articulation of sounds and their reception.

    First of all, the articulatory basis for the further development of phonemic perception and sound analysis should be clarified in children. For this purpose, preserved sounds are used. Their articulation is clarified, differentiation begins. And only after that they start setting the disturbed sounds ..

    Frontal classes to clarify articulation, to develop phonemic perception and to prepare children for the analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of a word are necessarily carried out on sounds that are correctly pronounced by all children. Then, in a certain sequence, the sounds delivered by this time are turned on.

    At all stages of training, great attention is paid to the differentiation of sounds. Each sound, after its correct pronunciation has been achieved, is compared by ear with all articulatory or acoustically close sounds (1st stage of differentiation). Later, differentiation is also made in pronunciation (2nd stage of differentiation). This sequence of work allows you to include exercises in distinguishing sounds very early, which contributes to the spontaneous appearance of new sounds in children's speech. Thanks to the developed auditory control, this stage is completed much faster.

    Based on the refined pronunciation skills of vowel sounds, the simplest forms of phonemic perception are carried out (the ability to hear a given sound (in a series of sounds), determine the presence of a given sound in a word).

    The production of sounds is carried out with the maximum use of all analyzers. When staging, it is important to remember that for the initial staging, sounds belonging to different phonetic groups are selected; the sounds mixed in the speech of children are gradually worked out delayed in time; the final consolidation of the studied sounds is achieved in the process of differentiation of all close sounds.

    Sound analysis and synthesis exercises, based on clear kinesthetic sensations, contribute to the conscious sounding of speech, which is the basis for preparing for literacy. On the other hand, the skills of sound-letter analysis, comparison, comparison of similar and different features of sounds and letters, exercises in analysis, synthesis contribute to the consolidation of pronunciation skills and the assimilation of conscious reading and writing.

    See question 70 for details

    By the time they enter school, children who have completed a course of special education are being prepared for mastering the program of a general education school. They are able to distinguish and differentiate by ear and in pronunciation all the phonemes of their native language, consciously control the sound of their own and other people's speech, consistently isolate sounds from the composition of a word, independently determine its sound elements. Children learn to distribute attention between various sound elements, to keep in memory the order of sounds and their position in a word, which is a decisive factor in preventing writing and reading disorders.

    Lecture 5 Russian Federation

    Lecture plan

    The history of the development of speech therapy assistance in Russia.

    The system of speech therapy assistance in Russia.

    The personality of a speech pathologist.

    General requirements for equipment and design of a speech therapy room.

    Selection of children and acquisition of groups. PMPK.

    Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention of speech disorders.

    List of basic terms: preschool institutions for children with speech disorders, school speech therapy centers, speech therapy assistance in the system of education, healthcare, social protection. The personality of a speech pathologist. Speech therapy equipment. Registration of a speech therapy room.

    The history of the development of speech therapy in Russia

    Scientific analysis of development state system special education in Russia was conducted by N.N. Malofeev (1996). The stages of formation and functioning of various types of institutions, their gradual differentiation due to the change in the attitude of the state and society towards persons with special needs are identified.

    1. History of the development of speech therapy. The emergence of speech therapy as a science in the middle of the 19th century in connection with the identification of anatomical and physiological mechanisms for ensuring speech activity. Formation of the classification of speech disorders.

    2. In the period up to 1917, institutions for anomalous persons existed at the expense of private charitable funds, in which special education was based on the identification and differentiation of the most pronounced defects (deafness, blindness, mental retardation). There was no organized speech therapy assistance for people with speech defects.

    In 1911, a congress of Moscow teachers was held, where for the first time the need for organizing special assistance for children suffering from speech disorders was emphasized. Such assistance was provided in two auxiliary schools under the guidance of the deaf teacher F.A. Pay, in 1915 the first speech therapy courses were created.

    3. Systematic diversified assistance to people with various types of speech pathology began to develop only in the 1920s. In 1918, on the initiative of V. Bonch-Bruevich, speech therapy courses were organized, mandatory for all educators and doctors of preschool institutions in Moscow. A year later, a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars was issued, which defined the functions of the people's commissariats of education and health in relation to the upbringing and health protection of abnormal children. The education of abnormal children was singled out as a national task.

    Even before the creation of a system of special education, congresses of pedagogical workers raised issues of education, upbringing and development of abnormal children, including children with speech disorders:

    The First All-Russian Congress (1920) for the fight against childhood handicap determined the principles for building a system for the upbringing and education of children with various types of abnormal development;

    At the All-Russian Congress of Gubono Heads (1922), the importance of creating institutions for these categories of children was discussed;

    Speaking at the II Congress on the Social and Legal Protection of Minors (SPON) (1924) L.S. Vygotsky proposed a new approach to the analysis of the structure of a defect, its correction and compensation, singled out the goals and objectives of special education, based on the principles of educating children that are common with the mass school.

    Created in 1929 science Center for the development of problems of defectology - the Experimental Defectological Institute (EDI), now the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education, which contributed to the comprehensive study of abnormal children, the development scientific foundations a differentiated network of special schools and a system of education and training of children in them. The Institute took part in the adoption (in the early 1930s) of a law on compulsory universal education for abnormal children.

    Comprehensive study of children based on clinical and psychological diagnostics various kinds anomalies, made it possible to create a fundamental scientific basis for the development in the country of an extensive network of special preschool and school institutions.

    4. With the direct participation of the speech therapy sector of the Research Institute of Defectology in 1954, the first school was organized in Leningrad.

    In 1956, at a school for hearing-impaired children, separate classes were organized for children with a severe form of speech underdevelopment (Moscow). On the basis of the school in 1958, a special boarding school was opened with a special regime for children with severe speech disorders.

    After 1958, similar schools appeared in other cities (Moscow (second school), Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, etc.).

    Initially, these schools provided education in the amount of 4 classes of a mass school. Since 1961, a network of special boarding schools for children with severe speech disorders began to develop. Along with the tasks of a general education school of a general type, specific tasks are put forward in this institution. The school consists of two departments: in the I department of the school, children with a diagnosis of alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, who have a severe degree of OHP, which impede education in a comprehensive school, are accepted. When completing classes, first of all, the level of speech development and the nature of the primary defect are taken into account; the second department enrolls children suffering from a severe form of stuttering with normal development of speech.

    4. A network of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders began to develop in 1960. At first, these were separate experimental groups organized at mass kindergartens, and then separate kindergartens and nurseries for children with speech disorders.

    Initially, groups were opened in kindergartens for children with only mild speech disorders (underdevelopment of the phonetic side of speech). Then groups were organized for children with more complex disorders (stuttering children, for children with OHP). On the basis of the order of the MP of the USSR dated November 21, 1972 No. 125, a nomenclature of special preschool institutions for abnormal children of the education system was approved.

    According to the regulation "On the model staff of preschool institutions for special purposes for children with mental and physical development and on the remuneration of teachers-defectologists and teachers-speech therapists ”(from the order of the Minister of Education of October 14, 1975 No. 131) in kindergartens (nurseries-kindergartens) for children with impaired vision, musculoskeletal system and intelligence, the position of a teacher is introduced - defectologist at the rate of 1 unit per group.

    As the network of preschool institutions develops, providing the need for speech therapy assistance, there is a further differentiation of children with various speech anomalies (stuttering with a normal level of speech development - stuttering with speech underdevelopment; children with mild dysarthria; children with rhinolalia, etc.).

    5. The deployment of a network of speech therapy centers at secondary general education schools in republican, regional and regional centers began in 1949. In 1976, the Regulations on the formation of speech therapy centers at general education schools throughout the country came into effect.

    Speech therapy centers are special educational institutions designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. They are organized in one of the secondary schools of the district. Each of them is assigned a certain number of schools, the total number primary school which should not exceed 16.

    Its main tasks are: to correct speech deficiencies in students; promote speech therapy knowledge among teachers and the public; timely detection and prevention of speech disorders in children entering the first grades.

    The main contingent of speech therapy centers are students with deficiencies in sound pronunciation, stuttering, reading and writing disorders, and mild general underdevelopment of speech.

    6. Issues of improving speech therapy assistance to the population, improving the quality and efficiency of treatment of persons suffering from speech disorders are also addressed in the system of the country's Ministry of Health. Based on the order of the Ministry of Health No. 465 of April 8, 1985 “On measures to further improve speech therapy care for patients with speech disorders”, the directions for the development of specialized care were determined: expanding the network of speech therapy rooms, rehabilitation treatment departments in children's clinics, neuropsychiatric dispensaries. They provide assistance to individuals different ages with functional and organic speech disorders.

    Children with speech disorders of preschool age can receive correctional and pedagogical assistance in such special institutions as:

    Nursery garden for children with speech disorders,

    Kindergarten for children with speech disorders of a compensating type (all groups in such an institution are speech therapy),

    Groups for children with speech disorders in kindergartens of a general type (combined type),

    State educational institutions (GOU) "School-kindergarten" for children with speech disorders,

    Speech therapy centers based on general developmental kindergartens.

    V preschool educational institution (DOE) of a compensating or combined type carried out differentiated education and upbringing of children with various forms of speech disorders, having intact hearing and intelligence, taking into account their age (G.V. Chirkina).

    The main areas of work with children in speech therapy groups of preschool institutions -

    Correction of speech disorders;

    Preparation for studying at a general education school;

    Children with severe speech disorders - in a special school.

    The standard provision defines the profiles of special speech therapy groups.

    Children with general underdevelopment of speech are accepted into speech therapy groups from the age of 5, for a period of study for two years. Group size is 10-12 people. The groups work according to special programs of T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina. V last years Increasingly, children with OHP (with 1-2 levels of speech development) are accepted from the age of 4 for 3 years of study.

    Children with phonetic phonemic underdevelopment they are sent either to the senior or to the preparatory groups, the training period is one year. If necessary (for example, in case of dysarthria), at the decision of the PMPK, the child can undergo remedial training again. Group size is 12-14 people. For the preparatory group, the program of correctional education and upbringing was developed by G.A. Kashe, and for the eldest - T.B. Filicheva and G.V. Chirkina.

    For children with stuttering special groups are opened, in which children from 2-3 years old are accepted. The occupancy of groups is 8-10 people. Groups are completed as different ages. Speech therapists and educators work according to the S.A. Mironova, developed on the basis of the "Program of training and education in kindergarten» the general type and methodology for overcoming stuttering N.A. Cheveleva. This technique involves the child accompanying his subject-practical actions with speech, therefore speech therapy work is based on modeling, application, drawing, and design.

    Speech development is a special section devoted to the content of correctional and developmental work with children, aimed at the formation of all components of the language system, the development of cognitive abilities, attention, memory, and thinking.

    The most complete systems correctional education and learning in variable programs of preschool educational institutions (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, G.A. Kashe, N.A. Cheveleva, S.A. Mironova, etc.). In general, the following tasks of speech development are implemented in the programs:

    structural - the formation of different structural levels of the language system is carried out: phonetic, lexical, grammatical;

    functional - Speech skills are formed in communication (exchange of information and experiences);

    cognitive - an awareness of language and speech is formed, a consistent complication of intellectual speech actions based on the complication of motivation and the correlation of motive and result.

    The nature of the corrective impact and the choice of methodological techniques depend on which parts of the speech system need priority correction and formation.

    The solution of correctional tasks is impossible without taking into account the initial provisions of preschool pedagogy:

    - the principle of the relationship of sensory, mental and speech development of children;

    - the formation of speech, taking into account the patterns of its development in ontogenesis;

    - the principle of a communicative-activity approach to the development of speech.

    Psycholinguistic provisions on the sequential complication of speech operations are taken into account:

    - from speech skill to speech skill and speech statements, subordinate to the tasks of communication;

    – the principle of formation of elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena;

    - the principle of ensuring active speech practice.

    In modern speech therapy methods in teaching children with systemic speech disorders (general underdevelopment of speech, pronounced phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment), the most effective is the communicative-activity approach, which involves:

    - interconnected training in the types of speech activity;

    - situational-thematic organization of language material;

    - concentricity in the presentation and consolidation of speech material;

    - reliance on the statement and the text as the main units of the language system;

    - subordination of speech skills to the development of communication skills.

    Traditionally, modifications of verbal, visual and gaming methodological methods of speech development are used. Verbal techniques are especially widely used: a speech sample, repeated pronunciation, explanation, assessment of children's speech, a question.

    The main features of the cognitive sphere of children with speech disorders: insufficient formation and differentiation of the motivational sphere, insufficient concentration and stability of attention, weakness in the development of motor skills, spatial difficulties. Without directed corrective work, these difficulties existing in children in the future can become more pronounced and lead to a lack of interest in learning, a decrease in memory, memorization errors, difficulties in mastering writing (dysgraphia), dyslexia, unformed counting operations, poor mastery of grammar. To ensure the normal development of the child as a whole, the training program includes a set of tasks aimed at developing cognitive processes: memory, attention, thinking, imagination and the prerequisites for their normal development. It provides for the development of fine motor skills, visual-spatial and auditory gnosis, cognitive activity, motivational sphere.

    Exercises aimed at the development of the cognitive sphere should be included in the structure of the lesson and carried out in parallel with the implementation of educational and educational goals or in the form of independent exercises in the form of a game, conversation or exercise.

    The experience of many years of work of special speech therapy groups has proved them high efficiency: about 80% of graduates can study in general schools (the remaining 20% ​​- in special educational institutions).

    One of the most common forms of organization of speech therapy assistance to children of preschool age is currently the so-called preschool speech centers. Regulatory federal documents today no. A “Regulation on the organization of the work of a speech therapist teacher in a kindergarten that does not have specialized groups in its structure” has been developed for Moscow and the Moscow Region, according to which children with FFN or with impaired pronunciation of certain sounds should receive assistance. Children are enrolled through PMPK; the number of students at the speech center should be at least 25–30 people per year. Work to correct speech is carried out 5 times a week and is individual or subgroup. The structure of children is mobile.

    The year of the birth of speech therapy in Russia can be considered 1933, when L. S. Vygotsky, together with the director of the Experimental Defectological Institute of the People's Commissariat of Education I. I. Danyushevsky, created another branch of defectology, the object of which was children with speech disorders. At the Experimental Defectological Institute, a School appeared - a speech clinic.

    At present, a system of assistance to children and adults with speech pathology has been created and is constantly being improved in our country. Speech therapy assistance to children and adults is provided through education, health care and social security.

    The education system provides assistance to children with speech disorders of preschool and school age. For this purpose, special kindergartens, kindergartens, preschool orphanages, preschool groups at special and general education schools, special groups in general kindergartens, schools for children with severe speech disorders (type V schools), speech therapy centers at general education schools .

    Children with speech disorders from the age of three with primary intact intelligence and normal hearing are admitted to special preschool institutions. Among these institutions there are kindergartens with round-the-clock stay, which accept children from 4 years old. The main goal of the work of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders in accordance with the "Model Regulation" is the comprehensive education of children, the development of their correct colloquial speech, correct pronunciation and the preparation of children for school.

    At the initiative of local education departments, the administration of institutions and the initiative of parents, preschool groups are currently being created at special and general education schools and special groups in general kindergartens. These groups provide speech therapy assistance to children with speech disorders in order to prepare them for school.

    In schools for children with severe speech disorders (schools of type V) there may be two departments: a) for children with severe speech disorders (1st department), b) for stutterers (2nd department). Some of these schools are boarding schools. The 1st department enrolls children suffering from general underdevelopment of speech. When completing classes, the level of speech development of children and the nature of the speech defect (alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, stuttering with ONR, dysarthria) are taken into account. The 2nd department enrolls children with a severe form of stuttering with normal speech development. In a school for children with severe speech disorders, education is carried out according to specially developed programs in accordance with the programs of general education schools.

    In the 1st department - stage I - primary general education with a standard development period - 4-5 years; Level II - basic general education with a standard period of development - 6 years.

    In the 2nd department - stage I - primary general education - 4 years, stage II - basic general education - 5 years.

    Maximum occupancy of classes - 12 people.

    Speech therapy centers at general education schools are designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. Students with speech disorders, general underdevelopment of speech, stuttering, reading and writing disorders are enrolled at speech therapy points.

    In the healthcare system, assistance to children with speech pathology is provided in speech therapy rooms of children's clinics, in specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders, in specialized orphanages, in children's psychoneurological hospitals and sanatoriums, semi-hospital and summer camps-sanatoriums. In conditions medical institutions children are provided with comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, which involves the correctional and educational work of a speech therapist, educator and psychologist, and medical influence.

    Speech therapy rooms of children's polyclinics serve children at the place of residence. The main areas of work of the speech therapist of the polyclinic: clinical examination of children in preschool institutions, primary admission of children who do not attend preschool institutions, participation in the recruitment of speech therapy institutions of the healthcare and education system, pedagogical work to correct speech defects, conduct speech therapy sanitary and educational work among the population.

    Specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders accept children under the age of 3 with stuttering and delayed speech development of organic origin, with normal hearing and primary intact intelligence, with intact motor sphere. This type of institution operates around the clock for children. Groups are completed according to the speech defect - for stuttering children and for children with delayed speech development.

    In specialized orphanages there are children with organic lesions of the central nervous system from 3 months to one year. Correctional and educational work with this category of children provides for an examination of psychomotor development and the implementation of corrective measures for the formation of speech and the psyche.

    Children with the consequences of early organic damage to the central nervous system (the main contingent is children with cerebral palsy) are sent to children's psychoneurological hospitals to receive comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance.

    In children's psycho-neurological sanatoriums there are children of preschool age from 4 to 7 years old and school children from 7 to 13 years old. Correctional and educational work is aimed at correcting speech disorders and deviations in mental development.

    The social security system includes orphanages for severely mentally retarded children and adolescents and orphanages for the deaf and blind. Disabled children are admitted to the institutions, and complex correctional and educational work is carried out with them, an integral part of which is speech therapy.

    Children with deviations in speech development need specialized assistance; without special methods and techniques, the full-fledged upbringing of these children is impossible.

    Systematic assistance to such children has been provided since the 20s of the last century. By the 70s, an extensive network was created to help speech pathologist children. 75g. – Decree on measures to improve the education of persons with mental and physical disabilities. This resolution ensured, by law, the opening of speech therapy groups in kindergartens of a general type and specialized kindergartens and nurseries. In the same years, a special service was created to identify and record speech pathologist children.

    The education system is a combination of the following structural units: the system of successive educational programs and state standards of different levels and different directions; a network of institutions in which these state standards are implemented - these institutions can be of various organizational and legal norms; the system of education management bodies and subordinate structures.

    Currently, within the framework of our country, there is a system of pedagogical support for special needs in education:

    1. Specialized kindergartens, special nurseries, special groups in kindergartens, speech therapy centers at kindergartens.

    The main goal of the work of preschool institutions for children with speech disorders in accordance with the "Model Regulation" is the comprehensive education of children, the development of their correct colloquial speech, correct pronunciation and the preparation of children for school.

    2. Schools: speech therapy center, type V school, regional centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance.

    After d / s - if the defect remains, then in a special correctional school Type V for children with severe speech disorders.

    The school consists of 2 departments:

    1 department - alalia, aphasia, rhinolalia, moderate dysarthria, stuttering → OHP.

    When completing classes, the nature of the primary defect and the level of development are taken into account. The term of study is 12 years.

    2 department: severe form of stuttering, 9 years old. The class size is 12 people. Training is conducted on the basis of standard training classes and a standard program.

    Speech therapy centers at general education schools are designed to correct speech disorders in school-age children. On the initiative of neurologists, teachers, parents, speech therapy centers enroll students with impaired sound pronunciation, general underdevelopment of speech, stuttering, reading and writing disorders.

    Today, within the framework of 3 ministries: education, the Ministry of Health, social security institutions.

    V health system assistance to children with speech pathology is provided in speech therapy rooms of children's polyclinics, in specialized nurseries for children with speech disorders, in specialized orphanages, in children's psycho-neurological hospitals and sanatoriums, semi-hospital and summer camps-sanatoriums. In the conditions of medical institutions, children are provided with comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance, which involves the correctional and educational work of a speech therapist, educator and psychologist, medical treatment (drug treatment, physiotherapy, reflexology, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, massage, therapeutic and protective regimen, balanced diet etc.).

    Selection of children and staffing of institutions:

    PMPK - Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission.

    The main tasks of the PMPK are as follows:

    determine whether the child is eligible for admission to a preschool institution of this type (i.e. is the child’s speech disorder primary in this case or is it the result of mental retardation or hearing loss);

    determine in which group and at what age the child should be enrolled.

    The PMPK includes: a representative of the education committee, a speech therapist, a neuropathologist, a defectologist, a psychologist. A referral to PMPK is issued throughout the year by specialists from children's polyclinics.

    According to the Regulations, the following documents are submitted for consideration by the PMPK:

    a) a detailed extract from the history of the development of the child with the conclusions of a pediatrician on the general condition of the child, a psychoneurologist or neuropathologist - with a justified medical diagnosis and a description of mental development; otolaryngologist - with a description of the state of the ear, throat, nose and organs involved in the articulation of speech sounds; speech therapist - with data on the state of speech;

    b) the pedagogical characteristics of a child attending a preschool institution.

    The presence of the child's parents or persons replacing them is mandatory.

    When a child is enrolled in a preschool institution, the speech therapist of the group receives an extract from the PMPK protocol, which provides the rationale for the diagnosis and the direction of the child to a specific group.