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  • Who is prescribed birth control pills to treat fibroids? Treatment with hormonal drugs for uterine fibroids. What are hormonal pills for myoma.

    Who is prescribed birth control pills to treat fibroids?  Treatment with hormonal drugs for uterine fibroids. What are hormonal pills for myoma.

    Hormones in fibroids are the main factor influencing the appearance of pathology. Uterine fibroids is considered a hormone-dependent pathology and the organization of its treatment using hormonal drugs is quite effective. The use of hormonal agents makes it possible to avoid unwanted pregnancy in the presence of a node in the uterus during the period of therapeutic therapy, which is important for maintaining the health of women of reproductive age.

    Myoma is a benign neoplasm, the cause of which is mainly the increased production of sex hormones, estrogen, in the body.

    The causes of the onset of the disease also include:

    When the formation tends to grow, which is accompanied by heavy bleeding, prolonged menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding, the woman's reproductive activity worsens. Treatment with such a clinical picture should begin as soon as possible. One of the methods of conservative treatment in the early phases of the development of nodes is hormonal treatment.

    In addition to estrogens, other hormones produced by the woman's body also affect the development of the myomatous node, such as: progesterones, androgens and gonadotropins. To balance the hormonal background, which is important in uterine fibroids, the lack of certain hormones is replenished using hormonal preparations.

    Hormone therapy gives the opportunity to reduce the size of the nodes both at the initial stage and in difficult cases before the operation. If the size of the nodes can be reduced, the removal of the neoplasm is done laparoscopically, which has minimal trauma on the woman's body and allows her reproductive function to be preserved.

    Indications for hormonal treatment

    Hormonal drugs are the main means in the treatment of uterine fibroids. The main indications for therapy with the use of hormonal drugs are:

    1. Small sizes of neoplasms (up to 2 cm);
    2. Single nodes or several, but small in size;
    3. Slow growth rate;
    4. Localization of the node in the wall of the uterus (intramural myoma);
    5. Subserous fibroids of medium size and lack of growth;
    6. Absence of pain;
    7. Use as a preoperative preparation for large fibroids.


    The use of hormonal drugs in some cases is limited.

    Do not use if:

    1. Large tumors;
    2. The presence of multiple nodes;
    3. Rapid growth of the tumor;
    4. Before the menopause;
    5. Incompatibility of hormonal drugs with other drugs used constantly for chronic diseases.

    Limitations for hormone therapy are also:

    During menopause, hormones are allowed to be used with caution only at the very beginning of the physiological process. After the complete cessation of the menstrual cycle, the tumors decrease without intervention on a reduced hormonal background.


    The use of conservative treatment using hormones at an early stage allows you to completely cure uterine fibroids. Often the course and duration of treatment depends on the number of estrogen receptors in the tumor and its individual sensitivity to hormonal drugs.

    It has been proven that rather large fibromyomas regress under the influence of hormone therapy. However, an important factor is the elimination of the very cause of the increase in estrogen in order to avoid relapse after discontinuation of the medication. This is due to the use of hormone therapy and as a preparation for surgery.

    The use of hormonal drugs in healthy women allows:

    1. Normalize the hormonal balance, the secretion of hormones is reduced by the ovaries, they go into a resting phase, there is no ovulation.
    2. Eliminate the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy that ends in an abortion, injuring the uterus, causing hormonal failure and creating conditions for the development of uterine fibroids.

    Hormonal drugs

    Hormones are active elements involved in all physiological processes. They are produced by the endocrine glands and coordinate various processes in the body: growth, reproduction, etc.

    Hormone therapy is the use of hormones and their artificial counterparts for therapeutic purposes.

    The production of hormones in the body occurs according to the principle of deficiency. When their level in the blood is below normal, the corresponding glands begin to actively produce them, replenishing the shortage. If there is not enough of a hormone, this indicates a malfunction of the gland that produces it, but if there is a lot of hormone, then the organ does not work within the normal range.

    In modern medicine, three types of hormone therapy are used:

    1. Stimulating therapy is used when it is necessary to activate the function of the endocrine gland, to determine its capabilities. Apply preparations containing neurohormones of the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland.
    2. Inhibitory or blocking therapy is used when there is excessive activity on the part of any endocrine gland, also for the treatment of certain types of neoplasms. This therapy is used in combination with radiation or surgery.
    3. Replacement therapy is used for problems of the endocrine system that occur with partial or complete inhibition of the function of the endocrine gland. Preparations containing the hormone itself or its synthetic analogue are used. The mode of taking hormonal drugs should correspond to the physiological processes in the body.

    Treatment of fibroids with hormonal drugs is aimed at blocking the work of the ovaries, reducing the level of estrogen produced. The use of hormonal agents is the most loyal to the female body, since they act only on small neoplasms diagnosed in the initial phases of the disease. With their use, undesirable conditions that occur when using other drugs are prevented. medicines. In a woman, under the influence of hormonal drugs, the function of childbearing is normalized.

    Combined oral preparations

    Combined oral preparations are among the most used types of hormone therapy. The use of combined oral agents, with uterine myoma, helps to reduce pain and reduce heavy bleeding during menstruation.

    This group of drugs in the treatment of uterine fibroids is used only in young patients, when nodes up to 1 cm in size are found with an asymptomatic course. Under their influence, the growth of tumors stops, the size decreases.

    Combined oral preparations in most cases are based on a combination of Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol (included in the preparations Marvelon, Novinet, Mercilon), a combination of Norgestrel and Ethinylestradiol (included in Regevidon and Ovidon) and a combination of Gestodene and Ethinylestradiol (drugs - Lindinet and Logest) are also offered .


    This group of drugs blocks the action of progesterone at the receptor level. , which leads to an increase in the contractility of the myometrium.

    The group includes the drugs Mifepristone and Esmya.

    Mifepristone has an antiprogestogenic effect and is a synthetic steroid. The active component of the drug activates the myometrium, increasing its tone and contractility. When released into the blood, the drug does not allow progesterone to be released. The drug does not have gestogenic activity. It is used to treat uterine leiomyoma up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

    Drug treatment with Esmya refers to effective hormonal therapy. The active ingredient of the drug is ulipristal.

    Esmya tablets act on myoma cells, destroying them and stopping the progression of the growth of nodes. With the use of Esmya, bleeding caused by the presence of uterine fibroids can be eliminated.


    Gonadotropic hormones are hormones that affect the development and function of the gonads. These include luteinizing, follicle-stimulating and lactogenic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland, which produces hormones that stimulate the ovaries. The ovaries synthesize estrogen and progesterone, the main hormones that regulate the activity of the uterus.

    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (Lupron, Sinarel) affect the same cells as the gonadotropin-releasing hormones themselves, with reverse effectiveness. Such an effect provokes a decrease in the level of estrogens and progesterone, as a result of which the monthly cycle stops, the fibroids decrease in size, bleeding stops, and anemia is resolved.

    The drugs in this group include:

    • Decaptil. Introduced subcutaneously;
    • Decaptil - depot. It is a means of prolonged injections;
    • Buserelin. Available in the form of nasal sprays, solutions for injection;
    • Lucrin - depot. Produced in powder form for the preparation of an injection suspension.


    The drugs are also called "pure gestagens" because they contain pure progesterone. For the treatment of uterine fibroids, they are used to suppress the hormone estrogen and maintain pregnancy when there is a risk of miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency or to treat endometriosis.

    Known drugs in this series include:

    • Bysanna or Femoston. The drug has an effect on the growth of the endometrium and stops menstruation;
    • Orgametril. It is used only in the first phases of uterine fibroids, it is effective for heavy bleeding, it is used to stop the appearance of foci of endometriosis;
    • Duphaston. Affects only the endometrium, has a sparing effect.

    Hormone Replacement Therapy

    It is used in women during menopause, facilitating its course. During the menopause, the growth of myomatous nodes slows down or stops, against the background of changes in the hormonal balance. The expediency of using replacement therapy for uterine myoma is determined by a specialist, after a thorough examination. During menopause, a woman's body produces not only less of the female sex hormone - estrogen, but also its weaker form - estrone. Thanks to the introduction of replacement therapy, it is possible to both treat myomatous nodes and stabilize the level of the female sex hormone, which allows:

    1. Activate the work of the brain;
    2. Normalize sleep, heart rate and blood pressure;
    3. Strengthen collagen fibers;
    4. Prevent the development of atherosclerosis;
    5. Reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, heart attacks;
    6. Eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
    7. Normalize thyroid function;
    8. Avoid weight gain under the influence of testosterone.

    A large selection of hormonal drugs for replacement therapy makes it possible to choose an individual course for each woman separately, which avoids the occurrence of side effects and increases the effectiveness of therapy.

    Popular drugs are:

    • Trisequence;
    • Cliogest.

    The drug Femoston is also used, however, its use should be under the supervision of a physician. It is recommended only for small fibroids and in the presence of pre-climatic syndrome.

    The use of hormones after 45 years

    By the age of 45, the female body begins to rebuild. Estrogens are produced less, fatigue and irritability appear, accompanied by headaches.

    If after the age of 45 there are no signs of menopause, hormone therapy can be used as a preventive measure.

    Hormonal remedies after 45 years of age protect against unwanted pregnancy, also:

    • reduce the risk of oncological diseases;
    • reduce the risk of ovarian disease;
    • normalize the cycle, reduce pain and relieve premenstrual syndrome.

    After 45 years, drugs are prescribed containing:

    • estrogen and progesterone;
    • synthetic analogues of progesterone.

    Use hormonal drugs should only be under the supervision of a physician. The choice of means and dose should be done by a specialist, strictly individually for each patient. This is the only way to get good results and avoid possible side effects.

    In the 21st century, women increasingly prefer combined oral contraceptives (COCs) as a method of effective pregnancy control. COCs have also found their place of application in gynecology for the complex treatment of uterine fibroids. Myoma is a hormone-sensitive tumor, which, in most cases, is asymptomatic. This disease occurs among women of different age groups, however, a higher incidence of the development of a tumor in women over 35 years of age.

    Please note that this text was prepared without the support of our.

    Now the attitude towards combined oral contraceptives has changed dramatically, since it has been proven that they do not have a pronounced effect on the myomatous node. They are prescribed only as a means of prevention for women after myomectomy or for nulliparous women, so as not to start the growth process. COCs do not affect the reduction in the size of the myomatous node, they do not contribute to the regression of the node. They reduce the likelihood of developing a tumor by 25-30% with their constant use. Their goal is symptomatic treatment and prevention. Our expert council uses in its practice only modern technologies and international protocols in the fight against a dangerous disease. Advanced offers you a whole range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of fibroids. Among all methods of surgical treatment, uterine artery embolization remains the most successful and effective method with minimal complications and relapses. On the basis of the European Clinic, this method of treatment has been practiced for a long time. Our specialists, Bobrov B.Yu. and Lubnin D.M., achieved the highest professionalism in this field of action.

    COC action: regulon, silhouette, janine with uterine myoma, reviews

    In order to understand the work of hormonal contraceptives, one should understand what they are and the mechanism of their action.

    Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by our endocrine glands: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. Their range of action is varied. They are involved in the basic metabolism, growth of the body, are responsible for behavior and support the function of other organs. But we are only interested in the hormones of the gonads: estrogens and progestogens (progesterone). It is these two groups of hormones that take Active participation in the regulation of the monthly cycle.

    The principle of operation of all hormonal contraceptives is basically the same:

    • Suppress ovulation;
    • They prevent the egg from gaining a foothold in the endometrium of the uterus.

    The daily use of COCs (Janine, Regulon, Silhouette) introduces the woman's ovaries into the so-called "artificially induced" drug-induced sleep, as a result of which the gonads do not ovulate each new cycle.

    The use of drugs such as janine, with uterine fibroids, or regulon with uterine fibroids, helps to reduce the intensity of bleeding during the cycle, reduces the duration of menstruation to one or two days. The pain that you feel during menstruation will become less pronounced, the cycle will normalize and become regular. In addition, taking combined oral contraceptives reduces the risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer. They can prevent some causes of infertility, thereby promoting pregnancy.

    Remember that you cannot take hormonal drugs on your own, since any uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs can lead to the progression of tumor growth, or disrupt the function of other endocrine glands. Our expert advice guarantees first-class and timely advice on any issue. To do this, you just need to, and you will receive answers to all your questions about hormonal contraceptives, alternative methods of surgical treatment.

    Contraceptives for myoma: contraindications

    Combined oral contraceptives for uterine myoma are not always effective, and their uncontrolled use can lead to undesirable consequences on the part of all body systems. Despite the large number of useful properties of hormonal drugs, there are a number of absolute contraindications to their appointment:

    • Woman's age >35 years;
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (thrombosis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack);
    • Pregnancy or pregnancy planning;
    • Smoking;
    • Breastfeeding, period 6 months after childbirth;
    • Diabetes;
    • Liver diseases (tumor, hepatitis).

    Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives can cause the so-called "climacteric syndrome", which leads to obesity, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. If you have any questions, you can always contact us directly and get. Remember that COCs are not the only method of treatment, an alternative to hormones is a less traumatic, effective and fast embolization of the uterine arteries.

    Combined oral contraceptives for fibroids

    Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are drugs containing two components: gestagens and estrogen. According to the mechanism of action, they are close to the sex hormones of the female reproductive system.

    COCs have several mechanisms of action:

    • Suppress ovulation;
    • Reduce the motor activity of spermatozoa;
    • They change the chemical and biological properties of the endometrium, thereby making it impossible for the egg to attach to the mucous membrane;
    • They affect the microflora in the vagina (thickening mucus in the cervix), preventing further movement of spermatozoa.

    This class of drugs is the most effective method of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Combined oral contraceptives are divided, according to the ratio of estrogens and gestagens, into three types:

    • Monophasic: 21 tablets containing an equal ratio of estrogen and progestin;
    • Biphasic: 21 tablets containing two different combinations of estrogen and progestin;
    • Triphasic: 21 tablets, varying in color, contain three different combinations of estrogen and progestin.

    The most optimal are three-phase COCs, but this is not the "gold standard" of treatment. Each woman needs an individual approach in the treatment and choice of a hormonal drug. Our gynecologists prescribe hormonal therapy only in the presence of small fibroids - up to two centimeters. Remember that COCs are only prevention, for the complete elimination of the pathological process, our expert advice recommends embolization of the uterine arteries. Around the clock you can ask us any question you are interested in and get from the best specialists of our clinic.

    Combined oral contraceptives for myoma: the role of gestagens

    Gestagens belong to the group of steroid sex hormones. The mechanism of their action is to suppress the processes of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of the muscle fibers of the uterus and the launch of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the myomatous node, suppression of the ovaries and mammary glands. Gestagens are prescribed for women of reproductive and premenopausal age. However, despite all the hopes placed on the antitumor effect of these drugs, they did not justify their originally intended effect. In most cases, on the contrary, they increased tumor growth.

    How to use hormonal drugs for myoma

    The drug should be taken every day, at about the same time of day, for 21 or 28 days, depending on the drug: mono-, two- or three-phase.
    Within a week after day 21, the so-called "menstrual reaction" occurs. Ease of use makes each tablet on the plate correspond to a calendar day.

    If the plate contains 21 tablets, then the drug should be started from the first day of menstruation, and after the end - take a week break. During this period, you do not need to use other types of contraception. If you have been prescribed a drug containing 28 tablets in its package, then it is taken continuously. Before taking, you should consult with a gynecologist. You can get a huge amount of information on our website either.

    What are the complications in the treatment of fibroids with hormones

    Gynecologists of our clinic are reluctant to prescribe hormonal drugs for the medical treatment of uterine fibroids. Despite the almost “ideal” method of contraception, combined oral contraceptives have a huge list of complications:

    • Weight gain;
    • Decreased libido;
    • Osteoporosis;
    • Amenorrhea;
    • intermenstrual bleeding;
    • The development of thrombosis;
    • Soreness and tenderness of the mammary glands.

    Many doctors disagree that birth control is the panacea for treating uterine fibroids. Modern ones offer an alternative option - uterine artery embolization. After this procedure, which lasts 40-50 minutes, the myomatous node gradually decreases in size and atrophies due to blockage of the vessel by the embolus. You will feel the effectiveness of the operation after two or three menstrual cycles. As the node atrophies and decreases in size, the symptoms also regress: menstruation becomes less abundant, intermenstrual bleeding gradually disappears, pulling, dull pain, and the function of other pelvic organs normalizes.

    In the Russian Federation, this technique is practiced only in private clinics, since public hospitals do not have sufficiently qualified medical personnel and supply of expert-class medical equipment. Hormonal preparations do not give such a significant effect as UAE. The leading expert in UAE, endovascular surgeon Bobrov B.Yu., has perfected this procedure for many years of his practice. Every day he helps women across the country to live a full life!


    • Assessment of the quality of life in patients with uterine myoma after various kinds surgical treatment / D.V. Doletskaya, M.A. Botvin, N.M. Pobedinsky and others // Obstetrics and gynecology. 2006. No. 1. S. 10-13.
    • Nuzhnov S.V. The study of the quality of life of women before and after embolization of the uterine arteries in uterine myoma // Vestnik ChSPU. No. 8. 2011. P. 245-251.
    • Benign diseases of the uterus / A.N. Strizhakov, A.I. Davydov, V.M. Pashkov, V. A. Lebedev. Moscow: 2 Geotar-Media. 2010. P.288.

    Services table

    Service name Price
    Promotion! Initial consultation with a reproductologist and ultrasound 0 rub.
    Repeated consultation of a reproductive specialist 1 900 rub.
    Primary consultation of a reproductive specialist, Ph.D. Osina E.A. 10 000 rub.
    Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
    Ultrasound gynecological expert 3 080 rub.
    Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (1 category of complexity) 65 500 rub.
    Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (2nd category of complexity) RUB 82,200
    Program "Health of women after 40" RUB 31,770

    Treatment of uterine fibroids with drugs

    Uterine fibroids is a hormone-dependent condition arising from a lack or excess of hormones.

    Preparations for uterine fibroids: treatment depends on the diagnostic criteria for fibroids - the growth and location of the node, and the characteristics of the woman's body - her age, extragenital pathology, general condition of the body, as well as the presence of an allergic reaction to the components for the treatment of fibroids.

    Drug treatment of uterine fibroids with drugs is aimed at stopping the growth of the myoma node or nodes in women of reproductive age. To do this, hormonal treatment is widely used to meet the body's needs for progesterone and activate its production.

    Treatment with hormone therapy is quite long - at least six months, and when menopause occurs, the medication is taken constantly.

    Preparations for the treatment of uterine fibroids, used in our country and providing a good result, are as follows:

    • Gestagens are able to restore the internal hormonal balance and thereby normalize the balance of the endometrium with small nodes. These include: utrogestan, duphaston, norkolut.
    • Androgens, due to their properties, reduce the activity of estrogen when used for 6 months or more. They include danazol, gestrinone.
    • Mirena is a hormonal coil, which, thanks to the minimum amount of levonorgestrel released daily, is able to normalize the hormonal status of a woman, leading to a stop in the growth of the node.
    • Combined hormonal preparations are indicated for nodes whose dimensions do not exceed 20 mm and are used no less than three months. Most often they use Yarina, Regulon, Janine.

    Hormonal drugs for uterine fibroids are primarily used, as they are able to alleviate the symptoms of its manifestation and inhibit the growth of a benign uterine tumor, but they are not able to completely dissolve or remove it, and after stopping their use, tumor growth may resume. Therefore, hormonal therapy for uterine fibroids is carried out in order to prepare for surgical treatment, which reduces the number of complications during conservative myomectomy or hysterectomy.

    Most effective drug from uterine fibroids is part of the group of gonadoliberin agonists, which bind receptors in the pituitary gland, suppressing its function of producing gonadotropins. This leads to a decrease in the production of gonadotropins - estrogens and progesterone, and, accordingly, a decrease in the size of the node, the elimination of symptoms of its manifestation - pain and hemorrhagic, and the cessation of the division of myomatous cells. But, given the side effects - vascular reactions, hot flashes, nausea and a decrease in bone density, drugs from this group are not recommended for a long time, but only to prepare for surgery and reduce the size of the node.

    Treatment of uterine fibroids is medically indicated in the absence of complications and with strict indications for surgical treatment. If a woman is diagnosed with a node more than 14 weeks or more than 10 cm in diameter, rapid growth of the node in the reproductive period of life or tumor growth in postmenopause, submucosal node. With its cervical location, the node on the leg is submucosal, compression of neighboring organs with impaired function, necrosis of the node or infertility, then surgical treatment is necessary, the volume of which is determined by the doctor, taking into account concomitant pathology, age, desire to have children in the future.

    The medicine for uterine fibroids, its price and varieties are quite variable, because several groups of drugs are available and effective for its treatment, which have a positive effect on the growth of the node, stopping it and preventing further growth.

    Tablets for uterine fibroids, which have received fairly widespread use at the preparatory stage for surgery - mifepristone. This is a drug from the group of antiestrogens, capable of short-term regression of the tumor.

    Preparations for medium-sized uterine fibroids, which are currently used, are quite common. Myoma at 10-12 weeks is considered to be a medium-sized fibroid, which most often occurs when the balance of biologically active substances is disturbed. Most often, such dimensions do not cause damage to the function of neighboring organs, so their treatment in some cases is conservative. In the absence of effectiveness from conservative treatment or the appearance of symptoms that disrupt the work of adjacent organs, then it is necessary to carry out their surgical treatment.
    In most cases, if the node is not complicated, laparoscopic organ-sparing myomectomy is indicated. The method of embolization of the uterine vessels, which provide nutrition to the node, has become quite widespread. After embolization, the growth of the node stops, as the power in them stops.

    Tablets from uterine fibroids, called Esmya, are quite modern and of a new generation, but their effect is already obvious. Thanks to these pills, many women of childbearing age managed to preserve the reproductive organ due to the active substance - ulipristal, which affects the receptors that produce progesterone, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the body, under the influence of which, according to recent studies, the node grows.

    With the correct use of the drug, the endometrial layer of the uterus stops forming, which leads to the cessation of menstruation during its use, that is, artificial menopause occurs.

    Its use leads not only to a decrease in the blood supply to the node, but also makes the surgical intervention safer, since after its use the contours of the node become clear and smaller, which facilitates the work of the surgeon and reduces blood loss. It is used from the first day of menstruation, 5 mg daily for 3-6 months, then after the abolition of menstruation resume. Apoptosis and cell proliferation occurring under the influence of Esmya lead to the regression of the nodes and the cessation of their growth.


    Phytoestrogens are prohormones of plant origin that are used for a long time, until complete recovery.

    Phytoestrogens are indicated in uterine fibroids to protect ERβ receptors from estradiol produced by the gonads or to block the activity of the aromatase enzyme. For this purpose, flavonoids and isoflavones of boron uterus, black cohosh root (cimicifuga) and prutnyak are used.

    Herbalists advise taking echinacea to reduce inflammation, motherwort to relieve spasms and pain, and dandelion and milk thistle to improve metabolism.

    Phytoestrogens for uterine myoma, the reviews of women who took them are ambiguous, because the effect of their use is not always predictable.

    Norkolut with uterine myoma

    Norkolut is a hormonal drug used in the treatment of uterine fibroids and is widely popular not only among women, but also among doctors.

    Norkolut with uterine fibroids, doctors' reviews of its use are more and more positive, since, thanks to the active substance - norethisterone, it helps to normalize hormonal balance in the body, which allows many women to fight a benign tumor of the uterus. For this purpose, its intake should be daily, oral at a dose that only the doctor selects and the duration of its use is regulated only by the attending physician.


    Cyclodinone is a herbal preparation that has a positive effect on the regulation of the menstrual cycle by stabilizing the hormonal background and correcting concomitant pathologies: endometrial hyperplasia, infertility, mastopathy and menstrual disorders.

    Is it possible to take cyclodinone for uterine fibroids, doctors' reviews are in most cases positive, if a woman is diagnosed with infertility against the background of fibroids, although it does not affect the growth and size of the node, but, due to its properties, is able to restore the woman's reproductive health, prevent node growth. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy and lactation, the growth of uterine fibroids is prevented.

    Novinet with uterine myoma

    Novinet is a new generation hormonal drug, microdosed, used in the treatment of uterine fibroids only after the complete exclusion of pregnancy and examination of the body.

    Novinet with uterine myoma: reviews of doctors are quite common. Its effectiveness is associated not only with the contraceptive effect, but also with the normalization of cyclic changes in the ovaries and uterus, the regulation of hormonal levels, as well as the effect on the growth of myomatous nodes. In this case, their development is inhibited, up to growth halt, and with prolonged use, the probability of the decay of the tumor process increases.

    Klimadinon for uterine myoma

    Klimadinon is a herbal drug that has an effect similar to estrogens, as it binds to estrogen-like receptors, which leads to a decrease in the production of luteinizing hormone by the cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and thereby eliminating the changes that occur during menopause against the background of a decrease in estrogen production and increased production of gonadotropins.

    Klimadinon with uterine myoma - can it be used? This question is of interest to many, but given its estrogenic effect, the manufacturer does not recommend its use for uterine myoma, which can accelerate the growth of the node.

    Is it possible to take climadinone with uterine fibroids: doctors say that with uterine myoma its use is not recommended, but if a woman is contraindicated in taking hormonal drugs, then you can use climadinone under the supervision of a doctor, because, unlike hormone replacement therapy, it is safe and does not cause severe disorders and changes in the body of a woman. And even more so, it effectively affects the symptoms of menopause, eliminating its manifestations almost always, and when interacting with other drugs, it is easily tolerated and compatible.

    Fish oil for uterine fibroids

    Another of the drugs that inhibit the growth of myomatous nodes is fish oil, which is available in all pharmacy chains and due to this has been widely used in the treatment of benign uterine formations.

    Fish oil for uterine myoma, the reviews of doctors and women are always positive, since with long-term use in complex treatment with drug therapy, the tumor has always regressed or stopped its development. This is due to the antitumor activity of fish oil, which is also found in fatty varieties of marine fish.

    Wobenzym for uterine myoma

    In the treatment of uterine fibroids, Wobenzym is used, which belongs to the group of combined enzymes, consisting of both enzymes of plant origin and animal cells.

    Wobenzym with uterine myoma - doctors' reviews are contradictory, as some argue that the effect of its use is quite good, while others say that there is no effectiveness. According to observations, the effectiveness in the treatment of uterine fibroids is observed when it is used for up to two months in combination with combined contraceptives. Due to its actions, it improves blood rheology, stimulates the immune system, and also has a thrombolytic effect, stimulates tissue healing and eliminates the manifestation of side effects when taking hormones.

    Regulon for uterine myoma

    Among the drugs of the contraceptive group, the leading place in the treatment of uterine fibroids belongs to regulon, which is able to inhibit the production of gonadotropins of the anterior pituitary gland, reducing the levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, while ovulation is inhibited and therefore the onset of pregnancy is impossible, which is very important in the treatment of benign tumors of the uterus.

    Regulon for uterine myoma: doctors' reviews are positive, since with long-term use it is able to reduce the size of the node or nodes to the size that is subject to surgical treatment.

    Folic acid for uterine fibroids

    Folic acid in uterine fibroids: the reviews of doctors who use it in the complex treatment of fibroids to correct anemia are always positive. This is due to the fact that with fibroids, bleeding or hyperpolymenorrhea often occurs, leading to iron deficiency anemia, and folic acid can increase the bioavailability of iron in the body and thereby prevent or correct anemia. The dose is selected by the doctor individually: from 1 to 5 mg per day. It has been proven that folic acid acts not only on the level of erythrocytes in the blood, but also on the process of cell division in the myomatous node.


    Is it possible to take cyclim with uterine fibroids in menopause or premenopausal period? Yes, the drug has been widely used in the treatment of uterine fibroids due to biologically active substances similar in structure and function to female hormones and having an estrogenic effect. Its action is based on long-term use, while the growth of the node is inhibited or stops completely.

    Is it possible to drink cyclim with uterine fibroids to a woman if she has pronounced sweating, irritability, mood changes, pressure fluctuations or changes in the genital organs associated with age-related changes? Of course yes, because it does not have a stimulating effect on the growth of nodes, but helps to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of menopause with prolonged use. But in no case is it required to take the drug without first consulting with your doctor. only after a complete examination and prescription of the drug, it can be used 1 tablet twice a day under the control of ultrasound: the growth and condition of the node. With uterine fibroids, it is required to take it for a long time, in a continuous scheme under the strict supervision and control of a physician.

    Ginestril: treatment of uterine fibroids

    Recently, for the treatment of uterine fibroids, the drug used to normalize the hormonal background and regulate the level of the hormone is ginestril. It is a hormonal drug of synthetic origin based on mifepristone, a steroidal antiprogestogen.

    Ginestril: treatment of uterine fibroids is based on blocking the production of progesterone at the receptor level, which promotes the growth of the node. With its proper use, the cells of the myomatous node or nodes stop growing and regress, which leads to a decrease in the size of the tumor. at the same time, it has no effect on the mammary glands, endocrine glands and the cardiovascular system.

    Tablets from uterine fibroids - ginestril, are available in 10 pieces in a blister, light green or yellow, containing 50 mg of the active substance - mifepristone. Reception should be daily only after consultation with a doctor and under his strict supervision, and after 3 months it is necessary to conduct an additional examination and evaluate the growth and size of the node. If necessary, the use of the drug for therapeutic purposes can be extended.

    Ginestril in the treatment of uterine fibroids reviews of doctors in most cases are positive. From the point of view of specialists, the drug has an effective effect when the size of the nodes is not more than 12 weeks, but if the size of the node exceeds these indicators, then the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven. Many women who took the drug claim that after its withdrawal, after some time, the growth of the node resumes. It must also be remembered that with submucosal fibroids, its use is contraindicated. Also, many women and doctors point to the high effectiveness of its use after myomectomy, since the drug prevents the recurrence of the growth of myoma cells and the formation of new nodes.


    Many women who have uterine fibroids in combination with liver pathology requiring the use of silymarin - the trade name Karsil: “Is it possible to take Karsil with uterine myoma? And does it affect the growth of myomatous nodes? This issue has become quite relevant, because in the instructions for the use of the drug there is no uterine fibroids, as contraindications, while the package contains a note: use with caution in myomas. Everything is quite simple - silymarin has a weak estrogen-like effect and its manifestations are possible with prolonged use of the drug. Therefore, the drug is started only after consulting a doctor and when the effectiveness of its use exceeds the risks of complications for a woman.

    Alfit from uterine fibroids

    Alfit from uterine fibroids, how herbal collection, consisting of kelp, elecampane, mountaineer and duckweed - is one of the alternative methods of treating thyroid diseases, uterine fibroids and mastopathy. Due to the properties of iodine contained in the plants that make up its composition, in addition to normalizing the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is able to stop the growth of the myomatous node or nodes, reduce them in size, or lead to the complete disappearance of these formations. In addition, it is used in the complex hormonal treatment of fibroids and uterus and is able to alleviate the side effects of hormone therapy.

    Utrozhestan with uterine myoma and pregnancy

    Utrozhestan with uterine fibroids and pregnancy has become quite widespread, since it contains natural micronized progesterone, which is necessary for hormonal disorders and hormone-dependent formations. Its use during pregnancy with the threat of abortion is quite common, since the effectiveness has been proven, and the number of side effects is minimized.

    Utrozhestan with uterine myoma: doctors' reviews are slightly different. Proponents of the fact that the growth of fibroids is associated with hyperproduction of estrogen argue that the use of a synthetic analogue of progesterone - utrogestan, is reasonable and proven. But a small group of experts argue that it is precisely because of the hyperproduction of progesterone in a woman's body that myomatous nodes grow, as evidenced by insignificant observations.

    But, taking into account the opinions of all doctors and the reviews of women, its advantages come to the fore on the use of utrogestan for uterine myoma, and the observation of results in the dynamics of its use indicates a good therapeutic effect.


    Another drug used in the complex treatment of fibroids is remens - homeopathic remedy, can eliminate or alleviate some of the symptoms that occur with uterine fibroids. These include bleeding that occurs regardless of the menstrual cycle, as well as pain that occurs when adjacent organs and nerves are compressed.

    Remens for uterine fibroids: the reviews of doctors who used it in the complex treatment of uterine fibroids, in order to reduce inflammation, leading to infertility in women of reproductive age, as well as to normalize the hormonal background that occurs with the growth of the node, are always positive.

    Phosphogliv can be drunk with uterine myoma

    Phosphogliv is a drug that restores liver function and reduces the growth of connective tissue, containing phospholipids and glycyrrhizic acid, which can have an anti-inflammatory effect and immunomodulatory, membrane-stabilizing and antiviral effects. Thanks to the phospholipids included in its composition, it restores the structure and function, and also has a cytoprotective effect, while reducing the likelihood of fibrosis.

    Phosphogliv can be drunk with uterine myoma or not? A question often asked by women when they have a combination of liver pathology with uterine fibroids. Phosphogliv in uterine myoma can be used if there is no individual intolerance and according to strict indications for the use of the drug, established and approved in the instructions for it.

    It must be remembered that self-medication in some cases can threaten a woman's life, so before using the drug, go through an examination and consult a doctor about the need for its use, the dose and duration of treatment, as well as the likelihood of complications. And only after that you can take the drug under the supervision of a doctor according to the regimen prescribed by him.

    Mexidol with uterine myoma

    Mexidol is a drug from the group of antioxidants that are used to normalize metabolic processes and blood supply in organs, especially the brain, in order to relieve withdrawal symptoms and in case of purulent-inflammatory conditions of the abdominal cavity. Mexidol with uterine myoma can provoke the growth of myoma cells, which leads to an increase in the size of the node, since the blood flow in the nodes increases when it is used. As for the instructions for the drug, uterine fibroids are not included in the list of contraindications for use, but given that it is able to enhance trophic processes in tissues and metabolism in them, its use is possible only after a full examination and consultation with a doctor.

    Another of the general strengthening drugs is mildronate. It improves metabolism within the cells and tissues of the body.

    Mildronate can be used for uterine fibroids, since in the instructions the fibroid is not a contraindication to prescribing it, but given its main effect, it is better to consult a doctor before taking it, because its long-term use can enhance the growth of myoma nodes due to increased metabolism in body cells.

    Can Feminal be taken with uterine fibroids?

    Can Feminal be taken with uterine fibroids? The drug, which is food additive in the menopause, which allows you to eliminate the symptoms of menopause, exerting an anti-menopausal effect and an estrogen-like effect on the woman's body, that is, it acts similarly to estrogen, therefore, if a woman has myomatous nodes, taking it can stimulate the growth of estrogen-dependent formations, which include uterine fibroids. You should not start taking the drug on your own, since only a doctor after examining a woman can prescribe proper treatment taking into account all comorbidities.


    Silhouette is a hormonal monophasic drug that, in addition to the contraceptive effect, has an effect on the inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, contributes to the prevention and treatment of endometriosis, and also prevents the growth of uterine fibroids. At the same time, it should be taken daily for 3 months with a seven-day break, while not only decreasing the size of the node, but also reducing bleeding and pain.

    Silhouette with uterine fibroids: doctors' reviews are always positive, because the results of its use in most cases are also positive.

    Other drugs

    In the treatment of uterine fibroids, a number of other drugs are also often used, and there are drugs that are strictly prohibited with it. Let's dwell on them in more detail. So, it is strictly forbidden to use Ovestin with uterine myoma, because it is a drug containing natural estrogen, and uterine myoma is an estrogen-dependent tumor.

    Divigel with uterine fibroids can stimulate the growth of uterine fibroids, since it is identical to endogenous estradiol, which is normally produced in women. Therefore, its appointment is carried out with caution and only under the supervision of a physician.

    Polyoxidonium for small uterine myoma up to 9 weeks of pregnancy in complex treatment has been widely used and has shown great results. It is used in the form rectal suppositories three days in a row at night, and then for another 2 weeks every other day, which gives relatively good results in the complex treatment of uterine fibroids: a decrease in the size of the node or nodes, elimination of the pain symptom. At the same time, during the year after taking them, none of the women who underwent the treatment of fibroids in combination with polyoxidonium had no growth of nodes and the appearance of new ones.

    Metronidazole with uterine myoma does not have any effect on the growth of the node, but in the presence of inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, it is not prohibited to use it. Often, with uterine myoma, it is prescribed in the postoperative period, especially in women of reproductive age, to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the early postoperative period.

    Many specialists also use befungin for uterine fibroids, as an adjuvant drug. This is a herbal preparation based on chaga and has a tonic, immunostimulating and regenerating effect on a woman's body. With uterine fibroids, it is used to treat anemia that occurs against the background of heavy bleeding, as well as to reduce uterine bleeding. Taking it with myomatous nodes should be at least three months, then a two-week break and ultrasound monitoring. Use it 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals by preparing a solution: 2 teaspoons of befungin are diluted in a glass of boiled warm water.

    Dimexide for uterine myoma is used in combination with propolis in the form of suppositories for 14 days at night in the vagina, then a break of 5 days and, if necessary, you can repeat the treatment. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation, regeneration and has absorbable properties, as well as dimexide promotes the transport of medicinal substances and enhances their action.

    One of the non-traditional methods of treating uterine fibroids is the hijama method (bleeding), especially when combined with infertility. Its principle is as follows: getting rid of the so-called bad blood that has stagnated in a woman’s body and this leads not only to the normalization of metabolism, but also to an improvement in the general condition of the body, an increase in the body’s resistance and immunity, normalizes hormonal background and the menstrual cycle. Hijama with uterine myoma and infertility is capable, according to some experts, in a few sessions to dissolve the tumor and get rid of infertility.

    Logest with uterine myoma is used as a combined oral contraceptive that reduces pain in myoma and bleeding during menstruation. Its use is indicated only in young women with the presence of small - up to 1 cm, nodes, with an asymptomatic course, and the action is aimed at stopping the growth of the node or nodes and reducing them in size.

    Diphereline is an analogue of GnRH that inhibits the production of gonadotropin with inhibition of the production of gonadotropins. In the treatment of uterine fibroids, it occupies one of the leading directions, as it helps to reduce the size of the nodes. With its use, maximum efficiency is observed after the third injection. According to the instructions of the drug, it is used to reduce the size of the node on the eve of surgical treatment or when there are no indications for an operation. Diferelin: reviews for uterine fibroids of doctors indicate that the injection of hormones should be carried out every 28 days, while the first is carried out for five days of menstruation for three months in order to prepare for surgical treatment, and women who are not indicated for surgery can be treated up to half a year.

    For the treatment of uterine fibroids, a minimally invasive method such as myolysis is also used. Its essence lies in the fact that due to the physical impact on the tissues in the tumor, suppuration and necrosis occurs.

    Myolysis in uterine myoma is performed using various techniques and energy sources: laser, cryo, bipolar coagulation or ultrasound high frequencies. They are used under the control of MRI through the patient's skin, but the process of tissue destruction is very difficult to diagnose, so not many clinics use this method. Myolysis can be carried out laparoscopically, where using laser energy or under the influence of current, the destruction of myomatous nodes occurs. Cryo myolysis technique is carried out using liquid nitrogen, which is injected through a probe and as a result, the node or nodes are frozen, and their growth stops. Myolysis is indicated only if no more than three nodes are determined in the uterus, not exceeding 5 cm. This procedure is performed only under anesthesia and there are no scars and scars after it, since the accesses are minimal. So, myolysis is one of the conservative surgical methods in the treatment of uterine fibroids, which is not inferior in its effectiveness to uterine vessel embolization. It is carried out under the control of fluoroscopy and is based on catheterization of the femoral artery, which allows delivering emboli to the uterine artery, which leads to impaired blood supply and degenerative changes in the node or nodes. at the same time, they also decrease in size and their growth stops in the future.

    Services table

    Service name Price
    Promotion! Initial consultation with a reproductologist and ultrasound 0 rub.
    Repeated consultation of a reproductive specialist 1 900 rub.
    Primary consultation of a reproductive specialist, Ph.D. Osina E.A. 10 000 rub.
    Hysteroscopy RUB 22,550
    Ultrasound gynecological expert 3 080 rub.
    Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (1 category of complexity) 65 500 rub.
    Therapeutic and diagnostic laparoscopy (2nd category of complexity) RUB 82,200
    Program "Health of women after 40" RUB 31,770

    Oral contraceptives for uterine fibroids

    Women who were first diagnosed with uterine fibroids are at first very confused and have no idea what the treatment of this condition is, and also why drug regimens, especially hormonal ones, are prescribed. Indeed, in society, a stereotype has long been formed is the fact that hormonal drugs do nothing but harm the body. However, this opinion exists only among people who have never encountered serious problems related to hormonal disorders of the body, where without the appointment of steroid drugs.

    In fact, there is a logical explanation for why it is impossible to do without hormonal treatment in the treatment of such a disease as uterine fibroids.

    One of the main places in the etiopathogenesis of myomatous lesions of the female reproductive sphere is occupied by violations of hormonal regulation in the female body.

    Indeed, until recently, only estrogens, or rather, their increased amount, the so-called hyperestrogenism, were considered to be the provoking factor for the incorrect growth of myocytes in the middle layer of the uterus. That is the hormonal factor. But how is it possible to influence the root cause of this particular disease? The answer is logical and simple: it is possible to act only through the same hormones. It is these means that are contraceptives for uterine myoma. Drugs such as Jess, Jess Plus, Yarina, Diana 35 are prescribed for uterine myoma.

    Hormonal contraceptives for uterine fibroids

    By the same mechanism do these drugs act in uterine myoma? The thing is that these funds in their composition have both an estrogen and a progestogen drug in certain concentrations. When taking these tablets, the active substances enter the female body, which is a rather complex complex with interrelated processes of regulation of the synthesis of sex steroids. The body understands that there is a sufficient concentration of sex hormones in the blood, which means that it is not worth synthesizing these hormones anymore. A cascade reaction occurs, in which their production stops. Daily incoming hormones support the work of this scheme. This creates an artificially fairly even and favorable background for fibroids, in which there are no surges of steroids and their excessive amounts. V last years studies have been conducted in which the existence of fibroids was proved, the growth of which does not depend on high level estrogen, but progesterone, which is quite surprising, since previously it was progesterone that was used to treat all types of fibroids. However, despite this, the fact remains. It is the combined oral contraceptives that create a neutral hormonal background without any of its sharp fluctuations and drops. Therefore, neither estrogen nor progesterone can have a stimulating effect on fibroids in terms of its growth.

    How to protect yourself with uterine fibroids?

    Contraception for uterine fibroids is just performed by using the same drugs - combined oral contraceptives. Their contraceptive effect is explained as follows: due to the medicated hormonal background, in which the body does not produce hormones on its own, the ovary does not undergo cyclic processes characteristic of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, including the growth and maturation of the follicle, and therefore, ovulation. No ovulation, no egg, no pregnancy.

    Contraceptive pills for uterine myoma after 40 are prescribed, however, a mandatory medical examination before using them is a prerequisite, since in the presence of neoplasms in the mammary glands, for example, which is a fairly common pathology of perimenopausal age, this group of drugs cannot be prescribed.

    Kok with uterine myoma after 40 years

    In women over 40, hormonal contraceptives are also used in the fight against fibroids. A feature of this therapy is that the appointment of this series of drugs must be justified and the woman must be subjected to a thorough examination before starting to take it. Since there are a fairly large number of contraindications for such treatment. It is also worth prescribing micro-dose or low-dose drugs, in which the estrogen content will be minimal. Representatives of such medicines are Jess, Yarina.

    Yarina with uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

    In the treatment of myomatous lesions of the uterus, obstetrician-gynecologists often use a hormonal drug such as Yarina. It is also a monophasic two-component agent that is used both for contraceptive purposes and for medicinal purposes. These indications include uterine fibroids. The composition of the drug is simple, it contains ethinylestradiol and the progesterone component - drospirenone, as in similar drugs, for example, Jesse. The main direction of its action regarding this pathology is to stop the effect of hyperestrogenism on myoma, with which it effectively copes.

    Jess with uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

    Jess is a combined oral contraceptive that belongs to the monophasic group.
    It consists of an estrogen drug in the form of ethinyl estradiol, as well as a progestogen drug - drospirenone.

    By prescribing combined contraceptives, doctors are trying to influence the pathogenetic level of the problem - hormonal imbalance. When taking hormonal drugs such as Jess in a woman's body, hormonal balance is restored. The ovaries are "turned off" from the work of the reproductive system and rest. And for them, from the outside, hormones are supplied with the hormonal preparations taken. The level of hormones returns to normal and due to the restoration of this balance, the myoma nodes stop growing, and some formations tend to progress.

    Jess plus for uterine fibroids: reviews of doctors

    Specialists who used hormonal drugs in their practice, namely Jess or Jess Plus, note a significant positive trend in terms of regression of myomatous formations.

    Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids are often prescribed by gynecologists in order to prevent the progression of the pathological process. However, they are not suitable for a complete cure of the disease, as they cannot provoke the resorption of the myomatous node and other medications.

    But the analogues of female sex hormones that make up such pills significantly improve the functioning of the reproductive system of a patient suffering from uterine fibroids. A properly designed treatment regimen helps not only to stop the growth of a pathological neoplasm, but also significantly improve the quality of a woman's life.

    Types of RRT

    Contraceptives that are used to stop the growth of a pathological node in uterine myoma are divided into 2 groups:

    1. COCs, or combined oral contraceptives. Such products contain synthetic estrogen substitutes, as well as a progestogen substance.
    2. Monophasic hormonal preparations. These funds differ from other contraceptives in that each tablet contains an equal amount of all active ingredients.

    For the treatment of uterine fibroids, mainly contraceptives of the first group are used. They are highly effective, and not only in the fight against the progression of pathology or in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. COCs have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of patients with myomatosis, in addition, their positive effect on the hormonal background cannot be denied either.

    Reception features

    Treatment of fibroids with birth control pills must be carried out under the close supervision of a physician. The dosage and frequency of taking the drug is selected for each patient individually, and an overdose can have an extremely negative impact on health.

    Take these pills for the treatment of uterine fibroids as follows:

    • medication should be started from the first day of menstruation;
    • accept birth control pills in the treatment of fibroids, it is necessary strictly within the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
    • you should not interrupt the course of therapy, otherwise you can cause a second outbreak of the disease;
    • It is advisable to take the prescribed medicine at the same time.

    Sometimes when taking birth control pills for the treatment of uterine fibroids, you may notice bloody discharge from the vagina. There may also be a shift in the menstrual cycle. This is not a reason for panic, but a gynecologist who monitors the dynamics of the treatment of uterine fibroids with contraceptives must be aware of such changes.

    The effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of fibroids

    Contraceptives are prescribed only if the fibroids are small. In this case, with their help you can achieve:

    • reducing the intensity of intermenstrual bleeding or their complete cessation;
    • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
    • stabilization of the psycho-emotional state;
    • normalization of the hormonal background.

    The effectiveness of contraceptives in the treatment of uterine fibroids is confirmed not only by doctors - the patients themselves also note a positive trend. But hormonal therapy for myomatosis does not give lightning-fast results, so it will have to be continued for several months (usually for six months).

    Contraceptives for myomatosis after 40 years

    Are birth control pills effective for uterine fibroids after 40 years? This group of drugs is often prescribed to a woman on the eve of menopause in order to prevent further growth of the myomatous node.

    In patients after 40, the production of their own sex hormones decreases, which often leads to a regression of the pathological process. But it also happens that the fibroid, on the contrary, begins to grow actively, and in order to stop its growth, the gynecologist prescribes birth control pills.

    But, in addition to stopping the progression of pathology, such funds for women after 40 can be taken for:

    • elimination of menopausal manifestations (in particular, hot flashes);
    • restoring the balance of sex hormones;
    • reproductive function, etc.

    Contraceptive pills for uterine fibroids in women over 40 can only be taken if the immune system is strong.

    Against the background of weakened immunity, the absorption of drugs is significantly reduced. Therefore, this negatively affects their effectiveness in the treatment of myomatosis.

    The most effective drugs

    Uterine fibroids can be treated with the following contraceptives:

    • Jeanine;
    • Regulon;
    • Silhouette;
    • Microlute;
    • Novineta;
    • Marvelona and others.

    It is possible to treat fibroids only with the drug that was prescribed by the gynecologist. In no case should you independently look for a replacement for contraceptives - this can lead to serious side effects.

    The fact is that the selection of a particular drug is carried out taking into account the size and type of the pathological node, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases (for example, endometriosis). In addition, not all women can be treated with fibroids using one or another remedy - sometimes doctors have to select analogues of birth control pills that are little known to patients with myomatosis.


    It is forbidden to treat fibroids with contraceptives for women who:

    • have bad habits;
    • suffer from hypertension;
    • have malignant neoplasms of various localization;
    • have untreated liver disease.

    COCs also cannot be used to treat myomatosis in patients with deep vein thrombosis and uterine bleeding of unknown origin.

    Birth control for endometriosis

    With the help of this group of drugs, it is possible to treat not only fibroids, but also endometriosis. This is a disease that can occur both in young girls and in women after 40. Often, endometriosis is treated using progesterone-containing products:

    • Jeanine;
    • Yarina;
    • Utrozhestan;
    • Duphaston;
    • Bysanne;
    • Danazol;
    • Buserelina;
    • Zoladex and others.

    These drugs will be effective only at the first and second stages of the development of endometriosis, when the tissues of the uterine mucosa do not grow beyond the genital organ and do not form adhesions.

    At this time, contraceptives stop the progression of the pathological process, eliminate pain, and reduce the intensity of intermenstrual discharge.

    Treatment of fibroids and endometriosis hormonal contraceptives has a lot of positive aspects. One of these is the lack of need for additional contraception.

    But if the patient is advised to avoid pregnancy at the initial stage of therapy, a condom should be used during intercourse. This is the only contraceptive that will protect against unwanted pregnancy and also prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases. And they can only aggravate the course of myomatosis or endometriosis!