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  • Smoking and birth control pills: is it worth combining? Can women smokers take birth control pills? Smoking and hormonal contraceptives.

    Smoking and birth control pills: is it worth combining? Can women smokers take birth control pills? Smoking and hormonal contraceptives.

    Birth control pills after 35 years of age will be an excellent contraceptive option that the woman herself can control. If you choose the right pills and follow the rules, you can even improve women's health and overall well-being.

    But only the attending physician can prescribe pills. Choosing on your own or on the recommendations of a pharmacist, you run the risk of becoming a victim of side effects. It is always worth remembering that birth control pills are based on hormones, and such therapy has a complex effect on the body.

    Contraception after 35 years

    By the age of thirty-five, most women have given birth. In modern conditions, it is at this age that women have recently acquired offspring. And here the problem of contraception is acute - after all, nowadays they rarely give birth to a second child until the first one goes to school.

    After 35, many women are still planning to become a mother, or want to give birth to a second child. Therefore, they are very careful about their own reproductive performance. I don't want to put my women's health at risk.

    Another point is the importance of a healthy sex life at this age. According to modern studies, it is by 30-35 and especially after childbirth that a woman's sexual desire blooms. And the sexual intercourse does not want to be disturbed either by preparation or by the barriers between the partners' bodies.

    In connection with the increase in the incidence of cancer, it is worth thinking about their prevention. Some of the birth control pills, which we will talk about today, help to strengthen the female body in the face of such diseases.

    The main rule when choosing female contraceptive pills is to listen to the recommendations of the attending gynecologist. He knows your condition and will be able to determine what the danger is in the case of certain contraceptives. With the help of his advice and knowledge, you can not only competently approach the issue of contraception after 35 years, but also strengthen your women's health.

    The most important indicator when choosing a contraceptive is hormonal levels.

    So, if the body produces enough of its own estrogen, (COCs) will be harmful. In such cases, mini-pills are recommended - pills with a low content of hormones, deprived of estrogen. Conversely, if female sex hormones are not enough, male hormones are produced - COCs will be the ideal option. By choosing contraceptive pills according to this scheme, you can even bring tangible benefits to your health.

    It is worth considering the general condition of the body. So, problems with the digestive system or a tendency to increased blood clotting will become an unequivocal contraindication to taking birth control pills.

    Benefits of pills

    The birth control pill is more than just a contraceptive. This is a complex effect on the body, which can result in both good and bad. Only a doctor can choose the right drug and, in general, determine the possibility of such contraception. To do this, he must familiarize himself with the results of research - blood tests, gynecological examination.

    In this case, the tablets will be selected correctly, and with their help:

    • Monthly cycles will return to normal;
    • The risk of malignant diseases will decrease;
    • Your everyday mood will improve;
    • Desire in the genital area will increase;
    • Women's organs will receive protection from inflammation;
    • They will serve as a good prevention and treatment for fibroids.

    In addition, contraceptives after 35 years will also become a good cosmetic tool. If the type of hormones and their dosage are selected correctly, testosterone production will be reduced. This means that the skin of the face and scalp will become less oily. Hair will be less greasy and skin will get rid of unpleasant acne breakouts.

    Combined oral contraceptives

    Most often, when talking about contraceptive pills, doctors and women who use them mean COCs. These drugs are based on two substances - estrogen and artificial gestagens. Together they provide a comprehensive effect for maximum reliability. COCs are divided into several subspecies, depending on the sequence in which the hormones act:

    • Single-phase (Yarina, Logest) - substances are mixed in all tablets of the cycle;
    • Biphasic (Anteovin) - throughout the course, the estrogen content does not change, in contrast to the gestagenic substances;
    • Three-phase (Trikvilaz, Tri-merci) - the ratio in the composition of estrogen and gestagen in tablets changes three times per month.

    Operating principle

    Combined contraceptive pills work as follows:

    • Do not allow ovulation to occur normally. The body reads hormonal indicators by mistake, and the female cell does not leave the ovarian follicle;
    • There is too much mucus inside the uterus and its cervix. Spermatozoa cannot break through this barrier, and their path to the ovum ends in the vaginal environment;
    • The level of endometrial density increases. The chance of fertilization of the egg is already minimal, but if this happens, the zygote will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus and die.

    Each of these factors is already a powerful barrier to pregnancy. Together, these three points reduce the possibility of pregnancy to almost zero.


    Combined contraceptive pills should not be used if a woman after 35 years:

    • Already bears fruit;
    • Experiencing cardiac pathologies;
    • Has a blood platelet count above normal;
    • She is a smoker;
    • Has kidney failure;
    • Prone to cancer;
    • Has malignant neoplasms;
    • Is in the period of lactation and feeding.

    If, with such contraindications, a woman still decided to take COCs, there is a high probability that as a result:

    • The head will hurt;
    • Blood is released outside the period of menstruation;
    • Appetite will disappear;
    • Menstruation will disappear;
    • The head will spin;
    • Unwanted hairiness will increase;
    • Decreased sexual desire;
    • Bloating of the intestines will begin.

    But these are just minor side effects. More serious negative consequences can be:

    • Thrombosis and coagulation disorders;
    • Diseases of the liver and digestive system;
    • The appearance of excess pounds;
    • Skin rashes and acne;
    • Difficulty speaking
    • Unexpected hypertensive attacks;
    • Phlegm in the throat;
    • Chest pain;
    • Severe persistent migraines;
    • Swelling of the lower extremities.

    Mini drank

    These contraceptive pills contain only artificial progestogen and no estrogen. They are also called single-dose birth control pills. Here you can mention Microlut, Charosetta.

    Most often, it is mini-pills that are prescribed after the age of 35, especially if the woman has already given birth. In such cases, the woman's own estrogen is usually sufficient. Excess estrogen can harm you in two ways.

    First, by increasing the risk of cancer and inflammation - after all, the tissues of the uterus will become denser. Secondly, and these effects are very common - in response to excess estrogen, the body will trigger the production of testosterone. And then the negative consequences will be excess hairiness, oily skin and hair, purulent rash. That is why the progestogen effect is sufficient. It acts in general according to the same scheme as in KOCs. Ovulation does not occur, the passage of sperm through the genital tract is extremely difficult. A fertilized egg (which is highly unlikely) will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus.

    Menstruation does not occur when you take the mini-pill of the contraceptive pill. Instead, bloody discharge occurs, which can be attributed to false menstruation. Contraindications and side effects are the same as for combined contraceptives.

    Micro-dose and low-dose

    Micro-dosage pills contain the least amount of hormones. Suitable if the hormonal background of a woman at the age of 35 is completely normal and has not undergone changes in comparison with a young age. These include Zoely, Jess, Lindinet.

    Low-dose birth control, like mini-pills, is fine if you have enough estrogen. The advantage over mini-pills is a weaker effect on the menstrual cycle. After taking microdose pills and mini-pills, if "false menstruation" has caused severe discomfort, low-dose ones are prescribed. These include Silest, Mikroginon, Desmoulins.

    How are contraceptives chosen?

    The question of which pills to drink as a contraceptive cannot be figured out on the Internet or on the advice of girlfriends. It should always be remembered that any hormone therapy is a powerful and complex effect on the body. Changes in the work of the endocrine system will affect the work of all organs and structures of the female body.

    Therefore, only a gynecologist can specifically resolve the issue. To do this, he will need to collect data during the following studies:

    • Dermatological analyzes;
    • Tests for bacteria and infections;
    • Body weight surveys;
    • Blood pressure measurements;
    • Palpation of the breast;
    • Analyzes for liver function;
    • Gynecological examination and smears.

    It is wise to visit an eye doctor before using birth control pills. After all, long-term use of such funds often leads to dysfunction of the eyeballs, especially glaucoma.

    Another necessary examination to avoid the development of side effects is a blood clotting test and an ultrasound examination of the veins. Thrombosis is one of the most common and most dangerous side effects.

    Hormonal contraception after 35 years

    The need to protect against unwanted pregnancies is relevant until the very end of reproductive age. Nevertheless, in different periods there are peculiarities that should be taken into account in order to maintain a rich sex life and avoid its undesirable consequences.

    Features of late reproductive age

    One of the most important features of female reproductive function is that the number of eggs in the ovaries remains constant - no new ones are formed throughout life. With age, the number of eggs ready for fertilization decreases, and mutations accumulate in them, caused by all the harmful factors that have acted on the ovaries during life. Thus, the risk of having a baby with serious genetic abnormalities increases.

    Another feature associated with a decrease in the number of eggs is an increase in the number of anovulatory cycles, that is, those in which the follicle does not mature, and conception is impossible. However, this feature does not save you from unwanted pregnancy.

    After the age of 35, there are serious risks of carrying a pregnancy. During this period, a woman often has chronic diseases, which can adversely affect her health or the condition of the fetus. Previous pregnancies, whether they ended in childbirth, miscarriage or abortion, increase the likelihood of an ectopic ovum attachment.

    In childbirth, women over 35 are at increased risk of tearing as the skin loses its elasticity. According to statistics, children of so-called old-bearing mothers are more likely to suffer from hypoxia during childbirth, which negatively affects their physical and mental development.

    It is quite obvious that having a child after 35 is a rather risky step, and before deciding on it, you need to weigh the pros and cons, consult a specialist, and get tested. If for some reason the child is still undesirable, you should choose a comfortable and safe contraceptive.

    Rules for the selection of hormonal contraceptives for women over 35 years old

    Hormonal contraceptives are considered the most advanced method of contraception. They not only prevent unwanted pregnancies, but, when properly selected, have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background of a woman.

    It should be remembered that hormonal contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted infections, so they should not be used in a promiscuous sex life.

    The gynecologist will help you choose the right contraceptive pill, taking into account the following factors:

    • Obstetric history.
    • The presence of contraindications.
    • Features of a woman's sex life.

    The obstetric history includes previous pregnancies, childbirth, abortion, miscarriages, gynecological diseases and operations. After giving birth, at least 6 weeks should pass, and at the time of the start of the course, the woman should have finished breastfeeding. There are hormonal agents that are allowed for nursing mothers, but they have their own characteristics of use.

    Important! After gynecological manipulations and in some diseases of the ovary, hormonal contraceptives can be harmful, so a woman needs to have complete information about her health.

    Contraindications are endocrine diseases, especially diabetes mellitus, a tendency to thrombosis, formations in the mammary gland, pathology of the heart valves and the forthcoming surgery. The doctor will definitely ask about this before prescribing the pills.

    With the peculiarities of sexual life, everything is simple - it makes sense to use birth control pills only when a woman regularly has sex with a regular partner and is confident in his loyalty. Tablets do not save you from genital infections, and with rare and irregular sex, the need for such drugs is questionable. Most women over 35 tend to have children and have a sex life with a regular partner, so hormonal contraceptives may work for them.

    It is worth paying attention to the possible side effects:

    • The appearance of excess weight.
    • Headaches.
    • Intolerance to the drug, allergic reaction.
    • Emotional disorders: depression, anxiety.
    • Decreased libido.

    If such symptoms appear, the drug should be changed. It should be noted that with age, the likelihood of certain side effects changes, and if a woman at 25 was successfully protected with certain means, this does not mean that at 35 the same drug will remain effective and safe. After each pregnancy, it is advisable to select the medicine again.

    The examination includes taking anamnesis, talking with a doctor, examination in a gynecological chair, a smear for the degree of vaginal cleanliness and a gynecological ultrasound. If a woman has chronic diseases, she may be assigned additional examinations.

    Hormonal contraceptives: what are they?

    There are the following groups of drugs approved for use after 35 years of age:

    Combined oral contraceptives

    • COCs are the most common type of hormonal agent. There are a large number of drugs, and it will not be difficult for a woman to find the right option for herself. Often prescribed for therapeutic purposes (with uterine myoma and other pathology).
    • In late reproductive age, it is recommended to take microdose COCs containing only 20 μg of estrogen. This will minimize the likelihood of side effects.
    • After 35 years, they are not suitable for women who smoke and for patients with a tendency to thrombosis. Migraines, arterial hypertension and emotional instability are also contraindications, especially at this age.
    • Not allowed during lactation.
    • It must be taken every day at exactly the same time.

    Read on for how to take the combination birth control pill correctly.

    Mini drank

    • Mini-pills are a “light version” of hormonal pills. They only contain progesterone.
    • It is believed that such pure progestogens are effective for women after childbirth. Allowed for lactation.
    • They have a number of contraindications - a tendency to thrombosis, smoking and vascular pathologies.

    Plaster Evra

    • The transdermal patch is designed to maintain a constant concentration of hormones.
    • Can be used after 35 years in the absence of contraindications: heart and vascular diseases, oncological pathologies.
    • Cannot be used within 1.5-2 months after the end of breastfeeding.


    • A hormonal ring that is able to provide a long lasting effect.
    • Inserted into the vagina, set at 21 days.
    • Contains the lowest dose of hormones of all similar products, therefore it is a good option for women over 35 years old.

    25 facts about the NuvaRing vaginal ring: find out more.

    Spiral Mirena

    • The Mirena intrauterine system is quite effective, but it is permissible to use it only with a healthy endometrium. If there are diseases of the genital organs (and many women over 35 have them), the spiral is contraindicated.
    • It is introduced by a gynecologist after a preliminary examination and examination.
    • Validity period - 5 years.
    • A good option for women who have given birth who are not planning a pregnancy in the coming years.

    What hormonal agents are best for you?

    Ideal contraceptives for women over 35 - micro-dose COCs:

    • Jess.
    • Novinet.
    • Lindineth.
    • Klayra.
    • Zoely and others.

    The risk of side effects when taking them is minimal, and the reliability is sufficient to prevent conception in conditions of dying reproductive function.

    Intrauterine devices are very popular among women in the late reproductive period. If there are no contraindications to them, then Mirena is almost as effective as COCs.

    The NuvaRing ring is another good option for women over 35. The minimum dose of hormones reduces the likelihood of side effects, and the ease of use (administered once a month) makes this remedy optimal for socially active women.

    Alternative to hormonal contraceptives

    What if a woman cannot or does not want to use COCs? For this, there are other methods of contraception - barrier and intrauterine.

      • The condom is the oldest form of contraception. It is less effective than COCs, reduces the pleasure of sexual intercourse, but protects against genital infections. It is important to monitor the integrity of the condom. Effective at any age.
      • Spermicides are substances that kill sperm. They can be applied to the inner layer of a condom or vaginal cap, used as a foam or sponge. They do not work for long, are comparable in effectiveness to a condom, and have no age restrictions.
      • A non-hormonal IUD (intrauterine device) is convenient because it lasts for several years. Among the disadvantages is the risk of inflammation in the uterus and the development of an ectopic pregnancy. Only a doctor should install and replace the coil. Allowed for women over 35 years old in the absence of contraindications.

    Learn more about the IUD: 30 facts about the IUD.

    Choosing a contraceptive in late reproductive age is a responsible process that requires special attention. To select a drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    See also: How does hormonal contraception affect female sexuality?

    In contact with


    Contraception after 35 years of age: 4 best methods

    For most women, pregnancy after 35-40 years old becomes a problem and in more than 50% of cases ends in abortion. To avoid this situation, you should choose the right contraceptive. The current article is devoted to this very topic. First of all, let's dispel the myth that it is impossible to get pregnant with menopause. Even after menopause, a woman needs to continue to use contraception for a certain period, which depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

    The main problem when choosing contraceptives after 35 years is the presence of contraindications to the use of one method or another. Moreover, with age, risk factors associated with health conditions (overweight, chronic diseases) and bad habits become more and more.

    Contraceptive methods aged 35-45 years and older

    1. Hormonal birth control. In the absence of contraindications, after 35 years, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) of the latest generation or new three-phase drugs, which are currently presented in a wide range, are ideal. For example, Triziston, Femoden, Triquilar, Marvelon or Silest.

    Instead of oral contraceptives in pill form, special injections can be given. The advantage of injections is that they do not need to be taken every day, the injection is given about once every three months.

    The injection suppresses ovulation, preventing conception. So far, only one drug of this group is presented on the Russian market - Depo-Provera. It is a suspension containing 150mg / ml of medroxyprogesterone acetate, which, after being injected under the skin, begins to give a contraceptive effect.

    If for one reason or another the option with an injection is unacceptable for a woman, you can use hormone capsules implanted under the skin of the shoulder. The operation is simple and is performed under local anesthesia. The contraceptive effect begins a day after administration and lasts for 3-5 years. One of the best drugs in this group is Norplant and the second generation - Norplant-2.

    2. Intrauterine devices. In most cases, they are represented by spirals. They are considered the most preferred solution for women over 40 years old, but due to pathological age-related changes in the tissues of the cervix, they are not always suitable. The decision to use an intrauterine device must be made after a gynecological examination.

    3. Barrier contraception. This is the safest group of contraceptive methods for health, which is represented by a wide range of products. In addition to traditional male and female condoms, you can use other mechanical means: cervical caps and sponges.

    There are also chemical barrier contraceptives called spermicides: suppositories and vaginal pills, creams and gels, and aerosol foams. All of these drugs destroy sperm cells, interfering with conception.

    4. Sterilization. A good option for those women who are determined to never have children again. After sterilization, fertility is lost forever and cannot be restored. But after 40 years it does not matter, because at this age it is difficult to bear and give birth to a healthy child.

    Sterilization is not much more difficult than an abortion, so for many couples, the procedure is an excellent option for solving the problem of contraception once and for all.

    Conclusion: contraception after 35 years old requires a special approach, since many of the means become unavailable. But after consulting a specialist, you can choose the appropriate method for each woman to avoid pregnancy.

    Smoking and birth control pills

    Absolutely everyone knows about the dangers of smoking. But many women are interested in the question of how compatible smoking and birth control pills are.

    Interaction of smoking and contraception

    Oral contraceptives contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. Although modern contraceptives are considered quite safe, without any side effects on the female body, estrogen still somewhat increases blood clotting. However, this does not mean that taking such contraceptives can lead to the formation of blood clots.

    But when a gynecologist chooses oral or vaginal contraception for a woman, he will certainly inquire not only about her health, but also whether the woman smokes. After all, nicotine, contained in the blood of women who smoke, has the same effect as estrogen. However, the effect of nicotine is much more intense on the circulatory system.

    Thus, smoking and concurrent use of hormonal birth control drugs doubles the risk of blood clots forming in the blood vessels. And this, in turn, can lead to such serious consequences as atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

    Since the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke increases the heartbeat and briefly increases blood pressure, the combination of this effect with the effects of estrogen increases the load on the heart, which often leads to coronary artery disease.

    Smoking while using contraception increases the amount of cholesterol in the blood. And this substance, deposited on the walls of blood vessels, significantly narrows their lumen. This interferes with normal blood flow, the supply of all organs and, above all, the brain with oxygen. It can also cause ischemic stroke.

    Two risk factors, joining forces in the fight against women's health, provoke the activity of a virus such as papilloma. He can doze peacefully in the body, without causing any trouble to the carrier. But if you "help" him with the help of hormones and nicotine, then the papillomavirus can even lead to cancer of the female genital organs.

    Taking hormonal contraceptives in itself contributes to a more intensive development of neoplasms (if any are already present in the body). If a woman also smokes, then these neoplasms, even benign ones, can develop into breast, cervical or ovarian cancer.

    Smoking, contraceptive and age dependence

    Taking such drugs is especially dangerous for a woman over the age of 35 who refuses to quit smoking.

    Studies have shown that the risk of blood clots and other problems with the cardiovascular system increases not only with the age of the woman, but also with the increase in the number of cigarettes smoked per day. So, if a woman takes oral contraceptives and at the same time smokes up to 10 cigarettes a day, then the risk of cardiovascular diseases is twice as high as that of a nonsmoker. If you smoke more than 15 cigarettes a day, then this risk will be three times higher.

    If we compare smokers and nonsmokers of different ages taking hormonal contraceptives, then for the first (even smokers very little) risks arise already at the age of 30, while for nonsmokers the same risk appears only at 35-40 years. Thus, young women who smoke “age” themselves with their own hands (or lips).

    If a woman has a hereditary predisposition to cardiovascular, as, indeed, to other diseases, then smoking and the simultaneous use of hormonal contraceptives are contraindicated for her.

    With the simultaneous use of oral hormonal contraceptives and cigarettes, especially after the age of 35, symptoms such as headache, pain in the lower abdomen, in the mammary glands, heaviness and pain in the legs may occur. If such phenomena occur, then you should immediately consult a doctor. And there is no need to talk about immediately quitting smoking.

    Preventing unwanted pregnancy is a must. But you should rather give up not hormonal drugs, namely smoking. After all, it causes incomparably greater harm to all systems of the female body, leading not only to diseases, but also to premature aging.

    Smoking and oral contraceptives (birth control pills)

    In the modern world, the use of hormonal contraception by women is widespread, which is used not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy, but is also a medicine that can correct hormonal imbalance and solve many gynecological problems.

    Very many women themselves "prescribe" pills for themselves, without consulting a doctor, and sometimes, choosing a medicine together with the attending doctor, they simply do not say that they smoke.

    Hormonal contraceptives are of two types: combined, which contain estrogens and progestogens, and progestin, containing only progestins. Estrogens are found in all combination drugs, and it can be not only tablets, but also plasters, vaginal rings, spirals and injections. A combination of smoking and estrogen-containing drugs is highly undesirable.

    The effect of smoking and estrogen on the female body

    Under the influence of nicotine, the production of adrenaline increases, vasoconstriction occurs.

    Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke causes tissue hypoxia by increasing the heart rate.

    Nicotine increases the viscosity of the blood, which can lead to blood clots.

    Smoking contributes to the development of cancer of the uterus and breast.

    Women who take combination contraceptives with a high dose of estrogen have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis. In contrast, estrogens in low dosages protect the female body from these diseases.

    Excess estrogen can lead to estrogen-dependent forms of malignant tumors in the female genital organs.

    Combination of estrogen and cigarettes

    When smoking and taking combined birth control pills, the risk of breast cancer and heart disease is twice that of non-smokers. It is worth noting that even secondhand smoke can play a negative role.

    Women who smoke using estrogen-containing drugs are 10 times more likely to have venous thrombosis than women who do not smoke.

    The older the woman, the more cigarettes smoked daily, the higher the likelihood of "earning" a heart attack. The risk of stroke is high in women who smoke over the age of 35. And of course 40. Taking contraceptives is categorically contraindicated for a woman who smokes over 35, as there is a high risk of thrombosis.

    Precautionary measures

    It should be remembered that in no case should you choose hormonal contraceptives yourself. Only a doctor, having studied concomitant diseases, the degree of risks and other factors, can correctly select the drug. The pills that are right for your friend may not only be useless to you, but also dangerous.

    If hormonal contraceptives are used to treat gynecological diseases, you should be more attentive to your health, since these drugs contain a high dose of estrogen, and the risk of side effects in women who smoke is increased many times.

    If a woman does not quit smoking and takes estrogen-containing drugs, she should have blood clotting checked annually, drink plenty of fluids, eat foods that thin the blood, and maintain physical activity. Still, the best way to avoid harmful effects on health is to completely quit smoking.

    We also launched a discussion on the use of drugs by smokers on our forum. I highly recommend it. It is not only the specialist who answers, but also the girls who smoked in the past who took oral contraceptives.

    Every woman is sensitive to her health. Well, or at least he tries: he looks after himself, maintains his appearance in order, does not smoke, does not drink alcohol and chooses a safe intimate relationship.

    It doesn't matter what kind of sexual relationship you have: constant with one partner or irregular with different guys - it is important to choose the right method of contraception for yourself and be 100% sure of eliminating pregnancy and protecting against genital infections.

    The selection of contraceptives depends on many factors: age, lifestyle, the presence of chronic diseases, regularity of the menstrual cycle, and much more.

    Most often, a woman after 35 years has already gone through the stages of pregnancy and childbirth. It is quite possible that more than once. Because of this, hormonal disruptions occur in a woman's body. Surely after giving birth, you have faced problems with hair loss, dental diseases and weight gain. All this goodness comes to us thanks to a complete restructuring of the body.

    In view of the global changes in the woman's body after 30-35 years, it is necessary to visit a doctor and take a general blood and urine test. According to the current state and carrying out a special text, the doctor will be able to correctly prescribe suitable contraceptive pills, which will not only help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also restore hormonal levels, if necessary.

    If you do not want to visit a doctor and are trying to decide for yourself which pills are best to choose after 30-35 years, then be careful in your decision. Let's try to figure this out together.

    Hormonal drugs

    According to the results of a survey among women, it turned out that the contraceptive pill is the easiest and easiest method of contraception that is available to everyone.

    Previously, the phrase "hormonal pills" caused fear and apprehension in many. Now many things have become easier to treat, so such drugs are in great demand. In addition, most drug therapy does not harm the body and has minimal contraindications.

    However, you need to be careful with hormonal birth control pills. It is better not to prescribe them yourself. It is more correct to consult a specialist. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

    Types of medicinal contraceptives

    So which birth control pill is best for a woman in her 30s and 35s? There are several types of such contraception:

    • COC - combined oral contraceptives, they are divided into one-, two-, three-phase;
    • birth control pills for emergency contraception;
    • mini-pills are progestogenic contraceptives, in their content they have a small dose of hormones.


    The drugs of this group are drunk by women who do not have health problems, since there are some restrictions for taking COCs. They should not be taken for the following diseases:

    • hypertension;
    • heart disease;
    • migraine;
    • diabetes;
    • blood clots.

    Also, COCs should not be consumed by women after 35 years of age who actively smoke: the simultaneous effect on the body of nicotine and COCs can provoke active blood clots.

    These contraceptive pills do an excellent job of preventing pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. Also, when taken correctly, these birth control pills increase their effect and provide additional results:

    • actively contribute to the reduction of acne;
    • reduce the growth of hair on the body and face;
    • relieve pain during menstruation;
    • normalize the menstrual cycle;
    • are considered an excellent prevention of uterine and ovarian cancer.
    Action of COCs

    Combined oral contraceptives block ovulation, thereby preventing the fertilization of the egg. Eggs cannot escape from the ovaries and sperm cannot enter them.

    Rules for taking COCs

    Such contraceptive pills are single-phase and multi-phase. The rules for accepting these subspecies are different.

    Important: in no case should you skip taking pills, since even one pass no longer guarantees a woman's full protection from pregnancy. In such cases, during intercourse, you must additionally protect yourself with a condom.

    COCs are drunk for 21 days, then a break is taken for 7 days (at this time, menstruation begins). In total, a woman's full cycle is obtained - 28 days.

    The best COC tablets

    What are the best COCs to use?

    • for women who do not have a regular sex life, monophasic contraceptive pills are suitable: "Jess", "Mersilon", "Novinet";
    • if a woman has not given birth and has an active sex life, then most likely doctors will recommend taking "Janine", "Yarina", "Diana-35", "Bellune-35". These drugs are classified as monophasic, low-dose hormones.
    • for women who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and solve problems with hormonal levels, high-dose "Triziston", "Trigol", "Ovidon" are prescribed.

    Mini drank

    For women 30-35 years old, mini-pill birth control pills are also suitable. But, such drugs are prescribed if a lady has a certain disease: hypertension, diabetes mellitus and more. They are also suitable for women who are addicted to smoking and mothers during lactation.

    Mini-pills can be taken immediately after the baby is born.

    It is important that the pills are selected by the doctor, based on the current state of the body. Otherwise, mini-pills can provoke a cyst on the ovary or the formation of an ectopic pregnancy. Pay close attention to this factor.

    Mini-drank action

    When taking contraceptive pills such as mini-pills, the following changes occur in a woman's body: the viscosity of the mucus of the uterine cavity increases. This factor makes it difficult for the movement of sperm to the egg and, as a result, blocks their connection.

    Mini-drank rules

    The mini-pili contraceptive pill must be taken continuously, even during menstruation. If you forget to take a pill and at least 3 hours have passed since that moment, take a contraceptive immediately. If more time has passed, then during the week it is necessary to additionally protect with a condom.

    When taking mini-pills, spotting and periods may appear at any time. This is one of the inconveniences.

    The best mini drank

    Some of the best representatives of mini-drank are the preparations "Mikrolut", "Charosetta", "Laktinet", "Excluton".

    Emergency contraception

    There are also birth control pills that do not require regular use, but only in the case of unprotected intercourse: Mifepristone, Levonorgestrel, Ulipristal Acetate.

    These birth control pills should be taken within a week after intercourse. The percentage of protection against pregnancy is 60-90%.

    Taking phenotypes into account

    As you understand, it is best to consult a doctor for the correct prescription of contraceptive pills, make a special test and get tested. This will be the best solution.

    If it is not possible to consult with a specialist, then try to determine your phenotype.

    1. "Estrogenic" women. Ladies of small stature with large breasts. Hair and skin are dry, there is abundant discharge, periods last more than 5 days, a cycle - more than 28 days. The main symptom of PMS: increased nervousness. In this case, it is permissible to take the contraceptive pills Regividon, Microgenon.
    2. "Balanced" woman. Has an average height, feminine features, small breasts. The menstrual cycle is up to 28 days. There is no pronounced PMS. You can take the drugs Regulon, Novinet, Mersilon.
    3. "Progesterone" woman. Women with thin complexion with the presence of masculine features. Hair and skin are prone to oily, there is scant discharge, the cycle is less than 28 days, menstruation lasts less than 5 days. It is recommended to take Diana-35, Yarina, Jess.

    You can read about the correct use of contraceptive pills in the instructions or consult your doctor.

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    The latest methods of contraception for smokers and nonsmokers

    After marriage, the current presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak, only the lazy one, did not ask when she would become a mother. To which she replied something like this: "When the time comes." To dispose of your time, to build life according to your own plan and to give birth whenever you want - such opportunities were given to a woman by modern contraceptives. But their safety is achieved only under certain conditions.

    By themselves, estrogen-containing contraceptives, correctly selected by a gynecologist for a particular woman, are one of the most effective ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy. With a proviso: a non-smoking woman! When a woman smokes, especially if she is over 35, the situation changes.

    Smoking and hormonal contraceptives: complete incompatibility or ...?

    The explosive mixture of smoking and the simultaneous use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of thrombosis, heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke. It turns out that estrogen-progestogenic oral contraceptives are absolutely contraindicated for five million Russian women (approximately the number of smokers in our country aged 30-45). Moreover, many of them use this method of contraception, and often as prescribed by a doctor.

    According to the results of an independent study, in which 306 Russian women and 105 gynecologists took part, 70% of women who smoke over 30 years of age take oral contraceptives, since often doctors consider smoking to be only a relative contraindication to this method of contraception. Many patients were not even asked by the doctor if they smoked. Although the fact that these two things are incompatible say, just not from the coffee maker. According to the document of the World Health Organization, smoking over the age of 35 is an absolute contraindication to combined methods of contraception containing estrogen: both to oral contraceptives and to patches, injections and vaginal rings.

    Reliable alternative to estrogen-containing contraceptives

    The solution for smoking women 35+ can be purely progestin-only oral contraceptives (mini-pills). It is necessary to take such pills every day at the same time - if you are at least 3 hours late, you may need to use additional protection methods, for example, a condom. For highly organized women who are accustomed to living "by the clock" - almost a win-win option. But even the most responsible can simply forget to take the pill. A blockage at work, a long-awaited meeting with a friend, a dinner with a beloved man - and now we are thinking about a more perfect method of protection, which will eliminate the need to constantly monitor the time. Intrauterine contraception, including hormonal contraception, may be an acceptable alternative. Another thing is that some are concerned about the prospect of placing a foreign object inside their own body. When using intrauterine contraceptives of previous generations, the so-called "spirals" containing copper, silver and even gold - complications do occur, albeit infrequently. Some of them are of a psychosomatic nature, but objective consequences also happen: the same heavy menstrual bleeding, inflammatory processes, rarely - prolapse and ingrowth of the spiral. The spirals were traditionally prescribed when other methods of contraception were impossible or inconvenient for objective reasons. Metal coils are safe against thrombosis and have a sufficiently high contraceptive efficacy, which does not depend on the user, however, they, alas, pose additional risks for the development of iron deficiency anemia due to heavy menstrual bleeding.

    • New generation intrauterine systems

    Intrauterine systems (IUDs) of the new generation, hormonal, have some additional advantages and do not have such disadvantages that are inherent in spirals. They are prescribed, including for medicinal purposes: to stop heavy menstrual bleeding, do not cause headaches and increased blood pressure, practically do not affect libido and can be used during breastfeeding. However, in the first months after installation, spotting spotting is sometimes possible. You don't have to be afraid of this, because the body "adapts" to the system. Unwanted pregnancy using this method is practically excluded, and, at the same time, fertility in most cases is restored quite quickly - pregnancy can occur already during the first menstrual cycle after removing the system.

    • Hormone Implants

    Another alternative for women who smoke 35+ - hormone implants, which are inserted under the skin of the inner surface of the shoulder of the nondominant hand and provide reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy up to three years - the same "no worries" contraception. There are side effects that gradually disappear: weight gain, headaches, and breast tenderness. However, the likelihood of unwanted symptoms increases the systemic, non-local influence of the hormone. Hormonal implants and intrauterine systems (IUDs) are installed by a doctor, which is the undoubted advantage of these methods of protection. A qualified specialist, before making an appointment, necessarily the number of pregnancies (childbirth, miscarriages, abortions), will ask questions about the regularity, pain and duration of menstruation, the abundance of discharge, ask about the presence of chronic diseases and skin problems, lifestyle and bad habits. All this will allow you to designate the best method of protection that suits you.

    Smoking and birth control pills are incompatible things, because the combination of estrogen-containing contraceptives with cigarettes doubles the toxic effect of nicotine. Nicotine poisoning contributes to vasoconstriction due to an increase in adrenaline and norepinephrine. Moreover, due to addiction, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, heart problems occur, and blood flow slows down.

    Contraceptives, which contain the hormone estrogen, have a similar effect. After 35 years, the combination of contraceptive pills and cigarettes is extremely dangerous not only for health, but also for life, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases of the circulatory system.

    Properties of oral contraceptives

    Due to the composition, the drugs protect against unwanted pregnancy, normalize hormonal levels, and protect against infections.

    Differentiate such groups of drugs as:

    • Hormonal.
    • Progestational (based on progestogen) - less effective than combined. Assigned to young girls and women over 40 years old - Laktinet, Norgestrel, Exluton.
    • Combined (based on gestagen, estrogen) - the most effective drugs that have a positive effect on the body - Diane-35, Regulon, Novinet.
    • Non-hormonal - prevent the penetration of infections, have a weak preservative effect, are prescribed for contraindications to hormones - Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, Conceptrol.
    • Rapid-acting medications - used as emergency contraception - Postinor, Escapel, Ginepristone.

    In addition to the benefits, medications have a negative effect on the circulatory system, lead to thickening of the blood. The movement of blood through the vessels slows down, which leads to negative consequences.

    Note! As a means of contraception, combined drugs with estrogen content are most often prescribed. In addition to the pills, the hormone is also contained in the Evra hormonal patch and Novaring vaginal ring.

    Consequences of the combination of contraceptives with smoking

    With the simultaneous use of contraceptive pills containing estrogen, the risk of serious problems with the circulatory system increases: blood clots and blood clots may form, which interfere with the flow of oxygen and, with it, nutrients to the organs.

    Here are some examples:

    • If the cerebral circulation is impaired, the condition is fraught with a stroke.
    • In case of violation of the cardiac circulation, a heart attack is possible.
    • Venous blood stasis leads to varicose veins.
    • The risk of developing tumors in the uterus and breast due to cell mutations increases.

    Now there is a wide selection of contraceptives, the choice of which should be approached with caution, only after consulting a specialist and collecting the necessary tests. However, the best alternative would be to quit smoking.

    It is difficult for a smoker "with experience" to stop the addiction, because smoking is not only psychological dependence, but also severe physical sensations - that is, a woman feels worse after a sharp refusal from nicotine.

    Attention! Smoking is negatively combined with any medications. Electronic cigarettes could solve the problem, but the effect of the composition of such devices - aromatic additives, glycerin, propylene glycol - on the body is still not fully understood.

    Contraception for women who smoke

    A woman who smokes needs to understand that even the minimum concentration of estrogen contained in the drug increases blood clotting.

    Remember! Taking modern micro-dosage contraceptive pills while smoking puts your own health at risk.

    If the following substances are the components of the contraceptive pill, the drugs are contraindicated for smoking:

    1. Ethinylestradiol;
    2. Estradiol valerate;
    3. Estradiol hemihydrate.
    • Lactinet;
    • Charosetta;
    • Exluton;
    • Microlute.

    The above drugs reliably protect against unwanted pregnancy, but unlike the combined ones, they control the menstrual cycle worse and cause intermenstrual bleeding. Bloody discharge outside of menstruation is not harmful to health, but it causes discomfort. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize between menstrual bleeding and switching to combined birth control pills, but the most correct thing is to stop smoking.

    Note! When smoking, instead of contraceptive pills, it is allowed to install the Mirena hormonal coil for a period of 5 years or the hormonal implant Implanon - it is installed subcutaneously and guarantees reliable contraception for 3 years. In the absence of a regular sex life, a woman who smokes does not have to use contraceptive pills - a non-hormonal contraceptive is enough: vaginal suppositories, cream, an ordinary intrauterine device, a condom.


    If a woman is younger than 35 and smokes a little, it is permissible to take birth control pills, but only after consulting a doctor and passing a blood test for hereditary thrombophilia. Also, the study should be carried out by women with a history of problem pregnancy, antiphospholipid syndrome, thrombosis. Moreover, one should not delay the examination if one of the close relatives died at a young age from a heart attack or stroke.

    In the process of taking contraceptives, a woman needs to donate blood for a coagulogram annually. But the best way to avoid harmful effects on the circulatory system and other organs is to quit smoking.

    A woman has always shown interest in a man's lifestyle, his wardrobe, habits, manners. It's boring, really, to be a gentle young lady in a cute dress all the time! Therefore, brave ladies successfully tried on clothes and hats of the stronger sex, then mastered some professions of men and soon, along with them, took the helm of the leadership. Unfortunately, enterprising beauties were able to borrow not only positive things. Smoking is one of the negative examples.

    The real side of tobacco

    Tobacco smoking causes serious harm to the health of the stronger half, and for the fair sex it is doubly poison. Unfortunately, many ladies are frivolous about such a pernicious hobby, and this should not be done, since the imaginary pleasure from smoked cigarettes turns into a disaster for the body:

    • short-term vasospasm and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure;
    • obstruction of the movement of blood flow along the vascular network;
    • high blood viscosity and the risk of thrombus formation;
    • an increase in the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle;
    • the threat of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
    • the risk of getting cancer;
    • reproductive problems;
    • the birth of children with various defects and stillborns;
    • premature onset of menopause;
    • the greatest susceptibility to osteoporosis;
    • carbon monoxide from inhaled smoke provokes oxygen starvation of tissues.

    Considering that at present 9 out of 10 contemporaries of reproductive age in developed countries prefer to plan the process of childbirth using oral contraception (OC), the question of the possibility of interaction between nicotine and drugs has been raised on the Internet more than once.

    Cigarette + COC \u003d?

    Doctors noted that tobacco intoxication itself undermines women's health, and in combination with combined oral contraceptives (COCs) based on the hormone estrogen, the nicotine impact is greatly enhanced. Let's figure out why.

    Among the side factors available with birth control pills, the main one is an increase in blood density. Nicotine in combination with estrogen significantly enhances this adverse side of the drug. Such a union in the future is guaranteed to lead to the formation of blood clots and can result in circulatory disorders, early atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and other ailments. The formed blood clot is life threatening, as it can suddenly break off and enter the bloodstream.

    All kinds of risks increase in direct proportion under the following conditions:

    • smoker's age from 35 years;
    • a history of vascular pathologies associated with thrombosis in a related line.

    According to medical statistics, from the age of 35, 3 times more women using oral contraceptives face thromboembolic problems, and after 40 years - 4 times. The accompanying love for the cigarette raises these numbers by 4 times.

    Heart attacks occur in nicotine fans 2 times more often than non-smokers. If a regular guest of smokers also takes OK, the chance of getting an attack increases 40 times compared to an opponent of tobacco who does not use oral contraceptives.

    In addition, inexorable statistics sound the alarm about the increasing frequency of diagnoses of myocardial infarction in women aged 35-40 years who smoke 1.5 packs of cigarettes daily, combining a destructive passion with the use of COCs. Is this not a reason to think?

    Is there contraception for smokers?

    It is generally recognized that nicotine addiction is extremely difficult to get rid of. Is it possible, in this case, to pick up any oral contraceptive drugs for a smoker?

    Doctors are ready to give an affirmative answer to this question, but subject to the following recommendations:

    • Oral medications for the prevention of conception, which include ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate or estradiol hemihydrate, are definitely prohibited from taking.
    • For the same reason, contraception of a different spectrum of action is not indicated for nicotine-dependent patients: the Evra hormonal patch and the NuvaRing ring.

    In such a situation, doctors are ready to remove the taboo only from pills that do not contain estrogen - mini-drank (Charosetta, Mikrolut, Laktinet and others). Each capsule of these monophasic agents includes a progestogen from 300 to 500 μg. These medicines are gentle, but effective enough to prevent pregnancy. However, they do not exclude some side options. The most common problem in this case is intermenstrual discharge, provoked by the insufficient ability of mini-dose pills to control the ovarian cycle, which does not particularly affect health, but brings certain inconveniences. Here, doctors are powerless, leaving the solution to the issue in the hands of the woman herself: to quit the addiction or put up with the forced discomfort.

    The possibility of using micro-dosed estrogen-containing drugs in women who smoke (Jess, Lindinet 20, Klayra, etc.) is discussed.

    In the absence of contraindications for smoking patients, obstetricians-gynecologists advise alternative methods of contraception:

    • Mirena hormonal coil. The validity period is up to 5 years.
    • Subcutaneous implant Implant, which is designed for 3 years.
    • Those who are inactive are shown vaginal suppositories and creams, as well as barrier contraceptives (condoms).

    Valuable additions

    It is important to remember that both a visitor to smokers and an opponent of tobacco should be prescribed contraception only by a doctor. In the considered variant, tobacco dependence and protection of OK are associated with certain nuances:

    • The older the patient is, the more important it is to conduct a preliminary blood test for a predisposition to thrombosis (congenital or acquired thrombophilia).
    • During the use of oral agents, blood should be donated annually for a coagulogram.
    • It is important to observe the motor regime and drink enough water (at least 1.5 liters daily).
    • The menu should contain foods that have a blood-thinning effect (garlic, onions, ginger, and others).
    • On the recommendation of a doctor, additional medications may be prescribed to counteract excessive blood thickening.

    What should be alarming?

    If a woman still did not have enough willpower to say goodbye to a cigarette, and she has already begun to protect herself with hormone-containing pills, it is necessary to observe the state of her body and visit a doctor in the following situations:

    • painful sensations appeared in the lower abdomen;
    • headaches and migraine attacks became more frequent;
    • there was pain in the lower extremities, it became more difficult to move;
    • varied pains and heaviness in the chest area are noted.

    Make the right conclusion

    As you can see, there are many complications that are possible when combining the use of oral contraceptives and addiction to tobacco products. However, this is not all. To the above, it should be added that the tandem of nicotine and COCs affects the female appearance in the most unfavorable way. The subject of frequent worries - the skin of the face, due to smoke breaks, rapidly loses its elasticity and healthy appearance.

    It is noted that a non-active active smoker is generally 10 years older than her more prudent girlfriends.

    Prevention of unwanted pregnancy is a necessary necessity in the life of every contemporary woman. But what could be more important than health? The choice is yours, dear ladies.

    In contact with

    Very many women themselves "prescribe" pills for themselves, without consulting a doctor, and sometimes, choosing a medicine together with the attending doctor, they simply do not say that they smoke.

    Hormonal contraceptives are of two types: combined, which contain estrogens and progestogens, and progestin, containing only progestins. Estrogens are found in all combination drugs, and it can be not only tablets, but also plasters, vaginal rings, spirals and injections. A combination of smoking and estrogen-containing drugs is highly undesirable.

    The effect of smoking and estrogen on the female body

    Under the influence of nicotine, the production of adrenaline increases, vasoconstriction occurs.

    Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke causes tissue hypoxia by increasing the heart rate.

    Nicotine increases the viscosity of the blood, which can lead to blood clots.

    Smoking contributes to the development of cancer of the uterus and breast.

    Women who take combination contraceptives with a high dose of estrogen have an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis. In contrast, estrogens in low dosages protect the female body from these diseases.

    Excess estrogen can lead to estrogen-dependent forms of malignant tumors in the female genital organs.

    Combination of estrogen and cigarettes

    When smoking and taking combined birth control pills, the risk of breast cancer and heart disease is twice that of non-smokers. It is worth noting that even secondhand smoke can play a negative role.

    Women who smoke using estrogen-containing drugs are 10 times more likely to have venous thrombosis than women who do not smoke.

    The older the woman, the more cigarettes smoked daily, the higher the likelihood of "earning" a heart attack. The risk of stroke is high in women who smoke over the age of 35. And of course 40. Taking contraceptives is categorically contraindicated for a woman who smokes over 35, as there is a high risk of thrombosis.

    Precautionary measures

    It should be remembered that in no case should you choose hormonal contraceptives yourself. Only a doctor, having studied concomitant diseases, the degree of risks and other factors, can correctly select the drug. The pills that are right for your friend may not only be useless to you, but also dangerous.

    If hormonal contraceptives are used to treat gynecological diseases, you should be more attentive to your health, since these drugs contain a high dose of estrogen, and the risk of side effects in women who smoke is increased many times.

    If a woman does not quit smoking and takes estrogen-containing drugs, she should have blood clotting checked annually, drink plenty of fluids, eat foods that thin the blood, and maintain physical activity. Still, the best way to avoid harmful effects on health is to completely quit smoking.

    We also launched a discussion on our forum. I highly recommend it. It is not only the specialist who answers, but also the girls who smoked in the past who took oral contraceptives.

    Pregnancy planning is a purely individual matter. Of course, the birth of a child is a great joy, a miracle, but everyone prepares for this important event individually.

    Many people strive to first get an education, find a good job, and only then have children. This approach is not unfounded. The modern pace of life does not allow you to relax.

    One way or another, the decision must be balanced and deliberate. After all, a child is not only happiness, but also a huge responsibility.

    There are a huge number of methods for preventing an undesirable situation. The most common treatments are birth control pills. Of course, they are not one hundred percent panacea, there is a huge amount of evidence for this.

    It should be noted that no means other than abstinence, as well as surgery on the fallopian tubes, gives a firm guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. Contraceptive drugs are often prescribed when the production of female sex hormones is impaired. This condition negatively affects not only the appearance, but also the state of health, leading to serious illnesses.

    Pharmacies sell a wide variety of hormonal substances that are widely advertised for their effectiveness and safety. However, not all so simple.

    Hormonal drugs can have a very powerful effect on the body. If they are misused, they can have dire consequences. They are appointed only by a specialist after preliminary laboratory tests, which include mandatory blood sampling for hormone levels, ultrasound examination of internal organs.

    Otherwise, medications can cause irreparable harm to health, disrupting hormonal balance. It must be remembered that contraceptives have their own contraindications. They can also lead to undesirable consequences.

    So, for example, for those who like to smoke one or two cigarettes a day, there may be a serious choice. After all, one of the contraindications for taking contraceptive drugs is smoking. Why shouldn't you smoke while taking birth control pills?

    Properties of oral contraceptives

    Due to its composition, the drugs effectively protect against unwanted pregnancy, normalize hormonal levels, and fight infectious agents.

    There are the following groups of drugs:

    • Hormonal
    • Gestagenic (based on progestogen);
    • Combined (based on gestagen, estrogen. Estrogen can be presented as ethinyl estradiol, estradiol valerate, estradiol hemihydrate. The amount of the hormone varies from 20 to 50 μg);
    • Non-hormonal
    • Fast-acting medicines

    Progestational contraceptives are less effective than combined ones. They are more often prescribed to young girls or women after 40 years. These include such funds as: Lactinet, Norgestrel, Exluton, etc.

    Non-hormonal agents prevent infections from penetrating, do not affect hormonal levels, and have a weak protective effect. Appointed if there are contraindications to hormones. These include: Patentex Oval, Pharmatex, Conceptrol, Benatex, etc.

    Drugs used in emergency situations, such as accidental sexual intercourse or missed regular medications. They are effective for the first 72 hours. The most common, for example: Postinor, Escapel, Ginepreston, etc.

    Combined contraceptives deserve the greatest attention, since in practice they are most often used due to their effectiveness and positive effects on the body. Such drugs include, for example: Diane-35, Regulon, Novinet, etc.

    However, it should be noted that in addition to the benefits, these drugs have an adverse effect on the circulatory system of the body, making the blood thicker. As a consequence, the movement of blood through the vessels slows down, leading to negative complications.

    It is important to remember that any medicine has contraindications and can cause serious complications. This is especially true of hormones, since they are potent elements.

    The choice of one or another remedy can depend on many factors, including age, concomitant diseases, life situation. Therefore, a specialist consultation is essential. You cannot engage in self-medication.

    Why you can't smoke

    Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. Nicotine dependence appears due to the penetration of a toxic substance into all cellular structures of the body. Nicotine is able to calmly dissolve in the bloodstream. With the blood stream, it enters the central and peripheral nervous systems.

    In this case, there is an intense impact on the emotional sphere, mental activity, as well as on the work of internal organs. The earlier a person starts smoking, the stronger the addiction and the greater the harm to health.

    Signs of nicotine poisoning are vasoconstriction, which occurs due to an increase in adrenaline, as well as norepinephrine. Difficulty breathing, the appearance of shortness of breath occurs due to oxygen starvation of tissues, the appearance of heart problems.

    Characterized by increased heart rate, sweating, shaking hands. Changes in appearance are not for the better, the skin ages prematurely. But most importantly, due to an increase in fibrinogen, blood density increases, which leads to a slowdown in blood flow.

    The hormone estrogen has exactly the same effect. Therefore, the negative impact is doubled. After 35 years, such a combination is dangerous not only to health, but also to life, especially if there are concomitant diseases of the circulatory system.

    It should be remembered that secondhand smoke is just as dangerous as active. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid public places specially designated for smoking, as well as keep away from smokers.

    Consequences of combining contraceptives with smoking

    If you continue to smoke nicotine cigarettes while using medications containing the hormone estrogen, then this can lead to serious problems with the circulatory system, namely, the formation of blood clots that will interfere with the flow of oxygen, and with it nutrients to the body.

    For example:

    • In case of impaired blood circulation in the brain, the condition is fraught with the formation of a stroke;
    • In case of impaired blood circulation of the heart, a heart attack often occurs;
    • Stagnation of blood in the veins provokes venous expansion;
    • The risk of developing tumors of the uterus or breast due to cell mutations increases significantly.

    Now there is a huge number of various contraceptives, the choice of which, of course, should be approached with extreme caution, having studied the contraindications, side effects. But, the best alternative would be to quit smoking.

    However, it can be very difficult for smokers with "experience" to do this. This is due not only to emotional dependence, a person begins to feel much worse.

    There is a kind of nicotine "withdrawal", which is not possible for an unprepared body to cope with. In this situation, drugs without hormones can be considered, but they will be less effective.

    In addition, it should be noted that smoking, one way or another, is poorly combined with any medicinal substance. The nicotine-free e-cigarettes that have recently become fashionable could be a solution to a difficult task.

    However, even here the question remains open. The fact is that the composition of such cigarettes may not correspond to the declared one. And even if there is no nicotine there, the effect of aromatic and other substances on the body is not fully understood.

    The choice is quite difficult. Therefore, it is not recommended to rely only on your own preferences; it is better to find a solution together with your doctor.