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  • Why see a deceased person in a dream? Church services in Orthodox churches in Jerusalem. Talking to a dead man in a dream - meaning

    Why see a deceased person in a dream? Church services in Orthodox churches in Jerusalem. Talking to a dead man in a dream - meaning

    These dreams can be frightening and alarming. More often they lead in reality to changes in the weather and stir up memories of the past, recalling what is long gone. There are dreams in which dead people dream of living people whom you did not even know. The dream book interprets such dreams in various ways, but incomparably more often those whom we once knew come in an unexpected form. This is why I had such a dream.

    Those who recently left this world

    Usually the dead look into our eyes or talk as if they were alive. There is a feeling of complete presence, as in reality. In this case, the dream book writes what such a dream means if the deceased speaks to you, looks, makes gifts or eats at a common table. If during his lifetime he was a pleasant and kind person, then such a dream promises you support in life, in various endeavors.

    Why dream if he just looks at you intently, looks at things and enters the rooms of the house, then the dream book writes that in reality an exciting event can occur that will greatly scare you. A look directed at the dreamer means that the deceased does not approve of your plans, or that trouble or trouble may happen to the one who had such a dream. If the deceased person was your parent or relative, this means that it is worth remembering and that in life there is a risk of making an annoying nuisance and mistake.

    Why did the deceased man dream of being alive, who spoke to you or looked at you with condemnation? The dream interpretation interprets the dream in this way. Either the dreamer will make meanness to someone or make a mistake that will affect his life and the fate of loved ones, or you just need to remember the deceased in the temple, if he was baptized and was not distinguished by good behavior during his lifetime and often sinned.

    Why dream that a deceased person walks around the apartment as if alive and inspects furniture, touches the bed or plays a musical instrument? The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a harbinger of misfortune in the house. If he touches the bed, then in reality the one who lies on it will get sick, and if he commands the house or plays the piano, then some great grief will happen in the house.

    If a recently deceased person walks around the room as if he were alive, inspects furniture, rips off wallpaper or breaks something, the dream book writes that soon there will be a misfortune or fire in the house. Possible threat to material well-being.

    If the deceased is happy and cheerful, wait for good news and communication in a friendly company.

    Long gone

    Why dream that dead people look at you again and walk as if they were alive? The dream book writes that soon your life will be filled with memories and those that are gone forever. Old things and problems will remind of themselves again, and you will again begin to do the same as before. Sometimes books on dreams portend a meeting and acquaintance with a person who outwardly or in character resembled the deceased.

    Why do unfamiliar dead people dream, who are first seen alive and then die? Such a dream means a long period of longing and loneliness, personal and dramatic experiences. If the corpses have been taken away or they have disappeared, what has bothered you for a long time will remain in the past forever. Sometimes such a dream means the collapse of hopes for a better future and a relationship with a loved one, severe disappointment and fear. What is the dream of a living person who was unfamiliar to you, but you know that he died a long time ago, because he refers generally to a different time? The dream book writes that the mystery of your past will require attention or the secret of the genus, having revealed which, you will very soon learn something important and valuable for yourself at the moment. If the dead people in the cemetery were resurrected and became alive again, why is this a dream? The dream book gives an unusual interpretation to such a dream. Especially if a dead person suddenly became alive. This means that soon you will find out some secret or discover unusual abilities in yourself. Pay attention to who exactly were alive. If your friends and good acquaintances, just nice people, have been resurrected, such a dream means joy, an old business that will soon become very profitable and favorable.

    Seeing alive those who were angry and aggressive in a dream - to fear and disturbing news. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream to big troubles, the danger of fire and robbery, conflicts in the house. If a deceased person, like a living person, began to behave aggressively and destroy everything that came across him, this is a call to caution. A danger that you thought was irrelevant will again remind of itself. Expect not only troubles, but also the return of what scared and alarmed. For example, a former admirer, a strict relative, or a drunken spouse, for example, in the form of a new life partner.

    If a deceased person, like a living person, communicates with you, then this means that your loneliness will soon end, and things will gradually improve.

    Often relatives come to us in dreams, friends are just acquaintances, those who are no longer with us, those who have gone to another world. Meeting with the dead in dreams can carry a different meaning, somewhere it will be a warning, somewhere it will be a request from the deceased about something, somewhere it is just psychological relief.

    Many of us are afraid of such meetings, many want them. The dead in their dreams are afraid, most likely, for only one reason - the fear that the deceased will call for him to another world. But more often the dead, especially relatives and close friends, come to warn of the danger and help live happily ever after.

    Relationship with the deceased

    As sad as it sounds, sooner or later we all have to face the death of loved ones. Sometimes it is so unexpected that we have an urgent need to find out what the matter is, and what exactly happened. Why? Often, after a funeral, a deceased may come to close relatives and people from close circle and open the veil of the secret of his death.

    Sometimes the dead come and ask for something, especially often - to let go. Resign to death, show your new life after death. Requests can be different and the picture that the deceased usually show can be completely different. The most important thing is to learn to understand what exactly the deceased wants to say, and what needs to be done, or what to beware of.

    Dreams soon after the funeral often carry a psychological relief, the deceased talk and ask that no one blames himself for his death, the deceased forgave past grievances that turned out to be petty on the scale of the universe. Or if the grievances were really serious, then the deceased may come in dreams and give the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, as they say, to ease the soul of the dreamer. Carrying the abuser's stone on you for the rest of your life is pretty hard. Thus, we calm down as much as possible. And gradually we realize that life goes on, no matter what.

    If the dead come to us in dreams significantly after the funeral, then, most likely, there will be some kind of warning in this dream. Efforts must be made to decipher such dreams. The interpretation of dreams will depend not only on what events were dreamed, but also on who exactly dreamed, what relation the dreamer has to the deceased.

    Dreamed of a dead man: the opinion of various dream books

    According to folk omens, if a deceased dreamed - wait for a change of weather (or bad weather, often rain)... This will be true only if the deceased had a dream in a rainbow dream, does not ask for anything, does not show any discontent or claims.

    But it is not only the change in weather that marks the arrival of the dead in our dreams. So, if the dreamer believes that death is the beginning of a new life, then meetings with the dead carry warnings, a way to solve problems, and so on.

    If a deceased close relative appeared in a dream, with whom they had a warm relationship, then you should listen to the words, actions and everything that happens in the dream. In most cases, such dreams and the arriving dead warn of change, but this is not necessarily bad news. It may be just the opposite - the black streak ends, and only good luck lies ahead.

    If you dreamed of many dead people, this is a bad sign. Such a dream can be a sign of a global catastrophe, an epidemic, which in one way or another will be associated with the dreamer.

    If the deceased dreamed in the form of a loved one, i.e. we understand that this is in reality a friend, a husband, but his appearance is dead, then this may indicate a loss of trust and feelings. A new period will begin in life with these people, and this is not always a bad thing. Perhaps the family had problems, tense relationships, faded feelings for her husband, and such a dream can symbolize the death of “dislike” for her husband, and a new love will follow.

    Own death in a dream can mean a lot, everything will depend on the surrounding life situation. So, on the one hand, own death in a dream speaks of good health and nothing bad will happen in the near future. On the other hand, your own death promises significant life changes. A chain of events begins, which ultimately will significantly change life - the old life will die. Also, his own death can promise the end of any important business, the dreamer is released from obligations.

    Sometimes a dream may occur when a currently living relative, friend is dying or has already died. You should not be afraid of such a dream, such dreams promise well-being for the dreamer, or a break in the relationship between the dreamer and the dreamed. Psychologists say that such dreams reflect aggression and a desire to remove the dreamed person from your life.

    Another group of psychologists considers dreams with the appearance of the dead to be empty; these are those dreams that project emotions and experiences about the death of a loved one onto the state of the dreamer. This statement is especially true in the case of the recent death of a loved one. Thus, our consciousness expresses sadness and longing for the deceased person, and tries to get emotional relief.

    What did the living dead do?

    In the interpretation of dreams, the actions that took place in a dream are of great importance. Despite the fear caused by the dead in a dream, and the feelings with which we wake up after such dreams. In most cases, the dreamed dead bring positive news with them.

    If the deceased died a long time ago and his appearance in a dream causes a storm of emotions, hugs with him indicate that soon it will be possible to get rid of fears and worries. With his arms, the deceased shelters us from negativity, bad and gives us peace of mind.

    Responding to the call of a dead person promises an early illness, or deep depression. If the deceased shows money, or you have to give coins or money to the deceased - unexpected expenses, monetary losses. Such dreams are especially disturbing before a large purchase or investing in any event or business. As a result, you can be left with nothing. If the deceased, especially a loved one or loved one, gives something of value, not necessarily money, then this promises an unexpected profit.

    The coffin with the deceased reflects the state of affairs in the professional sphere, to see such a dream is not a good omen and soon one should expect problems at work. If in a dream you have to carry a coffin with a deceased, then things at work are so bad that you may soon have to look for a new job.

    Who exactly dreamed about?

    According to Miller's dream book, if a dead person appears in dreams, a warning. And what kind of warning this is will depend on the status of the person who appeared in the dreams. There are many variations in interpretation, and everything will depend on the state of affairs in reality, and what is most worrisome.

    So, if you are filming close relatives - parents, they want to warn that there are dangerous adventures and unprofitable events ahead that can bring many problems. To see in a dream how a deceased relative rose from the dead, speaks of the bad influence of friends and acquaintances, under which the dreamer is, well, or will soon fall. Rising from the dead symbolizes not only a warning, but also the willingness of the deceased to help, and by all means and forces, the deceased is even ready to rise from the dead in order to protect him from danger.

    Deceased close relatives can dream as a sign before a dangerous adventure, as a warning. Sometimes the danger is so obvious, and the dreamer may even feel it, and then, to resolve all fears, the deceased puts the end point in a dream. So, the deceased father is a sign of a close adventure, into which even the closest people can be drawn, and which will incur many losses, both financial and moral and emotional.

    If you dreamed of a conversation with a deceased mother, this is a kind of call to control your inclinations, and pay close attention to your health. If a deceased brother / sister dreamed, then this is a sign that someone needs the support and compassion of the dreamer, sometimes even compassion.

    Regardless of who is the status of the dreamed deceased, if he is trying to warn about something, or provoke a promise, then this dream warns of an impending depression, which will have to be resisted. Ahead lies a decline in business, there may be difficulties in communicating with loved ones, and this period is worth going through, and the result will depend on how exactly it is going through it. It is worth listening carefully to the advice of the deceased, and try to follow their instructions.

    Hearing the voice of the deceased in a dream is a positive sign, and this voice should be listened to, and the words of this voice should be written down and then analyzed. It is believed that it is the voice that is the only possible form of communication, warning, which is sent by an external force from the near future. And only this signal form can be perceived by our sleeping brain.

    Paracelsus (15th century physician and alchemist) advised to pay attention and listen to the voices that we hear in a dream. The dreamer can receive real advice from the deceased loved ones. Using these tips in real life has yielded very good results.

    The arrival of deceased grandparents should be distinguished into a separate, significant group. If parents, at the call of nature, even from the other world, watch their children and guide them in the right direction. Then grandparents come only at the most critical moments, both in a good and negative sense of the word. On the one hand, the appearance of grandparents can speak of an impending serious test, a serious illness of relatives, or even one's own.

    On the other hand, if the sleeper is facing a serious choice, literally at a crossroads, then wise older relatives can suggest the right choice. And this will speak about the seriousness of this choice, we can say that this choice turned out to be fateful.

    Not only close blood relatives, but also native people can dream, although not by blood. So if you dreamed about a deceased friend, or a good acquaintance, you should wait for important news. The deceased spouse is an omen of great misfortune. If dead children dream, then, oddly enough, this is a good sign, soon there will be an addition in the family and everything will be fine.

    A dream with a deceased person sometimes makes you panic: due to the direct perception of night images, the dreamer expects something bad. But most often, such visions precede only a sharp change in the weather, and can also hint at pleasant changes in the future, which it is important not to miss due to your own inattention.

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        General interpretation

        After visions in which a deceased person dreams as if he were alive, there are always heavy sensations. Some people are sure that seeing a dead person is a harbinger of imminent death or serious illness.

        In fact, the reasons for these images are different. It is likely that an unusual dream portends positive changes in the future or something unusual. Although such images may have a psychological background, therefore, each case is deciphered individually.

        • The most common reasons for the appearance of a dead person in a dream:

          • longing for departed relatives and close people;
          • the desire to part with the past, which constantly overtakes;
          • veiled clues from the subconscious.

          If the deceased appeared before 40 days, this means that the sleeping person greatly yearns for him. On a subconscious level, a person dreams of returning a loved one, reviving him in all available ways. Sometimes, in this way, there is a desire to ask for forgiveness for something in the past. In such cases, a mental farewell to the deceased is useful. In Christianity, it is customary to light a candle for the repose.

          What is the ex-husband dreaming of - interpretation in dream books

          Why do acquaintances who have died dream?

          If a person dreams of acquaintances who have recently died, there is no reason for alarm. Death made a strong, lasting impression, which was reflected in the form of an unusual dream.

          You can see the dead in a static position before the weather changes. If a person lies in a coffin, in good clothes and in an appropriate environment, the long-awaited warmth will come after the cold weather. When the environment is gloomy, and the deceased himself lies in untidy attire, changes in weather conditions will not be for the better. In some cases, an unkempt dead man hints at a black streak in life, when the most daring plans crash against harsh reality. A neat deceased in a coffin indicates a quiet period.

          Why do deceased relatives dream?

          Family ties are considered the closest. They are difficult to break even after death, as evidenced by dreams with long-dead relatives. The interpretation of a dream depends on personal relationships, on the degree of kinship and on the environment. If the dream makes a heavy, depressing impression, you should not expect something positive in life.

          When the deceased cries in a dream, you should reconsider your behavior in real life. Too harsh, critical attitude towards others can provoke conflicts in personal life and at work. Tears often indicate an abundance of bad habits that must be urgently abandoned.

          In some cases, deceased relatives try to return the dreamer to reality. Due to loss or some kind of internal conflicts, workaholics completely go headlong into work. They refuse any entertainment, as they consider them a betrayal of the deceased. Against the background of increased stress, the risk of developing neuroses and depressive states increases, which is warned by sleep.

          Sometimes dreams with loved ones indicate weak security. On a subconscious level, a confused person turns to the most reliable advisors for help. Attempts to get answers in this way turn out to be effective if you know how to decipher them correctly. Otherwise, there is only a feeling of disappointment, confusion and uselessness.


          The grandfather personifies the basis of the family, its support and center. If he comes in a dream, then the situation has reached a critical point. Such a dream is closely related to finances, business relationships, and career. When the grandfather frowns, shows his displeasure, you should expect trouble in your career. Such a guest warns of possible betrayal on the part of partners or complaints from the authorities for mistakes in work.

          When the grandfather smiles, silently nods at the sight of his grandson or granddaughter, you should tune in to positive emotions. This behavior indicates full approval of the chosen path in life. You can count on comprehensive support from your ancestors, which will improve your financial situation. The likelihood of profitable contracts, promotion of a deal or an unexpected material bonus is high.


          The father symbolizes strength, power and stability. Like his grandfather, he is responsible for the financial, material side of life. A sad dad appears in situations where there are high costs. It is necessary to take a closer look at the closest environment, as these people can behave strangely and unpredictably. After such a dream, the likelihood of betrayal on the part of friends increases, who will go for it for their own benefit.

          An affectionate, caring dad is a good sign for men and women. For the stronger sex, he predicts easy additional profit. Even if before this moment on the way to achieving the goal there were any obstacles, they will disappear in a short time. For girls, such a dream predicts a meeting with a caring man who can give care and custody. It will get rid of many problems and help in self-realization.


          When a deceased grandmother is present in a dream, you should pay attention to personal relationships. A sad, saddened old woman hints at an upcoming break with her husband or young man. A divorce is likely, caused by petty nit-picking on both sides. Scandals break out without much reason, but always end emotionally. Given the possibility of such an outcome, it is possible to restore peace in the family and avoid separation.

          When a granddaughter sees a happy, smiling grandmother, she can count on the support of higher powers. A period of unusual acquaintances, bright dates and a great pastime will begin. Free girls will meet their soul mate, with whom the relationship will develop in the most pleasant way. Men will reconsider their priorities and begin to devote more time to loved ones.


          The most dear person is a mother who is ready for anything for the sake of her child. When mom comes in a dream, she wants to warn about difficult times. She tries to give advice on how to act in this situation in order to avoid problems. If you read the message correctly, you can restore balance in life. Most often, the appearance of a mother indicates a neglect of personal relationships, which, due to a career, fade into the background.

          If very little time has passed after the death of mom, the dream book interprets such visions unambiguously. A son or daughter developed an acute melancholy, a spiritual craving for a departed person, which caused family images. After rethinking your attitude towards the deceased, disturbing dreams will recede. When the image of a mother haunts her daughter or son, it is better to seek help from a psychotherapist. Such pictures indicate impending neurosis or depression.

          When a dream is filled with positive emotions, warmth and tenderness, a man will meet with a soul mate. He should take a closer look at his surroundings, since the future wife is often around. The appearance of a happy mother in a dream sets girls up for an early marriage, which brings peace and joy. If a married woman sees her mother in a dream, she should prepare to replenish the family. Most often, a mother becomes a guardian angel for the family of her children, protecting them from all troubles.

          Why is your beloved husband dreaming?

          If the widow was visited in a dream by a long-deceased husband, one should not be afraid or tune in to negativity. It is necessary to remember the details of such a dream. When a woman hid from the outside world for a long time, devoted herself to memories, her beloved is trying to bring her back to real life. He shows that it's time to let him go and start building new relationships. If a woman listens to the advice, the new marriage will be successful and long lasting.

          A husband who appears in a dream is often a symbol of loneliness and longing without the company of the departed. Such dreams indicate a desire to reunite with a loved one, to revive him by any means. If you do not accept the death of a loved one, you can easily become depressed. To avoid negative changes in mental health, it is worth finding some kind of outlet, going out more often. Believers are helped by going to church, ordering a service for the repose, which allows them to accept the death of their spouse.

          What did the deceased brother or sister dream about?

          A deceased brother in a dream indicates the upcoming success in building your own business and in managing financial affairs. He also predicts an unexpected profit or payment for previously completed work.

          If a deceased sister dreamed, this means mental anguish, doubts, as well as personal relationships that need to be urgently established. When she appeared happy and beautiful, you can count on a new romance or strengthening the existing union. For young girls, the likelihood of meeting a future husband who will fully match the ideal image increases. For men, such pictures predict success with the opposite sex, which helps to find a life partner in a short time.

          Interaction with the dead in a dream

          When in a dream it is not relatives who appear alive, but unfamiliar deceased, a personal interpretation of the information received is necessary. They take into account the clothing of the deceased, and his environment, and behavior. A neat, tidy deceased, well-disposed, indicates positive changes in life. For the sick, he portends a speedy recovery, especially after a serious and prolonged illness.

          When the deceased is dreaming and a person has to talk to him, it is worth remembering the content of the conversation. In such visions, one can get useful advice or find a solution to an old problem. A white streak begins in life, and a person gains the long-awaited peace of mind. Any actions are taken easily and naturally, which allows you to quickly achieve your goals.

          When a dead person hugs and tries to lead with him in a dream, it is necessary to take care of his well-being. The risk of developing serious diseases that will have to be treated for a long time increases. In some dream books, such dreams hint at a new intimate relationship or the return of a former admirer. Such a connection will not bring anything good, but only completely exhaust the woman.

          Kissing the deceased or having sex with him is a clear hint of impending grandiose changes in life. For men, such spicy dreams guarantee a rich sexual relationship. For girls, this dream promises an unusual acquaintance with a young man who turns out to be a future husband. For married ladies, a vision predicts a bright romance, but it is better to refrain from it.

          If in a dream the deceased gives money or offers some kind of present, there is a high probability of making a profit. In reality, it will be possible to return old debts or receive a reward for the work that has already been forgotten about. When the deceased is trying to take something away or asks, you will have to take a closer look at your spending. The dreamer will face unexpected financial losses.

          The most sad consequences are dreams in which not the deceased himself is present, but only his silhouette. A dangerous sign is a ghost moving in the direction of the sleeper. Such pictures portend a serious illness, sometimes even the death of a friend or relative. You must be careful on the roads.

    A change in weather is the most common interpretation of a dream, where the dead dream alive. Especially if these are unfamiliar people who did not play a noticeable role in the dreamer's life. For example, a deceased neighbor or former colleague. Also, such dreams can portend changes in the dreamer's life, but the changes are minor.

    The dead man chases the sleeper in his sleep

    Memories haunt. A person constantly mentally returns to the past. Nostalgia and longing do not allow to live in peace.

    The deceased comes to life before our eyes

    Such a dream foreshadows pleasant events: the visit of long-awaited guests, the return of a thing that seemed lost forever.

    Talk to the dead in a dream

    Conversations with the deceased can provide an answer to many questions that torment the dreamer in real life. The message can often be taken literally. Sometimes deceased relatives express some claims, their dissatisfaction. For example, when a suffering mother dreamed of her deceased son, he strictly ordered not to mourn for him anymore: "Mom, I am already standing waist-deep in water from your tears."

    Sometimes in a dream, the dead are silent. The dreamer himself tries to start a conversation, but they do not make contact with him. Such a dream suggests that a deceased person who came in a dream simply has nothing to say. He wishes the dreamer all the best and has come to remind of himself.

    Sitting at the same table with the dead. Such a dream can mean extremely unpleasant events: health problems or even an early death. Especially if the dreamer's birthday is celebrated in the company of deceased people.

    The deceased is angry or sleeping - this is a dream that warns that the time has come to reconsider your behavior. There is a possibility of making a fatal mistake. The key to understanding this dream is the topic of the conversation and the words that the deceased said.

    The deceased person laughs in his sleep. This means that the dreamer is on the right track. In all endeavors, he will be accompanied by good luck and luck.

    Walking together or traveling with the dead symbolizes the past, which will soon remind of itself.

    If you dream of a photograph of the deceased, then the meaning of such a dream will be prompted by the appearance of the one who is shown in the picture. If the face is kind and calm, then you should not expect trouble. If the expression on his face is evil, then the sleeping person's personal life may soon be tested. Perhaps parting with a loved one, various disagreements and resentments in the family.

    Why else do dead people dream alive?

    You can find the key to such dreams if you carefully listen to your inner feelings and compare them with the current situation. For example, often dead people in this way remind the living of themselves. Through sleep, they ask to be remembered.

    Often the dead come in a dream to warn the dreamer about the upcoming changes in his fate.

    Sometimes the dead come in a dream because they think and remember a lot about them. Very often deceased relatives, but do not say anything. It is just the subconscious that realizes the desire to see a loved one again. In reality, this is impossible, so dead people come alive in a dream.

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    People die for various reasons, and not always their death can be easily erased from the memory of others. And sometimes you need to find out the secrets that a person took with him to the grave. And the easiest way to do this is to talk to him in dream.


    Tune in to a long meditative process. You are unlikely to get what you want the first time, as it requires some brain preparation. And while you collect your thoughts and master the necessary skills, answer the question of whether you really need this contact. After all, there is a possibility that later it will be difficult to bring the situation back. Remember, things may react unpredictably to your call. Plus, if he or she loved you, it’s more likely that unwillingness to show yourself is a concern for your well-being.

    Train your imagination. There are many different esoteric workouts for this. For example, try to “make” a match light up or change the color of interior items while retaining all other characteristics. A visually presented white sheet of paper with black dots that must be controlled is also good for the mind.

    Learn not to think about anything for a long time. Then you can control your mind completely.

    Fall asleep in the right mood. A chain of three points should have formed in your mind by this time. The first one is your imagination in full flight. The second is something that will rivet your imagination to reality. By this time, you yourself will understand what this factor will be. And the last third point should be your desire to receive an answer or other necessary information.

    Helpful advice

    In general, the phenomenon of the dead in a dream to the living is always a negative factor. If you are periodically visited in a dream by the same deceased relative or acquaintance, then he has something to tell you. Visit the grave of such a guest. Perhaps there you will get your answers.

    As a rule, having seen a deceased relative in a dream, a person begins to worry and see an exclusively negative meaning in his dream. However, do not panic, since such a dream does not portend death or any serious health problems.

    Most of the famous interpreters of dreams believe that the dead come in a dream with the aim of warning about something. What can a dream mean in which you saw a deceased relative?

    1. If you had a dream immediately after the death of a person, then look for purely psychological reasons in this. The pain of the loss of a loved one is quite painful and is mainly accompanied by dreams in which you see your relative still alive. In this case, you need to do your best to distract yourself and learn to live in a new way. Psychologists say that after a while, such dreams will cease to visit you.

    2. It so happens that in a dream comes a relative who died long ago. Such a dream should be assessed as a certain symbol or stimulus to action. Gustav Miller, in his famous dream book, describes several situations associated with the arrival of the dead in dreams. The dead brother is a warning that your friends need help. Seeing a mother in a dream is a sign of possible health problems. In case of resurrection in dreams of deceased relatives, you need to pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps there are intrigues around you, and any monetary measures will turn into failure.

    3. The famous soothsayer Wanga interprets dreams with the dead in a different way. If you hug the dead in a dream, then get ready in real life for significant changes. It can be moving, changing jobs, or even having a baby. A sick relative in a dream portends a serious life situation, a way out of which friends will help you find a way out. Kissing a loved one in a dream, who died long ago, means that peace will come in your life, and fear will leave your soul.

    4. Psychotherapist Sigmund Freud in his works on the interpretation of dreams emphasizes that the dead lead to a long and happy life. In this case, you must carefully listen to your loved one, as this information may be extremely important for your future. If the deceased begins to call you with him, then such a dream speaks of problems with the central nervous system and increased excitability.

    A dream about sexual relations with a deceased person means longing for him, a desire to communicate on an incorporeal level, penetration into the world of the dead and stay in it.

    If you see yourself with a person who was your blood relative, the dream symbolizes nostalgia for who you were once, longing for the years gone by, for the former spontaneity, liveliness of judgments and fresh outlook on life.

    If in a dream your partner is just a former acquaintance, a dream means your subconscious desire to learn about what death is, what is the meaning of life, what happens to a person after his soul departs to another world.

    Through sexual intercourse, the dead give us some knowledge about the most significant issues of life and death. With the help of the bodily apparatus, as the most accessible to understanding of a living person, they try to convey to us something important, what we need to know, what we are striving for.

    Another version of the interpretation of sleep: the sterility of the body and soul, the inability to generate thought, create ideas, the inability to have children (literally and figuratively).

    Dreams about sex with long-dead people since ancient times were considered a very bad sign for the dreamer. An example of this is the fate of the famous Roman commander Mark Antony. Just before his death, he saw in a dream that he was in love with the progenitor of the Romans, Romulus. At this time, the commander was hiding from the troops of Octavian Augustus in Egypt. He took the dream as a warning of a violent death and committed suicide by throwing himself on the sword.

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    Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality appeared in a dream

    Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) In our consciousness.

    In the popular belief "to see the dead in a dream to a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones who have died, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or luciphages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere most easily penetrate into people's dreams in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams.

    And since the energy of the luciphages is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival.

    And although luciphages very often "hide" under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with our supposedly deceased relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we feel special discomfort, intense excitement and even fear!

    However, from entering a direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces, we are saved by the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, that is, the unconsciousness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them.

    Nevertheless, quite often we can appear and "genuine", "real" body, once living with us close people.

    In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more confidential, intimate, intimate and benevolent.

    In this case, we can receive from deceased relatives a good parting word, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual energy support and protection (especially if the dead were Christian believers during their lifetime).

    In other cases, deceased people in a dream represent our own projections showing the so-called "unfinished gestalt", an unfinished relationship with a given person.

    Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts.

    As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse and spiritual cleansing.

    Interpretation of dreams from