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    View topic - servant of the land of taro manar. Earth release - Page of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of the card for any layout

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    Servant (KNAVE OF EARTH) - Card of hidden vices. Gossip, intrigue, denunciations, deceit. Complexity, bigotry, greed, emotional dryness, inability to give love. Various perversions are possible. AC. Early winter.


    Picture.Some in this life get everything, while others just scraps from the festive table. And everyone who, by the will of fate, is at the top, strives to peck the Ugly Duckling. But the Ugly Duckling does not always turn into a Beautiful Swan. Sometimes he resigns himself to his unenviable role and begins to play along with others, justifying their expectations. "You call me terrible, yes, I will become that to you." He gets angry at the whole world and hates everyone for his humiliation and deprivation. This unpleasant hunchback does not have a life of his own, he is ugly, exiled, but, however, does not suffer from a lack of conceit, which can take on hypertrophied proportions.

    Value. The character of the card has collected all possible vices. He overhears, spies, gossips, weaves intrigues, scribbles denunciations, collects incriminating evidence. He secretly spreads the nets of his insidious plans, feeling a sense of superiority over the whole world. The appearance of this card in the layout does not bode well. Only in a very favorable environment will she point to a deeply unhappy person who himself severely suffers from his shortcomings, but brings good luck to loved ones.

    Characteristics of relationships.The fear of loneliness keeps people together. Addiction.

    Physical state.Secret vices map. Perhaps homosexuality as an overcompensation for one's inferiority and revenge on women for rejection (however, the card can also describe a woman, then all of the above can take the form of militant feminism with contempt for all males). Complexity, any insufficiency, underdevelopment. This map suggests the presence of serious illnesses.

    Feelings. Emotional dryness, inability to give love. Greed, possessiveness, suspicion, manic jealousy. Hypocrisy and hypocrisy, vindictiveness.

    Condition and description of a person.Unrecognized genius, domestic Napoleon, painfully sensitive to criticism. Intriguer.

    Caution! You are being watched, intrigues are woven around you, and someone spreads gossip.

    Council.Take a close look at what is happening around you. Be vigilant.

    Astrological correspondence. Early winter.

    Kotelnikova A., Gerasimova E. - Erotic tarot. Exploration of the mysteries of love


    Cunning is your strong point from the race,
    Intrigue is the sweetness of being
    Trick and gossip, bigotry is the road,
    Leads you through life, and the path,
    What you have chosen is to your liking.
    You are not a seeker of fame, but intrigue,
    And with malice you won evil glory,
    You can destroy human destinies in an instant.
    You command slander with success,
    And you use rudeness wisely
    And many who have become a hindrance to you
    They see neither friends nor the father's house.

    Map plot
    There are no decorations on the stage. Desolation reigns there and there is no one but a grim figure in black. A gray cardinal or a court jester - we do not know, since the author did not provide us with a description. We can only contemplate the demonic image of this clown and think about what thoughts are wandering in his head.

    And the reason for this is in the most evil genius who is unable to comprehend love and cannot be happy. This is an evil prude who is capable only of envy and anger in relation to someone else's happiness.

    The value of the card in an inverted position
    The card indicates a kind genius who lives in a person and who seeks to help everyone simply out of the kindness of his soul. He saves, protects and warns those with whom his fate confronts.
    And he behaves this way not out of self-interest, but out of love for people and a sincere desire to help them.

    Positive manifestations in the situation (strengths)
    Sooner or later, but vices and weaknesses make themselves felt. So why not now see everything that prevents you from enjoying life, and what makes anger and hatred rule your destiny?

    Negative manifestations in the situation (weakness)
    Man is not ready to fight his passions. He is ready to cultivate them, multiply and indulge them, justifying himself and his weaknesses.

    Situation trends with a positive value (what can be expected next)
    Vices begin to spoil a person's life. Failures and mistakes cause his anger and hatred, and the success of those around him - envy and a desire to take away what they deserve at any cost. This is the path to vile deeds and nasty things that give a person temporary relief in the anger that bubbled inside him.

    Trends in the development of the situation with a negative value (what can be expected next)
    This is a help card. She very rarely appears in the scenario, but her appearance suggests that Fate itself stands up for a person, seeking to repay him in full and protect him from ill-wishers. With such support, a person can be afraid of nothing.

    D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. The magic of love

    Key words, meanings: deceit, deception, malicious intent, malice, ignorance. These characteristics are contained in a particular person.
    The cause of the event is a person who is not honest, cunning and cunning. He is so in essence, and not only in relation to you. Be on the lookout, otherwise your gullibility can cost you dearly.
    The consequences of an event depend on whether you trust him or not. But even if not, this does not mean that he will lose interest in you. Perhaps only for a while.

    Card value in an upright position
    A map of secret vices that seethe in a person, pushing him to the lowest deeds. It can be gossip, intrigue and denunciations that are designed to destroy someone's life. Insidiousness and evil calculation seek to trample someone's happiness.
    And the reason for this is in the most evil genius who is unable to comprehend love and cannot be happy. This is an evil prude who is capable only of envy and anger in relation to someone else's happiness.

    Real Time Event
    In reality, you had to face a “little evil”, an evil and extremely unpleasant subject, who in most cases causes disgust and a feeling of dirt on the skin after communicating with him. But your gut reaction means nothing to him, his goals and his interest. And wanting to please you is not one of those goals.

    Description of the situation, plot, setting
    In reality, this type of people is called "dealers" or "businessmen" who can be found both in the office of a large company and in the ordinary collective farm market. They cause persistent dislike for their fussy behavior and active desire to become "your friend." But behind all this there is one simple and quite understandable goal to gain trust and use you or your capabilities at your own discretion.

    A person's deed in work, deeds

    In a business environment, you are faced with a not very pleasant character. Perhaps you can get some benefit from communicating with him. And they want this question to be controversial, most prefer the possible benefit to the voice of common sense, which suggests avoiding such people.

    Deed in monetary and financial relationship matters

    When it comes to money, you are half a step away from losing money. Not a timely investment, a wrong plan, a contract with a mistake, there can be many options for how the inevitable will happen.

    The cause of the psychological state and the behavioral aspect
    The reason that people still fall for such people and their proposals is their ability to manage human weaknesses. And also greed, skillfully fueled by the person.

    Fears and concerns
    Fear is present in this card. This fear is the key to managing the fear of missing out. FASTER! SOON! THE LAST CHANCE! And if even one of these words touched you, it touched your fear, which led you along.

    Relationship people's reaction

    As mentioned above, people shy away from such people.
    But surprisingly, such people are never alone. Sooner or later, there is someone who gives in to their game, becomes addicted. People see, understand, but more often than not they cannot do anything either with themselves or with other people.

    Love is a form of expression of feelings
    Love in this case is a subject of bargaining or manipulation. Our individual cannot love, but he knows that he can love him, he takes advantage of this, as Alphonse takes advantage of female weakness.

    Family deed
    If the card describes a family, then everything in it is extremely difficult.
    There is no sincerity, there is no reality; everything is surrogate-artificial, everything is for show and everything is out of place. Why do they need it? Such people also have the right to their own, albeit not quite ordinary, family.

    Magic signs of influence
    The card does not indicate magical influence. It indicates the human influence exerted by a particular person. Which is also not very pleasant in itself.

    Advice, recommendation

    In dealing with such people, you should trust your instincts, not feelings. If the subconscious says "run" it should be done. And if the voice of reason is added to the voice of the subconscious, saying “everything will be fine” or “now I will do everything and run away,” you should know that you have already been captured by your enemy.

    D. Nevsky. Taro Manara. All the colors of love

    Often, the image of the young Bulletin can express the waste of money on pleasure, as well as the phoning and fiscalism characteristic of children. It is not for nothing that in the "Erotic Tarot of Manara" deck, the Servant of the Earth is depicted casting a large gray shadow. It belongs to a young man who is leaning against the wall, possibly eavesdropping. Like a little Jesuit, he humbly folded his hands. He tries to look exemplary. However, as you know, devils are found in a still pool. Nobody knows what the "sweet boy" will do next. The map often speaks of unreliability, immaturity, the ability to blurt out too much, and sometimes about the involvement of a certain person in the "secret office".

    Gossip, intrigue, compromising evidence, scam, fraud, treachery "behind the back", hypocrisy, cunning and dishonesty. This card is unpleasant and when it appears in the layout, you should be more careful - you can get into a bad situation. Loneliness, deception, addiction, secret vices. There are no relationships as such - they are destroyed, and not even begun. Someone may behave in an inappropriate way, have evil intentions. He is notorious, embittered at the whole world, looks down on everyone. Substituting others, he feels superior. Sex is a problem. There is some kind of inferiority, inferiority and compensation for this in the form of militant behavior. There may be diseases of the genital area. At best, the map will show a situation where something needs to be kept secret, although it brings suffering.

    Feelings:Dislike, envy, emotional dryness, anger, neglect because of their own complex. Inability to love, tightness, emotional dryness. Greed, jealousy, suspicion, and other negative feelings. There may be a desire to take revenge, to take revenge for their problems and inferiority. Stealth. Painful sensitivity.

    Alexey Klyuev

    The overall value of the card:

    A man has appeared in your society who observes you, sucks up and cringes to you, but know that he will one day betray you, sell you and your secrets for money, because he does not need more. The card speaks of career growth. Career news. Speaks about expanding the scope of work and your position. Either way, she's talking about good financial news. even if the news is not good at first glance, there is always some potential in your business when this page falls out, because it always brings money. If you don't find them in the news, then you need to analyze this news and find details, because they have monetary potential.
    Next to you is a man who is young in body, but old in soul, he has no intuition, he is guided only by common sense, does not like to take risks, does everything like a book, as he was taught, and does not deviate from the rules. He does not live in relationships - he calculates them. he does not live by feelings, he lives by calculations, miscalculations, analysis of the resources of the future and the present.
    If the card falls out to a Woman, then she will try to preserve and maintain her beauty until a ripe old age, she will keep herself in shape, she will do plastic surgery, she will do herself and make huge attempts to preserve her beauty. This card of lucky people, they are lucky, if you want to start something, then when this card falls out, you can safely get down to business, you will be lucky.
    The person under this card, if he works with you, even if he is your lover or colleague, he will always betray you and betray your secrets. therefore, if this card falls on an office romance with a colleague, then, as a piece of advice, do not chat about work in bed. This person may meet with you in support of his career, careerist. This person is reliable only in money, and in relationships, he can betray and move to another camp easily.
    This is a helpful person on his own mind. Goldfinch, socialite, sleek macho, who does everything to distinguish himself in society and to get some benefit from it. Due to the fact that he is observant and listens to everything, he can grab some idea, appropriate it and bring it to life.

    Confidence in the future.

    The initial stage of a relationship, when people look closely at each other, while they are incomprehensible and superficial for each other. One of the partners lives off the other. You are seduced by this relationship because they are being nice and helpful to you, but you need to be on the lookout because your partner may end up looking for benefits in you.

    The card warns that by chasing and paying for pleasure, you can lose a large amount of money.

    Search for pleasure at someone else's expense.


    Analyze your circle of acquaintances and environment, be careful, do not give out secrets. If you get a card for money, you need to expect news

    Natalya Manok, Elena Boyko (Suria)



    Secret Procs Map. Gossip, intrigue, denunciations, deceit. Complexity, bigotry, greed, emotional dryness, inability to give love. Various perversions are possible.

    Description on the map - Natalia Manok and Elena Boyko (Suria)

    Next to you is a man who is young in body, but old in soul, he has no intuition, he is guided only by common sense, does not like to take risks, does everything like a book, as he was taught, and does not deviate from the rules. He does not live in relationships - he calculates them. he does not live by feelings, he lives by calculations, miscalculations, analysis of the resources of the future and the present.

    If the card falls out to a Woman, then she will try to preserve and maintain her beauty until a ripe old age, she will keep herself in shape, she will do plastic surgery, she will do herself and make huge attempts to preserve her beauty. This card of lucky people, they are lucky, if you want to start something, then when this card falls out, you can safely get down to business, you will be lucky.

    The person under this card, if he works with you, even if he is your lover or colleague, he will always betray you and betray your secrets. therefore, if this card falls on an office romance with a colleague, then, as a piece of advice, do not chat about work in bed. This person may meet with you in support of his career, careerist. This person is reliable only in money, and in relationships, he can betray and move to another camp easily.

    This is a helpful person on his own mind. Goldfinch, socialite, sleek macho, who does everything to distinguish himself in society and to get some benefit from it. Due to the fact that he is observant and listens to everything, he can grab some idea, appropriate it and bring it to life.

    Confidence in the future.

    The initial stage of a relationship, when people look closely at each other, while they are incomprehensible and superficial for each other. One of the partners lives off the other. You are seduced by this relationship because they are being nice and helpful to you, but you need to be on the lookout because your partner may end up looking for benefits in you.

    The card warns that by chasing and paying for pleasure, you can lose a large amount of money.

    Search for pleasure at someone else's expense.

    Analyze your circle of acquaintances and environment, be careful, do not give out secrets. If you get a card for money, you need to expect news


    Melrose & 03 Feb 2015, 17:02

    The cause of the event is a person who is not honest, cunning and cunning. He is so in essence, and not only in relation to you. Be on the lookout, otherwise your gullibility can cost you dearly.

    The consequences of an event depend on whether you trust him or not. But even if not, this does not mean that he will lose interest in you. Perhaps only for a while.

    A map of secret vices that seethe in a person, pushing him to the lowest deeds. It can be gossip, intrigue and denunciations that are designed to destroy someone's life. Insidiousness and evil calculation seek to trample someone's happiness.

    And the reason for this is in the most evil genius who is unable to comprehend love and cannot be happy. This is an evil prude who is capable only of envy and anger in relation to someone else's happiness.

    In reality, you had to face a & little evil & a vicious and extremely unpleasant subject, which in most cases causes disgust and a feeling of dirt on the skin after communicating with him. But your gut reaction means nothing to him, his goals and his interest. And wanting to please you is not one of those goals.

    In reality, this type of people is called & dealers & or & dealers & who can be found both in the office of a large company and in the ordinary collective farm market. They cause persistent dislike for their fussy behavior and active desire to become "your friend". But behind all this there is one simple and quite understandable goal to gain trust and use you or your capabilities at your own discretion.

    In a business environment, you are faced with a not very pleasant character. Perhaps you can get some benefit from communicating with him. And they want this question to be controversial, most prefer the possible benefit to the voice of common sense, which suggests avoiding such people.

    When it comes to money, you are half a step away from losing money. Not a timely investment, a wrong plan, a contract with a mistake, there can be many options for how the inevitable will happen.

    The reason that people still fall for such people and their proposals is their ability to manage human weaknesses. And also greed, skillfully fueled by the person.

    Fear is present in this card. This fear is the key to managing the fear of missing out. FASTER! SOON! THE LAST CHANCE! And if even one of these words touched you, it touched your fear, which led you along.

    As mentioned above, people shy away from such people.

    But surprisingly, such people are never alone. Sooner or later, there is someone who gives in to their game, becomes addicted. People see, understand, but more often than not they cannot do anything either with themselves or with other people.

    Love in this case is a subject of bargaining or manipulation. Our individual cannot love, but he knows that he can love him, he takes advantage of this, as Alphonse takes advantage of female weakness.

    If the card describes a family, then everything in it is extremely difficult.

    There is no sincerity, there is no reality; everything is surrogate-artificial, everything is for show and everything is out of place. Why do they need it? Such people also have the right to their own, albeit not quite ordinary, family.

    The card does not indicate magical influence. It indicates the human influence exerted by a particular person. Which is also not very pleasant in itself.

    In dealing with such people, you should trust your instincts, not feelings. If the subconscious says & run & do it. And if the voice of reason is added to the voice of the subconscious, saying & everything will be fine & or & now I will do everything and run away &, you know, you have already been captured by your enemy.


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    Viber / WhatsApp: +38 099 1434246

    The Page of Pentacles is one of the minor arcana of the Tarot deck. As with a deck of ordinary playing cards, there are four suits in the Tarot deck. The page is related to the Jack card from the regular deck.

    In the article:

    Page of Pentacles in Tarot - the meaning of the card

    In an upright position such a symbol usually means some kind of potential. Since the Pentacle suit almost always belongs to the material life spectrum of a person, the meaning of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card most often speaks of the potential associated with obtaining monetary gain.

    A sign can speak of a certain profitable deal, the conclusion of a contract, the receipt of important advice or valuable experience. You may receive a job offer that interests you. A way out of a difficult state is also possible, and the outcome of the situation will be the most beneficial for you. The interpretation can apply to you personally, to your business, and to the people with whom you work.

    Such a Page upside down speaks of the worst manifestations of the material side of life. This is selfishness, greed, unwillingness to look at the spiritual side of life, wastefulness. The possibilities are far from what is needed to implement the idea. Plans and expectations fall short of expectations. Loss of interest and patience is the reason for the loss of good chances and somewhat illogical behavior.

    The value of the Page of Pentacles card in the layout for work and business

    This Page is in the Tarot when he is upright, informs about the possibilities. This is working on ideas, plans, as well as getting new assignments and assignments. Significant assistance will be provided in these tasks. It is also possible to change jobs for a more profitable job, as well as to move up the career ladder.

    This card also speaks of the conclusion of a profitable deal, but at the same time it also serves as a warning of inattention. The fortuneteller should be attentive to the documents that he signs, and pay attention to all the details of the contract. Even the most insignificant nuances can play an important role in the future.

    The meaning of the tarot card Page of Pentacles upside down talks about some of the difficulties. Typically, if they are business related, she warns that more investment may be required in order for the enterprise to function as intended. The card can also warn about the fact that the fortuneteller does not understand the business he is doing well. In addition, it is a warning that bureaucratic difficulties may be more serious than you thought.

    In general, this inverted card warns of problems that you have not considered because you do not have specific experience or knowledge. Difficulties should be expected precisely in those nuances about which you know nothing.

    Page of Pentacles in Tarot - meaning in the layouts of health

    Map upright speaks of a positive dynamics of recovery. If you are sick and wondering when the period of health problems will end, then there is not too long to wait. If this card is in an inverted position, the dynamics of recovery can be called medium-positive. That is, the disease is receding, but more slowly than possible.

    With regard to health problems, this card in an upright position means the deposition of stones in the gall or bladder. Problems with joints and related diseases, for example, osteochondrosis, can also be found.

    In an inverted position this Page warns of a high probability of getting a dislocation or sprain. When it means and nervous exhaustion, which occurred as a result of long and hard work, as well as depression, stress and other psychological problems caused by fatigue.

    Page of Coins in Tarot - meaning in relationships

    The main meaning in the relationship of the Tarot card Page of the suit of Pentacles is the opportunity to gain some experience. At the same time, both the emergence of new relationships and feelings and the strengthening of the existing connection can become a lesson for the fortuneteller. The interpretation is always positive if the card is upright... It is unlikely that a fortuneteller is in danger of divorce or a quarrel with a loved one. Usually this sign portends the transition of relations to a new level.

    If the fortuneteller is in a relationship, the cards advise him to take a difficult step and take the relationship to a new level, make them more serious. Such a card can also mean the resolution of conflicts and disagreements that have accumulated over the years. The transition of relations to a new level in this case has an extremely positive meaning.

    In an inverted position this Page says that you have stopped respecting your partner, or even never felt respect for him. Perhaps there is mutual disrespect. In addition, the card can speak of boredom and routine, in which this pair is mired, on which the alignment is being carried out.

    Since Coins are a suit associated with the material aspect of life, in a relationship it can mean inability to plan a family budget, stinginess of one of the partners, hoarding, excessive control of the partner's spending.

    Page of Pentacles - combinations in the Tarot

    A lot can be written about the combination of Tarot cards, like about, which can also change values \u200b\u200bdepending on the interpretation of neighboring cards. When it comes to combinations in the Tarot, Page of Pentacles is no exception. There are several interpretations of combinations of this card with others.

    So, for example, the Pages of Wands and Pentacles, which fell out side by side, have such a meaning - to receive news of the possibility. This can be both information about an open vacancy for a prestigious position, which there are good chances to take, or an offer of a rather profitable one-time part-time job.

    The Mage and the Page of Pentacles is an interesting combination. It does not speak about the situation, but characterizes a certain personality, which is associated with what the alignment is for. This is a person who has a passion for collecting and has good experience in this business. Most likely, he has an impressive collection. You can understand this meaning both literally and figuratively. In an inverted position this card near the lasso the Magician speaks of a narrow outlook.

    The value of the Tarot card Page of Pentacles in personality assessment

    Page of Pentacles means a dark-haired and dark-eyed guy or girl. This person was born under one of the zodiac signs related to the elements of the Earth. It can be Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.

    Wherein upright this card speaks of an inquisitive person who is young at heart. He is constantly in search of something new that can interest him. For a fortuneteller, this is a positive character who can become a messenger of good news. He is distinguished by refinement, sensitivity, interest in beauty, good education and erudition.

    The next card of the Tarot Manara deck is Servant of the Earth. “Insidiousness is your strong point from the clan, intrigue is the sweetness of being. A catch and gossip, hypocrisy, the road leads you through life, and the path that you have chosen is to your liking ... "(Dmitry Nevsky)

    The plot of the card Servant of the Earth of the Tarot Manara deck

    The plot of this map is very complicated. The man depicted on it is clearly dissatisfied, moreover, dissatisfied, most likely, with everything that happens in his life in principle. As the artist describes, we are talking about a person who is humiliated, offended. And at the same time he does not want to get better: he has already come to terms with how "bad" he is.

    The meaning of the Servant of the Earth card of the Tarot Manara deck

    Direct position

    The appearance of this card in the layout, as a rule, does not bring anything good. This person is deprived of something in life, and in order to somehow become better in his own eyes, he becomes a vile intriguer, an informer, an informer, that person who constantly eavesdrops, spies on what others are doing. In a word, he does not live his own life - he lives as strangers. Moreover, it is possible that he may have strange inclinations in the form of unconventional orientation, unconventional sexual preferences. In a word, if you see such a friend, it is better to run away from him.

    Inverted position

    In an inverted position, the card will mean that all the vices that we saw in the straight card will be released, splash out. For the carrier of all this "baggage" it is good, because he may be able to see what prevents him from living happily and joyfully. But for a person who is nearby, this can be a serious test. Yes, this might not be a sight for the faint of heart. Card value for relationships - it is a priori impossible to call relations normal on this map. After all, the motive of these relations is unambiguous: people are together because everyone is afraid of loneliness. For new relationships, this is also not the most beautiful card - in them we agree to what is, refusing to go further. Again, out of fear: what if I have no one else? Let this one be by your side.