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  • Cards lenormand moon in houses. Deciphering the map lenormand "moon"

    Lenormand moon cards in houses. Decoding the Lenormand card

    The layout on the gypsy oracle "Golden Horseshoe" is ideal for analyzing the situation and predicting the near and distant future. With the help of the gypsy oracle cards, you can analyze the situation and see how it will develop in the near and distant future.

    Fortune-telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classical decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and denote exactly what is depicted on them. From 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify a question of interest to you.

    Fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Zodiac" is used for a detailed study of the events taking place with you. This alignment is the most complete for the study and characteristics of a person's personality and life. Twelve runes corresponding to the zodiacal meaning of each rune give the most complete description of a particular sphere of life. Concentrate and think about the person on whom the fortune-telling will be carried out and select 12 runes from the scattering.

    An ancient way of divination "Yes or No?" on two dice gives a simple answer to a clearly formulated question. For this fortune-telling, a round napkin was used on which two cubes were thrown, then the sum of those cubes that remained on the napkin were calculated. If both cubes were outside the napkin, they no longer wondered. Before starting the fortune-telling, ask your question and click on the bowl to start fortune-telling.

    The layout of Lenormand's cards "Love, desire, passion" is used to learn about the thoughts, desires and feelings of partners relative to each other. Fortune-telling shows your attitude towards your partner, his towards you, as well as your general aspirations and desires. Before starting the fortune-telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

    The layout provides an answer to questions related to health, work and relationships. The explanatory card complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main card gives. Select a question type from the list below.

    Deciphering the map Lenormand "Moon"

    (Eight of hearts)

    Deciphering maps Lenormand »Map Lenormand" Moon "

    Overall value:

    Honor. Glory. Reward. Confession. Intuition. The Moon card has a double meaning. On the one hand, there is a thirst for pleasure and a search for adventure. Public recognition, fame, sometimes - a penchant for adventures. If a person observes traditions, then he is guaranteed the support and recognition of others. On the other hand, there is the need for rest, finding oneself in sensations and reflections. Advice to retire, engage in meditation, look into your past and understand the reasons for what is happening. Spiritually - successful transformation, transformation of abilities and experience. Next to good cards is reward, recognition, respect of others. Along with the bad ones - lack of recognition of merit, indifference of others, anxiety and depression.

    Work, business, affairs:

    Follow tradition. Traditional activities. Do not reorganize the business, the enterprise, do nothing new, enlist the support of employees. The profit will be small.

    Health, well-being:

    Psyche, soul, nerves. Depression tendency, unstable psyche, danger of mental illness.

    Relationships, questions about love:

    Recognition, glory, harmony. Your beloved wishes simple human happiness, relaxation, pleasant time in your company and enjoy the comfort of the hearth. He is completely confident in you, he is comfortable and calm, he wants to take care and patronize you. Changes are only for the better.

    Personality characteristic:

    A sincere person, mediumistic, intuitive, emotional, dreamy, capricious. Strong, robust or well proportioned build, normal height, rather blue or green eyes. Very sensitive and emotional people who suffer from frequent fluctuations in the state of mind. A great need for harmony, responsive, willingly surrounds other people with their care, well into the position of another person.

    Refers to a woman from 35 to 65 years old, mysterious, brooding, sad, melancholic and lonely. May mean mother, wife, sister, sister-in-law or mistress. A witch, a wise woman.

    Next to a person indicates deep intuition, ability to anticipate, artistic temperament, aesthetic taste, emotionality. Map of clairvoyants and mystics. It can also mean people who seem cold and indifferent, indicate lunatics.

    Nothing lasts forever under the moon. Reflect, trust your intuition and let the moon path lead you to the truth.

    Main meaning:

    8 Worms - a gift

    Everything related to the soul belongs to the Moon chart, as well as to the Pisces chart, but to a lesser extent, emotions, feelings, intuition, adaptation to the external environment. On this map and her house, in a large layout, you can see everything that is in a person's soul.

    In most books, the Moon card is considered favorable, I class it as neutral, with a large preponderance to the negative, because it speaks of instability, and instability in any area of \u200b\u200blife first of all gives rise to fear, a feeling of loss of ground underfoot, the fragility of reality. Therefore, this card should be interpreted depending on the other cards that fell in the layout, and you also need to look at where the Moon fell relative to the Querent card. In a good environment, Looney portends an emotionally saturated period, favorable, there is growth in the area regarding which the question was asked. It can talk about respect from others, recognition, reward, good luck in business and the growth of material well-being, because The moon still shone, albeit at night. In a negative environment, and even in itself, the Moon card speaks of anxiety, fear, confusion, melancholy.

    Astrologically, the Moon is a symbol of ancestral ties and roots. If a person adheres to tradition, then he can count on the support and recognition of others. This applies to both the family or clan, and the country as a whole, the place that is the homeland for a person.

    Spiritually, the Moon speaks of deep experiences and transformations, a rich inner world, abilities, especially of an esoteric sense, about deepening into oneself. The moon also speaks about the burden of the past, about memory, perhaps even from past lives, but it latently influences the events of the present day, and most likely in a negative direction, therefore this side requires attention and reflection.

    Separately, it should be said that the Moon is the significator of motherhood and the female line in the family.

    The Moon card is a pair to the Sun card, they are like 2 halves of a single whole, yin and yang, masculine and feminine. The sun is daytime, visible, active, rational consciousness, father. And the Moon is a nocturnal, secret, passive, irrational subconscious, mother.

    There is a popular belief that the Moon card is also associated with recognition of merit, approval and reward. It is difficult to understand this from the symbolism of the Moon itself, probably such an interpretation came from the decks where the Moon is depicted in a growing phase, and as it grows and gains strength and visibility on earth for all people, so the strength and influence of a person gain strength at the moment X all his achievements become obvious, people fall under the influence of his energy. It is worth noting that the Moon is the fastest moving planet, and therefore success and recognition can be very fleeting, tomorrow everyone will forget about you, you should not count on a long rest on your laurels.

    Another argument in favor of such an interpretation of the Moon card is in the book "Gypsy Fortune Telling Lenormand" by Bruno Bieri, where the symbolism of the number 32 is described as honor, fame, strength, impressionability, subconsciousness, meditation, dreams, sleep, magic.

    But the power under the map of the Moon is internal, largely unconscious and not manifested, it needs suitable conditions, but by themselves they can lead to success, involuntarily controlling a person's actions.

    Apart from the others, the Moon map does not give a clear answer yes or no, it may be so and so.

    Negative meaning:

    Shadow card

    The moon in a negative aspect gives fears, phobias, strong feelings and dependencies, longing for a loved one and a loved one.

    Because Since the moon card is associated with the goddess of the night, Hecate, then she is an indicator of external influence: damage, hassle, love spells through food and drink. The card has a short-term effect, but the consequences of this will manifest themselves over time.

    In matters of personal relationships:

    In personal relationships, the meaning of the Moon card depends on other cards in the layout. She can speak of peace, comfort, home, where you can rest and recuperate after a working day, care from loved ones and relatives. Your beloved wants simple human happiness, relaxation, quiet joint leisure. He is completely confident in your relationship, he is comfortable and calm, he wants to take care and patronize you.

    In a negative aspect, the Moon speaks of a consumer attitude towards people, instability, fears, changeability, a person does not know what to expect from a partner in the next moment. He is highly dependent emotionally, up to physical dependence, trying to adapt to his partner, to his mood swings, to please.

    The Moon card often indicates a rival, because the moon has a flip side that we never see, and it is associated with Lilith. Relationships can be built in a pair on deception, complex, people in a confused situation, what kind of situation it is - you need to look at the neighboring cards.

    In matters of business and finance:

    In business matters, the Moon map indicates traditional activities. There is no need to carry out reorganizations and reforms, and generally not the best moment to undertake something new.

    The moon is associated with the satisfaction of primary needs - food, water, sleep. Therefore, he says that there will be enough for life, a small pleasant profit, but instability in finances, that is, then no, like the ebb and flow. Only with the appropriate cards, for example, Pisces can speak of good financial gain. The moon itself speaks of a small profit. Financial swing. Unstable income.

    In medical matters:

    In medicine, the Moon is responsible for body fluids, hormones, the menstrual cycle, the psyche and the nervous system. It is most strongly associated with women's health, since the Sun is more associated with men and shows the cardiovascular system, and the Moon is the reproductive function, genitals and breasts.

    Also the genitourinary system and kidneys. Unstable psyche, danger of mental illness, especially near the Scythe. Near the Clouds, one can speak of psychosomatic diseases, phantom pains, hypochondria.

    As a personality card:

    The moon card describes a person who is intuitive, sincere, romantic. He often hovers in the clouds, makes fantasy plans, divorced from reality, dreams, may differ in melancholy, thoughtfulness, sadness. Usually such a person is responsive and takes care of others with pleasure, enters into their position. Great need for harmony. He is subject to outside influences and reacts strongly to changes in the weather and to changes in the mood of other people. Such a person may be gifted with an ear for music or fine taste, artistic perception, artistry due to the ability to imitate and easily rebuild, or magical abilities that can arise spontaneously and frighten him. Shyness and fears are another distinguishing feature of a person under the Moon map, he is very suspicious and superstitious.

    Often the moon card describes an adult woman or grandmother.

    In a negative aspect, the card describes a capricious balamut who is prone to mood swings or a liar who, like a chameleon, adjusts to the state he needs at the moment in order to get his own benefit, easily lies and weaves intrigues. This person is unpleasant, he may have a bad smell, he is inattentive and disorganized, which is why he easily makes stupid and similar mistakes. Fickle in affection.

    The Moon card is the significator of clairvoyants and mystics. It can also mean people who seem cold and indifferent and indicate lunatics.

    In Lenormand, Luna is a magic card. The key words of this card are instability, illusion, mystery surface, transformation, fertility, foresight, and the past.

    It can be negative or positive, depending on the surrounding cards. The moon is a symbol of emotional but passive principles. She is responsible for feelings and spontaneity.

    It corresponds to the eight of worms. A card may portend a gift, but the best reward for a person is the birth and life of a person. The moon is renewed monthly, it is a symbol of renewal.

    She talks about taking and giving, but giving more. The moon changes shape through various phases. She is changeable and is considered a symbol of the feminine principle, development and transformation.

    In general, in Lenormand Luna, a card of double meaning. On the one hand, she talks about the thirst for pleasure and the search for adventure, but also about the need to rest and reflect, this is a map of intuition and receptivity.

    Her advice is for the person to engage in meditation and find themselves. The card calls to look into the past, in order to understand the essence of the events taking place, you need to let your intuition work and listen to it.

    Spiritually, the card speaks of a successful transformation of abilities and experience, and on an ordinary level about the recognition of society. The moon symbolizes tradition and deep roots.

    If a person keeps traditions, then the family and team will support him. If the card is in a good environment, then the person will receive a reward and recognition, comfort and harmony. In a bad environment, she says that the merits will not be recognized, and others are indifferent, which will bring depression and discomfort.

    Lenormand Luna in divination for relationships

    In the layout for love, the card indicates that the person received a wedding proposal. This is a somewhat mysterious map, it has a lot of hidden things. She can express attraction or disgust and many other feelings.

    • The card speaks of deep feelings and the presence of a spiritual union between people, longing for a partner, feelings can ignite or fade away, but their true depth is important.

    The waning moon speaks of concentration and concentration, the culmination of development is the new moon.

    If the moon rises, then a person has a time of development and manifestation of feelings, with a full moon, mischief and anxiety are manifested. This is an evening card, dark wet rooms, femininity, tossing, spirituality, illusion and unconsciousness.

    Often she points to a mother or a woman, she speaks of high social status, fame and honors.

    This is a card of romance and feelings, but also the coolness and coldness of the night. The moon is often associated with dreams. If a person is having a hard time, he should pay attention to dreams, there may be a lot of useful and interesting information.

    As for reality, it may mean that it is time for a person to return then fantasy to reality.

    In the inverted meaning, the card means the destruction of a dream. Depending on the cards, one can conclude whether some kind of authority presses on a person or whether he believes in a person or himself.

    Luna Lenormand in the deal for money and work

    In the context of the profession, she indicates great obligations and the fact that a person, with his soul and body, is in his business, imbued and got used to it.

    He is ready to give everything for the cause, but overload is dangerous for him, perhaps he works at night.

    In the layout of health, the card indicates the psyche, nerves, soul, he is prone to depression, he may have an unstable psyche, there is a danger of mental disorders.

    • This is a map of soulful intuitive, emotional, dreamy people.
    • They have a strong and strong physique, normal height, green or blue eyes.
    • They are sensitive and emotional, their state of mind often changes, harmony is important to them, they are responsive, they care about others.

    Often this is a card of women 35 - 65 years old, they are mysterious, pensive, sad and melancholy. The card indicates good intuition, the ability to anticipate, artistry, good taste, and increased emotionality.

    A card of mystics and clairvoyants, but it can also fall out to cold, indifferent people. Her advice is not to go into illusion. It indicates approximately a monthly cycle, night, Christmas time.

    If it was shown by the alignment, then it gives an indefinite answer, a person must reflect and engage in introspection. In combination with Stork, she speaks of uncertainty about changes, and with Fork that it is better to make a decision later.

    If the alignment showed it, then the person will have long-term success, his profit will grow, but on the other hand he has dark forebodings, they need to be eradicated and go to new goals.

    If a person has this card, he is in danger of melancholy and discontent with others, he often dwells in romantic dreams. The card symbolizes hope for the best.

    Unfortunately, she also points to the flip side of female nature, cunning and cunning, so the card can warn of deception, difficult and painful moments of life.

    Do not give up your illusions. When they are gone
    maybe you will continue to exist, but you will stop living.
    Mark Twain

    Many are attracted by the moon, and this is understandable. Today you can observe its thin, barely noticeable, sickle, tomorrow it turns into a large yellow dish, and in a day it completely disappears from the night sky. And each time we understand that we see only a part of the moon - what is shown to us at the moment, here and now. And we know that tomorrow we may discover its hidden side, and we will discover new shades and nuances of its beautiful appearance. Because of this, we are constantly in a state of anxiety and tension, since we do not know what to expect tomorrow, what to prepare for. We can be deceived by its beautiful light, forgetting about the hidden side, and when in the end it is shown to the light, we can be deeply disappointed.
    It is not for nothing that the artist depicted the crescent of the moon on this card, unlike many other decks in which we see the full moon. Our sickle is surrounded on all sides by thickening clouds that are about to cover the clear starry sky. This is a signal that we should be prepared for the fact that at any moment the situation may change, and if now everything seems extremely clear, the next moment it will be impossible to distinguish neither the moon nor the stars in the sky.
    Animals feel the impending danger as well as possible, and begin to behave restlessly. This anxiety is transmitted to a person who does not yet understand what to expect, but feels that something is happening. And then he becomes more sensitive to his feelings and forebodings, begins to pay attention to signs of fate and warnings from the outside. Human behavior becomes akin to the behavior of a dog, which, sensing danger, begins to rush and prepare for something that is still unknown.
    Therefore, always be wary of the fallen lasso Moon in your hands and try to understand what danger he is trying to warn you about.


    Circe writes:
    "Value of the card:Fantasy. Dreaminess. An unusual acquaintance. An attractive secret. New impressions.
    On the negative side:Illusions. Imagination errors. Lying. Colds.

    The card carries a shade of Mystery, hidden information. The so-called - dark and muddy deeds, hidden motivation.
    Fears, from fear to phobia.
    The wolf symbolizes enemies, the dog symbolizes friends, on this card there are relationships with enemies and friends. Secret enemies.

    Illusions and mistakes, wrong vision of the situation.
    Towers are the path to the unknown. Unknown.
    The goddess of the moon is Hecate, mistress of crossroads, roads, and the map often shows a long road.
    Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, and often, but not always, magic goes along the 18th Arcanum (both gray and black)

    According to this card, women can have children, but cannot build a family, they are unlucky (possibly hereditary programs.) "

    (c) Circe

    Buddhika writes:
    "The moon and clouds are always a distortion: distortion of shape, distortion of color, sadness, sadness. A play of imagination.
    Oddly enough, but several times I got a wish fulfillment, but not quite the way you want it, you always get it a little differently.
    It is also a map of doubts, premonitions, deception and self-deception.
    Fears, mistrust, suspicion. It's always wet and cool and feels appropriate.

    (c) Buddhism


    Overall value: unclear and uncertain situation, delusions, illusions, something hidden and unmanifest. One side of the moon. Understatement, deception.

    Personality: incomprehensible, cloudy, with a well-developed intuition; mood swings, volatility, inconsistency. Can't be trusted.

    Health: women's health, cycle, genitourinary system, neuroses, meteosensitivity. Pregnancy. Sleep disturbances.

    Relations: it is not clear what to expect from the relationship and where they lead. Treason, lies, understatement. The querent may not know a lot about his partner. Actions behind his back. Pink glasses. Uncertainty in a partner.

    Work and money: unstable work environment, friction in the team; thoughts about changing jobs, but there are big doubts and uncertainties. Dark deeds, cheating. You don't know everything.

    Advice: listen to your intuition - what does the voice of your heart tell you? Stop, do not rush to go forward, be empathetic and alert. If something disturbs you, don't dismiss your premonitions. Pay attention to dreams.