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  • Other dream books are drawing. Draw: what is the dream about

    Other dream books are drawing. Draw: what is the dream about

    Earn honors; to see the drawing - to make plans for the future; to see yourself drawn - you are loved; others - a new acquaintance; landscapes or other subject - your property is growing; pose - adding a family

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation Hasse

    Dreaming Draw

    "drew" (a figure, an event, a girl), that is, it appeared, was identified. Show off, show off, show off, flirt, show your best sides

    Interpretation of dreams from the dream interpretation of idioms

    What does dream mean to draw

    If you drew in a dream - in reality you will receive unexpected income for a trifling job.

    Imagine that the picture you have painted is very bright and colorful, with many details.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Dream to draw

    If you dreamed that someone was drawing you, then in reality you do not know on whom to pour out your unspent feelings. You wanted to surrender to love, to give your loved one all of yourself without a trace, because you are prone to self-sacrifice.

    If you have not yet met a life partner, know that this will happen very soon.

    If you drew in a dream, it means that in real life you tend to idealize yourself and your life. You don't pay attention to objective factors. Your affairs are not so rosy, but you assure yourself that everything is going well.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

    What Dreams Mean To Draw

    If in a dream you draw castles in the air or symbols of royal power - a crown, scepter, mantle, etc., then such a dream warns you that you are indulging yourself with empty hopes. If in a dream the picture you painted is finished and looks quite realistic, in life you have a real chance to make a profit from a business that you did not hope for. Fantastic drawings or ornaments to see in a dream predicts that you should not get carried away with pipe dreams. Coloring a drawing with colored pencils in a dream means that you can diversify your life. But if the colors are too pretentious, bright or unnatural, then your hopes for a happy outcome of some enterprise will not be justified. The dream in which you are painting a picture means that you are engaged in self-deception. A dream in which you saw that someone ruined your picture means that your enemies or envious people will try to harm you. Seeing yourself drawn (your portrait) in a dream means that you have admirers. Going through your old drawings in a dream is a sign of sadness about lost happiness. See interpretation: picture.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

    What does it mean to draw in a dream

    Draw - Drawing is not visible - unrealizable hopes.

    The drawing is clearly marked - see what exactly - hopes in this area will come true (for example, drawing a "house" - living conditions will develop according to your hopes).

    Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

    Meaning of dreams Draw

    If you draw in a dream, you want to deceive someone.

    It is not known what kind of deception will turn out, but your drawing is excellent!

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation for girls

    What does it mean to draw in a dream

    If you are drawing someone's portrait in a dream, it means that in reality there will be a difficult explanation with this person. Painting landscapes - you will make a bargain, still lifes - you will gain popularity in your circles. To pose for a draftsman in a dream is an addition to the family. Seeing yourself shown in the picture - the attitude of loved ones towards you will change for the better. The caricature portends that your friends will have fun with you.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    Interpretation of sleep Draw

    Draw - it will be very difficult for you to explain to the people around you your actions committed under the influence of an impulse.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Idiomatic dream book

    Draw in a dream - what it symbolizes

    Draw - "Drawn" (figure, event, girl) - ie. Appeared, identified. "To show off" - to show off, show off, flirt.

    Dreaming to Draw (interpretation from the Old Russian Dream Book)

    I dreamed of drawing - There is a sign of a strong and pleasant friendship.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    What does it mean if you dream to draw

    Draw - Unexpected income from a trifling business; for the young - a deception through hope.

    Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation Drawn from your dream

    Draw - Unrealizable; income; new dreams, plans. See how they draw - see the section people (artist), this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

    The meaning of a dream about an Image (Modern dream book)

    Draw - Difficult explanation.

    Dream interpretation of the White magician Yuri Longo

    If the dreamer dreamed of drawing

    Draw - Draw in a dream - you prefer to be in solitude so that no one can disturb your thoughts and feelings. You are by nature very dreamy and impressionable, you like art. You often visit theaters, museums, and then keep the memories of what you saw for a long time. But if you look closely, your life can be called only half rich. The dream warns you that you lack communication with people, and also that you need to change your lifestyle to a more active one. It's time to get down to business that you can do just fine, you just want to. To dream of someone drawing - you envy those who do everything in life better, more beautiful, more correct than yours. You cannot forgive them and yourself for not having all of this. Distracted by those around you, you give a damn about your life. You need to learn to either not notice the successes and achievements of others, or to enjoy it with all your heart. You must understand for yourself that all people cannot live alike. If someone draws you, a lot of unspent feelings have accumulated in you, but you do not know where to direct it. You want to surrender to the feeling selflessly, you are characterized by self-sacrifice and mercy. If you have not yet met a life partner, then, in order to feel needed, pay attention and help family and friends, friends and even strangers who need it. Seeing your love for others, the one who becomes your beloved or beloved, you will feel an irresistible attraction to you.

    Esoteric dream book

    See Draw in a dream

    Draw - Drawing is not visible pipe hopes. The drawing is clearly marked, see what exactly hopes in this area will come true (for example, drawing a "house" - living conditions will develop according to your hopes).

    Dream interpretation of miss Hasse

    See Draw in a dream as a symbol

    Draw - Earn the Honors; to see the one who draws - to make plans for the future; to see yourself drawn - you are loved; others - a new acquaintance; landscapes or other subject - your property is growing; pose - adding a family.

    Drawing pen in a dream - You will earn honor with your labor; drawing instruments - you will achieve a high position.

    Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit

    Why dream to draw in a dream

    Draw - Earn the honor - see the drawer - make plans for the future - see yourself drawn - you are loved - others - new acquaintance - landscapes or other object - your property grows - pose - adding a family

    Drawing Pen - Earn the honor of your labor

    Drawing Tools - Get High Position

    Freud's dream book

    Analysis of a dream in which I dreamed of drawing

    Drawing - Why dream that someone is drawing you - means that you are overwhelmed with unspent feeling and do not know where to send it, to whom to pour it out. You would like to surrender to love selflessly, because self-sacrifice and mercy are defining for your character. If you have not yet met a life partner, know that this will happen very soon. Someone will feel an irresistible attraction to you. You drew, which means that in reality you tend to idealize yourself and your life, not paying attention to objective factors. You assure yourself that everything in your life is going well and flawlessly, but in reality things are not so rosy.

    The interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

    What does a dream with drawing mean, taking into account the date of birth

    In the spring, why dream of drawing an icon in a dream - to quick death.

    If in the summer you dreamed of drawing an icon in a dream - you will pray for someone as a deity, but you yourself invented an idol, later you will be bitterly disappointed.

    In the fall, why dreamed of drawing an icon - to a serious test of your soul.

    In winter, why dream of drawing - showing your best sides.

    With the help of fine art, some try to express their own thoughts and feelings. Even those who are very far from creativity can see this process in a dream. Did you draw something in your night vision? A dream with such a plot can portend some kind of life changes or excessive daydreaming. Various interpreters and the most common examples of dreams will help to decipher such night dreams.

    According to Freud

    The interpretation can be based on the smallest details:

    • the device with which a person drew;
    • the place where it happened;
    • the emotions experienced at the same time;
    • the nature of the picture, etc.

    What does a dream mean in which someone is trying to draw something for you? This night vision symbolizes hidden inner strength and desires. The interpreter claims that after such a dream there is a great chance that you will meet your lover or beloved.

    If you dreamed of drawing something yourself, then in reality you have a tendency to exaggerate your merits, and you do not take into account the real circumstances. That is, you try to convince yourself that all events are developing exactly according to your plan, but in life things are completely different.

    What interpreters D. and N. Winter say

    The night dreams in which you paint can come to those who like to dream and dream. If you have a chance to personally portray something, then you are most likely trying to set yourself insurmountable tasks. The interpreter believes that the plan is still very far from being realized.

    To see a monotonous picture in a dream - you have a desire to add more colors to your life, making it more diverse and rich. The dream book recommends that you find yourself some amusing hobby or arrange a small festive event.

    Interpretation of the general dream book

    The dream in which you draw can portend a dramatic change in business matters.... If someone of your acquaintances draws in a vision, then it will be him who will change.

    In the event that in a dream they are trying to teach you to portray something on paper, then in real life there is a chance that you will heed someone's stupid advice.

    Draw in a dream according to the interpreter of the White magician

    This dream book says that you adore loneliness and strain a lot if someone breaks it.

    People who are prone to being overly impressionable and daydreaming can also depict something in dreams. As a rule, such personalities are well versed in the field of art and retain unforgettable emotions in their memory for a long time. But the interpreter suspects that there is another, not so favorable side in the life of such a person. Sometimes you may simply have a lack of communication with others, which, of course, affects the quality of life.

    Did you see a person painting in a dream? You regularly have outbursts of envy towards people who you think are doing more good and good things. The interpreter then recommends:

    • keeping calm;
    • ignore the successes of others or be genuinely happy for them.

    How and what do you draw in a dream

    If you had to draw in a dream with a pencil, then a bright future awaits you, full of peace and love. Also, you can get some very significant news for you from a person who lives far away. It should be noted that sharp (sharpened) devices for the visual arts symbolize excellent memory and attentiveness. It is advisable to turn your attention to what happened relatively recently.

    Pencils of different colors mean a memorable and very interesting event that is sure to take over your thoughts. A dull or broken pencil may hint that you have missed something important.

    If you painted with paints, then it's time to diversify your relationship or life..

    Painting or portrait

    The dream in which you yourself draw your own portrait deserves special attention. This image represents your inner world. Plus, you will soon be able to meet someone who will make you much better.

    Painted a picture in a dream? Stop idealizing your own life, because it can be much worse and more unhappy than you want. If a young girl dreams that she portrayed her chosen one with her own hands, then soon a spat may occur due to deception or treason.

    Make eyebrows or arrows on the face in a dream

    What could night vision mean in which you make yourself arrows or eyebrows? In real life, you can face serious difficulties in romantic relationships. In a situation where you have depicted thick eyebrows, joy and good luck await you. A very black make-up in a dream means that your health will improve.

    If you made your eyebrows and arrows longer than you usually draw, then in life you will gain wealth and respect.

    The most classic interpretation - you want to draw the attention of a person to your person.

    To decipher such a dream, you need to understand many points. For example, pay attention to your own feelings while doing this.

    If in a dream you mixed paints of different colors, then something will happen in life that will help you realize your ideas.

    Attention, only TODAY!

    Seeing finishing paint paints in a dream means that a joyful future awaits you, which will give you great love. A can of paint spilled on the floor portends a major nuisance into which your own immoderate curiosity will plunge you. The paint that you spray on the walls or roof of the house is a sign that you will certainly succeed in getting things done.

    To paint on the walls using aerosol cans means that you will have to prove for a long time and stubbornly what is completely obvious from the point of view of common sense, but is interpreted by law in a completely perverse, casuistic and contrary to all human logic.

    To stain your clothes with paint - in reality you will be exposed to a blow, which you would not expect from people who owe so much to you. To clean or wash off paint from the face, hands, etc. - beware of slanderers, in the role of which people unjustly offended by you can act.

    Seeing artistic paints in a dream is a sign of the fulfillment of desires, whims and whims. Watercolors foreshadow that soon you will be engaged in a business that will bring you satisfaction in all respects. Using oil paints in a dream, painting a picture - in real life, friends will behave insincerely towards you and you will find deception where you least could assume.

    In a dream, keeping an artistic palette with paints on it is a happy event in the family. Paints in tubes - regret for a missed opportunity. A set of paints in a box - to profit and wealth. Mixing paints, choosing the necessary color scheme, is to fulfill the most daring plans.

    Use zinc white in a dream - you will experience a joyful feeling of freedom and independence from anyone's influence. Cinnabar foreshadows ardent mutual love. Purple is a sign that your requirements for life are too high and unrealistic. Indigo is a harbinger of unexpected cash flow.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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    Dream interpretation - Rice

    Rice dreams of success in love and friendship.

    If you ate rice in a dream, then fate will give you family happiness and a cozy home.

    Clogged rice portends illness and discord with friends.

    If a girl cooks rice in a dream, then pretty soon she will have new responsibilities that will make her happy and rich.

    Boiled rice portends a shortage of material resources.

    Eating boiled rice - you will have to spend the savings that you have been saving for years.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Through drawing, we express our thoughts, feelings, as well as vivid emotions. What does the dream book say about the art of drawing? If you happened to draw in a dream, it is very important to remember all the smallest details of the dream, down to what colors you painted and what images. Let's figure out why you dream of drawing various pictures and plots in a dream. And dream books from famous interpreters of dreams will help us with this.

    The answer to the question of why you dream of drawing a picture largely depends on its plot.

    To interpret the dream in which you drew, you need to remember as many details as possible. Did you draw in your dreams with paints or pencils? What was the plot of the painting you depicted? How did you feel? It also matters when a dream had a dream, drawing in a dream at all seasons of the year has a different meaning. Affects the interpretation and who saw the dream - man, woman or child. So let's take a closer look at everything ...

    What did you paint with - pencils or paints?

    Painting in a dream with paints means that you just need to bring something new and interesting into life and into your relationship with your partner. When you see from the side of yourself, painting with paints, this is a dream to the satisfaction of the work done. An interesting new working project will bring endless satisfaction if you see your self-portrait.

    Have you had a dream in which you draw with colored pencils? Then wait for a wonderful, happy future filled with love, happiness and peace. As the dream book says, drawing with a pencil means a happy future in love, happiness and peace. You may receive an extremely important message from someone who lives or travels far away.

    Sharp and sharpened pencils indicate attentiveness and good memory. If you draw with sharply sharpened colored pencils, they mark a special, bright and memorable bright event that will flood all your thoughts for a while. But if you dreamed about a dull or broken pencil, you missed some very important fact.

    If you dreamed of drawing with felt-tip pens, then there will be an infinite number of entertainment ahead of you. Are you caping the felt-tip pen? It only burns that you are too secretive. You should be more open your heart if you want to have more close friends.

    The subject of your painting: people, nature, objects

    Why dream of painting a picture? Depends on the plot!

    • When you dream that you are painting people with colors, most often it promises a difficult and difficult conversation on forgotten topics with family and friends. You should be prepared and ready for the fact that someone close to you remember old grievances.
    • Drawing a landscape and natural beauties dreams of a bargain purchase or a successful purchase, which may bring material benefits;
    • If you are drawing animals, such a dream foreshadows a quick realization of past mistakes and the appearance of joyful changes, happiness and deep joy from new events;
    • When drawing abstraction in a dream, it is important to take into account all the details of the picture, the color scheme and everything depicted on the canvas;
    • Drawing objects promises the upcoming growth of property and the possible material benefits associated with real work. It is possible to move up the career ladder. Now more than ever you should devote time and attention to your work.
    • If you saw how you draw an icon, it promises a moral test soon. So fate gives you a sign so that you can be ready.

    Who saw the dream: man, woman, child

    If a young man sees in his dream how he is painting a picture, this means hatching new plans and goals. In general, such a dream speaks of the dedication and ambition of a man. If a woman dreamed of a dream, you can talk about the upcoming pleasant troubles associated with family and friends. If a child saw such a dream, this is a manifestation of his violent fantasy and dreams of the future.

    When was it: winter, spring, summer, autumn

    In winter, drawing with bright colors is a dream because of the desire for new events. In springtime, a dream promises new beginnings and the appearance of interesting people in your life. Summer dream predicts the opening of new opportunities, interesting adventures and meetings. In the fall, dreams with drawings are dreamed of the onset of complete harmony and pacification.

    The interpretation of sleep in popular dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

    Why dream of painting with paints? As you can see, there are many interpretations of a dream, and in some places they even contradict each other. Therefore, for the sake of interest, let's take a look at the most relevant dream books of our time and compare what it means to draw in a dream in the opinion of their authors. We have selected interpretations from four of the most famous compilers of dream books for comparison.

    Miller's dream book - be careful, you may be betrayed

    According to Miller's dream book, drawing in a dream can mean the threat of betrayal.

    As this dream book says, painting in a dream can predict betrayal on the part of a loved one or your partner. It is possible that his heart is not already occupied by you. If you paint a picture with oil paints, then you will have a chance to take part in an event that will turn out to be highly questionable.

    Dream interpretation of Wangi - you will establish relationships with loved ones

    To see an auto portrait in a dream - to improve relations with someone from family members or friends. Drawings of nature mean a good buy, still life means popularity, and posing for an artist means pregnancy and new family members. You have to find out a difficult relationship with a person in real life, whose portrait you are drawing in a dream.

    Freud's dream book - you are prone to idealization

    Self-portrait painting speaks of your willingness to share boundless love and attention. And for young unmarried ladies, this means a quick acquisition of a life partner or a strong attraction. If you see how you draw with your hand, this dream speaks of your desire to idealize yourself and everything around you. A colorful picture is the personification of the feminine principle and a girl or woman who has such a dream puts self-satisfaction in the first place than a heterosexual relationship