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  • Chariot with justice played out the relationship. Justice, Tarot: meaning

    Chariot with justice played out the relationship. Justice, Tarot: meaning

    Fortune telling on Tarot cards is a reliable way to find out the future and understand the present. The ceremony is carried out according to the instructions, observing the sequence of the alignment and carefully studying the interpretation of individual signs and combinations. The value of the Chariot Tarot card in a relationship depends on the question and gender of the fortuneteller.

    Total value

    Fortune-telling on cards answers questions on these topics: love, relationships, career, future or present.

    The meaning of the Chariot Tarot card is as follows:

    • purposefulness;
    • the need for changes in life;
    • awareness of their own willpower;
    • triumph;
    • willingness to take decisive action in the personal and professional sphere.

    The upside down Tarot Chariot card has a different meaning in the relationship:

    1. Obstacle to the goal.
    2. An ill-wisher who will interfere with a career or relationship.
    3. The fortuneteller chose the wrong path.

    The sign predicts open conflicts and damaged relationships due to the partner's health or financial situation.

    For women

    When fortune-telling, they ask a question of interest and follow the accompanying signs. A woman can guess on love, career and team.

    Relationship with a man

    The Tarot Chariot has a positive meaning in love. In a relationship with a partner, she promises the achievement of harmony, the disappearance of everyday problems. A new stage will begin - a move or a wedding.

    If there is no companion, then the sign speaks of a new acquaintance or the beginning of a relationship. A sharp change in the circle of acquaintances is possible, in which love will be found.

    In a career

    The Chariot Tarot card is of particular importance for a career. For women, the symbol means a change in occupation. A new project and leader will appear. However, you will have to risk a warm relationship for the promotion. It is also worth expressing your opinion and expressing your willingness to work independently.

    For men

    For men, this sign will answer questions of love and career.

    Relationship with a woman

    If fortune-telling was carried out on a specific woman, then the following interpretation options are possible:

    • action must be taken;
    • you should change the vector of relations, sort out feelings;
    • you need to focus on your personal life in order to achieve success.

    The chariot advises to change life and get rid of ties in the event that the relationship has come to an end.


    The chariot speaks of the need to change relationships in the team. Everyone should be responsible for their actions. A good decision is to take the initiative and take risks for future success.

    Finance and housing

    In matters of money and property, the card promises luxury, moving to a new house, but this will require spending not only money, but also energy.

    Improvement will only happen through vigorous action, because the Chariot presupposes an active stance.


    A wide range of meanings in the field of health:

    1. Desire to go in for sports, quit bad habits.
    2. Recovery from a long illness.
    3. Personal care.

    The map will help to find out the cause of poor health. It detects ulcers, joint diseases, mental and emotional problems.

    Reverse card meaning

    Falling out of an inverted tarot chariot in a relationship predicts a difficult period in love, misunderstandings and conflicts. Partners will not be able to agree and influence each other.

    In the realm of careers, an inverted Chariot speaks of a waste of energy on any project. You should beware of fussiness and excessive pressure. Problems with the law may arise.

    Poor mental health will negatively affect relationships. The upside down card has the following health meanings:

    • accidents;
    • trauma;
    • violation of body functions;
    • depression, neurosis.


    The combination of cards in the layout is a significant component of the interpretation. Positive combinations in love and career:

    1. With a Magician, a person has all the resources to achieve success on his own.
    2. With the Priestess - an opportunity to learn the secrets of life.
    3. With the Star - the blessing of the Higher Powers.
    4. With an Ace of Cups - in a relationship, decisive action is needed to achieve success.
    5. With the Ace of Wands - fast career growth.
    6. With Peace - a person will achieve all the goals set in the work.
    7. With the Five of Swords - a triumph.
    8. With the Four and Nine of Pentacles - discipline, authority.

    There are also negative combinations.

    Chariot - Vii Major Arcana

    In the astrological field, the Chariot is patronized by the planet Mars, as the triumph of the winner. This planet is responsible not only for wars, but also for victories in them. She first gives a test of the elements, and then with copper pipes. Mars rules passions.

    The planet Mars rules the constellation Aries, which reflects the VII Arcanum in the form of a passionate impulse of the hero.

    Other names for the Chariot: Lord of the Triumph of Light, Success, Carriage, Child of the Almighty Waters.

    Arcana Description

    On the Arcana, in his victorious procession, a luxuriously dressed charioteer is depicted, moving on a rich cart pulled by two sphinxes. The driver's body is covered with protective ammunition, giving out in it an experienced, confident warrior, aimed at success.

    In the hands of the driver is a spear, which also symbolizes the rod of power. The decoration of the carriage suggests that the driver is one of the majestic persons. The crown crowning the warrior's head also speaks of his high status. There is no doubt that the driver is a warrior. He is not just a warrior, he is a triumphant who celebrates victory.

    This is not only a victory over enemies, it is a victory over circumstances, a victory in a battle with obstacles, sometimes very difficult and contradictory. But he deserved the right to march with his head held high, confidently looking into the distance, not turning around and not looking around.

    In the deck of the Age of Aquarius, the charioteer on the VII Arcanum even more indicates his belonging to a warrior-general: in his hands he holds not only a regal scepter, but also a bare two-edged sword, sparkling in the sun. The driver does not wear a crown, but his gold ammunition and a developing expensive red cloak make it clear that this personality is far from simple.

    The four-sided chariot is crowned with a magnificent canopy supported by four columns. They symbolize the four Elements by which the world is ruled.

    The chariot is harnessed by two huge but obedient sphinxes. One is black as night and the other is perfectly white. These sphinxes speak of the inner opposition, of belonging to Light and Darkness, but in this case both sphinxes are harnessed to one cart and move in the same direction.

    The unity of opposites, duality that has become a single whole, a single path of multidirectional forces - this is the essence of the victory of the royal charioteer. Only by achieving inner harmony, only by subduing and equalizing all forces, can one get the real pleasure of a triumphant.

    In the background the city remained behind the driver. This is the place where he won his victory, and which he left, rushing forward to new achievements. He did not remain in the city to rest on his laurels, he is a winner, and he needs to move on.

    The sacred meaning of the Chariot

    Having passed the difficult path of struggle and resisting the temptations of the VІ Arkan, a person passes into the victorious VII Arkan. Here one of the most difficult and often insurmountable tests awaits him - the test with copper pipes: glory, praise to the winner. This is a test of pride and vanity.

    The symbol of the city in the background suggests that, having passed the temptations of the 6th Arcanum, unprecedented opportunities opened up to man: he received power and reverence for society, which is represented in the form of a city. It symbolizes not only the inhabitants of the city itself, but also the surrounding circumstances that were created for a person in the city. The city is a person's connection with everything material, which was the object of his temptations.

    The figure of the driver is separated from the city and placed in the foreground. This isolation carries several meanings. First, a person, having overcome temptations, was able to rise to a certain level in society and even get the right to be considered the chosen one, as evidenced by the crown on his head. Society did not prevent him from being chosen, but even crowned him.

    Secondly, isolation indicates that a person is trying to escape from this society. He strives for new achievements, trying to get away from a new round of temptations in society, already associated with its higher level. He foresees the test with copper pipes - glory, and tries to stay in the saddle. Indeed, very often it is the one who erects on a pedestal and overthrows it.

    But the driver does not see another danger - refusal of responsibility for the status that was entrusted to him. He was elected leader, and he chose to leave the tribe.

    Flight from the temptation of fame and from responsibility for those who trusted him is symbolized by the black sphinx. This is precisely the reason for his consent to move with the white sphinx in the same direction. The white sphinx is all the positive qualities that led the warrior to victory, they also drive him in his further striving.

    These sphinxes move in one direction until the moment when the driver makes a mistake. The black sphinx pushes him to this mistake - those qualities that, due to pride, prevent a person from correctly assessing the situation.

    Arkan says that the driver has every opportunity to avoid this mistake by using the control rod in his hands. He can control the situation, although this is only for a short time: the further away from the city, the less the power of his royal rod.

    The chariot on which the driver moves is his experience gained in the process of life. It is he who carries the person and it is from this position that the person drives the chariot. But life goes on, which means that the acquisition of experience continues. Thus, a person must be very careful, because at any moment the chariot can bump into a stone - to create circumstances for obtaining a new experience.

    Mythological correspondence of the Chariot

    In mythology, the Chariot corresponds to legends associated with feats, but this is not a pure victory. For example, the myth of Phaethon says that a brave and impudent young man was able to persuade his father Helios to let him take control of the solar chariot. In the hope of his solemnity, Phaethon could not cope with the frisky horses, and the chariot set fire to the Earth. Gaia demanded punishment from Zeus for the impudent young man. Phaethon was struck by lightning and died in Eridan.

    Another telling legend may be the myth of Icarus, who flew too high on his wings, but did not cope with the set goal. He aspired to the Sun, not appreciating the danger awaiting him at the height of triumph. This myth perfectly demonstrates the need to curb pride after obtaining the desired result, it can turn into an executioner at any time.

    Perhaps, for a person who is well aware of the legend of Icarus, the Chariot will never foreshadow the need to return to the abandoned city in order to correct his main mistake - the inability to control the fateful chariot because of his own negative qualities.

    The meaning of the straight Chariot in the layout

    The chariot in the layout always denotes a leap forward. More often than not, this jerk does not happen deliberately, but spontaneously. This movement is caused by a very strong desire of a person to change something in his life. At the same time, a person is alone in his aspiration, and he breaks out of the circle of previous acquaintances, relationships, connections, interests. He begins to move along his path.

    Most often, a person is driven by ambition and the desire for freedom, and he is not interested in what he leaves behind. He easily part with the past, he does not burden himself with previous obligations. The main thing is that this is due to the presence of strength, self-confidence and joy from one's own actions. He does not feel longing for the past, but surrenders completely and completely to curiosity, not afraid of risk and despite the fact that his journey may be accompanied by danger.

    Most often, this card falls out as a warning at the moment when a person is threatened with dizziness from success. The card calls for a very careful assessment of forces in order to avoid overestimating them.

    The direct version of the chariot symbolizes the successful search for its place in life. She speaks of victory in any undertaking and enterprise. The cards located around the Arcanum will tell you in which particular sphere of life this breakthrough will occur.

    Quite often, in the general scenario, the Chariot indicates a trip, and this trip will always be successful.

    The dark sphinx on this Arcana for a person means negative circumstances, and the white one - positive, but since they move in the same direction, this means that any situation that happens during this period will lead him to the desired goal. Moreover, even a situation with a negative connotation. This is the situation about which one can say: "There would be no happiness if not for unhappiness."

    Arkan says that a person has entered a period of self-affirmation. In order for it to be marked by success, it is imperative to balance thoughts. This will help you not to go astray if external circumstances and temptations persistently push you away from it. You need a clearly defined goal and iron determination to act, especially since everything that happens is conducive to this.

    The meaning of the inverted Chariot in the layout

    If the straight Arkan indicates the purposeful movement of a chariot driven by two sphinxes in one direction, then the inverted one can be described by a fable about a pike, a crayfish and a swan. Each sphinx here will pull in its own direction.

    As a result of this, there can be no talk of any movement, advancement and achievements. A person is torn apart by temptations, he rushes in different directions, bringing nothing to the end. He cannot give up old, obsolete ideas. He tries to restore past relationships, take advantage of lost connections, trust the people who let him down in the past.

    This is compounded by the fact that the ambition of the straight Chariot is present in its inverted form. But it becomes an unsatisfied ambition, followed by suffering, worry, and self-doubt.

    The card can warn that the planned trip will not take place. With the neighborhood with negative cards, you can talk about the upcoming conflict.

    With such an Arcana, you need to find the strength in yourself to restore control over the mind and feelings. They are symbolized by the sphinxes, which are trying to drag the cart in different directions. Sometimes you even need to stop them, so that later you can start a calm and purposeful run again. Where help can come from, the cards of the Minor Arcana, laid out as additional information, will prompt.

    Self-development direction

    The chariot during self-development suggests that there is a need to free oneself from the authority of other people's thoughts, plans, images and opinions. Despite the readiness to act, it is necessary to understand that any circumstances will occur on the path of life. Moreover, negative situations are the essence of promotion elements. They contribute to gaining experience that can be relied on in the future.

    Arkan does not let you forget that every success is closely related to overcoming some difficulty or passing a difficult situation. In the case of the Chariot, one must take into account that one-sided thinking can become an obstacle to self-development. It can be caused by an ecstasy of purpose and unwillingness to see "what is happening on the side of the road."

    The card says that for self-development at the moment it is necessary to balance conflicting emotions. This requires increased self-control. The main leitmotif of the card is the achievement of the goal through the acquisition of experience.

    The Inverted Chariot indicates that consciousness is in the state described in the fable of the swan, cancer and pike. There is a frequent change of mood in a person, he is unnecessarily restless. Unreasonable suspicion is replaced by careless gullibility.

    The fault of this state is poor concentration, loss of self-control. Circumstances at such moments become stronger than a person, and the mind, in search of a way out, begins to rush from one extreme to another. In this case, movement on the path of self-development must begin with the reconciliation of all internal contradictions in order to make them all work towards one goal.

    Thus, a person needs to turn the chariot, return to the city he left, to the VI Arcanum, to receive new trials and new experiences.


    In work, as well as in any areas of life, the Chariot indicates a breakthrough that most often occurs on emotions. This is the first step towards independence. It manifests itself either in the organization of their business, or in taking over the management of some kind of team, for example, a promotion associated with the management of some department.

    In the realm of business, this card says there are specific and clear goals. A person approaches the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to him with all determination and confidence in success. He possesses skill, skill and sufficient knowledge, always takes initiative.

    The card speaks of possible breakthroughs in business: signing a very profitable and long-awaited contract, winning a tender, concluding a deal that promises good profit. The chariot indicates that success will depend on unconventional solutions, fresh ideas, and even unpopular methods.

    Very often this Arkan falls to a person who has to do something completely new and unknown. In this he may not have experience, but success will ensure him enthusiasm and assertiveness. He will always have the opportunity to get the missing knowledge.

    An inverted Chariot indicates that there are circumstances interfering with work. Very often these can be people around them who disagree either with the business policy or with the conditions that are created to complete the task. In some cases, you even have to deal with sabotage.

    You need to be careful in the team, because the card speaks of the presence of people in it who are not passionate about one idea, but strive to promote each of their own. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the person on whom the alignment is being made, most likely, overestimated his capabilities and took on an unbearable burden. As a result, there comes a period when people stop trusting him, preferring to cooperate with someone else. He loses authority, and hence the ability to lead.

    The card warns that at the moment it is impossible to sign an important contract, to conclude a deal. The reason must be sought in the lack of information, in ignorance of some details.

    Personal relationships

    The chariot in the layouts for personal relationships, both in the direct and inverted version, will always have a negative coloration. The only exception is the moment when it comes to a new relationship. In this case, the card speaks of passionate love, mutual enthusiasm, and the similarity of interests. She describes only the initial period of the relationship, after which the couple may begin to sober up one of the partners.

    If we are talking about an already existing relationship, the Chariot warns of the departure of the partner in whose position this card falls. The reason for this departure lies in the fact that the relationship was a burden for a person, they have outlived their usefulness. In this case, a person acts under the pressure of emotions, and leaving is an impulse.

    Very often, such an impulse is preceded by a stormy showdown. Do not forget that Mars patronizes the Chariot, therefore, relationships under the sign of this Arcanum are doomed to manifestations of passion: either it is stormy love at the beginning, or it is a stormy showdown at the end.

    The departed partner will not feel the pain of breaking up, he leaves with ease, leaving the city forever. His Chariot takes him into a new relationship. The rest will experience pain for two, since at one time he put his partner on a pedestal.

    The Inverted Chariot in the layout for a new partner suggests that a relationship with him is almost impossible. This is due to insurmountable contradictions in characters. Very often, such a card falls on partners from different social strata.

    If we are talking about an accomplished alliance, then here also the leading role is played by the difference in characters, the lack of community of interests, up to the opposite of worldviews. In this case, people cannot part because of fear of a new relationship. From year to year they maintain the agony of their relationship, not having the strength to make a final decision.

    Sometimes in such unions, people hate each other. The presence of an abundance of swords in the layout suggests that hatred can reach a destructive limit. For example, it is in this state that a person can order damage to his partner. The most surprising thing is that with such a card one can speak of “quiet” hatred, when a person winds himself up, but does not allow emotions to spill out. He may even cherish plans for revenge, while continuing to communicate through clenched teeth.

    Personality characteristic

    The personality, characterized by the VII Arcanum, has all the qualities of a successful leader. A person is decisive and does not feel doubts about his decisiveness. He has remarkable willpower and ambition. His self-confidence comes from deep life experiences.

    A person is inclined to show initiative in everything, to be the first everywhere, he will not give up leadership to anyone without a fight. This person always relies only on his own strength. He will not accept the position of the follower, for his purpose is to drive the cart, and not to drag it.

    A person under the sign of the Chariot is passionate in everything. This manifests itself in love, and in the attitude to work, and in the implementation of hobbies. At the same time, he easily says goodbye to circumstances, people and things that he no longer needs. They say about such a person that he walks over their heads.

    The charioteer personality knows how to clearly concentrate consciousness on achieving the goal and has high self-control. One-sided thinking can be called a negative trait of his character.

    The Inverted Chariot will tell about a person that he is not able to bring what he started to the end. This Arcana, for example, can fall on a person who is usually called an eternal student. Such a person is passionately fired up with an idea, but when the strength for an impulse runs out, he cools down to this idea and begins to rush into battle for the next one.

    Such a person always experiences anxiety, suspicion. He cannot concentrate, and his mood changes with amazing speed. Such people are called too fussy, making a lot of unnecessary movements.

    Unsatisfied ambition makes such a person quarrelsome, demanding, passionate in sorting out the relationship. This person talks a lot, but does little. Very often, such people talk about incredible projects that have been conceived, but the matter does not go further than stories.


    When fortune-telling for health, you can use several layouts. You need to choose one or another alignment based on the question asked. If the viewing is superficial, then you can make simpler layouts, but if you need to more carefully consider health problems, then you should turn to the complex layout of the chakra system. Layouts are made with the help of the Major Arcana, but for a more detailed decoding, you can use the Minor ones.

    A simple layout for health includes a layout for 2 cards of the Major Arcana. In some cases, you can get the answer using one Major Arcana.

    General state

    When the VII Arcanum falls in the layout of the general condition of the body, then it says that a person is completely healthy, the body is full of strength. The physical and mental state of a person is not a cause for concern.

    If the card fell out when the alignment was made to a person in a state of illness, then the Chariot shows that the disease leaves the person. A quick period of recovery and rehabilitation awaits him. He gained strength, which is enough to fight the disease.

    The inverted Arcanum shows that the body is completely out of balance. This is not a disease as such, but a lack of strength. The reason may be that the person led an too active lifestyle, was too carried away by some kind of activity and overestimated his strength. With this position of the Chariot, we can talk about the presence of chronic fatigue syndrome.

    For a sick person, this Arkan will indicate an aggravation of the disease. The immune system is too weakened to fight. In this case, along with the main treatment for the disease, a person should receive drugs that support the immune system.

    Processes in progress

    In the layout of the two Arcana, the Chariot in the first position shows the state of the bronchial system, including the trachea. Moreover, it does not matter at all in what position the Arkan is. In both upright and inverted positions, it will only indicate the organ.

    In the second position in the upright position, the Chariot says that the organ determined by the card in the first position is in a healthy state, all processes in it proceed according to age norms.

    The Inverted Chariot says that the organ does not receive enough energy, due to which its function is weakened. At the same time, the organ may be healthy, but the lack of strength in it warns of the possibility of a disease in the near future.

    Chakra diagnostics

    When diagnosing by chakras, the Major Arcana are laid out sequentially on each chakra, starting from the bottom. When laying out a card, you need to clearly concentrate on the chakra. After a complete alignment, you need to look at which of the chakras the Chariot fell. You need to read the information both from the Arcana itself, and from its correspondence with neighboring cards.

    Muladhara. The Direct Chariot shows the health of the organs of movement - the lower extremities, and in all their systems.

    The inverted one can warn of immobilization. This can be caused by some kind of disease or by the consequences of accidents. To find out the reason, you can put another senior Arkan next to it, which will prompt the event. For example, if the XVI Arkan (Tower) is nearby, then immobility will be caused by trauma, and if XIII (Death), then we can talk about surgical intervention.

    Svadhisthana. A chariot in an upright position will indicate the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, naturally, in accordance with age. An inverted card will tell you about hormonal imbalance. A woman may have menstrual irregularities, and men may have problems with the prostate gland associated with a decrease in its function.

    Manipura. On this chakra, the Chariot will show the normal functionality of the stomach / duodenum ligament in the direct version. In an inverted position, the Arcanum will indicate a violation of the interaction of these two organs with each other. There may be problems with gastric peristalsis and the flow of its contents into the intestines.

    Anahata. Direct Arcanum will indicate the normal functioning of the bronchial system and trachea. The inverted map shows stagnant processes in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis. If on the adjacent chakras there are such cards as the Hermit (IX Arcanum) or the Hanged Man (XII Arcanum), then we can assume the presence of bronchial asthma.

    Vishuddha. On this chakra the Chariot will show the healthy organs of the larynx and nasopharynx. Inverted Chariot can tell about edematous processes in the glands, deterioration of breathing due to swelling of the nasal mucosa.

    Ajna. The Chariot on Ajna speaks of the normal interaction of all body systems with those parts of the brain that are responsible for them. The Inverted Chariot indicates that the connection of some system with its brain center is broken. To find out which particular system, you need to look at all the Arcana that fell on the chakras.

    Sahasrara. The Straight Chariot indicates that a person is full of strength and is in the state of a winner. There are practically no indications of physical health, but we can talk about mental health. The Inverted Chariot indicates that a person is in the illusion that vanity gives him. This can lead to a deterioration in general condition due to loss of strength.


    In the hands of the situation, the card indicates that the time has come for an immediate decision. To resolve the situation, one cannot hesitate a minute, the manifestation of initiative and a quick response will help events develop in the right direction.

    In some cases, the Chariot says that in this situation you cannot trust anyone, but you need to do everything yourself, following your experience, skill and knowledge. In no case should you be afraid of such independence, since fate will certainly bring the right people, create favorable circumstances.

    One should not assess the current events, because even at first glance negative situations will lead to the desired results. This is the work of the black sphinx, which still drives the chariot forward.

    Very often, situations associated with travel, roads or movements, or with the need to change their place of residence with such an Arcana, end successfully.

    At the everyday level, Arkan shows any successful endeavors. The map can predict the acquisition of a new vehicle. And if the situation of an already planned purchase is considered, then the Chariot suggests that any circumstances that will accompany this transaction will somehow end successfully.

    A chariot can also mean the beginning of some new relationship, and this probability increases if a person has some kind of road ahead. Arkan foreshadows a holiday romance or an affair on a business trip.

    When the Chariot falls out, you can talk about luck in various small household chores. In litigation, Arkan portends a victory, sometimes even unexpected and triumphant. The chariot will also indicate that the person will be marked with some kind of award, prize or any insignia.

    If the person on whom the alignment is being made is in a state of quarrel with someone, then the Chariot speaks of a possible truce, and without the need to humiliate himself and ask for a truce.

    The Inverted Chariot indicates that the situation cannot be resolved, no matter what actions a person takes for this. The reason for this deplorable state lies in disagreements, both internal and external. Neighboring Arcana in the layout will show with whom such disagreements are present, and perhaps even tell you how to avoid them.

    The card says that any movement will not bring success or have every chance of not taking place. With this card, it is impossible to meet a new person, or the meeting will not lead to a permanent relationship. In fact, this is a failure in any endeavor, a misunderstanding of a partner, the inability to get a promotion. Such a card falls out when a person is told that he has taken up not his business.

    At the everyday level, the Chariot indicates a situation when there is not enough money for a long-desired thing, although there is an opportunity to acquire it at that moment. This is a bad luck card, the level of which can be characterized by a situation, for example, when a dream girl starts a relationship with her best friend.

    The card does not bode well for a business trip. As a rule, with such a map, the planned affairs will either not bring success, or will be completely disrupted by circumstances beyond the control of the person.

    Card of the day

    If the Chariot falls on the card of the day, then a person should understand that he is on the eve of “great deeds”. He should not remain passive, the card requires decisive action, and as a result, it promises success.

    On this day, there will be a chance to fulfill your innermost desires and realize your most daring ideas. But to miss such a chance on this day is as easy as finding it. The day will bring unexpected circumstances that were not planned by a person in advance, it is not recommended to ignore them - this is the work of the sphinxes that guide the carriage to success. Moreover, one should not be upset if these circumstances do not seem very good.

    On this day, a person can expect some kind of recognition of his talents and merits, or even a reward.

    The Inverted Chariot advises not to start anything new until a clear picture of action has been built. This is the case when a person is told: "If you do not know how to act, do not act!"

    The card speaks of a failure of plans, and this can be influenced by external circumstances at any stage. With such an Arcana, it is best to refuse to implement them yourself.

    Card of the year

    As a card of the year, the Chariot heralds a rather eventful period that will be accompanied by success. A lot of new and interesting things are to be learned, many new ideas to be realized. But the rhythm of life with such an Arcana will be too accelerated. In fact, the person will not be able to stop and catch their breath.

    At the same time, with such a rhythm, there is a threat of fatigue, leading to a loss of strength and energy. If one completely surrenders to such a rhythm, then a person at any, and most often, at the most inopportune moment, can lose self-control and composure, which will lead to the overturning of the Arcana.

    The Inverted Chariot indicates that a person has completely exhausted the strength to deal with life's circumstances. He will feel helpless.

    During this period, it is better not to start any business. It should be devoted to realizing the mistakes that led to this state, and to try to correct them. This is a good time to return to the abandoned city again, get off the chariot and start your journey again.

    Arcana Council

    The Chariot is the winner's card. Based on its sacred meaning, the card recommends not rushing too quickly along the path of your success, but learning to see and evaluate the events taking place on the side of the road. They help to gain the missing experience and hold back the sphinxes flying at full steam.

    Driving the cart will be successful only when a person leaves his vanity and painful ambition in an abandoned city. These are good driving forces when it is possible to consciously restrain them.

    You should never forget that the crown on your head is a temporary phenomenon, if you forget about curbing your own pride while enjoying the triumph. So that the victorious movement cannot be interrupted by external circumstances and the people around him, so that his own contradictions do not allow one of the sphinxes to prevail over the other, a person must strive to observe the rule of the golden mean.

    “The mind that does not know how to be balanced,
    Looks like a failed sun. "

    If you are facing litigation or litigation, chances are good that the outcome will be on your side. Major Arcana Tarot card Justice (Justice) often indicates the division of property, inheritance and other legal proceedings. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

    Are you ready to face Justice and receive the reward according to your merit?

    Overall value of the card Justice

    Unlike the classical Themis, Justice of the Tarot does not judge blindly, but sees everything through and through, and therefore the meaning of this card is twofold: it can promise you both a pleasant outcome of events, and not so much. It all depends solely on the sincerity of your intentions, including ulterior motives.

    Very often, in search of justice, we subconsciously feel how right or guilty we are in an act or action. You can deceive anyone, even yourself, but you cannot deceive fate.

    Trying to escape from the problem, you will return to the starting point, and so on an infinite number of times, until justice prevails. And when unnecessary emotions get in the way, Justice will help put everything on the shelves and cross out everything unnecessary. There are specifics and a sober approach here. In your question, drop all emotions and listen to the voice of the universe, your intuition, and the Tarot Justice will accompany you in making a decision, choosing the right path.

    Fairness of the Tarot, the value of the card can be in any areas of life, from real litigation to household showdown. Drafting contracts, labor agreements, marriage contracts. The card concerns all controversial issues, inheritance, copyright for creativity or invention. And here the Tarot card Justice promises a favorable outcome. Including, perhaps, valuable advice will come, timely consultation on an issue of interest.

    The Tarot justice of this Arcana will separate the wheat from the chaff and leave the most important thing - the core of naked truth without a mask and falsehood. It also indicates that right now your decision will be intuitively fair if you trust the right side, otherwise, retribution is inevitable. Justice will take its toll.

    If you find yourself in a difficult situation, but walked towards it with the confidence that you acted according to your conscience, the scales of justice will weigh in your direction. If you know that you are in this situation, following selfish thoughts, but sincerely repent and realize this, then the situation will still be resolved quickly, with minimal losses. It is important to understand that the Tarot card of Justice makes everything extremely transparent.

    The most valuable gift of Justice is the acquisition of balance in different spheres of life. This is harmony, consonance with the World. It is imperative to take into account the nearby cards, which are located on both sides of the Arcana. They may just indicate those aspects of your life that you need to pay attention to, perhaps they are imbalanced and need to be balanced in order to obtain a positive result.

    If there is a question, then with this card, be sure that the decision will be direct, clear, specific, reasonable. You will be able to drop illusions and delusions. You will not be overcome by temptations and weaknesses.

    At such moments, the course of fate can turn the old course of life into a new direction. The universe is always on the side of self-development and righteous outcome. But our concepts do not always coincide with the concepts of equilibrium in the universe. There is no excess water and emotions. Only balance and impartiality.

    Personality description

    Composure for impeccable decisions accompanied by honor and conscience. Bright intentions and honest deeds. The emotional ego doesn't get the best of you. Firmness in intentions to act justly, in spite of one's own weaknesses and desires. This card also characterizes the necessary balance between recklessness and prudence.

    Positive features

    Fairness helps to have a sober view of things, with a broad view, without unnecessary self-delusion and tinsel. There is a share of composure and straightforwardness, rigor and impartiality in decisions. A person corresponds to bright intentions and sincere actions. Emotionality fades into the background and an intuitive movement towards the right choice and decision opens. Deliberation, consistency, impeccability.

    Justice - a map of internal balance, mutual understanding with other people, wisdom and life experience and composure in acute situations. Card of the righteous, serving duty. The sense of responsibility is so high that in case of a wrong act, there is a need for purification.

    Perhaps such a person will seem secretive, but in fact he is very noble. He is worth and can be trusted. He is even overly responsible. Sometimes it can sting - but this is from impartiality and decency. That's where you can talk about chivalry. A person who does not succumb to temptations and bribes. He is fair and loyal, he cannot be guided, he will quickly figure out such attempts. Such a person acts according to his own convictions of righteousness and nobility.

    Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

    At a deeper level

    The sign of the Arcana Justice is the alignment of the scales of the consciousness of the Supreme and the singular, by the aspiration of one person and the entire universe. The card is the keeper of that very balance, at the most subtle boundaries of being. Where one word is capable of changing the course of history, the Higher monitors the safety of every drop in the vessel of the universe.

    The system of working out karmic consequences is directly reflected here. Like Yin and Yang, everything must have a middle ground, and if you unconsciously create an imbalance, the response will not be long in coming, and will immediately balance with a push of counterbalancing forces, perhaps immediately, into the culprit of the disharmony of the universe. The justice of the universe has no emotions, everything happens impartially and instantly. Throw a boomerang and it comes straight back at you.

    The Sun is in Libra, the exact opposite of the Moon. In Tarot, the Moon is blind suspicion, distrust, seeing everything in a different light. Justice is the absence of a veil before the eyes, clarity and clarity of consciousness.

    A shrewd, open gaze, precise scales and a sword of justice are such symbolic attributes of Justice. Sometimes our logic is not able to explain the actions of the Divine reaction to our rational actions, but subconsciously we are always given answers, this is intuition in actions.

    The fairness of the tarot reminds us that every action has its consequences.

    We should not close our eyes and act blindly, there should always be a conscious presence in any situation and action, in moments of triumph or despair. It is worth taking off over the ocean of emotions, forgetting about sanity, as a fall will immediately follow. This is how the law of divine justice works. It is impartial, unlike human judgment.

    From the point of view of morality, a conscientious person who understands and consciously takes every step, realizing all responsibility, is equally difficult to do something or not to be inactive. And the emotionality given to us is a constant test of our beliefs and beliefs.

    That is why, often, a person is hampered by unnecessary ambitions and an attempt to explain everything. Sometimes you just need to obey higher laws and realize that rash actions lead to high percentages. Everyone is given a great opportunity to choose, for self-expression and choosing their own path.

    Where there are scales, there is always difficulty in solving, fluctuations in one direction or another. Here is a test and a very subtle psychological game with the universe. And it is important to maintain balance, not rushing to extremes, walking on the thin and sharp sword of justice and justice. Here we ourselves even act as judges for our own actions. If you fail to keep the balance, you will fly away into the abyss of emotions and problems, you will hold it, go further and fill both vessels - experience and, as a result, wisdom.

    The meaning of Justice in different ways

    For a career and work

    Tarot card Justice, meaning literally indicates success in litigation and proceedings, competition, rivalry. Resolving issues in the organization, reducing tension. Where the outcome depends on numbers, facts, calculations, clear decisions and actions, it is likely to be in your favor.

    The professions associated with the law correspond to this card - police, judges, lawyers, lawyers, arbitrators in sports, accountants, financial officials. Professions where there is an accurate calculation of actions with special care and concentration. (sapper, jeweler, surgeon). Benefit, advantage in business or in the professions of the legal system.

    For finance and property

    Tarot Card Fairness in dealing with financial issues indicates a profitable monetary outcome. Profitable completion of property division or inheritance matters, tax claims, debt obligations.

    For love and relationships

    Fairness of the Tarot, meaning in a relationship speaks of openness and straightforwardness. Calmness in emotions, less passions, less pretense, and above all mutual respect. There are prenuptial agreements, pre-established rules for the two parties. Legalized relationship. Selfishness quickly betrays itself. There is only sincerity and decency with each other.

    The Man of Justice has a sober, cool head. He may deliberately not delve into the shortcomings of a worthy partner, he will do everything possible for him, but always at the same time keeping the clarity of the whole picture of the relationship. From this, such a relationship can sometimes seem absurd. But he will answer the hysterics with cold silence or leave the "meeting" for the time being.

    For health

    Justice emphasizes the need for balance between body and spirit, attention to the physical condition of the body. It is necessary to balance the metabolism, the required amount of minerals in the body.

    The card may indicate intoxication, liver condition. It has long been noted that liver disease at a deep level is directly a consequence of such destructive emotions as anger, which is the cause of mental imbalance.

    Often, Justice points to health problems that caused legal proceedings (court due to medical error, damage to health, etc.). Examinations, analyzes, medical diagnostics, operations are appropriate here (especially if Swords come across in the scenario)

    Reverse card meaning

    The inverted justice of the Tarot points with the sword down, which means the exact opposite of the meaning in the upright position. Such a card tells about something illegal.

    Deception, going beyond the framework accepted by society and morality, either a person is a lawbreaker himself, or is a victim of fraud or illegal actions. Sometimes this person himself does not notice that he has forgotten about the laws and the consequences that this will entail.

    Lengthy litigation may not be in your favor. Inability to receive a share of the alleged property due to a relative. False accusation, undeserved punishment, universal condemnation or shame, a sense of humiliation, insult.

    Sometimes Tarot Justice inverted speaks of inner insecurity, timidity, seeking support and approval from the outside. In this situation, a person suffers severe trials, financial losses or penalties, payments with huge interest. Tough tests are given with the payment of debts by compulsion.

    In personal relationships, we can talk about separation, breakup, loss of relationship, discord and quarrels. Lack of understanding. Nervous breakdowns, depression, negativity, resentment, anger, imbalance of the internal state. Consider nearby cards on either side of the reversed Justice. A more specific interpretation of the situation is possible.

    Combined with other cards

    How is Justice interpreted in combination with other cards:

    • With the Jester - the search for justice will lead to a successful outcome. Indicates risk preference;
    • With the Emperor - successful completion of negotiations, following the law;
    • With the Wheel of Fortune - a clear understanding of the path to truth;
    • With the Devil - difficulties in finding the truth, establishing the truth;
    • With the Court - persistence in decisions. First place, a long-awaited award.
    • With Peace - Victory. Reward.
    • With the Three of Wands - the unpredictability of events and actions;
    • With the Ten of Wands - confidence in the future, commitment;
    • With the Two of Swords - disagreement to admit anything;
    • With the Five of Swords - lies, bad deeds;
    • With the Seven of Swords - unwillingness to be responsible;
    • With the Seven of Pentacles - the right path and sober introspection.

    Let's look with you at the 7th lasso - Chariot. It is also called the Chariot of Hermes or Lord of the Triumph of Light. What do we see on it. We see a very purposeful person, who has the crown of Isis on his head, and on his shoulders two crescents of the moon - dark and light. Also, the chariot is drawn by two Sphinxes, black and white, which already indicates to us a double choice and two roads. The man himself sits calmly and confidently, in his hand he holds a scepter, and behind him is a castle.

  • The meaning of the lasso in an upright position

    The main meaning of the senior lasso is the achievement of your personal goals, namely by your efforts and perseverance. At the same time, of course, not without the participation of fate itself and its favorable path. At the moment, you have become the winner yourself and you are driving your chariots of fate on your own.

    Quite a strong and powerful card by value. Life is not without surprises. If this card falls out, then life begins to change at the speed of sound, right before our eyes.

    The meaning of this arcana is your new spiritual level, when you fully know yourself and learn not only to understand, but also to listen to yourself. The map shows that you must learn to draw strength from your opposites, make all processes work together, complementing and helping. You must not deny yourself, you must develop and help yourself internally.

    The Chariot card is a person who knows many secrets and has his own magical abilities. He correctly understands his contradictions, and uses them to his interest. This is the son of the queen of heaven, he is a winner in life.

    On the map, a man rules over the sphinxes themselves and has a scepter of wisdom in his hand. This is a confident person who knows all his future and understands all his actions. The eight-pointed star on the crown reflects the connection of the Reason with the eighth sephira. Two sphinxes speak of two sides of his soul.

    The picture itself shows us how a person has controlled all his emotions, thoughts and desires. He knows what he wants, so he slowly and confidently goes only to his goal. The four pillars are the four elements that he harnessed and accepted. The star canopy gives him a connection with the sky, for him these secrets are already open.

    The meaning of the card in its direct meaning

    By itself, the seventh lasso Chariot speaks of wisdom and reason. About a man who was able to solve the very mystery of the Sphinx. The charioteer is driven by lofty and correct goals. He does not pursue something Earthly and philistine. He has reached the point where he is interested in the real depths of the mind.

    Before us is the path of material success and the development of the soul. The only catch is pride, which can knock down the charioteer at any moment if he fails to cope with it. The chariot is full of energy, understanding of thought. But this is only the beginning of a long journey. A person is used to taking too much on himself sometimes, without realizing his measure, and therefore there is a huge risk of falling from his own chariot.

    The Chariot card is very important in the Tarot. This is the number 7, which is the magic number. The map shows the hidden forces that help you find the way to yourself. Chariot is a certain path in your life, it is a victory over fears, worries and experienced failures. This is your new willpower.

    Esoterically, the Chariot corresponds to the rituals of initiation and initiation. These are new astral travels and discoveries for yourself.

    Health is a card of good and excellent health. The card is favorable for those who went to sports or decided to quit a bad habit. If at the moment you have a disease, then the card promises recovery.

    When the card is turned upside down, it indicates injuries or viral diseases. Depression is also possible.

    State of consciousness and a lesson for self-development

    This is a card about the person who has achieved his goal and holds fate in his hands. He moves mountains and goes any road. He has his own huge scope in plans, but he achieves everything and moves confidently towards any goal. This man is brave, successful, ambitious. Very persistent, focused and judicious.

    His credo is determination, confidence and independence in any business. His chariot is the path and movement towards the goal. He is unshakable and knows what he wants. He keeps everything under control and always moves forward. He simply does not live without movement. He knows perfectly well that any doubts can ruin his plans, so he is as confident in himself as possible.

    He never gives in to his emotions, he keeps all power and all thoughts under unflinching control. He wisely controls his thoughts and actions. He knows that the basis of the foundations is the development of his spiritual state, and he is constantly doing this slowly and methodically.

    His path is the path of conquest and achievement of all goals. A leap in development is as much a favorite goal as everyone else. Without movement, it simply freezes in place and does not develop. He is open and strives for different ways of self-realization, in any direction.

    If the card is turned upside down, then this is a very bad sign. Traditionally, the card means overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune escapes directly from your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strengths, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you stand your own game.

    The hero himself falls from his chariot, losing control. An inverted card indicates uncontrollable passions. The person has no control over his life. Where courage and bravery are needed - he retreats, where you need to wait - he throws himself headlong.

    He often loses before reaching only a couple of meters. This shows us an intolerant person, an egoist and one who does not know how to manage his life, in the first place.

    In career, work and finance

    It is an independent job that gives you the full realization of your talent and ability. You are ready to take risks for success, and fate will help you in this. You are ready to receive constantly new experience, to change the sphere of employment, for you this is just new knowledge, nothing more.

    You are also promised a change of residence, and in financial matters - a quick material prosperity.

    The map shows you about rapid progress at work, success and new development. You are ready to overcome all obstacles on the way to new achievements. This is a card of victory in the competitive struggle, the seizure of new territory, the expansion of areas of activity. Thanks to the accumulated experience, you will now be able to get ahead and for a long time.

    You will find your place in the world and your calling. The chariot makes a good start in teaching. Sometimes the card promises a change of job or the beginning of work for yourself.

    With the card upside down. It hints that you are not counting your strength, and there may be a rather painful fall. You are overly assertive or fussy and these qualities become the basis of all your failures. Sometimes it can even be unjustified ambition and inability to adequately assess the situation.

    In love and relationships

    An ambiguous card. If you are single, this is not the best time to start a relationship. You will develop in other areas, but definitely not in love. Concentrate on yourself, your goals and aspirations for now.

    But if you have a relationship, then the map shows the relationship in a couple. That someone has complete control in their hands.

    If the surrounding cards are good, the chariot indicates that the issue can be resolved calmly and in a balanced manner, everything will come to square one and new, bright events in life will appear. But if the surrounding cards are not favorable, then there may be quarrels, conflicts.

    The map shows a new acquaintance soon, which will be very important. Perhaps this is love, looking at the accompanying cards, or maybe a new business partner. In other words, this is a new revitalization of the relationship.

    Also, the chariot shows sexual powers and energies. It has the power of dominance and control. The second person may feel pinched and worn out. Whether it becomes easier for him is up to the charioteer to decide.

    In an inverted position - this is a difficult period and has many conflict situations. Inability to understand the lover, and the desire to "pull the blanket over yourself." Sometimes it can be a break in the relationship. You need to look at the accompanying cards nearby.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an upright position

    1. Efforts that lead to success.
    2. Strong and strong-willed character.
    3. Pride, control over the situation.
    4. Overcoming the test.
    5. Perseverance and courage.
    6. Success in finance.
    7. Leap forward.
    8. Balancing the inner state, achieving balance and control.
    9. Self-discipline, clear thinking
    10. Victory through hard work.
    11. A clear and precise purpose.
    12. Vehicles.
    13. Golden mean.
    14. Newness in a relationship.

    Inverted interpretation

    The card can mean health problems. It can also be quarrels, lawsuits, discussions, polemics, riots, rebellion, extortion.

    In a personal sense, an inverted card means anger, unforgiven grudges, revenge, quarrels, unwillingness to put up.

    Traditionally, the card means overthrow, defeat, failure and defeat. All plans collapse, all fortune escapes directly from your hands. Perhaps all this happened due to an overestimation of your strengths, or you became too cocky, and fate decided to play with you. Can you stand your own game.

    The map shows us a hero who falls from his chariot, losing control. An inverted card indicates uncontrollable passions. The person has no control over his life. Where courage and bravery are needed - he retreats, where you need to wait - he throws himself headlong.

    He often loses before reaching only a couple of meters. This shows us a person who is intolerant, selfish, and someone who does not know how to manage his life in the first place.

    Also, this is a person who is afraid to put the squeeze to the end. He simply does not have enough courage and strength, and then at the most crucial moment he misses the carriage and falls from it.

    Characteristics of the lasso in an inverted position

    1. Defeat, fall.
    2. Loss of control.
    3. Quarrel, war.
    4. Uncertain difficulties
    5. Many obstacles
    6. Resentment, failure, severity.
    7. Self-destruction, lack of self-control.
    8. Rash actions.
    9. Crash.
    10. Improper use of your strength and capabilities.

    Position in the layout to place

    In the layout in place, the card indicates complete control of the situation by you. You yourself hold your fate by the tail and nothing can stop you. Just be careful not to overdo it.

    Professions and fields of activity

    All kinds of professions, especially any business. Business for yourself.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, you get 7, then the Chariot will be the Quintessence. The advice of the cards is as follows: stop procrastinating, discard doubts, do not waste time and act, put your plans into practice.

    In contact with

    There are many tools through which you can find answers to many questions and even predict fate. And one of the most ancient and surest ways is the Tarot deck. Each card has its own meaning, and the variety of layouts that have survived to this day can solve a variety of problems. It doesn't matter what the problem or issue is connected with, with love, health, career, or any other area of \u200b\u200ba person's life. Using the tarot correctly will allow you to look at the big picture and find the answers you need.

    Description of the Arcana Justice

    Justice, or as it is also called, Justice is the eighth arcana of the Tarot. In some decks, it may be number eleven. Usually, this card depicts a woman clutching a sword and scales. If we compare her with Themis, then there is one significant difference - the woman has wide eyes on the map.

    Arcanum Justice of the Tarot symbolizes the highest justice that cannot be bribed, it is completely impartial and capable of resisting the judgment of people, which is always influenced from outside. Also symbolically, the scales in the figure reflect the accuracy of her judgments, and the sword means that she is strict.

    Justice of the Tarot: meaning in ordinary fortune telling

    If the alignment is not thematic and fell out in a straight position, then its meaning is the clarity of the situation. It reflects objective thinking, incorruptibility and conscientiousness of judgments, a balanced and honest view of things. The fallen lasso suggests that justice, in spite of everything, will be restored.

    If we consider the meaning at the ordinary level, then the fallen Justice of the Tarot speaks of the consequences of a person's actions, that is, any of his good deeds will turn out to be good, and evil - evil. Regardless of what a person's intentions are, if the means to achieve the goal are questionable, then the world's response to this will be appropriate. In other words, the card speaks of increased responsibility for actions committed by a person. So you need to be ready to answer for everything that was received.

    If this lasso appears in an inverted position, then it indicates a blow and a problem that will be unresolved for a long time, perhaps it will even be a trial. Soon, someone will teach a cruel lesson to the fortuneteller, but it is quite possible that it will be useful in the future.

    in layouts for career and work

    If in the layout this card is in the straight position, then this means that in a working environment, the person who is being guessed needs to behave in a balanced, honest and decent manner. It is best to pay attention to the assigned responsibilities and streamline the distribution of responsibilities for them. Arkan Justice of the Tarot can also mean in a similar situation that some problems will be solved ahead, the general tension may subside. Sometimes it means that a difficult situation may arise in which it will be impossible to sort it out without involving the courts. If a legal question arises regarding material wealth, Themis will be on the side of the fortuneteller.

    The dropped out card of Justice inverted Tarot may mean that soon a person will make a mistake, which will be fraught with unpleasant consequences. If there are problems with the law, then the issue will not be resolved in his favor. And any will drag on for a sufficiently long period.

    Card interpretation in fortune telling

    This lasso in a normal position indicates that health is in perfect norm. It fully corresponds to the age characteristics of the fortuneteller and his constitution. Therefore, you should not worry about this. The fairness of the tarot carries a positive meaning. If in the scenario it is turned upside down, then the person has problems with the immune system. At the moment, there is a deterioration in the condition, and this trend will continue, so it is worth paying attention to it. It is advisable to strengthen the immune system and consult a specialist in order to avoid complications.

    and relationship

    Arcanum Justice in a normal position in fortune-telling for love has the value of making the right decisions. That is, a person should seriously assess his actions and intentions, try to avoid manipulation on his part, and also not shift his own problems onto his partner. In addition, the lasso means awareness of the consequences of one's own actions, what prospects are in this situation and what steps should be taken next. There is a possibility that leadership in relationships should be redefined. The main thing is to play honestly, sincerely treat your partner and respect his interests. In addition, if there is a disagreement in a couple, one of the partners must make concessions, pay attention to their shortcomings and behavior, and make adjustments.

    Inverted Justice Tarot has a more negative meaning in relationships, it says that the relationship has no prospects. They have no future and the separation of the couple is simply inevitable.

    Fortune-telling for personality assessment

    The Justice card describes a very fair and disciplined person who is an excellent specialist in any field. This person can objectively assess the situation and make meaningful decisions. He is confident in his own strengths and judgments, so he does not make mistakes due to complexes. The lasso in an inverted position is a warning that a person who is being fortune-telling may fall under the negative influence of a subject associated with power or legal structures.

    Arcane Justice as card of the year

    If this card fell out in the layout as a designation of the events of the year, then this period will become decisive in the life of the fortuneteller. Therefore, it is important to allocate time for a thorough assessment of your own affairs and the solution of all problems, every action must be thought out, like every decision. All events in the coming year depend solely on the person himself. Arcanum Justice of the Tarot indicates that for any achievement it will be necessary to work, but there will be no obstacles if he is ready to accept responsibility for his actions. Any action will have consequences, so it is important to think through each step, weighing the pros and cons.

    As for work and money, then the attitude towards the fortuneteller will be fair, he will not be deceived or manipulated by him. But if he decides to achieve success by deception, then he will definitely not achieve anything good. In this connection, do not forget about the rules and be responsible for your actions.

    When it comes to personal relationships, fairness and balance are also important. Depending on the attitude of the fortuneteller to the person, he will reciprocate, that is, if the attitude is sincere, then he will be treated sincerely, and manipulations and deception will lead to a negative development of events.

    As for health, it is important to control your own actions. Taking care and strengthening it, a person will be able to maintain good health, but any act done to the detriment of health will certainly affect him.

    Justice as the card of the day

    Falling out as a card of the day, this lasso speaks of the need for sober thinking. When solving a conflict or making a decision, it is imperative to take into account the possible consequences of your own actions. There is also a considerable chance that a person will be called upon to pay the old bill, to answer for actions committed earlier, but this does not necessarily turn into negative, it all depends on the act itself.

    Justice of the Tarot: combination with the major arcana