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  • What awaits according to the horoscope in the year. Autumn horoscope: what awaits all zodiac signs in the next three months Finance and career - how the year will turn out

    What awaits according to the horoscope in the year.  Autumn horoscope: what awaits all zodiac signs in the next three months Finance and career - how the year will turn out

    There is not a single woman who would not like to look into the future. Let it be in the near future and small details, but curiosity always prevails. What awaits all zodiac signs in the New Year 2019. How many positive moments will the Yellow Earth Pig give?

    The 2019 year of the Yellow Earth Pig is the final year in the twelve-place cycle. This is the time for conclusions and important decisions. It's time to weigh everything and rethink. Don't be afraid to change something. The pig will help to normalize and complete everything in the best way.

    Aries and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    2019 for the Aries woman will be very successful in terms of large purchases and savings. It is simply necessary to have a "stash" during this period. It will be replenished very successfully. A stable income will delight the Aries woman in the year of the Yellow Earthy Earth Pig, because she is more likely to always climb the career ladder.

    If possible, in 2019, Aries should take a trip. There is a high probability of an interesting acquaintance at this time. The trip will leave a lot of pleasant impressions and allow you to relax.

    On the love front, the Aries woman will not feel a lack of attention this year. There is a high probability of starting a family this year. The pig will facilitate acquaintance with exactly that person and the development of good relations.

    In 2019, an Aries woman should pay special attention to her health. Throughout the year, there will be a high risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

    Taurus and horoscope for 2019

    The beginning of the year will be filled with deeds and worries. The Taurus woman will have to find an approach to the Earth Pig and find contact with her. It is advisable to curb your bad habits and defeat them. Unlike the Dog, the Pig will not forgive Taurus for this.

    In the spring, life will return to its usual course and Taurus will establish relations with the M symbol of the year. The horoscope for 2019 promises Taurus a career boost and better things. From now on everything will go on as usual.

    Taurus couples can seriously think about procreation. Having a baby this year will be very appropriate. Emotionally and materially, everything will work out.

    Lonely Taurus horoscope 2019 promised a meeting with his soul mate. The main thing is not to miss this one in the meeting due to being busy at work.

    This year, Taurus will have to control their behavior and inner state. Therefore, special attention should be paid to your psychological health. The year will be like a roller coaster with ups and downs. However, the Taurus woman will come out of everything with her head held high.

    Gemini and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The horoscope for 2019 obliges Gemini to be responsible. During the reign of the Yellow Earth Pig, these girls will have to make many important decisions. However, fate will be favorable to them. It will give the most hardworking representatives unprecedented heights.

    In the New Year, it is highly undesirable for the Twins to start a relationship on the side and generally get involved in intrigues. There is a huge risk of gossip and gossip. Try to make life less visible and give your strength to your family. In addition, you will have little time for them at work.

    At the end of summer and autumn, you will be able to relax a little and go to rest. Everything will go smoothly and will help to recharge for the rest of the year.

    Pig (Boar), as a symbol of fertility, will bless Gemini for the birth of a child. This is one of the most favorable periods.

    In terms of health, in the Year of the Pig, everything will be smooth and smooth. The only high probability is injury.

    Cancer and areas of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The Year of the Earth Pig promises many changes to Cancer. This could be a change of job or even a place of residence. Everything will be favorable, the main thing is to maintain a positive attitude.

    In work, a Cancer woman will find it easy to achieve good results, but only if she works in a team. Teamwork should be the main focus during this period.

    Not many representatives of the sign will be able to find their love this year. Family Cancers will have to collect all their efforts to maintain a psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family. It is worthwhile to calm down and react adequately to what is happening.

    The health of a Cancer woman in the new year will be strong and will not let you down. However, you should not be treated without the help of a professional. This can lead to complications.

    According to the 2019 horoscope, Cancer should be wary of scammers and deception. If everything goes well and finances can be saved, then the Pig and the opportunity to make a major purchase.

    Lion and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    At the beginning of the year, the horoscope predicts many worries and important decisions for Leo. The beginning of the year and the steps taken will set the pace for the entire reign of the Yellow Earth Pig. From now on, the career will not remain the same. It will go either up or down. Be careful. Competitors lie in wait for you at every turn.

    In 2019, the girl Leo may have to leave for another city for a loved one. Or maybe t to another country. This trip will be a success, so there is no need to hesitate to make this decision.

    Do not worry about rest and do not overload yourself with work. You also need to rest so that your health is normal. Because this year the psycho-emotional state is under threat.

    Lonely Lionesses have a high chance of having love. For married women, according to the horoscope in 2019, everything will also be fine. Passion and love will reign in their relationship.

    In the year of the Pig, a Leo woman should learn to stay calm. Especially since the summer. The nervous tension will be so off scale that some girls will leave their jobs because of quarrels with employees and bosses. Therefore, it is better to remove time from the work process and poke your nose into other people's affairs less.

    Virgo and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    Virgo in 2019 will be one of the favorites of the Earth Pig. Everything will take shape as a click in all areas of life. If desired, Virgo women this year can move mountains and the Horoscope is only an assistant to them in this.

    In the spring, there is a very high probability of an office romance. Even family Virgos run the risk of falling under the spell of love. The relationship will be serious and may even spill over into a family.

    A Virgo woman in the year of the Pig should be more attentive to her own words and expressions of emotions. Especially in relation to close people. The relationship with them can be easily broken.

    Do not make hasty decisions and weigh your every step so as not to make mistakes from the past.

    Be attentive to your own health, but you should not get carried away with rest. If you want to be rich, you should focus on your career.

    Libra and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The Year of the Pig for woman scales is simply meant as a year of self-development. Even older women can go to study and this will bring them profit and satisfaction in the future. Sign up for competitions, improve your new hobby and do whatever you like.

    Usually, the often ailing Libra in 2019 according to the horoscope will not be separated by health. Everything will favor development and prosperity.

    Lonely Libra in 2019 will definitely meet their halves. This connection will be successful and strong. In their face you will find real friends and loved ones. Family scales will bathe in comfort and understanding. Family relationships will only delight.

    Libras should not get carried away with intrigue. Try to maintain a good relationship with your employees. Controversy, these are not your methods of gaining Boar. The horoscope recommends solving all issues peacefully.

    Scorpio and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    Scorpio in the year of the Yellow Pig is in for a lot of changes. All areas of his life will converge on financial well-being. Even romantic relationships will improve your career. Scorpio women will work hard that year and all their work will be rewarded.

    At the beginning of the year, you will have to make a lot of decisions and maybe even move to another city. You will definitely have to travel a lot. Don't be afraid to make unexpected decisions. Until spring everything will be resolved and will fall into place.

    In the love plan, Scorpio women will have a real war in the Year of the Pig. It will be very hard to find mutual language and meet a real relationship. In addition, past relationships will not be able to leave the representatives of the sign alone.

    Married women should be patient with Eurasia and stop caring with their partner. Complain less about life and the chosen one and there will be happiness.

    Sagittarius and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    2019 will be a very challenging year for Sagittarius. In all areas of life, you will have to try to sweat. All year long, it will be necessary to carefully treat finances, otherwise the Earth Pig will not forgive negligence.

    Those representatives of the zodiac sign who know how to work on mistakes and take into account their mistakes will be able to improve their position. Having corrected them, by the summer it will be possible to talk about stabilization in the material and psycho-emotional terms.

    Since there will be problems in all areas, it is worth giving priority to your family and relationships with relatives. Be more attentive to your loved ones. If Sagittarius has children, then all your strength and attention must be devoted to them.

    For all the troubles and problems, Sagittarius women in 2019 will be fine with a love horoscope. Family girls will feel the support of a loved one. Single women will be able to meet a reliable and loyal man.

    Capricorn and areas of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The horoscope of the Capricorn woman for 2019 predicts a lot of good things. You need to abstract attention on buying an apartment or renovating. Even if it seems unreal at the beginning of the year, don't worry, everything will work out.

    In the year of the Pig, the Capricorn woman will be able to feel at ease and understand how to fully realize herself. The symbol of the year will be supportive of the representatives of this sign.

    Financially, everything will go as well as possible. If the situation requires, then you can take a loan without fear. Everything will turn out as you plan.

    Be careful. The threat to the family will remain throughout the year. Do not fall for romances on the side and even light flirting. If everything is revealed, then a divorce will be inevitable. This will end extremely badly for you, so the family should be cherished and improved relations in it.

    Lonely Capricorns will have no time to start romances, but the development of relationships is not excluded. The main thing is not to be afraid to take steps towards a meeting and develop flirting.

    Aquarius and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The beginning of the year of the Earth Pig will not be very favorable for the Aquarius woman. It will be necessary to have time to clean up everything that has accumulated since last year.

    Aquarius will be carried away by the love sphere and they will be lost for a long time between new and old lovers. However, soon after the beginning of the year, they will remember about other areas and everything will slowly return to normal.

    Modesty and indecision can become a stumbling block for career advancement. You need to learn to be more active and drop doubts. The financial sector will not bring dramatic changes. However, material difficulties are not foreseen.

    Family women women should pay attention to family and home. It is definitely worth planning a trip with the whole family.

    Pisces and spheres of life in the year of the Pig 2019

    The symbol of this year will give Pisces women real protection. The Earth Yellow Pig will give special patronage to creative people. They will feel whole and calm.

    Pisces according to the horoscope in 2019 will have complete financial stability and prosperity in the love sphere. The main thing is to maintain peace of mind and not make problems for yourself on your own. If you confuse yourself, then you will be looking for a clue and a solution for a long time.

    Lonely representatives of the sign this year are likely to not only start a relationship, but also legitimize it.

    The pig will not be cruel to any sign of the zodiac and has prepared harmony and tranquility.

    2018 according to the Eastern calendar will come into its own on February 16. It will be held under the auspices of a kind totem - the Yellow Earth Dog, which will replace the scandalous Fire Rooster, bring people peace and tranquility. The symbol will relate to the peaceful element of the Earth, changing the fate of people and their way of life for the better. The star horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac confirms this, promising good luck in career, love and creative achievements.

    Before we paint the horoscope for 2018 according to the signs of the zodiac, we will give general advice and recommendations to all fans of the stellar forecast.

    Astrologers' predictions for 2018 for all signs of the zodiac are quite favorable, because the Earth Dog favors the warmth of the hearth, a friendly mood and everyday joys. This totem animal does not tolerate lies, hypocritical ingratiation, anger, perfectly recognizes all human vices and thoughts. That is why 2018 will correspond to comfort, friendliness, the birth of new love and family ties.

    The horoscope for 2018 by the signs of the zodiac, according to famous astrologers, will be calm, filled with hope and improved financial well-being. Someone will be lucky in business, someone in creative self-expression. The Earth Dog will protect relationships and strong families, push for career growth, education, and self-improvement.

    An important role in the favorable arrangement of the stars is played by the fact that the position of the planets according to the type of sextile will open the zodiacal symbols access to new opportunities. The Ascending Lunar Node in the sign of the royal Leo will allow you to show your talents, calculate possible moves a few steps ahead. The element of the Earth will protect people from strong shocks, including political and financial ones, and will give stability. On the love front, it will also not do without new acquaintances filled with romance and the expectation of happiness.

    The main parting words of astrologers in 2018 for each sign is full speed ahead, towards innovation, luck and success. Happiness will be found by those who marry after February 16, give birth to a child, change their attitude to their careers and work on themselves. And what exactly the horoscope for 2018 promises for each sign of the zodiac, we will tell you, guided by the predictions of the eastern calendar.

    Aries (march 21 - april 20)

    The coming year of the Yellow Dog will bring many changes to this symbol. It will take all perseverance and stubbornness to change your life for the better without making serious mistakes. In 2018, Aries will have to get out of balance many times, so you need to learn to be more restrained, more tolerant of relatives and work colleagues.

    In terms of health, there will be no particular concerns, but moderate physical activity will definitely not harm. The stars advise you to rest more, maintain relationships with your family. In love, astrologers prophesy Aries success, strengthening family relationships, reconciliation with former lovers.

    Taurus (april 21 - may 21)

    Stars for Taurus in 2018 will be successful in all areas of life. Big changes in family and financial terms, you should not wait, but there will be a lot of positive emotions, and in various fields of activity. However, you will have to be more vigilant in order not to fall into the hands of scammers.

    At work, Taurus will have stability and an average salary, so spending will have to be treated wisely. This zodiac sign is prone to colds, therefore astrologers recommend in 2018 to temper the body, to increase immunity in various ways. In love affairs, everything will remain as before, new relationships are possible only with a decisive attitude.

    Gemini (may 22 - june 21)

    The horoscope for Gemini in 2018 promises good luck in financial and love affairs. Any undertakings will be successful, talents will be recognized and appreciated. Thanks to their sociable nature, Gemini will find new friends, maintain good relations with colleagues. However, quarrels in the family, cooling of relations between lovers due to money issues, travel are not excluded.

    It is important to see a doctor on time, pay loans on time and monitor the health of loved ones. With due diligence, the bosses will appreciate your work, therefore, career growth, transfer to another position is not excluded. Also, 2018 is a good year for a wedding, the birth of children, and the creation of new relationships.

    Cancer (june 22 - july 22)

    For this zodiac sign, the Year of the Dog will bring a change. In which areas, depends on the age and place of work, here the totem animal preferred to keep the intrigue. Astrologers advise making repairs, traveling, making new acquaintances, going towards your goal even in small steps.

    Business Cancers can think about running their own business - the stars are fond of undertakings, even the most risky ones. Any business will argue if you make an effort. The symbol of 2018 advises single and unmarried representatives of the zodiac to settle down, start a family. In terms of health, there will be no changes.

    Leo (july 23 - august 21)

    The planets for this sign are located in the most successful way. Any undertakings will not be in vain, and the workload, perseverance and systematic work will bring the expected results. The main thing is to enlist the support of like-minded people and relatives, to take into account the comments of colleagues. It is important in the coming year of the Dog to believe your intuition, especially when drawing up documents.

    Also, Lions in 2018 will have to monitor their reputation, avoid compromising situations. In summer, it is worth taking a break away from home, with your family or children. Sometimes it is not forbidden to indulge yourself with expensive gifts, but significant costs should be avoided. In love, everything will remain unchanged if new acquaintances and communication with flirting do not arise by February.

    Virgo (august 22 - september 23)

    Virgos in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog should think about health, save their nerves. The emotional state in difficult situations can be unstable. Outings, gatherings with friends, new acquaintances are recommended. Family people need to devote more time to their other halves, free ones - picking partners more picky.

    It will be useful to spend more time in the gym, start doing exercises in the morning. You can take off on the career ladder if you keep your emotions under control. In love, the stars are advised to be more calm, try to maintain a relationship.

    Libra (september 24 - october 23)

    The measured life of Libra will be successful financially and career wise. Astrologers prophesy the sign of the support of the stars in business, new beginnings, business projects. Strong health and cheerfulness will help you achieve all your desires if you put in the effort. However, you still need to take care of yourself, strengthening the immune system, resting more after work.

    Also, 2018 promises Libra good luck and reciprocity in love, especially in summer. It will be more difficult for those who are alone - they will have to reduce the requirements for candidates, change something in themselves. In all areas of activity, there will be a lot of positive emotions if you manage to keep your personal and business life a secret from gossips and envious people.

    Scorpio (october 24 - november 22)

    The stars advise Scorpios in the coming year of the Earth Dog to experience less envy, jealousy, and try to avoid negativity. The seething energy is best directed towards solving problems, building a career and building relationships. It will not be superfluous to take care of the nervous system.

    But in the affairs of Scorpio, the implementation of any undertakings, financial growth of profits from investments awaits. It is recommended to direct your ardor not to love experiences and scandals, but to achieving career heights. The second halves will be true to this hot-tempered sign, so you should not worry about family relationships.

    Sagittarius (november 23 - december 22)

    In 2018, this sign will want everything at once, but there will not be enough strength for many things. The stars advise to set goals more concretely, brush aside insignificant and costly ideas. Otherwise, due to difficulties, there will be health problems, relationships at work and in the family.

    In love, you will have to control emotions, trying to avoid casual connections... Inconsistency will lead to scandals, divorce, but is it necessary? It is advisable to show patience for Sagittarius in business - otherwise you will have to change jobs, prove your professional suitability. Another caveat concerns injuries and fractures - there is a high probability of getting injured this year due to carelessness or haste.

    Capricorn (december 23 - january 20)

    The year of the Dog for Capricorns promises development, a surge of strength and efficiency. The stars also advise traveling more, spending time with old and new friends. If you wish, you will find a new job, another rented apartment, and an opportunity for entertainment.

    In the career of Capricorns, stability awaits, including financial. There will be more time for doing what you love, there will be a minute for a hobby. A desire will wake up to become more romantic, responsible for a permanent partner. With health, too, there will be no trouble, especially if you work out in the gym, run in the morning, temper.

    Aquarius (january 21 - february 19)

    For Aquarius, the element of the Earth has prepared a number of surprises. Firstly, representatives of this fickle sign will be able to bring important undertakings to the end. Secondly, many will achieve success in creative professions, fields of activity related to art, literature, music.

    Combining daydreaming and business acumen, Aquarians will be able to climb the career ladder and win many hearts on the love front. Have you sat in brides and grooms? Feel free to marry the second half, the stars favor lovers. With health, no hassle is foreseen, on the contrary, energy, including sexual energy, will be in full swing.

    Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

    Pisces in 2018 shouldn't go with the flow, but they don't need to break obstacles either. The horoscope advises to evaluate strength when planning cases, to take on feasible tasks. A non-standard approach, some cunning and resourcefulness will help. This is the only way to achieve a promotion at work, improve your financial condition.

    Single Pisces will be able to meet their love, start a romantic relationship. Perhaps this will be a person who has been in the status of a friend for a long time. The stars favor love, family happiness and marriage. Health will allow you to play sports, yoga or swimming, make friends during joint walks


    According to astrologers, the Pig (Pig) is an active, generous, cheerful and very kind zodiac sign. This is a family animal, so in 2019 it will be easy to make peace, legalize an alliance and create new relationships for representatives of all signs.

    What the Year of the Pig 2019 will look like

    Translated from Greek, the word "zodiac" means "menagerie" or "zoo". Most of the constellations, against the background of which the Sun moves in the annual cycle, are named after animals. The rest were given symbolic names. According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of 2019 will be the Yellow Earth Pig.

    The Pig is the last sign of the zodiac to complete a 12-year cycle. Therefore, a year under his patronage is good for taking stock in long-term affairs. All signs of the eastern horoscope in the year of the Pig will be able to determine their life plans. If you show thrift and decency, then Pig will help you achieve success in the professional field and in your personal life.

    Horoscope 2019 for zodiac signs

    People born in the Year of the Pig always act according to their conscience. They are smart, easy-going, open to new acquaintances and experiences. The boar is lucky, loves to have fun, but it can also stand up for itself when necessary, so it is undesirable to quarrel with it. In the year of the Pig, there will be no zodiac signs left, which the Universe will refuse to realize their plans or celebrate life.

    Representatives of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in 2019 will have many chances to radically change their environment. Those born under the auspices of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) will be able to self-actualize, find a field for career growth.

    Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries) will find happiness in partnership, be it personal relationships or communication with colleagues. Representatives of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will be able to find time to travel. This does not mean that all benefits will be given just like that. The element of Earth, to which the Yellow Pig belongs, is tied to the material part of the world. To get good luck, you have to work hard, because fortune loves the persistent and strong.


    Although the 2019 Year of the Pig is generally successful for the zodiac signs, representatives of the element of Fire need to moderate their ardor a little. For the successful completion of the 12-year cycle, Aries (March 21 - April 20) should show patience, maintain balance, and forgive offenses.

    According to the forecast for 2019, the financial position of this sign will be stable. If Aries stubbornly go forward, do not panic because of minor problems in monetary affairs, then in the spring they will expect career growth, unexpected profits.

    As for love affairs, the Year of the Pig is a period of respite. You should not part with your partner because of some coolness in the relationship and look for happiness on the side. This year is not the time for successful changes in Aries' personal life. It is better to wait quietly, and all disagreements will eventually be settled. Loners need to take a closer look at their surroundings - the ideal partner expects the first step from you.

    The Yellow Pig does not withstand prolonged physical and mental overload, stress, worries. Loose nerves of Aries can lead to malfunctions of the immune or digestive system, exacerbation chronic diseases, impaired vision, hearing.

    The main advice for Aries is to be emotionally restrained, do not show aggression, then the year will pass calmly for you.


    The eastern horoscope for the year of the Pig is successful for all signs of the Earth. Taurus will be on top (April 21 - May 21). Astrologers claim that representatives of this zodiac sign will easily solve any problems. Although there will be no significant leaps forward in finance and career, there is no need to despair. Prepare for promotions in the coming years. Patience and skill will not go unnoticed by the bosses.

    The 2019 love horoscope guarantees Taurus a replenishment in the family. In the summer, the Pig will give the lonely representatives of the earth sign a meeting with an interesting person who, over time, will become a faithful companion in life. Taurus' health can fail if they still don't pay attention to it.

    Advice: take care of your throat, undergo an examination with an endocrinologist. Due to malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, all systems and organs can be seriously affected.


    For the representatives of the element of Air, the earthen Pig did not prepare serious tests. Only Gemini (May 22-June 21) personally may have quarrels, resentments, omissions. Couples who have lived for a long time will start to feel a lack of emotion. The dullness of everyday life will make Gemini look for entertainment on the side, which will not strengthen family ties. The best solution would be joint travel, romantic dinners, mutual gifts.

    Purposeful Gemini will enjoy a career advancement at the beginning of the year. The senior management will appreciate the hard work and will pay a repeated award for initiative. Young Gemini will not be worried about health. Older people should be on their guard - their immunity is weakened this year. This will lead to an exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

    Gemini advice: if you feel unwell, immediately contact a doctor.


    Emotional signs of the elements of Water will enter the year with a fighting spirit. Cancers (June 22 - July 22) under any circumstances will defend their point of view, which will be marked by problems in relationships with work colleagues and bosses.

    The pig will not allow the skirmish to continue, so Cancers will have to grab their heads. In the fall, they will have many interesting offers for making money. Rakov expect profitable deals, lucrative contracts, cooperation with new partners.

    In the personal life of married couples, complete harmony will reign. For lonely people, the Year of the Pig will bring pleasant meetings. For indecisive Cancers, this is where it all ends. For those who want to start a family, the candy-bouquet period will continue with a wedding.

    Cancer's health will not fail if they try to avoid depression. Due to their resentment and excessive emotionality, Cancers tend to react sharply to any trouble. This provokes a breakdown.

    Cancer tip: in order to avoid illness in 2019, you should learn to abstract yourself from the attacks of ill-wishers and detractors. Then you are not afraid of colds, viral infections, exacerbation of old ailments.

    a lion

    The Yellow Pig does not tolerate self-confidence and bragging. In order for 2019 to bring good luck, Leo (July 23 - August 21) needs to be modest, not to imagine himself as a king. Then the Pig will please not only with career growth, but also with the systematic receipt of funds. Lions will be able to pay off old bills, give loans, even collect a certain amount.

    Being very busy at work can negatively affect your personal life. The second half may suspect betrayal, file for divorce. To prevent this from happening, Leos need to devote more time to their family. Free representatives of this sign will be more fortunate. 2019 will be marked by a fateful meeting.

    Tip: try not to miss it in the cycle of events.

    Increased activity and unbearable loads can affect the health of Lviv. If you do not give yourself a break, then the heart, nervous system will suffer, and immunity will drop. If everything is left to chance, then the invincible, hardy Leo can fail for a long time.


    Astrologers predicted many fateful changes for the restrained and modest representatives of this zodiac sign. Virgo (August 22 - September 23) will find a way out of any unpleasant situation, a career will go up, and for people who have their own business, the Pig will present a meeting with a rich investor.

    Virgos know a lot about fidelity and real feelings, but congenital pickiness and jealousy this year can lead to a breakup. The pig does not tolerate the restrictions of freedom, so the Virgo must try to restrain her exactingness.

    As far as health is concerned, you shouldn't relax here either. The main thing is to gain peace of mind, self-control in the soul. Regular stress will provoke viral and infectious diseases.

    Virgo advice: practice yoga to achieve peace and harmony.


    This sign is almost impossible to unbalance. 2019 is no exception. Libra (September 24 - October 23) for patience and trusting relationships with people will receive a gift in the Year of the Pig - a long-awaited career advancement. People of this zodiac sign should remember that you should not open up too much to employees. The higher you go upstairs, the more there will be envious people around.

    Family Libra 2019 will help build rapport. The peak of enjoying love will be at the time of the golden autumn. Single Libra will remain free, will not dare to delve into a new relationship, but loneliness will benefit them. They will soar in the clouds of dreams without burdening themselves with family problems.

    Health, according to the forecasts of astrologers, will not let you down either. You just need to pay attention to the work of the kidneys. Do not chase after fashionable clothes, freezing in thin coats in winter. Hypothermia can provoke kidney ailments.

    Libra tip: go for a walk dressed for the season, then the disease is not scary.


    The most dramatic changes are expected for this zodiac sign. Scorpios (October 24 - November 22) should expect to move to another country for permanent residence, wedding and / or the birth of a child. You should not be afraid of meeting an unknown future, since Pig has prepared many pleasant moments.

    To get ahead at work, Scorpios need to be proactive. Stop hiding behind the backs of others. Reveal your individuality to the leadership, success will not keep you waiting. Just be careful with bragging. Unfulfilled obligations will return to you in the form of judgments, gossip, slander from employees.

    Perspectives love horoscope not so rosy. Scorpios will try to fulfill the desires of all family members, trying to find a middle ground, which will drain their nervous system. In pairs, tension will build up, which can start a real fire.

    Advice to Scorpios: be extremely reasonable, do not get into arguments, and this difficult period will pass painlessly for you.

    Straining at home or work will lead to a weakened immune system, general weakness and malaise. Anxiety and anxiety will be accompanied by loss of appetite, headaches. Do not go on about emotions, adjust your diet, walk more often in the fresh air with your partner - this is an effective prevention of disease.


    This troubled sign in the Year of the Pig should not expect stability. Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) is prepared to go through a series of tests in the service and in personal life. Many representatives of this sign are waiting for a new place of work, which will open up good prospects for earning money. Sagittarius will be especially lucky in agricultural and scientific fields activities.

    Use natural ingenuity and ingenuity to reach the desired level without unnecessary problems and frustrations. Dark earnings and fraud should be avoided - Pig does not like this. All illegal actions will certainly be disclosed, which will lead to disastrous results, up to and including dismissal from work.

    Family Sagittarians need to say goodbye to doubts about their partner's dishonesty. If you do not stop your distrust, then you will definitely push your loved one into betrayal, and this threatens to break up. Free Sagittarius will have many fleeting encounters, but none will lead to a serious relationship.

    In health, the astrological horoscope predicts a difficult period. This is especially true for Sagittarius, who are used to drinking stress with alcohol. This method in the Year of the Pig will lead to liver problems, metabolic disorders, obesity.


    The Year of the Pig has prepared pleasant surprises for earth signs. Capricorns (December 23 - January 20) are accompanied by success and prosperity in all areas of life. Any profession will bring a good income. A creative approach and initiative will attract profitable deals, reliable partners.

    For family Capricorns, the whole of 2019 will seem like another honeymoon. In the foreground will be mutual understanding with a partner, respect, passion. Against this background, even everyday problems, which will entail considerable monetary costs, will seem like a trifle for tight-fisted Capricorns.

    In terms of health, everything will also be fine if you revise the diet. Due to the constant neglect of themselves in most Capricorns digestive system works to the limit.

    Family Aquarius will have disagreements due to inattention to loved ones. The windiness and irritability inherent in these zodiac signs will easily cause a storm in partnerships. Conflicts can be avoided with developed restraint. Aquarius was lucky with health. The only thing that can fail is a sedentary lifestyle. To be in good shape and in a great mood, you need to move more, walk in the fresh air.


    Astrologers promise a calm year to all water signs. For Pisces (February 20 - March 20), it will become especially pleasant, because they will be successful in all areas of activity. Excessive perfectionism (imperfection of the result) inherent in them will cause apathy, depression, bad mood.

    In a career, Pisces should not wait for significant events. For some, the year will be stagnant. The balance is expected in terms of finance. There will be no increase or decrease in cash receipts. Love life is delightful, because there will be peace and harmony with all family members.

    Tender feelings, mutual understanding, care will become the key to the strength of bonds. On this basis, the likelihood of having a child is high. The Yellow Pig did not have a partnership in store for the free Pisces. Lonely everyday life will brighten up short dates.

    Health problems should not be expected. The only caveat is that due to poor blood circulation, diseases of the lower extremities can occur. To avoid foot problems, one must beware of hypothermia, wear comfortable shoes, and walk more often. You can choose a sport you like, such as swimming.

    Pisces advice: if you sit in the office all week, then on weekends you do not need to stay at home and lie on the couch in front of the TV. It is better to move meetings with friends to fresh air. Go skiing or cycling to replenish your energy reserves.


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    2019 year of the Pig for the zodiac signs according to the eastern horoscope

    Life is unpredictable, so it is difficult to know what awaits us in the future. However, it is possible to do this with the help of the zodiacal horoscope. Thanks to him, you will know what to expect from 2018.

    According to astrologers, in 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will see significant changes in the life of every sign of the zodiac. The beginning of the new year is associated with new beginnings, achievements and disappointments. To avoid problems and troubles, as well as to find out which path will lead you to success the fastest, seek help from zodiac horoscope... The site's experts will help you find out what you should prepare for in the new year.


    In 2018, Aries will have a lot of changes, and they will begin from the very beginning of the year. Good luck is guaranteed to you, and the influence of Mars will only give you energy. However, due to the sheer number of new events and changes, you will often have to change plans. It is this instability that can disappoint you.

    Of course, you need to listen to the advice of loved ones, but sometimes you should remain unconvinced. In the new year, you need to decide what you want from life and move towards your goal, and the help of friends and family will be a reliable help.

    Take care of your health. You may be prone to colds next year. To protect your health, take some time to exercise sometimes. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid ailments, use folk remedies for colds.

    To climb to the top of the career ladder, you need to show your qualities and skills at work. You should be bold and open about your ideas - perhaps your creativity will help you achieve your goals.

    In your personal life, no special changes await you. If you have already found your love, then, most likely, there will be stability in your relationship throughout the year. If you are single, then it is likely that you will have to be on the lookout for the rest of the year. However, the Dog is an unpredictable animal, so it may well present you with a pleasant surprise.


    At the beginning of the year, disappointments await you, but that may change in the spring. To avoid upset, take a closer look at your social circle: perhaps your loved one will become the cause of your troubles and troubles. Don't be upset: in the middle of the year, you will have a new dating period, and at this time you will have the opportunity to make new friends.

    Health will not bother you. In the next year, only minor illnesses await you, which will pass quickly. Most importantly, avoid factors that can cause serious illness. First of all, get rid of bad habits.

    If you are not satisfied with your job or salary, then the beginning of 2018 is the most favorable period for changing the field of activity. However, do not make hasty decisions and do not rush to the first vacancy announcement - it is better to spend time but find the job of your dreams.

    Changes in your personal life will delight you. Perhaps you will move to a new level of relationship with your significant other. If you have not yet found your love, then get ready to soon let a new person into your life.


    For Gemini, next year will be a time of adventure, so it's time to think about travel and the countries you want to visit. Risk should be avoided, though: Extreme entertainment in 2018 could hurt you.

    In 2018, junk food will become especially harmful for you, so reconsider your diet and avoid fatty, fried and high-calorie foods. Also take some time to do some light exercise. This will help you to strengthen your body and stay in shape at all times.

    From the very beginning of the year, take on the implementation of your plans. The faster you do this, the faster you reach your goals. At work, you are not afraid to take risks, so feel free to take on large projects and participate in business negotiations. If your boss notices your desire, then he will definitely encourage you.

    Significant changes will occur in your personal life, and it is possible that they will not please you. However, by the end of the year, everything will be fine. Most importantly, avoid impulses and be less emotional. If you fell in love at first sight, do not think that this is love for life. If you are confident in your soulmate, you can safely associate life with her.


    Rakov will be successful next year. The most important thing is not to miss important points. Life changes can be both positive and negative. You should respond to them adequately and not panic.

    In terms of health, you will be fine, you just need to maintain this state. At the beginning of the year, you may feel a slight discomfort, but this will soon pass. To avoid problems, strengthen your immune system and refrain from overeating during the New Year holidays.

    No major changes are expected in his career. If something does not work out for you at work, you should not immediately change the field of activity. Most likely, you lack concentration and effort. If you treat your work more responsibly, then your work will bring you not only benefits, but also pleasure.

    There will be no significant changes in your personal life, but this will not be a disappointment for you. In 2018, it is advisable for Scorpios to be alone and understand themselves. Thanks to this, you will be able to understand what kind of person you need, and by the end of the year you can safely start looking for a soul mate.


    For these representatives of the zodiacal circle, next year will be a turning point. Many important decisions will need to be made, and it is advisable not to make mistakes. By the end of the year, you will have the opportunity to take a break from constant problems and improve your life.

    Health will make you worry, but not for long. Autumn will be the most problematic period for you. Not only your physical, but also your mental state can suffer. In September, you may face blues and a little depression, and later you will have to fight colds. But in winter, nothing will threaten your body.

    A breakthrough awaits you in the professional field. You will be able to carry out your plans and get closer to your goal. However, even the smallest problems can make you think about changing jobs. It is advisable to get rid of these thoughts, since for Sagittarius 2018 is not the most favorable time for such changes.

    Many new acquaintances and romantic adventures await you next year. However, not all of them will end well for you. Interesting meetings and dates should not be avoided, but you should not take each of them seriously. Take a close look at your surroundings: perhaps it is there that you will find a person who will become your lover.


    In 2018, Capricorns will be at the pinnacle of happiness. Success awaits you in all areas, and new beginnings will bear fruit. The only thing that can hinder you is laziness and frivolity, but if you can overcome them, then you definitely won't have to complain about life.

    Health will not create trouble for you if you do not harm it yourself. If you feel a little unwell, it is advisable to see a doctor right away. It is advisable to avoid stress and lack of sleep in order to always feel cheerful and energetic. After all, it is activity and energy that will help you in the struggle for happiness on the path of life.

    Taking initiative will help you succeed at work in 2018. Most importantly, don't overdo it so that your coworkers don't think badly of you. It is advisable to establish relationships with your boss - this way you can realize all your plans. Be more open with your colleagues as well, as the help of employees will not hurt.

    At the end of the year, pleasant changes in your personal life await you. It is this period that is favorable for new acquaintances, marriage or making important decisions. If you are thinking about a long-term relationship, it is advisable to start your search for love in advance, so that the next new year's eve you have not spent alone.


    For the representatives of this Zodiac Sign, the next year will be turbulent. This is due to changes that will occur constantly. To benefit from them, take any changes for granted. There is no need to be afraid that your life will get worse: if you make an effort, then everything will be the other way around.

    In 2018, you need to monitor your psychological state, as due to heavy workload, severe stress, sleep disturbances and even prolonged depression are possible. Work to the best of your ability and remember that health is more important.

    Work will delight and disappoint you. Sometimes your work will give you pleasure, but any little thing can upset you. Since the year of the Dog for Aquarius is a time of change, you can also think about changing your place of work. The most important thing is not to make a mistake, so think carefully about any decisions.

    In his personal life, Vodoleev does not expect anything new. The relationship will be stable. If you do not have a soul mate, then you will spend the entire 2018 alone. However, this can be fixed if you go in search of romantic adventures now.


    In 2018, the representatives of this Zodiac Sign will have many reasons to rejoice. Your life will change significantly for the better. Your task is not to spoil the harmony and tranquility around you and never stop striving for the best.

    To avoid health problems next year, it is advisable to maintain healthy image life. Of course, sometimes you can afford small indulgences, but don't swim behind the buoys. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, in this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The Year of the Dog will be favorable for the implementation of ideas. However, you should think about everything in advance if you do not want to become irresponsible in the eyes of your boss. Only tell others about your plans if you already know how to bring your idea to life.

    The next year will bring a lot of joy to lonely Pisces. Lots of dating and romantic dates await you. You will be able to plunge into the world of love. However, you should not fall in love with the first person you meet if you want a serious relationship. Be very careful when choosing a life partner.

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    For Aries, 2019 will be a very good year. You will be in harmony with others and in constant communication with them. You will have the opportunity to make new friends, useful business contacts and even find your soul mate if you are still alone. You will be able to prove yourself from the best side, and your value in the eyes of others will noticeably increase.


    You will have to choose one of a large number of goals and direct all your energies to its implementation. Do not try to keep up with everything at once, during 2019 you, unfortunately, will not be able to keep up with two birds with one stone. Also, the stars recommend that you not be wasteful and save your finances and other resources. In communicating with loved ones, it does not hurt to show sensitivity and tolerance in order to avoid conflicts.


    For Gemini, 2019 will be a time of real adventure and vivid emotions! The stars recommend that you be open and not afraid to try something new, healthy adventurism will bring you required charge energy and a lot of impressions! It is possible that someone from your inner circle will gradually or abruptly leave your life, but a new person or even several will come in his place.


    A real test of strength awaits representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign in 2019. This is especially true for your business acumen. You will need to show wisdom and ingenuity so that your career achievements are appreciated, and all the benefits from your ideas and projects do not go to someone else. Concerning family life, then at some point you will feel that you do not receive the expected support from loved ones, but do not be discouraged, confidence in your family will definitely return to you.

    a lion

    2019 will be generous for you to meet new people. You will definitely make new friends, and they can radically change your life, at least for a while. New people around you will bring you new hobbies and ideas. In this regard, you will feel very excited, and this will have a positive effect on your career and personal life. However, you should be careful and avoid overconfident statements and actions.


    With the beginning of 2019, Virgos can be overcome by apathy, which may lead to stagnation in business and personal life, as well as gray everyday life and a lack of new impressions. Some new type of activity will help you to get out of this state. Perhaps the time has come to find a hobby for your liking or look around in search of a new object of sympathy. You just need a boost of energy and enthusiasm, so don't let yourself be discouraged and inactive!


    In 2019, you can drastically change your point of view about things in which you were previously firmly satisfied. It is likely that your attitude towards someone you previously underestimated will finally become more supportive, and vice versa. In general, you can count on a certain revaluation of values. However, do not get carried away by excessive self-digging, just go towards those who show warmth and kindness to you, and you will not be mistaken in your choice.


    The representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio will have a very productive period. You will be able to solve most of the existing life problems and tasks in 2019. In your career and business, success and a new round of development await you, your family members will also please you with success. When communicating with your immediate environment, it is very important to hear them, so at certain times try to calm down your ego and understand the interlocutor.


    Sagittarius should be careful about their desires during 2019, because they can come true and turn against you, paradoxically. In addition, at some times you will suddenly find yourself in some kind of confrontation with others, your opinion in many situations will be radically different from the opinion of the majority. Make sure that this does not end up being the cause of your loneliness and isolation from your social circle.


    Capricorns should be confident in themselves, because during 2019 you will repeatedly underestimate your strengths and thereby deprive yourself of the chances of success. If it seems to you that you do not have sufficient professional qualities, this is not a reason not to try to prove yourself, remember this. It's the same with you in your personal life: to gain favor the right person, you should drop all doubts and realize your own value, only in this case success is possible.


    For Aquarius, 2019 will be a very successful period in all spheres of life! A lot of impressions, development and renewal are guaranteed to you! Already at the beginning of the year, the stars promise the lonely representatives of the sign of mutual feelings, and the Aquarius in a pair - the strengthening of relations. A sharp leap will take place in your career, which will immediately find its financial expression. In addition, a very busy and not boring pastime awaits you this year!


    2019 can be a very challenging year for Pisces. At some point, you will not understand what others expect from you and what actions you should take in order to improve this or that area of ​​life. In addition, you will be prone to rash and wrong decisions, which can damage your reputation and relationships with loved ones. The stars recommend that you be more honest with others and ask for support and advice from your family and your significant other.