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    Job description of the financier.  Ergonomic requirements for the workplace

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    Basic organizational form application of system processing of economic information on the organizational - economic management object is an automated control system (ACS) of various levels and purposes.

    ACS is defined as a "man-machine" system that ensures the effective functioning of the control object, is carried out using computer, peripheral and organizational technology.

    The development of automated systems is characterized by the expansion of the interconnections of individual systems and subsystems that combine process control, operational management, operational and current planning, administrative and economic activities, product design and testing, etc., and tends to combine them into a common multi-level system of integrated object management as a whole. Such multi-level hierarchical automated systems should provide coordinated and interconnected management of all types of activities, for example, an industrial enterprise, including the management of basic production and technological processes, auxiliary and non-industrial facilities, etc.


    In production associations, at industrial enterprises, multi-level integrated automated control systems have been used. Depending on the characteristics of production, the purpose of creating systems and the composition of functions, a multi-level integrated automated control system is automated, for example, a production association, may include the following components: organizational management enterprises, workshops, sections (APCS), automated process control systems (APCS), computer-aided design systems for design and technological purposes (CAD), automated control systems for flexible production systems (APCS FPS), automated control systems for the technical preparation of production (APCS ), automated research management systems (ARMS), etc. These systems are both interconnected and interconnected, and relatively independent.

    The first case is possible when the initial (actual) information of automated process control systems, CAD, automated control systems, GIS, MSW automated control systems are used in the automated control system as input, for example, for compiling summary reports, and the output (for example, planned) information of the automated control system in these systems is used as input. Modern PC complexes used in the form of automated workstations (AWS) of users of various levels and on which system processing of economic information is carried out, as well as local networks that are created within the enterprise, constitute the technical base of the automated enterprise management system (ACS). AWP is the workplace of the personnel of the automated control system, which equipment is the means to ensure the participation of a person in the implementation of his functions as a specialist or the functions of an automated control system.

    The classification of workstations takes place according to the following main features: * by functional orientation - workstations of technical and support personnel, workstations of a specialist, workstations of a manager, etc.; * by the level of use of PCs - low-level workstations, middle-level workstations, higher-level workstations; * according to the form of organization of workers on a PC - individual and group, single-apartment and multi-apartment; * on other grounds. For conditions under which system information processing is carried out not only comprehensively but also in the rhythm of production, and management is purposeful and efficient thanks to new information (paperless) technologies, the most promising and effective will be such a structural approach to building an automated control system, in which the basis of this system will be compose AWS complexes, which are associations for a resource-free basis (material, labor, financial, as well as fixed assets and finished products).

    Such an approach to the organization of the system of workstation complexes in the context of automated control systems will allow: * to ensure the interconnection of the processes of collecting and processing information horizontally (between structural divisions) at each level, for each subject area - resource-safe subsystems; * promptly and comprehensively provide for each subsystem and at all levels (vertically) the solution of functional management issues (rationing and regulation, planning, accounting and control, reporting, excismic analysis and management decision-making) for all types of production; * promptly inform managers and specialists of different levels with reliable and complete information about the state of resources, especially priority ones in production management, as well as about the processes and operations taking place at the enterprise and in its structural units; solve the problem of timely automated formation of reliable results of the production and economic activities of the enterprise as a whole, as well as obtaining consolidated financial indicators for the formation of established reporting for different periods of time.


    In practical terms, the system of workstation complexes in an enterprise can have such a structure that will form the technical basis for operational and automated production management at a high quality level. The workstation complex for managing production, release and shipment of finished products includes the following main workstations: * a lower-level link - the workstation of the master of production operations (it is also for collecting and processing data on the output of piecework workers), the workstation of the warehouse manager and (or) storekeeper; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - workstation of a senior accountant for summary indicators, workstation of a planner, workstation of a manager The complex of workstations for managing fixed assets includes the following main workstations: * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, technologist's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - planner's workstation, manager's workstation.

    The AWP complex for managing material resources includes the following main AWPs: * lower-level link - AWP of the manager and (or) storekeeper; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, economist's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of a manager. The personnel management workstation complex includes the following main workstations: * lower-level link - workstation of the master for collecting and processing data on production, timekeeper's workstation, personnel officer; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, rater's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of a manager, AWP of an economist. The AWP complex for managing financial resources includes the following main AWPs: * lower-level link - AWP of a cashier and bank settlements; * mid-level link - accountant's workstation, economist's workstation, planner's workstation, manager's workstation; * top-level link - AWP of a senior accountant for summary indicators, AWP of a planner, AWP of an economist, AWP of a manager. When creating a system of workstation complexes of various levels, it must be borne in mind that the number of PCs at a particular link (workplace) depends entirely on the amount of information collected on this workstation, the timing of its processing and the frequency of issuing it to users.

    Therefore, it is allowed for one PC to be used by several users, but each of them must use his own floppy disk. The mode of operation of these workstations is not the same. If the low-level workstations usually work in the rhythm of production, that is, when a production and business operation is performed and information about it is recorded in a PC, then the workstations of the senior levels work in a more "free" or sparing mode.

    3. INFORMATION SUPPORTworkstation

    Information support of the system of workstation complexes provides for the organization of such an information base that would regulate information communications, provide all workstations with the necessary data, etc. A distributed database provides such a fragmentation of it into semi-databases placed on separate workstations; ease of access to any semi-base subject to authorized access; high data manipulation performance, etc. The structure of the information support should ensure the minimum moderation of data, the convenience of organizing an archive, etc. It should be noted that the formation of distributed databases, which are completed with conditionally permanent information, in multilevel integrated automated control systems is carried out gradually, in a continuous process, by accumulating data. For example, the marketing service determines a list of products that are in demand on the market and enters these data into the appropriate PC in the specified database. Designers, developing the structure and composition of these products, use the specified information and enrich it with new information. Technologists, in turn, use the information that has been accumulated in the database earlier, supplement it with technological (in terms of operations) and regulatory, etc. All this accumulated conditional - permanent information is then used in the automation of primary accounting, adding to it only new data that determines WHO and HOW MUCH did (see clause 2.1). Thus, the continuity of the production cycle (marketing service - design development - technological preparation - production - accounting - shipment of products - settlements with customers) is fully reflected in the information system.

    AWP software consists of general or system, functional or application software, which also includes mathematical software as an independent part. General or system software includes the operating system and applications that extend it, interactive mode software, and so on. This type of software is designed to control the operation of the processor; memory access organizations, peripherals and networks; arrays; launch and execution processes of application programs, including those in different languages ​​(Basic, Pascal, etc.).

    Functional or application software is designed to automatically solve functional problems in the management of an object, including optimization, forecasting, boundary planning and management, simulation modeling, etc. Additional software tools are characterized by a wide range of applications and mass production. Known are the most popular programs that are used for: * word processing system - SUPER STAR, WORD STAR; * computer (LIZA DRAW) and business (LIZA GRAGH) graphics systems; * databases (d BASE III PLUS, LOTUS); * tabular data entry and processing systems (VisiCalc, SUPERCALC).

    System processing of accounting information on a PC can be implemented in the MS DOS operating system version 3.3 and higher. Programming languages ​​are data manipulation languages ​​of DBMS FoxBASE, CLIPPER and others. A complex of dialog (interactive) software tools that are organized in the form of dialog systems that provide a "menu" (for choosing one of many actions), "template filling" (for entering formatted information in the form of tables), "question - answer" (for a targeted finding solutions for management processes), etc. The structural system of workstation complexes is combined in the form of global or local networks, in which microcomputers, PCs, terminals and other peripheral interconnection devices are connected via channels both among themselves and with one or more medium or large computers.

    Local networks are used at industrial enterprises, which provide the integration of a large number of PCs located at a distance of up to 2 km from each other installed directly on the ground, where information is generated, collected, processed and used in order to automate production management. The topological structures of networks are of the following main types: centralized, decentralized, ring, radial - ring, etc. Based on the basic functions of local networks (data exchange between users and systems, solving functional problems, entering and selecting information from a database, etc.), they include a working, terminal, administrative, interface and communication system at the logical level. The working system must implement information processes related to the organization, storage, retrieval and computational processing of data. The terminal system organizes the consumption of information resources by controlling the operation of the terminal equipment, preparing user tasks, and also provides a connection to the point for collecting data from the technological equipment.

    The administrative system manages the functioning of the information computer network, which includes accounting for the operation of the main elements of the network, the accumulation of statistical data, the issuance of various certificates and reports on the operation of the network, control over the diagnosis of network failures, etc. The interface system implements functions related to the transformation of the control procedure and information transmitted to the conditions of interaction with other networks or non-standard subscriber systems. The communication system is focused on performing functions related to ensuring the interaction of all systems that control data flows, their routing and communication. In the system of workstation complexes of an enterprise, in which a PC is connected by a local network, information flows between users or processes are organized in a fundamentally different way. For example, actual information about the movement of material assets in a warehouse is generated at the workstation of the warehouse manager (low-level link). Then it is automatically (according to the regulatory information of managers and specialists of various levels) transferred to the appropriate users. Thus, data on the receipt of material assets at the warehouse are transmitted in the rhythm of production: * to the workstation of the accountant of material assets (mid-level link) to control the accuracy and fidelity of posting these materials in the warehouse, as well as to generate data on the procurement of material assets (including identification of the difference in the prices of suppliers and the enterprise), settlements with suppliers, etc.; * at the workstation to economists of the logistics department (mid-level link) to monitor the implementation of contractual deliveries by suppliers and other operations; * on the workstation of the head of the logistics department (middle-level link), and in some cases on the workstation of the head (higher-level link), who is responsible for providing this production resource in general, for making decisions especially on the shortage of material assets; * on the workstation of a senior accountant (higher level link) for the construction of data on material values ​​in different aspects of the enterprise as a whole. Thus, using the automated workplace complexes and their networks when applying new information technology, it is possible to organize the system processing of economic information both at the management object as a whole and at its structural links.

    However, PUOM, united by communications, can be effectively used to process information not only on a given control object, but also outside it.

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    5. Ensuring safe working conditions at the workplace of a financier

    The practice of the work of state labor inspectorates of the Russian Federation indicates that organizations in many sectors of the economy have traditionally maintained unsatisfactory working conditions for a long period. According to official data from Rosstat, most of the workers covered by statistical observation work in conditions that are uncomfortable for high-quality work with increased noise levels, dusty air in the working area, lack of natural light and in a workplace that does not meet ergonomic requirements.
    Hence the rapid fatigue of employees of enterprises, weakening of attention, loss of interest in work, impaired emotional state, high morbidity, frequent ailments and reduced productivity. Therefore, the relevance of the section lies in the fact that at each enterprise for each employee it is important to ensure safe conditions and labor protection, protect and maintain his health in the course of work and create prerequisites for maintaining a high level of working capacity.
    The purpose of this section is to ensure safe working conditions in the workplace of the financier.
    To do this, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

      Identify and analyze dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace of a financier.
      Assess the actual state of working conditions in the workplace.
      Design a ventilation system
      Develop measures to improve working conditions and reduce the impact of harmful factors.

    5.1 Identification and analysis of hazardous and harmful factors in the workplace

    The workplace of the financier of Bersh LLC is located indoors without natural lighting with a total area of ​​120 m 2. 8 people work together with the financier in the office.
    The financier of the Bersh company is equipped with a comfortable workspace for placing a table, equipped with a personal computer and an office chair with a rising seat, for the most comfortable work. This placement makes it possible to cover all the elements of the workplace and the space outside it.
    The nature of the work of a financier is to develop and apply various accounting and cost systems for estimating expenses and incomes, drawing up financial estimates, planning the finances and budget of the organization, developing and implementing financial and statistical reporting systems; real estate and securities transactions and analysis of financial documents .
    In his work, the financier uses manual and electrified means of labor. Therefore, on the desktop of the necessary elements there is a monitor, an organizer with stationery, a calculator and free space on the table makes it possible to take notes, place documentation and materials necessary for work. The rack with the necessary documentation is located within the employee's work area in such a way that easy and quick access to all documents (folders, papers) is organized.
    The workplace of the financier is located in close proximity to 2 other employees. Its location can be seen on the detailed floor plan.
    office space (Figure 5.1).
    1 - the workplace of the financier
    2 - wardrobe, shelving.

    Figure 5.1 - Layout of the office of Bersh LLC

    As can be seen from Figure 5.1, all employees are facing each other, which is not recommended from a psychological point of view, since the employee will not be able to feel confident and free.
    In accordance with the nature of the work of the financier, the location of the workplace and the layout of the premises in accordance with GOST 12.0.003-74, the identification of hazardous and harmful production factors (HAPF) was carried out, of which the following physical HAPF were identified:

      increased air temperature and reduced air mobility in the room;
      lack of natural light;
      insufficient illumination of the working area.
    5.1.1 Increased air temperature and reduced room air movement

    Temperature is a physical quantity that characterizes the state of thermodynamic equilibrium of a system. The temperature of all parts of an isolated system in equilibrium is the same. If the system is not in equilibrium, then heat exchange occurs between its parts that have different temperatures.
    Air mobility is one of the parameters characterizing the microclimate in the workplace. A person begins to feel the movement of air at its speed of approximately 0.1 m / s. A light movement of air at normal temperatures contributes to good health, while at the same time, a high speed of air movement, especially at low temperatures, causes an increase in heat loss by convection and evaporation and leads to a strong cooling of the body. Strong air movement is especially unfavorable when working outdoors in winter conditions.
    The source of the factor is:

      heat dissipation from people
      heat dissipation from lighting
      heat dissipation from solar insolation
    This factor is assessed by the following indicators:
    - the air temperature in the room is measured in degrees Celsius (°C);
    - heat release - kJ/h;
    - air speed - m / s.

    In accordance with the Sanitary Rules and Norms SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises", the optimal microclimatic conditions are established according to the criteria for the optimal thermal and functional state of a person. They provide a general and local feeling of thermal comfort during an 8-hour work shift with minimal stress on thermoregulatory mechanisms, do not cause deviations in health status, create prerequisites for a high level of performance and are preferred in the workplace.

    Table 5.1 - Optimal values ​​of microclimate indicators at workplaces of industrial premises

    Period of the year Category of work by energy consumption levels, W Air temperature, °C Temperature of air surfaces, °C Relative humidity, % Air speed, m/s
    IIa (175 - 232)
    IIb (233 - 290)
    III (more than 290)
    22-24 21-23
    21-25 20-24
    60-40 60-40
    0,1 0,1
    Warm Ia (up to 139) Ib (140 - 174)
    IIa (175 - 232)
    IIb (233 - 290)
    III (more than 290)
    23-25 22-24
    22-26 21-25
    60-40 60-40
    0,1 0,1

    Thus, for employees in the field of management who work while sitting with little physical stress, the air temperature in the room during the cold period of time should be 22–24 ° C, and during the warm period - 23–25 ° C.
    The expected level of heat release at the workplace is 7560.96 kJ/h.

    As a result of non-compliance with thermal comfortable conditions, discomfort, deterioration in well-being and labor productivity occur. Elevated air temperature can lead to overheating of the body of an employee of the organization. Therefore, when the air temperature in the workplace is higher or lower than the permissible values, the time spent by employees (continuously or in total per shift) should be limited in accordance with SanPiN

    5.1.2 Lack of natural light

    Light - electromagnetic radiation that causes a visual sensation and occupies a narrow part of the spectrum from 750 micrometers (red light) to 400 micrometers (violet light). Along with visible light, infrared rays and ultra-violet rays also united under the general name light.
    Windows are a source of natural light. At the enterprise "Bersh" they are absent. The workplace of the financier is located in a separate room without windows.
    According to hygienic requirements for natural lighting of public buildings according to SanPiN 2.2.1/ "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings", premises with permanent residence of people must have natural lighting, so the office does not meet these requirements .
    An indicator of natural lighting is the coefficient of natural illumination (KEO) e H, measured in%.
    In accordance with SNiP 23-05-95 “Design standards. Natural and artificial lighting "characteristic of the financier's visual work belongs to the III category of high-precision work with the smallest size of the object of distinction in letters 0.30 to 0.50 mm, sub-class D, the contrast of the object with the background is medium, the background is light.

    Table 5.2 - Normalized indicators of natural lighting in the premises of a public building

    According to SanPiN 2.2.1 /, without natural lighting, it is allowed to design the rooms listed in the table, for which there are no requirements for natural lighting. Since the norms for natural lighting for offices have been established, being at the workplace of a financier in such conditions adversely affects his well-being.
    Natural light affects the human nervous system, regulates the biological clock, which, in turn, regulates the rhythms of sleep/wake up, insomnia and drowsiness, joy and performance. Serotonin, cortisol and melatonin are the main human hormones that control wakefulness and sleep. Cortisol levels rise in the morning and thus prepare the body and brain for the day's activities. In parallel with the increase in cortisol levels, the level of melatonin decreases, and drowsiness disappears. The level of stress and ailments for a financier working in a room with no natural light is significantly higher than for people working in combined or natural light. High levels of natural light eliminate many causes of stress.
    To eliminate such consequences and compensate for the lack of natural light, it is proposed to use artificial lighting with very high levels of illumination.

    5.1.3 Insufficient illumination of the working area

    Illumination is a physical quantity numerically equal to the luminous flux incident on a unit surface. Illumination is directly proportional to the light intensity of the light source.

    Lamps are sources of insufficient illumination of the working area of ​​the financier. The company "Bersh" used a system of general lighting, with diffused and predominantly reflected light.
    The general lighting system is provided by ceiling lights, installed mainly in the center of the ceiling.
    Number of ceiling lights - 6 pcs.
    The analyzed factor is evaluated by three indicators:
    - illumination of working surfaces, measured in lux (lx);
    - indicator of discomfort M;
    - coefficient of pulsation of illumination Kp, measured in%.
    The actual illumination at the workplace of the financier is 200 lux.
    According to SNiP 23-05-95 “Design standards. Natural and artificial lighting "characteristic of the financier's visual work belongs to the III category of high-precision work with the smallest size of the object of distinction in letters 0.30 to 0.50 mm, sub-class D, the contrast of the object with the background is medium, the background is light.

    Table 5.3 - Normalized indicators of artificial lighting in public buildings



    Working surface and normalization plane of KEO and illumination (G - horizontal, V - vertical) and the height of the plane above the floor, m artificial lighting
    Illumination, lx
    discomfort M, no more
    illumination, Kp, % no more
    With combined lighting In general lighting


    from the total
    Cabinets, workrooms, offices, representative offices













    Too low a light level can provoke visual strain and headaches. Headache occurs due to pulsations of the light flux of discharge lamps. Sometimes flickering light can cause increased fatigue.
    Reducing such consequences and increasing labor productivity is possible due to proper lighting.
    Since the room is without natural light, the main measure to reduce the OVPF is to increase the illumination of the working surface created by the lamps by one step, i.e. from??? rank on ??. Thus, the normative indicator of illumination should be 300 lux, while industrial lighting should be uniform and stable, have the correct direction of the light flux, exclude blinding light, the formation of sharp shadows and glare on monitor screens.
    It is necessary to use localized placement of luminaires, i.e. their installation in the immediate vicinity of the lighting object or directly above it, or near the equipment (for example, a lamp directly near the financier's working area). Such an arrangement of luminescent lamps around the perimeter and in the center of the room will help to achieve uniformity of diffused lighting.
    To ensure the possibility of performing intense visual work, a combined lighting system is proposed. In addition to the general lighting of work surfaces and individual objects, install local lighting fixtures that perform the functions of illuminating the working surface of the financier.
    An additional measure to improve illumination is the replacement of fluorescent lamps that have served their time.

    5.1.4 Measures to ensure fire safety

    Bersh LLC provides for measures to ensure fire safety. Firstly, a system of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation of buildings (smoke ventilation) was installed, which ensures the safe evacuation of employees from the building in case of a fire in one of the premises. For exhaust smoke ventilation systems, the following are provided:
    a) fans, depending on the calculated temperature of the gases being transported;
    b) air ducts and channels;
    c) smoke dampers with automatically and remotely controlled drives.
    Secondly, the enterprise uses powder fire extinguishing installations provided by systems with mechanical stimulation from the lower and upper zones of the premises with compensation for the amount of gases and smoke removed by the supply air. To remove gases and smoke after the operation of automatic powder fire extinguishing installations, main and emergency ventilation systems are used.

    Thirdly, the office space is provided with primary fire extinguishing equipment. The required number of fire extinguishers in the protected room is calculated depending on their fire extinguishing capacity, maximum area, fire class of combustible substances and materials, as well as taking into account the climatic conditions of the building. Class A hand-held fire extinguishers are installed in the Bersh office for fires of solid substances, mainly of organic origin, the burning of which is accompanied by smoldering (wood, textiles, paper).
    Fourthly, a fire warning system is used, which ensures, in accordance with evacuation plans, the transmission of warning signals simultaneously throughout the building.
    Additional fire protection measures are:

      Plans for evacuation of people in case of fire.
      Placement of signs indicating the telephone number for calling the fire brigade in all administrative, service and auxiliary premises
      An administrative document has been drawn up, in which the fire danger regime is established:
    - designated and equipped smoking areas;

    The order of inspection and closing of premises after the end of work;
    - actions of employees upon detection of a fire;
    - the procedure and terms for passing fire-fighting briefings and classes on the fire-technical minimum, as well as those responsible for their conduct.

      The use of three-dimensional self-luminous fire safety signs with autonomous power supply and from the mains, used on escape routes (light indicators "Exit").
    5.2 Designing the ventilation system

    Normalization of the air environment of industrial premises, i.е. removal of harmful impurities, excess heat and moisture is carried out using a ventilation system. The task of ventilation is to ensure the purity of air and the specified microclimatic conditions in industrial premises. Ventilation is achieved by removing polluted or heated air from the room and supplying fresh air to it. Thus, to ensure

    For the quality of the air environment, it is necessary to choose the right ventilation system by calculating the air exchange rate - a number showing how many times an hour the air in the room is completely replaced.
    The air exchange rate is determined by the formula:

    K=L F /V , (5.1)

    where LФ - actual air exchange, m 3 / h,
    V- the volume of the room, m 3.
    According to the standards ASHRAE, DIN 1946, recognized throughout the world, the air exchange rate for office premises should be from 3-8 1/h.
    Actual air exchange is the amount of air that actually enters (removes) during an hour.
    When determining the required air exchange to remove excess heat, you must first determine the amount of heat generated in the room. As previously defined, heat generation can come from 3 sources.

      Heat dissipation from artificial lighting is assumed to be equal to 1 lux of illumination when used. fluorescent lamps- 0.21 kJ / h per 1 m 2 floor area.
    Q OSV =0.21 120 m 2 300 lux = 7560 kJ/h
      The amount of heat emitted by people depends on the meteorological conditions in the room and the severity of the work performed.
    The work of a financier in terms of severity belongs to the class of light work - I a, i.e. work performed while sitting and accompanied by a slight voltage, with energy consumption up to 139 watts.
    The total amount of heat generated by people when calculating the heat load on the air conditioner is determined by the formula:

    Q P I = q P I ? n , kJ/h (5.2)

    where q p i - heat release by one person in terms of total heat, taking into account the latent heat of evaporation of water vapor kJ / h;
    n is the number of people in the room.
    During the warm season, at temperatures indoors 27 o C q p i \u003d 0.12 kJ / h.
    n= 8 people
    Q P I = q P I ? n = 0.12 8 = 0.96 kJ/h

      The heat flux entering the room from solar radiation is not calculated, since there is no glazing in the room.
    Calculate the excess heat in the room using the formula:

    Q hut = Q OSV +Q P I (5.3)

    Q hut = 7560+0.96 = 7560.96 kJ/h
    Calculate the general ventilation with the release of excess heat according to the formula:

    where Q izb - excess heat in the room;
    c is the heat capacity of air per unit volume;
    r - air density.
    Excess heat during ventilation Q[J] is spent on heating the incoming air (temperature change from t = t prith up to t = t you are t)
    The extract air temperature is determined by the formula:

    t you are t = t rz + D t ? (H-2),
    where H is the height of the air conditioner,
    D t= 0.5...1 0 C/m - temperature gradient in height.
    t rz- temperature in the working area, i.e. in a volume of space, 2 m high above the floor or work platform.
    D t \u003d 1 o C / m
    t rz \u003d 27 ° C
    H = 3.00 m
    t vyt \u003d 27 + 1 (3-2) \u003d 28 o C
    Q hut = 7561.056 kJ/h
    c \u003d 1.2 kJ / (m 3 . o C)
    r \u003d 1.29 kg / m 3
    t prit \u003d 24 ° C

    Calculate the air exchange rate according to the data obtained:
    V = a b h
    V \u003d 12 10 3 \u003d 360 m 3
    K = 1221.1/360 = 3.4
    To normalize the air exchange in the room and remove excess heat, based on the frequency of air exchange, the characteristics of the room, the number of employees and equipment working in the office, it is proposed to install a General AUG25U cassette air conditioner.
    The cassette conditioner is mounted in a false ceiling. Accordingly, the lower part of such an air conditioner has the size of a standard ceiling tile - 600 x 600 mm and is closed with a decorative grille with distribution shutters (Figure 5.2).

    Figure 5.2 - Cassette air conditioner General AUG25U
    The main advantage of a cassette air conditioner is its invisibility, since only the decorative grille is visible. Another advantage is the uniform distribution of the air flow in four directions, which allows using one cassette air conditioner to cool a large
    premises. The new design of the front panel of General FourWay Ultra series cassette air conditioners allows you to install the device in rooms with a small distance between the ceilings.

    In short, the workplace is an open or closed area of ​​the territory or space, equipped with the necessary production facilities, within which the employee is engaged in labor activity. It can also be assigned to a group of employees. Usually, a certain part of the general production cycle is carried out at the workplace.

    It is logical that in order to achieve high labor productivity, it is necessary for him to provide such conditions under which his performance will be the highest.

    Important! The employer should adapt the workplace, taking into account not only the specific type of activity, qualifications, but also the individual physical and psychological characteristics of each employee.

    General requirements for the organization of the workplace

    These requirements are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations (SanPiN) and other legal documents.

    The main goal of the organization of the workplace is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work in compliance with the established deadlines and with the full use of the equipment assigned to the employee.

    To achieve it, organizational, technical, ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

    What requirements must an employee's workplace meet?

    Occupational safety is a priority!

    The most important requirement in the organization of the workplace is to provide safe comfortable working conditions, to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents. This whole complex of measures is called labor protection at work.

    In other words, labor protection, in fact, is a system of legislative acts in conjunction with socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic and therapeutic measures and means that ensure safe working conditions and preserve the health of employees of the enterprise.

    To do this, it is necessary to create favorable working conditions in accordance with sanitary standards, safety, ergonomics, and aesthetics.

    Indoor microclimate

    The legislation of our country strictly regulates the temperature and humidity of the air in the room. In particular, when the average daily outdoor temperature is below 10°C, the amplitude of its fluctuations in the room should be 22-24°C. When the ambient temperature is higher than the specified value - 23-25 ​​° C. In case of temporary non-compliance with these conditions in one direction or another, the working day is reduced (SanPiN dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

    Protection from the harmful effects of computer technology

    Since today it is impossible to imagine office work without a PC, there are standards for employees who use computer equipment in their work. For example, when working with a computer with a flat screen monitor, the workplace must have an area of ​​​​at least 4.5 square meters. m, when using a kinescopic monitor - 6 sq.m. After each hour of work, the room must be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 of May 30, 2003). The same normative act regulates the height, width and depth for the legs under the desktop, stipulates the mandatory presence of a footrest with a corrugated surface.

    The level of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, radiation and ultraviolet radiation, radio frequency bands and other factors harmful to the health of employees are also regulated by law.

    Attention! In the basement, the use of photocopiers, printers and other office equipment is prohibited, and for ordinary offices, appropriate standards have been established for the distance between technical equipment (SanPin 2.2.2. 1332-03).

    Lighting Requirements

    Also, the relevant articles of SanPin establish standards for lighting. For example, the illumination in the room should be in the range from 300 to 500 lux. When artificial lighting is used, the lighting parameters must ensure good visibility of the information provided by the personal computer screen. For local lighting, luminaires installed on desktops or specially equipped panels for vertical installation are recommended (SanPiN 2.2.1 / 2.1.1.).

    Noise requirements

    For the noise level, a maximum threshold of 80 decibels is set (SanPin 2.2.4. 3359-16).
    Regulatory documents provide for the installation of special foundations or shock-absorbing pads for the main noise-producing equipment and other equipment, as well as the use of noise-absorbing materials.

    Providing conditions for eating

    The order of eating at the workplace is regulated by article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNiP 2.09.04-87:

    • with the number of employees less than 10 people, a place with an area of ​​​​at least 6 square meters is required. m, equipped with a dining table;
    • with the number of employees up to 29 people, the required area is twice as much;
    • if the company employs up to 200 employees, it is mandatory to have a canteen-handout;
    • if the number of employees exceeds 200, the canteen should be provided with raw materials or semi-finished products.

    Unregulated situations

    In the event of situations that are not regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards (the roof is leaking, the toilet is out of order, etc.), the employee has the right to refuse to work. At the same time, the employer is obliged to offer him another employment until the problem is completely eliminated. If such a decision is impossible, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to declare downtime with the payment of a penalty in the amount of at least 2/3 of the average wages worker.

    Of the ergonomic requirements for the workplace, the following should be additionally noted:

    1. Selection of a rational location of the working surface and zone, taking into account the anthropometric data of a particular employee.
    2. Provision of measures to prevent or reduce premature fatigue of an employee, the occurrence of a stressful situation in him, taking into account the physiological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his character. By the way, according to psychologists, employees who constantly use electronic computers in their work are much more stressed than their less “advanced” colleagues.
    3. Ensuring speed, safety and ease of maintenance in both normal and emergency operating conditions.

    Technical parameters include equipment with innovative technology, devices, laboratory equipment, cargo moving mechanisms, etc.

    Employer's responsibility

    According to the requirement of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the relevant federal executive body establishes the procedure for certification of workplaces in order to determine the factors affecting the safety of working conditions at work. For each violation of the established legislation, the employer is liable.

    At the first violation, officials and individual entrepreneurs are warned or subject to a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same for organizations - a warning or a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles (Article 5.27.1. Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, part 1).

    In case of repeated violation of part 5 of this article, more severe penalties are already provided:

    • officials are subject to a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to three years;
    • fine for individual entrepreneurs similar, or their activities may be administratively suspended for up to 90 days;
    • organizations may be fined 100-200 thousand rubles or also subject to an administrative suspension of their activities.

    Instead of a conclusion

    According to the state of workplaces at a particular enterprise or office, one can judge not only the level of labor organization and production culture in them, but also their solidity and the degree of trust in them by potential and existing customers.

    The requirements for air temperature and humidity, office space illumination, and sometimes even furniture are strictly regulated. So, if the average daily temperature outside the window is above 10 ° C, the office should have general rule 23-25°С, and if below this limit - 22-24°С. It is also determined how the working day is reduced if the room is colder than the permissible one, or vice versa, it is very hot. For example, if the air temperature in the office is 19 ° C, then you can stay in it for no more than seven hours, and if 18 ° C - no more than six hours, etc. (SanPiN "", approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

    Separate rules exist for those who use computers in their work. The area of ​​the workplace of such employees cannot be less than 4.5 sq. m (if a flat monitor is installed) or less than 6 sq. m (if the workplace is equipped with an old-type monitor, with a kinescope). And after each hour of work, the room should be ventilated (Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 ""; approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003).

    Some situations are not directly regulated by sanitary standards, but in practice they occur regularly. These include, for example, the failure of the toilets in the building. In this case, according to Rostrud, the employee has the right to refuse work, and the employer must provide him with another job that does not threaten health until the problem is eliminated. If this is not possible, a downtime is declared, and the employee can count on downtime for wages in the amount of at least 2/3 of his average salary ().

    Find out what other sanitary norms and rules apply to office workers, as well as the employer's responsibility for non-compliance with them, in our infographic.

    Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

    Donbass State Machine-Building Academy

    Department "Kit"

    Practical work

    By discipline: "TSK"

    On the topic: "Automation of the workplace in the financial department"


    Group student F-00-3




    The current scale and pace of introduction of management automation tools in the national economy with particular urgency poses the task of conducting comprehensive research related to a comprehensive study and generalization of the problems that arise in this process, both practical and theoretical.

    IN last years the concept of distributed control systems arises national economy where local processing of information is provided. To implement the idea of ​​distributed control, it is necessary to create automated workstations (AWPs) based on professional personal computers for each level of control and each subject area.

    Analyzing the essence of workstations, specialists most often define them as professionally oriented small computing systems located directly at the workplaces of specialists and designed to automate their work.

    For each control object, it is necessary to provide automated workstations corresponding to their functional purpose. However, the principles of creating workstations should be general: consistency, flexibility, sustainability, efficiency.

    According to the principle of consistency, workstations should be considered as systems, the structure of which is determined by the functional purpose.

    The principle of flexibility means the adaptability of the system to possible restructuring due to the modularity of the construction of all subsystems and the standardization of their elements.

    The principle of sustainability lies in the fact that the AWP system must perform the main functions, regardless of the impact on it of internal and external possible factors. This means that malfunctions in its individual parts should be easily fixed, and the system's performance should be quickly restored.

    The effectiveness of the workstation should be considered as an integral indicator of the level of implementation of the above principles, related to the costs of creating and operating the system.

    The functioning of an automated workplace can give a numerical effect only if the functions and workload are properly distributed between a person and machine tools for processing information, the core of which is a computer. Only then will the workstation become a means of increasing not only labor productivity and management efficiency, but also the social comfort of specialists.

    Now we will consider in more detail the state and prospects for the development of workstations based on personal computers, and then we will touch on some issues of technical and software workstations.

    The development of electronics has led to the emergence of a new class of computers - personal computers (PCs). The main advantage of a PC is its relatively low cost and at the same time high performance.


    1.Feasibility study

    2. List, description and justification for the choice of software

    3. List, description and justification for the choice of technical means.

    Appendix A

    Appendix B



    Finance is a set of monetary relations organized by the state in the course of which the formation and use of national funds of funds for the implementation of economic, social and political tasks is carried out.

    The results of its financial activity, the tasks of which are:

    1. Stimulating the growth of production and improving its efficiency:

    2. Concentration of financial resources in the most important areas of economic and social development;

    3. Establish reasonable proportions through indicative planning;

    4. Implementation of effective control over the use of material, labor and financial resources. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the tasks set by the financial department, it is necessary to provide it with a local network of powerful, modern computers and high-quality peripherals.

    In order to automate the financial department, which employs 4 people, the company allocated an amount of UAH 28,000.

    1 Feasibility study

    Management decisions are based on the results of the financial department. The activity of this structural unit is based on the accumulation, systematization, processing and analysis of large, periodically incoming information flows.

    The faster and better the financial department processes the incoming data, the faster management decisions will be made, including decisions on investing funds, which will ultimately reduce losses and increase the profit received by the enterprise. In this regard, it is necessary to create automated jobs in this unit.

    Since the work of the financial department is related to the performance of several complex tasks at the same time, it is necessary to install 4 powerful computers equipped with the appropriate software. For continuous exchange of information between employees, computers must be connected to a local network.

    Then the distribution of functions by jobs will be as follows:

    The first workplace (the central most powerful computer) is financial management, i.e., the implementation and control of financial activities in general, both in this enterprise and in the financial market;

    The second workplace is the analysis of the internal and external environment in which the enterprise operates;

    The third workplace - a comprehensive study of the securities market on stock exchanges;

    The fourth workplace is the study of changes in the investment market, i.e. a comprehensive study and analysis of proposed investment projects.

    Since this department carries out its activities, interacting with other divisions of the enterprise, as well as public organizations, therefore, it needs modern means of communication and peripherals, namely a fax modem, telephone, printer and scanner.

    To provide access to a large number of information sources, you should connect a device for playing data from laser discs.

    Naturally, to ensure the performance of operational work, it is necessary to provide this department with office furniture. This should include the following:

    Four tables necessary for installing computers on them and at the same time convenient for ensuring the performance of functional duties of employees and one table for a scanner;

    Appropriate lighting (4 halogen bulbs located above each workplace);

    Four work chairs;

    Two armchairs and a coffee table needed to motivate work;

    Four desktop pencil cases located on the tables of employees.

    2 List, description and justification for the choice of software

    The work of the financial department is based on the processing and analysis of the financial market and economic information coming from the external environment.

    System software organizes the processing process and ensures the normal operation of the environment for application programs.

    Application software is designed to solve specific user tasks.

    The system software includes:

    Operating systems (OS);

    Service programs;

    Programming language translators;

    Programs Maintenance.

    The OS loads the desired program into memory and monitors the progress of its execution. Based on the functions performed. OS can be divided into three groups:




    The purpose of single-tasking OS: the work of one user at any given time with one task. A typical representative of such an OS is MS-DOS.

    Multitasking operating systems provide for the collective use of computers in a multiprogram time-sharing mode. Typical representatives are UNIX OS, OS/2, IBM corporations, Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT and some others.

    Network operating systems are associated with the advent of local and global networks and are designed to provide users with access to all computer network resources. Typical representatives of network operating systems are NovellNetWare, MicrosoftWindowsNT, BanyanVines, IBMLAN, UNIX, Solaris. Linux, etc.

    Service software is a set of software products that provide the user with additional services in working with a computer and expand the capabilities of operating systems. By functionality, service programs can be divided into:

    Improved user interface;

    Protecting data from destruction and unauthorized access:

    Recovery data;


    Antivirus tools.

    According to the method of organization and implementation, service tools can be represented by shells, utilities and stand-alone programs.

    Based on all of the above, we will choose the most powerful DataEase database as software for the financial department, since this department will accumulate, process and analyze a large amount of economic information. The cost of this program is UAH 620 ($120).

    Statistical system Stadia will help draw conclusions from the accumulated data. Its cost is UAH 265 ($50).

    The Russified operating shell Microsoft Windows "98 makes it easier to access applications using new features for launching programs. Its cost is 2120 UAH (including the cost of MS Office) ($ 420).