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  • Leading let's get married Vasilisa. Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

    Leading let's get married Vasilisa. Biography of Vasilisa Volodina

    Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina argues that in the zodiac horoscope there are weak signs that give in to any difficulty, and strong ones that care nothing. Surprisingly, some constellations, which are distinguished by determination and self-confidence, were not included in the list of the strongest signs. So what are the strongest signs, and how does their strength appear in life?

    First you need to make a reservation that it will be about moral, spiritual, and not physical strength. According to Vasilisa Volodina, one strongest sign can be distinguished in each element.

    In the element of air the strongest sign of the zodiac is Aquarius. Despite some daydreaming and striving for high ideals, this is a sign that may experience difficulties many times in life, but will never give up. Aquarians are able to quickly adapt to any changes in life, which makes them morally stronger.

    Libra is in second place in terms of strength of mind in the air element. They are not that weak, but they have a bad habit of wasting their energy and not going through with it. They quickly lose their enthusiasm and desire, and with it their purpose.

    The weakest sign in this element is Gemini. They cannot concentrate on one thing, they often lack support from the outside. When they face difficulties, they panic and ask for help from other people.

    In the element of fire the strongest is Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign never lose heart and try to maintain humanity under any circumstances. They know how to control their emotions, do not succumb to provocations and always have their own opinion. Their strength lies in optimism and open-mindedness.

    In second place is Leo. At first glance, the representatives of this sign look strong and strong-willed people. But they largely depend on external circumstances and on the opinions of others. Leos constantly need support and praise. If they don't, they will quickly hang their noses.

    The weakest sign of the fire element is Aries. Despite the fact that this sign is very active and active, in its element it gives weakness. Aries do not know how to control emotions, they are too subject to what is happening in their soul. Sometimes Aries act unwisely, which leads them to a difficult situation.

    In the element of the earth the strongest zodiac sign is Capricorn. He is persistent, determined and consistent. It is difficult to offend and hurt him for a living. Even if everything is bad, he will still go towards his goal, albeit in small and unhurried steps.

    Virgo is in second place in terms of strength of spirit in the element of earth. They often give the impression of a strong person, but sometimes they are not able to accept the world as it is, and just start to go with the flow.

    Taurus is the weakest sign in the element of the earth. Representatives of this sign do not like changes. All their lives they want to live in peace and happiness, but if their plans collapse, Taurus becomes defenseless.

    In the element of water the strongest sign is Pisces. Moreover, they are strong not only among the signs of their element, but among the constellations of everything zodiac horoscope... This may seem a little strange, because Pisces often has no connection with the real world at all. This is their strength. Pisces can endure, wait and hope for a long time. Such strength of mind helps them to fight to the end for their happiness.

    Scorpio is not as strong as Pisces. His weakness is that he can accumulate emotions in himself for a long time. They will eat it from the inside, making it weaker and weaker.

    Cancer is the most sensitive zodiac sign in its element. Representatives of this sign are very sensitive and vulnerable. They constantly need moral support and help. If there is no one next to them, Cancers will take this as a sign that they will not change anything and will become depressed.

    According to Vasilisa Volodina, the birth during the period of patronage of a weak sign of the Zodiac is not a sign that a person will necessarily be haunted by failures, and his life will be difficult. Also, the protection of a strong sign does not mean that a person can achieve much. Do not forget that each zodiac sign has its own advantages and its spheres of influence over others. And strength of character is not only given at birth. It can be acquired throughout life through experience and overcoming difficulties. If the article was useful to you, click on and

    24.10.2013 16:23

    Vasilisa Volodina claims that happiness in marriage depends not only on love compatibility according to the Sign ...

    The future celebrity was born into a military family in Odintsovo, near Moscow. Parents raised the girl in severity, taught her to be diligent, instilled in her a systematic thinking.

    Little Oksana Naumova, which is how Vasilisa is still called according to her passport, grew up as a calm and thoughtful girl. After completing all the household chores and mastering the lessons, she watched the starry sky for a long time and wondered what secrets it might hide.

    When she was 14, little Vasilisa got her first book on astrology. Before that, she, along with other girls, was fond of children's fun - card fortune-telling. Now the world of the unknown began to interest her even more, and the mathematical mindset suggested that there is some kind of system in predictions that can be studied.

    After school, the girl, who did not know that there are special universities that study astrology, went to study in her other vocation - to the Academy of Management, specializing in economics and mathematics.

    Vasilisa studied futures in one of the branches of agriculture. But even in her junior years, she was so carried away by esotericism that, in parallel with her university, she entered the Moscow Academy of Astrology. It was this that inspired her and made her explore the mysterious world of stars and constellations deeper and deeper.

    Fate brought

    A post shared by Vasilisa Volodina. Astrologer (@ vasilisa.volodina) on Jun 20, 2016 at 3:55 am PDT

    While still studying at the institute, Vasilisa began to seriously engage in astrology. In particular, she made quite accurate horoscopes - love, financial ... literally predicted fate.

    The rumor that the "predictions" of this woman are coming true quickly spread throughout Moscow. The secular capital became interested in her, businessmen began to apply. But friends, of course, stopped by to find out how their life would turn out.

    One such friend brought the data of his friend, and asked to make a forecast. Working on natal chart a certain Seryozha Volodin, Vasilisa was amazed at how their horoscopes are similar, how they intersect and look harmoniously together.It did not even occur to her then that fate would bring them together with Sergey very soon.

    She says it was true love at first sight. Passion immediately flared up between the young people. It was clear that this relationship was bound to develop into real, sincere affection. Therefore, it is not surprising that, despite the young age - Vasilisa was only 20, the couple soon got married.


    They enjoyed each other's company for a long time, until Vasilisa herself predicted pregnancy at the age of 27. And so it happened. At that time, the couple had already lived together for seven years, got used to it and were mature enough to have a child. Therefore, the pregnancy did not frighten the Volodins.

    Now Vasilisa says that if she approached the birth of her first child using astrology, she would do it a little differently: the pregnancy itself was difficult. And the astrologer is sure that with the right approach, this could have been avoided.

    Daughter Victoria was born healthy, but how hard it was for her mother to endure her! Now the girl is in her teens. Vasilisa understands that the family has entered a difficult period for the older child and is trying to support her daughter in every possible way.

    Seeing that the girl was withdrawn, her mother even made a special astrological forecast, which showed how Vika's life would develop further. "Believe me," says Vasilisa, "If you know for sure when your child will stop being 'sausage', you will experience it much calmer."


    The first child was raised by a logistic father and an astrologer mother. But after Vasilisa got on Channel One, gained fame and popular love, there was absolutely no time left for her husband in her already tight schedule. The couple sat down to think how to find time for two. And Sergei conceded.

    The husband paid off his job, where he had a good income and full professional realization, and became the director of his star wife... Now he manages all her contacts, schedule, controls the amount of work, conducts financial and tax affairs.

    But having become employees, the husband and wife did not lose their romance and passion, and in order to tie their marriage even stronger, they decided to have a second child.

    In an interview, Vasilisa says that a woman should give birth to as many children as she can feed one. This does not mean that she is going to divorce her Seryozha, but asks all her fans not to forget that anything can happen.

    Vasilisa shares that she is absolutely not ready to be a mother of many children, because the baby wants to give so much! At the same time, she and her husband always wanted a second child, but in order to decide on pregnancy, this time they carefully studied the stars.


    Vasilisa, how did you come to the profession of an astrologer?

    - As a schoolgirl, I read the first books on astrology, from where I learned that by studying the stars, you can look into the future. Since then, this thought has not given me rest. I learned palmistry from books. After graduating from school with a gold medal, she easily entered the Faculty of Economics and at the same time went to study at the Academy of Astrology. Having received two degrees, economist and astrologer, I decided to pursue business astrology. There are not many such specialists - we and our clients - company owners, analysts, brokers, politicians - speak the same language. I am interested in forecasting the life of enterprises. We can say that astrology is insurance for business, which makes it possible to understand when and where money should not be invested and vice versa. And my services are not cheap - about a thousand euros in a few hours.

    How did you end up in the Let's Get Married! Program? There is no business astrology, everything is only about personal ...

    - I have been doing private practice for many years, writing articles. Before the program "Let's get married!" I already had my own TV project on the Stolitsa channel, which was called Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina. And then one day I got a call from Ostankino. They said that a new project was being launched, asked to come. At the interview, I told how I understand compatibility in human relationships. And very soon she became the host of the Let's Get Married! as an astrologer.

    What is your role in the show?

    - My function as an expert is to help people understand themselves deeper, suggest which of the candidates is really suitable for them. In ordinary life, a person is guided by emotions and makes a choice without thinking about how he will build a relationship with this person. For example, someone liked a blonde with lush breasts, and it already seems to him that she is the woman with whom he can connect his life. My task is to correct them and make people understand that not always what glitters is gold.

    Did you choose your future husband using astrology?

    Best of the day

    - Yes, Sergei and I have just a mystical story of acquaintance! It so happened that I studied his fate before we met. Once a friend approached me and asked me to draw up a horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. I fulfilled his request and noted to myself: "I have amazing compatibility with this stranger." A little time passed, and a friend invited me to his birthday. In the courtyard of his house, I ran into a handsome guy. Then, for the first time in my life, the thought flashed: “But for this I would marry ...” With this young man we entered the entrance, then in the elevator we found out that we needed one floor ... In short, we appeared in my friend's apartment together ... Here he introduced us. He said: "And this is the same Volodin." And I immediately got the feeling that I know everything about this person! From that evening we left together and since then we have not parted for 16 years. And for all these years, Sergei did not give me a single reason to doubt the correctness of my choice. Frankly, when we started living together, we had a grinding-in period. In my twenties I was a daring girl, I was nervous about trifles, I could say something harsh. And Sergey endured all my antics with some incredible calmness. Maybe because he is Virgo in his zodiac sign. And Virgos make great husbands!

    "I want to make lonely people happy"

    How do you all manage to: run a program, practice business astrology, write books?

    - My husband helps me a lot. Two years ago, my participation in the Let's Get Married! seriously changed our lives. I had absolutely no time left for my beloved family, and more than anything in the world I didn't want to be a “mom from TV” for my daughter. And then Sergei quit his job, although by that time he had made a good career in the field of logistics, and became my director. Now he is fully engaged in planning my working hours, and I am very grateful to him for that! Not every man dares to sacrifice his personal interests for the sake of his wife's career like this. Now I can devote more time to my daughter - Vika and I talk on a variety of topics that excite her, I am glad that she has no secrets from me. Our family lives by the Musketeer principle: one for all and all for one. And last year we finally bought a big apartment, and now we are busy with problems related to renovation ... I hope that by the fall we will celebrate a housewarming!

    Did the horoscopes help you when choosing an apartment?

    - We even buy household appliances only with the help of astrology, to say nothing of such a vital issue as a new apartment. We are even going on vacation, having previously studied the horoscope. This is a whole epic: I make sure that all three have a good day on the way there and back. Checking out how our stay on the spot might turn out. Once, we gathered in the Maldives, and according to all indicators, it turned out that for Vika's daughter this is a period of increased injuries. But we wanted so much to rest that we decided to fly contrary to my forecast. On the second or third day, dad decided to ride a bike for his daughter. I put her on the trunk, and ... she hit the wheel with her foot. It was so unfortunate that Seryozha, together with some of the service personnel, had to unclench the spokes and the metal rim of the bicycle wheel. For the remaining ten days of leave, Serezha carried his daughter in his arms, she was given very painful dressings. Seeing how Vika was suffering, I drank valocordin, once even fainted ... This is how we got our vacation. Then, looking at our downcast faces in the photographs, friends asked: "Why are you so sad in the Maldives?"

    Born in 1974
    Russian nationality
    Education: Academy of Management named after Ordzhonikidze, Moscow Academy of Astrology.
    Marital status: Married
    Place of residence: Moscow
    Number of children: daughter Victoria and son Vyacheslav
    Parameters: weight - 56 kilograms, height - 170 centimeters.
    Occupation: co-host and independent astrological expert of the Let's Get Married program, individual consultations, business consultations, astrological forecasts for the press and television, including financial forecasting, maintaining your own website.


    The famous astrologer Vasilisa Vladimirovna Volodina was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in April 1974. Volodina is a married name. He does not disclose his real name, various sources call her Elizabeth, Lena, Oksana or Sveta. I chose a pseudonym based on the horoscope.

    Her father, a former military man, raised the girl strictly, instilling responsibility and hard work. She successfully combined her studies with attending various circles and sections, graduated from a music school. From the age of seven, she led a household with her mother.

    Interest in astrology manifested itself in his school years, when UFO reports began to appear on television. The girl took binoculars belonging to her father and whiled away the evenings on the balcony, looking at the starry sky.

    Although it was not possible to see unidentified objects, Vasilisa began to understand the arrangement of the stars very well. The teenage hobby threatened to grow into something more.

    Vasilisa took up fortune-telling on cards, began reading special literature on astrology, palmistry and fortune-telling. Then it was difficult to get something worthwhile on this topic, the books were most often self-published. Later, the girl read in her palm that she would become famous.


    Volodina (then - Naumova) successfully graduated from school and entered the Faculty of Economics of GAU named after S. Ordzhonikidze. But neither the prevailing atheistic ideology, nor the instructions of the parents could overcome the passion. She received a second higher education, graduating from the Moscow Academy of Astrology.

    The girl was carried away by an urgent problem - the preparation of business forecasts, starting her professional biography at the age of 20. Her predictions were infallible. Thanks to this, Vasilisa Volodina gained great popularity in the elite metropolitan circles.

    In 2006, the program "Starry Night with Vasilisa Volodina" was released. Two years later, she became an independent consultant for the famous TV show Let's Get Married. Vasilisa works there to this day.

    Four years ago, her book Astrology of Seduction appeared on store shelves, which is now very popular. The book tells about how to win the heart of a man, to become the only one for him. This is a whole encyclopedia of human relations. It turns out that in order to seduce a member of the opposite sex, it is enough to know the date of his birth. The lady can only act, taking the right steps, having determined what the man expects from the woman of his dreams.

    Vasilisa says: "Without false modesty, there has not yet been such a book on the topic of astrology either in content or in design." Volodina considers herself “the grandmother of Russian astrology”, because she happened to make a significant contribution to its development, standing at the origins of Russian astrology.

    When her son was born, Vasilisa did not have to sit with him at home for long. Viewers demanded the return of their favorite TV presenter. In April, she again came to the show "Let's Get Married." In the same year, readers got acquainted with a series of her books "Love Astro Forecast for 2015".

    The site of Vasilisa Volodina is very famous, where you can order a personal horoscope, a forecast for a business, a compatibility map, get up-to-date advice and watch video forecasts. Her page is on Instagram.

    Personal life

    Vasilisa met her future husband thanks to her vocation. An old acquaintance turned to a novice astrologer. He asked Naumova to make a personal horoscope for his friend Sergei Volodin. Analyzing the guy's star chart, Vasilisa thought that they had a lot in common, and she would gladly become his wife. After a while, the girl was invited to a party by friends. At the entrance Vasilisa ran into a young man. It turned out that they go to the same apartment. And what a surprise it was when the girl found out that this was the same Volodin for whom she made up the horoscope!

    Since then, the couple has not parted. Vasilisa says that Sergei is the love of her life. In 2001, the lovers had a daughter, who was named Victoria. After that, the young people legalized the relationship, but did not arrange weddings. Even the parents were presented with a fact.

    Sergey made a good career in logistics. The family lived in a small apartment, where Vasilisa Vladimirovna had to consult with clients. She and her husband made the decision not to have another child until they can improve their living conditions.

    In 2010, having moved to a brand new apartment, the couple seriously thought about replenishing the family. Then Sergei quit his job in his specialty and became the director of his wife. He himself draws up a schedule for her work so that she has enough time not only to communicate with her daughter and husband, but also to rest.

    Vasilisa's first pregnancy was difficult, there were health problems that had to be eliminated for a long time. Parents were not delighted after the news about the next pregnancy of their older daughter. But the mother-in-law, who gave birth to her third child, when she was already over forty, stood up to protect the daughter-in-law.

    According to the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, she specifically looked forward to her fortieth birthday, because the stars predicted that this is the most favorable time for conception and bearing.

    At first they planned to give birth in France, but later, after weighing all the pros and cons, they trusted Russian medicine.

    The study was converted into a children's room. To create comfort, a soft carpet was laid there. But Vasilisa did not like the children's painted wallpaper and furniture, she wanted to keep a little business atmosphere in the baby's room. A happy pregnant woman told reporters: "... it seems to me that I will immediately treat him as a full-fledged person, as a person, without all these endless whispers."

    In January 2015, Vasilisa gave birth to a healthy son, who was named Vyacheslav.

    Veronica supports her mother in everything, and does not like a soul in her little brother. A nanny helps them look after Slava.

    The Volodins love to relax by the sea, travel to the Maldives, Spain, etc.

    Vasilisa reads a lot, especially literature on symbolism and psychology. Her favorite writers are Leskov, Turgenev, Tonino Benaquista (from the entertainment), but, according to the woman, she reads any book to the last page, hoping to figure out for what purpose it was published.

    She sees the recipe for female happiness in not being selfish and bitchy in love. If both spouses treat each other with care, with understanding, the desired harmony arises, as the astrologer claims.

    Vasilisa's life is a great example of such an idyll. She manages to combine the work of her entire life and family, self-education and rest. Even the ubiquitous press cannot accuse Volodina of participating in quarrels or scandals, because she is a very decent, principled person. Analyzing her life, you begin to believe in destiny and destiny.

    Vasilisa Volodina, whose real name is Oksana Vladimirovna Volodina (nee Naumova), is a well-known Russian astrologer, author of books and TV presenter.

    Vasilisa Volodina, like many famous people, has its own official website, on the web pages of which it shares its knowledge and experience with everyone interested in the topic of astrology.

    The official website of Vasilisa Volodina contains thematic books and articles, horoscopes and fortune-telling, as well as a dream book and calendars. It also provides information about the astrologer himself, and it is also possible to use the paid services of Vasilisa, such as individual and general consultation, astrological forecasts and horoscopes, answers to questions, and more. You can refer to any of the named sections by a number of links located at the top or bottom of the web resource.

    The section "Horoscopes" contains both general and light horoscopes. Here you can also find out your zodiac sign and more. A separate page of the site contains information about fortune-telling on cards, astrological fortune-telling "Vasilisa", "Star of the day" and more. The "Calendars" block includes " Moon calendar"And" Lord of Time ".


    In the section "About Me" Vasilisa Volodina, the official site contains biographical information about the astrologer and TV presenter, press materials, answers to questions regarding the show "Let's Get Married !, one of the hosts of which is Vasilisa Volodina. It also contains customer reviews, answers to frequently asked questions, and a number of training materials.

    News is published on the main page of the web resource, to read each of them, just click on the link "More". To familiarize yourself with earlier materials, use the link "Show more news". You can also subscribe to news materials by entering your name and email address, and then clicking "Subscribe!"

    The official website of the astrologer also provides contact information, such as an email address, links to pages in various in social networksand also a contact phone number.

    Vasilisa Volodina official website -