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  • The role and organizational status of the personnel management service. Human Resources Service: Status and Tasks

    The role and organizational status of the personnel management service.  Human Resources Service: Status and Tasks


    The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the formation of the personnel management service is greatly influenced by the strategy of the enterprise for a given period of its activity.

    Today, the personnel management service is one of the key ones in the organizational structure of an enterprise, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of personnel managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process takes place (the movement of information flows and the adoption of managerial decisions), in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specializations participate.

    This structure is similar to the frame of the building of the organizational system, built to ensure that all processes occurring in it are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality. Hence the attention that needs to be focused on making a decision on building a personnel management service.

    In the last decade, many countries have seen a change in the role of HR services in organizations. In Russia, their role and functions are changing in connection with the formation of a market economy and the birth of new socio-economic relations.

    In this regard, the interest of Russian managers in improving work with personnel has increased markedly in recent years. However, until now, the thinking of many heads of organizations and even heads of personnel management services is shackled by stereotypes that make it difficult for a truly innovative approach to building a qualitatively new, strong and influential personnel service.

    Work object- personnel management service.

    Subject of study- the place and role of the personnel management service in the organization.

    The purpose of this work- to study the place and role of the personnel management service in the organization.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. give general questions about the organization of the personnel management service;

    2. explore the need and importance of the personnel management service;

    3. define the role of the organization's personnel management service

    4. analyze the role and place of the personnel management service in Alko-S LLC.

    Methods used in this work, analytical, comparative, structural-functional.

    1. Conceptual foundations of the organization of the personnel management service

    1.1. General issues of organizing the personnel management service

    Consider a number of issues related to the mechanism for organizing the personnel management service in the enterprise.

    We are investigating a problem in an organization when a specialized structure should appear that is responsible for working with personnel. The fact is that at the first stages of the development of the company, the manager can take on the function of working with personnel, using improvised means (involving consulting firms, labor exchanges, recruiting agencies, etc. for help). Western theory says that the first personnel manager (PM - manager) should appear when the number of the organization reaches 100 - 150 people, and the specialized unit - the level of 200 - 500 people, depending on the field of activity of the enterprise. At the same time, it is recommended to have one PM - manager on average for 100 - 300 staff units.

    An example is the Moscow-McDonald's project: at the initial stage, personnel work there was the responsibility of the business manager. With the advent of several restaurants, a directorate for personnel management arose.

    Specialists of the Russian Personnel Center, which has already been mentioned, recommend lowering the bar for the number of personnel at the time of the appearance of the PM service compared to Western standards. In addition, in their opinion, there should be less than 100 people per UE manager. These recommendations are based on the peculiarities of the Russian situation: the underdevelopment of the market mechanism in the labor sphere, the burden of social issues that are very acute in our country, the lack of corporate traditions - all this requires increased attention to the PM process in the organization.

    If the company's management is late with the creation of a special PM service and continues to act independently, then the organization threatens to “crumble”, as its composition becomes too motley to form any unified personnel policy. The reason for this is that in our country, the determining factor in hiring is family or friendly ties with the management, so different people come to the company with their own goals, claims and ambitions. In such a situation, a team of like-minded people turns into an amorphous group, which cannot but affect the results of the company's activities.

    Despite the fact that the very concept of “personnel management” was absent in the practice of Russian management until recently, each organization had personnel departments (which are now renamed in the Western style into personnel management services), which were entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing personnel, and also on the organization of training and advanced training of personnel. However, and this is well known, the role of personnel departments in the management of the company was insignificant, and most of the work on personnel management was performed (and is still being performed, as sociological studies show) directly by the head of the unit. In order to understand why CMS occupy such a position in the organization, consider the diagram of the current organizational structure of the company.

    As can be seen from the diagram, the personnel departments (or PMS) structure is disconnected from the departments of labor protection and safety; departments of organization of labor and wages; the legal department and other departments that perform part of the functions of personnel management in the organization. These departments are in no way subordinate to the head of the PM service, therefore the personnel department is neither a methodological, nor an information, nor a coordinating center for personnel policy in the company.

    This leads to the main problem of Russian EMSs: having a low organizational status in intra-company management, they do not take part in the company's strategic planning and other important decisions, and thus HR departments do not perform a number of tasks for PM.

    Let me explain this situation with an example. As has been repeatedly said, the main function of the personnel department (HRD) is the selection of candidates for the position. Personnel officers should be able to select the most worthy; you need to know how, it is better to do it (procedures), how to promote, train, move them later. But, the PM service should not act autonomously, it is necessary that all these procedures correspond to the goals and objectives of the enterprise. While the PM service will not be engaged in the development of the organization as a whole, it will have to play the role of an agency - a recruiter.

    Therefore, according to IBS (one of the first Russian firms that created a CMS) based on their own experience, the ideal option is when the CMS, having a significant status in the organization's hierarchy, although it does not have the right to directly make changes in other divisions, but has a recommendatory right when it comes to the direction of such changes. To strengthen the authority of the CMS, it is better when it is headed by one of the closest assistants to the head, for example, vice president: “on the one hand, everyone in the organization knows him and trusts him, including the head himself, and on the other hand, he knows organization from within.

    Consider the problem of relations between the PM service and line managers (heads of departments). Both line managers and personnel officers are leaders of one level or another, authorized to present work to people and ensure its execution. This is their similarity. The difference lies in the fact that line managers are entrusted with the management of the main departments (production, household, etc.), and the PM service is authorized to advise and help them achieve these goals.

    The problem is that most line managers prefer to solve their own problems with subordinate personnel. This creates serious difficulties, since, being professionals in a narrow field and not having special training in the field of human relations, each of the line managers solves personnel issues in the most appropriate way in the current situation, which does not favor the implementation of a unified personnel policy of the company.

    At the same time, the task of the enterprise management is to “ensure the cooperation of middle and lower-level managers, understanding the increasing importance of the personnel service for the joint solution of the problems of human resource management by these divisions,” - such a conclusion was made by the participants of the round table devoted to the problems of PM, held by the newspaper “ Business Express. The conclusion is obviously correct, but how to create a mechanism for such effective work?

    One of the options for the division of responsibilities between the CMS and line managers was proposed by N. Mausov in the article “Personnel management is a key element of intra-company management”.

    In the field of employment (where he included the recruitment, selection, hiring, etc. of personnel), it is the responsibility of line management to accurately determine the classification of an employee necessary to perform specific duties. Then the UE service comes to the fore, whose employees are looking for applicants, conducting selection interviews with them and testing. The best candidates are referred to the appropriate line manager, who, through the selection process, decides to hire those individuals who, in terms of their potential and qualifications, are suitable for work in specific jobs.

    In the field of training, the CMS manager is responsible for conducting research in order to develop comprehensive plans, directions for training and needs for it; establishing external contacts; collection and analysis of relevant information. His responsibilities also include assisting the president of the firm in meeting the growing needs of the company by developing and coordinating training programs; advising on the training of departments of the company involved in the development of new ideas and products; definition of goals, preparation of training plans based on the latest scientific research in the field of education. And, in the end result, providing managers with final materials on the economic efficiency of the training system.

    If the PM - manager is busy with such planning, then the line manager solves the problems of training at his level. Line manager responsibilities include the following:

    Identify and facilitate the implementation of the training needs of persons working in the unit; consult with the PM manager regarding targeted training;

    Involve personnel training specialists in the development of programs designed for different categories of personnel;

    Decide on the most promising areas of study for the unit.

    A typical scheme for organizing the structure of the UE service includes:

    1. Sector for studying personnel problems and planning for personnel development.

    2. Bureau of personnel assessment and work with the reserve.

    3. The sector of training and advanced training of specialists and managers.

    4. Sector of professional selection and professional orientation.

    5. Sector of training of workers.

    6. Sector of labor organization, development of a system for stimulating productivity and monitoring working conditions.

    7. Sector of social programs, benefits.

    8. Control group for compliance with labor law; interaction with employee representatives.

    9. Central filing cabinet.

    Depending on the size of the organization, the composition of the divisions of the personnel management service will change: in small organizations, one division can perform the functions of several sectors, and in large organizations, the functions of each sector, as a rule, are performed by a separate division.

    Thus, the personnel management service is a structural unit of the organization, which has its own content, functions, structure and organizational status.

    1.2. The need and importance of the personnel management service

    The search for optimal options for orienting personnel to intensive labor efforts poses the problem of turning to foreign experience.

    Taking into account the final indicators of the functioning of the US and Japanese economies that are being shown to the world, it is legitimate to conclude that this experience is fraught with many temptations. It is useful, however, to precede any shift into the plane of the systems of worker management that have been established in these countries by their comprehensive study and evaluation.

    Now in our country, the increasing role of personnel services is dictated by the following objective circumstances:

    1. Today, the conditions in which the personnel service is developing have changed significantly. These changes are associated with the transition of a time-sustained shortage of labor resources to their surplus. The main reserves are the best use of personnel, their optimal distribution among jobs, an increase in the load on each member of the team. Reducing the number of personnel is the most important lever for increasing production efficiency at the first stage of the transition to a market economy.

    2. The decrease in the number of employees should be compensated by a greater intensity of labor, and hence a higher qualification of the employee. In this regard, the responsibility of personnel services is increasing in choosing directions for the qualification growth of employees, in increasing the effectiveness of forms of training and stimulating their work.

    3. The implementation of the restructuring of the personnel policy entails the expansion of the functional duties of employees of personnel services, increasing their independence in solving personnel problems.

    Today, personnel services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy. Their activities are limited mainly to solving the issues of hiring and dismissal of employees, processing personnel documentation. The enterprises also lack a unified system of work with personnel, primarily a system of scientifically based study of abilities and inclinations, professional and official promotion of employees in accordance with their business and personal qualities. The structure of personnel services, the qualitative composition and the level of remuneration of their employees do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy. There is practically no training of specialists for work in personnel services in the country.

    A survey of the qualitative composition of employees of personnel services of enterprises and organizations in industry and construction showed that 0.3% of the total number of employees were employed in industry in these units, and 0.5% in construction. At the same time, the number of employees in personnel services does not always depend on the number of employees in enterprises and organizations. In general, the smallest number of employees involved in the selection and placement of personnel, per enterprise, turned out to be in the system of consumer services for the population and in the agro-industrial complex - 1 person each.

    Consideration of the educational level of employees of personnel services showed that in industry and construction, only 26% have higher education, and 28% have neither higher nor secondary specialized education. At the same time, at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, local industry and consumer services, practices amount to 35%. The vast majority of employees are practitioners who are not trained in either higher or secondary specialized educational institutions; among the heads of personnel services and their deputies, this figure is 88%. An unfavorable situation is also developing in the age composition of personnel services. Now every fifth employee in industry and a fourth in construction will enter or already have retirement age in the next five years. This situation indicates a slow renewal and insufficient influx of young workers into these units.

    The restructuring of the activities of personnel services should be carried out in the following directions:

    Ensuring a comprehensive solution to the problems of high-quality formation and effective use of human resources based on the management of all components of the human factor: from labor training and career guidance for young people to caring for labor veterans;

    Widespread introduction of active methods of search and targeted training of workers necessary for the enterprise and industry. Contracts with educational institutions should become the main form of attracting the necessary specialists and skilled workers for enterprises. The advanced training of workers and specialists for the development of new equipment and technology in the sectors of the national economy is relevant, which requires personnel services to improve the planning of personnel training;

    Systematic work with leading cadres, with a reserve for promotion, which should be based on such organizational forms as planning a business career, preparing candidates for promotion according to individual plans, rotational movements of managers and specialists, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions;

    Activation of the activities of personnel services to stabilize labor collectives, increase the labor and social activity of workers on the basis of improving socio-cultural and moral and psychological incentives;

    Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, which requires personnel workers to comply with the procedure for employment and retraining of laid-off workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations;

    The transition from predominantly administrative-command methods of personnel management to democratic forms of evaluation, selection and placement, wide publicity in personnel work. In modern conditions, the personnel departments of enterprises are becoming bodies of organizational and methodological support for election and competitiveness, periodic reporting of officials to labor collectives, which will require personnel workers to be able to apply psychological testing methods, sociological methods of studying public opinion, assessing the candidate being studied for nomination by his colleagues, subordinates, etc.;

    Strengthening personnel services with qualified specialists, increasing their authority, in connection with which it becomes relevant to create a system for training specialists for personnel services, their retraining and advanced training;

    Updating the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, as well as its material, technical and information base. In this regard, it is expedient to identify in the branches and regions those scientific organizations and consulting firms that will develop personnel problems and provide practical assistance to personnel services.

    In the conditions of the formation of a market economy, a fundamentally new stage in the development of personnel services opens with qualitatively different functions and tasks.

    The increase in the role of personnel services and the radical restructuring of their activities are caused by fundamental changes in the economic and social conditions in which enterprises are currently operating that are transitioning to market relations.

    The need for such a restructuring of the work of personnel services is also due to the fact that the personnel composition, as well as the status and level of remuneration of personnel officers, do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy, as evidenced by the above data.

    Strengthening the material and technical, scientific and methodological support of personnel work is an urgent task for most enterprises.

    Thus, summing up what has been said, it remains to add how important the role of the personnel management service is, especially for Russian enterprises.

    2. Place and role of the personnel management service in the organization

    2.1. The role of the organization's human resources function

    The role of the personnel management service is manifested in the functions it performs. Let's give a classification of the functions of the personnel management service in the organization:

    1) Subsystem of working conditions:

    Compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology

    Compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics

    Occupational health and safety

    Organization of production processes, analysis of costs and results of labor, establishment of the optimal ratio between the number of pieces of equipment and the number of personnel.

    2) Subsystem of labor relations:

    Analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships

    Analysis and regulation of management relations

    Management of industrial conflicts and stresses

    Socio-psychological diagnostics

    Compliance with ethical standards of relationships

    Management of interaction with trade unions.

    3) Subsystem of registration and accounting of personnel:

    Registration and accounting of admission, dismissals, relocations

    Information support of the personnel management system

    career guidance


    4) Subsystem of planning, forecasting and marketing of personnel:

    Development of a personnel management strategy

    Human resources analysis

    Analysis of the labor market, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, organizing advertising

    Personnel planning

    Relationship with external sources that provide personnel to the organization

    Evaluation of candidates for a vacant position

    Current Periodic Evaluation of Personnel.

    5) Personnel development subsystem

    Technical and economic training

    Retraining and advanced training

    Work with personnel reserve

    Professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees

    6) Subsystem of analysis and development of labor incentives:

    Rationing and billing of the labor process

    Development of pay systems

    Use of moral incentives

    Development of forms of participation in profit and capital

    Work motivation management

    7) Subsystem of legal services

    Solving labor issues in terms of legal standards

    Coordination of administrative documents on personnel management

    Solving legal issues of economic activity.

    8) Subsystem for the development of social infrastructure:

    Organization of public catering

    Housing management

    Development of culture and physical education

    Ensuring health and recreation

    Managing social conflicts and stress

    9) Subsystem for the development of the organizational structure of management

    Analysis of the current organizational structure of management

    Designing the organizational structure of management

    Staffing development

    Building a new organizational structure of management

    This classification provides an exhaustive list of functions attributed to the personnel management service in terms of a new approach to PM management. However, the set of certain functions of the personnel management service in different companies is different, since usually each manager chooses those elements that, not in his opinion, are better suited to a particular situation (the size of the company, the specifics of its activities, etc.) and seem to him useful for the success of the organization. But despite all the differences between organizations, there is a standard set of functions of the personnel management service, which in their sum represent the personnel policy of the company. Let's consider these functions in more detail.

    1) Workforce planning, which includes:

    Assessment of available resources (i.e. analysis of the scope of work and available personnel)

    Assessment of future needs (forecast of internal and external labor supply and labor demand)

    Development of a program to meet future needs in human resources based on the ratio of internal and external labor supply with demand and the company's development strategy. For correct forecasting, it is necessary to take into account the average staff turnover, natural retirement (death, retirement, etc.) and other factors.

    2) Recruitment is the creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions

    3) Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for workplace and selecting the best from the pool created during recruitment.

    4) Wage and Benefit Determination - Designing a wage and benefit structure in order to attract and retain an employee.

    5) Adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and into all its divisions in order to understand what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

    6) Training - development of programs for teaching labor skills to effectively perform work.

    7) Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of employees. Evaluation of labor makes it possible to assess the quantity, quality and intensity of labor.

    8) Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal of personnel - to perform this function, personnel management services must:

    Develop a methodology for moving an employee from a position of greater or lesser responsibility

    Develop the employee's professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work (in other words, personnel management services are engaged in career planning for employees).

    So, today there is no single strictly defined view of the functions of the personnel management service in the organization. As already mentioned, business leaders rarely use theory in its pure form, but, as a rule, adapt it to the conditions of the functioning of a particular organization. However, the results of the study showed that with all the inter-company and inter-country differences in the field of personnel management (in two firms in the same industry in one country you will not find two documents similar in form and content regulating the activities of the PM service), they all profess a common ideology and methodological basis personnel work.

    Thus, the role of the personnel management service is to create such conditions for managers of all levels, when personnel management would become really as efficient as possible.

    2.2. The structure of the personnel management service in the organization and its interaction with structural divisions in ALCO-S LLC

    LLC “ALKO-S”, hereinafter referred to as the “company”, is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

    LLC "ALKO-S" is a trade organization specializing in the sale of alcoholic products.

    Legal address of the Company: Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, st. Lesoparkovaya, 32.

    Trade is the leading activity of ALKO-S LLC. The company offers alcohol only of well-known brands with a strong reputation and attracts buyers with high quality goods.

    The market is constantly evolving, requiring a decisive reorganization of the forms and methods of trade. The time itself has put ALCO-S LLC in front of the need to create an advanced and fundamentally new structure.

    The principle of operation of trading companies is based on providing an opportunity for buyers to quickly and profitably purchase a wide range of food products. This relieves the buyer of the need to search for goods in several companies, wasting his time.

    ALCO-S LLC carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Personnel management of ALCO-S LLC is carried out by the personnel department (one HR specialist). Strategic and operational functions for the management of personnel and personnel in general are assigned to the director of ALCO-S LLC.

    The personnel service is structurally subordinated to the head of ALKO-S LLC.

    Let's list key features HR department of ALCO-S LLC:

    Determining the need for personnel, both current and in the future;

    Development of sections of the business plan "Personnel" and "Management", their balancing with other sections and ensuring implementation;

    Development of comprehensive targeted personnel development programs, linking them in terms of time, resources and executors and ensuring implementation;

    Organization and implementation of the analysis of the content of labor, certification of workplaces and the development of professional and psychograms that determine the requirements of the workplace for the employee;

    Development of systems for checking the professional and personal qualities of applicants for vacant jobs;

    Analysis of the division, organization and rationing of labor, development of assumptions for their improvement;

    Development of documents defining labor relations at the enterprise: collective agreements, personnel regulations, labor regulations, regulations on divisions, job descriptions, memos and instructions reflecting the culture of the enterprise, labor agreements (contracts), ensuring their coordination and approval;

    Organization of personnel selection on the basis of professional and psychograms, job descriptions, regulations on departments, developed systems of professional and personality tests and tests;

    Career planning of employees, provision of relocation, organization of a personnel reserve system and work to improve the adequacy of the qualities of applicants to the requirements of the workplace;

    Organization and provision of work on personnel development, advanced training and retraining of employees using both the potential of the enterprise and third-party educational institutions; curriculum development;

    Conducting research to identify the motivation of employees to work and developing measures to increase job satisfaction;

    Development of systems for group and individual material and moral incentives for employees, taking into account motivation, research and implementation of modern wage systems;

    Conducting research on the socio-psychological climate in teams, the quality of working life, leadership style and the attitude of employees to managers;

    Carrying out activities to increase the creative level of employees, the development of innovative behavior;

    Carrying out work to improve the level of labor protection and safety;

    Development of a system of end-to-end indicators and evaluation of the results of work of departments, managers and specialists, organization of certification;

    Conducting research in order to create effective work teams;

    Organization of joint decision-making, holding important business meetings and negotiations, including those on ensuring social protection of employees;

    Analysis of the causes and settlement of labor conflicts;

    Organization of personnel accounting and provision of necessary reporting, analytical work based on the results of personnel management.

    Since at present the number of management employees reaches 30% of the organization, one of the most important problems solved by the personnel management services of ALCO-S LLC is formation of an optimal administrative apparatus, determining the prospective and current need for managers.

    Another important function is controlling personnel. Its tasks are: to study the impact that the existing distribution of employees across jobs has on the results of the organization; analysis of the social and economic efficiency of the application of certain management methods; coordination of personnel planning with the planning of other areas of the organization, especially in connection with cardinal changes in it; creation of personnel information base.

    Another modern function of the personnel service of ALCO-S LLC is the implementation personnel marketing, the main task of which is to provide the organization with highly qualified employees. It is a set of measures to: study the internal and external labor market and its segmentation (identification of various categories of personnel and the implementation of special personnel approaches in relation to them); analysis of the expectations of employees in the field of official movements; distribution within the organization of information about the need for personnel, opportunities to improve or change their qualifications; finding and recruiting the right people.

    The personnel service of ALCO-S LLC carries out monitoring- constant special monitoring of the state of personnel, their dynamics, including turnover; balance of labor resources; stimulation; job satisfaction; recruitment, training, professional development, promotion processes; the state of labor discipline; trauma and so on.

    Recently, the personnel service of ALCO-S LLC has been implementing the Speak program, which provides that each employee has the right to write an anonymous application and send it through the appropriate coordinator to the manager who is solving the relevant problem, and within 10 days receive answer. As part of the “open door policy”, employees of LLC “ALCO-S” can personally apply to managers until they receive a satisfactory response to their applications. "Interview over the head of the head" provides for the possibility of a conversation once a year with the head of his head on his initiative.

    A well-coordinated professional team is the key to the prosperity of ALCO-S LLC. LLC "ALCO-S" is interested in making a profit, and for this, the staff must work efficiently. And not just efficiently, but constantly improve their professional qualifications and labor productivity. All this directly depends on the highly qualified work of the personnel management service of ALCO-S LLC.


    At the end of this work, we will draw a number of conclusions. The personnel management service is a structural subdivision of the organization that performs the functions of personnel management. The status of the personnel management service in the organization's management system is determined by the place and role of each specialized personnel management unit and the organizational status of its immediate supervisor. The role and organizational status of the personnel management service is largely determined by the level of organizational and financial condition, the possibilities for the potential development of the organization, as well as the position of its management in relation to the personnel service.

    Today in Russia, when a course has been taken for the worldwide use of the human factor in ensuring not just single, isolated, although sometimes sensational economic achievements, but consistently high efficiency in all spheres of social production, a radical reconstruction of the mechanism of labor motivation in should become one of the priorities of economic strategy. .

    This task is extraordinarily difficult and, most importantly, requires a fundamentally new, non-standard, integrated approach that would make it possible to achieve a shift in the real, that is, not occasionally, but on an ongoing basis, the mobilization of the moral potential of each individual worker and labor the team as a whole.

    The role of the personnel management service is manifested in the functions it performs. The considered classification provides an exhaustive list of functions attributed to the personnel management service from the point of view of a new approach to PM management. However, the set of certain functions of the personnel management service in different companies is different, since usually each manager chooses those elements that, not in his opinion, are better suited to a particular situation (the size of the company, the specifics of its activities, etc.) and seem to him useful for the success of the organization. But despite all the differences between organizations, there is a standard set of functions of the personnel management service, which in their sum represent the personnel policy of the company.

    Personnel management of ALCO-S LLC is carried out by the personnel department (one HR specialist). Strategic and operational functions for the management of personnel and personnel in general are assigned to the director of ALCO-S LLC. The personnel service is structurally subordinated to the head of ALKO-S LLC.

    GOU VPO "Siberian State Technological University"

    Faculty of Humanities

    Department of personnel management

    Discipline of personnel management

    The role and place of the personnel management service in

    common system of organizational structure

    Course work


    k. philos. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of UP

    Lazutkin A.P.


    (estimate and date)


    Designed by:

    student gr.73-1

    Pushkareva E.E.



    1. Personnel service in the enterprise management system

    1.1 The importance of the personnel management service for the enterprise

    1.2 The structure of the personnel management service

    1.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the HR service

    2. The value of the personnel management service for Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC

    2.1 Characteristics of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, purpose and mission,

    organizational structure

    2.2 The main activities of the personnel management service at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC: due and valid.



    Bibliographic list

    This course work will consider the role of the personnel management service in the organization as a whole, its place in the structure of the enterprise, methods and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of its functioning.

    Relevance. This topic is currently relevant, since most of the personnel services today are still focused primarily on performing traditional procedural functions (hiring, staffing, paperwork when sending on business trips, vacations, transfers to a new location). work, staff layoffs, etc.). In a number of organizations, nothing else is required of them, and due to addiction and traditions, few of the heads of personnel services show their own personnel and production initiative. The syndrome of the notorious rule still operates: "initiative is punishable." This is somewhat of a problem in many modern organizations.

    The purpose of the work is to determine the significance of the PM service for the organization.

    The task of the work is to establish the main activities of the personnel management service, to determine its role in the life of the enterprise.

    The object is Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC.

    The subject of the course work is the personnel management service.

    1.1 The importance of the personnel management service for the enterprise

    "The personnel service of an enterprise is a structural unit authorized to carry out personnel management and organizational and methodological management of personnel management measures implemented at the enterprise."

    “Management’s great hopes for the prosperity of the company are placed on their own capabilities, skill, initiative and enterprise, and more precisely, on the human resources that have been created and that will have to be modernized to take into account the ever-changing needs of the market.” [see 2. p. 95]

    In most companies, at a certain stage of development, there is a need for a specialist in personnel management. It determines what activities in the field of recruitment, training, and assessment of personnel must be carried out to achieve the goals of this organization. This is the most common reason for creating an HR department, but there are other motives that push management to form a company's HR department.

    “Let's consider in more detail the reasons for the creation of the personnel service and the prospects for the further functioning of this unit.

    Service staff as a tribute to fashion.

    If the creation of an HR department is a fashion statement, then it is very likely that it will perform only a representative function: it is unlikely that the director of personnel will be assigned to solve serious problems related to the development of the company as a whole. To find mutual language it will not be easy for him with top managers and the general director, since the service subordinate to him will not be perceived as a unit that directly affects the achievement of the company's strategic goals.

    In this situation, the head of the HR service is recommended:

    Defend the status of your unit by competently identifying existing problems and suggesting ways to solve them;

    Obtain the budget of the unit under your management, namely: items related to the planning of the payroll fund (PWF), social benefits, recruitment costs, investments in training and development of personnel, strengthening corporate culture, etc. Budgeting-related powers and responsibility for the implementation of the adopted budget determine the status of the HR service.

    Service personnel as "first aid" in solving problems.

    In some cases, the personnel service is created as an "assistant" to the existing personnel department, which is no longer able to cope with the increasing volume of tasks assigned to it by other divisions of the company. In such a situation, top management forms an HR service according to the priority of tasks to be solved: first, a recruiter or recruitment manager appears, then a training specialist or training manager, etc.

    In this case, the CEO and shareholders have an understanding of the need for personnel services for the further development of the business. It is important that the HR director make full use of the available opportunities: take part in meetings of top managers, report on the results of his activities to the business owners.

    Personnel service as an integral part of the company.

    The most desirable situation is when the personnel service is formed together with the company, and already at the initial stage of the development of the organization, its director participates in building the future organizational structure of the entire enterprise, forming business processes between departments. In this case, the HR specialist will be able to adhere to the principle of proactivity in his work, i.e. act in a proactive and preventive mode, as opposed to the so-called reactive work, when the employee’s activity is aimed at correcting and eliminating emerging problems.

    When an HR director participates in the formation of a top management team (selection of leaders and development of compensation packages for them), he gets the opportunity to become one of the leaders of the organization in the future.

    This most competent method of building a personnel service in a company, unfortunately, is not very common in Russian practice.

    Whatever the reasons for the formation of the HR service, the role that it plays in the development of the organization is important. The experience of domestic companies shows that in most cases, in its development, the HR department consistently experiences three roles: support, service, and partner.

    Supporting role of the personnel service.

    At the initial stage of the company's development, the owner or general director most often needs the services of a personnel officer, whose main task is to maintain the company's personnel document flow in accordance with national legislation.

    Through this business support role are those HR services that are not created from scratch, but are transformed from an existing human resources department in the company. In this case, the functions of personnel management are distributed among line managers, and each department independently solves the tasks facing it in the field of recruitment and training of employees. So, two or three representatives of different departments of the customer company can work separately from one recruitment agency or training firm.

    Sometimes the personnel department and the personnel service are two independent divisions of the organization. But in most leading domestic companies, the personnel department is included in the structure of the personnel service, and its head or clerk reports to the director of personnel.

    Service role of personnel service.

    The situation in which the functions of personnel management are distributed among departments significantly reduces the efficiency of the business as a whole, especially with an increase in the number of employees and the number of tasks in the field of recruitment and training of personnel. In this situation, the personnel department has more powers, for example, the HR director finds out the needs of management, ensures the fulfillment of the tasks formulated by the internal customer, that is, top managers and line managers.

    The main result of activity at this stage is the solution of operational tasks and the performance of the following functions in the field of personnel management:

    HR strategy;

    Development of policies in the field of personnel management;

    Preparation and execution of the budget in the field of personnel management;

    Regulation of labor relations;

    Maintaining relations with the trade union;


    Headcount planning;

    External recruitment, internal recruitment;

    Evaluation of candidates, conducting tests;

    Working with university graduates;

    Staff adaptation;

    Employee training;

    Assessment of training needs;

    Creation of training programs;

    Conducting training;

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of training;

    Creation of a personnel reserve;

    Employee evaluation;

    Evaluation of performance results;

    Career planning;

    Development of corporate culture;

    Holding corporate events;

    Creation of corporate media, intranet;

    Motivation and stimulation of the work of personnel;

    Evaluation of positions, creation of a grading system;

    Formation of compensation packages;

    Creation of social packages;

    organizational development;

    Automation of personnel management functions;

    Description of business processes;

    Relocation and dismissal of personnel;

    Occupational safety (in manufacturing companies, this function is run by the technical service or the chief engineer's service);

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management.

    During this period, HR employees develop the main HR tools. When developing policies and procedures in the field of personnel management, it is necessary to involve line managers and top managers as consultants, since it is they who will have to apply these methods in practice. If the specialists of the HR service have independently developed algorithms in the field of recruitment or training of personnel, then at the implementation stage they are recommended to ask the management how clear and convenient the proposed options for interacting with the personnel service are for them.

    Human Resources as a business partner.

    Over time, it becomes obvious to the HR director that it is not enough just to develop and implement personnel programs and activities - the personnel service needs to become a function of the business, that is, work to achieve the goals of the entire organization. To convince colleagues and management that his service is not just a service department, but also a business partner of the company, the director needs to look at all HR activities from the standpoint of their cost and start talking to the company's management in the language of numbers (or commercial benefits) .

    At this stage, it becomes clear that every HR program should ultimately bring profit to the company - whether it be recruiting personnel, creating a training center or holding a corporate event.

    The main task of the personnel service during this period is to increase the market value of the company with the help of personnel management tools, as well as the development of a company strategy in the field of personnel management, the development of its organizational structure, and the creation of systems for evaluating the performance of departments.

    Practice shows that in domestic companies, HR services rarely become strategic partners. This is due to the relative youth of business in our country and the youth of the profession of a specialist in personnel management, which is just entering the second decade of its existence. According to experts, the most optimal positioning of the HR department is as a service department, while it, nevertheless, plays the unadvertised role of a business partner.” [see 5. p. 2-5]

    The tasks facing the HR service are also determined by the stage of development of the organization. Namely, the stages of formation, growth, stabilization and decline directly affect the list of tasks solved by the personnel service.

    “Formation. A young company is characterized by an informal atmosphere and a small number of employees who are aware of the plans and problems of the organization and can replace each other in the workplace. There is no personnel manager in the state - everything is decided by the head (often he is the owner). Close relationships between colleagues and vaguely defined responsibilities often lead to conflicts.

    Growth. The number of employees is growing, the internal structure of the company is being formed, the powers and responsibilities of departments and personnel are being developed. Intensive search and selection of personnel, development of rules and regulations come to the fore, there is a need for the development of internal communications, and there is a rapid career growth of employees.

    Stabilization. The company strives to maintain the achieved positions. Supporting business departments appear, the structural composition of employees is changing. The personnel department solves new problems, introduces new technologies for adaptation, assessment, formation of a social package, etc. There is a formalization and regulation of procedures and policies.

    Recession. The reduction of the company's activities, the decrease in the flow of investments and financing leads to a reduction in staff, the elimination of social programs, and problems of employee motivation. During this period, the role of intra-company communications to support changes in the company increases.

    Thus, the dependence of the functions and tasks of the personnel management service on the stage of the organization's life cycle is clearly traced.

    1.2 The structure of the personnel management servicein the overall system of the enterprise structure

    "The organizational structure of the personnel department depends on the structure of the enterprise and on the business tasks facing the company and the HR department."

    “Organization management structure or organizational structure is one of the key concepts of management development. It is closely related to the strategic goals, functions, management process and distribution of powers among those working in the organization. Within the framework of the structure, the entire management process takes place: the movement of information flows, the adoption of management decisions, in which all personnel participate. The structure is necessary so that all processes occurring in the organization are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality.

    Scientists, management theorists define the structure as "a set of management links located in strict subordination and providing the relationship between the control and managed systems" or as an ordered "set of its constituent elements, in one way or another connected with each other" (V.G. Vesnin) .

    From the angle of personnel management, we see the structure of the organization as a system of optimal distribution of functional duties, rights and responsibilities between its constituent management bodies and the people working in them.

    The key concepts of structures in this perspective are elements, connections (relationships), levels and powers. The elements of the management structure can be both individual employees and services performing functional duties and operations. [cm 10]

    The specific place and role of units - carriers of personnel management functions - in the overall organization management system are determined by the place and role of each specialized personnel management unit and the organizational status of its immediate supervisor (this organizational status is confirmed by a set of powers and responsibilities determined by the position of the first head of the organization in relation to personnel department).

    “There are different types of organizational structures for personnel management services: linear, functional, linear-functional and matrix structures. The elementary linear structure of the PM service exists, as a rule, in small organizations. It assumes the presence of two levels of management: the upper one - the leader and the lower one - the performers. A more complex linear organizational structure means the allocation of several levels: the head of the organization, the head of the personnel department, the head of the personnel training sector. With a functional organizational structure, there is a functional division of managerial labor, management functions, specialization, subordination to the functional leaders of lower units. The linear-functional structure involves collegial preparation of a decision and its adoption by the first manager, who is responsible for the implementation of the decision. Under the matrix system, temporary groups of specialists are created. Specialists are in double subordination - operational subordination to the head of the group and functional subordination to the head of the unit. [see 7. p. eleven]

    Depending on the degree of development and characteristics of the organization, the structural location of the personnel service may be different. Here are a few of those options.

    “Option 1 - Fig. 3. The structural subordination of the personnel service to the head of administration, that is, the performance of tasks by the personnel service is considered within the framework of the headquarters unit of the functional subsystem (administration).

    Option 2 - fig. 4. Structural subordination of the personnel management service as a headquarters department to the general management of the organization. Such a structure is acceptable in small organizations at the initial stages of development, when management has not clearly defined the status of the personnel service.

    Option 3 - fig. 5. Structural subordination of the personnel service as a headquarters body to top management. This option is most appropriate in cases where the manager is trying to raise the status of the personnel service.

    Option 4 - fig. 6. Organizational inclusion of the personnel management service in the management of the organization. This option is the most typical for developed organizations. The personnel management subsystem is an equivalent subsystem among other management subsystems.

    Depending on the structure of the enterprise, the HR service can be unified and fragmented.

    "Single office.

    A single personnel service exists in companies that are wholly or mostly located in one place. In such an organization, the HR function is one of many departments and performs most of the HR functions, depending on its current role.

    On fig. 1 shows the structure of the personnel service with a single office. This is a fairly common case, typical, for example, for industrial enterprises with one production or trading companies with a single warehouse.

    Scattered office

    The situation when company divisions are geographically located in different regions or cities directly affects the organizational structure of the personnel service.

    With such a structure (Fig. 2), the main functions, as a rule, are concentrated in the specialists of the central office or management company, and employees in branches have powers strictly within their area of ​​responsibility.

    Consider several options for the functioning of the personnel service in these conditions:

    1. HR specialists. Often, within the framework of large holdings, in addition to the central personnel service on the ground, there are also HR departments, whose powers are within the framework of such functions as office work, selection, adaptation, evaluation, training of personnel, or are completely narrowed down to the tasks set by the personnel service of the management company. The development of a personnel strategy and tasks related to stimulating employees are the prerogative of the central office or the management company.

    2. HR generalists (from English general - general). This is the name of specialists working in small divisions of companies with a geographically disparate organizational structure. Here it is also necessary to implement the existing HR procedures in the company, but due to the small number of employees, the formation of a personnel department is unprofitable. Thus, the functions of working with personnel are assigned to one specialist.

    Sometimes HR generalists are also called HR project managers. This happens in situations where they are given the task of forming a personnel management system in a branch or representative office that is being created.

    3. HR administrators. Such employees mainly administer the work of personnel management in companies that have outsourced HR functions. Their task is to coordinate the activities of external providers for the selection, training, and personnel support. This experience is typical for small representative offices of foreign companies, especially at the beginning of their activities in a new region.

    The tasks facing the personnel service determine the number and positions of employees of the personnel service. [see 5. p. 7-8]

    The place and structure of the personnel management service in the overall structure of the organization is also different depending on the size of the enterprise.

    In medium-sized companies (with employees from 100 to 1000 people), the organizational structure of the personnel service takes on a more complex form (Fig. 8). In the HR service there are specialists responsible for certain areas of activity of the personnel service:

    Recruitment manager, recruiter;

    Training and development manager, training manager, trainer, training center coordinator;

    Valuation Manager;

    Compensation and Benefits Manager;

    Internal Communications Manager, Corporate Events Manager, Internal PR Manager, Corporate Culture Manager.

    Currently, there are no uniform standards for job titles.

    The experience of most companies shows that in practice, HR specialists perform broader responsibilities than are reflected in the title of their position. For example, a training manager can also deal with the adaptation and evaluation of personnel, participate in the organization of corporate events. This is due to the multifunctionality of modern HR specialists.

    In a company with more than 1000 employees, that is, in large business companies, there are more financial opportunities for working with personnel, but at the same time, there are significantly more tasks and problems. The main task of the HR director is to standardize existing procedures and algorithms in order to improve the manageability of the business as a whole. This manifests itself, for example, in situations where it is necessary to quickly select a candidate from the internal personnel reserve for a vacant position or quickly respond to changes in the level of remuneration of key specialists in competing companies.

    In such organizations, almost every function of the personnel management service is represented by a separate unit (Fig. 9). [see 5. p. 8-10]

    “An important place in personnel management belongs to the head of the personnel service, who acts as a leader in relation to the employees of the personnel service. He coordinates the activities of the personnel of the personnel service, helps line managers in solving personnel issues when hiring, firing, evaluating, training and promoting personnel. There is a different status of the head of the personnel service. The head of the personnel management service may not be part of the top management of the organization. With this approach, the personnel department uses traditional technologies for working with personnel. The head of the personnel service may be a member of the top management of the organization and be a member of the Board of Directors. The personnel management service is considered as an integral part of the prospective management of the organization.

    1.3 Evaluation of performance NR-services

    The strategic goal of the PM service is to increase the value of the company by increasing the efficiency of managing its most resource - people. Therefore, a modern HR director needs to understand the specifics of his company's business as a whole, share the mission and strategic goals of the organization and, on their basis, determine the top priorities of his activities, as well as be able to calculate the expected effectiveness of his decisions.

    One often hears disputed opinions about whose interests should be

    represent the HR manager in the organization. For professionals, the answer is obvious: in their activities, they must be guided, first of all, by the interests of the company's shareholders

    The desire for a clear understanding of the contribution of each department of the organization to the creation of added value made the shareholders of many companies take a fresh look at the goals and objectives, the functions of personnel management. In world practice, HR management evaluation procedures began to be used in the 1970s, they became popular by the end of the 1990s. However, there is still no unity on the issue of measuring the effectiveness of many HR functions.

    Stakeholders in the evaluation of the HR service are:

    Shareholders who want to see the return on their investments in numbers and believe that what cannot be measured cannot be effectively managed;

    Company tone managers who are interested in expressing the work of departments in financial or quantitative terms;

    HR departments seeking to justify their existence and prove their own usefulness.

    Consider the most commonly used methods for assessing the effectiveness of the HR service.

    Expert review.

    Employees of the personnel service can conduct an expert assessment on their own. To do this, it is necessary to interview the heads of related departments and find out how they evaluate the activities of the HR service as a whole, as well as the work of individual areas: the quality and speed of selection, the quality of ongoing training programs, etc. It is advisable to conduct such a survey regularly every six months or a year . Having received and analyzed the data, it is important to draw the right conclusion and improve the quality of the services provided. The advantage of such an assessment lies in the simplicity of its implementation and the low cost of the project, while the disadvantage is the inevitable subjectivity in the assessments. about return on investment in staff (ROI)

    This indicator is calculated by the formula:

    ROI = (Income - Costs) / Costs x 100%.

    This method of evaluation is quite laborious. The calculations must take into account not only the cost of a particular event, but also the indirect costs associated with its implementation, but the most difficult is the calculation of income from the event in the field of personnel management.

    benchmarking method.

    When using the HR-Benchmarking approach, the performance of the HR service is compared with analogues of data from other companies operating in the market. External consultants request from the companies participating in such a project the necessary data on qualitative and quantitative indicators. After processing the data, companies are provided with industry-wide statistics that need to be compared with their own HR performance indicators. In Russia, the use of the benchmarking method is still not widespread enough. This is due to the reluctance of companies to provide confidential data and distrust of the organizers of such projects.

    Jack Philips technique

    In Western companies, when calculating the return on investment in the HR service, the Jack Philips method is often used, who proposed five formulas for determining the effectiveness of the personnel service:

    1. Estimated HR Investment = HR Costs / Operational Costs.

    2. Evaluation of investments in the HR department = expenses of the personnel service / number of employees.

    3. Absenteeism rate = absenteeism + number of employees leaving unexpectedly.

    4. Satisfaction rate = the number of employees who are satisfied with their work, expressed as a percentage. The indicator is determined by the method of questioning.

    5. The criterion that determines the unity and harmony in the organization. Calculated on the basis of statistical data on productivity and evaluation of labor efficiency.

    According to consultants, the Philips method works successfully in companies where regular management is well established, which is quite rare in Russia.

    Indicators of economic efficiency of the personnel service.

    Financial indicators:

    1. Human Capital Revenue Factor, the main indicator of employee productivity.


    where FTE - Full Time Employe - the number of completed bets;

    2. Human Economic Value Added, an indicator of the work of the company's management.

    HEVA=(Income without taxes - Cost of personnel) / FTE;

    3. The cost of human capital (Human Capital Cost Factor). HCCF=Total personnel costs / Turnover;

    4. Human Capital Value Added, the indicator shows the profitability of the "average" employee of the organization.

    HCVA=Revenue - (Costs - Salaries and Bonuses) / FTE;

    5. ROI human capital (Human Capital Return on Investment).

    HCROI = Income - (Costs - Salaries and Bonuses) / Salaries and Bonuses;

    6. The market value of human capital (Human Capital Market Value) is a useful indicator for stock analysts and economists.

    HCMV=(Market Value of HC - Book Value) / FTE.

    Human Resources Function Performance Indicators

    The following indicators are calculated both for the entire staff as a whole and for each of the groups of employees (top managers, line managers, specialists, engineers, workers) depending on the specifics of the company's activities and the characteristics of its organizational structure:

    1. HR budget:

    Training costs as a percentage of total personnel costs;

    Corporate events costs as a percentage of total personnel costs;

    External provider costs as a percentage of total staff costs.

    2. Search and selection of personnel:

    Personnel movement (percentage of the total number of layoffs and relocations of the total number);

    Staff turnover (percentage of those dismissed of their own free will from the total number);

    Turnover among employees during the first year of work (at their own request, at the initiative of the employer as a percentage of the total number of laid-offs);

    The percentage of those dismissed at the initiative of the employer (inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed, failure to perform labor duties without good reason, violation of labor protection requirements, appearance in a non-working place in a state of intoxication, theft, etc.);

    The percentage of those dismissed for reasons beyond the control of the parties (conscription to the Armed Forces, disability, death, etc.);

    Percentage of vacancies filled by external candidates (of the total number of vacancies);

    Competition for a place among external candidates (person/seat);

    The number of open vacancies per one HR officer involved in the selection (pcs.);

    Average time to fill vacancies (days);

    The average cost of filling one vacancy is the salary of recruiters, the cost of advertising, the cost of services of recruitment agencies, etc. (rubles).

    3. Motivation and stimulation

    1) quantitative indicators of the assessment:

    The amount of sales per employee;

    The amount of profit per one top manager;

    Payroll fund as a percentage of turnover;

    The percentage of employees who receive bonuses (bonuses), depending on the result of work and calculated from the total number of employees;

    Percentage of employees receiving bonuses (bonuses) depending on the fulfillment of individual KPIs (of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees who receive bonuses (bonuses) depending on the achievement of the KPI of the unit / department (of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees receiving bonuses (bonuses) depending on the performance of the company (from the total number of employees);

    Presence of a grading system in the organization;

    The cost of benefits and compensation as a percentage of the total compensation package.

    Employee satisfaction:

    Percentage of fixed payments (as a percentage of total labor costs);

    The ratio of fixed and variable parts of wages;

    Dependence of income growth on the growth of labor productivity;

    The difference in salaries between the worst employees and the best among peers;

    Staff turnover rate;

    Percentage of layoffs at the initiative of employees (including key employees).

    Market attractiveness:

    Orientation to the market level of wages in determining the size of the income of employees in the organization;

    The ratio of fixed and variable parts compared to competitors;

    Competition for an open vacancy;

    Acceptance rate of proposals by candidates.

    2) Quality indicators:

    Conducting staff satisfaction surveys (periodic measurements of the specified parameters);

    Research on organizational effectiveness;

    Expert opinions and observations of the workflow.

    4. Training and development of personnel:

    Number of training hours per new employee (during the first year of employment);

    The number of hours of training per experienced employee (who has worked for more than one year);

    Percentage of employees who completed training during the year (out of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees for whom development tasks are set (out of the total number of employees);

    Expenses for training one employee (rubles);

    Average cost of one hour of training (rubles);

    Percentage of employees with individual development plans (of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees for whom the mentoring / coaching system is applied (of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of training programs planned based on the results of the evaluation (of the total number of programs);

    The cost of education as a percentage of the wage fund;

    Total number of training hours;

    Average number of training hours per employee.

    5. Personnel reserve:

    Percentage of vacancies filled by employees included in the personnel reserve (of the total number of vacancies);

    Percentage of positions for which there is a personnel reserve (of the total number of positions);

    Percentage of reservists who received a promotion during the year (of the total composition of the reserve);

    Personnel turnover among reservists (the percentage of those who left of their own free will from the total composition of the reserve).

    6. Personnel evaluation:

    Percentage of positions for which KPIs are defined and these indicators are regularly monitored (out of the total number of positions);

    The percentage of employees who regularly receive an assessment of their work: performance appraisal, certification, a formalized conversation with their immediate supervisor, etc. (out of the total number of employees);

    The percentage of employees who regularly receive an assessment of their competence: certification, 360-degree surveys, psychodiagnostic methods, a formalized conversation with a competency manager, etc. (total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees undergoing an independent assessment: assessment center, "360 degrees", individual assessment (of the total number of employees);

    Percentage of employees who changed their position based on the results of the assessment (out of the total number of those who passed the assessment);

    Percentage of employees for whom the motivation system was changed: salary, bonuses, etc. (from the total number of those who passed the assessment).

    When evaluating performance indicators, the HR director may encounter certain difficulties.

    1. The absence of a detailed management accounting system at the enterprise. In this situation, the HR director needs to adapt the existing system to the needs of the HR service in order to facilitate the collection and analysis of the required information. Adaptation consists in the development and implementation of algorithms for calculating the required indicators.

    2. Uncertainty in the areas of responsibility of departments and decentralization of personnel costs. In this situation, it is difficult to allocate personnel costs among departments. For example, the salaries of temporary employees hired for a regional marketing campaign can be charged to both the Human Resources budget and the Marketing Department. Therefore, such issues are discussed in advance between the heads of the company's departments.

    3. The factor of remoteness of the result in time. Many HR projects are not designed to achieve quick results, so it is not always obvious when to expect an impact from the implementation. new program and how to calculate it over time. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the analysis is carried out in the conditions of an unstable domestic business, when algorithms and management methods are constantly changing.

    4. Lack of information about the experience of other companies. The lack of such information makes it difficult to analyze the calculated indicators. For example, having spent a number of efforts and calculated the ROI for a training event equal to 237%, the HR manager is faced with the fact that he cannot analyze this indicator, because at best he has information about the experience of Western companies, which often turns out to be irrelevant for the Russian organizations.

    5. Resistance of personnel service personnel. If the HR department does not understand the importance and necessity of the assessment, the HR director must convince subordinates of its benefits for the company and motivate their participation in the assessment procedures. [see 5. p. 55-60]

    The basis for writing the analytical part of the presented term paper is the Krasnoyarsk enterprise Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC. The Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill is located in Krasnoyarsk on the right bank of the Yenisei River. This is the first large enterprise of the pulp and paper industry, the construction of which began in 1936. Further activities have been carried out from 1953 to the present. Today, Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill produces packaged types of paper, white goods and corrugated cardboard boxes.

    The Pulp and Paper Mill includes: timber production, wood-pulp shop, cooking shops (pulp and semi-pulp production), paper mill, container board factory, cardboard drying shop, paper processing shop, acid shop, bleaching shop, chemical shop , treatment facilities, auxiliary production shops.

    "Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill" produces the following types of products:

    - Paper:

    newsprint GOST 6445 Grade "A";

    - Cardboard:

    cardboard box TU 13-0281020-99-90 Grade "B".

    Thickness 0.6 - 0.8 mm;

    corrugated paper GOST 7377 Grades B-0, B-1, B-2, B-3.

    The purpose of the plant is the high-quality development of these products and providing them to direct consumers, such as printing houses, furniture factories, enterprises producing packaging containers, etc.

    The mission of the organization is the optimal price-quality ratio to meet the requirements of the consumer.

    For the enterprise under consideration, Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, a linear structure of the organization is typical. With this structure, the relationship between managers and their subordinate units in multilevel management systems is such that the higher level concentrates all management functions, and the management object executes management commands only of its management subject. With such a system, each link and each subordinate has one leader. The control action is transmitted from top to bottom, the head of the lower level is subordinate to the head of a higher level.

    The structure of the organization of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC is given in Appendix 2.

    In order to meet the requirements of the modern market and maintain its competitive advantages, the organization needs qualified professional personnel. However, the presence of such personnel is impossible if the organization does not have a personnel department that operates effectively in all areas: from the selection and hiring of personnel to their dismissal and after-work support.

    It should be noted that Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC is a fairly large organization. Its framework includes about eight directorates, each of which, in turn, is divided into several more divisions.

    In order to manage such a large organization, it is required to carefully develop a personnel management program, the creation of which is entrusted to the personnel department.

    2.2 The main activities of the personnel management service at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC: due and valid.

    Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill, having a long experience in the market, has long understood that people are the most flexible tool in the arsenal of the top management of the organization. Determining the right number of staff using the right skills in the right place is key to success. That is why the planning of human resources, as well as their management and evaluation, occupy an important place in the activities of the organization. All these areas are carried out by the personnel department.

    The Human Resources Department is a small hierarchical structure headed by the Director of Human Resources and Organizational Affairs. The Human Resources Department is directly managed by the Head of the Human Resources Department. There are four other employees under his command. The total number of personnel department is five people (Fig. 10).

    The Human Resources Department works in several areas. This includes the selection and hiring of new personnel, its initial adaptation, personnel assessment and certification, as well as the calculation of wages, bonuses and bonuses (employee assessment). This also includes documentation support for personnel management, the functions of personnel development and training. Thus, an integrated approach to the organization's personnel is achieved, and accordingly, one can expect the achievement of all the priority goals that the organization faces today.

    However, it is worth noting that for a fairly large company, the size of the personnel management service, however, is not large. Therefore, it is quite difficult to cover each employee of the organization individually, identify his individual characteristics and direct them to achieve priority organizational goals. That is why the work of the personnel department is of a routine nature and is associated with the documentation of personnel management, as well as with the calculation of the main indicators necessary for paying wages and evaluating the work of employees.

    However, all areas within the framework of this personnel service are covered. In particular, we present brief description the main activities of the personnel department of LLC Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill.

    The first is organization resource planning. This includes hiring the right staff in the right numbers, retaining staff within the organization, making the best use of staff potential, increasing staff productivity, cutting staff where necessary.

    Human resource planning is not just a numbers game, although statistics are not the least important here. For the most part, this is a concern for the quality of personnel and its distribution in the organization. Thus, personnel planning today includes four main components: current personnel, new employees of the organization, potential employees and personnel who left the organization. Each of them is analyzed and, on the basis of this, the need for human resources is planned, which are necessary to ensure the effective operation of the organization.

    It should be noted that the work in this area includes an assessment of labor demand, an assessment of quantitative indicators of labor demand, an assessment of labor supply, the employee turnover rate is also calculated in order to plan future layoffs and the hiring of new employees, an analysis of the external labor market is carried out.

    Proceeding from all this, rational planning is achieved, the ratio of demand and supply of labor. Thanks to this comprehensive coverage of the planning process, the positive aspects of hiring, using and distributing staff in an organization include the following areas:

    The qualifications and dynamics of the staff will correspond to the time, the organization is ready for any turns;

    Most of the staff gains stability and is fixed in the organization for a long time;

    The need for hiring in foreign markets is reduced;

    Strengthens morale and relationships within the team;

    Improving the quality of the goods produced;

    The degree of innovativeness of the offered goods increases;

    Labor productivity increases.

    The next activity after human resource planning is the planning of positions and job responsibilities. Since the external environment constantly makes new demands on the organization, the management of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill understands that it is necessary to introduce new positions in order to achieve success in the future, and not stop its production. This becomes especially relevant in times of crisis, when only the strongest organizations that can offer only high-quality and useful goods for consumers can survive. Here you need to take, first of all, not the price of the goods, but its quality. Accordingly, in order to produce such a competitive product, it is necessary to plan the positions and job responsibilities of each person who works in the organization.

    The main activity of this aspect is the preparation of job descriptions. Examples of job descriptions drawn up at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC are presented in the Appendix. From the example of these instructions, you can see that each position involves a number of fairly well-designed functions and responsibilities. Thus, a person who comes to the organization knows what he needs to strive for, what indicators he should reflect in his work and what he should achieve. This facilitates the adaptation process and allows the employee to quickly join the work process.

    As already mentioned, work at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill is routine. An employee has to do the same things day after day. In particular, this applies most of all to conveyor employees. Such monotony of the production process gradually reduces the employee's interest in work. Therefore, one of the activities of the personnel department should be to increase the saturation of work. But to date, increasing the saturation of work in the organization is not practiced. The policy in this direction, as a rule, is limited to those duties and functions that are prescribed in the employee's job description. He is not granted autonomy of action, and delegation of authority is not common in the organization. Accordingly, this can be regarded as one of the problems of the organization, because when the work bothers the employee and seems monotonous to him, the degree of his motivation drops sharply. And here even a cash bonus or a bonus cannot raise it. It is necessary to ensure that the work process brings pleasure to the employee, and does not burden him.

    In order to avoid such a situation, a new policy should be formed in the personnel department today to saturate the activities of the organization's employees.

    The Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill has a fairly well-developed recruitment system. This includes, first of all, pre-selection on the basis of a resume, an interview and a conversation.

    The interview is conducted to identify psychological characteristics potential candidate for the position. Testing is carried out in order to determine the level of technical training.

    After the staff is accepted into the organization, the adaptation process awaits them. The adaptation process is a set of methods and techniques aimed, firstly, at the primary training of employees in those technological aspects of activity that exist today at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC. In particular, this applies to employees of conveyor production and technical laboratories. After all, the knowledge and skills that allow you to work effectively are extremely important here. It is important to know the equipment that the organization has and the principles of its operation, as well as the features of the technological process.

    The other side of adaptation is the acquaintance of the employees of the organization with the corporate culture of the organization, the values ​​that exist in the organization at the present time, and the features of internal processes. This is important enough. Indeed, in the event that the team does not accept the employee, this is a rather big problem for him and may serve to ensure that the employee, without getting involved in the work, leaves the organization.

    The onboarding process typically takes 2 months and is fully supported by Human Resources. However, the HR department does not always have the ability to track every aspect of a new employee's performance. This is due to the fact that the quantitative composition of the personnel department is too small in relation to the entire staff of the organization. And therefore, given the huge number of functions to be performed by the personnel service of an enterprise, all these processes often leave its influence.

    The next important direction, which is carried out by the personnel department, is the administration and accounting of personnel. Information about personnel is one of the main requirements for successful business.

    The management of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill undoubtedly needs information about what is happening at the level of human resources that are at its disposal, as well as information about financial and material resources.

    Since personnel costs are one of the leading items of total costs, it is the responsibility of the personnel department specialist to organize, ensure and maintain appropriate personnel records for management purposes. Personnel records may be used for the following purposes:

    Human resource planning;


    Personnel performance monitoring;

    Planning of working hours and working hours;

    Administration of payroll and payroll payments;

    Estimation of personnel costs;

    Staff training and development.

    In addition, databases on income levels, employment levels, disease levels, legal equality, accident rates can serve as external use of records.

    Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill observes a clear system of confidentiality of information storage, which becomes possible due to the introduction of information storage technologies.

    The next important aspect of the activity of the Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill is the formation of the wage fund and the direct calculation of the wages of each employee, through an individual assessment.

    The organization's compensation policy is to pay employees in an amount and in a manner consistent with attracting, retaining and motivating the necessary number of appropriate employees in order to ensure production efficiency.

    In addition, often additional payments can stimulate higher labor productivity, guarantee a higher quality of products, thus allowing employees to take part in ensuring the growth and prosperity of the organization.

    At Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, salary planning is determined, first of all, by the qualifications of the employee, his experience in this position. Often, employee appraisals are carried out in order to calculate labor productivity, to see the skills of an employee. Accordingly, on the basis of the data on the results of certification, wages are calculated. This is quite effective, as the employee strives to show better and better results.

    However, the wage system at the Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC is far from perfect, and this is due to the fact that, as a rule, a standardized approach is taken to it. This is due to the massive nature of most of the functions performed, as well as the lack of attention to the personality of the employee, his unique skills and talents, since they cannot be clearly manifested in the official duties that he performs today.

    It should be noted that Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC does not strive for a high level of innovation, therefore, it is more characterized by such a tendency as repetition as a repetition of its business processes over a certain period of time. Most likely, that is why the system of remuneration that exists today is imperfect. It does not allow to fully motivate employees to work for the benefit of the company. Therefore, one of the directions of the recommendations that will be presented in this paper can be the improvement of the remuneration system through the introduction of a new position of a manager who will monitor the level of performing skills, will introduce bonuses and bonuses depending on those innovations, innovations or proposals, provided by employees of the company. Other options are also possible. All this will bring the existing direction of the personnel department, such as remuneration, closer to the ideal.

    At the Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill, there are also such areas of work of the personnel department as personnel assessment, its development and training. The last two directions have not found a sufficiently pronounced manifestation, but today the first trends towards the use of these approaches can be traced.

    So, the assessment of personnel involves, first of all, its certification over a certain period of time. Attestation for Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC is carried out every three years. This is due to the fact that in this way it is possible to check how effectively the employees of the enterprise carry out their daily activities. Personnel assessment also includes occupational health and safety measures. This reduces the risk of accidents in the plant and makes employees feel safer at their workplace.

    However, today there is no such connection between assessment and planning, remuneration and other areas. Lack of communication leads to the fact that, when evaluating employees, the organization does not go further, does not perform almost any actions, which can also negatively affect its future activities.

    The last direction, which is carried out by the personnel department, is the training of employees. Employee training is by far the most important activity of the HR department. And as experience shows, many Russian companies today are investing fairly large investments in training their employees, giving them the necessary knowledge and skills. Training is the basis for creating a serious competitive advantage.

    Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill distinguishes two types of training: primary training and training in the process of activity. Primary training involves the training of an employee in the first months of his work at the plant. It is necessary for the employee to enter the course of the organization, get acquainted with its standards and technological process.

    Training in the process of activity involves the participation of employees in various trainings that provide for the development of certain skills. Such training is more typical for managerial positions. And as a rule, it is aimed at developing managerial skills, psychology and leadership skills, etc. While ordinary workers are not covered by this training system, since it is considered necessary for them to reproduce their actions without changes from day to day, observing high quality standards.

    Thus, it can be said that within the framework of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill, the personnel training system is not well developed, which can significantly reduce the level of product quality, does not allow the organization to achieve high competitiveness of its products, since, as the market situation shows, today there are not enough distinctive features, except for price, in order to successfully lead the market.

    In order to achieve the ideal state, the personnel management service needs to improve this direction and, possibly, hire additional employees to form the organization's own coaching staff, or to conduct group discussions, seminars and lectures.

    Summing up, we can say that today the activities of the personnel department at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill are versatile and quite active. But at the same time, her attention does not include such issues as the saturation of the work of employees in order to avoid monotony, as well as improving the system of remuneration, staff assessment and training. All these four directions must be developed to a greater extent in the organization in order for it to come closer to what it really should be.

    Of course, you can't talk about a standard set of features that "should be" because every organization is different. They differ in their values, areas of activity, scale, people who work in it, they give the individuality of the organization, create its character in the market.

    Accordingly, we cannot say what will be more appropriate for this organization, but, nevertheless, the improvement of the above areas will bring positive results. It is these positive results that will be calculated in the next paragraph of this chapter of the presented work.

    Based on the conducted analytical studies, it is possible to single out a number of recommendations for Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, which will undoubtedly contribute to a more efficient operation of the enterprise, an increase in staff productivity and the level of its motivation.

    These recommendations will be of a nature not only related to the identified deviations from the ideal state of the personnel management service, but also general recommendations that this organization needs in order to become more competitive in the market.

    So the first direction in which it is necessary to improve the work of the personnel department of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill is recruitment. Recruitment is essentially the engine of the modern organization. It is on how well the employees are selected that determines the effectiveness of the work of the staff and staff turnover.

    So, when recruiting the Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC, first of all, it is necessary to assess the abilities of employees, their natural talents, and then develop these talents by investing in their education and training. This is due to the fact that the analysis shows that Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill lacks some creativity in its activities, and also lacks innovations typical for organizations in this industry. Therefore, the products of the Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill, if they can compete in the market, only on price indicators, and not on any unique features or quality level. Accordingly, already today it is necessary to select such people who can show a creative approach to business and offer new directions for the development of the organization or the distinctive features of its products that can increase the overall level of competitiveness of the company.

    That is why, when choosing a candidate, an organization needs to shift its level of values ​​and pay more attention to the natural abilities of a person than to the diplomas that he received and the education that he has, and instead of the question “what did a person do before?” ask the question “what kind of person is this?”. This can be the key to successful recruitment of the right people and, therefore, the effective operation of the enterprise in the future.

    It is also necessary to develop new methods of recruitment. In particular, one of the effective methods that Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill can offer is online recruitment.

    Online recruitment involves the following series of procedures. First of all, the work on the selection of personnel will be carried out online. The candidate for the position will not communicate with a recruiter or HR manager, but with the screen of his computer. As modern practice shows, new people who are looking for a job focus their search on the Internet. Most of the sites dedicated to finding jobs and candidates are located there, and, therefore, getting a job online is also quite promising.

    Based on the responses to the online tests, this program will also help to develop tailored individual questions for a subsequent interview conducted by a specialist within the organization.

    In such a recruitment system, in general, a lot of opportunities are laid: from the creation and demonstration of videos in the style of “one day in the life of the company” to the formation by the candidate of a more accurate idea of ​​​​a particular job, a more detailed description of job responsibilities. All this is intended for the candidates themselves to determine the most suitable areas for their career.

    Of course, a certain part of the recruitment will never be automated. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to conduct interviews or interviews both with employees of the personnel management service and with senior officials. However, those candidates who have shown themselves to be more prepared will already come to it. Thus, both the time costs for the selection of new personnel will be reduced, since there will always be a necessary reserve of candidates, and the negative aspects that may arise during a personal interview with an unprepared candidate, his rejection, will be reduced.

    Thanks to this online recruitment program, it will be possible to achieve a certain economic effect. Today, the costs of hiring a new employee in an organization are about 7-14 thousand rubles. This includes posting advertisements on websites and in the media, as well as the monthly salary of the employee who needs to be replaced or whose position needs to be introduced. If a special reserve is created with the help of "online recruitment", then, firstly, it will be possible to reduce the costs associated with submitting ads, since they simply will not have to be given. The potential employee himself, by going to the organization's website, will be able to fill out the required form, after which the organization can always contact him.

    It will also be possible to reduce the costs associated with the salary of the employee. Since in the event that sections such as “one day in the life of the company” or the requirements and job responsibilities of employees are presented on the company’s website, he can familiarize himself with these requirements in absentia at home and come to the organization sufficiently prepared.

    Thus, all costs associated with recruitment will be reduced to a minimum and amount to 1-2 thousand rubles.

    The cost of launching this program will be about 150,000 thousand rubles. when it is fully developed and launched on the Internet, taking into account its adjustments during each month. This calculation is presented for a period of one year. Accordingly, taking into account the fact that, thanks to such a program, it will be possible to select about five people every month, it is possible to calculate the overall economic effect of this procedure. The calculation of the economic effect is given in Table 1.

    The next direction of improving the work of the personnel department of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC may be to increase the saturation of the work of existing employees. This will reduce staff turnover and increase their level of motivation. Accordingly, the employee will be more efficient in the labor process.

    Speaking of improving efficiency, today researchers identify several methods. The most suitable for Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill is the development of project teams.

    Today, the level of innovation at the enterprise in question is rather low, so such a decision as the design of a new type of product or a program to promote existing products will be justified.

    The development of a new type of product requires the efforts of a wide variety of specialists: from researchers working in laboratories to marketers who will work with consumers and the market as a whole. Thus, it is quite reasonable that the ability to combine the activities of all these specialists together and invite them to work on a specific project will allow employees not only to perform their daily duties, but also to show their creative potential, individual characteristics in teamwork. Moreover, teamwork will allow employees to learn from each other, as in the process of this kind of work and communication they will exchange their ideas, knowledge and skills. Due to which employees will expand their qualifications and be more successful in everyday work processes.

    As a result, the employees themselves will feel more significant to the organization, and, therefore, will feel more confident. In essence, teamwork will be a growth opportunity for each of the employees and an opportunity to show their potential.

    In particular, today the following teams can be offered at Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC:

    New product development team, which will be rewarded for suggesting and developing as many types of products as possible that will be truly successful in the market;

    A group in charge of sales and marketing who will be rewarded for selling as much as possible;

    A shipping department whose members will be rewarded for transporting goods on a “more is better” basis.

    Thus, it will be possible to achieve a situation where several priority goals of the organization in the field of profit and sale of goods will be satisfied at once.

    As the experience of modern market conditions shows, the introduction of such group work can help increase labor productivity, as well as increase profits by about 30 - 40%. And it is also possible that one good idea will lead to the fact that LLC "Yenisei PPM" will become competitive not only within the regional Russian market, but will also be able to enter the international level. This, in turn, will have a positive effect not only on the activities of the enterprise itself, but also on the well-being of the region.

    The next important direction of recommendations can serve as recommendations for improving the remuneration system that exists in this organization. These improvements should be correlated, first of all, with the fact that it is necessary to evaluate the personal achievements of employees. Thus, it is proposed to introduce a system of bonuses and bonuses for the fact that an employee shows his initiative, makes proposals for the affairs of the organization, actively participates in the processes of discussion and development of new technologies. Such rewards for personal excellence and creativity can be beneficial to the organization. The estimated effect of this procedure will be the indicator, the calculation of which is given in Table 1.

    Another recommendatory aspect is the improvement of the personnel training system. It would be quite reasonable to introduce internal coaches in the organization. So, among the most committed employees of the organization who have worked in it for at least 5 years, one can single out those employees who are ready to train others. They are already well acquainted with the technological process, as well as the values ​​that exist in the organization. Accordingly, such trainers can conduct training sessions for both newly arrived employees and those employees who have been working for some time. These trainers can develop programs to improve the process. Along with the annual training of employees, such work of trainers will only bring an additional positive effect.

    Also, an important point in staff training can be the use of external training, primarily for the management of the organization. Top management mistakes are very difficult to correct, since an unsuccessfully chosen strategy for the development of an organization can lead to the collapse of the organization and its final cessation of activity in the market.

    Therefore, company leaders need to be sent to special training programs that would allow them to improve their management skills, which would increase the level of efficiency.

    Thus, the overall economic effect of the recommendations proposed in this course work can be presented as follows (Table 1).

    In addition, it is proposed to expand the personnel service itself by introducing new positions into it. Such as:

    Employee for psychological training of personnel and its analysis

    Trainer and technical trainer who will teach the features of the technological process

    Coach for teaching teamwork, management skills and other disciplines that are necessary for coordinating processes within an organization.

    It is quite possible to introduce other positions that will be closely related to the system of remuneration and evaluation of the performance of employees.

    Summing up, we can say that these recommendations are basic for this organization, correspond to its characteristics and, above all, help to increase the level of its competitiveness through the introduction of innovations and the introduction of new products on the market, which will have a positive impact not only on the activities of the organization, but and on its employees, who will feel more significant, and the results of their work - more worthy.

    Rice. 1. The structure of the HR service of the enterprise with a single office

    Rice. 2. The structure of the HR service of a geographically dispersed company

    Rice. 3. Structural subordination of the personnel management service as a headquarters department to the general management of the organization.

    Rice. 4. Structural subordination of the personnel service as a headquarters body to top management.

    Rice. 5. Organizational inclusion of the personnel management service in the management of the organization.

    Rice. 6. HR service in small businesses

    Rice. 7. HR service in large business companies

    Rice. 8 The structure of the personnel department of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC

    Table 1. Calculation of the economic effect.

    Implementation costs

    Profit from implementation

    Efficiency, %

    Online recruitment

    Project teams

    Improving the wage system


    1. Job description of the head of the personnel department of Yenisei Pulp and Paper Mill LLC: 2005. - 6s.

    2. Personnel service and personnel management of the organization: A practical guide to the personnel officer / V.M. Anisimov; Center for Personnel Management and Effective Personnel Management. - M .: CJSC "Publishing House" Economics ", 2003. - 704 p.

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    5. Organization of the work of the personnel service: Toolkit. Supplement to the journal "Handbook of personnel management". – 2006.

    7. Personnel management, personnel and social policy in the organization / Averin A.N.: Textbook. Edition 2 - M .: Publishing House of the RAGS, 2005. - 224 p.

    8. Personnel management: practical. allowance. - M .: TK Velby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. - 320p.

    9. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI, 2002. - 560s.

    10. Electronic resource: - Magazine Personnel of the enterprise No. 11 - 2003.

    The personnel policy covers the widest range of issues of the life of an enterprise - this is a remuneration system, a system of material incentives, attraction and promotion, and an assessment of efficiency, and an assessment of labor motivation.

    The personnel service of an enterprise is a set of specialized structural units in the field of enterprise management, together with the officials (managers, specialists, performers) employed in them, designed to manage personnel within the framework of the chosen personnel policy.

    The main purpose of the personnel service is not only to be guided in the implementation of personnel policy by the interests of the enterprise, but also to act in accordance with labor legislation, the implementation of social programs adopted both at the federal and at the territorial level. The functions, structure and tasks of the personnel service are closely related to the nature of the development of the economy, the understanding by the management of the enterprise (organization) of the role of personnel in fulfilling the goals and objectives of production (organization).

    In the context of the economy's orientation towards the use of extensive methods, the personnel service was most often represented by a small personnel department, the personnel training department (technical training), and the welfare service. The functions of the personnel department at domestic enterprises were reduced mainly to the hiring and dismissal of the workforce, and record keeping. This reduced the personnel department to a secondary structural unit, in fact, fulfilling only the instructions of the enterprise management and the orders of the heads of structural divisions regarding the recruitment of labor from outside.

    The appointment of the personnel service is not only in the implementation and development strategy of personnel, but also in the use of labor legislation, the implementation of social programs, both federal and non-federal. Thus, the personnel service is the main structural division of the personnel management company, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing employees, as well as organizing their training, advanced training and retraining. When determining the range of tasks for personnel management, the main and additional tasks are conditionally distinguished. Among its main tasks are the following: socio-psychological diagnostics; analysis and regulation of group and interpersonal relationships, relations between the leader and subordinates; management of industrial and social conflicts and stresses; information support of personnel management; employment management; evaluation and selection of candidates for vacant positions; analysis of human resources and staffing needs; personnel marketing; business career planning and control; professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees; management of labor motivation; regulation of legal issues of labor relations; compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology, ergonomics and aesthetics of labor. Additional tasks should include tasks that can be performed jointly with the main ones, but, as a rule, they are managed by external (in relation to the personnel service) units. Such tasks include: labor protection and safety; calculation and payment of wages; provision of various types of services (for example, organization of information communication, services in the field of social infrastructure) .

    According to foreign literature and experts' estimates, the total number of employees in the personnel management service is approximately 1.0-1.2% of the total staff. The role and organizational status of the personnel management service is largely determined by the level of organizational, financial, potential development of the organization and the positions of its management.

    Personnel management is not only a function of the personnel service. In one direction or another, within the framework of their competence, other subjects of management are also directly involved - line managers of production units, together with specialists subordinate to them. In the upper echelons of management (management) issues of a strategic nature are resolved: personnel policy, strategy and tactics for its implementation are formed, tasks for the development of methodological and regulatory materials (documents), their implementation is monitored and general management of all personnel departments is carried out.

    At the level of individual productions in the association, work on personnel management is mainly of an operational nature. The division of personnel management functions between the administration and the heads of individual production structures should be quite clear, excluding parallelism in work, which increases responsibility for the results. The functions of personnel management at the shop level are performed by line managers of the shop (shop manager, foremen, foremen), as well as specialists of shop management structures (economists, organizing engineers, rate-setters), shop public organizations (primarily the trade union). Line managers are involved in the recruitment, and foremen, together with specialists, provide conditions for highly productive work and the use of an employee according to his abilities.

    The personnel service in modern conditions should be the organizer and coordinator of all work with personnel at the enterprise. It is designed to perform the function of monitoring the implementation of personnel policy in structural divisions, to oversee wages, medical care for employees, the socio-psychological climate in the team, and social protection of employees.

    The nature of the functions performed and the tasks to be solved also predetermine the requirements for the personnel service, in particular the need for research and development (for example, surveys to identify factors, causes, consequences in relation to labor relations), establishing contacts with territorial labor authorities, with the employment service and vocational guidance, universities and technical schools (colleges), with private structures specializing in the selection of personnel, due to the need to study the situation on the labor market, recruitment, their training and advanced training, etc. The effectiveness of the work of the personnel service in the enterprise depends on:

    Its structuring and concretization of the functions of each structural unit;

    Interconnected work of structural units within the service itself;

    Organic connection of the work of the personnel service with the work of the technical and economic service of the enterprise;

    Staffing service.

    Now in our country, the increasing role of personnel services is dictated by the following objective circumstances:

    1. Today, the conditions in which the personnel service is developing have changed significantly. These changes are associated with the transition of a time-sustained shortage of labor resources to their surplus. The main reserves are the best use of personnel, their optimal distribution among jobs, an increase in the load on each member of the team. Reducing the number of personnel is the most important lever for increasing the efficiency of production at the first stage of the transition to a market economy.

    2. The decrease in the number of employees should be compensated by a greater intensity of labor, and hence a higher qualification of the employee. In this regard, the responsibility of personnel services is increasing in choosing directions for the qualification growth of employees, in increasing the effectiveness of forms of training and stimulating their work.

    3. The implementation of the restructuring of the personnel policy entails the expansion of the functional duties of employees of personnel services, increasing their independence in solving personnel problems.

    Today, personnel services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy. Their activities are limited mainly to solving the issues of hiring and dismissal of employees, processing personnel documentation. The enterprises also lack a unified system of work with personnel, primarily a system of scientifically based study of abilities and inclinations, professional and official promotion of employees in accordance with their business and personal qualities. The structure of personnel services, the qualitative composition and the level of remuneration of their employees do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy. There is practically no training of specialists for work in personnel services in the country. The restructuring of the activities of personnel services should be carried out in the following directions:

    Ensuring a comprehensive solution to the problems of high-quality formation and effective use of human resources based on the management of all components of the human factor: from labor training and career guidance for young people to caring for labor veterans;

    Widespread introduction of active methods of search and targeted training of workers necessary for the enterprise and industry. Contracts with educational institutions should become the main form of attracting the necessary specialists and skilled workers for enterprises. The advanced training of workers and specialists for the development of new equipment and technology in the sectors of the national economy is relevant, which requires personnel services to improve the planning of personnel training;

    Systematic work with management personnel, with a reserve for promotion, which should be based on such organizational forms as business career planning, preparation of candidates for promotion according to individual plans, rotational movement of managers and specialists, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions;

    Activation of the activities of personnel services to stabilize labor collectives, increase the labor and social activity of workers on the basis of improving socio-cultural and moral and psychological incentives;

    Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, which requires personnel workers to comply with the procedure for employment and retraining of laid-off workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations;

    The transition from predominantly administrative-command methods of personnel management to democratic forms of evaluation, selection and placement, wide publicity in personnel work. In modern conditions, the personnel departments of enterprises are becoming bodies of organizational and methodological support for election and competitiveness, periodic reporting of officials to labor collectives, which will require personnel workers to be able to apply psychological testing methods, sociological methods of studying public opinion, assessing the candidate being studied for nomination by his colleagues, subordinates, etc.;

    Strengthening personnel services with qualified specialists, increasing their authority, in connection with which it becomes relevant to create a system for training specialists for personnel services, their retraining and advanced training;

    Updating the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, as well as its material, technical and information base. In this regard, it is advisable to identify in the industries and regions those scientific organizations and consulting firms that will develop personnel problems and provide practical assistance to personnel services.

    In the conditions of the formation of a market economy, a fundamentally new stage in the development of personnel services opens with qualitatively different functions and tasks.

    The increase in the role of personnel services and the radical restructuring of their activities are caused by fundamental changes in the economic and social conditions in which enterprises are currently operating that are transitioning to market relations. The need for such a restructuring of the work of personnel services is also due to the fact that the personnel composition, as well as the status and level of remuneration of personnel officers, do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy, as evidenced by the above data.

    Strengthening the material and technical, scientific and methodological support of personnel work is an urgent task for most enterprises.


    The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the formation of the personnel management service is greatly influenced by the strategy of the enterprise for a given period of its activity.

    Today, the personnel management service is one of the key ones in the organizational structure of an enterprise, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of personnel managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process takes place (the movement of information flows and the adoption of managerial decisions), in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specializations participate.

    This structure is similar to the frame of the building of the organizational system, built to ensure that all processes occurring in it are carried out in a timely manner and with high quality. Hence the attention that needs to be focused on making a decision on building a personnel management service.

    In the last decade, many countries have seen a change in the role of HR services in organizations. In Russia, their role and functions are changing in connection with the formation of a market economy and the birth of new socio-economic relations.

    In this regard, the interest of Russian managers in improving work with personnel has increased markedly in recent years. However, until now, the thinking of many heads of organizations and even heads of personnel management services is shackled by stereotypes that make it difficult for a truly innovative approach to building a qualitatively new, strong and influential personnel service.

    Work object- personnel management service.

    Subject of study- the place and role of the personnel management service in the organization.

    The purpose of this work- to study the place and role of the personnel management service in the organization.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. give general questions about the organization of the personnel management service;

    2. explore the need and importance of the personnel management service;

    3. define the role of the organization's personnel management service

    4. analyze the role and place of the personnel management service in Alko-S LLC.

    Methods used in this work, analytical, comparative, structural-functional.

    1. Conceptual foundations of the organization of the personnel management service

    1.1. General issues of organizing the personnel management service

    Consider a number of issues related to the mechanism for organizing the personnel management service in the enterprise.

    We are investigating a problem in an organization when a specialized structure should appear that is responsible for working with personnel. The fact is that at the first stages of the development of the company, the manager can take on the function of working with personnel, using improvised means (involving consulting firms, labor exchanges, recruiting agencies, etc. for help). Western theory says that the first personnel manager (PM - manager) should appear when the number of the organization reaches 100 - 150 people, and the specialized unit - the level of 200 - 500 people, depending on the field of activity of the enterprise. At the same time, it is recommended to have one PM - manager on average for 100 - 300 staff units.

    An example is the Moscow-McDonald's project: at the initial stage, personnel work there was the responsibility of the business manager. With the advent of several restaurants, a directorate for personnel management arose.

    Specialists of the Russian Personnel Center, which has already been mentioned, recommend lowering the bar for the number of personnel at the time of the appearance of the PM service compared to Western standards. In addition, in their opinion, there should be less than 100 people per UE manager. These recommendations are based on the peculiarities of the Russian situation: the underdevelopment of the market mechanism in the labor sphere, the burden of social issues that are very acute in our country, the lack of corporate traditions - all this requires increased attention to the PM process in the organization.

    If the company's management is late with the creation of a special PM service and continues to act independently, then the organization threatens to “crumble”, as its composition becomes too motley to form any unified personnel policy. The reason for this is that in our country, the determining factor in hiring is family or friendly ties with the management, so different people come to the company with their own goals, claims and ambitions. In such a situation, a team of like-minded people turns into an amorphous group, which cannot but affect the results of the company's activities.

    Despite the fact that the very concept of “personnel management” was absent in the practice of Russian management until recently, each organization had personnel departments (which are now renamed in the Western style into personnel management services), which were entrusted with the functions of hiring and dismissing personnel, and also on the organization of training and advanced training of personnel. However, and this is well known, the role of personnel departments in the management of the company was insignificant, and most of the work on personnel management was performed (and is still being performed, as sociological studies show) directly by the head of the unit. In order to understand why CMS occupy such a position in the organization, consider the diagram of the current organizational structure of the company.

    As can be seen from the diagram, the personnel departments (or PMS) structure is disconnected from the departments of labor protection and safety; departments of organization of labor and wages; the legal department and other departments that perform part of the functions of personnel management in the organization. These departments are in no way subordinate to the head of the PM service, therefore the personnel department is neither a methodological, nor an information, nor a coordinating center for personnel policy in the company.

    This leads to the main problem of Russian EMSs: having a low organizational status in intra-company management, they do not take part in the company's strategic planning and other important decisions, and thus HR departments do not perform a number of tasks for PM.

    Let me explain this situation with an example. As has been repeatedly said, the main function of the personnel department (HRD) is the selection of candidates for the position. Personnel officers should be able to select the most worthy; you need to know how, it is better to do it (procedures), how to promote, train, move them later. But, the PM service should not act autonomously, it is necessary that all these procedures correspond to the goals and objectives of the enterprise. While the PM service will not be engaged in the development of the organization as a whole, it will have to play the role of an agency - a recruiter.

    Therefore, according to IBS (one of the first Russian firms that created a CMS) based on their own experience, the ideal option is when the CMS, having a significant status in the organization's hierarchy, although it does not have the right to directly make changes in other divisions, but has a recommendatory right when it comes to the direction of such changes. To strengthen the authority of the CMS, it is better when it is headed by one of the closest assistants to the head, for example, vice president: “on the one hand, everyone in the organization knows him and trusts him, including the head himself, and on the other hand, he knows organization from within.

    Consider the problem of relations between the PM service and line managers (heads of departments). Both line managers and personnel officers are leaders of one level or another, authorized to present work to people and ensure its execution. This is their similarity. The difference lies in the fact that line managers are entrusted with the management of the main departments (production, household, etc.), and the PM service is authorized to advise and help them achieve these goals.

    The problem is that most line managers prefer to solve their own problems with subordinate personnel. This creates serious difficulties, since, being professionals in a narrow field and not having special training in the field of human relations, each of the line managers solves personnel issues in the most appropriate way in the current situation, which does not favor the implementation of a unified personnel policy of the company.

    At the same time, the task of the enterprise management is to “ensure the cooperation of middle and lower-level managers, understanding the increasing importance of the personnel service for the joint solution of the problems of human resource management by these divisions,” - such a conclusion was made by the participants of the round table devoted to the problems of PM, held by the newspaper “ Business Express. The conclusion is obviously correct, but how to create a mechanism for such effective work?

    One of the options for the division of responsibilities between the CMS and line managers was proposed by N. Mausov in the article “Personnel management is a key element of intra-company management”.

    In the field of employment (where he included the recruitment, selection, hiring, etc. of personnel), it is the responsibility of line management to accurately determine the classification of an employee necessary to perform specific duties. Then the UE service comes to the fore, whose employees are looking for applicants, conducting selection interviews with them and testing. The best candidates are referred to the appropriate line manager, who, through the selection process, decides to hire those individuals who, in terms of their potential and qualifications, are suitable for work in specific jobs.

    In the field of training, the CMS manager is responsible for conducting research in order to develop comprehensive plans, directions for training and needs for it; establishing external contacts; collection and analysis of relevant information. His responsibilities also include assisting the president of the firm in meeting the growing needs of the company by developing and coordinating training programs; advising on the training of departments of the company involved in the development of new ideas and products; definition of goals, preparation of training plans based on the latest scientific research in the field of education. And, in the end result, providing managers with final materials on the economic efficiency of the training system.

    If the PM - manager is busy with such planning, then the line manager solves the problems of training at his level. Line manager responsibilities include the following:

    Identify and facilitate the implementation of the training needs of persons working in the unit; consult with the PM manager regarding targeted training;

    Involve personnel training specialists in the development of programs designed for different categories of personnel;

    Decide on the most promising areas of study for the unit.

    A typical scheme for organizing the structure of the UE service includes:

    1. Sector for studying personnel problems and planning for personnel development.

    2. Bureau of personnel assessment and work with the reserve.

    3. The sector of training and advanced training of specialists and managers.

    4. Sector of professional selection and professional orientation.

    5. Sector of training of workers.

    6. Sector of labor organization, development of a system for stimulating productivity and monitoring working conditions.

    7. Sector of social programs, benefits.

    8. Control group for compliance with labor law; interaction with employee representatives.

    9. Central filing cabinet.

    Depending on the size of the organization, the composition of the divisions of the personnel management service will change: in small organizations, one division can perform the functions of several sectors, and in large organizations, the functions of each sector, as a rule, are performed by a separate division.

    Thus, the personnel management service is a structural unit of the organization, which has its own content, functions, structure and organizational status.

    1.2. The need and importance of the personnel management service

    The search for optimal options for orienting personnel to intensive labor efforts poses the problem of turning to foreign experience.

    Taking into account the final indicators of the functioning of the US and Japanese economies that are being shown to the world, it is legitimate to conclude that this experience is fraught with many temptations. It is useful, however, to precede any shift into the plane of the systems of worker management that have been established in these countries by their comprehensive study and evaluation.

    Now in our country, the increasing role of personnel services is dictated by the following objective circumstances:

    1. Today, the conditions in which the personnel service is developing have changed significantly. These changes are associated with the transition of a time-sustained shortage of labor resources to their surplus. The main reserves are the best use of personnel, their optimal distribution among jobs, an increase in the load on each member of the team. Reducing the number of personnel is the most important lever for increasing production efficiency at the first stage of the transition to a market economy.

    2. The decrease in the number of employees should be compensated by a greater intensity of labor, and hence a higher qualification of the employee. In this regard, the responsibility of personnel services is increasing in choosing directions for the qualification growth of employees, in increasing the effectiveness of forms of training and stimulating their work.

    3. The implementation of the restructuring of the personnel policy entails the expansion of the functional duties of employees of personnel services, increasing their independence in solving personnel problems.

    Today, personnel services do not meet the new requirements of personnel policy. Their activities are limited mainly to solving the issues of hiring and dismissal of employees, processing personnel documentation. The enterprises also lack a unified system of work with personnel, primarily a system of scientifically based study of abilities and inclinations, professional and official promotion of employees in accordance with their business and personal qualities. The structure of personnel services, the qualitative composition and the level of remuneration of their employees do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy. There is practically no training of specialists for work in personnel services in the country.

    A survey of the qualitative composition of employees of personnel services of enterprises and organizations in industry and construction showed that 0.3% of the total number of employees were employed in industry in these units, and 0.5% in construction. At the same time, the number of employees in personnel services does not always depend on the number of employees in enterprises and organizations. In general, the smallest number of employees involved in the selection and placement of personnel, per enterprise, turned out to be in the system of consumer services for the population and in the agro-industrial complex - 1 person each.

    Consideration of the educational level of employees of personnel services showed that in industry and construction only 26% have higher education, and 28% have neither higher nor secondary specialized education. At the same time, at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, local industry and consumer services, practices amount to 35%. The vast majority of employees are practitioners who are not trained in either higher or secondary specialized educational institutions; among the heads of personnel services and their deputies, this figure is 88%. An unfavorable situation is also developing in the age composition of personnel services. Now every fifth employee in industry and a fourth in construction will enter or already have retirement age in the next five years. This situation indicates a slow renewal and insufficient influx of young workers into these units.

    The restructuring of the activities of personnel services should be carried out in the following directions:

    Ensuring a comprehensive solution to the problems of high-quality formation and effective use of human resources based on the management of all components of the human factor: from labor training and career guidance for young people to caring for labor veterans;

    Widespread introduction of active methods of search and targeted training of workers necessary for the enterprise and industry. Contracts with educational institutions should become the main form of attracting the necessary specialists and skilled workers for enterprises. The advanced training of workers and specialists for the development of new equipment and technology in the sectors of the national economy is relevant, which requires personnel services to improve the planning of personnel training;

    Systematic work with management personnel, with a reserve for promotion, which should be based on such organizational forms as business career planning, preparation of candidates for promotion according to individual plans, rotational movement of managers and specialists, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions;

    Activation of the activities of personnel services to stabilize labor collectives, increase the labor and social activity of workers on the basis of improving socio-cultural and moral and psychological incentives;

    Ensuring social guarantees for workers in the field of employment, which requires personnel workers to comply with the procedure for employment and retraining of laid-off workers, providing them with established benefits and compensations;

    The transition from predominantly administrative-command methods of personnel management to democratic forms of evaluation, selection and placement, wide publicity in personnel work. In modern conditions, the personnel departments of enterprises are becoming bodies of organizational and methodological support for election and competitiveness, periodic reporting of officials to labor collectives, which will require personnel workers to be able to apply psychological testing methods, sociological methods of studying public opinion, assessing the candidate being studied for nomination by his colleagues, subordinates, etc.;

    Strengthening personnel services with qualified specialists, increasing their authority, in connection with which it becomes relevant to create a system for training specialists for personnel services, their retraining and advanced training;

    Updating the scientific and methodological support of personnel work, as well as its material, technical and information base. In this regard, it is expedient to identify in the branches and regions those scientific organizations and consulting firms that will develop personnel problems and provide practical assistance to personnel services.

    In the conditions of the formation of a market economy, a fundamentally new stage in the development of personnel services opens with qualitatively different functions and tasks.

    The increase in the role of personnel services and the radical restructuring of their activities are caused by fundamental changes in the economic and social conditions in which enterprises are currently operating that are transitioning to market relations.

    The need for such a restructuring of the work of personnel services is also due to the fact that the personnel composition, as well as the status and level of remuneration of personnel officers, do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy, as evidenced by the above data.

    Strengthening the material and technical, scientific and methodological support of personnel work is an urgent task for most enterprises.

    Thus, summing up what has been said, it remains to add how important the role of the personnel management service is, especially for Russian enterprises.

    2. Place and role of the personnel management service in the organization

    2.1. The role of the organization's human resources function

    The role of the personnel management service is manifested in the functions it performs. Let's give a classification of the functions of the personnel management service in the organization:

    1) Subsystem of working conditions:

    Compliance with the requirements of psychophysiology

    Compliance with the requirements of technical aesthetics

    Occupational health and safety

    Organization of production processes, analysis of costs and results of labor, establishment of the optimal ratio between the number of pieces of equipment and the number of personnel.

    2) Subsystem of labor relations:

    Analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships

    Analysis and regulation of management relations

    Management of industrial conflicts and stresses

    Socio-psychological diagnostics

    Compliance with ethical standards of relationships

    Management of interaction with trade unions.

    3) Subsystem of registration and accounting of personnel:

    Registration and accounting of admission, dismissals, relocations

    Information support of the personnel management system

    career guidance


    4) Subsystem of planning, forecasting and marketing of personnel:

    Development of a personnel management strategy

    Human resources analysis

    Analysis of the labor market, planning and forecasting the need for personnel, organizing advertising

    Personnel planning

    Relationship with external sources that provide personnel to the organization

    Evaluation of candidates for a vacant position

    Current Periodic Evaluation of Personnel.

    5) Personnel development subsystem

    Technical and economic training

    Retraining and advanced training

    Work with personnel reserve

    Professional and socio-psychological adaptation of new employees

    6) Subsystem of analysis and development of labor incentives:

    Rationing and billing of the labor process

    Development of pay systems

    Use of moral incentives

    Development of forms of participation in profit and capital

    Work motivation management

    7) Subsystem of legal services

    Solving labor issues in terms of legal standards

    Coordination of administrative documents on personnel management

    Solving legal issues of economic activity.

    8) Subsystem for the development of social infrastructure:

    Organization of public catering

    Housing management

    Development of culture and physical education

    Ensuring health and recreation

    Managing social conflicts and stress

    9) Subsystem for the development of the organizational structure of management

    Analysis of the current organizational structure of management

    Designing the organizational structure of management

    Staffing development

    Building a new organizational structure of management

    This classification provides an exhaustive list of functions attributed to the personnel management service in terms of a new approach to PM management. However, the set of certain functions of the personnel management service in different companies is different, since usually each manager chooses those elements that, not in his opinion, are better suited to a particular situation (the size of the company, the specifics of its activities, etc.) and seem to him useful for the success of the organization. But despite all the differences between organizations, there is a standard set of functions of the personnel management service, which in their sum represent the personnel policy of the company. Let's consider these functions in more detail.

    1) Workforce planning, which includes:

    Assessment of available resources (i.e. analysis of the scope of work and available personnel)

    Assessment of future needs (forecast of internal and external labor supply and labor demand)

    Development of a program to meet future needs in human resources based on the ratio of internal and external labor supply with demand and the company's development strategy. For correct forecasting, it is necessary to take into account the average staff turnover, natural retirement (death, retirement, etc.) and other factors.

    2) Recruitment is the creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions

    3) Personnel selection - evaluation of candidates for the job and selection of the best of the reserves created during the recruitment.

    4) Wage and Benefit Determination - Designing a wage and benefit structure in order to attract and retain an employee.

    5) Adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and into all its divisions in order to understand what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

    6) Training - development of programs for teaching labor skills to effectively perform work.

    7) Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of employees. Evaluation of labor makes it possible to assess the quantity, quality and intensity of labor.

    8) Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal of personnel - to perform this function, personnel management services must:

    Develop a methodology for moving an employee from a position of greater or lesser responsibility

    Develop the employee's professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work (in other words, personnel management services are engaged in career planning for employees).

    So, today there is no single strictly defined view of the functions of the personnel management service in the organization. As already mentioned, business leaders rarely use theory in its pure form, but, as a rule, adapt it to the conditions of the functioning of a particular organization. However, the results of the study showed that with all the inter-company and inter-country differences in the field of personnel management (in two firms in the same industry in one country you will not find two documents similar in form and content regulating the activities of the PM service), they all profess a common ideology and methodological basis personnel work.

    Thus, the role of the personnel management service is to create such conditions for managers of all levels, when personnel management would become really as efficient as possible.

    2.2. The structure of the personnel management service in the organization and its interaction with structural divisions in ALCO-S LLC

    LLC “ALKO-S”, hereinafter referred to as the “company”, is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

    LLC "ALKO-S" is a trade organization specializing in the sale of alcoholic products.

    Legal address of the Company: Republic of Komi, Syktyvkar, st. Lesoparkovaya, 32.

    Trade is the leading activity of ALKO-S LLC. The company offers alcohol only of well-known brands with a strong reputation and attracts buyers with high quality goods.

    The market is constantly evolving, requiring a decisive reorganization of the forms and methods of trade. The time itself has put ALCO-S LLC in front of the need to create an advanced and fundamentally new structure.

    The principle of operation of trading companies is based on providing an opportunity for buyers to quickly and profitably purchase a wide range of food products. This relieves the buyer of the need to search for goods in several companies, wasting his time.

    ALCO-S LLC carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation in force in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    Personnel management of ALCO-S LLC is carried out by the personnel department (one HR specialist). Strategic and operational functions for the management of personnel and personnel in general are assigned to the director of ALCO-S LLC.

    The personnel service is structurally subordinated to the head of ALKO-S LLC.

    We list the key functions of the personnel service of ALCO-S LLC:

    Determining the need for personnel, both current and in the future;

    Development of sections of the business plan "Personnel" and "Management", their balancing with other sections and ensuring implementation;

    Development of comprehensive targeted personnel development programs, linking them in terms of time, resources and executors and ensuring implementation;

    Organization and implementation of the analysis of the content of labor, certification of workplaces and the development of professional and psychograms that determine the requirements of the workplace for the employee;

    Development of systems for checking the professional and personal qualities of applicants for vacant jobs;

    Analysis of the division, organization and rationing of labor, development of assumptions for their improvement;

    Development of documents defining labor relations at the enterprise: collective agreements, personnel regulations, labor regulations, regulations on divisions, job descriptions, memos and instructions reflecting the culture of the enterprise, labor agreements (contracts), ensuring their coordination and approval;

    Organization of personnel selection on the basis of professional and psychograms, job descriptions, regulations on departments, developed systems of professional and personality tests and tests;

    Career planning of employees, provision of relocation, organization of a personnel reserve system and work to improve the adequacy of the qualities of applicants to the requirements of the workplace;

    Organization and provision of work on personnel development, advanced training and retraining of employees using both the potential of the enterprise and third-party educational institutions; curriculum development;

    Conducting research to identify the motivation of employees to work and developing measures to increase job satisfaction;

    Development of systems for group and individual material and moral incentives for employees, taking into account motivation, research and implementation of modern wage systems;

    Conducting research on the socio-psychological climate in teams, the quality of working life, leadership style and the attitude of employees to managers;

    Carrying out activities to increase the creative level of employees, the development of innovative behavior;

    Carrying out work to improve the level of labor protection and safety;

    Development of a system of end-to-end indicators and evaluation of the results of work of departments, managers and specialists, organization of certification;

    Conducting research in order to create effective work teams;

    Organization of joint decision-making, holding important business meetings and negotiations, including those on ensuring social protection of employees;

    Analysis of the causes and settlement of labor conflicts;

    Organization of personnel accounting and provision of necessary reporting, analytical work based on the results of personnel management.

    Since at present the number of management employees reaches 30% of the organization, one of the most important problems solved by the personnel management services of ALCO-S LLC is formation of an optimal administrative apparatus, determining the prospective and current need for managers.

    Another important function is controlling personnel. Its tasks are: to study the impact that the existing distribution of employees across jobs has on the results of the organization; analysis of the social and economic efficiency of the application of certain management methods; coordination of personnel planning with the planning of other areas of the organization, especially in connection with cardinal changes in it; creation of personnel information base.

    Another modern function of the personnel service of ALCO-S LLC is the implementation personnel marketing, the main task of which is to provide the organization with highly qualified employees. It is a set of measures to: study the internal and external labor market and its segmentation (identification of various categories of personnel and the implementation of special personnel approaches in relation to them); analysis of the expectations of employees in the field of official movements; distribution within the organization of information about the need for personnel, opportunities to improve or change their qualifications; finding and recruiting the right people.

    The personnel service of ALCO-S LLC carries out monitoring- constant special monitoring of the state of personnel, their dynamics, including turnover; balance of labor resources; stimulation; job satisfaction; recruitment, training, professional development, promotion processes; the state of labor discipline; trauma and so on.

    Recently, the personnel service of ALCO-S LLC has been implementing the Speak program, which provides that each employee has the right to write an anonymous application and send it through the appropriate coordinator to the manager who is solving the relevant problem, and within 10 days receive answer. As part of the “open door policy”, employees of LLC “ALCO-S” can personally apply to managers until they receive a satisfactory response to their applications. "Interview over the head of the head" provides for the possibility of a conversation once a year with the head of his head on his initiative.

    A well-coordinated professional team is the key to the prosperity of ALCO-S LLC. LLC "ALCO-S" is interested in making a profit, and for this, the staff must work efficiently. And not just efficiently, but constantly improve their professional qualifications and labor productivity. All this directly depends on the highly qualified work of the personnel management service of ALCO-S LLC.


    At the end of this work, we will draw a number of conclusions. The personnel management service is a structural subdivision of the organization that performs the functions of personnel management. The status of the personnel management service in the organization's management system is determined by the place and role of each specialized personnel management unit and the organizational status of its immediate supervisor. The role and organizational status of the personnel management service is largely determined by the level of organizational and financial condition, the possibilities for the potential development of the organization, as well as the position of its management in relation to the personnel service.

    Today in Russia, when a course has been taken for the worldwide use of the human factor in ensuring not just single, isolated, although sometimes sensational economic achievements, but consistently high efficiency in all spheres of social production, a radical reconstruction of the mechanism of labor motivation in should become one of the priorities of economic strategy. .

    This task is extraordinarily difficult and, most importantly, requires a fundamentally new, non-standard, integrated approach that would make it possible to achieve a shift in the real, that is, not occasionally, but on an ongoing basis, the mobilization of the moral potential of each individual worker and labor the team as a whole.

    The role of the personnel management service is manifested in the functions it performs. The considered classification provides an exhaustive list of functions attributed to the personnel management service from the point of view of a new approach to PM management. However, the set of certain functions of the personnel management service in different companies is different, since usually each manager chooses those elements that, not in his opinion, are better suited to a particular situation (the size of the company, the specifics of its activities, etc.) and seem to him useful for the success of the organization. But despite all the differences between organizations, there is a standard set of functions of the personnel management service, which in their sum represent the personnel policy of the company.

    Personnel management of ALCO-S LLC is carried out by the personnel department (one HR specialist). Strategic and operational functions for the management of personnel and personnel in general are assigned to the director of ALCO-S LLC. The personnel service is structurally subordinated to the head of ALKO-S LLC.

    The effectiveness of the personnel management system significantly affects the resilience of organizations, as it contributes to the development of the most valuable corporate resource - human. Success in this area cannot be ensured solely by the allocation of significant financial resources, a comprehensive human resource development strategy is needed. To be truly effective, such a strategy must be closely linked to company-wide business development plans, since only in this case it is possible to ensure that the qualifications of employees correspond to the company's goals. Human Resources staff should take Active participation in the development of all key decisions in organizations.

    For example, in many Western companies, the HR department coordinates the staff development strategy implemented at the level of autonomous departments and selects candidates for senior management positions in the corporation. By successfully integrating a corporate-wide development strategy and a human resources strategy, companies are creating a new organizational climate focused on service delivery and mutual support in groups.

    Strategic human resource management involves the active actions of personnel management specialists in three main areas.

    Firstly, selection of employees, making decisions on their movement or termination of contracts should be aimed at ensuring the most complete correspondence between the individual capabilities of specialists and the complexity of the tasks entrusted to them, both now and in the future. This correspondence of individuals and works should be considered in dynamics. People and the nature of their activities change, therefore, constant observation and analysis of the trends of such changes allow a more reasonable approach to the choice of possible career options and the necessary retraining programs.

    Secondly, the personnel management service can have a certain influence on formation of a system of tasks. It is known that various options for organizing work can be used to achieve any goals. At the same time, in some cases, there is a high level of motivation and, accordingly, job satisfaction, and in others - vice versa. The most efficient companies try to minimize the number of hierarchical levels and bureaucratic restrictions, to maximize control over local working conditions. In order for the internal labor market in the company to develop dynamically, an integrated organizational system of stimulating professional roles must be created. HR specialists can offer solutions both when designing works and activities, and when discussing organizational mechanisms for the vertical and horizontal division of labor and coordination. It should be noted that now in many companies the status of employees of personnel management services does not allow them to successfully fulfill the considered roles, but in effective firms such opportunities already exist.

    Thirdly, employees of this service are directly and indirectly responsibility for the effectiveness of the management information system. Direct responsibility is manifested in making decisions on the movement of workers from one place to another, in providing candidates with the necessary information and organizing appropriate training. The exclusive focus on moving "up" makes the personnel management system unnecessarily rigid and limits its capabilities. Great flexibility comes from the combination of horizontal and vertical movements, which is used in many advanced firms. The indirect responsibility of personnel management services is that they must bring the content of the corporate personnel policy to all line managers responsible for the selection and movement of personnel in their divisions. Managers of all levels, specialists and ordinary workers should receive information about the development trends of the professional and qualification needs of the organization.
