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  • Self-learning programs interlocutors. A new artificial intelligence program Viv is being created to replace Siri

    Self-learning programs interlocutors.  A new artificial intelligence program Viv is being created to replace Siri

    The ELIS artificial intelligence system is software capable of speaking like a human in a simple language, controlling devices, and learning. With this program, you can communicate with a computer, as well as interact with the physical world. The program also uses the ability to connect Arduino to create smart home systems, automation, etc.

    Download the ELIS artificial intelligence program


    Artificial intelligence program ELIS - Electronic Logically Intelligent System. The ELIS artificial intelligence system is a program. This software is able to speak like a human in a simple language, manage devices and also learn. This system is not an assistant, as the emphasis is on developing a humanoid system that can learn like a child and conduct a conscious dialogue.

    With this program, you can communicate with computer and interact with the physical world. The program also uses the ability to connect Arduino to create smart home systems, automation, etc.

    Artificial intelligence system ELIS is built on a modular basis. The system is universal and its functionality can be increased with the help of modules. Modules can be different, from simple to complex.

    The ALIS artificial intelligence program independently conducts a dialogue with a person.

    She can start a dialogue on her own, she can do it several times, which already distinguishes her from voice assistants who work on a question-answer structure. The ALIS artificial intelligence program independently makes a decision after what the person says, and if it does not know, it can be trained.

    With the support of a dialogue with the user, the system learns itself. The system is capable of storing multiple answers to one or more questions and having multiple questions to one or more answers.

    The ELIS artificial intelligence program is fully compatible with the Arduino platform, so you can control any device. You can ask the system to turn on the light, the system will ask where exactly to turn it on, but you can ask the system to turn on the light immediately in a certain place, then it will not ask again.

    The ALIS artificial intelligence program is also capable of running third-party applications, etc.


    At the moment, the ELIS artificial intelligence program includes the following modules:

    module "Knowledge" - a module for searching information on WIKIPEDIA. The system knows any device, object, and so on. Ask, for example, what is a bicycle or what is an apple and the system will tell you what it is,

    module "News". Fresh news on the interests of the user. Just ask what news or tell the news, the system will tell and ask if you need to tell more, answering yes, it will tell more,

    weather module. Weather for today and tomorrow in my city. You can find out the temperature, humidity, wind speed, whether it will rain or frost. You can ask if you can take an umbrella today or if you can wear shorts today,

    module "Calculator". With the help of this module, the system can add, subtract, multiply and divide objects, etc. For example, asking how much will be two apples plus two apples, the system will answer four apples. Module under development,

    "Alarm clock" module. The module allows you to set any number of alarms. By setting an alarm, system Will wake you up. Just gotta say, wake me up at 7 am. Module under development,

    module "Correction of answers". Correct arrangement of knowledge in the database,

    module "Holidays, name days, events". This module allows you to find out who's name day is today or what holiday it is today,

    "Toast" module. The module allows the system to say various toasts. You have to ask, say a toast,

    Jokes module. The system knows thousands of jokes. Just ask her to tell a joke, you can also ask her to tell a joke for adults,

    module "Poems". This module turns the system into a poet. Just ask to tell a verse, you can also ask to tell a verse for adults,

    module "Aphorisms". The system knows thousands of aphorisms. Just ask her to say an aphorism, you can also ask her to say an aphorism for adults,

    lighting control module. With the help of this module, the system can control the lighting of an apartment or house. To do this, you need to connect the Arduino and Ethernet Shield,

    Number Guessing Module. The system tries to guess the hidden number. Calls the estimated figure, then you need to tell her, more or less. Module under development,

    User module. The module allows you to change user data, name, city, etc. For example, to change the name, I must say, remember my name is Oleg and she will remember,

    Dialogue module. Dialogue analysis. A module that processes the dialogue in a day, analyzing the user, learning, etc.

    Note: description of the technology on the example of the ELIS artificial intelligence program.

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    This week you could read an extremely motivating case from a GeekBrains student who studied the profession, where he spoke about one of his goals that led him to the profession - the desire to learn the principle of work and learn how to create game bots on his own.

    But really, it was the desire to create a perfect artificial intelligence, whether it be a game model or a mobile program, that inspired many of us to the path of a programmer. The problem is that behind tons of educational material and the harsh reality of customers, this very desire was replaced by a simple desire for self-development. For those who have not yet begun to fulfill their childhood dream, here is a short guide to creating a real artificial intelligence.

    Stage 1. Disappointment

    When we talk about creating at least simple bots, eyes fill with brilliance, and hundreds of ideas flicker in my head what he should be able to do. However, when it comes to implementation, it turns out that the key to real behavior is the math. Yes, artificial intelligence is much more complicated than writing application programs - knowledge of software design alone is not enough for you.

    Mathematics is the scientific base on which your further programming will be built. Without knowledge and understanding of this theory, all ideas will quickly break down into interaction with a person, because artificial intelligence is actually nothing more than a set of formulas.

    Stage 2. Acceptance

    When the arrogance is a little knocked down by student literature, you can begin to practice. It's not worth throwing yourself at LISP or others just yet - you should first get comfortable with the principles of AI design. Both for quick learning and further development, Python is great - this is the language most often used for scientific purposes, for which you will find many libraries that will make your work easier.

    Stage 3. Development

    Now we turn directly to the theory of AI. They can be conditionally divided into 3 categories:

    • Weak AI - bots, which we see in computer games, or simple assistants, like Siri. They either perform highly specialized tasks or are an insignificant complex of those, and any unpredictability of interaction puts them in a dead end.
    • Strong AI are machines whose intelligence is comparable to the human brain. To date, there are no real representatives of this class, but computers like Watson are very close to achieving this goal.
    • Perfect AI is the future, a machine brain that will surpass our capabilities. It is about the danger of such developments that Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and the Terminator movie franchise warn.

    Naturally, you should start with the simplest bots. To do this, remember the good old tic-tac-toe game when using a 3x3 field and try to find out for yourself the basic algorithms of actions: the probability of winning with error-free actions, the most successful places on the field for placing a piece, the need to reduce the game to a draw, and so on.

    Several dozen games and analyzing your own actions, you will surely be able to highlight all the important aspects and rewrite them into machine code. If not, then keep thinking, and this link is here just in case.

    By the way, if you still took up the Python language, then you can create a fairly simple bot by referring to this detailed manual. For other languages, such as C++ or Java, you can easily find step-by-step materials as well. Feeling that there is nothing supernatural behind the creation of AI, you can safely close the browser and start personal experiments.

    Stage 4. Excitement

    Now that things have moved on from the dead center, you probably want to create something more serious. The following resources will help you with this:

    As you understand even from the names, these are APIs that will allow you to create some kind of serious AI without wasting time.

    Stage 5. Work

    Now, when you already quite clearly understand how to create AI and what to use, it's time to take your knowledge to a new level. Firstly, this will require the study of the discipline, which is called " Machine learning". Secondly, you need to learn how to work with the appropriate libraries of the chosen programming language. For the Python we are considering, these are Scikit-learn, NLTK, SciPy, PyBrain and Numpy. Thirdly, in development you can’t get away from . And most importantly, you can now read AI literature with a full understanding of the matter:

    • Artificial Intelligence for Games, Ian Millington;
    • Game Programming Patterns, Robert Nystorm;
    • AI Algorithms, Data Structures, and Idioms in Prolog, Lisp, and Java , George Luger, William Stubalfield;
    • Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Randall O'Reilly, Yuko Munakata;
    • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig.

    And yes, all or almost all literature on this topic is presented in a foreign language, so if you want to create AI professionally, you need to improve your English to a technical level. However, this is true for any field of programming, isn't it?

    For thousands of years man has been trying to understand how he thinks. In the area of artificial intelligence(AI) solves an even more important task: experts in this field are trying not only to understand the nature of intelligence, but also to create intelligent entities.

    Currently, the subject of artificial intelligence covers a huge list of scientific areas, from such general tasks as learning and perception, to such special tasks as playing chess, proving mathematical theorems, writing poetry and diagnosing diseases. In artificial intelligence, intellectual tasks are systematized and automated, and therefore this area concerns any sphere of human intellectual activity. In this sense, artificial intelligence is a truly universal scientific field.

    Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally
    An exciting new line of work to create computers that can think, ...machines that have a mind, in the full and literal sense of the word Exploring intelligence with computational models
    Automation of actions that we associate with human thinking, i.e. activities such as decision making, problem solving, learning The study of such calculations that allow you to feel, reason and act
    The art of creating machines that perform functions that require intelligence when performed by people Computational intelligence is the science of designing intelligent agents
    The science of how to teach computers to do what humans currently excel at Artificial intelligence is a science dedicated to the study of the intelligent behavior of artifacts

    More recently, it was something out of a fantasy series. Now it is quite real and today we will learn how to create a simple artificial intelligence using a wonderful online service.

    I'm talking about the site (
    With the help of this resource, we will create the so-called "infa".
    What kind of animal is this, Inf? Inf - a small character (animal or human or miracle Yudo) that can talk to a person on the Internet (yes, you can also call it a chat bot). This beast can be sent to a friend, on a home page, stuffed into a signature in a forum, in general, wherever your imagination wishes!
    At first, your inf will, of course, be a little “stupid”, but we can fix this by teaching it!

    Let's take a closer look at how this is done:

    When entering the site, we find ourselves in the so-called “ garage”, where we can chat with a few ready-made info and start creating our own!

    To start creating your own character, you need to register. To do this, on the garage screen, click on the “I want info” button and after filling in a couple of lines about yourself and reading the license agreement, click on the “Register” button.

    Now we get to the infa character creation screen.

    You need to choose the character “man”, “beast” or some other miracle Yudo

    Customize appearance - mouth, nose, eyes, other accessories. If in the future you do not like it - do not despair, all this can be corrected.

    Now let's look at the most interesting thing - character training. Click on the "Training" tab. A list of possible ways opens:

    Questionnaire - fill in information about your info, change his name if you want, etc.

    Reactions to events - you can choose what info will say if, for example, they click on it, or if you do not talk to it for a long time.

    When the new iPhone came out in 2011, many were amazed by the unusual feature called Siri. It would be more accurate to say by the name of Siri, because the artificial intelligence program was equipped with a female personality. The "smart assistant" understood the human voice and carried out commands such as "Siri, dial your wife's number" or "Siri, set the alarm for 6-30". She could answer some questions like “Siri, does God exist?” in an extraordinary way. For that time it was very unusual. However, the limitations of the technology soon became clear. Siri performed only the most basic commands, but otherwise was only a voice “extension” to an Internet search engine, sending a request there.

    After the death of Steve Jobs, Siri developers organized a new firm Viv Labs, which is working on a much more advanced version of the "smart assistant" named Viv.

    A system of self-learning and on-the-fly code generation is being introduced into the Viv program. The result should be a completely new type of AI. Answering questions from millions of users from a central server, a kind of “global brain” will gradually form, which will understand any subject area and jargon, connect any concepts and reveal the meaning of any question. And, of course, the most adequate answer to it.

    Viv works like this. When she receives a request like “On the way home to my brother I want to buy cheap wine suitable for lasagna”, she parses it into parts and composes a unique program that uses various sources of information from the Internet, including a map of the area, a database of shops, a culinary guide, and wine price base. Everything is done very quickly, and within 0.05 seconds Viv gives a list of suitable wine shops on the way to his brother and the names of the desired wines.

    A more detailed analysis of this request is shown in the diagram.

    The main principles that guide the developers: Viv must train on its own, answering questions from users and must do this continuously, getting smarter every day. The more people interact with the "digital assistant" - the faster its knowledge base grows. Therefore, developers do not want to give the engine to any one company, but want to license it to everyone, so that access to AI is from every TV and every mobile phone.

    The task of adequate parsing and understanding of human language is, of course, difficult. But not only Viv Labs is working on its solution. For example, Google recently bought DeepMind, a $500 million pf firm operating in roughly the same field. There is also the IBM Watson supercomputer and other similar projects. In general, artificial intelligence with constant self-learning may be closer than we think.