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    What does psychology mean to me?  Why do we need this psychology?  Supplements and support materials

    Psychology(Greek - soul; Greek - knowledge) is a science that studies the behavior and mental processes of people and animals. Psyche- this is the highest form of the relationship of living beings with the objective world, expressed in their ability to realize their motives and act on the basis of information about it . Through the psyche, a person reflects the laws of the world around him.

    Thinking, memory, perception, imagination, sensation, emotions, feelings, inclinations, temperament, - all these points are studied by psychology. But the main question remains - what drives a person, his behavior in a given situation, what are the processes of his inner world? The range of issues solved by psychology is quite wide. So, in modern psychology, a large number of sections are distinguished:

    • general psychology,
    • age-related psychology,
    • social Psychology,
    • psychology of religion,
    • pathopsychology,
    • neuropsychology,
    • family psychology,
    • sports psychology
    • etc.

    Other sciences and branches of scientific knowledge also penetrate into psychology ( genetics, speech therapy, jurisprudence, anthropology, psychiatry and etc.). Is happening integration of classical psychology with oriental practices... To live in harmony with oneself and with the surrounding world, a modern person needs to master the basics of psychology.

    "Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed by them"- wrote John Galsworthy.

    Psychology operates with the following methods:

    • Introspection- observation of one's own mental processes, knowledge of one's own mental life without using any tools.
    • Observation- study of certain characteristics of a process without active involvement in the process itself.
    • Experiment- empirical research of a certain process. The experiment can be built on the simulation of activities under specially specified conditions, or can be carried out in conditions close to normal activities.
    • Development research- the study of certain characteristics of the same children who are being observed for several years.

    The origins of modern psychology were Aristotle, Ibn Sina, Rudolph Goklenius who first used the concept of "psychology", Sigmund Freud, about which, for sure, even a person who has nothing to do with psychology has heard. As a science, psychology emerged in the second half of the 19th century, separated from philosophy and physiology. Psychology explores mechanisms of the psyche are unconscious and conscious human.

    A person turns to psychology in order to know himself and better understand his loved ones... This knowledge helps to see and realize the true motives of their actions. Psychology is also called the science of the soul., which at certain moments of life begins to ask questions, - " who am I? "," where am I? "," why am I here? " Why does a person need this knowledge and awareness? To stay on the road of life and not fall into one ditch and then into another. And having fallen, find the strength to rise and move on.

    Interest in this area of ​​knowledge is growing. When training the body, athletes necessarily come to psychological knowledge and expand it. Moving towards our goals, building relationships with people, overcoming difficult situations, we also turn to psychology. Psychology is actively joining education and upbringing, business, and art.

    A person is not only a storehouse of certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but also a person with his own emotions, feelings, ideas about this world.

    Today, knowledge of psychology is indispensable either at work or at home. To sell oneself or a manufactured product requires certain knowledge. To have well-being in the family and be able to resolve conflicts, knowledge of psychology is also necessary. To understand the motives of people's behavior, learn to manage their emotions, be able to establish relationships, be able to convey their thoughts to the interlocutor - and here psychological knowledge will come to the rescue. Psychology begins where a person appears and, knowing the basics of psychology, you can avoid many mistakes in life. "Psychology is the ability to live."

    Last updated: 06/10/2013

    Basic facts about psychology for beginners

    If you decide to study psychology, then at first it will be difficult for you to understand its extensive theories. Remember these 10 basics to get started. They will help you better understand what psychology is.

    If psychology is something new to you, most likely, it will seem to you too confusing and extensive science. However, knowing some of the basic truths can help you in the beginning of your study. The article lists only a small part of the most important postulates that you need to know about this entertaining science. When you deal with them, rest assured that you are prepared for a deeper study of psychology.

    Psychology deals with research in the field of human behavior and psyche. The very term "psychology" comes from the Greek word "psyche", which means "breath, spirit, soul", and "logia" - "science." It arose on the foundations of philosophy and natural sciences, in addition, it comes into contact with other sciences, for example, with sociology, medicine, anthropology and even linguistics.

    One of the most popular misconceptions about psychology is that this is not science, but just chatter, conversation, guided by ordinary common sense. However, psychology successfully uses scientific methods to study its problems and draw subsequent conclusions. Psychologists work with a range of different techniques, such as natural observation, experimentation, case studies, and questionnaires.

    Problems and situations requiring the attention of psychologists can be viewed from different angles. Take violence, for example. Some will look at the biological factors that influence its use, while others will look at the issue in terms of culture, family relationships, social pressures and other situations that can provoke violence. Here are some of the main approaches used in psychology:

    • Biological approach;
    • Cognitive approach;
    • Behavioral approach;
    • Natural science (evolutionary) approach;
    • Humanistic approach.

    4. Psychology has many divisions

    There are many different branches in psychology. In introductory lessons, students usually learn the basics of various professional fields. A deeper study of each area, as a rule, depends on the chosen specialization. Clinical, cognitive, social psychology, personality and developmental psychology are just a few of the possible specializations of a psychologist.

    When someone says the word "psychology", do you immediately imagine a kind doctor with a notebook and a patient on the couch, broadcasting about childhood memories? Such therapy, of course, is present in psychology, but this is far from all that psychologists work with. In fact, many do not deal with people's mental health at all, as psychology includes other areas as well, such as counseling, teaching, research ...

    Psychologists are needed in a wide variety of companies and industries, for example:

    • At colleges and universities;
    • In private companies;
    • In elementary and high schools;
    • In hospitals;
    • In government offices.

    6. Psychology around everyone

    Psychology is not only an academic discipline that exists only in classrooms, laboratories and psychological consulting rooms. We meet the principles of psychology every day in the most ordinary situations. Print ads and the ads that appear on TV every day are based on psychological pressure to convince us to buy the advertised products and use the services. Various web resources that we regularly visit on the web also use this science to understand how people read and interpret information from web pages.

    7. Psychology explores both reality and theory

    At the very beginning of studying psychology, it may seem to you that some theories are not very applicable to real life. It is important not to forget that psychology is both theoretical and applied science. Some psychologists focus only on adding something new to the aggregate knowledge about the psyche and human behavior (this is fundamental research). Whereas they focus on directly solving problems in the patient's life, applying psychological principles and theories in real situations (applied research).

    If you are considering a career as a psychologist, it may come as a pleasant surprise that you can choose one of the many paths to develop it. The options depend on your education and work experience. It is important to know what training is required, what are the license requirements for a particular specialization. Here are just a few options: Clinical and Forensic Psychology, Organizational Psychology, and Health Psychology.

    What is psychology for you? Do you use this science in your life? Is it necessary, and in general is psychology a science or quackery?;)

    Are you a specialist in this area? And what interests you personally?

    I am interested in how each person uses the knowledge of psychology, whether he believes that this knowledge can help him. And did anyone have successful practical applications of this knowledge, if any?

    Are you a psychologist?

    I'm not a pro, but I'm interested! This is a hobby!

    Is this an interesting hobby !? At the age of 13, I myself began to read books, soon all sorts of excerpts from psychology, psychotherapy and other, as it seemed to me then, nonsense. (I had the opportunity.) Honestly, now I use, sometimes, read. I can handle conflicts, almost anything. Began to understand people (almost). In any case, according to some external data, one can immediately say about a person + or. In general, you can talk a lot about knowledge of psychology in life, but as the professionals say, you have no right. And they are right, when you tell a person that what you see in him (and in my street practice there was such a thing), the person naturally does not agree with this. Tell the drunk that he is a drunk and hear in your address that this is not so.
    I'm not a professional at all, maybe I didn't say that. I beg your pardon.
    P.S. but it helps me in ..... and with girls.

    I am fond of as much as possible. Psychology is an awesome thing. Besides, the right one. I helped more than once, usually you can't remember everything in detail. Where will you give advice to whom, where will you use the knowledge yourself. For relations between people, in general, a necessary area. You learn so much new, communication skills improve. Somewhere you run a conflict, somewhere you meet a new person, somewhere you start to feel more confident.

    And you can take an example!

    Sorry, it's better to keep silent about such things. At a private meeting, it is still possible and it is not recommended. You always keep it to yourself. Sorry.

    And you can take an example!
    Examples? Show the cards chtoli?
    Well, knowing some aspects of the girl's psychology, you can already decide how you will act when meeting, how you should communicate with her, what to focus on, how to establish an attraction, etc.
    As an exception, I will give an example. I bought a white rose, raffaelinok, sent a little girl under the door with a sim gift. After a while I called on the phone. The roof was blown off by a robust one. The fact that then nothing came of the third thing, did not agree. But in general, I found where to "hit". The girl is rather reserved, not talkative, it is very difficult to communicate with her. But this method broke through her "reservation".

    Psychology for me is generally just my admiration, it helps me, when communicating! In general, you can talk a lot and I'm even tired!

    I love psychology !!! She really helps in life ... True, now I can't remember examples, everything was somehow in trifles, but it pleasantly amazed me =))))

    Being a psychologist for me is doing the most interesting thing in the world! This job is not always easy, but always interesting. She makes you study all the time, get to know the world around you from different angles.

    When the person who asked for help says: "It became much easier for me!" or "Now I know what I will do!" - I understand that our profession does not exist in vain, and I am glad.

    For me, being a psychologist is everything! This is a way of life that has been chosen consciously and forever.

    This amazing profession makes all life experience a professional experience, encourages you to continuously study every day, to develop as a person.

    The result of this activity is positive changes in a person's life. Favorite profession that benefits others - the Highest good!

    Being a psychologist means getting better on a daily basis to improve the lives of others.

    To be a psychologist is to open up to meet you, to be close, to walk together.

    For me, being a psychologist is it is to be open to different aspects of human life, to be open to the world.

    Help people, understand the essence of what is happening, learn new things, be in good shape, improve their skills.

    Being a psychologist is a responsible business, since a lot depends on each word and action! You need to understand this and often correct yourself, your behavior, not play the role of "omnipotent", but simply help as much as possible, knowledge and strength!

    I wish everyone to be good psychologists and all the best!

    For me, being a psychologist means realizing my destiny.

    It is to experience the miracle of the sacrament of the Meeting with Another person.

    This is, while maintaining and increasing your competence, to remain yourself, without mixing personal and professional.

    To be a psychologist is to face the fact that psychology is impossible without the original meaning that was put into this word: without a soul. The psychologist works with his whole Personality with the Personality.

    For me, being a psychologist means being able to realize my knowledge about the general patterns of thinking, psyche and behavior to help in solving each specific problem with which my clients turn to me.

    For me, being a psychologist is not a mission, it is a difficult, but sometimes very exciting job, when you can be close to a person who is in a difficult situation and try to help him.

    I was, to put it mildly, "shocked" that it was possible to solve my own problems and the problems of other people. Sometimes in one session!

    I love my job! For me, being a psychologist is love! People are so interesting, different, strange, sometimes difficult ... but each of them deserves happiness, health and joy. I would like to do my best for them. It's a pity that sometimes they don't want to!

    For me, being a psychologist is my physical and psychological health! How many my personal problems with childhood, parents, men, children have been solved. I am still "recovering". Each personal growth group conducted is also my personal growth, something new always opens up ...

    For me, being a psychologist is welfare! Yes, do not be shy - this is home, money, and participation in training seminars. I invest in my professionalism, and they return a hundredfold to me. I am grateful to my work and to God for the opportunity to create my favorite activity and receive a reward for it.

    It's also endless learning! Second higher education (psychological), transpersonal psychology, NLP practitioner, existential psychology - these are just some of the methods and directions that have become favorite among me and my clients in recent years.

    And finally, being a psychologist for me is a way of life, the formation of a worldview, positive thinking, the creation of new models of behavior, the ability to transfer this knowledge to other people, psychologists. The ability to use your personality as an effective tool for helping people, families, children, teams.

    Thank you for this question! Once again I had feelings of happiness, satisfaction and pride in my beloved psychology ...

    Being a psychologist means seeing a truly magical transformation of my client from the ugly duckling to the Magnificent Swan. Realizing that I have a direct relationship to this process is the most expensive reward for me. Thanks to all my clients!

    To be able to meet age crises with a smile as an additional resource for a new round of life.

    To be able to quite objectively help the people who have applied.

    At the right time, be able to accept what happened as much as possible.

    Learn to regain what seems to be forever lost.

    Be able to see people as their positive intention.

    From the moment I entered the professional path of a psychologist, my life has become more interesting, richer, more diverse and positive.

    I will take this opportunity and thank all the people who have been, are and will meet on my life path: thanks to my parents, brother, husband, son, teachers and my friends for their support and help, and also thanks for trusting those people who see in me a person who can help on their life path.

    PHOTO Getty Images

    We try to understand what others think, we ask ourselves: why did they do this and not otherwise? And sometimes: why am I doing this - and can I do otherwise? All this is the work of our psyche, and psychologists observe and describe this work. They come to our aid in difficult life situations. For example, when we part with a loved one or cannot agree with our children. This is in general. And there are separate, particular issues that arise before each of us, and different tasks: some of them are resolved during the day, others we have to solve all our life.

    For everyone, psychology means something different. What does it mean for a specialist, a person who chose her as his profession? For ten years, on behalf of our readers, we have been turning to recognized professionals to reflect with them on the most pressing and exciting topics. But it is not so often the case to ask what the experts themselves think about cooperation with the journal and about the place psychology occupies in our life. Today we have a reason to learn about it first-hand.

    • When we talk about psychology, we are not talking about the art of manipulating others and playing on someone's weaknesses, we are talking about the practice of being attentive to the inner world, about the right to one's own world. And then the answer is clear: a modern person needs psychology in order to remind him that he and others, which is essential, have an inner world. That childhood memories, dreams, or reflections on the meaning of life are important. That each of us can be interesting, full of secrets and will surprise others and ourselves more than once.
    • The Psychologies team treats psychologists and their work with care and respect - this is secondly. And firstly - letters from readers have become for me a kind of "window to the world"... They accurately reflect everyday ideas, norms and ways of life. Working with letters makes it possible not to forget where you live.

    • Understanding how our psyche works is important in the same sense as it is important to know the rules of the road - for safety and comfort.
    • I read Psychologies for and without reasons. The magazine helps me find out the point of view of specialists from other countries, with a different mentality, and this greatly expands my professional horizon. And I am simply fascinated by the language in which materials about sexuality are written, made jointly with French colleagues. In him, scientific character is expressed poetically, naturally, as in a wonderful literary work. There is a lot to learn! I often read a magazine in the evening, after work, it allows me to "switch", to feel like just a person, and not a psychotherapist. And to reflect on the events of the day, dispel tension, restore peace of mind and a sense of inner comfort. I never cease to be surprised - most of the articles are written in such a way that one wants to say: "Oh, and this is about me!" The magazine helps to see familiar situations from a different angle, gives impetus to new thoughts and positive emotions. Thanks to the editors for the joyful opportunity to be with you!

    • To truly be a modern person for whom psychological culture is part of the general culture (along with the ability to read, write, wash hands before eating). We have two illusions, opposite in meaning, but perfectly coexisting with each other: “all people are like me”, and “all people are different”. Therefore, we have the misfortune to judge by ourselves when we are trying to understand what happened to someone else yesterday and what will happen to him tomorrow, and he (she) surprises us. On the other hand, the notorious "self-knowledge" is a very conditional thing. Do we know, for example, how we will behave in a difficult or unusual situation? Take, for example, Milgram's experiments with role rigidity (under the dictation of an instructor, people are capable of doing monstrous things; moreover, such people are the majority, therefore, potentially each of us belongs to them). Or another example: "Something is wrong in my family, there are normal families." Knowledge of psychology allows us to understand what kind of illusions we live in and that our ideas about the "norm" are very unrealistic.
    • Psychologies is an open university for psychological knowledge. It greatly contributes to bridging the distance between psychology and life. When a psychologist-consultant conducts a session on the pages of a magazine, he contributes to the solution of problems not only of his client, but also of other people, among whom he himself as a person. Therefore, working with Psychologies, I, a person prone to doubts, not only exchange experiences with colleagues on how to help a person, but also look at how they themselves manage to live according to their own beliefs and principles.

    • We all, willingly or unwillingly, are aware of our mental processes, we try to understand the motives and experiences of other people. This is inevitable, this is our own psychology, "everyday". And scientific knowledge makes us more literate and competent.
    • You feel like a member of the club. When the magazine was just starting, everyone excitedly discussed how it would be - in our society, where there are no individual views and ideas. It's nice that the magazine is very successful and that it has many Russian imitators. From time to time I even start sketching topics for Psychologies, and then the routine sucks in, and I don't write. And then I regret.

    • I am not at all close to the psychology that serves the modern “consuming person”. I am inspired by another, eternal psychology that preserves and develops the human in man. This psychology protects the territory of my soul. It is like air necessary for each of us to remain passionate, feeling, thinking, changing, constantly looking for new meanings of life together with other people.
    • When a journal asks difficult questions, raising new topics, it encourages me to be a researcher, to look beyond the boundaries of the known, to develop the ability to speak about complex things in a living language. Over the years of cooperation, one of the strongest creative experiences for me was the work on the column "What does this picture tell me?" So the magazine helps me in an amazing and enjoyable search and discovery of new meanings.

    • Psychology has really entered the culture of educated people only in the last two or three decades. Without it, human relations, constructive cooperation with others are impossible, but the most important thing is a truly good relationship with oneself. Psychology, or rather phenomenological psychology, is the science of the mathematical logic of experience, and people need it.
    • Psychologies magazine captivates with its lack of arrogance towards the reader, on the one hand, and professional selection of topics, on the other. Seemingly mutually exclusive features - a popular publication, which, nevertheless, a professional reads number after number with interest. This paradox is the secret of the magazine. Not the magazine in general, but this particular Russian team - its editorial office. Intelligent and professional real people. And this gives rise, by the way, to patriotic feelings, despite the French name. Why read? Pragmatically, we can say - because this is a high-quality world-class product. And more deeply, I can say about myself: I was fortunate enough to be present at the birth, development and flowering of a real cultural phenomenon, the scale of which has not even been properly understood. People who are far from psychology are actively adopting the culture of responsible caring for their own lives. Isn't that real enlightenment? And I'm proud to be Psychologies too.

    • Psychology is the user's guide to himself. We can use the capabilities of our brain by 3%, and we can significantly more. And although knowledge of psychology is not the only and, perhaps, not the main factor on which it depends, but being a qualified user of oneself means taking into our own hands what we are used to letting go to chance and coincidence. For some, this is an extra burden, while for others - new opportunities.
    • Cooperation with Psychologies is an opportunity to share my life and professional experience, tell about my important ideas. It is also a kind of psychological help, even though I don't see the person I'm talking to.