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  • Board game Bang! The Magnificent Eight. Bang! Magnificent Eight Bang Magnificent Eight rules of the game

    Board game Bang! The Magnificent Eight. Bang! Magnificent Eight Bang Magnificent Eight rules of the game

    When another fight breaks out in the Texas saloon, respectable citizens scatter in panic, fleeing from the fists and bullets of reckless fighters. Only true cowboys, having learned about the next brawl, rush into the thick of events with all their might and take an active part in it. After all, the more bullets whistle over your head, the more fun! Today on the Pink Couch - an addition to the board game "Bang!", "Magnificent Eight".

    If your friends are still queuing at the table to replace their bullet-riddled hobbyists, then don't keep them waiting - supplement the game with new cards and sit down at the table with eight! From now on, walking along the prairie and entering local saloons will become doubly dangerous, as the number of people willing to shoot you in the back has increased ...

    Most recently, Hobby World has released the first addition to the great Bang! Card game. - a worldwide bestseller that has won the hearts of desperate guys around the world. You can get acquainted with the basic rules of the base game by reading my previous review "", and in this article I suggest taking a closer look at the expansion, which significantly changes the game.

    A standard small box sheltered a stack of cards, a tablet, a couple of cardboard tokens, and the rules of the game. All components fit easily into the base box, so there is no need to look for shelf space for a new container.

    Let me remind you that the tablet and cardboard bullets are present only in the domestic edition, for which we should thank the World of Hobby. To be honest, we never used a tablet, but four additional bullet markers came in handy.

    As a new shooter comes into play, he is entitled to an individual memo card. Helpful reference material, this time ... printed on a brown background, making it difficult to read from a distance. For what purpose such a controversial design was chosen will remain a mystery forever.

    The add-on contains a full set of role cards (including the sheriff who was hunting the criminal and did not get into the frame). Note that roles and ordinary cards are mixed into a common deck, so I could only find all the participants in the shootout after thoroughly scanning the stack. As you can see, the background has turned brown (the new cards look nicer), and the bison icon has appeared in the upper right corner (it marks the expansion cards).

    Note: to assess the quality of localization, the photographs contain cards from the original edition.

    A new type of cards with a green border appears in the game, their principle of placement on the table is similar to the long-term cards with a blue border. The properties indicated on the new cards can be used only once, after which the card is discarded (similar to a brown frame). At the bottom of the picture there are special characters with tips for actions.

    As the number of players has increased, dynamite has been added to the deck, special means to reduce the distance to opponents, several covers and a small arsenal of guns and revolvers.

    The saloon has grown even hotter, as evidenced by the brown cards. Sip whiskey to cheerful music and take part in a fight without weapons, relying only on your fists. At the same time, significant damage will be inflicted on the enemy ...

    The bar has been replenished with drinks, and now, in addition to a glass of beer, you can taste exotic tequila or drink a glass of revitalizing whiskey.

    In the vastness of the Wild West, you will meet 15 new characters that will surprise you with their special properties. You will have to deal with a cynical undertaker, who receives 2 units of health for each killed opponent; the elusive Elena, who can use any card as a "miss"; influential Belle Star, canceling the properties of all special cards ... There will be no time to get bored.

    The rest of the rules remain unchanged, the addition is shuffled into the base deck and used along with the rest of the cards. The booklet also contains amendments to the rules for three and eight participants in a firefight.

    By shooting first.

    "A blank cartridge can be caught in each clip"- the last thought in the shootout ...

    If you are a fan of the base game, then the Magnificent Eight should definitely be in your collection. There is nothing to think about - go to the store for a box of bison and add new experiences to the game.

    And I will turn to the disadvantages that, alas, are present in the localized version of the game. And there are two such "minuses".

    First note: the edging is no longer made in the form of a frame, but has a fill to the edge of the map. This is unacceptable, especially when playing with professionals - by looking closely, you can see what type of cards are in the pile and what your opponent will take. This effect is especially pronounced when using protective protectors.

    Second note: The back of the cards is different from the first edition, as can be seen from the photo. In my opinion, this is not such a strong "minus" to draw attention to it, but for objectivity I should note it. Looking at the deck, you will know for sure whether you are taking a card from the base or drawing an add-on card.

    Despite the above, I replaced all the cards of the original edition with localization cards, since the addition from World of Hobby removes the language barrier that is present in our game cell. Considering that we play for fun and do not count cards, no one but me noticed the shortcomings of the publication ...

    Explanations on these "cons" from Hobby World:

    Changes have been made to the original edition regarding the design of the cards. Localization performed in accordance with amendments.

    The game presented in the review is in the store's assortment " Hobby Games", whose sellers will advise and help in choosing the product you are interested in.

    The Bang Board Game is a card game that will easily take you to the classic spaghetti western with saloons, Indians and the obligatory gunfights!

    How can the Sheriff survive?

    Each player will have to take on one of the main roles (distributed randomly), which will determine their goal in the game, as well as tactics and abilities.

    There are four different roles in the game. This is the Sheriff, who will have to recognize and kill all the criminals, as well as the traitor at the same time. The Deputy Sheriff will have to protect the Sheriff at all costs - they have the same goal. Criminals - to shoot the Sheriff and not shoot each other. And the Traitor is in himself - the main thing for him is to stay alive after the impending mess!

    The intrigue and tension is created by the fact that the role of the player is kept secret, with the exception of the role of the Sheriff - everyone knows him, the local rule of law after all. In addition to role cards, players also receive a character card - it is kept open and determines your special abilities - there are more than 10 such cards, so each game will be very different from the previous one.

    All this, plus an uncomplicated yet addictive combat system, ensures that you enjoy the Bang board game beyond compare!

    Bang! The Magnificent Eight

    In the Wild West, life is in full swing - bright, noisy, riotous and dangerous! The ringing of a crazy coin attracts criminals of all stripes and calibers, and shootouts are on the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only the most experienced or desperate sheriffs can defend law and order. Who has enough gunpowder to withstand the bandits - your accuracy and luck will decide!

    About the supplement

    "Bang! The Magnificent Eight is an expansion that will significantly improve and diversify the original base game. You will get to know 15 new characters and 40 playable cards at your disposal, but one of the main innovations, of course, is the ability to play with eight!

    Add-on features

    In the extension, among other things, you will find cards with new principles of their work. New cards with a green border are deferred cards whose effect will only work when the card is discarded. You will also notice a new two-card discard symbol on some cards: in order for the card's effect to work, you will need to discard that card along with any other card from your hand. In addition, you will be delighted with the short and dynamic rules for a three-player game and, of course, the rules for a wild batch of eight!

    Bang! A few more cards

    About the supplement

    "Bang! A Few Cards More ”is a small addition to the cult board game“ Bang! ”. Now the cowboys are exposed to new independent events that will definitely affect the course of the entire game! The dead rise from their graves, a train arrives in the city, spirits wandering the streets are not dead, and they play Russian roulette in saloons.

    Add-on features

    The main feature of the add-on is the events that affect all players. After the start of the game, the player playing the Sheriff's role plays one of the expansion cards on each of his turns. The properties of the card take effect immediately on all players, until the next event card is played.

    The addition is not bad. Adds a variety of game cards and new characters. Interesting mechanics of disposable cards that need to be prepared for use. At the same time, the cards themselves, despite the complexity of their use, are not particularly effective, sometimes duplicating existing cards.
    However, for me, "Valley of Shadows" and "A Few Cards More" bring a lot more fun to the game.

    Green cards add a lot to efficiency. For an active player, this is an opportunity to get more striking power without sacrificing other cards (remember about the hand limit). For other players, this is, on the one hand, an opportunity to understand the player's intentions (if a person has laid out a knife, then he will not be afraid to use it), and on the other hand, an opportunity to react to this. Which, again, is good for an active player - he will lose the knife, not the hard drive. Or it can take revenge on a neighbor for the loss of a hard drive)

    A great addition. More interesting characters, more standard cards, and most importantly - green cards of delayed action. Your possibilities expand as there is no need to keep 10 "bangs" on hand when the hand limit is two cards, but the players also have the opportunity to react in time. More tactics, more psychologically intense struggles and more acting out. And there is no need to lay out or replace anything from the basic set or somehow retrain the conditions for playing the basic cards!

    Verdict: the way a real expansion should be - adds depth to the current gameplay, but does not break the favorite mechanics. Unambiguous wines!

    A very cool addition, I advise everyone. They played only a few times in the 8th, but green cards are worth buying this add-on, even if you have a small company and 8 players as a result will not get together even once.

    Cards with a green frame!

    Help me to understand!
    "These cards are placed face down in front of the players.
    up like cards with a blue border, but their effects are applied
    only on discard (like a one-time card with a brown border).
    Such a card cannot be discarded on the same turn in which it is
    has been played. "
    For example, I put it in front of me on my turn. Then the move is passed to the player on the left. And he shoots a bang at me! Can I use a green card property (like past) right now? Or should I wait a whole circle until the move comes to me again?

    Limit only to your own turn.
    “Each card with a green border has a symbol for its effect.
    turn can only be played cards with the "Pass!" . "

    Have laid out, if the card with the effect is "by" and the move of another player in which the attack is made at you, you have the right to use this green card.
    If there is no "past" effect on the card, you will have to wait for your next move to activate the laid out card.

    In the Wild West, life is in full swing - bright, noisy, riotous and dangerous! The ringing of a crazy coin attracts criminals of all stripes and calibers, and shootouts are on the menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Only the most experienced or desperate sheriffs can defend law and order. Who has enough gunpowder to withstand the bandits - your accuracy and luck will decide! beng bang

    "Bang! The Magnificent Eight is an expansion that will significantly improve and diversify the original base game. You will get to know 15 new characters and 40 playable cards at your disposal, but one of the main innovations, of course, is the ability to play with eight!

    In the extension, among other things, you will find cards with new principles of their work. New cards with a green border are deferred cards whose effect will only work when the card is discarded. You will also notice a new two-card discard symbol on some cards: in order for the card's effect to work, you will need to discard this card along with any other card from your hand. In addition, you will be delighted with the short and dynamic rules for a three-player game and, of course, the rules for a wild batch of eight!

    Attention! To play you need the base game ""

    The composition of the game:

    • 8 role cards
    • 15 character cards
    • 40 game cards
    • 1 memo
    • 1 tablet
    • 4 ammo tokens
    • Rules of the game

    In that hot hour before sunset, when a tumbleweed flies through the narrow streets with a barely audible rustle, and the semi-dark saloons are filled with hot regulars, overturning mugs of cold beer one after another, the anxious expectation of a fight hangs in the air.

    Welcome to the Wild West!

    In a board game Bang! well known to fans of dynamic Mafia or insidious Dwarf Pests , the participants must fight for life and death for the right to remain the only patron of a certain gaming city. The outcome, as you know, can be one of three: the victory of the law (the sheriff and his assistant destroyed all the bad guys), the victory of the bandits (the insidious gangsters enslaved the city) and the victory of the renegade, who is also an apostate (dark horse!). And how the next game will end Bang! , will depend solely on the cunning, resourcefulness and ingenuity of the participants.

    The Magnificent Eight of schemers

    Expansion Bang! The Magnificent Eight will add pepper to the game with new rules, as many as fifteen additional characters (yes, this western is becoming more and more populous), a new type of cards and a starter set for the eighth gangster, who craves crazy adventures in the Wild West and has already saddled his faithful steed.

    New rules include the ability to play with 8 and 3 players (thanks to this Bang! from a friendly firefight turns into a tense psychological battle) and introduces new cards with a green border. If earlier all game cards were Bang! were divided into one-time and permanent, now another type has been added - delayed action cards. In order for such a card to play, you first need to lay it face up in front of you, and then (during the opponent's turn or in your next turn) discard. Thus, opponents will know about your intentions, which forces you to be even more careful and prudent.