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  • Thank you girlfriend that I have you. Best friend in her own words to tears

    Thank you girlfriend that I have you. Best friend in her own words to tears

    Each of us in life has a best friend who will always come to the rescue in difficult times, will always be there when you need her so much, and will certainly always try to cheer you up. Each of us needs to value such people. It is extremely pleasant to have such a person in your environment. So why not thank your friend for the time she spends with you? She will be extremely pleased to hear words of gratitude from you. Express these warm words in the form of poetry or poetry and your girlfriend will appreciate them. After all, it is so important to be able to express your emotions and say thanks to the right people on time.

    I want you to understand:
    My life fades away without you.
    Fate gave you to me
    And I don’t know better than a gift.
    I am a priceless gift of fate
    I will cherish and store forever.
    Oh, thanks, dear friend!
    You help me very much to live ...

    My dear friend
    Thank you for beeing.
    Thanks for the joy dear,
    That you give me
    Support in joy, in sorrow,
    You can always help with advice.
    And a full cup with you
    I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

    My dear friend
    You are like a sister to me
    We have no secrets from each other,
    Do not spill water, we all call.
    Let me thank you for everything
    For our friendship, for trust, warmth,
    For being so lucky in my life,
    For the fact that we have been friends for years to spite everyone.

    Women's friendship is different,
    Someone finds, and someone loses,
    But our friendship, I know for sure
    The strongest and most holy.
    I so want our friendship
    Lasted for many years
    Thank you for everything, dear friend,
    And I think you are the best, most reliable.

    Thank you dear friend
    For being near you
    When I was very sad
    When I was left alone
    Thank you dear friend
    For your kind words

    For understanding me

    You will find the right words

    I will just share this with you
    My dear friend
    And I want you to know
    And to always remember
    What if it gets difficult for you
    I'll always be there.

    Thank you for beeing.
    Thanks for the joy dear,
    That you give me
    Support in joy, in sorrow,
    You can always help with advice.
    And a full cup with you
    I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

    Thank you for being always there
    And you often understand perfectly.
    For warming with a gentle look
    I am always ready to help and support.
    You know how to listen patiently
    And it's interesting to chat with you
    May your life be always happy
    And every day is yours bright and wonderful!

    Thank you for being heaven
    With the bottomless azure of centuries ...
    Thank you for being ashes
    From the past heavy shackles ...
    Thank you for being a bird
    Two strong hopes of the wing ...
    Thank you for being an angel
    My reliable protection ...
    Thank you for being the air
    I live by you on earth ...
    Thank you for being the stars
    Fallen into my hands ...
    Thank you for being the wind
    Time-rotating axis ...
    Thank you for being
    I happened to meet you ...

    My dear friend
    Thank you for beeing.
    Thanks for the joy dear,
    That you give me
    Support in joy, in sorrow,
    You can always help with advice.
    And a full cup with you
    I'm ready to drink to the bottom!

    Thank you dear friend
    For being near you
    When I was very sad
    When I was left alone
    Thank you dear friend
    For your kind words
    For the fact that she managed to support me
    For understanding me
    Thank you you will hear more than once
    More than once you will hear the phone call
    Because I know you can understand me
    You will find the right words
    When I feel sad and lonely
    When I am happy and cheerful
    I will just share this with you
    My dear friend
    And I want you to know
    And to always remember
    What if it gets difficult for you
    I'll always be there.

    Good thing in the world
    My faithful friends
    After all, they understand something
    That "no time" I have.
    I'll come home tired
    Barely dragging feet
    And they all send "laughs"
    Don't forget about me!
    I am writing to you all: "THANKS!"
    I have support!
    With you to "fight"
    not scary to go
    Means: believe in me!
    I wish you love
    Happiness, peace, warmth,
    So that the soul does not become stale,
    The hearth in the house has not gone out
    I am the sun's ray of light
    I will ask, as a gift, for YOU!

    I would like to say a few words of gratitude! Thank you for always being there. For support and care, for the ability to listen and help in difficult times. For the fact that simply by your presence in my life, you make it better. Thank you with all my heart!

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being you, for being such a person - kind, sincere, sensitive, open, not indifferent. Together with words of gratitude, I would like to leave for you wishes of well-being, peace, health and great happiness in your life.

    I want to say thank you very much just for being in my life, for making it more amazing, brighter and more interesting with every day we live. There are practically no people like you, and it is a great happiness to have such a sympathetic, kind, understanding and sensitive person in your environment. Thank you for your help, your endless faith in me and in all my undertakings. Thank you for your patience and support in those very difficult moments, when I literally did not have enough air from emotions, but with you we were able to overcome everything.

    Thank you very much for everything. There are few such kind and sympathetic, sincere and empathetic people in the world like you, which is a pity. After all, such people give others hope and selfless help, such people make others stronger and kinder. Thank you again, God grant you strong strength and health, the realization of all your dreams and well-being in life.

    I thank you for everything you do for me and really appreciate your attention and responsiveness. Thank you for your time, pleasant emotions and for your big kind heart, which always responds to help and support. I want to wish you only the best of all that is good and beautiful, a lot of happiness in your eyes and a reciprocal immense love and respect for your great personality.

    I want to thank you for everything you've done. For each advice, parting words and support. For understanding, hope and faith. Thank you for being with me at the right time. Your help is invaluable and very important to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you only the best!

    I would like to say gratitude. For reliability, for the fact that you can always count on you, for sincerity and honesty. You combine all the best human qualities, and this is very important and valuable. You are always responsive, kind, generous, strong in spirit. Thank you for your very existence. You make this world a better place!

    I, with all my inherent sincerity, want to thank you for everything that you do for me. You teach me to see goodness where it a priori cannot be. You give me faith when I start to doubt myself, and you support me when I need it most. Thank you for you. Thank you for withstanding any of my emotional outbursts, that you try to make me laugh when I am sad, and that you always teach me something new, thereby opening up new facets of the world. Thank you for not giving up and fighting for me, emphasizing my importance and uniqueness.

    Please accept my sincere words of enormous gratitude, and at the same time warm wishes for health, peace, prosperity, joy, good luck and love. May such a kind, sympathetic, good person always be lucky, may everything in your life be as you want.

    I want to thank you for everything! You are the person who always helps not only in word, but also in deed! I really appreciate it, because there are only a few people like you! Thank you so much for your sincerity, kindness and support!

    I feel good with you alone
    Talk about this and that.
    Over a cup of tea and wine
    And a delicious sweet cake

    We will grind all the secrets
    At our kitchen table
    Who lives how and "what about him?"
    "How did everything go?" what happened next?"

    “Don't think, Sun, about bad things!
    Do not be sad! Let's sing!"
    Let's wave our hands and "soup with a cat!"
    And let's go for a walk together,

    And we will find adventure ...
    And on this bright summer day
    I want to say only one thing:
    That even after many years

    help with deeds, give advice,
    We will find the answer to everything!
    Girlfriends are simply not better!
    Everything will be: joy and peace!

    Love, shine, dance and sing!
    And we will be happy with you
    My soul mate!

    Let's sit quietly and chat
    Let us heal the wounds of the grazed soul
    And you know what, dear friend,
    Oh, how good these meetings are

    It is easy to understand one movement of the gaze,
    One nod, a smile between words,
    It's nice that you don't need to guess
    Thinking out a dialogue with a friend,

    Words fly, thoughts run after thought,
    I’ll have time to tell everything for the meeting,
    Of course not, because all the moments of life,
    I won't be able to convey in words ...

    But by the way, all words are not necessary,
    You will hear my heartbeat and so
    You will see the trembling, and following the look,
    You will notice everything, even a trifle.

    And I see that you, my friend,
    For so many years she recognized me like that
    What do you feel when there is a blizzard in your heart
    Or the soul burns out from the fire

    And even without saying a word,
    With just one look you enter the soul
    And she's always ready for you
    Reveal all your secrets and dreams

    God bless you, my friend,
    From all sorrows, grief and hardships,
    From the heavy thoughts of life's circle,
    Let the sun light up your firmament

    Has long been rooted in me,
    And she became even more than a sister,
    We will warm each other's life with rays,
    Walking with warmth.

    Of all friends, you are the best in the world!
    And I thank fate a hundredfold,
    What's on such a huge planet
    I met my friend!
    We have nothing to share with you from now on
    We can survive everything!
    And I don't know for what reason
    We could not cherish friendship!

    I wish you a lot of happiness
    Defeat bad weather.
    Live for many years as in a fairy tale
    In full health and affection!

    Where can I get such a word
    To say on your birthday?
    Success, joy, enthusiasm!
    And never lose heart.

    If happiness folds its wings,
    And sadness-longing will come
    Or "friend" will not be able to understand
    And twirl at the temple,

    Don't go deep into the depressive
    Do not keep the heaviness in your heart.
    Call me. Have fun.
    We are friends, you must understand.

    Well, if I am adversity
    I will meet on the way
    Then in any bad weather
    I can come to you.

    They say it never happens
    Women's friendship never
    But the Lord Supreme knows:
    We are friends forever!

    Come on girlfriend
    We'll talk to you.
    Let's talk about
    How hard it is to be alone.

    We remember
    The old days.
    And maybe,
    We will not be left alone ...

    How much can we
    Tell each other.
    Wait a bit?

    And keep from the bitterness of the heart,
    Having drunk a bottle of Cahors to the end?
    Here, although rarely,
    We are meeting now.

    And more about losses.
    But we will not leave
    Each other in difficult times.
    So come on
    Let's cry now ...

    All paths are open before you -
    Everywhere luck awaits impatiently
    With you next to me I can walk
    I so want you to be happy!

    And I wish that it was true
    Your choice of business, friend and dear
    So that the light of love illuminates your whole house,
    So that the gods are merciful to you.

    I have you! This is just wonderful!
    We will always support each other, we will understand!
    May Life give you smiles and happiness
    Wonderful Tenderness, good luck in everything!

    Let fate shine with sunshine
    Joy meets you again and again
    And whatever you want will happen sooner
    And there will be Hope with you and Love.

    Thank you dear friend
    For being near you
    When I was very sad
    When I was left alone

    Thank you dear friend
    For your kind words
    For the fact that she managed to support me
    For understanding me

    Thank you you will hear more than once
    More than once you will hear the phone call
    Because I know you can understand me
    You will find the right words

    When I feel sad and lonely
    When I am happy and cheerful
    I will just share this with you
    My dear friend

    And I want you to know
    And to always remember
    What if it becomes difficult for you.

    Thank you for being heaven
    With the bottomless azure of centuries ...
    Thank you for being ashes
    From the past heavy shackles ...

    Thank you for being a bird
    Two strong hopes of the wing ...
    Thank you for being an angel
    My reliable protection ...

    Thank you for being the air
    I live by you on earth ...
    Thank you for being the stars
    Fallen into my hands ...

    Thank you for being the wind
    Time-rotating axis ...
    Thank you for being
    I happened to meet you ...

    I congratulate you on your birthday, my beloved, best friend! I want to wish you good health, endless happiness, and great, mutual love. Always remain the same radiant, sincere, sincere and cheerful person. May all your cherished ones be fulfilled on this wonderful day. dreams. I am very proud that in my life there is such a wonderful person. Know, I am always ready to lend my shoulder, in any situation. I want to say thank you so much for a strong, real friendship! Together we are strong!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    It is very difficult to find a person whom you can completely trust, whom you always understand and accept in everything, and without whom you can no longer imagine your life. I thank the Almighty for giving me such a person, you, my beloved and best friend! Happy birthday to you, I wish you endless happiness, good health and prosperity. I love you very much and will always be there!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Best friend, for me you are like a loved one! We are connected by a lot, the main thing is that we understand and support each other! And today I want you to laugh and rejoice from the heart! Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart, I am making every effort for fun! First of all, I decorate your holiday with your favorite flowers and give a keepsake! Let no forces be destined to separate us! Be happy and remain the brightest person for your entire long life! Let misfortune and illness pass you by! I wish you not to be sad and to have fun, relax and travel more often! And take me with you!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    My dear, ________________ !
    I wish you to be the happiest on your birthday!
    Everything you would like to receive - get it! Everything that I would like to achieve - achieve! Everyone you love - let them love you too! I wish you happiness and good, my best friend in the world!
    - with love, _____ .

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    The best in the world, dear friend!
    On your birthday, I'm far away! And, every now and then, I remember you, and I can not change anything! Life arranged everything the way it wanted, we scattered to different places. I just press the keys of my computer skillfully, and so I hope: you are reading there!
    Happiness to you, be kept by God, peace, love and good luck in everything! And let, one day, the roads intertwine, and you knock quietly at my house!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    My friend is the best, accept from me sincere congratulations on your birthday! You know that I wish you all the best and the best. I love you, and when you are happy, my heart is warm and joyful! Always be happy! And if sadness comes, we will cry together, and it will dissipate like smoke. Women's tears are like spring water that can cleanse the soul. And if there is 2 times more of it, then we will quickly cope with any sadness, friend! But it's better - always shine like an asterisk and frolic like a goat! I wish you strong health and strength of steel for life! But stay the same gentle, kind and beautiful!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    My dear friend, you are inimitable and the best!
    Happy birthday, congratulations! And I wish you the best:
    Home comfort and warmth, luxury and prosperity, peace and happiness!
    Let diseases, problems and troubles pass you by!
    May there always be peace in your soul, and love in your heart!
    May all your wishes come true, my adored friend!

    Best friend in her own words to tears
    Purchased and owned by the site.

    My kind, dear, beloved,
    tender as the sun in spring
    You are the one and only
    I am pleased, dear, to be friends with you

    You are reliable, hardworking
    you always go well
    and, what are you, beautiful friend,
    admire looking at you

    I wish you happiness, dear to you,
    Let the sorrows pass by, by the side
    Stay beautiful forever
    Please us with a wonderful soul.

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    You have become my best friend for a long time! I can't imagine my life path without you! It's great that I have you, and you give so many joys! Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart, my beloved friend! I want to wish that all days brought you only pleasure and happy moments! So that your life becomes a solid big holiday! You deserve a long and kind life! Leave all troubles and diseases to the past! Do not return to him! New pleasant surprises of fate and travel await you! Take me with you and everything will be OK! Kisses, dear!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    Happy birthday to my best friend! And I wish you the best: to make your wishes come true, to be loved and joyful, to be pampered and cherished, bought chic gifts and taken to the best resorts! Dream, it is useful, instead of grieving in vain! You are so beautiful and good-natured, and you deserve great female happiness! What I wish you without measure! Take everything you need from life! And give your sad days to fate! Long years of your life, as well as your unfading youth, beauty and vigor!

    Purchased and owned by the site.

    How to say thank you to a friend for friendship in prose just so briefly in your own words: examples

    Friendship is one of the most important values \u200b\u200bof humanity, which has always been respected, honored and appreciated. People still love their friends, but they cannot always find the right words to express their feelings, devotion and loyalty.

    Saying "Thank you for your friendship" is very difficult and easy at the same time. To do this, you should choose the most accurate and sincere words that will come "from the heart" and "from the soul." In this article, you will find for yourself many ideas and key cliché phrases that will help you build your speech correctly and beautifully in those cases when you congratulate a person, write a letter to him or sign a postcard.

    Variants of words:

    To find a case and a reason to say "thank you" to your girlfriend is not worth spending a lot of effort, time and worries. True friendship has no rules or holidays, it always exists as a treasure guarded by two people.

    Variants of words:

    • Thanks, friend! For always thinking more of me than about myself! You have proven and shown me that true friendship, a committed feeling always has the right to exist between two people.
    • Can I thank you? Thank you friend that not knowing rest and tranquility, you always tried to wipe away my tears, support me in difficult life situations and say “be strong then” when I lost heart.
    • Thank you for the true feelings that you are experiencing towards me! It was you who taught me to experience, feel this world and see it in bright colors.
    • If I could live one more life, I would definitely want to live it with you, my friend! It seems to me that there are no more sunny and pleasant people in life like you! May God grant you a lot of health and strength so that you will be with me for many, many years in a row!
    • There are good and kind people in the world and you, my good one, are one of them! I simply cannot imagine my gray and boring everyday life without your bright and colorful smile, which inspires and inspires! You taught me to look at the world positively and colorfully, and I will always answer you with warmth to any request, word.

    Friendship and words of gratitude to friends

    Warm and pleasant words of gratitude to your beloved friend for friendship in prose: text

    Words of gratitude are a pleasant little thing that holds friendship together, making it strong and faithful, sunny and bright, long and the most REAL. Do not hesitate to thank your girlfriends and friends for the relationship that exists between you and they will definitely answer you in kind.

    Variants of words:

    • Thank you, friend, for choosing me! I don't know what you saw in me, but the day we met, my world suddenly became brighter and more colorful!
    • Whatever one may say, but without you I cannot! Thank you, dear, for the lightness, tenderness, joy and loyalty of our relationship. I will be grateful to you for another hundred years in a row!
    • How you want to live not one, but thousands of lives with you , friend! I wish everyone in this world to find the same feeling that we share with you!
    • There are few kind people in the world, but you, my friend, are at the top of their TOP list! I was so lucky to get to know you and make a strong, faithful, devoted friendship!
    • I wish you, friend, a lot of good and happiness! Live, my friend, many good years to please me for a very long time. I thank you for all the warmth that you were able to give just like that, free of charge, from the heart and soul!
    • You are beautiful and kind, sweet, attentive, smart! Such a friend as you, I will never find anywhere else! Thank you for your patience and for never insulting me over trifles. You are a wonderful person!
    • Finding a good person in this world is a real rarity! But, I found you, which means I am very lucky! I very much appreciate our friendship and will never allow anyone to break it!
    • There are so many people in this world and not one is not like you, friend! You are so wonderful, attentive, delicate, sensual, happy, joyful, beautiful! It's so good that you are my friend!
    • Please accept my words of gratitude! Don't be angry, don't be offended, don't be angry with me, friend! I value our friendship so much, because it is perhaps the most valuable thing I have! Thank you, dear, for your 100% understanding and sympathy in any matter and question. YOU are the best in the world! You are my dear person!

    The best and kindest words of gratitude for friendship and wishes in honor of friendship to the best friend in prose: text


    • Not everyone in this world is lucky to have a best friend! But I have it! I am sincerely proud of and admire this, because she is a valuable and expensive treasure. If I have a problem - I will turn to a friend, if I need help - I will ask a friend, if I feel bad - I will only complain to a friend. Thank you, darling, that you are round-the-clock support and support for me, that you are my umbrella in the pouring rain, that you are my raft in the bottomless ocean and you are my ray of light in a dark cave.
    • If something happens to me - I run to you! If someone upsets me - I run to you, if I am unlucky in something - you help me. It is a great joy to have a friend like you! I am insanely and infinitely grateful to you for everything that you do for me!
    • My words of gratitude are nothing compared to what I feel for you, my friend! I love you so faithfully and faithfully, sincerely and purely, tenderly and strongly, that it is simply beyond words! Be with me for the rest of my life, please! You are one of the closest people to me, you are my family!
    • You are my sister! It's all the same that you and I are not blood relatives! I love you and feel every note of your mood, so I know when you feel good or bad. The same thing, you probably feel in my direction. Be cheerful and let it be easy for you every day in life, so that together we can experience the joys and sweets of our days!

    What to write, tell your best friend touching to tears about friendship, so that she bursts into tears?

    Words that “can bring to tears” are those sensual, subtle emotional phrases that literally “knock out” feelings from a person, forcing them to manifest in tears. Choose the most tender lines to thank your good friend for friendship.


    • The whole world turns gray and uninteresting if you don't smile next to me! I don't even want to imagine that one day the day may come when I will lose you and never find you.
    • When I'm lost in this world, be it just another hurt bewildered or by difficulties leading to the “wrong path”, you always help me “get on my feet” and find the truth. For this I thank you and want to say that I love you very much!
    • I love you so much that I wish only goodness and prosperity! I don’t want you to meet a bad person on the path of life, I don’t want to see your tears and hear that you are disappointed in life!
    • How happy I am with you and how sad I am without you! Be always there, friend, because I do not know how to cope with the dullness of everyday life and everyday affairs, without your support and advice. Thank you for your devoted love, I try to respond in kind. If I have ever been able to offend you with something - forgive me, because you know that all this is not out of malice, but out of stupidity. You are my joy and you are my everything!

    How to sincerely and warmly thank your beloved friend for friendship, joy in your own words: words, text, examples

    For those experiences and feelings that exist between you and your best friend, it is not a sin to thank. If you express your gratitude, the person will understand how anxious, sincere and faithful you are in friendship.

    Variants of words:

    • Thank you for inspiring friendship once! And this feeling is sweet to me sincerely, from my heart. I am grateful to you, I admire you, I want to be like you. You are the sun among the circles of darkness, I love you as myself!
    • Any holiday, event and family event i want to see you by my side! You are my family, despite the fact that our blood is different. I sincerely worry about you and I care how your life turns out!
    • Please accept my simple words of gratitude for so many years what we have experienced together! You are a wonderful person! I love you with all my heart and will never trade you for anyone! You taught me to appreciate and recognize people, to look into the future with smiles and hopes!
    • How good it is for me next to you, friend! Now I don't know how to live without each other! You are what makes me wake up, in the morning without the mood to smile. Our whole life is made of hundreds of vivid memories and in each one there is always you! Thank you for everything! Thank you for being there!

    What can you say thank you to a friend for?

    Do you need a big reason to just say "Thank you" to a dear person? Of course not! Just don't hold back your feelings when you feel gratitude, devotion and love for your beloved friend!

    For which you can say thank you to a friend, options:

    Variants of words and phrases:

    • Friendship is our treasure. I won't sell it, I won't divide it, I won't sell it. Thank you, my friend, that you are always there, that you are always kind to me as to yourself.
    • Thank you, my dear and valuable friend, that you stay with me through the years and hundreds of life's problems. I appreciate your every deed and will always respond only with good deeds and deeds.
    • Thank you friend! Just accept my "thank you" without hesitation or objection, because it comes from the heart.
    • The kind of friendship that you gave me that you can't find anywhere else. I keep it in my heart and will never share it with anyone.
    • If you weren't there my best friend I would be the most lost creature on this planet and in this world. Thank you for your support and all the hopes that you put in me!
    • My friend! You seem to be fused from gold! I love and appreciate you so much that there are simply not enough words to express all my love and gratitude!

    How to say beautifully "Thank you for friendship" to friends: text, words of gratitude to friends for friendship

    Variants of words and phrases:

    • Dear friends! You are a real family, which consists only of close, kind, sunny and pleasant people! Thank you for whatever happens in my life, you are always there and with me!
    • My dear people! You are not just friends, you are angels! You are the ones I can count on, whom I can ask for help and support! Thank you, friends, for a good example, for the sincerity of deeds and words!
    • My friends are my wealth! And I am sincerely glad that I got just such “golden” friends! You are a gift of fate! I will love you forever, faithfully and until the end of my days!
    • Whatever one may say, but without you, my friends, I will not survive! You are like thousands of lifebuoys for me in this huge ocean of problems and gray everyday life! Thank you for your support and understanding, for the joys that you share with me and for the problems that you hide from me!

    How to thank a man, a guy for friendship: beautiful and kind words of gratitude in prose

    If you have a loyal and devoted man friend, you can also thank him for being your support and support.

    Options and phrases:

    • Thank you, (Person's name)! You have proven that strong, loyal and loyal friendship exists in this world! I know that you can always “rely” on your shoulder, that you will not refuse help and will find the right way out in any situation!
    • My dear friend! How you wish there were as many people like you in this world as possible! I want to give you thousands of pleasant words, kind gifts and happy days! Always be successful and always get only joy from life!
    • When I'm sad and hard you are there and this is the greatest gift that a person can give to a person. Thank you for not leaving me in difficult life situations, that you always find a word and a way to “get out” of any problems.
    • You are the path to happiness! I am grateful (grateful) to life for such a gift as you! After all, it is you who will always help, always support, always solve and put “in place” problems!

    Friendship Posts in Prose: Examples

    Posts are those records that a person leaves on social networks on pages, Internet sites, forums, and so on. They are needed in order to convey mood and create an atmosphere. It is in fasting that you can express your devotion and love for a friend, using not only your thoughts, but also quotes, aphorisms and words of famous people about friendship. Friendship Quotes and Posts # 4

    Thank you for your friendship: examples

    You can not only buy or order such cards on the Internet, but also make them yourself, draw, download and sign an image (for example, by sending it by e-mail). Browse through the thank you cards to choose the one that works for you and your friend. Feel free to express your love and devotion, as this will only cement your relationship and make it better.

    Options for greeting and ordinary cards for a friend with thanks:

    Postcard "Thank you for friendship" No. 1

    Thank you for your friendship # 2

    Postcard "Thank you for friendship" No. 3

    Thank you for your friendship # 4

    Postcard "Thank you for your friendship" No. 5

    Video: "Congratulations: thanks for the friendship!"