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  • Portal creation. What is an Internet portal An Internet portal is called

    Portal creation. What is an Internet portal An Internet portal is called

    A web portal is a site that provides users with various interactive services that operate on a single resource. The information on their pages is published in a uniform manner, regardless of sources. Such sites not only offer a search function, but also services such as email, forum, voting, etc.


    By specialization information

    Horizontal portal... It is a general purpose, multi-subject site that presents a set of services that serve all of them whenever possible. It is focused on the maximum coverage of the interests of a wide audience. The field of activity of horizontal web portals often overlaps with the media. Examples: Yahoo !,, Yandex and others.

    Vertical portal. This is a niche site with a narrow topic. It provides services for Internet users based on specific interests and is focused on the fullest possible coverage of a specific topic or field of activity.

    By focus

    Corporate portal. On such a site, personalized access to corporate services, information resources, applications for solving various problems is provided. This type of web portal is created for customers, partners, and employees of the same organization.

    Public portal... Available for an unlimited number of users. It provides each of them with any information and services. Typically, a public portal is owned by a company and is part of its business. Mail.Ru can be cited as an example. Nevertheless, such a web portal does not belong to the corporate one, since data about the company itself is rarely published on it.

    Enterprise Portal Architecture

    A typical resource has three functional layers:

    1. Basic infrastructure. Ensures the operation of the security system, portal management, transactions. The underlying infrastructure includes a Web server, database servers, and application servers.
    2. Application Integration. Responsible for the interaction of the portal with various systems of the company, DBMS, CRM, ERP, etc.
    3. Interface. The layer includes CSM for content management, as well as tools for working with wireless and mobile devices, services for exchanging data with projects of business partners, portlets (software modules).

    Features of Web portals

    • Direct access to all posted information.
    • One access to all applications.
    • Availability of data retrieval tools.
    • Extensibility, application integration.
    • Publication of documents, document flow support.
    • Availability of documentation catalogs.
    • Support for group work of users.
    • Managing the work of user groups.
    • Personalization of access.

    The next generation corporate web portals are also characterized by the following properties.

    • Flexible and powerful application development tools.
    • A reliable environment for their implementation.
    • Compliance with the requirements for information systems of enterprises.
    • Support for wireless and mobile access.
    • The ability to integrate with partner information systems and other applications.

    How to create a portal

    Various means are used for this purpose. Let's consider a few popular ones.

    InfoExchange Portal (from companyBroadVision)

    Using this tool, you can create portals of the following types:

    • B2E and B2C;
    • to exchange information with suppliers and partners;
    • enterprise portals with tools to manage unstructured and structured content, support for internal transactions, remote administration, teamwork and personalization.

    Personalization can be carried out in accordance with the user's role and taking into account his behavior on the site, tasks, goals, location, time. Each user can change the look of the site for easy access to applications. Working with documents and data is also role-based.

    WebSphere Portal Server (fromIBM)

    WPS offer is suitable for building corporate and horizontal portals. Using a portlet, the system gives access to data, applications and experts. WebSphere Portal Server provides data spanning news agency information, unstructured content, third-party application packages, office suites, content management systems, and file systems.

    In WPS, you can create a corporate portal for customers, employees, business partners. This IBM product includes content categorization and structuring, security, document management, personalization.

    SharePoint Server (from Microsoft)

    This server application can be used to provide content management tools for portals, ensure user collaboration, implement business processes, and provide access to information important to organizational processes. The system offers various means for quickly creating publishing nodes and managing content.

    Using SharePoint Server, they organize portals for effective collaboration among organization users, create personal sites for centralized management of their own documents, and host XML business forms integrated with other applications.

    In addition to these funds, there are the following:

    • Oracle 9iAS Portal,
    • iPlanet Portal Server,
    • Enterprise Portal,
    • Sybase Enterprise Portal and others.

    The term "portal" is borrowed from architecture. This is Anglicism, which has the following meanings: door, gate, arch. That is, this word means "entrance" to some kind of room. In other words, a portal is a door.

    Meaning on the internet

    What does this mean on the world wide web? In principle, everything is by analogy. A portal is a web resource from which you enter other sites. It is the first link in the chain for the search for information by the user (user) on the "paths" of the Internet.

    The portal is a library of data in various formats: audio, video, text, image, etc., or a search guide that connects the user with the data he needs. The entire Internet is such an information warehouse. And the information site helps to find the necessary data, opening the gates to them. This, as it were, symbolizes the meaning of the word "portal". The path consists of tracks (nodes), between which links are followed.

    Difference from a simple site

    Metaphorically speaking, an Internet portal is a system of pointers, direction signs on an information highway. An information warehouse can also be a large site with a large amount of data. That is, the differences between an Internet portal and an ordinary site are that the first has an abundant number of links to other resources, and the second does not. The number of pages, content and users does not make a portal out of the site.

    On the other hand, most sites have links to other resources. And therefore, the border between the portal and the site is invisible for many. Even an entertainment resource of a separate campaign with several links has the right to be called a portal.

    What qualities should he possess?

    The word "portal" was very popularized, and began to be used where it did not belong. Virtually any Internet resource is called a portal. People often do not bother to first learn the meaning of a term and then use it. Therefore, there is a substitution of concepts, and the real portal is a collection of some distinctive features.

    So, the data library (content), various services, links to sites, etc. should be arranged conveniently for each user.

    A good and usable internet portal must have the following qualities:

    • A large number of users. The flow should increase regularly and not "waste away".
    • User-friendly interface, attractive design, high speed of loading web pages.
    • A significant amount of information, intelligently synchronized and easy to find.
    • The resource should not need its own advertising.

    Corporate portal

    Improvement of the site is increasingly accompanied by in-house information projects, which are something like a closed club. This happens because personalized access to the control system or information system is usually obtained by employees of the company that owns the portal. Sometimes such can be provided to a certain circle of other persons (permanent partners or clients of the company).

    Despite this, some resources of the corporate portal may still be available to the public, but it is the personalized access to the main component of information resources and services that is its general difference.

    Vertical portal

    A vertical Internet portal is a site with a narrow subject area. It provides users with many services for specific interests and is aimed at full coverage of a specific subject or field of human activity. It can be an information portal or an entertainment portal.

    If the topic of the vertical portal is quite interesting, then a "community" or "community" can form around it - a permanent group of people who will, to one degree or another, keep in touch with each other in its chat.

    Mixed portal

    For personal promotion, for example, after completing work on creating a 1C-Bitrix store, most people fill the pages of their web resources with various information. Often, the resource is overgrown with more detailed reference information related to the offered goods, articles on the store topics, etc. Thus, each such site turns into a mixed Internet portal that combines a serious business component and a significant amount of information.

    Similar behavior can be observed on the other hand - many vertical portals began to include and develop various business components in their special sections, which also gives the right to consider them mixed.

    Horizontal portal

    A generic or horizontal web portal, also sometimes called a generic portal, is a web resource that covers a variety of topics and provides the user with a wide range of services that, if possible, serve all the topics covered by it. Such a web resource is aimed at the largest possible audience and at its maximum scale of interests.

    These sites combine many different functions, offer different types of content and many services. This can be news, weather information, financial reports; entertainment, interactive and gaming services, etc. That is, each such project is a versatile information portal.

    Government projects

    In addition to information and entertainment portals, projects for payment and verification of various services provided by government organizations have recently become especially popular. As the number of Internet users is growing every year and the turnover of payments through the network is increasing rapidly, a portal of public services was created. Today, such resources exist both of federal and local significance. With their help, you can pay taxes and fines, as well as submit various applications (for obtaining a passport, for example).

    For gamers

    There are also many resources, the main subject of which is devoted to games. On them you can find not only the games themselves, but also various information about them, many thematic articles, as well as communities of players, where like-minded people communicate and discuss tournaments. Each such game portal has many sections and links, and can be dedicated to one game or many.

    Portals are websites that act as a single source for all information in a specific area. A high-quality web portal offers the user a wide range of information arranged in a way that will be most convenient for the user to access. In the conditions of proper development, implementation and support, the web portal becomes the starting point of entry for most web users, providing access to information posted even on other resources on the Internet. It becomes a gathering place for a generalized group of people who often converge on age, profession or hobby.

    Web portals are essentially browser-based applications that enable a variety of activities, including business transactions, such as setting up a product's supply chain. Portals open access to structured and unstructured data, integrate applications that help perform user functions. They also provide real-time access to current and consistent information. Examples of popular web portals include Yahoo, MSN, and others.

    Portal types:

    Portals can be differentiated based on their content and intended users. They can be divided into the following:

    Vertical portals (Vortals)

    These web portals focus on only one specific industry, area or vertical. Vertical portals or vortals provide tools, information, articles, research and statistics for a specific industry or vertical. When the Internet became a standard business tool, vortals provided the ideal gateway for businesses to market their products and services. Thus, for the sake of sales growth, organizations developed their own vortals. A classic example of a vertical portal would be, which focused on computer and computer related topics,, a music portal that focused on MP3 music. In most cases, vertical portals offer information and services tailored to a niche audience or a specific area of \u200b\u200binterest. Vertical industry portals, known as vortals, sites that provide access to information related to a particular industry, such as insurance, cars, and so on.

    There are countless possibilities for creating vertical portals in the market. Numerous solutions can be divided into two main groups, which are partially overlaid on each other:

    Corporate portals:

    Creation of personalized access to certain types of information for / about a specific company.

    Commercial portals:

    Support for corporate clients and delivery of e-commerce services to consumers.

    Horizontal portals

    These web portals focus on a wide range of interests and topics. They focus on a wide audience and try to provide information for everyone. Horizontal portals try to act as a starting point for web surfers on the Internet, providing content on topics of interest to the user and directing the user to other resources beyond the field of complete information. Thus, horizontal portals act as a nexus for an entire network of websites. Classic examples of horizontal web portals are, and others. They provide users with information on a wide variety of topics. Horizontal portals target the entire Internet community. These sites, often referred to as “megaportals,” usually include search engines and provide the user with the ability to personalize the page by offering different channels like regional weather, stock quotes or news.

    Intranet portals (Corporate portals)

    These portals are designed and maintained for use by members of a local or enterprise network. In today's demanding business environment, the key to employee productivity is speed of access to the information and resources they need. The overall goal of corporate portals is to provide employees with access to the necessary information, with the possibility of regular updating of the latter. Together with them, the portal offers access to documents, applications needed in the work, instructions. Portal services offer email and messaging, video conferencing, and so on.

    Knowledge portals

    Knowledge portals are very useful for knowledge workers because they provide easy access to information that may be necessary or useful for a user in a particular situation. Knowledge portals are not just web portals, as they very often offer interactions between users, better access to information, or a knowledge map.

    Corporate portals

    Manufacturing portals (sometimes called corporate portals) provide personalized access to an appropriate range of information about a particular company. Corporate portals have become one of the hottest know-how on the Internet. Originally called Intranet portals, corporate portals existed for the benefit of their employees, but portal tools have evolved to help the company's business partners (suppliers and customers) with information. Unlike public web portals, corporate portals aim to provide a virtual workspace for each individual user, be it a manager, employee, supplier or customer. Rather than providing access to company services, information and products, corporate portals are designed to give each user access to the information they need to do their jobs.

    A company's public website cannot automatically become a corporate portal by itself. It can become so only if it installs the personalization (authorization) module and additional navigation functions, as many companies do.

    More modern corporate portal solutions include access via mobile devices like cell phones, PDAs and others.

    Portals - Virtual Markets

    Virtual marketplaces exist for customer support and e-commerce.

    The main functionalities of such portals include:

    1. Software for e-commerce transactions.
    2. Tools for searching and accessing information about products for sale.
    3. Tools for participating in discussion groups with other suppliers and / or buyers.

    Prepared based on materials from the site

    Web portals and types of web portals, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

    Portal types

    It is customary to call horizontal portals covering many topics, such as Yahoo or Yandex; typical is the emergence of a portal around a search engine. Specialized thematic portals are called vertical. It is also accepted to subdivide portals into international and regional (Yahoo belongs to the first type, and Yandex, concentrated mainly on the Runet, to the second). In addition, portals are subdivided into public and corporate.

    Public portals target all Web users. They are the Internet equivalent of public libraries; anyone can go in and tinker with everything on the screen (Yahoo !, MSN, etc.).

    Corporate portals are often opposed to public ones. The corporate portal is distinguished by its focus on a specific type of users (employees, partners). Although such portals often have an external interface for public use, it differs in the provided capabilities from the internal one.

    There is also another interpretation of the definition of horizontal and vertical portals. A horizontal portal is a portal that does not depend on the corporate information system of an enterprise. That is, such a portal must have its own user base, authorization, etc.

    A vertical portal is a website that is integrated into the corporate information system (CIS) of a company. Integration can be carried out at the portal login level (for example, an LDAP or Kerberos server can be used) or at lower levels, such as the integration of an online store with the company's accounting system.

    Technical details

    The intensive development of portals is facilitated by a number of software products that allow to combine information from various sources into a single space. Software products working in this way are usually called portal solutions... Portal solutions are related, in particular, to single sign-on technology Single Sign On (the user moves from one section of the portal to another without re-authorization), the organization of data transfer between different applications used by the user in the course of work on the portal, etc. According to the established standards among such leaders of the information technology industry as IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, portal solutions should, firstly, provide users with the ability to personalize the appearance and content (personalization), and secondly, have a modular structure, consist of so-called portlets, the set of which can be relatively easily changed by the portal administrator ...

    Use of the term

    The lack of terminology of many users and the obvious for content producers the attractiveness of positioning their Internet projects as portals (both because the portal is the most powerful type of network resource, and because the portal, by design, provides the user with ample opportunities for choice) have led to a blurring of the meaning of the concept: today portals are often referred to as simply large sites with a branched internal structure and a large number of links. However, if most of these links are internal, that is, sending the user to another page of the same site, then it is illegal to call such a site an Internet portal.

    see also



    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


    See what the "Internet portal" is in other dictionaries:

      Sush., Number of synonyms: 1 portal (18) Dictionary of synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

      A web site that provides the Internet user with various interactive services operating within one web site, such as mail, search, weather, news, forums, discussions, voting, etc. (portal from Latin porta gate) Business Dictionary ... ... Business Glossary

      - (from the English portal "main entrance; gate") a website that provides the Internet user with various interactive services operating within a single website, such as mail, search, weather, news, forums, discussions, polls, etc. ... ... Wikipedia

      internet portal - Internet port al, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

      Internet portal "Kinopoisk" - Kinopoisk - an Internet portal dedicated to cinematography, which contains information about films, TV series, actors, directors. Its users can learn about new films and series, and exchange opinions about the content. According to… … Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

      Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region - the state information system, which is a collection of information, including that contained in the database, and means that provide search, storage, processing, provision and dissemination of information, created with the help of ... ... Official terminology

      The official Internet portal of legal information ... Wikipedia

      federal educational Internet portal - 3.1 educational Internet portal of the federal level: An information system designed for a wide range of users to access information resources and educational services using information telecommunication ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      Web (web (Internet) -portal - an integrated web resource that provides a single interface for users to access various information resources, software applications and web services based on the use of both their own IS and those external to it ... ... Official terminology

      Educational Internet portal of the federal level - Educational Internet portal of the federal level: an information system designed for a wide range of users to access information resources and educational services using an information telecommunication network ... Official terminology


    • Front-line and military intelligence officers in the Battle of Stalingrad (in documents and persons), Igor Lavrentievich Burnusov. In preparing the essays, the author relied on documents stored in the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (registration and service cards, documents: F. 206. Op. 275. D. 18, 3; Op. ...

    The word "portal" comes from the English portal, which means "entrance, gate". Translation affects all the meanings of a given word that are in Russian.

    Below we will talk in more detail about what a portal is, consider the different meanings of this word.

    Portal word meanings

    • In architecture, the main entrance of a large structure is called a portal.
    • In technology, a portal is called a metal supporting structure in the shape of the letter P. Such a portal is used when installed at the height of the working part of the machine.
    • There is also a drug called Portal, an antidepressant made from fluoxetine.
    • Portal is a popular science fiction word that denotes a gap in time-space, thanks to which one can instantly move between time or space. Such portals are popular in science fiction literature and films, as well as in computer games. Also, this word denotes a corridor, a transition from one place to another. Such a portal, for example, may look like a window with a luminous outline (as in the computer game Portal).
    • The word "web portal" is used on the Internet. Such a portal is called a large site that combines various services. For more information on what web portals are, see the article.
    • Also "Portal" is the name of the Kiev fantasy convention.

    These are the basic meanings of the word "portal". If you suddenly have an idea to create your own portal, then our article will help in its implementation.