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  • Shrimp chips: composition and recipes. Shrimp chips Guangzhou Pantang food Co

    Shrimp chips: composition and recipes. Shrimp chips Guangzhou Pantang food Co

    We all know well that fish is the most valuable and nutritious product. Health experts say that fish should be present in our diet at least a couple of times a week. Everyone who plans a long and active life needs to take care of eating fish and problems should not arise here ... There are a lot of culinary masterpieces using fish. In this article, we will focus on lean fish and their benefits to our body.

    The nutritional value of fish consists of proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins and depends on their activity and ability to be absorbed by the human body. Any fish is rich in protein, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and sodium. Fish protein is easier to digest than meat protein. The presence of easily digestible protein in fish allows a person to quickly overcome the feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the stomach after a hearty meal. The property of fish to be absorbed by the body faster than that of meat is especially important for all kinds of feasts and celebrations, when, according to Russian custom, a rich table is laid, a mandatory emphasis should be placed on the fish menu. Here interesting dishes can be Mimosa salad, fish soup (even cooked from cod), barbecue or steaks (even from the same cod) fried on the grill, and for dessert fruit salad with shrimps. To tell the truth, recent scientific studies have shown that the phosphorus contained in fish is not highly active and is poorly absorbed by the human body, and the iron in fish is moderately active and cannot compete in absorption with beef or beef liver iron. Until the end of the 60s, pollock was considered a trash fish, i.e. fish that does not represent any value in the human nutrition system. Until now, most experts and consumers have a similar opinion about such fish as blue whiting. Some people consider pollock not very useful and necessary fish. Otherwise, except for harmful fish - all fish are useful due to protein, fat and iodine. By eating fish 2-3 times a week, you will provide your body with iodine, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is especially useful for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in the first years of babies' life. The human body itself prompts what needs to be eaten and requires certain food. You should not refuse him - he takes revenge for it. How many such stories were there when a losing weight person lost 5 kg of weight and then gained 25 ?! Countless. It is important to know when to stop. Contrary to the fad for exhausting diets, it is beneficial to eat fatty sea fish at around 100 grams per day. Then your body receives essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, the most important of which is Omega-3. Even if the consumer refuses fatty foods altogether, the human body will still be saturated with cholesterol. The fact is that the human body independently produces cholesterol, the level of which is not so easy to control. Fish oil helps the human body to produce "correct" cholesterol, which, on the contrary, "bad" cholesterol fights against blockage of blood vessels. This, at first glance, unfashionable step towards fat, in fact, leads to a healthier cardiovascular system, which is in the first place in the fatal risk group. In addition, any fatty fish is rich in water-soluble vitamin B12 and fat-soluble A and D. There are no carbohydrates in fish at all, which should definitely please the supporters of carbohydrate diets. A significant amount of carbohydrates is found in mussels, a small amount in squid, cuttlefish and octopus, and the most scanty amount in shrimp.

    Shrimp chips or crumbs are not the most common dish in Russian cuisine, although this particular appetizer is always welcomed by guests at feasts in Asia or the USA. These chips look boring, transparent. They seem to be made of soft plastic, but this is only a first impression. Having tasted properly cooked shrimp chips once, a person falls in love with them forever.

    Features and composition

    In Malaysia, such a snack is a national dish. There it is made from flour, starch, ground seafood and fish. In general, there are several cooking variations. This ingredient can often be found on the Chinese table, in Indonesia and the Philippines. In recent years, the product has been appreciated by gourmets from the Netherlands - here it also came to taste and became a popular snack. A dry store product usually consists of dried ground shrimp, sugar, salt and water. There is a small amount of fats and proteins in chips, mainly carbohydrates. On average, 100 grams of a product contains about 350 kcal.

    Raw chips are fried over high heat in a large amount of oil. A wok is usually used for frying, and it takes no more than two minutes to cook. By the way, before you start frying, it is worth considering that the volume of the finished product will increase 3-5 times after heat treatment, so do not overdo it with the amount. Usually cooked chips turn white or light brown after being fried. It all depends on the composition, which, in turn, is determined by the recipe. When natural dyes are added, the chips are dyed in more attractive bright colors. Dry pieces can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Finished fried chips are also stored for quite a long time - more than two weeks.

    How to use?

    Shrimp chips are consumed differently in different cultures. For example, in Europe they are used instead of bread. In some countries, sauce is served with chips. It is allowed to use them as the main dish, and in some places large convex chips are even used as spoons. Sometimes this peculiar snack is served as an addition to other dishes. Another option is to grind and toss in hot broth or sprinkle on salad. In Russia, those who have already got acquainted with the new product prefer to prepare it for beer.

    You can buy ready-made dry crackers for further frying at a store, for example, in the Oriental section (usually they offer Chinese chips). You can also cook them yourself.

    How to cook?

    Making homemade shrimp chips is not difficult, even an inexperienced housewife can handle it. This is a great snack to keep for an unexpected visit. The dish will be greeted with pleasure by the household, and its preparation will take a minimum of time. Try one of the recipes below for an unusual snack.

    Classic recipe


    • shrimp or crab meat;
    • cassava starch (if this ingredient is not in the store, you can replace it with potato);
    • salt and pepper to taste;
    • vegetable oil.

    Cooking is a fairly straightforward process.

    1. The seafood is thawed and minced in a blender.
    2. Add starch to the resulting minced meat in a ratio of 1: 1, salt and pepper, all stir in purified water.
    3. Make a loaf of dough and leave in a double boiler for 40 minutes.
    4. Cool and put in the freezer for another 40 minutes.
    5. The loaf is cut into thin slices and dried on a windowsill in the sun (this usually takes about a week).

    Homemade shrimp chips are ready. Now they can be folded into a bag and put into the refrigerator, or you can immediately fry in a pan in a large amount of oil and serve. It is allowed to use seasonings that can give the dish an even more piquant taste and aroma.

    Another option for cooking the product is in the microwave. For this, the workpieces are laid out on a dish and the device is turned on at medium power. Keep a close eye on the chips, take them out as soon as the crackers have grown significantly. By the way, this is a dietary cooking option, so it is more suitable for people who monitor their health and keep their figure in shape. Microwave chips are drier, but retain their flavor and incredible aroma.

    However, microwave cooking is possible only with a quality appliance. If the heating is uneven, the chips may "bubble" and remain tough in places. Shrimp chips can be served as a snack, or you can cook some exotic dish with them.


    You will need:

    • peeled peanuts - 100 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • jaggery sugar - 25 g;
    • bitter pepper - 2 pcs.;
    • shrimp sauce - 0.5 tsp;
    • tamarind paste - 0.5 tsp;
    • half a lime;
    • soy sauce;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • soybean sprouts - 100 g;
    • kenyan beans - 100 g;
    • tofu cheese - 100 g;
    • croup;
    • salt to taste.

    Cooking includes several stages.

    1. Nuts are fried without oil and ground in a blender along with garlic, sugar, shrimp and tamarind paste, sauce, lime juice and water (120 ml).
    2. If the mixture is very thick, you can add some water.
    3. Tofu is fried well in a pan.
    4. Fry the croup.
    5. Boil eggs and potatoes. Cut into large slices.
    6. The beans are blanched for a couple of minutes, the soy sprouts are blanched for about half a minute.
    7. Put all the products on one dish, without stirring, sprinkle with peanut sauce on top.

    This dish is considered Indonesian. Its incredible taste and aroma will definitely not leave guests indifferent. Serve "Gado Gado" hot or cold.

    If you want to always have a few packs of light and tasty shrimp chips in stock, use our online store. So you can always treat friends who suddenly dropped by for a visit. This is often a good option for a light dinner when you don't have the energy or time to do some serious cooking. After you fry the prawn shrimp chips, be sure to place them on a paper towel to absorb the excess oil. You can also leave a few crispy chips in the morning for breakfast or take with you as a light snack at work or school.

    We offer an exclusively original product from China. It can be prepared not only by frying in oil: shrimp chips are cooked in the microwave. True, not every microwave oven will heat them evenly, like butter in a wok, but the result is also very good, and many amateurs cook them only in this way, avoiding excess calories in the form of oil for frying. Having decided to buy prawn crackers shrimp chips in our online store, you will receive them quickly and at an attractive price.

    There are many original and unusual dishes in the Asian cookbook. By the way, you probably are fully confident that chips are an invention of the "decaying" West, in particular the United States. However, for example, the same shrimp chips are an Asian privilege. And they began to use them here long before American fast food. Seemingly unsightly, resembling plastic tokens in an uncooked form, semi-finished products look boring. But when you fry them in oil or the microwave, they look very appetizing and crunch pleasantly on your teeth. And the taste and aroma - you just lick your fingers! Well, shall we try to cook it too?

    Shrimp chips: a little history

    This dish is common in most of the Pacific Rim countries. For example, chips, or cereals, made from flour of various origins, as well as starch, from crushed pre-dried seafood and fish, is a national dish in Malaysia. These crispy thin mugs have many cooking options. And under different names they are present in other regions of Asia, as well as in some regions of the PRC. Shrimp chips are popular in Indonesia and the Philippines. And already in the last century, this product has expanded its distribution in countries that have historical ties with these areas: in the Netherlands, in the past - the Indonesian metropolis.

    Shrimp chips: how to cook?

    This kind of Asian chips can be made from various ingredients: starch and rice or other flour, dried seafood, powdered, fish and vegetables with dried fruits. These sources can be mixed in different proportions. Shrimp chips are among the common types. This dish is prepared both from pure seafood and with the addition of starch.

    Simple Malaysian technology

    The traditional recipe for shrimp chips is pretty simple. The shrimp used for production is usually first dried (peeled and raw) on special sheets in the air, then ground into a powdery mass, which in pure form or mixed with flour (starch) plus salt is kneaded in water. From the resulting steep dough, small and thin cakes are prepared (as a rule, up to ten centimeters in diameter and three millimeters thick), which are then laid out and also dried under natural conditions.

    Then the previously obtained semi-finished products are fried over a good fire in a huge amount of vegetable oil, usually in a wok, quickly - within just a couple of minutes. It can be recognized as characteristic of the dish that from frying the plate, being saturated with oil, increases in size: the finished chipsina is usually much more raw in volume (3-5 times). Depending on the ingredients, the final product has a color range from white to light brown. But if natural dyes are also used, then different shades of brighter can be obtained. Ready-made chips can be stored in a tightly closed container for at least 2 weeks, and dry pieces can be stored for a much longer time.

    How is it used

    The dish can be eaten both as an appetizer before the main meal, and as an independent meal. In many cases, by the way, chips with shrimp or other seafood play about the same role that bread products play at the European table. Moreover, krupuk can be dipped in various kinds of sauces. And it is convenient to scoop liquid or friable dishes with large and convex plates of chips, using them as spoons. Chips are traditionally served as an addition to some Indonesian dishes (for example, nasi goreng). Among other things, some dishes, such as hot soup, and ketoprak, which is a kind of salad, are usually sprinkled with chopped chips on top.

    At home

    In the conditions of modern cuisine, in principle, any home cook - even a beginner - is able to move on to this: to sculpt krupuk and treat them to relatives or guests. How to cook shrimp chips? You will need the following ingredients: shrimp or crab meat, cassava starch (this is such a root tropical plant, but you can do it with potatoes if you don't have it, they are very similar), salt by eye, pepper to taste, lean oil for frying.


    1. Defrost the meat of peeled shrimps, grind with a blender, add starch (the proportion is about one to one, but you can vary), salt and pepper - on the tip of a knife.
    2. Knead the dough with purified water to make it cooler. Roll up the mass and give it the shape of a loaf. We put for forty minutes in a double boiler.
    3. We take out, cool. Then put it in the freezer for another 30-40 minutes.
    4. In this case, the dough should be of a cheese consistency.
    5. We cut the "bar" into thin plates (about three millimeters thick) and lay out to dry in the sun.
    6. Wait until dry (usually this process takes up to a week).
    7. After drying, the semi-finished product can be fried in boiling vegetable oil, or it can be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator and, as necessary, make a ready-made dish that turns out to be crispy and aromatic.

    By the way, you can cook shrimp chips in the microwave. And at the same time, do without oil at all (which is especially valuable for those who are used to keeping an eye on their figure, but want to pamper themselves with oriental delights). For cooking, you just need to get the semi-finished product out of the refrigerator and turn on the microwave at medium power, putting the chips on the dish. They do not prepare for long, but you can find out what it is time to take out by their appearance: the plates increase significantly in size. Enjoy it all!