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  • Munchkin can decks be mixed. Munchkin

    Munchkin can decks be mixed. Munchkin

    The Munchkin game is a localization of the Munchkin board game. In Russian, the game, no matter how hard you try, takes on a new sound, but it remains reckless, dynamic and gloating. Role-playing taunting on simple, but sometimes deliberately vague rules mocks noble elves, wise mages, brave warriors, and fur-legged halflings.

    Clerics fight the undead, thieves cut their rivals in the midst of a battle, giant Kalmadzillas and vile Facesuckers seek to poison or take away the heroic lives of your munchkins, but in a relaxed way, without long speeches and numerous throws of different-sided dice adopted in D&D, GURPS and other equalfights ...

    About the game

    So, the board game "Munchkin" is a role-playing game in form, a parody in content. Munchkin players walk through the dungeon, pull out the monstrous inhabitants there and either repent of this, or receive new levels and treasures for the victory. The outcome of each such adventure (battle, in short) depends on who entered the battle with what. The player has this level and bonuses / penalties from gear, class, race and curses. For a monster, this is a level plus amplifier cards and disposable items. Where did the monster get the stuff? Envious rivals can also take part in your battle: they can help the monster and weaken you. Therefore, although you can play Munchkin together, recruit more people for the match: there will be more curses, amplifiers and potions on your hands, with which it is so easy to change the balance of power in a battle in any direction, and vigilant envious people will not let any of you go to the sole leaders of the race to the 10th victory level.

    When creating the board game "Munchkin" was aimed at a youth audience familiar with role-playing games. Nevertheless, you can play the game "Munchkin" at any age, except for a very tender one, in which some of Steve Jackson's jokes may seem too salty. And so a fantasy adventure with masculine / feminine characters, incredible situations, indescribably creepy inexpressible monsters and huge treasures will appeal to anyone with a broad outlook and a healthy sense of humor.

    How to play

    At the beginning of the game, players start as ordinary people of their own gender (yes, there is even a gender difference in the game!) Of the first level. On your turn, you knock out a door, that is, you turn over the top card of the door deck, and fulfill the conditions written on the card. If this is a monster card, then you are out of luck and will have to enter into battle with him. When the player's strength is greater than or equal to the monster's strength, then the player wins and can take as many treasure cards as indicated on the card with the monster. During the battle, other players can help a friend and enter into battle with him, or interfere and in every possible way strengthen an enemy that has crawled out. If the player wins the battle, then he gets one level. During the game, players will apply different classes and professions, change their gender, put on various clothes, drink suspicious potions, and also fight a wide variety of monsters!

    How do I expand my deck?

    The main feature of the Munchkin board game is its variety. You can find a wide variety of "Munchkin" settings, and all of them can, and even must, interfere with each other! Learn new martial arts, put on a pirate armband, go on a space journey - your games will become more diverse and interesting, you will meet unexpected monsters on your way, but, of course, you will find something to strike back!

    Who won?

    It's very simple, the winner is the munchkin who was the first to reach, by hook or by crook, the tenth level.

    05.01.2016 , In the & nbsp section

    Munchkin 2 Wild Ax is the first addition to the game. Print and play.

    Brief description of the game:

    The second part of the munchkin is just an additional set of cards to the base game. Attention! Not a stand alone game. You definitely need a standard set in stock. If you do not have it yet, you can take it from us. Free and no need to go anywhere. Download for health. Find it on the link below.

    The addition can be said in a nutshell. There are a little more than a hundred cards of doors and treasures in the set and that's it, nothing else. And this means only one thing, we mix new cards with the basic collection and the old game (possibly boring) becomes updated and full of new clashes with unusual monsters, even more gear, funny traps and curses. For a slight extension of interest in the main game "Munchkin" is enough. And then we move on to the next addition ... and so on. Interesting to know more about Munchkin 2 Wild Ax. All information in our review. Link below.

    Until then, enjoy the second expansion, Wild Ax. The material is presented in PDF format. Cards in color in Russian. There are no rules for the supplement. They are not needed, since the basic rules remain unchanged, and what is new is written on the cards themselves.

    Munchkin is one of the most expensive to date. In addition, the numerous additions to the base set of 168 cards are well worth it. Therefore, fans of Munchkin, as a rule, print both decks themselves on a printer. So, Munchkin cards for printing: how to do it yourself.

    Printable Munchkin Cards

    What's in the set?

    Any set for this game, regardless of the theme, includes two types of cards - Treasures and Doors. Both you can download from us for free. Just stock up on paper - you will need from 15 to 20 sheets for printing the front sides, plus the same amount for "shirts". The latter, by the way, are needed not only for decoration. A card glued from two layers has a higher strength.

    How to make?

    Print the Munchkin cards for printing, treat the clean sides of the sheets with dry glue. Then quickly, but neatly, attach the blocks with the images of the shirts to them, smooth them out and leave to dry. When the excess moisture has evaporated, you will need to cut the cards with a photo paper blade. Place the finished attributes in two boxes - in one "treasure", in the other "doors".

    ) for a complete list.

    The answers in this FAQ are based on the new version of the rules of the game, unless otherwise noted.

    Q: How can I know if the boxed version of the rules I'm about to buy is up to date?
    A: The year of manufacture is indicated on the back of the box. If the Russian version of the game was released in 2012 or later, the maps and rules contain the current text, if not, then this version is outdated.

    Important note # 1: reaching level 10

    The basic rule is that you cannot reach level 10 without killing the monster. If you have a 9th level and something else happens that should give you a level, then ... you will not get it. You stay at 9th level. If you have a card or ability that allows you to level up at the expense of another player, you cannot play that card or use this ability.

    BUT ... some cards override this rule. If the card clearly says that it allows you to finish the game or get a victory level, then it does. Therefore, if the card does not say that it allows you to get a victory level, it does not allow you to do this.

    Note also that ANY level obtained for killing a monster is considered victorious. If you have a racial or class ability that allows you to get an additional level after winning a certain battle, then this level can be victorious. However, the “Get a Level” card played after the battle cannot bring victory, since the card itself does not kill the monster.

    Of course, all of the above applies to getting levels 19 and 20 (but not 10) when playing « Epic Munchkin " .

    Important note # 2: Adding / Using / Changing gear in battle

    All this is already reflected in the rules, we just collected it in one place.

    You cannot change clothes during a fight. In other words, if the fight has already begun, you cannot put on another firebrand or armor, or take another weapon that requires hands. By and large, all items worn or laid out should remain as they were at the start of the battle ... even if some of them have become unusable.

    Example: The elf uses " Onion with ribbons " and carries " Chainsaw of bloody dismemberment "... He has no additional hands, so Luchok takes both hands at his disposal. The elf enters the battle, during which the other player plays the “Race Loss” curse on him. The ex-elf immediately loses the bonus from the "Bow", but he cannot take the "Chainsaw" (because you cannot change clothes in battle). But if he had one more “Elf” card in stock, then he could play it (if it was his turn) and get the bonus from “Bow” back.

    During the battle, you cannot play new gear cards (and it doesn't matter if it's your turn or not), except for disposable clothesthat say "play any fight". Such gear can be used by any player in any battle, both from hand and from the game.

    Using disposable gear during combat to support players (not monsters!) Does not count helpdescribed in the rules. This means that in any battle, any number of players can play cards to help or hinder either side until they run out of cards or desire. But do not forget that only one player can join the battle as assistant.

    Important note # 3: Win, kill, lose.

    From a game point of view, defeating a monster is both killing it in combat and getting rid of it so that the players don't have to wash away. That is, if the wizard has applied "Restraint", or the player has used " Popumorph Potion ", or something else happens that ends the fight without washes - the monster is considered defeated. At the same time, the treasure may or may not go to the player, depending on the method of victory.

    The monster is considered killedif you defeated him due to the level and bonuses in battle, or used a card or ability that clearly says that it kills a monster. For this you get both levels and treasures. Some monsters can be defeated automatically, depending on the situation. Unless the card says otherwise, it usually means instantly killing the monster, for which you also get levels and treasures.

    However, even if the only monster was automatically defeated, other players still have a chance to play " Wandering creature "to add a monster, which you also have to defeat in order to receive the reward.

    “Defeat” means that you were not able to swing enough and you have to get away with your legs.

    Important note # 4: Fighting multiple monsters

    When you are fighting more than one monster, you cannot sum up ANY outcome of the battle until ALL monsters are defeated, or until the munchkins are washed away. That is, if you use something that makes one of the monsters disappear, you will not be able to claim levels and / or treasures for defeating him until you have killed or defeated all the remaining monsters. For example, a wizard cannot pacify one monster and take his Treasures until you dealt with the rest. The fight is not over as long as there is someone to fight with.

    Important Note # 5: Companions / Comrades / Mercenaries / Companions / Boogey / Minions

    When you mix several different versions of a game "Munchkin", it is considered that Mercenaries \u003d Partners \u003d Bugai \u003d Minions, etc. In other words, they are all part of the Mercenary class, each player can only have one such card (but not of each type), if only any cards or abilities do not allow you to have more. All of them can be sacrificed for automatic washing, and they have no special abilities other than those indicated on the cards. If you play one set of Munchkin, you must follow the rules for that set.


    Q: How many curses (traps, catastrophes) can I play in one turn? And for one player?
    A. You can play as many curses as you have in your hands. But everyone else can do the same ...

    Q: If the action of a curse / trap can be applied to several items, who decides which one?
    A: It depends on what is written on the card. If it says: "Pick and throw one little clothes", and not something like: "Choose and throw one little clothes from Fedya, haha," then the victim chooses. Some maps specify who (for example, the player on the right) and how (for example, randomly) makes a choice.

    Q: If the Curse says: "You are losing your armor", and I have an unused armor, can I lose it?
    A: It depends on the wording of the curse. If it says: "You lose the worn armor", these will be the armor that you use (and, therefore, get bonuses from them). If it says: "You lose one armor", then you must drop one of any armor from all that you have in the game. If it says: "You lose your armor", then you must discard all your armor that is in the game. (And, as they say below, an armor with a Chit! Card does not cease to be an armor!)

    Q: I opened the door and a curse fell upon me, forcing me to throw off my clothes. Can I sell the item for a level instead?
    A: Nope. The curse has already broken. You can't stop him in the middle or try to do anything else. In Munchkin, events happen in the order in which they happen. Some cards are exceptions ("Hotel Ring"), but this exception is written on the card itself.

    Q: What happens when I die? Do the curses persist?
    A: Some persist. For instance, "Tiny Hands", "Big Legs", "Sex Change", "Chicken on a Tower" etc. Most of these curses can be removed with the Hotel Ring or with some luck. If the Curse has a lasting effect, then it persists even after death. Remember: your new character looks the same as the previous one. If you change your gender, the old gender will not return after death (but, since you most likely died in battle, you will not have a -5 penalty), you will still have tiny handles or big feet, and, if at the time of death you were not bunting, then this damn chicken saddled your head again. It sucks to be damned though, you already know ...

    Cards and clothes

    Q: I need to take a random card from my opponent's hand, but I can see which of them are treasure cards and which are doors. Can I use it?
    A: If it is important for your company that the choice is really random, then either close your eyes, or roll a dice, or ask another player to place the cards in the hand under the table and state the number of the card you want to draw (the latter method is not recommended for companies that play for glass table).

    Q: What does the phrase “cards from the game” (“cards in the game”) mean? Are the cards in my hand counting?
    A: The cards in your hand are just cards, that's all. You can play them from your hand, but until that happens, they are not in play. The cards on the table are cards in the game, and they indicate what kind of cards they are. For example, a race card is Race, etc.

    Q: Yeah, okay. But if I need to fold, can I fold from my hand? Or from the game?
    A: If you need to discard cards and it is not explicitly specified where to discard them from (for example, the wizard's "Pacification" explicitly says - fold your entire hand), then you can fold from your hand and from the game.

    Q: Is a clothing the same as a treasure?
    Oh no. gear is a card with a cost in gold (or with the inscription "No price"). Most items are treasures, but not all (for example, almost all mounts are door cards). A treasure without a value is not a piece of clothing, no matter how you would like it.

    Q: If I lose my clothes, can I throw them off my hand? Or just from the table?
    A: Always, always only from the table. A card in hand is not considered a carried item. If it is necessary to discard cards from your hand, this will be clearly indicated.

    Q: If I am a thief and you steal clothes from another player, can we assume that he gives me this clothes himself?
    A: No, munchkin. Giving is a voluntary process. The key difference is that the giver chooses what to give.

    Q: What if the card makes the player give me the item?
    A: To give is to give. It doesn't matter what makes the player do it.

    Q: At what point do the cards from the game go to discard? For example, during a battle I use a disposable item, does it remain in the game until the end of the battle, or is it immediately discarded?
    A: Single-use cards are not discarded until the end of the battle. However, they are no longer considered "your" cards, unless something restarts the fight and returns the cards to their former owners, then your rights to it will be restored.

    Q: We just had a fight and played a bunch of cards. The player to my left is a cleric. And he starts folding the cards in the fold the way he likes - is that correct?
    A: Whose move is the one who folds the cards into the fold. In the order he sees fit.

    Q: The Yappitok card doesn't say it's a potion, but it LOOKS like a potion. Does the potion rules apply to him?
    Oh yeah. If it is a liquid poured somewhere, then it can be considered a potion. (But note that other types of disposable items, such as "grenades" or "pus", have a special word. Also note that "potions" are not "pus" and "pus" are not "potions")

    Q: Do all items that say "disposable" work like potions?
    A: All disposable items (which say "use once") can be played directly from the hand, unless otherwise stated (there are currently no exceptions).

    Q: What are "weapons"?
    A: In a more formalized game, we would write the word "weapon" on all swords, axes, etc. Use common sense, even if THIS is Munchkin. In general, any item that requires hands and is not labeled as anything else, as well as items such as Sword of Song and Dance, can be considered a weapon.

    Q: Can I sell clothes for less than 1000 gold? Well, let's just say to get rid of them ...
    Oh no. If you don't have enough gear for 1000 gold, you can't sell them.

    Q: Let's say I have clothes for 1000 years, can I together with them clothes "without price"?
    A: Absolutely. “No price” means the same as “0 gold”, therefore, you can sell these items, unless the card says otherwise (but the card must say “No price”! If the price is not indicated, sell this card is not allowed).

    Q: The rules say that cards "in play" can be sold or discarded. When are cards discarded?
    A: It depends on the type of card. First, the card must be in play, i.e. lying on the table in front of you (it would be rather ridiculous to discard other players' cards). Class and race cards (including Half-Blood and Supermunchkin) can be discarded at any time, including in order to activate any ability, except for abilities that give discardable race or class cards (unless the ability race or class does not require discarding that race or class). You cannot discard a curse card that has a lasting effect on you. Items are the only type of card that can be traded. And, if nothing (for example, a curse) prevents you from dropping your clothes, then it can be dropped in the following cases:

    Selling per level (see above the rule about the minimum selling price);
    - To use any ability of a race, class or other cards;
    - To fulfill the requirements of lewdness or curse / trap;
    -This is a big item and you NEED to get rid of it (due to the death of the Mercenary, or because you are no longer a dwarf) and no one else can take it.

    Q: When can I change the state of items in the game from "used" to "carried" and vice versa?
    A: For clarity, all items on the table are clothes in the gameor carried... Those that you are currently using are “ used "... You can change their state at any time when you are not in combat and are not busy with something else (for example, you cannot do this during a washout throw, or before performing a curse effect).

    Q: I've heard some people use the term "backpack", but I can't find it in my rules. Are my rules out of date?
    Oh no. Some seasoned players use the term "backpack" to refer to the items they carried but not usedhowever this term is not in the official rules and we do not recommend using it because it leads to similar confusion. (In addition, there are several items in the game that have the word "backpack" in their name, and they mean something completely different. It's best not to use this term)

    Q: Different sets have cards with the same name but different descriptions.
    A: This is not a question. This is a statement of fact. Different sets have cards with the same name but different descriptions. In some cases this was done on purpose, but not in all. We don't think this is a big problem. We believe that changing the names of the cards will cause problems.
    For convenience, we have made list of duplicates ( maps.
    However, make sure you don't mix old and new kits. Since May 2010, the wording on some cards (in particular, "Supermunchkin" and "Cheat!") Have been changed, and new issues of all Munchkin sets will be released with these changes. The list of changed maps (with the exception of maps with minor changes that do not affect the game) can be viewed in changelog (

    Q: I have a card that says it gives me an extra hand, but at the bottom it says -1 hand. What the heck?
    A: "-1 hand" just means that you get an extra hand; all cards that require hands to use have a positive value, such as "one hand" in the bottom corner of the card. When you add up the number of hands used by your cards, this number should not exceed 2 - therefore, the card that gives the additional hand has a negative value.

    Races and Classes

    Q: If I use Half-Blood with one race card, is my second race human?
    Oh yeah. You get "only advantages, no drawbacks" of another race, but you cannot use Items marked "only for people" or receive bonuses against monsters with "weakness" for people (although there are quite a few of them).

    Q: Can I use two Half-Blood cards to get more than two races, or two Supermunchkin cards to get more than two Classes?
    A: Not unless it's part of the house rules, of course.

    Q: Is it possible to play Half-Blood for two of the same race (or Supermunchkin for two of the same class) to get a double bonus?
    A: Uhh ... No. (My dad is an elf, and my mom is ... an elf!). Each player in the game can only have one card of any race or class. In other words, if you are a half-orc and you have another orc card in your hand, then you cannot play it without discarding an orc card from the game.

    Q: If I use Supermunchkin or Half-Blood (Double Mojo, Bilingual ...), can I discard one of my class or race cards and replace it with another (or not replace it)?
    A: From a dwarven elf, you can transform into a dwarf human or, if you have a halfling card, into a dwarf halfling. You don't lose your half-breed. Supermunchkin works in a similar way with classes.

    Q: Is it possible to change the current class to the same (for example, to avoid the distribution of "bounty")?
    A: The class can be reset at any time. You can play a class at any time of your turn. There are no requirements for the new class to be different from the previous one. So yes.

    Q: I have only one class and I am changing it. Am I losing my gear that says "if you lose class, discard a card"?
    A: If you play a new class card immediately after discarding the old one, then no. The class change consists of two phases: resetting the old class and playing the new class, and nothing can wedge in between these two events.

    Q: Can I keep a class or race card on the table sideways to use it later?
    Oh no. The only type of cards that can lie on the table and not be used are clothes (although there are restrictions there, for example, the restriction on large clothes, etc.)

    The fight

    Q: What happens when there is a tie?
    A: If at least one munchkin warrior is not in battle, then the monsters win.

    Q: If I fight two monsters - can I kill one and escape from the other?
    Oh no. If you have a card that allows you to discard one of the monsters (for example, "Popumorph Potion"), then you can do this and fight the rest. (You must win the battle to claim any treasure. You cannot pacify one monster, take its treasure, and then fight the rest). But you can't fight one monster and get away from others. The monsters are fighting together.

    Q: What happens when a monster is thrown to the "Wandering Beast", which can be ignored by one of the players? For example, if Amazon is thrown, and one of the players is a girl?
    A: When players help each other, monsters do not fight them separately. That is, if there is a girl among the players, then the wandering Amazon will give up the treasure and leave without engaging in battle. Therefore, by the way, Stoned Golem is not a very good monster to drop, as players can simply ignore it. (We remind you that the owner of the battle always pulls the treasures, and only then distributes them according to the agreement).

    Q: So if I'm not a Halfling, I can completely ignore the Stoned Golem?
    Oh yeah. As if he doesn't exist at all. But if you don't kill him, you won't get his treasure, even if you kill all the other monsters! (And you won't be able to return to him after the fight with other monsters is over: he is fucked up, but not stupid!)

    Q: I am level 2 and I am attacked by a level 9 monster. A player of the 5th level enters the battle. The third player throws us a monster that does not pursue players of the 3rd level and below. We are losing and we have to wash away. Is the thrown monster chasing both?
    A: During a fight, monsters fight together. But when it comes to pursuit, they act on their own and the munchkins try to escape from each of them individually. That is, the thrown monster does not pursue you, but pursues your assistant.

    Q: And during the battle? You said they fight together. Does this mean that if one of the monsters has a bonus (positive or negative) to fire gear, then this applies to both?
    A: That's right. The monster's immunity (or its weakness) will spread to all monsters in combat. (This does not include the usual combat bonuses and penalties; if one monster gets "-2", this does not mean that EVERY monster gets "-2", this penalty applies to the entire group once. And if one monster does not fight, it is not means that ALL monsters do not fight, but only applies to this one). If that helps, think of the fight as a general fight, and the various immunities and weaknesses as conditions that apply throughout the fight.

    Q: I'm going to roll the dice on the wash. Can I curse other munchkins before throwing them? And then?
    A: While curses can be played at any time, rolling the die is inextricably linked to the effects of washing away. That is, yes, you can play curses before the throw, but not between the throw and the lewdness / wash. After that you can play curses as usual.

    Q: I met a monster that "Doesn't chase anyone who is level X or lower." I am below the indicated level. Can I fight this monster?
    A: Of course you can fight the monster. If you cannot win and are going to wash away, then your wash will be automatic (no dice roll).

    Q: Do the bonuses that monsters receive against classes / races stack up? For example, if a monster has a +4 bonus against dwarves and +4 against elves, and I am a half-warf / half-elf, would that monster have +8 against me?
    A: If this is not stated on the card itself, then the bonuses add up. That is, yes, in this case it will be +8. (Honest warning: earlier we said something different, but now THIS is officially considered correct)

    Q: If during a fight someone changes my race or class (for example, by a curse), does this change my bonuses?
    Oh yeah. If you have ceased to be an elf, then you cannot receive bonuses from items "only for elves", etc. You can never benefit from two races or classes in one battle if you don't have a card to do it. The exception is bonuses obtained by discarding cards. If a warrior has already discarded a card to get a +1 bonus, after which he has ceased to be a warrior, he retains this bonus (but can no longer discard cards to get more bonuses from the warrior's abilities). Yes, this rule can be turned to your advantage, hehe. (However, you cannot discard a warrior class to play another warrior card and fully use Rampage twice).

    Q: In battle, I use a disposable item, and someone tries to get rid of it with a curse or "Theft". Does the bonus remain?
    A: Stealing will not work if you are in combat. A curse can destroy your clothes while you are going to play it, but if you have already played it in battle, then it is no longer yours, and you cannot curse it.

    Q: Some cards allow you to automatically defeat certain types of monsters (for example, "Potion of Mouth Stink" for Wandering Nose or "Leech Bomb"). Can someone stop this? Can someone play Wandering Thing?
    A: Although you defeated the monster automatically, you still have to give the other munchkins a reasonable amount of time to respond. Most likely, they will not help the defeated monster, but they may well play "Wandering Beast". (But if the monster had the ability to "bring a friend", as, for example, the undead or sharks, then it will not work, because the monster is gone).

    Q: One of the players added a "Wandering Beast" to the battle with the effect "before the battle" (for example, the Pagan Demon forces you to drop your clothes before the start of the battle). But I am already in combat, should I perform this effect?
    Oh no. Lucky for you this time (We really wanted to say yes, since we are munchkins, but that would lead to some problems)

    Q: My friends start counting down 2.6 seconds as soon as they put down a monster card and the battle begins. This time is not enough to even read the map! It is right?
    A: The rules say that you must give "reasonable time" for other players to react in order to win the fight. What your friends are doing is unacceptable, you must be able to read the map to determine what to do in this situation. On the other hand, you cannot take time every fight to read every card on the table or endlessly go over the cards in the hope of finding something suitable. The 2.6 Seconds Rule is a joke to indicate that you cannot delay the game indefinitely, simply because someone else is winning.

    Q: Does the “reasonable timing” rule apply if you defeat a monster without killing, or only with killing?
    A: With any kind of victory. If you win without killing, then the other players have some reasonable time to play the appropriate card and stop you. But if you removed a monster from the battle (for example, " Magic lamp"), Then they cannot play modifiers of monsters or cards of a similar type that specifically affect the monster, since there is no one in the battle, nor can they use any special rules to attract monsters into battle, which depend on the presence of monsters in battle ( for example, such as usually sharks from " Pirate Munchkin "). But they can play “ Wandering creature».

    Q: If a card is played into a battle, on which it says “is valid in the next battle” (for example, “Gender change”), does the card's effect affect the CURRENT battle or the next one?
    A: If the battle is not over yet (and this is apparently so, since people are playing cards against you), then the effect of the card affects the current battle (this is clearly written in the rules starting from version 1.5, so now there is no confusion)

    Q: If a player encounters a monster that is not chasing him, does the player gain treasure?
    A: No, no, no. The player must try to defeat the monster, but if he cannot defeat, then he is washed off automatically without a die roll and without any indecency. The player does not receive any reward if he could not defeat the monster!

    Q: Can I play a Level Up card on another player - for example, so that the monster starts chasing him?
    A: The original meaning of the cards " Get a level"Was different, but it is so mean and Munchkin style that we cannot say" no. " Therefore, we have revised the rules and are making it clear: you can play cards " Get a level"On other players. But, just as in the case of playing this card for yourself, the munchkin should be able to get this level. You can't play such a card on a munchkin if he can only level up by killing the monster.

    Q: Do you have to kill the monster? If I win, can I choose a wash?
    A: You cannot wash off if you defeat a monster with what you have in the game. However, you do not have to play disposable items, negative modifiers, etc. to win, even if these cards bring you victory.

    Q: When exactly do I die and how long do I stay dead?
    A: Death occurs when you are subjected to lewdness, which says that you are dying (not all lewdness leads to death). If you were preparing after that to escape from other monsters, you no longer need to do this - monsters do not pursue the dead. While you are dead, you cannot receive cards and levels, regardless of the reason. You REMAIN dead until the next player's turn begins. After that, your character resurrects and can already participate in the battle, despite the fact that you do not have any cards yet (which you can get by distributing "bounty", as a reward for helping in battle or at the beginning of your next turn). Fortunately, death is temporary ...

    Q: Do I have to wash off? What if I WANT to die?
    A: Your character doesn't want to die. He's always TRYING to get away. If you want to die, hope for a bad die roll.


    Q: I played "Cheat! "on one of your clothes. Can I transfer it to another?
    Oh no. Card "Chit!" cannot be transferred to other items after it has been played. If for some reason you can now use a "read" item without the "Chit!" Card, then ... alas. Shift "Cheat!" still not possible.

    Q: Is it possible with the card "Cheat! " take wa skein from another player or pokopdump to take sha skein from there?
    A: No and no. "Chit!" allows you to carry (have in the game) and use items that do not suit you according to class / racial / slot restrictions. In other words, you can put on a second smut; or a second large gear if you are not a dwarf; or some other one- or two-handed weapon, when all your hands are already taken; or "Bow with ribbons" if you are not an elf, etc. But the clothes should already be at your disposal, the "Chit!" does not allow you to get it just like that. Formally, starting from the 19th edition, according to the text of the card, you can play "Cheat!" for a piece of clothing that you can use without it, but why do you need it?

    Q: If I have a small item with a "Cheat!" Card, and I got the curse "Lose small items", can I say that the item "read" is not small, and therefore, it does not fall under the curse?
    A: Nice move, but no. "Chit!" does not override the properties of the item, it only allows items to be used despite the restrictions.

    Q: Does "Chit!" the effect of the curse from the item (for example, the curse "Cursed shnyaga" or "Antimatter")?
    A: If the curse adds a negative effect to the item, then "Cheat!" cannot remove such an effect.

    Other questions

    Q: If I said I was going to do something, do I have to do it, or can I change my mind? For example, I am a wizard, and said that I would fight a monster, but then he was strengthened. Can I say I changed my mind and pacify him?
    A: NONE of your decisions should be final unless the rules or cards say otherwise (however, if you played a card or rolled a dice, you cannot undo and replay).

    Q: Two different cards allow me to roll a die in the same situation (say both allow me to avoid the curse). Does one card take priority over another?
    A: Choose the card that gives you the best score and roll the die. If the roll is unsuccessful, try another. You can try until you run out of opportunities.

    Q: The card shows a weapon that must be held with two hands, but the text on this card says that it is one-handed. What to believe?
    A: Believe the text. If it says "in one hand", then it is a one-handed object, whatever is drawn in the picture.

    Q: Is the initial gender of the characters the same as the gender of the players, or can it be selected?
    A: The rules say that it matches. But the authors of the game do not object to the introduction of "house rules" for cosplayers, transsexuals or open-minded players who, for example, received class / race cards with pictures of the opposite sex. Official T-shirts “Munchkin” or “Unnatural Ax” can also change your gender. If you like to play by the "home rules", you can think of some other ways to make the gender change more often, just do not forget about the standard "-5" penalty.

    Q: During the tournament, one of the players stated that he (she?) Is actually a man. It seemed to me that it was a woman! Is there a rule for this case?
    A: If the player says that he is a woman, then that is enough. However, if later she tries to say that she is still a man, it will not work.

    Q: I am a guy, but the race / class map I played has a female character. Does this mean that I have changed sex?
    Oh no. Drawings on the cards are made solely to make them more interesting to look at. It doesn't affect your character's gender in any way.

    Q: I need to draw two cards and then discard one of them. What to do if one of the cards says “play immediately” (“Hurray, treasure!”, “Divine intervention”, etc.)?
    A: The effect of the card takes effect immediately as soon as you decide to keep it. If a card with such an effect is discarded, it means that it did not appear in the game and the effect did not take effect.

    Q: How are cards applied? As soon as they have been played, or when the player says he has finished playing cards?
    A: As soon as they were played. Some games use a "stack" when the effect of all played cards is applied at the same time. Munchkin is not that game.


    Q: If someone uses the Divorce Knee Pads to force me to help him, can I cut him, play cards against him, etc., so that we have to slip away?
    A: Decide for yourself. You were forced into battle, but you were not forced to win.

    Q: I hate Divorce Knee Pads. They destroy the whole game. What to do?
    A: There are several options:
    - Erase this card from all decks and EAT. If you are caught, unlock it.
    - If your friends don't like Knee Pads either, play without this card (you can do this with any cards).
    - If a player with Knee pads gets too much advantage - team up against him. Prune him in every fight, throw potions at him, eat his food when he comes out, etc., you get the idea. No one can stand against the combined forces of all rivals.
    We've been asked this question so often that in editions 14 through 18 we replaced Divorce Kneecaps with an additional Wandering Critter. But in the 19th edition, we brought the Knee Pads back, slightly reducing their power (and leaving the additional Wandering Critter, sacrificing one Magic Lamp).

    Q: Can I use the Help What You Can Card to take Divorce Knee Pads and get someone to help me?
    A: Yes, if the player you are forcing to help changes the outcome of the battle from defeat to victory (which is a prerequisite for using the “Help as much as you can” card). But don't expect anyone to like this move ...

    Q: Can I use the card "Help me what you can" to take the "Popumorph Potion" (or "Magic Lamp", or ...) and take the monster out of combat?
    A: In the context of the card "Help, what you can", the phrase "change the result of the battle in your favor" means that you must defeat the monsters at the expense of your fighting strength. The gear should increase your combat strength enough to defeat the monster (or, as in the case of the "Knee Pads", lead to such a result). You cannot play the card "Help as much as you can" if you already win in battle, take an item that gives you an insufficient bonus, or take other items that will not change your combat strength.

    Q: How often can a thief steal?
    A: As long as he has cards to discard.

    Q: What happens to a 1st level thief if his attempt to steal fails? He is dying?
    A: Nothing happens to him. You cannot lose 1st level. (Beware of Level 1 Thieves - they have literally nothing to lose!)

    Q: Can a thief steal if he is in combat?
    Oh no. He's somewhat busy.

    Q: Can a thief steal from those in combat?
    Oh no. They are somewhat busy.

    Q: Can a thief steal if neither he nor his victim is in battle, but the battle is going on?
    Oh yeah.

    Q: Can a thief cut himself?
    Oh no. It would be very Munchkin-like, but the card says “another player”.

    Q: I pulled out "Divine Intervention" "in the dark." What's happening?
    A: The text of the card says that regardless of how you obtained it, all clerics will immediately gain a level. Show the card, and if you are a cleric, play it with glee. Otherwise, play the card with disgust to show your contempt for those lucky ones who became clerics in time ...

    Q: What happens if a player receives Divine Intervention at the very beginning of the game?
    A: The player must immediately play this card. Those players who have the opportunity to become clerics can do this and get a level. After everything is over, the card is discarded.

    Q: Can a cleric in a battle with several undead discard three cards on a monster in order to receive a +9 bonus against each of them?
    Oh: Wow! This is what is called “thinking like a munchkin”. Unfortunately, you can only discard a maximum of 3 cards per battle, not for every monster ...

    Q: On the map "Hooray, Treasure!" it is written that it must be played immediately. Does that mean as soon as she was pulled out of the deck?
    A: Card "Hurray, treasure!" must be played as soon as it is taken from the deck. If you received "Hurray, treasure!" at the beginning of the game, you must play it as soon as it is in your hand, then draw 3 cards face-down.

    Q: And if I need to choose between the "Hurray, treasure!" and another card?
    A: If you need to draw cards and choose one of them, and one of these cards turned out to be "Hurray, treasure!", Then "Hurray, treasure!" is not played until you select it. If you choose this card, play it immediately.

    Q: If I play a card that allows me to take "Hurray, treasure!" in hand, what to do?
    A: So you take "Hurray, treasure!" into the hand for a split second, after which the "play immediately" condition is triggered. It is considered that "Hurray, treasure!" was pulled out "blindly".

    Q: Can a cleric play "Hurray, treasure!" over and over, discarding it before drawing three cards, and then discarding it again, etc.?
    Oh no. "Hurray, treasure!" must be discarded AFTER drawing three cards. But still, GREAT move! (By the way, for this reason, you should not mix two "Hurray, treasure" in one deck)

    Q: If the wizard is not in combat, can he use "suppression"?
    Oh no. According to the text of the card, the player can use "restraint" instead of fighting a monster, and not to interfere in someone else's battle. That is, "pacification" can be used by a wizard who opens the door or is an assistant in battle.

    Q: If the wizard helps in battle and pacifies the monster, does he receive treasures for this?
    A: The treasures obtained from suppression are no different from the treasures obtained from killing a monster. Thus, the treasures (which are pulled after the battle is over and all monsters have been defeated) are distributed according to the initial agreement between the master of the battle and the assistant.

    Q: If the wizard fights with several monsters, can he discard all the kata from his hand to pacify one monster, get his treasures in hand and immediately discard them to pacify the next monster, etc.?
    Oh no. In a battle with several monsters, you cannot get the treasures of any of them until all the monsters have been defeated.

    Q: Can a wizard discard cards to get a bonus to wash off after rolling a die?
    A: Since the 19th edition - yes! (In previous editions it was necessary to discard cards in advance).

    Q: The Crooked Mirror says: "If you pull out the remove curse before your next fight, the curse is removed." But there is no such card. Maybe you meant "Hotel Ring"?
    A: Wow, you have a pretty old version of Munchkin - we fixed that a long time ago! Yes, the "Hotel Ring" can remove the curse until the next turn.

    IN: "Chitersky kubik " allows you to change the result to any number of my choice... Can I choose 1,000,000 or "-1000000", and ...
    A: Congratulations! You are playing one of the earliest versions of Munchkin. In all the following editions it is clearly said that you need to physically turn the cube with the right side up and say that it was so. All modifiers to the result of the roll take effect after you have turned the die - as if you really rolled that number.

    Q: Can I play "Potion druzhba " on a monster after being flunked withwash?
    Oh no! The fight ends after you failed to kill the monster.

    Q: What happens if Ugly Couple was played on a monster, or I played Doppelganger, and then I was cut off, or someone played a potion on one side?
    A: Ugly Couple doesn't double anything except monster modifiers (we introduced this rule in 19th edition to make life easier for everyone). "Doppelganger" is an exact copy of the player, so you need to calculate his combat strength and double it.

    Q: Some cards ("Magic Lamp", "Wraith", "Potion of Popumorph", etc.) allow you to take out ONE monster from the battle. Does his "couple" (or his other "relatives" from the DLC) come out of combat? In other words, is “Ugly Couple” a modifier (like, for example, “Elderly”) or a separate monster (for example, as brought into battle using the card “Wandering Beast”)?
    A: The Ugly Couple is a separate monster. That is, there are now two monsters in front of you, each of which must be disposed of separately. If you played a card that took the monster out of combat before someone played the Ugly Couple, then the monster that the couple would join is gone, so the Ugly Couple cannot be played.

    Q: What happens when a Gazebo is thrown into a battle with an assistant by Wandering Beast?
    A: The assistant leaves, leaving the player alone with the Gazebo and the rest of the monsters.

    Q: Can I play Instant Wall to get someone to flee the fight?
    Oh no. The Instant Wall allows one or two munchkins to escape if they so choose. It is played after the players decide to flush, but before they roll the dice.

    Q: Aren't the Mademonoiselles supposed to be Undead?
    A: No, they just look like that.

    Q: Mademonoiselles cannot be defeated with bonuses from gear, only by level. Can you use gear to avoid combat, such as the Magic Lamp?
    Oh yeah.

    Q: Can I use a warrior's "rampage" against the Mademonoiselles?
    Oh no. The text of the Mademonoiselles says: "No bonuses will help in battle with them. Hit them with the size of the level."

    Q: What kind of lewdness does the Plutonium dragon expose? If I fail the wash, am I just dying?
    A: We clarified this in the 19th edition. Earlier versions were not explicitly written about this, but if you are fried and eaten, you will most likely die. The answer is yes, you're just dying ...

    Q: When does the Magic Lamp allow me to collect the treasure?
    A: If during a fight with a single monster you play "Lamp" - you will receive its treasures. If, during a fight with several monsters, you play "Lamp" on one of them, you will not receive his treasures, even if you defeated the rest (but you will receive the treasures of the rest of the defeated).

    Q: If I used Archer's Potion to transfer someone else's battle to myself, can I use cards or abilities (for example, Magic Lamp) that are used only on my turn?
    Oh no. This is not your move. The card says that "now another player is fighting the monster," but this does not mean that the original player's turn was interrupted, but only that you violated the order of his turn.

    Q: The Dowser Pin does not say “disposable” but should be discarded after use. Can we consider it as a disposable item (play from hand, during a fight, etc.)?
    A: This card is disposable, even if the magic word “disposable” is not written on it, so the rules of disposable items apply to it as well. It can be played during combat, played from hand, etc.

    Q: I used some ability to automatically kill the monster. Another player played "Wandering Beast" and added another monster to the battle, then he played "Potion of the Scoutman" and transferred my fight to himself. He defeated the monster. Who gets the level and treasures for the monster I killed?
    A: You, after all, you killed him. (There have been different answers to this question at different times, but now we have an answer directly from Steve, so it overrides all other options.) You get levels and treasures after the battle is over. If the other player wins, you take the treasure first.

    Wild ax

    Q: On the card "Merzhavka-Lust" says something like the following: "... you will have to leave if you are not helped by a munchkin of the opposite sex." Does this mean that I cannot play cards like "Out to base"?
    A: The map indicates that you should run, but it does not say that you should do it right now. You cannot fight a monster, but you can play other cards on it, and if you manage to take the monster out of the battle, then its demand is also removed.

    Q: If I use the Sword of Slaying Everything and Everything Except Squids and Kalmadzilla attacks me, can I play Morock to transform it into something else?
    Oh no. As soon as Kalmadzilla appears, the battle ends and you must immediately try to escape. (This is not 100% clear from the text of the card itself, but the meaning is exactly that!)

    Q: If I use Fake Beard, do the monsters think I am a dwarf?
    A: Yes (it is not clear why this question was included in the "FAQ" - this is stated on the card itself). If you wear a Fake Beard, the monsters think you are a dwarf and react accordingly. Your real race doesn't matter to them, because they can't see it.

    Q: Can an orc use his ability to undo a curse after the fact? I became an orc when I was under the curse of the Chicken on the Tower - can I undo it?
    Oh no. If the orc did not use his ability at the time of the curse, it takes effect, and he cannot remove it later.

    Q: Why doesn't the orc have a bonus against the 3,872 orc card?
    A: Instead of writing a special rule for the sake of one monster on the Orc card, we decided that the orcs hate all races equally.

    Q: The Bounty curse card says "to every player." What does it mean?
    A: This means - to every player, except the victim of the curse. The point is that the victim gives out all of his clothes to other players.

    Q: Can you explain how the Siege Engine works?
    A: The original version of Siege Engine was designed for the old version of the Mercenary map, and it ended up with something weird. We changed the text of the map when we published the color version of the game. Now the "Siege Engine" is a two-handed large item that does not count towards your big items, and you can decide at the beginning of the battle whether you will use it to get a +4 bonus and a -1 penalty for cleaning.

    Q: Can I play Annihilation to cancel the monster I met behind the door just opened? What happens then?
    A: Put the monster card in the box and forget about it. But since this one was not played by your opponents, you cannot open another door. And, since the monster was already in the game, you can neither look for trouble, nor clean your stashes.

    Q: I just killed a monster and should be level 10. Another player plays "Trojan Horse" with a Plutonium Dragon and says that I can't level up (and win the game) until I beat the Dragon. I say that I have already killed the monster, and even if I do not get the treasure, I still won, because got level 10. Who is right?
    О: Congratulations on your victory! Depriving you of the treasure doesn't mean you don't get a level for killing. In fact, if you follow the rules strictly, you should level up before fighting a new monster.

    Q: Another player used a Wandering Beast. What if I “annihilate” a monster or a Wandering Beast card?
    A: In both cases, the annihilated card goes into the box and the other card goes back to its owner's hand.

    Q: I played the curse "Cursed shnyaga" on the item and we are not sure how it should work. Can this Item be rotated? Do her abilities work (examples: fiery, impossibility of loss as a result of lewdness, combining with other similar items for one slot, additional hands, etc.)?
    A: You cannot turn this item, it will occupy its slot until you remove the curse or otherwise get rid of it. If the item had other bonuses (for example, to washing), they are lost. If it is a fiery garment, it ceases to be considered such. It cannot be lost with obscenity, but this is the property of the "Cursed shnyaga", and it does not matter if this property was originally in the item. It can be lost as a result of the curse, even if the item says that it cannot. If the item says that it can be used with other items of the same type, then you will no longer be able to use all other items of this type (for example, the "Raincoat" with the "Cursed Shnyaga" cannot be worn with another armor) and must "take off ( e. rotate them). But if another piece of clothing has this property, then there is no problem ("Raincoat" can be worn with another armor with "Cursed Shnyaga"). An item that gives an extra hand loses this ability.

    Q: Does the curse of "Tiny Pens" forbid me to carry (ie have in the game) two-handed clothes or just use them?
    A: It prohibits carrying them, according to the text of the card (and, accordingly, it prohibits their use). Please note that, starting from the 20th edition, we have changed this card and now the ban applies to all items that require more than 1 hand, not just two-handed ones.

    Cleric mistakes

    Q: How does the Conjuration Bed work?
    A: "Lodge" gives you the opportunity, in addition to your current class (s), to become a wizard, with all its advantages and disadvantages. Basically, it is an additional class card. If you use the Lodge, you can use wizard-only gear in battle, the Flying and Taming abilities, bonuses / penalties against monsters, and if you play by epic rules, you can use the wizard's epic power starting from Level 10. But at the beginning of the fight (ie right after you open the door and see the monster, or when you are looking for trouble), you must decide whether you use the Lodge or not. If you decide to use, then you will have a "-1" penalty to the wash.

    Q: If I use Puffs, do the monsters think I'm an elf?
    A: Yes (it is not clear why this question was included in the FAQ - this is stated on the map itself). If you are wearing Nahlobushki, the monsters think you are an elf and react accordingly. Your real race doesn't matter to them, because they can't see it.

    Q: What happens if I put on the "Fake beard" and "Fake beard" at the same time?
    A: Monsters will think you are half dwarf half elf.

    Q: How does Autorezar work?
    A: AutoCut allows non-thieves to use the Crop method during combat. That is, the owner can discard one card and cut the player by "-2" once per battle. If the thief uses AutoCut, he gets a bonus to the power of the "clipping" (instead of the standard "-2" he cuts to "-3").

    Q: "Grip handles" allow me to turn a large item into a small item. Can a thief play them on someone else's big gear and try to steal it?
    Oh no. You cannot play modifiers on the clothes of other players unless it is clearly indicated on the card.

    Q: Can I play Earl's Duck if I'm at level 1 and can't lose the level? What if I'm 9th (or 19th or 20th in a game with epic rules) and can't get a level without killing a monster? What if I use a special die with a guaranteed result of 6?
    A: You can play this card anyway, but you will not lose / gain levels in the situations described.

    Craving for the horse

    Q: I have Jigitovka Boots and, accordingly, two Horses. What happens when I lose my Boots? Dropping the second Horse immediately? Is he killed? And if it was the Tiger Horse, does it return to the "hand"?
    A: You lose a Mount because you can only have one. This is not the case after which the Tiger returns to the "hand".

    Q: Do you have to do something special to play the Mount Booster?
    Oh no. This is the same amplifier as the Item Amplifier, only it is played exclusively on the Horse.

    Q: I have a fire-breathing Horse. Does this mean my attacks are becoming fiery / flaming?
    Oh yeah.

    Q: Is it possible to play Hand Horse during Trouble Shooting?
    Oh no. The Horse can only be fought by opening the Door.

    Q: Is it possible to discard the Auto-Cleaner Mount (by analogy with the Mercenary)?
    A: No, unless the card says otherwise.


    Q: Do I get treasure or level when I tame a monster?
    A: No, munchkin. You didn't kill him.

    Q: If I fight multiple monsters, when does the taming take place?
    A: This happens first of all, your new steed will help you against other monsters.

    Q: What happens to my old mount when I tame a monster?
    A: The same happens when you replace the old horse with a new one. The old one goes into the dump.

    Q: Is a tamed horse considered a big item?
    A: Since there is no price on it, it is not considered an item and is not affected by cards that only affect items. However, he obeys all the rules of horses.

    Q: If I discard a tamed monster, what happens to that card?
    A: The card goes to the discard door deck. It is no longer a horse. It's a monster again.

    Q: Do I still have my tamed mount if I stop being a tracker?
    O, sure.

    Q: What happens if amplifiers, potions, etc. have been played on a monster? before I tamed him?
    A: Taming a horse is like “pacifying” a wizard, so one-time items are amplifiers, etc. discarded (if it was the only monster). There are various interpretations of this on the forum, but this answer is official.

    Q: The Rushing Chicken makes all my wash attempts successful automatically. And if I meet a monster who says that you can't run away from him (for example, Voshki), whose ability will win?
    A: A monster from which you cannot escape always blocks any ability that allows you to automatically wash away, because the monster does not even allow an attempt to wash away.

    Q: I am using “Skates” as a mount and have played a mount enhancer on them, what happens if I declare them as shoes?
    A: The steed booster will remain on the Skates, but will not give you a bonus as long as you use them as a shoe.

    Crazy dungeons

    Q: In the Dungeon of Reworked Curses, all curses affect all munchkins at once. How do curses like “Income Tax” work in this case, which already affect all players?
    A: Since Income Tax is a general curse anyway, play this card exactly as it says on it.

    Q: What about the “Cleric Fault” in the Reworked Curse Dungeon?
    A: Hmm. Well, okay ... Since the “Cleric Fault” initiates the fight, and we cannot allow several fights at the same time, we have to say that the “Cleric Fault” cannot become universal. Play it as written on the card.

    Q: I played the "Dwarf" card and pulled out the Dungeon of Perfect Stinginess, during which all dwarves gain a level. Can this level be victorious?
    A: The map does not say this, so this level cannot be victorious.

    Q: The rules say that when I play a portal from my hand or find it by knocking down a door, I draw a replacement card. What happens if I reset a portal to activate an ability or as a curse or lewd effect?
    A: Since the portal itself, as such, is not considered played, you are not pulling a replacement.

    Q: Does the Elven Evolution Dungeon (in which all who are not yet an elf receive an elf card) overlap the effect of a “One and Only” card played on an elf. “One and Only” prohibits other players from becoming a member of this race, but the Dungeon makes everyone elves. What will work?
    A: The Elven Evolution Dungeon makes everyone elves regardless of their current race. Therefore, the dungeon overlaps the effect of the One and Only. However, when everyone is out of this dungeon, they will not be able to save the elven race.

    Q: When exiting the Elven Evolution Dungeon, it is required to "reset the races to the usual limit, and the elf card can be discarded or lost as usual." Does this mean that I have to become who I was?
    Oh yeah. When you exit this dungeon, you must choose between your races (past and elf) and reset the extra ones to the usual limit (usually one). You can keep the elf or become someone else.

    Q: In the Dungeon of Vain Toil, the game goes up to Level 11, but Levels 10 and 11 are achieved in the same way. Can I play the “Get a Level” card to move from 9th to 10th level?
    A: No, you cannot play “Get a Level” to get Level 10. This dungeon does not change the rules for obtaining Level 10, but simply adds 11.

    Q: We were in the Dungeon of Irrational Beating and I pulled out the portal “Dungeon cleared!” Should we level up?
    A: If you drop the Dungeon of Irrational Beating, then yes, you will get one level. If you drop another dungeon, then no.

    Two-handed cheat (Former Blender)

    Q: If I wear the Freudian Props and then put on the Unlock Suit, or vice versa, can I get myself a bonus comparable to the US national debt?
    Oh no. Gender reassignment caused by Pillars is not relevant for cards like Revealing Suit. However, if you lose the Pillars and the last gender you declared is different from the one before the Pillars were worn, this change will count towards the Revealing Suit bonus.

    Q: If I am using the Old Edition, can I play Elf as a class if I am already an Elf (as a race)?
    Oh no. You can only have one copy of each class and race. Even if you use the “Old Edition” to play a race as a class or a class as a race, you cannot duplicate a race or class that you have already played.

    Q: Can I use an add-on from one set to play with another? For example, can I mix Dancing with Sharks with Munchkin Fu without using the Pirate Munchkin Basic Set?
    A: Of course, but many of the effects of card interaction can be lost and you will not feel all the charm of the expansion. Munchkin sets can be combined in a variety of ways, some are more effective than others. Usually you should use add-ons with an appropriate base set. ("Two-handed cheat" is an exception, it can be used with any sets you want. It is made as an addition to the classic (fantasy) set, because the classic "Munchkin" is the most widespread and popular).

    Q: I mixed the classic "Munchkin" with the "Vampire Munchkin"! Will the elf get two levels for helping to kill “Your Old Craracter,” the Pants Macabre expansion?
    Oh no. elves get only one level for each monster they help kill, so an elf can get either a normal level for an elven ability, or a level for killing a “Past Character”, but not both ...

    Q: I mixed “Munchkin Cthulhu” and “Munchkin Zombie”. Does “Pins” add a bonus as “bowling gear” to “Munchkin Zombies”?
    O, sure! (And all of this stuff helps the Good Bad Munchkin Indians if you're playing the English version!) Usually, it is assumed that special rules override the standard ones, unless specifically directed. We add all the notes on mixing sets to the two-handed cheat rules, so if you often play mixed decks, we recommend downloading the latest version of these rules.

    Q: I have a “Coupon” and “Gift Card”. Can I use the “Coupon” to take the “Gift Card” plus the 400 gold item from the discard, and then use the “Gift Card” to take back the “Coupon” - and so on until I have removed all the items?
    A: On the “Coupon” it is said that it has no cash equivalent and there should not even be the words “no price” there, which means that it is not a piece of clothing and cannot be taken with the help of a “Gift Card” (this is the official errat).

    In the tail and in the mane

    Q: In the picture, the Klaxon is attached to the Phoenix, but the Phoenix cannot be modified. Is Klaxon an exception?
    Oh no. The person in charge of this drawing was duly punished.

    Q: I donated Phoenix and it went to a player who already had a mount. What will happen?
    A: If the Phoenix goes to a player who already has the maximum number of mounts, that player must discard one mount. It doesn't have to be Phoenix if the player wants to keep it.

    Q: The Avatar card says that I am automatically washed away from all monsters if I lose a battle. But what if these are monsters from which washing is impossible?
    A: You still wash away from them. They are too busy trying to catch the Avatar.

    More good cards

    Q: I got Treasure for killing a monster, and one of them turned out to be the Curse. Does it work like a normal Curse? How did my Treasures become cursed?
    A: This is a printing error. These Curses should be Doors, not Treasures. Correct versions of these Curses can be found in Munchkin Monster Enhancers, Marked for Death, and Go Up a Level. (We need to be sure people will find them!) We advise against using such erroneous Curses.

    Munchkin boosters

    Important: boosters not for the classic set are in the corresponding sections. The Conan the Barbarian booster is under the Munchkin Conan set, despite the fact that they have a "classic" shirt.

    Q: I've seen boosters come in small foil packs that sell cards for collectible games. Is there a random set of cards?
    Oh no. Each specific booster contains a fixed and identical set of cards. These add-ons are not random or collectible.

    More Good Cards

    Q: I got treasure for killing a monster, and one of them turned out to be a curse. Does it work like a normal curse? How did my treasures become damned?
    A: This is a printing error. These curses should be in the door deck, not the treasure deck. Correct versions of these curses can be found in Munchkin Monster Enhancers, Marked for Death, and Go Up a Level. (We hope people will find them!) We advise you not to use such erroneous curse cards.

    Exclusive Warehouse 23 Munchkin Booster 2011

    Q. What happens if I play Annihilation on a card protected by Marvelous Magenta Moat?
    A. Nothing. “Marvelous Magenta Moat” protects the card.

    Q. What happens if I play Annihilation on Marvelous Magenta Moat itself?
    A. “Marvelous Magenta Moat” is annihilated, it cannot defend itself. If Marvelous Magenta Moat protected another card, that card is saved.

    Q. Can I play Munchkinomicon on Marvelous Magenta Moat so other players don't steal it and take advantage of it?
    A. No. The Munchkinomicon rules override the card rules. (It is a very rare case that the rules overlap the katu, but the Munchkinomicon itself is rather unusual)

    Exclusive booster "Warehouse 23" 2012

    Q: What's the joke with the Can of Worms? Is this a monster in the treasure deck?
    A: Hmm, this is a printing error that we decided to leave as is. There is a special mini-FAQ for this card in the errata section for this booster.

    Fairy dust

    Q: I have the first edition of Fairy Dust and the cards are curling. What should I do?
    A: The first edition of Fairy Dust was printed on metallized paper that behaved unexpectedly. Live and learn.

    We replaced these cards through Warehouse 23, but this promotion is over.

    Q: If I enchant the Glorious Good Fairy, but don't kill her, will I receive two Pollen Cards along with four Treasures?
    Oh yeah.

    Q: If I play Pixie Potion, do I have to roll the die immediately? If so, and it returns to my hand, can I use this potion again in this fight?
    A: The throw is made after the end of the fight

    Monster enhancers

    Q: I fought a Level 10 monster and another player played a card ".. And Its Little Friends" with a Level 15 monster. What monster is considered the "initial monster" for determining the level of monsters other players can plant?
    A: The "starting monster" in this case is the one that started the battle. In fact, another player could not play a Level 15 monster, because his monster must also be lower than your original monster.


    Q: Can I curse the Munchkinomicon? What will happen?
    A: If the Munchkinomicon is to be discarded due to a curse, it is placed on top of the treasure discard as usual. If a curse converts its bonus to a penalty or has some other permanent effect, it remains with the Munchkinomicon until it is returned to the treasure deck as specified in the rules. However, the Munchkinomicon never becomes attached to a player, even if a curse is played on him that says otherwise.

    Q: Can I play Annihilation at the Munchkinomicon? If so, what happens?
    A: Yes, as long as the Munchkinomicon is in play, it can be annihilated (no, munchkin, it cannot be annihilated if it is at the top of the treasure dump). Put it in the box and forget about it ... unless someone has a Summon The Book spell that can bring the Munchkinomicon back even after Annihilation!

    Q: The rules say you get the Munchkinomicon if you die. But you can't get cards when you're dead. How does this happen?
    A: The rules of the Munchkinomicon are higher than the usual rules for death: as soon as your former friends leave your corpse to the vultures, the Munchkinomicon appears and gives you a spell card. As the rules say, if more than one player dies per turn, the stinking decaying corpses roll the dice to decide who gets it.

    Q: If I take the Munchkinomicon from the corpse of another player, do I get the spell? It is not clear from the text of the rules.

    Q: If I steal the Munchkinomicon from another player, do I get the spell?
    A: This is not an exchange, so yes, you get the spell.

    Q: If I use "Help, what you can!" and take the Munchkinomicon from another player, do I get the spell?
    A: This is not an exchange, so yes, you get the spell.

    Q: The rules say that I cannot draw the Munchkinomicon on the same turn in which I sold or folded it. Can I use Summon The Book to bring it back?
    A: Since the main purpose of this spell is to take the Munchkinomicon for yourself, you can do it. (This is a good example of where the card text is above the rules.)

    Q: Can I poach the Munchkinomicon from another player during a fight?
    A: Yes, as the Munchkinomicon rules say. This is an exception to the normal rules that prohibit equipping during combat.

    Q: When are spells discarded?
    A: After use. Yes, this means that if there are few cards left in the spell deck, you can quickly shuffle a new deck if the opportunity presents itself. (If you want to make it a household rule so that spells are not discarded until end of turn, it makes sense.)

    Q: Are spells considered "one-time cards"?
    Oh no. Spell cards count as spells.

    Q: Can several players over and over again pull the Munchkinomicon from each other during the fight of another player in order to receive spells and prevent the player from winning?
    A: As soon as the player says “OK, I'm winning, is anyone going to interfere with me?”, The “acceptable time” counts down. You cannot stop a winning player by saying that you are going to do something, you must take a specific action (play a card or discard a card to activate the ability). Searching in the discard is not a specific action - you can draw a spell with the Munchkinomicon if you want, but until you have played a spell that affects combat, you cannot change the combat situation, and the "acceptable time" countdown continues.

    One exception: if you are going to find a SPECIFIC card in the discard that can affect the fight, and you can say its name, then by stating your intention to find it, you can stop the timer. However, if you start to play for time (for example, read each card, instead of looking only at the names in search of the specified card), then this exception ceases to apply and the player can safely declare victory in battle.


    Q: Under what conditions do I level up as a Dark character?
    A: When you play a card or use a class / racial / etc. ability against another munchkin, and in the end the monster wins. For example, if you played an amplifier or a one-time card to give the monster a bonus, or cut a munchkin, then you will get a level if the munchkin has to wash away.

    Q: Can you be both Dark and Supreme at the same time?
    A: Yes, you can.

    Q: Can I play the Master, Dark or Supreme cards if I am a human?
    A: “Master” is played only for classes, and “person” is not a class. "Dark" and "Supreme" are played on the race card. A human is a race without a card, so you cannot play "Dark" or "Superior" cards on a human. (However, allowing a person to be Supreme or Dark is quite a wonderful "home rule").

    Q: When can I play (or discard) a Master, Dark, or High card?
    A: These cards can be played in the same way as class or race cards.

    Q: The "Superior" can exchange all the treasures obtained in battle for an additional level. Can you see the treasures first?
    A: The point of the map is that you refuse to draw treasures in exchange for an additional level, while you cannot examine them.

    Q: Can I play the "Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies" card if I die somehow outside of combat? The text is not entirely clear.
    A: “Rockfall killed everyone” can only be played after losing a battle. That is, if you washed away. If you managed to die in a different way, this is your problem.

    Waiting for Santa

    Q: Do the good girl and the brat have epic abilities?
    Oh no.

    The good, the bad and the munchkin (Cowboy)

    Q: Indians receive bonuses for items with the word "bow" in the name. Does this also apply to the Koteluk card?
    Oh yeah. If the word "bow" appears in the name of the card, the Indians receive this bonus.

    Q: How does the Indian Pathfinder ability work? Can I pick up a monster and fight it on my next turn?
    A: Instead of “knocking out the door,” you can discard one card from your hand to fight the monster at the top of the discard pile. If there is not a monster lying there, you cannot use this ability, and you cannot take the monster in your hand to fight with it later. No one can guarantee that you will fight with him the next turn or that you will not lose this card as a result of the curse, or maybe you will just throw him with “Wandering Beast” into the battle to another player, or you decide that you better fight with another monster or open a new door.

    Q: I decided not to kill Batruk, but to keep him as a partner, do I get three treasures?
    A: Yes, but in this case you do not get a level for him.

    Q: The "Dead Man's Hand" trap can only be canceled with cards from the game. But the Pharmaceutical Show (which must be played from "hand") can cancel any card just drawn or played. Can I use Doctor Show to get rid of Dead Man's Hand?
    Oh no. Usually Doctor Show cancels another card as if it was never played, but Dead Man's Hand clearly indicates that you cannot play cards from your hand to stop it. In this case, this limitation is stronger than the “Doctor's Show” ability.

    Beating a dead horse

    Q: I don't understand the Cattywampus map. How to kill this monster?
    A: Your combat strength must be lower than or equal to his combat strength. One way to do this is to add more monsters to the battle, because this feature (like any feature of a monster ... although this is the most special) applies to the entire fight.

    Munchkin apocalypse

    Q: I don't understand the Rescue Rocket map. It can be played after I have failed the wash to avoid all the lewdness of this fight, but what if I have already suffered lewdness from one of the monsters?
    A: The card should save one monster from lewdness, and not all that were in battle. This is the official era.

    Vampire Munchkin

    Q: With the power “Dominance” I force the player to help me kill the monster, but he plays a +5 amplifier for the monster. Is this by the rules?
    Oh yeah. “Domination” forces the opponent to join the battle as an assistant (ie, his combat strength is added to yours). But this does not prevent him from playing cards and using his abilities to interfere with you in battle.

    Q: Can I use "Transformation" to take a piece of clothing into my hand, thus saving it from the curse?
    Oh no. As soon as a curse appears, the item is destroyed. You cannot use “Transformation” retroactively to prevent this.

    Q: Mist allows me to automatically escape without rolling a die, but to activate the ability, you must discard two cards. Do you have to discard 2 cards or 4 to escape two monsters?
    A: Since after a battle with several monsters, each one is washed separately, you need to discard 4 cards (2 for each) or discard 2 cards and roll a die on the wash to escape from the second monster.

    Q: The Lunar Cycle card says roll the die. Which cube?
    A: If it is not mentioned separately, it means a regular six-sided die (d6).

    Pants Macabre

    Q: I opened the door and fight The Evil. The card says: everyone who meets him loses the level. But for defeating him, they give 2 levels. So, in the end, I just get a level for winning?
    Oh yeah. But the level at the beginning of the battle still has to be lost, since this affects the combat strength.

    Pirate munchkin

    Q: Does the ship count as a wheelbarrow or a mount?
    A: The ship is not a car or a horse. Unless it's said on the card itself. And there are none. For now. (But cars and horses are interchangeable. Confused? Good).

    Q: How and when can I use the pirate ability "Treasure"?
    A: The pirate ability “Treasure” is used if you haven't met a monster. That is, if you are a pirate and on your turn did not meet a monster outside the door, and also if you did not “look for trouble” (ie, did not play a monster from your hand against yourself), then you go to the “Clean up the niggles” phase. And you have the opportunity to take the treasure in the dark or in the open.

    Q: I play by the fast-track rules with the eavesdropping phase. How does this affect pirates?
    A: The pirate still has the ability to take the treasure in the dark or in the open while cleaning the stash. Yes, it weakens the pirates somewhat. But this is hardly a big problem.

    Q: I am a level 1 pirate. Can I change levels for treasures?
    Oh no. You have no exchange levels. A level 1 munchkin cannot lose a level even voluntarily (to pay for an ability).

    Q: I am a 9th level munchkin with a French accent. Can I use Seduction to get someone to help me and ignore leveling up?
    A: You can't just ignore leveling up for a fight.

    Q: What happens if I used “Seduction” at level 7, and after that a monster was thrown into the battle, and now, having won this battle, I win the game?
    A: The munchkin charmed by you leaves the fight. He cannot help you win the game, and you cannot ignore gaining levels. Now you are on your own.

    Q: I “seduced” my rival, but she used “SEXTANT BREAKING” to change her gender to male. Now she must leave the fight, because is her gender no longer the opposite of mine?
    Oh no. You've already seduced her ... him ... never mind. In any case, "SEXTANT'S BREAKING" cannot cancel the events that have occurred. She is now him, and is still helping you in battle (with a -5 penalty, of course).

    Q: Does “Carnal Artillery” duplicate the bonus from monster buffs, they are also disposable?
    A: Carnal Artillery only duplicates the bonuses of those cards that say "one-time" ("one-time", "use only once"). There is no such phrase on monster amplifiers, so their bonuses are not duplicated by “Carnal Artillery”.

    Q: “Creepy tattoos” cannot be worn under armor, but “Three years in the mud up to their ears” can. Can I wear dirt under tattoos?
    A: If you have dirt under your tattoos, you should immediately stop playing and see a doctor, because this is very bad (in other words: no, you cannot).

    Q: My favorite accent in Pirate Munchkin is British. I saw that Munchkin Impossible also has Brits. This is the same?

    Q: One of the Dutch accent abilities allows you to draw the top treasure map. Can I draw a card from the discard?
    A: Cards from the discard can only be taken if the card clearly states that it is necessary to take from the discard. Otherwise, a card is taken from the appropriate deck.

    Q: "Sloop-squishy" prohibits having other large items besides the "Sloop" itself. Does this mean that even if I am a navy, I cannot have another ship?
    Oh yeah. Ships are big items. "Sloop Slup" does not allow you to have other large items.

    Q: Am I obligated to play ship boosters for ship? After all, these are clothes, they have a price in gold (piastres), so can I play them like ordinary clothes?
    A: You can sell them for a level or use “Cheat!” To play them as independent items, but in other cases they need to be played on the ship.

    Q: Sir Francis Drake does not fight with a British accent. If I fight him and the Briton helps me, will Drake leave the fight too? What if there are other monsters in the battle?
    A: Sir Francis Drake withdraws from combat as soon as any Munchkin with a British accent appears in combat. However, you will not receive the treasures he left until you defeat all the other monsters.

    Q: Munchkin met a shark. How many sharks can I throw from my hand? What if I have all the cards in my hand - only sharks?
    A: You can play as many sharks as you want from your hand, at least all.

    Dancing with sharks

    Q: The Octopus card says that it ignores me if I have more than two hands. Is the Cheat item considered to give me a third hand?
    Oh no. The octopus looks at real hands. When you use Cheat, you are using the item despite its demands, rather than growing an extra hand.

    Q: Can I use the Pathfinder's Resourcefulness ability to take the item back into my hand and not lose it as a result of the curse?
    A: "Resourcefulness" does not allow you to pick up items on your hand to avoid curses.

    Munchkin Conan (basic set)

    Q: Does the text of the "Jungle Dragon" card mean that all one-time cards played to help him will give a +2 bonus?
    A: This means that one-time cards played to help the Dragon of the Jungle will receive an additional +2 bonus.

    Conan the Barbarian (booster)

    Q: I wear the "Mask of Acheron" and have a full arm of monsters. Can I discard multiple cards to add multiple monsters to the battle?
    Oh no. Mask of Acheron can only be used once per battle.

    Q: Please clarify the text of the card “The Dweller”: "Any item that gives a combat bonus to players can be used to help The Dweller. He has a LOT of hands!"
    A: If you have a combat bonus item in the game or in your hand and you want to play it on The Dweller, you can do it. The card will be discarded along with The Dweller.

    Munchkin Cthulhu

    Q: All other players have already become cultists. If I play a card that makes me a cultist, the game will end immediately. Can another player use the "O R" Lieh? to cancel the card, and as a result, my entry into the cult and the end of the game?
    A: Very few cards in Munchkin can undo the effect of another card as if it did not exist ... and Oh R "lieh?" is one of them, in which case the game doesn’t end because you don’t become a cultist.

    Q: I have a Cult Member ID. When exactly do I become a member of the cult? How often can I change my mind?
    A: You can change it whenever you want, as much as you want and for any purpose you need. For example, you can be considered a cultist at the same time in order to receive a +2 bonus in battle, while not being considered a cultist in order to prevent the last non-cultist from gaining a level. If this confuses you, you better avoid reading those mysterious books that you may encounter in the dungeons.

    Q: All other players are already cultists. I have a Cult Member ID. If I am the highest level player, can I declare myself a cultist to end the game?
    Oh yeah. Iä Iä!

    Q: I was cursed by the "Enraged weapon" curse and cursed only for a certain class. If I drop this class, can I remove this item and stop receiving the penalty from the curse effect?
    Oh no. As soon as the "Embittered weapon" has taken effect, the item ceases to be considered item in all respects, but becomes a permanent penalty that simply hangs on you. Moreover, this item has already been taken off. But regardless of whether it is removed or not, it will give you a penalty, until you remove the curse.

    Unspeakable Vault

    Q: I was affected by "Bibliophobia". The card says that I cannot use cards with the word "book" or the ending "-icon" in the title. Does this apply to the Necronookiecon?
    A: According to the intention of the creators, "Bibliophobia" also affects "Necroerokon". You are very attentive!

    Crazed caverns

    Q: The rules say that when I play a portal from my hand or find it outside the door, I draw a replacement card. What happens if I reset a portal to activate an ability, or because of a curse or lewdness?
    A: Since the portal is not considered played in this case (it is not included in the game), you do not pull a replacement.

    Munchkin Fu

    Q: The rules say that "any card that gives a combat bonus to monsters can be played on a Bugai." If a player of the 1st level plays his monster modifier +10 on his Fear, will his combat strength be 13?
    Oh yeah. Player level (+1), Boogey bonus (+2) and modifier (+10) add up to 13.

    Q: I am a monk with two styles and a Super Style card that gives me a third style. If for some reason I have to lose one style, is it possible to lose one of the monk's styles?
    A: If the Superstyle card is played for a style and you have to lose style, that will be the style you will lose.

    Q: Is the "Super Style" card something like "Super Munchkin"?
    A: Yes and no. Superstyle allows you to have another style, but unlike Supermunchkin, when you lose an extra style, you cannot play another style and keep the Superstyle card. If you lose style, you also lose this card.

    Q: All of Gaki's cards say, "Anyone can play any card to help Gaki. Any card that doesn't normally help monsters gives Gaki +2." What kind of cards do I mean?
    A: Any cards are meant. Clothes, styles, classes, monster cards. If a card does not give a bonus to monsters, it can be discarded to give Gaki +2 for each discarded card

    Q: Is there a limit on the number of style development?
    A: No, if it is not indicated on any card. Your style can be developed as many times as you want.

    Q: I am a ninja. I use my class ability and discard two cards to roll a die and gain an attack bonus. If I suddenly lose class after discarding two cards, can I roll the die?
    A: As soon as you have discarded two cards, you have activated the ability (paid its cost) and must roll the dice. You cannot lose class before you roll the dice and receive the bonus.

    Q: The text of the "Gaki Style" card reads: "It eats up your combat bonuses!" Style bonuses are useless when fighting him. " If my style doesn’t give any bonuses, but it does give an ability, can I use it?
    Oh yeah. Keyword "bonus". Gaki simply does not allow bonuses to be used against him.

    Q: The "Not Feng Shui" card allows me to exchange any of my cards in the game for any card in the game from someone else, if the resulting alignment does not contradict the rules. That is, I can replace a weapon with a weapon or a class with a class, am I understanding correctly?
    Oh yeah. But "Not Feng Shui" allows you to change unequal cards (for example, clothes for a class). The only limitation is that the resulting alignment must not break the rules. For example, you cannot give someone a piece of clothing that he cannot use, or change the status of the item (exchange an unused item for a used one). You cannot change cards that already contain others (for example, change the class under "Superman" or clothes under the "Cheat"), unless you change them to cards of the same type (say, class for class).

    Monky business

    Q: My version of “Monky Business” does not have set icons on maps, but my friends do. It is important? Are there any other differences between our cards?
    A: There is no difference between your cards. It's just a typographical error (or ninja tampering), the first two printings of the Monky Business expansion were released without the icon. Starting from the third edition, there is an icon.

    Munchkin the Impossible (Spy)

    Q: My favorite loyalty in Munchkin Impossible is British. I see that the Pirate Munchkin also has a Briton card. They are identical?
    A: They're not the same thing, but monsters and clothes don't know the difference. Yes, you can mix these sets and be a British subject with a British accent.

    Q: Speaking of Briton, the card says that even if he does not have a class, it is considered that he belongs to the Playboy class. Does this mean that I can use the abilities of this class? And do the monsters react to me like a playboy?
    A: Starting with the third edition of Munchkin Impossible, this wording has been changed: you are considered a playboy for the effects of any cards, but in fact you do not have a Playboy class. This is the official era.

    Q: Can I play Supermunchkin for British Nationality using Playboy's ability?
    Oh no. You don't really have a Playboy Class, this only applies to Clothes and Monsters.

    Q: I am British with no class, so I am considered a playboy. If I have Really Secret Agent played, does that take away all the disadvantages of Playboy?
    Oh no. Really Secret Agent removes the disadvantages of citizenship, not class. Anyway, you don't get a Playboy class just by being British, you just look like a playboy.

    Q: Extra Training works the same way as Supermunchkin, right?
    A: Yes and no. Extra Skill allows you to have one more skill (Training), but unlike Supermunchkin, when you lose an extra skill, you have no way to replace it and keep the Extra Skill card. This way the card goes away with the skill

    Q: Spy Fly can only be killed with a Gun, even the level does not count. If someone is playing this monster as a "Wandering Beast", does that mean that I can only use cannons in this fight?
    Oh yeah. Monsters fight as a group, and the abilities of one monster like this affect the entire group. If Spy Fly is removed from combat in any way, you can use other bonuses against other monsters.

    Q: The tourist's ability "Sorry, I" m Lost "allows a munchkin to avoid a fight with a monster he just encountered. Can this ability be used at any moment of the fight? ?
    A: The tourist must make a decision before anything happens, including before anyone plays the monster enhancer or Wandering Beast. When the monster has already been planted, it is considered that the tourist is already in battle and cannot use his ability.

    Q: Can I use Diplomatic Immunity to leave a fight, even if something compels me to help someone else?
    Oh yeah. Diplomatic Immunity helps you get out of the fight, no matter how you got there.

    Q: The “James Bomb” card says that you can only fight him on a level without clothes. Can I use non-item bonuses in this fight, like skill bonuses?
    A: The card should be read as: "Only a level without gear and other bonuses." So no, bonuses from non-items won't help either. This is the official era.

    Q: If I mix sets, are mounts and cars considered the same?
    A: When mixing sets, yes. A horse is a car. A car is a Racehorse. Everything that acts on one thing also acts on the other. However, ships are neither the one nor the other, even when mixing sets.

    Star munchkin

    Q: Should mutants forever choose between three arms or two heads?
    A: They can always choose between these abilities (or choose two pairs of legs), but they cannot use both at the same time.

    Q: The mutant has the ability to discard cards in order to draw new ones, but this cannot be done in battle. Does this mean that the mutant cannot do this when someone is in combat, or only when he is in combat himself?
    A: Only when he himself is in battle.

    Q: What exactly does the Cyborg Level 2 ability mean?
    A: If you start the game as a cyborg, you start it from the 2nd level. If you become a cyborg at the 1st level, you immediately rise to the 2nd. A cyborg character can never go below level 2 in the same way that other characters do not go below level 1. Nevertheless, if you stop being a cyborg, you do not lose the level, and if you become a cyborg, when you are already at the 2nd level or higher, nothing happens. This is explained in all printings except the first.

    Q: I am not a gadget man. What are my aggregate restrictions?
    A: You can carry as many units as you like, but use only one. The rest should be turned sideways, like any other gear that you cannot use (for example, gear for a race that is not your current one). This is how they differ from the large items from all other sets, where you can only carry one.

    Q: I am a sense. I asked another munchkin for help. He refused. Do I still get a +2 bonus for fighting alone, despite asking for help?
    A: Of course you do. In battle, you are still alone, and this is all that is needed to use this ability.

    Q: And if the sens has a partner, does he still receive a +2 bonus for "solo battle"?
    Oh yeah. You can get a bonus with your partners. You can use "Doppelganger". And if another player throws a grenade or something else against the monster to help you, you do not lose the bonus. You will only lose this bonus if another player joins you in battle as an assistant.

    Q: How does cat curiosity work?
    A: If the cat opens the door and does NOT find a monster there, she has a choice of three options: look for trouble (a monster from the "hand"), clean the nychki (the door is closed) or open the second door. If a cat opens the second door, treat it like knocking out the door at the beginning of a non-cat's turn, that is, if there is no monster behind the second door, you can look for trouble or clean the strings.

    Q: If the cat is using curiosity, what happens to the first card?
    A: If this is a trap, it works. If something else - the cat can play it or take it into the hand at its discretion

    Q: Are there any restrictions on when you can detach individual "laser" items? In particular, if someone has a composite "laser" weapon, can someone use "Antimatter" on all this stuff?
    A: No, you can withdraw, sell, or discard individual cards any time you need it (taking into account the standard discard rules, of course). In particular, "One piece of clothing" is written on "Antimatter". The rules treat each laser weapon card as a separate item.

    Q: Does death get rid of "Antimatter"?
    Oh no. The card says "nothing else will get you out of it" - that's what it means. This card overrides the normal rules for death. She will stay with you even after death, when your new character appears!

    Q: What happens if the "Antimatter" acted on the "Puff-Cannon"? Does it now always give a -6 penalty or is it still at the discretion of the player?
    A: "Antimatter" only changes the sign of the bonus to the opposite, nothing more. Thus, the "anti-material" "Puff-Cannon" is still optional. If you want to use it, you will receive a -6 penalty in battle. If, despite this, you killed the monster, then it disappears - you do not get a level for it, but you get treasures. Therefore, if you choose not to use the Puff Cannon, there will be no penalties.

    Q: If there are two players in a battle and the Great Cthulhu caught them, do the survivors get two levels?
    Oh no. However, if the Great Cthulhu had a "Ugly Couple" or "... His Clone" and each of them caught one munchkin, the survivors (that is, everyone who did not fight) goes up two levels.

    Q: I usually play the classic "Munchkin" game, where all items are priced in gold. And here everything is in credits. If I mix what happens?
    A: In all cases, credits and gold are one and the same. In the new editions of Star Munchkin and The Clown Wars, we have replaced credits with golds for compatibility with other sets.

    Q: My favorite race in Zvezdny is the mutant. I saw that there are mutants in Super Munchkin too. This is the same?
    A: The mutants from Star Munchkin and Super Munchkin have different abilities, so they are not technically the same. However, cards that affect mutants will affect both if you mix the two decks.

    Q: Static Field allows me to immobilize either all players or all monsters when someone is washed off. This allows someone to either automatically slip away or automatically lose. Can I wait for the result of the die roll?
    Oh no. The "static field" clearly indicates to be played when they try to escape. After they roll the die, they no longer try to do so. They either did it already or they couldn't.

    Q: I didn't understand a little about the "Chervinator". If I am a merchant, should I lose my card? Can I lose my level instead?
    A: In a nutshell about the "Chervinator": If you are level 1, there is no lewdness. If you are a merchant of level 2 or higher, you lose 1 card or 2 levels. All non-merchants level 2 and above must lose 2 levels.

    Clown wars

    Q: I am a starship and I dropped my hand to get another player to help me. If I lose my class, will the other player leave the fight?
    Oh no. You have already paid for the ability by discarding your hand. He's already involved in the fight.

    Q: Electric Eye prohibits everyone from playing cards from their hand into combat. Does this mean that I also cannot play cards from my hand?
    Oh yeah. No one (including you) can play cards from hand in this fight.

    Q: Are the compartments acting like curses? Do they affect me immediately as soon as I reveal the card, or can I take a card in my hand?
    A: If you took a compartment blindly, you can take it in your hand and play on another player when he opens the door (unless he opens the compartment himself). In other cases, if the compartment is pulled out into the open, you must fulfill the requirement of the compartment (taking into account all the "Wandering critters" that may be there).

    Q: If one munchkin assists another in a compartment, does the compartment affect both of them?
    Oh yeah. The compartment acts on both. So, for example, both munchkins lose their level in the "Alien Restroom".


    Q: Are ships considered cars or mounts?
    A: A ship is not a vehicle or a horse, unless it is stated on the card itself. And there are none. For now. (But cars and horses are the same. Confused? Good!)

    Munchkin super

    Q: My favorite race in Super Munchkin is the mutant. I saw that there are mutants in Star Munchkin too. This is the same?
    A: The Star Munchkin and Super Munchkin mutants have different abilities, so they are not technically the same. However, cards that affect mutants will affect both if you mix the two decks.

    Q: What happens if the Lazy Man is tossed with the Wandering Beast?
    A: Oh, how ... Well, what is written on the map? Roll the dice to find out if you will fight with him. If not, then he, along with all the other monsters, goes to the next player, who must roll the dice, figuring out whether he should fight the Quitting Man, and if not, then the Quitting Man with all the other monsters goes to the next player, who must throw ... This continues until someone collides with the whole gang. But remember, until someone rolls a 4, 5, or 6, no one can change the strength of the monsters in the gang.

    Q: When I die, what happens to my origin charts?
    A: When you die, discard all source cards. And, if, as a result, the total rank of your powers exceeds your level, discard your powers until their total rank is less than or equal to your level.

    Q: I have a partner, a Kid with the same Strength as You. If I have two empty hands and "Claws", will he have a +6 bonus?
    A: A kid with the same Strength as You does not duplicate variable bonuses. Since the number of your free hands can change, the value of the bonus from "Claws" is considered variable.

    Q: I have a partner: a Kid with the same Strength as You, and I meet a Blast. He will block my powers until the end of the next fight. Does this affect my partner?
    A: Your partner is considered to have the same bonus as the bonus from your powers. In this case, your bonus is 0. This means that his bonus is also 0.

    Q: Is the "giant magnet" too big to steal?
    Oh no. It does not say that this is a big piece of clothing.

    Q: If I used X-Ray Sight to look at the cards in hand of another munchkin, can I tell all the players what he has there?
    A: It's your business. But remember that knowledge is a resource.

    Flyaway Cloak

    Q: In "Super Munchkin" and "Awesome Cloak" there are teammates with a value in gold. Can they be stolen (by a thief in a mixed game or by using the “steal” ability)?
    A: If they have a price in gold and it is not said that they are "big", then they can be stolen.

    Q: The card of the "Clever" class says: "Monsters have no special properties and bonuses against the clever!" Does this mean that monster boosters are not working in my fight?
    Oh no. It just means that there are no monsters that say "+5 versus clever" or "only attacks clever". Monster boosters are played as usual. In addition, a wise guy with a second class also protects this class from monsters with bonuses against him.

    Q: I am using the card "Soldered by Fanaticism" on another player to force them to help me in battle. What happens if I get a gender reassignment curse? Should the other player still help me?
    Oh yeah. Like other abilities that require discarding a card to activate, the effect takes effect from the moment you activate it. If something changes after the cost of the ability has been paid, the effect that happened is no longer canceled.

    Zombie munchkin

    Q: I am an atomic zombie with a +2 item in one hand (its bonus is considered to be +3). If someone has played a curse! "Gentlemen!"
    A: Since this item is currently giving you +3, it can be discarded "Gentlemen!"

    Munchkin accessories and add-ons

    Munchkin dice

    Important: Please note that questions about cards from Munchkin Dice can now be found in the Munchkin Reload section.

    Epic munchkin

    Q: I opened two doors and met a crippled goblin and a monster's +10 modifier. Someone played the "Switcheroo" card (analogous to "Illusion") and replaced the Goblin with the Plutonium Dragon. What happens to the modifier? The Switcheroo card says that all modifiers go back to their owners, but this mod is out of the deck.
    A: The modifier is applied to the Plutonium Dragon.

    Q: While playing the epic Munchkin with the Clown Wars add-on involved, I opened the doors and pulled out 2 compartments. What to do?
    A: Play with the first, and take the second in your hand. You can't pull a replacement card.


    Q: How many Reversal of Fortune cards can I use in the game?
    A: Each Kill-O-Meter comes with two Twist of Fate cards, one for the regular Munchkin and one for the Munchkin Quest. You can use the card that suits the current game. If you come across a card that allows you to draw any card from the discard, you can also draw the "Turn of Fate" from there, if you have already used it. If your company uses a generic Kill-O-Meter, then mixing Twist of Fate into a deck would be an honest move.

    Q: I have two "Kill-o-meters" - one regular, and the other as a smartphone app. Is the "Kill-o-meter" in the appendix equal to a regular one? Can I use Twist of Fate with Kill-o-Meter from the mobile app?
    Oh yeah. "Kill-o-meter" from the mobile application is quite a "Kill-o-meter". But the map should still be real, not virtual.

    Q: Kill Meter reads 18, I play Twist of Fate and change the reading to 81. Someone plays +2 on me - 83?
    Oh no. The Turn of Fate effect is not a one-time use - it lasts throughout the entire battle. That is, we add 2 to 18, it turns out 20, we turn this value over and it turns out ... 2! Terrible, isn't it?

    Promo, coins, app and other goodies

    Q: Are Christmas coins valid EVERY year on the dates shown?
    A: The Festive ability will work every year during the holiday season. However, despite this, these coins work just like regular coins and obey the rule of the current month and year minted on the coin.

    Q: In the description of some promotional items, it is said that after being used, they must be given to another player. After the game, do they return to their previous owner?
    A: Except where agreed upon by home rules, these items are intended to be transferable to other hosts for the promotion of the game. Their authors hope that these items will "travel". Therefore, no, they do not automatically return to their previous owners.

    Q: Some bookmarks need to be destroyed after use. Can I instead destroy, for example, a piece of paper or something similar to keep the bookmark?
    A: Again, this is possible if you play according to pre-agreed house rules. However, the purpose of bookmarks, which require their destruction, implies the impossibility of their further use. These are real disposable items.

    Common misconceptions in Munchkin

    version from 10/16/2013

    You cannot put disposable clothes on the table.
    The rules in the "clothes" section clearly state that each player can "carry" (ie lay out in front of him) any number of small clothes. It is said separately about one-time that they can be used both from the hand and from the table.

    You can't put things on the table that you can't use.
    The rules clearly state that the player can "carry" any clothes, but not everyone can use them.

    If you stop using an item, you must discard it.
    At the same time, it is clearly described what to do with those. which you cannot use - turn sideways.

    A thief cannot steal at Level 1.
    The FAQ clearly states what it can.

    If the monster "disdains", then you cannot fight with it.
    This term mistakenly got into the card Munchkin from Munchkin Quest. There is no such term in the card, the correct translation "does not pursue" (and is translated in all the latest editions). This means that you are obliged to fight a monster, you cannot ignore it, but if you lose, then the wash from this monster will be automatic.

    If the monster "disdains", then you can not fight with him, but if you decide to join the battle, then the battle and the wash go according to normal rules.
    This is how Munchkin Quest works. In a regular Munchkin, the "squeamish" monster just lets it slip away automatically.

    If there is a Bat / Shark / Undead in the battle, then you can throw only one Bat / Shark / Undead and only at the moment when the first monster enters the battle.
    The rules don't say anything like that. It is said that if such a monster entered the battle, then any player has the right to play any such monster from his hand. There are no restrictions on quantity, time and sequence.

    If a Curse is obtained when opening the Door, the turn ends immediately.
    Nowhere is it said that the move should end. You just go to the second phase of your turn.

    No cards can be played before the bounty phase.
    You can play items at any time on your turn, except in combat. Many cards (such as Curses) can be played at all at any time. Nowhere is it prohibited to exercise this right immediately prior to the distribution of the bounty cards.

    No cards can be played at the start of the turn before the Door opens.
    The rules clearly state that before phase 1 you can play cards, exchange and promote items. In the old versions of the rules, this clarification was not, and the move began immediately with the opening of the Door. But this possibility has always been implied. To eliminate this misconception, this paragraph of the rules was introduced.

    You can change clothes from your hand.
    The rules in the "exchange" section clearly state that you can exchange cards on the table, but you cannot exchange cards from your hand.

    Can be changed with any cards.
    The rules in the "exchange" section clearly state that you can only exchange clothes, but not other cards.

    You can lay out on the table and not use any cards (for example, Class or Race).
    For clothes only, there is a description of non-use. For other types of cards, there are no such rules anywhere. This is answered in the FAQ.

    A mercenary is considered an assistant in combat.
    Only another player participating in the battle is considered an assistant.

    The Hotel Ring can cancel a gender reassignment after the reassignment has already taken place.
    There is a clarification on the official forum that Gender Change Curse has two effects, instant (gender change) and delayed (penalty in the next fight). The instant effect can be canceled by the Hotel Ring only immediately upon receiving the Curse, that is, by canceling the entire curse. The delayed effect can be removed with the Hotel Ring at any time, including directly during the next battle.

    If the player fails the wash, then he loses the level.

    If the player fails the wash, then he dies.
    Nowhere is this said, this is fiction.

    Cards that give the player an automatic flush can cause the player to flush.
    If the card does not say that it makes the player wash away, then using such a card cannot force the player to wash away. Perhaps the misconception stemmed from an unsuccessful translation: "you automatically wash away", which is now replaced by "allows you to automatically wash away".

    The limitation of 5 cards in hand is permanent, not just at the end of the turn.
    The rules clearly state that this restriction only applies in the fourth phase of a turn.

    The limit of 5 cards in hand applies at the end of each player's turn to all players at once.
    The description of the turn phases applies only to the current player, other players do not perform these actions at the same time.

    Only those Class / Race cards with a character of the same gender as you can be used.
    Nowhere is this said, this is fiction. The FAQ says that matching the gender of a character with the picture on the Class / Race card can be entered by a home rule.

    A curious article has appeared on the site Notes of a Novosibirsk desktop worker, which describes all the additions to the classic Munchkin... I, of course, more or less followed their appearance, but, to be honest, I have already forgotten that there are so many of them. And we're not talking about any spin-offs like Munchkinov about spies, pirates, ktuhlu, etc.

    Something lately has drawn me nostalgically to the Munchkin theme ... but this particular review has already been promised to two people, and the promises must be kept.

    There is no escaping the popularity of the Munchkin card in Russia, and the localization of additions to it has been expected for a very, very long time. At the moment, the business has finally gotten off the ground: "SMART" on its website has begun selling the first supplement, and two or three more are promised in the spring. On their translation, even consultations were made with the playing public - however, it is strange and crooked, so I do not believe in their effectiveness - but still some step forward ...

    Let's take a look at what can be found in these expansions and how they affect the game. Their numbering begins with two: the unit is tacitly reserved for the base box. All add-ons are intended only for playing along with the base decks, they cannot be used independently.

    Munchkin 2: Unnatural Ax

    At the time of writing this review, it is localized under the name "Wild Ax". Contains 112 new cards plus a few blank cards (both Doors and Treasures) for realizing your own creative ideas.

    The mechanics of the game do not fundamentally change: they just added new monsters, clothes, potions and curses. It can be noted that many of the monsters introduced here have this or that "long-lasting" effect. For example, the Giant Skunk, in the event of a victory over the munchkin, rings his clothes and armor, so that the poor man will not be helped in battle until he gets rid of these things. 🙂 The situation is further complicated by the fact that you can now sell them for a level only at half the price (who needs such a stink?). Another example: Santa (Santa), having defeated a munchkin, will add him to the List of Bad Children, after which he will not be able to receive Treasure cards in any way (even as a gift from other players!) Until he defeats a monster alone.

    In addition, a new race is introduced - Orc. Orcs are native to the dungeons and have been cursed since the beginning of time ... so they are less prone to curses than others. The orc, if desired, can simply reset one level and not pay any attention to the curse (unless it is on the first level). In addition, by defeating a monster alone with a superiority of more than 10, the Orc rises one additional level.

    To preserve game balance when increasing the deck, the set includes additional copies of cards from the base game, but with a new art.

    Munchkin 3: Clerical Errors

    This add-on also contains 112 cards and is fundamentally no different from the previous one. New monsters, new items, etc. Game mechanics are not modified in any way. The innovations are that one new class (bard) and one new race (gnome) are introduced.

    The bard (with some luck) can talk any other munchkin into helping him in battle. To try, you must discard three cards and roll a die. If Bard threw out no less than the one being talked out, then you have to help. 🙂 In addition, when defeating the monster (s) on his turn with or without help, the Bard draws one more Treasure and then must discard one of the cards he received in this way.

    Regarding the new race, it is necessary to comment: no matter what the teachers of the Russian language and literature do not mutter at school lessons, and in terms of the mythological tradition, the Russian language is not just poor - it is poor. It simply does not have different words to designate two completely different magical peoples, and even what it is is usually used incorrectly. "Dwarf", traditionally translated by the word "dwarf", is actually a representative of an underground people, thick and strong, skilled in mining and blacksmithing. "Gnome", which actually is present gnome - this is one of the Little Men, a people of weak, but cunning and cunning, very knowledgeable in the magic of deception and illusion. In the localization of the basic "Munchkin" they did absolutely right (although hardly consciously) and simply transcribed "Dwarf" as "Dwarf". And in this expansion, the Dwarfs appeared.

    Gnome is similar to Halfling in many ways, he also has -1 to Flush, and almost all monsters react to him as to Halfling. But if the Halflings had the advantage in trade, then the Dwarves are much more dangerous in battle. The fighting Dwarf can put a monster out of his hand, and he will give him a bonus equal to his level. It can be pumped or weakened, just like an ordinary monster. And after the battle he will disappear: it was only an illusion ...

    To maintain balance, copies of the "old" cards are included here as well. There are already quite a few of them: race-classes occupy a third of the Doors deck.

    Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed

    Another 112 cards, mostly Doors. But this addition is not like the previous two. There are no new races and classes here, but new game mechanics are being introduced! In addition to the fact that each character can have a race and class (as we remember, sometimes even several), he can now drive around the investigated dungeon on his own steed. Yes, sometimes not even one. 🙂

    Horses are clothes and you can usually only have one mount (however, there are cards that override this rule). They provide bonuses of both combat and non-combat nature, so they are quite useful. A chicken as a mount, for example, gives only "+1" in battle (what can she do there - peck?), But the fifth point senses any danger and knows no equal in running away from it. 🙂 All throws for the wash will be automatically succeeded by its owner.

    As a consequence, this add-on contains many cards that allow you to strengthen, weaken and lure your mounts, both your own and others.

    In addition, a number of Hirelings cards can be found here. These have already been encountered in the base game and previous expansions, but this expansion is especially numerous.

    Munchkin 5: De-Ranged

    112 more cards,

    a sort of accumulative-balancing supplement. A new class is introduced here (let me remind you that additions 2-3 previously introduced two races and one class) and a bunch of clothes with modifiers that affect everything that appeared here and earlier.

    The new class is called Ranger. In this context, it can be understood as "pathfinder", "vagrant" ... or you can leave it as a Ranger. I would leave. In any case, localization will inevitably lose the humor of one of the properties of this class, called "Ranged Support". It lies in the fact that helping someone in battle, the Ranger automatically has a "+2" bonus. Another property is that the Ranger can tame monsters by riding them like horses.

    You can tame one monster from the battle on your turn. To do this, you need to discard the previous mount (if there was one) plus the number of cards equal to the number of Treasures relying on the tamed one. This number becomes the new mount's combat bonus. It cannot be sold, gifted or exchanged for something with another player.

    Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons

    There are only 36 cards here, but they are highly unusual cards. This whole expansion is one big change in game mechanics!

    Twenty cards are double-sized and the new type is Dungeons. Each describes some effect that affects all participants at once. Moreover, the effect can be threefold: something happens when this card appears in the game, something acts constantly while it is active, something happens when it goes to discard. Below you see the card "Dungeons of Mortal Mortal Death": while it is active, death is automatically added to the indecency of each monster. And if the monster already had death in its lewdness, then you also have to lose the level!

    On the right are examples of two portal cards - this is from the remaining 16. They are normal size and fit into the Doors deck. Portals, as you might guess, allow you to move between Dungeons. For example, "We go in circles" adds to the already active cards one more, from the number discarded earlier - quite right, in the game there can be simultaneously some Dungeon cards. And "The dungeon has been cleared!" at once raises everyone to one level and requires discarding one of the active Dungeon cards (if only one is active, change it to a new one).

    Munchkin 7: More Good Cards

    A small addition (56 cards) of a twofold nature. First, it includes a lot of maps from Munchkin Blender - a set designed to mix Munchkin games of various themes - but with new art. And it is true: if you use many additions, then many "Blender" ideas become relevant.

    Second, this extension was based on data from an online survey on the Steve Jackson Games website. As they say, "at the request of the workers" some maps were added or new ones were invented, on a theme similar to the desired one.

    This addition does not introduce any innovations in the game mechanics and does not contain new races / classes. It is not recommended to use it without at least two additions from those described above.

    Munckin Dice

    It's not exactly a pure add-on - it's more of a cross between an add-on and a game accessory.

    In terms of gaming accessories, the Munchkin Dice contains six large decahedral dice for counting game levels. (Not to be confused with the "Wicked Munckin Die" described: there was one decahedron with bonuses and art, and here are six pieces of ordinary cubes). And, since cubes have appeared in the game, Steve Jackson would not be Steve Jackson if he had not found an alternative use for them. 🙂 No, they do not give bonuses. But…

    On my way before taking out the Door you can throw off one level for yourself and throw a decahedron. A special table included in the kit determines what the player will receive for this. It's far from the fact that it will be useful ... but no one forced it to do it, right?

    If we talk about the add-on, then for this part the set contains 14 new cards. A little, right. But the cards are very interesting. Here my favorite card is “Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies”: “Play this card after being defeated in battle. All others lose one level. Exception: if as a result of defeat you DIE, then everyone else also dies. " 🙂