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  • Vera Polozkova biography personal life. Vera Nikolaevna Polozkova: biography, career and personal life

    Vera Polozkova biography personal life. Vera Nikolaevna Polozkova: biography, career and personal life


    Born in Moscow on March 5, 1986. He has been writing poetry since he was 5 years old. She published her first book at the age of 15. Finalist of the poetic SLEM 2006. She shared the LiveJournal Poet of the Year award with Oleg Borichev. She has written for the Knizhnoye Obozreniye newspaper, Cosmopolitan magazines (led the Difficult Story column) and Afisha. In 2003-2004 she was an employee of FBI-Press, wrote for the magazines Iskra-Spark and Shik-Magazine. Until April 2008 she worked at the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art ART4.RU.

    The first public performance took place in May 2007 in Moscow, in the cultural center "Bulgakov's House". The first "non-childish" book of poems by Vera Polozkova "Nonpoemanie" was published in 2008 by the writer Alexander Zhitinsky, who met Polozkova through her blog. The presentation of the book took place in February 2008 at the Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art ART4.RU.

    In February 2009, Polozkova was awarded the Neformat Prize in the Poetry category.

    Since 2008 he has been playing in the interactive performance “Society of Anonymous Artists” by Georg Genaud (Theater named after Joseph Beuys together with Teatr.doc). At first, Mikhail Kaluzhsky was a partner in the play, then Vera Polozkova and Arman Bekenov (co-author of the project) began to play the play for two. In 2008, the publishing house Livebook publishes a collection of poetry by Vera "Photosynthesis", published together with the photographer Olga Pavolga. The collection is composed of texts by Polozkova and photographs of Pavolga. Subsequently, "Photosynthesis" was reprinted three times in connection with the commercial success of the book. The total circulation of the publication was about 30 thousand copies.

    In June 2008, Artemy Troitsky invites Polozkova to co-host the first ceremony of the Steppenwolf independent music award, which was held as part of the Moscow Open Book Festival. In November 2008, Polozkova goes to India for the first time. Thanks to the trip, an extensive corpus of texts appears under the general title "The Indian Cycle". After each trip to India, this cycle is replenished with new verses. Studies of changes in one's relationship with God and the evolution of spiritual experience have occupied a large place in Polozkova's work ever since. And India is becoming a kind of "place of power." In 2009, Polozkova met Eduard Boyakov (founder, producer and director of the Praktika theaters, and later Polytheater). From the same year, Vera served in the Praktika Theater and played in the poetic play Poems of Love based on her own texts (directed by Eduard Boyakov). The premiere of the performance took place in October 2009. In December 2009, the premiere of the play "Poems of Love" took place on the stage of the Perm Theater of New Time "Scene-Hammer". In the spring of 2011, Praktika hosted the premiere of Poems About Moscow. This is a poetic performance based on the texts of four contemporary poets: Vera Polozkova, Andrei Rodionov, Fyodor Svarovsky and Elena Fanailova.

    In June 2009, Polozkova's first audiobook "Photosynthesis" was published. The audiobook was released as a compilation of the author's readings of texts from the collection of the same name with a soundtrack. In addition, the audiobook contains various phrases and small notes on the texts, said during the recording by Vera. The producer of the project is Lena Gracheva. The author of the music is Sergey Geokchaev. By 2013, this disc has already been reissued six times. At the end of 2009, another corpus of lyrics was recorded at the studio, which will later compose the track list of Polozkova's first music album, Sign of Inequality. In January 2010, Livebook publishes a reprint of the collection "Nepoemanie". The book is supplemented with twenty two new verses and three poems. Reprints of the book - 2011, 2012.

    In June 2010, Vera, together with Valery Maryanov, were invited to be the hosts of the "Jazz Estate" festival. Since 2010 Polozkova is a permanent participant and member of the Council of the Texture festival in Perm. International festival of theater and cinema about the present "Tekstura" brings together Russian and foreign films and performances about the present day on one platform.

    In July 2011, the famous producer and promoter Alexander Cheparukhin invites Vera to become his co-host at the large international music festival Movement, held near the village of Khokhlovka near Perm.

    On June 8, 2011, the debut demo album "Sign of Inequality" was released, and during the first week of sales on the Internet it took first place in terms of the number of downloads on the website This disc did not appear on physical media, since from the very beginning it was declared as a "test of the pen". The producer of the project and the author of the musical concept is Lena Gracheva. The author of the music is Sergey Geokchaev. Subsequently, a musical group was assembled by Gracheva, and the authorship of the music became common. Members of the group (at different times): Sergey Geokchaev - keyboards, Nikolai Saginashvili - acoustic guitar, Alexander Bgantsev - bass guitar, Anatoly Levitin - drums, Vladimir Litsov - electric guitar.

    From autumn 2011 to summer 2012 Vera and her musicians gave about 60 concerts in Russia and Ukraine. The group took part in the anniversary festival "Invasion" in 2011, one of the headliners of the More Amore festival in 2012, opened the Festival of Festivals on Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow with a performance in honor of the City Day (2012), was nominated for independent music award "Steppenwolf". In October 2011, the 16 tons club awarded Polozkova and her group the Golden Gargoyle award for the Sign of Inequality album. During this time, the music for the album was changed and added. In the summer of 2012, the double album "Sign of Inequality" was recorded at Viktor Bulatov's Music Street Studio.

    The presentation of the album took place on November 6, 2012 at the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky and was overwhelmed. On November 18, the second part of the presentation took place in the Moscow club "16 tons", and on December 28, the St. Petersburg presentation in the club "Waiting room".

    In the summer of 2012, Vera takes part in the Book Expo book fair in New York. Within the framework of the fair, Polozkova's solo reading took place. In the second half of 2012, Vera took part in the reality show "Polyglot" by Dmitry Petrov on the TV channel "Culture" for the study of the French language.

    In January 2013, the premiere of Vera Polozkova's first video for the song from the album "Sign of Inequality" "Evening" took place. The video operator and director is Sergey Sarakhanov.

    In February 2013, the premiere of the joint video of Vera Polozkova and Svetlana Surganova "Gertrude" took place (the author of the lyrics is Vera Polozkova, the original name of the text set by Surganova to the music "Little Rock and Roll"). In early March 2013, at the invitation of the SLOVO festival, Vera goes to London for the first time, where during the festival three performances by Polozkova take place - two of them are solo. Vera also reads translations of her texts into English (translated by Yuri Machkasov). On March 13, a poetry performance from the Praktika Theater took place at the Waterstones Bookstore in Piccadilly. The participants in the performance are Vera Polozkova, Pavel Artemiev, Alisa Grebenshchikova and Irina Mikhailovskaya.

    On March 16, in the Big Auditorium of the Lecture Hall of the Polytechnic Museum, the Polytheater was opened. And already in April, the premiere of a new performance based on Polozkova's poems "The Chosen" (director - Eduard Boyakov) took place. Polozkova's texts are divided between four characters, played by Mikhail Kozyrev, Pavel Artemiev, Alisa Grebenshchikova and Vera herself. "The Chosen" is a conversation about the poetic craft and evolution of the poet and man, one of the important results of Polozkova as a poet and performer.

    On April 18, 2013, Polozkova's third collection of poetry “Ostocherchenie” was published. The texts are divided into 13 parts. For the first time, such cycles of poetry as "Short Meter" and "Indian Cycle" are completely collected under one cover. The book also includes new texts by Vera, written from 2011 to 2013 inclusive. The compiler of the collection is Alexander Gavrilov. At the presentation of the book in the Moscow cinema "Pioner", together with Vera, the book was presented by her friends - Alexander Manotskov, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Alexander Gavrilov and Alexander Mamut. During the first week of sales, the book ranks first among the bestsellers of the Moscow bookstore.

    On May 18, 2013, the premiere of the play "Happy 60s" based on poems by Bella Akhmadulina and Andrei Voznesensky took place at the Polyteater. The actors of the play are Pavel Artemiev, Ilya Barabanov, Ekaterina Volkova, Yulia Volkova, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Vera Polozkova, Yegor Salnikov. Director - Eduard Boyakov. This is a performance about the 60s of the XX century and how that era rhymes with what is happening in Russia at the moment.

    Vera Polozkova is one of the heroines of the book by journalist and poet Yulia Idlis “Runet. Created idols ”, released in 2010. The heroes of the book are eight of the most famous, brilliant and successful Russian bloggers.

    Vera Polozkova - laureate of the Rimma Kazakova of the Moscow Writers' Union 2011. In 2012, Polozkova was nominated for the "Snob" magazine's "Made in Russia" award in the "Literature" nomination for the synthesis of literature with other arts (the "Polytheatra" play "The Chosen" and the "Sign of Inequality" album).

    Do you know why I dislike poetry?
    Poetry is an extremely personal, deeply intimate creativity, the expression of one's emotions, impressions and memories, as a rule, completely devoid of any plot component whatsoever. And most people - we admit to ourselves honestly - have very little to do with each other, so reading the revelations of a maturing poetess is, of course, pleasant from an aesthetic point of view (for Polozkova's language is very rich), but not that very exciting.

    The main problem of these poems is a very broken rhythm, literally ground to dust. Vera Polozkova is such a shell-shocked Mayakovsky who has completely lost the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rhythm and symmetry of poetic lines, and, remembering only that words must sometimes rhyme, she sculpts this rhyme somehow, when necessary.

    What poetical exercises the poetess does not offer us! Here we have pantorhyme, and hyperdactylic rhyme, and echo rhyme with a torn line, and flirting with a gaping, turning into elysia, and still don't understand what kinhaned - all this is chopped into small pieces and mixed to a state of indistinguishability.
    Poems do not "sing", they cannot be read by the soul, freely sliding over them with perception and vibrating in resonance with their rhythm.
    Each poem has to be dissected with a scalpel of icy logic to discover what rhymes with what.
    Although nominally there is a rhyme - just while you discover it, you risk losing all the poetic mood.

    It was in vain that I expected that such a free attitude to rhythm in "Polozkova-early" would pass in "late": it does not. Literally in every poem, in 2003 and in 2007, you have to stumble several times.

    But let's not talk about sad things. Let's talk about the good.

    Vera Polozkova is undoubtedly very relevant. Her poetry, like a perfectly tuned musical instrument, sounds in unison with the thoughts of her generation - relatively speaking, people from fifteen to thirty, living in stuffy silicate boxes, communicating with each other using a dozen pre-prepared "emoticons" and dreaming of the coming of some abstract Tomorrow in which everything will be different; and we ourselves will be better - kinder, stronger and more honest.
    Like, for example, Zemfira or Diana Arbenina, Polozkova could become the "voice and thoughts" of a whole generation of teenage girls who love to quote lines of songs in statuses and tweets.
    It's a shame that teenage girls can't read: they would somehow dilute all their snotty vulgarity in statuses.

    * * *
    In general, Vera is good at two things. The first is such short, biting verses on the verge of aphorisms:
    "All ladies are like a lady, and you are like a horse in a plaid"
    "Either you will accustom your conscience to stains,
    Or you will walk barefoot.
    I'd like to be clear
    And while not being pop. "
    Capaciously, succinctly and deeply, and most importantly, it almost fits into the format of the notorious "one hundred and forty characters".
    Poems-candy, little monpensiers with the taste of an explosion.

    The second is "long lines":
    “At some point, the soul becomes just bitterness in the sub-tongue, there, in the interfluve, in a second pause between the stanzas. And her eyes are all wounded, all birdlike, not human, she rides down the water like wreaths and candles, and from there there are no lighthouses, no fires. "
    And so, not poetry at all, but seemingly random phrases, like guests uninvited from the street - and the fact that something rhymes here is somehow not immediately apparent.

    And it is precisely such “long lines” (I beg your pardon if I call them incorrectly and they have some specific name - I am infinitely far from poetry) that Vera Polozkova makes, it seems to me, best of all. They read like prose, feel very easy and fluid, and the rhymes that come across in them now and then are perceived as pleasant surprises. In a word, I would read Polozkova only for the sake of such "semi-poetic" prose.
    By the way, it is from such verses that a very colorful rap would turn out - fast and verbose.
    How fortunate that rappers can't read either!

    * * *
    In general, it is difficult to say whether I liked Polozkova's work or not.
    Some poems hit with an explosive bullet "in the top ten" right through: clear, melodic and very, very about me. They want to be learned by heart and quoted.
    But the bulk of the poems is a thick soup of emotions, thoughts and experiences. The broth is undoubtedly very poetic, but damn indigestible due to the rhyme that is somehow cursed.

    No evaluation. Difficult to digest. Relevant and poetic. Remarkable. Brodsko.

    She released her first collection of poems at the age of 15, and by the time she was twenty she had won the status of one of the brightest contemporary poets. On November 24, at the Moscow Palace of Youth, Vera will present a new program "High Resolution", which will include texts from the future collection. The five most poignant ones are in the ELLE collection.

    * * *

    anita is best at lying:
    freeze on click, smile and not blink,
    praise only the dear, the important to avoid,
    kiss past the cheeks of fragrant bitches

    the hardest thing for Anita is to be alone,
    ballerina in a casket, a clockwork doll,
    because anita knees, dimples, day off,
    laughter, facebook

    anita is uncomfortable where you can't pretend:
    where the old woman buys onions, where the dog sits,
    where a child puts a cheerful mouth under the snow,
    as if someone was whispering in your ear,
    taking away the perfect curl:

    in those who are smart, anita, and in those who are stupid
    in visiting and not visiting the fitness club
    in the owners of narrow lips and pouting lips
    god lies wrapped in a tight cocoon

    he will open his eyes, anita, will enter the right
    will tear the flounces and laces on you,
    take out your hairpins, wash you of makeup,
    and you will be alive, my anita, alive
    and loved

    PHOTO Instagram

    * * *

    and then we lived easily: silver and honey
    the summer sunset did not go out all night
    and the river stood up to the cross of the windows
    we went down where the stars were, and our feet bathed in them
    and below us the shore seemed to be woven from woolen
    and flax fibers

    it was a town without a century, with a simple face,
    and visitors to tea with oregano and thyme
    they added bright jam, jammed;
    bought dishes in shops, braid and calico
    and cars and boats rotted, crushing to the seams
    sharp rusty lace

    you loved looking at the barges from under your arm,
    handed out five nickels to neighboring boys:
    and they hugged you, who did not live well.
    and you were different, inconceivably young,
    and you had eyes - twilight over the water,
    blue agate.

    it was June, strawberries, smoked bream,
    you wore, like a prince, any thing
    and three houses were deprived of their will, as soon as they arrived
    - Tonya says, are you married? - terrible slander!
    and around lay an enchanted Levitan,
    endless chekhov

    stairs, floors in my room, hallway, porch, pier -
    everywhere your step sounded so cheerful and good,
    as if we would not untie our fingers, would not perish in smoke,
    as if I'm still reading you about ancient Rome
    like we’ll talk again somewhere else,
    won't die young

    it seems that we are still looking like a cold haze
    gain trails, depressions and corners,
    the shade permeates forests and houses like moisture.
    black on the background of water, we are sitting together
    and above us honey, silver and pearls on the eye,
    crumpled paper.

    leave in August, my light, new school year
    let everything that happens happen -
    and neither dress, nor utensils, nor chest of drawers will survive,
    our embankment will end and the mountain, -
    you will be the embodiment of silver,
    silver and honey.

    PHOTO Instagram

    * * *

    deborah Peters has always been a strong-willed woman.
    did not live happily ever after - but lived overcoming.
    incredible strength of mind, zero fatigue.

    deborah Peters wanted a ginger daughter since her youth.
    deborah raised her gin alone.
    before going to bed she kissed a button, her bird, in a tender lobe.

    deborah is unhappy: the girl is weak at heart.
    this passion - at fifteen - for abstruse books,
    broken boys, short haircuts:
    deborah thinks it's too much.

    ginny peters sunset on the sea, red ocher.
    ginny pretends to be crazy and deaf:
    because the mother is screaming continuously to make her die.

    when hell in this house becomes tangible
    ginny runs away, as they say, to the partisans,
    overcomes drugs, outgrows madness,

    and a thirty-year-old, a sweater to match light trousers,
    deborah in a wheelchair is driven to the car with an uneven thud:
    that's all, mom, good fellow, let's go to the grandchildren.

    deborah squints: God teaches subtly,
    it cost almost to die to deserve a child again -
    bald valkyrie cancer,
    one-breasted Amazon

    it was almost worth dying, and here we are again girlfriends,
    how can I arrive like this, but sweet, and toys,
    two grandchildren, boys, do they have freckles?

    i'll scare them, baby, I'm scary as the desert.
    you are a beauty, mom, make sure you don't catch a cold.
    it cost me almost to die for my bird to forgive me.

    A PHOTO Photo by Alexander Mamaev / URA.RU/TASS

    * * *

    blood consisted of summer, rebellion, laughter and fire. life tore the leash
    as if it lasts two more days, and after the session, the apocalypse, and drown
    continents. as if only you are distracted - and immediately old people.

    where are you now, fools, troublemakers, knights, talkers. smoke over
    drunk rides the city, as if before the war: no one
    powerlessness, not driven, stooped and gray - we drink port wine and sasha
    we learn vasiliev from cassettes.

    so this impudent looks that your troops lie down dead. Is yours
    a friend knows how to be rude with a hexameter and solder in two throws. Firefighters
    stairs and fury to reach the clouds. there are those who
    will survive, those who get enough sleep. but this is for weaklings.

    PHOTO GettyImages


    Vi. temple on the hill

    you can't remember so much, they say, but you have to live light.
    the teacher of oblivion brings a weak poison to me in a bubble:
    he hides the ruby \u200b\u200bcliff in the haze, erases the path in the sand,
    where we speak, like a ruin with a ruin, in an extinct language.

    where we observe, for centuries in a row, hermits in the mountains:
    empires rush upward, burn, become gray dust,
    and I discern five thousand two hundred reasons for your grin.
    you can't remember everything, you will die on the spot, try to forget soon

    after all, this is your house, they say, not a crypt, here is all your simple belongings,
    and you are only thirty years old, not twelve kalpas
    and you do not know the people in the neighboring village where the spring beats,
    but from the flesh is your interlocutor in the temple from ancient books?

    no, I don't know the men and women on the other side of the hill.
    in the temple a rusty bolt grinds only darkness comes,
    the steps are warm, but the coolness touches the shoulders, hair
    and we laugh as if we haven't had a chance to taste hell

    as if we won't change a thousand bodies, we won't meet one hundred and forty wars
    i just sit and admire how your profile works
    as if marble came to fill some strange light
    as if I will remember it from death that does not exist

    PHOTO GettyImages

    The biography of Vera Nikolaevna Polozkova began on March 5, 1986 in Moscow. The girl was the late and only child in the family. Polozkova's father left the family when the girl was 2 years old. And after 5 years he died suddenly. Against the background of these events, the girl developed a very warm relationship with her mother. Vera trusted her only close person with absolutely any secrets. Perhaps such openness contributed to the fact that at the age of 5 the girl wrote her first poem, and at the age of 9 she started a personal diary, which, in principle, is typical of any girl.

    Since childhood, Vera has been very versatile and gifted. She was actively involved in dancing and vocals. When Polozkova was 15 years old, she graduated from high school as an external student and did not go anywhere for higher education, but to the journalism department of one of the most prestigious universities in the country - Moscow State University. However, a little later, she realized that her love of poetry was not combined with the specifics of her work in journalism. Already in the first year of the institute, the young poet published her debut collection of poems.

    In parallel with her studies, the girl had to earn money. She often changed her place of work. At first she was responsible for one of the columns in the fashionable gloss Cosmopolitan, then she wrote material for the Knizhnoye Obozreniye newspaper and the Afisha magazine. In addition, for some time she worked at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.


    At the age of 17, Vera starts her own blog in LiveJournal, where more than a thousand people subscribed to her almost immediately. Such a number of fans gave the young poetess confidence in what she was doing. Since then, she has become a regular at poetry evenings and competitions. After 3 years, Polozkova becomes a finalist of the youth creative competition, better known as the poetry slam. In the same year, she became the best "network" poetess and was awarded the "LJ Poet of the Year" award.

    After that, she created a personal profile on the website. Despite the fact that only 7 works of the poetess were published there, the number of subscribers continues to gradually increase. To this day, they leave their comments under her work.

    The girl's first solo performance took place in 2007. And the career of the poet gradually moved up. In 2008, when Vera was 22 years old, the first printed edition of her poems was published, called “Nonpoemanie”. This collection, in addition to even greater popularity, brought Polozkova a victory in the independent "Neformat" award.

    In the future, she publishes a number of collections and for her hard work is awarded the Rimma Kazakova Prize. And in 2012 Vera Nikolaevna conducts her debut performance abroad. At the New York Book Fair, she shares her work with poetry lovers.

    The bibliography of the famous poetess includes hundreds of poems, which are collected in five collections. In addition, Polozkova often plays on the stage and records music for her poems.

    Personal life

    In 2014, Vera became the wife of musician Alexander Bgantsev. After the wedding, the newly-made husband and wife moved to Odessa. At the end of the same year, the couple had their first child, and 4 years later, their second son was born. Polozkova often shares the details of her personal life on her Instagram page.

    Vera Nikolaevna Polozkova (born March 5, 1986) is a famous Russian poetess. She became one of the few who managed to reach out to the hearts of the younger generation and make them love, appreciate and understand poetry.


    Vera was born in the early spring of 1986 in Moscow. She became a late child, so her parents doted on her, but this did not stop her father from leaving the family when the baby was only two years old. Since then, they have not seen each other, and five years later the man died.

    The mother tried to give her daughter love for two. They became real friends, Vera trusted her with all her childhood, and then youthful secrets. At the same time, the girl enjoyed complete freedom. Perhaps this is what contributed to the early disclosure of her talent.

    The girl began composing poetry when she was barely only five years old. Of course, this surprised others and aroused admiration, but soon Vera showed everyone that she has remarkable intellectual abilities and talent. At the age of 15, she already graduated from school. During her studies, she managed not only to overtake all her classmates, but also to practice vocals and choreography.


    After school, Vera easily entered one of the most prestigious universities - Moscow State University - at the Faculty of Journalism. She loved literature with all her heart, but soon realized that journalism had very little in common with her.

    She did not quit her studies, but she began to devote her main forces to poetry, discovering her world for herself and creating amazing works. Already in the first year, she released a collection of her works.

    In parallel, Vera worked in several journals, in which she led author columns and published articles.


    Vera chose poetry as the main business of her life. Despite the fact that this genre has long lost its popularity, she decided that she would be able to breathe new life into it. And she was right. Having made a bet on the promotion of her works through social networks, the girl quickly became one of the most popular and beloved authors. Vera's blog on LiveJournal has become megapopular in just a few years. In 2006, she received the title of Poet of the Year LiveJournal.

    After that, the poetess decided that it was time to make a name for herself offline. In 2007, she held her first creative evening, which aroused genuine interest among loyal fans and literary critics. Soon her collection "Nonpoemanie" was published. It became a real triumph and brought the "Neformat" award.

    A year later, Vera went to India. Acquaintance with this country brought a lot of new things into the worldview of the poetess. It also resulted in the famous "Indian cycle". Since then, Vera has been visiting India on a regular basis, she says that she has some kind of special connection with her.

    The next collection of Polozkova was "Photosynthesis". At the moment, it has been reprinted three times already, which is a kind of record not only for poetic literature, but even for modern prose.

    2012 brought Vera Polozkova a trip overseas to the United States and the realization that cultural differences and the language barrier are not an obstacle for people who have a subtle sense of poetry. Her performance at the local book fair was a huge success.

    A year later, the third collection, Ostocherchenie, was published.


    Talented people are talented in everything. In many ways, anyway. Vera Polozkova confirms this with her whole life. Along with writing poetry and working in print media, she decided to try her hand at the theatrical stage. Her first experience was the interactive performance "The Society of Anonymous Artists". The experiment turned out to be successful, so the girl subsequently began to periodically go up on stage.

    The production of "Poems of Love", based on the works of the poetess, was a great success. The third performance “The Chosen” also included the verses of Vera. This time close friends took the stage with her.

    The play "Happy 60s" revealed Polozkova exclusively as a talented actress, without any admixture of her personal poetic creativity.


    Another path that interested Vera and soon submitted to her was music. It all started with the release of the audio version of "Photosynthesis". The idea was that the poetess read her poems to musical accompaniment. The idea was so successful that it has already undergone six reprints. And it is unlikely that everything will stop there.

    In 2011, The Sign of Inequality was published; it was already a full-fledged music album, which, however, existed and exists only in the online version.
    Inspired by her success, Vera, together with like-minded musicians, organized a group that gave dozens of concerts in different CIS countries and made a real sensation.

    Personal life

    Against the background of a rich creative biography, Vera Polozkova's personal life looks quiet and peaceful. In 2014, she married Alexander Bgantsev, who was one of the musicians of her band, played the bass guitar. In the same year, the couple had a son, Fedor.