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  • How to apply runes to a photo so that the secret becomes apparent? A conspiracy to make the secret clear.

    How to apply runes to a photo so that the secret becomes apparent?  A conspiracy to make the secret clear.

    Runes are special formulas that can help a person find what he has wanted for so long. But you should understand that you need to do everything right. Therefore, this is exactly what will be discussed below.

    So, how should the runes be applied and how is this done correctly? It should be understood that a lot depends solely on the goal, as well as intentions. After all, there are runes that are used both for good deeds and in black magic. Therefore, it is still worthwhile to prioritize some. So that the secret, finally, it becomes obvious, you need to do everything right.

    It should be noted that the runes are applied in a variety of ways. It can be either a regular marker or a nail polish. How the runes should be applied so that the secret becomes obvious, and moreover reliably. In this case, the predisposition of the person himself plays a huge role. Again, it is worth paying attention to associations, as well as other nuances.

    In general, even an ordinary pen will do. It is important to understand that a great role is played by the mood of a person at the moment when he applies the runes. The success of the entire "operation" depends on this. So how do you apply the runes correctly? It is necessary first to determine why all this is being done. You should choose the right material, it can be either ordinary paper or cardboard.

    In many cases, runes can be applied as a tattoo, or simply transferred to a photograph. It is the latter case that will be discussed today. After the very material is selected, it is worth deciding how to apply the runes.

    As mentioned above, it can be a marker, pen, nail polish, or anything else. When these stages are behind you, you need to think about why all this is necessary at all. Runes will help to make the secret clear, just for a start you should still learn more about them. After all, such an influence can well be attributed to light magic.

    So what are the runes? It should be understood that they exist completely different. So, starting from black magic and ending with the most common and simple goals. What are the runes talking about? Before applying them, you should decide on the so-called strength. Simply put, follow your goal. After all, each of them has its own specific power, and you can't do anything just like that. So, there are certain symbols that mean certain actions.

    Therefore, the first step is to choose the signs themselves. What to do next? Then the most interesting part begins. You need to take a photograph, which depicts the person to whom the same "message" will address. Then a rune is selected and applied with varnish, a marker or a pen. It is worth noting that the color of what everything will be applied also plays an important role.

    Where can I find rune schemes and is it important to apply them correctly? Of course, you can't figure it out on your own. But here it is worth relying solely on personal preference. When everything is ready, you can start applying. The main thing in this case is to correctly configure your own self. This is the only way to really achieve the goal. Despite the fact that runes are considered quite powerful, without a good mood they may not help.

    So you have to work a little on self-hypnosis and a great desire to get something. Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to get what you want. In order for the applied rune to really bring the desired result, it is necessary that the person constantly carries it with him. This is the main secret. So, half of the success depends on the person himself. It's definitely not worth relaxing in this, because we are talking about magic.

    How to use runes Everyday life and is it necessary? Each person must answer this question for himself.

    Because runes can have both positive and negative effects. This issue should still be carefully considered and decided whether it makes sense at all to use any schemes or formulas.

    Runes are special formulas that can help a person find what he has wanted for so long..

    But you should understand that you need to do everything right. Therefore, this is exactly what will be discussed below.

    So, how should the runes be applied and how is this done correctly?

    It should be understood that a lot depends solely on the goal, as well as intentions. After all, there are runes that are used both for good deeds and in black magic.

    Therefore, it is still worthwhile to prioritize some. So that the secret, finally, it becomes obvious, you need to do everything right.

    It should be noted that the runes are applied in a variety of ways. It can be either a regular marker or a nail polish.

    How the runes should be applied so that the secret becomes obvious, and moreover reliably. In this case, the predisposition of the person himself plays a huge role. Again, it is worth paying attention to associations, as well as other nuances.

    In general, even an ordinary pen will do. It is important to understand that a great role is played by the mood of a person at the moment when he applies the runes. The success of the entire "operation" depends on this.

    So how do you apply the runes correctly?

    It is necessary first to determine why all this is being done. You should choose the right material, it can be either ordinary paper or cardboard.

    In many cases, runes can be applied as a tattoo, or simply transferred to a photograph. It is the latter case that will be discussed today. After the same material has been selected, it is worth deciding how to apply the runes.

    As mentioned above, it can be a marker, pen, nail polish, or anything else. When these stages are behind you, you need to think about why all this is necessary at all. Runes will help to make the secret clear, just for a start you should still learn more about them. After all, such an influence can well be attributed to light magic.

    So what are the runes?

    It should be understood that they exist completely different. So, starting from black magic and ending with the most common and simple goals. What are the runes talking about?

    Before applying them, you should decide on the so-called strength. Simply put, follow your goal. After all, each of them has its own specific power, and you can't do anything just like that. So, there are certain symbols that mean certain actions.

    Therefore, the first step is to choose the signs themselves.

    What to do next? Then the most interesting part begins. You need to take a photograph, which depicts the person to whom the same "message" will address. After that, a rune is selected and applied with varnish, a marker or a pen. It is worth noting that the color of what everything will be applied also plays an important role.

    Where to find rune schemes and is it important to apply them correctly? Of course, you can't figure it out on your own. But here it is worth relying solely on personal preference.

    When everything is ready, you can start applying. The main thing in this case is to correctly configure your own self. This is the only way to really achieve the goal. Despite the fact that runes are considered quite powerful, without a good mood they may not help.

    So you have to work a little on self-hypnosis and a great desire to get something. Otherwise, it is unlikely to be able to get what you want.

    In order for the applied rune to really bring the desired result, it is necessary that the person constantly carries it with him. This is the main secret. So, half of the success depends on the person himself. It's definitely not worth relaxing in this, because we are talking about magic.

    How to use the runes of everyday life and is it necessary?

    Each person must answer this question for himself.

    Because runes can have both positive and negative effects. This issue should still be carefully considered and decided whether it makes sense at all to use any schemes or formulas.

    Complete collection and description: prayer for the secret to become apparent to the spiritual life of a believer.

    For many centuries, our distant ancestors, not having the opportunity to be treated by doctors, turned to God, used special "prayers from corruption." And it really helped! Conspiracies, like prayers, are a kind of appeal to God. After all, when a person is ill, he always turns to God, and God always helps him, the most important thing is to believe!

    Conspiracies and prayers from corruption this is a special ritual! To do it, a person needs a strong faith in God and in himself. Today I want to teach you the most important conspiracies that you will need throughout your life. Before reading a conspiracy or prayer, you need to cleanse and repent. We will do the cleaning by prayer. If you know "Our Father" read it, you can also read any prayer for repentance.

    It's kind of such a cleanup! Now I want to tell you about the conspiracy from damage, which is done in the morning. This is a kind of protection for the day. Before you need to wash, whisper such a conspiracy.

    Peter and Paul, the supreme apostles, close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with your incorruptible robe from the evil of man, from the dashing thought, from rough, from Cheremnovo, from Belovo, from Rus, from the priest, from the priest, from the mob, from a black lady, from a simple-haired girl, from her own thought, a servant of God (name), from a proper thought. And to those words of mine, a key and a lock. Always, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    I think this is not a difficult conspiracy, memorize and read every day before washing. I also want to give you a conspiracy that will help you become successful in any endeavor and in any business. They read this prayer when they are going to start any work or business.

    Lord save and save me, a sinful servant (name). Lift me up in my case. Wrap it up with your luck. Give your strength, prudence. Have given away my enemies from me. Give me the power of God. To fight off enemies and enemies, My language is molding, the word is strong. Amen.

    There are a lot of conspiracies and prayers, while I am telling you the most important ones. With this prayer, you can protect yourself for a day, or maybe for a week, it depends on your spiritual strength. I have chosen the shortest ones for you so that you can memorize them. Then they will be with you. And remember, each of us has a great gift and power that God has given us. Open it up, believe and love. May the Lord be with you.

    And lastly, of course! I want to give you some little tips. To make the day more successful, you need to whisper these words:

    Lord save and save me, I am a sinner slave (name).

    And never leave a holy book (Bible) open. And always try to think only good things. because our thoughts are material, so everything we think about is reflected in our daily life. And remember that only faith in God gives us strength and confidence in our life!

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    Secret prayer

    But when you pray, go into your room and, having closed your door, pray to your Father, who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

    What is a secret? This is a confidential event, hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about things that others do not know, or about which we are afraid to tell someone, and this shows our trust.

    God rewards all this EXPLICITLY. That is, you look at a person who is unremarkable, and then bam - and God raises him, the person becomes successful. By this, the Lord shows that he has something secret, to which God explicitly answered.

    For example (personal testimony): Every week I pray for certain people, I ask God for them in secret. Only I and God know about prayers. I do not include my friends, ministers, etc., in these prayers. I just pray to God. And for these prayers, He clearly rewards: people have miracles in finances, personal life, health. People do not know why this is so, but I know what was first hidden from human eyes and then revealed by God.

    All secrets are revealed

    Trust God, talk to him, develop the mystery of your relationship. You will see very quickly that your secret prayers give results faster and more powerful than what you tell your friends, mentors, relatives.

    These personal prayers are valid for the spiritual world... And God promises to give the sacrament, and to make everything secret clear. Close, sincere prayer is the most powerful in the world!

    The strongest prayer in the world

    5 Areas, Article The Strongest Prayer in the World

    Prayer is a sincere conversation with God, communication with Him. Which prayer has the greatest power and effect? Let's figure it out.

    Secret prayer

    This principle of relationship with God has been vividly revealed to me recently. It is called "All the secret is revealed" - and it is taken from the Bible.

    Let's first find out what is "secret", for what God wants and can reward a person? In various translations "in secret" means "in solitude with God", "before the invisible God."

    What is a secret? This is a confidential event, hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about things that others do not know, or about which we are afraid to tell someone, and this shows our trust.

    Even if we take human relations, we tell our secrets only to those whom we trust, who can give us valuable advice, who will not betray and trumpet about our secrets to the whole world. God is not a traitor, he hides our secrets. And he reveals to the world not our secrets, but the answers to our most secret desires.

    How to communicate in secret with God in practice?

    Given this age of acceleration, employment, increased information?

    1. On the road, breaks, solitude, walks (and so on), mentally turn to God. Tell Him about everything that happens in your life, what you would like, what worries you, upsets you, what would you like to change. Do it anywhere and anytime (whenever possible). Never think about the negative, do not develop this thought. Better imagine how the Lord is changing the situation.
    2. Set aside a time and day in advance when you can talk to God. Get away from the hustle and bustle. God does not need your service, your gifts and offerings without your heart and participation. It's like in a family: you bring delicious food to the house, you can wash everything, do a service, repair, but you don't communicate with loved ones, you ignore their opinion, their help to you. God is the same living Personality who wants a personal relationship with you.
    3. Read His Word. God speaks through the Bible personally in your heart and in your situation. You will receive wisdom and understanding of how and where to move on.

    God rewards for all this EXPLICITLY. That is, you look at a person who is unremarkable, and then bam - and God raises him, the person becomes successful. By this, the Lord shows that he has something secret, to which God explicitly answered.

    For example (personal testimony): Every week I pray for certain people, I ask God for them in secret. Only I, God, know about prayers. I do not include my friends, ministers, etc. in these prayers. I just pray to God. And for these prayers, He clearly rewards: people experience miracles in finances, personal life, health. People do not know why this is so, but I know what was first hidden from human eyes and then revealed by God.

    All secrets are revealed

    The Bible says that all secrets are revealed. Make sure that in your secret life (when no one sees you) there is holiness and purity. Because nowhere is it written that God will reward only good. What you sow is what you reap. But you sow secretly, and you reap openly.

    This principle also exists in nature: no one sees the seed in the ground, but when it grows, everyone sees. When a woman is pregnant, the fetus is hidden, and then it is born, and everything becomes apparent.

    Trust God, talk to him, develop the mystery of your relationship. You will see very quickly that your secret prayers give results faster and more powerful than what you tell your friends, mentors, relatives.

    These personal prayers are valid in the spirit world. And God promises to give the sacrament, and to make everything secret clear. Close, sincere prayer is the most powerful in the world!

    I believe that today you will already begin to practice this. Share your feelings and results in the comments! :)

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    ligature can be used Kenaz-Perthre + Ansuz-Kenaz:

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    Mannaz is the kind of person who

    Kenaz - will want me, desire me, have a strong sexual attraction to me,

    Gebo - will love me, and give me his love,

    Wunjo - and this love will bring me joy and happiness.

    works from 3 to 5 days, weeds out all unnecessary MCH, attracts the very one (author's com.)

    applied as an experiment. appeared on the third day. friend. for a number of good reasons for me, I myself do not go to a closer relationship. our relationship is really very trusting, light, we even dress in the same tone, without seeing each other, without saying a word. let the formula out of harm's way

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    For the secret to be revealed by Banshi

    on Wed 07 Jan 2015, 06:45

    If we are talking not about influencing a situation, but about a person's consciousness - so that he understands, recognizes, "opens his eyes", etc. -

    ligature Kenaz-Pertre + Ansuz-Kenaz can be used:

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    on Sat 23 May 2015, 08:06

    And is it possible to find out with his help who does the damage?

    What is the best way to apply it?

    on Sat 23 May 2015, 08:32

    For example, who broke or destroyed something?

    And is it possible to find out with his help who does the damage? "1. Perth is a mystery

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    And, of course, you should understand that prayer should not turn into a routine ritual. Only sincere, sincere prayer, in which every spoken word breathes with faith and love for God, can be miraculous and strong.

    Leading. Boldyonkov Dmitry.

    The third group, led by Ekaterina Silaeva, discussed the topic:

    Prayer as a conversation with God

    Prayer is a sincere conversation with God, communication with Him. Which prayer has the greatest power and effect? Let's figure it out.

    This principle of relationship with God has been vividly revealed to me recently. It is called "All the secret is revealed" - and it is taken from the Bible.

    Mt. 6: 6 But when you pray, go into your room and, having closed your door, pray to your Father, who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly.

    Let's first find out what is "secret", for what God wants and can reward a person? In various translations "in secret" means "in solitude with God", "before the invisible God."

    What is a secret? This is a confidential event, hidden from others; That is, God appreciates when we tell Him about what others do not know, or what we are afraid to tell someone about. This shows our trust.

    Even if we take human relations, we tell our secrets only to those whom we trust, who can give us valuable advice, who will not betray and trumpet about our secrets to the whole world. God is not a traitor, he hides our secrets. And he reveals to the world not our secrets, but the answers to our most secret desires.

    How to communicate in secret with God in practice?

    Given this age of acceleration, employment, increased information?

    On the road, breaks, solitude, walks (and so on), mentally turn to God. Tell Him about everything that happens in your life, what you would like, what worries you, upsets you, what would you like to change. Do it anywhere and anytime (whenever possible). Never think about the negative, do not develop this thought. Better imagine how the Lord is changing the situation.

    Set aside a time and day in advance when you can talk to God. Get away from the hustle and bustle. God does not need your service, your gifts and offerings without your heart and participation. It's like in a family: you bring delicious food to the house, you can wash everything, do a service, repair, but you don't communicate with loved ones, you ignore their opinion, their help to you. God is the same living Personality who wants a personal relationship with you.

    Read His Word. God speaks through the Bible personally to your heart and your situation. You will receive wisdom and understanding of how and where to move on.

    All secrets are revealed

    The Bible says that all secrets are revealed. Make sure that in your secret life (when no one sees you) there is holiness and purity. Because nowhere is it written that God will reward only good. What you sow is what you reap. But you sow secretly, and you reap openly.

    This principle also exists in nature: no one sees the seed in the ground, but when it grows, everyone sees. When a woman is pregnant, the fetus is hidden, and then it is born, and everything becomes apparent.

    Leading. Boldyonkov Dmitry.

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    The author can download the certificate of publication of this material in the "Achievements" section of his site.

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