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  • What does it mean when the fire of the candle is twitching. How does church candle burn you? Why the flame of the candle burns vertically

    What does it mean when the fire of the candle is twitching. How does church candle burn you? Why the flame of the candle burns vertically

    From a long time, people treated fire, as something mysterious, even Divine. Why does fire have such power? What is the building of the flame? There are many questions, let's try to figure it out in the most interesting.

    This article is intended for persons over 18 years

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    Flame, Fire: What is it?

    The flame is one of the forms of fire arising from burning, a gaseous medium consisting of particles of ions. The temperature may be different, the fire itself with a color flame, yellow or even invisible. The flame that man usually observes is a flue gas flow raised up by the archimedean force (gases are always raised). Paraffin or wax gradually warms up from burning. Therefore, at the base of the phytil, the flame of blue due to the fact that there is practically no access of oxygen. Compound with oxygen, forms yellow burning. The zones of the yellow flame are hot, the blue zone is colder.

    Candle material and combustion temperature

    There are several types of candles on the basis of the material used in the manufacture. It:

    • wax;
    • paraffin;
    • stearinovy.

    Sometimes those copies that fall into the retail network contain some fraction of stearin (about 25%). In its pure form, stearin candles in free sale are practically not found. This is due to safety measures, since the temperature of the stearin candle with burning, or rather its flame, can reach 1500 degrees. But the use of stearin is more profitable, as it is less emitting harmful substances during burning, declined in the ground, does not smoke when burning.

    Many people often have a question: is there a flame candle with a physical body? The question is strange and the answer can be found in any encyclopedic directory. It does not have a constant mass, volume, accordingly, cannot be a physical body. The flame is a thermal, chemical reaction between the combustible substance and oxygen. The fire does not have any permanent weight, nor volume.

    Original novelty - candles with multi-colored flame

    Also, people who were not serious about physics lessons, in school, are interested in why candles are burning with a multicolored flame. Enoneling people used this property to create their own business. Today in the retail network you can meet the sets of festive candles that are capable of burning in different colors. As a rule, the candle itself is painted in the color of the alleged fire.

    The Chinese businessman applied the technology for not so long ago, who created the company and filled the world market with original candles. Such candles do not produce from wax or paraffin. These are special salt connections. The appearance and structure is no different from the usual analogues, but when Ignorated, it seems that some sacrament is performed. Nothing mysterious, just need to sleep, which is what to connect with. For example:

    • the presence of sodium nitrate (kitchen salt) gives yellow, orange;
    • nitrate strontium paints the flame in brightly red;
    • the presence of copper salts and barium chloride guarantees the green color of the flame;
    • copper stearate - blue color;
    • potassium chloride salts painted fire in a beautiful, saturated purple color.

    Flame candles on Faraday

    If you carefully look at Kzweitch, you can see that it burns with different shades. In total, three zones are distinguished, among which the hottest part is the top of the flame. The tip and its temperature can reach 1300 ° C.

    The temperature in degrees near the wick itself usually does not exceed the mark at 350 ° C. The upper fiery part, which is the hottest, has the brightest flame color and usually consists of hot waters.

    Based on the teachings of Faraday, there is training in modern schools. And well, if teachers take the experience of a scientist as a basis. After all, he led the lessons so enthusiastically that there were no interested students in the audience. He was just in love with his science, and this love was instantly passed to the listener. Therefore, all the theories of Faraday are interesting to today.

    Flame shape, its colors were compared with precious stones. He was able to clarify why the fire had such a form, in the form of a drop, and why a blue flame down. This is already considered this question. It is worth reminding that blue, it means that the coldest and combustion is carried out without access of oxygen. The shape of the loop or drops, as the fire, on the basis of the Archimedes Act stretches upwards.

    Sometimes it can be found that there is not a completely familiar bright flame carved candles give. It seems that this is a double flame, as two tongues are clearly visible. And this fact is known for science, so it is not difficult to explain it. This is no more than a decorative effect. In such a candle, they are simply present for a wick.

    Why the flame of the candle burns vertically?

    Another question, which is extremely important for informative personalities: why in the glare Flame of the candle is installed vertically? Everything is quite simple and there is a response in the school program. If the candle burns in a windless space, then this is the merit of such a phenomenon as a convention. Hot air has low density and it pulls out, striving up, giving flames familiar to us all shape. Even if we tilt the candle in the side, the flame still strives up.

    Many magic forces attribute people to candles. For example, with a pegless flame, you can suspect disorder in the house, family. But let it remain in power of magicians and sorcerers. Science can explain why the flame burns unevenly why twitching. Even practical work in the lessons give a scientific explanation to these facts. Here are examples of some tasks:

    1. Opening the entrance door and analyze how the flame burns around the floor near the door and at the top. If you dance, jumps near the floor and deviates towards the room, it means that the cold air flow goes inside. The flame is directed upwards towards the corridor, the flows of warm air overlook.
    2. Slide the candle and watch the direction of smoke. Cognary is that a strip is directed up? So, the movement of cold, warm air in the room is not. While the paraffin does not cool down, the direction of smoke indicates how the flame would be burning.
    3. A small candle is put on a saucer and ignite, then ripped with a glass. The flame is first pulled out, sharpened from above, and then goes out. The output is simple, without access of oxygen, fire will not be supported.
    4. Welcome a candle, it can be seen that the flame stretches, burns brightly, strong, but the wick does not burn? The material from which the wick is made will quickly absorb liquid paraffin, protecting it from premature combustion. Paraffin as heated highlights carbon, which supports burning.
    5. If you ignite the candle and noticeably how the flame is very trembling, it can talk about changing the movement of warm and cold flows. It moves over warm air and confronts cold.

    Watch the movement of a burning candle flame is interesting. There is something magical, extraordinary. This fire soothes the nerves, the soul is packed. No wonder all church rituals are held with burning candles. But many absolutely do not know why they are constantly burning in churches.

    Why in churches constantly light candles?

    The custom to light the candles during prayer is quite ancient. It is believed that he came from Byzantium. It was believed that fire from the candle is a symbol indicating the way to a person. Over time, it began to produce certain rules for the ignition of candles. At first they lit one candle, while they endured the gospel, and only during his reading it was possible to light all the others. Later, healing the candles of steel in front of all icons and in front of the sacred church objects.

    This custom reached our time. Lighting the candle, a person not only mentally drawn in prayer to God. At this moment he thinks of his actions. And the burning candle is a symbol of repentance, aspire to God. It makes it possible to understand that the man is sin and repents in his sins, asks for forgiveness not only for himself, but for his loved ones, living or those who are no longer on this light.

    Candle can not automatically. At that moment, everyone should fill with repentance, humility and feeling of full love for whom to pronounce prayer. The candle acquired in the church is a symbol of limitless love and faith, full of repentance.

    Do not forget to put candles at home when contacting the Almighty with requests. In the burning form, the candle clears the house from negative energy, and the mind fills with light, positive thoughts.

    No title

    1. If in a person's life, everything is in order set by the candle burns with a smooth high flame, without forming any influx.

    2. As soon as some mental problems arise, the candle begins to "cry": there are glances on it.

    3. If the lines of the influx go to the defects and intersect, it means that a person threatens death from severe illness, and it may be to blame for this himself or the one who "did" to him such fate.

    4. If a line of influx runs on top of the candle on top of the bottom, this means: for a person Palo is a curse. If two lines are two curses. More is extremely rare.

    5. If you drive a burning candle clockwise in front of the body of a person from the head and she in some place begins to smoke in black smoke, it means that the internal organs in this place are blocked by the disease and they must be treated, while (when diagnosing) the candle will not cease to smoke .

    6. Keep in mind, the candle should always be kept one side to the patient. If the inflores are formed on his part - he himself is to blame in their diseases. If, with the opposite, therefore, the disease "did".

    7. If the "tear" rolls along the candle to the left or right, this is a sign that there is an energy struggle between patients and someone else. If the "tear" of black, it means, a person is in a state of negative energy. If the tracks on the candle of the same color as it itself, it means that the stopping stop is close.

    8. When the candles put in the church, the picture remains approximately the same as at home, but in the candle temple sometimes bend. This means that a person is obsessed with an evil spirit. Slops sometimes resemble the profiles of the black or that person who enjoyed the curse.

    9. If the candle goes out - it smells of death and you need to urgently take action: repent, ask for forgiveness from those who offended, and forgive those who offended you.

    10. You can put a stearin candle near the legs, the heating of its lower end and adhering it to a large saucer. If, starting to "cry", the candle forms at its base uniformly on the circumference of the cake with a diameter of 2-3 cm, adjacent to it, is a serious indication of possible cancer diseases.

    "The candle is a mandatory attribute of my work. A person comes, we sit down at the table, and the first thing I do, I light the candle. If the fire is smooth, calm - it connects our words and thoughts, helps to understand the fate of a person. If during a conversation Wax, like tears, slowly flows into the candlestick - this is the first sign that the shower of human crying is that it hurts her. It happens, the conversation is not glued. You look, and the candle is cracking, smoking, almost all darkened. And immediately it is clear: in a sitting nearby Much darkness and malice, insidious thoughts. The candle feels it and therefore smoking. And if there is a false thing, it begins to burn out from one side. Do not need any witchcraft, the candle will tell you who is who. Want, check out: come to you. His candle, you will find out who came to you. "

    If you were hurt, insulted in the best feelings and late in the evening the dream does not go to you, go to the kitchen or in the room - where no one botheres you, - and burn the candle. Put it on the window sill, sit next to and, not in a hurry, in a whisper, tell her about what happened. Tears will appear, do not hesitate them, pay. Let the insult and pain come out with tears. The candle fire will tremble, Merzaya, listen to you and soothe. And as wax melts, your resentment falls, we will seem not so significant as first.

    Another secret: if the scandal happened at home and there was a lot of rough, cruel words, patiently wait for the night when everyone fell asleep and the silence will reign. Light a candle and go to her in your hand all the households. Standing at the head of each bed, mentally wish them good night. Do not think about the bad.

    Remember how much happy, joyful days were living together.

    Wish they repeat a lot, many times. The candle will burn in your hands, and the words of kindness, tenderness and love will be like smacks, descend on the face of sleeping. Everything is kind that there is in your heart, through the fire candles will be imprinted on the faces of your relatives and loved ones.

    And finally, the last secret. If they sinned themselves, they acted dirty, caused someone to someone - it's never too late to admit and obey. First - to yourself. Light in front of the mirror candle. Looking at his reflection through her fire, tell everything as it was. Do not lie, otherwise nothing will work. Speak - the fire will destroy the nasty actions and affairs. Cleaning the candle flame, you will feel that even the worst in yourself can always be fixed for the better. And it will fall on the soul much easier and lighter.



    Each time after a long, rich labor day, we plunge into the arms of Morpheus and go to a fascinating journey through the world of dreams, and we try to solve the signs, symbols and images (if, of course, we remembered them) to open the secret of our future. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Lacks to find out the future and manage your fate through dreams We inherited from distant ancestors who attached special importance to dreams. So, for example, the ancient Greeks believed that the sleeping man had a gift of clairvoyance, and the Spartans were erected by temples, where special EFO official officials in accordance with the established ritual fell asleep in a dream to obtain instructions over to resolve the most difficult political, legal, civil and other issues in a dream. . \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N stock is no longer doubt the fact that dreams are inextricably linked with the human psyche. According to the Swiss psychiatrist, the founder of the analytical psychology of Charles Jung, the dreams are a secret door leading to the deepest and most secret corners of our psyche. And this is true, because in most cases, the dreams are caused by an emotional state, active mental activity, new events, etc. Therefore, thanks to dreams, you can find the key to understanding various issues, find creative solutions and even make scientific discoveries. \\ R \\ n \\ Under the influence of dreams, inspiration came to the greatest composers, writers and poets, such as V.A. Mozart, J. Tartini, A.S. Pushkin, A.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Fet and V.V. Mayakovsky. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NP process interpretation of dreams since the time of the ancient world significantly evolved. If only offacarious healers, sorcerers and predictors who conducted special rituals with reading prayers and the use of special items were engaged in the interpretation of dreams and the predictors who carried out special rituals with reading prayers and the use of special items, today we have the opportunity to use dreambooks who have absorbed the entire experience of our ancestors. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nonsions of Vangi, Miller, Nostradamus, Solomon, Loffe, Hasse, Freud, Assyrian and Old Russian Dreamnies - this is probably one of the most authoritative interpreters of dreams that have endured the test of time and do not lose their relevance today. The predictions of the greatest clairvoyant and mediums, the results of many years of scientific research of the human psyche, the mythological representations of distant ancestors. And how is it not to get confused by a modern person and do not go on a false path in the interpretation of your night history? \\ R \\ n ...

    What is Reiki, no one knows that. Because it is so much more voluminous than it can accommodate the human understanding that all attempts to tell about what it is to be reduced to the description of some manifestations of Reiki in our life \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N love rayes can manifest as Universal love, for someone - as universal energy, for someone - as the Holy Spirit. For someone this is life. And life, it happens very different. Sometimes cute and pink, sometimes tough and strict. But always, what kind of man does it. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N. Rake (or Reiki) consists of two parts. Ray and Ki. This is a Japanese word. And Japanese is surprisingly deep. In one syllable, the daily and sublime, and the law and spirit, and the consciousness and aroma, and the way and the possibility of consciousness and the aroma, and the way and the possibility are considered. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N. Reiki in Japanese is very old. And one of his meanings is a universal spirit, then a single start, from which the whole life arises. The second, which is understood by the word Rake - this is about a hundred years ago, the tradition, the natural healing system of Dr. Mikao Usui. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N third is the practice, Practice of Reiki, Personal daily practice available for each person. And besides all this, this is an inexplicable sacrament of life. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N de the tradition of Reiki USUI SHIKI Rioho This sacrament is transmitted through initiation. And it makes it possible to get rayes for any person, regardless of his personal qualities, skills and other things. There would be a desire. The desire, reinforced by the action - facing the master asking for training. Practice Reiki is very simple, no special dating, superpowers or something like that. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n At the same time I don't know a single person who would have changed after he came to Rake . Reiki, this is not only the possibility of physical healing, it is also the possibility of real spiritual growth, as much as a person himself is ready and agree. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N / N \\ NEW gets that for him at the moment is most necessary. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Note to tell what kind of Reiki is, this page is not enough. Not enough and the thick book about Reiki, which you could find. Just because it is impossible to argue the immense and know the unrecognizable. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nraft is a great sacrament, huge, as life itself. And it cannot be contacted any book. But you can learn how to use the rail system, you can get an initiation and through it to get the transfer of how it is possible to live in this system. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NA In order to get acquainted, try what kind of rayes are, it is necessary to be in it, for example , Get a session from any person who has rayes. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Nna circle, or at home, anywhere. The session is an opportunity to feel on yourself, on your experience, the opportunity to live Rake. And your experience is always more expensive than any read or heard information. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n If, after such a experience somewhere inside, a voice will appear, which says: "I want it too, I need it!", - Then you can search for masters. (Or choose, now it is not necessary to look for), to pass on with His training and get initiation. And if I liked it, but I have not decided yet that you would like to do it yourself, you can simply go through the session cycle. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    Not quite understandable, very scientific concept \\ "bioenergy \\" has already become an integral part of our life. Along with these words as \\ "Aura \\", \\ "Esoteric \\", \\ "Nirvana \\", \\ "Reiki \\", \\ "Prana \\", etc. These expressions sound quite often, they say completely different people. Only the meaning that is invested in them, not always coincides. Human ideas about \\ "bioenergy \\" are quite different. For some reason, the expression of bioenergy causes associations precisely with psychics. This is not the case. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ N Personally all people think: \\ "bioenergy - something like extrasensory abilities that have exclusively gifted people \\". People, seeing an evil person, reasonably believe that it also has an evil energy, bad, it should be expected exclusively for something bad, negative. For example, the evil eye or damage, \\ "energy vampirism \\" (energy selection) and such things. A good man radiates good, often serves as a battery, he is ready to give energy. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N. The concept of bioenergy entered our life, it remained to the end incomprehensible. Each housewife, every schoolboy, who sometimes watch TV, can explain that each of us has some kind of shell, there may be even several of them. They will also tell that the aura can be healthy, and maybe the patient. Everyone wants to have a healthy aura, but few people know how to do this, since it does not consider bioenergy in relation to themselves. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n etc. As explain the concept of bioenergy in dictionaries: \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NBoenergetics - Scientific discipline examining energy processes in cells, tissues, individuals, ecosystems, etc. (Slovar on natural sciences.) \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NBoenergetics - (1) Discipline that studies the processes of energy transformations in the process of existence of biological organisms and the functioning of the biosphere as a whole; (2) Branch of knowledge about a single information field, about its interaction with biological objects of all levels of complexity. (Encyclopedia of esoterism) \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Nyruary of the bioenergetic field is already well studied in scientific circles. But there is a certain mass of people who consider it by quarrel. Most scientists have the following point of view: a bioenergy field is a carrier of human consciousness. It controls biological processes, the bioenergy field organizes the existence and vital activity of matter. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ \\ \\ присили consider the individual energy-information field, it is a part of the single energy-information field of the universe. If we speak quite easily, each has its own field. It is exposed to the surrounding world, but also itself affects the world around. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NO biopole people knew back in the distant past. Since biofield it is impossible to see a simple eye to display the fact of its existence, the ancient pictures were depicted by the nimb, the glow indicating that the invisible is that surrounds the human body. Pretty controversial is the assumption of the existence of diseases transmitted by energy. With great confidence, neither no one can refute this circumstance. Higher, thin energy forms quite even concentric spheres around the human body. The physically healthy person can be described as follows: \\ "in the form of a fountain, the energy is bottled through all sides of the man, then it is going in the crotch area for the next lifting body up \\". \\ R \\ n \\ R \\ NMOGI claims that they see human aura. Pensively looking at the person, they swing their heads and say: \\ "One Aura is black, the other blue \\" and so on. Without doubt the ability of some people to see inaccessible to others, we note the following: Among the so-called "truly visiting", there are quite a few unfair comrades who create a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bbioenergy. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Neckling, who does not know how to spin energy fares independently, is forced to resort to Aid of others. Either this is an unethical method - the selection of energy (vampire), or an understanding of the laws of the Universe and the ability to interact with them. Teach people to collect and enjoy our own - this is one thing, and to feed them with their own strength is another. And since it directly depends on his health, his mood, performance, it would be good to understand what is the indicator of the purity of the field. We know examples showing that under the same conditions one person works, not tired, and the other is quickly tired. Even if someone actually knows how to assist, he should not constantly \\ "feed \\" the energy of those who do not know how to do this on their own. It can damage not only for himself, but also a patient. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. There is a bioenergy of things. An important role is played by the energy of the material laid in the subject. Secondly, the energy of a person who made a thing (induced energy). After purchasing any thing, the energy of the subject will be either negative or positive. It depends on good or bad thoughts, wishes that accompanied the transmission of this subject. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N Lusting thing itself is not "bad" carrying devastating energy. One or another charge is only the feelings, the thoughts of the man who gave us, sold or produced this thing. One way or another, we come to the fact that almost everything depends on the person himself, from his thoughts, from his feelings, from attitudes towards himself and others. The bioenergetic field exists in every person. Every second of your life, we act on our surroundings by our behavior. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ is obvious to believe that the ancient civilizations knew about bioenergy, and could also use energy and replenish its reserves. But over time, knowledge about bioenergy mankind was gradually lost. In the universe, part of which a person is interconnected by everything. And if we do not know something, we do not understand, it does not mean that the phenomenon does not exist. It is just at the moment it is not available to our consciousness. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nsyovy to ask for help to nature is very good, but here it will be necessary to take into account the following fact: Nature after thoughtless management has changed. According to moral laws, \\ "Everything comes from you returns back \\". For thousands of years, people conquered nature. And nature has learned to defend themselves from us. Conclusion: if the ancient civilizations, having knowledge of bioenergy, could draw energy, forces from nature, this is not always possible for us. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N's are fully responsible for all our actions and actions. We cease to be negative energy carriers, becoming better. It is very important for a person to understand: each of his act, every thought, the word have their consequences that have an impact on his environment. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NBoenergetics is a whole science, with its laws and rules, knowledge of which humanity needs to be restored. \\

    To fulfill your destination on Earth and understand the set of related problems we need a kind of map, scheme, plan. And the chakras serve exactly this card that helps to intensify and lead to equilibrium different levels of our consciousness and life experience. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N / N \\ N-seven major chakras is responsible for a certain aspect of life and various life situations. The same thing happens with the levels of consciousness, each of which acquires a completely new meaning. The blocking of the chakra leads to the restriction of the perception of this vital energy and, as a result, to the disorder of the systems of the body as a whole and will be expressed in the disease, the feeling of discomfort, the decline of forces, fear or emotional impassableness. In the same way, with the help of blocking the Chakras, you can achieve more serious results at the level of the subject of the subject, which is the goal of most magical manipulations. Working in a certain way with some chakras, the wizard, for example, can cause sexual desire and strong emotions. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ us as aware of the chakra system, the method of its action and the optimal mode of operation, you can remove your own limitations and achieve the level where it is easy to solve all problems and difficulties. Meanwhile, the full blocking can lead to a complete trip from the universal vitality, that is, to physical death, and it is necessary to remember that before you begin to experiment on yourself or trust some cases to unauthorized persons just because they argue that Make sure. Magic does not tolerate a dismissive attitude towards him. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nchakras are often associated with an endocrine system nodes. Their location in the body coincides with the location of many similar nodes, and the value of each chakra is closely related to the functioning of correlating with her node. But it would be a mistake to consider this relationship only in physical terms. Although the chakras are located along the spine and are located in front of it, yet they do not represent a thinthysical phenomenon. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NEnergigation Chakras is much thinner than the energy of rough physical, but it permeates all aspects of your life. Realizing the influence of each chakra, you pay attention to their manifestation, and therefore, we can direct the energy in such a way as to effectively change the validity of you. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ does, how do chakras affect our life in a practical context? \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nine chakra as the source of our existence, closely connects your body with the ground. Primary Association with this Chakra - survival. The first chakra is the most instinctive. Food, clothing, shelter and protection - That's what she answers. Sex as a means of reproducing offspring and the continuation of the genus also relates to the motor functions of this chakra. In other words, its main desire is survival. The first chakra is located at the very bottom, where the process of identity is arises. Perceiving reality from this level is very simple, as each has congenital survival instinct. In each of us, the beast lives. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nobility of danger - the first sign of impassionalness of the first chakra. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ \\ \\ \\ your perception is dominated by fear of lack of necessary. As a result, you get into a vicious circle - feel unprotected and lead the life of the victim, and therefore, find all new and new reasons for fear. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ North chakra. The main driving force of this center is to find pleasure. Sensual and sexual activity becomes the main desire. It is this chakra that helps you feel the life fully and gives us all the wealth of emotions. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N is a pleasure - this is one thing, but to realize life experience as bringing pleasure, and then appreciate the beauty of the moment - it is completely different. That is what the present art. The second chakra is always hungry, it energetically craves everything that can bring pleasure. It is very easy to get used to such sensations. Sex, alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, drugs - all this second chakra, and to all this is easy to get used to. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Does dependence on the habit absorbs a person caught in the trap of this chakra, and the thought of pleasure is distilled away all other thoughts . Constantly enjoying, you lose your head, cease to realize the surrounding. Ram Dass once said: \\ "People looking at life through this prism perceive each or as capable of making love, as unable or as a nonsense! \\" We are very easily used to enjoyment, and the fear of losing it leads to the unbalanced state of this center. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ \\ ежения and ability to appreciate - these are two sides of the second chakra, but they differ in each other. The desire is characterized by a concentration on what you want, but do not have the ability to appreciate - the highest form of manifestation of the consciousness of the second chakra. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N. N envy to concentrate on what you do not have, you learn to enjoy accessible. In this, the deep meaning of the positive change that anyone is able to bring in their lives without much effort and this change will turn to you with a huge jump in development and will actually change for the better all your life to the degree much more than you can imagine. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NTrayowa Chakra - a source of confidence in itself, awareness of its own strength, the ability to remove from the influence of the outside world and at the same time to influence this world. The third chakra gives you an understanding that in the outside world correctly, and what is not. It is she who gives you the strength to defend their beliefs and resist the fate blows that fell on you. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ NPs are the main characteristic of a healthy third chakra. You need to know when you need to stop when you give up pleasure - all this part of self-control. It should be directed not only to the outside world, but also inside you. It is the correct use of the will actually. As long as you do not balance the inner energy, the events of the outside world will not come to normal. If you managed to balance the third chakra, you know that you can achieve your goals, enjoy the results and feel safe. Your self-confidence is rooted in the awareness of harmony. \\ "So that your life is calm and harmonious, give up the need to be right /". The level of consciousness of the third chakra is awareness of its own strength and significance in the world. The person who is at this level of inquiry has a powerful power of will. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Non-high chakra - the path of the heart fills your creature with warmth and joy. This is not a strategy of life, not a life plan, but pure joy. It allows you to live your life, being at this level of consciousness, and influence the material world. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ def. You choose the path of the heart, then there is no place for fear in your mind. The stronger you love, the more objects and opportunities for love arise in your life. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N The heart is the most important life goal. You do not have to pay or sacrifice something to achieve this, only one thing will be required - faith. You have to believe that life will not break you if you take protection. And everything will happen this way: remove the protective shell so that the flow of life is free to wash you. And believe me that love is the main driving force of the universe. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N. The question of heart, you can connect your life personal and spiritual life. You will become one. The heart is a binding thread between the ego and spirit. The transition from the level of the third chakra to the fourth is very important, as it requires a fundamental revision of the perception of life. At the level of the fourth chakra there is no place to feel the feeling of rivalry, since you begin to communicate with the surrounding through the heart. From the level of cardiac chakra, only the path of cooperation is possible. This perspective is accompanied by a feeling of abundance, you begin to understand that everything is enough for everyone in the world. It is awakened by compassion, as now it is clear to you that for everyone is good what is good for everyone. We are not separable, we are connected with each other. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n Love clauses also change, you just have to awaken your heart. From the prospects of the lower chakras, sex is vital as a means to throw out energy, get pleasure, satisfy the feeling of power. From the point of view, the fourth chakra sex is an amazing opportunity to get and give at the same time. He opens the doors of the highest spiritual intimacy when you find the ability to make love with the Divine and with your partner at the same time. Sex with your partner is not just a physical action. You interact on physical, and on emotional, and on mental, and at the spiritual levels. The warped heart often becomes the source of one problem. This is an exaggerated desire to give. In no case gives care of this deceptive motivation, for you can harm others and yourself. Knowing will understand. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Ninat chakra. The most important feature of the fifth chakra is the awakening of your inner voice capable of telling you the truth. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nyatable chakra is controlled by higher mental areas that include separation and observation, with the result that you get the most diverse idea of \u200b\u200blife, on The basis of which can form its own point of view. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nyaty chakra encourages you to express yourself creatively. This is creativity at the highest level. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NEnergigation brings us information in a coded form, and if you can cope with the wave, an incredible \\ "flash \\" information will arise in your mind. Your personal mind will merge with a common team. Creativity is born from the collective mind. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NSum is awareness at the level of the fifth chakra is the opening of the trends of its development. You acquire internal freedom and allow the clean, freed mind to comprehend in full force. You become a kind of \\ "universalist \\", take care of the ability to notice the beauty in every religion and in any manifestation of culture. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ never affection penetrates the level of higher chakras, problems arise. If you are committed to any point of view, alternative or consistent, the mind ceases to be free. Extreme example of such a situation is fanaticism, developing into extremism. People, with the help of a strong faith that opened the fifth chakra, but not ready for this spiritually, become religious fanatics than it is pumped, we all know. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Necessacre chakra. The fifth chakra operates with mental ideas, while the sixth interacts with images and awareness of a powerful vitality, part of which you are. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nefty chakra leads us to a world that lies outside the reality limited by our feelings. When a person reaches the level of the sixth chakra, or the level of \\ "third eye \\", he has the ability to change polarity. The duality or polarity of the world (good-evil) is very conditional. On the sixth level of consciousness, you can climb over the polarity and see life through the prism of wider views that cover all sides of life - this is \\ "one state of consciousness \\". This approach perceives all visiting as a manifestation of a single Great Spirit. The feeling of grace permeates this perspective. However, since your perception of life has expanded and includes all existing points of view, then such a feeling is not surprised and does not annoy you. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N Eystian mystics call the sixth chakra \\ "Witness \\", Krishnamurti - \\ "dismissed observer \\", And Buddhists - \\ "Attention \\". In the state of consciousness of this chakra, you feel the grace of recognition of divine perfection in all life manifestations. You become part of the Consciousness of the Mother Earth. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-chakra, the chakra of the crown is a pure, unlucky space energy. This chakra initiating the process of obtaining the energy of the cosmos is both a chakra that final evolution. When you go to this level of consciousness, all life is perceived by you as a spiritual experience. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N each of us is a goal - the divine intention that gave us this incarnation. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nuro consciousness of the seventh chakra is more correct It would be sacred. You are completely given to the will of the highest providence, and all your life stems in accordance with Divine Will. To achieve the level of consciousness of the seventh chakra, you must completely obey the highest strength. You should not have any questions regarding your path; You live them - and constantly. You are in this world, but do not belong to him, because your consciousness is in the divine level. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. The seventh chakra is awakening the way of Bodhisatat. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nakova in general terms. For those who decide from theoretical acquaintance to go to the practical embodiment - I wish you luck on the way. \\ R \\ n ...

    Purification of the physical body is widely used in traditional and alternative medicine. Methods set. The effect is predictable. The basis is the principle of removing deposits from the tissues of the physical organism. The use of fasting, as a method of cleansing the body, is quite effective, but individual tolerability should be observed. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. Nontraditional methods of purification can be brought to traditional yogic techniques: Shankhah Prakshalama, Dhauti, Vasti, Netti, Capalabhati ... \\ R \\ With the help of oils, herbs infusions. Honey, elements of trees, minerals, components of animal and insect organisms, their livelihoods are used. Baths, saunas, therapeutic baths are known for their therapeutic effect. Variants are set. There is a large selection of literature on this topic, where the details of the cleansing processes are described quite in detail. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nO extent practices the need to purify the physical body from toxins and slags disappears. Vegetarian food, non-consumption of alcohol and tobacco, compliance with food measures, active meditation techniques support the physical body in relative well-being. A large impact on the preservation of the purity of the physical body is the essential. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nk active cleansing procedures of the ethereal body include: dumping with cold water, contrasting shower, sports, asana from Hatha yoga. Another method of maintaining the harmonious state of the essential body comes later. He concludes compliance with his laws, which implies already work with the mind. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ Ni use of starvation for cleaning the essential body is one of the effective techniques where hungry is perceived as a type of energy that It activates the physical body to attract the material required in the process of vital activity of the physical organism. \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ The probably number of people is constantly concerned about the search for products and means for their acquisition or directly producing, the most impatient. Hunger - the main stimulus of their life, the engine \\ "individual \\" existence ... \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N try to feel the feeling of hunger becomes the most material. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N-storey contemplation of its nature allows you to create a distance between the observer and the observed . The power of the desire of physical food gradually loses its magical effect of the impact on the consciousness of man. After three days of complete restriction in food - hunger is usually leaving, replacing the stable awareness of the feeling of lightness, the weightlessness of the physical body with a vague sense of the need for food, which acquires psychological forms. And this is the moment of transcendence, which allows to realize the external nature of hunger, its foreignity in relation to the individual consciousness. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NSExual relations \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Nsexual relations have a direct impact on human essential body. Prolonged abstinence condenses the essential energy and when the critical point is reached, the astral accent is activated. Life force, not finding out the sexual contact, begins to move in other destinations. She either pushed into the manipoule, exciting the thirst for strength and domination, or to Muladharu, togging the passion of possession of sexual property. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nno direct path of physical essential energy - sexual contact. The activated astral body selects a suitable partner and the interaction of two essential bodies. With the coincidence of all the required conditions, the launch of the creation of a new physical body is included. This is an instinct. The physical body generates itself through a thinner (essential). \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Narnoped earlier energy goes through sexual intercourse into the future of a new form. The energy potential decreases, the nervous system flows into the oppressed state, the brain produces its problems and there is a sense of loss, depression, guilt, disappointment ... \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Non \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N's sleep on the essential physical body is obvious . During sleep, the essential body is saturated due to the tightening and transformation of the energy of thinner bodies, as well as raising it from the coarse physical. The etheric body digested by the physical organism is further existence and the most favorable transition is possible at the time of sleep. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nno and sleep can be used as a means of destruction, provided that it is turned into an object of passion. Long-term stay in bed disrupts the necessary circulation of essential energy, provokes its stagnation and, as a result, there may be disorders in the nervous system. The tamastic state of mind begins to prevail, which opens the way to the negative impact on the work of the brain and other internal organs. The vital tone falls, and the person gradually can atrophize the adequate perception of physical reality. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NOSTRO affects human life an insufficient amount of time spent in a state of sleep. Meditation practice, reasonable preservation of the nervous and essential energy in everyday life reduced the time to rest, the period necessary for recreation and replenish the vitality reduces its duration. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N / N \\ N. SNA can produce ritual inclinations: the need for a certain atmosphere, Clothing, preparatory procedures and other actions that have a direct connection with it. In the end, it can grow into a magic cult, based on pleasure, and its consequences for a long time can interfere, attracting attention to all, even indirectly connected with sleeping things, involving in an optional waste of essential energy. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ R \\ Ninstink Self-defense \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Ninstinkt self-defense is directly connected to the ethereal body. If the threat occurs, the physical body includes the survival mechanism that goes deeply into the subconscious root. It takes control of the actions of the physical body. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N's appearance of the instinct of self-preservation can be reduced by the reaction of the ethereal body to contacts with other bodies. The main negative feeling that includes the launch of the protective program is awareness of the leakage of essential energy. Even if the object provoking the loss has not been found by a specific intelligence, the action to break contact with it automatically starts and the person does not realize himself, applies an effort to output from the exposure zone. In the sensory level, this is expressed by a dual reaction: like - do not like, nice - not pleasant. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ n ...

    Religion and Esoteric \\ R \\ Nondeled um with a superficial look it seems that religion religion differ from one another - each has its own gods, holy books, prayers, rituals, holy places and temples, as well as numerous rules for which believers should live . The fact that in one religion is recognized as a virtue, in another can be considered a sin. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N For example, the killing of cow for the Hindus is a hardest sin than the murder of a simple person, while in some other religions for the holidays it is customary to cut cows . In the synagogue and the mosque, it is forbidden to enter a uncoated head, and in the Orthodox Temple, men can not be in the headdress. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Niudes are not allowed to mention the name of the Lord VSE, and the Hindus consider: the more often the names of the gods are, the better. For Muslim, drink wine - this is a sin, and Christians are commued wine in the temples. Separate differences between some religions may seem directly opposite, and such examples can be given to hundreds. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n What are all religions in all? To answer this question, it is necessary to see how \\ "arranged \\" each of them. Any religion has a) cult and b) a special worldview. The cult, or cult practice, implies the specific actions of the believer (for example, a prayer or visiting the temple). The worldview, or worldview, includes ideas about the world and man. The most important thing in religious worldview is the ideas about the supernatural, intangible world. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ is because of each religion to remove what distinguishes it from others, the essence will remain, \\ "core \\", almost the same in all religions . This essence suggests that the universe is more complicated than it seems at first glance: in addition to the surrounding world, habitual for everyone, there is another, invisible world that affects what is happening around. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N people must take into account this, correlating their behavior with certain patterns. It is these knowledge that came from people who later began to call the prophets, Messias, avatars, teachers, and served the reason for all world religions. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n i nappy to emphasize that the founders of any religion only spoke about what was for They are reality, the result of their own experience. They had no faith in what they were talking about, but the direct knowledge of this. Direct knowledge is the result of direct perception. In the same way, a sore man knows about the existence of the Sun because he sees him himself, while blind can only believe in his existence according to the words. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n about the fact that element of faith is required in each religion and as a result - accompanying its various rituals of worship. After all, ordinary people attracted by the wonders and the sermons of the saints themselves never experienced anything like the insights of the saints. Therefore, for them the only way to touch the Great Truth was faith and worship. Temples were built, prayers and rituals were created, - all this strengthened the faith and helped worship. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ nOnko always there were people who were capable of greater. Thanks to the special techniques of work on themselves, such people have enhanced themselves that they themselves have learned to worry about what their teachers said. The methods of self-improvement were transmitted from the teacher to students, their number over time grew, forming brazing whole schools. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ does each religion from the moment of origin developed in parallel in two directions. The first is a well-known and massive - external, based on the faith and compliance with religious prescriptions. This direction over time was formed into religious organizations with their attributes, rites and temples, where believers could send a cult. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-Direction - small and closed for the uninitiated - internal, based on secret knowledge and intensive practices. This is esoterica (from Greek. \\ "ESO \\" TERIKOS \\ "- \\" internal \\ ", \\" hidden \\ "), which allowed its followers (esoterics) to practically change themselves in accordance with the ideals proclaimed by the creators of each religion. In this case, esoterics Due to the direct experience, the deepest truths are based on all religions. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nland Esoteric is important to obtain mystical experience, and not to abide by rites and rituals, which are based on certain religious norms and rules. Therefore, esotericists are also called mystics ( From Greek. \\ "Mystikos \\" - \\ "mysterious \\"). \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nmotech is the expansion of the boundaries of its perception beyond the material world. \\ R \\ N-niche is managed directly to touch the intimate secrets of the Universe and Human Not on faith, but on your own experience. Therefore, there were never disagreements between these esoterics and even more confused, although they could belong to various traditions and schools. After all, mystical experience depends on the depth Oh, the fundamental device of the person and the universe, and these things are the same for any people and time. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ is approximately 7-10 thousand years ago from the well-known member of esoteric schools. Some schools disappeared, others still be a live tradition. Such schools were either in Jaisbama (Digambara), in Hinduism (many schools of Hindu tantra and yoga), in Bon (Jungdrung Bon), in Buddhism (Vajrayan, Dzogchen), in Taoism (\\ "Inner \\" Alchemy, some schools qigong ), in Judaism (Hasidism, Kabbalah), in Christianity (in Orthodoxy - Isychasm; in Catholicism - followers of Ignatia Loyola and Malabar Christians), in Islam (many Sufi orders), Voodoo, in the indigenous traditions of the American Indians (one of these lines Described by Carlos Castaneda), among Aboriginal Australia, in the traditions of the Doharistian Russia. Many outstanding mystics (EmPedocl, Pythagoras, Paracels, Jacob Beeom, G. I. Gurdjieff, R. Steiner, Osho Rajnish and many others) for a number of reasons are difficult to attribute to any one tradition; Often, they themselves created new traditions. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nmstiki always kept their knowledge in secret, because if they are incorrectly understood or improperly used, you can harm yourself and others. But most of the representatives of traditional religiosity are very negative about esoteric, without understanding it and therefore considering it harmful heresy. They are right: after all, they are not looking for an excellence, and \\ "defend faith \\". \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Ntaki \\ "Religious figures \\" transform their religions into social organizations that are aggressively fighting for power over the minds and based on dead dogma . Being alive words in the lips of their founders, initial ideas almost always quickly killed by their followers, completely devoid of charisma and therefore the concerned dissemination of \\ "true faith \\" and the creation of relevant social institutions. Therefore, no bright master focused on the traditions that existed in his time (since they were already dead), but created a new one, in turn, safely died of his \\ "followers \\". \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NEZOTEXICOM often It is confused with occult or even with black magic, but it does not have anything in common with the causing of spirits or witchcraft. Often, esoterica is called prophecies about the future of the Earth, the mysterious legends about the distant past, stories about invisible countries, etc. Such stories often contain a myth about the continuous secret war \\ "white \\" and \\ "black \\" began. Such theories usually lead a person to the search for the dark forces around themselves (at the same time, it is natural to refer to representatives of \\ "bright \\" forces). \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N-like teachings are sometimes called mesos (from Greek. \\ "Mesos \\ After all, if a person sees only a small part of the truth, then, naturally, he imagines this part to the whole due to his ideas about it. So the mesoteric arose. Homework: call the schools and the most prominent representatives of mesoterics (use the signs that are set out in the first three sentences of this paragraph). \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NTA way, every religion is divided into two layers - external (ritual-ritual) and internal (Esoteric). These two layers of each religion (in perfect \\ "healthy \\" religion) complement each other, as they allow different people to develop depending on their natural data. For example, single cases are known when simple believers have experienced deep mystical experiences during the prayer. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ nOnko one of the tasks of esoteric practices is to teach a person consciously and purposefully reach such states. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ non-внеш The ritual-ritual) part of religion is compared with the body, and its inner (esoteric) part is with a soul. The esoteric itself is like a huge iceberg, most of which is under water and is hidden from the uninitudinal sight. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n ...

    In the human body, the so-called \\ "autonomous nervous system \\" works. Auto means \\ "self \\", but who then is this car, driven by an autonomous nervous system? Medicine called it a self-regulating system, but who is this himself? This itself is a spirit. This spirit dwells in the heart of every human being and is in a state of an unacted witness. The Spirit is a reflection of God almighty, while Kundalini is a reflection of God's energy, his desire. This energy of God is the initial mother, it is called Adi Shakti, the Holy Spirit or Athena. Thus, Kundalini is a reflection of the Holy Spirit, while the Spirit is a reflection of God almighty. The all-permissive energy of love is the energy of the original mother, which creates, raising and makes all the living work. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N-Nable energy channel is called IDA Nadi and connects with the right and rear Side of the brain. Right and left energy channels intersect at the level of Chakra Agia (Ajna). The left channel nourishes the left sympathetic nervous system. The left canal is responsible for the emotional life of a person and his past. It can be said that the past is stored in this channel. Everything that is real today becomes past tomorrow. The unconscious draws information and images from this energy channel. In addition, the unconscious mind of each person is connected to a centuries-old collective unconscious mind. All events that occurred since the creation of the world are in a dormant state in a collective unconscious. In this collective unconscious, everything worked out in the process of evolution, everything that is dead or fell out of the evolution process, as well as everything that comes out of the unconscious mind of people. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Night energy channel is called Pingala Nadi . He crosses from Ida Nadi at the level of Chakra Agia. It is connected to the left and front side of the brain. This energy channel nourishes the right sympathetic nervous system. On the right side there is a conscious mind that creates our future. Everything that a person thinks about the future is recorded on the right side, which has access to collective evidence. Collective accumulation receives everything that is dead, which happened due to excessively ambitious, future-oriented personalities, aggressive animals or plants. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NC central energy channel is called Sushumna Nadi. Kundalini passes through it, to then go through the field of spring bone (Brahmarandhru) and connect with the energy of all permissive Divine Love. Sushumna Nadi is the energy channel of the present, only that person whose kundalini has risen through this channel, can objectively perceive the reality, being in a state of an unattended witness, in a permanent connection with God. \\ R \\ N ...

    Gold is not only a precious metal, symbolizing wealth and well-being - it is capable of the energy level to absorb and handle information coming from the environment. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nzole products have a powerful energy field that can transmit information to the human body and thereby influence on his health. So, sometimes a woman suffers in infertility for years, and the reason is in the massive engagement ring, which she wears, practically without removing, on a ring finger. It is associated with the glands of internal secretion, and gold can have a negative effect on the ovaries, adrenal glands, dairy glands, a reproductive function. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N), gold is sometimes for therapeutic purposes. The characteristics use golden things as a means from various ailments. For example, if you hurt your teeth, take a wedding ring, suspended on a thread, or a golden pendant, lower the jar with water and rotate clockwise, whispering spell: "How you, gold, do not spin in water, do not change your color, so Let my teeth do not deteriorate and always be white and healthy. " Water after ritual Save and wechieve her teeth. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ does a set of many accepts and superstitions associated with gold. So, the bride should not wear the wedding ring of his mother during the wedding - the marriage will be unsuccessful. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Non a bad sign - loss of the wedding ring: a pair is waiting for a divorce. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ \\ R \\ r \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NiMiy . Meanwhile, Gold "writes" in memory of information about all its owners, including negative! Think carefully before putting the ring of the late great-grandmother, which the husband has changed to the right and left, or the earrings of the aunt who died from cancer! \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ is not able to part with the family gold, put it in the box so that time from Time to get and admire. And it is better to wear new jewelry that no one wore before you. The modest ring-noveloyer is much safer than an expensive frightened bracelet, surviving revolutions, wars and repression! \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Note to pay the power of gold for yourself, before putting on the decoration, seven times we will involve a conspiracy seven times: "Gold , Goldushko! In you the power of the sun. As you kings, the kings did great and rich, and me, the servant of God (name), make it immaul and omnipotent. May it be so!" At the same time, imagine how the sunny rays are penetrated into the jewelry. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NKTA, gold can pass and "signals" from the future! The fortune telling in ancient times on the chain today is almost forgotten. And in vain! After all, it can tell a lot. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ when in the house everything is asleep. Sit down the table, take the chain and spend it in your hands until it gets warm. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N. This mentally formulate your question. Taking a chain into the right hand, sharply throw it on the table. In the form, which forms an abandoned gold product, and interpret the answer. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ \\ \\ the chain took the shape of the bow - you are waiting for acquaintance with your beloved, engagement or wedding. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ r \\ ni Fatal events. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NFORG Circle indicates that you will soon find yourself in a difficult position (in a closed circle). \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n-n-n \\ nzzechka lay a snake? Be careful - you can betray! \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. R. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N-stripe prophesies luck, winnings and pleasant surprises. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N If the chain falls in a confusing node - you are waiting for disease and trouble. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NFOR heart suggests that you are hotly loved by someone and this love will bring you happiness. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nef-not acquire chains from fake gold, and then all the fortune telling will go to the pump! \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    There are several occult rules that preferably adhere to - In this case, your new family life will not repeat past errors. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nt \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n1. You should go to bed first (oh), and climb the second (oh). \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n2. Sitting at the dinner table, the spouses should begin to eat at the same time try to complete their meal too together. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n3. Be sure to do each other on the anniversary of the wedding \\ "inappropried \\" gifts, from which the collection would have happened (it could be souvenirs, cups, baubles, icons). \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N4. At sexual proximity, it is advisable to practice pose \\ "face to face \\". \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N5. During a quarrel to cross the little men with unnamed, and medium with index fingers. At the same time, mentally prone: \\ "four times together! \\" These not quite understandable words somehow help to neutralize the conflict. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N6. Meet and accompany each other with a kiss at the entrance doors. Old people argue that these rules would be good to adopt and those who have not yet divorced, but for some reason they are not interested in. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n ...

    The mirror was always considered by the Slavs as a symbol of doubling reality and as the border between the Earth and the Outdoor world. To the most sustainable and widespread in all Slavic peoples, customs is customary of the custom immediately after death, to make a mirror with some canvas, turn it out to the wall or even endure out of the room, in which the dead man is, which was just due to the fear of the open border in the other world . \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ is labeled or turning the mirror, as is the ban on it, it also acts about any dangerous time, for example, at midnight or during a thunderstorm. It is considered dangerous to look at the mirror after midnight, because \\ "See the devil \\", and especially scary - to Good Friday. Believe that \\ "look at the night in the mirror - to hold the trouble. Slavic traditions prescribe a woman do not look into the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy and in the postpartum period. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N all Slavs are known for the ban to bring a child aged Until one year to the mirror. It is believed that the child can be afraid of his reflection, and after that he will be bad to sleep or see bad dreams. If the baby is to bring to the mirror to official baptism and adoptions at night, then it can get a misfortune at him. \\ R \\ The world, but also the possibility of split between the world of people and the world otherwise and thus turning into a sorcerer, the witch, the gloa, etc. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ Nto the prohibition of the existing and in our days: there is in front of the mirror - Otherwise, \\ "Beauty eat your own \\". It is believed that Through the \\ "window \\" to the otherworldly world \\ "retract \\", takes away the beauty of the original. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    The fortune telling is one of the most ancient types of knowledge, and the origins of it go deep into the millennium. How many cultures there are, so much exorganization and occult knowledge, and belief in the magical forces of nature and man are the strongest faith from what is the essence of the human psyche. Quite an interesting question - why do people turn to assuctive practice and with what questions do they most often do it? \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ NCE, magic is closely connected with the practical life of a person, and it was formed on the basis of the conviction that the whole world was permeated Information, we are in their streams, and the past, present and the future are in an inseparable connection with us, and we can influence the present and the future with the help of certain rituals. The most skeptical in relation to fortune telling people should note for themselves the fact that there is no culture or association of people in history (for example, in a tribe or ethnicity), in which there were no rituals of magic and divination. Everything in the world is wrong, you can not? Especially at all times and peoples, so to speak. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Niistics of love magic \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N Love magic, as the majority of specialists call it, it also comes from the most common need for a person to be loved and the only thing It may be necessary for someone, maybe it is in love that the need is also being implemented to take care of someone and, of course, questions of sexual nature. The world is created dual, i.e. Divided into two halves - men and women, and to continue the genus, the love and continuation of the human race are needed. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N interfect, it happens not so perfect as you want. And quite often those with whom I want to, turn out to be non-free, or they just do not want to be with you, or rivals appear. It is believed that women are more like love magic. But, however, it is not. And men also resort to the help of magical ripes, and to the help of fortune-law and sorcerer, and to fortune-telling. The human psyche in this regard is not divided into male and female, all moves only one factor in this direction - to have what you want to possess. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n Statistics says that women or girls are more often guessing the guy than men or guys on girls or women. In Russian culture there is even a whole reservoir of the Holy Divination on the guy and further marriage, but there are no male analogues of this kind. This stems, of course, out of the historical place of a woman, especially in Russia - its oppressive-subordinate position, depending on the father, husband and brothers, the severity of morals and education, although the latter is not so much doubt as a real reality in the study of the folklore of different periods And that attitude towards a woman who passes through the red thread through different proverbs and sayings. The need to pay on the guy also stems from the fact that in our society there is still a stereotype of the vast and success of a woman in her husband. Therefore, the need to learn all the details about the loved one. But men are arranged somewhat differently, if a woman likes them, they study it for a long time, regard, i.e. Conduct field observations. Therefore, it turns out that men know women better than women. If you do not believe, then answer the question why family or love couples, in which a man changes the woman, much more, and expose them - the question is not so frequencies, but on the contrary - is quite a little? And the answer is not in the psychology of the polygamy men, namely, the man knows his woman much better than the woman of his man. Yes, and women are much more likely to go to Selfman, until the latter, not wanting to see quite obvious things. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NCC is best to pay on the guy \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ does a lot of ways to pay on the opposite sex, starting from ordinary species Divination (Maps, Tarot, Runes, Kumalak, I-Jing, etc.), including a complex row of codniest ghosts (throwing the boots, phrenificate hair in the ridge, put a glass under the bed, etc.) and the use of love conspiracy and spells. The openness of the latest information in almost easy access was simply caused by the flow of love spells and obtasses, of course, made in the rustling of good desire (which strengthens the effect), but not taking into account the moral side of the issue. And the moral side is not the last moment in difficult ethical situations. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n-n \\ n \\ n. A few years ago, a very young girl came to guess, 17-18 years old, no more. She said that her problem was that she could not arrange his personal life, although at such an early age, in my opinion, this is no problem. However. The divination showed, however, that she once brought the guy. On my question, she thought about it deeply, then she remembered that at 13 (!) She brought the guy, burned his photograph in the cemetery. This, of course, was a terrible some ritual. The girl had safely forgotten about it, with the guy she made friends for some time, they diverged, but then everything. And her question about, and what to do now, you can perceive as a fee for the moral and ethical side of this issue. You can not joke with love magic. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nsvids of love damage \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NKAK can be seen from the previous example, love magic is not only innocuous divination, it is also inseparable, unfortunately, more and more having distribution. We can include the crown of celibacy. Some practitioners in the field of practical magic claim that it is quite rare, but the practice of divination approves quite the opposite. This type of damage is very and very often. Such a damage can be a generic curse (in some occult practitioners it is even considered bad for the kind, if the three generations in a row in the family are born girls, then the genus degenerates), maybe the result of a random breakage of damage (that is, someone did, and a person accidentally hooked It came or took some thing that damaged) or an intentional perfect ritual (from the usual strong envy to the magical rite, as in the case above). Thus, it can be said that most people really want to know their future. Many women well want to pay a guy. These are normal human desires. And most importantly, when they receive information - not to fall in extremes, do not resort to undesirable rituals to shock or outset someone. This is exactly what is the main danger, because human happiness is born in the tests, and when the successful destiny they say "lucky", then it is wrong. Each of us deserves their destiny. Not "lucky" - and "deserved". And it is necessary to deserve from the oldest age. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ s sound there are all the chances to pay on a guy and see strong love until the end of life, the only and unique. \\ R \\ n ...

    Esoteric - a doctrine available only by dedicated, who have no right to distribute it further. Secretary teachings are considered, for example, Jewish Kabbalah, ancient Greek mysteries, gnostic teachings. Currently, the teachings of Masons, theosophists, anthroposophists. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NEZOTEX knowledge - these are secret, hidden knowledge - all that the centuries gathered and kept from different peoples, was passed out of generation to generation, lost and occurred again. . This is an age-old wisdom, an understanding of himself and knowledge of life. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Niscent esoteric until recently was never intended for the attention of the broad masses. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NSacrality esoteric was due to many reasons, but the main of them are the following: there was no permission over; There was no need for widespread; The complexity of comprehension for a simple manual. At the end of the 20th century, in many esoteric circles (and above all in the Kabbalistic tradition), it was decided to disseminate esoteric knowledge in the masses. This solution is based on the maturation of the main reasons listed above. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nastology, magic, meditation, mysticism, clairvoyance, parapsychology, etc. - It all unites one thing: the mystical basis of the worldview, which is located on the opposite pole with a scientific worldview: Science is based on empirical, reproducible data - axioms, and mysticism - on unrecognizable, uncertain concepts. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ None-point as a magnet attracts charlatans And how among the seas of deception to find the truth? And does it often eat at all? \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nk regret, inexplicable phenomena usually, for some reason, they cannot feed hungry, heal from alcoholism and make the economy efficient. They can't help where the real thing is necessary. But they can help find those tools that would allow to find ways out of complex and tangled situations. Maybe that is why they are so difficult to check and explain? \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n found descriptions of the unknown is easy to compose a beautiful theory. Easy with a smart look to talk about what is difficult to check. And if the secret of Genesis is not fiction? \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nexed spirit is an interesting world around, it is they who later begin to be interested in these things. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NEZOTERICS, mystics, thanks to direct experience, know the deepest truths. It is assumed that they manage to touch the deepest secrets of the Universe and the person not due to the blind faith, but through their own experience. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n approaches between real esotericists, even belonging to various traditions and schools, never had disagreements and more confrontation, the mystical experience depends on the fundamental device of the person and the universe, and these things are the same for any people and time. Dogmatic unorthodoxy is the most important sign of esoteric. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nine real wonders and phenomena occur between people when they make good deeds. When they smile each other. When love settles in their hearts ... \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NTO True esoteric, which opens, thanks to the search, knowledge and love! \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    When the troubles are beginning to be frowning on our head, we sigh sadly: \\ "Eh, I would know where to fall, straw bought \\". In fact, our guardian angel always warns us about future misunderstandings. That's just not many of us hear it ... \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Nna Street You have a humpback man, an old man or an old woman. The guardian angel warns that on this day you should be undesirable to linger at home or at work. With the onset of darkness, do not leave the house: a great risk of becoming a victim of a hooligan, a robber or a person with an unbalanced psyche. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N Lady hours stopped. The guardian angel warns: Nobody and under any pretext, do not return money today. You can hardly return them back. If you beat the debt to you, the relationship with the unscrupulous borrower will be seriously spoiled, and you regret a hundred times that you have done a good deed. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n. And then it turns across the eyes of a glass of Gonding Vorobyev. On this day it is better to cancel any trips, whether it is a vacation, a business trip or departure to the cottage. On the way you will come across with a lot of problems and trouble. There is a loss of a large amount of money and deterioration in health. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n's ballpoint pen flow. In the coming days, in no case hint at the boss on raising the salary or a possible translation of you to the superior position. You can't achieve the desired anyway, and also spoil the relationship with the chief. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N excluded, where you are going, suddenly broke. Today it is categorically forbidden to make large purchases, take a loan, put money into the bank, sign important contracts and financial documents. None of the above operations will bring good luck to you, but there will be a headache - even debt. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ ns So and then come across the eye of the machine, the number that consists of three identical numbers. Thus, the Guardian Angel says that today you should not make decisive steps, from which your further life depends to one degree or another. Board with a proposal of hands and hearts, a device for a new job, buying housing, the construction of cottages. Now for this is not the right time. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N You all fall out of the hands. Carefully watch your property: a handbag, a wallet, do not open the door to unfamiliar people, go around the side of golden places - the risk of becoming a victim of a thief or a fraudster is great as ever. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ ns are late for an important meeting, but the bus (tram) is all No, the minibuses go past the crowded, and the taxi went somewhere. The keeper's angel does everything possible to protect you from the trip. Even if you are heading for a very important meeting, from which you seem to depend on your further well-being, postpone it and come back home. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N day technique and it comes out of order, the flowers are withering, the dishes beats. Learn more look at your home. Perhaps some of them urgently need your help or advice, and they are not solved for one reason or another to contact you, it is possible that even instant will be late. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ n ...

    A pregnant woman and already a mother often surrounds a huge amount of superstitions and will accept. Listen to some signs and observed superstitions is not so bad. First of all, because it removes many concerns, and calm in such a state is very important for a woman. It is not possible to explain from the point of view of the mind. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ non-henchman, which \\ "critical \\" days, can not be carried out infants - otherwise they may have skin diseases. \\ . \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N cannot feed the baby in front of others - the mother may have the abyss of milk. \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ Nih in the house there are children up to a year, then nothing can be taken out of the house after sunset, especially trash. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Ndo of the execution of one year the child's hair is not cut - otherwise he will have a bad fate. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nna handrails of the cradle do not hang anything. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NWe the child from the chest Do not do it on the day of the Great Martyr. At the same time, it is necessary to cut off a small piece from the whole bread, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, give the baby to the kid and say: \\ "on, go to your bread so that you are rich and big, like this bread big! \\" \\ R \\ n \\ R \\ N Male children do not allow kissing with a drig - can get sick. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N. To so that your baby's diapers do not fall to the ground, otherwise it can get sick. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nna night lack your child So that the lunar light does not fall on it, otherwise it can get sick (the window should be closed, if not in the apartment of another place). \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ are not looking at the MAA drunk and crazy people, as well as street fortunekam- Gypsies (with them, even to discourage and respond to NA, it should not be issued, it can happen unkind). Also, we should not look into the eyes of people with pronounced defects of appearance. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    The study of the lines on the palms was done for a very long time: in China, Chiromantia appeared in 3000 BC, already in Indian Vedic texts of 1550, there are mentions, in ancient Greece and Rome many doctors did not imagine treatment without chiromantia. Hippocrates and Aristotle were engaged in Hiromanty, and in the Middle Ages, this science was studied in most medical institutions. What do they mean lines and bulges on our palm? \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-questioning your hands, remember that, according to many of the chirromants, the line on the right hand is the past, and on the left - the present and the future. According to another version, the lines of the left hand is what is predicted by the fate of the fate, and the right - how far the person implements his fate corresponds to her. (With a second interpretation, more accurate predictions on the right hand - after all, our life is developing not only from what is predicted, but also from their own volitional deeds and decisions.) \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Ninnure of life begins between big and index fingers, envelopes Budgock near the thumb (Venus Hill) and goes on the bracelets on hand. Clear, smooth, without interruptions, breaks and points Life line promises its owner even, calm and happy life. Thick and "strong" - health, success. Thin, intermittent - illness (most people have a lifestyle of the intermittent as early as early, and at the end, which speaks of childhood diseases and problems in old age). At the same time, large gaps can mean serious diseases and even clinical death (compare with the second hand - it or confirm the "diagnosis", or refute it). Various islands on the lines of life, points, screenshots can also talk about different kinds of diseases. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nontage of the head begins next to the line of life (between the fingers) and horizontally crosses the palm (but it does not always reach the other end of the palm). This line tells not only about human mental abilities, but also about its inconsistency, hot tempering, emotionality. Clear, straight, clearly designated, long - a good analytical mind; Wide - hot temper, aggressiveness; Thin and long - frivolity, variability; "BATTY" (with breaks, small screenshots) - anger, doubliness, pretense, artistry. Fracture in the head line, a small "island", the points - damage to the nervous system, heads, wounds in the head area, strong headaches (depends on the size). \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Ninname fate begins on the wrist and rises through the entire palm up To fingers. It characterizes the fate, life path, change of classes, life progress and failure. The longer the line of fate, the greater success awaits a person throughout his life (Napoleon had a very clear line of fate - one line through the entire arm). Double line - success satisfied with pride; snake-shaped - a lot of trouble in life; Rales are life changes (works, services, marriage). If the branches derived from the line lead up - progress, down - failures. Islands and points on the line of fate mean deception and betrayal. The end of the line: near the index finger (on the hill of Jupiter) - honors, wealth; Near the average (on the Saturn hill) - success in the affairs of religion, philosophy, in all related to land, agriculture, gardening, houses, construction; Near the nameless finger (on the hill of the Sun) - success in art; Near the Mizinza (on the hill of Mercury) - success in the trade and industry. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Ninction of the heart begins below the mother's (under the hill of Mercury) and is usually directed towards the large finger. The best option is a smooth heart line with "spikelets" (small screenshots), ending in the area of \u200b\u200bthe index finger, is a lot of happiness and success in love. The end of the heart line to the thumb (towards the Venusian Hill) means that a person does not always think of his head, more relying on emotions (the double line of the heart is also known about this) - such people need to learn to control their emotions. And an absolutely straight line passing through the entire arm, usually in cold, straight people. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Ninname health is the most distant line from the thumb. She usually begins at the wrist (sometimes above - on the hill of the moon) and ends near the little finger. This line on hand may not be at all, which indicates a strong human health. Some professional chirromants can predict the disease on this line, which are destined to a particular person. But not knowing the subtleties, you can only say that serious ruptures on the line mean the fight against diseases. At the same time, too bright or wide line indicates the weakness of the health and sensitivity of the person to the external phenomena. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Ninnoy the Sun is between the line of fate and the line of health, starting at thenime, ends near the fingers. All that is told about success is visible on this line. The longer, stronger, this line is stronger, the greater success is awaiting a person in life (for example, Goethe had a sun line, held through the entire hand and ending at the end of the upper joint of the ring finger), while the serpentine line is inconstancy of success. Branches from the line directed up (to fingers) mean success; directional down - failure; transverse - problems in achieving the desired one; "Islands" - scandals, betrayal. But most of the chiromers interpret any screenshots, points and islands on this line as the desire and the possibility of success. Especially successful (and rather rare) is considered to be the beginning of the line near the bracelet - this means that a person will take from the very birth. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N bags most often mean the length of life. On average, 30 years released on the bracelet. That is, the triple turn around the wrist means life is not shorter than 90 years. But some of the chiromers are attributed to bracelets and 35-37 years old, but at the same time be relied on the line of life. Hills in the Chiromantia \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N try to first study the palm we always pay attention to the lines, we learn about them that we are waiting for. But if you look more attentively and pee into the essence, then small hollys, between which these lines pass can tell at no less. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ Nholm Venus - elevation near the thumb, separated by the line of life. He tells about everything connected with the love and feelings of man. If the top of the hill is more developed (close to the indicated finger), then this indicates the hills of man, its purity and light feelings. A highly developed, highlighting the lower part (near the wrist) will tell you that you are vicious in sexual terms in front of you, perhaps too concerned about it. Practically flat hill Venus talks about the coldness of feelings; Smooth and beautiful - about the harmony of relations. Deep and frequent lines on the Venus Hill are narrated by passionality and hotness in love. The cross on the hill of Venus (it is quite rare) predicts one love for life. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nholm Jupiter is located near the index finger. The presence of him tells about the fact that a person at least seeks fortunately. The flat hill or its absence (it becomes infrequent) represents a man of lazy, selfish. The smooth hill foreshadows happiness and quiet life, the straight line on it is a sign of success, small lines - ambitious aspirations, many of whom are crowned with success. An excessively developed Jupiter's Hill, according to the alignment, gives a person who loving enjoying the charms of life, sometimes even too much. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ Nholm Saturn is located at the base of the middle finger. A well-developed hill indicates the presence of human such qualities as wisdom, caution, wit, courage and independence. Practically flat hill Saturn speaks of the lack of joys in life and closetness of character. The too developed hill that is clearly released on the hand, emphasizes such qualities as closedness, asceticism, melancholic temperament, a tendency to suffer from remorse. One straight line on a hill is a lot of happiness, a lot of small - misfortune. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nholm Apollo (Sun) is located near the nameless finger. A well-developed hill speaks about the mind, genius, religious tolerance, love for literature, arts and in general everything is beautiful. Excessively developed sun hill emphasizes passion for money, wastefulness, vanity and braking the owner of such a hand. Almost the complete absence of this hill denounces a frantic materialist and prosaika, which is alien to the ideals and understanding of beauty and art. One clear line on the Apollo hill means talent and glory, and two intersecting - talent, remaining without external success or without realization. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nholm Mercury is located right under the little finger. Excessively developed, this hill indicates a lucavia, a tendency to theft, incoming and falsity. But at the same time smooth, but the full hill of Mercury shows a person intelligent and witty. Well-developed means love for sciences, abilities and interest in spiritual activity and speech talent, may also indicate a commercial vein, the ability to look into the secrets of supernatural, resourcefulness, the presence of spirit, wit and a tendency to magical activity. Relieved by deep lines, this hill may indicate a man's torment (especially if it is also excessively developed), but only one or two shallow lines predict the cardinal changes in fate. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NTexthene Marsi hill is located under the hill Mercury and Merkuria and Responsible for courage, determination, composure, justice and knightly nobility. The stronger this hill is developed, the easier the person goes to risk and copes with difficulties. If the depression is in this place, the person is inclined to cowardice. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Ninctural hill Mars is located under the hill of Jupiter and is responsible for aggressiveness, excitement, cruelty. With a strongly developed hill, it is not necessary to worry, but if it is too convex, then these qualities can become negative. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nopeful option - when the upper, and the lower hills of Mars are developed approximately the same. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nholm Moon is located under the top Mars. The normally developed moon hill indicates the impossibility, meekness and purity of the heart, as well as a living fantasy and severe intuition, sometimes on a tendency to mysticism and sentimentality. The flat hill of the moon emphasizes the weakness of the imagination and the undevelopment of the poetic taste; The too developed produces nature, prone to sadness and sadness, such a person often and unreasonably falls into despair, constantly dissatisfied and possesses any unheated fantasy, which makes him dream of silent and chanting for a priori unattainable. Line on the hill make the holders of such hands often feel foreboding, and as a consequence of migraine and headaches. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nHolm Neptune is located near the wrist, between the hills of Venus and the Moon. Its presence speaks of a tendency to mysticism, the abilities of the medium, justified by the whole mysterious. Most often, people who have elevation in this place have some kind of gift or talent. \\ R \\ n ...

    The Russian people prevail a respectful attitude towards the houses. In the house, the house is considered an empty owner, he loves those families in which peace, consent and love prevail, where in the home is always caught, order and cleanliness. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Note was not trouble, Icestari when moving to a new house It was a small ritual to make the house to move along with the owners. Since it is believed that the house cannot live without people. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N \\ N / an old and abandoned house, who lost his owners of the house Gorky crying and more ... \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N BEs of the Human Society House begins to fly , become evil. Such houses cannot be reached to people. They must be driven or even killed, if, of course, enough forces, since this house can cause harm to a person. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NB big holidays (in pure Thursday, for Easter, in Christmas) in good families after a festive dinner Be sure to leave the house to the table. They even celebrated the names of the houses "DomoMuchi", they were copious by February 10, on Ephrim Sirin. On this day it was necessary to leave the "owner" of the hotel on the table. This is usually bread with porridge. At the same time they said: "The owner-father, beat the cattle", "the owner-father, bread-salt, and a cigarette room." After a festive dinner, the "Soussedko" was a smire and helpful. If this is not done, then the house of a good creature could turn into an evil and harmful, and after that, all things in the farm will go awry. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nore Jun, on the day of Fedor, the house is set to sleep on a broom, and his chance You can take out of the house along with the garbage. Therefore, on this day, the peasants in Russia did not make the floors at all, so that they did not leave with the houses from the house well-being and comfort. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NA Here is the twelfth of April on John the District House, the house could be smallest and raged all night until The roosters do not drink. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ NKAK not offend the houses \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ nDova does not like very much when they whistle in the house, and may forever leave home. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ NDOs are also not very Like tobacco smoke, so you can never smoke in your home, since the smoke is settled on the home utensils, the furniture and does not destroy. \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ n \\ you have evil people, the house will try to survive such people with any ways: he It can stroke on them. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ n is also a house of damage. He tries to warn the owner if a person came to the house with evil intentions and black thoughts. In such cases, with the hands of this person can fall on the floor and break the dishes, can spill something on the tablecloth. It can also occur near the host, as the house will try to prevent it. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nFor believed to be left for the night sharps on the table (fork, knife, etc.), because it makes it difficult to protect the house-the house and confront the evil forces. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nUse communicate with Brownie \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nRanshe people believed that if the talk with houses it is possible or numb, or be a stutterer forever. Therefore, it is recommended to just listen to what the house warns. If you start up with dishes, a fire may occur; If the water deals, then to the disease; And if he pays and bursts, then be grief; If it starts to throw and clap the doors - to death. \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ is other way to warn, the house can jump on the chest of a sleeping person and wake, at that moment it should be asked: "To good or to the Houdo?" The house should be very quietly answered by a human voice. Some discharged it to the floor, the house at the same time the crackle, but was not offended, since the sleepy person is forgiven. \\ R \\ N ...

    In ancient times, amulets - items that protect a person from trouble and bringing good luck, have been manufactured by the signs and sorcerers. There were rules, rites, over the amules read prayers and spells. For example, the horseshoe, designed to protect the house from unwanted guests and bring wealth, the blacksmith spawned into the deaf midnight, being completely naked. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N will you yourself can choose your amulet. To do this, it is enough just to believe that this or that item helps you in life. But some rules and traditions to know does not hurt. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N / N's woolen thread, tied on wrists and ankles, makes the disease get away and removes the evil eye. You paid attention to that many amulets are not worn on chains, namely on ordinary ropes? Thread, which is done with your own hands for one day, it is impossible to suitable for ritual actions. And the knots, with the spell tied on such a rope, carries a strong magic force. Scandinavian sailors, for example, believed that the sorcerer could sharpen the strength of the wind into three nodes: if you unleash the first - a light breeze blows, the second is stronger, and the third - the real hurricane will begin! \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-nine pendants bring good luck. In general, all items associated with the way the horse are happy. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Numenly copy of weapons - good luck in battle. A separate axes - symbols of successful family life \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nGrebeshok -.. From the evil eye \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nZub or claw beast, albeit artificial, deters enemies and adds the owner of strength and agility \\ r \\ n. \\ R \\ NFC closes the house from harmful visitors and helps to achieve wealth. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nernoms - a symbol not only the sign of the zodiac, but also good luck. By the way, in Christian traditions, this is also the symbol of Jesus Christ. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nfigurka birds contributes to happiness in the house and protects the owner. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Nadfin personifies calm, strength, love. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nisan protects against the evil magical forces, denotes constancy and aspiration to the target. \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ NK - a symbol of strength, reliability and safety. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ NKAKA Stone will retain you from the evil eye, add health and attract love ? And it is also interesting how much it costs. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ n \\ полесли No stone, except for a diamond in 20 carats, does not warm your heart, do not despair. Smart people have come up with what the stone will help you in life \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nVo First, the stones have long been divided on the zodiac signs \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nOven -.. Amethyst \\ r \\ nTelets - Emerald \\ r \\ Sapphire \\ R \\ Nerbs - Coral \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-second, the choice of "correct" pebble affects the planet under which you were born. Therefore, the list of stones for each sign is much longer given. If you are interested in a complete set, ask our astrologer. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NB thirds, in each month a certain stone is activated. If you have the financial ability to change the stones for months, here's a list of what the stone which month will be the most successful \\ r \\ nYanvar -. Garnet, hyacinth \\ r \\ nFevral - amethyst, hyacinth \\ r \\ nMart - jasper, amethyst \\ r \\ nAprel - sapphire, jasper \\ r \\ nMay - agate, emerald, sapphire \\ r \\ nIyun - emerald, agate \\ r \\ nIyul - onyx, emerald \\ r \\ nAvgust - carnelian, onyx \\ r \\ nSentyabr - beryl, Sarder \\ r \\ nOktyabr - beryl, aquamarine, beryl \\ r \\ nNoyabr - topaz, beryl \\ r \\ nDekabr - ruby, topaz \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nZdrevle house is considered the guardian of the hearth, comfort and peace in the house. Dolls-domain are sold in almost every transition or shop with the products of folk creativity. True, this does not mean that hanging the straw domain on the kitchen wall, you will make your home full of bowl. But definitely it is - the first step, as your own image will delight the "real" brownie \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nEsche another reason for his joy -. So-called domovushka, like a toy, decorative broom, a wreath or any other household items in Beautiful frame. Each item means different things. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nvenik protects the house from any evil coming from the outside. By the way, a broom, designed for such purposes, and not for cleaning, is accepted every year to change the new one. So, the troubles accumulated in the year will be marked in the literal sense of the "shameful broom." \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N. is generally the main Slavic charm. And evil spirits expelled, and welfare contributes. Decorative sunflowers have the same meaning. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ Nvenok - home amulet almost for all occasions. It affects the sphere whose symbols in it are woven. Rings - to the wedding. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N Esple ears - to wealth, to a good crop in every sense. Garlic -.. To scare away evil spirits \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nLnyanye boxes in domovushkah remove damage, the evil eye \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nLapot, even the tiny, attached to the kitchen cabinets, is considered to be a small house for brownie. Wrapped on the wall, you need to invite Domounka there with words: "Here you are Sani, go with us." \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NKTA, about the location of the house. Sometimes, according to legends, houses choose fir or pine twigs as housing. But the house is not hanging on top, like a New Year's ball, but buried under the branches ....

    Despite the fact that, in the courtyard, the third millennium, we still continue to believe in signs. For example, such: \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ n Avoid lenting money on Tuesday - you will be all my life in debt \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n Take money with your left hand, and give the right \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n money is like but not from the piggy bank (they will cease to accumulate) and not late at night \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n money goes to money, but as readily in the house, if the broom stands mop up \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n money Go like water: you can not have a faulty plumber in the house, in order to avoid water leaks. \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ nv The people were always considered dangerous to pick up a trifle on the street, especially at the crossroads - a trifle can be conspired. Raising the coin, you risk in addition to get a whole bouquet of karmic sores. In general, any found \\ "crazy \\" money is a rather dangerous thing. For example, in Japan, no one ever raises the lost wallet (unless to attribute it to the police station). Residents of this country believe that for such an unexpected gift, dear find, fate will soon ask very strictly, with something more valuable. Our wise ancestors advised themselves with the mind to dispose of money found, spending them for good deeds: to hand out in need, help the patient, support orphans. Then the money spent returned by a hundredfold. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n More, money should be lucked. It was known to people for a long time. For centuries, they have accumulated many ways to attract money to the house. Each people have always money talismans: Russians - a neramennyennyy, Americans have the first earned dollar. The Germans held a bent or drilled coin in his pocket or wallet. The Chinese have a cash amulet - as many three yuan (small coins) connected through the holes with a red silk ribbon. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NKAK Talisman, and the money itself relies from time to time to stroke and take care of. With the advent of paper money, a custom arose to fold bills in the purse face to the owner, be sure to expand and neatly straightened. The British advise those who have a problem with finance, throw a little spider in his pocket. But Russian merchants, having heard the spring of the first cuckoo, wrapped in his pocket money. It was believed that in this case the money will never end. To grow capital, you need to show the coin the young month. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n, finally, the most ecological advice. Plant the money tree - Tolstanka (it is also called the tree of happiness). Moreover, buying a ready-made plant should not be, you need to separate a small process, put in a pot, cherish it and holy. The trimming tree is rare stability and unpretentious. In general, the fastener is a light-lubricant plant. But does not like heat. During the growth period, it is best to contain Tolstank at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. In winter, it prefers lower temperatures. When carrying out the room in the cold, be careful. Frosty air can destroy the plant. Does not like excessive irrigation. Between irrigations, the Earth should have time to dry. In order for Tolstanka to give the shape of a small tree, pinch it at a height of 25-30 cm so that the trunk is formed. For landing, you can use the soil mixture for cactis or succulents. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N Designer will not only decorate your interior, but also improves the financial position. \\ R \\ n ...

    Why, after communication with some people, a feeling of unfortunate irritability appears, the mood is sharply deteriorated. There is a feeling that you "squeezed as lemon". Where does this mysterious feeling of fatigue appear? Most likely your buddy is an energy vampire. But how to distinguish the energy vampire from an ordinary person? How to calmly communicate with him and not feel the decline of forces? \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ does a few signs, for which you can determine the energy vampire. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N1. The main distinguishing feature of the vampire is that they are always annoyed and derive from themselves other people. A reason for a quarrel can serve any little thing. They can also humiliate the interlocutor in the presence of others, laugh at him and evil to swear to cause irritation. Can take money and not to give. However, they will constantly promise "as soon as, so immediately." \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n2. Energy vampires Double people, bore and egoists. Often they simply do not hear the interlocutor, because his opinion, his thoughts and feelings of the vampire do not worry. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ n3. The energy vampire is very jealous and revenge. The vampire fences his personal donor from the outside world, surrounds high care and care, jealies to other people. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N4. Energy vampires can talk for hours by phone. Immediately ship your interlocutor with their problems and failures. The conversation reminds usual chatter about anything, but after you, for some reason, begin to feel tired and depressed. It is very difficult to get out of the energy vampire, resentment immediately. Sometimes you have to simply disable the phone. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ N5. There is an opinion that in the presence of energy vampires constantly breaks the technique and the flowers are wound. At home, they also do not happen more often, they simply do not like them, or the flowers themselves do not grow. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N6. Vampires adore the cluster of the people: queues, demonstrations, big shops. Vampires love to appear where the big probability of scandal. The scandal for them is an additional source of energy. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ N \\ r \\ will say that there are mixed types: the same person can manifest itself in different situations and as an energy vampire, and how donor. Among the energy vampires, charming and kind people are often found, who simply do not notice their negative impact on other people. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ None often happens when one relative lives at the expense of the other. This can be expressed in scandals, clarifying relationships. However, the family can be considered an ideal generally, but someone in the family constantly hurts and is generally considered a loser. This person gives his energy to the vampire. By the way, when the family two vampires, they either constantly quarrel and disagree or live "in perfect harmony" and draw energy in casual relationships. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nByvaet so that the vampire waiting for you at work. And if it is also the boss? Such a vampire does not like when a good mood reigns around him, he will do everything to spoil this mood. And it is useless to persuade it. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N is still a curious look of vampires - these are sex vampires. At the time of orgasm, a person is filled with positive energy. And the vampires take this energy and do nothing in return. After sexual contact with an energy vampire his partner feel disharmony and dissatisfaction. \\ R \\ n \\ r \\ nItak if some of these characteristics, you know his friend, a friend, relative or loved one, the question arises what to do? \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NO first, do not worry! The purpose of the vampire is your irritation, this is your vulnerable place. Instead of annoying and angry, just either leave the conflict, or on the contrary, do your reaction unexpected for a vampire. For example, joke or instead of crying smile. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-second, with the energy vampire it is better not to communicate at all. And especially if a person is unpleasant and uninteresting. Do not attract the attention of the energy vampire, do not join him in friendly relationships and do not commit good actions for them, refraining ourselves. They still do not appreciate it. And just take the energy as soon as they feel the slab. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ N-third, protect your energy and biofield. To do this, during a conversation with a vampire, cross legs or hands. You can keep the fig in your pocket. It can be imagined that there is a thick mirror between you and the vampire, the reflection of which is drawn to the vampire. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ \\ is not possible not to communicate with the energy vampire, then try to perceive your interlocutor with humor. And from the rough statements of the vampire, linger. Be sure he does not endure this and will not be able to harm you. \\ R \\ N \\ r \\ NA irritation and fatigue from the energy vampire can be removed using your favorite music, movies, poems, books, aromatic oils. After contacting the vampire or after finding in places of the cluster of people, you need to take a contrasting shower and drink your beloved hot tea. Take a walk among the trees, they pull the negative energy and process it in a positive. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ N is the most important thing - let's rejoice in every moment, let's see in life only the best and light and bright! Let's take life with humor and love and then no vampire can overcome us! \\ R \\ n ...

    To determine the presence of damage, the evil eye, curses or other violations is quite easy. It is necessary to answer a few questions: \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ not to determine the presence of damage, evil eye, curses or other violations are quite easy. You need to answer a few questions: \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n1. Do you often feel pain, tingling or discomfort in the back of the head? \\ R \\ N2. Do you often feel cold in your feet? \\ R \\ N3. Do you feel pain, tension, discomfort while in the church? \\ R \\ N4. Do you often feel viscosity or "stone" in the chest? \\ R \\ N5. Does you often have the loss of control over emotions? \\ R \\ N6. Does anyone practiced conspiracies, rituals, fortune telling for the future? \\ R \\ N7. Have you ever found needles, detached in clothes or bed? \\ R \\ N8. Do you often dream of dead? \\ R \\ N9. Have you noticed that while in the church you often yaw? \\ R \\ N10. Do you often feel the viscosity or "stone" at the bottom of the abdomen? \\ R \\ N11. Do nightmares torment you? \\ R \\ N12. Do you repeat the fate of your parents? \\ R \\ N13. Have you taken dubious gifts from ill-wishers or took yourself lost by someone things? \\ R \\ N14. Whether you, for a long time, return someone from deceased friends or relatives? \\ R \\ N15. Does you often have a feeling of coma in the throat? \\ R \\ N16. Did you suppress the quality of the leader or the manager? \\ R \\ N17. Does your face / eye express a frozen pain mask, anger, depression? \\ R \\ N18. Do you have health problems similar to parents that are not considered hereditary? \\ R \\ N19. Did you find suspicious subjects / bones / wool / earth / rusty nail? \\ R \\ N20. Do you often attend thoughts about suicide? \\ R \\ N21. Do you often feel the severity in your feet? \\ R \\ N22. Have you suppressed in yourself (someone you have) the desire of creative implementation? \\ R \\ N23. Do you feel "hunger" to negative emotions of some particular type? \\ R \\ N24. Do you often repeat the problem with which you seemed to have done? \\ R \\ N25. Do you have health problems after a collision with a person who tried to incline you to something against your will? \\ R \\ N26. Were there any abortion, miscarriage, suicide, violent deaths? \\ R \\ N27. Do you have sleep disorders? \\ R \\ N28. Have you suppressed in yourself (someone you have) faith in supernatural? \\ R \\ n29. Does that you sometimes notice the edge of the eye incomprehensible air movements or feel someone's presence when there is no one? \\ R \\ N30. Do you need to show titanic efforts to achieve the realization of the task? \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ def. You answered \\ "yes \\" to the following questions: \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ N1, 7, 13, 19, 25 - damage, curse \\ r \\ N2, 8, 14, 20, 26 - bindings of the world of the dead \\ r \\ N3, 9, 15, 21, 27 - heavy, alien, inorganic energies, domestic exposure \\ r \\ N4, 10, 16, 22, 28 - problems with chakras \\ r \\ N5, 11, 17, 23, 29 - obsession \\ r \\ N6, 12, 18, 24, 30 - karmic load \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n more positive answers are the worse. \\ R \\ N \\ R \\ Naxination: \\ R \\ N1. Wherever it damage it, first of all, is reflected on the back of the head. \\ R \\ N2. The bindings of the world of the dead begin to dig energies through their feet or on the contrary, a grave cold chill can act through their feet. \\ R \\ N3. The church automatically begins to cleanse anyone in it that can lead to exacerbations. \\ R \\ N4. These sensations accompany the cardiac chakra block \\ r \\ N5. As a rule, obscurantial actions in a state of affects provoke obscurants \\ r \\ n6. No compliance with safety equipment usually lies with a load on the following generations \\ R \\ N7. The impact is made on the needle and put the victims \\ R \\ N8 into personal belongings. Frequent communication in dreams with the dead can lead to a close connection with the world of the dead or be its consequence \\ r \\ N9. Zevota is usually the reaction of the body when trying to exit from the suppression of consciousness \\ r \\ N10. So manifests itself a block of sex chakra \\ r \\ n11. Nightmares can provoke demons feeding by emotions of grief and fear \\ r \\ N12. The stronger the generic load is the closer apple to the apple tree \\ R \\ N13. Impacts can be transferred with gifts or leave with a personal thing so that someone picked up \\ r \\ N14. Usually it highly immerses consciousness into the world of the dead, but for him and the body, or may prevent the rest of the deceased as a result of which he will feed the energy of the one who is trying to keep it. \\ R \\ N15. So maybe unspoken offenses \\ r \\ N16. This deforms the work of the chakras of the belly \\ R \\ N17. Sometimes demons take so much control over the person that can control his facial expressions \\ r \\ n18. Very often we get karmic sores in the image and likeness of the parents \\ r \\ N19. These are the objects of the ritual that transmit effects with tactile contact \\ r \\ N20. There is a feedback between the thoughts of death and bindings to the world of the dead \\ r \\ N21. Destructive energy is heavier than ordinary bodies, under the action of earthly attraction can accumulate in the legs \\ r \\ N22. This leads to the deformations of the throat chakra \\ r \\ N23. This \\ "hunger \\" also provoke demons \\ r \\ N24. This is a sign of unrequited karma \\ r \\ N25. From the suppression of the will to damage the half of the step \\ r \\ N26. Such losses without breaking connections with the dead can associate you with the world of dead \\ r \\ N27. Sleep disorders are with a damaged astral body \\ r \\ N28. This closes the connection with the guardian angel and deforms the chakra in the temperature \\ r \\ N29. This happens when communicating a person with the Lower Astral, the habitat of obscurants \\ r \\ N30. People with clean karma do not need \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n \\ r \\ n ...

    Probably, each house has candles, simple white paraffin or a variety of shape and color, decorated with decorative and flavored. The candle helps even in the XXI century - in the era of electricity. After all, when for some reason, electricity is turned off in the house, we are in the old way we are looking for candles and immediately the situation around becomes a romantic and mysterious, which has a sophisticated conversation and pleasant memories.

    Candle - Source of Life and Light

    Fire itself is a symbol of life, because without him we could not make themselves delicious food, would be frozen in the end. In antiquity, the fire itself was also a source of lighting. In addition, our ancestors with the help of the simplest candles could measure the time (a method similar to the solar or sandy hour). The fire also defended a person from predatory animals. And no matter how much our life has changed and its quality has improved, the soulless light bulbs will not replace the living and warm candles light. Candle is a source of life and light, heat of a homely hearth, protection.

    In addition, the candle fire cleans and treats, the power of fire from ancient times was revered by our ancestors in Russia. The power of a homemade hearth is known since ancient times, the fire gives heat and comfort. It is with the fire that many vintage rituals and rites are connected: Jumping through the fire on Ivan Kupala, burning the stuffed winter on Maslenitsa. Candle is a symbol of a new year and christmas. Candle is one of the main attributes of the Easter basket on the bright holiday of Easter.

    Candle symbolism in art

    Candle symbolizes heat, protection, light, life. Many writers gave a candle in their works an important role. For example, Boris Pasternak in his poem "Winter Night" gave proper symbolism of the candle - the candle is the main acting person in it. By the way, the singer Alla Pugachova has a song on the verse of Pasternak about the candle.

    Many famous artists gave the value of the candle in their works: Karl Bryullov "Clearing Svetlana" (1836), Mikhail Nesterov "Prince Alexander Nevsky" (1894-1897), Ilya Glazunov "Girl with a candle in the temple" (1992 ), Mikhail Vrubel "Angel with Cadyl and Candle" (1887). The topic of the candle in music is affected by the rock band "Time Machine" - the famous and loved by many song "While the candle burns."

    The people walk the winged expression "so that the candle does not go out", the authorship of which is attributed to the Russian prince Ivan Krasny - the son of Ivan Kalita and the father of Dmitry Donskoy. The expression means the transfer of history, accumulated experience and wisdom to descendants.

    Candles - a wonderful decor element

    Aromatized candles are very common today, which, with combustion, distinguish a pleasant unobtrusive smell, thereby contributing to relaxation after a heavy working day. Such a candle can be put in the bath, the process of taking the bath from it will only improve. Just remember the precautions - after all it is an open fire!

    Also beautifully decorated candle can serve as an excellent item of the decor of your room, will create a cozy and romantic setting in the bedroom. In addition, the candle can be made with their own hands and give a close person for a holiday or just like that! Candle - a great gift! Of course, you should not forget about tastes and preferences being believed - after all, the reverent attitude to the candles is manifested by no means.

    Candle treats and cleans

    Fire is a symbol of life and light. Like fire as a whole, so in particular and the candle - symbol of life and light, symbol of heat and coziness, homemade hearth.

    The fiberglass is considered mysterious and cleansing with deep antiquity. Since ancient times, our ancestors knew the power of the fire and enjoyed it. We all know the expression "Woman is a keeper of a homemade hearth, which tells us that the focus is the main in the life of every family, each family. The centuries-old experience of fire magic proves it.

    Fire cleans and burns everything negative, which sticks to the aura of man and accumulates, reflected on the biofield.

    If you sit a little near the candle and watch it for its flame, you can see how the flame tongues are still deviating into different directions, discarding quite a bit of soot into the air. Candle cleans, relieves fatigue, anger and resentment, picking all the negative. A mental pain leaves the body, taking physical pain with him and pain, because we all know that many diseases from nerves. The flame of fire gives people peace and spiritual equilibrium.

    There are various ceremonies for cleansing the negative energy of a person with a candle. It can also help if just sit by the fire and think about all your adversities and say goodbye to them, the fire will heal and help a person to cleanse. You can clean your energy and your home using a conventional candle. Many, probably, could hear that if conflicts arose in the house from nowhere, you need in the evening, how everyone fell asleep, to bypass with a candle, all rooms around the perimeter of the house (apartments). If the scandal or a quarrel with households occurred at home, follows at night, as everyone falls asleep, to bypass with a lit candle of all relatives, mentally wishing them to good night or asking for a forgiveness of said words.

    You can heal your soul with the help of various vintage rites, meditations and fire. In its energy, it is impossible to leave the negative, our ancestors knew that they were well and were wiser in some aspects.

    If the cat is scolding, poor mood, depression, someone offended or just a chanda, go to the kitchen or a room where there is no one and burn the candle. Put a lit candle on the window sill, sit next to and whirl, tell her all your sadness and adversity. Let all bad thoughts, all the problems clean the fire with their flame.

    If you acted badly and offended by someone's words, you need to apologize not only before those who were offended, but before themselves. Tell the candle and apologize in front of yourself, the fire will clean the soul.

    The fire lies a huge energy potential, the candles are used, as we see, in the rituals of purification and forgiveness, replacing an ancient home focus, near which the whole family was collected near the quiet evenings and misvocated everything that happened in the day, I was looking for answers to questions, solved the difficulties together passed through troubles. Fire, the flame of the candle carry a huge charge of positive energy, just remember that it takes to work with candles only with good intentions, clean thoughts and open-friendly hearts.

    Let the fire always burn in your focus, and the house will be filled with warmth and comfort.

    Why buy and put candles in the temple

    The custom put the candle in front of the icon is very ancient. Everyone knows that it is certainly necessary to do this, but not everyone knows about the reasons for which this rite is performed. One of the first divine commands Moses from the Lord was to arrange a lamp with seven lamps. And after that, the service was often conducted at the light of candles. But the meaning of this is much deeper than just lighting the place where worship were held, although during the persecution of Christians when they had to hold their meetings secretly, the candle light really became a guide.

    You need to put candles in the temple. After all shimmering lights of your candle burning in front of the Savior Flag - this is your personal divinement - Your mysterious life of the soul, naked before the Lord God ...

    The candle has several spiritual meanings: this is a voluntary sacrifice of God and the temple of His, the evidence of the faith, the involvement of a person to the Divine Light and the flame of love him to the one whose face believes puts a candle.

    When you buy a candle in the temple, it becomes your voluntary offer, the symbol of your faith and love.Thanks to the acquisition of the candle, we put money not in Pocket Batyushka, but we give to the needs of the temple - repair, payment of heating, electricity, etc. Buying candles, we help the existence of the temple of God on Earth. And this is the sacred business.

    Church lamps

    Church candles are customary to put in the candlesticks on a high leg, which are placed on the temple from the holy icons.

    Church lamps are different. Candlestones all kinds, in addition to practical purposes, they symbolize that spiritual height, thanks to which the light of faith shines to everyone in the house, the whole world.

    Panadila (Multi-deresses, translated from Greek), nice to the central part of the temple, many of their lights there are actually the celestial church as a meeting, the constellation of people consecrated by grace of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, these lamps are descended from above to that part of the temple, where the collection of the earthly church is, designed to spiritually strive to go to his heavenly fellow.

    The Church of the Heavenly illuminates the church of the Earth, hesitates the darkness of it - this is the meaning of the silent panicadyl.

    What does church candle mean?

    Church candle is a symbol of prayer burning in front of the Lord, his limbish mother, in front of the saints of God,sign of voluntary sacrifice to God and his temple and a symbol of person involvement in the Divine Light.

    Liturgist XV century, Blessed Simeon, Archbishop Solunsky, so explains the symbolic value of the candle: "Clean wax means the purity and negligence of people bringing it. Softness and flexibility of wax show our readiness for obedience to God, and the burning of the candle - symbolizes the burning of a person, its transformation into a new creature and the purification of the fire of Divine Love. "

    A burning candle is a visible sign that expresses hot love, herself to the one who puts a candle. This is actually a victim, a spiritual act, your personal prayer connection with God. And if there is no this love and destroying, then the candles have no meaning, the victim is in vain. Therefore, put the candle formally, with a cold heart, it is impossible. External action must be accompanied by prayer - at least the simplest, in your own words. You do not want a close person to give something to your face and ran the hurry on. So before God. You have ten minutes, buy a candle, burn it, put it in front of the icon and spend the remaining five minutes with God, with the Most Holy Virgin or with the holy to which you pray. Talk to the Lord, please pay him. He will take any prayer, the main thing that it was sincere, from the pure heart.

    What symbolizes the candle icon?

    The light in the Orthodox church is the image of heavenly, divine light. In particular, he marks himself by Christ as the light of the world, the light from the light, the light is true, which enlightens any man who comes to the world.

    The fire of the candle symbolizes eternity, the prayer appeal to God, to the Mother of God, to the Holy. The fire always rushes upwards, no matter how tilted the candle and a person with any life circumstances, all his thoughts and feelings should pay for God.

    What cases do candles put in the temple?

    Candles put for health and behind. "For the rest" is usually put in the church on a special intimate table - the eve - before which or on which the crucifix is \u200b\u200bput. This is the only place in the temple, where candles are put for rest.

    It is desirable if you put a candle for the deceased, talk to myself prayer "Remember, the Lord, the deceased servant of yours (name) and forgive his sins, free and unwitting, and give him the kingdom of heaven."

    You can put one candle for all who commemorate, and it is possible for each separately.

    The deceased, for which you pray, should be baptized, dips on the canons of the church and, accordingly, do not suicide or other people, for whom you can not pray in the temple (Satanists, active heretics, Bogoborets, etc.). If a person was Orthodox, albeit a little worker, it is possible to pray for this. This rule, besides, naturally, suicides is also extended by alive.

    Candles "For Zoodle" They are missing anywhere in the temple, except for the Wannik and are put on various occasions: in gratitude for anything, to help with a difficult decision, before a serious trip, risky business, and so on.

    Praying for yourself or about the health and well-being of their loved ones, after the binding of the candle, we must call the name of that saint or holy, before the icons of which we will put candles.
    For example: "The Most Holy Mother of God, save us!" or "Reverend Father Sergie, the moths of God about me and about the slaves of God (name)"

    It is impossible to put a candle on the absorption of sins. Candle - this is a symbol in itself does not frees from sins . Sins are released only for confession after sincere, detailed confession of all of them in the presence of a priest and reading the permits prayer.

    How to put candles in the temple?

    Ideally, it is desirable to come to the temple in advance - before worship, in order to have to buy candles, put them, submit notes to the altar, and then calmly stand in the service, prayerfully delving into it, without distracting themselves or others. Not good break a delicency in the temple transfering candles during worship or squeezed to a candlestick, distracting praying. Failing to worship must put candles after his end.

    Going to the candlestick, you should cross the shrine twice and bow the shrine (usually belonging).Candles light one from another burning, and put in the candlestick nest. Candle should stand straight, not falling. Do not use in the temple by matches and lighters If there are already burning candles in the candlesticks. Should not be lit a candle from the lamp so as not to scream wax into the oil or accidentally do not scratch the lamp.

    If you have nowhere to put a candle, you can put it on the candlestick. Incorrectly make those who put the candles in two in one cell or shoots someone else's candle to put their own.

    To deduct from the earth, look for some time on a flutter light of the candle, calm down, forget about the worldly and read the prayer mentally or whisper . The main thing is prayer. Read from the soul, she will come to the Lord and will be adopted by him properly.

    Before slowly move away, squeerty yourself with a congestion with a bow.

    It can happen like this: just a candle lit by you for some kind of need to redeemed the church servant. Do not outraget not only in a word, but also in spirit. Your victim has already been adopted by the All-Russia and the All -bitable Lord.

    In the temple, it is necessary to observe the established order, and not to do, as will want.

    Who and how many candles need to be put?

    Often the question arises: what icons and what saints to put candles? There is no required rules where and how much to put candles. Their purchase is a voluntary victim to God. First of all, it is good to put a candle to the "holiday" (central analog) or the Chtima of the Temple Icon, then - to the relics of the saint (if they are in the temple), and then - about health (to any icon) or a rest (on the eve - Square or rectangular table with crucifix). Often put candles to your holy patrons.

    About the health of the candle is usually put to the Savior, the Mother of God, the saints that the Lord grant grace to heal the disease. Also, the health of patients often pray and put candles in front of the icon of the Great Martyr and the healer of Panteleimon.

    If there is no needed icon in the temple, you can put a candle to any way of the Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary or before the icon of all the saints and make a prayer. You can pray in your own words, if only they were sincere.

    Who wants to get something from the Lord or from the saints, he should not only pray them, but also build your life on commandments . Through the Gospel, God appeals to everyone with a request to be good, loving, humble, etc., but people often do not want to listen about it, but they themselves ask him that he helped them in affairs.

    To prayers were successful, it is necessary to pray for the words from the heart with the words, with faith and hope for the help of God. And it should be remembered that not everything that a person asks the Lord is useful for him. The Lord is not a car that fulfills all the desires, it is only worth pressing the desired button that everything sent to them is directed to the benefits and rescue of the soul, although sometimes people seem unfair.

    Remember: the candle burning with you in the temple is your personal worship service.

    Temple of the Library Trinity on Sparrow Mountains