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  • How to determine your rune by date of birth. The meaning of the Scandinavian and Slavic Runes by the date of birth Runes is suitable on the sign of the zodiac

    How to determine your rune by date of birth. The meaning of the Scandinavian and Slavic Runes by the date of birth Runes is suitable on the sign of the zodiac

    An ancient tradition found a mapping in a modern assessment of the person and the surrounding world, picking up the meaning of each rune for the zodiac.

    Magic practice confirmed that the connection of the Scandinavian and Slavic knowledge is closely intertwined with astrology.

    Correctly picking up a symbol at its date of birth, a person can strengthen the ability and implemented.

    In order to get the results as quickly as possible, click on your zodiac sign in the content below.

    The ancient signs of the alphabet bind the harmony of the Universe with the forces of nature, the incarnation of which was the gods. The connection of earthly life with higher entities displays runes by date of birth. They are determined in several ways:

    • the element of the zodiac corresponds to the analogy in the Scandinavian pantheon;
    • runic horoscope in terms of the number in the response, month and year of birth;
    • the astrological date is in the list of the ancient Germann runes.

    Combining with the magic of ancient priests, astrology allows you to open personality features in all spheres of life. Runic horoscope puts accents on the strengths and weaknesses of the character of a person by date of birth.

    The benefits of runes on the zodiac

    The zodiacal sign and magic symbols from birth show their own individual traits that can change and affect human life. If the person hopes to better know himself, it will be interested in the meaning, description and interpretation of the runes at its date of birth. Combining them correctly in important periods of life, you can:

    • find down to talents;
    • achieve a high level of income;
    • meet the right person;
    • choose the right tactics to solve problems;
    • learn to defend yourself, your family and loved ones;
    • create mascots and amulets.

    Horoscope Runes enjoy to expand their capabilities. If a person feels a lack of character traits that the representative of another zodiac sign possesses, he has the right to take advantage of the relevant rune designations.

    Rune value by date of birth

    From the moment the person appears on the light performs an important mission. Runic horoscope believes that the path of each is sent to dominant over him. To understand your destination and fulfill it, you need to know compatibility by date of birth.

    There are two approaches to the study of the correspondence on the sign of the zodiac:

    1. The ancient northern alphabet is divided into 24 strikes. Each zodiac symbol includes 2 runes separating it in half. They are combined with a general nature, the difference is born in individual characteristics.
    2. Slavic runes consist of 18 characters. They are distributed by date of birth, choosing the sequence number. But the more famous is the option with the selection of a runic symbol to analogue from Scandinavia.

    For astrology, the year begins during the increase in solar activity - in the spring.

    Each zodiac sign is designed for 20 calendar days. The characteristic of one includes 2 symbols of the Scandinavian tradition and 1 - Slavic, which make up a ruic horoscope.

    It is characterized by swiftness, quick-temperedness and hardness of character. He is responsible for such runes:

    1. Fehu (March 23 - April 5) - Aries born during this period, show tendency to accumulate benefits, making money, building business. They measure everything around rational concepts. The potential for development and growth is valid only during active work.
    2. Runa Uruz (April 6 - April 21) - the dynamism of this rune allows Aries constantly reborn, strengthen courage or femininity. Such people are famous for their principle, to achieve heights, they should not be forgotten about gratitude.
    3. Perun (21.03 - 20.04) - Aries implies this rune as soldiers, fighters for their own right. Its main force is gradual and indomitable promotion, actions in accordance with the principles and rules starting from birth.

    The elements of the zodiac performs fire. Planet patron - Mars.

    Sign representatives are often put by businessmen, military and judges.

    Appreciates comfort, has an exquisite taste and endurance. Such features appear due to runes:

    1. Tourisas (April 22 - May 6) - People under the start of the Taurus from birth are endowed with the tendencies to military exercises, they have an exacerbity sense of justice. The desire to help in need, resistance allows them to trust them with any complex business.
    2. Rune Ansuz (May 7 - May 21) - Tales under the influence of this rune transform energy obtained through inspiration, in an elevated art that causes a storm of emotions from others. Excessiveness of these people can lead to closets due to their own mistakes, because it is important to communicate more.
    3. Rainbow (21.04 - 20.05) - indicates the constancy and purposefulness of man. It is almost impossible to knock off the path, he knows what she is looking for, and achieves it. A variety of talents and thoughts makes it easy to adapt to different conditions.

    The element is the earth. Patronizing Venus, one of the most loving planets.

    Professional interest cause creative specialties, military affair, office work with a constant flow of complex tasks.

    Cheerful and active, prefer to know the world in motion. Runic sign of the sign includes:

    1. Raido (May 22 - June 6) - the birth endows the carrier constant to the uneducated sensations, which can be obtained through the surroundings. Twin-loving twins, want to manage their own destiny. They prefer harmony, betrayed the idea.
    2. Kenaz (June 7 - June 22) - Rune for people with boiling in kind, great creative potential. Gemini are guided by inspiration, constantly produce ideas and embody them into reality.
    3. Rune is (21.05-20.06) - Rune of creativity, enthusiasm. People under her influence opens up supernatural talents from birth, plunge into parallel worlds. They are inherent in great performance and frequent mood change.

    Element sign - air. Patron among the planets - Mercury.

    Specialty will be suitable with creative and inventive start, trade, tourism.

    Rapid, principled, used to going their own way. Runes carry such a value:

    1. Gebo (June 23 - July 7) - people born under the sign of cancer have contradictory character. They are glad to help others, but will never obey other people's authorities.
    2. Runa Veuno (July 8 - July 23) - Cancer is inherent sincere pleasure at the end of affairs. Love entertainment, excite and serene, are able to rejoice in other people's losses and losses. Caution, control over emotions is collapsed with awkward moments.
    3. Kranda (21.06 - 22.06) is a symbol of the care of the old and revival in its place new. Under the influence of this rune, cancer can easily get rid of what is no longer confidence. They are included in the future and plan without care for memories.

    The spontaneous patron - water. The planetary courtesy is the moon.

    Successful crayfish will be in creative and research professions, in working with mechanisms, sports.

    Self-sufficient, strong, love fun and new tasks. According to the rune horoscope, it is characterized by:

    1. Hagalaz (July 24 - August 8) - Born lions do not tolerate someone else's self-government, ready to fight with imposing thoughts or actions. They are full of inner wrench. The desire of these people to achieve heights at their own discretion often leads to the destruction of relations with the environment.
    2. Rune Nautiz (August 9 - August 23) - Lions in the second half of the zodiac are limited by the framework, rules and capabilities. To get your power, they have to deal with circumstances.
    3. Lelia (July 23 - 22.08) - Rune for the reigning individuals. Understand your uniqueness and strength, they use themselves. Personals with this rune like a festive style of existence, but it reduces their endurance towards life troubles.

    Element of the zodiac - fire. Planet patron refers to the sun.

    People of this sign become good leaders, politicians, stars of show business, are engaged in creativity or design.

    Beautiful and multifaceted person, living according to the rules. Runes promise:

    1. Isa (August 24 - September 8) - People with the date of birth of the Virgin prefer not to express their feelings and emotions to the public, abstract from external influence. They seem cold and balanced. To preserve harmony, they need to do meditation and disclose their talents.
    2. Yer (September 9 - September 23) - Personality with an unlimited margin of patience, consistent in actions. Their main talent is waiting. Virgo has a close relationship with nature, in which harmony and dimension are observed.
    3. Rune force (08/23 - 23.09) - hidden power manifested in accuracy and detailed approach. People achieve the best patience. Often they lack emotionality, the inner world is characterized by wealth.

    The element of the zodiac is concentrated on the ground. The planet, under the auspices of which lives - Mercury.

    Professional interest cause work with nature, veterinary, document management, business, jurisprudence.

    Balanced, lovers, always go to the goal. Runic horoscope includes:

    1. Eyvaz (September 24 - October 8) - people under the sign of weights do not doubt their strength, because they used to check the limits of their own capabilities. They are engaged in self-development, support a good physical form. Careful research experience makes them even stronger.
    2. Perth (October 9 - October 23) - born under the influence of this rune closed people possess a rich inner world. The connection of the opposites gives it the individuality, a tendency to the occultism. They diligently go to the goal, but they may be angry with a long fulfillment of dreams.
    3. Rune Treba (24.09 - 23.10) - Sociality generating success. Scales give all the strength to achieve the desired. Often they carry heavy losses to pay for their success.

    Element that conquered a sign - air. Planet - Venus, giving sexuality and fertility.

    Next to work in extreme conditions, sports, philosophical and historical areas.

    Complex, smart, often express their character, do not like obstacles. By runes belong to:

    1. Algiz (October 24 - November 7) - a person, born under the horoscope of Scorpio, will always find a reason to get into an interesting adventure. It is inherent in bright self-expression, to which purposefulness is added. Scorpion must always keep emotions under control.
    2. Runa Soul (November 8 - November 22) - people with unique abilities who have talent for survival in dangerous situations. They love to try something new, feel fate. Resistance and extraordinary life force can manifest themselves with compassion and recognition of their own weaknesses.
    3. Support (24.10 - 21.11) - energy omnipotence. Scorpions are inevitably attracting charisma and power. They go out of any situation if they do not fall into mental illness.

    Element - water. Planet Patron - Pluto.

    Eccentric and creative professions will be taste, requiring great mental costs.

    Emotional, rapid, following tasks. According to the rune horoscope answer:

    1. Taiwas (November 23 - December 7) - people under this sign are called spiritual warriors. They carry the brightest and fair motivations into the world. To become strong, they are struggling not only with the environment, but also with their own weaknesses, they raise nobility from birth in the soul.
    2. Berkana (December 8 - December 22) - Sagittarius show tenderness to their loved ones, protect them from worries and difficulties, protect them from attack. They are inherent frequent passion for depression, error analysis. Strong mental health is provided only by spiritual practices and constant communication.
    3. Runa Dazhibog (22.11 - 21.12) is a comprehensive kindness and recognition. Personality rich in selfless gusts. Trying to preserve its integrity of observance of clear rules and frameworks.

    The elements acts fire. Communion to the planet Jupiter.

    The list of professions includes healing, philosophy, religion, creativity, military business.

    Fair, adheres to traditional views. According to runes, the horoscope says:

    1. EVAZ (December 23 - January 6) - People of this zodiac are destined to be teachers, companions and spouses. They know how to manipulate and impose their vision. The main task of the Capricors is the powerfulness, the hurry only hurts.
    2. Runa Mannaz (January 7 - January 21) - Ambitions are hidden next to the silence and observation of these personalities, the ability to get out of a difficult situation. They are important from the side, but they only trust themselves, sometimes releasing inner aggression.
    3. Need (22.12 - 19.01) - Harmony with the world. Capricors are looking for the Universe in itself first. They are glad to share the accumulated experience, but they require respect.

    EFFECTIVE POWER - Earth. Planetary patron - Saturn.

    Suitable academic and scientific professions, work specialties.

    Creative individuals with vulnerable soul, strive for the harmonization of the world. Ruthless signs:

    1. Laguz (January 22 - February 5) - energetic and unpredictable personalities with a rich imagination. They act on the principle of subconscious maternity, little trusting the voice of reason and logic. Emotionality and instability are regulated by self-control and the ability to adapt.
    2. Rune Ingus (February 6 - February 20) - Aquarius seek to finish all the cases started, show a good result. They lack patience due to excessive emotionality, but work on oneself overcomes such difficulties.
    3. The source (20.01 - 18.02) is the source of the internal force. People inherent spirituality, high ideals. They try to adapt to external circumstances.

    The spontaneous patron - air. Planet - Uranus.

    Specialty will be suitable with multitasking, creative self-expression, pedagogical.

    Cheerful, love secrets and fantasies, fond of new ideas. On the rune horoscope is close:

    1. Odale (February 21 - March 5) - people with such a date of birth suffer from genetic and material continuity. They fulfill the duties imposed more than the role of ordinary cogs in world order. The main task of fish is to fight indifference and cruelty of the world.
    2. Dagaz (March 6 - March 22) - Persons with rich life experiences built on changes and development. They constantly go ahead, assesses the possibilities, prepare for the worst. The main feature is humor and calm perception of reality.
    3. Rune Peace (19.02 - 20.03) - strong relationship with the surrounding reality. Fish solve problems only under the control of observers or assistants. They try to maintain good relationships, but in a rummy anger can abruptly interrupt communication with the most close people.

    Element - water. Belong to the planet Neptune.

    It may be possible in connection with spirituality, philosophy, law.

    Tattoo with runes by date of birth

    Fast practice is applied. Many consider such a gesture to concern about their own security. Single Slavic runes or complexes from Scandinavian symbols are especially popular.

    Tatoo is considered radical interference in the fate of a person. The sign deposited deep under the skin remains with a carrier for life. The symbol cannot leave it and affects the events at the most unexpected moment. It is better to take the drawing of the runes in a photo or henna on the body.

    Activation of runes on the horoscope

    When a person decides with a symbol that is suitable by date of birth, he must lead it. There are several ways to horoscope:

    • placing a mineral or a piece of wood with an image in a canvas bag, which is put under the pillow at night and wear with you during the day;
    • conducting a ritual with a dedication from 4 elements over the posting;
    • wearing decorations with rune, which will touch the body around the clock.

    Horoscope for 2018 advises more often to conduct meditating with the selected symbol. Such communication will provide a strong connection and allow control of runes.


    The desire of the personality is deeper to get acquainted with the secrets of creating the Universe leads to unopened earlier knowledge. Interested in the runes and signs of the zodiac, people find new opportunities and show hidden abilities. The careful and proper use of this information will be a good start for deepening in magical knowledge.

    Perth - Rune Zodiac Cancer

    Rune Perth is derived to the world of nature and is associated with the zodiacal constellation of cancer. It enters the group of healing runes Futark. This is a rune dedication, the rune of fate and purpose. This zodiac sign is under the patronage of the planet of the moon.

    The moon is the passive principle of the universe, the personification of the sacrament and mysticism. This is a female emotionality planet, sensitivity and intuition. Lunar people are desirable to build their lives focusing on the lunar calendar. Planet tree - fir. Metal - silver, platinum. Stone - Emerald, Moonstone. Animal - all aquatic. In the human body corresponds to the chest. Day of the week - Monday. Color - white or silver. Element of water. Country Cancer - Netherlands. In traditional numerology, correlates with the number "2".

    People born under cancer are perhaps the most sensitive and emotional from the entire zodiac circle. Element of water has believed representatives of this sign by astony, vulnerability and intuition. As a rule, their actions are based on feelings, and not on the arguments of the mind. They first feel, and then reflect on. Intuition is the phenomenon of the same order as clairvoyance. Cancer is the first representative of the element of water, which is given from nature such paranormal abilities. Often, their forecasts for the future come true percent for eighty. The treasures are able to predict the danger and bad people well - to finely catch their vibrations and even thoughts. This is another unique cancer ability. They delicately feel the energy of the room. In those houses where the air is permeated with the negative, the cancer is hard "breathing" and they cannot be in such a room for a long time. And also, representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists. They know how to slowly observe people, making meaningful conclusions and are able to endure people with ease.

    Thanks to well-developed intuition, cancers can easily establish contact with their inner "I" and follow the advice of an internal voice without reason. They are able to reset the "old skin" (shell) of the silent stereotypes or ideals and reborn again, in the new appearance. Here is a red thread parallel between this sign of the zodiac and Ruju Perrt. This rune symbolizes the sacrament of birth through death. In some life time, a person begins to understand or feel so terrible not his bodily death, but inner. When it is crumbling and dying his ideals in which he sincerely believed. But now it takes for some time and man begins to look at the world in a different way, the eyes of another person. It just changed and grew beyond his old stereotypes. The birth of a new person is happening, and the old dies. When a person is growing spiritually, they begin to die some of the part. And as it gets rid of different kinds of nonsense, he discovers a large depth and authenticity, hoops himself. To come to the awareness of yourself, you can only contact your own spirit, abandoning your ego. This is a kind of death of the ego and healing of the soul.

    Cancers It is very important to feel a sense of security and reliability, so they seek to create their own homes as shelter for themselves and loved ones. The second symbolic field of the runes of Perth - the womb or the pouch for the rune. This is the symbolism of "home" for the Runic Dial.

    The classical interpretation of the Rune Perth can be found in the Rune value section. Thus, the Runa Perth can be successfully used with cancer as a talisman. Especially if you want by the energy of Perth, strengthen these characteristics of your zodiac zodiac cancer.

    Runes and astrology.

    Runes and zodiac signs

    These two systems are very close, as both affect the conscious life of a person and his fate. Each rune in astrology corresponds to its archetype of the planet and the zodiac sign.Currently, official science qualifies astrology As pseudoscience, because there are no absolutely proven statistical patterns in the results. But at the same time, she recognizes that at a certain stage of its development astrology objectively stimulated the development of observational Astronomy , Mathematics , Meteorology and other domains of knowledge.

    Some researchers include astrology By the period about 40-100 thousand years ago. If you look into the encyclopedic dictionary, you will find out that the word Astrology It happened from the merger of two ancient Greek words: " ἄστρον" - star and "λόγος" - think. Thus, already in antiquity peoplethey tried to catch some bond between the interaction of celestial bodies in the heavenly sphere on their movement and location relative to each other, and the impact of these bodies on the earth's world and a person in particular. All his discoveries in this direction man tried to put in a certain system of characters. It was believed that such a universal system of astrological symbols, called zodiacs, is the personification of divine forces and influences on human fate.

    The word zodiac occurred from the merger of two ancient Greek words: "Zoon" (Animal) and "Diakos" (Wheel) - an imaginary circle for which the sun runs its way. Through the zodiac constellations undergo the visible path of the planets of the solar system and the moon. And the imaginary circle passing in the equator cavity is divided into 12 sectors (zodiac houses). Such a division of the zodiac is associated with the division of the year for 12 months. In astrology, the signs of the zodiac are associated with the ideas about the influence of constellations on human destinies and each has its own characteristics.

    The ancients believed that Zodiac was formed by the body of the Great Man of the Universe (Absolute). And they called this body " Macrocosmos". It was divided into 12 main parts, each of which was under the control of the celestial forces and planets, resting in each of the zodiac constellations. There is also a concept" Microcosmos"- This is the small world of the universal system, focused in the human body. According to such a concept, each zodiac sign attributed to one of the 12 parts of the human body.

    In the early Christian literature, the signs of the zodiac agreed with 12 apostles. And each of the characters was also assigned to any event of biblical history. For example, Aries (Agnets) personified Jesus Christ.

    Also with the symbolism of the zodiac is due to the insight into heavenly epochs, the length of the time period of which is 2160 years. Each era receives its name from the sign that the sun takes place annually after crossing the equator during the spring equinox. And each of them is characterized by specific features associated with the semantics of the zodiac.

    As already mentioned in the Rune value section, the alphabetic order of the Futark contains 24 runes. And zodiac contains 12 characters. Thus, each sign corresponds to the Runes. 25th rune "vert" or rune one complies with the concept of "absolute" - point of calculation.

    According to the conceptWorld Tree of life, runes are divided into the following levels:

      World of gods;

      World of nature;

      The world of man.

    To peace Gods The runes corresponding to the four elements:

    Each rune of this world corresponds to the astrological circle a cardinal sign of the zodiac.

    With peace Nature. Related runes:

    To peace Man Runa include:

    Runes, as well as zodiac correlated with the planets, which imposes basic planetary characteristics on them.

    All the planets of the Universe are sources of life and each of them has its own sphere. They act as the modes of the universe, endowed with specific characteristics and are associated with specific feelings, smells, gamut, metals, sounds, plants and stones ... There is a clear connection to the planets with runes. After all, everything in this world is interrelated. Each rune is associated with this or that modus of the planetary characteristic and has common archetypes with it, i.e. The deep symbols of the probe human soul.

    The concept of archetypes has gained broad fame thanks to the works of K. Jung, who saw congenital mental structures in archetypes, reproduced by the unconscious imagination of a person, his inner perception. And these associations are manifested in various myths and beliefs, in works of art, in dreams and fantasies. Any myth is the original sample or initial form life in which a conscious life is stacked.

    In this section, we consider the values \u200b\u200bof runes from an astrological or zodiacal point of view. And spend some common parallel between these characteristics in terms of archetypes. Runes and zodiac signs.

    If we talk about runes, then they understand not only signs and superstitions, but also the Scandinavian alphabet, as well as magical symbols and an ancient system, allowing you to know the human world. With their help, you can learn your future, affecting a separate part of it, as well as apply a sign as a protective amulet.

    However, that the amulet began his beneficial effect, it is necessary to know in advance which signs are conspired to you. To do this, you need to clarify your rune by date of birth. Amulet will become a good assistant only if you correctly pick up a symbol.

    Creation of the Universe

    Slavs have two views on the creation of the Universe - this is an ancient celent model and matter created by the Vedas. Consider each of them.

    Ancienthelte model

    The ancient Celts model of the Universe was considered a tree that was called Igdrasil. The hieroglyphs in this system are a matrix, and add up in a certain order. These runes and recreate the order of creation of the universe.

    The process of recreating the world begins with the runes of Uruz. It is here that the idea appears. At this stage there is only chaos.

    The following hieroglyph, which launches the whole idea is tourisas. At the same stage, the world of cold and formation is also created - niflheim.

    At the next stage, Iotunheim appears. Here our power spreads three fateful goddesses of the hole. They are responsible for the past, what is happening now and the future. The hieroglyph responsible for this world is Ansus. Sign symbolizes sound and word.

    For the fourth stage of creation answers Rado. Thanks to the cyclic movement of the runes around the stars, new planets began to appear. These stars lived and Gasley, after which a new matter was formed.

    At the fifth stage, a mind and time appeared, then - multicellular organisms. And so until the 24th stage of completion. Over the last stage meets the fee.

    Universe by Vedas

    If we talk about the universe on the Vedas, any source of creation should be desire, will, mind. In other words - God-personality. If we talk about the Vedic tradition, then such God is Krishna, under which the God-person understand with his energy. Krishna himself is self-sufficient, and therefore he created the world only for one purpose - for people. When Krishna is aware that something in this world is missing, he creates a material world. It is this God that is the reason for creating our world.

    Runes and zodiac signs

    To determine which Runa is suitable for a person, it is possible if you spend a direct analogy between the runes and zodiac signs. Along the world, the division is carried out into three groups:

    1. Matter, where the gods are supporting (there are signs of tourisas, Ansus, as well as characters such as Inguz, Tayivaz).
    2. The world relating to nature (Dagaz, Uruz, Laguz, Hagalaz, Berkan, Isa, Soulu, as well as signs such as Evaz, Algiz and Perth).
    3. Human world (Odale, Fehu, Mannaz, Rado, Yera, Kano, as well as less active EVAZ, GEBO, NUTIZ and WUNO).

    Each sign corresponds to one of the four elements is air, earth, water and fire. The elements in Futarca (Rune Alphabet) are associated with one basic zodiac sign.

    • Ansus corresponds to the weights and elements of the air.
    • Tourisas in Staroslavyansky corresponds to cancer and water.
    • Ingus is Capricorn and Earth.
    • For Tayivaz characteristic of Aries and fire.

    Due to the fact that in the Run alphabet 24 of the symbol, each zodiac sign belongs at once 2 runes.

    Compliance with runes elements

    How to find out your rune on the elements?

    • The fiery symbol corresponds to such runes as Nautiz, Tayivaz, Kano, as well as no less active Suraz, Dagaz and Soulons.
    • If we talk about the water element, then algiz and tourisas correspond to it. Also, the elements are close to such symbols like Laguz, Perth, Isa and Hagalaz.
    • For those who are close to the elements of the air, are suitable for mannaz runes, Ansus, Vuno and Gebo. This includes such ancient Slavic runes as Evaz and Raid.
    • And finally, the elements of the Earth has compatibility on runes from Yera and Ingus. This also includes Berkan and Evaz. As well as Creaters and Fenhu.

    Compliance with zodiac signs

    In any scenario, the runes on the signs of the zodiac are considered, since these miniments are primarily oriented.

    • Aries finds its embodiment in the rune of Teivaz. The second sign can serve Uruz.
    • For calves, the main symbol is a faughter. As an additional fell, you can use the Odale.
    • The main symbol for twins is Raid and Evaz.
    • Cancer corresponds to tourism and pert.
    • For lions, such signs as Dagaz and Soulu are preferred.
    • The perfect symbol for the Virgo Barkana, but also fits the Yera.
    • Scales are characterized with an Ansus and Goe symbol.
    • For scorpions the main two signs are Isa and Hagalaz.
    • The main rune for Sagittarius - Kano. Additional is the rune Nautiz.
    • Capricorn as it is impossible to suit an ingus. Also, in terms of Capricorn, Evaz is used.
    • For Aquarius, veuno and mannases are most preferred.
    • For fish, the use of runes Algiz and Laguz are preferred.

    Scandinavian and Slavic runes by date of birth

    Slavic signs are similar to the meaning with the Scandinavian runes, so they will then be indicated in brackets as an analogue of the Scandinavian runes. If we talk about the Scandinavian runes, then they, depending on the date of birth, are interpreted as follows:

    • Runa Isa (source) is ideal for those who were born since December 23 and until January 7. These are cold, restrained people who reluctantly let themselves, but are distinguished by responsibility and hardworking. Prefer movement upwards, but alone. They know how to seek the goals, but do not like to wait. Tell to depressive states.
    • Evaz belongs to those people who were born in January days - from 8 to 21. This is a symbol of support and protection in difficult situations. Those people who were born under this sign are distinguished by special persistence. People who quietly perceive extreme situations and easily carry various tests. These people become excellent leaders, at the same time managers of solid hand and listening to the opinions of others.
    • Ansus is a symbol of people born from January 22 and until February 6. The rune of creative people who have excellent intuition. Perfectly develop in all directions, where the success of the case depends on speech. Happiness for such people is to get rid of the fuss and finding the meaning of life.
    • Dagaz - a sign of those born in February - from 7 to 20. Sign of any bold undertakings and significant changes. The ideal rune for those who cannot stop in place and are always ready to go into battle.
    • Algiz (peace) is a sign of people born from February 21 and to March 7. People, insecure in themselves, prone to self-knowledge. From uncertainty, you can get rid of just finding an ideal partner for yourself.
    • Rune Laguz (need, Lelia) - a sign of those who were born from March 8 and ending 21. People of this symbol are enjoyable, flexible character. The perfect sign for women, which, thanks to its character, can adapt to any conditions.
    • Tourisas - a sign of those born from March 22 to April 6. His representatives easily carry all obstacles and are fighters from birth.
    • Tayivaz (Treba) is a sign of people who appeared on September 7 to 21. People of this sign are perfectly defending their rights and go through the life of a confident gait.
    • Fehu (there is) - a symbol of those who have been born from April 22 to May 7. The faces of this sign reaches career growth and great wealth. However, it is necessary to be careful, as also for them is characteristic and insatiability.
    • Uruz (Wind, Perun) - a sign of May people born from 8 to 21 May. Sign of people with great persistence and ability to work.
    • Rado (Rainbow) is characteristic of those who were born from May 22 to June 6. Ideal for lovers of shifts of places and furnishings.
    • Gebo (Rock) - June sign (from 7 to 22). It is characteristic of those who feel good and harmonious anywhere.
    • Evaz - a symbol of those who have appeared on June 22 to July 7. Representatives of this sign are constantly moving forward and, as a rule, do not stop there.
    • Odale is a sign of people born from July 8 to 23. People for whom family values \u200b\u200bare of great importance.
    • Soul (power) - the sign of those who were born from July 24 to August 8. The symbol of people who are successful and leaders in everything.
    • INGUS - the sign of the August people born from 9 to 23. These are real generators of ideas that are lucky in life.
    • Yera - the rune of people born from August 24 to September 8. The symbol of people who love to start something new and develop this, the Major Fruits of their activities.
    • Berkana - September Rune, owned by people who were born from 9 to 23 September. This is a female rune associated with everything that carries motherhood, development and growth. Perfect symbolism for wives and mothers.
    • Woney (Dazhbog) - a symbol of those who have been born from September 24 to October 8. People living in eternal joy and festival. They are characterized by a frequent change of emotions.
    • Mannaz - the meaning of those born in October starting from 9 and a 23 number. People of this sign prefer to look deep into the depth and avoid excessive hype.
    • Hagalaz is the meaning of those who appeared from October 24 and ending with the 8th of November. People for whom nothing is impossible. They are ready to destroy everything in their path and at the same time to build a new one on the fragments of the previous one.
    • Nature (support) is the meaning of those who were born in November starting from 9 and a 23 number. People born under this sign are highly appreciated and are ready to sacrifice themselves.
    • Kano - the rune of those who were born since November 24 and up to December 8. People who know how to see the depth, noticing what others see.
    • Perth is the December symbol (from 9 to 22). People for whom great importance is the spiritual side of the question.

    Slavic runes by date of birth

    Do not forget that the Scandinavian and Slavic runes by date of birth in many ways crossed together. It is not clear here, whether the first in the second, but the designation and the overall meaning of these runes are so similar that the idea that the sources have the same sources come to mind. Therefore, by the date of birth, the Slavic Rune fully corresponds to the symbol of druids. Accordingly, they will be close to them. So, for example, the Slavic Rune Dazhbog is at the same time Rune Berkana. Accordingly, the values \u200b\u200bwill be close.

    And the runes of the world, symbolizing the battle of black and white - this is the same Rune Algiz, which belongs to people who were born from February 21 to March 7.

    The exceptions make up perhaps the symbolism of God Veles, which belongs to those who were born from March 22 to April 15. There is no such rune in the Scandinavian values.

    What is the amulet with a rune

    Runes are an ancient symbols that were used in Scandinavia and Germany from 1 to 13th century. Using these characters, you can create a real faucet or protect yourself from evil spirits. The main thing here is to choose a rune by the date of birth or the zodiac sign.

    Is it worth making a tattoo with rune

    Experts worldwide oppose the application of Runes. Finding into your body, the runes begin to actively act and cause the most powerful energy impact. Apply the sign that is responsible for destruction, and you will make yourself worse, because the symbol, instead of drinking you with energy, will begin to take it.

    (H) Runa Hagl (Hagalaz (Germ.), Haegl (Staroangl), Hagl (Skand.) - Grad, Hag (Gothsk.) - Grad, Transformation) - a sign of destruction and natural strength. This rune is associated with destruction, gap, this is the strength of the sprinkle with the forces of the elements (flooding, eruption of volcanoes, earthquake). But the echigative destruction is brought not only disasters, they are radically changed earthly processes, and therefore natural disasters and destruction are simply vital for further progress.

    People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign of the lion, in nature are strong and often can make their strengths than bring to those who surround some destruction. Only destroying the old, they are able to bring new perspectives into their lives, after changeing the time comes for new growth and development.

    Such personalities sometimes cannot control their forces that are broken in the form of anger, this happens when they are unable to control the situation. These people also do not like when they are controlled, or manage them, because They are independent by their nature if they feel the pressure on themselves with someone's sides, they tear the relationship. Fear and weakness are two enemies that are able to harm such people, they are not recommended not to be afraid of complex "hopeless" situations, transform adverse or hostile influences in favorable. If these people work in the team, they should learn to find common points of contact and come to a compromise, and not to put their point of view in the first place. There are ambitions and selfish motifs in such people, as a rule, at the limit, when something or someone does not satisfy them, they show their nests and anger. Anger is a force that charges the energy necessary for change, it is unfounded and righteous. Right angry can lead to loneliness, and the righteous anger - anger is legal, only he can free from the Okov of helplessness.

    Rune Hagl helps: free from unwanted influences; develop intuition and consciously monitor intuitive abilities; Find ways to bring different points of view.

    Under the sign of the runes Hagl was born: A. Duma (Father) (24.07), I. Ilinsky (24.07), V. Shukshin (25.07), B. Show (26.07), Ford (30.07), Aivazovsky (29.07), A. Schwarzenegger (30.07), Maupassan (5. 08), J. Hatfield (3.08).