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  • Runes Arahans how to use. Glyphs Arahana

    Runes Arahans how to use. Glyphs Arahana

    Let us consider in detail the spell with the help of glyphs of Aranes - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

    In specialized literature, it is very often possible to meet the mention of the glyphs of Arahans. However, what it is, how to use it, and for which these characters are necessary for a knowledgeable person.

    In fact, Glyphs Arahans are runes. It is believed that the runes that are properly used by man can help him completely change and transform one's own life. Moreover, such glyphs are used by many successful people than they explain their own wealth and a variety of benefits.

    Among the glyphs, Aranes are especially worth allocating several. First of all, this rune waves. It creates protection for any human activity, but more affects his career and monetary successes. Most often, similar runes are used in the case when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person who protects it from absolutely any attack and danger. In fact, this is the strongest sign of all that is most often used. Before starting working with it, it is necessary to explore the ruin practices in detail.

    Tarleph is a completely specific glyph. Most often, he means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now the person in life comes the same stage when he can retire his future in a particular way. Specialists call this glyph is not black and not white, that is, the transitional stage in the human life during which the further Direction of its activities.

    Of course, many specialists are famous and glyph Dichal, which characterizes the update and cleansing in a person's life, some changes. Perhaps there will be events that will help change a person's life, make it better and brighter. In this case, it is worth perceiving this glyph extremely positively.

    There are glyphs of a negative value. The strongest one is Bal. This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, stares and darkness. Perhaps in life a person has someone such that its influence is extremely negative. Most likely, this man actively sucks from the victim of life energy, catching his trouble and apathy on him. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. That this glyph does not affect the life of a person, it is necessary to think about the search for the very subject, from which all the troubles proceed.

    I'm not jealous, I just have a brown fantasy and good logical thinking.


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    Becoming "Diadem" for the test

    Consists of Arahan gluffs:

    2. Iyuu - life, health, physical update.

    3. Kha - the influence of the spirit on matter.

    8. Raco - attack, destruction.

    12. Dichal - update, cleansing, reboot.

    The power of glyphs, given to becoming a protective cocoon around me, cuts out all negative, alien programs, roughly attacks those who want to harm my physical and mental health and my well-being, breaking all the protection of the enemy.

    The power of glyphs, this becomes destroys psychological blocks, obstacles on my life path, gives strength and energy for victory in different tests (..........), restores health, protects and configures to the desired and desired (...), gently indicates the necessary options And the situations that I need. Mildly cleans, restoring, removes depression, raises the power of the Spirit.

    DS works without harm, for my mental and physical health, for the mental and physical health of my relatives and loved ones (...... ..) and is included in the work since the activation of its element of fire and finish it after incineration. May it be so!

    Glyphs Arahana

    Date of birth: 1980-07-14

    Registration date: 2012-12-27

    Mood: I "M Fine

    Date of birth: 1993-05-03

    Registration date: 2015-01-17

    Date of birth: 1980-07-14

    Registration date: 2012-12-27

    Mood: I "M Fine

    Just be careful with them. Extremely strong thing.

    Date of birth: 1993-05-03

    Registration date: 2015-01-17

    Work / Hobby: work with gods, dead, runes, tarot, letters

    Date of birth: 1970-10-20

    Registration date: 2015-03-09

    Work / Hobby: Tarot and Runes

    I did on my hand on material well-being.

    Date of birth: 1967-04-11

    Registration date: 2014-12-22

    Date of birth: 1980-07-14

    Registration date: 2012-12-27

    Mood: I "M Fine

    Date of birth: 1970-10-20

    Registration date: 2015-03-09

    Work / Hobby: Tarot and Runes

    Date of birth: 1970-10-20

    Registration date: 2015-03-09

    Work / Hobby: Tarot and Runes

    Date of birth: 1977-01-01

    Registration date: 2013-11-13

    Quite clearly intention .. if you are easier for you, then visualization of the final result, and not a promising plan) on activation .. they begin to work when applied (this is dogma) .. all the rest of the amateurness, but this is a matter of habit and find yourself in working with them .. Job!

    Date of birth: 1970-10-20

    Registration date: 2015-03-09

    Work / Hobby: Tarot and Runes

    Practice-great business. Do not try, you will not know.

    Date of birth: 1984-11-13

    Registration date: 2013-10-13

    Only the beginning: the name of Arahans Glyph Laa and Glyph Help helps me. (Name) quickly and actively find money on. (just exactly and compressed) for what.

    That is, the necroglyphs can be applied, but it is impossible to activate categorically blood. By breathing, it is not blood?

    Date of birth: 1970-10-20

    Registration date: 2015-03-09

    Work / Hobby: Tarot and Runes

    The answer satisfy me.

    I am familiar with the runes and before doing something for myself, making shutdowns on the diagnosis.

    Open club practitioners

    Registration date: 2015-10-01

    Supreme Priestess Practitioner Master Founder Project PFM

    Registration date: 2014-04-11

    Location: from Legion Lucifer!

    Very heavy cleaning. But cleanses specifically and a lot of things (cleaning the negativity, seelings, which is breaking into pieces, the wrunists removes, works with a family and karma, removes the cemetery damage to death and so on), therefore it takes good enough. It is better to apply during the weekend, because on the physical it is a very difficult condition while everything will turn away from you. You are covered with a cap: as if presses and cuts off from all the Bayak, and this is an unsubstantable process. And it turns out you no matter. You are lost from the sight of the "damage", so it flies from where it came, and you stay clean, and what flew away from you returned from where it came from, so to say the owner, and you already have an absolutely other person with DR energy. And so while everything is cut off in this cocoon, you are also hard, but this is a forced measure that also works and as impenetrate.

    Runs immediately. The hum in the ears is the first sign that cleaning began. It is difficult to breathe, the head is heavy and muddy. Irrett the strong goes, the psycho-emotional background is very unstable, so it is better not to find out the relationship, then you will remember and not understand how you could talk and do it all. So refrain from the parsing of flights at this time. The difficult period lasts mostly 3 days. Then the head becomes bright and clear, you begin to look at many things differently, because all the umorals have gone. But become continuing to keep, let it continue to work. It is better not to put on yourself. Try to draw on paper, or print, cover your finger the beaks and speak out loud.

    "Tested on the enemy, because there was no other way out - although you have a ban on it. For three days I was thrown and threw up and buzzed and buzzed in the ears as an airplane, scary I was nervous and ruthless, I wanted to talk to my eyes all the truth Those still so I never do) and could not overpowance, but I wanted to know what it would end. At night it was impossible to sleep so much how the veins were pulling with you. And last night, the enemy fell on the foot. Metallic press And today, the diagnosis has shown a complete release of me from the cemetery damage to death! And since I am not to blame for anything when I painted it, I said in the name of justice I appeal to the sun, judge who is right and who is not. I am so grateful to you, King, So I have long struggle with this spoof and this becomes just a miracle and he is not damaged! If the sacrifice is a nice enemy story! Thank you. "

    "Dear Tsarjka, my friend (not registered on the forum) painted this one becoming on the stomach. Day 3 twisted it, muttered and in a dream she crossed the lizard so that on the left side of the lizard got out all the insides outside. The same day, enemy protested all the left Machines about a column in the parking lot. "

    "I will add my report. I was looking for something strong, finished me in the magical war, the deads, demons, damage and other things we went. Runes, letters for more than a year, and the effect is temporary. And then by chance on this topic and post from uv. Selena MJ. He opened the picture and abuned - the first thought - the royal bet! (And that the authorship of the uv. Tsarjki saw later, here is such a pun from the higher strength).

    Though the night stood - already the hands were shook - she brought to the cardboard and closer. And here the sphere was formed around me and cut off from everything from everything. And sharply beyond. Features reminded Deirovsky energy industry. The mechanism of work is similar - to cut off from everything from the outside and clean only sitting inside.

    The first two days I was just good internally. I clearly felt how the dirt was removed from me, and boiling began - quarrels, noise, fuss, but inside me it was as if it did not touch me. But the lost vision began to manifest. And, no matter what happens, there has always been a feeling of internal support. As if someone is standing near and holds, picks up. Domestic vampires hungry. They just stopped seeing me. And they stopped annoying me. And in general - all strong emotions became part of the east of the negative. And not only induced.

    On the third day he broke out - the pain came. The body was averaged from the groin to the chest, reduced to cramps and outside, and inside. Spasms held days. It was too painful to breathe, everything else with tears. Tablets, killing letters, letters are wasted. On the fourth day, the pain was gone and clearly understood that the curse was shot on the generic line for the crime of ancestor (which he learned about and firmly forgotten).

    Keep continuing. Work is coming. I will unsubscribe.

    But on the interim outcome, the work of Stava is such - cleaning the negative, working with the family, removes the subtles, demons and dead, removes blocks and locks on the ability, cuts off all types of vampires, worries karmic and psychological blocks, especially those tied to magic.

    Not for the weak spirit. Very heavy. It is better to put on the day of the weekend. Cleaning is heavy, but the enemies will be won, Arachna is a couple of days, if you revenge the current to take revenge to the wolf.

    Universe of Secret Knowledge - Roong Magic, Tarot, Club Practitioners, Black Magic and Runes

    You also have the opportunity to receive records of some seminars - viewtopic.php? f \u003d 542 & t \u003d 9396

    Glyphs Arahana

    when there is no time to make a ritual or write formulas. It is very painted one by one, although the glyphs are friends with anything.

    In fact, the most important thing is that you need to take into account when working with runes is faith in them. If a person does not believe in the positive impact of the runes, it is unlikely that he will succeed, even if everything is absolutely correct. Here it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, as well as carefully monitor the compliance of the proper application of the runes. If at least one point is incorrect, it is unlikely that a person will be able to work with runes with confidence in the future.

    By the way, very many specialists prove the positive impact of such symbols. For example, everyone who works in the field of magic is trying to use at least the Runes, because they can bring not only material wealth, but also peace of mind. In total, 16 runes of this type are currently allocated. You can use them both separately and together with each other. At the same time, their effectiveness does not change from this.

    Laa - This is another glyph, which is of great importance. Most often, this glyph means ambitiousness, the desire of a person ahead, its activity. In fact, a similar glyph is able to instill confidence in his own strength, the desire to conquer all new and new peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.

    Glife, what it is - the question is practically solved. It remains to give the characteristic of the main glyphs and tell about their influence on human destinies.

    Tarleph - Completely specific glyph. Most often, he means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now the person in life comes the same stage when he can retire his future in a particular way. Specialists call this glyph is not black and not white, that is, the transitional stage in the human life during which the further Direction of its activities.

    Of course, many experts are known and glyph dichalwhich characterizes the update and cleansing in a person's life, some changes. Perhaps there will be events that will help change a person's life, make it better and brighter. In this case, it is worth perceiving this glyph extremely positively.

    There are glyphs of a negative value. The strongest of them - Bal. This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, stares and darkness. Perhaps in life a person has someone such that its influence is extremely negative. Most likely, this man actively sucks from the victim of life energy, catching his trouble and apathy on him. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. That this glyph does not affect the life of a person, it is necessary to think about the search for the very subject, from which all the troubles proceed.

    Glyphs Arahana

    Registration date: 2016-08-18

    Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

    They are drawn as well as runes, stipulate and work.

    It is advisable to draw one by one, although the glyphs are friends with anything.

    Registration date: 2016-08-18

    Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

    Work / Hobby: Cognition, Teaching

    They can be used both separate characters and in the form of verse or runescripts, and the glyphs (negative glyphs) are eagerly combined with other graphical systems. They can be applied to artifacts and imagination (amulets, mascots, chambers), on magic / witch inventory and even on human skin. In various sources, there is an indication that when applying glyphs it is necessary to activate them, by saying the name of the rune and spell: "The name Aranes! Rune (name of the rune), give me / do it (even then)! " Glyphs work and without activation. With them, everything is clearly, as in the army: the operator gives the order, and it is performed by the glyphs. Moreover, if the intention operator agreed clearly and realized it, then the glyphs fulfill the order very quickly. We define everything in your own words, without effort. Glife love the clarity of intentions and the confidence of the operator in what he does! If you decide to use non-single symbols in the work, but lick or roll, then understand that they are built on the principle of semantic combination of glyphs (along the way words in the key phrase). With unusual, the glyphs can "haw" a lot of energy, but as the skills work with this graphic system will be held. (by Elena, Magic Before)

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    Registration date: 2016-08-18

    Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

    Work / Hobby: Cognition, Teaching

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    Registration date: 2016-08-18

    Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

    Work / Hobby: Cognition, Teaching

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    Registration date: 2016-08-18

    Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

    Work / Hobby: Cognition, Teaching

    Most often, similar runes are used in the case when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person who protects it from absolutely any attack and danger. In fact, this is the strongest sign of all that is most often used. Before starting working with it, it is necessary to explore the ruin practices in detail.

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    Laa is another glyph, which is of great importance. Most often, this glyph means ambitiousness, the desire of a person ahead, its activity. In fact, a similar glyph is able to instill confidence in his own strength, the desire to conquer all new and new peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    Specialists call this glyph is not black and not white, that is, the transitional stage in the life of a person during which the further direction of its activities will be solved.

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. That this glyph does not affect the life of a person, it is necessary to think about the search for the very subject, from which all the troubles proceed. (Author of the article Unknown, website theory and practice of magic)

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    [You must be registered and connected to see this image]

    love spell with Arachna glyphs

    Killed the beginning, about "software", prohibition of sale, guarantees and TP formalities, here it will run through the courts in the case of anything, to defend your runes

    Confused all this.

    Let's try to create a webra-jew runembript on your palm and subel the effect.

    In the future, proceed to check on the ability.

    Trigger "Flower"

    Table Center - man, object of impact. Berkana - respectively, the HF.GEBO between them is the connection of their destinies, feelings. Dar of love over.

    Glyph "Key to action". For a quick result, in order to accompany anything to act, to speed up any process.

    Glyph for happy love, for love, for harmony in relationships.

    Glife love, light, harmony. For love spells, the establishment of relationships, for the well-being of the family.

    Glyph "Getting Heart", Glyph is applied in attractions, to resume fading feelings, is used to awaken love and sympathy, can be used for beauty and charm, to attract sympathy.

    Glyph "Love and Friendship" is used to gain new friends, for new acquaintances, for charm and beauty, can be used as a probitive sign, often used as a sign of a happy home.

    Glyphs Arahana

    Registration date: 2014-04-09

    Which were in full ban

    From the 14th century, 9 pieces were measured, however, reading mostly grilled.

    An attachment set of magicians, basic concepts that can instantly apply when there is no time to make ritual or write formulas.

    They are drawn as well as runes, stipulate and work.

    1 waving - goal. Focusing on targets, lines of probability, clipping unnecessary. When used, it creates something like a protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you out of the way

    Mystery of effective pridigar

    It happens that undivided feelings or unrequited love causes great suffering. It seems that the whole world against you and understand the human grief is no one. But to gain happiness is quite small. Favorite man is near and confidence in tomorrow day - exactly what almost every girl dreams about. Often it is possible to solve the existing problem with the help of magical impact.

    The most effective spell is a faith in a happy future. And if this faith is reinforced and strengthen the magic ritual, then the solution is best guaranteed.

    Strong magic rite: distinctive features

    As a rule, all magic efficient rites are white and black. Black magic is considered very dangerous. In case of non-compliance with the instructions and for many other reasons, the action of the ritual can be absolutely opposite. And if you consider the moment that when the rite is done, the consequences will be visible and on the man who was given a spell, and on a woman who used dark forces to achieve their goals, the use of this type of impacts is best avoided.

    White magic is considered relatively safe. If you use a proven spell, the result is achieved fairly quickly and without frightening effects.

    The main differences in white magic rites:

    • love lingering occurs without complete submission and breaking of the will;
    • conspuses do not contain orders and curses;
    • the spell acts as a narcotic dependence: slowly and right.
    • a wary man begins to see the positive aspects of a woman who made the rite.

    Thus, the effect of white magic is characterized by force and efficiency, and possible negative consequences are minimized.

    Candle rites

    A very effective and effective way to fall in love with a guy - a love spell using candles. For this ritual, you will need three church delicate candles.

    As a rule, any rituals using fire and candles help to strengthen and ignite the sensations or give rise to them. All magical action is held at midnight. How the clock is trying twelve, sit down at the table and raise the candles. Dedicate dreams for your sweetheart a few minutes.

    Concentrating on the flame of the candle, read the conspiracy:

    "In my heart of your beloved, the slave of God (name) Love is roaring, feelings ignite!

    How the fire burns and burns, so the heart and the slave of God (name) to me burn.

    After reading the conspiracy, it is impossible to talk with anyone. It is best to go to sleep right away. Effective and effective, this spell will help to get a guy's heart.

    Ritual and using photos

    If you decide not to waste time and choose a valid and proven spell, it is best to stop your choice on the rite using the photo of the beloved. This method of magical impact with the correct selection of photographs and the implementation of the entire process in exact accordance with the instruction guarantees the desired result.

    To fulfill the ritual, you will need a snapshot of the beloved and one church candle. In the photo, a man must be one, no animals or other people. The quality of the snapshot should be acceptable: if the eyes are visible - then everything is fine. In no case can not trim the picture, deleting unnecessary objects or people. The action of the attitude will in this case will be zero, and its execution is useless. In addition, select a photo that was done no later than a year before the implementation of this ritual.

    Spend the evening at your own pleasure and try to limit negative thoughts. And late in the evening you can proceed to the execution of the rite. Sit at the table: Put a picture in front of you and burn the candle. On the reverse side of the photo, write the full name of the beloved and yours and make both name in the heart drawn by you.

    The photo you need to set fire from the candle with the words:

    "As a photo is burning, it is flared and the feelings of the slave of God (name) will be spoiled to me.

    When the adjacent photo will turn into ashes, it needs to be assembled and blown into the window with the words:

    "As this ashes now does not collect anyone, and our love does not destroy anyone.

    The action of this attitude can manifest a few days later. But let the spell of a little time: the magic effect is a very thin and delicate method, the effectiveness of which can directly depend on your desires and thoughts.

    Conspiracy for a gift

    Consider such a situation: you are in love with a young man, and he is indifferent to you. It may be because he does not know about your feelings or does not see all the advantages. In this case, a valid and efficient rite for a gift can help. Naturally, it is very convenient to fulfill it if any holiday is approaching and you are among those invited.

    Recognition to choose a gift. He must like to be like a young man, it is advisable to give something necessary to enjoy it. The action of such a rite begins immediately after the presentation of the gift and enhances, if a person begins to use a thing. This method of magical impact is suitable for any life situation.

    Before serving on a purchased gift, you need to read a plot:

    "I will give you a gift, and in return your peace will take.

    So that I missed, I could not live without me! Amen!"

    The conspiracy is given to the guy. Now just remains to wait for the result. A week later you can call a young man or arrange a casual meeting.

    Sugar rite

    A rather popular and effective way to burn love in the heart of a man - a ritual with sugar. To do this, you will need from conspiracy sugar to cook delicious pie or other sweetness and give to taste a guy. The amount of sugar needed for the recipe is poured into the bowl and conspiracy reads:

    "As sweet and pleasant sugar, I am a sweet and pleasant I will be a slave of God (name).

    A plot is read three times, and after reading you can start cooking a culinary dish. The actuality will increase if you prepare something very tasty and young man will ask for additives. After cooking, you need to feed the guy.

    Usually this rite begins to act in a few days. The guy will be bored and finally will see all your advantages that did not notice before. Try to consolidate the result, showing yourself only from the best side. In this case, the result will not be just as you like, but the duration of the attitude will be long. Tune in to a positive result - and it will definitely be so.

    A very effective and efficient way to attract the attention of the guy and causing a response in it - a spell. Depending on the purpose, you can pick up a suitable ritual. The effect of the magical rite can be seen after a week on average. It depends, as a rule, from the exact following suggestions and advice in terms of the fulfillment of the ritual from faith in the spell.

    Quote communication Glyphs Arahana

    The glyphs were invented in necromir and belong to "fast" magic.
    They are drawn as well as runes, stipulate and work.
    It is advisable to draw one by one, although the glyphs are friends with anything.

    1 waving - goal. Focusing on targets, lines of probability, clipping unnecessary. When used, it creates something like a protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you out of the way

    2 Iyuu - Life, Health, Physical Update. It aggravates perception, sense organs. With it, you can configure your body in different ways.

    3 kha - the influence of the spirit on matter. Rather, pure combat glyph, like plasma

    4 WEBRU - stability, stable position, but at the same time flexible. You age in probabilities, like water flow

    5 FEE - destabilization, chaos. Split connections, probability schedule

    6 Laa - activity and movement forward.

    7 Nudo - information. Cleans all that prevents you from getting to the information.

    8 Raco - attack, destruction. Stretch through it, what needs to be destroyed.

    9 MIS - protection and adjuster to the desired and desired. Mildly will indicate all possible options and situations that will be useful to you.

    10 Io - drive, contour outlining that you specify.

    11 Tarleph - a transition point or transformation, that moment, when nor alive, not dead, not white and not black

    12 Dichal - update, cleansing, reboot.

    13 WET - Elements. "Fast set" of any element and underfich

    14 ARETT - plexus, tightening components into one.

    15 Bal - horror, paralysis, vampire. Stuns the enemy and hurts horror

    16 Huto - skill, subtlety. Achieving the ideal in anything

    30 Sep.

    Graphic magic: runes, glyphs and sigila

    Large newly breeding article on the varieties of graphic magic: what is graphics, runes, sigils, glyphs and other car. How it all works and what is different from each other.
    It will be necessary to start from the stove, because many do not really quite imagine the basic principle of all this chest with miracles.

    Actually any kind of magic - It's just dragging the energy from one place to another. Swimming, infusion, transfusion, movement and other manipulations with volume and substance. Energy - also a substance. It fills everything around - people, objects and items, they own the essence, it moves along large and small highways and threads that are going to Egregors, it is transferred to each other, select, give it ... on the course and frequency of energy everything moves like a car - on gasoline.

    And the essence of any magical manipulation is to take this energy somewhere and move it to where it needs more. For example, ask the "canister" at the Divine (or to see the enemy, or generate) and pour into financial channels. Or pour out financial scope where there is more acute need.

    In this principle, there are absolutely all practices, everything is united. Though rituals, at least runes, at least plots of Siberian grandmothers - Find the fuel, get it and send it to the sore place. But then the magic is already beginning to share on the techniques "Spill Kanishtra" - who, than and how. Some pour energy charges in the line and letters, directing the strength of the forces graphically, others - in words, are third in tambourine with sound waves. Folk and traditional magic most often has a clear regional focus: somewhere they write formulas, somewhere speak in a word, somewhere they spend energy through rituals, and somewhere cause spirits and ask to send that there and where they need their hands.

    In the CIS latitudes, folk magic is quite consistencies And we are familiar to us "Babkino" muttering. Slavs really loved the magic of the words when the energy promise and charge wrapped into sound and verbal, poetic form. Consistencies - A strong thing in skillful hands, but the method has its own minuses and not suitable for all problems.
    Scandinavians and people of the east of different latitudes, were more inclined to paint and pee ink. Method of graphic magic It is easier and works even from newbies.
    Graphic magic - This is one of the most huge and oldest sections of practical esoteric. Calligraphy and hieroglyphs, runes and listers, glyphs, sigils and autotop technologies are all there, variations on the theme of energy redirects from one place to another with the help of signs. Wrapping the energy charge into a visual and graphic form - nothing worse than words or ritual.

    The principle of operation of any graphics is pretty simple - the line on the carrier is gaining energy and transfer it from the source (operator, deity, egregor) to the place where it is needed. We lose energy by investing it into runes, we feel a little worse, but fill your cash channels using a sign sharpened under such a direction. A simple and understandable transfer of forces from there, where they are needed less, where more.

    Graphic magic can be divided into four types:
    1. Runes and listers
    2. Sigila
    3. Glife
    4. Calligraphy and autotop

    They differ in the main way that the program and energy for its work are laid.

    Coordinates in the worlds autopsy

    Autotop techno - This is the method of divination and magic, when not looking painting different doodles, thinking about the question or a person, and then decipher the result or invest in the fact that it turned out. The method is peculiar, but it is most often personal sigilas and encrypted signs that have meaning only for the author and dedicated to. Auto pee assumes that the meaning is laid in random doodles by the will and wishes of the master. What and as I wanted - I painted what I wanted, then laid.
    The meaning of the auto-peak and the doodles on the part is to read and calculate it is impossible. This is a completely individual cipher, where the author one knows that he wanted to lay there. Akin to how we remember complex words on some personal associations that only we are understandable.

    Calligraphy It is possible to attribute there, only encryption of signs and symbols there is more on the artistic principle, but they are just as capable of carrying out energy and work. Moreover, calligraphy can be made up from letters, and from lines, everything to taste the author.

    Runes and litera It is possible to conditionally be called individual parts of the puzzle, vested with a clear meaning. Each rune is a small piece of a big picture, which means one particular concept, embracing this sign initially. We cannot invent the values \u200b\u200bof the letters, runes and a liter, but we can use ready-made values \u200b\u200band make formulas from different "pieces". This is, in fact, simply letters that can spend and direct energy, but of one letter there is little point, so we make formulas from 3-5-7 + runes to compile a concept and program. Amateurs one runa Conquer the world or carefully carry it on the neck, pursuing a difficult goal - rather strange people. This is how to try from the letter f make a clear text with the plot. A good letter, pleasant, but for the semantic load needed yet.
    Runes and litera It distinguishes speed, but short-term in work, such a schedule works on average month or two, sometimes a little longer. It is noted that distorted, encrypted and hidden runes work longer than obvious. Runes It is very hard and reluctant "recharge", that is, the formula from the runes must be destroyed and put a new one, otherwise the repetition will be meager, the letters as if worked out and exhausted.

    Glife - Already more complex structures, the next step of graphics. One glyph - This is a peculiar mini formula, laid in one graphic sign. We can say that one glyph in meaning equals 2-3 runes. And if rune denotes a concept (for example Rido is "movement"), Then the glyph is already carrying the semantic load of the whole process, such as a successful movement on the trip, with cutting of negative events and lines. On one Ridid It is difficult to wind and good luck, and the lines, and the designation of the trip, we will need some more signs, but one Glyph. You can do it. If a runes are pieces of puzzle, then glyphs are separate mini-scenes of this puzzle, for example, one tree from the picture.
    Several glyphs have already formed a whole composition with meaning and a wide work program.
    They work longer and more powerful than runes, as text from words has more meaning than individual letters. Glyphs are easily recharged several times in a row and calmly carry wiping from the carrier (the program remains on the agreed period). Glyphs can be stuffing in the form of a tattoo, they will simply need to be nanovo to stamp once a few months.

    Sigils - Higher step of graphics expression. Sigila - This is a whole semantic cloth, where the complex work program is laid, designed for infinite repetition during the need. This is a whole puzzle, with a plot, details, bunch of data and information.
    Sigil You can compare with QR code, familiar to the readings of a large amount of information from a small pattern.
    All seen these black and white squares, of which the phone or tablet easily reads a bunch of data. Two-dimensional code is encrypted in the square sequence, from which quite a lot of things - numbers, names, brands, accounts and other information. Sigila - The essence of the same graphic code, but readable for a subtle plan.

    Sigil Moon

    These signs can already float the centuries, be stuffed with tattoos, worn by amulets and anything else can be done with them, in contrast to the runes that have a duration of work and dying. Sigil works when attention pays attention to it and give it a feeding, and not at a given period or a tale. The reserve is given once and for all, then it simply turns on and turns off from the ether, depending on the activity of operators.

    Anmodey's old sigila

    The most famous are all sorts of printing of different entities.
    These printing challenges are widely used by the gods and other higher entities for a "short set" from their priests and just those who appeal for help. They can be compared to the personal number of the phone, which is not always given and not always. And only those who already have troubledues with the carrier of Sigil.

    This is in the conditions of the ideal world, of course. In fact, someone once once rebel a piece of fast communication, while others adopted the QR code at the speed of light. That is why personal sigil Any creature always has 50 pieces, and they differ in terms of confidence: the less people know this particular Sigil, the faster the response to it. And sometimes, in general, the response itself is built on knowledge: if you know this sign somewhere in general, then you have the right to "call". Personal are often updated, especially the most famous, so very old signs most often non-working or intercepted by someone in bed. Roughly speaking sigil Beliala He himself is not 2000+ years as, but the "number" has long been and firmly intercepted the demonic trifle, which will be very willing to come to you. Want to know the Fresh Personal Number - Look for your dating yourself.

    Sigila It is always encrypted a whole program, so the spectrum of their use is huge. These are challenges and energy, and complex work with probability lines, and the designation of anything. May be sigila, encrypting your desire or purpose in life. It may be sigil, denoting the planet Venus or a layer of nero. Or is it just a schematic representation of the energy flow along the lines and the purpose of this action. They don't have any clear rules for the construction of the drawings, too, nothing depends on the complexity, because on a thin plan they are reflected entirely differently.

    Sigil elevity elements

    In general, the difference between galdramündom (encrypted runic pattern) and sigil Pretty blurred because they have one essence. But make multifaceted signs from encrypted and stylized rune and Liter. - Only one of the ways to create Sigil.

    Quite often they are invented and simply as a reflection of the vision by the author of the goal or the energy cast from what he wants to get in the end. Therefore, somewhere here in meaning is closed with auto-peak, as one of the methods for creating this type of graphics. Roughly speaking, if the author here sees the graphic reflection of high-frequency energy, then why not? The main principle here: works or does not work.

    There is one important aspect of all this case, which for some reason nowhere is not covered by anyone. Namely - no graphics are tightly tied to a certain pantheon of gods or layer, or an egregor ... This is just a record of the current energy flow. As a latice, for example, is not the letters of one particular language, although it has an exact source of origin. Simply put, the runes may be the invention personally ODIN, but they are not (c) scandinavian Pantheon.. You can write runa Appeal to Shiva or Hekate, they quietly perceive such a record and the formulation of the request, even faster than other types of circulation.

    From this scheme, again, the graphics should be mixed up: if you take a big piece from one puzzle, and add it suitable small pieces from another puzzle, then all together it will work and look harmonious and good. The main thing is not to overload graphics with extra letters (hello to lovers 100700 rune In one thing) and clearly understand what and why are you doing.

    On our planet, a lot of things uncharted and mystical, there is a lot of such, which sometimes even seeing people, makes not just surprised, but also shudder. But today we will not talk about terrible, leave this topic for later. Today we will talk about such a phenomenon, and otherwise do not say how glyphs.

    Glyph is a letter of writing, this is an element of the letter, it is about the same as the letter in the alphabet. Approximately, but not quite so. An ordinary letter is the text of any letter. Glyph is a complex graphic image filled with a certain meaning.

    It is worth noting that around the end of the nineteenth century by studying the glyphs, the scientists were interested in seriously, which is not surprising. After all, the glyphs (or petroglyphs) were very often found in archaeological expeditions passing at different ends of the world.

    And if initially researchers believed that the glyphs were used by Eastern and Western civilizations only for writing and only for the transmission of thought, then it became known that glyphs are not just some vintage writings. Glifes are sacred symbols that carry a much deeper, and sometimes destructive meaning.

    What glifs are there?

    Today, the most common takes to the glyphs of Aranes, we will talk about them just below. In fact, the varieties of glyphs there are quite a lot. We give some of them:

    - Glife Jupiter

    - Moon glyphs

    - Glyphs Alchainty

    - Glife Solomon

    - Glyphs of Lemuria

    - Glyphs of King David (including broken)

    - Glife Abraham

    - Glyphs of Itzhak

    - Glife vittorio

    Also there are glyphs Shamala - the name happened on behalf of the author. And there are still glyphs, to solve certain needs, for example, the glyphs of attractiveness, harves of the morok, Glyphs of Energy. A person himself can create glyphs, however, for this you need to possess certain knowledge.

    Glyphs Arahana

    Ancient belief argues that the data of the glyphs of Arachna (the best weaves who daring to compete in his ability to rush to the most goddess Athena, for which she turned it into a pachechu), brought Navi from the world, from the world of dead. But Arachna did not immediately become spider.

    The girl was not only a wonderful craftswoman, but also possessed a rather proud moral. Not everyone would venture to compete with the goddess itself, however, Arachu in the desire to defeat the goddess, did not even stop the warnings of Athens, so that she was thinking. The fight was completed by the fact that Athena knocked Arachna in the forehead (a tool that is used in weaving), and the fabric that Arachna splash, ripped into shreds.

    In general, this could be completed, but Arachna could not postpone the shame, because she was indeed considered the best tank among mortals. Nothing thinking, the girl hanged himself. Such a state of affairs did not suit the Athena and she revived Arachu, turning into a pahechist and ordering her forever rush and always hang.

    Those who are constantly in their work are resorting to the glyphs of Arahans, argue that they not only work very quickly, but also carry a tremendous hard strength. They do not need a long and large statement, because in them they are already laid all that is needed to perform the conceived. Most often, to the glyphs of Aranha, you need to do a completely brief statement, while they do not need to bring demands ("feed" them). Energy data of sixteen glyphs is extremely tough. Without doubt, this property is associated with the world of their origin.

    The glyphs of Arahans are used in the case, both in the complex and one by one. In addition, they have another very valuable quality - they are perfectly combined with the runes and never come into conflict or conflict. Consequently, the glyphs of Arahans, the masters are very often combined with the runes, but if the runes are fulfilled, based on the principle "most comfortable way", then the glyphs act on the principle of "immediately, the greatest way" without worrying about the comfort of the customer or artist.

    Deciding to interact with this element, it's worth a pretty thought, because any surprises may be on this path. The work of the glyphs is always intensified by faith, whose hand displays them.

    Is it worth working with glyphs?

    It is extremely important when working with this gift of the Navalo world, all apply everything correctly. Each line, every line, every sign. It is no secret that some techniques (let's call it) will work in the hands of one person, and they will not bring due results at all, if they use another person. If you do everything right, then the glyphs, beyond doubt, will only benefit.

    However, if you have a desire, you can independently check how glyphs will respond to your requests. There are three ways to check.

    First method - empirical. We apply a glyph and waiting for the result. If more than ten-fourteen days have passed, it is better to choose other tools to implement the goals.

    Second way - Help pendulum. Perfect if you already have an interaction skill with this tool. If not, it's time to try. By installing contact with the pendulum, we define that there is "yes" that there is no "no", then, define whether you should try to try the new interaction practice.

    Third way - Not for everyone, but it is also very effective. A man practicing magical practices has a very developed intuition. Such a person will not listen to the opinion of the outside, or rather, he can listen to him, but he will prefer his internal adviser.

    How are the glyphs apply?

    Arany glyphs can be applied in the same way as ordinary runes. As soon as they applied, make a reservation. Very short, for example:

    The name Arachna, the glyph (glyph name) give me (the glif function is indicated).

    The launch of glyphs is carried out by the power of its own will. Interacting with this tool, it is worth remembering that the goal should be put very clearly, and not how many usually do: go there, I don't know where, I do not know what.

    If the goals are somewhat, then you need to specify them all that is clearly listed on the downward one. It is important to talk clearly to talk that the glyphs carry only benefits work without any harm.

    Visualization if you can add it to the request, it will help to achieve greater results for a shorter period of time.

    The values \u200b\u200bof the glyphs of Aranes

    As mentioned above, Glyphs Arahans sixteen. Let's now consider the meaning of each of them.

    Glyph waves

    This ghage personifies the physical body. This health is the personification of the abilities associated with the physical body. This update is a development, this is awakening.

    This glyph personifies the superiority of the spirit over the material world. The glyph eliminates various psychological obstacles arising on the way. Helps to achieve victories and worthy of passing tests. This glyph has a particularly hard energy, he is like a flame, burns everything too much on the way, at the same time, gives a lot of energy.

    This glyph gives personifies the first water. This is flexibility (including physical), thanks to him you can easily leave (exit) from the conflict. This is a glyph of stability and stability of the position. This glyph helps their own business in the secret, but at the same time resolve the situation most preferable for itself.

    This glyph symbolizes chaos. It is always a wreck, it is always a rupture of connections, destabilization. Thanks to him, you can remove protection or any negative. It is resorted to this glyph when it is necessary that the case is shifted from the dead point.

    Thanks to this ghof, you can speed up any started thing, any process that stalled. Without this, Glyph could not do with it, because he not only increases immunity to everything and everything, but also helps to very quickly pass the bar of obstacles. Date glyph energy for movement forward, it activates internal energy, inspires confidence in man, acts as an assistant in conquering new peaks.

    This glyph removes all the obstacles that can meet on the way. Obrarates in this case are related to obtaining information.

    This glyph symbolizes destruction. He is all that occurs on the way, it breaks very hard. What can he break? Yes, everything: things, bodies, fate, ideas, plans. This is a glyph damage. This is used when you need to apply great damage when you need to hack protection. Negative to remove it.

    Glife Mis

    This glyph is used to protect (remove it from the world). He, as if the magic circle, eliminates a person from every influence from the outside. It is used both for own protection and to protect others. This is a kind of heavy artillery - if we talk about protection. It is really very powerful. Often also used to create traps.

    This is a glyph of rebirth, some transformation. It symbolizes a transitional state in a person's life. The glyph helps to produce certain changes related to the future person. This glife gives the opportunity to see some things in the new light, revoking everything subjective. This is a fundamentally new state when you and not died, and not alive, when not dark, and not bright.

    Glyph Dichal

    This glyph acts as a binding component of all the first and not only them. It binds everything in a one way, with its help you can enrich your own potential.

    This glyph can be attributed to the most terrible and strong, because it carries a tremendous negative charge. This is always a symbol of fear and darkness, a character of paralysis and phobias, the symbol of the loss of energy and the loss of control over the situation. The glyph contributes to the development of phobias and fears, causes disgust between people.

    Glyph Hato

    Where can I apply glyphs?

    Glifes can be applied anywhere. For example:

    • On a constant (metal or tree) or temporary medium (paper).
    • Glyph, for example, can be applied to the body as a tattoo.
    • The glyph can be applied to the amulet.
    • Glyph or glyphs can be visualized.
    • Glyphs are very often used for meditation, speaking symbols of something defined.
    • Glyph is quite often applied to water or land.
    • Glife can be applied to your own photo.

    How to work with glyphs?

    Here the most important thing is to start (but you just do not need to start with those glyphs that they carry a negative charge in Seyu). And also - faith in itself, as mentioned above. Learning to work with glyphs is not so difficult. You just need to start them ... draw. Just lead your hand without thinking about anything. Very soon you will feel that the glyphs seem to move, you may even seem that they came into motion.

    Do not be afraid. This is normal. In each glya, its own and only your meaning. When drawing a glyph, immediately make a brief state. In fact, it is he who will include your glyphs, it will lead to the desired result.

    It is worth remembering that neither the Phase of the Moon (they grow or decrease), no days of the week, do not have a smooth account. Glyphs are activated or its own energy, or the elements of fire.

    The more you interact with them, the more experience and understanding you will have. Starting with a simple (from one glyph), it is gradually possible to come to more complex options: the strikes that you will invent yourself.

    Glyphs Arahana

    From the 14th century, 9 pieces were measured, however, reading mostly fried ... Glife were invented by B. necromire and belong to "fast" magic. Filty marching set magand the basic concepts that can instantly apply when there is no time to do ritual Or write formulas.
    They draw as well as runes, stipulate and work. It is advisable to draw one by one, for the purity of the experiment

    Although glyphs Arahana Friends with anything, a surprisingly pofigistic thing.

    1 wave - Purpose. Focusing on targets, lines of probability, clipping unnecessary. When used, it creates something like a protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you out of the way.

    2 Iyuu - Life, health, physical update. It aggravates perception, sense organs. With its help, you can adjust your body in different ways.

    3 kha - The influence of the spirit on matter. Rather, pure combat glyph, like plasma.

    4 VEBRU - Stability, Sustainable position, but at the same time flexible. You are making in probabilities, like a water flow.

    5 FE. - destabilization, chaos. Split relationships, breakdown of probabilities.

    6 Laa - Activity and movement forward.

    7 Nudo - information. Cleans all that prevents you from getting to the information.

    8 Racob - Attack, destruction. Stretch through it, what needs to be destroyed.

    9 MIS. - Protection and configuration to the desired and desired. Mildly will indicate all possible options and situations that will be useful to you.

    10 Io - Drive, contour outlining that you specify.

    11 Tarleph - Point of transition or transformation, that moment, when nor alive, neither is dead, not white and not black.

    12 Dichal - update, cleansing, reboot.

    13 WET. - Elements. "Fast set" of any element and underficure.