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  • After becoming a rune, it works hard to remove enemies. Straws to get rid of enemies

    After becoming a rune, it works hard to remove enemies. Straws to get rid of enemies

    Many do not believe in magical rituals, including damage. Others tend to think differently, fearing the enemies who will be glad to someone else's problems and grief. Strong weapons in the hands of such people may be Scandinavian runes - Hagalaz, Uruz and Evaz. The last of them is the rune of death.

    Eyvaz - Runic Symbol of Death

    Praise with the help of runes is guided by a certain sphere of human life. Apply the accurate blow of the enemies and envious can if the appropriate becoming, acting on the scope of work, family well-being, love relationships and health.

    Features of targeting damage runes

    Runicible damages are rites that are conducted with the help of magical formulas (bets) used to harm the person or his whole family.

    The goal of the misfortune can be different. Some envy someone else's happiness and well-being. Others want to avenge personal insults.

    Therefore, the effect of the Runic deterioration may concern a certain sphere of life - work, houses, health and financial well-being. Often, it is not necessary to dwell on something alone and they are trying to deprive the person of the most valuable - life.

    Any ruunic damage belongs to black magic, so not everyone wants to be taken for such a dangerous rite. Working with runes is very dangerous. Especially if the preparation of the steel is made not the most experienced magician.

    Any error changes the vector of the magical forces in the opposite direction. And as a result, becoming the one who spends the ritual of black magic himself. Such a person may experience difficulties with work, conflict with loved ones, is hard to hurt and even die.

    A person who still decided on such a desperate and dangerous step should be careful. Scandinavian gods do not forgive mistakes. In addition to the Scandinavian runes used for the rite, the opponent's personal belongings may need or his photo. The effect of magical action occurs very quickly. Runic deteriorations have a long action, so they will bring to a person in misfortune for a very long time, and sometimes even his remaining life.

    The most dangerous Scandinavian runes

    Scandinavian runes have a powerful energy used in fortune telling and rituals. Each sign of 24 famous runes has its meaning. Separate characters carry more significant benefits or harm to humans. Most often, when hovering, damage is used:

    1. Eyvaz. This rune of death, bad and good change. It characterizes the beginning of a new life. Whether it will be good depends on other signs of Stava.
    2. Isa. This rune characterizes with ice. The action is temporary, as the power of frozen water.
    3. Hagalaz. Ensures chaos and destruction, dependence on other people and the appearance of severe diseases. Despite its versatile negative importance, Hagalaz refers to the positive runes, since this rune characterizes the destruction of obstacles.
    4. Perth - Fear and Death. Some defolds are positive - help and experience.

    Rune "Peter" means fear and death. However, in some scenaries can symbolize help and experience

    Drawing up formulas in rites is made from individual signs located in a certain sequence and position. It is necessary to carry out all the instructions in detail, inflicting symbols for magical accessories. Activating them, the path will not be back. Straws are affected by lightning, carrying out the evil plans of a person conducting the rite himself.

    To guide the damage, it is not necessary to use heavy formulas. The negative effect on a person can be rendered with the help of individual characters deposited in the photo of the enemy. An example is damage to the punishment of the gossip. Ansus and Iszu are applied to the photograph of the enemy.

    You should be careful in your desires. Incorrect activation of characters may result in serious diseases at the gossip or his death.

    How to dismiss the enemy

    Tirands and the manifestation of violence are a common problem of society. Some physical superiority brings satisfaction. Such people should be avoided. Get rid of the enemy with traditional methods does not always work. Devil the enemy, suppress it not only morally, but also physically, it is possible to use the runes of punishment.

    Impact damage on a strong opponent is easy. Main, follow instructions:

    1. On the personal end of the enemy or in his photograph to portray it: Nautiz -Hagalaz - Uruz - Isa.
    2. With the thought of a desire to escape the enemy to cut his hand finger with a knife or razor.
    3. Activate your own blood.

    Nautiz - characterizes complexity and problems, Uruz - energy of life. Runa Isa does this energy, and Hagalaz destroys. The activation of their own blood confirms the blood hostility with a person and personifies all his evil plans and desires towards the enemy.

    Such a formula completely paralyzes the physical and mental activity of a person. The enemy becomes depressed, weak and vulnerable. All his attempts to stand for themselves will be failed. Good luck completely turns away from the once strong enemy. Any possibilities of superiority over more weak is suppressed by the god themselves. Such a person loses himself and any understanding with others.

    How to destroy the ill-wisher

    The most popular runic damage relate to human health and his death. Damage to death is the most dangerous kind of magical bets. And it is not worth it for its activation to be inextental practitioners. The death can be brought to himself.

    Damage to death - the most dangerous kind of magical stakes

    If you decide to destroy your enemy, then it follows:

    1. Take his photo.
    2. Apply a marker or pencil of becoming: Hagalaz - Mannaz - Hagalaz.
    3. Activate the magic formula to the pronounced words of hate to your enemy and asking for the highest forces to kill him. Spit on the photo.

    The result of such a ritual can be unpredictable. Invalid activation, errors in the application of runes, and other problems can lead to completely different consequences. Often, the action of the rune goes to a magical practice. And to protect against the approximation of the imminent end will not work.

    After activating the formula, you should not wait for the rapid death of your own enemy. Most often he comes with a long black band in life, the end of which painful death. It remains only to observe what is happening and waiting until the vital energy of the unfriendly will begin to actively fade.

    Protection against damage

    Each person can become a victim of a magical ritual. Enough can be able to an avid enemy, which solves all its problems with the help of Scandinavian runes. And who knows, maybe he wants to kill his opponent?

    Therefore, you can not lose a minute, suspecting the mysterious intentions of your enemy. Powerful energy protection should be made, applying runes from the evil eye and damage in the form of viscosity and becoming.

    The most popular are:

    1. Wearing amulets with one of the runes-defenders (Teivaz, Isa, etc.) these symbols protect a person from any external threat, retain its material well-being and support health.
    2. Naties-Soulu-Nautiz - the formula for the restoration of the forces of spiritual and physical. It allows you to shoot the energy cargo from the soul and body, giving new forces for further life. Wearing such a medicine from damage it follows for 9 days. It can be depicted on a body or any piece of paper. The main thing is that the talisman is always next to his carrier.
    3. Becoming "Runic Cross". It consists of the central symbol of Formula - Eyvaz, on the sides of which depict the Runa Berkan, and on top and bottom - touris. Apply a cross on the body. Women on the left half, and men - on the right. Especially powerful this formula for protection against rituals for death.

    It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instruction so that the protection brings the desired effect.

    Proper application of the Stava and its activation does not guarantee the carrier of what will be removed. The most common mistake that people makes themselves concerns the item itself to which these runes are applied.

    As an image on the body, becoming constantly running about clothes or can be broken while taking a shower. The image on a simple piece of paper is also to wear. Therefore, the best option for applying a rune is a tree. It is their own that it can be made a solid stable talisman, which will not be afraid of water, dirt, friction, etc. Runes can be lit on it or squeeze.

    It is best to apply runes on a tree. So you can find a resistant to the negative effects of the mascot

    Protection measures from rollbacks for death

    The release of a person because of the influence of the energy of death is impossible without a sputter, payment for the concern of the gods. The whole should be given honey or bright beer. Lockers are dark beer and flame of fire. Some magicians advise consult a deal with gods not only to remove damage and evil eye, but also on their application. If the lockers and one will like such victims, then the person will be pardoned.

    It is equally important to avoid a response blow to the energy of the rite. After all, not always magical rituals are successful. Energy Run can contact both the performer.

    You should know how to keep your own health and life, if something went wrong. One of the protection options is a horror helmet. It should be for its actions before the damage to the damage, draw Hagalaz and Isa and Isa on his forehead. Symbols are applied only by coal. It is impossible to wash them. The helmet should be climbing himself.

    We must not forget that such protection against energy runes will be effective only in the event of a sputter from the gods and if they enjoy the prepared gifts. There is a ban that concerns pregnant women. Sent affected them is prohibited. The gods will not support this idea and turn the energy of the steel on its customer. And get rid of such an energy will not work, even with the help of special talismans and horror helmet.

    The power of the rune is known not to many. This is the secret knowledge that opens before those who are ready for everything. They can treat, cause love and attraction. The same symbols in the correct combination are able to create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use the rune thorns, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the whole ritual from beginning to end. If not to relate to runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a joke with a man. There is a whole family of runes who carry a powerful destructive value. Their energy operates at a distance. You will need a photo of a person or his personal thing. Conduct a ritual anyone - clearly follow the instructions, prepare. You need to be exactly sure that this method is suitable for you, because the effect comes quickly, but to turn it hard.

    Power of Scandinavian runes

    The value of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. Use them only for destructive actions:

    • Curses;
    • Damage;
    • Damage to death;
    • Information is crazy.

    The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry the power that hard to withstand people. The object of exposure becomes weak, nervous, depressive and evil. His anger rupts him from the inside, destroys. Very often the consequences of irreversible - a person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not desirable to carry out those who have just started familiarizing with the runes.

    How to damage with runes

    Runes need to be drawn by a handle, a marker or a razor in a person's photography. If it is not - a personal thing is used. It can be a handle, a handkerchief, garment. Spoilers are strong and very quickly unfold. A quick action may occur in 2-5 days. All effects are not designed for a single impact, but for a long time.

    Nature. Hagalaz. Uruz. Isa.

    Right of Nautiz Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

    This is one of the easiest, but strong damage. She destroys man from the inside, does not even give him the ability to recover. Rune Isa means ice, fading. It preserves the situation, does not give the object to get out of the ice shallows of this damage. You can specify as constant destruction of the individual, suppressing all the possibilities, closing the paths. A person loses all his strength, deprives the ability to stand up for himself. You can forever turn it out of successful, happy life. Activate this becoming you will need to be your blood. The blood needs a little, literally to cover the written runes. Rune Uruz carries the load suppression of personal will. Especially clearly make its impact.

    Damage Isa-Uruz-Uza-Isa

    It is applied as follows:

    • On the face of the object in the photo two runes of Uruz one above the other in an inverted position.
    • On the right and the left are drawn large canes.

    If you look at the form of the resulting letting, you will see Hagalaz. This effect places the action of all the vessel. Two ice runes show a cyclic repetition that will not stop. Begins the troubles that bring out of themselves, call the aggression, anger. Sometimes, the long-term impact of this elite leads to the fact that the object does not own, can start a fight. The inverted position of the rune leads to full collapse in all spheres of life. A person can simultaneously fire from work, he will lose money, the family falls apart, an important property is lost. This is a cruel damage. Activated saliva.

    Damage to the ignition of nightmares

    A person cannot sleep peacefully, he is tormented by very real visions. Each night becomes the object damage to the terrible test. Many begin to drink, use drugs, but it only enhances the effect of damage. Constant lack of sleep makes a man very weak, weak. He makes mistakes at every step. After sleep, bruises, scratches, bruises can remain. Damage to any personal thing in this order is applied:

    • Top - Isa.
    • The second level is an inverted pert.
    • Third level - per. Soulo, Perverter, Manaz, Per. Read, Evaz.
    • The fourth level isper.
    • Last Level - Per.Fhe

    Perth, Soul, Manaz, Evaz

    In the center of Vzie is the rune manaz, which personifies man. It affects the negative provisions of Rune Pertro - fears, nightmares in a dream. Soulu is the lack of help from higher strength. Fehu personifies constant fears, distrust. Evaz destroys human connections with his family, friends. Activation of blood.

    Damage failure

    The combination of Rune Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts a failure to man. All his undertakings will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied in the photo, the saliva is activated. Yera is inspiration, clarity of the mind. All this overlaps with a powerful negative effect of two Hagalaz runes.

    Destruction of relationships

    To separate two people and forever close the way to each other will help the formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz. This damage can be used to divert a husband with a rival. In the center of Gebo - the relationship of men and women. If there is a joint photo - draw between them. If not, print a photo of a husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write between them the formula. From above, you can add rune uruz to accelerate the effect. Activate blood on Lok's Day.

    Scandinavian ritual elements

    Choose damage and proceed to the ritual. Writing runes need to learn by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. Press on a piece of paper or on the phone screen.

    Protection for yourself against rollback

    You can protect yourself with the help of Runic Vzi - Helm Helmet. It must be drawn on the forehead coal. If you look around, you will see Hagalaz and Isa runes in it. They will protect you. She must be at you before the start of the ritual. Ring it is prohibited and after. Rituals are held in the evening or at night, so that with a protective symbol on the forehead will need to go to bed. He must be broken from his face. Most often, by morning it happens.


    A helmet will help you to protect yourself from the side effects of damage - rollback. Rollback is a return of the negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that needs to pay for successful damage. You pay your price, but not a rollback, but the victims of the gods. If they like it, then there will be no negative consequences for you. The only thing that cannot be done is to restore the rune porch for a pregnant woman. There will be no powerful sign of horror helmet against such a rollback.

    Choice of the day to work

    Every day of the week is devoted to a certain Scandinavian God. Any rites with runes are prohibited by Sundays. You have 6 days in which you can conduct rituals. For revenge, damage and deceit are the Supreme God alone and God Loki. They both can help you punish your enemies, bring powerful damage to them. Before starting the ritual, be sure to refer to the selected God:

    • Monday - Odina Day;
    • Thursday - Lok's Day.

    Appeal usually passes in poetic form. Visia - ritual appeals to the gods. You can make your own, or use ready.

    Appeal to one

    "The name in Braga is one
    I rarely hide
    because people
    may guess.
    Who is skillful in songs,
    he can
    In Visu, that I folded
    To detect the mystery. "

    Appeal to Loki.

    "Loki the Great, Palts-Mockingbird,
    You - the equalizer sinless with sinful,
    He became twin by the Supreme Asa,
    Bulletin of the gods and the last hour.

    Changing himself, the worlds change,
    The poison of the madness of people intoxicate.
    Wise joker, you come to help me -
    Cunning your own on enemies.

    Hitro-network empty their souls -
    My sentence is smartly forced to listen.
    I will play a malicious joke -
    It will seem hell that was their paradise.

    On them backing their blazing eyes -
    Let my sentence be fulfilled! "

    Texts need to be learned by heart. The appeal must be polite, but confident. You must invite to your ritual, and after - to make a sacrifice. This is a prerequisite for any Runic Ritual

    Preparation of the altar

    Scandinavians believed by the elements. You will need:

    • Water in a blue (take not boiled);
    • Salt (Element Earth);
    • Fire (Wax Natural Candle);
    • Air (aromatic wand with forest or marine aroma).

    These elements need to be located clockwise. The center of the altar is a photo or a personal thing of a person who is damaged. Put the handle or marker there, which will apply the runes. If blood is needed for the rite - put the blade or knife into the center of the altar. This is done so that all the items receive the energy charge of the elements. On the candle you can draw the Suraz symbol in order for the effect to come faster.

    Runes - a very powerful tool for various focus

    Small Runic Ritual

    To guide the damage is quite small, shortened, ritual. It is carried out by a simple scheme:

    • Stand in front of the altar, contact God or gods.
    • Raise your right hand up.
    • Specify it in turn on the spontaneous elements and call them to work with the words:

    Water, I ask you to take part in my ritual.

    • When you encourage all 4 elements, you can start.
    • Stand on your knees, write the runery becoming in the photo so that it is in the head of man's head.
    • Very clearly give the action of each rune. When you finish - activate the runery becoming. The activation method is specified for each damage: breathing, blood, saliva. Activating, tell me:

    From this point on, I activate the power of Rune. When I decide to finish their impact, this photo I will burn.

    This completed a small ritual. Now thank each of the spontaneous elements, thank the gods.
    After committing the ritual, you need to make a sacrifice.

    Victims of God

    For one - bright beer, honey. For Loki - Dark Beer, Fire. You must make gifts on the street, beer poured under the tree. Ritual fire is a small candle that you also put under the tree. You can lower it into the glass. Before pouring beer - Make one big sip. For sacrifice you need to go silently and quietly silently. Do not talk with any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Runa Hagalase, as a symbol of destructive damage.

    If you are sure and defended yourself - start working with runes. The more often you use them, the stronger see the action. Practices recommended to do or buy a set of runes for divination, diagnostics. It will help you track the action of any of your impact. Working with runes is not suitable for everyone, but it is not difficult to make a simple damage. All rune deterioration bear a huge power of personality destruction, drive crazy.

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    If the black stripe dragged, make sure you do not go along it ..

    From time to time, a person faces the negative, and he does not always gain an adequate embodiment. Sometimes enemies appear on scratch, even if you do nothing for this. Runic Olders will help protect against enemies, get rid of damage and punish the offender.

    Straws to get rid of enemies

    Magic stalls designed to protect against negative influence are conventionally divided into three types:

    1. Formulas that help stop the enemy.
    2. The runes that send a negative back offender and punish it.
    3. Protective runescripts.

    The runes from the first paragraph form the circumstances around the ill-wishers so that they either do not find an approach that hurts you or hit them the events on them, and they are not up to evil thoughts.

    Rites from the second punish the enemy as much as he was going to influence you. After their holding, the addressed negative returns to the sender.

    Protective runes absorb the negative directed at you and work exclusively in defense.


    The operator draws the runes in the photo of his enemy, completely stipulates the spell or voiced the purpose of each character. Runes from enemies can be activated by blood or in another way - fire, breathing, the power of elements. Some formulas include a provision for punishment of the offender.

    The issue of ethics remains at the discretion of the operator. Runes do not like when they flirt or not perceived seriously, the consequences of the rapid use of Rounic magic are unpredictable. With the help of runesstav, even the death of an objectionable person is achieved. Only morally prepared and having studied theory, proceed to the development of this section.

    "Strain shirt" from Dante

    Becoming - "strait shirt."

    Riceakripte applied against envious and corporate acquaintances. The spell is not harmful, but protects against unpleasant contacts.

    • Elforun M.closes the path and puts the marrow;
    • Inverted Teivaz and Elforun O deprives the enemy of the forces and merges them into the ground;
    • Nautiz stops the enemies;
    • Stungin-Iz. Makes the object not to notice the impact and changes its behavior.

    "Shut up" from Fou Chatte

    Becoming - "shut up."

    Riceakripte helps to make enemies from his life forever.

    • Laguzturns the operator into the invisibility - the enemy ceases to see and notice a person;
    • Icelandic Kaun symbol Pendant the punishment: Returns offender unpleasant words and deeds;
    • Bunch Hagalaz - Nautiz - Tourisas Create many events around the enemy, so he forgets the existence of the operator;
    • Icelandic symbol of eseingermilling up negative.

    "Paralysis" from VELYA

    Becoming - "paralysis".

    Two hundred, arranged in one spell, protect the operator from negative effects and punish the enemies according to its actions to your address.

    • Combination EVAZ - Hagalaz - Mirror Berkana - Reverse Teivaz destroys the health of the offender;
    • Bunch reverse Mannaz and Raido - Tourisas - Isa slows down the recovery process, erases the individuality of the enemy;
    • Reverse Uruz - Isa - Algiz deprive the enemy;
    • Two points between the stans connect spells;
    • Mirror Runa Berkana - Hagalaz - Isa - Print Hel - Inverted Ansus - Inverted Laguz Destroy faith in yourself and the desire to live.

    "Keep the enemy stone" from Anwar

    Becoming - "Know the enemy stone."

    Runes in this spell cut off the enemy from the surrounding world, leave it in the society of aggression and anger. It is worth the enemy to send negative energy to a person, he gets rollback.

    • Mannazdenotes the enemy;
    • Northumbria Symbol Stan. symbolizes a stone;
    • Tourisazsend a negative impact on the reverse address;
    • Eyvaz- the rune of death - does not give to see a way out of the situation;
    • Inverted Laguz brings a person to a depressive and drunk state;
    • Naties - reverse cano Hide traces of magical exposure and isolate offenders.

    "Combat Ax" from Orobas

    Becoming - "Combat Ax".

    This runesstav cuts off the connection between the operator and the inadequate, protects against the negative and punishes the enemies. The operator inflicts the formula to the photo, paper or visualizes the runes during a conversation with the enemy.

    • Tourisazdestroys communication channels;
    • Tayivazcharging becoming victory energy;
    • Nautizprotects the operator from the negative;
    • Ingus Bring the work of the runes to the desired final.

    Return strike

    In this section, runesstaby are located, which build mirror protection before the operator. Thus, the negative will be reflected in the direction of the one who tried to magically influence it.

    "Mirror Protection"

    Becoming - "Mirror Protection".

    Runes in this spell are lined in sequentially. The operator stipulates which areas of life need to be protected using a runescript.

    • Isa.reflects external impact;
    • Kano.improves intuition, cuts off the binding and saves the health operator;
    • Hagalazdestroys attempts to harm the person.

    Becoming "Lotos"

    Becoming - "Lotos".

    The composition of this formula includes elven runes, which rummage the mind of the object. In the center of Stava depict the sun, which symbolizes prosperity in all spheres. The operator stipulates the spell, activates breathing, lists the wishes for the operation of the rune, enshrines the phrase "let it be so."

    • EVAZ.guarantees a rapid change in the situation in favor of the operator;
    • Ingusfixes the action of the runescript;
    • Nautizlines protection;
    • Sowlugives self-confidence, charges the energy of the sun.


    Becoming - "Cobra".

    This runescrippite operates at the far distance, neutralizes the negative directed to the person and sends the addressee back.

    • Algizprotects;
    • Tayivazdirects negative back;
    • Stungin Is. hides traces of magical impact;
    • Hagalaz - Worry Craffer a crushing blow;
    • Laguzcuts up an attack;
    • Evaz - Tourisaz Prevent communication with the energy vampire.


    A person is not a monetary bill of a major nominal in order to like everyone without exception, and during life we \u200b\u200boften have to deal with unpleasant people. Envious colleagues for work, former friends who have become enemies, rivals, competitors, but if anyone else is experiencing dislike for objective or subjective reasons! It even happens that someone hates us just like that, although we do not give real reasons for this. Naturally, the miscarions of these detractors can significantly pount our lives. Therefore, today we will talk about how to stop the enemy's attacks forever Ruths.

    Types of deliverances to get rid of enemies and their action

    All runic formulas that work against those who build us a goat can be divided into several types:

    1. Straw, stopping the attacks. Their action is based on the creation of negative situations around the enemy, because of which he becomes not up to you.
    2. Formulas sending negative to the sender. The impact of such viscosity can be described by a well-known funny phrase "who with what to us why is that from that and that". It turns out that a person, the magical way laying on us failures, gets them back. To this specification, there is a popular ruffy becoming "to nail the enemy stone."
    3. Protective formulas. We will talk about them as part of a separate article.

    General rules

    Many beginner bunners are asked: how ethically, from the point of view of morality to use such formulas? It all depends on your personal perception. If you are not a supporter of punishment of my offenders, then look for some workarounds. If you are determined and wish to get rid of the enemy times and forever - use the runescripts given in the article. Just remember that all actions you make at your own risk, since the consequences of such an impact may adversely affect you in the future.

    Similar flocks are applied to the photo of their enemy. Stipulates broken or entirely. Activation is selected any what you like. As the formula is weakened, you can reproduce it, rubbing the symbols again.

    Runic betting "strait shirt" from Dante

    This formula can be successfully used against those who regularly "spoils you." For example, against noisy neighbors, against the head, which is always breaking on you, from obsessive acquaintances or former cavalier that does not give a passage. In general, the lick no evil will not inflict any evil, but only aspire him.

    Working runes

    • Elf Runa m rummates a man closes his way to you
    • The elven o with the unfolded teivaz merges the energy of the skewed person in the ground. It turns out that the obsessive person does not have enough strength to annoy you
    • Three runes Nautions are fighting the action of the enemy
    • The Icelandic Symbol of Stungen-ISS will stop the obsessive antics of a person, and your impact will hide from it

    Runic betting "shut up!" from Fou-Chatte against gossip and envious

    If you think about how to stop the enemy attacks forever ruths, try using this formula. It is ideal for people exposed to the permanent marchs of gossip and envious swords. Becoming allows, roughly speaking, close a man's mouth and take up much more important things, than nose into your life.

    Working runes

    • Laguz makes the operator invisible for the enemy
    • Icelandic Rune Kaun punishes envious, returning offensive words and actions to him back so that he can feel on his own skin, as unpleasant
    • Vyazh from three Icelandic Hagal, two nuties and couples of tourisas create around the enemy situations in which he just becomes not up to you
    • Icelandic Esinger will constantly send a negative enemy back as soon as he tries to offend you again

    Rune Becoming Paralysis from Velya

    The combination of two formulas at once from the Runologist Velya called Paralysis is a comprehensive opposition to the enemy. Becoming simultaneously protects you from the negative impact of the sound dryer and punishes this unpleasant person.

    Symbols of first tips

    • Evaz - Hagalaz - Mirror Berkana - Inverted Tayivaz destroy the health of the enemy at the physical level
    • Inverse Mannaz-turned - Tourisas, pierced by Ruhnu Isa - destroy the personality of the unfriendly, creating him big problems, do not let you recover
    • Reverse - - - weaken the enemy, immobilize it

    Two points are a sign connecting two hundred.

    The composition of the second formula

    The seal of Hel, in which the mirror is inscribed, as well as the liking of Isa - the reverse - turned the lagus - destroy the confidence of the enemy in themselves, make him doubt his life destination.

    Formula "To Keep the Enemy Stone" from Anvar

    Rune becoming "to nail the enemy stone" is designed to isolate a person who gets you, leave it alone with himself and his aggression, malice, negative. It can be said that the formula creates a kind of stone bunker in which the enemy turns out to be locked. As soon as he begins to build a goat and send you a negative, he immediately returns to him back, destroying his own life.

    Composition izze

    • Mannaz - Enemy, offender, unfinished
    • Northumbrian Rune Stone - Stone, Stone Bunker
    • Two tourisas directed to Mannaz - Return a negative to the soundless
    • Disorientizes the enemy, does not let him find a way out
    • Two twisted Laguz make the unfriendly worker to suffer from depression, hysterics, the feeling of hitting a trap
    • 4 Nautions and 4 Reverse closes the stone bunker, not letting the offender get out of it. They also make our impact imperceptible to the object.

    Becoming, locking anger in the source of problems (author Pollux)

    Simple becoming, who does not allow the negative sent to you to get to the goal. All aggression, malice, magical influences remain within the enemy itself and "beat" according to it, and not in our lives. The runescrippite includes a square of four runes of Isa, creating an impenetrable space around the enemy, Vyaz - - Naties - - reverse Laguz, which symbolizes the lag and all the negatives sent to them, four seals Hel, overlapping all channels leading to the operator.

    Having become a "battle ax" to punish the enemy from Orobas

    Finally, we will give another simple formula that can be used to protect against ill-wishers, offender punishment or to enjoy the communication channel between you and the sound breath. You can not even apply it to the photo, but simply mentally visualize during communication with an unpleasant person. Workers runes: two,.

    So, we reviewed possible options for punishment by the enemy runes. We remind you that the proven and strong roads and the formulas for protection against enemies without returning to them negative can be found in the article dedicated to the ruled protection.

    There are many opinions on magical rituals. Someone categorically denies their existence and strength, and someone uses them to solve their problems. Scandinavian runes are considered a strong magical instrument. Often, the runes are used to quickly get rid of the enemy, namely, the death sign - Evaz.

    With the help of the Runic Symbol of Death, you can bring destruction to different areas of life, ranging from family, love and working relationships, ending with human health.

    Characteristic Evaz

    Total known 24 runes. Each of the applied signs. It has its influence. Some of them can be frozen, and some evil. Evaz is used to guide the damage. It is aimed at death, good or bad changes.

    When drafting the ritual formulas, a specific set of runes are used, which are located in a specific sequence. During the magical ritual, symbols should be applied to certain accessories.. After you managed to activate becoming, it's not returning anything back.

    To bring a curse, it is not necessary to use heavy magic formulas. For this purpose, you can simply apply individual characters on the photo of whom you want to punish. However, note that the incorrectly activated symbol can bring serious problems, up to death.

    Features of the Runic Spoile

    To carry out such a rite, magical formulas are needed, which can harm a rivalry or enemy. This rite often uses ill-wishers to take revenge on their abuser. Runic damage can have a negative impact on the work, the financial well-being and the overall condition of the person. Some ill-wishers do not stop in one field of life, they want to take away their lives in a person.

    Runic damage - Black magic, so such a rite is very dangerous and it is better not to spend it without experience. The slightest error can direct the magic forces in the other direction, that is, on who sodes.

    If a person decided on such a step, then it should be remembered that the Scandinavian gods will not tolerate mistakes. All should be done carefully and according to the rules. To hold a rite aimed at destruction of a person, you should have his personal thing or a photo. The effect of conspiracy is practically instant. Misfortune, which is sent to man, Longs for a long time, sometimes even all your life.

    Rune curse

    Enemy does not always work with traditional methods, so sometimes people can resort to magical methods for obtaining retaliation. Runes can help punish the enemy not only morally, but also physically.

    To damage the damage to follow the following instructions:

    1. Picture photos of your enemy becoming: Nautiz-Hazakh-Uza-Isa.
    2. Cut your finger with a knife or razor, while thinking about what fails will overtake your opponent.
    3. To activate the Stava, use your own blood.

    Nature is responsible for complexity and problems, and the Uruz - for the energy of life. The Runic value of Isa helps to skip energy, and the chalagaz has a destructive effect. Activation with blood is needed to confirm blood hostility between people.

    This formula helps to paralyze the physical and mental activity of a person. It becomes depressed and weak. Good luck will fully roll from his road. The opponent will begin to lose understanding with others.

    The destruction of the enemy

    Often runic deterioration Aimed at undermining human health or his death. Activate the damage without the necessary knowledge and experience is not recommended, since you can get death towards yourself.

    If you decide to make a deadly damage and destroy the enemy, then carefully follow the following instructions:

    1. Take a photo of your enemy.
    2. With the help of a marker or pencil, apply the following job: Hellagaz-Mannaz-Chalagaz.
    3. To activate the formula, pronounce the words of hate and ask the highest strength to kill him.
    4. Spit into the photo.

    Please note that the consequences of such a magical action may be unpredictable. The end of the enemy will not happen instantly after the end of the ritual. Often, at first there comes a prolonged black strip, and human vital energy gradually begins to fade.

    It is not necessary to contact your enemy at all. Negative energy works even at a distance. You can use Runic revenge.

    Energy defense

    Anyone can become a victim of a magical ritual. Therefore, if you have enemies, you should protect yourself and make energy protection. To make such protection, follow the instructions.