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  • Push water. Damage under the door - what to do and how to protect yourself? Water under the door what to do

    Push water. Damage under the door - what to do and how to protect yourself? Water under the door what to do

    How to be if you have to live under one roof with neighbors and mansmanship?

    Constantly swear - will be more expensive. The situation is not new and in order to correct the many conspiracies.

    Free online interpretation of dreams - To get results, enter a dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass.

    Conspiracy so that the neighbors were afraid, behind

    Put for the night in a secluded corner of your house a suturing room with a treat for the house, saying:

    "Here you have a treat,
    For care for remuneration.
    Keep our home and gave
    So as not to know any trouble nor sorrow.
    And who wishes evil
    Let him fall into trouble! "

    Take two red strings from identical coils.

    Scrub them and do not turn too tight on the ring finger of the right hand, reading a plot:

    "It's not a thread of a wig, and the fate of the fate. There were a slave of God (name) and the slave of God (name) apart, and will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

    The resulting carriage gently remove from the finger and hide in her bed.

    If the desired union with the elected young man does not interfere with no external circumstances, your most cherished dream will be performed soon. It is possible that the case will quickly come to the crown.

    - Burning with two threads

    Conspiracy to survive neighbors

    Survive neighbors will help the rune "Running Cross". Mentally paint it on the door of the neighbors.

    Meeting with neighbors, whisper quietly:

    Definition of magical abilities

    Choose the most suitable description of your description and find out what your hidden magical possibilities.

    Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot to work hard to achieve the goal and believe in your hidden opportunities.

    Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will pay commemorate and unknown to anyone how destructively the consequences of the devilish influence may be.

    All signs of clairvoyance. With certain efforts and supporting higher forces, you can develop a gift to the recognition of the future and the vision of the past.

    If the forces are not monitored by a mentor who can help them cope with them, it is possible to break the temporary space and the evil will begin to leak into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

    Be careful with your gift.

    For all signs - a medium. We are talking about the possibility of establishing communication with spirits and even control the course of time, but years of practice and the right mentor are required.

    If the balance of strength is disturbed, the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the benefit, I will go to another hyposta and the darkness will reacted.

    In all indicators - witchcraft. It is estimated for you to study and guid the damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and the stubborn will not be unbearable.

    But everything must be used exclusively for the benefit and do so that others do not suffer from their innocence from your supernormalities given over.

    For the development of domestic strength, at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor are required.

    Most of all your favorite telecisenesis. With proper concentration and efforts that can be compressed in spherical force, you will be able to move the thoughts to move small, and over time and larger items.

    When choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be overshadowed by the transition on the dark side, if there is not enough strength to keep yourself from Satan's temptations.

    You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and all that is connected with this is not just words, but your life choice and power that is given by the highest mind and it is not just like that, but for the sacred goal that you will soon find out.

    It will be like a vision similar to a prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

    Remember that this force needs to be applied only for good, otherwise you will absorb darkness and it will be the beginning of the end.

    "Leave-go. In another place, happiness find. "

    Conspiracy so neighbors did not harm

    From noisy neighbors, if the persuasion does not help, protect the conspiracy.

    It happens a neighbor, or a familiar, coming to visit may be imperceptible - scatter in the house of such an earth or garbage, or salt - with a damage to all who live in the house, or throw a needle - and immediately becomes bad - bad.

    Either begin - quarrels, or people start - to hurt, or they just begins to be very strong - not to carry: everything collapsing, losses occur, thefts, people lose well-paid work, children cease and do not want to learn and they also have nothing too It turns out that families disintegrate - such damage is generally difficult to understand and often takes place for many years before people start to understand something and guess that something is unclean here.

    Why is the witchcraft, damage, spell, or ordinary evil eye? Because there are still many people in our time are still - do not believe in God, there are a lot of careless and frivolous people, many dishonest, proud and selfish people and they - they do not want to admit God and do not want to live on His commandments.

    So it is necessary to understand the following: every person has a soul, this soul is free, but absolutely defenseless, and if a person believes, trying to live according to God's commandments, according to the conscience, if a person always prays, goes to church, confesses his sins and commits saints - then there appears on it a special of God's cover appears, which protects a person from any witchcrafttherefore, all such people are not subject to evil strength and will of sorcerers and witches, magicians and just envious people. That's why it is not necessary to fear or sorcerers or witchcraft .

    Live honestly, feel good to people, God forbid, the commandments of God perform, and most importantly, in the morning and in the evening - pray at the present - and then no sorcerers and witches, no witchcraft - will not be scary and absolutely - powerless!

    But if a person about God forgot or - he does not want to admit him, he stopped praying - then over him - there is no place of God, the Protection of God.

    And if there is no protection about the person - then there is not only some sorcerer or a magician, yes, any grandmother on a village, which - knows conspiracies, and there are a lot of such both in every village and in every city they are - can easily Make a person with a person that she will take into the head or to fulfill any order, let's say - to shit anyone, destroy someone else, having seen in this family of Rugan and quarrels or deprive - someone's health, by His Through the damage - a heavy illness.

    That is why, it is impossible - to invite people to your home that you do not like, and unfamiliar people, including curious neighbors. That's what is invited to the priest's house, so that he is to consecrate the house or apartment.

    The last time the sorcerers go back with time and technical progress, people do not know, and especially defenseless in front of these modern species of witchcraft - our children, when he is having fun on the computer - in computer games or included - on the Internet, which is where Today, Razdan is for sorcerers and witches of all sorts of masters.

    Then we do not understand what is happening with our children, who suddenly become aggressive, false, lazy, indifferent to everything, do not want to learn or work, or begin to hurt with something incomprehensible, or a traction for drugs and alcohol appears. After all, it is not a secret, the fact that many who cook Moonshine and trade them is very interested in the fact that they have as many regular customers as possible, so there are people who specifically make damage to the moonshine and the maiden so that people cannot quit Drink, and to drink as much as possible, and they are big income.

    All the car accidents on the roads are arranged demons, because people go on the road and sitting behind the wheel of cars - do not pray, do not borrow themselves, the car and the road with the glory sign, do not ask God so that he keeps the passengers and the car, and blessed them the road. That is why there is a trouble on the roads, and people can not understand anything can not understand anything, and will never understand until they obey God and live according to his laws.

    Remember that all your life is evil people, sorcerers, witches and demons - will attack you and the Lord it pops us: first, as the punishment and the insight, secondly, so that we do not relax, not lazy and not Began - careless.

    The Lord does not want our death and eternal torment, only therefore he burns the devil and evil people to attack us. After all, as we say in Russia: "So far, the thunder is not born - the man will not cross!" While the person lives calmly and everything is good for him - why does God need him? And as soon as any misfortune happens to him or with his loved ones, so immediately remembers God. You yourself know well that no one on Earth will give you nothing free and will not do anything. For example, if you do not go to work, you will walk, then you will not pay money for your laziness, but on the contrary you will be fired from work. It is so? So here, if the man of God does not want to admit, then why should God have such an ungrateful person who he gave life, why does God oblige this person to protect and store? For everything you need to pay in this life and our fee and gratitude to the Lord for his help and care for us, for our quiet life is our obedience to him. After all, we do not consider the wrong when we demand obedience from our children, respect and love for yourself, in response to your concern about them. And we are all - the children of God, and therefore they must obey their father of heaven and live according to God's commandments. Only then God begins to defend us.

    At the same time, the enemies of Russia have always used against the Russian people - magic and witchcraft. In Western Europe and in the US, there are many special occult Masonic institutions that purposefully behave in this area, hundreds of millions of dollars stand out. So, all Disney and any western cartoons, all horror films and occult movies, where all monsters are shown, all porn movies, all cruel computer games - all these, so to speak of creatures of modern art, the Western world contain elements - demon and witchcraft Over the occult institutions have worked on.

    Therefore, our children seeing American cartoons, "become naughty, capricious, nervous and aggressive - and most importantly, become stupid. They decrease - mental abilities, disappears - the desire to learn, the curiosity disappears, children become indifferent to all kind and useful, but they begin to like all the bad, rude and vulgar. Also, Western rock music has long been executed with the use of magic techniques in order to increase the sales of discs, get more profit, and youth, after watching these films and listening to the Western Rock of Music becomes coarse, brazen, cruel, sexually loose and stupid. It happens in punishment for our sins and careless life in which there is no place to God.

    The Lord punishing people for bad things and sins - warns and reminds all people - that any of the people will be able to live in his pleasure on earth, if there are no people - obedient to God and live according to his laws. It must be remembered that the devil hates all people and always, as soon as there is at least a slightest opportunity to spoil people, he will definitely intervene, and he attacks people when he sees that there is no protection about them. Yes, some people do not touch the people, but who? Those people who serve him and together with him will go to hell. Nowadays, many people often turn to the assemblies to the bandits and the gangsters at the beginning they help them, and then they begin to dictate their conditions, and then people are becoming worse than it was. Similarly, people are not understood, seeking help, for example, remove the damage or cure from the disease to sorcerers, witches, psychics, signs, shamans - and get straight into the hands of the devil. Well, understand how the sorcerer or psychics can help, the folk healer - which are in the hands of the devil and use black diatling power. Yes, at first it helps them, but did you see those people who were treated by the sorcerers and healers in a few years, after treatment - all of them began even more worse problems not only with them, but with their relatives and loved ones. If people knew how many people were suffered from treatment and help - sorcerers, psychics and folk healers, many of which are put on their crosses, put icons, light candles - are disguised by Orthodox.

    The Orthodox Church strictly prohibits contact any sorcerers, magicians, astrologers, shamans, witches, signs, gadalkers, bioenergotherapists and psychics. Many witches and sorcerers are disguised today and rust - under Orthodox healers.

    You need to know that all the magicians, witches and sorcerers are in fact the servants of the devil and the enemies of God, and therefore, as well as the devil himself, the good deeds do - cannot and are not capable. That is why the church - prohibits any communication with them.

    There is such a concept "occult disease", it's when sorcerers, witches, magicians, healers, hypnotists and fortune-teldles so that people go to them as much as possible on sessions of treatment and fortune telling, and to stretch out of people - more money - like People would be brought to themselves and then people - become addicted to them, as drug addicts and in no way - can not get away from sorcerers, until they give them all their money and even all their savings, often forced to sell their homes and apartments, Machines and cottages, and all the money - belong to these sorcerers and magicians.

    The consequences for people called for help to sorcerers, witches, fortune telkams and healers are the saddes - people lose not only their money, but they begin to hurt it hard, and they are almost impossible to cure. Signs of the occult disease - the people of all are afraid of everyone, they do not believe anyone, they believe that they want to smoke them, they seek damage around, they often become indifferent and indifferent to everything, even the mother come under the occult disease cease to love their children and take care of them, and Wives throw their husbands, or husbands go out of the house. Many people become unbearable, a little crazy and unable to reason, many after some time begin to root hard and incurable.

    This occult disease is natural - the payroll and the punishment of God, for the fact that people - asked for help not to God to the church, and to the devil. Because, this is the betrayal of God and renunciation from him. Heavy sin!

    Nowadays, many people seek help for astrologers, to those who are guessing to learn their future. People do not know that the Lord - strictly forbade any fortune-telling is a serious sin. It is impossible to know your future if the sainted elders and opened some people their future, then they bless it blessed and then, with one goal, to bring people - to faith in God and to repentance. Therefore, you do not need to break the will of God and seek help for astrologers and gadars, believe the horoscopes, it is impossible to wear and wear all sorts of amulets - all this from the devil and attracts demons. The fact is that when people believe the horoscopes, they treat astrologers to astrologers and to the fortune tellands, or they are treated for help to sorcerers, psychics or signs, they violate the command of God to have no things with the enemies of God, and therefore God punishes them, takes off With them your cover and does not store evil spirits from the attacks - demons. Everything, if people do not shift in this severe sin - they will not have any kind in life.

    You can not believe the signs of "Black Cat, the road has fastened, the salt was scattered, the mirror was smashed, the 13th number, the crown of the carccale above you, etc." - This is all the usual superstition and is a sin. If you believe in the signs, you wondered or went to pay, went to astrologers, bought and read horoscopes and believed everything that was written there, they were asked for help to sorcerers and magicians, then you need to go to confession and confess these sins while God for them did not punish You need to tell about all this to all your loved ones, friends and acquaintances and save them from trouble.

    Also recently appeared fashion for tattoos and piercing. This is a very dangerous fashion, God does not tell and prohibits - decorate your bodies with tattoos and piercing it in different places by pins, imagine - all sorts of decorations.

    The fact is that the tattoo - negatively affects the life of a person and destroys the fate of man. God takes his divine cover from people who have made a tattoo and keep them from evil spirits, and from the attacks of evil people.

    This is what the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper speaks of January 9, 2006. "A specialist in laser optics argues that the knockers - badly affect the life of a person. He told. My favorite girl was a quiet and kind man. We were friends and were going to get married. And once she in the cabin made himself a tattoo tattoo with a dagger. And her character suddenly changed dramatically. She began on trifles - to scandal, jealous, became evil and shrieking in the tongue. As a result, we diverged.

    Tells a tattoo specialist. A girl with a Chinese hieroglyph came to him, also on the pope. She cried and begged to unleash the tattoo immediately. As she told, after applying a tattoo, immediately - all the misfortunes fell. For the year she - he lost his job, gave birth - a deadly child and her husband went away from her. And the last drop, a little bit of her suicide, was the group rape of drunk youngsters. A little recovered and ran to bring his tattoo, which attracted an unclean power to her mistress.

    Another girl for 16 years old made a spine on his back - a beautiful colored butterfly. Since then, every evening she sought - to meet and sleep the night with a new boy. After school, she did not come to the institute, and ran through the nightclubs. Young people treated her without respect. She did not get out of other strangers. Her boyfriend talked her noodles and began to meet with her friend. Therefore, if you have a tattoo, you need to urgently reduce and go to the church to confession and confess this sin, and never more tattoos, and to tell your family and friends.

    There are a lot of good and bad in the world, many ways to achieve the goal and methods of their implementation. Here are some practical advice to those who are on the way to search for healthy, baghatas and happy.

    Magic circle

    The circle is the main form in the magic of elements. His center is a combination of all four ancient elements that form the fifth element, sometimes called "Ether", and sometimes Akasha. Many are used as the main circle a circle of silver foil. However, you can make a circle from thread, drawing it with chalk or coal on a large sheet of paper, or imagine a circle and draw it in the air or on the table. By tradition, the circle is drawn clockwise or along the movement of the sun in the sky. Having finished the spell, circle the circle of the finger in the opposite direction, or do it mentally, or if the circle is made of thread, tear it with your left hand (counterclockwise).


    What is your goal or a practical problem? You can choose a question or goal of a relationship, at work or home or related to you personally. Start with something simple. Mentally sketch the circle, draw it on paper or make a thread. Place the characters of the four elements in four points corresponding to the parties of light, and in the center put a symbol of your goal: a credit card or coin, symbolizing money; Flower or two small dolls - love; Toy typewriter, airplane or ticket - travel; tiny tool or handle - career or study. Many medium and fortunelinks keep a whole set of miniature toys and all sorts of little things in their box - symbols of different desires and problems.

    Keep your symbol - travel, love or money - in your left hand. Alternately carry it through the circle points, symbolizing the position of all elements, starting from the north. Prying it slowly through the north, imagine the practical steps that you will do to achieve your dreams. Being in the east, turn on the logic and those thoughts in the process that will ensure success. Slowly moving through the south's point, feel the lifting of inspiration and finally in the West let your heart grow on excitement, when the forces of all four elements are soles into a powerful stream and will carry you back to the north.

    Return your character to the center and mentally a finger or pencil in a circle back, counterclockwise, releasing the power to freedom. Say at the same time: "The power is free, the magic is free" or any other words that the rules will see you. Take your character and wear with you if you were engaged in magic in the evening, put it on the night under the pillow. As soon as possible, take the first step towards the implementation of your dream. You must ourselves work for yourself, and not just wait until the magic does all for you.

    According to the book "Mystery of Nature" Ya. Zoronko

    Removing the damage of dead water and land

    What is dead water? This is the water in which the dead man washed, the kittens treated, puppies. And if the water is poured under the doors, on the road to which we go home and to work, the person starts terrible problems with the bottom of the body: from the fingers of the foot to the solar plexus. Such water can pour evil people. To stop and relieve the actions of this terrible water can not be a single healer, even though going to them will be many times.

    What is the witchcraft of the "dead earth" 7 during the funeral on the cemetery in the dead man's grave throw a handful of land. But if such an earth is thrown onto the back of a person, this person starts terrible problems with the top of the body: from the head to solar plexus.

    You yourself know that you are worried about what diseases you have (not all of them are related to "damage", but who knows exactly?), Therefore, I bring here a method for removing the witchcraft of "dead water" and "dead land".

    This ritual must be done completely. "PILLY" is removed only by the person himself. Disclaimers can not be ill!

    Removing the damage of dead water and land

    It is necessary to start the removal on the first day of the full moon after Thursday. Cook clean underwear, towel, look so that there are no black threads and whether points. Do not care two bowls of warm and cold water. Put them in front of yourself indoors, turn off the light, rejoice in the cooked lingerie, read the "Our Father", cross, become on the cooked towel, lean over the water and dramatically dropping the water with your palms, throw in the face (eyes close) three times the garking water , Cold and hot again. At this time, you can make something versa, do not be afraid, cross and say the spell:

    "Through water, it goes through the water, it will go through the water, it opened through the ground, it closes through the land." All unpleasant feelings will instantly disappear. Light the light, remove the shirt and lift the towel, rinse under running water and repeat everything first.

    It is necessary to do it 7 days without a break. During the removal of the damage, you can see the person of the person who will damage you. Within 7 days from the apartment not to take place bread, salt, water!

    On the 8th day, go to the church and put a candle at the Crucifixion of Christ and ask him to forgive the one who took the earth from the grave and enjoyed to guid the damage dead water. And be sure to take a glass of water and a pump of black bread to the cemetery. Put on an abandoned grave, in which a person is buried like yours.

    We often make sure that we have bad luck, nothing in business, a girl or a boy alone, there are no friends, girlfriends, not getting laid at work, in studies, divorces, throw families and go to others, cannot be taken to deep old age marry or get married.

    Here it is necessary to deal with such a phenomenon as a bioenergetic vampire. What does he represent?

    This is the soul (spirit) of the killer, the rapist, the bandit, who after his death does not take neither the sky or the earth.

    How many years our planet, and so many troubles have done these "entities", otherwise it is impossible to name them. Near each of us there is an incredibly large number. People die, their soul goes into the sky, the physical body into the ground. And the killers - their imprint - Phantom is in the astral, and we walk on them, and so that they break out from the astral, they are among us living people, find a victim, and we are at the same time when we have a stressful state: Call, open the door, the postman stretches the terrible telegram, we go down the street - they got off and almost hit us a car. We inside something, as they say, broke out, the soul went into the heels. If the soul went into the heels, we will be dead, and this we fell into a stressful situation, during which a bioenergy frame flew with us, and we at that moment were not protected at that moment. The vampire immediately seizes our body. Then we woke up, came to ourselves, the frame is restored and closes us already with the embarrassed vampire.

    And when a vampire is found at a person? This is when people begin to ask for their deaths, try to reduce scores with life, poison, hang, open the veins, shoot, rush under the train, from the balcony, etc.

    If a person at least once in his life asked her death, his life could end for many years earlier. In order not to happen, do not ask for a premature death, she will still come once, you will take away many years of life.

    The vampire, putting in a person, so closes it from the outside environment that no one notices us, it seems that we become an empty place. And instead of attracting people to themselves, repent everyone and that's it. The woman is beautiful, clever, his work all the time makes his way in life, complains that she is about fifty years old, and no one has never made an offer to get married. Instead of warmth, which would attract a man to her, a dead cold comes from her, and the vampire pushes all men from her. And bad luck in business is also a vampire pushes all buyers.

    No woman will remain with such a man if instead of the heat of the attracting goes a repulsive cold.

    Why do divorces occur?

    Two weeks the wedding sang and walked, spent hundreds of money, did not end up a honeymoon, and it says to divorce: I can not live with her, she's cold in bed like a frog, I can't touch her, I can't fight her, to dive! And it happened that: the tragedy in the family of the bride pulled the vampire at the moment of stress. And the family disintegrates.

    Old man lived in peace and happiness with his wife more than 50 years. At the old age of years, as they say, a unclean force was united to him, whisked - his wife insults in obscene words, raises her hands on her and in the end it takes to another woman.

    Again, the stressful state (the wife received the telegram that her sister died, and there was no money to go to the funeral and looked for several days), and again the vampire was entered, which repels them from each other.

    Burn a vampire, remove it from your body, and happiness will come back to you. Just be lazy! Remember: only lazy have "damage". Optical she does not take. Burn it for 12 days 144 fiery crosses.

    If a person is far from you, or does not want to take off the vampire for him you can do on the phantom. Put his photo under the candle, and all spend the rest of yourself, but just imagine that you are not you, and the person who you need to help, but here you just need to spend this ritual not 12 days, and 24 days.

    I remove the vampire, for six months you can marry, marry, returned from you "fornicated", etc., the luck will begin, success in work, studies. But the main thing - you get rid of the variety. To expand the vampire strictly on my recommendation.

    Ritual Exile vampire

    It is necessary to do it strictly from Thursday at the outgoing moon. A glass of clean water is filled at dawn, put a candle in it so that you can light it. In the evening (18.00-23.00), suddle in front of the candle, ignite it, crossed and read "our own". 12 times repeat words.

    "Forgive me if I did something bad for you.
    That was not, this was not.
    I forgive you if you did something bad for me.
    That was not, this was not, this was not. "

    Then in front of the face alternately 12 lit matches draw 12 fiery crosses. It must be done 12 days without a break

    On the 13th day, check the presence of a vampire. Again in the morning dial the pitted water. Put it on the windowsill, where at least for a few minutes you know the sun appears. In the evening I light the candles look into the water. If your face in the water means the vampire left, and if in the water, gray paddle - the vampire closes you. Everyone needs to repeat first. Try to invest in 41 days, as it is not known when a vampire goes from you, for the first time, second or maybe only on the third. When they were convinced that there is no vampire, put 3 candles in the church for the rest who was near you and left, leaving your body and your soul

    Vampires reduce human life until 20-30 years. Maybe a tragedy will happen to a person. Never ask yourself death - it's a sign of the presence of a vampire.

    From the beginning of time, people are trying to find themselves. For six centuries BC, the ancient Greek thinker Fales from the Mileta said:
    "The most difficult thing is to know myself."
    This thought about the self-knowledge gracefully expressed the poet of French Renaissance Francois Wiyon in the famous "Ballad will accept".
    Read, it is small.

    I know who is dressed in Schlegolski,
    I know, who and who is not in the spirit.
    I know darkness pitch and light,
    I know - the monk is a cross on a belly,

    I know how they talk the jokes,
    I know, they lie in the pipe tube,
    I know the swallows who, who is hanging,

    I know the chronicle of distant years,
    I know how many crumbs in dry edge,
    I know the prince for lunch,
    I know - rich in warm and dry,

    I know they are deaf,
    I know - there are no business to you,
    I know all the clown, all plues,
    I know everything, but not only.

    I know who works who are not,
    I know how the old women rumble,
    I know a lot of all sorts,
    I know how the Potashai laughs,

    I know - a plunder will hold you
    I know - there are a bunch, loving,
    I know - disappear from hunger,
    I know everything, but not only.

    I know how to sit on honey, flies,
    I know the death that chops, all the lips,
    I know books, truths and rumors,
    I know everything, but not only.

      What you need to remember:
    • Every morning thanks God but woke up!
    • You need to rejoice at the fact that you are alive!
    • If they picked up with their relatives, do not go to bed until you hurt. Forgive them, another time they will forgive you much more!
    • If you have children, pay them in the evening 15 minutes of nestless attention!
    • And most importantly, no matter how you did not like,
      And life loves you!

    Sacral medicine

    Medicine of shamans and ancient Egyptians, ritual medicine Agrarian, Gnostic, Anthroposophical, Vedic medicine, medicine Tao and methods of African sorcerers, as well as Medicine of Decolumbovy America, Alchemy, "Elevated Breath" Yoga, Zen, Tai Chi-Quyan, and this tremendous experience And knowledge of alternative medicine, which existed in specific habitats, go deep into centuries, millennia ...


    Magic - These are the phenomena of nature that have not yet been studied. There is nothing supernatural in the universe. Magic is hidden (from most people) the possibility of any subject, living creature or plant.

    You probably heard about such concepts like, magic named, magic of plants, magic stones ... View magic ... Here we come close to the person - he also has its own magic. And the more difficult the body, and most importantly - the more developed its cosmic mind, especially since he has opportunities.

    For many people, magic is something supernatural and inexplicable. Miracle of miracles. Fiction. Fiction and so on. But there are people who consider magic, one of the arts that anyone having the appropriate abilities and the desire to learn.

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    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    In the first half of the week, the Aries may wanted calm, silence and comfort. It is good to spend time in privacy, leave for rest in the quiet places, in a sanatorium or a pretractor on the seashore, lakes. This is a good time for spiritual practices, relaxation, meditation, work on yourself, the study of psychological complexes. In the second half of the week, perhaps you will have to reconsider my relationship with some of the friends and girlfriends. If you are interested in preserving your friendly circle of communication, the stars advise to limit the financial relationship with them.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    The first half of the week may be associated with pleasant surprises, an unexpected performance of cherished desires. Let it be the time of improvisation, and then pleasant surprises will necessarily go into your life. In the second half of the week there may be complications in the career. It should be remembered that your initiatives in the work may not always be regarded by the bosses as useful and necessary. Rather, on the contrary, many of your initiatives can be punishable. Therefore, the stars advise you to take the rule to always consult with the authorities and get permission for certain types of work.


    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    Gemini in the first half of the week will enjoy increased attention and sympathy of others. You will be able to solve questions much more successfully with the authorities and government representatives. Your personal charm intensifies, so you can enlist the support of people who are clothed with power. In some important issues, you better act with the methods of secret diplomacy. At the same time, in the second half of the week, the most important topic can be the preservation of its authority and reputation in the eyes of others. The likelihood of offenses and subsequent proceedings with representatives of power and the law increases.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    In the first half of the week, interest in education increases. If you are going to study at the university, then the process of study will deliver you a great satisfaction. Also on these days an improvised tourist trip can take place. Perhaps friends will offer you to make them a company in their journey. As a result, you can get a lot of new impressions. In the second half of the week, it is recommended to strengthen their relationship. In business partnership you can accomplise a compromise capable of removing most of the contradictions. The most problematic topic of the week is associated with increasing the likelihood of all sorts of injuries and stressful situations.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    Lions in the first half of the week can feel gaining sexuality. This is especially characteristic of women who as a magnet will attract the attention of men. You will be capable of more bold and discrepanied behavior when building personal relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. Married relationships can be supported both by strengthening the intimate attachment of partners to each other and by improving the financial situation in the family. At the same time, the second half of the week can not be called successful for the partner union. One carelessly said word can lead to quarrels and conflicts. You can suddenly realize that almost nothing depends on your initiatives and efforts.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    Virgin, married or a long relationship, in the first half of the week can re-discover a partner for themselves and experience the feeling of revival of love. Perhaps it will be associated with some special behavior of the beloved. One way or another, but the partnerships will move to a new stage, will become more free and romantic. Successfully passes exams by students. It is not excluded a romantic acquaintance with a person from another city or country. In the second half of the week you can have a lot of worries and trouble. Perhaps in the workplace you will increase the rate of development, and you will be forced to carry a big load of responsibilities. Take care of yourself and try not to be nervous because of small trouble.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    In the first half of the week, the scales may feel that health condition is directly depending on how well the space around them is. The cleaner in your home or in the office, than more neat and more carefully you yourself, the better your mood and well-being. It is also a good time to take care of your health, sit on a diet. Make yourself new useful habits instead of old, bad. The second half of the week may be associated with adventures and a subconscious desire for extreme behavior. You as a magnet will attract to everything that is associated with risk. The likelihood is great. You can also get into the situation with the risk of financial losses.


    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    At the scorpions, the first half of the week will be held on an emotional lift. Your optimism and willingness increase their creative abilities. This is a great time for people who are passionate about some kind of business. Single scorpions can meet their love - and it can be love at first sight. You can expect many pleasant moments, love confessions, creativity and hobbies. The second half of the week may be associated with an unexpected deterioration in family relations. Perhaps your half will tend to act unnecessarily straight and independently. And such behavior may, first of all, destabilize not so much of you, how many members of your family, if you live on one living space with parents.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    The only place for Sagittarov, where it will be truly warm and comfortable this week, is a family. The family relationship is extremely benevolent and are based on love with loved ones. Also this is a good time for family celebrations, holidays. In the second half of the week, nervous overloads are expected due to failures in affairs or communicating with others. You will be forced to be involved in other people's affairs, listen and somehow help people solve their questions. As a result, you can lose sight of your personal affairs, and you will experience internal dissatisfaction. Take care of your nervous system, as unrest can provoke deterioration of well-being.

    Your horoscope
    c. 13.01.2020 by 19.01.2020

    In the first half of the week, the Capricors will be surrounded by benevolently configured friends and acquaintances. This is a successful time for studying, correspondence, reconciliation with the surrounding people. If you have previously had bad relationships with neighbors, then it's time to take steps to reconciliation and restoring relationships. Week is favorable for romantic dating during travel. At the same time, the second half of the week may be associated with financial problems. The fact is that you may not have enough money to maintain romantic relationships at the proper level. For example, you will be constrained in money and you will not be able to buy a ticket to a concert or pay on accounts when visiting the restaurant.

    I recently, I received a letter to the e-mailbox with a question - "I constantly find my mind from where the puddles that took the night of the night. Maybe what? If so, how should I do? "
    Answering the question I want to note that the puddles themselves will not appear, hence the only correct answer: someone poured and did it in order to apply harm. Water pillow can mean the guidance of various focus, but the most common is the use of dead water, i.e. Water taken after sheepdown the dead man, for harming human health or conspiracted with the goal of managing scratches, Enurraw, longing, eating a soul that does not give peace and tormenting the alarm, fear. The method of removing the damage in each case is separate, and not always affected can be able to cope with it alone. In the current situation, the damage was injected with water left after the kneader, because When you guide other types of damage, it joins once. And every time you won't see the puddle.
    So, when the water is detected, poured before the entrance door to the apartment, take a protected hand (glove, crook) rag, flush all the liquid and put in the package, wash your hands with running water, and the place where water is spilled, spray with holy water, reading "Our Father" and "God will resurrect" . Then take the collected package, putting there and the thing that your hand is protected, take away from home and burn, pre-watering any frying liquid, reading three thousand ours and: "Where did you get there and go, who sent, that takes" . Do not forget to scream into the ground. Returning home, take the three first pebble on the road. Taking stones, tell everyone: "First stone from the lesson, a second stone from the eye, the third stone from the tale" .
    Having come home, put a capacity with water to clean, covered with a white tablecloth, put the stones into it and read the conspiracy three times: "I will become, blessing, go, cross, from the hollows of the door, from the courtyard gates. I will go to the eastern side. On the east side, the prestrol table is standing, on the throne there is a mandatory mother of God's Virgin. I worship, I crossed. Soche, Lord, the servant of God (name) damage, lessons, hopes, vocalos for cutting months, at the end of the month. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit now and are constantly and forever. Amen". Wash without soap to the water, dry, without wiping. So do three days in a row.
    Then take a photo where you are removed alone and your hands and legs are not crossed, and wash it with holy water, reading 12 times: "Dead water with yourself, the slaves of God (name), take off, I will return my life to yourself. There is no damage back to me, the servant of God (name). Who is a plot of mine, he will take everything on himself. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. " "Amen" tell after the last reading of the conspiracy. Then the photo put the image to the mirror surface.
    And the next day take member and go to noon in the cemetery. Find the grave with the name, like you, cross three times, put a memorial breakfast of the mustache and read nine times: "I, the slave of God (name), came and brought member. I put on the grave, you, the deceased, asked for help. All that on me, the servant of God (name) was, everything took off and put it, I gave you in my hands, took the whole damage to the century. If you take dead water, I, Slava God (name), save. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Leave, without looking back, back and do not talk until you leave the cemetery from the territory and go to the first intersection.
    If in a day the photo will easily go back from the mirror, then the damage you removed, otherwise, without postponing the case in a long box, please contact a good sorcerer, because damage, induced with the help of dead water - one of the most terrible: to bring it extremely simple, And long and difficult. But the most important thing is to have time to do this in a timely manner while the negative energy sent to you has not rooted and did not give their deadly sprouts. The best time to remove is Thursday, the moon is descending.