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  • Black magic: punish the enemy at home in photography and not only. Revenge for killed animal magic assistance

    Black magic: punish the enemy at home in photography and not only. Revenge for killed animal magic assistance

    It all started with the fact that we bought the old house in a deaf village. It painfully liked those picturesque places: a dense forest, mighty ate ahead with a birch. Berries, mushrooms, a beast here are all the masters. Window at home looks straight into the forest. Building 1947. Under one roof, a residential premises, an indoor courtyard and hosgeing for livestock. Having received the keys from an already former mistress, my husband decided to spend the night in now our house. It was winter...

    Over the midnight suddenly there was a loud knock on the wall. Thinking that someone wants to go, the husband came out of the house in a snowy courtyard, but did not see anyone.

    There were no traces in the snow either. He was surprised, but not frightened. Returned to the house and went to bed. The husband was not a fellow and did not believe in the damn. At first, he did not even tell me about this case. He knew that I would have experienced, because it just does not happen.

    L. K. Smirnova with her husband and daughter of Natasha

    And for sure! Then we learned that the elder brother of the hostess hanged himself at the house. They said that after that, in the corner smoked the icon of the Mother of God. Caused a priest. After the consecration of the room, the peacecake ceased. But since that time in the northern wall, someone began to knock.

    That year, when we finally moved to a new home, the winter was very harsh. Frosts up to -30 °. Rabbits lived on Hozdvor. We began to notice that someone choking the young - newborn rabbits, undressed with a female in a cage with a large cell. The husband complained to his neighbor. He replied that, probably, the chorny began.

    And once at night, her husband took a gun and went to breed a criminal. Waited for quite a long time. Suddenly looks, from the attic, from the hole for the hay, someone jumped. Without thinking, he shot on a rustle in the darkness, and when he saw a flashlight, he saw that she shot the cat, which was still from the old hostess. I regretted that it happened, upset, but what can you do!

    And most importantly, the grave do not dig up - the earth is freezing. In the snow, buried - with thaw to the thaw. I will not carry in the forest - there is snow on the chest. I thought, I thought and decided him, already seeded, crem. Brought to the room, put in the stove.

    When the fire broke out, opened the door, took a cat behind the paws and prepared to betray the fire. Suddenly a male voice rang out in silence:

    You pay for it with your daughter!

    Husband froze from surprise. I began to look around - but no, there was no one in the room. "It seemed," the husband-advocated the husband and still threw a cat to the oven. From this point on, the vote was pursued by her husband constantly.

    Spring has come. Husband was engaged in the garden with his affairs. Past of gate was a neighbor Baba Tanya. Greeted the husband asks:

    Why not visible anyone? Where are the whole people?

    Why, today, the Trinity, everyone went to the cemetery.

    When the old woman disappeared from sight, again the male voice rang out:

    I did not go to the cemetery - you will come by force!

    My husband thought: it can be seen, to bury someone will have to. In the head in response, it rang out:

    Daughter will bury.

    In June, the husband of ruled the gate, suddenly, unexpectedly from St. Petersburg arrived Natasha's daughter. She was very sad. Father asked:

    What happened?

    She answered:


    When the daughter entered the house, in my husband my husband again rang out the same voice:

    The last time came - to say goodbye.

    And indeed, more father did not see her to the most funeral.

    Natasha died quite strangely: they could not withdraw from deep fainting. Helped the neighbors around the house - a doctor and nurse. And the ambulance arrived in 40 minutes. But Natasha could not save. It comes out, revenge the suicide for the death of his cat ...

    It is difficult to convey all the grief and despair of a raped girl or a woman. Well, if the law enforcement system works, as it should, and the guilty will be punished. However, in modern realities, the rapist is worth paying the money "who needs" and get out of the "dry water". In this case, nothing else remains, except for making a rapist with black magic.

    Magic since sincerversion was considered the best revenge gun. But, no matter how surprisingly, the matret sorcerers are rarely revenge. And the point here is not in the legendary reverse strike. The standing master without much difficulty protects himself from the consequences of its own actions. To do this, in the arsenal of sorcerers there is an innumerable number of protective conspiracy, spells and faiths. Moreover, the same charms help the sorcerers to avoid unnecessary and dangerous meetings and contacts, protected from those who can somehow cause harm to them or surround. Moreover, the psychology of the magician itself is different from the daily human.

    If there is a person who, in general, is not particularly close, it is unpleasant - but you can survive. But if the knife in the back is blunting an old friend, it is almost impossible to transfer it. Of course, first overcome pain and resentment, but then the anger is replaced, which fills the victim from the inside and requires immediate exit. Throw the aggression on the person who offended you is the case, in principle, quite ordinary and will not surprise anyone.

    Among people are especially submarines - those who are afraid to find out the relationship with equal face to face and instead offended those who cannot answer the same. For example, you seriously quarreled with a person who is obviously mistaken, but he is afraid to respond to a blow to hit and, wanting to recoup, hurts your child. This requires serious punishment.

    If a woman appeared in your life, solved by anywhere to lead your beloved, there are many methods designed to stop it, but most of them are aimed at disperse the appearance of your rival. The described below ritual will help to hit her mind, and this is much worse than it seems at first glance.

    Wanting to take revenge on the enemy or rival, you can affect the appearance of a person who offended you. If he gives care of most of the time, it became, the shell is a sore place of your enemy. That is why the targeting of the damage affecting appearance will be the right decision.

    Punish the enemy with black magic
    Black Return Magic: punish your enemy

    Black Magic: how to learn the offender in the face

    Black Return Magic: punish your enemy

    Conspiracy will not force the enemy to change its attitude, but it is quite capable of creating such conditions under which any action of ill-wishers to harm will be useless

    You can punish the offender with the help of return witchcraft. To do this, take 2 sewing needles - one should be long and thick, and the other is short and thin. Then in the UCHO Tolstoy Needle you need to insert thin, wind the place to connect the black thread and read the following words:
    "The needle is short, and yours is a long, my business is kind, and yours is evil. Evil your perfect pierced now and at the time I return everything that I was intended, everything that was guided by me, everyone got his back at this moment and forever. Amen".

    Next, you should stick in a thick needle in the door jamb or the house of the offender so that the thin needle is turned by the edge to the right. After this action, you need to repeat the conspiracy words.
    Black Witchcraft: Conspited Water

    If a person suspects or confident that someone wants to harm or specify, then it is necessary to do as follows. Pour into the glass container with clean hurricane water, install a small mirror on the table, place the holy book (Bible) in front of him and put a container with liquid on it. Then, between the mirror and the book, put a candle, sit down at the table and, peering as if through a glass vessel with water in the mirror, pronounce:

    "Whoever walks and lives with a kind word, he will remain with them who lives in the heart and soul with evil black, that evil back and will receive who with the words evil walks, they also suppress them."

    Then you need to pour water near the housing of the ill-wisher and after that all its outlined plans will be destroyed, and the perfect evil will turn against him itself.
    Dark magic: find the forces to resist with their enemies

    There is a huge number of conspiracies and rituals that can return the offender what they also have soda

    To confront the tricks of the offender, it is necessary to put a small flat stone on the table, take a large nail into the left hand, and the right hand is a hammer. Then set the nail to the edge in the center of the stone, and, by hitting the hammer on his hat 3 times, pronounce a magic spell:

    "Against the stone - iron, against stupid - sharp, against layer - standing, all power in powerful gland, weakness in a small stone, one is given to command, and another is conjugate. Everything from this minute in my reliable hands, everything is now in my huge power. "

    It is not necessary to strike the hammer to be very strong to accidentally do not split pebbles, but at the same time you should not hit weakly. It is necessary that footprints from the island of the nail remained on the stone. After pronouncing the writing words, the stone should be thrown to her offender. If a person has a lot of offenders, then you need to use the required number of stones, but one nail.
    Black magic to punish the enemy

    In order to eliminate evil and unfair woven, it is necessary to light a brown candle, presenting that it is a disturbing enemy. Next, taking the needle, you should try to scratch it the name of the enemy, and then on a small piece of paper, write ancient magic words: "Zamu-WEgor".

    Then in the middle of the sheet drop a little honey and roll the paper into the ball. A sharp knife to make an incision in the candle and, imagining that this is the mouth of the enemy, put a crumpled paper ball there. Then you need to set fire to the candle, wait until she is a fruit, the remaining beam first throw into the water, and then buried to the ground in a place where the ill-wisher often passes.
    How to keep evil thoughts and actions against yourself

    The conspiracy from evil is understood as the protection of a person from everything bad that he can happen to him and includes several concepts, such as death fence, from the evil eye, from damage, from envy and the like

    If the gossip is put on a person, they carry evil plans against him or have already begun to make some kind of injustice, it is necessary to write a full name on a pure white sheet of paper and, if possible, the date of birth of the enemy. Then pour water into a small container, turn the paper into the tube, to tie it with a black thread and throw in the prepared liquid. After this, the bowl with water and paper put in the refrigerator with the words:

    "Farmaon Daratum Marause. The wings of a light angel and the eyes of a green dragon fix and spell what was done against me, the fact that his places around the world will never find. "

    After completing this rite, a person can be confident that the frozen water will reliably hold the evil actions and thoughts whose data he concluded in the so-called captivity. It is better to spend this rite during the New Moon.
    Black Magic: how to learn the offender in the face

    The combination of conspiracy and the presence of their own overag or a protective amulet contribute to the fence of a person from the dark forces

    If a person does not know who harms him, he can learn a disreterant, following the following actions. It is necessary at midnight to set the table with a black table with a tablecloth, put a large mirror on it, and in front of it to install and light the 3rd match (2 first need to light and immediately extinguish) a black candle.

    After that, it is necessary to sit on the chair, turning your back to the mirror, take the second small mirror and holding it in his hand carefully consider the reflection of the first large mirror installed on the table. Performing these actions need to vote words:

    "At this moment, in this dark night, between two mirrors, between the two worlds, I will show my enemy, for the words of the truthful."

    When a vision appears in the mirror, I must say:

    "No and there will be no way to you, there is no way for you and everywhere, around, in all places and on the threshold of my house."

    After that, it is necessary to spit in the mirror, then split it and throw away the fragments away from home.

    Of course, forgive the person for harmful, it is a Christian correctly. But, on the other hand, injustice and evil, the remaining without punishment can repeat again, but already with greater force and scope. Evil is always looking for weakness and, finding it, enjoys its achievements. Therefore, forgiveness, a person can bring over the constant repeat of the already happening.

    Before you decide how to punish the offender with a magic or without it, think a little and decide whether your insult is worth what can happen as a result of punishment

    Yes, they can also be applied and, as a primary blow, but, not knowing the laws of magic and not possessing certain knowledge and skills, a person risks to pay perfect witchcraft against himself.

    The decision on the correctness of the implementation of the following magical rituals should depend on the situation, the consequences and sizes of harm caused. If an ordinary conflict begins between a person and his enemy, then you should not turn to the dark forces of witchcraft.

    The best way out is an increase and development of your own forces and opportunities that will help to get out of the situation that has arisen the full winner. If coercion, pressure, violence or pursuit, if there is a threat to life and health, is used, if there is a threat to life and health, then in this case the inaction may be destructive.

    Nobody is ideal, sooner or later everyone appears enemies. Sometimes, when the resentment covers his eyes, people are capable of unusual acts. To join the stage of an irreconcilable confrontation, forgive or punish a cheat, to solve you.

    In pursuit of thirst for revenge and personal calmness, it is often naisted for a thought once and for all to deal with the offender and imagine damage on someone who offended him, so that it was eclipsed in 3 days. This is not surprising, the Internet - resources are faster by the announcements of shamans, fortune-skunk, psychics. A similar cooking passion for witchcraft involuntarily pursues the idea of \u200b\u200bease of work with otherworldly. Is this so, and what effects to fear?

    Having stopped at solving the problem with the help of black magic, the priority task is to agree with its conscience. Remember, magic in inept hands can be dangerous and lead to irreversible consequences. Do not use it with tricky and on trifles, seek help to God, and not to the devil. Perceive conspiracies not as a means of getting rid of enemies, but as a way to protect against their negative influence.

    If the question of the use of rituals is resolved, then we give some simple, proven methods:

    Conspiracy on water

    For the rite you need to know who your ill-wisher. Clean water is poured into the container, put on the Bible in front of the mirror. A candle is lit between the water and the mirror. Say:

    "Who is good, that with good and will remain,

    who with evil, that evil and get,

    who with the word Pogan

    that the same word and suppress. "

    Pour water at the threshold of the enemy house.

    With a candle

    Church candles, metal utensils and clean paper are needed. It is recommended to spend at night. Light a candle, write on the paper the enemy's name, read the prayer for our prayer three times. Fit the leaf from the candle, put on the dish. While paper flats, tell me the following:

    "Fire arrow flies, my wrath is full. Not in the eyebrow, not in the eye, and in the heart is aimed. Prick there will be and cutting, tearing all hopes. Tears evil will rejoin, all back to Lord Slave (name) will come back! Amen!"

    The ashes dispel in the wind of the same night, or pour the enemy under the door.

    Return witchcraft

    An effective method to return the offender committed by the evil and punish the one who made you bad. Take two sewing needles, one short and thin, other long and thick. Insert a smaller needle in a thick needle. Wake up the place of their connection with black thread so that it turns out the cross, and say:

    "Your needle is long, mine is short,

    your business is evil, my good.

    Your evil pierced, I return to you

    everything that I prepared for me

    everything that has committed for me

    all got his back

    now, this minute and the century of centuries! "

    Stick a big needle in the door jamb of the sacrifice, turn the fine needle to return to the right, repeat the spell.

    Damage to salt

    The salt absorbs the energy, the rituals with it are simple and for everyone. The conspiracy salt is placed to the threshold, or being added to the food. The ritual is done so that the offender suffers and suffered. Caution: not only the victim of the ritual can suffer, as well as members of her family and children.

    Over salt read words:

    "I am scattering not salt, I send pain and steal to peace. The deer features, by the slave (name), calmness, so that I was frightened (name), did not know any happiness, nor fun so that the ailments did not go and the flour tolerated and in the afternoon and at night. Yes, it will be done. "


    Buy a flower and post opposite yourself in a large bank. Take the scissors or knife, cut off one spin and throw it into the container, saying:

    "Every spike for every evil language, for each injustice."

    Then remove the petals from the flower, put them in the container with the words:

    "To gently stroll, hard to sleep, think about my own, forget about someone else, to determine everything in its place."

    Pour salt water into the can so that it covers the contents. Close the container, wrap a black tight handkerchief and tie to 9 nodules with a durable thread of red.

    If you know who your offender, bring the container to the threshold of its dwelling. If the ritual is aimed at an unknown unfriendly, jump a bottle near his home, she will serve as an evil language.

    By photo

    This conspiracy will help punish the offender for meanness at a distance. Take a fresh photo on which your offshift is depicted alone, looks in front of him, see the face and eyes. Purchase red and black candles. The rite is carried out at night. Turn off the light, lit candles, place the red on the left, black - to the right of yourself. Between them put a photo. The words:

    "In the Black Mountain, the hell sits deeply, the distance is looking. The Angel of Darkness protects him, he does not let go into the world. Fire will simplify him, the feature on the will of the forest. Go through valleys and forests, where the devil sits himself. His beside him, yes, in the choir of Lord, the slave (name) lead. There, the court peak, angry him surround it. Let the blood beetped in the veins, let fear do not leave him. Give what you deserve to repent no strength! Fire - water, from now forever! Amen!"

    Gang up the needle over the red candle. Purify your finger to the blood and draw the cross on the forehead of the enemy. Three times say: "Blood paid for!". Photograph is removed in a secluded place when the revenge is happening - burn.

    Black plot

    If there is no photo, this strong way of exposure is applied at a distance. Make a conspiracy in the number of the month of multiple six, at 3 am. It will take white paper, needle, church candle, holy water, red pen. Write a punishment on a sheet that you wish to be an unfair. Sewage details, specify. Then the needle heats over the flame of the candle to black. Purchase the ringtone, speaking blood, cross everything that wrote on a leaf cross-cross. Three times say:

    "Blood is written, bonded. I will fix the strength of your dark life. Tears and bitter in it will bring it. Do not hide you from my court. May it be so."

    Paper burn, ashes sprinkled with holy water and breed in the wind.

    The above plots are far from all ways to punish the enemy with the involvement of magic. There are many others, from almost harmless to much more serious. But, any damage can lead to incurable diseases, misfortunes and death of the victim, it breaks through a man's biofield, gave melancholy and fear .

    Surge the help of otherworldly forces only to restore justice. When the offender brought you suffering and grief. Do not use rituals as a first strike, you risk wrap your own witchcraft against yourself. At the same time, sometimes retribution overtakes not the sorceress itself, and its descendants. Never send magic against pregnant women and children.

    Think well, do not hurry with revenge, pray, ask for protection from the guardian angel. It is quite possible, your enemy is repent, and the conflict will be resolved by itself.

    It's a good person to live better. To do this, he spends a lot of time and energy to buy a house and a car, make a family, get a prestigious job. But there will be people who will envy, strive to harm, rejoice in the failures of others. Enemies surround both at work and in the circle of friends. Rebel against the unkind eyes, revenge and punish the offender will help magic. In magical practice, special programs are applied, which will take trouble, will make a bad one who once caused evil. How to take revenge on the offender in? The negative impact on the enemy can be both with the help of a magic practice and independently at home. True, few people know how to punish the offender to be discovered without applying aggressive rituals.

    Eliminate against the unkind eyes, revenge and punish the offender will help magic

    When, you already know who specifically did or want to make evil, magical, or arbitrarily, the desire to take revenge increases. The question arises how to punish the offender so so that it is discouted. I want to get rid of this person. How to take revenge on the enemy with the help of magic we will tell further. After the trouble causing a natural desire to destroy the enemy. The revenge causes a negative impact on the enemies, the clients of the witchcraft actions simply destroy the enemy, they want to kill. Hate for the offender forces to resort to conspiracies.

    Black revenge using photo

    For this purpose, photos of enemies are used more often, for the absence of such clients use windy dolls or drawn silhouettes. Candles and needles will also be needed for the ritual. Procasters needle photo or sticking a needle doll, which symbolizes the body of the enemy, to the heart area, is pronounced the following spell:

    "Let happiness, luck and the health of the slave of God (name) will leave overnight, let them disarm this needle and never return. Let the needle of my kneel the slave of God (name) and the day, and at night, let him do not know peace, let him always feel the sharp offering in his body. Let the servant of God (name) be rented, let my needle tears, let the rest and happiness do not know. Wola is strong, my words are irregular. Everything that said is happening and not to contact me. May it be so ".

    Magi practitioners argue that the needle for this witchcraft will need a new one, otherwise you harm yourself. You can pierce as a heart area and any other parts of the body. More often even stick the needles in the head, in this case the offender will suffer on a strong headache. If the offender is a girl, then the needle doll cut the belly, which indicates possible problems with the birth of children. This ritual of black magic is popular in a movie about undivided love. In life, it also helps, since it is endowed with force, which will ever save the enemy.

    Ritual for mental curse

    In magical practice, another ritual, which people punish enemies are applied at a distance, if you constantly think about revenge. In the process of the ritual, imagine the enemy face. This action was used against ill-wishers more our grandmothers, therefore suitable for use at home. For this, the ritual will need forest berries, it is better to take a blueberry. From berry, thick kissel is boiled.

    When water with berries boils, a large amount of starch is rumped into it.

    Stirring, pronounce a plot:

    "Your boyfriend is acknowledged, pryakko, boldly, skillfully. As Egorie fought as enemies, he won, so I am a nebaw (name), I will destroy it, it will destroy him. My kissel, Kisel, you bore all day, you kipi, raise, my thing is effort, yes. The first I, and my enemy always for me to be, not to overtake me, from my way to do not knock. God with me helps me, protects, sends. As stated, it will come true. Key, tongue, castle. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

    Prepared Kissel need to eat, thinking about the enemy. The face of the offender in front of him and mentally remind himself about the desired result of magical impact. If you want to bring failure for your cheap, think about the humiliation of this person before the bosses at work, if you want to see how inadequate suffer, think about the deterioration of the health of the offender with possible complications. The rite with a kissel requires attention and patientity. Kissel is eaten to the end. Punishment will come true soon. You get rid of enemies at work and the negative energy of others.

    You can learn and humiliate the enemy using white magic. Known spells and conspiracies that will help at home to protect against envy and damage. Proper and on time, the magic defense will save his career and love, return good luck, health, will bring happiness to each family member. During magical rituals, individual details are important, including time. It is better to pronounce a conspiracy on the enemy in the days of the full moon, after sunset.

    Ritual for the Taming of Envious

    In magical programs, a conspiracy is used to punish the abuser-colleague. At work there is a person who envies the achievements and would like to take your place. Such a person should be abused. The proposed method of revenge through the ritual of magic is easily reproduced at home. We will need some things that will be in an apartment or house:

    • matchbox;
    • two candles not used yet;
    • black thread;
    • photo offender

    In magic programs, conspiracy is used to punish the abuser-colleague

    In no cases, do not use group pictures, otherwise damage is possible for those who have not done anything wrong: did not cross the road, did not envy. In this case, it is recommended to cut a photo of a person who has grown offense and the desire to pay for the evil caused. Cooking the necessary, make sure that the process does not interfere, it is better to retake in a separate room for this. Organize the rite is closer to midnight. Light the candles, follow not to go out. Take a photo of the enemy in the left hand, take the end of the thread and wrap the photo. Do not forget to pronounce a conspiracy:

    "I, the slave of God (own name) direct his strong will, his strong word for the fact that my belongings, the slave of God (the name of the colleague), could no longer be able to retire his dark cases towards me. And what was done was to them so that he did not reach their goal. I am not a black thread shaw, but a magic punch and a matter of my enemy's dark enemy in her forever thump. He will donate in it and will forget about me forever. Amen". "I, the slave of God (own name) so I want, so it will be."

    After uttered words, poured three times in the photo and burn the image above the candle.

    When you feel a negative energy impact on yourself by employees at work or acquaintances, need to think about protecting against him in advance. Most magical actions do not cause difficulties in conducting, but will be appropriate in favorite life situations.

    Simple wubbles

    Everywhere we carry with you a protective charm. This is a cross or a red thread, which is often observed on the hand, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced above these things:

    "Obereg protects, the evil will save. All that witches were koving, all that the enemies were sent to me will not pick up, it will twice themselves to them. Amen "

    The charm against enemies is made from ordinary paper. To do this, you need to write the above text on a small piece of text, fold the paper fourly and with the help of a pin to attach to the clothes or put in your pocket. It is important in difficult circumstances to carry an overlap near yourself.

    Rituals to defense against an invisible enemy

    But, as often happens, we are experiencing a black strip in the life, not even suggesting who wants to cause damage. It is first not frightened, it seems like it encourages, but when the situation does not get better over time, think about how to get rid of this negative. In magical practice, an uncomplicated rite is used, which helps stop the strip of trouble. Each rite for everyone, but to make it better in the home environment, in its own room. In the full moon, become near the window and say a plot:

    "I appeal to you by the Lord God of the Most High and All-Figure, I, Slave (-A) of God (s), to protect me close to mine, my housing! Save me and my business, my work sails from the ill-wishers and enemies of visible and invisible. Relive me from the evil of those I do not know and I do not want to recognize them. Amen. "

    This rite is strong magic energy. The conspiracy is not designed to destroy the unfriendly, but will help to get rid of such people in the future, prevent harm for themselves.

    Magic - a proven method will protect against possible life troubles that are more often occurring as a result of envy and even damage. Negative energy that eat when we communicate with other people will lead to consequences. Therefore, be careful to protect against the unknowing ideas of enemies.

    In ancient world cultures, a black cat is an eternity symbol. In the murder of the cat, the act of cropping shrines was seen. In magic, this animal personifies the mystical forces of nature. It is impossible to torment the cat, or somehow otherwise harm it, because In the world of shadows, the cat will find a person, and will torment him. The cat will not forgive a person, and, at one time, will send a magical power against the offender, which possesses. That's why black damage on a dead cat It has a special power.

    Strong independent damage to the cat - damage on cat wool

    A severe damage to the cat, a black witch, is terrible. Conspiracy Pulling on the cat is read on cat wool, and the impact is so strong that without applying for magical help to the practitioner Magu, the victim of such a black witchcraft cannot do. Catted cats feline wool, conspired by a special versery plot, can be asleep on the threshold or hidden in the sacrifice house. Such hard curses on the cat made through the lining are often directed:

    • on problems in work,
    • in business,
    • on the aplator of good luck.

    With the help of very strong pulling on a cat The sorcerer can negatively affect family life, send diseases, take away beauty, etc.

    Very strong damage on the dead cat - how to remove yourself

    Seeing his threshold by someone's crowned cat, the first thing you should think about your enemies, because one of them could bring a strong damage to the cat. Mentally or loud to read the words of a protective conspiracy from damage to the cat:

    "Dead cat, but not me, not my family, damage scary, won!"

    Then, trying not to look at the dead animal, you need to put it in an opaque package or bag without touching it, for example, with a stick. Package to bandage with a rope for 3 nodes, take into a deserted place and burn on the bore. So you will remove the dark energy of damage to the cat. Railing a bonfire, say three times: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After that, it is necessary to get around the fire against a clockwise arrow, reading the prayer "Our Father".

    The bag in which the dead cat is located, you need to throw out the flame on the broken, read the words of a free protective conspiracy on the cat:

    "From where it came, there and go, who created, that and pick up the damage to the cat, Lituya, terrible, not at good made. Amen".

    It is impossible to extinguish the fire, to look into the flame, to get into his reflections and smoke, too, it is impossible, you should move aside and wait until the bonfire comes and go out. Immediately need to leave from that place without looking around.

    With offenders, every person comes in life. They are more often becoming enemies, enviousness and ill-wishers or criminals, from the actions of which they suffered or the person himself, or his loved ones. Unfortunately, not always evil and vile people gain merit - justice in our cruel world loses its strength and value. How to pump offender for meanness if law enforcement agencies or other instances are inactive and refuse to help? Black and white magic offers its solution to this problem - take advantage of the plot at a distance.

    The conspiracies used to punish the offender are considered strong rites and for the most part belong to the Black Magic Arsenal. And the stronger the ritual, the more dangerous consequences he can turn. The task of such conspiracies is to harm the person who introduced a lot of negative in your life and firmly offended you something. It is very important to make such a ritual without harm to himself.

    Some rites are also aimed at blocking the enemy's forces or appeal against him of his own witchcraft (in case it uses magic to apply to you and your loved ones). It is unlikely that the use of such conspiractions will end the death of the offender, but it will be hurting, to suffer and suffer from suffering a long time.

    For the performer, conspiracies at a distance used to punish enemies will be safe only if their use is justified. Magic retribution can be used only when you are the affected party. If the evil from the enemy was provoked by your actions or actions, the final result may be very crying for you - the conspiracy will give a rollback, and all the evil that you wanted to send to the "enemy" will come across you, often in an increase in quantity.

    Before applying the magic of retribution, it is necessary to think about everything and ask the question: Do you really have a victim in the current situation? Deciding to punish an innocent person with a conspiracy, you risks wrap the forces of justice against yourself. Remember that the word in some cases can bring more destruction than the physical strife.

    Conspiracies for the punishment of the offender

    Prayer Retribution to the Wind

    The conditions under which the conspiracy should be read below are clear solar weather, the avera, an open window or a fortochka, full loneliness. Text need to rewrite on a white sheet of paper and learn by heart from this leaf. When pronouncing the magical words, the performer should visualize, representing the atrocities of his enemy.

    The plot sounds like this:

    "My God God, in your hands and in your power. Everyone is subject to you and you are managed. You all created and turned to myself. The sun does not boost without you, the earth does not live without you. The wind in the desert does not blow, over the horizon stars do not ignite if you do not want that. A person is not born, and the bodies do not leave the soul. I am your creation, my God my God. Your child is unreasonable, but you know you who want through the manifestations of the world. I am your small reflection! I am part of yours and in you yourself. I go for your defense and patronage. Lord God, Justice to restore, Turn the insult to everyone who relies! "

    Conspiracy-whisper in the back of the offender

    If you know your offender in the face and often come across it, at the next meeting, wait for it when it passes by you, and whisper a conspiracy in the back:

    "Stay, booster, with tears and pain, indifferent paths, through blood, not in the eye, not in the eyebrow, but right in the heart. If Chemi, Bay Yes Derie. Looking him, punish him, my offender (Name of the offender) . The key, castle, let it be so! "

    Black way to take revenge on the enemy

    Attention! This conspiracy is very powerful and dangerous, so use it only in the most extreme cases! This ritual can have very bad consequences for you.

    The rite is performed in those numbers of the month that is multiple 6, i.e. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Time of day - strictly at 3 am. Need to cook: white sheet of paper, church wax candle, handle with red paste, sterile needle, holy water.

    To begin with, burn the candle, take a sheet of paper and describe the red paste on it as detail as possible, in the smallest items that the point of punishment, which you consider it necessary for the offender. Avoid biting and inexpensive.

    Then take the needle and heat it over the flame of the candle - it is desirable that it is soooed. Purchase yourself a ring finger and elevated blood crossed out the inscription on the leaf of the cross-cross. Next three times say the conspiracy, mentally referring to the enemy:

    "It is written in blood, bonded blood. Your life will fix your darkest force. I will bring in it bitterness and tears. From the court of myself you do not hide. May it be so!"

    Burn the paper in the flame of the candle formed while the ashes assemble, sprink it with holy water and let the wind. The offender "comes down" literally after 3 days.

    Waking up in the morning, not sinking and on an empty stomach, the performer should light the candle, take a photo or write F.I.O. offender on a white sheet of paper. If this is a robber, you can just write the word "thief" on the sheet. Next, you need to leave the photograph or a sheet with the initials with all hate and then pronounce:

    "To burn to you (Name of the offender) , in my saliva, how to hell in fire, until you fall into my feet and do not shift! "

    A photograph or leaf should be put on a saucer and set fire to the flame of the candle, wait until the dog is formed and the ash is formed. It should be left at a crossover with ashes at the crossroads, thus casting in the form of any 3 coins. The stronger the resentment was, the more powerful will be punishment.


    From the letter:

    "When I was still a stupid boy, we somehow decided to arrange a hunt for cats from idleness. Now I'm ashamed to write about it, but then we shot them out of the slingshot and one even knocked out eyes. And then we caught two cats: one hung one, and my friend drank kerosene and set fire.

    In the evening, a neighbor-old woman came to my mother, everything in the district said about her that she was a sorceress. My friend and we called her just a grandmother, but adults turned respect for her. And so, the grandmother went into the room and, without even looking at me, began to complain to the mother. It turns out that this cat burned my friend. I saw that my mother was very shameful for me, because the neighbor she was a little afraid, but also respected: she cured her from some kind of illness and spoke to me from hernia when I was still a breast baby. In principle, there was no family in our village that would not appeal to the grandmother at least once. It seemed that there was no such question that she would not allow: whether the cattle would be sick, a child, an adult - she could all correct.

    There was no church in the village, so she fed, and baptized, did not refuse to anyone. For the work took, who will bring what will bring, and much immediately distributed to people. Did I know that it was her cat? Of course, knew. My friend was older than me, and I obeyed him, because I was afraid. Then everything turned out very quickly, and I didn't even have time to reveal.

    Look, the Witch Cat, I'm squeezed, - then my friend said ...

    And five years later, an accident occurred and my friend burned down with the tractor on which he worked. I told me a mother who came to visit me in the school. I ate the pies brought by her, and she said:

    The sorceress even then told me about the future of this guy, remember when I came to us and told about the cat.

    Of course, I remembered everything perfectly, as if it happened yesterday. And the tears of the old woman remembered, and the words of her. I remember she said at the end:

    You can't keep evil on yours, because it's a little he and stupid yet. And he did not like, he was not tormented by my cat. You know how I loved him, my cat. He was one of my live soul in the house. I did not help people? And day and night, it happened, go. I did not absorb anyone, but everyone just gave ...

    And the truth, the sorduny had the most delicious and large carrots and cucumbers. And how much it had apples every year! .. And after all, she never granted, even on the market, all this wealth did not sell, but put apples into large baskets and exhibited for the gate so that we guys could be destroyed. Take not want.

    Then the mother offered the sorcerer to get the best kitten, but she refused.

    No, no longer woven the cat, I can't, she said.

    Having silent, mother timidly asked her:

    And to his mother went?

    Neighbor just shook her head: why, they say?

    Yes, let alone will score, all science will be, "the mother insisted.

    No I'm not going. His circle will punish, although I do not want it. But what happens to this guy is no longer dependent.

    When she gone, I asked my mother: what is this circle? What is this thing that will punish my friend? Mother only shrugged:

    God knows her, but every word it works, it is already verified.

    Tell me, please, what did the sorceress talk about? What did my friend actually died?

    Yes, I almost forgot to say that he killed a cat on July 7, just at Ivan Kapahu, and he died himself on the same day, only in a few years. "

    The person killed a cat holds all sorts of misfortunes, until the end of his life there will be a seal of evil. Since ancient times, the cat was revered by people, because it was in him a house - the keeper of the house and the entire peasant economy. It is the cat first died in a new home. When the child did the first step, the cat was brought to him. It was the cat who defeated the family from the quarrel and contributed to the establishment of peace and love between relatives. The cat treats his owners, putting on sick places and taking the negative energy. It is known that cats feel trouble and warn about her owners.

    I think now you understand that in no case cannot cause an evil in this amazing animals. But in life it happens anything, and if you once for nonsense or negligence kidnapped a cat or a cat, read a special conspiracywhich will cleanse you from this sin.

    God help me,

    Lord, bless.

    Me, the servant of God (name), receiving,


    The church is blessed.

    Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

    There is a beast in my door,

    Iron claws,

    Stone breasts,

    Flame eyes,

    Wool end

    Tail post.

    Roman, Lord, My name:

    From all enemies

    And from any evil -

    And I accept my repentance.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Now I would like to tell about the protective circle. Put a similar circle can only a very strong master, but also will not act as an example more than other oberegov. Suppose, for example, that someone decided to praise the appearance of a person - in this case, the evil eye is quite possible. But in this case the owner of the circle does not threaten: the negative, passing in a circle, as if boomerang returns to the one who tried to smooth. Consequently, the unfriendly manifests himself harm himself, at first, even without suspecting it. Or someone wishes death to a protected circle of man. In this case, the threat, in the same way as the evil eye, passing in a circle, be sure to return to the one who said it.

    If an ordinary person is in a quarrel: "And so that you ..." - then, it is quite possible, he will take on this negative - as a result, he can face the most different problems. But a protected circle such a wish will not harm. If someone decides to sue such a person, in the end he will bother in court cases. In general, the protective properties of the circle can be said infinitely long. If briefly summarizes the result, we can conclude: such a protective circle takes any negative from its owner and returns damage, curses and evil eye to those who sent them. If we speak specifically about the case telied in the letter, then the culprit of the death of the cat himself died in five years. This is due to the fact that he made his own hand, on which five fingers are from here and five years. Here you can mention another feature of this chacher - it protects not only a person, but all that a person belongs to this person. Perhaps the leader and regretted the guy, but stop the action of the circle was not in its power. If they were hurted personally, then the enemy would be overtaking much faster. I want to repeat once again, in this case nothing has already depended on the desire of the very lead: she wants to avenge or not, but the action of the circle cannot be stopped.