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  • Runes formula so that the enemy was afraid. Runes of mirror protection against enemies and ill-wishers - how to stort

    Runes formula so that the enemy was afraid. Runes of mirror protection against enemies and ill-wishers - how to stort

    This ruffle becoming all the words, actions, actions, witchcraft, the emotions of the ill-wisher to leave in it itself and do not give them back. How much this person wants to throw out his evil on you, so deeply of his evil remains itself itself and thereby causes harm it is three times stronger.

    Workers runes Stava:

    Square - consists of 4 Isa RUEN, contributes to a sustainable result

    Mannaz, Perto, Nautiz, Laguz, Laguz Per. - Runes are in a square and mean the person himself, which causes harm, its negative thoughts, emotions, witchcraft, etc.

    4 seals Hel - overlap all the channels leading to you.

    This ruffles stipulates something like this:

    "Let all thoughts, words, actions, actions, witchcraft, emotions (name) will remain in it, not finding the exit back. How much (the name) wants to do, think, splash out his evil on me, so deeply it remains in the (name) itself and hurts it in a triple size. "

    5. Remove for the enemy ( marina)

    With this Runic Stava, you can get rid of enemies that caused ever harm. You can instill fear and horror by influencing their fate, material wealth, health. Also, in addition to punishment, this becomes will protect you from enemies in all life spheres by responding.

    Workers runes in the station:

    Point - Operator himself

    Algiz - Runa protection, protects against negative

    Tayivaz- Attacks the enemy, bringing confusion in his ranks

    Eyvaz, Tourisz - Cut off all attempts to attack, connect to the operator and destroy the resistance of the enemy

    Hagalaz - Weapons of revenge and attacks, will destroy everything that spoke

    Yothan Morok - Morok.

    An exemplary stretch of the Stava: Let DRC by force rune destroy all my enemies, fell into them with natural disasters, is crashing and destroying their fate, their position in society, their prosperity. Let this becomes going through the fate of all people who have ever hurt me. Let DRS always and everywhere protects my health, interests in the career, financial growth from their negative impact. Further by classic ...

    Use the stalls by making pre-diagnostics to see how the runes will show themselves in your case. If you are not sure that your actions are valid towards another person, do not use the magic of revenge and justice. Otherwise it will turn against you themselves.

    This formula can be found lining and simply clean the accommodation.

    Apply to the candle.
    Runes: Ansus, Ansus Prov., Tours, Tours Per., Evaz, Dagaz, Laguz, Laguz Per.

    In the place where the candle lining can smoke, the flame can not behave normally, break, bend in some direction.

    The formula not only shows the lining, but also deactivates it.

    Decoding Stava

    Ansus - Rune of Gods, and its first aid - communication with the gods.

    This attempt to gently draw a person's attention to the most important elements of what is happening, on which everything depends on, in our case, it draws our attention to the negative that is also on the lining.

    For information in our case on the negative.

    For the emergence of effective magical energy that can help us in solving the elimination of negative.

    This is the rune of the elements of the air.

    Tours - Rune Element Fire She will help us with the help of a candle to see the presence of negative.

    For the protection of their interests. To take measures to counter the negative and a subclass, if there is one.

    Provides protection from hostile wood and curses (including housing) as in situations where circumstances come out from under your control in this case, we cannot control the presence of negativity on housing, or the presence of a subflade.

    It contributes to clarify the situation in an unfavorable situation and will send the course of its development in your favor.

    Promotes the neutralization of the actions of your enemies.

    The action will manifest itself in the work of the candle itself.

    Eyvaz - promotes to the goal, blocking opposition (promotes us to clean the negative housing).

    For protection. Allows you to trace the situation entirely, establish a whole picture of the world (we see and understand where the lining, or another negative).

    The rune of transformation changes the situation that we have at the moment in the housing.

    Acts as a rune of protection, or rather as a rune of active defense.

    We fundamentally change the threat to something useful for us (the enemy beats his weapons).

    The minus sign is transformed into a plus sign.

    Those. The negative is converted to us in positive.

    Featured in equity to the elements of air and land.

    But the main thing is what it is a tree ...

    Dagaz - in itself the rune Dagaz will act as a powerful explosive mechanism aimed at changing the situation by destroying the circumstances, and creating prerequisites for the new.

    Dagaz is very useful in the role of a compass, in order to determine what way it is necessary to move.

    Browsing the end of the dark period in your life and ensure a prosperous outcome of the situation associated with the cleaning of housing and finding the negative.

    Gives us prosperity that is needed in the house .... element of time

    Laguz - Laguz is a rune of water element, fluid forces, rising from the well of the subconscious.

    It cleans and refreshes all levels of being, for it is a carrier of vital energy.

    It will wash the entire negative that will be found in the premises,

    and send to destroy the remaining runes.

    Terminates quarrels and discords that occur in the premises that are as a result of the negative.

    Effective for finding or disclosing what was hidden from our eyes.

    As we can see, in this one there are all the elements that will help us in our work, also thanks to these elements, we will carry out cleaning, in addition, the activation of fire will give us an additional impetus for the awakening of this steel.

    This becoming in the space move clockwise - to rotate, the fire will give the necessary charge that the strike is necessary.

    Second option. The formula consists of two runes Eyvaz and Evaz, all the rest - the background.

    The interpretation of the runes is the same and use the same, only EVAZ all the work of the formula accelerates.

    You can apply to a large candle and walk through all rooms (if there are many of them). The negative will be much faster to return than in the first version.

    Source problems

    Jointing the interaction between themselves, people exchange information, emotions, their achievements, happiness, are divided by grief and disappointment. Being in close relationship, we opens our soul and do not think about the consequences. At some people, happy moments last longer, others have short-term. And on this basis, feelings of envy often arise.

    There are people who annoys someone else's happiness, health and well-being. They may have desire to contact black magic to take away bright moments in life. Envious people can not only bring damage or other magic impact, but also to join or act openly, arranging problems in the life of a more successful person.

    In order not to happen such unpleasant situations, you can put various protection, including the Rounic. Be calm for your health, the health of loved ones, property is one of the aspects of a happy life. If the house can be protected by reliable locks and alarms, then protect yourself from the negative energetics of enemies is more difficult. Runic protection is based on the attraction of energy into a specific human sphere. Energy RUN protects a person from damage, evil challenges, evil languages.

    With the help of runes, you can put protection as if warning negative impacts and any unwanted actions on the part of ill-wishers. But you can stop a specific person and not give him the opportunity to harm in the case, if you know who your enemy is known. And also, not knowing a specific enemy, you can specify the runes in such a way that they will act in general, on people who want evil.

    Getting rid of enemies with runes

    Straitjacket ( Strait Jacket from Dante)

    This Runic Becoming can help in the following situations: got the neighbors - noisy, drink, run around the landing, knock on the walls, listen to loud music; The boss at work is constantly yelling and threatens dismissal; Relatives without invitation often often; The obsessive lover will not asshide in any way ... In general, you can specify any situation in which you need to pacify a person so that he does not commit unwanted for you.

    The name of Stava and the runes in it speak for themselves. You can apply both long-term, updating periodically after a certain period of time and on a specific situation to sow your enemy from unwanted actions. This one becomes very laconic and is not complicated for memorization, so that it can be used to a specific unexpected moment.

    Workers runes Stava:

    Teivaz Per.., Stungen-Iss, Nautiz, Elforuna M and O, Secondary Isa

    As you can see, in this post, not only Scandinavian runes are used, then Icelandic rune Stungen-Iss Also Elforuna.

    Elforun O. in combination with the rune Teivaz Per.. - This is the opening of the Gate of the Earth to drain the energy of the swelling crown, i.e. Weakening of will

    3 Nautiza(need) - they speak for themselves, this is coercion and stiffness in action

    Stungen Is. (pierced ice) - to close the roads and stop some kind of business, Omork. It is also used to hide their actions.

    We can be negotiated by both the wrong and entirely. Usually, if the runes are written in the formula, it is worth a downward every rune separately. If the runes are in Vysi, then one can make a single storage for the entire one, and the runes themselves will distribute their roles themselves, based on the task.

    Runic betrayal

    Here we see becoming, which consists of two Runic bets. They were designed to destroy faith in their exclusivity and immobilize on the physical level, to deprive strength, "so that life does not seem sugar." This becoming may be not only protection against the enemy, but also his punishment.

    Runes in the station:

    First bet

    Evaz, Hagalaz, Berkana Merk., Taywas Per.- The destruction of any effort to be healthy physically.

    Mannaz Per., Raido Per., Tourisas pierced by IASU - Destruction of personality and searching for the path to improvement.

    Uruz lane, Isa, Algiz - Loosen, de-energize, immobilize.

    Two points -connect two influences

    Second bet

    Print Hel with inscribed in it Berknaya mirque. + Hagalaz, pierced by ISU, Ansus Per, Laguz Per . - destroy faith and its destination.

    We can be negotiated or set a common goal of the strike, considering that it consists of two parts.

    Road closure

    Another interesting becoming. This becoming creating a chain of events, which leads to the impossibility of realizing any plans. You can close the road to a person so that he could not come. Or block the possibilities in intentions that are not yet accurately planned.

    Workers runes in the station:

    Eyvaz, Nautiz - Forced change

    2 Isa - freezing, stop

    Rido Merch., Raido Per. - Roads leading to nowhere

    Uruz lane. - no strength to change something

    Square - for stable and sustainable results

    You can use both in for the closure of the roads in the literal sense and to close the roads in achieving the goals. Decorate as required in your particular situation.

    Loop the anger and witchcraft in the source of problems (Pollux)

    This ruffle becoming all the words, actions, actions, witchcraft, the emotions of the ill-wisher to leave in it itself and do not give them back. How much this person wants to throw out his evil on you, so deeply of his evil remains itself itself and thereby causes harm it is three times stronger.

    Workers runes Stava:

    Square - consists of 4 Isa RUEN, contributes to a sustainable result

    Mannaz, Perto, Nautiz, Laguz, Laguz Per. - Runes are in a square and mean the person himself, which causes harm, its negative thoughts, emotions, witchcraft, etc.

    4 seals Hel - overlap all the channels leading to you.

    This ruffles stipulates something like this:

    "Let all thoughts, words, actions, actions, witchcraft, emotions (name) will remain in it, not finding the exit back. How much (the name) wants to do, think, splash out his evil on me, so deeply it remains in the (name) itself and hurts it in a triple size. "

    Remove for enemy

    With this Runic Stava, you can get rid of enemies that caused ever harm. You can instill fear and horror by influencing their fate, material wealth, health. Also, in addition to punishment, this becomes will protect you from enemies in all life spheres by responding.

    Workers runes in the station:

    Point - Operator himself

    Algiz - Runa protection, protects against negative

    Tayivaz- Attacks the enemy, bringing confusion in his ranks

    Eyvaz, Tourisz - Cut off all attempts to attack, connect to the operator and destroy the resistance of the enemy

    Hagalaz - Weapons of revenge and attacks, will destroy everything that spoke

    Yothan Morok - Morok

    An exemplary stretch of the Stava: Let DRC by force rune destroy all my enemies, fell into them with natural disasters, is crashing and destroying their fate, their position in society, their prosperity. Let this becomes going through the fate of all people who have ever hurt me. Let DRS always and everywhere protects my health, interests in the career, financial growth from their negative impact. Further by classic ...

    Use the stalls by making pre-diagnostics to see how the runes will show themselves in your case. If you are not sure that your actions are valid towards another person, do not use the magic of revenge and justice. Otherwise it will turn against you themselves.


    Since we encountered this article with such a concept as Elforun, I will briefly stop at them.

    In the mythology of the German and Scandinavian peoples, the elves are perfume, the ideas of which they go back to the lower natural forces. In German folk, beliefs were the spirits of nature, inhabiting air, land, forests, dwellings. And they are usually benevolent to people. Sometimes they are divided into bright and dark.

    The bright elves in medieval demonology are good spirits of the air, the atmosphere, beautiful little men in the caps of flowers, the inhabitants of trees, which in such cases can not chop. They loved to drive away dances during the lunar light. The world of light elves was an aptheim.

    Dark elves are the Tsvergi and Dwarfs, underground blacksmiths stored in the depths of the treasure mountains. In medieval demonology, elves sometimes called the lower spirits of natural elements: Salamandra (fire spirits), Sylves (air spirits), Undines (water spirits), Dwarfs (Earth spirits). The world of dark elves was a welactivity.

    There are several varieties of elves (spirits):

    ljós-Álfar - Elf Day
    svart-Álfar - underground elves, they are also often attributed to the elfs of rocks, mountains, etc.
    dÖKK-ÁLFAR - Dark elves, and these creatures are closer to evil spirits, but on the other hand, it was often called ordinary night elfs.
    bJART-Álfar - Elves of Light, this is not the same as Ljós-Álfar, if the name Ljós-Álfar more characterizes habits, habits of creatures, loving to appear in the afternoon, then Bjart-Álfar speaks about the elfs of bearing light for people, that is, benevolent spirits.
    draum-Álfar - sleep elves or creatures coming in a dream, sometimes controlling dreams that affect dreams, etc. (they have separate runes, but in this row there are several related to them)
    lOFT - Álfar - air elves
    vatn -Álfar - Water Elf

    The mechanism of operation of the rune is standard, that is, a certain sign is the key to the power for which it is responsible. In contrast to the runes of the senior Futark, Elforuna (more precisely, the perfumes themselves behind them) require offering - fee for their work.
    Otherwise, when using the energy of the elves, they will take energy-payment of them directly by the energy of the operator itself, which is not convenient for all practitioners. In contrast to the gifts, the same (when working with the eldest feet) where the honey and beer with red apples is enough when using Elforun requires something more significant as, for example, when working with demons. Under the "essential" means such familiar magic components as alcohol, vodka, fresh blood, fresh pair meat, sometimes coins, jewelry, gold, silver and so on.
    In most cases, live fish with vodka and sweets will be enough, but should not be neglected by its intuition.

    a - Rune to call the spirits of underground mountains and rocks, was used mainly in the composition of the stakes or formulas, rarely when the rune was used separately from any additional runes or symbols, the main value of the rune - getting anything, here should be borne that "getting" can be both positive and negative.
    Good use to guide the charity for wealth.

    the B-Runa of the Day of the Day, is used to call data of the spirits, this is the rune "ZOD", using it nothing receives her only name or designate belonging, for example, you draw a positive thing in which all runes are positive, but the battle does not reach the runes or simply In energy, then this rune fits, to how to fix the result, strengthen the action and attract certain forces.
    It is good to use to guide the spell on personal success.

    c - Rune underground elves, again does not carry a certain value, but is just a manual for a call.
    Good to use to induce the char to increase the material condition.

    Ð (D) - Rune of bright elves is used to call, for calling to help spirits in emergency situations, often fits in becoming the opening of the passages and the gates, is also used to achieve the target, that is, you have for example but it does not act well or his action too general, for example you treat the tooth, and becoming affected on the whole body and the saying does not act as it should not be, the rune is used, plus of course it goes as a call for help, you can say a signal SOS.
    Sometimes used to guide the spell to confuse.

    e - Rune as the elves of the day and sleep elves, applies to various purposes both to open certain doors and for a call, depending on which task you put before becoming, you can write it in a hundred to sleep and discover the worlds, And you can write it in the station for the Good and get a reinforced mat. Support.
    You can use to guide the spell for good luck and success.

    f - Rune of the Day of the Day of the day, the rune is intended for the call, to enhance the action of the Stava and if you need, for example, create becoming becoming only in the daytime.
    You can use to guide the spell on personal power to listen to your words.

    runa Elves rocks, land. Supported both for calling these creatures and for opening the road to them, can be used in the ages of which aims to detect something or anyone, and the rune is used in love spells and overalls, But provided that the practitioner itself or the object for which the spell is done did not harm the earth. (This is meant, for example, the excavation of the mounds, looting and other unpleasant things).
    Good to use for Feroka Char.

    has the dark elves, they are the elves of the night, is used as a rune of creating creatures, as a characteristic of the action of the steel, if it is designed for night. For example, there are hundreds of one, the action of which is only needed at night for example for sleep (although of course here Differently), but take a general example, a person wants to sleep and travel every night into other worlds, but it does not need to be in a gift, so that he dreams in reality, it can be included in the Runa. In addition, the runes can be applied in the most A variety of flocks for deterioration where the cloth is required both by itself and the marrow on the desire of something or very need to need something.

    i - Runa Runa of the Day of the Day - Rune for the call, to open the gates, channels and other roads. Of this rune, it is often used to close channels, gates, etc., besides, it makes any journey beyond the face safe, the rune is applied And in the treatment, as a rune help, calling the elves of the day.
    With a marker used as charm.

    k - Rune of bright elves, the rune is most often used in treatment, in defense, in order to create a safe space for a person, for example, take such a case. You draw a job to protect the room, the steel energy is scattered on all area of \u200b\u200bthe room and keeps for binding, that is, Becoming, at the same time, the closer roughly speaking to the center, the stronger the defense, something like an umbrella, if you enter this rune, the action, the energy will have a solid outlined border and the action of the steel will not go beyond the framework of a certain area Is it all the same as if we put a subject in a closed box, but there is a minus, the energy will not fall inside, therefore it is not always applied. When the breas is used as a omnochka to the mind.

    l - the rune of the dark elves, just for action and call, and the opening of the gates is used in a wide variety of cars, it can be found in the steel for protection and in the packs for damage, since the elves of the creatures are not good and not evil, They have their own moral and ethical standards that are not comparable to human, so the rune can be protected by closing the channel so and open it for damage for example. When you hover, the spell acts as a omornochka for thoughts. Ie the enhanced introduction of alien thoughts into a mental plan of a person.

    m - Rune Sleep Elf - As a rule, it is also quite widespread in the stacks, it is used for completely different purposes, can be applied to closing the gate, to protect, and can be applied as a call for damage so that everything mixes in the life of the enemy. The rune is well suited to confuse a person in desires, or to impose love wishes for example.

    n - Rune of bright elves - as a rule applies only in a benevolent one - to protect, to gain success or patronage, it is often possible to see it in the factors, the action of the rune lays the Creator of Stava himself. For example, there is a job for the attitude to which this rune is included, it would seem why in the old one for the leader of the rune, which is very much reminded by Algiz, but in fact it is simple it fits to the object of the attitude was not harmful, any spell can lie, to act Too on a person, to break his will to avoid the negative consequences of the attitude, such as diseases, misfortune and zombies use this rune. And in protective worms it is usually used to add force to the action, call for the help of ODOVOV or to help Put "printing", roughly speaking the castle on the spell. This rune is well increasing personal strength and protection.

    o - Runa Dark Elves and Rune Elves Runa - Rune is used to open the Gate of the Earth, for the knowledge of the dark secrets, to gain power and power, you can see such a rune and in the packs for damage, curses and in the worms for success.
    The opening of the land gates means open the channel absorbing the dark or low-frequency (raw) energy. And it means it works well in the stairs on a lead in the land of trouble or just plum to the ground of the negative.

    p - Rune Elf Waters - opens the secrets hidden with water, can be read by water with the help of this rune, it is possible to call ORD. Sovescence, the same rune put the water printing and closed the stalls, and the runes are often used in the packs for cleaning and removing the negative, But never alone, it is impossible to apply this Runa single being in the sea (for example, if you are in the sea or on the river, you never know what and how the rune is single forbidden to apply, tuned.), near the rivers, lakes and other things when combined with other runes Used free.
    It is used in the stands for the guidance of strong carrots, as well as it can enhance personal power.

    q - Water Elves - Rune is often used to treat, to protect, again, it is usually not used, only in a pair or in a steel station. It is naturally served to call the elves. It can be used in the packs to guide the spell on success.

    rOMEN LIGHT ELFES - Rune is used to protect, for calling light forces, for the reliability of the spell, plus a call rune.
    Well suitable for increasing female charm and attractiveness, as well as to guid a spell on beauty.

    s - Rune Air Elves - Rune is used in the worms to protect, for the execution of the conceived can be used in treatment, can be used in a hundred as a symbol of spirits, maybe how to open and close the gates with the upper worlds, these gates themselves will not close the action General Stava, for example, and with this rune, air perfumes will be involved to close the gates.
    It can be used in the stans to increase the strength and attracting success.

    t - Rune Elves of the Day - Rune is used in the worms for well-being, success, good luck, to achieve conceived. Roman attracts the elves of the day to implement desires, which significantly enhances the action of the steel. It is also used to call creatures. You can close unnecessary channels and cut off the bindings, Therefore, often this rune can be seen in the worms to protect, and in the attractions, for example, this rune is often used to bore the union of two people by force, so it can be found there.
    It can also be used to increase success and good luck.

    u - Rune of Dark Elves - It is used most often in working with dead spirits, such a rune can meet in a hundred to protect - in it it will be inscribed in order for the dark elves to make intermediaries and assistants, thereby defending the operator, and the rune can be used In the station to call or raise the dead, then it will strengthen the effect and figuratively speaking instead of pulling forces from the operator or the area "raise" and "call" will be elves.

    x Rune - Another rune of the dark elves is also most often used to call, protection, depending on the fact that the operator wants to put into the action of the rune or steel, can be applied as a characteristic of the call of forces.
    You can use to remove unpleasant situations.

    y - Rune Elves of Light - It is used to call these creatures, the goal can be completely different, most often used in the worms for success, prosperity, well-being, etc., but can also be applied in attractions and in rare case in damages. As well as most Elfo Roung can open certain gates.

    z - Rune Sleep Elfs is proved to call these creatures to sleep, can be used to guide the fruit, puzzling, occurs both in the worms for good purposes, and in bad, depending on what the author wants to lay in becoming and for what Objectives causes elf.
    You can use to guide the morok to the mind.

    þ - Rune for the call of the Dark Elves, Rune Closure and Guard. It is also applied as a call for these creatures. You can meet in absolutely any stans, both in the worms for good goals and in the stacks for damage. Refrigerate Runes in becoming how to strengthen its action, and add additional characteristics, there are many protective stava As a "security" and "frightening misfortunes, troubles, etc.".
    Well suited to enhance the spell and the strength of the climb.

    æ - Rune Elf Day - It is used to call these creatures, often acts in the one as a binder of the spirit of action, is used in the packs for damage, for charm, for love, etc. It is used in the stairs as a marrow.

    Ö - Rune The common rune elves of any kind - it is used to call for any creatures, it is often found in different hundreds in order to more accurately, the neighboring runes are considered about the nature of urgent creatures.
    Well suited for hidden protection.

    Runic formulas. Make a return debt.

    According to numerous requests of workers; D I propose to discuss the problem of debt return to the Runic Magic.

    For a start, as always, let's try to build a situation algorithm. So, with a detailed analysis, the situation associated with the return of debt disintegrates into two substructures:

    1. From the standpoint of the lender, the money comes to the person not to give them to others, and if he does it, it means that he is not needed and therefore, choosing the way to "give a debt" we choose not to have them, everything else We leave on the spill of who should return debt. There is also the opposite opinion - giving a debt, we release the energy of money, and make them take part in the "cycle", but only lively, i.e. "Circling" money energy returns with fruits. And in that, and at another point of view, "there is something", so our task is to develop a compromise solution.

    2. From the position of the debtor, the money taken into the debt translates the consciousness of a person into a changed state of "moneyfinding", in which a person faces the temptation of the non-repayment of the debt and the "forgiveness of the debt" to the creditor. This phenomenon is associated with the need to give his money, although he took some people. For this reason, many debtors do not return their debts, although their financial situation allows it.

    Thus, with the help of runes, it is necessary to influence both substructures:
    For the first mechanism of action will be aimed at improving the welfare of the creditor, i.e. Attracting cash flow associated with obtaining a result from action on "transfer to turnover" of money.
    For the second - on the awakening of the "voice of the conscience" of the debtor and the declination of it to painless parting with money.

    Based on this, such options are possible (some - mine, some are borrowed, some - "folk in literary processing"; D):

    1. Dagaz - Fehu - Yera
    Rotate fate returning attachments as a "harvest". Here you have to pay attention to the writing of the runes of the Yera (see the topic about the development of purposefulness, etc.), in order not to turn the receipt of due in the next installment.

    Fehu - Odel -Vigna
    Common runes to enhance well-being.

    2. Naties - Ansus - Nature
    "Brain Light" debtor ()

    Vyaz Kenaz - Ansus-Nautis -Tir - Yera
    "Tyur speeches" (by Zigwult,) - if you need to spend an explanatory work with your debtor. According to reviews - works.

    Vyaz Tourisaz - Nautiz - Fehu (turned over) - Gebo
    "Conscience of the debtor" (by Zigwult,). According to the author, GEBO leads to the law of equilibrium, disturbed by the debtor, the launch chain of events, as a result of which the situation is created when the debtor is forced to give duty. And it is the resulting in this vessel: the law is executed. It can work, but, in my opinion, the mechanism of action does not correspond to the description - I do not see the "conscience" here. And the inverted position of the ame is not quite clear here, if we are talking about the cycle of cash according to the law of equilibrium. But you can try, incl. and in combination with the "alarm clock conscience" (see the topic about the suggestion of the lips of guilt)

    Naties - Fenhu (reversed) - Yera
    Forced parting with money and returning their source owner. You can add GEBO to make the money back process felt as mutually beneficial:

    Naties - Fehu (turned over) - Gebo - Yera
    / With Yero to handle carefully, as in the first formula /
    These formulas are based on the "woken conscience", but more aggressive are possible:

    Tourisas - Fekhu
    "Knock out money." This formula is considered tested and efficient (), but I would add Evaz and Yera there (the yera is still careful):

    EVAZ - Tourisaz - Fehu - Yera
    Those. In this case, objective circumstances will be described in such a way that the money will be "outdated" from the debtor to return to the source of its origin - i.e. to the lender.

    Some variants of scripts can be viewed here.

    The power of the rune is known not to many. This is the secret knowledge that opens before those who are ready for everything. They can treat, cause love and attraction. The same symbols in the correct combination are able to create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use the rune thorns, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the whole ritual from beginning to end. If not to relate to runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a joke with a man. There is a whole family of runes who carry a powerful destructive value. Their energy operates at a distance. You will need a photo of a person or his personal thing. Conduct a ritual anyone - clearly follow the instructions, prepare. You need to be exactly sure that this method is suitable for you, because the effect comes quickly, but to turn it hard.

    Power of Scandinavian runes

    The value of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. Use them only for destructive actions:

    • Curses;
    • Damage;
    • Damage to death;
    • Information is crazy.

    The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry the power that hard to withstand people. The object of exposure becomes weak, nervous, depressive and evil. His anger rupts him from the inside, destroys. Very often the consequences of irreversible - a person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not desirable to carry out those who have just started familiarizing with the runes.

    How to damage with runes

    Runes need to be drawn by a handle, a marker or a razor in a person's photography. If it is not - a personal thing is used. It can be a handle, a handkerchief, garment. Spoilers are strong and very quickly unfold. A quick action may occur in 2-5 days. All effects are not designed for a single impact, but for a long time.

    Nature. Hagalaz. Uruz. Isa.

    Right of Nautiz Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

    This is one of the easiest, but strong damage. She destroys man from the inside, does not even give him the ability to recover. Rune Isa means ice, fading. It preserves the situation, does not give the object to get out of the ice shallows of this damage. You can specify as constant destruction of the individual, suppressing all the possibilities, closing the paths. A person loses all his strength, deprives the ability to stand up for himself. You can forever turn it out of successful, happy life. Activate this becoming you will need to be your blood. The blood needs a little, literally to cover the written runes. Rune Uruz carries the load suppression of personal will. Especially clearly make its impact.

    Damage Isa-Uruz-Uza-Isa

    It is applied as follows:

    • On the face of the object in the photo two runes of Uruz one above the other in an inverted position.
    • On the right and the left are drawn large canes.

    If you look at the form of the resulting letting, you will see Hagalaz. This effect places the action of all the vessel. Two ice runes show a cyclic repetition that will not stop. Begins the troubles that bring out of themselves, call the aggression, anger. Sometimes, the long-term impact of this elite leads to the fact that the object does not own, can start a fight. The inverted position of the rune leads to full collapse in all spheres of life. A person can simultaneously fire from work, he will lose money, the family falls apart, an important property is lost. This is a cruel damage. Activated saliva.

    Damage to the ignition of nightmares

    A person cannot sleep peacefully, he is tormented by very real visions. Each night becomes the object damage to the terrible test. Many begin to drink, use drugs, but it only enhances the effect of damage. Constant lack of sleep makes a man very weak, weak. He makes mistakes at every step. After sleep, bruises, scratches, bruises can remain. Damage to any personal thing in this order is applied:

    • Top - Isa.
    • The second level is an inverted pert.
    • Third level - per. Soulo, Perverter, Manaz, Per. Read, Evaz.
    • The fourth level isper.
    • Last Level - Per.Fhe

    Perth, Soul, Manaz, Evaz

    In the center of Vzie is the rune manaz, which personifies man. It affects the negative provisions of Rune Pertro - fears, nightmares in a dream. Soulu is the lack of help from higher strength. Fehu personifies constant fears, distrust. Evaz destroys human connections with his family, friends. Activation of blood.

    Damage failure

    The combination of Rune Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts a failure to man. All his undertakings will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied in the photo, the saliva is activated. Yera is inspiration, clarity of the mind. All this overlaps with a powerful negative effect of two Hagalaz runes.

    Destruction of relationships

    To separate two people and forever close the way to each other will help the formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz. This damage can be used to divert a husband with a rival. In the center of Gebo - the relationship of men and women. If there is a joint photo - draw between them. If not, print a photo of a husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write between them the formula. From above, you can add rune uruz to accelerate the effect. Activate blood on Lok's Day.

    Scandinavian ritual elements

    Choose damage and proceed to the ritual. Writing runes need to learn by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. Press on a piece of paper or on the phone screen.

    Protection for yourself against rollback

    You can protect yourself with the help of Runic Vzi - Helm Helmet. It must be drawn on the forehead coal. If you look around, you will see Hagalaz and Isa runes in it. They will protect you. She must be at you before the start of the ritual. Ring it is prohibited and after. Rituals are held in the evening or at night, so that with a protective symbol on the forehead will need to go to bed. He must be broken from his face. Most often, by morning it happens.


    A helmet will help you to protect yourself from the side effects of damage - rollback. Rollback is a return of the negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that needs to pay for successful damage. You pay your price, but not a rollback, but the victims of the gods. If they like it, then there will be no negative consequences for you. The only thing that cannot be done is to restore the rune porch for a pregnant woman. There will be no powerful sign of horror helmet against such a rollback.

    Choice of the day to work

    Every day of the week is devoted to a certain Scandinavian God. Any rites with runes are prohibited by Sundays. You have 6 days in which you can conduct rituals. For revenge, damage and deceit are the Supreme God alone and God Loki. They both can help you punish your enemies, bring powerful damage to them. Before starting the ritual, be sure to refer to the selected God:

    • Monday - Odina Day;
    • Thursday - Lok's Day.

    Appeal usually passes in poetic form. Visia - ritual appeals to the gods. You can make your own, or use ready.

    Appeal to one

    "The name in Braga is one
    I rarely hide
    because people
    may guess.
    Who is skillful in songs,
    he can
    In Visu, that I folded
    To detect the mystery. "

    Appeal to Loki.

    "Loki the Great, Palts-Mockingbird,
    You - the equalizer sinless with sinful,
    He became twin by the Supreme Asa,
    Bulletin of the gods and the last hour.

    Changing himself, the worlds change,
    The poison of the madness of people intoxicate.
    Wise joker, you come to help me -
    Cunning your own on enemies.

    Hitro-network empty their souls -
    My sentence is smartly forced to listen.
    I will play a malicious joke -
    It will seem hell that was their paradise.

    On them backing their blazing eyes -
    Let my sentence be fulfilled! "

    Texts need to be learned by heart. The appeal must be polite, but confident. You must invite to your ritual, and after - to make a sacrifice. This is a prerequisite for any Runic Ritual

    Preparation of the altar

    Scandinavians believed by the elements. You will need:

    • Water in a blue (take not boiled);
    • Salt (Element Earth);
    • Fire (Wax Natural Candle);
    • Air (aromatic wand with forest or marine aroma).

    These elements need to be located clockwise. The center of the altar is a photo or a personal thing of a person who is damaged. Put the handle or marker there, which will apply the runes. If blood is needed for the rite - put the blade or knife into the center of the altar. This is done so that all the items receive the energy charge of the elements. On the candle you can draw the Suraz symbol in order for the effect to come faster.

    Runes - a very powerful tool for various focus

    Small Runic Ritual

    To guide the damage is quite small, shortened, ritual. It is carried out by a simple scheme:

    • Stand in front of the altar, contact God or gods.
    • Raise your right hand up.
    • Specify it in turn on the spontaneous elements and call them to work with the words:

    Water, I ask you to take part in my ritual.

    • When you encourage all 4 elements, you can start.
    • Stand on your knees, write the runery becoming in the photo so that it is in the head of man's head.
    • Very clearly give the action of each rune. When you finish - activate the runery becoming. The activation method is specified for each damage: breathing, blood, saliva. Activating, tell me:

    From this point on, I activate the power of Rune. When I decide to finish their impact, this photo I will burn.

    This completed a small ritual. Now thank each of the spontaneous elements, thank the gods.
    After committing the ritual, you need to make a sacrifice.

    Victims of God

    For one - bright beer, honey. For Loki - Dark Beer, Fire. You must make gifts on the street, beer poured under the tree. Ritual fire is a small candle that you also put under the tree. You can lower it into the glass. Before pouring beer - Make one big sip. For sacrifice you need to go silently and quietly silently. Do not talk with any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Runa Hagalase, as a symbol of destructive damage.

    If you are sure and defended yourself - start working with runes. The more often you use them, the stronger see the action. Practices recommended to do or buy a set of runes for divination, diagnostics. It will help you track the action of any of your impact. Working with runes is not suitable for everyone, but it is not difficult to make a simple damage. All rune deterioration bear a huge power of personality destruction, drive crazy.

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